PEF Brochure

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Energy Management

The frst step to energy management is to

conduct an energy audit in order to assess energy
use pattern and identify energy optimisation
opportunities. Therefore it is necessary to establish
a cost-efective methodology for conducting
energy audits. The DTF is taking the frst steps in
energy efciency projects in the interest of reducing
operating costs for Commercial Water Utilities.
A review of performance data revealed several
key savings opportunities: For those water
utilities with large motors and long hours of
operation, signifcant energy-saving opportunities
are achievable. Numerous energy-efciency
opportunities exist for water utilities of all sizes.
A long-term incremental approach to energy
management is cost-efective, generates familiarity
with new technologies and operating practices,
and promotes acceptance from the operators.
The DTF has identifed data collection and
performance indicator trending, low fow
pumping, pump optimisation, power factor
correction/improvement, interzone water
transfer and managing water leaks as
potential areas that could trigger signifcant
energy saving opportunities for CUs.
In view of the above, the DTF has devised an
approach for Energy management projects. This
is a 3 phased approach with a preliminary audit
being the frst step. A detailed audit culminating
into a proposal for project intervention follows
after. A full project is then done arising from the
audits and this is the fnal phase of the approach.
supply and of the consumption at the customer
premises. Other measures aimed at efectively and
efciently managing NRW like leakage detection
and repair, pressure management, automations
of the meter readings and monitoring systems
etc also form part of the project framework.
The projects normally relate to metering of customer
premises in a zone serviced by the CUs water supply
systems and to bulk metering of the respective
supply mains. This approach helps CUs improve their
management of NRW and also results into a positive
net cash fow as compared to the situation before
the metering. The fgure below shows an example
of how metering is done under such projects.
Bulk Meter
Water Source
Household Meter
Zone Boundary
The National Water Supply and Sanitation Council
(NWASCO) established the Devolution Trust
Fund (DTF) as provided for in the Water Supply
and Sanitation (WSS) Act No. 28 of 1997 to assist
commercial water utilities (CUs) established by
local authority thus the DTF supports CUs to extend
service provision to the low-income urban areas.
This mandate was extended to incorporate assisting
of CUs in enhancing their fnancial viability as well.
The Performance Enhancement Fund (PEF)
aims at contributing to enhancing long-term
economic viability and increased efciency of
the CUs. The PEF is intended for measures that
will result in the reduction of cost or in increased
revenues by e.g. reduction of Non-Revenue
Water (NRW) (metering, leakage repair, pressure
management etc) and energy costs among others.
The DTF has since 2008 assisted CUs implement
projects aiming at the reduction of NRW including
improvement of its management. In 2011, the
DTF developed a concept for measures that
could help CUs efciently manage their bulk
energy costs. A pilot energy audit commenced
at Kafubu Water and Sewerage in 2012 as a
precondition for capital funding under the PEF.
DTF Perfomance Enhancement
Non-Revenue Water Management
As indicated in the preamble, the PEF focuses on
the reduction of NRW through metering of bulk
The fgure below details the DTF energy
management approach.
The Manager,
Devolution Trust Fund
Plot 164 Mulombwa Close, off Bwinjimfumu
Road, Fairview
P.O Box 34358
LUSAKA, Zambia
Tel: +260 211 230 619
Fax: +260 211 233 032
Email: [email protected]
Preliminary Audit
A preliminary audit is primarily an initial data-gathering
exercise or simply a walk-through audit, short audit or
initial survey. It can be completed without sophisticated
instruments and uses only data that are already available
in the CUs. The output includes a report with a series of
low-cost improvement measures, mostly housekeeping
measures. The report will also include recommendations for
the scope of a detailed audit, if this is justifed.
A detailed audit is a more broad based study and energy
profling of the CUs energy usage. Portable instruments and
other measuring devices can be installed and used to check
parameters on equipment and processes, followed by a
detailed analysis of the complete energy system. Ideally, half
the efort at this stage should be spent on data collection on-
site and the other half on analysing the data and preparing
the report/recommendations. The output at this stage should
include fnancial analyses with estimates of likely returns on
the capital invested.
Energy Effciency Optimisation Project
At this stage An Energy Efciency Optimisation Project is
conceived and implemented.
Detailed Audit
Devolution Trust
For more information contact
Enhancement of operational
efciency in the utilities

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