This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body using a model ship in a water tank. Metacentric height is a measure of static stability and is calculated using measurements of the angle of tilt, distance the model is displaced, and applied weights. The experiment involves placing a model ship in a water tank, adjusting weights to achieve equilibrium, then measuring the angle of tilt and distance displaced when additional hanging weights are applied at increasing distances from the ship's center. Measurements are recorded and used to calculate the metacentric height.
This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body using a model ship in a water tank. Metacentric height is a measure of static stability and is calculated using measurements of the angle of tilt, distance the model is displaced, and applied weights. The experiment involves placing a model ship in a water tank, adjusting weights to achieve equilibrium, then measuring the angle of tilt and distance displaced when additional hanging weights are applied at increasing distances from the ship's center. Measurements are recorded and used to calculate the metacentric height.
Original Description:
Metacentric Height is an experiment related to fluid dynamics.
This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body using a model ship in a water tank. Metacentric height is a measure of static stability and is calculated using measurements of the angle of tilt, distance the model is displaced, and applied weights. The experiment involves placing a model ship in a water tank, adjusting weights to achieve equilibrium, then measuring the angle of tilt and distance displaced when additional hanging weights are applied at increasing distances from the ship's center. Measurements are recorded and used to calculate the metacentric height.
This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body using a model ship in a water tank. Metacentric height is a measure of static stability and is calculated using measurements of the angle of tilt, distance the model is displaced, and applied weights. The experiment involves placing a model ship in a water tank, adjusting weights to achieve equilibrium, then measuring the angle of tilt and distance displaced when additional hanging weights are applied at increasing distances from the ship's center. Measurements are recorded and used to calculate the metacentric height.
To determine the Metacentric height of a floating body (i.e. a model of ship).
1. Metacentric height apparatus 2. Water tank
A floating body is generally called pontoon. The body is stable if, when displaced, it returns to its equilibrium position. A small rotation can result in either a restoring or overturning couple. For a completely immersed body, if the center of gravity (G) is below the center of buoyancy (B), a rotation from its equilibrium position will create a restoring couple and the body rotates back to its original position. Thus, it is stable. If the center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy, the resulting couple of weight and buoyancy force will overturn the body. For floating bodies, if the center of gravity lies above center of buoyancy, it may be either stable or unstable depending on whether the couple is restoring or overturning.
Buoyancy It is the tendency of fluid to lift a submerged body.
Buoyancy force (FB) It is the resultant upward force exerted by a fluid on a submerged body. According to Archimedes principle, FB = weight of the fluid displaced by the body and it acts through the centroid of the displaced volume.
Center of gravity (G) It is the point where the weight of the body is acting.
Center of buoyancy (B) It is the point at which force of Buoyancy is acting. Center of Buoyancy is the centroid of liquid displace by the body. In 2-D case, we can say it is the center of area of immersed section.
Metacenter (M) It is the point of intersection of symmetrical axis of floating body and the new line of action of force of Buoyancy.
Metacentric height (GM)
It is the distance between center of gravity (G) and Metacenter (M). It is the measure of static stability of floating body. Larger the metacentric height more is the stability. Very large Metacentric height means shorter period of rolling that would be uncomfortable for the passengers in the ship. That is why ship meant for passengers are designed for relatively small metacentric height, (but sufficient enough to give comfort), so that both stability and comfort can be provided.
Internal plan area of tank, A = 36 cm 36 cm Dead load, w 1 = 0.20 kg Hanging load, m = 0.10 kg (each)
FORMULA USED: mX Metacentric height = --------- W tan
where, m = hanging load (kg) X = distance through which the hanging is moved (m) = angle through which the pontoon is tilted () W = w 1 + w 0 + m (kg) w 1 = dead load (kg) w o = weight of the floating body (area h density of water) Area = internal plan area of the collecting tank (m 2 ) h = rise in water level (m)
1. Note the initial height of the water in the vessel (h 1 ) before placing the ship. 2. Place the model ship in the water. 3. Adjust the counter weight to keep the ship in the equilibrium. 4. Note the height of the water level (h 2 ). 5. Now hang the hook gauge at any one side. 6. Place the weight on the hook. 7. Note down the reading shown by the needle. 8. By moving the hook gage to X away from the center of the ship by horizontally, observe the needle position. 9. Repeat the above procedure for the different distances and hanging loads, note down the readings. 10. The metacentric height of the ship is calculated.
Initial height, h 1 = Final height, h 2 = Difference in height, h = TABULATIONS: Dead Load w 1 = 0.2 kg Sl. No. Hanging Load m (kg) X (m)
(degrees) Metacentric height H (m) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mean =
The Metacentric height of a floating body is ___________.