The document outlines the University of Queensland's Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP). The plan aims to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety laws regarding fire safety. It establishes responsibilities for managing fire risk, including conducting inspections and risk assessments, maintaining fire systems, training fire wardens, conducting evacuation drills, and addressing any fire safety issues. The FSMP provides a framework for the University to appropriately manage fire risk and ensure the safety of students, staff and property from fire hazards.
The document outlines the University of Queensland's Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP). The plan aims to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety laws regarding fire safety. It establishes responsibilities for managing fire risk, including conducting inspections and risk assessments, maintaining fire systems, training fire wardens, conducting evacuation drills, and addressing any fire safety issues. The FSMP provides a framework for the University to appropriately manage fire risk and ensure the safety of students, staff and property from fire hazards.
The document outlines the University of Queensland's Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP). The plan aims to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety laws regarding fire safety. It establishes responsibilities for managing fire risk, including conducting inspections and risk assessments, maintaining fire systems, training fire wardens, conducting evacuation drills, and addressing any fire safety issues. The FSMP provides a framework for the University to appropriately manage fire risk and ensure the safety of students, staff and property from fire hazards.
The document outlines the University of Queensland's Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP). The plan aims to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety laws regarding fire safety. It establishes responsibilities for managing fire risk, including conducting inspections and risk assessments, maintaining fire systems, training fire wardens, conducting evacuation drills, and addressing any fire safety issues. The FSMP provides a framework for the University to appropriately manage fire risk and ensure the safety of students, staff and property from fire hazards.
The key takeaways are that the document outlines the University of Queensland's Fire Safety Management Plan including its purpose, objectives, scope, legal requirements, organizational responsibilities, and strategies for managing fire safety.
The objectives of the Fire Safety Management Plan are to outline the statutory requirements, organizational responsibilities, and strategies for managing fire safety at the University of Queensland.
The Fire Safety Management Plan considers factors like building design, maintenance of fire systems, fire inspections and risk assessments, fire evacuation drills, and fire wardens when managing fire safety.
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Property & Facilities Division and Occupational Health & Safety Unit
Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP)
Contents Page
1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2.0 Purpose..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 3.0 Objectives................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 4.0 Scope and Limitations...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 5.0 Legal Requirements........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 5.1 Statutory Requirements..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 5.2 Standards, Codes, Guidelines and References......................................................................................................................................................2 6.0 Organisational Responsibilities..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 7.0 Factors Affecting Fire Safety.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 8.0 Managing Fire Safety...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 8.1 Strategy.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 8.2 Fire Safety Inspections and Risk Assessment..........................................................................................................................................................4 8.3 Maintenance of Fire Systems and Associated Equipment..............................................................................................................5 8.4 Building Design and Commissioning of New Systems...........................................................................................................................5 8.5 Fire Wardens..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 8.5.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 8.5.2 Training................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 8.6 Fire Evacuation Drills....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 8.6.1 Requirements............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 8.6.1 Disabled Persons..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 8.6.3 Fire and Emergency Procedures....................................................................................................................... 6 8.7 Testing of Fire Evacuation Systems..............................................................................................................................................................................................7 8.7.1 Requirement .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 8.7.2 Frequency........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 8.8 Emergency Response...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 8.9 Key Performance Indicators..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 9.0 Complaint Resolution..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 9.1 Management of Fire Safety Problems.......................................................................................................................................................................................7 9.2 Notification of Problems.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 9.3 Complaint/Incident Investigation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................8 9.4 Remediation of Issues................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 10.0 Web Link Addresses Relating to Fire Safety Issues..........................................................................................................................9
APPENDICES Appendix A Fire Risk Assessment Audit Form Appendix B - Fire Safety Building Report Appendix C - Fire and Emergency Procedures Sample
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The University of Queensland (UQ) has a legal obligation under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 to ensure the health and safety of employees and anyone else who enters University workplaces. There are also obligations to comply with provisions of the Fire Safety Act 1990 & Fire Regulations 1991 and other associated legislation. This involves ensuring that fire systems and procedures are properly maintained, and that training requirements are undertaken to ensure staff are fully aware of their fire safety responsibilities.
Fire is identified as a considerable risk in any organisation that has a large building infrastructure. This Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP) has been prepared so that the University can appropriately manage this risk.
This document has been developed by Property & Facilities Division (P&F) and the University Occupational Health and Safety Unit to provide the University with information and understanding of fire policies and procedures. The FSMP is primarily designed to provide information on how the University manages fire risks and how the University community may become informed about fire safety measures.
There are four main objectives of the FSMP:
To ensure a comprehensive fire risk management process is applied across the University to ensure a high level of safety for persons and property. To ensure that fire safety problems that arise are quickly and effectively contained and resolved. To ensure that the University complies fully with its legal obligations in relation to fire safety. To ensure that appropriate training and information is provided on fire safety to the University community.
The term fire safety refers to a range of characteristics including:
The methodology for carrying out fire safety risk audits. The design, installation and maintenance of fire safety systems to protect people and property from fire. The provision of fire safety awareness and training. The establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive Building Fire Warden System. THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FSMP)
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5.1 Statutory Requirements
The following fire safety legislation is applicable in Queensland and to the University:
The Fire Safety Act 1990; The Fire Safety Regulations 1991; Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995; The Building Code of Australia 1996.
5.2 Standards, Codes, Guidelines and References
The following Australian Standards and Codes of Practice apply:
AS 4665-2002, Guidelines for Fire Safety Audits for Buildings (Int); AS 3745-2002, Emergency Control Organisation and Procedures for Buildings, Structures and Workplaces; Fire Engineering Guidelines 2001; Occupational Health & Safety Unit web site; University Security Emergency Procedures.
The following are responsible for the implementation and management of the control measures discussed in this document:
Person/Organisation Responsibility Occupational Health & Safety Council Endorse FSMP. Executive Manager OH&S Unit Ensure University-wide compliance with FSMP. Director, P&F Operations Manager Ensure policy application throughout P&F and suppliers. Allocate funding for Fire Safety. Construction Manager Operations Manager Manager Security Engineering Manager Senior Engineer Electrical Site Planner
Ensure the infrastructure design, installation and maintenance of Fire Systems are consistent with the requirements of the FSMP. Manager Security is responsible for ensuring the intent of the FSMP is achieved. Fire Safety Officers are responsible for carrying out a range of activities to minimise fire safety risk across the University in accordance with the terms of the FSMP.
Operations Contracts Officer (P&F) Maintenance Officers Fire Safety Officers Ensure effective maintenance practices are established in compliance with the FSMP and legislation. Ensure the University Design Standards are maintained and complied with. THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FSMP)
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Project Managers / Officers Engineering Manager Fire Safety Officers Ensure that design and installation of fire systems complies with legislative requirements and the FSMP. University Building Occupants Ensure that individual activities do not contribute to fire risk and are in accordance with the requirements of this FSMP. Participate in fire drills. Provide fire wardens and ensure Fire Wardens attend all relevant training when required. Ensure all internal and external areas of buildings are kept free and safe from fire hazards.
Factors Effects Control Options Fire hazards and faults. Heightens the risk of fire and loss of property and life. A programme of Risk Auditing that identifies problems and generates remedial action. Inappropriate storage of material. Heightens the risk of fire and loss of property and life. Effective housekeeping practices ensuring rubbish/material is removed and safety mechanisms are put into place. Staff not fully aware of fire issues. Incorrect action in the event of an emergency and unidentified fire hazards become a practical threat. Training for all staff in fire safety awareness and practices. New staff induction training. Using OH&S website for fire safety information and guidelines. Lack of Fire Wardens. Lack of fire supervision in designated areas particularly in emergency situations. Identification and training of appropriate Fire Wardens for every area of the University. Inappropriate storage of chemicals and flammable materials. Exposure to a high risk of fire. Implement a programme of proper storage facilities and handling procedures. Lack of safety procedures in high risk areas such as laboratories and chemical stores. Inability to reduce the risk of fire hazards and response to emergency situations. Develop policies and procedures for the work area under the guidance of OH&S Unit & P&F. Buildings in poor condition and non-compliant with statutory requirements. Increase risk of loss of life and property in the event of fire. Increased exposure of prosecution and litigation. Building design Maintenance planning Inspections Work programmes
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8.1 Strategy
8.2 Fire Safety Inspections and Risk Assessment
Fire risk assessments and inspections of buildings and grounds belonging to the University are essential in identifying real and potential fire risks and hazards. University building are to be inspected every two years using the Fire Risk Assessment Audit Form PF 161 (Appendix A). Wherever possible, Chief Fire Wardens are to be involved in these audits.
Fire Risk assessments will be in accordance with AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk Management Standards Australia. Fire risk will be rated by using the Risk Score Calculator as contained on the P&F web page, Management Plans/Guidelines, Risk Assessment and Management Guidelines HUPP. This calculator is a recognised risk assessment tool and recommended by the Occupational Health & Safety Unit.
Additionally, Insurance Loss Adjustors will carry out random risk assessment audits of University buildings. Audit reports are to be reviewed jointly by Business Services and P&F to determine required actions and funding allocations. Each Building (annually) Database Projects Work Programmes Corrective Action Risk assessment Housekeeping Compliance Maintenance Records Insurance Requirements Each Building (two years) Co-ordination Training Fire Warden Fire Extinguishers Fire Safety Awareness Induction Fire Safety Education Fire Safety Design Standards Prem Design Documents Handover Certificates Statutory Compliance Condition Assessment Fault Management Corrective Maintenance Fire Warden Management Fire Safety Inspections & Risk Assessment Fire Evacuation Drills Fire Systems Maintenance Building Design & Commissioning FSMP Strategy Figure 8.1.1 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FSMP)
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8.3 Maintenance Of Fire Systems And Associated Equipment
Maintenance of fire safety systems falls under the umbrella of the Fire Maintenance Contract. The provisions of the contract ensures maintenance on fire systems and equipment is carried out in compliance with the Fire Safety Act 1990 & Regulations 1991, the Building Code of Australia 1996, the appropriate Standards Australia Codes of Practise and other associated legislation. The contract will ensure that Fire Maintenance Contractors are fully inducted for safe work practices at UQ and are fully qualified to carry out maintenance on fire safety systems.
8.4 Building Design And Commissioning Of New Systems
All building design work shall comply with relevant codes and standards including University design guidelines. New building works and refurbishment projects that include fire safety equipment and systems will be commissioned by the Fire Safety Office prior to entering into service to ensure compliance under the above Acts, Codes and Standards. Building designers should also keep in mind Insurance Loss Adjusters recommendations in relation to fire safety of University buildings.
8.5 Fire Wardens Management
8.5.1 General
A Fire Warden database has been designed to assist in complying with legislation for the provision of fire wardens in all areas of the University. It is the responsibility of Faculties, Schools and other areas to appoint Fire Wardens for their respective areas and to maintain their compartment of the Fire Warden database.
The Fire Warden Database is a software system that records full details of all University Fire Wardens. Faculties, Schools and other areas are responsible for the appointment of area Fire Wardens for their respective buildings and are to forward this information to the Fire Officers for inclusion in the Fire Warden database. It is intended to make this database a web-based system that will be accessible by Fire Warden in the future.
8.5.2 Training
Fire Warden Training is provided through Tertiary Education Development Institute (TEDI) who conducts a number of courses annually on the advice of the Fire Safety Office. The course is delivered by a qualified fire contractor engaged by the FSO and Fire Warden Training manuals are provided to all THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FSMP)
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participants. It is the responsibility of all Fire Wardens to attend one course annually on one of the dates available. Extra courses will be provided depending on demand. The Fire Warden database can identify Wardens who have not attended training and the FSO will send out timely reminders to these people.
8.6 Fire Evacuation Drills
8.6.1 Requirement
Fire evacuation exercises will be carried out annually within individual buildings on University campuses. The purpose of these exercises is to educate building occupants in the correct manner of evacuating a building in the event of an emergency situation and to meet University legal obligations.
All evacuations will be conducted by the Fire Wardens under the guidance of a Fire Safety Officer using a pro-forma guideline. Pre and post de-briefing sessions will accompany each evacuation drill. Buildings that are assessed by the Executive Manager OH&S Unit as a high fire safety risk may be required to undertake additional fire evacuation drills.
8.6.2 Assistance for Disabled Persons
Provisions are made for the safe evacuation of disabled persons. Occupational Health & Safety Unit Procedures/Section 13/Fire & Emergency Evacuation Procedures/Section 4/page 6 outlines the details of this procedure. A permanent safety video will be incorporated in every Centrally Controlled Lecture Theatre and will play before the start of each lecture. The safety presentation has a section on the safety of disabled persons and evacuation procedures.
8.6.3 Fire Emergency Procedures
Fire evacuation of a building will be in accordance with established procedures for Fire and Emergency Procedures. A generic Fire and Emergency Procedures is included in this plan as Appendix C. In the event of a fire alarm outside of normal business hours, building occupants are to evacuate the building.
8.7 Testing Of Fire Evacuation Systems
8.7.1 Requirements
Fortnightly tests of building fire evacuation systems are to be conducted by the Chief Fire Warden at agreed appropriate times during normal hours. All THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FSMP)
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building Fire Wardens will be trained in the use of the evacuation system and operate from pro-forma instructions.
Fire Wardens will report any faults or problems to their respective Chief Wardens who will forward the details to the Fire Safety Office.
8.8 Emergency Response
Fire systems on University sites are monitored and responded to by the Queensland Fire Service and the University Security Section. In the event of a fire alarm, the Building Fire Wardens will evacuate the building in the prescribed manner. The Security Section will respond under guidelines of Security Emergency Procedure V4-wi01-02 Fire and Evacuation and will coordinate activities until the arrival of the Queensland Fire Service.
8.9 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The following five Key Performance Indicators will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the FSMP.
1. Number of fires recorded annually/ number of fire related incidents. 2. Achieving set schedules and time frames (Evacuation Drills and Building Audits). 3. Measuring the number of Queensland Fire Service call outs against cause. 4. Number of improvement and prohibition notices from statutory authorities.
9.1 Management of Fire Safety Problems
This section describes the process for managing fire safety issues at the University of Queensland. The aim is to define the reporting line for such issues and to ensure timely management of the problem.
9.2 Notification of Problems
Fire Wardens and building occupants can assist the management of fire safety by reporting any issues or problems that they may identify. Generally fire safety issues will be identified through the two-yearly Fire Safety Risk Audits conducted by P&F and during routine maintenance and inspections by the Fire Maintenance Contractor.
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Systems and equipment failures will be automatically identified through the network fire system via the Central Security Monitoring Station.
Any fire issue that is otherwise identified may be reported in the following manner:
Via the Works Control Centre WCC, P&F Ext 52222 for equipment or systems failure.
Via email to the Security Control Monitoring Station address: [email protected] - for equipment failure or information after hours.
9.3 Complaint/Incident Investigation
In the event of an actual fire or the identification of a major fire safety risk the issue will be fully investigated by one or more of the following:
Fire Safety Office, P&F. Jointly by Fire Safety Office and the Occupational Health & Safety Unit. The Queensland Fire Service Investigation Unit. Other external assistance depending on the nature and extent of the problem.
9.4 Remediation of Issues
The majority of fire safety issues at UQ can be rectified by the P&F Operations Security & Fire Services. Depending on the extent of the problem and the associated risk, a service contractor or other external organisation may be engaged to affect remedial action. Alternatively if it is a safety issue involving building occupants, the problem may be managed at the source for example, through a change in work practices.
If the issue is identified as requiring major refurbishment or asset replacement work, the final resolution will be prioritised and placed on a works programme.
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