LVSR Guideline FullText
LVSR Guideline FullText
LVSR Guideline FullText
July 2003
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
ii ii
JULY 2003
ISBN 99912-0-456-3
Any material from this Guideline may be reproduced without permission
provided the source is acknowledged.
Although the Guideline is believed to be correct at the time of printing,
SATCC does not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from
the use of the information contained in it.
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
SADC House
Private Bag 0095
Tel: + 267 3951 863
Fax: + 267 3972 848
E-Mail: [email protected]
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
he SADC road network of just over one million kilometres provides the dominant
TTmode of freight and passenger transport and thus plays a vital role in the economy TT
of the region. Unsurfaced low-volume roads constitute a substantial proportion of that
network and impact on the lives of the majority of the regions population who live
and work in rural areas. Many of these roads are being upgraded to a sealed standard
following strategies that focus on poverty alleviation in pursuit of the regions broader
goals of socio-economic growth and development.
The main purpose of the Guideline is to provide stakeholders with a synthesis TT
of best regional and international practice in all aspects of low-volume sealed
roads. In so doing, it will correct a shortcoming of other available guidelines
and manuals that tend to be more narrowly focused on the technical aspects of
relatively more heavily trafcked roads and, as a result, have limited applicability
to low-volume sealed roads.
Funding for this Guideline has been provided by the UK Department for Inter national FF
Development (DFID), the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-op eration
(NORAD) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). These co-
operating partners continue to provide development assistance to the region in the
transport sector aimed, in part, at improving the sustainability of low-volume
sealed roads, coupled with direct poverty alleviation.
By promoting the adoption of a more holistic approach to the provision of low- BB
volume sealed roads and the use of innovative best practice from the region, the
Guideline will undoubtedly lead to a more efcient use of available road funding.
This will result in direct benets to all SADC countries and facilitate socio-
economic growth and development, leading to a reduction in poverty.
I wish to thank our cooperating partners for co-funding this project as well as the
UK Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and the Norwegian Public Roads
Administration (NPRA) for managing it. I also wish to thank all those who contributed
their knowledge and experience to enable this Guideline to be produced; in parti- r
cular, the Lead Authors, representatives from member states who were closely
involved in its development and the international panel of experts who reviewed
the document. I am convinced that all stakeholders will nd the Guideline to be a
valuable source of information for the more efcient and effective provision of low-
volume sealed roads in the SADC region.
Sakhe Silo
Director - SATCC Technical Unit
Maputo, Mozambique
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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Dedication Dedication
This guideline is dedicated to the memory of the late Eric Msolomba, This guideline is dedicated to the memory of the late Eric Msolomba,
former director of the SATCC Technical Unit, whose vision provided the former director of the SATCC Technical Unit, whose vision provided the
motivation for this project, and whose dedication and leadership made motivation for this project, and whose dedication and leadership made
this document possible. this document possible.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
The Project Team gratefully acknowledges the contributions and comments received from a large number
of professionals representing a wide range of disciplines, in organisations from both the public and private
sectors, who participated in the workshops held in connection with the compilation of the Guideline.
These organisations included Government ministries (including Roads Departments and Trafc Safety
Units), National Roads Authorities, consultants, contractors and materials suppliers. Particular thanks
are due to the SATCC Technical Unit, the CSIR and the authors for their contributions and to the Peer
Reviewers for their comments on the drafts. Thanks are also due to the workshop facilitators and
presenters who also made valuable contributions to the project.
SADC Road Sector Organisations
The high level of support and guidance provided by the road sector organisations in the SADC member
states in the development of the Guideline and in the hosting of country workshops is gratefully
acknowledged. The following organisations are expected to be the main agencies involved in the
implementation of the Guideline:
Angola Angolan Road Agency (INEA), Ministry of Public Works, Luanda
Botswana Roads Department, Ministry of Works and Transport, Gaborone
DRC Ofce des Routes, Kinshasa/Gombe
Lesotho Roads Department, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Maseru
Malawi National Roads Authority, Lilongwe
Mauritius Road Development Authority, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Phoenix
Mozambique National Roads Administration (ANE), Maputo
Namibia National Roads Authority, Windhoek
Seychelles Land Transport Division, Ministry of Transport and Tourism, Mah
South Africa South African National Roads Agency (SANRA), Pretoria
Swaziland Roads Department, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Mbabane
Tanzania Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), Dar es Salaam
Zambia Roads Department, Ministry of Works and Supply, Lusaka
Zimbabwe Roads Department, Ministry of Transport, Harare
Project Management Team
Project Manager Mr P A K Greening, Transport Research Laboratory, UK
Deputy Project Manager Mr C Overby, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway
Team Members Mr M I Pinard, InfraAfrica Consultants, Botswana
Mr M E Gumbie, Civil Consult (Pvt) Ltd., Zimbabwe
Mr D R Rossmann, National Roads Agency, South Africa
Quality Assurance Dr J Rolt, Transport Research Laboratory, UK
M I Pinard (Lead) InfraAfrica Consultants, Botswana
S D Ellis (Main) World Bank (formerly Transport Research Laboratory, UK)
C-H Eriksson (Main) Transport Consultants AB, Sweden
R Johansen (Main) ViaNova Consultants, Norway
T Toole (Main) ARRB, Australia (formerly Transport Research Laboratory, UK)
R Beger (Contributing) RB Project Management, South Africa
M E Gumbie (Contributing) Civil Consult (Pvt) Ltd., Zimbabwe
H J S Lotter (Contributing) Council for Scientic and Industrial Research, South Africa
A R Quimby (Contributing) Transport Research Laboratory, UK
National workshop facilitators: A A Awadh (Tanzania), C S Gourley (Transport Research
Laboratory, UK), T E Mutowembwa (Zimbabwe), G Sibanda (ILO ASIST, Zimbabwe)
Peer Review Team
Mr J N Bulman, OBE Consultant, UK (formerly Head of TRL Overseas Unit)
Prof J D G F Howe Consultant, UK (formerly Professor, IHE Delft, Netherlands)
Prof H G R Kerali University of Birmingham, UK
Prof J B Metcalf Louisiana State University, USA
Dr F Netterberg Construction Materials and Geotechnical Specialist, South Africa
Prof N A Parker City University of New York, USA
Prof A T Visser University of Pretoria, South Africa
Publishing Services
Layout M I Pinard, InfraAfrica Consultants, Botswana
Cover design/DTP J Edvardsen, Interconsult, Oslo, Norway
Printing Goldelds Press (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
vii vii
Provision of Low-volume sealed roads:
Time for a re-think by decision-makers!
Low-volume roads, economic development and poverty alleviation
The majority of rural roads and a signicant proportion of the main roads in
the SADC region are currently unsurfaced and are relatively lightly trafcked.
These low-volume roads are important in that they:
impact signicantly on the livelihoods of the majority of the population of
many countries in the region, who live and work in rural areas where
poverty levels are generally very high
are central to sustained socio-economic growth and development of the
region and are a key component of development programmes targeted n by
donors and governments in which poverty reduction strategies feature
Unfortunately, the poor condition of these roads, which can be largely attributed to
the way in which they have customarily been provided and maintained, has acted
as a brake on economic development and hindered poverty alleviation efforts.
New, more appropriate, approaches to the provision of low-volume sealed roads
(LVSRs) are now required if the region is to improve road transport efciency and
attain its broader goals of socio-economic growth, development and poverty alleviation.
The inappropriateness of traditional methods
Traditional approaches to the provision of low-volume sealed roads have
stemmed from technology and research carried out in Europe and the USA over
40 years ago in very different environments.
Locally prevailing circumstances are usually very different in terms of climate, traf-
c, materials and road users. It is therefore not surprising that many of the imported d
approaches, designs and technologies are inappropriate for application in the region.
Technology, research and knowledge about LVSRs have advanced signicantly
in the region and not only question much of the accepted wisdom on LVSR provision
but also show quite clearly the need to revise conventional approaches.
Unfortunately, there has been little effective dissemination and uptake of the
results of research carried out in the region. This has triggered the need for this
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads. C
The criteria for dening a Low-volume
road varies sig nicantly in various parts of
the world. In the SADC region, such roads
may be primary, secondary or tertiary/access
roads. They typically carry less than 200
vehicles per day, including up to 20%
commercial vehicles, and often include
non-motorised trafc, particularly near
populated areas.
Extensive research has been undertaken in
the SADC region over the past 20 - 30 years.
This has enabled local, non-standard
materials to be successfully incorporated
in appropriate pavement design for LVSRs.
A new approach
The successful provision of a low-volume
sealed road requires ingenuity, imagination
and innovation. It entails working with
nature and using locally available, non-
standard materials and other resources in
an optimal and environmentally sustain-
able manner.
It will rely on planning, design, construc-
tion and maintenance techniques that
maximize the involvement of local com-
munities and contractors.
When properly engineered, a LVSR will
reduce transport costs and, through its
impact on rural production and on trade
between regions, facilitate socio-economic
growth and development and reduce
poverty in the SADC region.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
viii viii
Why sealed roads?
The substantial length of unsurfaced, particularly gravel, roads in the region is
becoming increasingly difcult to sustain in that such roads:
impose a logistical, technical and nancial burden on most road agen cies due
to constraints on physical, human, nancial and natural resources
require the continuous use of a non-renewable resource (gravel) which is being
seriously depleted in many countries and, in the proc ess, is causing serious
environmental problems
Implementation of the results of regional research (for example, that reduce con-
struction costs through the increased use of natural gravels), enable the sealing of
gravel roads to be economically justied at less than 100 vehicles per day (vpd).
This gure is in contrast to the previously recommended threshold values for Sub-
Saharan Africa, which were in excess of 200 vpd and is a gure that still persists
in the minds of many practitioners.
Failure to observe the optimal timing for sealing gravel roads can be very costly to
national economies, not only in terms of incurring excess transport costs but, also,
in the continuing excessive maintenance burden and adverse socio-environmental
effects. This provides a strong impetus for policy change and the adoption of f
alternative, cost-effective, surfacing strategies promoted in this Guideline.
The benets of sealed roads
The whole-life benets of sealed roads include:
lower transport (construction, maintenance and vehicle operating) costs
increased social benets (more reliable access to schools, clinics, etc)
reduced adverse environmental impacts and health and safety problems
Based on a conservative rate of upgrading gravel roads to a sealed standard of
100 km/year, the annual benets of adopting the recommendations of this Guideline
will be of the order of US $35 million.
The above benets hinge critically on the ability of the responsible authority to
maintain the sealed roads to the level of service for which they were designed. This
requires provision of adequate, sustainable and timely funding for the sub-sector
which, increasingly, is being provided by road users on a fee-for-service basis.
Key dimensions of sustainability
There has been a tendency to focus predominantly on the technical and economic
aspects of LVSR provision and inadequate attention has been given to other aspects
of sustainability. The result has often been a lack of responsiveness to various
other requirements and a reduced likelihood of achieving sustainable solutions,
even when substantial funding is made available.
The seven key dimensions of a sustainable system, which should always be
observed in the provision of LVSRs, are shown below. d
Unpaved roads generate dust in dry weather
causing health hazard, damage to crops, vehicles
and natural habitats and adversely affecting
the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Is a
sealed surface an affordable option?
Yes! It certainly can be.
A substantial amount of gravel is extracted
annually from borrow pits in all countries of
the SADC region. Is this sustainable?
No! It is not.
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Planning, economic appraisal, environment
Geometric design and road safety
Pavement design, materials and surfacing
Construction and drainage
Maintenance, and road management
TTee TTTT cchhnnoollooggiiccaallllyy
Achieving sustainability in all aspects of
LVSR provision is absolutely critical, if the
SADC regions long term goals of sustained
economic growth and poverty alleviation
are to be attained. In the past, attempts to
achieve such sustainability have failed
because one or more of the seven key
dimensions has been missing or inadequate.
The result has been that LVSRs have fallen
into disrepair and, consequently, have not
only failed to serve the needs of the poor
but, also, have often adversely affected the
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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Sustainability in all aspects of LVSR provision should now become the basis of
a more demanding policy of SADC governments. This will require that practitioner
adopt a more broadly based approach than hitherto that pays full attention to
all seven dimensions of sustainability.
Meeting new challenges the SADC Guideline on LVSRs
The main objective of the Guideline is to capture best regional and international
practice in all aspects of LVSR provision. It is not a prescriptive document but,
rather, provides guidance to users so as to ensure that well-considered decisions are
made. The development of the Guideline has beneted from the close involvement
of practitioners in the region.
The Guideline presents a major departure from traditional practice in all aspects
of LVSR provision by examining procedures, practices and methods used in:
planning, appraisal and environment construction and drainage
geometric design and road safety maintenance
pavement design, materials and surfacing
The Guideline promotes the use of a holistic approach to LVSRs, which
recognizes that criteria need to be satised in the different and often interacting
dimensions of road provision.
The benets of using the Guideline
There are a number of benets to be derived from adopting the approaches
advocated in the Guideline. These include providing LVSRs that:
are less expensive in economic terms to build and to maintain through the
adoption of more appropriate, locally-derived technology and design/
construction techniques that are better suited to local conditions
minimize adverse environmental impacts, particularly as regards the use of
non-renewable resources (gravel)
increase employment opportunities through the use of more appropriate
technology, including the use of labour-based methods, where feasible
improve road safety in all aspects of road provision
take better account of the needs of all stakeholders, particularly the local
communities served by these roads
foster local road building and maintenance capacity through the greater use
of small-scale, local contractors
ultimately, facilitate the longer-term goal of socio-economic growth, develop-
ment and poverty alleviation in the region
In addition to the above, the Guideline will also generate awareness and disseminate
the knowledge required if these benets are to be enjoyed more widely in the
Moving from vision to practice
The full benets of the Guideline will be realised only if the approaches
recommended are implemented in practice. However, there are a number of d f
barriers which will tend to frustrate this process. These include:
an inevitable and natural tendency to resist change and the conservative nature
of public-sector organisations which tend to institutionalize this resistance
The fact that many of the recommendations contained in the Guideline may
be in conict with existing, often out-dated, country manuals and standards
Promotion of labour-based methods where
feasible, is a key factor in creating productive
employment and reducing poverty.
The new idea either nds a champion or
dies.....No ordinary involvement with a new
idea provides the energy required to cope
with the indifference and resistance that
major technological change provokes...
Champions of new ideas must display
persistence and courage of heroic quality. yy
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Ultimately, the successful move from vision to practice will require endorse-
ment at political level, as well as the full support of all stakeholders. In addition,
it will require considerable technology transfer effort including:
support and technical assistance to facilitate the implementation of the Guideline
updating country documents to suit specic local conditions
technical staff training to address potential internal resistance to change
careful monitoring of acceptance, adoption, renement and satisfactionn
amongst users of the Guideline
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SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Foreword .......................................................................................III
AcknowIedgments ....................................................................... v
PrevIew .........................................................................................vII
AbbrevIatIons ........................................................................... xIII
1.1 Background .......................................................................... 1 - 1
1.2 Purpose and Scope ............................................................... 1 - 2
1.3 Focus .................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.4 Development of Guideline ................................................... 1 - 4
1.5 Structure and Content .......................................................... 1 - 5
1.6 Updating .............................................................................. 1 - 6
1.7 Sources of Information ........................................................ 1 - 6
1.8 References and Bibliography ............................................... 1 - 7
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................... 2 - 1
2.2 The SADC Region ............................................................... 2 - 2
2.3 Regional Road Network ...................................................... 2 - 5
2.4 Road Network Details ......................................................... 2 - 7
2.5 Low-volume Sealed Roads .................................................. 2 - 9
2.6 Summary .............................................................................. 2 - 14
2.7 References and Bibliography ............................................... 2 - 15
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................... 3 - 1
3.2 Planning ............................................................................... 3 - 3
3.3 Appraisal .............................................................................. 3 - 14
3.4 Environmental Issues ........................................................... 3 - 25
3.5 Summary ............................................................................. 3 - 33
3.6 References and Bibliography ............................................... 3 - 34
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................... 4 - 1
4.2 Design Philosophy, Standards and Approach ..................... 4 - 4
4.3 Design Framework and Process ......................................... 4 - 7
4.4 Design, Controls and Elements .......................................... 4 - 17
4.5 Roadside Safety, Education and Enforcement ..................... 4 - 28
4.6 Summary .............................................................................. 4 - 33
4.7 References and Bibliography ............................................... 4 - 34
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
xii xii
5.1 Introduction........................................................ n 5 1
5.2 Pavements, Materials and Surfacing Terminology ..........5 4
5.3 Materials ...........................................................5 10
5.4 Pavement Design.................................................. n 5 27
5.5 Surfacing ...........................................................5 43
5.6 Summary...........................................................5 57
5.7 References and Bibliography ...................................5 58
6.1 Introduction........................................................ n 6 1
6.2 Construction Issues ...............................................6 3
6.3 Construction Equipment......................................... t 6 10
6.4 Utilising Soils and Natural Gravels............................6 14
6.5 Construction of Seals ............................................6 23
6.6 Quality Assurance and Control ................................6 26
6.7 Drainage............................................................6 29
6.8 Summary...........................................................6 37
6.9 References and Bibliography ...................................6 38
7.1 Introduction........................................................ n 7 1
7.2 Maintenance Issues ...............................................7 3
7.3 Maintenance Management ...................................... t 7 11
7.4 Maintenance Operations .........................................7 24
7.5 Summary...........................................................7 28
7.6 References and Bibliography........................................7 29
8.1 Motivation ......................................................... n 8 1
8.2 Pathway to Implementation ..................................... n 8 2
8.3 Vision to Practice .................................................8 6
8.4 References and Bibliography ...................................8 7
Appendix A - List of Figures and Tables ..............................A 1
Appendix B - List of Useful Organisations ...........................B 1
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
xiii xiii
AID Agency for International Development
AASHO American Association of State Highway Ofcials
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Ofcials
ARRB Australian Road Research Board
ASIST Advisory Support Information Services And Training (For Employment-
Intensive Infrastructure)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CAPSA Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa
CEBTP Centre Experimental de Recherches et Detudes du Batiment et des Travaux Publics
CSIR Council for Scientic and Industrial Research
CSRA Committee of State Road Ofcials
DFID Department for International Development
DLO Direct Labour Organisations
DoR Department of Roads
ILO International Labour Organisation
IRF International Road Federation
MOW Ministry of Works
NAASRA National Association of Australian State Road Authorities
NIRR National Institute for Road Research
NITRR National Institute for Transport and Road Research
NORAD Norwegian Agency for International Development
NPRA Norwegian Public Roads Administration
NRRL Norwegian Road Research Laboratory
NSW New South Wales (Australia)
ODA Overseas Development Administration
PIARC Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (World Road Association)
RA Board Roads Agency Board
RF Board Road Fund Board
SABITA Southern Africa Bitumen and Tar Association
SADC Southern Africa Development Community
SADCC Southern African Development Coordination Conference
SAICE South African Institution of Civil Engineering
ATC Annual Transportation Conference
SANRA South African National Roads Agency
SATCC Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission
SIDA Swedish International Development Agency
TANROADS Tanzania National Roads Agency
TRB Transportation Research Board
TRL Transport Research Laboratory
TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientic & Cultural Organisation
USA United States of America
WA Western Australia
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
xiv xiv
AADT Annual Average Daily Trafc g y
AIV Aggregate Impact Value gg g p
AC Asphalt Concrete p
ACV Aggregate Crushing Vakue gg g g
ADT Annual Daily Trafc y
BCR Benet Cost Ratio
BOQQ Bill of Quantities Q
BS British Standards
CBA Cost-benet analysis y
CaSE Cost and Safety Efcient Design y g
CBR California Bearing Ratio g
CEO Chief Executive Ofcer
DMI Durability Mill Index y
elv Equivalent Light Vehicles q g
DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer y
Elastic Stiffness
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment p
EIS Environmental Impact Statement p
ESA Equivalent Standards Axle (based on 80 kN standard) q ( )
FACT Fines Aggregate Crushing Test gg g g
FMC Field Moisture Content
FWD Falling Weight Deectometer g g
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HDM-4 Highway Development and Management Model-4 g y p g
HIV/AIDS Human Immune Deciency Virus/Acquired Immune Deciency Syndrome y q y y
HVR High-volume road g
HVS Heavy Vehicle Simulator y
HVSR High-volume Sealed Roads g
IQL Q Information Quality Level Q y
IRAP Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning g y g
IRI International Roughness Index g
IRR Internal Rate of Return
KPIs Key Performance Indicators y
LAA Los Angeles Abrasion g
LBM Labour Based Methods
LVR Low-volume Road
LVSR Low-volume Sealed Road
MC Moisture Content
MDD Maximum Dry Density y y
NMT Non Motorised Trafc
NPV Net Present Value
OMC Optimum Moisture Content p
ORN Overseas Road Note (TRL series of publications) ( p )
PI Plasticity Index y
PSD Passing Site Distance g
PSV Polished Stone value
R & W Riedel and Weber
RED Road Economic Decision model
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
RM Routine Maintenance
RMI Road Maintenance Initiative
RMS Road Management Systems
RTIM Road Transport Investment Model
RTRN Regional Trunk Road Network
SAMDM South African Mechanistic Design Method
SFRDP Secondary Feeder Road Development Programme
SSATP Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program
SSD Stopping Sight Distance
TBM Texas Ball Mill
TMH Technical Methods for Highways
TRH Technical Recommendations for Highways
TTC Travel Time Cost
VCI Visual Condition Index
VOC Vehicle Operating Costs
vpd Vehicles per day
Hr Hour
Kg Kilogram
Km, m, cm, mm Kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre
kPa Kilo-Pascal
kN Kilo-Newton
Km/h Kilometre per hour
, m
Square metre, cubic metre
Veh-km Vehicle kilometre
Yr Year
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1. Introduction
2. Regional Setting
3. Planning, Appraisal &
Environmental Issues
4. Geometric Design
and Road Safety
5. Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
6. Construction and
7. Maintenance and
Road Management
8. Vision to Practice
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
xviii xviii
1.1 Background .............................................................1 - 1
1.2 Purpose and Scope.....................................................1 - 2
1.3 Focus ......................................................................1 - 3
1.4 Development of Guideline............................................1 - 4
1.5 Structure and Content ................................................1 - 5
1.6 Updating .................................................................1 - 6
1.7 Sources of Information ...............................................1 - 6
1.8 References and Bibliography........................................1 - 7
Introduction 1 - 1
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1.1 Background
any aspects of the documentation on low-volume road provision in the SADC
region have stemmed from technology and research carried out in Europe and
the USA some 30 - 40 years ago in vastly different environments. Although some
of this documentation has been modied to some extent in the intervening years, the f
basic philosophy of road provision has remained essentially the same. Whilst these
standard approaches may still be appropriate for the more heavily trafcked SADC
trunk road network, they are clearly inappropriate for use on low-volume roads which
make up a large proportion of national road networks. This has prompted a number
of international research organizations, as well as government departments and local
agencies, to undertake research into various aspects of low-volume sealed roads.
The body of highway engineer ing knowledge
remains empiric rather than rigorously scientic.
So, the knowledge taught in our [UK, USA]
universities is generally derived from a synthesis
of local experience. No wonder it is often irrelevant
and sometimes down right misleading in other
parts of the world.
Ray Millard, Highways Advisor, World Bank.
Int. Conf. on Low-volume Roads, 1979
Box 1.1 - Road research in the SADC region
Research carried out in the SADC region by a number of international,
regional and local organisations, which is conservatively estimated to have
cost US $20 - 30 million, has questioned many of the accepted assumptions
about the planning, design, construction and maintenance of low-volume
sealed roads. This research has quite clearly shown:
the importance of adopting a more holistic, sustainable approach to the
provision of low-volume roads f
the need to revise conventional approaches to planning, economic
appraisal and the environment
the shortcomings of conventional specications and, to some extent,
of test methods, in assessing the adequacy of local materials for use inn
low-volume roads
the advantages of adopting more appropriate geometric and pavement t
design standards
the economic success of innovative construction methods
the importance of paying greater attention to the environmental aspects
of road provision
Research carried out in the SADC region
has catalysed the re-thinking of the whole
approach to low-volume sealed roads
Introduction 1 - 2
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Unfortunately, because of a lack of funding, there has been very little effective
dissemination of the research carried out in the region. This has led to:
a lack of awareness of the results of research
a lack of understanding of the often satisfactory performance of innovative
an aversion to the use of non-standard designs, particularly by foreign
consultants and contractors who are often unfamiliar with local conditions
poor technology transfer
little implementation of innovative technology
In recognition of the need for raising awareness of recent developments
in low-volume sealed road technology in the region, the Southern African
Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC) commissioned the
preparation of this Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads (LVSRs) which
was funded by DFID, NORAD and SIDA.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
he main purpose of the Guideline is to provide a synthesis of practical,
state-of-the-art approaches to LVSR provision, based largely on regional
knowledge and experience, while taking into account international best practice.
In so doing, the primary goal is to reduce the cost of constructing and
maintaining LVSRs leading to:
increased public and commercial transport through lower road user costs
improved access to schools, clinics, jobs, urban centres and neighbouring
rural areas
improved environmental, health and social conditions
reduced depletion of nite materials resources - regravelling is an inherently
unsustainable activity
enhanced socio-economic growth, development and poverty alleviation
The means of achieving the above hinges on cost-effective provision of sealed
roads in rural and peri-urban areas by the transfer of technology developed
through research. The Guideline therefore seeks to:
act as a vehicle for the dissemination and implementation of appropriate
in novative LVSR technology in the SADC region
promote the use of a holistic approach to LVSR provision
encourage optimal utilization of local resources and non-standard, but
appropriate, designs for all aspects of LVSR provision
promote greater local public and private sector involvement and d
participation in road projects
ultimately, act as the standard consultative document for LVSRs
Adoption of the above is expected to lead to an increase in sealed roads
constructed at an affordable cost and to an appropriate standard by applying
proven, sometimes unconventional, methods and innovative technology.
Probably the most important and critical
issue (in technology transfer) is information
dissemination. Presenting all available
and relevant information to practitioners is
essential to implementing improved procedures
and new techniques. Given the amount of
research and development that is still being
undertaken, the ability to disseminate this
information quickly is the key to advancing
the low-volume road situation.
Transport Research Circular No. 446, May
Introduction 1 - 3
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
The Guideline is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders, from politicians to
practitioners, including consultants, contractors, materials suppliers, donors,
road users and the general public who, in various ways, are all involved in
different but complementary aspects of low-volume road provision.
Because the SADC region is a diverse one, it would be impractical and
inappropriate to provide recipe solutions for specifc situations. Instead,
emphasis has been placed on guiding the practitioner towards evaluating
alternative options and considering their pros and cons as a basis for decision
making and application to country-specifc situations. This is achieved by
collating together in one document key background knowledge and experience
in the application and performance of tried and tested, new and innovative
solutions in all aspects of LVSR provision.
The Guideline provides a compendium of recent approaches to the following
aspects of low-volume sealed road provision:
Planning, appraisal and environment.
Geometric design and road safety.
Pavement design, materials and surfacing.
Construction and drainage.
The Guideline does not deal in detail with slope stability, geotechnical and
hydrological issues or standard drainage details. However, it provides a source
of comprehensive references which provide additional details and more fully
documented examples of local and international experience.
Although the Guideline has been produced specifcally for the SADC
environment, there are many aspects of it which, with sound engineering
judgement, could apply in similar environments elsewhere.
I.8 Fouus
he focus of the Guideline is on Low-volume Sealed Roads (LVSRs) - a term
for which there is no standard defnition. Typical criteria for defning such
roads include traffc volume, road function, administrative classifcation as well
as management and fnancing arrangements. The concept of a low-volume road
(LVR) also varies from country to country, simply because this type of road serves
different functions and operates in different socio-economic environments. In the
context of this Guideline, LVSRs are characterized by the following features that
pertain to the SADC region:
Table 1.1 - LVSR Characteristics
Contrasting examples of low-volume
roads in the SADC region
Earth/gravel road (Tan:ania).
Old strip road (Zimbabwe).
Old narrow-mat road (Zimbabwe).
New low-volume sealed road (Botswana).
Ownership Mostly local governments/communities but also provincial/ central governments.
and function
Mostly secondary or tertiary/access roads but can also be main/ primary roads.
Serve predominantly rural populations oI most countries typically more than
75 oI the population.
and nancing
Local government Ior tertiary/access roads, central government Ior primary/
secondary roads.
Function Economic/social/administrative/political.
Majority are unsealed, partly engineered, single or 2-lane, earth/sand or gravel
roads with elevated running surIaces, side drains and cross-drainage structures,
including low or high level water crossings.
Trafc Relatively 'low-volume, typically up to about 200 vpd, carrying both motorised
and non-motorised traIfc.
Introduction 1 - 4
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Low-volume roads in the region cut across a wide range of environments. In
practice, there will be many overlaps in classication and function and clear
distinctions will not always be apparent on functional terms alone. Nonetheless,
the focus will be secondary/tertiary/access roads in rural and peri-urban areas.
ma|or international/
national centre
village/district centre
Figure 1.1 - Road hierarchy and function
1.4 Development of Guideline
he Guideline draws on the accumulated knowledge and practical experience
of international research organizations, consultants and others who have long
experience of working in the region. It was produced by a team comprising
key specialists in each technical eld, together with experts from SADC
The Guideline is unique in the following important aspects:
1. It was developed with a high level of local participation. As a result, it t
has been possible to capture and incorporate a signicant amount of local
knowledge in the document. The benets of this approach include a
document that:
reects the needs of the region
has an emphasis on local ownership
facilitates wider application
improves prospects for sustainable implementation
2. It draws extensively on the output of a 4-year SADC regional programme
of research in highway engineering materials
3. It focuses on the multi-dimensional nature of LVSR provision, giving
balanced attention to aspects of LVR provision that are often neglected d
in most other guidelines, such as the political, social, institutional and d
funding aspects.
Organisational chart for management and
development of the Guideline.
LVRs are multi-faceted. At one extreme,
they serve as a mobility link in the road
transport chain from the main highway
network to the local market. At another
extreme, they serve as an access link in a
road transport chain with one end in the
agricultural elds or villages and the other
in the town market.
SADC Working Group
of Member States
Core Management
Lead Authors
Introduction 1 - 5
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
I.5 SIruuIure and ConIenI
he Guideline is divided into eight chapters which collectively address
various aspects of LVSR provision as presented below.
Comprises the introduction to the Guideline, including an
overview of the focus of the document and the approach
advocated in contrast to previous approaches to road provision.
Against this background, the purpose, scope, development and
structure of the Guideline are highlighted.
Provides the geographic setting for the SADC region.
Gives an overview of the regional road network and its
various details. Highlights the challenge faced in providing
LVSRs in a sustainable manner and the developments taking
place in road sector reform. Outlines the main components
of LVSR provision.
AppraIsaI and
Provides a holistic framework for planning and appraising
LVSRs and highlights the key external factors that affect
their provision. Covers the process of life-cycle costing and
the appropriateness of the available appraisal tools for
doing so. Presents various environmental issues including the
importance of the EIA process in the planning process.
DesIgn and
Hoad SaIety
Presents factors relevant to the selection of appropriate
standards for LVSRs and the steps involved in selecting
suitable solutions. Summarises both conventional techniques
and low-cost design-by-eye` methods, and the cost,
environmental and safety implications of each. Highlights
measures for improving road safety on LVSRs.
MaterIaIs and
Provides a systems approach to the design of LVSR
pavements and surfacings derived from regional research
work and practice. Highlights the importance of using local
materials selected on the basis of appropriate specifcations.
Emphasises the importance of catering for both internal
and external drainage of pavements to enhance performance.
and DraInage
Provides guidance on the choice of methods available for
the construction of LVSRs, with a focus on labour-based
methods. Includes examples aimed at optimising the use of
local labour and equipment technologies within a conducive
contracting environment aimed at maximizing the use of
small-scale local contractors.
Introduction 1 - 6
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
and Hoad
Highlights the importance of maintenance and the challenges
faced in carrying it out effectively and effciently. Presents
the particular characteristics of LVSRs, including their
deterioration characteristics. Outlines typical maintenance
management functions and considers the contractual
aspects of undertaking maintenance works. Outlines the
role, function and selection criteria for Road Management
From VIsIon to
Summarises the motivation for producing the Guideline
and the benefts of adopting the approaches proposed.
Outlines the pathway to implementation of the Guideline,
the barriers that need to be overcome in the course of so
doing and the need to take account of many non-techni-
cal factors that often infuence the manner in which LVSRs
are provided.
I.6 UpdaIIng
s highway engineering technology and improved methods of low-vol-
ume road provision are continually being researched and changed, it will
be necessary to update the Guideline periodically to refect improvements in
The Guideline has been produced in a loose-leaf format to allow notes and
pages to be inserted as and when necessary. In addition, it has been produced
in electronic CD format and has also been posted on the SATCC website The Guideline is produced in all three offcial SADC languages
- English, French and Portuguese.
I.V Sourues oI 1nIormaIIon
n addition to the references cited in the text of each chapter, an extensive
bibliography has also been provided for those readers who wish to obtain
additional information about any of the topics included. A list of the main
organizations producing relevant publications is also provided, including their
contact details.
Introduction 1 - 7
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
I.8 HeIerenues and BIbIIograpby
1. Transportation Research Board (1979). Low-volume Roads: Second
International Conference. Transportation Research Record 702. National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. August, 1979.
2. Gourley C S and P A K Greening (1999). Performance of Low-volume
Sealed Roads: Results and Recommendations from Studies in Southern
Africa. Project Report PR/OSC/167/99. TRL. November, 1999.
3. Norwegian Public Roads Administration (1999). A Guide to the Use of
Otta Seals. Road Technology Department (NRRL), Publication No.
93, Oslo. August, 1999.
4. Netterberg F and P Paige-Green (1998). Pavement Materials for Low-
volume Roads in Southern Africa: A Review. Annual Transport Convention,
S.443, Vol. 2D, Pretoria. July, 1988.
5. Transport Research Board/National Research Council (1995). Assessing
Worldwide Low-volume Roads: Problems, Needs and Impacts. Transport
Research Circular No. 446. Washington. May, 1995.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1. Introduction
2. Regional Setting
3. Planning, Appraisal &
Environmental Issues
4. Geometric Design
and Road Safety
5. Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
6. Construction and
7. Maintenance and
Road Management
8. Vision to Practice
SADC Guideline on Low-Volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Regional Setting
2.1 Introduction ........................................................... 2 - 1
2.1.1 Background ................................................... d 2 - 1
2.1.2 Purpose and Scope of Chapter ............................ 2 - 1
2.2 The SADC Region ................................................... 2 - 2
2.2.1 Geographic Setting .......................................... 2 - 2
2.2.2 Road Sector Reform......................................... m 2 - 2
2.3 Regional Road Network ........................................... 2 - 5
2.3.1 The Road Network .......................................... 2 - 5
2.3.2 Roads and Economic Development ....................... t 2 - 6
2.4 Road Network Details .............................................. 2 - 7
2.4.1 Classication and Trafc Flows ........................... 2 - 7
2.4.2 Design Standards............................................. 2 - 7
2.4.3 Road Conditions .............................................. 2 - 7
2.4.4 Road Safety ................................................... 2 - 8
2.5 Low-volume Sealed Roads ........................................ 2 - 9
2.5.1 The Challenge ................................................ 2 - 9
2.5.2 Gravel Road Issues .......................................... 2 - 9
2.5.3 Need for Sustainable Strategies ........................... 2 - 10
2.5.4 Main Components of LVSR Provision ................... n 2 - 12
2.6 Summary ............................................................. 2 - 14
2.7 References and Bibliography...................................... 2 - 15
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 1
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Background
oad transport is essential for the operation of the SADC economy and
for the development of national and regional markets. With a total eet
of over 10 million vehicles in 2002, it provides the dominant mode of freight
and passenger transport and carries about 80% of the regions total trade
in goods and services. It also accounts for about 20% of the regions
cross-border trade.
In common with many other developing countries, a large percentage of the
population in the SADC region lives in rural areas, where agriculture is the
dominant economic activity. In this context, low-volume roads full a critical
function in that they generally provide the only form of access to these
communities and provide for the mobility of people and movement of goods
from the elds to the market place. A good rural road network is therefore
essential for improving rural livelihoods and socio-economic growth and
Unfortunately, despite the substantial investments made in road transport
infrastructure, the cost of road transport services is still inordinately high,
especially in rural areas where inadequate transport infrastructure and lack
of mobility still impose major constraints on development. There are many
reasons for this unsatisfactory situation, some of which are attributable to
the questionable nature of various approaches adopted in the provision of
LVSRs, many of which have proved to be unsustainable.
2.1.2 Purpose and Scope of Chapter
he main purpose of this chapter is to set the background to the SADC
region against which the characteristics of the regional road network
are presented. Issues relating to the sustainability of the gravel road network
and the challenges of alternative approaches for the delivery of low-volume
sealed roads are described. A new, more sustainable, multi-dimensional
approach is proposed that is set in the context of the reforms taking place in
the road sector in the SADC region. These initiatives are designed primarily
to improve the management and nancing of roads but will also facilitate
the implementation of the approaches recommended in this Guideline.
Agriculture is the predominant activity in
the rural areas of most SADC countries.
Regional Setting
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 2
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.2 The SADC Region
2.2.1 Geographic Setting
he Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) is an economic
grouping of fourteen countries located in the Southern African region
with a collective land area of about 10 million square kilometers and a
population of nearly 200 million people in 2002. Six of the fourteen coun-
tries are land-locked and two are island states as shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1 - The Southern African Development Community
The SADC region is diverse with climates varying from true deserts through
savannah to rainforests. Although the natural resource base is varied, the
economies of the various countries are mostly agrarian, with approximately
80% of the population living and working in the rural areas. In such a setting, n
rural roads play a critical role in support of socio-economic growth and
development and, ultimately, poverty alleviation - an over-arching goal of all
SADC governments.
2.2.2 Road Sector Reform
ince the late 1990s, the SADC region has experienced a wind of change in
its approach to road management and nancing. It has become increasingly
apparent that traditional approaches, which have relied on managing roads through t
a government department and nancing them through general budget allocations,
have generally not worked satisfactorily. This has led to the development of the
SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology
The SADC Protocol promotes perhaps the most far-reaching set of changes ever
contemplated in the roads sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its strategic vision is to
provide a safe, sustainable, efcient and effective road transport system in
support of regional socio-economic growth and development. Since its ratica-
tion by all member states, the SADC Protocol has been implemented to varying
extents and with varying degrees of success. All member states are required to
fully comply with the requirements of the protocol by 2010.
The vision of SADC is to transform the
fourteen countries of southern Africa from
operating as individual fragmented markets
into a single integrated vibrant and globally
competitive market characterised by free
movement of goods, services and labour.
Transport, particularly road transport, is
an integral component of this vision.
One of the rst institutional priorities identied
by SADC was the creation of the Southern
African Transport and Communications
Commission (SATCC) to coordinate the use
of existing systems and the planning and
nancing of additional regional transport
facilities. Transport is, therefore, the major
initial focus for regional action.
Cape Town
Dar es Salaam
Port Louis
The bulk of the SADC rural road network is still
unsurfaced and in relatively poor condition.
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 3
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Box 2.1 - The main features of the SADC Protocol on Transport,
Communications and Meteorology
The SADC Protocol commits member states to the development of a
harmonised regional road sector policy with the following main features: d
Clear demarcating and g allocating of authority and responsibilities for g road rr
funding and road management.
Establishing accountable and e autonomous roads authorities with public and s d
private sector participation in key decision-making and the ability to source
expertise outside civil service restrictions.
Adopting commercial management practices to foster institutional,
economic and technical efciency, amongst others, by introducing
competition in undertaking any road-related activity and adopting a
preference for the contracting out of all types of road construction
and maintenance activities.
Adopting appropriate nancing principles and practices to secure
adequate and sustainable sources of funding through incremental
expansion of road user charging.
Dedicating revenues from roads to their provision, operation and
Identifying sustainable funding sources to ensure a regular ow of funds. s
SADC Institutional Framework
The agreed SADC institutional framework clearly and unambiguously dif-
ferentiates between the separate and discrete roles played by key road sector
stakeholders in terms of policy formulation, policy delivery and works
execution as illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Minister of Transport
RA Board
RF Board
Roads Agency Road Fund
Consultants Contractors Road Users
General Public/Road User
Reporting/delivery Consultation/coordination Monitoring
Road User
Ministers Committee
Other Roads Authorities
RA = Roads Authority
RF = Road Fund
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
Figure 2.2 - SADC institutional framework for management
and nancing of roads
The restructuring of road management
and nancing in the SADC region, within
a more commercialised institutional frame-
work, is meant to ensure that institutional
capacity exists to support improvements in
technical capability, such as maintenance
operations and management.
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 4
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Within the new SADC institutional framework, policy, management, nancing
and operations are treated as follows:
Policy formulation: The overall legal authority for the road network is vested
in a single Ministry with responsibility for all regulatory, policy, standards
and legislative matters. The Ministry has authority over the Transport/
Trafc Agency. The authority over the National Roads Board is limited
to approving the level of road user charges recommended by the Board to
nance road maintenance and improvement works, and to monitoring the
Boards compliance with the terms set out in the legislation under which
it was established.
A Ministers Committee fulls the function of a policy co-ordination forum
in respect of national, regional and local road authorities. The committee
also plays an important role in promoting transparency and accountability
and democratizing decision-making with regard to roads.
Management: An arms-length autonomous or semi-autonomous Roads
Agency has replaced (or commercialised) the former Roads Department in
the Ministry of Transport. Its functions are basically the same as those of
the previous Roads Department in terms of strategic management and planning
of the development, maintenance and rehabilitation of the national road net-
work, except that they are carried out in a commercial manner. The Agency is
overseen by a majority private sector Board and managed on a day-to-day n
basis by a Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO).
Financing: An arms-length autonomous or semi-autonomous Road Fund
operates as a commercial agency with responsibility for road nancing. In
so doing, it:
acts as a channel for the receipt of all revenues destined for roads
disburses funds to roads agencies based on simple, transparent procedures
audits compliance with well dened nancial auditing principles
Sustainable funding for road maintenance is based on the user pays principle
and is secured through the levying of a Road User Charge. Such a charge
reects the usage of roads and typically consists of a fuel levy on petrol,
diesel, vehicle license fees including supplementary heavy vehicle license
fees, nes imposed on overloaded vehicles, and any other user charges that
may be preseribed by Parliament from time to time.
The funds available from road user charges should not necessarily be spent
directly according to trafc level. Low-volume social roads will probably
need to be subsidised to some extent from the revenues from high-volume
economic roads.
Operations: All types of road construction and maintenance works should be
contracted to the private sector through competitive bidding processes rather
than undertaken in-house by Force Account or Direct Labour operations.
The procurement of works through performance-specied term contracts and
the use of Petty Contractors is increasingly being viewed as the preferred
method of contracting out maintenance works, in contrast to the traditional
type of contract which, typically, is based on rather prescriptive input
specications and utilises large, foreign contractors.
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 5
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.3 Regional Road Network
2.3.1 The Road Network
he total length of the SADC classied road network (Figure 2.3) is just
over 930,000 km of which approximately 20 per cent is paved. More
than half of the regions total network (511,000 km) is in South Africa. There
is also a large network of rural roads in the SADC region, approximately
430,000 km, which consists mainly of 2-lane, all-weather gravel roads and f
seasonal earth tracks. Most of these roads were constructed in the post
independence era of the 1960s and 1970s and are one of the regions biggest
assets with current replacement costs in excess of US $50 billion.
Figure 2.3 - The SADC Regional Trunk Road Network (2001)
(excludes the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
The current main road length averages about 5.6 kilometres for every 100
square kilometers, which is low by comparison with to other developing
regions such as Latin America (12 km/100 sq. km) and Asia (18 km/sq. km).
Table 2.1 - Inventory of SADC Regional Road Network
The SADC Regional Trunk Road Network
(RTRN) comprises approximately 50,000
kms of strategic, intra-regional routes link-
ing capital cities, major regional ports and
other areas of economic importance. In
addition to the unpaved rural road network,
a signicant proportion of the RTRN
(approximately 30 per cent) also carries
relatively low levels of trafc and, hence,
these roads are also classied as low-volume
Main Roads Rural Roads Total Network
105,122 395,900 501,022 21,559 409,626 431,185 126,681 805,526 932,207
21.0% 79.0% 100.0% 5.0% 95.0% 100.0% 13.6% 86.4% 100.0%
Source: Report by SAGP consultants; Updates from SADC member states (2001)
. (Note:
Classication is inconsistent. Main roads can include trunk, regional, main, primary and
secondary roads.)
* Excludes the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A substantial proportion of both the main
and rural road networks in the SADC region
is unpaved.
5 % paved
21 % paved
95 % unpaved
79 % unpaved
Rural Roads
Main Roads
Europe/Central Asia
Middle East/North Africa
South Asia
Latin America/Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa %paved roads
0 20 40 60 80 100
(Cabinda enclave)
Trunk Road
Trunk Railway
Regional Port
Capital City
100 200 300 400 500 50 100 150 200
km km
Walvis Bay
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
Richards Bay
Dar es Salaam
Saldanha Bay
Port Louis
Sub-Saharan Africa, including the SADC
region, lags considerably behind Asia and
Latin America in terms of road coverage
and density
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 6
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.3.2 Roads and Economic Development
he precise role that roads play in economic development is complex but
the fact that there is a link is widely accepted and most economists agree
that investment in transport infrastructure makes a positive contribution.
However, the provision of road transport infrastructure alone is not enough
to reap all the possible benets from interventions. Indeed, recent research
highlights two major aspects that should be considered by policy makers: the
access to transport means, and the market organisation for goods and trans-
port services. r Thus, SADC governments should also address the need for
d l credit, low-cost vehicles, and intermediate means of transport, and also be
pprepared to intervene in markets to ensure that benets become widespread.
The benets from road investment vary greatly depending upon the type of
interventions, and the social and economic context where they take place.
For example, in those rural areas in southern Africa where infrastructure
is so basic that vehicle use is difcult or near impossible, facilitating the
change to motorised transport would result in major benets.
In terms of the relationship between km of paved roads/million persons and
GDP per capita, the SADC region occupies a relatively low position (Figure 2.4).
Thus, improving the efciency of LVSR provision by providing them at lower
and more affordable costs than hitherto, has the potential (together with other l
complementary interventions) for providing considerable benets to the
regions economy and, in so doing, for reducing poverty.
Figure 2.4 - International comparison of paved road density and GDP per capita
Road transport investment should be
viewed as part of an integrated approach
considering the economic and social con-
text where improvements take place, and
including additional policies on other
fronts (e.g. marketing, education, stimulus
to demand) that would lead to higher social
returns from investment.
|vory Coast emen
l00 000
l00 000
l0 000
l0 000
GDP per capita (US$) l997
Road network density in developed countries
is generally much higher than in developing
countries. However, the cost of building
roads is not proportional to the wealth of a
nation in terms, for example, of the GDP per
inhabitant. Thus, with the GDP per inhabitant
being 10 to 20 times lower in developing
countries, the cost of road provision is two to
three times higher than in developed
countries. It is therefore critically important
that paved road construction costs are mini-
mized through the selection of appropriate o
standards and implementation strategies.
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 7
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.4 Road Network Details
2.4.1 Classication and Trafc Flows
oads in the SADC region are typically classied according to function
as shown in Table 2.2 and illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Table 2.2 - Typical road functions and classication
Key Tr = Trunk P = Primary S = Secondary Te =Tertiary/access
With the exception of South Africa, and apart from a few heavily trafcked
international routes, most of the main roads carry modest volumes of trafc,
with little more than about 10 per cent carrying over 2000 vpd, approximately
25 per cent of which consists of heavy, often over-loaded, commercial vehicles.
On rural roads, trafc volumes are relatively very low and much of this
network carries trafc in the range of 50 - 200 vpd. Near village centres k
non-motorised trafc, including bicycles, often comprises a signicant
proportion of the total trafc.
The low-trafc characteristics of much of the rural road networks in the
SADC region have implications for geometric design, pavement and drainage
structures, road furniture and maintenance practice and, indeed, the manner
in which investment appraisals are carried out.
2.4.2 Design Standards
oad design standards in the SADC region vary considerably, reecting
either the practice of the developed countries with which member states
have had previous ties, or the preferences of international consultants, usually
donor funded, who have worked in the country. Thus, British, American,
Portuguese, French, German and other standards have left their mark on the
road infrastructure. In many instances, these standards have been inappropriate
for cost-effective application in the SADC region where the physiographic,
socio-economic and environmental conditions vary tremendously from
those prevailing in the countries of origin of the standards.
2.4.3 Road Conditions
bout 50% of the paved main road network is currently (2001) in good
condition, with the remainder classied as only fair or poor, as shown
in Table 2.3. The unpaved main road network is considerably worse than the
paved road network, with less than 40% being in good condition. The net
result is that transport costs are very high with estimates of four to ve times
of those in developed countries and, for some landlocked countries, as high
as 30 - 40 per cent of the price of goods
Road Function Design
Flow (AADT)
Surface Type
Tr P S Te
A > 2000 Paved
B 500 - 2000 Paved
C 200 - 500 Paved/Unpaved
D 50 - 200 Unpaved
E < 50 Unpaved
Pedestrians and non-motorised trafc often
constitute a signicant proportion of trafc
near villages.
100% = 5.64
100% = 2.50
100% = 3.67
Repairs &
Drivers costs
Road quality Good Reasonable Bad
Average speed 90 70 45 km/h
Rolling resistance 7 16 25 kg/tonne
Haulage rate 2.50 3.67 5.64 Hfl/km
Source: PIARC (1987)
costs - both the operating and maintenance
costs of vehicles escalate with increasing
rapidity as the surface condition worsens
(PIARC, 1987).
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 8
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Main Roads Road Condition (Weighted Average)
Good Fair Poor
Paved 49 36 15
Unpaved 38 31 31
Table 2.3 - Condition of main roads in the SADC region
Sources: Report by SAGP consultants to SATCC
; Updates from member states (2001).
Good: Substantially free of defects and requiring only routine maintenance.
Unpaved roads need only routine grading and spot repairs.
Fair: Having signicant defects and requiring resurfacing or strengthening.
Unpaved roads need reshaping or re-gravelling and spot repair of drainage.
Poor: Having extensive defects and requiring immediate rehabilitation or reconstruction.
Unpaved roads need reconstruction and major drainage works.
Rural poverty in the SADC region is exacerbated by the prevailing poor road
conditions which adversely affect accessibility and, as a result, limit the
facilitating role of transport in both production and consumption activities.
Improvements in the quality and reliability of the rural road network are
therefore critical for development and poverty eradication, the over-arching
goal of all SADC governments.
For these reasons, most of the current investment in the roads sub-sector
involves upgrading these predominantly low-volume, rural secondary and
feeder roads to an improved standard at minimum life-cycle cost - which is
the main focus of this Guideline.
2.4.4 Road Safety
here is a serious road safety problem in all countries of the SADC region.
This is characterised by a high rate of road accidents involving pedestrians
and other vulnerable road users, particularly on rural roads where vehicle
speeds tend to be relatively high. Fatality rates, in relation to vehicle eets,
are estimated to be 30 - 40 times higher than those of industrialised countries
and cost the region between one and three per cent of its annual GDP
Fortunately, there is now a widespread recognition that much more can be
done to improve the poor road safety situation. This includes improvements
in road design and the more widespread use of road safety audits. These
issues, amongst others, are dealt with in Chapter 4 of the Guideline.
My country was never so rich that it could
afford poor roads
(William the Conqueror, Doomsday Survey,
Can any country afford roads in this
The high accident rate in the SADC region
is a source of loss and damage to trade
and one of the major causes of injury and
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 9
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
2.5 Low-volume Sealed Roads
2.5.1 The Challenge
number of factors combine to pose a major challenge to road authorities
in the provision of LVSRs. In this regard:
They generally constitute a high proportion (typically 80%) of the road
network for which available resources are severely limited.
Limited funding tends to be allocated in favour of HVRs which are
perceived as fullling an important economic role even though LVRs ful- d
ll at least equally important social and development functions.
Social and developmental benets are often dealt with inadequately in
traditional investment appraisal methodology.
There has been a tendency to focus predominantly on the technical aspects
of LVSRs, with inadequate attention being paid to the other environments
within which they operate and which inuence their long-term sustainability.
Traditional highway engineering, planning and standards that are appliedd
to roads with higher volumes of trafc are often not appropriate for
LVSRs and, when used, result in unnecessarily expensive solutions.
Although trafc volumes may be relatively low, h vehicle loads are oftenn
high, with signicant overloading. This makes the relatively light pavement
structures, that would otherwise be appropriate, vulnerable to overloading.
The allocation of limited research funding tends to be prioritized in favour
of high-volume roads which are perceived to offer higher rates of return.
In addition to the challenges faced by road agencies in providing LVSRs,
transport agencies also face a major challenge of providing affordable
transport services to rural communities. However, although closely related, t
this topic is outside the scope of this Guideline.
2.5.2 Gravel Road Issues
substantial proportion of the rural road networks, and to a lesser extent,
of the main road networks in the SADC region, are currently unpaved.
These roads need to be continuously regravelled utilizing naturally occurring
gravels, a nite, often scarce, non-renewable resource.
In practice, many countries do not have the necessary nancial resources to
sustain their gravel road networks. As illustrated in Figure 2.5, this quickly
leads to the total loss of the investment as well as to all-weather access for
the communities that these roads serve.
In the past, geometric design standards
were not specically addressed in the SADC
region. Both road planners and designers
were faced with either using national
imported standards that were developed for
a higher classication of roads or reduc-
ing these higher classication standards to
meet economic constraints, usually without
a logical basis for doing so.
Based on a typical regravelling cycle of 3 -
4 years and a replacement gravel thickness
of 100 mm over a 6.5 m carriageway, the
annual consumption of gravel in the region
is of the order of 150 million cubic metres.
Is this process sustainable in the medium to
long term? NO!
i S i Regional Setting 2 - 10
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Regravel Regravel
(a) Gravel thickness with preventative maintenance (timely regravelling). h
(b) Gravel thickness without preventative maintenance (no timely re-gravelling). t
Figure 2.5 - Periodic maintenance (regravelling) of unsurfaced roads
Sustainability considerations
There are a number of very serious concerns to national governments,
development agencies and rural communities regarding the use of gravel t
road surfaces. These are summarized in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4 - Gravel road sustainability considerations
Issue Sustainability Factor
Financial and
Institutional and
Unpaved roads:
- typically constitute 70 to 90% of the main road network and most
of the undesignated network
- generate a continuous cycle of deterioration and backlog maintenance
Roads agencies:
- suffer logistical, technical and nancial constraints
- often have limited physical, human and natural resources
- have little capacity to intervene in maintenance activities as required
Standards and
Gender con-
< 75 vehicles/day
76-200 vehicles/day
20l- 600 vehicles/day
60l-l000 vehicles/day
> l00l vehicles/day
l 2 3 4 5 l0 l5 20 25 30 35 40 45
l week 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks
Duration of counting (days)
Figure 3.3 - Errors in ADT estimates from counts of varying duration
Planning, Appraisal & Environmental Issues 3 - 12
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
The accuracy of trafc counts can be improved by increasing the count
duration or by counting in more than one period of the year. Improved
accuracy can also be achieved by using local knowledge to determine
whether there are days within the week or periods during the year when
the ow of trafc is particularly high or low.
Local knowledge should also be used to select appropriate locations for
conducting the trafc counts to ensure a true reection of the trafc using
the road and to avoid under - or over-counting.
Origin and Destination Surveys, using a variety of survey techniques, are
sometimes carried out to establish the nature of travel patterns in and around
the area of enquiry. These surveys, which can be quite labour-intensive,
serve a number of useful purposes including a quantitative assessment of the
amount of trafc likely to be affected by the proposal and the consequent
impacts on various elements in the road system.
Axle Load Surveys
Axle load surveys provide critical and essential information that is required
for both cost-effective pavement design as well as preservation of existing
roads. The importance of this parameter is highlighted by the well-known
fourth power law which exponentially relates increases in axle load to
pavement damage (e.g. an increase in axle load of 20% produces an increase
in damage of about 120%).
Axle load surveys can be expensive to undertake and should be carefully planned
and organised in relation to the level of resources that can be committed to the
survey (time, personnel and money) and the objective of the survey which could
determination of vehicle equivalence gures (pavement design)
overload control (pavement preservation)
The type of equipment which may be used for axle load surveys also varies
widely and includes:
static or dynamic weighing equipment
manual or automatic recording of loads
portable or xed installation
The quality of the data obtained will depend on the type of equipment used, the
duration of the survey and the degree of quality control performed. In general,
the higher the quality of the data, the greater will be the resources required to
collect them.
There is an almost inevitable trade-off between available resources and the
accuracy obtainable from a sample survey. The art of good survey design is to
know when the optimal value for money from the survey is achieved. Further
constraints exist for the data analysis stage. Some analysis techniques require
expertise, computer hardware and software which may not always be available.
Thus, the choice of analysis procedures may also involve trade-offs.
Portable weighbridge system.
Trade-offs in undertaking an axle load
Quality of
Quantity of
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Ultimately, an appropriate choice of equipment should be made in relation to
such factors as:
accessibility to back-up support (technical and maintenance)
ease of installation and use
accuracy of measurement required
acquisition and operational cost of equipment
It is also important that axle load surveys are carried out in a systematic and
standardised manner and separated from weighbridge measurements under-
taken for the purpose of enforcing axle load limits. Guidelines currently exist
in a number of SADC countries for carrying out axle load surveys.
Box 3.4 - Minimum information typically derived from axle load surveys
Axle loads of all heavy vehicles whether empty or loaded.
Vehicle category.
Loading in each direction of the road.
Each axle in a multi-axle combination shall be measured separately. The
survey point should also be equipped with sufcient capacity to weigh all
heavy vehicles that are passing in one direction at a time, both empty and
Measurement of rear axle load using portable
Axle load survey in progress. Such surveys
are typically carried out over a 24 hour
period for seven days.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
3.3 Appraisal
3.3.1 Investment in LVSRs
he road sector consumes a considerable part of the overall infrastructure
investments made in the SADC region and, with an increased focus on
poverty reduction, there is an increasing emphasis on those for LVSRs.
However, investment in such roads should be based on a set of clearly
understood needs for them. d The process of establishing those needs requires
detailed consideration of both the economic and social roles of roads and
these, in turn, must be seen in the context of larger community needs for
accessibility and mobility. Certainly the provision of roads will be only one
of the mechanisms used to satisfy those needs.
The various short-term effects and longer-term impacts of such road investments
may be depicted roughly as shown in Figure 3.4. They are not just a progression
in time, they are also a progression in certainty with the more distant
developments being more difcult to achieve and less certain to materialise.
Figure 3.4 - Effects and impacts of road investments over time
From the perspective of investment in roads only, employment is regarded as
certain. Such employment, and thus the potential for assisting the poor,
is obviously enhanced by the use of labour-based methods. With the
exception of employment, all the rest of the other effects and impacts are
indirect. Whether they occur or not depends on two factors:
(1) that trafc materialises as a result of the road improvement
(2) that this trafc is operating more efciently
3.3.2 Life-Cycle Costing
aving identied a short list of projects, it is the purpose of an economic
appraisal to ensure that the options considered represent a cost effective
way of delivering the road. Appraisals driven by economic requirements will
be relatively easy to identify via benet-cost analyses. However, traditional
appraisal frameworks do not cater well for economic justication of LVSRs
as poverty reduction and other social benet issues are more difcult to
quantify and tend to be ignored.
Road construction / maintenance
Non-road related employment
Non-agricultural production
Income effects
Social effects
Institutional changes
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Life-cycle costing uses economic evaluation
techniques to select, from a series of options,
the most economically appropriate new
road project and the maintenance and/or
rehabilitation treatment to be applied to an
existing road.
In traditional approaches to undertaking an economic analysis, the basic objective
is to determine the optimum mix between the costs of the project (related to the
design standard) and the benets from the project in terms of transport cost
savings and other secondary benets such as social and environmental benets.
The purpose is to nd the investment option that minimises life-cycle costs.
Figure 3.5 shows the conceptual total road transport cost curve which is made
up of the construction/rehabilitation costs, maintenance costs and road user
costs. It shows that as construction/rehabilitation costs increase (because of
higher design standards) road user costs are typically reduced. The optimum
road design standard is attained when the sum of the project costs are
minimised. This optimum standard varies in relation to trafc level and
the associated relative mix of construction, maintenance and user costs.
Figure 3.5 - Economic analysis of optimum road design standards
For a given trafc level, if the road were to be constructed to a standard
higher than the optimum, then the benets derived from a reduction in road
user and maintenance costs would not sufciently offset the costs of initial
construction and the resulting investment would be sub-optimal. This high-
lights the importance of ensuring that appropriate standards are adopted in
the planning, design, construction and maintenance of LVSRs. As might be
expected, the optimum design standard for a LVR is lower than for a HVR.
Principles of Economic Appraisal
Several methods exist for the economic appraisal of road paving projects for
which the primary objectives are to determine:
the appropriate size of investment and the returns to be expected from this
the appropriate geometric and structural design standards for the size of
investment in order to obtain the expected returns
the economic and socio-economic impact of investments such as the
improvement to the community of industrial, agricultural, educational and d
health services
Road User
Road Design Standard
Decreasing traffic Increasing traffic
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Through identifying, quantifying in monetary terms, and comparing the costs
and benets of different options, this technique is able to provide guidance
on the design, prioritisation and selection of candidate road projects by
addressing a wide variety of key decision-making issues. For instance:
is the investment economically justiable?
if there are a range of alternative investments, which option gives the
best economic returns?
is the timing of the proposed project optimal?
should components of the project be phased in over a period of time?
how does risk and uncertainty affect the choice of projects?
if funds are limited and there are many worthwhile investments, which
should be built rst?
An economic analysis considers the project from a national point of view. In an
economic cost benet analysis, the total costs and benets that arise from a pro-
ject are identied and measured, irrespective of who incurs the costs or benets
from the project. In contrast to a nancial analysis, no monetary transaction
needs to take place for an economic benet or cost to be incurred.
Main components: The main components of an economic evaluation are as
The identication of at least two different cases or scenarios; this will involve
one base or without investment case and at least one project or with
investment case.
The planning time horizon i.e. the period over which the evaluation is made.
An estimate of the project investment costs specied in economic price terms.
The benets of the project or projects specied in economic price terms
estimated from the differences in the costs of the with and without cases.
A year-by-year determination of the costs and benets of the different projects
over their design lives, using discounted cash ow techniques to bring them all
to their present value in terms of economic decision criteria such as
An investigation of how robust or reliable the results are through the use of
sensitivity analysis or risk analysis.
3.3.3 Quantication of Costs and Benets
here are two principal methods of quantifying project costs and benets
in economic terms, the Consumer Surplus approach and the Producer
Surplus approach:
(1) Consumer surplus approach: This is the orthodox approach to estimat-
ing the economics of road investments which assumes a reduction in trans-
port costs arising from savings in vehicle operating costs
. The direct benets
to road users - the consumer surplus - equals the product of the number of
trips and the cost saving per trip.
Distribution of costs and benets during the
life-cycle of a road option.
User cost
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
The consumer surplus approach is normally used for those projects where
trafc levels are likely to be sufcient for road user costs savings to justify
funding of the project. The minimum trafc threshold which makes this
approach appropriate to use is difcult to dene beforehand but is likely
to be of the order of 50 - 100 vpd.
(2) Producer surplus approach: In situations where no road exists and a
substantial improvement in vehicle accessibility is planned to help develop
an area, the producer surplus approach may be the most appropriate way of
estimating agricultural benets arising from road investment
. The producer
surplus approach estimates the predicted benets arising from the reduced
cost of agricultural produce which will normally be the same as that predicted
by a consumer surplus approach. However, when the producer surplus method
is used, passenger benets and other non-agricultural cost savings still need to
be estimated separately.
The agricultural production and the size of the producer benets are predicted
from the rise in farm gate prices brought about by the decline in costs of
transporting produce to market, as well as the decline in transport costs of
agricultural inputs. However, several difculties have been identied with
the application of this method, including the need for substantial amounts of
data, which may be either unavailable or of questionable reliability, and the
fear of double counting. For such reasons, the use of the producer surplus
method is not recommended unless there is a great deal of knowledge about
agriculture and its likely response to changes in input and output prices.
3.3.4 Project Costs
here are two main areas to address in calculating project costs:
1) The project costs for a range of alternative infrastructure standards.
2) Technology choice and the options available from labour-based to equip-
ment intensive.
The main project costs include:
planning/design costs
construction/supervision costs
road agency costs (administration, operation and maintenance)
road users costs (VOC and TTC)
Construction and maintenance costs can vary signicantly according to the
standards to which the road is built. There are signicant cost advantages
from using the LVSR standards as set out in this guideline and it is important
to have a detailed knowledge of these costs in the appraisal process. Table
3.4 gives the main options and the likely impact on construction costs.
Transporting bananas and other food-stuff
by bicycles.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Table 3.4 - Options for reducing construction costs
Option Potential Benets
Replacing a conventional geometric design
process by a design by eye approach, where
appropriate, and minimising deviations from
existing alignments.
Reduced earth works and environmental
damage. Earthworks can be typically 30%
of total construction costs in rolling terrain.
Use of more appropriate pavement designs
and natural gravel rather than crushed stone.
Reduced pavement costs due to lesser haulage
distances and reduced materials processing
Considering a range of infrastructure stan-
Allows an optimum standard to be adopted
which minimises total transport costs.
Utilising an existing gravel wearing course
e.g. as base or subbase .
Reduced haulage distances and materials costs.
Compacting subgrade and pavement layers
to refusal, where feasible, rather than to
arbitrary prescribed levels.
Increased density, reduced road deterioration
and increased maintenance intervals.
Adopting appropriate surfacing technologies
such as sand seals and Otta seals.
Reduced haulage distances, reduced processing
Increasing the use of labour and local
resources where appropriate.
Lower economic/nancial costs for specic
Using seals as a spot improvement measure. Reduced surfacing costs whilst maintaining
year round access.
The use of LVSR technology for spot improvements has, potentially, very
signicant applications on a wide range of roads that do not justify providing t
a seal over the entire length but could benet from spot sealing works.
These spots might include areas where there is signicant seasonal difculty
in maintaining access such as on steep slopes or areas that are prone to
ooding. They may also include stretches through towns and villages where,
for social and environmental reasons, a sealed road would reduce dust nuisance
and improve safety. Spot improvement strategies, particularly for the lower
volume roads, provide a good way of meeting the planning objectives of
maintaining basic access while minimising total transport costs.
3.3.5 Project Benets
hanges in the efciency of transport are the essential mechanism by t
which benets from road building are transferred or released
. These
changes are more than likely to occur with the sealing of an earth/gravel
road in the form of a reduction in vehicle operating costs (VOC). However,
other benets of a broader socio-economic nature are also likely to occur
and, by meeting specied social objectives, offer scope for achieving poverty
The benets arising from the upgrading of a LVR typically include:
developmental benets - such as benets to generated trafc
social benets - access to facilities through improved passability
road user cost savings - such as reduction in VOC and TTC
road agency benets - such as reduction in maintenance costs
In general, the more competitive and less distorted an economy, the more
likely that the primary benets will cover the full consequences of a road
investment. However, for the purpose of this Guideline, there is a case for
including secondary benets, particularly in circumstances where:
existing trafc volumes are relatively low
new road investments are made in remote rural areas
a relatively large change in transport costs is anticipated
there are unused resources
Short sections of road in poor condition can
benet signicantly from spot improvement
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Figure 3.6 - Overlap of primary and secondary benets
Social Benets
Social benets are not only some of the most difcult to quantify but, also,
there is no universally agreed method for incorporating them within an
economic analysis. Furthermore, a simplistic addition of social and economic
benets is likely to lead to problems of double counting.
The following provides some of the options that could be considered for
incorporating social benets within an economic analysis.
(1) Where roads suffer from impassability or trafckability problems there
will be additional benets from improved road provision that create year
round access. The principal social benets come from improved access to
health facilities and education services, employment opportunities and social
interaction. Little research has been done on the best way to quantify these
benets but practical approaches have tended to factor up conventional
VOC savings for the period a road suffers either passability or trafckability
(2) It is possible to identify key social criteria such as targeting the poorest
areas, reducing isolation to basic services and markets. These would have
to be identied on a project by project basis following consultation with
all the relevant stakeholders. In a similar way to the approach indicated
above, VOC benets could be factored up if the improvement of a particular
road met these social criteria.
(3) Benets from education and health facilities can be estimated from im-
proved access and the resulting improvements from income earning
opportunities. For example, benets from increased school enrolment levels
can be estimated based on higher life earnings of the children who would d
have otherwise remained unskilled. Health benets can be assessed based d
on reduced sick days away from work and the associated net income.
However, such an approach may involve considerable eld data collection
and analysis.
(4) Quantifying social benets in the same units as economic benets
. In this
approach, it is assumed that the population within a distance of 5 kilometres
on either side of the road will receive social benets as a result of the roadd
improvement. In so doing, social factors are converted to the same units
as VOC savings.
Estimate of
Estimate of
Area of overlap or
double counting
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Benets to Non-Motorised Trafc
In many SADC countries non-motorised trafc constitutes a signicant
proportion of the trafc on low-volume roads and, in many cases, this trafc
represents the majority of total tonne kilometres. Benets to non-motorised
trafc represent signicant savings that are not captured in a conventional
consumer surplus analysis and therefore, alternative methods need to be
Although there has been limited research into the impacts of road improvements
on non-motorised transport there are a number of sources of information that
will help planners to make estimates of the potential benets. Table 3.5 sets out
the sources and the type of information available.
Table 3.5 - Sources of information for non-motorised transport
Source of information Type of information
Roads Economic Decision
Model (RED)
Calculates VOCs for pedestrians, animal carts, and
Appraisal of investments in
improved rural access.
Economist guide
Contains a number of mini-guides including one on
calculating VOCs for non-motorised transport based on
HDM 4 relationships.
A handbook of rural transport
vehicles in developing countries
Contains look-up tables for a wide range of motorised
and non-motorised vehicles for different infrastructure
quality and distances.
Ghana prioritisation procedure
Provides VOC savings for bicycles and pedestrians
following road improvements.
Where estimates of benets to non-motorised transport are available it is
appropriate to add these to the benets from motorised transport.
3.3.6 Cost-Benet Analysis
Use of Investment Appraisal Models
he primary function of a road investment appraisal model is to calculate
the costs and benets of road construction, road maintenance and road
user costs for a specied analysis period. This is accomplished by modelling
the interrelationships between the environment, construction standards,
maintenance standards, geometric standards and road user costs. Such models
can be used to perform a number of economic analyses, one of which is to
identify unpaved roads that may be potential candidates for paving.
Typical components of a life-cycle cost analysis are shown in Figure 3.7 for
a base or without investment case (gravel road) and a project or with
investment case (paved road).
In very general terms, paving a gravel road will be economically justied
when the net present value (NPV) of the sum of savings in VOCs and main-
tenance costs, relative to a well-maintained gravel road, is at least as great
as the NPV of upgrading costs. Where not captured in the investment appraisal
model, socio-economic benets will need to be evaluated separately after the
economic appraisal has been carried out.
Research from Tanzania suggests that, on average,
just over 30% of the total tonne kilometres is
carried by non-motorised transport on low-
volume roads. This gure ranged from just over
8%for higher volume roads (over 150 vehicles
per day) to over 60% for the lowest volume
roads (less than 10 vehicles per day).
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Life-cycIe anaIysis period
Dption A - ase or without investment case (graveI road)
Dption - Project or with investment case (paved road)
S7 S7
0 5 10 15
7ime (years)
Key: P pavement / C gravel / RC regravel / RM routine maintenance /
S7 surface treatment / RV Pesidual value / NPV Net present value
Figure 3.7 - Typical components of a life-cycle cost analysis
Characteristics of Main Project Types
Candidate projects for upgrading typically fall in the following categories, viz:
Basic accessibility projects: including upgrading tracks and earth roads to
gravel roads.
Mobility projects: (a) bitumenising existing gravel roads
(b) strengthening/expanding capacity of existing
bitumenised roads
Investment in the above types of project is generally motivated by quite different
reasons and yields quite different types of benets. For convenience, these
project types may be categorised in relation to broad trafc bands as follows: t
Category I less than 50 vpd: Investments in this category of road are usually
poverty-targeted with a focus on social rather than economic objectives. Thus,
a least-cost or cost-effectiveness approach is usually adopted and investment
models are generally not appropriate for such roads
Category II 50 to 200 vpd: (Primary focus of this Guideline): Investments in
this category of road give rise to a mix of economic, social and environmental
impacts depending on their function and level of trafc carried, which can
include a signicant proportion of non-motorised trafc.
Category III more than 200 vpd: investments in this category of road give rise
to predominantly economic impacts in the form of reduced transport costs, as
well as to environmental impacts.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Suitability of Investment Appraisal Models
The economic evaluation of donor-funded road projects in the SADC region
generally requires the use of an internationally recognised investment model.
The following models which adopt the consumer surplus approach have been
used for that purpose:
Road Transport Investment Model (RTIM) developed by the UK Transport
Research Laboratory
PIARCs Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-4)
Unlike models such as the South African CB-Roads
and SURF
which were developed specically for local conditions, models such as RTIM
and HDM were developed to be applicable in a large number of countries
covering a wide range of conditions. Moreover, they are the result of the
collaboration of a number of international organisations and, as a result, the n
latest version of the HDM model, HDM-4, has become the de facto model for
use in the region, together with a more recently developed and simplied
derivative, the Roads Economic Decision Model (RED)
Whereas the HDM-4 model presents a very good framework for the economic
analysis of road investments, it is neither customized for LVRs nor does it
capture all the benets associated with such roads. In contrast, RED has been
customized for LVRs and offers a number of other advantages which are
contrasted with HDM-4 in Table 3.6.
Table 3.6 - Comparison of HDM-4 and RED appraisal investment models
Model Advantages Disadvantages
- A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways (1965).
- A policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (1984).
- Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-volume
Local Roads (ADT 400) (2001).
- Interim Guide to the geometric design of rural roads. (1980).
- Rural Road Design: Guide to the design of Rural Roads (1989).
- Road classications, geometric designs and maintenance
standards for low-volume roads (2001).
United Kingdom
- Overseas Road Note 6: A guide to geometric design (1988). X
By conducting road safety audits, a road
authority is showing that it has the intention
to improve the safety on its roads, and con-
sequently has a stronger defence against
tort liability claims.
Designs should cater for pedestrians as
well as vehicular trafc.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 16
Southern Africa
- Recommendations on Road Design Standards: Geometric
Design of Rural Roads (1987).
South Africa:
- G2 - Geometric Design Manual (South Africa, 2003).
Member states: Country manuals based essentially on one or
other of the guides listed above.
* These guidelines have very recently been developed and knowledge of their exis-
tence and use is still very limited.
All the guidelines/manuals listed above are based on different philosophies
and make different assumptions or use different criteria for developing
design values for the various design elements. For example, some guides n
give emphasis to safety considerations while others may place emphasis on
service level, capacity, comfort or aesthetic values. Not surprisingly, the
resulting design values recommended, and their related cost implications, all
differ, sometimes quite signicantly. Thus, it is essential for the designer to
have a thorough understanding of the origin, background and basis of devel-
opment of the design guides or manuals and related design criteria as a basis
for adaptation, where necessary, and subsequent judicious application to
LVSR situations.
In the next section, a comparison is made of design values obtained from
the application of some of the design guides considered most appropriate for
use in the SADC region.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 17
4.4 Design Controls and Elements
4.4.1 Techniques
here are a number of techniques that have been developed in recent years
which offer a considerable degree of exibility to the LVSR designer in
the design process as well as improve the quality of the design. These are
described briey below:
Context Sensitive Design
Context Sensitive Design
is responsive to, or consistent with, the roads
natural characteristics and human behaviour, i.e. the design can deviate when
necessary from accepted design criteria. Consideration is given to the desires
and needs of the community by inviting the appropriate stakeholders to
participate in identifying solutions so that they are acceptable to the community.
Context Sensitive Design recognises that exceptions may be required in some
cases in applying standards. For example, where provision of an engineered
alignment results in excessive earthworks, it may be preferable to lower the
design speed in order to minimise social or environmental impacts.
Design Domain Concept
The design domain concept
, shown in Figure 4.8, recognizes that there is
a range of values which could be adopted for a particular design parameter
within absolute upper and lower limits. Values adopted for a particular design
parameter within the design domain would achieve an acceptable, though
varying, level of service in average conditions in terms of safety, operational,
economic and environmental consequences.
Cost or
Practical lower limit
lower limit Design domain
Practical upper
Range of values
Figure 4.8 - The design domain concept
While values within the lower region of the design domain are generally less
safe and less operationally efcient, they are normally less costly than those
in the upper region. In the upper region of the domain, resulting designs are
generally safer and more efcient in operation, but may cost more to con-
struct. The design domain sets the limit within which parameters should
be selected for consideration within the value-engineering concept.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 18
The design domain concept provides the following benets to the designer:
It is directly related to the true nature of the road design function and
process, since it places emphasis on developing appropriate and cost-
effective designs, rather than simply meeting standards.
It directly reects the continuous nature of the relationship between service,
cost and safety and changes in design dimensions. It thus reinforces the
need to consider the impacts of trade-offs throughout the domain and not
just when a standards threshold has been crossed.
It provides an implicit link to the concept of Factor of Safety - a conceptt
that is used in other civil engineering design processes where risk and
safety are important.
An example of the design domain concept for shoulder width is shown in
Figure 4.9
Figure 4.9 - Example of design domain application - shoulder width
Conventional approaches to design involve precise engineering surveys over
the total length of the road as a basis for producing horizontal and vertical
alignments and cross-sections on working drawings from which quantities
are normally calculated. The cost of this approach, which is normally
justied for relatively high-volume/standard roads, can hardly be justied d
for relatively low-volume/standard roads.
Design-by-eye is a relatively simple approach to design which is intended
primarily for the upgrading of existing LVRs where the geometry is adequate.
In this approach, the route alignment is chosen by eye at the time of con-
struction by experienced site staff who are aware of the economic, operational
and safety consequences of geometric design.
User cost
0 1,0 2,0 3,0
Width (m)
Design domain
The exibility offered by the
Design Domain concept
For many elements, a range of dimesions is
given and the designer has the responsibil-
ity of choosing the appropriate value for a
particular application. If a design involves
compromise, it may be more appropriate to
compromise several elements by a small
amount than to compromise one element
excessively. It is important that a design
should be balanced.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 19
Box 4.4 - Advantages of the Design-by-eye approach
Enables the engineer to t the alignment to the terrain so that it causes
minimum disturbance to any existing facilities and the adjacent physical
Obviates the need for a conventional topographic survey of the existing
road and normal plan and prole drawings do not need to be prepared.
Allows the geometry of the road to be described on a simple road location
straight-line plan showing roughly the horizontal alignment with kilometre-
stationing and possible improvements indicated, such as sight distances.
Minimises earthworks, increases speed of construction and reduces
preparatory costs and, ultimately, construction costs by 10 - 20 per cent.
Can result in a nished product of at least similar quality to the conventional
The design-by-eye approach is best suited to situations where detailed
documentation in terms of drawings and quantities is not required. This includes
situations where construction is undertaken by a management team or by
in-house construction units rather than by a contractor governed by rigidly
specied contractual and payment conditions of a contract.
The degree to which the design-by-eye approach is applied in relation to
conventional approaches (full horizontal and vertical survey and control) can
also vary widely depending on local circumstances and can include the
following options:
no survey, but brief indications of corridor, areas to avoid, required
ll/cut heights for drainage, soils, or other information
survey of the horizontal alignment and/or vertical alignment with spot
surveys of alignment options at critical locations
survey of the horizontal alignment and vertical alignment up to e.g. sub-
base level only. Base course then to be placed within thickness tolerances
4.4.2 Controls
he need to relate the physical elements of a road with the requirements of
the driver in an environmentally acceptable manner imposes a number of
controls on the road designer. Many of these controls relate to the characteristics
of the road environment; those that may be appropriate for one environment
may well not be appropriate for another. The more important design controls
driver characteristics design trafc
design speed design vehicles
sight distances environmental factors
Design parameters such as driver-eye-height and perception-reaction time vary
considerably among drivers as well as vehicle type and driving conditions.
Thus, in relation to the underlying assumptions made, guidance on various
design parameters pertaining to driver characteristics vary quite signicantly
as illustrated in Table 4.3. As a result, the values derived for related design
elements such as sight distance are affected. Such guidance should be care-
fully evaluated in relation to the assumptions made and their applicability to the
project situation.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 20
Parameter Design Guide
Driver eye height (m) 1.00 1.05 1.15
Brake reaction time (secs) 2.50 2.00 2.50
Object height (stopping) (m) 0.10 0.20 0.20
Object height (passing)(m) 1.00 1.05 -
Speed Kills Kill Speed
Table 4.3 - Driver characteristics recommended for rural/low-volume roads TT
Design Speed
The design speed is probably the most inuential factor affecting the geometric d
design of a LVSR and is inuenced by the following factors:
nature of the terrain
classication of the road
density and character of the adjoining land use
trafc volumes and composition expected on the road
Design speed is normally taken as the maximum speed that 85% of the drivers
are expected to adopt over a specied section of the completed road when
conditions are so favourable that the design features of the road govern the
drivers choice of speed. The higher the design speed, the higher, usually, the
cost of construction. In undulating country, a rough rule of thumb is that an
increase of 20 km/h in the speed standard doubles the cost of earthworks.
It is noteworthy that the conventional design speed approach to specifying
alignment design standards carries implicit assumptions regarding driver behaviour
which have not been substantiated by empirical research
. Alternative design
procedures have been developed which ensure compatibility between align-
ment standard and observed driver-speed behaviour, and in which emphasis
is placed on consistency and driver expectancy rather than absolute minimum
standards. Such an approach is believed to result in safer operations, particularly
for low-standard alignments, than the conventional design speed approach
As a result, it would appear better suited to the SADC region where driver
behaviour is a critical determinant of operational, and hence, design speed.
Although speed has been viewed traditionally as the most inuential factor
affecting the geometric design of LVSRs, it is also suggested that life-cycle
costs could be considered as the most important factor
. The rationale
behind this approach is that cost will continue to be the most critical d
constraint on LVSR provision. This cost minimisation approach also applies t
to the horizontal and vertical design (4.4.3 Elements). Speed, geometrics etc.
would then emerge as the outputs from the life-cycle costs analysis.
Speed limits can be used to inuence driver behaviour, but only if they are
realistic. When the speed limit is set at a level that is signicantly different
from the 85
percentile of the free speed, this tends to produce an accident
prone situation as drivers tend not to adjust their speeds to the notional
classication of the road but, rather, to its physical characteristics. Attention n
should therefore be given to creating a road environment which tailors the
operating speed to a level commensurate with the constrained alignment
The expertise required by the low-volume
road designer may lie in his ability to make
his intentions clear to the road user and to
create a state of mind in the driver such that
he will be content to travel at safe speed.
However, while the approach is sound,
quantitative guidelines are still lacking.
Non-standard sign intended to shock drivers
into driving carefully.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 21
Box 4.5 - Design versus operational speeds in the SADC region
There are marked differences in the physical environments of countries in the SADC
region which, as a result, have a large inuence on the application of a number
of geometric parameters. For example, the terrain in countries such as Botswana
and Namibia is mostly at. As a result, operational speeds tend to be much
higher than the design speed and, from a trafc safety perspective, there may
be need to introduce special measures to constrain the high operational speed
close to the design speed. In contrast, in countries such as Lesotho, Seychelles
and Mozambique, the terrain in parts is very mountainous. As a result, the
design features of the road govern and sometimes constrain the drivers
selection of speed.
Guidance on design speeds is given in a number of design manuals
which all purport to apply to rural/LVRs in developing countries. The design
speeds recommended vary, presumably depending on the philosophy of design
adopted and the environment for which they are meant to apply - examples
are shown in Table 4.4. In view of the critical effect that design speed has on
the values of other geometric elements and the related costs of implementing
them, careful consideration should be given to the choice of this inuential
Table 4.4 - Recommended design speed values for selected design guides
Parameter Design Guide
Trafc (ADT) - 100 - 400 >100
Terrain F R M F R M F R M
Design Speed km/h 70 70 50 70 60 50 80 70 50
Note: F = at, R = rolling, M = mountainous.
Design Vehicle
The physical characteristics of vehicles and the proportions of the various
sizes of vehicles using a road are positive controls in design and dene
several geometric design elements. The dimensions used to dene design
vehicles are typically the 85
percentile value of any given dimension but
are, in fact, hypothetical vehicles selected to represent a particular vehicle class.
The dimensions of design vehicles adopted in design manuals developed
overseas are, quite naturally, based on vehicle types found in those countries.
However, the range of vehicle types found in the SADC region and their
operating characteristics, in terms of vehicle performance, condition, usage,
trafc mix and road users attitude, vary quite signicantly from those in
developed countries. Thus, careful attention should be paid to design vehicle d
characteristics in the LVSR design process.
Vehicle size regulations in the region have undergone substantial revisions
in recent years which have resulted in the emergence of relatively large,
multi-vehicle combinations up to 22 metres in length. These developments
also indicate the need to adopt design vehicles that are appropriate to the
Braking distance and those factors which
depend on it, such as sight distance, are
approximately proportional to the square
of the speed and every increase in the design
speed represents a signicant increase in
the value of these factors. However, extra
construction costs are usually offset by the
benets to trafc, namely increased safety,
capacity and convenience, and lower road
user costs.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 22
Design Trafc
The design trafc is a critical design control which has a major impact on
all geometric design elements of a road. For HVRs, this factor normally
applies only to motorised trafc in terms of Annual Average Daily Trafc
(AADT) in the design year. However, for LVSRs, due account must also be
taken of non-motorised trafc, animal-drawn vehicles and large pedestrian
ows near urban and peri-urban areas which all affect such design elements
as carriageway and shoulder widths. Unfortunately, none of the recent
regional guidelines and few international guidelines, fully cater for non-motorised
trafc. Measures that could be considered are wider shoulders, sealed shoulders,
wider side drains or physical separation from motorised trafc, all of which
will increase costs.
Sight Distance
A critical feature of safe road geometry is provision of adequate sight
distance the distance ahead that can be seen by the driver. As an irreducible
minimum, drivers must be able to see objects on the road with sufcient
time to allow them to manoeuvre around them or to stop. The basic elements
of sight distance which are important to LVRs include:
stopping sight distance - the distance needed for safe stopping from travelling m
meeting sight distance - the distance needed for drivers of two vehicles
travelling in opposite directions to bring their vehicles to a safe stop
passing sight distance - the distance needed to see ahead for safe overtaking
The values of Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) and Passing Sight Distance
(PSD) recommended in various design manuals for rural/LVRs vary quite
signicantly as shown in Table 4.5. For SSD, this is due to different assump-
tions regarding brake reaction time and braking distance, which is dependent
on vehicle condition and characteristics and object size. For PSD, this is due
to different assumptions about the component distances in which a passing
manoeuvre can be divided, different assumed speeds for the manoeuvre and,
to some extent, driver behaviour.
Table 4.5 - Minimum stopping (SSD) and passing (PSD) sight distances
40 44 110 35 - - -
50 - - 50 140 50 -
60 79 230 65 180 - -
70 - - 85 240 90 -
80 126 420 - - 110 -
100 185 700 160 430 - -
Sight distance has an impact on road safety. Poor visibility alone may
cause a collision between oncoming vehicles. No local guide is available
for LVSRs. In the nal analysis, therefore, the designer should be aware of
the differences in sight distance recommended by various guides and should
adopt values for which the underlying assumptions accord closest to project
Designs need to accommodate expected
trafc over the life of the road.
Good sight distances on a well-designed
LVSR. Note wide shoulder and shallow
slope to drainage ditch which both reduce
potential hazards.
Deep V-type drainage ditches leave no
room for recovery if a vehicle runs off the
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 23
Environmental Issues
All road projects have an impact on the environment. However, the provision
of LVSRs that result in an improvement of existing earth/gravel roads without
involving major earthworks or disturbance of existing cut and ll slopes or
drainage patterns have little or no environmental impact. Indeed, the introduction
of a sealed road as a replacement for an earth/gravel road has an important
positive effect on the environment in that there is no longer any dust from
the earth/gravel road which would have had a negative impact on the
environment, particularly when the road passed through built up areas.
When there is a new road alignment or when spot improvements include
excavations in existing slopes, the environmental impacts of the works
should be evaluated and suitable remedial measures introduced. Where slope
instability or erodible soils present a problem, various remedial measures
need to be considered, including bio-engineering methods, sometimes in
combination with engineering structures. Such measures can also be used to
improve surface drainage, particularly in rolling and hilly terrain with steep
Because of the low levels of trafc on LVSRs, environmental pollution from
these roads is also low. However, there may be some slight increase in air
pollution from increased emissions if steeper grades and super-elevations result
from a design-by-eye approach. The disturbance due to noise is also increased
in hilly areas where the strain on the engines due to steep gradients and
heavy loads is extensive. Because of the low trafc volumes on LVSRs, the
environmental impacts from emissions and noise are rather limited, but an
environmental impact assessment should always be carried out.
In order to minimise the adverse impacts of LVSR provision, it is important
to carry out an environmental audit at the commencement of the design process.
Such an activity aims to:
design road corridors to minimise environmental and social/cultural impacts
and maximise user safety
integrate the results of the geometric planning process into the design
identify appropriate design options to minimise impacts of the proposal andd
be compliant with the design brief
provide an Environmental Design Report that sets out various criteria for
minimising environmental impacts
consider the objectives of all road users, and the natural and cultural values
of the community through consultation
minimise disturbance to the natural vegetation and landscapes
ensure road drainage systems use natural drainage lines and maintain catch-
ment integrity at all times t
Bio-engineering offers the engineer a new
set of tools, but does not normally replace
the use of civil engineering structures. The
materials and skills are all available in rural
areas, however remote.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 24
4.4.3 Elements
he road design process includes the selection, sizing and linking of the
following elements which, to a large extent, is inuenced by the chosen
design speed:
bridges and culverts
horizontal alignment
vertical alignment
All of the above elements affect road safety by inuencing the ability of the
driver to maintain vehicle control and identify hazards. It is therefore essential
that particular attention should be given to safety as a prime design criterion.
The following elements of the road cross-section for various classes of
LVSRs need to be considered:
width of carriageway
width of shoulders
width of road reserve
Of particular importance to LVSRs is the issue of catering simultaneously for
the requirements of motorised as well as non-motorised trafc and pedestrians.
In such circumstances, it will be necessary to consider cost-effective ways of
segregating these various types of road users within an appropriately
designed cross-section in which carriageway and shoulder widths play a d
crucial role.
Relatively wide shoulders (typically 1.5 to 2 metres) are particularly important
in mixed trafc situations and serve the following important functions:
movement of pedestrians and non-motorised trafc with minimum
encroachment on the carriageway t
provision of additional manoeuvring space for vehicles and on which a
driver may regain control of his vehicle if it goes out of control
provision of space for the use of vehicles which are broken down
provision of additional width to the cross section thereby improving sight
Examples and comments on appropriate values for the cross section elements
for various classes of LVSRs are given in Table 4.6.
Lay-bys provide a safe haven where vehicles
can pull off the road.
A segregated footpath can be a cost-effective
means of catering for high volumes of
pedestrian trafc.
Where a segregated footpath is not possible,
the use of relatively wide, sealed shoulders
provides an acceptable surface for walking
or cycling.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 25
Table 4.6 - Examples of typical cross-sectional widths
Trafc Flow
Carriageway Shoulder
Comments Width
Primary ~ 400 6.0
Two commercial
vehicles will pass
completely within the
carriageway; some
movement towards
the edge may occur.
1.0 Represents the minmum
width recommended. Need
to provide edge markings
on shoulder. Widths may
need to be increased to
cater Ior pedestrians or
non-motorised traIfc.
For traIfc saIety reasons,
sealing oI shoulders is
recommended. This is also
advantageous Ior structural
and maintenance reasons.
Secondary 100 - 400 5.5
Need to maintain a
minimum width oI
5.5 m to avoid severe
edge break even at low
traIfc levels.
20 -100 3.0 Single lane. Two com-
mercial vehicles will
pass completely within
the total width oI 6.0 m
utilising the shoulders.
Note: In case of a high percentage of heavy vehicles, say over 40%, it is advisable to increase the
carriageway to 5.5, 6.0 or 6.5 metres.
Higher standards will put a higher demand on the construction and maintenance
budget and this needs to be considered at the design stage. For instance,
increased road width produces a greater area to be maintained, thus increasing
costs. However, increased width also spreads the traffc loading over a great-
er area, thereby to some extent reducing pavement deterioration. Thus, as
described in Chapter 3, a life-cycle cost analysis of the various options should
be undertaken to provide guidance on the optimum solution.
Camber and cross-fall: A commonly recommended value of all design manuals
for the minimum normal cross fall on a paved road is 3%, including shoulders
where they have the same surface as the carriageway. The preferable maximum
value of super-elevation is normally set at 6 - 7% and with an absolute maximum
of 10%. As indicated in Table 4.7, the use of a higher value of super-elevation
makes it possible to introduce a smaller horizontal curve based on the same
design speed.
Table 4.7 - Design radii for different super-elevations
Design speed
Horizontal radius (m)
(Super-elevation 6 )
Horizontal radius (m)
(Super-elevation 10)
60 100 85
HrIdges and CuIverts
The cross-section on bridges needs additional consideration, particularly where
they have been built with a restricted carriageway width. In such situations, there
may be insuffcient clearance for a truck to pass a pedestrian safely. This engenders
a need to provide a segregated footpath and, where this is not possible, to employ
traffc calming measures in combination with warning signs.
HorIzontaI AIIgnment
The following horizontal alignment elements need to be considered for
various classes of LVSRs:
minimum radius of curvature
minimum stopping sight distance
minimum passing sight distance
widening of curves
Severe edge break on a 5.0 m carriageway
even at relatively low trajc levels (< 100
A segregated jootway on a narrow bridge
provides protection jor pedestrians.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 26
In general, the horizontal alignment should conform to the landscape. On
new alignments, long straights should be avoided as they have an adverse
impact on the motorist. Measures are required to reduce headlight or sun
glare in appropriate circumstances, as well as to reduce boredom and fatigue.
On existing alignments, as far as possible, upgrading should be undertaken
without changing the existing curve geometry and cross-section. Curve
improvements should focus on low-cost measures designed to control speeds,
enhance curve tracking or mitigate roadside encroachment severity.
Minimum horizontal curvature is governed by maximum acceptable levels of
lateral and vertical acceleration, minimum sight distances required for safe
stopping and passing manoeuvres and values of side friction assumed for the
road surface type. These design parameters are, in turn, related to the vehicle
speeds assumed in the design. Curvature standards are thus explicitly or
implicitly dependent on a number of assumptions which, as illustrated in
Table 4.8, result in quite different values of minimum horizontal radii. The
choice of minimum radius of horizontal curves has a signicant impact on
earthworks and costs and therefore needs additional consideration in LVSR
Table 4.8 - Comparison of minimum radii of horizontal curvature
Minimum radius of horizontal curvatures (m)
Side f e=10 e= 6 Side f e = 10 e = 6 Side f e=7-10
40 - - - 0.30 30 35 - -
50 - - - 0.25 60 65 0.35 45
60 - 110 140 0.23 85 100 - -
70 - - - 0.20 130 150 0.31 100
80 - 210 250 0.19 175 200 0.26 160
100 - 350 420 0.15 320 375 - -
F = side friction, e = super-elevation
Vertical Alignment
The main components of the vertical alignment include:
maximum gradient
minimum stopping or passing sight distances on crest curves
minimum radius of crest and sag curves
Vertical alignment has a direct effect on construction costs and depends on
terrain. Cost can be reduced by reducing earthworks through careful route
selection. Greater maximum grades should be considered for lower standard
roads than for those with a higher classication. The benets gained from
reducing vehicle operating costs and time costs are unlikely to offset the
additional construction costs of implementing minimal grades.
Table 4.9 shows the values for vertical crest and sag curves recommended by
different design manuals for rural/LVRs in developing countries. As indicated
in the Table, there is a considerable difference between the values recom-
mended for both vertical crest and vertical sag curves, largely because of the d
different assumptions made in their derivation. The values recommended in
the SATTC guide for trunk roads are based on headlight illumination criteria
while the values by TRL ORN6 and ARRB are based on driver comfort
criteria. In the SADC region, LVSRs serve a number of different functions
and in very different terrains. In the absence of a local guide for LVSRs, t the
designer will need to determine which of the recommended values are most
suited to the local terrain and road function (primary, secondary or tertiary).
Good combination of curves and adequate
horizontal curvature provide for a safe road
environment. However, a lack of road mark-
ings constitutes a serious safety hazard.
Poor visibility due to hidden sag curve
- a potential cause of accidents.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 27
Figure 4.10 - Examples of good and poor combinations of horizontal
and vertical alignments
Example of good alignment design - a smooth-fowing appearance
results when vertical and horizontal curves coincide
Example of a poor alignment design - uncoordinated horizontal and vertical curves
Table 4.9 - Comparison of minimum values of 'K` for vertical curves
40 6 8 3 1.3 - -
50 11 12 5 2.2 5 4
60 16 16 10 3.5 9 6
70 23 20 16 4.8 14 8
80 33 25 - - 23 10
85 - - 30 8.1 - -
90 46 31 - - - -
100 60 36 60 13.1 63 16
Notes: 1-Based on stopping sight distance. 2-Based on headlight illumination criteria. 3-Based
on comfort criteria.
PhasIng oI HorIzontaI and VertIcaI AIIgnments
Certain combinations of horizontal and vertical curves can result in drivers
seeing an apparent distortion in the alignment or grade or both, even though
the horizontal and vertical curves comply with design rules. Other combinations
can hide a change in horizontal alignment for the driver. Thus, proper
sequencing of horizontal and vertical curvature is important for accident
prevention. However, such sequencing is usually attained at the cost of extra
earthworks and a careful balance must be struck between the costs and benefts
of such an undertaking. Examples of good and poor alignment designs are
shown in Figure 4.10.
The K
valued jor a vertical curve is dejined
as the length oj vertical curve in metres jor a
1% change in grade.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 28
4.5 Roadside Safety, Education
and Enforcement
4.5.1 Roadside Safety
he roadside environment and its design play an important role in road
safety. Elements of this environment include:
roadside furniture and obstacles
road signs, markings and studs
parking facilities, lay-bys and passing lanes
trafc calming measures and lighting
Roadside Furniture and Obstacles
Whilst fullling important safety roles, both roadside furniture and obstacles
can have negative safety implications as well which include:
obstructing the view of road users and line of sight of drivers and
causing a risk of vehicles colliding into them
The ideal situation is to provide for a clear zone, which is kept free of hazards,
including roadside furniture and obstacles. However, in cases where the
provision of clear zones is too expensive or impractical due to topographical,
environmental or other constraints, options should be considered to reduce the
seriousness of the consequences. Figure 4.11 provides guidance on dealing with
roadside hazards in order to provide a forgiving roadside.
Can road section be redesigned
to allow for safe transversal?
Can road section be relocated to a
position where it is less likely to be
hit by an errant vehicle?
Can an appropriate breakaway device
be used to reduce accident severity?
Apply traffic calming if required
Can delineation be provided to increase
the awareness of the presence of the
roadside hazard?
due to the seriousness of the hazard
Can roadside hazard be removed?
Leave as is
Figure 4.11 - Selection process to ensure a forgiving roadside
Roadside furniture includes:
Road signs.
Street lighting.
Guardrails, etc.
Roadside obstacles include:
Illegally positioned advertising signs
within road reserve.
Power lines or other utility poles
within road reserve.
Building structures.
Deep side drains.
An unforgiving roadside is one which is not
free of obstacles that may cause serious
injuries to occupants of light vehicles.
Non-standard cattle warning sign.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 29
Road Signs, Markings and Studs
Road safety is greatly facilitated by the provision of road signs, markings and
reective studs, which provide drivers with information about routes, road
geometry, etc.
Road signs help to regulate trafc by assigning right of way and indicating
regulations in force, warning road users of hazards and guiding the road user
through navigational information. Road markings play a complementary role
to road signs by conveying additional information to the driver, particularly
in terms of delineating various road elements, such as the width of the lane
or edge of the carriageway. Road studs, sometimes colour-coded, may be
used to supplement road markings where these are subject to conditions of
poor or limited visibility. The SATCC Road Trafc Signs Manual
should be
used as far as possible to maintain consistency throughout the region.
Road signs generally need to be located within close proximity of the road-
way (i.e. within the clear zone) and therefore need to afford some protec-
tion to errant vehicles. This can be achieved through the use of a simple
breakaway device, using a notched wooden support.
Signs, particularly regulatory and warning signs, must be maintained in a
sound order (i.e. reectivity, cleanliness, visibility) as they play a crucial
role in terms of road safety in giving information on rules and hazards
further ahead (e.g. sharp curves, steep down grades, areas of high pedestrian
activity, etc).
Regular maintenance (trimming) of grass verges and shrubs is particularly
important at bends, around road signs, and where pedestrians and animals
cross regularly. Poles for services and trees in the road reserve are hazardous
for vehicles accidentally leaving the road, and they may also hinder sight
distance. Large trees may need to be removed from the immediate roadside.
The use of high standard guard-rails is safety efcient, but is very costly.
Simpler types of guard-rails or delineators made of painted wooden poles
may be used instead of the normal types of guard-rails.
In case of nancial constraints, rst priority in the placement and main-
tenance of signage should be given to regulatory and warning signs. Reec-
tivity of road signs must be adequate for the purpose, with higher reectivity
for warning signs and little (or no) reectivity for guidance signs. Ideally,
signs should be reectorised, but ordinary paint is better than no sign at all.
Road studs should only be considered on road sections where mist is prevalent.
They can usually be discontinued on shoulders and be replaced by edge lines
as they suffer signicant wear and tear.
Channelisation of Trafc
Warning signs and reduced speed limits are particularly important near
localised areas of high activity, such as stretches of road with ribbon d
development, where there is inadequate sight distance for normal overtaking
manoeuvres, and the crests of hills. Speed calming devices can also be used
as self-enforcing measures where compliance to warning signs and speed
limits are low.
Various SADC trafc signs as contained in
the SATCC Trafc Signs Manual.
Additional signage should be provided on
dangerous curves.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 30
The easiest and cheapest way of segregating pedestrian and vehicular trafc is
through the use of road markings (i.e. demarcation of shoulders.) These can
be in white paint; although the use of another colour (e.g. yellow) helps to
identify the particular function of the marking. However, kerbs and even
guard-rails can be used to physically separate pedestrians and vehicles. They
can also be used to give added protection to pedestrians over bridge and
other structures. If there is sufcient room in areas of high pedestrian movement,
a footpath (perhaps raised with a kerb to dissuade vehicles from using it) can
be provided, either alongside the road itself; or preferably separated by a grass
or earth verge of some kind.
Even on low-volume roads there will be areas where pedestrian movements
and trafc ow are sufciently high that pedestrians should be provided with
assistance to allow them to cross the road safely. This is especially important
near schools and shops. This might involve providing clearly signed zebra
crossings with or without a central refuge. As well as offering pedestrians
protection, crossings and refuges promote trafc calming and also encourage
pedestrians to cross where it is safer to do so.
Parking Facilities, Lay-bys and Passing Lanes
If the road topography permits, provision should be made for stopping and
parking vehicles. Thus the road design should take account of the need for
bus stops, the location of (ofcial or unofcial) street vendors and market
stalls, shops and schools. Off-road parking areas should also be provided for
rickshaws and taxis and so on.
When there are steep gradients, provision can be made for faster vehicles to
pass slow moving lorries and buses safely. This can be provided by having an
additional crawler lane, or occasional lay-byes for slow moving vehicles to
pull in to let trafc queues pass. However, for LVSRs, the cost-benet aspects
of such measures need to be carefully considered.
At the end of steep descents, emergency provision should also be made for
out-of-control vehicles with brake-failures or those travelling too quickly.
For example, beds of gravel can be provided to stop vehicles that are out of
control and hazardous objects should be protected or removed.
Trafc Calming Measures
Although trafc-calming measures are generally aimed at reducing speeds
and diverting trafc (decreasing trafc volumes) in urban areas there are a
number of measures that are appropriate for LVSRs. They are normally used
on sections of road where there are a high proportion of unprotected/
vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and animal drawn carts, etc), or
where there is a localised (unexpected) change in the design speed. Speed
calming measures can basically be categorized according to the extent to which
they may have an effect, namely:
localised trafc calming measures, which include warning signs and d
markings, speed humps, rumble strips, jiggle-bars, pinch-points,
roundabouts together with road surface texture and colour
continuous trafc calming measures, such as speed humps, along a stretch
of road
Simple, innovative measures may help to
separate trafc and improve the road safety
situation for non-motorized trafc in built-
up areas.
Dedicated crossings provide increased safety
for pedestrians if correctly positioned and
By deterring drivers from using road shoulders,
the use of shoulder humps can improve the
safety of pedestrians and cyclists
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 31
Speed humps are one of the most effective localised trafc calming measures,
but require precision in design and construction to achieve a comfortable ride
when traversed at the desired speeds but uncomfortable to drivers exceeding
this speed.
Rumble strips in combination with trafc signs and/or speed humps, as
appropriate, are trafc calming devices used to gradually reduce high
speed before a dangerous spot. Community acceptance is very important
for successful implementation of trafc calming devices.
Physical roadway design to enforce speed limits, such as narrowed lane
width, can also be employed. This, however, has to be balanced by the
need for passing opportunities, which is generally determined by the trafc
mix. Visual narrowing of the roadway can have the same effect on speed as
physical narrowing and can be achieved by using edge lines or omitting centre
Many rural communities graze farm animals such as cows and goats on
road-side vegetation. Ideally such animals should be tethered or supervised.
This can be encouraged by providing community education programmes.
Domestic pets and wild animals can also pose a hazard for road users. In
some SADC countries, fencing is used and can be effective if well main-
tained but the high cost means that it is seldom used along LVSRs. Often
when fences are erected, gates are left open and gaps appear due to theft and
vandalism, which rapidly reduces their effectiveness.
Street Lighting
This can help visibility and safety but is expensive and generally unaffordable
in the context of LVSR. There might, however, be situations where street
lighting of the road can be considered, for instance, when passing built-up
areas, schools, hospitals and busy intersections.
4.5.2 Education and Enforcement
oad safety education (RSE) is an important tool to raise awareness of
problems and behaviours related to trafc and road safety. It involves
teaching children, and often adults, to be safer road users. It does so by
knowledge and understanding of road trafc
behavioural skills necessary to survive in the presence of road trafc
an understanding of their own responsibility for keeping themselves safe
knowledge of the causes and consequences of road accidents
a responsible attitude to their own safety and to the safety of others
Well-designed speed humps are an effective
means of slowing down trafc.
Stray cattle are a trafc safety menace in
some countries.
Road safety education for school children,
an important awareness raising tool.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 32
RSE should be provided during formal schooling by trained teachers who are
provided with suitable resource materials. However, it should also be recognised
that not all children attend school and that many adults have never received any
proper road safety education. This can be overcome by providing community
road safety education programmes in addition to formal teaching in schools.
Where literacy rates are low, special teaching methods can be used (e.g. drama,
singing and dance) while road safety education can be incorporated into other
curriculum topics (such as science and geography). RSE needs to be relevant,
practical (participatory) and regular and aimed at the childs level of education
and social development. In some situations the children themselves can be used
to educate either their parents or other children.
Road safety publicity campaigns can also raise the awareness of problems and
behaviour in addition to improving knowledge, shaping attitudes and behaviours,
as well as stimulating discussion and debate. These publicity campaigns can
include local drama performances in which tribal languages are used in order
to reach illiterate persons. Community workshops, radio, television and cinema
can also be successfully used.
Box 4.6 - Examples of innovative road safety initiatives
In Swaziland community involvement has been used to solve road safety
problems. A project was recently launched whereby children were employed
to control stray animals on rural roads during critical times of the year
(e.g. during the Easter holidays.) The community was also mobilised to
erect roadside fences. The road authorities provided the materials for
construction. Once erected, the community became involved in the
maintenance of the fences on an on-going basis which provided a valuable
source of employment for them.
Trafc law enforcement is meant to achieve the safe and efcient movement
of all road users including non-motorised trafc and pedestrians. In this regard,
enforcement of trafc rules (such as speed limits, stop signs and rules at
pedestrian crossing facilities) can be used to signicantly improve road user
behaviour and safety.
Unfortunately, because of a severe shortage of trained trafc police, trafc
law enforcement is inadequate. As a result, drivers tend to disregard regu-
lations and a general disregard for trafc law often gradually becomes the
norm. This situation highlights the need to promote trafc law enforcement
more vigorously, including the use of well mounted campaigns which, ideally,
should be accompanied by education and publicity. The objective should be
to improve the behaviour (and safety) of the majority of road users, rather
than to simply catch (and punish) a few. Moreover, such strategies should
not be used as a simple means of raising money - but to improve safety.
Road safety awareness campaign in progress.
Enforcement is an essential component for
improving road safety.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 33
The functionality and characteristics of the LVSR network in the
SADC region are quite different from those in industrialised coun-
tries. Trafc operations tend to be complex, comprising a mixture of
both motorised and non-motorised trafc and there is often a relatively
high proportion of commercial vehicles.
There are no geometric design standards for LVSRs in any SADC
country based on in-country research into economic and safety factors.
National standards are generally based on adaptations of those developed
in industrialised countries and often do not cater for the characteristics
of the road environment in the region.
No single design guide or manual can be recommended for use as they
are based on different philosophies and make different assumptions or
use different criteria for developing design values for the various
geometric design elements.
It is essential for the designer to have a thorough understanding of the
underlying criteria and assumptions that have inuenced the development
of existing design guides or manuals as a basis for adapting them,
where necessary, to suit the local road environment.
Road safety is a major problem with accident rates being some of the
highest in the world. There is an overriding need to incorporate road
safety measures in the geometric design process. Road safety audits
should be introduced as part of the road design process in all countries.
Road safety education and enforcement are key factors which can have
a major inuence on road safety and should be given high priority in
order to promote a road safety culture for all ages of road users.
This chapter has reviewed established and more recent approaches to
geometric design, particularly in the context of road safety. The need for
adopting appropriate standards has been stressed and the scope for improving
the appalling road safety situation highlighted. Design standards will have an
impact on pavement design and road surfacing - subjects that are covered in t
Chapter 5.
4.6 Summary
he key points raised in this chapter are:
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
34 Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 34
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offcials
(1990). A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.
Washington D.C.
AUSTROADS (1989). Rural Road Design: Guide to the Geometric
Design of Rural Roads. 7
Edition. Austroads: Sydney.
Gichaga F J and N A Parker (1988). Essentials of Highway Engineering.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd, London and Basingstoke.
Ross A (1998). Road Safety in Developing Countries. Jour. Inst. of
Highways and Transportation, April 1988.
Transport Research Laboratory, Ross Silcock Partnership and Overseas
Development Administration (1991). Towards Safer Roads in Developing
Countries - A Guide for Planners and Engineers. TRL, Crowthorne.
Austroads (1994). Road Safety Audits, NSW.
Hoque M M, M McDonald and R D Hall (1998). Relevance and
Introduction of Road Safety Audit in Developing Countries, AUSTROADS
International Road Safety Audit Forum, Melbourne.
CSIR Transportek (2001). G2 Geometric Design Manual, CSIR, Pretoria.
Transport and Research Laboratory (1988). Overseas Road Note 6, A Guide
to Geomeric Design, TRL, Crowthorne.
National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (1980).
Interim Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural Roads. Sydney.
Austroads (1989). Rural Road Design - Guide to the Geometric Design
of Rural Roads, Sydney.
Giummarra G (2001). Road Classifcations, Geometric Designs and
Maintenance Standards for Low-volume Roads. Research Report AR
354, ARRB Transport Research Ltd, Vermont South, Victoria.
Carl Bro International. (1990). Recommendations on Road Design
Standards. Volume 1: Geometric Design of Rural Roads. Southern
Africa Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC), Maputo.
Federal Highway Administration. (2001). Geometric Design Practices for
European Roads, Mobility, Safety, Community Issues, Context Sensitive
Design, US Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.
McClean J R (1979). Review of the Design Speed Concept. Australian
Road Research Board 8 (1), 3-16. Sydney.
McCelan J R (1979). An Alternative to the Design Speed Concept for
Low Speed Alignment Design. Proc. 2
Int. Conf. on low-volume roads,
Transport Research Record 702, 55-63, TRB.
4.V HeIerenues and BIbIIograpby
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 35
Assum T (1998). Road Safety in Africa: Appraisal of Road Safety Initiatives
in Five African Countries, SSATP Working Paper No. 33, The World Bank,
Washington, D.C.
Boyce A M, M McDonald, M J Pearce and R Robinson (1988). A Review of
Geometric Design and Standards for Rural Roads in Developing Countries,
Contractor Report 94, TRL, Crowthorne.
Committee of Land Transport Offcials (1999). South African Road Safety
Manual Volume 4 : Road Safety Audits (Final Draft), Pretoria.
Committee of Land Transport Offcials (1999). South African Road Safety
Manual Volume 6: Roadside Hazard Management (Final Draft), Pretoria.
Committee of Land Transport Offcials (1999). South African Road Safety
Manual Volume 7: Design for Safety (Final Draft), Pretoria.
Cron F W (1978). A Review of Highway Design Practices in Developing
Countries. Reprinted in Transportation Technology Support for Developing
Countries, Compendium 1, Geometric Design Standards for Low-volume
Roads. Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences,
Washington, D.C.
Dhliwayo M E (1997). A Review of the Road Safety Situation in Africa,
Proc. 3
African Road Safety Conference, Pretoria.
Dixon J A, R A Carpenter, L A Fallon, P B Sherman and S Manipomoke
(1986). Economic Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Development
Projects. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London.
Downing A J et al. (1991). Road Safety in Developing Countries: An
Overview. PTRC 19
Summer Annual Meeting. Proc. of Seminar C.
Hills B L, R S Mansfeld and R Robinson (1984) Appropriate Geometric Design
Standards for Roads in Developing Countries. Int. Conf. On Roads and
Development, Paris, 22-25 May 1984 (Revised 1986).
Institute of Highways and Transportation (1990). IHT Guidelines for the
Safety Audit of Highways, London.
Jacobs G and A Aeron-Thomas (2000). Africa Road Safety Review Final
Report. U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C.
Kosasih D, R Robinson and J Snell (1987). A Review of Some Recent Geometric
Road Standards and Their Applications to Developing Countries. TRL
Research Report 114, Crowthorne.
McClean J R (1977). Geometric Road Design - Some Recent Research.
Proc. 15th ARRB Regional Symposium.
Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission (1990).
The SATCC Road Traffc Signs Manual, SATCC, Maputo.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Geometric Design and Road Safety 4 - 36
Lebo J and D Schelling (2001). Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport
Infrastruture-Ensuring basic Access for Rural Communities, World Bank
Technical Paper No. 496, Washington, D.C.
Ltter H J S (1999). Road Safety Diagnostic System for South Africa.
Linkping Institute of Technology, Linkping University, Linkping.
McClean J R (1978). The Role of Geometric Standards. Second Conference
of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia, Better Roads
as Instruments of Progress, Vol. 2, Manila.
McClean J R and J B Metcalf (1985). Economic Design Standards for Low
Trafc Roads. ARRB.
National Road Safety Council of Kenya. (1990). Manual on Accident
Prevention Using Low-Cost Engineering Countermeasures. Ministry of
Public Works, Nairobi.
Neuman T R (1999). Design Guidelines for Very Low-volume Local Roads
(<400 ADT), Final Report of NCHRP Project 20-7(75), CH2M Hill Chicago,
Ogden K W (1996). Safer Roads: A Guide to Road Safety Engineering,
Avebury Technical.
Oglesby C H and M J Altenhofen (1969). Economics of Design Standards
for Low-volume Rural Roads. NCHRP Report 63. Highway Research
Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National
Academy of Engineering.
Robinson R (1981). The Selection of Geometric Design Standards for Rural
Roads in Developing Countries. TRL Supplementary Report 670, Crowthorne.
Ross A (1992). Road Safety Checks. Infrastructure Notes, Infrastructure
and Urban Development Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
South African Roads Board (1991). Implications of Alternative Standards
for South African Rural Roads, Interim Report IR 91/112/1, Pretoria.
South African Roads Board (1989). The Design, Construction and Maintenance
of Low-volume Roads and Bridges in Developing Areas, Report S89/2, Pretoria.
Thagesen B (Ed.) (1996). Highway and Trafc Engineering in Developing
Countries, Publisher: E & F Spon, London.
Transport Research Laboratory (2002). Cost and Safety Efcient (CaSE)
Design of Rural Roads in Developing Countries. TRL Unpublished Report
PR/INT/242/2002, Crowthorne.
Transport Research Laboratory/Department for International Development
(2001). CaSE Highway Design Note 2/01: Horizontal Curves, Crowthorne.
Transport Research Laboratory/ Department for International Development (2001).
CaSE Highway Design Note 3/01: Vulnerable Road Users, Crowthorne.
Transport Research Laboratory/ Department for International Development
(2001). CaSE Highway Design Note 4/01: Roadside, Village and Ribbon
Development, Crowthorne.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1. Introduction
2. Regional Setting
3. Planning, Appraisal &
Environmental Issues
4. Geometric Design
and Road Safety
5. Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
6. Construction and
7. Maintenance and
Road Management
8. Vision to Practice
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
38 38
Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
5.1 Introduction ..........................................................5 - 1
5.1.1 Pavement Design ............................................ n 5 - 1
5.1.2 Materials .....................................................5 - 2
5.1.3 Surfacing .....................................................5 - 3
5.1.4 Purpose and Scope of Chapter ...........................5 - 3
5.2 Pavements, Materials and Surfacing Terminology ..........5 - 4
5.2.1 Components..................................................5 - 4
5.2.2 Requirements of a Pavement .............................. t 5 - 5
5.2.3 Performance ..................................................5 - 6
5.2.4 Perceived causes of Deterioration of LVSRs ...........5 - 7
5.2.5 Terminology .................................................5 - 8
5.3 Materials ..............................................................5 - 10
5.3.1 Formation and Classication.............................. n 5 - 10
5.3.2 Characteristics of Pavement Materials ...................5 - 13
5.3.3 Soil Improvement ........................................... t 5 - 18
5.3.4 Specications ................................................5 - 20
5.3.5 Prospecting ...................................................5 - 22
5.3.6 Testing ........................................................5 - 23
5.3.7 Materials Inventory .........................................5 - 25
5.4 Pavement Design ....................................................5 - 27
5.4.1 Objective .....................................................5 - 27
5.4.2 Pavement Design System .................................. m 5 - 27
5.4.3 Input Variables ..............................................5 - 28
5.4.4 Design Process .............................................5 - 37
5.4.5 Design Output ............................................... t 5 - 42
5.5 Surfacing ..............................................................5 - 43
5.5.1 Introduction .................................................. n 5 - 43
5.5.2 Objective .....................................................5 - 43
5.5.3 Role and Function of Surfacings .........................5 - 43
5.5.4 Types and Performance Characteristics ................5 - 44
5.5.5 Constituents, Properties and Specications ............5 - 46
5.5.6 Selection of Surfacing Type...............................5 - 51
5.5.7 Surfacing Design............................................ n 5 - 56
5.6 Summary..............................................................5 - 57
5.7 References and Bibliography.....................................5 - 58
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 1
PavemenI DesIgn,
MaIerIaIs & SurIauIng
5.I 1nIroduuIIon
5.1.1 Pavement DesIgn
he objective of pavement design is to provide an economic structure, in
terms of material types and thicknesses, that can withstand the expected
traffc loading over a specifed time, without deteriorating below a predetermined
level of service. This provides a particular challenge for designers, as existing
methods of pavement design, even those developed in the SADC region,
generally cater for relatively high volumes of traffc (> 0.5 million Equivalent
Standard Axles (ESAs)). As a result, such methods are often inappropriate
for application to LVSRs for which environmentally induced, rather than
traffc-induced, stresses tend to play a dominant role in pavement deterioration.
Thus, there is a need to be very discerning in the application of current
pavement design methodologies and to adapt them, where necessary, to suit the
prevailing conditions of climate, materials, traffc loading and other related
0utot|on ol oct|v|t|es
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 2
The outcome of the design process, in terms of the type of structure chosen,
is inuenced by the preceding phases of planning and geometric design and,
in turn, determines many aspects of construction requirements. It also inu-
ences the level and type of maintenance necessary to keep the pavement at
the design serviceability level. In order to ensure a successful outcome, n
there is a need to ensure that the design process is undertaken in a holistic
manner that takes full account of a variety of inuential factors, as discussed
in Chapter 3.
5.1.2 Materials
aturally occurring soils and gravels are an important source of material
for use in the construction of a LVSR. This is because these materials
are relatively cheap to exploit by comparison with processed materials such
as crushed rock. Moreover, in many SADC countries, they are often the only
source of material within a reasonable haul distance of the road. Thus, because
of the substantial inuence that naturally occurring materials exert on the
cost of a LVSR, typically about 70 per cent, it is essential that the benets of
using them are fully exploited in road construction.
Unfortunately, many of the naturally occurring road building materials in the
SADC region are disparagingly described as being non-standard, marginal, r
low-cost, or even sub-standard! This is because such materials are often
unable to meet the required specications, which are usually based on European
or North American practice that did not always make provision for local
conditions. However, there are many examples of naturally occurring materials,
such as laterite and calcrete, that have performed satisfactorily despite being
sub-standard with respect to their grading, plasticity or strength. Where
failures have occurred, investigations have generally shown that poor quality
construction or drainage problems were more likely the cause, rather than
the materials themselves.
The use of local materials requires not only a sound knowledge of their
properties and behaviour but also of the trafc loading, physical environment,
and their interactions. In addition, it will require the use of appropriate pave-
ment design methods and the application of appropriate design standards
and materials specications, coupled with construction quality that complies
with the required standards and specications.
Box 5.1 - The challenge of using natural gravels
Calcrete and laterite are typical examples
of natural gravels which, although occurring
throughout southern Africa, had generally rr
been considered to be unsuitable for use in
base courses. However, experience and full-
scale trials in a number of SADC countries
have demonstrated that these materials can
be used successfully in the upper layers of
Naturally occurring calcrete found under a
relatively thin layer of overburden.
The term natural gravel refers to a gravelly
material occurring in nature as such, (e.g.
laterite) or which can be produced without
crushing. Some processing, to remove or
break down oversize may still be necessary.
However, a distinction is made between
these natural gravels, and material pro-
duced from crushed hard rock, and is referred
to as crushed stone base.
c m
0 300 600 900
Vertical stress
900 kPa
tyre pressure
600 kPa tyre pressure
50 kN wheel load
30 kN wheel load
Stress distribution versus depth in a pavement
subjected to wheel loading
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 8
Overloading unexpected heavy loads after design
very high tyre contact pressures, sometimes associated with
weakening of upper base layers due to crushing or carbonation
Quality of
inadequate/poor compaction
poor workmanship/supervision/construction standards
inadequate use of appropriate plant
poor mixing of materials/permeable pavements
inadequate classication of soils
non-availability of good natural gravels, presence of poor
subgrade soils
salt damage
low quality of surfacings
sodic, dispersive and other problem soils
climatic (temperature and weather) extremes
erosion of shoulders and side slopes
Design inadequate pavement design/design specications
poor shoulder design/lack of sealed shoulders
at terrain/low embankments/inadequate camber
increased generated trafc
The above perceived causes of deterioration of LVSRs are indicative of the
range of important issues that should be addressed when considering the
pavement, materials and surfacing aspects of such roads (dealt with in this
chapter) are considered, as well as other aspects pertaining to construction and
maintenance (dealt with in Chapters 6 and 7 respectively).
5.2.5 Terminology
Naturally occurring materials: These include natural soils, gravel-soil mixtures
and gravels. Little or no processing is required other than, possibly, loosening
the in situ material by ripping and breaking down (usually with a n grid roller)
or removing oversize particles. The cost of such materials is, typically, about
25% of crushed stone. They may be used in their natural state or modied
with small amounts of lime, bitumen or cement. Crushing may occasionally
be required.
Standard/traditional materials: These are dened as materials which meet
traditional specications, such as those of the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Ofcials (AASHTO). Such materials are tolerant
of construction mishandling and adverse environmental conditions and will
probably perform well in most cases. However, when used as specied, their
use is often excessively conservative for the level of performance required from
An essential feature of most traditional specications for standard materials
is a requirement for strict compliance with limitations on particle size
distribution (grading), plasticity index and aggregate strength. This is partly n
to avoid the use of any materials in pavement layers that are susceptible to
the weakening effects of water and frost. Crushed rock and river-washed
and uvio-glacial gravels are thus the predominant materials used for building
roads in temperate climates. The export of these practices to tropical and
subtropical regions has meant that the potential of natural gravels, especially
in the drier areas of such regions, have often been neglected.
As-dug, nodular laterite gravel used in
LVSR construction.
Crushed limestone is a typical standard
material that is produced by crushing of
blasted, massive rock to a specied grading.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 9
Non-standard/non-traditional materials: These comprise any material that
is not wholly in compliance with the specications used in a country or region
for a standard or traditional material, for example, as regards grading or PI.
Nonetheless, it has become increasingly recognized worldwide that, under
favourable circumstances, many such materials can and, indeed, have been
used successfully. However, this requires an in-depth knowledge and experience
of the properties of such materials and the conditions necessary for successful
performance - requirements which have been facilitated by the extensive
research work undertaken in the SADC region in the past 20 - 30 years. n
It should be noted that the concept of non-standard in relation to materials
is specic to a particular time and place associated with our level of under-
standing of the behaviour of the material and knowledge of how to use it.
For example, forty or fty years ago, gravel was considered as a nonstandard
material because crushed stone, the standard material, was used in the
construction of Macadam and Telford pavements.
A number of different terms are used to describe a road surfacing which,
as described in Section 5.2.1, normally consists either of some kind of non-
structural bituminous surface treatment or of a structural layer of pre-mixed
bituminous material. Typical terms include:
surface treatment
surface dressing
chip and spray
chip seal
sprayed seal
The above terms all essentially describe a similar product in that, in the
construction of these seals, a thin layer of bitumen is sprayed onto the existing
road surface (base or existing seal) and one or more layers of aggregate or
sand are applied.
asphaltic concrete
A layer of premixed materials (aggregate and bitumen).
Laterite is a typical example of a non-
standard material that has been success-
fully used in LVSR construction despite its
non-compliance with traditional strength,
grading and plasticity requirements.
A typical surface treatment operation -
spraying a thin layer of bitumen onto a road
surface prior to the application of aggregate.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
10 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 10
5.8 MaIerIaIs
5.3.1 FormatIon and CIassIBcatIon
n contrast to the abundant deposits of clean, durable, fuvioglacial gravels
such as those used in much of Europe and the USA, the materials available for
pavement construction from southern Africa have undergone considerable
depths of weathering or pedogenesis
. The materials are therefore mostly
residual weathered igneous rocks (e.g. basalt, dolerite and granite), meta-
morphic rocks (e.g. gneiss and quartzite), sedimentary rocks (e.g. shale and
mudrocks) and pedogenic materials (e.g. laterite, calcrete and ferricrete). These
pavement materials are generally weaker than those of northern Europe and
North America but road subgrades, other than those in localized problem areas,
e.g. 'black cotton soils or collapsible sands, tend to be generally stronger.
A simplifed view of the formation of soils and rocks that form the backbone
of road construction materials in the region is given in Figure 5.4. The manner
in which such materials differ from conventional road building materials is
presented in Table 5.2.
0 0
# 2
Table 5.2 - Differences between conventional and pedogenic materials
Property Conventional (crushed rock
base, river gravels, glacial
Pedogenic (laterites, calcretes,
ferricretes, silcretes)
Climate Temperate to cold Arid, tropical, warm temperate
Composition Natural or crushed Varies Irom rock to clay
Aggregate Solid, strong rock Sometimes porous, weakly cemented
Clay minerals Mostly illite or montmorillonite Wide variety, e.g. halloysite,
None (usually) Iron oxides, aluminium hydroxide,
calcium carbonate, etc
Chemical reactivity Inert Reactive
Grading Stable Sensitivity to drying and working
Solubility Insoluble May be soluble
Weathering Weathering or stable Forming or weathering
Consistency limits Stable Sensitive to drying and mixing
Salinity Non-saline May be saline
SelI-stabilisation Non-selI-stabilising May be selI-stabilising
Variability Homogeneous Extremely variable
Four types oj calcrete jound in some SADC
countries: (1) Boulder, (2) Nodular, (3)
Powder, (4) Calcied Sand.
Figure 5.4 - Soil-Rock cycle
1 2
3 4
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The road-making materials commonly used in the construction of LVSRs
in southern Africa can mostly be classifed as crushed or natural, residual or
transported gravels and soils derived from the following main groups
basic crystalline (e.g. dolerite, andesite, basalt)
acid crystalline (e.g. granite, gneiss)
high silica rocks (e.g. quartzite, hornfels, chert)
arenaceous rocks (e.g. sandstone, conglomerate)
argillaceous (e.g. mudstone, shale, slate, schist)
carbonate rocks (e.g. limestone, dolomite)
diamicites (e.g. tillite)
pedocretes (e.g. calcrete, laterite, ferricrete, silcrete)
Each group has a characteristic range of properties and potential problems
that should be taken into account in test methods and specifcations. For
example, a PI of up to 15 may be allowable in an unstabilised calcrete or later-
ite gravel base, whereas a value of more than 1 or 2 may be problematic in a
base composed of a basic crystalline rock, even if stabilised
Ultimately, the challenge of selecting pavement materials for low-volume
roads in southern Africa is essentially one of quantifying the risk associated
with departing from the use of traditional, high quality materials. For such
materials, specifcations rely heavily on experience with traditional 'ideal
materials from more temperate climates which, as stated previously in this
chapter, do not necessarily apply to local materials. Fortunately, the extensive
research carried out in the region over the past two decades has gone a long
way towards quantifying the conditions under which local materials can be
used with confdence.
1nBuence oI CIImate
The southern African climate exerts a signifcant infuence on the properties
of natural road building materials, as well as on the subsequent performance
of roads in which such materials are used. In this regard, the various climat-
ic zones in the SADC region may be characterized by the Weinert N-Value
which correlates broadly with mean annual rainfall, as shown in Table 5.3
Table 5.3 - Climatic zones: Approximate mean annual rainfall and N-values
Climatic Zone Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid
Weinert N-Value ~ 10 5 - 10 2 - 5 2
Mean Annual
RainIall (mm)
250 250 - 500 500 - 800 ~ 800
The climatic N-values for southern Africa are also signifcant in that they
provide some indication of the dominant mode of rock weathering and the
related engineering properties of the resulting products. The values N = 2,
N = 5 and N = 10 are of particular signifcance and their contours are
shown in Figure 5.5.
Soils and granular materials in the SADC
region are inherently variable in terms oj
their engineering properties such as plastic-
ity, grading and strength. Bhen considering
their appropriate selection jor L\SRs, it is
important to consider how the compacted
material will interact with the road environ-
ment, i.e. moisture susceptibility, swell and
collapse characteristics, particle degradation,
durability, etc. Specialist testing may be re-
quired with basic rocks, pedocretes (calcrete,
silcrete, etc) and various weathered materials.
Weinert`s N-Value
The Beinert N-value is calculated jrom
climatic data as jollows:
N = 12.E
Bhere E
= evaporation during hottest
month (1anuary)
Pa = annual precipitation
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 12
Climatic N-value
Figure 5.5 - Climatic N-value map of southern Africa
(currently does not cover the entire SADC region)
The Weinert N-values and climatic zones provide an important insight into
the properties and engineering characteristics of the naturally occurring
materials of the SADC region. This fosters a clear understanding of the
likely behaviour of these materials in particular environments and allows
practitioners to design and build LVSRs in a wide range of circumstances
with greater condence.
In areas where N-values are greater than 5, mechanical disintegration - the
physical breakdown of rock - tends to predominate. In areas where N-values
are less than 5, chemical decomposition - the chemical alteration of a rock
- predominates. This can lead to the transformation of certain minerals into
some type of clay. From these divisions, very broad but important generalisations
can be made about the soil prole, as indicated in Table 5.4.
Table 5.4 - Characteristics of materials in relation to climate (N-value)
N-value Material Characteristics Signicance of material properties
N < 2 Rocks are extensively weathered,
often to depths of several metres, and
decomposition is pronounced. Smectite
minerals are the principal products of
the decomposition of basic crystalline
Materials tend to have relatively high
plasticity and are moisture sensitive. Basic
igneous rocks are often not durable and
prone to degradation in service. Careful
attention should be paid to the internal
and external drainage of pavement.
N = 2-5 Conditions similar to above but the thick-
ness of residual soil cover gradually decreases
as the N = 5 contour is approached.
N = 5-10 Thickness of residual soil cover grad-
ually decreases even further than above.
Disintegration is the dominant mode of
N > 10 All rock types weather by mechanical disin-
tegration alone and the shallow residual soils
are commonly granular and gravelly.
Materials have relatively low plasticity
and are not particularly sensitive to
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5.3.2 Characteristics of Pavement Materials
aterials used in pavement layers can be classied into four categories
as follows:
Unbound granular - 1. Unprocessed (naturally occurring, as dug).
- 2. Processed (screened, mechanically stabilized).
- 3. Highly processed (crushed to specied grading).
Bound granular - 4. Cement, lime, bitumen or pozollanic material.
The material types described above derive their strength from a combination
of the following intrinsic properties
inter-particle friction
cohesive effects from ne particles
soil suction forces
physico-chemical (stabilization) forces
The relative dependence of a material and the inuence of moisture on each
of the above components of shear strength will signicantly inuence the
manner in which they can be incorporated within a pavement. For example,
unbound/unprocessed materials (e.g. calcrete or ferricrete) are highly dependent
on suction and cohesion forces for development of shear resistance that will
only be generated at relatively low moisture contents. Special measures there-
fore have to be taken to ensure that moisture ingress into the pavement is
prevented. Otherwise suction forces and shear strength will be reduced as
illustrated (notionally) in Figure 5.6, possibly resulting in failures.
Box 5.2 - Soil suction and its contribution to shear strength - basic concepts
Soil suction: As the grain size of a ne-grained material decreases, the total
exposed surface area becomes very large in relation to the volume of voids
within it. Under these circumstances, molecular forces, which are only
effective for very short distances from the surface, begin to play an increasingly
important role. They are essentially attractive in nature and can provide
signicant additional strength. The forces are equivalent to, and can be
described by, a reduction in pressure in the poresor voids in the material. d
This is referred to as suction.
As the magnitude of soil suction can be very much greater than normal
atmospheric pressure, the effective pressure can become highly negative.
Its value depends not only on the amount of uid in the pores (voids) but
also on its nature, i.e. dissolved salts. As the pores ll with water, the
magnitude of the suction decreases rapidly.
Soil strength and stiffness: The shear strength of granular materials and normally
consolidated ne-grained soils is described by the well known effective stress equation:
Shear strength = (cohesion) + [(normal stress) (pore pressure)] Tan (angle of internal friction)
The strength and stiffness of a pavement layer are reduced if pore pressure
is increased (at high moisture contents) and, conversely, are increased when
pore water pressure is decreased (at low moisture contents). When the pore
pressure equals the total stress, internal friction becomes negligible and the
shear strength is equal to the cohesion.
Thus, it is pore water pressure or suction of the water in the pavement,
rather than the amount of water, that affects pavement behaviour. Two soils
of different textures may have similar strength, and stiffnesses, even though t
their moisture contents may be quite different.
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Figure 5.6 - Illustrative soil strength/suction relationship
Problem Soils and Materials
By virtue of their unfavourable properties, a number of soils and materials
fall into the Problem soils and materials category and, when encountered,
would normally require special treatment before acceptance in the pavement
foundation. This category of soils and materials includes:
low-strength soils
expansive clays (black cotton soil)
collapsible sands
dispersive soils
organic soils
saline soils or presence of saline water
weathered materials
The characteristics, investigation, testing and design counter-measures to
deal with problem soils are well covered in the literature and are not dealt
with in depth in this Guideline. In dealing with such materials, a careful
balance has to be struck between the cost of the counter-measures and the
benets to be derived, bearing in mind the relatively small user benets
generated by LVSRs.
The main characteristics of typical problem soils found in the SADC region
are highlighted below:
Low-strength soils: Soils with a soaked CBR of less than 3 per cent (< 2
per cent in dry climates) are described as Low-strength soils. Typical treatment
measures for such soils include:
removal and replacement with suitable material
chemical or mechanical stabilization (see section 5.3.3)
elevation of the vertical alignment to increase soil cover and thereby n
redene the design depth within the pavement structure
Equilibrium moisture content
Optimum moisture content
1 2 3 4
Soil suction
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Expansive soils: These clay soils exhibit particularly large volumetric changes
(swell and shrinkage) following variations in their moisture contents. They
shrink and crack when they dry out and swell when they get wet. The cracks
allow water to penetrate deep into the soil, hence causing considerable
expansion. This results in deformation and unevenness of the road surface,
since the expansion and the subsequent heave are never uniform. Furthermore,
if the side slopes are not gentle enough these volume changes may produce
lateral displacements ('creep) of the expansive soil. When dry, some expansive
soils present a sand-like texture and are prone to erosion to a much greater
extent than what would be normally expected from their plasticity and clay
The measures chosen to minimize or eliminate the effects of expansive soils
for LVSRs need to be economically realistic and proportionate to the risk
of potential pavement damage and increased maintenance and user costs.
Typical methods include:
realignment, where possible
excavation and replacement
chemical treatment
minimising moisture changes
wide (at least 2 m), sealed
avoidance of side drains
gentle side slopes (1:6 or fatter)
minimum earthworks cover
of 0.6 m
Normal settlement
with soil partially
Additional settle-
ment - no change
in applied pressure
but increase in
moisture content
0 l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Clay Content (< 2 m)
Low < 2 %
Qualitative measure oj soil expansiveness
(Modied van der Merwe Chart).
N.B - P/ test to be carried out on material
passing the 0.075 mm sieve.
Typical longitudinal cracking caused by
large volumetric changes in an expansive
soil subgrade.
Collapse settlement in excess oj 150 mm
ajter impact rolling.
Expansive black cotton soil exhibiting widely
spaced shrinkage cracks.
Figure 5.7 - The basic concept of additional
settlement due to collapse of soil fabric
Collapsible sands: These sandy soils
occur mostly in the arid and semi-arid
regions of southern Africa, particularly in
the Kalahari Desert regions of western Bot-
swana and eastern Namibia. They exhibit
a weakly cemented soil fabric which,
under certain circumstances, may be in-
duced to rapid settlement. A characteristic
of these soils is that they are all un-
saturated, generally have a low dry
density and a low clay content. At the in-
situ moisture content they can withstand
relatively large imposed stresses well in
excess of the overburden pressure with
little or no settlement. However, without
any change in the applied stress, but an
increase in moisture content, additional
settlement will occur, as shown in Figure
5.7. The rate of settlement will depend
on the permeability of the soil. Useful
indicators for assessing the collapse
potential of a soil include density and
grading (ref. Table 5.5). More rigorous
tests to quantify collapse potential include
the single odometer test in which an undisturbed sample is loaded at its natural
moisture content up to 200 kPa and then saturated. The collapse potential of the
material is a mathematical expression, in percentage terms, of the reduction in
Box 5.3 - Conditions to be satished
before collapse settlement can occur
the soil must have a collapsible
it must be partially saturated
the applied load must exceed the
overburden pressure
there must be an increase in
moisture content after the load
has been applied
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Table 5.5 - Indicators of collapse potential and severity of problem
Property Guide to
Potential (%)
Degree of
Dry density (kg/m
) < 1600 0 - 1 No problem
% passing 2.0 mm and
retained on 0.75 mm sieve
> 60% 2 - 5 Moderate trouble
% passing 0.075 mm sieve < 20% 6 - 10 Trouble
Relative density < 85% 11- 20 Severe trouble
> 20 Very severe trouble
a See Botswana Road Design Manual
Methods of dealing with collapsible soils includes the following:
Excavation of material to a specied depth below ground level and d
replacement in thin lifts (typically 200 mm).
Ripping of the road bed, inundation with water and compaction with
heavy vibrating rollers.
Use of high energy impact compaction at in situ moisture content.
The above measures are all relatively expensive to undertake and a careful
balance should be struck between the costs and benets of their application
to LVSRs
Dispersive soils: These soils, some of which are clayey gravels, are easily
eroded in the presence of water - a property that makes them problematic
when they occur in cut slopes and in drainage channels. They are generally
found in areas where the climatic N-value is between 2 and 10. They have
almost no resistance to erosion, are susceptible to pipe developments in t
earthworks, crack easily and have low shear strength. Their identication
involves the use of a combination of indicator tests, observations of erosion
patterns, soil colour, terrain features and vegetation.
The following measures are typically employed where dispersive soils are
erosion protection in cut slopes and drainage channels
modication with 2% to 3 % lime
Saline soils or presence of saline water: The presence of soluble salts in
pavement materials or subgrades can cause damage to the bituminous surfac-
ings of LVSRs. This problem occurs mostly in the semi-arid regions of
southern Africa where the dry climate, combined with presence of saline
materials (often calcrete or minewaste) and/or saline ground or surface water,
create conditions that are conducive to the occurrence of salt damage. Such
damage occurs when the dissolved salts migrate to the road surface, mainly
due to evaporation, become supersaturated and then crystallize with associated
volume change. This creates pressures which can lift and physically degrade
the bituminous surfacing and break the adhesion with the underlying pave-
ment layer. Generally, the thinner the surfacing layer is, the more likely the
damage, primes being the most susceptible and thick, impermeable seals the
least susceptible.
Salt damage may appear in the form of
blistering, doming, heaving and
ufng of the prime or surfacing.
An example of severe distress to a runway
surfacing due to salt attack resulting in
damage within two years of its construction.
voids ratio, in relation to the thickness of the potentially collapsible material and
provides a guide to the potential severity of the problem.
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It is quite feasible, and often cost-effective, to use saline materials in LVSR
construction, rather than haul non-saline material great distances. However,
this requires a sound knowledge of the project environment and the type of
salts and salinity levels in the materials as a basis for designing and specifying
appropriate preventative measures and monitoring of salt levels during and after
Guidelines for the prevention and repair of salt damage to roads and run-
ways have been developed based on research work carried out in the region
and elsewhere
. These guidelines provide guidance on methods of testing
and measurement of salts as well as on repair methods where damage has
already occurred.
Weathered materials: Weathered materials, such as basic igneous rocks
(e.g. basalt, dolerite), occur extensively in southern Africa and are common-
ly used in the construction of LVSRs, either in their natural (untreated) or
chemically stabilised states. The properties of these materials are governed
by their mineralogy and apparently sound rock containing secondary
minerals liable to decomposition by weather or traffc must be avoided.
Specialised testing may therefore be required to assess their long term durability
for which reference should be made to Draft TRH13: Cementitious stabilisers in
road construction
Waste MaterIaIs
Numerous types of 'waste materials can be recycled into aggregates and
additives for use in LVSRs. However, an imaginative approach is required to
recognise their potential use - a use that would alleviate the need to open new
gravel sources, thereby reducing the environmental impact of the provision of
new, or upgrading/rehabilitation of existing infrastructure. The use of waste
materials, where feasible, will also reduce the impacts associated with their
stockpiling (e.g. dust from a dump).
Examples of waste materials that can be considered for use in LVSRs include:
waste rock dumps at mines and quarries (base and surfacing aggregate)
slags from metal processing (base course)
crushed glass (surfacing aggregate)
clinker ash (subbase and base course)
fy-ash (mechanical stabilization agent on fnes-defcient material)
phosphogypsum (mechanical stabilization agent, subbase material)
tyres (ground for bitumen rubber, chips for light-weight fll, complete
for bank stabilization and slope-failure repairs)
Prior to use, materials should be subjected to a standard testing programme,
as well as an environmental assessment to ensure that no signifcant environ-
mental impacts occur as a result of the use of the material. As certain materials
may also have relatively high soluble salt contents, additional tests should be
carried out to ensure that their presence will not infuence the performance of
the surfacing.
Sample oj weathered, decomposed basalt,
showing altered clay minerals in rock vesicles
and cavities.
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5.3.3 Soil Improvement
here suitable naturally occurring gravels are not available within an
economical haulage distance, it may be necessary to resort to some
form of stabilisation the process by which additives are used to enhance
the properties of subgrade and pavement materials - in order to improve the
materials properties, including strength, volume stability, durability and
The additives in common use in the region are:
granular materials Mechanical stabilisation
portland cement
lime (quicklime and hydrated lime)
pozzolans (y-ash, pumice, scoria)
Chemical stabilisation
bitumen and tar
The following factors inuence the selection of the most suitable method of
site constraints
climate and drainage
economics of the various options
A general guide to the stabilisation of soils with cementitious stabilisers is
given in Draft TRH13 n
, while the suitability of the various types of stabilisation
additives is given in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.8 - Guide to the method of stabilization
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Mechanical Stabilisation
The simplest, and often cheapest,
form of stabilisation, as well as the
easiest to construct, can be achieved
by blending two natural materials,
usually gravel with sand, to form a
mechanically stable layer. This usually
results in the following advantages:
improved CBR
lowering of PI
lowering of OMC
improved workability
The results of a laboratory investiga-
tion of the mechanical blending of a
natural gravel (calcrete) with sand is
shown in Figure 5.9. As is evident
from the gure, the CBR of two samples
(A and B) increased signicantly by
over 40 per cent (20 per cent sand
added) and 30 per cent (30 per cent
sand added) respectively.
Figure 5.9 - Results of mechanical
blending of calcrete with sand
In blending granular materials with ner-grained materials, care must be taken
to ensure that the plasticity of the nes fraction is not increased to such a
degree that there is a loss in stability.
Chemical Stabilisation
The main objective of chemical stabilisation is to enhance the suitability of
locally available natural gravels for pavement construction, thereby avoiding
the need to import other materials. This can often lead to more cost-effective
use of available materials with the following benecial properties by comparison
with the untreated parent material:
increased strength or stability
improved load-spreading capability
increased resistance to erosion
reduced sensitivity to moisture changes
improved workability of clayey materials
As indicated in Figure 5.8, the choice of chemical stabiliser will depend on
the material to be stabilised and the position in the road pavement it is to
occupy. These stabilisers are generally applied at relatively low dosages,
typically between 3 and 6 per cent. However, if problems are to be avoided,
they must be subjected to careful and well-controlled processing and
Specications for chemically treated materials vary in different parts of the
world and for different road authorities. For southern African conditions,
reference should be made to Draft TRH
Improved workability of clayey materials
A: Untreated - relatively unworkable.
B: 3 % lime-treated - more workable.
When mixed in the appropriate proportion,
two non-standard materials, such as Kalahari
sand and Calcrete, often satisfy the speci-
cations of a standard/traditional material.
0% l0% 20% 30% 40% 50%
P| 48 (London Clay)
P| 36 (Gault Clay)
The Resilient Modulus oj a soil is a measure
oj its resistance to displacement, i.e. its
susceptibility to rutting under a wheel load.
The Elastic Stiffness oj a soil reects its
load spreading characteristics. Thus, a high
E value implies good load-spreading ability
while a low E value implies that loads will
be concentrated on the subgrade and high
exural strains will occur.
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Of particular importance is the ability of the Texas Triaxial test to assess the
potential benets gained by allowing the moisture content at compaction
(optimum moisture content) to decrease to the predicted equilibrium value in
the pavement. This makes the test particularly suitable for predicting the
sensitivity of the strength of the material to changes of moisture, thereby
allowing the material strength to be assessed at in-service moisture/density
conditions.The test is somewhat more time consuming to carry out than the
CBR test.
K-Mould Test: The K-Mould test is a laboratory soil strength test that was
developed in the USA in the late 1970s
because of the need for a rapid, direct
measure of soil strength under conditions that are reasonably representative
of those anticipated in the eld. The test is essentially a compression test in
which a cylindrical soil specimen is constrained in an axially rigid but
laterally exing steel mould such that, as axial compression occurs, the
lateral expansion of the soil is met by a constantly increasing lateral resistance,
much as occurs in eld loading conditions.
Research carried out at the CSIR shows that the K-Mould test is able to de-
termine the elastic moduli of untreated road building materials with relative
simplicity and a great degree of accuracy in a single loading cycle
. Thus,
although not yet commonly used, the K-Mould test may provide a useful
means of determining the elastic stiffness of natural gravels where required,
in contrast to the more complex, time-consuming and costly repeated load
triaxial tests that can hardly be justied for LVSRs.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP): The DCP test is particularly worthy of
mention because LVSRs are very often constructed on existing gravel roads with
necessary improvements in vertical and horizontal alignment. The use of the
DCP can provide a rapid, effective, low-cost, non-destructive method of
estimating the strength of in situ materials. Methods have been developed in the
region for strengthening existing gravel roads to provide LVSRs designed on the
basis of the in situ DCP-CBR and design trafc level
. This information can
then be used with existing catalogue pavement structures to provide the most
economical pavement structure for a particular set of conditions.
5.3.7 Materials Inventory
s part of the materials prospecting process, considerable benets can be
realised through the development and use of materials inventories,
particularly at the planning and design stages of LVSR projects. The common
uses of such inventories are summarized in Table 5.6.
Table 5.6 - Common uses of materials inventories
Common Use Related Factors
Record keeping Central record keeping.
Source of readily available/easily retrievable information.
Reference for future development.
Reducing costs Reduced consultancy costs.
Rapid/easier materials location and identication.
Input into national engineering geological maps.
Link to other
Development of pavement performance relationships for
input into pavement management systems.
Interface with existing laboratory management systems.
Input into road failure investigations.
Number of blows
0 20 40 60 80 l00 l20 l40
Surfacing: 50 mm(direct measurement)
Thickness l50 mm
DCP 2.9 mm/blow
C8P l00%
Thickness 230 mm
DCP 9.3 mm/blow
C8P 25%
Thickness 400 mm+
DCP l6.6 mm/blow
C8P ll.5%
Typical DCP test result plot.
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Specications and
Support to on-going research.
Fine-tuning local materials and design specications.
Development of local materials/performance correlations.
Other Potential source of revenue.
Despite the potential benets of establishing materials inventories, their
sustainability needs to be given careful consideration in terms of such factors
institutional capacity
regular system maintenance, updates and upgrades
staff training
A rst step in establishing a comprehensive inventory is to assemble, in a
simple database, materials information from existing materials reports
prepared by contractors and consultants.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 27
5.4 Pavement Design
5.4.1 Objective
he objective of pavement design is to produce an engineering structure
in terms of thickness and composition that is in harmony with the local
environment, will distribute trafc loads efciently and provide a satisfactory
level of service, whilst minimizing the whole-life cost of the pavement, i.e.
both initial construction and subsequent maintenance costs. To achieve this
goal, sufcient knowledge of the materials, trafc, local environment
(particularly climate and drainage) and their interactions is required to be
able to predict reasonably the performance of any pavement conguration. In
addition, there should be a clear view as to the level of performance and
pavement condition that is considered satisfactory in the circumstances for
which the pavement structure is being designed.
Pavement design for low-volume roads presents a particular challenge to
designers. This is largely because, until relatively recently, such roads were not
specically catered for and the step from a gravel road to a paved road was a
large one. Moreover, pavement engineers are required to consider carefully
the environment within which LVSRs have to be provided, in a manner which t
is often much more demanding than with HVRs.
5.4.2 Pavement Design System
he many variables and interactions that inuence the nal choice of road
pavement make it appropriate to adopt a systems approach to pavement
design in which all inuential design factors are considered within an appropriate
pavement design system. Figure 5.12 shows such a Pavement Design System.
The various elements that comprise the system are discussed below, with
particular emphasis on their relevance to LVSRs.
Construction and
Environment Factors
Subgrade Soil
Pavement Materials
External Factors
(Chapter 3)
Structural Design
Cost Comparisons Selected Design
Figure 5.12 - Pavement design system
The challenge of pavement
design for low-volume roads
I have always felt that in many respects
it is easier to design a pavement for a high
volume rather than a low-volume road for
several reasons. On the low-volume road,
for example, we are continually striving for
low cost, which makes our design extremely
sensitive from the standpoint of thickness,
quality of pavement and surfacing materials,
geometric design, and many other factors.
Eldon Yoder - one of the most prominent
pavement designers of our time.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 28
5.4.3 Input Variables
Construction and Maintenance Factors
onstruction and maintenance policies can inuence the type of pavement
structure which is adopted. In addition, the properties of many materials
are dependent on construction inuences, including level of compaction and
extent of sub-surface drainage provided. These latter factors are particularly
important in the context of low-volume roads and are discussed later in this
section. The more general construction and maintenance issues are discussed
in chapters 6 and 7.
The deterioration of paved roads caused by trafc results from both the
magnitude of the individual wheel loads and the number of times these loads
are applied. For pavement design purposes it is therefore necessary to consider
not only the total number of vehicles that will use the road but also the axle
loads of these over the design life of the road.
Design life (Years): The design life of a pavement depends on a number of
factors including, particularly, its function. Thus, a major trunk road fulll-
ing an obvious economic function and carrying high volumes of trafc, for
which any major disruption would be very costly, would normally be
designed for a longer design life than a tertiary/access d road serving a
primarily developmental or social function and carrying relatively low volumes
of trafc. Table 5.7 provides some guidance on the selection of design life.
Table 5.7 - Pavement design life selection guidance
Design data reliability Importance/level of service
Low High
Low 10 yrs 10 - 15 yrs
High 10 - 15 yrs 15 - 20 yrs
Notwithstanding the attraction of employing staged construction strategies from
a purely economic point of view, this approach is not recommended if there is
any risk that maintenance and upgrading will not be carried out correctly at
the appropriate time.
Trafc estimation: This is determined on the basis of appropriate trafc
surveys to establish the trafc volume by each trafc class in terms of the
[Annual] Average Daily Trafc [A](ADT). The various types of trafc surveys
available for determining baseline trafc ows have been dealt with in Chapter
3, Section 3.2.7.
Following the establishment of baseline trafc, further analysis is required to
establish the total design trafc based on a forecast of trafc growth in terms of h
normal, diverted and generated trafc. Such forecasts are very sensitive to
economic conditions in developing economies and the various factors to be
considered are dealt with in detail in various texts on pavement design such as d
Overseas Road Note 31
. Moreover, for relatively shorter term design strategies
(trafc <0.1 million ESA), an elaborate trafc analysis is seldom required, as
environmental rather than trafc loading factors often determine the
performance of the roads.
Design life - the period during which a
pavement would be expected to carry the
anticipated trafc at a satisfactory level of
service without requiring major rehabilita-
tion work.
The ADT is dened as the total annual trafc
summed for both directions and divided by
365. However, for pavement design purposes,
the trafc loading in one direction (in the
heavier loaded lane) is required.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 29
Construction trafc can be a signicant proportion (sometimes 20 - 40 per cent)
of total trafc on LVSRs as shown in Figure 5.13 and should be taken into
account in the design of the pavement.
Figure 5.13 - Typical trafc growth pattern for a LVSR
Axle loading: The damage inicted on road pavements depends very strongly
on the axle loads of the vehicles and the number of times they are applied.
Axle load data for design purposes can be obtained from surveys of commercial
vehicles using the existing road or, in the case of new roads on new alignments,
from existing roads carrying similar trafc. Methods of carrying out such
surveys were described in Section 3.2.7 of Chapter 3. f
The damaging power of a particular axle-load is generally expressed in terms of
an equivalent standard axle - a concept that effectively reduces the varied
nature of the trafc loadings to a single parameter in terms of structural damage
to a pavement. The expression that is used for dening the equivalence factor of
any axle load is based on the Fourth Power Law derived from the AASHO Road
, as follows:
N = ( W/Ws)
where N = load equivalence factor
W = axle load
Ws = standard axle
n = power law exponent
For design purposes, the power law exponent, n, is generally assumed to lie
in the range 4 - 4.5 (typically taken as 4.2). It is noteworthy, however, that the
value of n is strongly inuenced by pavement type (granular, cemented, etc) and
mode of distress (rutting, fatigue, subgrade deformation, etc), strength of
subgrade and stiffness and may vary from less than 1 to over 18!
There is some evidence in the SADC region to indicate that the value of the
exponent of 4.2 may not be appropriate for some LVSRs constructed with
natural gravel road bases in which the main deterioration mode is often rut-
ting. The signicantly different axle loadings on the two lanes of a road in the
region, where a range of sub-standard calcareous materials were used as road
base, enabled an estimate to be made of the damage law exponent. This was
found to be between 2 and 3, a value which has been conrmed by other
investigations carried out in the region
5 10 15 20
Time (Years)
Three groups of heavy vehicles with equal
damaging effect.
105 kN 105 kN
80 kN 80 kN
54 kN 54 kN
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 30
Cumulative equivalent standard axles: Following the trafc and axle load
surveys described above, the cumulative equivalent standard axle loading over
the design life of the road is determined by multiplying the number of axle loads
in each load group of the entire load spectrum in the heaviest trafcked lane by
the relevant equivalency factor.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors - essentially in terms of moisture and temperature
- have a profound effect on pavement performance. This is particularly the
case with low-volume roads where environmentally induced distress rather
than load-associated distress determines pavement performance
. As illustrated
in Figure 5.14, it is only at relatively higher trafc levels that load-associated
distress plays the dominant role in pavement performance.
Figure 5.14 - Trafc loading versus dominant mechanism of distress
Most design methods used in the SADC region cater for relatively high volumes
of trafc, typically in excess of 0.5 million ESA over a 10 - 15 year design life,
for which attention is focused on load-associated distress. However, for the
large proportion of low-volume roads that exist in the region, carrying typically
less than 0.3 million ESA over their design life, priority attention should really
be paid to mitigating the effects of the environment, particularly rainfall and
temperature, on their performance, as discussed below.
Climate: The moisture environment in which a pavement operates is a major
inuence on its performance because the strength and stiffness of the pavement
materials and subgrade are critically dependent on moisture content. In turn,
moisture content is inuenced by the climatic zone in which the pavement is
Moisture environment: Arguably the most important challenge faced by the
designer is to provide a pavement structure in which the detrimental effects of
moisture are contained to acceptable limits in relation to the trafc loading,
nature of the materials being used, construction/maintenance provisions and
degree of acceptable risk. This challenge is accentuated by the fact that most
low-volume roads will be constructed from natural, often unprocessed, materials
which tend to be moisture sensitive. This places extra emphasis on drainage
and moisture control for achieving satisfactory pavement life for which the
following factors require careful assessment at the design stage:
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 l l.25 l.5 l.75 2
7raffic (miIIion SA)
Area of
Investigations carried out in the region
indicated quite clearly that trafc below
about 300,000 to 500,000 ESA was not a
signicant factor in pavement deterioration.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 31
rainfall and evaporation pattern
permeability of surfacing
depth of water table relative to the pavement structure
type of subgrade material
relative permeability of pavement layers (permeability/no-permeability
pavement confguration
whether shoulders will be sealed or not
The various sources of moisture infltration into a pavement are illustrated in
Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15 - Moisture movements in pavements and subgrades
(NAASRA, 1987)
Permeability: Moisture movements of any of the types illustrated in Figure 5.15
are controlled not only by the availability of moisture from the various sources
but also by the permeability of the pavement, subgrade and surrounding materials.
The permeability of the material will control the rate at which moisture moves
through the material. The relative permeability of adjacent materials may also
govern moisture conditions. A signifcant decrease in permeability with depth
or across boundaries between materials (i.e. permeability inversion) can lead to
saturation of the materials in the vicinity of the permeability inversion.
Box 5.7 - Signihcance of material permeability in pavement design
No permeability inversion: It is essential for good internal drainage that
permeability inversion does not occur. This is achieved by ensuring that
the permeability of the pavement and subgrade layers are at least equal or are
increasing with depth. For example, the permeability of the base must be less
than or equal to the permeability of the subbase in a three-layered system. To
achieve this, it is necessary to measure or assess the permeability of the
pavement and subgrade layers.
Permeability inversion: A permeability inversion exists when the permeability
of the pavement and subgrade layers decreases with depth. Under infltration
of rainwater, there is potential for moisture accumulation at the interface
of the layers. The creation of a perched water table could lead to shoulder
saturation and rapid lateral wetting under the seal may occur. This may
lead to base or subbase saturation in the outer wheeltrack and result in
catastrophic failure of the base layer when traffcked. A permeability inversion
often occurs at the interface between the subbase and subgrade since many
subgrades consist of cohesive fne-grained materials. Under these circum-
stances, a more conservative design approach is required that specifcally
caters for these conditions.
into pavement
into shoulders
Seepage from
higher ground
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
32 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 32
Where permeability inversion is unavoidable, the road shoulder should be
sealed to an appropriate width to ensure that the lateral wetting front does not
extend under the outer wheeltrack of the pavement. Lateral drainage can be
encouraged by constructing the pavement layers with an exaggerated crossfall
wherever a permeability inversion occurs. Although this is not an effcient way
to drain the pavement it is inexpensive and therefore worthwhile. Full under-
pavement drainage is rarely likely to be economically justifed for LVSRs.
In order to make due allowance in the design process for the effects of moisture
changes on subgrade and pavement strengths, assessment of these strengths
should be made at the highest moisture contents likely to occur in the materials
during the design period.
In terms of pavement design, the two moisture zones in the pavement which are
of critical signifcance are:
the equilibrium zone
the zone of seasonal moisture variation
From the above, it follows that, if the pavement of a typical LVSR has un-
surfaced shoulders, the outer wheeltrack will lie over the zone of seasonal
variation, and the feld material strength in this zone becomes critical in the
design of LVSRs (see Figure 5.16). However, for LVSR pavements with
sealed shoulders at least one metre in width, the traffc loads will lie over
the equilibrium zone where the feld material strength may be more confdently
predicted, and the use of unsoaked material strengths in design become possible.
Box 5.8 - Prediction of moisture content for use in pavement design
From extensive research work carried out in South Africa (in locations
representative of much of southern Africa), it was found that
In LVSR pavements over a deep water table (which covers much of the
rural road network of the SADC region), moisture contents in the
equilibrium zone normally reach an equilibrium value about two years
after construction and remain reasonably constant thereafter.
In the zone of seasonal variation, the pavement moisture does not reach
an equilibrium and fuctuates with variation in rainfall. Generally, this
zone is wetter than the equilibrium zone in the rainy season and it is
drier in the dry season.
The zone of seasonal variation of moisture extends horizontally from
600 mm to 1000 mm from the edge of surfaced pavements, and is more
prominent in the upper layers.
To reduce substantially the probability that the part of the pavement
immediately under the wheel load is infuenced by seasonal variations,
it has been found that the minimum width of sealed shoulders should
be one metre for design traffc of less than 3 million ESA and 1.2
metres for design traffc greater than 3 million ESA.
Shoulder sealing is highly benecial to the
perjormance oj L\SRs, especially where
moisture sensitive materials are used.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 33
Figure 5.16 - Moisture zones in a typical LVSR
Temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity play an important role
in the performance of a road pavement with a bituminous surface, especially
on low-volume roads. For example, ultraviolet radiation from sunlight causes
a continuous slow hardening, reduction in elasticity and consequent embrittle-
ment and cracking of the bitumen. Once the surface integrity has been lost,
water can then penetrate the cracks into the underlying pavement structure,
leading to a reduction in pavement strength and to an increased rate of
deterioration under repeated wheel loads.
Various combinations of temperature and humidity can also give rise to hydro-
genesis (i.e. the aerial-well effect) and the migration of water under a bituminous
surfacing. An explanation given for this phenomenon is that ambient air, after
penetrating the porous shoulders of the pavement, fows through the aggregate
pavement layer
. Under certain temperaure conditions, water vapour in the air
is then transferred to the surfaces of the aggregate particles where it forms a
liquid water flm. From this explanation, it is tentatively suggested that hydro-
genesis could occur under the surfacing of bituminous pavements with a mean
base course temperature above 20
C and especially if the diurnal base course
temperature range is greater than 10
C. These conditions are usually found in
the arid and semi-arid areas of the SADC region in summer. Thus, with moisture
sensitive natural gravels, some allowance may have to be made for hydrogenesis
in the design of the pavement.
Measures to overcome the adverse effects of temperature, including a judicious
choice of surfacing type and binder, are discussed in Section 5.5.5.
Subgrade SoIIs
The support provided by the subgrade, in terms of its stiffness, is the most
important factor determining pavement design thickness, composition and
performance. The stiffer the subgrade, the less the layer thicknesses and
component material strengths required to carry a given traffc loading. As
emphasized in Chapter 6, every effort should be made to exploit the maxi-
mum stiffness potential of the subgrade by compacting to refusal with the
heaviest plant available. However, care should also be taken to avoid over-
stressing of some soils, especially those with a bonded fabric which can break
down under excess compaction.
For a given material type, the subgrade strength and stiffness are dependent on
the conditions at construction and during service in terms of moisture content
and density. It is therefore essential that estimates of these two parameters be
obtained as a basis for establishing the design subgrade condition, which
provides a basic input into most low-volume road design methods.
The density to which a subgrade material
is compacted can have a signicant ejject
upon its strength. \ariability in density is
also a matter oj concern as it will result in
dijjerential dejormation due to trajc com-
Consideration should be given to the
depth to which ejjective compaction can
be achieved. /n some circumstances, the
strength oj the unimproved subgrade below
the depth oj ejjective compaction may be a
critical consideration in the design oj the
total pavement system.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 34
From investigations carried out across a wide range of climatic regimes and soil
types in the SADC region
, the eld/optimum moisture ratios measured at
the wettest time of the year are given in Table 5.8.
Table 5.8 - Variation of subgrade eld/optimum moisture content with
climatic zone
Weinert N-Value > 4 (arid/semi-
2 - 4 (semi-arid/
< 2 (sub-tropical/
FMC/OMC* 0.5 - 0.7 0.75 - 1.25 1.0 - 1.5
* Measurement made in outer wheel track of pavement
The conclusions drawn from this research
provide critical inputs in the
design of LVSRs and may be summarized as follows:
the most important variables affecting equilibrium moisture content of the
subgrade are material type and climate, with the effect of the former
subgrade moisture content increases with ner, plastic materials and
generally varies inversely with maximum dry density, but directly with
optimum moisture content and soaked moisture content m
the equilibrium moisture content in the subgrade increases with wetter
climates; in the subbase and base it appears to be independent of climate
the ratio of equilibrium to optimum moisture content in the subgrade, and
to a lesser extent in the subbase, increases with wetter climates, but in the
base it is almost independent of climate
These values highlight the effect of climate on subgrade moisture content
and the importance of dening appropriate design subgrade conditions,
particularly for the weaker, more moisture-sensitive materials.
Pavement Materials
Material Selection: Despite the innumerable inuences that exist, there are
some dominant factors in pavement performance that can be identied in
order to design and construct LVSRs in a wide range of environments with
reasonable condence. These dominant factors are:
trafc loading (represented by the design ESAs)
environment (represented by the Weinert N-value/rainfall)
material properties (represented by the materials plastic modulus calculatedd
by multiplying the PI by the percentage passing the 0.425mm sieve)
pavement conguration (cross-section)
Material Characteristics: Table 5.9 summarises the characteristics of various
material types that critically affect the way in which they can be incorporated
into an appropriate pavement conguration in relation to their properties and the
prevailing conditions of trafc, climate, economics and risk assessment.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 35
Table 5.9 - Pavement material categories and relative characteristics
Pavement Type
Unbound Bound
Unprocessed Processed Highly
Very highly
Material types As-dug gravel Screened gravel Crushed rock Stabilised
Variability High Decreases Low
Plastic Modulus High Decreases Low
Development of
shear strength
Cohesion and
Cohesion, suc-
tion and some
particle interlock
Particle inter-
Particle inter-
lock and chemi-
cal bonding
Susceptibility to
High Decreases Low
strength main-
tained only in a
dry state
Selection criteria reduces volume
oI moisture sensitive, soIt and
poorly graded gravels
strength main-
tained even in
wetter state
Appropriate use Low traIfc load-
ing in very dry
TraIfc loading increases,
environment becomes wetter
High traIfc
loading in wetter
Cost Low Increases High High
High Decreases Low
Pavement ConBguratIon
As highlighted above, pavement confguration is infuenced by the properties of
the materials being utilized and by water on their performance. Thus, attention
to detail in drainage design and construction is essential for optimum perfor-
mance. Based on the broad material categories and their characteristics, as
summarized in Table 5.9, pavement confgurations have been developed for
the following three zones:
Zone A Confguration: The principal features of the Zone A environment are
relatively low traffc, a dry climatic environment and materials which are high-
ly dependent on soil suction and cohesive forces for development of shear re-
sistance. These forces may well be the only source of shear strength in these
relatively weak materials because a defciency of durable stone prevents reliance
on inter-particle friction. Thus, even modest levels of moisture (> 60% satu-
ration) are enough to reduce confning forces suffciently to cause distress
and failure.
Satisfactory performance with the use of Zone A materials can only be achieved
whilst the pavement remains in a relatively dry, stiff condition, (i.e< 80% of
OMC). Achievement of this state depends on the success of design features used
to inhibit excess moisture movement into the pavement layer from the shoulders
and from the embankment beneath the pavement. This can be achieved by such
measures as sealing the shoulders, as illustrated in Figure 5.17, or by using
unsealed shoulders, relatively low permeability if they do not otherwise impede
internal drainage (Section 6.7).
Depending on the climatic environment,
naturally occurring pavement materials
may need to be brought near to saturation
moisture content jor ejcient compaction,
but it is imperative that they be allowed to
dry back to at least equilibrium moisture
content bejore sealing. Specications will
be necessary to ensure that premature
sealing does not lock in construction
Use oj sealed shoulders will maintain the
:one oj seasonal moisture variation outside
oj the outer wheel track.
Good external drainage can be achieved
with a raised embankment and provision oj
sujciently deep side drains, i.e. increasing
crown height.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 36
Figure 5.17 - Pavement conguration for Zone A materials
(unprocessed, unbound materials)
Zone B Conguration: The principal features of Zone B are low to medium
trafc, a dry to moderate climatic environment and materials that have a
moderate dependency on all forms of shear resistance - friction, suction
forces and cohesion. Because of the moderate strength potential of such
materials, concentrations of moisture in the range 60% - 80% saturation
may be enough to reduce the strength contribution from suction or cohesion
sufciently to cause distress and failure
. Because of the variable nature of
these materials and their poor internal drainage, emphasis is best placed, on
keeping moisture away from the pavement system by sealing shoulders, as
well as on using pavement materials that can provide a frictional component
of shear strength.
Zone C Conguration: The principal features of Zone C are medium to high
trafc, a moderate to wet climatic environment with materials that have a
minor dependency on suction forces and cohesion and rely either on:
(a) internal friction which is maximized when the aggregate is hard, durable
and well-graded (granular, unbound materials), or
(b) physico-chemical forces which are not directly affected by water (bound,
granular materials)
Very high levels of saturation (80% - 100%) will cause distress which will
usually result from pore pressure effects under wheel loads and mobilization of
plasticity in the ne fractions
. To avoid this situation, various positive design
features are required including:
sealed shoulders
use of low-permeability selected lower subbase to protect the subgrade
from moisture movements
a subbase layer to be at least as permeable as the base layer, free to
discharge into deep side drains
l.0 m min.
sealed shoulder
l.0 m min.
sealed shoulder
selected subgrade
Pelatively low Permeability
Seal Seal
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 37
5.4.4 DesIgn Process
ExternaI Factors
number of factors, which are often of a non-technical nature, can have
a signifcant infuence on the pavement design process. These factors
(political, social, institutional, etc.), were discussed in Chapter 3 and are not
repeated here.
StructuraI DesIgn
Over the past 25 years several methods of pavement design have been
developed in southern Africa based on both mechanistic and empirical methods.
In addition, several methods have also been imported and adapted from overseas
practice for use in the region.
Mechanistic/Analytical Methods: Mechanistic methods are derived from
laboratory studies of the mechanical behaviour of the pavement, in which
materials are exposed to measured stresses and strains. A suitable theory to
compute the stresses and strains in the actual pavement is then used, together
with a transfer function (or calibration factor), that relates the mechanical
response obtained from the laboratory studies to the actual behaviour of the
real pavement.
Mechanistic/analytical design methods require a considerable amount of
material testing and computational effort before they can be properly used.
Moreover, their application to higly variable, naturally occurring materials,
which make up the bulk of LVSR pavements, is questionable and they are very
poor at simulating environmental deterioration and therefore not well suited
to LVSRs.
The South African Mechanistic Design Method (SAMDM)
, which is
based on a linear elastic model, and the Elasto-Plastic Design Method (S-N
method), based on a non-linear elastic model, are examples of mechanistic
methods used in the SADC region for pavement design. These methods have
been used in South Africa in the preparation of simplifed design manuals
such as a catalogue of structures in which the materials commonly available
in the region have been tested and the results used to prepare thickness
Empirical Methods: Empirical methods are derived from empirical studies
of pavement performance in which the design is based on past successful
practice. Empirically based methods are likely to be satisfactory, provided the
materials, environment and conditions of loading do not differ signifcantly
from those which applied during the original empirical studies on which
the designs were based. Thus, the extension of empirical methods to
different loadings, different materials and different environmental conditions
can be achieved only by carrying out expensive and time-consuming full-scale
pavement experiments.
Empirically based methods have been used in the preparation of a number of
simplifed design catalogues of structures in the SADC region, such as the
commonly used TRL ORN 31 (1993)
and the DCP Design catalogue
Appropriateness of Design Methods: Ideally, an appropriate pavement design
method should be based on experience and fundamental theory of structural
and material behaviour developed over time. It should also take account of
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 38
local conditions of climate, trafc, available local materials and other environ-
mental factors. It should thus allow the designer to produce an appropriate
pavement structure of sufcient bearing capacity to carry the anticipated trafc
over its design life at a pre-determined terminal level of service.
The following factors provide a benchmark against which the appropriateness
of current design methods may be evaluated for application to LVSRs:
subgrade design classes: These should be narrow enough to take advantage
of the range of strong subgrade materials which predominate over
extensive parts of the region
design trafc classes: These should be relatively d narrow to cater incrementally
for design trafc loadings in the range up to 500,000 ESA
materials classes: There should be a sufcient number of classes to cater
for the full range and differing properties of naturally occurring residual
weathered rocks (e.g. granite, quartzite) and pedocretes (e.g. calcrete,
ferricrete) that occur extensively in the region
materials specications: These should be based on proven eld performance d
in relation to such factors as trafc, subgrade design class, sealed surface
design and geo-climatic zone
Based on the above criteria, the various design methods generally used in the
SADC region were assessed for their applicability to low-volume roads. Those
mentioned in Table 5.10 were generally found to be suitable, with the proviso
that they be used exibly rather than prescriptively.
Table 5.10 - Pavement design methods appropriate for use in the SADC region
Mechanistic-Empirical Methods Empirical Methods
S-N Method (1993)
DCP Method (1984)
TRH4 (1996)
SATCC Pavement Design Guide (1997)
TRL ORN 31 (1993)
TRL/SADC Pavement Design Guide (1999)
In addition to the above generic methods of pavement design methods, there
are a number of other country specic guides/manuals which have been
developed within a few countries in the region. The most prominent ones are: d
Zimbabwe Pavement Design Guide (1975)
Botswana Roads Design Manual (1982)
Tanzania Pavement and Materials Design Manual (1999)
None of the above methods are directly comparable, except on a case by case
basis, because they differ with regard to a number of details such as the range
of trafc and subgrade design classes, design subgrade strength (soaked versus in
situ moisture content) etc. In this regard, some methods are more conservative
than others. Nonetheless, they are all based on research/investigation work
carried out in the region specically for application to low-volume roads.
The designer should become fully conversant with the details of each of
the recommended methods listed above before adopting any particular one
in their area of the SADC region. These methods are fully documented in
the literature.
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 39
A brief resum of the generic design methods is given below:
S-N Pavement Design Method (1993): The S-N (Elasto-Plastic) design method
is a mechanistic method based on the elastoplastic behaviour of granular
pavement materials and bituminous surfacings. It uses non-linear analysis
to model the pavement together with empirically derived transfer functions
calibrated with HVS testing to predict the plastic deformation (rutting) in the
granular layers. This approach has provided the basis for the development
of a catalogue of pavement structures catering specically for low-volume
TRH4 (1996): The TRH4 design method is based on the South African
Mechanistic Design Method which uses linear elastic analysis to model the
pavement in which the stresses and strains that are most likely to initiate failure
in a particular material type have been related to trafc load, via appropriate
transfer functions, some of which were calibrated from HVS testing.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Method: The DCP design method is an
empirical method developed in South Africa, that uses the in situ measured
bearing capacities of existing pavements, correlating them with HVS tests on
similar material and pavement types.
SATCC Pavement Design Guide (1997): The SATCC Pavement Design Guide
provides a catalogue of pavement structures that were developed through a
desk study of practice deemed appropriate to the region, primarily as exemplied
by TRL Overseas Road Note 31 (1993) and the TRH4 (1996).
TRL ORN 31 (1993): This guide is based on research and experience in over
30 countries mainly tropical and sub-tropical. Previous editions have been
used for the design of LVSRs worldwide. The latest (1993) edition covers a
wider range of materials and structures with a catalogue of designs that cater
for trafc up to 30 million standard axles.
TRL/SADC Pavement Design Guide (1999): This guide is based on the moni-
toring and testing of selected sections of road on the existing networks in Bot-
swana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe to enable designs to be evaluated. The
research focused on measuring how road pavements performed with time and
trafc and in different climatic conditions. It also identied features which
need to be included in the road design to minimize risk, including environ-
mental inuences, the performance of non-standard materials and actual
modes of deterioration. The output of the research programme was the
development of a t set of new structural design charts and a materials design
procedure for low-volume roads in the region, based on a wide range of
trafc levels, design subgrade classes, materials types and geo-climatic
Pavement Design Process: The main steps to be followed in carrying out a
design for a LVSR pavement include:
estimating the amount of trafc and the cumulative number of standard
axles that will use the road over the selected design life
assessing the strength of the subgrade soil over which the road is to be built
selecting the most economical combination of pavement t materials and
layer thicknesses that will provide satisfactory service over the design life
of the pavement
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Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 40
Although the above process may appear relatively simple and straight forward, h
there are a number of aspects pertaining to LVSRs which require careful
consideration. These aspects are highlighted in the generic design process
presented in Table 5.11.
Table 5.11 - Typical checklist of LVSR pavement design factors
Inuencing item Inuencing item LVSR issue LVSR issue
- level of service
- design standard
- interacting environments
- appropriate to LVSRs
- use of appropriate standards
- need to cater for external factors
- road function/classication
- analysis period
- design life
- staged construction?
- can be primary, secondary or tertiary
- short, medium, long?
- short, medium, long?
- implications on design
- type and count
- axle loads
- equivalence factors
- power exponent
- tyre pressures
- reliability of data
- seasonality factors; growth projections
- motorised and non-motorised
- damage factors
- impact of overloading
- construction trafc
- basis of choice
- basis of choice (< 4?, > 4? )
- impact; design counter-measures
Materials - availability and type
- selection strategy
- moisture sensitivity
- problem soils (e.g. expansive)
- testing
- properties and impact on design
- specications and test methods
- impact on design and pavement x-section
- design counter-measures
- appropriate test methods
Environment - climatic region
- moisture regime
- temperature and humidity
- modifying inuences
- climate (e.g. El Nino)
- arid/semi-arid, semi-arid/sub-tropical,
- soaked, unsoaked, equilibrium moisture
contents for design?
- age hardening of bitumen, hydrogenesis
- irrigation, vegetation, deforestation
- long-term consideration
- drainage and hydrology - internal and external drainage
- embankment height; crown height above
drain invert level
- pavement design method - use of appropriate methods of design
- sealed or unsealed shoulders
Cost analysis - economic life-cycle cost
- economic analysis methods (producer
surplus, consumer surplus?)
- evaluation tools (HDM4, RED, etc)
Cost Comparisons
In order to arrive at an optimum pavement design solution, a life-cycle cost
analysis should be made of all potential design alternatives capable of providing oo
the required level of service for the lowest cost over the analysis period.
The main economic factors which determine the cost of the pavement facility
analysis period
structural design period
construction costs
maintenance costs
user costs
discount rate
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 41
The life-cycle cost associated with a particular design alternative is illustrated
in Figure 5.18.
Figure 5.18 - Components of a typical life-cycle cost analysis
As indicated in Table 5.7, a relatively shorter design life is frequently used
for low-volume roads. Moreover, user costs are not necessarily traffc related
and, especially at the low end of the traffc spectrum, may well be manifested
The optimum pavement design solution, which should be the design objective,
is a balance between construction, maintenance and road user costs and, as
illustrated in Figure 5.19, is very much traffc related
. Thus, the optimum
structural capacity pavement for a LVSR might well incur lower initial
construction costs but, within its life cycle, this would be balanced by higher
maintenance and VOC. Conversely, a higher capacity pavement would incur
higher initial construction costs but lower maintenance and VOC.
Figure 5.19 - Combined cost for various pavement structural capacities
PC|nitial Pavement Construction
PMPoutine Maintenance
STSurface Treatment
PvPesidual value
Analysis Period
Structural Design Period
7ime (Years)
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
42 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 42
5.4.5 DesIgn Output
SeIected DesIgn
he cost analysis should be regarded as an aid to decision-making as it
does not necessarily include all factors leading to a decision and should
therefore not override all other considerations. These other considerations
include the various exogenous factors discussed in Chapter 3, which are
particularly important in the provision of low-volume roads.
uantIBcatIon and MItIgatIon oI HIsk
One of the major aspects concerning the use of marginal materials and thin
pavement structures is the perceived increased risk of failure, particularly as
regards the adverse impact of moisture on pavement performance. Thus, once
the fnal design has been selected and pavement construction is undertaken,
it is necessary to ensure that the critical design assumptions are incorporated
into the pavement both during and after construction. These include:
drainage provision
material quality
subgrade bearing capacity
construction control
Depending on circumstances, some of these factors will be more important
than others. Generally, the risk of failure can be expected to increase if a
number of factors are relaxed together. If one or the other of the design
assumptions cannot be met due to some unforeseen constraint, it may be
possible to adjust the overall design in a number of ways. For example, it
may be feasible to reduce material standards but there might be a concomitant
need to improve drainage and bearing capacity or, if design assumptions are
not met in the lower pavement layers, it may be possible to adjust the over-
all design by using higher-strength upper layer materials or thicker courses in
the upper parts of the pavement.
Ultimately, as with all road projects, control of construction quality,
maintenance and overloading will ensure that the maximum benefts will be
obtained from the recommended design.
Box 5.9 - Why do gravel road bases often perform better than predicted?
Many bituminous pavements constructed of natural gravels have performed
exceptionally well despite extensive overloading (according to the 4
power law)
and poor maintenance. The following factors may explain this:
- reduced traffc loading (extended 'life) due to inappropriate damage exponent
- good (strong) subgrade materials
- pavement design thickness based on unduly conservative saturated subgrade
- predominantly dry environment
- stiffer pavement layers than anticipated at the design stage (base, subbase
and subgrade)
- inappropriate materials specifcations
The above uncertainties emphasise the need for developing local standards,
specifcations and pavement performance relationships.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 43
5.5 Surfacing
5.5.1 Introduction
s highlighted in this Guideline, gravel deposits in many SADC countries
are not only a nite, non-renewable resource but, in many areas, are either
non-existent or inaccessible. There is also an increasing awareness that,
even at relatively low trafc volumes, the upgrading of unpaved roads to a
sealed standard can be more cost-effective than maintaining the unpaved gravel d
road. As a result, the use of bituminous surface treatments over light pavement
structures for the upgrading of a substantial length of gravel roads in the
SADC region is expected to become more widespread.
There is a wide variety of bituminous surface treatments that can be used on
LVSRs. In addition to the traditional chip seal there are a number of relatively
little known alternative surfacings which, in appropriate circumstances,
allow non-standard local materials to be judiciously used in situations where
the use of conventional materials would be prohibitively expensive. There is
also a range of labour-based bitumen surfacing techniques which, although
still inadequately exploited, offer scope for providing benecial employment
to small contractors and local communities.
5.5.2 Objective
he main objective of this section is to highlight the wide variety of bituminous
surface treatment types that are available for use with LVSRs and to provide
guidance on their selection in relation to a range of prevailing circumstances.
In so doing, the section deals with the following aspects of surfacings for
Role and Function of Surfacings. Selection of Surfacing Type.
Types and Performance Characteristics. Surfacing Design.
Constituents, Properties and Specications.
5.5.3 Role and Function of Surfacings
avement surfacings full a variety of functions which offer a number of
advantages over unsealed roads. The characteristics of these functions are:
seal and protect the base and provides strength at the road surface so
that the latter can resist the abrasive and disruptive forces of trafc
transmit to the base the vertical and horizontal forces imposed by moving
trafc. Have no signicant load-distributing properties
protect the pavement from moisture ingress, thus preventing loss of pave-
ment strength, thereby permitting the use of many materials that t would t d
otherwise not be appropriate
improve safety by providing a superior skid-resistant surface, free from m
corrugations, dust and mud, often increasing light-reecting characteristics
and allowing the application of pavement markings
prevent gravel loss, resulting in elimination of the costs of replacing gravel,
a nite, non-renewable resource
generate savings in vehicle operating costs due to improved riding quality
and lower maintenance costs to maintain an acceptable level of service
Typical gravel road.
Typical LVSR offering many advantages
over an unsealed road. In certain circum-
stances a bituminous surfacing may be
warranted at trafc levels of less than 100
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
44 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 44
5.5.4 Types and PerIormance CharacterIstIcs
SurIacIng types
aiious types of bituminous suifacing aie available foi use on LVSRs in the
SADC iegion. These aie illustiated in Figuie 5.20.
Figure 5.20 - Schematic common types of bituminous surface treatments
The above suifacing types offei a iange of options and oppoitunities foi
addiessing the paiticulai challenge of pioviding appiopiiate, affoidable and
sustainable ioad suifacings. They have been developed to apply to specinc
situations ielating to tiafnc volume and type, enviionment, pavement stiuc-
tuies, mateiial availability, etc. The challenge is to match the suifacing type
to the pievailing ciicumstances in the most cost-effective and sustainable
MechanIsm oI perIormance
The vaiious bituminous suiface tieatments (excluding asphalt conciete)
illustiated in Figuie 5.20 may be placed in two categoiies as iegaids
theii mechanism of peifoimance undei tiafnc as follows.
Category A: (sand seal, slurry seal, Otta seal)
These seal types iely to vaiying extents on a combination of mechanical paiticle
inteilock and the binding effect of bitumen foi theii stiength, similai to a
bituminous piemix. Eaily tiafncking and/oi heavy iolling is necessaiy to
develop the ielatively thick bitumen nlm aiound the paiticles. On this basis, the
likelihood of stone becoming dislodged and whipped off the ioad by vehicles is
ielatively small.
Undei tiafncking, the seal acts as a stiess-dispeising mat compiising of a
bitumen/aggiegate admixtuie - a mechanism of peifoimance which is quite
diffeient fiom that of Categoiy B suifacings.
Category B: (chip seal)
This seal type ielies on the bindei to glue the aggiegate paiticles to the
base, this being the piimaiy objective of the bindei. Wheie shouldei-to-
shouldei contact between the stones occuis, some mechanical inteilock is
mobilized. Should the bitumen/aggiegate bond be bioken by tiafnc oi pooi
adhesion, in-sufncient mateiial stiength, watei ingiess oi numeious othei
causes, whip off of the aggiegate by tiafnc is almost inevitable. Undei tiafncking,
the aggiegate is in diiect contact with the tyie and iequiies ielatively high
iesistance to ciushing and abiasion to dispeise the stiesses without distiess.
1 Prime
2 Binder
3 Sand
1 Prime
2 Binder
3 Stone
1 Prime
2 Binder
3 Stone
4 Slurry
1 Prime
2 Binder
3 Large stone
4 Binder
5 Small stone
No Prime
1 Binder
2 Graded
1 Prime
2 Asphalt
No Prime
1 Binder
2 Graded
2. layer
l. layer
Category A
Category B
Sand seal surfacing.
Double chip seal.
Single Otta seal with sand seal cover.
The Cape seal is a hybrid type of seal fall-
ing between Category A and Category B
type surfacings.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 45
The mechanism of performance of slurry seals is similar to that of a very thin
bituminous premix, which tends to harden relatively rapidly and become stiff
and brittle. The behaviour of sand seals is similar to that of slurry seals but
they tend to remain exible for longer. As a result of the difference in the
mechanism of performance under trafc between Category A and Category
B, they also differ markedly with respect to such factors as material requirements,
design approach, construction features. Examples of these differences are listed
in Table 5.12.
Table 5.12 - Relative differences in required properties
between surface treatment types on LVSRs
Parameter Category A Category B
Relaxed requirements in terms of
strength, grading, particle shape,
binder adhesion, dust content, etc.
Allows extensive use to be made of
natural gravels.
Stringent requirements in terms of
strength, grading, particle shape,
binder adhesion, dust content, etc.
Allows limited use to be made of
locally occurring natural gravel.
Binder type Relatively soft (low viscosity) binders
are required.
Relatively hard (high viscosity)
binders are normally used.
Design Empirical approach. Relies on guide-
line and trial design on site. Amenable
to design changes during construction.
Rational approach. Relies on conrm-
atory trial on site. Not easily amenable
to design changes during construction.
Construction Not sensitive to standards of work-
manship. Labour-based approaches
relatively easy to undertake if desired.
Sensitive to standards of workman-
ship. Labour-based approaches
relatively easy to undertake if desired.
of seal
Enhanced durability due to use of
relatively soft binders and a dense seal
Reduced durability due to use of
relatively hard binders and open seal
Performance Characteristics
The performance of a bituminous surfacing in terms of its life depends on a
number of factors including:
type of surfacing
pavement structure (bearing capacity)
trafc using the road
road characteristics (geometry curvature, gradient, camber, inter-sections,
Experience in the SADC region has indicated the approximate ranges of lives for f
the different seal types given in Table 5.13. In addition to the factors listed
above, seal life will also depend on such factors as aggregate quality, bitumen
type and durability, and construction quality.
Table 5.13 - Expected service lives for some of the typical surface seals
Type of seal Typical service life (years)
Sand seal
Slurry seal
Single chip seal
Double sand seal
Double chip seal
Single Otta seal plus sand seal
Cape Seal (13mm + single slurry)
Cape Seal (19mm + double slurry)
Double Otta seal
2 - 4
2 - 6
4 - 6
6 - 9
7 - 10
8 - 10
8 - 10
12 - 16
10 -14
Example of a double Otta seal (using de-
composed granite) after 10 years in service
in a harsh, semi-arid environment with
practically no maintenance.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 46
5.5.5 Constituents, Properties and Specications
he primary constituents of bituminous surface treatments are the aggre-
gate and the bituminous binder, which together full different functions,
depending on the type of surfacing.
The main functions of the aggregate are to provide:
adequate resistance to crushing and abrasion caused by moving wheel loads
in order to transfer the tyre-induced stresses to the underlying pavement
a skid-resistant surface in order to minimize skidding of vehicles, especially
in wet weather
a structure/matrix to accommodate the viscous and impervious binder
protection to the binder from harmful ultra-violet radiation
The physical attributes which affect the performance of the aggregate in a
surface treatment are related to their natural and processed properties, as
indicated in Table 5.14. d
Table 5.14 - Requirements for surfacing aggregates
Property Requirements/implications on performance
need for adequate resistance to avoid crushing and abrasion under trafc
and consequent loss of stone, bleeding/ushing;
affected by particle shape, with cubical materials being stronger than
aky or elongated materials;
the greater the percentage of weak/soft particles, the higher the ACV, AIV, tt
LAA or TBM values and the lower the 10% FACT
need Ior minimum absorption to avoid high binder absorption and loss
oI stone iI not compensated in design
related to water ingress and resulting decrease in strength/ durability oI
aggregate and susceptibility to stripping
need to allow Ior binder absorption when using absorptive aggregates
(e.g.calcrete) by increasing binder application rates and/or pre-coating
specifcation limits are placed in terms oI water absorption
need Ior good resistance to polishing in order to reduce scope Ior accidents
due to skidding,especially in wet weather related to micro-texture oI
aggregate, which is a Iunction oI its mineralogy. Some aggregates (e.g.
limestone) are more prone to polishing than others (e.g.dolerite)
specifcation limits are placed in terms oI the Polished Stone Value (PSV)
need Ior control on grading and dust content Ior rational design purposes
as well as to avoid problems with bitumen adhesion caused by dusty
the use oI larger single-sized stone in certain seals (e.g. chip seals)
allows more latitude with binder application rate beIore voids are flled
and fushing/bleeding becomes a problem
specifcations limits are placed on grading
Ior some seals (e.g. chip seal) need Ior aggregate to be as cubical as
possible Ior better particle interlock
particle shape is strongly dependent on type oI crusher (e.g. cone crushers
tend to produce better particle shape than impact crushers)
certain materials are prone to producing faky material (e.g. silcrete,
specifcation limits are placed on the Flakiness Index
The functions of the bituminous binder are to bind the aggregate particles
together and to the underlying surface, as well as to provide a waterproof seal.
The rheology of the binder allows it to deform and relieve stresses in the
surfacing caused by defections of the pavement. The binder should be capable
of conforming to the defections at the coldest conditions expected, otherwise
cracking will occur. Once cracks have occurred, ingress of water will usual-
ly result in rapid degradation of the surfacing, particularly where moisture-
sensitive materials are used in the construction of the pavement.
The durability of the bituminous binder is a key factor in the performance of
surface treatments. Being a thermoplastic material, bitumen stiffens with a
decrease in temperature and softens with an increase. With time, the binder
in the seal hardens until it can no longer withstand the movement caused
by diurnal temperature changes or fexure under heavy vehicles and cracking
occurs, or until the bond between the cover aggregate and the binder fails and
stone particles are displaced by traffc. The life of such a surfacing is thus
critically dependent on the rate of the hardening of the binder and depends on the
following factors:
Photomicrograph oj jresh basalt unaltered
plagioclase microphenocrysts.
Cubical chipings are essential jor good
particle interlock in Chip seals.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 48
climatic regime (solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature)
binder lm thickness
intrinsic resistance of the binder to thermal oxidation hardening. This can
be measured by the ARRB Durability test or by the Rolling Thin Film
Oven test (RTFOT) n
In areas where low temperatures are experienced the binder may become
sufciently hard during cold periods for the surfacing to become distressed.
On the other hand, if the same surfacing is in an area with a mild climate,
then distress will not occur until the binder has aged. Thus, the hardness level
at which seals rst show signs of distress (as indicated by viscosity measured
at 45
C) will vary with climate.
Figure 5.21 shows the relationship between bitumen hardening and seal life
for bitumen of a given durability in an environment (Australia) which is very
similar in many respects to that of the SADC region. This relationship shows
the signicant effect of temperature on the ageing/hardening of bitumens.
A 5
C difference in the yearly mean of daily maximum and minimum air
temperatures causes a halving of seal life. Since the rate of ageing/hardening
is dependent on the durability of a binder, every effort should be made to
use bitumens with the highest levels of durability.
The ARRB durability test has been used in Australia since the mid 1970s for
measuring bitumen durability. Most Australian State Road Authorities specify
a minimum durability requirement for their bitumen. This test or the RTFOT
is certainly worthy of wider use in the SADC region in order to engender a
keener appreciation of the quality of the bitumens being used and of the effect
of bitumen durability on seal life.
Cape seals and single or double Otta seals with a sand seal cover, are
generally less susceptible to ageing and surface cracking than conventional
chip seals as indicated in the empirical data in Table 5.13. The close tex-
tured surface provided by the graded aggregate in Otta seals, together with
the sand seal or the rich slurry (in Cape seals), offer a higher degree of
protection to the binder in the underlying layers than is provided by the second
seal in the more open-textured chip seals.
Figure 5.21 - Bitumen hardening graph for bitumen of a given durability
The ARRB Durability Test
The ARRB Durability test measures the
intrinsic resistance of a bitumen to thermal
oxidation hardening. In the test, a 20 micron
lm of bitumen is deposited onto the walls
of glass bottles and these are exposed in
a special oven at 100 l
C. Bottles are then
withdrawn periodically, the bitumen is re-
moved and its viscosity measured at 45 d
The durability of the bitumen, is the time in
days for it to reach an apparent viscosity of
5.7 log Pa.s (distress viscosity).
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 49
The model illustrated in Figure 5.21 takes the following form:
Log d = 0.476TY
- 0.0227DY
+3.59 (Pearson multiple correlation = 0.93)
(Standard error of estimate of log d = 0.19)
Where: d = the viscosity of the bitumen recovered from the sprayed seal (Pa.s at 45
T = average temperature of the site calculated from the equation
D = ARRB Durability Test result (days)
Y = number of years since the seal was constructed
T = (T
+ T
)/2 (T
= yearly mean of daily maximum air temperature (
= yearly mean of daily minimum air temperature (
Commonly used binders: The following types of bituminous binders are in
common use in the region:
Health aspects of foamed tar
Tar is ojten perceived to be carcinogenic in
all jorms without considering the manner in
which the constituents oj the tar are produced.
The two main methods oj tar production are
pyrolysis oj coal, which jorms coke oven tar,
and the Lurgi process, which produces gas-
ier tar.
Those components oj tar which are be-
lieved to be carcinogenic are released to the
atmosphere only at temperatures >360
C. At
that temperature, the harmjul carcinogens
are prevalent in coke oven tar but practi-
cally insignicant in gasier tar. Thus,
cold-placed joamed tar is a saje, viable
construction material jor stabilisation oj
sub-standard pavement materials.
Penetration grade: 80/100 or 150/200 penetration grade is normally
used in most surface treatments, except in Otta seals which require softer
grades, usually in the form of cutback bitumens.
As a general guide, the viscosity of penetration grade binders is chosen
with regard to the prevailing temperatures during construction and the
stability under traffc. Harder (high viscosity) grades are more diffcult to
use but may be necessary to cater for heavy traffc in high ambient
Cutback bitumen: MC 3000 and MC 800 are commonly used, mostly
in colder climates, where a relatively low viscosity binder is required to
coat fne-grained aggregates (e.g. in an Otta seal), or damp aggregates,
or to improve binder/aggregate adhesion. MC30 and MC 70 are used
as a prime coat.
Cut-back bitumens are produced by diluting a penetration grade
binder with the appropriate 'cutter to achieve the desired characteristics.
After construction, the diluents evaporate with time and the binder reverts
back to its original penetration grade.
Bitumen emulsion: Both anionic and cationic emulsions with high bitumen
content (>60%) are used in most surface treatments and in a diluted form
for the rejuvenation of surface treatments or in situations where it is not
possible to use high cutter concentrations.
Tar: This is known for its good adhesive and coating properties and good
resistance to stripping by the action of water. However, certain tars (coke
oven rather than gasifer) are no longer in common use because of potential
environmental disadvantages. Low-viscosity 3/12 EVT tar is used as a
prime coat.
Modied bitumen: Binders modifed with rubber or with other constituents
generally exhibit improved durability properties and are generally used
in special circumstances, such as in very aggressive climatic (extreme
temperature) environments.
Recommendations on the use of the above binders and the related safety
aspects are covered in various SABITA manuals.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
50 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 50
Specifcations for surfacing aggregates vary from country to country in the
region both in the type of specifcations and in the applied limits of similar
test methods. Table 5.15 gives the specifcation limits for various aggregate
tests for a representative selection of SADC and other countries. Some countries
place more demanding limits than others and some countries qualify their
specifcations by traffc and others do not.
Table 5.15 - Some specihcations for surfacing aggregates
Botswana South
- - (< 2x10
ESA) (AADT < 300)
10 FACT (kN)
- Dry
- Wet/Dry ratio
~ 210
~ 0.75
~ 210
~ 0.75
~ 120
~ 0.65
~ 135
~ 0.60
Max. LAA () - - 35
Max. FI () 30 30 30 35
TBM Value - - - 30
Unsound Stone
Content ()
- - - 8
Adhesion (R&W)* 1 - - 2
Max() Sodium
or magnesium
sulphate soundness
- - 20 12
* The scales used to describe the degree of stripping vary between countries.
Example oj a 10 year old crushed coral
stone surjacing aggregate which does not
meet traditional strength and durability
criteria but, nonetheless, has perjormed
very satisjactorily in a L\SR situation.
Aggregate htness for purpose
Box 5.10 - How appropriate are existing aggregate specihcations?
Most existing national aggregate specifcations are 'blanket type specifcations
covering materials for all categories of roads. They suffer from a number of
shortcomings including:
They are seldom traffc related and often rule out the use of non-standard
aggregates. For example, a material that is marginal in terms of strength
may fail when carrying high traffc volumes on a main road with a high
percentages of heavy vehicles, but may perform very satisfactorily in a
low-volume rural road situation.
They do not take into account the differing mechanisms of performance of
the different seal types. For example, a strong, cubically shaped aggregate
with a low fakiness index may be critical for the satisfactory performance of a
chip seal but much less so for an Otta seal.
The basis of derivation of some specifcations, e.g. the minimum 10% FACT
value of 210 kN, as employed in a number of countries, seems to be related
to the traditional use of steel-wheeled rollers to embed the chippings and
the related need for aggregate with a relatively high crushing strength.
However, the current, common use of pneumatic-tyred rollers for this
purpose does not require aggregates with such high crushing strength,
yet the limits remain the same as before.
The above examples indicate that in many instances traditional aggregate
specifcations are inappropriate for use with LVSRs and that there is consider-
able scope for relaxing them on the basis of experience and research evidence.
Ultimately, the challenge is to ft the materials available to an appropriate
seal type and design rather than vice versa.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 51
Proposed Revision to Specications
Revisions to the specications for the commonly used chip seal are proposed
and are given in Table 5.16. These are based on a review of international
specications, notably in Australia and New Zealand, as well as on experi-
mental evidence and experience of the performance of surfacing aggregates
in the SADC region. Specications for Otta seals are included for comparison.
Table 5.16 - Recommended revisions to chip seal specications for LVSRs
Design limits
Chip Seals Otta Seals
Current Proposed
10% FACT (kN)
210 180 (>500 vpd)
150 (100-500 vpd)
120 (<100 vpd)
110 (> 100 vpd)
90 (<100 vpd)
Grading As typically specied As typically specied Wide grading
Wet/dry 10% FACT 75% 65%
75% (> 100 vpd)
65% (< 100 vpd)
Flakiness Index (%)
19.0 13.2 mm
9.5 6.7 mm
If crushed material used,
35 (weighted on 4.75
to 13.2 mm fractions)
Adhesion R & W 3 No relaxation. Precoat
if R & W <3
Water Absorption - 5 Spray rate adjusted
Polished Stone
- 50 (> 500 vpd)
45 (< 500 vpd)
1 Otta Seal specications should comply with the Botswana Roads Department Guideline No. 1.
5.5.6 Selection of Surfacing Type
Factors affecting choice
he choice of the appropriate surfacing type in a given situation will depend
on the relevance of a number of factors, including the following:
trafc (volume and type)
pavement (type - strength and exural properties)
materials (type and quality)
environment (climate - temperature, rainfall, etc.)
operational characteristics (geometry - gradient, curvature, etc.)
safety (skid resistance - surface texture, etc.)
construction (techniques and contractor experience)
maintenance (capacity and reliability)
economic and nancial factors (available funding, life-cycle costs, etc.)
other (external factors)
Trafc volume and type: Practically any type of seal will be appropriate for
low trafc situations, i.e. less than 750 equivalent light vehicles (elv)/lane/
day. However, at very low levels (<250 elv/lane/day), lack of trafc mould-
ing of the binder will result in relatively faster degradation of the seal, mostly
through drying and oxidation of the binder, with the development of shrinkage
cracking. In such a situation, early rejuvenation of the seal may be required
to retain the stone under trafc.
Trafc volume for surfacing selection and
design purposes is often expressed as the
number of equivalent light vehicles (elv)
per day. This is equal to the sum of the num-
ber of light vehicles and 40 times the number
of heavy vehicles.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
52 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 52
The use of sand and slurry seals is generally not recommended for traffc
levels of more than about 2000 elv/lane/day as they tend to 'bleed quickly
and eventually break up. At traffc in excess of 5000 elv/lane/day, the use of
a combination of a single chip and sand seal is also risky.
Where high percentages of heavy vehicles (particularly those with tandem and
tridem axles) and/or harsh traffc actions (e.g. heavy braking and tight cornering) are
likely, the use of sand, slurry and single seals should be avoided. In such situations,
asphaltic concrete, or a double chip, Cape or Otta seal is preferable.
Type of pavement: An evaluation of the performance of various types of seals
types constructed on light pavement structures in southern Africa has revealed
that seal life was very dependent on the stiffness of the pavement
. The stiffer
the pavement structure, the longer the life of the pavement before cracking.
Defection or 'radius of curvature measurements give an indication of the
likely effects on seal life (Figure 5.22). Since surface defection is directly
related to the elastic modulus of the underlying pavement layers which, in turn,
depends on in situ density then, where feasible, every effort should be made to
compact the pavement layers of LVSRs to the highest density practicable -
i.e. 'compaction to refusal (see Section 6.4.1).
Figure 5.22 - Effect of surface deection on seal life
In situations on LVSRs, where weak subgrades occur (e.g. in expansive or
soft clay areas) or where seasonal moisture variations are high (leading to
relatively high defections in the wet season), then the seal types which are
more tolerant of relatively high defections should be selected for use. For
example, Otta seals or chip seals with appropriate modifed binders are more
tolerant of high defections than others (e.g. slurry seals, Cape seals).
A uniform, defect-free surface in the underlying layer is also required to avoid
local distress in the seal. For example, soft bases will result in embedment of
surfacing aggregate leading to loss of skid resistance and possible bleeding.
This problem can be mitigated to some extent by the use of a low viscosity
prime which will penetrate and strengthen the upper layer of the base and, thus
reduce embedment of the aggregate. In contrast, very hard bases could result
in breakdown of soft surfacing aggregate during rolling. To reduce the severity
of this problem rubber-tyred pneumatic rollers, rather than steelwheeled rollers,
should be used.
Heavy braking and tight cornering situa-
tions require an appropriate choice oj high
stability surjacings. Asphaltic concrete and
possibly Cape or double Otta seals are
prejerred to sand, slurry, chip or single
Otta seals.
Bleeding due to embedment oj surjacing
aggregate in base.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 53
Materials: The type of aggregate available for use in a surface treatment has
a major impact on the selection of the seal type. Where traditional aggregates
are available within an economic haul distance, they lend themselves to use
in conventional seals (e.g. slurry seals, chip seals, Cape seals). Conversely,
where such aggregates are not available, then recourse to the use of more
marginal aggregates in terms of, for example, strength or shape, is quite feasible
with graded aggregate seals, such as the Otta seal. Table 5.17 indicates the
types of seal that are best suited to various aggregates with marginal
Table 5.17 - Seal selection based on marginal properties
Recommended seals Inappropriate seals
Grading Otta, sand Slurry, chip, Cape
Strength Otta, sand, slurry Chip, Cape
Durability Otta, sand, slurry, Cape Chip, slurry
Shape Otta, sand, slurry Chip, Cape
Dustiness Otta, sand Chip, slurry
Water absorption Otta, sand Chip, slurry
Environment: Environmental conditions in terms of the exposure of the seal
to solar (ultra-violet) radiation, particularly in high-temperature conditions,
play a critical role in the performance of all seals. The thinner and more
open-textured seals, such as sand, slurry and single chip seals are particularly
prone to early degradation resulting from oxidation and consequent embrittle-
ment of the binder and ravelling of the aggregate. In contrast, Otta seals (single
plus sand seal or double) and Cape seals, are especially suited to high
temperature conditions, owing to the close interlocking aggregate texture
and sand or slurry cover that protects the underlying binder from exposure
to solar radiation.
Operational characteristics: The geometry of the road alignment in terms of
gradient and curvature can have an adverse impact on seal performance. On
steep grades or tight curves, seals are subjected to signifcant tyre-induced
horizontal stresses for which seals with adequate shear strength are required.
In these circumstances, the use of asphaltic concrete might be appropriate and,
to a lesser extent, double chip, Cape or Otta seals would be preferable to sand,
slurry or single chip seals.
Safety: In areas such as intersections, sharp bends and steep grades, adequate
surface texture may be required for safety reasons, particularly in high
rainfall situations. In such situations, certain seals, such as chip seals and
coarsely graded Otta seals, because of their better skid resistance properties,
would be preferable to sand or slurry seals.
Construction: The construction technique employed will usually infuence
the selection of the types of seal. The plant available, use of labour-based
techniques or small contractors will result in the selection of the types of
seal suited to these conditions. Similarly, the experience of the contractor with
specifc types of seal can infuence the quality of some seals (e.g. chip seals)
to a considerably greater degree than with sand or Otta seals.
Loss oj second seal due to bitumen hardening
and embrittlement.
The slurry seal lends itselj to construction
by labour-based methods.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 54
Maintenance: Where maintenance capacity is high, ravelling, potholes and
cracks can be rapidly and effectively repaired using sand, slurry and Otta
seals. However, where a time lapse between the development of defects
and maintenance is likely, more resistant/thicker seals such as double Otta
seals, double chip seals, Cape seals or even asphaltic concrete are recom-
Special conditions: Where specic problem conditions occur, the seal
selection must take this into account. For example, where there is a saline n
subgrade or where saline construction materials are involved, then a highly
impermeable seal is required, such as a bitumen-rich double chip seal or a
Cape Seal.
Costs: The cost of constructing bituminous seals can be a signicant
proportion of the overall cost of a pavement, particularly in remote areas n
where trafc is light and aggregate may have to be hauled over long distances.
In very broad terms, for a typical LVSR project with no unusual circum-
stances in terms of excessive hauls or very remote areas, coupled with n
competitive mm tendering, the cost of priming, aggregate, binder and construction
together make up between 10 and 20 per cent of the total road construction cost.
The relative costs of various seals compared with a double chip seal (1.0) are
given in Table 5.18.
Table 5.18. - Relative construction costs of LVSR surfacings
Type of seal Relative cost
With prime Without prime
Sand seal
Slurry seal
Single chip seal
Double sand seal
Double chip seal
Single Otta seal plus sand seal
Cape seal (13mm + single slurry)
Cape seal (19mm + double slurry)
Double Otta seal
The nal selection of the type of surfacing would depend on the outcome of
a life-cycle cost analysis which combines the discounted unit costs of the
following items during service life of the seals under consideration:
road user costs
fog spray
repainting of road markings
cleaning/repair of reectors
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 55
Suitability for use on LVSRs
The suitability of various types of surfacings for use on LVSRs, in terms of
their efciency and effectiveness in relation to the operational factors out-
lined above is summarized in Table 5.19.
Table 5.19 - Suitability of various surfacings for use on LVSRs
(Key: SS = sand seal, SlS = slurry seal, SCS = single chip seal, DCS = double chip seal,
CS = Cape seal, SOS+SS = Single Otta seal + sand seal, DOS = double Otta seal, AC =asphaltic concrete)
Parameter Degree Type of surfacing
Service life
Trafc level Light
Impact of
trafc turn-
ing action
Gradient Mild
and base
Suitability for labour-
based methods
preferred p
Less suitable/
not preferred p
Not suitable/
not applicable pp
Whilst not exhaustive, the factors listed in Table 5.19 provide a basic format
which can be adapted or developed to suit local conditions and subsequently
used to assist in making a choice of surfacing options. These options can then
be subjected to a life-cycle cost analysis and a nal decision made with due
regard to prevailing economic factors and the overall nancial situation.
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
56 Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 56
Box 5.11 - Advantages and disadvantages of Otta seals
Although the choice of surfacing will depend on the particular conditions
prevailing on any particular project and, ultimately, a life-cycle cost analy-
sis, the Otta seal merits particular mention. This relatively new type of
seal has been found to be particularly advantageous in situations where the
following factors play an important role:
road construction in remote areas where, for example, only natural gravels
occur and where it may be prohibitively expensive to set up crushing facilities
contractor capacity may be low and workmanship may be of indifferent quality
fexibility and durability of the surfacing is required to tolerate, for example,
comparatively low-quality, low-bearing capacity bases with relatively high
low maintenance capability
high solar radiation resulting in an increased rate of weathering of the binder
The disadvantages of using Otta seals include the following:
need to cater contractually for the post-construction 'after care of the seal
blending of hot bitumen and cutting agents on site
5.5.7 SurIacIng DesIgn
he complexity of surfacing design depends very much on the type of
seal involved. Some types of seals, such as chip seals and the Cape seal,
entail a fairly complex, rational design process which involves selection of the
appropriate aggregate size and calculation of the aggregate and bitumen spray
rates, taking into account such factors as embedment of stone into the base or
existing surface, gradient, climate, traffc speed, etc. Formulae and fgures
are available in the design manuals that allow these factors to be determined
fairly easily.
In contrast to chip and Cape seals, Otta, sand and slurry seals are designed
on the basis of broad guidelines and constructed by 'feel with the required
ability of site personnel to adjust or correct the aggregate and binder application
rates as a project proceeds or as the material quality varies.
The general aspects of seal design for the various surfacing types discussed
above, except for the Otta seal, have all evolved from extensive South African
and British practice as contained in the following documents:
Draft TRH 3 (1996)
TRL - Overseas Road Note 3
SABITA Manual 10
Until relatively recently, no formal guideline or manual existed for the design
of Otta Seals. However, this short-coming has been rectifed by the production
of the following documents:
Ministry of Works and Transport, Roads Department, Botswana:
Guideline No. 1 - The Design, Construction and Maintenance of Otta Seals.
Norwegian Public Roads Administration:
Publication No. 93 - A Guide to the Use of Otta Seals.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania:
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999.
An example oj a single Otta seal with a sand
seal perjorming very satisjactorily ajter
more than 13 years in service and without
any surjacing maintenance in a harsh envi-
The Otta Seal guideline contains detailed
injormation on the design, construction,
maintenance, specication and contractual
aspects oj Otta seals.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 57
The main factors affecting the performance of low-volume roads are
trafc and environment, with the latter being more signicant at low
levels of trafc. Drainage in terms of the crown height is particularly
important. Thus, measures that improve the pavement environment
will signicantly improve the performance of low-volume roads.
Examination of the origins of testing procedures and specications for
road-building materials often reveal that they emanated from very
different environments and for levels of trafc different from those t
that prevail on low-volume roads in the SADC region. It is on the basis
of these tests and specications that many local materials are classied
as sub-standard or marginal but which often perform much better
than expected.
Measures that provide an improved (drier) road environment, such
as sealing of shoulders and deepening of side drains, also enable locally
available materials, previously considered unsuitable for road construction
purposes to be used with greater condence.
The materials available for road construction in much of the region are
weaker than those generally found in Europe or the USA but subgrade
soils tend to be stronger. Thus, strong subgrades and the generally
drier prevailing environment facilitate the use of these sub-standard
local materials in the upper pavement layers.
Pavement designs that are based on research in the region and include
local environmental factors are now available. These designs are
intended to make the best use of locally available materials without d
incurring unacceptable risk of failure. Familiarisation with local
conditions and advice from local professionals will help to ensure
that more appropriate designs can be implemented with condence.
The traditional surfacing for sealing low-volume roads was a chip seal
using a single sized stone with a high strength specication. Other
options are now available that enable lower strength locally available
aggregates to be used in designs that produce durable road surfacings.
Forecasts of vehicle loading and predicted damage to road pavements
are usually based on the 4th power law. In dry environments, road
pavements can be stiffer than usual and there is evidence to suggest
that a lower exponent might be more applicable, thus reducing the
effect of heavy vehicles by comparison with that of lighter ones. t
This chapter has covered aspects of pavement design, materials and surfacing
of LVSRs, which are subject areas in which substantial advances in knowledge
have been made through research in the region. The judicious use of the
recommended designs together with the appropriate construction methods d
covered in Chapter 6, will reduce sealed road construction costs and increase
the provision of rural road infrastructure.
5.6 Summary
he key points arising in this chapter are:
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 58
AASHO (1962). The AASHO Road Test: Pavement Research. HRB
Special Report 61E. American Assoc. of State Highway Ofcials,
Washington, D.C.
Johansen J M and P K Senstad (1992). Effects of Tire Pressures on
Flexible Pavement Structures A Literature Survey. Publication No.
62. Norwegian Road Research Laboratory, Oslo.
Netterberg F. (1985): Pedocretes. RR430 NITRR, Pretoria.
Brink A A B and A A R Williams (1964): Soil Engineering Mapping
for Roads in South Africa. CSIR Research Report 227, NIRR Bulletin
6, Pretoria.
Weinhert H H (1980). The Natural Road Construction Materials of
Southern Africa. Pretoria: Academica.
Netterberg F and P Paige-Green (1988): Pavement Materials for
Low-volume Roads in Southern Africa: A review. Proceedings ATC
Conference, Vol. 2B - Appropriate Materials and Methods. Pretoria.
Weinert H H (1974). A Climatic Index of Weathering and its Application
to Road Construction. Geotechnique, Vol. 24, No.4, pp475-488.
McLennan A K (1986). Towards a Strategy for the use of Marginal
and Naturally Occurring Materials in Pavements. 24
ARRB Regional
Symposium, Bundaberg, Queensland.
Schwartz K (1985). Collapsible Soils. Problems Soils in South Africa
- State of the Art. The Civil Engineer in South Africa. Johannesburg,
July 1985.
Jennings J E and K Knight (1975). A guide to the construction on or
with materials exhibiting additional settlement due to collapseof
grain structure. Proc. Of the 6th African Regional Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Durban, Sepetmber 1975.
Netterberg F (1979). Salt Damage to Roads: An Interim Guide to its
Diagnosis and Repair. Institution of Municipal Engineers of South Africa,
Obika B, R J Freer-Hewish, M Woodbridge and D Newill (1995).
Prevention of Salt Damage to Thin Bituminous Surfacings: Design
Guidelines. Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Low-volume Roads, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, June 25-29, 1995.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1986). Cementitious Stabilizers
in Road Construction. Draft TRH13. CSRA, Pretoria.
5.7 References and Bibliography
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 59
Austroads (1998). Guide to Stabilisation in Roadworks. Austroads
Publication No. AP-60/98, Sydney.
Overby C (1982). Material and Pavement Design for Sealed Low-
volume Roads in Botswana 1974-81. NRRL Report 1042. Norwegian
Public Roads Administration, Oslo.
Netterberg F and P Paige-Green (1984). Carbonation of Lime
and Cement Stabilised Layers in Road Construction. NITRR Report
RS/3/84, CSIR, Pretoria.
Gourley C S and P A K Greening. (1999). Performance of Low-volume
Sealed Roads: Results and Recommendations from Studies in Southern
Africa. TRL Published Report PR/OSC/167/99. Crowthorne.
Sampson L R and F Netterberg (1984). A Cone Penetrometer Method
for Measuring the Liquid Limits of South African soils. ff Proc. 8th African
Reg. Conf. on Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Harare.
Grace H and D G Toll (1987). Recent Investigations into the Use
of Plastic Laterites as Bases for Bituminous-Surfaced Low-volume
Roads. Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Low-volume Roads, Ithaca.
Metcalf J B (1976). Pavement Materials The Use of the California
Bearing Ratio Test in Controlling Quality. ARR No. 48, ARRB, Victoria.
Brown S F, S C Loach and M P OReilly (1987). Repeated Loading of
Fine Grained Soils, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
Reeves I N (1989). Modied Texas Triaxial Test for Non-Standard
Paving Materials. Workshop on Pavements in Dry Climates, Materials
Branch, Main Roads, Brisbane.
Handy R L and D E Fox (1987). K-Tests for Subgrade and Base
Evaluation. ATC Proceedings, 3 - 7 August 1987, Pretoria.
Semmelink C J (1991). The Use of the DRTT K-Mould for Determining
the Elastic Moduli of Untreated Road-building Materials. ATC Research
Forum, CSIR, Pretoria.
Kleyn E G and G D van Zyl (1988). Application of the DCP to Light
Pavement Design. First Int. Symposium on Penetration Testing, Orlando.
Roads Department, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications,
Botswana. 2000: Methods and Procedures for Prospecting for Road
Construction Materials. Guideline No. 3, Gaborone.
Transport Research Laboratory (1993). Overseas Road Note 31. A
Guide to the Structural Design of Bitumen-Surfaced Roads in Tropical
and sub-Tropical Climates (1993): TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire. (4
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 60
Van Zyl , N J W and C R Freeme (1984). Determination of Damage
Done to Roads by Heavy Vehicles. Proc. Annual Transport Convention,
Overby C (1990). Monitoring of Sealed Low-Volume Roads in Botswana
1980 - 1989. NRRL Report 1478. Norwegian Public Roads Administration,
National Association of Australian State Road Authorities. (1984).
Moisture Movements in Pavements and Subgrades. NAASRA, Sydney.
Emery S J (1992): The Prediction of Moisture Content in Untreated
Pavement Layers and Application to Design in southern Africa. CSIR
Research Report 644, DRTT Bulletin 20, CSIR, Pretoria.
Mitchell R L and M Ahronovitz (1972). The Laying of Test Sections
to Measure the Phenomenon of Hydrogenesis at Victoria Falls Airport. rr
Lab. Report 6/72, Ministry of Roads and Road Trafc, Salisbury.
McLennan A K (1986). Towards a Strategy for the Use of Marginal
and Naturally Occurring Materials in Pavements. ARRB Symposium,
Bundaberg. Queensland, March 1986.
Walker R N, W D O Paterson, C R Freeme and C P Marais (1977).
The South African Mechanistic Design Procedure. Proc. 4
on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
August 1977.
CSIR (1981). The Mechanistic Design Method Used to Evaluate the
Pavement Structures in the Catalogue of the Draft TRH 4 1980. Technical
Report RP/2/81. NITRR, CSIR, Pretoria.
Kleyn E G (1982). Aspects of Pavement Evaluation and Design as
Determined with the Aid of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP).
M.Eng. Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
Wolff H, S J Emery, G D van Zyl and P Paige-Green (1995). Design
Catalogue for Low-volume Roads Developed for South African Conditions.
Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Low-volume Roads, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
June 25-29, 1995.
Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission (1998).
Code of Practice for the Design of Road Pavements (draft). SATCC,
Mitchell R L, C P van der Merwe and H K Geel (1975). Standardised
Flexible Pavement Design for Rural Roads with Light to Medium
Trafc, Ministry of Roads and Road Trafc, Rhodesia Government.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Botswana (1982).
Roads Design Manual, Roads Department, Gaborone.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 61
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1999). Pavement and Materials Design
Manual, Dar es Salaam.
C P van der Merwe (1999). Material and Pavement Structures for Low-
volume Roads in Zimbabwe. Unpublished Report, Harare.
Standards Association of Australia (1986). Australian Standard 2341.
Methods of Testing Bitumens.
Olivier J H W O (1990). Models to Predict the Hardening Rate and
Distress Viscosity Level in Sprayed Seals. ARRB, Report No. 182.
Morton B S (2001). The Foamability of Tar and the Engineering
Properties of Foamed Tar Mixes. M. Eng. Dissertation. University of
Paterson W D O (1987). Road Deterioration and Maintenance Effects, ff
Models for Planning and Management. John Hopkins University Press
for the World Bank, Baltimore, 1987.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1998). Draft TRH3: Surface
Seals for Rural and Urban Roads, CSRA, Pretoria.
Transport Research Laboratory (2000) Overseas Road Note 3. A Guide
to Surface Dressing in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Climates. Overseas
Centre, TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire. (2nd edition).
SABITA Manual 10 (1992). Appropriate Standards for Bituminous
Surfacings for Low-volume Roads. South African Bitumen and Tar
Association, Cape Town.
American Society for Testing and Materials (1987). Journal of ASTM
Standards, Vol. 4.08. Philadelphia.
Austroads (1992). Pavement Design. A Guide to the Structural Design of
Road Pavements. Austroads Publication No. AP-17/92. Sydney.
Austroads (1995). Sealed Local Roads Manual. Guidelines to Good Practice
for the Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements. Sydney.
Brink A B A (1979). Engineering Geology of Southern Africa (Volumes
1 - 4) (1979). Building Publications.
Roads Department, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications
(2001). The Prevention and Repair of Salt Damage to Roads and Runways.
Guideline No. 6.
CEBTP (1980). Practical Guide to Pavement Design for Tropical Countries.
The Ministry of Cooperation.
Collis L and R A Fox (1985). Aggregates. Geological Society, London.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 62
Committee of State Road Authorities (1987). Standard Specication for
Road and Bridge Works. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1981). TMH 5: Standard methods
of testing road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1986). TMH 1: Sampling methods
for road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1997). TRH 4: Structural Design
of exible pavements for inter-urban and rural roads. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1985). TRH 14: Guidelines for
road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1991). TRH 16: Trafc loading for
pavement design and rehabilitation. CSRA, Pretoria.
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (1988). Laterite
in Road Construction Pavements. Special Publication 47. CIRIA, Westminister,
Croney D and P Croney (1991). The Design and Performance of Road
Pavements. McGraw-Hill Inst.
Division of Roads and Transport Technology (1996). Appropriate Use of
Locally Available Materials in Concrete, Bituminous Surfacings and
Layerworks for Roads in Rural Areas. Project Report RR 93/263. CSIR,
Dyer C (1982). Road Construction Technology in South Africa, Juta &
Ltd, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
Emery S J, S van Huyssteen and G D van Zyl (1991). Appropriate
Stadards for Effective Bituminous Surfacings: Final report, CSIR Trans-
portek, Pretoria.
Ingles O G and J B Metcalf (1972). Soil Stabilisation Principles and Practice.
Butterworths, Sydney.
Lay M G (1985). Source Book of Australian Roads. ARRB. 3
Ed., Sydney.
Lay M G (1991). Handbook of Road Technology, Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers, Reading.
Metcalf J B (1991). Use of Naturally Occurring but non-Standard Materials in
Low-cost Road Construction, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 9.
Mitchell M F, E C P Petzer and N Van der Walt N (1979). The Optimum
use of Natural Materials for Lightly Trafcked Roads in Developing Regions.
Transp. Res. Record 702. Washinton, D.C.
Netterberg F (1993). Low-cost Local Road Materials in southern Africa.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. CSIR, Pretoria.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Pavement Design, Materials & Surfacing 5 - 63
Paige-Green P (1994). Recommendations for the use of Marginal Base
Course Materials in Low-volume Roads in South Africa, CSIR Transportek,
SABITA Manual 2 (1992). Bituminous products for road construction.
SABITA Manual 7 (SURF+) (1993). Economic Warrants for Surfacing
SABITA Manual 11 (1994). Labour-enhanced construction for bituminous
SABITA Manual 12 (1995). Methods and procedures Labour-enhanced
construction for bituminous surfacings.
Toole T and D Newill (1987). Strategy for assessing marginal quality
materials for use in bituminous roads in the tropics. Proc. Seminar H, PTRC
Transport and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, University of Bath,
Visser A T, J H Maree and G P Marais (1983). Implications of Light
Bituminous Surface Treatments on Gravel Roads. 3
Int. Conf. On Low-
volume Roads, Transp. Res. Board, Washington D.C., 1983.
Weston D J (1980). Expansive soil treatment for southern Africa. Proc.4
International Conference on Expansive Solis, Denver.
Wooltorton F L D (1954). The Scientic Basis of Road Design. Edward
Arnold Ltd.
Yoder E J and M W Witczak (1975). Principles of Pavement Design,
Wiley, New York.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1. Introduction
2. Regional Setting
3. Planning, Appraisal &
Environmental Issues
4. Geometric Design
and Road Safety
5. Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
6. Construction and
7. Maintenance and
Road Management
8. Vision to Practice
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Construction and
6.1 Introduction ........................................................... 6 - 1
6.1.1 Construction .................................................. n 6 - 1
6.1.2 Drainage ....................................................... 6 - 2
6.1.3 Purpose and Scope of Chapter ............................ 6 - 2
6.2 Construction Issues .................................................. 6 - 3
6.2.1 Characteristics of LVSRs .................................. 6 - 3
6.2.2 Labour-Based Construction ................................ n 6 - 3
6.2.3 Environmental Considerations ............................. 6 - 4
6.2.4 Mobilisation................................................... n 6 - 5
6.2.5 Contracts ...................................................... 6 - 6
6.2.6 Earthworks Quantities and Design and
Construct Methods ......................................... 6 - 8
6.2.7 Working with Nature ........................................ 6 - 9
6.2.8 Stabilisation ................................................... n 6 - 9
6.3 Construction Equipment ........................................... 6 - 10
6.3.1 Introduction ................................................... n 6 - 10
6.3.2 Equipment Used with Labour-Based Methods ..... ... 6 - 10
6.3.3 Heavy Equipment Units .................................... 6 - 11
6.3.4 Compaction Equipment ..................................... t 6 - 12
6.4 Utilising Soils and Natural Gravels .............................. 6 - 14
6.4.1 General Considerations..................................... 6 - 14
6.4.2 Materials Management ................................... .. 6 - 15
6.4.3 Borrow Pits and the Community .......................... 6 - 16
6.4.4 Clearing, Grubbing and Removal of Topsoil ............ 6 - 17
6.4.5 Construction of Earthworks ............................... 6 - 17
6.4.6 Construction of Pavement Layers ......................... 6 - 18
6.4.7 Dealing with Variability .................................... 6 - 20
6.4.8 Shoulder Construction ...................................... n 6 - 21
6.5 Construction of Seals ............................................... 6 - 23
6.5.1 Selection of Seal Type and Materials .................... 6 - 23
6.5.2 Resources Required on Site ................................ 6 - 23
6.5.3 Aggregate Production ...................................... 6 - 24
6.5.4 Construction Procedure ......................... ........... 6 - 24
6.5.5 Labour Friendliness ......................................... 6 - 25
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
6.6 Quality Assurance and Control ................................... 6 - 26
6.6.1 Introduction ................................................... n 6 - 26
6.6.2 Methodology.................................................. 6 - 26
6.7 Drainage ............................................................... 6 - 29
6.7.1 Introduction ................................................... n 6 - 29
6.7.2 Internal Drainage ............................................ 6 - 29
6.7.3 External Drainage............................................ 6 - 33
6.7.4 Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations ................... 6 - 33
6.7.5 Drainage Structures .......................................... 6 - 34
6.7.6 Erosion ........................................................ n 6 - 36
6.8 Summary............................................................... 6 - 37
6.9 References and Bibliography...................................... 6 - 38
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Construction and Drainage 6 - 1
ConsIruuIIon and
0utot|on ol oct|v|t|es
6.I 1nIroduuIIon
6.1.1 ConstructIon
onstruction is a practical manifestation of the planning and design
phases of LVSR provision in which the constructor faces the challenge
of adopting a construction strategy that is appropriate to the prevailing social,
economic, cultural and other needs of a particular country. In the SADC
region, such a strategy should be aimed at optimising the use of limited
funding by making maximum use of the relatively abundant resource of
labour, indigenous materials and construction skills.
One of the secondary objectives and consequences of adopting an appropriate
construction strategy is that it should reduce the demand for scarce foreign
exchange, principally by reducing the need for plant-intensive operations,
where feasible. This often requires modifcation of conventional construction
management techniques, contract conditions, tender evaluation procedures,
and the administration and fnancing procedures normally used for the
construction of major, high-volume roads.
Construction and Drainage 6 - 2
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Irrespective of the construction strategy adopted, the quality of the
construction process is critical as this can have a signicant impact on the t
subsequent costs of maintaining the road. For example, any initial savings
made during construction through the inadequate provision of drainage or
lax quality control are likely to paid for, many times over, during the life of
the road through additional maintenance and road user costs.
6.1.2 Drainage
rainage is widely recognised as the single most important factor that
controls the performance of any road, the more so a LVSR in which
naturally occurring, often moisture sensitive, materials are used. The lack
of good drainage can lead to ingress of water into the road structure, leading
to structural damage and costly repairs and surface water can form a road
safety hazard, especially on high-speed roads when it can cause aquaplaning.
For these reasons, adequate attention to drainage is not only an important
aspect of the preceding design process, but also of the construction and
maintenance phases of road provision.
A clear distinction should be made between internal and external drainage.
Internal drainage is concerned with controlling the movement of water within
the road pavement or embankment, whereas external drainage is concerned
with the control of surface water by various measures taken in the design and
construction stages. In the nal analysis, a balance has to be struck between
the cost of the drainage measures and the function of the road as perceived
by road users.
6.1.3 Purpose and Scope of Chapter
he main purpose of this chapter is to highlight the signicant differ-
ences in approach to the construction of LVSRs by comparison with
those of high volume, major highways. In view of the importance of utilising
the most abundant resource in the region - labour - this chapter also seeks
to raise awareness of the scope for utilising labour-based construction and of
the type of equipment that is best suited to complement this approach. The
importance of appropriate internal and external drainage is also highlighted
as being of crucial importance in the performance of LVSRs.
Disruption of trafc and pedestrian move-
ments due to ooding of rivers is a common
problem in many rural areas.
In view of the signicance of labour-based
methods in the construction of LVSRs,
wherever this issue arises, it is indicated as
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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6.2 Construction Issues
6.2.1 Characteristics of LVSRs
he construction process for LVSRs does not, in principle, differ from
that used for other types of road. However, LVSRs are much more
sensitive then other types of road to the social, economic and technical
context in which they are built. Variations can be considerable with regard
to the choice of construction method, type of resources available and type of
construction materials being used. Moreover, aspects regarding social and
environmental impacts, including the need for any resettlement action plan,
require particular attention prior to the start of construction.
One aspect of the provision of LVSRs that is receiving increased attention
is the use of labour-based construction. All the governments in the region
recognise that economic growth and redistribution of wealth rely upon increased
employment opportunities. Continuous efforts are therefore being made to
create productive employment through the use of labour-based construction
and maintenance, where these are technically and economically feasible.
6.2.2 Labour-Based Construction
he objective of labour-based construction is to maximise the number of
job opportunities per unit of expenditure. This approach involves using a
combination of labour and light equipment rather than heavy plant, without
compromising the quality of the end product. It optimises the use of labour
and employs equipment only for those activities that are difcult for a labour
force alone to undertake efciently and cost-effectively. Unfortunately, despite
the well-publicised and substantial potential benets offered by labour-based
construction, a number of myths and problems relating to this technology
still persist in the minds of some practitioners.
Box 6.1 - Common misconceptions about the use of labour-based methods and
small scale labour-based contractors
standards should be lowered to allow for labour-based methods
labour-based construction is out of date and incompatible with the modern world
labour-based methods can be used for any construction activity
labour-based construction is only intended for welfare relief schemes
poorly educated contractors will never understand tender procedures
voluntary labour can be used to keep costs down
lack of suitable documentation for the management of labour-based contracts
many clients are still not open to even considering a labour-based approach for
new projects
many clients are unable to process payment for labour and materials fast enoughh
to keep a labour-based contract operating smoothly
In order to overcome these problems, suitable forms of contract need to be more
widely used; clients need to gain experience in awarding and managing labour-based
contracts and small-scale contractors need to gain experience in managing such
contracts efciently. Government ministries also need to develop strategies that
facilitate the implementation of pro-employment policies.
The development of a White Paper on
Labour-based Works Policy is an example
of a pro-active strategy by a SADC govern-
ment to achieve increased utilization of t
abundant human resources in the roads
rr .
Construction and Drainage 6 - 4
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Suitability of Construction Activities for Labour-Based Projects
Many activities are well suited to labour-based methods such as site
clearance/bush clearing and ditch excavation wheneas activities, such as
compaction of pavement layers or haulage of materials over long distances
(typically > 5 km) are not. Quite apart from economic considerations, some
construction activities (e.g. the manipulation of heavy precast sections) are
just not possible without the help of the right machinery. However, these
kinds of problem can be avoided if emphasis is given to those activities that
can be undertaken effectively by labour-based methods, and design options
selected that minimise the requirements for plant.
Labour-based projects usually employ a relatively large number of labourers.
In such a situation, the site management staff should be particularly good
man-managers with strong managerial and technical backgrounds. They
should be familiar with local traditions and social structures in order to avoid
serious disputes on site that could threaten the progress of construction and,
ultimately, the sustainability of the project.
6.2.3 Environmental Considerations
oad construction can adversely affect the environment in a variety
of ways. Assuming that the necessary mitigating measures have been
incorporated in the contract documents, it is important that the contractor
be made fully aware of his environmental responsibilities as part of his
contractual obligations. Moreover, compliance with the environmental
requirements of the project should be monitored throughout the construction
process in order to correct problems before they occur (Section 3.4).
Box 6.2 - Typical best practice guidelines for environmental mitigation
Construction process: Ensure the existence of an Environmental Management
Plan which sets out the specic undertakings for the necessary environmental
protection responsibilities, measures, monitoring and auditing to be undertaken
during construction in order to achieve the environmental requirements set outt
in the contract.
Construction procedures: Ensure that procedures are adopted that:
minimise disturbance to ora and fauna
minimise sedimentation and erosion by implementing effective drainage/
stormwater control measures
minimise generation of dust and noise
progressively revegetate disturbed areas during road construction
minimise visual impacts and environmental disturbance at site camps
minimise environmental impacts of stockpiles and storage of materials
minimise construction wastes and dispose at an approved environmentally
sustainable location
provide environmentally sound management for the handling, storage and
disposal, if necessary, of fuel, oil, lubricants, bitumen and chemicals used
in the road construction process
Auditing: Ensure the existence of a documented environmental due diligence
system to measure compliance with environmental management requirements
throughout the construction process with the objective of correcting problems
before adverse environmental impacts occur.
Before construction starts, all relevant
environmental assessments should be l
completed to ensure that the project does d
not achieve its own goal at the expense of
loss or inconvenience to non-beneciaries
or future generations
Example of appropriate
choice of technology
Screening of aggregate for road surfacing.
De-stumping of trees is an example of
appropriate labour-based technology.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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6.2.4 Mobilisation
Preliminary and General Items
VSRs are often constructed in remote areas and establishment costs
normally make up a substantial part of the total project cost. The cost of
preliminary and general items, where establishment is included, is a larger t
proportion of total construction cost for LVSRs than that used on more
heavily trafcked roads.
However, where labour-based methods are utilised, one can expect mobilisation
costs to be considerably lower than these for large machine-based units. This
favours the use of labour-based methods in remote locations, in circumstances
where projects are relatively small or where larger projects can be split up
into smaller contracts.
Health and Safety on Site
Road construction ranks among the most hazardous occupations in all
countries of the world, particularly on projects where a large amount of
labour is involved. The following typical LVSR site situations require that
particular attention be paid to health and safety precautions on site:
LVSRs are often constructed in remote areas where access to emergency
medical care is limited, thereby aggravating the consequences in the case
of accidents on site. Under these circumstances, greater awareness is
needed of the risks attached to certain especially hazardous operations
and appropriate measures should be taken to minimise these risks. For
example, trained First Aid staff should be employed on site and an d adequate
stock of First Aid equipment and medicines should be kept in a secure
clean place. This may, however, be a requirement under national employmentt
Handling of hot bitumen is potentially harzardous due to the risk of burns
and inhalation of fumes. The use of bitumen emulsion, which can be
manufactured on site, is preferable
Trafc safety measures in remote areas with low trafc densities are often
given less attention than they deserve. However, trafc moving through
construction sites at high speed always poses a severe n danger to construction n
All governments in the SADC region are committed to combating HIV/
AIDS. In this regard, construction operations are relevant on account of the
Construction of roads requires the services of skilled personnel, depending
on the type of operation and project. This leads to migration of labour
and sometimes to the division of families, a situation that is widely
considered to d be a contributory factor in the spread of HIV/AIDS.
LVSRs are often constructed in sparsely populated areas where the local
communities are vulnerable to the transient effects of the inux of large
numbers of workers. The establishment of a road camp may cause a rapid d
change in the local economy, which further exacerbates these effects.
Awareness and active involvement in taking measures to combat HIV/AIDS
have become necessary requirements for sustainable operations and affect all
responsible parties involved in road construction.
Handling of bitumen is a hazard and
requires suitable locations for storage,
heating or blending.
Counselling ahead of project commencement
is an important measure to combat the spread
of HIV/AIDS as a result of construction
Construction and Drainage 6 - 6
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
6.2.5 Contracts
Labour-Hased works
The three main delivery mechanisms that may be adopted for expanding
labour-based methods of construction and maintenance amongst small-scale
contractors are shown in Figure 6.1 and are briefy described as follows
The Government-run Model: In this model the responsibility for all aspects
of contractor development (including small contract administration and
payment) lies with the government roads agency.
The Agency Model: Responsibility for all aspects of contractor development
lies with an independent non-proft management agency or with a for-
proft consulting frm.
The Development Team Model: The responsibility is divided be between
the employer, a construction manager and a materials manager.
us|n lstool|sheJ
0evelo|n 5moll-scole Conttoctots
Covt-tun Aency 0eveloment 7eom
Lmployer Lmployer Lmployer Lmployer Lmployer Lmployer
Laborers Laborers Laborers Laborers Laborers Laborers
The type of model to be adopted will depend primarily on the country`s
contracting environment and on the extent to which the institutional reforms
mentioned in Chapter 2 have been embraced. For example, if the roads agency
is functioning well and reform can be facilitated, the Government run model
may be the most appropriate. Conversely, if the roads agency is unable to effect
the required reforms within a reasonable time, or would prefer to pass a portion
of the risk of contractor development to the private sector, a Development
Team Model may be the most suitable.
HIsk Aspects
Wherever roads are constructed with innovative methods or marginal quality
of materials, the aspect of risk inevitably plays a role in the process (Chapters:
Pavement Design, Section 5.4.6). Risk needs to be carefully considered and
managed in relation to the potential benefts offered. The roads agency is often
in the best position to allocate risk as it sees ft as it is generally in control of
the conditions that control the project.
The construction of LVSRs offers much scope for innovation and cost-savings
as highlighted in every chapter of this Guideline. However, given the nature
of the construction industry, the party most able to promote innovation is the
roads agency. In so doing, the agency cannot expect to reap the potential
benets oj reduced construction cost that lie in the use oj innovative methods
unless it is also willing to carry a part oj the any potential risks that may be
perceived to be involved.
Figure 6.1 - Alternative arrangements for undertaking labour-based works
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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A commercially operating contractor or consultant will have to price risk
into a contract, involving insurance cost and potential losses in execution of
the project if problems occur. This aspect is a common hindrance to
innovations that would result in considerable benets to society by providing
LVSRs in rural areas using more cost-effective methods. It therefore appears
reasonable that society, through the agency, also carries a large part of the
calculated risk, bearing in mind that society is also the potential beneciary
in the use of innovative methods. Thus, the roads agency should carefully
consider the merits of sharing some of the risk that normally lies with the
contractor when allowing, encouraging or prescribing the use of methods or
materials that are perceived to carry increased risk.
Planning and Design Stages
The key to ensuring optimal operations in construction with marginal materials
and in a variety of different climatic conditions, lies in the preparation and
planning/design of the contracts. Deriving maximum benet from the use
of marginal materials relies on the contractors use of appropriate methods
of winning the materials and subsequently processing them to meet the
prescribed specication. The aim is to utilise the full potential of the material
sources found in the project area once the appropriate standard has been set
for the project. As illustrated in Box 6.3, incentives can be included in the
conditions of contract to ensure that the contractor and the agency responsible
for the project are both striving for the same end result.
Use of rock materials in bulk earthworks
can speed up construction by:
Allowing thick layers to be constructed d
in a single lift.
Eliminating the need for construction
water and mixing in earthwork.
Minimising the need for laboratory
Box 6.3 - Issues to consider during contract preparation
As contractors normally depend strongly on their cash ow to meet their
nancial obligations for the project, the following aspects should be given
particular attention in the preparation of contracts for the construction of
Plant operation: Fewer mechanical items are in use and units are
simple to maintain with ordinary mechanical skills.
Plant availability: It is often easy to fnd locally available plant outside
the ploughing season, thereby offering fexibility in feet management.
Better utilisation of agricultural tractors.
It is often easier to obtain spare parts for agricultural tractors then for
heavy construction machinery.
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SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Scrapers: These are effective where earthworks quantities are large and
where material quality is not critical. (The control of material quality is
very diffcult when using scrapers). The advantage of scrapers is that they
can be used for cutting the roadway, excavation of drains, flling, spreading
and, to some degree, compaction. However, motor scrapers incur very high
investment and operational costs and consequently require high utilisation
and mechanical skills for their maintenance. Thus, they are expensive to
operate and currently tend to be replaced by a combination of other types of
Motor-graders are versatile and are typically used to level tipped heaps,
spread gravel, break down oversize, mix in water, place gravel layers for
compaction, cut levels, shape road prism, shape cut-off berms and cut mitres.
Most operations carried out by the use of motor graders can be undertaken
by labour-based methods. However, on more heavily traffcked roads, it may
be preferable to cut the fnal levels with a motor grader for achieving good
riding quality. This can be carried out as a one-off operation whenever a
suffcient length (say 20 km) of base has been placed by hand.
Excavators: Large excavators can carry out the operations of both a bulldozer
and a front-end loader for earth-moving in the roadway and in the borrow
pits and is an economical option. Selection of material quality is very diffcult
and such operations can, therefore, be used only where material quality is
uniform or can be mixed in situations where quality assurance is not critical
(e.g. for bulk earthworks).
Articulated dump trucks: These incur high investment and operational costs
with stringent requirements for mechanical skills in their maintenance. They
can be effcient in high-capacity operations and provide both an off-road
and an on-road driving capability wherever the units can legally use public
Tipper trucks: Ordinary tipper trucks are often favoured by emerging
contractors because they can be used for other transport purposes and
are readily available on the second-hand market, generally with readily
available spare parts. The skills required for their mechanical maintenance
are moderate.
6.3.4 CompactIon EquIpment
n addition to conventional rollers for compaction there are other types of
equipment that give particular benefts in the construction of earthworks
and pavement layers for LVSRs. These includc:
Grid rollers: This is a static roller towed at a relatively high speed (approx.15
km/hour) for breaking down oversize and for compaction. In this manner
the material is better utilised and problems arising from oversize particles
are avoided. Good results are generally obtained with the use of this plant
for the compaction of pavements constructed with natural gravel and of fll
layers with marginal quality materials, which can sometimes be diffcult to
compact to the full layer depth.
The roller allows compaction of the layer to take place in several smaller lifts
at the same time as the graders spread the material. This is achieved without
forming laminations and shear planes within the layer, because of the pattern
of the surface of the roller.
Graders are versatile jor processing materials
on the road.
Excavators are convenient jor various
applications, including lijting.
Breaking down oj any oversi:e jraction
will benet the grading and quality oj the
available material.
Grid roller.
Close-up oj grid.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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Very heavy towed pneumatic rollers: This type of roller can weigh up to
50 tonnes on one axle and has been used successfully for compaction and
proof-rolling of the roadbed, especially in thick layers of single-size sand. Its
advantage is it provides a uniform and sound foundation for the pavement,
achieved by collapsing and densifying any soft areas.
Impact compactors: These are non-circular, relatively high-energy rollers,
typically three-, four - or ve - sided. Large-wheeled tractors are used for
pulling the compactors at operational speeds of 12 - 15 km/hr producing a
series of high amplitude/high impact blows delivered to the soil at a relatively
low frequency (90 - 130 blows per minute) with the energy per blow varying
between 10 and 25 kilojoules, depending on the mass and amplitude of the
Owing to their very high energy density per blow, their main advantage over
conventional compaction plant is their depth-effectiveness, typically of the,
order of one metre of ll or in situ layers, thereby producing deep, well-
balanced, relatively stiff pavement layers. These rollers are well suited for
densifying collapsible soils. They have been successfully used in low-cost
road systems and, when appropriately specied, offer a cost-effective option
for LVSR construction.
Selection of Compaction Plant
Figure 6.2 provides a broad guide to the selection of compaction equipment.
Each roller has been positioned in its economic zone of application. However,
it is not uncommon to nd them working out of their zones. Moreover, the
exact positioning of the zones can vary with differing material conditions.
Smooth steel drum
Heavy pneumatic
Towed tamping foot
High speed tamping foot
Tamping foot Rock tamping
Compactor zone of application Compactive principle
100 % Clay 100 % Sand Rock
Figure 6.2 - Compaction equipment selection guide
Pneumatic roller.
3-sided Impact compactor.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
6.3 Utilising Soils and Natural
6.4.1 General Considerations
Natural Gravel Resources
n areas where natural gravel and soils are available for road building
purposes, these materials constitute the most valuable resource in the
construction of LVSRs, hence, every effort should be made to use them in
a creative manner - a challenge that has met with signicant success in the
SADC region. However, this has required that particular attention be paid to
construction methods.
Box 6.6 - Labour-based methods in borrow pit operations
Labour-based methods in borrow pit operations may be utilised for combined
stockpiling/loading in pits without overburden and where the ground does
not require ripping. Labour-based operations may also be viable in combined
operations where heavy plant is used for removal of overburden, while loading is
carried out with manual labour. Where bulldozers have removed overburden, it is
advantageous to let the same machines scarify the gravel and perhaps undertake
stockpiling before manual loading.
Compaction is a vital, integral aspect of LVSR construction that results in
all-round improvements of soil properties and its performance as a pavement
supporting layer. A well compacted subgrade possesses enhanced strength,
stiffness and bearing capacity, is more resistant to moisture penetration and
less susceptible to differential settlement.
One of the critical aspects of using natural gravels is to maximise their
strength and increase their stiffness and bearing capacity through effective
compaction. This can be achieved, not necessarily by compacting to a
pre-determined relative compaction level as is traditionally done, but
by compacting to the highest uniform level of density possible without
signicant strength degradation of the particles (compaction to refusal).
In so doing, there is a signicant gain in density, strength and stiffness, the
benets of which generally outweigh the costs of the additional passes of
the roller.
Figure 6.3 - Illustration of concept of compaction to refusal
90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110
%of MDDBS Compaction
1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90
Dry Density Mg/m
The degree to which soils and natural gravels
can be utilized in LVSR construction, instead
of more expensive processed materials, will
determine the success of the project in terms
of economy in both construction and main-
Large thickness of overburden does some-
times exclude labour-based methods for
winning gravel materials. (The example
shown in the picture is from construction of
LVSRs where the thickness of the overburden
is in excess of 2 m).
Permeability-dry density relationship for a
lateritic gravel (Kenya).
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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Compaction to refusal ensures that the soil has been compacted to its near
elastic state as shown in Figure 6.3 with the signicant benet of reduced
permeability and, hence, susceptibility to moisture ingress.
In general, the effectiveness of the compaction process depends on three
important, inter-related factors, namely:
soil moisture content during compaction
soil type
type and level of the compactive effort
A maximum allowable moisture content during construction should be
specied and proper precautions for surface and sub-surface drainage (where
required) should be taken on all road-building projects to ensure optimal
performance of the road.
Different types of soils respond to compactive effort in different ways.
Thus, it is important to ensure that the compaction plant being used is
appropriate for the type of soil being compacted and the purpose intended.
For example, sand or sandy soils are most efciently compacted with high
frequency vibrating rollers, whereas cohesive soils are most efciently
compacted by static pressure, high-amplitude compaction plant. In addition,
if the requirement is to compact and to produce a good riding quality of base
course, this is unlikely to be achieved with a very heavy roller that compacts
to a great depth and, in the process, disturbs the surface.
6.4.2 Materials Management
roper management of the material sources is essential to ensure that
the best qualities of available material are used in the top layers of the PP
pavement structure. The efforts made to locate the best quality of locally
available and often scarce materials for road base are of no avail if this
material ends up in earthworks layers. Good management of materials
resources is, therefore, a critical operation in LVSR construction.
Box 6.7 - Procedure for materials management
Stockpiling forms an important part of materials management by promoting
appropriate selection of materials as well as providing opportunities for
blending materials and for testing materials before transportation to the
road. The biggest threat to good materials management is when borrow pit
operations are not kept sufciently ahead of the construction.
There is considerable experience to show that the following sequence of
procedures will ensure good management of the material resources:
Initial investigation of material sources by trial holes.
Stockpiles to be clearly marked.
Allocation of materials for specic layers on specic sections of the road d
after stockpiles are completed.
Laboratory testing should be conducted if possible.
Loading from stockpiles according to allocation for transportation to site.
Good management procedures that prevent
rejection of material on the road create
condence in the quality assurance system
and greatly reduce the risk of shortcuts and
poor practice.
It is important to ensure that rejection or
acceptance of materials is carried out at
the source and not after the material has
been transported to the road.
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SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
The procedure set out in Box 6.7 requires sufcient plant for opening of
borrow pits to avoid construction demands exceeding the materials supply
from the borrow pits. In cases where the opening of borrow pits cannot keep
ahead of construction, there is a considerable risk that materials selected for
basecourse, will end up in the lower layers of the pavement, causing pressure
on the supply of material when base course materials are needed at a later
6.4.3 Borrow Pits and the Community
perations in borrow pits will always put a strain on surrounding
areas and the environment as a whole. Work in borrow pits has
environmental disadvantages, such as temporary noise and dust pollution,
and creates trafc safety problems and other hazards to livestock and humans.
Some of the effects may remain after construction is completed, such as
permanent changes to the topography and disturbance of the soil cover. The
Environmental Management Plan, which should be developed in conjunction
with the community, will indicate the agreed procedures for the opening and
re-instatement of borrow pits.
Wishes of the Community
The wishes of the community will vary according to their needs in the
particular area and may include one or more of the following:
provision of future access to borrow materials for utilisation by the
use of the depression for water collection, sometimes requiring fencing
or sloping of sides to at least 1:3 for the safety of people as well as to
protect livestock from drowning
levelling of the area in order to prevent collection of water that may lead d
to mosquito breeding and water-borne diseases
use of the depression for landll (rubbish) deposits, always requiring
special precautions to prevent pollution
reinstatement of the area for farming purposes, requiring fertile topsoil
replacement, which must be self-draining
reinstatement and landscaping of the area for building or recreational
It should be noted that the public perception of benets in leaving borrow pits
open is often exaggerated and, as a rule, borrow pits should be reinstated.
Before decisions on the future use of a borrow area are nalised, the
community should be made aware of the disadvantages of leaving borrow
pits open.
Reinstatement of Borrow Pits
The extent of the work required to comply with the wishes of the community
will depend entirely on the requirements in each individual case. In the
cases where no particular standard for reinstatement has been established,
one should routinely carry out reinstatement as described in Box 6.8. The
condition of all areas used for access roads should be assessed in the same
manner as for the borrow areas.
Backlling of borrow pits, i.e. replacement
of the material from the pit, is only viable
where the material for backlling is either:
spoil material, or
originates from a source where excavtions
give considerably less disadvantages than
in the borrow area. The cost of this method d
is likely to be very high.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
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Box 6.8 - General procedure for borrow pit re-instatement.
The following simple procedure will minimise the limitations that the construction
activity has placed on future use of the land:
Shape mounds and steep banks down to a slope (steepest 1:3) that is
naturally found in the landscape.
Spread the topsoil evenly back into the pit in order to promote growth
of vegetation.
Ensure the area is self-draining.
Before reinstating a borrow pit, one should assess the need for materials in
future road maintenance and then stockpile appropriate quantities of gravel
for this purpose.
6.4.4 Clearing, Grubbing and Removal of Topsoil
t is particularly important to take account of environmental aspects at the
early stages of construction so that sensitive operations such as clearing
and grubbing are conducted as carefully as possible. It is important that
damage to the vegetation cover is minimized, shifting of soil and associated
damage due to erosion is avoided and that any mitigation measures set out
in the Environmental Impact Assessment are observed, (Section 3.4). All
topsoil that is stripped should be stockpiled for use in areas that are being
reinstated for farming purposes or to promote vegetation. Any vegetation
being removed should be disposed of in a manner that is to the benet of the
community, e.g. for fuel wood.
Box 6.9 - Clearing and grubbing using manual labour
Clearing and grubbing is eminently suitable for labour-based operations where
the required speed of construction and availability of labour makes it possible.
Labourers may experience problems in achieving the required result as described
in specications due to the need for ripping, depth of grubbing, size of roots, etc.
In such cases it is advisable to review specications in the light of the requirements
of a low-volume road and to ascertain whether there is actually a realistic risk
of damage to the pavement resulting from reduced standards of grubbing by
comparison with current specications.
6.4.5 Construction of Earthworks
he optimal techniques and methods for undertaking earthworks operations
are largely dependent on available equipment in addition to the operational
skills and experience of the eld staff. Section 6.4 gives an indication of the
advantages and disadvantages of the various types of equipment available for
earthworks operations.
When compacting earthworks it may be difcult to adjust in situ moisture
content before compaction, especially when using clayey material types
where a good distribution of water in the material is difcult to achieve. To
mix water into such materials requires much effort and is not very effective.
The possibility of adjusting moisture contents of earthworks is particularly
difcult in wet climatic regions, whereas in dryer areas it is possible to dry
out materials that are too wet. Careful timing of earthworks, where possible,
can, to some extent, alleviate the problem.
Box 6.10 - Labour-based methods in earthworks
The use of labour-based methods in earthworks is only appropriate where the quantities
are moderate or where there is a large source of labour available for the work.
Reinstatement operations in a borrow pit.
Burrowing animals such as termites can
cause damage to pavement layers unless
nests are removed properly and poisoned
with an approved pesticide during clearing
and grubbing.
Research has been carried out to establish
whether it is possible to compact lls in dry
regions without costly addition of water.
Although possible, such practice could result
in the compacted layer having a high void
content and the risk of settlement at a later
time if water enters the ll materials.
Construction and Drainage 6 - 18
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
6.4.6 Construction of Pavement Layers
Use of Natural Gravel Materials
ptimal use of natural materials is a constant challenge that is faced in
the construction of pavement layers for LVSRs. However, depending on
local conditions, it may sometimes be necessary to resort to processing of
these natural gravels by crushing/ screening, or stabilisation. Natural gravel
materials offer levels of performance that are directly related to successful
construction methods and workmanship. Aspects of construction that require
particular attention are:
Natural gravels with high contents of nes or clay particles gain their
strength as a result of suction following drying back, rather than from
friction between particles. This means that the in-service moisture regime
of the pavement, achieved through appropriate internal drainage measures,
is of vital importance for the performance of the layer.
Correct moisture content (material dependent, however just below optimumm
moisture content) and achievement of the specied density for the differentt
layers, is essential.
Depending on the construction plant used, a good surface nish is some-
times difcult to attain. It is essential that the base has a smooth dense
surface nish before sealing to ensure that a good bond is obtained between
the base course and the bituminous seal and for subsequent good pavementt
Natural materials often include some weak larger particles and, when
such materials are compared, these larger particles may break down, hence
changing the properties of the material as a whole. An assessment of the
consequences of this processing action is therefore required in order to
establish whether or not the material meets the specication requirements
following construction.
Moisture for Compaction of Pavement Layers
Experience with materials in the region has shown that thorough mixing of
water with soil or gravel over the full width and depth of the layer at the
optimum moisture content is essential for achieving the required density and
an even surface nish. The optimum moisture content for the appropriate
level of compaction determined in the laboratory is a good guide to the
amount of water required in the eld compaction process, although modern
compaction plant normally requires a lower moisture content than the
optimum indicated from laboratory compaction methods.
Box 6.11 - Effective mixing of water into the material
It is often far more difcult to achieve the required density to the full depth
of the layer in natural gravels with a high nes content than in well-graded
granular materials. Effective mixing with water is, therefore, of particular
importance when these materials are used.
Much as natural gravels may need to be brought near to saturation moisture
content for efcient compaction, it is also good practice to allow a
signicant amount of drying back to occur before sealing takes place. This
is particularly benecial for ne-grained materials that rely on suction and
cohesion as their predominant source of shear strength.
There is evidence to show that the perfor-
mance of well constructed base courses of
natural gravel can be equal to or better than r
base courses constructed of highly rened,
but less well constructed, crushed materials.
In the case of natural gravel with high nes
contents, the required density to the full
depth of the layer is often far more difcult
to achieve then that of well graded granular
pavement materials. This often requires
special techniques, such as the use of grid
rollers, to obtain a good result - see Section
The use of mixing equipment, such as
ploughs or large disc harrows, greatly
reduces the time required for mixing water
into the material, by comparison with blade
mixing with a grader, particularly where
relatively poorly graded gravels with high
nes contents are used.
Close up.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Construction and Drainage 6 - 19
Finishing of Base Courses
If the operation of mixing, spreading and compaction is not completed before
drying out of the surface takes place, then a loose upper layer (biscuit layer)
will result. If this happens, the bituminous surfacing will not have a hard
surface on which to bond resulting in base course failures resulting from
shearing by wheel loads. Such failures may appear to be the result of
insufcient material strength, but studies of construction records, and evidence
of good performance under similar conditions in base course layers of poorer
material qualities, indicate that nishing of the base course layers is vital and
decisive for the good performance of LVSRs.
Box 6.12 - Cutting nal levels of natural gravel base courses
A critical operation affecting the future performance of LVSR pavements is
the cutting of nal base levels. Attempts to make minor adjustments to the
surface should not be allowed. The cutting of nal levels should be conned
to the cutting off of high areas and not the lling in of low areas. Thus, it is
much better to make corrections to geometric levels at subbase level where
surface nish is not critical. Thereafter, construction of the base course
can be carried out by eye and with normal control of layer thickness. It is
strongly advisable to cut nal levels of natural base courses by eye rather
than by following geometric levels set out in the eld.
Figure 6.4 illustrates a recommended procedure for nishing off base courses
made of natural gravel. The advantage of this method is the speeding up of
the processing of the base course to prevent drying out of the surface whilst
ensuring that full attention is given to achieving a good surface nish rather
then to dealing with minor irregularities in geometric levels. Trimming of the
surface should be conned to the action only of cutting off gravel to side spoil
or be off loaded for use in subsequent sections. Spreading loose material over
the surface in a thin layer is unacceptable because this is likely to prevent a
rm nish of the layer which will inhibit the bond with the bituminous
Experience has shown that the rapid pre-
mature failure of the uppermost layer of the
base course can be linked to poor nishing
of this layer with subsequent loss of bond to
the surfacing.
In most cases, the removal of oversize
material is best carried out by the use of
manual labour.
Box 6.13 - Pavement construction with labour-based methods
Labour-based methods for construction of pavement layers have varying
potential depending on the type of layer being constructed. Certain types
of road pavement and surfacing are more labour-friendly than others as
far as their construction is concerned.
use of locally produced treated planks (pine) for yard production of pipe
culverts, strapped with steel bands (Tanzania)
use of infatable rubber balloons as formwork for site casting of concrete
pipe culverts in a large variety of dimensions (Tanzania) up to several
metres in diameter
use of drums as formwork for standardised yard production of concrete
modules for pipe culverts (Zimbabwe)
use of drums as formwork (left behind) for site casting of concrete pipe
culverts (Tanzania)
use of timber for site construction of square profle culverts
use of blockwork for site construction of square profle culverts
shelverts are pre-casts concrete half-arches that require less skill for
construction than culverts
masonry vertical brick walls with concrete slabs cast on site
Construction and Drainage 6 - 36
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
6.7.6 Erosion
Any disruption to the natural ow of water carries a risk of erosion that may
lead to environmental degradation, silting, damage to roads, damage to
buildings and services, destruction of farming land and loss of fertile soil.
Thus, there is a responsibility to ensure that the construction of the drainage
system for a LVSR receives the same attention to good practice as the
construction of other roads. Indeed, avoidance of erosion can be more critical
in the case of LVSRs because of the greater challenges faced in maintaining
the drainage system in remote areas where these roads are often located.
Scour Checks
There are many examples in the region of inexpensive and effective methods
that are used to protect drainage channels and side drains by the use of scour
checks that are easily constructed by labour-based methods. The scour checks
can be made of wooden sticks, rocks, concrete or other materials depending
on the most economical source of materials. The frequency of scour checks
needs to be properly adjusted according to slope gradient in order to prevent
erosion between the checks causing damage to the system. The following can
be used as a guide:
Gradient of the ditch Scour check spacing (m)
4% or less (not required)
5% 20 m
8% 10 m
10% 5 m
Erosion of Culverts
Short culverts requiring high headwalls and wingwalls are prone to erosion
around both inlets and outlets, especially along the wingwalls. Constructing
culverts that are sufciently long to reach the toe of the embankment will
minimise necessary protection measures, future maintenance and the risk of
damage to the embankment around the openings. It is necessary to carefully
assess the additional cost of lengthening culverts against these benets,
especially in the case of LVSRs that are often located in remote areas where
regular maintenance is a challenge.
Slope Protection
If required, placing of topsoil and planting of vegetation on the slopes of
embankments should take place in order to minimise erosion before indigenous
vegetations can establish roots.
Box 6.20 - Planting of vegetation for protection of slopes against erosion
Where grass or other vegetation is planted for protection of slopes, it is
absolutely vital that professional advice to be obtained from a botanist.
Failure to do this could lead to intrusion of non-indigenous species that
could threaten the environment or cause damage to local farming.
Blockwork has been used successfully for
simplied construction of headwalls on
small culverts and for the support of concrete
slabs to make a box culvert.
Erosion in outlet channels can cause con-
siderable environmental damage in sensitive
When there is a risk of erosion at outlets,
suitable aprons and other protective measures
are required.
Concrete scour checks in side drain.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Construction and Drainage 6 - 37
The characteristics of LVSRs are such that the methods employed for
their construction may be different from those for more highly trafcked
roads. In some circumstances labour-based methods can be effectively
employed for many, if not all, of the construction activities.
Construction of LVSRs are often carried out in remote rural areas.
These circumstances can give rise to special problems relating to
health, safety and the environment and appropriate measures need to
be taken to ameliorate any detrimental effects of the road construction
processes on local populations and the environment.
A higher degree of awareness of the properties and use of materials is
required in the construction of LVSRs so the use of the (often) scarce
resources of good quality road-building material can be well managed.
The nature of LVSRs construction provides a range of both technology
choice and equipment use. The selection of equipment must be matched
to the chosen technology in order that the the highest quality of
construction is attained with the resources available.
Compaction of natural gravels is an essential component for the good
performance of LVSRs. Where the materials are suitable, compaction
to refusal during construction adds relatively little to construction costs
but is likely to produce signicant benets from improved road
performance. Conversely, poor compaction is likely to lead to lower
density, moisture ingress, deformation and increased maintenance.
Good quality control during construction is important in the construction
of all roads but is particularly important on LVSRs, where greater use
is made of locally available resources. It is important that these roads
provide a good quality riding surface and pavement performance so
that unexpected maintenance inputs do not occur.
Many of the natural gravels used in the construction of LVSRs provide
high strengths when dry but are also moisture sensitive. Keeping the
pavement dry through good drainage is, therefore, a critical factor in
the performance of LVSRs and it is important that measures that reduce
moisture ingress are applied at the construction stage rather than
later, when they are generally much more expensive to carry out.
Perceived risks associated with the use of unconventional approaches,
technology and materials can be sensibly managed through relatively
low-cost measures that ensure good performance.
6.8 Summary
he key points raised in this chapter are:
Construction and Drainage 6 - 38
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Still D A (1992). The Case for the Selective Use of Labour-based
Constructionin Civil Engineering. Proc. Conf. On Appropriate
Technology for the Third World, 8 to10 June, 1992. Windhoek.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication. (1999). White
Paper on Labour Based Works Policy. Windhoek.
Stevenson S R (1994). Environmental Impact Assessment of
Transportation Projects in Africa. All- Africa Engineers Conference
on the Role of the Engineer in Sustainable Development, Nairobi.
Austroads (1996). Bitumen Sealing Safety Guide (1996), Sydney.
Stock S A and J de Veen (1996). Expanding Labour-based Methods
for Road Works in Africa. SSATP Working Paper No. 22. The World
Bank, Washington D.C.
Pinard M I and S Ookeditse (1988). Evaluation of High Energy
Impact Compaction Techniques for Minimising Construction Water
Requirements in Semi-Arid Regions. Fourteenth ARRB Conference,
Canberra. 26 August - 2 September,1988.
Petts R C (1997). Agricultural Tractors in Roadworks. Annual Roads
Convention, Dar es Salaam.
Pinard M I (1998). Innovative Compaction Techniques for Improving
the Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airelds. Proc. 5
Int. Conf. on
the Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airelds. Trondheim.
Schroeder W L and S E Dickinson (1996). Soil in Construction.
Prentice Hall.
Roughton International in association with University of Birminghamand
University of Nottingham (2000). Guidelines on Materials and Borrow
Pit Management for Low-Cost Roads. DFID.
Motswagole K J (2000). Evaluation of the CSIR Quality Control Test
Kit, Final Research Report. Department of Roads, Ministry of
Transport, Harare, ILO/ASIST, Africa.
Gourley C S, and P A K Greening (1999). Collaborative Research
Programme on Highway Engineering in the SADC Region. Transport
Research Laboratory, DFID.
Birgisson B and B E Ruth (2003). Improving Performance Through
Consideration of Terrain Conditions. Proc. 8
Int. Conf. on Low-
volume Roads, Reno, Nevada, June 22 25, 2003.
Abbey P (1999). Storm Water Drainage Design Guidelines. Land and
Transport Division, Ministry of Environment and Transport, Mah.
A Pocket Guide to Road Design for Low-volume Roads, (1998).
Ministry of Transport and Energy, Department of Roads, Harare.
6.9 References and Bibliography
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Construction and Drainage 6 - 39
Bental P, A Beusch and J de Veen (1999). Guide: Employment
Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Capacity Building for Contracting in
the Construction Sector. Development Policies Department, International
Labour Ofce, Geneva.
Bental P, A Twumasi-Bokaye and R B Watermeyer (1995). Labour-Based
Contracting: A Study to Develop Guidelines for Project Formulation and
Implementation. International Labour Ofce, Geneva.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1984). TRH 15: Subsurface drainage
for roads. CSRA, Pretoria.
Committee of State Road Authorities (1991). Code of Practice for the design
of highway bridges and culverts in South Africa: Part 3. CSRA, Pretoria.
Demsey B, M I darter and S H Carpenter (1982). Improving sub-drainage
and shoulders of existing pavements - State of the art. Federal Highway
Administration Report FHWA/RD-81/077. Department of Transportation,
Washington, D.C.
Development Bank of Southern Africa (1993). Interim Guidelines for Labour-
based Construction Projects. Johannesburg.
Edmonds G A and J J de Veen (1993).Technology Choice for the Construction
and Maintenance of Roads in Developing Countries. ILO, Geneva.
Gerke R J (1987). Subsurface drainage of road structures. Special Report
No. 35. Australian Road Research Board, Sydney.
ILO ASIST (1998). The Labour-Based Technology Source Book. A
Catalogue of Key Publications. International Labour Organisation, Advisory
Support, Information Services and Training, Nairobi.
Larcher P (Ed) (1998). Labour-based Road Construction. Intermediate
Technology Publications, London.
Larcher P and D Miles (2000). Roads & Realities: How to promote road
contracting in developing countries. IDE, Loughborough University,
Mayer A and G K Kayira (1997). Addressing Unemployment Problems
Through Expanding Labour-Based Public Works Programmes. Botswana
Development Issues No. 1, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, October 1997.
Miles D (Ed.) (1996). Towards Guidelines for Labour-Based Contracting. A
framework document. MART Working Paper No. 1. Institute of Development
Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire.
Millard R S (1993). Road Building in the Tropics. TRL State of the Art
Review 9. Transport Research Laboratory, Dept. of Transport.
National Transport Commission (1986). Road Drainage Manual. Chief
Directorate: National Roads, Pretoria.
Nilsson C (1993). Labour-based Contracting. ILO ASIST Bulletin, Harare.
Rolt JR, C S Gourley and J P Hayes (2002). Rational drainage of road
pavements. PR/INT/244/2002. Transport Research Laboratory, DFID.
Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1992). Overseas Road Note 9: A
Design Manual for Small Bridges. TRRL, Crowthorne.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
1. Introduction
2. Regional Setting
3. Planning, Appraisal &
Environmental Issues
4. Geometric Design
and Road Safety
5. Pavement Design,
Materials & Surfacing
6. Construction and
7. Maintenance and
Road Management
8. Vision to Practice
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance and
Road Management
7.1 Introduction ............................................................7 - 1
7.1.1 Maintenance ...................................................7 - 1
7.1.2 Road Management ............................................ t 7 - 2
7.1.3 Purpose and Scope of Chapter .............................7 - 2
7.2 Maintenance Issues...................................................7 - 3
7.2.1 Maintenance Setting..........................................7 - 3
7.2.2 Deterioration Characteristics ...............................7 - 5
7.2.3 Characteristics of LVSRs ....................................7 - 6
7.2.4 The Maintenance Challenge ................................7 - 6
7.2.5 Lessons Learned .............................................. d 7 - 9
7.3 Maintenance Management ..........................................7 - 11
7.3.1 Main Purpose ..................................................7 - 11
7.3.2 Inventory .......................................................7 - 11
7.3.3 Components....................................................7 - 12
7.3.4 Management Cycle ...........................................7 - 13
7.3.5 Maintenance Policy and Organisation..................... n 7 - 14
7.3.6 Maintenance Standards ......................................7 - 15
7.3.7 Assessing Needs ..............................................7 - 17
7.3.8 Determining Priorities .......................................7 - 19
7.3.9 Management Systems and Tools ...........................7 - 20
7.4 Maintenance Operations ............................................7 - 24
7.4.1 Organisational Roles and Models ..........................7 - 24
7.4.2 Performance and Contractual Agreements ...............7 - 25
7.4.3 Acceptance of Risk ........................................... k 7 - 26
7.4.4 Increasing the Use of Small-scale Contractors ..........7 - 27
7.5 Summary ...............................................................7 - 28
7.6 References and Bibliography.......................................7 - 29
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 1
Maintenance and
Road Management
Duration of activities
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Maintenance
oad maintenance is an integral component of the LVSR provision process,
the type and cost of which are inuenced signicantly by decisions made
during the preceding planning, design and construction phases. Proper
maintenance contributes to the preservation of the road asset and to prolonging
the roads life to its intended service duration. Without adequate maintenance,
roads deteriorate rapidly, become dangerous and costly to use and, ultimately,
the costs to the economy are substantial.
Whereas design and construction of LVSRs are dominated by engineering
issues, maintenance is essentially a multi-dimensional issue in which the
management and technical aspects are inuenced by political, social and
institutional issues. For example, the use of maintenance works as a
poverty alleviation tool through appropriate community involvement is
assuming increasing importance.
Denition of road maintenance
To conserve as nearly as possible, the
original designed condition of paved and
unpaved roadways, and of trafc signs,
signals and markings, in a manner most
likely to minimize the total cost to society of
vehicle operation and accident cost, plus
the cost of providing the maintenance itself,
under the constraints of severe resource
limitations, in respect of skilled manpower,
equipment and money, both local and
foreign. (PIARC).
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 2
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance currently constitutes one of the major preoccupations of roads
agencies in the SADC region. In the early stages of road development, most
of the road expenditure was spent on construction. However, as these
networks have become more developed, the expenditure required for
adequate maintenance and rehabilitation has increased relative to that
required for new construction.
Figure 7.1 - Pattern of road expenditure in the SADC region
Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, including lack of adequate funding,
provision of satisfactory road maintenance still remains an elusive goal for a
number of SADC countries. As a result, these countries, and the region as
a whole, have paid a high price in terms of deteriorating road networks, very
high transport costs and the reluctance of donors to assist with the funding
of new or rehabilitation projects. Fortunately, however, roads agencies are
beginning to tackle the maintenance challenges in a more holistic manner to
improve efciency and effectiveness and to achieve sustainability.
7.1.2 Road Management
he SADC road system represents a major investment and is one of the
regions largest public sector assets, with a replacement cost of more than
$50 billion (2000). Indeed, the asset value of the road system often exceeds the
combined value of all the other surface transport systems. Therefore, it is
extremely important that this asset be preserved through effective and efcient
management. In the absence of this, the investment can be eroded quite quickly
because roads that are not maintained deteriorate very rapidly.
Even for relatively low-trafcked road networks, reliable information has
become essential for effective management. This has led to the development
of management tools, including various types of road management systems,
that assist roads agencies in allocating resources in a manner that achieves
the best value for money. However, to be sustainable, such systems should
be carefully chosen to match the available resources - both technical and
nancial - of the roads agency. Unfortunately, there are a number of examples
of systems which have failed to work satisfactorily.
7.1.3 Purpose and Scope of Chapter
he main purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on how to improve
the maintenance and management of LVSRs through the adoption of
appropriate institutional arrangements, management strategies and technical
standards. Guidance is also given on criteria for establishing road management
systems to assist roads agencies in the overall management of their road
networks. Aspects of maintenance operations are not covered in detail because
sufcient reference texts on this topic already exist.
Example of a badly deteriorated road that
has received little, if any, maintenance since
it was rst constructed? Result? Very high
vehicle operating costs and loss of most of
the original investment.
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 3
7.2 Maintenance Issues
7.2.1 Maintenance Setting
Why Maintenance?
he case for maintenance is compelling. Having spent time, effort and
money in planning, designing and constructing a road, it is vital to
ensure that the asset is preserved by timely and effective maintenance. Such
maintenance has three principal purposes:
it prolongs the life of the road and postpones the day when renewal will
be required
it reduces the cost of operating vehicles on the roads
it helps to keep roads open and ensures greater regularity, punctuality
and safety of road transport services
The rst purpose corresponds most directly to the interest of the roads
agency, the second to that of operators of vehicles, and the third, more
generally, to that of the inhabitants of the area traversed by the road.
Typical Maintenance Activities
Maintenance activities are either cyclic or reactive and can be of a routine or
periodic nature. Cyclic activities are those that are carried out at regular
intervals. Reactive activities are those that are carried out in response to an
occurrence e.g. erosion, drainage repairs or a condition defect exceeding
values dictated by maintenance standards, e.g. rutting greater than a given
Table 7.1 - Maintenance activities
Maintenance Activity Type
Cyclic Reactive
Grass cutting
Removal of obstacles
Culvert clearing/repair
Bridge clearing/repair
Drain clearing
Erosion control/repair
Carriageway markings
Repairing road signs
Pothole repairs
Surface patching (local sealing)
Crack sealing
Edge repairs
Rejuvenation seal
Shoulder regravelling/reshaping
Many of the activities in Table 7.1 can be carried out cost-effectively
using labour-based methods. If some of the routine maintenance work is
contracted on a lengthman contract basis, for example, there would be
little or no requirement for maintenance labour camps for transport to and
Routine maintenance: Fixed cost activities
that are carried out irrespective of the
engineering characteristics of the road or
the density of trafc (e.g. grass cutting)
and cleaning of drains.
Recurrent maintenance: Activities required
throughout the year but whose frequencies
vary with trafc, topography and climate
(e.g. road marking).
Periodic maintenance: Those recurrent
activities that are required at intervals of
several years (e.g. resealing).
Lengthman: A man engaged on a contract
basis responsible for routine maintenance
on a xed length of road adjacent to his
own home. He is paid a xed sum per day
or month to keep drainage ditches clear, ll
in potholes, cut grass, repair minor erosion
to shoulders, etc.
Grass cutting - a typical, labour-based,
routine maintenance activity.
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 4
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Road Safety
Issue/Problem Effect Solution
Vegetation growth Impairs driver visibility Ensure safety standards
are established and main-
Carry out routine inspec-
tions to identify deterior-
ation likely to lead to a
reduction in road safety.
Record and analyse accident
data to provide clues to
maintenance deciencies .
Potholes Danger to motorists
Flooding (blocked culverts) Reduces pavement strength
Dirty, damaged or missing
trafc signs Increases likelihood of
trafc accidents
Faint road markings
Damaged bridges and guard-
Scoured highway shoulders Impairs integrity of road
Increases safety hazards to
road users
Causes more road trafc
Need for effective and
timely road maintenance
Road User Costs
Issue/Problem Effect Solution
Clear link established
between pavement condition
and vehicle operating costs
and embodied in transport
investment models (e.g.
An increase in surface
roughness causes vehicle
operating costs to increase
Signicant additional costs
incurred by road users
when maintenance require-
ments are overlooked.
Identify, programme and
control maintenance opera-
Rate of pavement
deterioration is often not
contained, causing surface
roughness to increase at
an accelerating rate
Additional costs to highway
Use of an appropriate
maintenance management
Life-Cycle Costs
Issue/Problem Effect Solution
Feasibility and design strategies
assume: that: (a) regular pave-
ment strengthening will be carried
out to arrest deterioration, (b)
care will be taken to deal with
localised imperfections as they
arise (e.g. crack sealing).
Failure to control deterioration
results either in an earlier
requirement for strengthening
or substantially increased costs
of reconstruction.
Optimise investment by
judiciously applying
maintenance interventions
to arrest rate of deterioration
and to preserve structural
integrity of each road link in
the network.
Assumptions often not realised
in practice.
Economic penalties incurred
which result in a need for
premature reconstruction.
Use of an appropriate
pavement management
from the work site, thereby saving money. Some periodic maintenance work
may still require specialised equipment, e.g. bitumen sealing operations, but
labour-based methods can be used for many activities.
Lack of attention to simple maintenance tasks can impose a multitude of
problems for road users, society and the national economy, as illustrated in
Table 7.2.
Table 7.2 - Maintenance problems, effects and solutions
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 5
7.2.2 Deterioration Characteristics
ven with strict adherence to proper standards of construction, roads
deteriorate with the passage of time. The rate of deterioration may vary
greatly depending on the climate, the strength of the pavement and underlying
subgrade, the trafc volume and axle loads. The wear and tear of road
surfaces by trafc is aggravated by rainwater and by changes in temperature.
Cracking occurs in the bituminous surfacing which, together with the ingress
of rainwater, often leads to pavement failures.
Figure 7.2 illustrates how road condition deteriorates with time and how road
life may be extended by controlled maintenance.
Uncontrolled deterioration
of Road Asset (little or no
Controlled deterioration
of Road Asset (by wise
investment of funds)
Date of
Level of maintenance
required to control
deterioration and extend life
Standard of
Maintenance for
e.g. resurfacing
condition Condition at
which pavements
are actually
Service Life
Remaining Actual Life
AGE Year X
Figure 7.2 - Typical road condition deterioration with time
Of particular signicance in responding to the maintenance requirements of
LVSRs is the fact that, in contrast to more heavily trafcked roads, the
proportion of total distress resulting from environmentally-related inuences
is very high, as illustrated in Figure 7.3
Environmental component
Rutting component
Cracking component
Structural component
0 5 10 15 20
Pavement Age (years)
SNPd = 3
HS = 50 mm
YE4 = 0.1
m = 0.023
Figure 7.3 - Contribution to total predicted road roughness of different
components for a low-medium volume paved road
All roads deteriorate with time. However,
LVSRs are particularly sensitive to the
vagaries of the physical environment so
that timely and effective control of their
deterioration becomes the key challenge to
the management of road maintenance.
In Zimbabwe, the environmental component
of roughness progression varied by a factor
of almost 4, with low-volume roads built
to lower cross sectional standards having
the highest rate of progression and higher
volume roads with standard designs having
the lowest rate of progression. Corresponding
crack initiation times and rates of crack
progression were almost half and double
those of standard designs respectively
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 6
SADC Guiaeline on Low-volume Sealea Roaas July 2003
Whether the increased risk of deterioration is important in any locality
will ultimately depend on the local climatic, traffc, pavement design,
construction, workmanship and maintenance factors. Consequently, knowledge
of local rates of deterioration will be vital. On the other hand, higher levels of
deterioration and consequent reduced service standards can be tolerated from
both an economic and user perspective. The lesson, therefore, is to appreciate
the risks and manage these within the decision-making framework for justifying
investment levels (see Section 5.4.6.)
7.2.3 CharacterIstIcs oI LVSHs
s a general rule, LVSRs are built to lower geometric and pavement
design standards than roads which carry higher traffc volumes. Thus
they may be expected to have the following characteristics which have
signifcant implications on maintenance operations:
A low cross-section prole - thus making them more susceptible to moisture
ingress and general deterioration, i.e. deterioration of the cross section
which has serious impacts on overall performance.
Measures to protect the drainage system are usually minimal - which
often leads to increased erosion.
Thin bituminous surjacings are commonplace - consequently, progressive
embrittlement, poor construction or other causes of damage to the surface
can easily lead to moisture ingress and consequent accelerated deterioration
of the pavement.
The upper pavement materials are usually plastic in nature - this can lead
to a considerable loss in strength on wetting up, and accelerated deterioration
under traffc load.
7.2.4 The MaIntenance ChaIIenge
he provision of adequate maintenance for LVSRs becomes even more
diffcult in an environment of limited funds, where resources become
stretched to the limit to contain road deterioration.
LVSRs present a more demanding challenge than the more heavily traffcked
HVSRs for their proper maintenance. Their characteristics, particularly their
greater sensitivity to the vagaries of the natural environment, often mean
that, in order to avoid rapid deterioration, maintenance must be scheduled
and carried out more frequently and expeditiously than for HVSRs.
AttItudes to MaIntenance
Historically, maintenance has been viewed as being un-attractive and
mundane. As a result, it has not received the priority it deserves. This
attitude has been strengthened by the preference of some aid agencies to
fnance capital rather than recurrent costs which has sometimes introduced a
bias against maintenance (as recipient governments sought to use their limited
funds in new construction, which would attract maximum foreign
fnancial participation).
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 7
With maintenance often being seen as a public responsibility, funds allocated
for maintenance have, on occasions, been diverted to other sectors that may
be considered more deserving causes in the eyes of those involved in high
level decisions. Through the 1980s and early 1990s, problems of this kind
led to the deterioration of extensive parts of the main road network in many
countries in the SADC region. This has contributed to the high transport
costs - some four to ve times higher than those in developed countries -
thereby making the region globally uncompetitive. The cycle of the effects of
inadequate maintenance is shown in Figure 7.4.
Figure 7.4 - The vicious cycle of inadequate maintenance
Funding of Maintenance
Although the concept of protecting the capital investment of road provision
through timely nancing of road maintenance is generally well understood,
the application of this concept has presented formidable problems, primarily
because of a lack of a sustainable source of funding.
In most SADC countries road maintenance expenditures are generally well
below the levels needed to keep the road network in a stable long-term
condition. Worse, budget allocations are often cut at short notice in response
to difcult scal conditions, funds are rarely released on time and actual
expenditures are often well below agreed budget allocations. This has led to
a maintenance crisis in many countries where there is now a build-up of
roads in poor condition. The net result is that the road transport sector is
operating well below its optimum level, which has had an adverse impact on
many other sectors of the national economy.
Box 7.1 - Maintenance backlog on the SADC main road network
Recent studies indicate that about US$ 1.7 billion per annum (about 1 per cent of
regional GDP) needs to be spent on regular maintenance of the regions roads,
including a cycle of reseals and rehabilitation of paved roads. However, little more
than one half of this amount is allocated.
GDP (1999) Actual
165,000 960 1,760 800 6,400
Note: All gures in millions of US $
It is also necessary to bring a signicant kilometrage of main roads back to
maintainable condition which is estimated to cost about US $6.4 billion.
Maintenance and Road Management 7 - 8
SADC Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads July 2003
Inadequate Road Maintenance
New paved roads, if inadequately maintained, deteriorate slowly and almost
imperceptibly during the rst half to two-thirds of their service life, after which
they deteriorate much more rapidly. Without timely maintenance, they simply
break up and, as a result, the costs of operating vehicles - and of transporting
goods - increase rapidly. Worse, vehicle operators who pay these costs, then
pass them on to the general public and the cost of living increases.
In rural areas, where roads often become impassable during the rainy season,
poor road maintenance has a profound effect on agricultural output. Poor
roads and poor transport services also have adverse effects on the provision
of health, education and other social services; these effects are not easy to
quantify, but are of vital importance to the people living in rural areas and
in helping to eliminate poverty in its widest sense.
Box 7.2 - The costs of poor road maintenance
A LVSR in good condition, carrying about 200 vpd, requires resealing,
costing about $10,000 per km, every seven years to keep it in good condition.
This has a net present value (NPV) discounted at 12 per cent over twenty
years, of $7,000 per km. Without maintenance, the road will deteriorate from
good to poor condition. This will increase vehicle operating costs by about
$2000 per km which has an NPV, when discounted over twenty years, of
$18,000 per km. The benet cost ratio of a fully funded road maintenance
programme is almost 3!
Poor road maintenance also increases the long-term costs of maintaining the
road network. Maintaining a LVSR for fteen years costs about $60,000 per
km. If the road is not maintained and allowed to deteriorate over the fteen
year period, it will then cost about $200,000 per km to rehabilitate it. Thus,
rehabilitating paved roads every ten to twenty years is more than three times
as expensive, in cash terms, as maintaining them on a regular basis, and 35
per cent more expensive in terms of NPV, discounted at 12 per cent per year.
In quantitative terms, when a road is not maintained, and is allowed to
deteriorate from good to poor condition, each dollar saved from not carrying
out maintenance increases VOCs by $2 to $3. Thus, as illustrated in Figure 7.5,
far from saving money, cutting back on road maintenance increases the costs
of road transport and raises the net cost to the economy as a whole. This fact
is a powerful one and one which roads agencies can use to convince
government of the high cost that countries pay for inadequate funding of road
Actual Budget Optimum Budget
Sum of costs
Maintenance Cost
Road User Cost
Maintenance Standard
Figure 7.5 - Relationship between maintenance standard and transport cost