This document discusses developing future infrastructure portfolios for sustainable development. It covers three main topics: 1) shifting focus from road maintenance to developing societies, 2) the basic concepts of modern road asset management, and 3) the importance of strategy for realizing activities in prepared portfolios. Specific concepts discussed include predicting future scenarios, elements of road asset management like modeling, condition assessment, and cost estimation, and using strategy to make decisions and declare intentions for infrastructure development goals.
This document discusses developing future infrastructure portfolios for sustainable development. It covers three main topics: 1) shifting focus from road maintenance to developing societies, 2) the basic concepts of modern road asset management, and 3) the importance of strategy for realizing activities in prepared portfolios. Specific concepts discussed include predicting future scenarios, elements of road asset management like modeling, condition assessment, and cost estimation, and using strategy to make decisions and declare intentions for infrastructure development goals.
This document discusses developing future infrastructure portfolios for sustainable development. It covers three main topics: 1) shifting focus from road maintenance to developing societies, 2) the basic concepts of modern road asset management, and 3) the importance of strategy for realizing activities in prepared portfolios. Specific concepts discussed include predicting future scenarios, elements of road asset management like modeling, condition assessment, and cost estimation, and using strategy to make decisions and declare intentions for infrastructure development goals.
This document discusses developing future infrastructure portfolios for sustainable development. It covers three main topics: 1) shifting focus from road maintenance to developing societies, 2) the basic concepts of modern road asset management, and 3) the importance of strategy for realizing activities in prepared portfolios. Specific concepts discussed include predicting future scenarios, elements of road asset management like modeling, condition assessment, and cost estimation, and using strategy to make decisions and declare intentions for infrastructure development goals.
PIARC International Seminar on Road Infrastructure Management Current Practice and Development Prospective Cancn (MEX) 31 March to 2 April 2014 Hamid Zarghampour Hamid Zarghampour, Senior Transport Specialist,
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier PRESENTATION OUTLINE
From road maintenance to developing societies Basic concept of modern Road Asset Management The importance of strategy for the realization of the activities in the prepared portfolio Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier From road maintenance to developing societies
Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier The desired state in future forms the basis for our business cases!
ability to develop effective infrastructure portfolios for future Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Common concepts on predicting the future
Probable Possible Desirable What will happen! What would happen? What would we like to happen? Prognoses World scenarios Back casting Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Common concepts on predicting the future
Probable Possible Desirable What will happen! What would happen? What would we like to happen? Prognoses World scenarios Back casting Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Common concepts on predicting the future
Probable Possible Desirable What will happen! What would happen? What would we like to happen? Prognoses World scenarios Back casting Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier PRESENTATION OUTLINE
From road maintenance to developing societies Basic concept of modern Road Asset Management The importance strategy for the realization of the activities in the prepared portfolio Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Important elements in Road Asset Management
E F F E C T S 1
in relation to Road Network modelling, Road Classes, descriptions of its type and utilization (such as paved roads connecting to National Highway, commuting, etc.) Utilization Road condition for different sections is described by a number of predefined technical parameters Condition INPUT PRIORITISING OF MEASURES Estimation of costs for conducting effective measures to reach the desired condition, assuring safe and green mobility for the users Cost estimation, Capital/rec urrent
Estimated effects Socioeconmic Road user costs
Cost estimates
Result Suitable combination of measures to ensure maximum benefits at the right cost during the plan period Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier 10 Example: Objectives in a 5 year maintenance plan (rural Development)
Target levels and impacts of different budget scenarios, 2013-2017 Description Only routine maintenance & urgent works On-going projects which are financed by the government and donors helps to keep the economic activities at the same level as today No measures for addressing needs for safe transportations
Impact Economic activities Budget Implementation of a 5-Year Rehabilitation program Preserving roads in good condition and, avoiding the roads in satisfactory condition deteriorating to poor condition Sustainable Regional Development Rehabilitation of about 70% of the most important links in poor condition Modernization of the road infrastructure (standard road geometry, non- motorized paths, etc..) Improvements for safe transportations Positive impact No changes Road user cost Traffic safety Negative impact Pursue same maintenance works as for the past 3 years Prioritize the important links for connecting rural areas to major cities and, to National Highways Develop and modernize the road network to encourage the economic growth through the use of the potentials in the province 1 2 3 Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier 11 Example: Objectives in a 5 year maintenance plan (rural Development)
Target levels and impacts of different budget scenarios, 2013-2017 Description Only routine maintenance & urgent works On-going projects which are financed by the government and donors helps to keep the economic activities at the same level as today No measures for addressing needs for safe transportations
Impact Economic activities Budget Implementation of a 5-Year Rehabilitation program Preserving roads in good condition and, avoiding the roads in satisfactory condition deteriorating to poor condition Sustainable Regional Development Rehabilitation of about 70% of the most important links in poor condition Modernization of the road infrastructure (standard road geometry, non- motorized paths, etc..) Improvements for safe transportations Positive impact No changes Road user cost Traffic safety Negative impact Pursue same maintenance works as for the past 3 years Prioritize the important links for connecting rural areas to major cities and, to National Highways Develop and modernize the road network to encourage the economic growth through the use of the potentials in the province 1 2 3 Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Example: Objectives in a 5 year maintenance plan (rural Development)
Target levels and impacts of different budget scenarios, 2013-2017 Description Only routine maintenance & urgent works On-going projects which are financed by the government and donors helps to keep the economic activities at the same level as today No measures for addressing needs for safe transportations
Impact Economic activities Budget Implementation of a 5-Year Rehabilitation program Preserving roads in good condition and, avoiding the roads in satisfactory condition deteriorating to poor condition Sustainable Regional Development Rehabilitation of about 70% of the most important links in poor condition Modernization of the road infrastructure (standard road geometry, non- motorized paths, etc..) Improvements for safe transportations Positive impact No changes Road user cost Traffic safety Negative impact Pursue same maintenance works as for the past 3 years Prioritize the important links for connecting rural areas to major cities and, to National Highways Develop and modernize the road network to encourage the economic growth through the use of the potentials in the province 1 2 3 Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier PRESENTATION OUTLINE
From road maintenance to developing societies Basic concept of modern Road Asset Management The importance strategy for the realization of the activities in the prepared portfolio Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Strategies is about making decisions/ declaring intentions
Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Strategic intent example from Volvo
- Skoda - Citroen - Renault
- VW - Volvo - Ford
- BMW - Mercedez - Audi
Price Brand
Goal To sell Volvo for USD 50.000 Time horizon; 5 years
Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Strategic intent example from Volvo
x x Quality 2013 2014 2017 x x Service Research and Development Customer groups Brand/ Image x y 2,08 1 2 3 4 5 6 x y y y y y Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Strategic intent: Tata Nano USD 2000, only
Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Strategies are needed for doing the right things, the right way! Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX) TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier Thank you! Developing Future Infrastructure Portfolios, Hamid Zarghampour - 2014-03-31 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)