Unit 22 - Assignment01
Unit 22 - Assignment01
Unit 22 - Assignment01
'riteria Met(
Assessor )eedbac!
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
Assessed .&/Name01
Si%nature1 Date1
Student Si%nature 2 'omments1
Im#ortant In"ormation "or Students
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Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
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Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
as! 01
7.7 A short column has a rectangular cross section #ith sides in the ratio 752. Determine the
dimensions of the column section if the column carries an a*ial load of 899"1 and the failure
occurred at 2mm deformation. !a"e modulus of elasticity of the column %E(:299"1;mm2
and length of the column %-( : 7m. %P7.2(
7.2 A $ron<e $ar is fastened $et#een a steel $ar and an aluminum $ar as sho#n in =ig 7.2. A*ial
loads are applied at the positions indicated. =ind the largest value of P that #ill not e*ceed an
overall deformation of >.9mm, or the follo#ing stresses5 7?9MPa in the steel, 729MPa in the
$ron<e, and 89MPa in the aluminum. Assume that the assem$ly is suita$ly $raced to prevent
$uc"ling. Use Esteel:299@Pa, Ealuminum:A9@Pa, and E$ron<e:8>@Pa. %P7.2, P7.>(
7.> .einforced concrete is one of the principal materials used in structural design. Bt is a
composite material, consisting of steel reinforcing $ars em$edded in concrete. !hese t#o
materials have com#lementar& properties $ut an economical construction material can $e
produced. Discuss the phenomenon. %M>(
7.? !he follo#ing data #ere recorded during the tensile test of a 7?mm diameter rod. !he gage
length #as C9mm.
Plot the stress-strain diagram and determine the follo#ing mechanical properties %P 7.>(
a( proportional limits $( modulus of elasticity c( yield point
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
-oad %1( Elongation%mm(
?D299 7.2C
C2?99 2.C9
C8C99 ?.C9
D8999 A.C9
CE999 72.C9
DA899 7C.C9
DC999 29.99
D7C99 =racture
=ig 7.2
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
d( ultimate strength e( rupture strength
7.C A $eam of 799mm * 799mm needs to $e provided for a structure to carry an a*ial tensile
force of C9"1. -ength of $eam is 2m and the e*tension of $eam shall $e limited to 7mm.
!hree different types of $eams namely pre-cast concrete %non-reinforced(, steel %mild steel(
and tim$er %mahogany( are availa$le for selection. omparison of the $eam costs are as
ost of steel $eam : .s5 F ost of concrete $eam : .s5 3 ost of tim$er $eam : .s5 G
F H G H 3
/hat is the optimum selectionI Justify your ans#er. %P7.7, M7 (
%&int5 Use property ta$les given in lecture note 97, !a"e tensile strength of concrete as
as! 0,
2.7 E*plain the three different types of $asic loads acting on civil engineering structures and their
significance. /hat is the difference $et#een characteristic load and design loadI %P2.7(
2.2 A five-storey $uilding of the cross section sho#n in =ig 2.2 has the follo#ing characteristic
loads on the frame.
.oof5 Dead - 22"1;m =loors5 Dead - 29"1;m
Bmposed - A"1;m Bmposed - 2C"1;m
Parapet 7m high - 72"1 point load ladding - 7C"1 point load
/ind5 79"1;m to >"1;m varies on left side column
=ig 2.2
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
.oof Parapet
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
Define the load com$inations #hich the frame should $e analysed to find the design forces
and illustrate the loadings and transfer of loads from super structure to foundation on the
diagram for each load com$inations separately. %P2.2(
2.> .einforced concrete floor sla$ of a #or" shop $uilding #ith an overall depth of 2C9mm is to
$e constructed as sho#n in the =ig 2.> $elo#. Assuming the sla$ panels are spanning in one
#ay direction %as sho#n $y hatches( calculate the follo#ings. !a"e the si<e of $eams and
columns are 22Cmm * >C9mm and 2C9mm * 2C9mm respectively. %P2.7(
i(. Design loads acting on $eam B7-7, $eam B2-2, $eam B>->
ii(. Design loads acting on column B7 ' 7
=ig 2.>
%&int5 Use appropriate !a$les in the relevant British Standards to find the correct loads and
partial safety factors(
2.? A reinforced, framed $uilding is ?Cm * 7Cm in plan and D9m in height consisting of storeys
?m in height. Bt is $raced in the longitudinal direction $y rigid frame action and $y a
reinforced concrete infill #all in the transverse direction. Determine the design #ind force
on the framed $uilding. Assume that the $uilding situated in terrain category > #ith $asic
#ind speed of ?E m;s. %D>(
2.C alculate the support reactions in the $eams sho#n in follo#ing figures. %P2.>(
=ig 2.C.7
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
=ig 2.C.2
=ig 2.C.>
=ig 2.C.?
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
2.D alculate the support reactions in the plane trusses sho#n in follo#ing figures. %P2.>(
=ig 2.D.7
=ig 2.D.2
=ig 2.D.>
2.A !he #ater tan" sho#n in =ig 2.A $elo# is su$4ected to the follo#ing characteristic dead %@"(,
imposed %K"( and #ind loads %/"(.
@" : 299"1 K" : 799"1 /" : AC"1
=ig 2.A
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
-eg -
, K
-eg .
-eg -
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
Assuming the support legs are pinned at the $ase, determine the design a*ial force in $oth
legs $y considering the follo#ing load com$inationsL %M2(
%a( dead plus imposed
%$( dead plus #ind
%c( dead plus imposed plus #ind
2.8 Determine the reactions at the support of the cantilever column sho#n in =ig 2.8 $elo#. !he
applied loading consists of the distri$uted triangular force sho#n. %P2.>(
=ig 2.8
2.E Determine the reactions at supports A ' B of the $ridge girder sho#n in =ig 2.E $elo#. Bn
addition, determine the $ending moment and shear force in the girder at support B. %P2.>(
=ig 2.E
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
>9m 79m
>9m >9m
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
as! 0-
>.7 /hat do you understand $y statically determinate and indeterminate structuresI Discuss the
factors to $e considered #hen analy<ing the elements of a structure. %P>.7(
>.2 Determine the reactions at the supports of the frame sho#n in =ig >.2 $elo#. %P>.2(
=ig >.2
>.> Determine the forces in the mem$ers of the truss sho#n in =ig >.> $elo#. %P>.2(
=ig >.>
>.? alculate the forces in the mem$ers E=, E@, E& and =& of the truss sho#n =ig >.? $elo#.
1ote that the hori<ontal load of ?"1 is applied at the 4oint . %P>.2(
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
1m 3m
kN 10
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
=ig >.?
>.C !he roof truss sho#n in =ig >.C is comprised entirely of eNuilateral trianglesL the #ind loads
of D"1 at J and B act perpendicularly to the mem$er JB. alculate the forces in the mem$ers
D=, E=, E@ and EO. %P>.2(
=ig >.C
>.D onstruct the normal force, shear force and $ending moment diagrams for the $eam sho#n in
=ig >.D. %P>.>(
=ig >.D
>.A Dra# dimensioned s"etches of the diagrams of normal force, shear force and $ending
moment for the $eam sho#n in =ig >.A. %P>.>(
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
=ig >.A
>.8 !he cantilever AB sho#n in =ig >.8 carries a uniformly distri$uted load of C"1;m and a
concentrated load of 7C"1 at its free end. onstruct the shear force and $ending moment
diagrams for then $eam. %P>.>(
=ig >.8
>.E =ind the value of n for the $eam sho#n in =ig >.E such that the ma*imum sagging $ending
moment occurs at -;> from the right-hand support. Using this value of n determine the
position of the point of contra fle*ure in the $eam. %D7(
=ig >.E
>.79 !he cran"ed cantilever AB sho#n in =ig >.79 carries a load of >"1 at its free end. Dra#
shear force and $ending moment diagrams for the complete $eam. %D>(
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
=ig >.79
Merit descriptors
Bndicative characteristics
'onte7tualised 8vidence
Bn order to achieve a merit
the learner must5
!he learner0s evidence sho#s5
!o achieve the grade you #ill
need to5
M1 Bdentify and apply
strategies to find
appropriate solutions
Effective 4udgments have $een made
'om#le7 #roblems 5it4 more t4an
one variable 4ave been e7#lored
An effective approach to study and
research has $een applied
Explore more than
one variable for each
element and apply
strateies to !nd
most appropriate
M2 Select;design and apply
Relevant t4eories and tec4ni9ues 4ave
been a##lied
A range of methods and techniNues have
$een applied
A range of sources of information has
$een used
!he selection of methods and
techniNues;sources has $een 4ustified
!he design of methods;techniNues has
$een 4ustified
omple* information;data has $een
synthesised and processed
Appropriate learning
methods;techniNues have $een applied
$pply relevant
theories and
techni%"es to !nd
o"t correct sol"tions
for iven cases#
M3 Present and
appropriate findings
!he appropriate structure and approach
has $een used
oherent, logical development of
principles;concepts for the intended
A ran%e o" met4ods o" #resentation
4ave been used and tec4nical
lan%ua%e 4as been accuratel& used
ommunication has ta"en place in
familiar and unfamiliar conte*ts
!he communication is appropriate for
familiar and unfamiliar audiences and
appropriate media have $een used
&se rane of
methods of
presentation and
acc"rate technical
lan"ae to describe
the phenomenon#
Structural analysis and design International College of Business and Technology
BTEC HND in Civil Engineering
Distinction descriptors Indicative characteristics
'onte7tualised 8vidence
Bn order to achieve a
distinction the learner must5
!he learner0s evidence sho#s5
!o achieve the grade you #ill need
D7 Use critical reflection to
evaluate o#n #or" and
4ustify valid conclusions
onclusions have $een arrived at
through synthesis of ideas and have
$een 4ustified
4e validit& o" results 4as been
evaluated usin% de"ined criteria
Self-criticism of approach has ta"en
.ealistic improvements have $een
proposed against defined characteristics
for success