RDOS Briefing Note On Jail

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Date: Wednesday,

Sept. 24, 2014

Time: 9:40 am
Location: Westin
Hotel, 4090 Whistler
Way, Glacier oom !,
2014 #!$% &ppointments
The Hono'ra(le Suzanne Anton
&ttorney General and %inister o) *'stice
!rie+n, -ote:
Policing in the South Okanagan-Similkameen
e,ional District o) ./ana,an0Simil/ameen
$hair %ar/ 1ender,ra)t
2ice0$hair Garry Lit/e
$&., !ill -e3ell
%ayor on Ho4anes
$o'ncillor *ac/ !enest
To impress 'pon the %inister the need to address policin, le4els in incorporated
m'nicipalities and electoral areas to (e a))ected (y the Galla,her La/e $orrections
The contract )or constr'ction o) a ne3 pro4incial corrections )acility in the Sen/'lman
!'siness 1ar/ 3ithin the 'nincorporated comm'nity o) Galla,her La/e, 5'st north o)
the To3n o) .li4er, 3ill challen,e the reso'rces c'rrently assi,ned to the 1enticton and
.li4er $%1 Detachments.
&)ter se4eral years o) plannin, and cons'ltation 3ith area sta/eholders, the 1ro4incial
Go4ernment anno'nced the constr'ction o) a 1ro4incial 5ail on lands o3ned and
operated (y the .soyoos 6ndian !and.
There has (een some disc'ssion amon,st area 1olice $ommanders and elected .)+cials
3ith respect to the potential impact on c'rrent 1olice reso'rces. !oth the To3ns o)
.li4er 7 .soyoos are c'rrently s'(5ect to pro4incial policin,, )allin, 5'st 'nder the
8,000 pop'lation threshold to 9'ali)y )or a m'nicipal contract. There are c'rrently ei,ht
:;< %em(ers assi,ned to the .li4er Detachment, comprised o) one Ser,eant .=$, one
$orporal S'per4isor and si> $onsta(le 6n4esti,ator?s.
The c'rrent .li4er Detachment is considered @)'lly en,a,ed@ 3ith the reso'rces on
stren,th and there is a le,itimate concern that the increase in pop'lation associated to
the constr'ction and sta)+n, o) the 5ail 3ill ad4ersely impact thisA e.,. d'rin, the second
9'arter o) 2014, .li4er .$.%.1. responded to 835 calls )or ser4ice compared 3ith 744
calls recei4ed d'rin, the second 9'arter o) 201B, representin, an increase o) 12C.
.li4er .$.%.1. responded to 7C more $riminal $ode +les thro',ho't the detachment
area d'rin, D2 o) 2014 than d'rin, the same 9'arter last year.
6t is anticipated that an inE'> o) appro>imately 1,000 constr'ction 3or/ers o4er the
ens'in, t3o years )ollo3ed (y a permanent increase in pop'lation (et3een the
1ro4incial 5ail employees, inmates and ci4ilian spin0o)) 3ill add to the press're on
c'rrent $%1 reso'rces.
&n increase in pro4incially )'nded $%1 o)+cers assi,ned to the .li4er Detachment
m'st (e considered in li,ht o) the anticipated comm'nity ,ro3th associated to the 5ail.
!rie+n, -otes: 1olicin,
The To3ns o) .li4er 7 .soyoos came 4ery close d'rin, the last o)+cial 1ro4incial
$ens's to s'rpassin, the 8,000 pop'lation +,'re that 3ill impact the 1ro4incial
policin, a,reement )'ndin, model, ele4atin, the To3n into a F0=B0 )'ndin, split.
There is no do'(t that this 3ill impact plannin, and +nances )or the To3n o) .li4er as
this pro5ect mo4es )or3ard and the ne>t pro4incial $ens's is 'pon 's.
$#G-T ST&T#S:
$onstr'ction o) the )acility is sched'led to commence in late &','st o) 2014 and
completion is sched'led )or Septem(er o) 201H, 3ith operations commencin, in *an'ary
o) 201F. .n *'ly 22
, 2014 the 1enticton So'th ./ana,an, Simil/ameen e,ional 1olice
$ommander, S'perintendent Ie4in He3co, met 3ith senior representati4es o) the
1ro4incial $orrections Department to disc'ss lo,istics associated to the ne3 )acility.
The $orrections .)+cials con+rmed that the )acility 3o'ld 'ltimately contain BH0
re,'lar 'se cells, incl'din, 1; )or )emales and BH assi,ned )or se,re,ation. &s 3ell,
there 3o'ld (e 24 special mana,ement cells. 6n its entirety, the ne3 )acility can hold
HHH inmates and 3ill employ some 248 corrections o)+cers and appro>imately 80
ci4ilian employees.
The )acility 3ill ha4e an ann'al operatin, ('d,et nearin, J20 million dollars.
$orrections )orecasts estimate that, 'ltimately, the re,ional pop'lation 3o'ld increase
(y at least 1,000 persons and there is little do'(t that this 3o'ld impact 1olicin,
reso'rces in the &rea K$L, &rea KDL and the .li4er area. 6t remains to (e seen i) there
3ill (e an inE'> o) relati4es o) inmates or i) some inmates ta/e 'p residence locally
'pon their release.
Local 1olice are mandated 3ith the in4esti,ation o) crimes committed 3ithin the 5ail,
amon,st inmates and=or inmates 'pon )acility sta)). $%1 mem(ers are also called
'pon to assist 3ith +n,erprintin,, photo,raphin, and inter4ie3in, inmates on the
(ehal) o) other police )orces )or on,oin, in4esti,ations that may not (e related to the
reason the person is c'rrently incarcerated.
Local 1olice e>pect to see an increase in 3or/load associated (oth to the constr'ction o)
the )acility and its e4ent'al s'stained operation. 6t is anticipated that a conser4ati4e
increase in pro4incially )'nded $%1 mem(ers is 3arranted. This increase in .)+cers
3ill also ha4e to (e )actored into any 1olicin, a,reement that may (e reached 3hen the
To3n o) .li4er and the To3n o) .soyoos s'rpass the 8,000 pop'lation. 6t is anticipated
that the constr'ction and s'(se9'ent operation o) the 5ail 3ill res'lt in this occ'rrin,
and (ein, 4alidated 'pon the ne>t o)+cial $ens's.
1G".%&-$G 6-D6$&T.S:
We 'nderstand that a re9'est )or an increase in h'man reso'rces 3ill compete 3ith
others on a pro4incial le4el. ele4ant statistics and c'rrent 3or/loads at the .li4er
Detachment 3ill (e e>amined in detail ,oin, )or3ard. &s 3ell, cons'ltation 3ill occ'r
3ith other $%1 Detachments to o(tain statistics, i) a4aila(le, o) 3or/ associated
directly to the 1ro4incial )acility that is already in place 3ithin their comm'nity. These
1a,e 2 o) B
/Users/Penticton/Desktop/rdos jail.docx
!rie+n, -otes: 1olicin,
3ill incl'de %aple id,e, $o9'itlam, S'rrey, Iamloops and 1rince Geor,e. #pon
receipt o) this data it 3ill (e compared to the c'rrent and pro5ected )'t're 3or/load
associated to the .li4er Detachment. Local elected .)+cials are en,a,ed in this topic
and s'pport the enhancement o) $%1 reso'rces associated to this pro5ect.
DGT&$H%G-T $.%%&-DGS $.%%G-TS:
The $ommander is in s'pport o) enhancin, o'r reso'rces )or the reasons pro4ided and
3ill endea4o'r to ,ather empirical s'pport data )rom other Detachments that are
c'rrently operatin, 3ith local 5ails as this iss'e ad4ances.
Propose Outcome:
That the %inister o) *'stice a'thoriMe an increase o) t3o :2< .)+cers )or the So'th
./ana,an0Simil/ameen 'ral 1olicin, $ontract in the 2018=201H +scal year.
!espect"ull# su$mitte%

%ar/ 1ender,ra)t
e,ional District o) ./ana,an0Simil/ameen
1a,e B o) B
/Users/Penticton/Desktop/rdos jail.docx

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