Rule 113 Arrest Digests
Rule 113 Arrest Digests
Rule 113 Arrest Digests
RULE 113 ARREST Pertinent pleadings: Warrant of arrest Petition for Habeas Corpus Motion for udi!ial "eter#ination of Probable Cause NATURE AND DEFINITION RULE 113 Section 1. Definition of arrest. $ Arrest is t%e ta&ing of a person into !ustod' in order t%at %e #a' be bound to ans(er for t%e !o##ission of an offense) RULE 113 Sec. 2. Arrest; how ma e. $ An arrest is #ade b' an a!tual restraint of a person to be arrested* or b' %is sub#ission to t%e !ustod' of t%e person #a&ing t%e arrest) +o ,iolen!e or unne!essar' for!e s%all be used in #a&ing an arrest) T%e person arrested s%all not be sub-e!t to a greater restraint t%an is ne!essar' for %is detention) DI!LO"ATI# AND !ARLIA"ENTAR$ I""UNIT$ FRO" ARREST #ONSTI ART %I Section 11. A Senator or Me#ber of t%e House of Representati,es s%all* in all offenses punis%able b' not #ore t%an si. 'ears i#prison#ent* be pri,ileged fro# arrest (%ile t%e Congress is in session) +o Me#ber s%all be /uestioned nor be %eld liable in an' ot%er pla!e for an' spee!% or debate in t%e Congress or in an' !o##ittee t%ereof) R!# Art. 1&'. %io(ation of )ar(iamentar* imm+nit*. , T%e penalt' of prision #a'or s%all be i#posed upon an' person (%o s%all use for!e* inti#idation* t%reats* or fraud to pre,ent an' #e#ber of t%e +ational Asse#bl' 0Congress of t%e P%ilippines1 fro# attending t%e #eetings of t%e Asse#bl' 0Congress1 or of an' of its !o##ittees or sub!o##ittees* !onstitutional !o##issions or !o##ittees or di,isions t%ereof* fro# e.pressing %is opinions or !asting %is ,ote2 and t%e penalt' of prision !orre!!ional s%all be i#posed upon an' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee (%o s%all* (%ile t%e Asse#bl' 0Congress1 is in regular or spe!ial session* arrest or sear!% an' #e#ber t%ereof* e.!ept in !ase su!% #e#ber %as !o##itted a !ri#e punis%able under t%is Code b' a penalt' %ig%er t%an prision #a'or) %IENNA #ON%ENTION ON DI!LO"ATI# RELATIONS Arti!le 31 1) A diplo#ati! agent s%all en-o' i##unit' fro# t%e !ri#inal -urisdi!tion of t%e re!ei,ing State) He s%all also en-o' i##unit' fro# its !i,il and ad#inistrati,e -urisdi!tion* e.!ept in t%e !ase of: 0a1 A real a!tion relating to pri,ate i##o,able propert' situated in t%e territor' of t%e re!ei,ing State* unless %e %olds it on be%alf of t%e sending State for t%e purposes of t%e #ission2 0b1 An a!tion relating to su!!ession in (%i!% t%e diplo#ati! agent is in,ol,ed as e.e!utor* ad#inistrator* %eir or legatee as a pri,ate person and not on be%alf of t%e sending State2 0!1 An a!tion relating to an' professional or !o##er!ial a!ti,it'!ised b' t%e diplo#ati! agent in t%e re!ei,ing State outside %is offi!ial fun!tions) 3) A diplo#ati! agent is not obliged to gi,e e,iden!e as a (itness) 3) +o #easures of e.e!ution #a' be ta&en in respe!t of a diplo#ati! agent e.!ept in t%e !ases !o#ing under subparagrap%s 0a1* 0b1 and 0!1 of paragrap% 1 of t%is arti!le* and pro,ided t%at t%e #easures !on!erned !an be ta&en (it%out infringing t%e in,iolabilit' of %is person or of %is residen!e) 4) T%e i##unit' of a diplo#ati! agent fro# t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e re!ei,ing State does not e.e#pt %i# fro# t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e sending State) Arti!le 35 1) T%e #e#bers of t%e fa#il' of a diplo#ati! agent for#ing part of %is %ouse%old s%all* if t%e' are not nationals of t%e re!ei,ing State* en-o' t%e pri,ileges and i##unities spe!ified in arti!les 36 to 37) 3)Me#bers of t%e ad#inistrati,e and te!%ni!al staff of t%e #ission* toget%er (it% #e#bers of t%eir fa#ilies for#ing part of t%eir respe!ti,e %ouse%olds* s%all* if t%e' are not nationals of or13 per#anentl' resident in t%e re!ei,ing State* en-o' t%e pri,ileges and i##unities spe!ified in arti!les 36 to 38* e.!ept t%at t%e i##unit' fro# !i,il and ad#inistrati,e -urisdi!tion of t%e re!ei,ing State spe!ified in paragrap% 1 of arti!le 31 s%all not e.tend to a!ts perfor#ed outside t%e !ourse of t%eir duties) T%e' s%all also en-o' t%e pri,ileges spe!ified in arti!le 37* paragrap% 1* in respe!t of arti!les i#ported at t%e ti#e of first installation) 3)Me#bers of t%e ser,i!e staff of t%e #ission (%o are not nationals of or per#anentl' resident in t%e re!ei,ing State s%all en-o' i##unit' in respe!t of a!ts perfor#ed in t%e !ourse of t%eir duties* e.e#ption fro# dues and on t%e e#olu#ents t%e' re!ei,e b' reason of t%eir e#plo'#ent and t%e e.e#ption !ontained in arti!le 33) 4) Pri,ate ser,ants of #e#bers of t%e #ission s%all* if t%e' are not nationals of or per#anentl' resident in t%e re!ei,ing State* be e.e#pt fro# dues and on t%e e#olu#ents t%e' re!ei,e b' reason of t%eir e#plo'#ent) 9n ot%er respe!ts* t%e' #a' en-o' pri,ileges and i##unities onl' to t%e e.tent ad#itted b' t%e re!ei,ing State) Ho(e,er* t%e re!ei,ing State #ust!ise its -urisdi!tion o,er t%ose persons in su!% a #anner as not to interfere undul' (it% t%e perfor#an!e of t%e fun!tions of t%e #ission) %FA A-reement Artic(e % Cri#inal urisdi!tion 1) Sub-e!t to t%e pro,isions of t%is arti!le: 0a1 P%ilippine aut%orities s%all %a,e -urisdi!tion o,er United States personnel (it% respe!t to offenses !o##itted (it%in t%e P%ilippines and punis%able under t%e la( of t%e P%ilippines) 0b1 United States #ilitar' aut%orities s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to!ise (it%in t%e P%ilippines all !ri#inal and dis!iplinar' -urisdi!tion !onferred on t%e# b' t%e #ilitar' la( of t%e United States o,er United States personnel in t%e P%ilippines) 3) 0a1 P%ilippine aut%orities!ise e.!lusi,e -urisdi!tion o,er United States personnel (it% respe!t to offenses* in!luding offenses relating to t%e se!urit' of t%e P%ilippines* punis%able under t%e la(s of t%e P%ilippines* but not under t%e la(s of t%e United States) 0b1 United States aut%orities!ise e.!lusi,e -urisdi!tion o,er United States personnel (it% respe!t to offenses* in!luding offenses relating to t%e se!urit' of t%e United States* punis%able under t%e la(s of t%e United States* but not under t%e la(s of t%e P%ilippines) 0!1 :or t%e purposes of t%is paragrap% and paragrap% 3 of t%is arti!le* an offense relating to se!urit' #eans: 011 treason2 031 sabotage* espionage or ,iolation of an' la( relating to national defense)
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3) 9n !ases (%ere t%e rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion is !on!urrent* t%e follo(ing rules s%all appl': 0a1 P%ilippine aut%orities s%all %a,e t%e pri#ar' rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion o,er all offenses !o##itted b' United States personnel* e.!ept in !ases pro,ided for in paragrap%s l 0b1* 3 0b1* and 3 0b1 of t%is Arti!le) 0b1 United States #ilitar' aut%orities s%all %a,e t%e pri#ar' rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion o,er United States personnel sub-e!t to t%e #ilitar' la( of t%e United States in relation to: 011 offenses solel' against t%e propert' or se!urit' of t%e United States or offenses solel' against t%e propert' or person of United States personnel2 and 031 offenses arising out of an' a!t or o#ission done in perfor#an!e of offi!ial dut') 0!1 T%e aut%orities of eit%er go,ern#ent #a' re/uest t%e aut%orities of t%e ot%er go,ern#ent to (ai,e t%eir pri#ar' rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion in a parti!ular !ase) 0d1 Re!ogni;ing t%e responsibilit' of t%e United States #ilitar' aut%orities to #aintain good order and dis!ipline a#ong t%eir for!es* P%ilippine aut%orities (ill* upon re/uest b' t%e United States* (ai,e t%eir pri#ar' rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion e.!ept in !ases of parti!ular i#portan!e to t%e P%ilippines) 9f t%e <o,ern#ent of t%e P%ilippines deter#ines t%at t%e !ase is of parti!ular i#portan!e* it s%all !o##uni!ate su!% deter#ination to t%e United States aut%orities (it%in t(ent' 03=1 da's after t%e P%ilippine aut%orities re!ei,e t%e United States re/uest) 0e1 W%en t%e United States #ilitar' !o##ander deter#ines t%at an offense !%arged b' aut%orities of t%e P%ilippines against United States personnel arises out of an a!t or o#ission done in t%e perfor#an!e of offi!ial dut'* t%e !o##ander (ill issue a !ertifi!ate setting fort% su!% deter#ination) T%is !ertifi!ate (ill be trans#itted to t%e appropriate aut%orities of t%e P%ilippines and (ill !onstitute suffi!ient proof of perfor#an!e of offi!ial dut' for t%e purposes of paragrap% 30b1031 of t%is arti!le) 9n t%ose !ases (%ere t%e <o,ern#ent of t%e P%ilippines belie,es t%e !ir!u#stan!es of t%e !ase re/uire a re,ie( of t%e dut' !ertifi!ate* United States #ilitar' aut%orities and P%ilippine aut%orities s%all !onsult i##ediatel') P%ilippine aut%orities at t%e %ig%est le,els #a' also present an' infor#ation bearing on its ,alidit') United States #ilitar' aut%orities s%all ta&e full a!!ount of t%e P%ilippine position) W%ere appropriate* United States #ilitar' aut%orities (ill ta&e dis!iplinar' or ot%er a!tion against offenders in offi!ial dut' !ases* and notif' t%e <o,ern#ent of t%e P%ilippines of t%e a!tions ta&en) 0f1 9f t%e go,ern#ent %a,ing t%e pri#ar' rig%t does not!ise -urisdi!tion* it s%all notif' t%e aut%orities of t%e ot%er go,ern#ent as soon as possible) 0g1 T%e aut%orities of t%e P%ilippines and t%e United States s%all notif' ea!% ot%er of t%e disposition of all !ases in (%i!% bot% t%e aut%orities of t%e P%ilippines and t%e United States %a,e t%e rig%t to!ise -urisdi!tion) 4) Wit%in t%e s!ope of t%eir legal !o#peten!e* t%e aut%orities of t%e P%ilippines and t%e United States s%all assist ea!% ot%er in t%e arrest of United States personnel in t%e P%ilippines and in %anding t%e# o,er to aut%orities (%o are to!ise -urisdi!tion in a!!ordan!e (it% t%e pro,isions of t%is arti!le) 8) United States #ilitar' aut%orities s%all pro#ptl' notif' P%ilippine aut%orities of t%e arrest or detention of United States personnel (%o are sub-e!t to P%ilippine pri#ar' or e.!lusi,e -urisdi!tion) P%ilippine aut%orities s%all pro#ptl' notif' United States #ilitar' aut%orities of t%e arrest or detention of an' United States personnel) 7) T%e !ustod' of an' United States personnel o,er (%o# t%e P%ilippines is to!ise -urisdi!tion s%all i##ediatel' reside (it% United States #ilitar' aut%orities* if t%e' so re/uest* fro# t%e !o##ission of t%e offense until !o#pletion of all -udi!ial pro!eedings) United States #ilitar' aut%orities s%all* upon for#al notifi!ation b' t%e P%ilippine aut%orities and (it%out dela'* #a&e su!% personnel a,ailable to t%ose aut%orities in ti#e for an' in,estigati,e or -udi!ial pro!eedings relating to t%e offense (it% (%i!% t%e person %as been !%arged) 9n e.traordinar' !ases* t%e P%ilippine <o,ern#ent s%all present its position to t%e United States <o,ern#ent regarding !ustod'* (%i!% t%e United States <o,ern#ent s%all ta&e into full a!!ount) 9n t%e e,ent P%ilippine -udi!ial pro!eedings are not !o#pleted (it%in one 'ear* t%e United States s%all be relie,ed of an' obligations under t%is paragrap%) T%e one 'ear period (ill not in!lude t%e ti#e ne!essar' to appeal) Also* t%e one 'ear period (ill not in!lude an' ti#e during (%i!% s!%eduled trial pro!edures are dela'ed be!ause United States aut%orities* after ti#el' notifi!ation b' P%ilippine aut%orities to arrange for t%e presen!e of t%e a!!used* fail to do so) 5) Wit%in t%e s!ope of t%eir legal aut%orit'* United States and P%ilippine aut%orities s%all assist ea!% ot%er in t%e !arr'ing out of all ne!essar' in,estigations into offenses and s%all !ooperate in pro,iding for t%e attendan!e of (itnesses and in t%e !olle!tion and produ!tion of e,iden!e* in!luding sei;ure and* in proper !ases* t%e deli,er' of ob-e!ts !onne!ted (it% an offense) >) W%en United States personnel %a,e been tried in a!!ordan!e (it% t%e pro,isions of t%is arti!le and %a,e been a!/uitted or %a,e been !on,i!ted and are ser,ing* or %a,e ser,ed t%eir senten!e* or %a,e %ad t%eir senten!e re#itted or suspended* or %a,e been pardoned* t%e' #a' not be tried again for t%e sa#e offense in t%e P%ilippines) +ot%ing in t%is paragrap%* %o(e,er* s%all pre,ent United States #ilitar' aut%orities fro# tr'ing United States personnel for an' ,iolation of rules of dis!ipline arising fro# t%e a!t or o#ission (%i!% !onstituted an offense for (%i!% t%e' (ere tried b' P%ilippine aut%orities) 6) W%en United States personnel are detained* ta&en into !ustod'* or prose!uted b' P%ilippine aut%orities* t%e' s%all be a!!orded all pro!edural safeguards establis%ed b' t%e la( of t%e P%ilippines) At t%e #ini#u#* United States personnel s%all be entitled: 0a1 To a pro#pt and speed' trial2 0b1 To be infor#ed in ad,an!e of trial of t%e spe!ifi! !%arge or !%arges #ade against t%e# and to %a,e reasonable ti#e to prepare a defense2 0!1 To be !onfronted (it% (itnesses against t%e# and to !ross e.a#ine su!% (itnesses2 0d1 To present e,iden!e in t%eir defense and to %a,e !o#pulsor' pro!ess for obtaining (itnesses2 0e1 To %a,e free and assisted legal representation of t%eir o(n !%oi!e on t%e sa#e basis as nationals of t%e P%ilippines2 0f1 To %a,e t%e ser,i!es of a !o#petent interpreter2 0g1 To !o##uni!ate pro#ptl' (it% and to be ,isited regularl' b' United States aut%orities* and to %a,e su!% aut%orities present at all -udi!ial pro!eedings) T%ese pro!eedings s%all be publi! unless t%e !ourt* in a!!ordan!e (it% P%ilippine la(* e.!ludes persons (%o %a,e no role in t%e pro!eedings) 1=) T%e !onfine#ent or detention b' P%ilippine aut%orities of United States personnel s%all be !arried out in fa!ilities agreed on b' appropriate P%ilippine and United States aut%orities) United States personnel ser,ing senten!es in t%e P%ilippines s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to ,isits and #aterial assistan!e) 11) United States personnel s%all be sub-e!t to trial onl' in P%ilippine !ourts of ordinar' -urisdi!tion* and s%all not be sub-e!t to t%e -urisdi!tion of P%ilippine #ilitar' or religious !ourts) T$!ES OF ARREST 1) Wit% Warrant a) W%en and %o( (arrant is issued #ONSTI ART III Section 2) T%e rig%t of t%e people to be se!ure in t%eir persons* %ouses* papers* and effe!ts against unreasonable sear!%es and sei;ures of (%ate,er nature and for an' purpose s%all be in,iolable* and no sear!% (arrant or (arrant of arrest s%all issue e.!ept upon probable !ause to be deter#ined personall' b' t%e -udge after e.a#ination under oat% or affir#ation of t%e !o#plainant and t%e (itnesses %e #a' produ!e* and parti!ularl' des!ribing t%e pla!e to be sear!%ed and t%e persons or t%ings to be sei;ed) RULE 112 Sec. .. /hen warrant of arrest ma* iss+e. $
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0a1 ?' t%e Regional Trial Court) $ Wit%in ten 01=1 da's fro# t%e filing of t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation* t%e -udge s%all personall' e,aluate t%e resolution of t%e prose!utor and its supporting e,iden!e) He #a' i##ediatel' dis#iss t%e !ase if t%e e,iden!e on re!ord !learl' fails to establis% probable !ause) 9f %e finds probable !ause* %e s%all issue a (arrant of arrest* or a !o##it#ent order if t%e a!!used %as alread' been arrested pursuant to a (arrant issued b' t%e -udge (%o !ondu!ted t%e preli#inar' in,estigation or (%en t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation (as filed pursuant to se!tion 5 of t%is Rule) 9n !ase of doubt on t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause* t%e -udge #a' order t%e prose!utor to present additional e,iden!e (it%in fi,e 081 da's fro# noti!e and t%e issue #ust be resol,ed b' t%e !ourt (it%in t%irt' 03=1 da's fro# t%e filing of t%e !o#plaint of infor#ation)!%an robles ,irtual la( librar' 0b1 ?' t%e Muni!ipal Trial Court) $ W%en re/uired pursuant to t%e se!ond paragrap% of se!tion of t%is Rule* t%e preli#inar' in,estigation of !ases falling under t%e original -urisdi!tion of t%e Metropolitan Trial Court* Muni!ipal Trial Court in Cities* Muni!ipal Trial Court* or Muni!ipal Cir!uit Trial Court #a' be !ondu!ted b' eit%er t%e -udge or t%e prose!utor) W%en !ondu!ted b' t%e prose!utor* t%e pro!edure for t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest b' t%e -udge s%all be go,erned b' paragrap% 0a1 of t%is se!tion) W%en t%e in,estigation is !ondu!ted b' t%e -udge %i#self* %e s%all follo( t%e pro!edure pro,ided in se!tion 3 of t%is Rule) 9f %is findings and re!o##endations are affir#ed b' t%e pro,in!ial or !it' prose!utor* or b' t%e @#buds#an or %is deput'* and t%e !orresponding infor#ation is filed* %e s%all issue a (arrant of arrest) Ho(e,er* (it%out (aiting for t%e !on!lusion of t%e in,estigation* t%e -udge #a' issue a (arrant of arrest if %e finds after an e.a#ination in (riting and under oat% of t%e !o#plainant and %is (itnesses in t%e for# of sear!%ing /uestions and ans(ers* t%at a probable !ause e.ists and t%at t%ere is a ne!essit' of pla!ing t%e respondent under i##ediate !ustod' in order not to frustrate t%e ends of -usti!e) 0!1 W%en (arrant of arrest not ne!essar') $ A (arrant of arrest s%all not issue if t%e a!!used is alread' under detention pursuant to a (arrant issued b' t%e #uni!ipal trial !ourt in a!!ordan!e (it% paragrap% 0b1 of t%is se!tion* or if t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation (as filed pursuant to se!tion 5 of t%is Rule or is for an offense penali;ed b' fine onl') T%e !ourt s%all t%e# pro!eed in t%e!ise of its original -urisdi!tion) b) Re/uisites for issuan!e ALLADO 0s. DIO1NO 2133&4 5e((osi((o6 7. !ro8a8(e #a+se Test9 9n order for t%ere to be probable !ause* t%e fa!ts and !ir!u#stan!es #ust be su!% as (ould (arrant a belief b' a reasonabl' dis!reet and prudent #an t%at t%e a!!used is guilt' of t%e !ri#e (%i!% %as -ust been !o##itted) FA#TS Petitioners "iosdado ose Allado and Roberto L) Mendo;a* alu#ni of t%e College of La(* Uni,ersit' of t%e P%ilippines* are partners of t%e La( :ir# of Salonga* Hernande; and Allado) 9n t%e pra!ti!e of t%eir profession* and on t%e basis of an alleged e.tra-udi!ial !onfession of a se!urit' guard* t%e' %a,e been a!!used of t%e %einous !ri#e of &idnapping (it% #urder b' t%e Presidential AntiACri#e Co##ission 0PACC1 and ordered arrested (it%out bail b' respondent -udge Hon) Roberto "io&no) T%e allegations against t%e# (ere based #ainl' on t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession of Se!urit' <uard Es!olasti!o U#bal* a dis!%arge of t%e P%ilippine Constabular' (%o i#pli!ated t%e# as t%e brains be%ind t%e alleged &idnapping and sla'ing of one Eugen Ale.ander Ban T(est* a <er#an national) U#bal !lai#ed t%at %e and %is !o#panions #et petitioners at Sila%is Hotel and in e.!%ange for P3)8M t%e for#er undertoo& to appre%end Ban T(est (%o allegedl' %ad an international (arrant of arrest against %i#) T%us* on 17 une 1663* after pla!ing %i# under sur,eillan!e for nearl' a #ont%* U#bal* E.Apoli!e#an Rolando <a#atero* A:PC9< Agent Roberto Santiago and SP@3 Sergio Antonino abdu!ted Ban T(est) T%e' blo!&ed %is blue +issan Pat%finder under t%e Alabang o,erpass and for!ed %i# into t%eir !ar) T%e' broug%t %i# to a Csafe %ouseC -ust be%ind t%e +e( ?ilibid Prisons) U#bal (as tas&ed to (at!% o,er t%eir /uarr') After four 041 da's* <a#atero* Santiago and Antonino returned to t%e Csafe %ouseC toget%er (it% petitioners and SP@3 Roger ?ato) SP@3 ?ato fa&ed t%e interrogation of Ban T(est* pretending it (as offi!ial* and t%en #ade %i# sign !ertain do!u#ents) T%e follo(ing da'* <a#atero s%ot Ban T(est in t%e !%est (it% a bab' ar#alite* after (%i!% Antonino stabbed %i# repeatedl'* !ut off %is pri,ate part* and later burned %is !ada,er into fine as%es using gasoline and rubber tires) U#bal !ould not re!all t%e e.a!t date (%en t%e in!ident %appened* but %e (as !ertain it (as about a 'ear ago) A da' after U#bal e.e!uted %is e.tra-udi!ial !onfession* t%e operati,es of t%e PACC* ar#ed (it% a sear!% (arrant issued b' udge Roberto A) ?arrios of t%e Manila RTC separatel' raided t%e t(o 031 d(ellings of Santiago* one lo!ated at +o) 5 Sangle' Street* and t%e ot%er* along A#alingan Street* bot% in <reen Heig%ts Subdi,ision* ParaDa/ue) T%e raiders re!o,ered a blue +issan Pat%finder and assorted firear#s and a##unition and pla!ed Santiago and %is trusted aide* Efren Madolid* under arrest) Also arrested later t%at da' (ere Antonio and ?ato (%o (ere found to %a,e in t%eir possession se,eral firear#s and a##unition and Ban T(estEs Cartier sunglasses) After e,aluating t%e pie!es of e,iden!e gat%ered b' PACC operati,es* Sr)* Supt) Panfilo La!son* C%ief of PACC Tas& :or!e Habagat* referred t%e !ase to t%e "epart#ent of usti!e for t%e institution of !ri#inal pro!eedings against A:PC9< Agent Roberto Santiago* SP@1 Sergio Antonino* SP@3 Roger ?ato* E.Apoli!e#an Rolando <a#atero* Efren Madolid* and petitioners %erein* Att') "iosdado ose Allado and Att') Roberto L) Mendo;a* for illegal possession of firear#s and a##unition* !arnapping* &idnapping for ranso# (it% #urder* and usurpation of aut%orit') He also alleged t%at t%e latter t(o planned and !onspired (it% ot%er suspe!ts to abdu!t and &ill t%e <er#an national Ale.ander Ban T(est in order to eli#inate %i# after for!ing t%e ,i!ti# to sign se,eral do!u#ents transferring o(ners%ip of se,eral properties a#ounting to se,eral #illion pesos and !aused t%e (it%dra(al of P8M deposit fro# t%e ,i!ti#Es ban& a!!ount) 9nfor#ation (as filed before t%e Regional Trial Court of Ma&ati and raffled off to ?ran!% 73 presided b' respondent udge Roberto C) "io&no) 9n response to petitionersE re/uest on :ebrura' 4* udge "io&no ga,e t%e# until :ebruar' > to sub#it t%eir opposition to t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest against all t%e a!!used) @n 5 :ebruar'* petitioners !o#plied (it% t%e order of respondent -udge) T%e follo(ing da'* > :ebruar'* petitioner Allado filed an appeal (it% t%e Se!retar' of usti!e see&ing re,ie( and re,ersal of t%e undated resolution of t%e panel of prose!utors* (%i!% appeal (as adopted b' petitioner Mendo;a) @n 11 :ebruar' 1664* petitioner Allado #o,ed to defer t%e pro!eedings before t%e trial !ourt pending resolution of %is appeal before t%e Se!retar' of usti!e) Ho(e,er* respondent -udge issued t%e assailed (arrant of arrest against petitioners)
ISSUE /ON the warrant of arrest was 0a(i (* iss+e 8* the res)on ent6 7+ -e Dio:no DE#ISION ; RATIO NO6 it was not. F Se!tion 3* Art) 999* of t%e 16>5 Constitution: A (arrant of arrest s%all issue onl' upon probable !ause to be deter#ined personall' b' t%e -udge after e.a#ination under oat% or affir#ation of t%e !o#plainant and t%e (itnesses %e #a' produ!e) F Probable !ause for an arrest or for t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest %as been defined as su!% fa!ts and !ir!u#stan!es (%i!% (ould lead a reasonable dis!reet and prudent #an to belie,e t%at an offense %as been !o##itted b' t%e person soug%t to be arrested) And as a prote!tion against false prose!ution and arrest* it is t%e
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&no(ledge of fa!ts* a!tual or apparent* strong enoug% to -ustif' a reasonable #an in t%e belief t%at %e (as la(ful grounds for arresting t%e a!!used) A!!ordingl'* before issuing a (arrant of arrest* t%e -udge #ust satisf' %i#self t%at based on t%e e,iden!e sub#itted t%ere is suffi!ient proof t%at a !ri#e %as been !o##itted and t%at t%e person to be arrested is probabl' guilt' t%ereof) 9n t%e !ase at bar* %ea,' relian!e (as gi,en to t%e e.traA-udi!ial state#ent of U#bal) T%ere is serious doubt* %o(e,er* on Ban T(estEs reported deat% sin!e t%e !orpus deli!ti %as not been establis%ed* nor %a,e %is re#ains been re!o,ered) U#bal !lai#s t%at Ban T(est (as !o#pletel' burned into as%es (it% t%e use of gasoline and rubber tires fro# around ten oE!lo!& in t%e e,ening to si. oE!lo!& t%e ne.t #orning) T%is is %ig%l' i#probable sin!e a %u#an bod' !annot be pul,eri;ed into as%es b' si#pl' burning it (it% t%e use of gasoline and rubber tires in an open field) E,en !re#atoria use entirel' !losed in!inerators (%ere t%e !orpse is sub-e!ted to intense %eat) Moreo,er* e.traA-udi!ial state#ent suffers fro# #aterial in!onsisten!ies) U#bal said t%at %e toget%er (it% %is !o%orts (as #et b' petitioners in Sila%is Hotel (%ere t%e' %at!%ed t%e plan to abdu!t Ban T(est) Ho(e,er* during t%e preli#inar' in,estigation* %e stated t%at %e (as not part of t%e a!tual #eeting as %e onl' (aited outside in t%e !ar for %is !o#panions (%o supposedl' dis!ussed t%e plan inside Sila%is Hotel) U#bal also said t%at petitioners arri,ed (it% ?ato and !ondu!ted a #o!& interrogation of Ban T(est (%o t%ereafter signed ,arious do!u#ents upon being !o#pelled to do so) "uring t%e !larifi!ator' /uestioning* %o(e,er* U#bal !%anged %is stor' and said t%at %e (as as&ed to go outside of t%e Csafe %ouseC at t%e ti#e Ban T(est (as interrogated and t%us did not see if Ban T(est indeed signed !ertain do!u#ents) Most i#portantl'* t%e !onfession (as supposed to %a,e been done on 17 Septe#ber 1663 'et t%e appli!ation of t%e PACC operati,es for a sear!% (arrant to be ser,ed in t%e t(o 031 d(ellings of Santiago (as filed and granted b' t%e RTC on 18 Septe#ber 1663* a da' before U#bal e.e!uted %is s(orn state#ent) :or sure* t%e !redibilit' of U#bal is badl' battered) Certainl'* %is bare allegations* e,en if t%e State in,o&es its in%erent rig%t to prose!ute* are insuffi!ient to -ustif' sending t(o la('ers to -ail* or an'bod' for t%at #atter) More i#portantl'* t%e PACC operati,es
(%o applied for a (arrant to sear!% t%e d(ellings of Santiago ne,er i#pli!ated petitioners) 9n fa!t t%e' !lai#ed t%at a!!ording to U#bal* it (as Santiago* and not petitioners* (%o #aster#inded t%e (%ole affair) Beril'* respondent -udge !o##itted gra,e abuse of dis!retion in issuing t%e (arrant for t%e arrest of petitioners it appearing t%at %e did not personall' e.a#ine t%e e,iden!e nor did %e !all for t%e !o#plainant and %is (itnesses in t%e fa!e of t%eir in!redible a!!ounts)
@?9TER "9CTUM F T%e prose!utors %a,e si#ilarl' #isappropriated* if not abused* t%eir dis!retion) 9f t%e' reall' belie,ed t%at petitioners (ere probabl' guilt'* t%e' s%ould %a,e ar#ed t%e#sel,es (it% fa!ts and !ir!u#stan!es in support of t%at belief2 for #ere belief is not enoug%) Here* t%e undue %aste in t%e filing of t%e infor#ation and t%e inordinate interest of t%e go,ern#ent !annot be ignored) :ro# t%e gat%ering of e,iden!e until t%e ter#ination of t%e preli#inar' in,estigation* it appears t%at t%e state prose!utors (ere o,erl' eager to file t%e !ase and se!ure a (arrant for t%e arrest of t%e a!!used (it%out bail and t%eir !onse/uent detention) M9SCELLA+E@US LE<AL C@+CEPTS Heirar!%' of Rig%ts: T%e ?ill of Rig%ts ta&es pre!eden!e o,er t%e rig%t of t%e State to prose!ute* and (%en (eig%ed against ea!% ot%er* t%e s!ales of -usti!e tilt to(ards t%e for#er) T%is is (%' !onfine#ent* regardless of duration* is too %ig% a pri!e to pa' for re!&less and i#pulsi,e prose!ution) Purpose of a Preli#inar' 9n,estigation: to se!ure t%e inno!ent against %ast'* #ali!ious and oppressi,e prose!ution* and to prote!t %i# fro# an open and publi! a!!usation of !ri#e* fro# t%e trouble* e.pense and an.iet' of a publi! trial* and also to prote!t t%e state fro# useless and e.pensi,e trial) "eter#ination of Probable Cause b' t%e udge: T%e -udge 0a1 s%all personall' e,aluate t%e report and t%e supporting do!u#ents sub#itted b' t%e fis!al regarding t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause and* on t%e basis t%ereof* issue a (arrant of arrest2 or* 0b1 if on t%e basis t%ereof %e finds no probable !ause* #a' disregard t%e fis!alEs report and re/uire t%e sub#ission of supporting affida,its of (itnesses to aid %i# in arri,ing at a !on!lusion on t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause) 0Soli,en ,) Ma&asiar1 1atrina "a-a((anes
#o<+an-co 0. San i-an8a*an 2133=4 Ponente: Guisu#bing* ) A :ebruar' 1668: @#buds#an filed !ri#inal !ase (it% t%e Sandiganba'an) Facts Information in !ri#inal !ase (as a!!o#panied b' 011 Resolution A Martial la(: Eduardo Co-uang!o* r) (as dire!tor of t%e P%ilippine Co!onut re!o##ending filing of 9nfor#ation and 031 Me#orandu# den'ing e.isten!e of Aut%orit' 0PCA1 <o,erning ?oard) a pre-udi!ial /uestion) Sandiganba'an issued a warrant of arrest against A anuar' 166=: Soli!itor <eneral filed a !o#plaint before t%e Presidential petitioner) Petitioner filed an @pposition to 9ssuan!e of Warrant of Arrest) He Co##ission on <ood <o,ern#ent 0PC<<1 against t%e for#er PCA alleged t%at t%e do!u#ents sub#itted to t%e Sandiganba'an (ere not Ad#inistrator and for#er PCA ?oard #e#bers* petitioner a#ong t%e#* for ade/uate for t%e deter#ination of probable !ause for issuan!e of (arrant of ,iolation of t%e AntiA<raft and Corrupt Pra!ti!es A!t 0RA 3=161) T%e' (ere arrest) Petitioner posted bail) Sandiganba'an barred petitioner fro# lea,ing t%e !%arged (it% donating P3 #illion (it%out aut%orit' to t%e P%ilippine Co!onut !ountr' e.!ept upon !ourt appro,al) Produ!ers :ederation 0C@C@:E"1 using PCA spe!ial fund) A Mar!% 1668: Petitioner filed a Me#orandu# in A#plifi!ation of @pposition to A @!tober 166=: Supre#e Court ruled t%at all pro!eedings in t%e preli#inar' 9ssuan!e of Warrant of Arrest) in,estigation !ondu!ted b' t%e PC<< (ere ,oid) PC<< #ust trans#it A Ma' 1668: Petitioner (as !onditionall' arraigned pleading not guilt' to t%e !o#plaints and re!ords of t%e !ase to t%e @#buds#an for appropriate a!tion) 9nfor#ation) A une 1663: Panel of in,estigators in t%e @#buds#an #ade a Reso(+tion A @!tober 1668: Spe!ial Prose!ution @ffi!er found no probable !ause to re!o##ending t%e filing of an Information for ,iolation of Se!tion 30e1 of RA (arrant filing against petitioner in t%e !ri#inal !ase and re!o##ended t%e 3=16 against petitioner and fi,e ot%er respondents) dis#issal of t%e !ase) A anuar' 1668: Spe!ial Prose!ution @ffi!er (rote in a "emoran +m t%at no A "e!e#ber 1668: Petitioner filed an Urgent Motion to "is#iss and alleged t%at pre-udi!ial /uestion e.ists to (arrant suspension of !ri#inal pro!eedings) t%ere (as not%ing on re!ord to -ustif' issuan!e of (arrant of arrest and assu#ption of -urisdi!tion o,er t%e !ase)
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A 166>: Petitioner filed a spe!ial !i,il a!tion in t%e Supre#e Court see&ing to dis#iss t%e !ri#inal !ase against %i# pending before t%e Sandiganba'an and to pro%ibit t%e !ourt fro# pro!eeding (it% t%e !ase) Iss+es> 14 /hether the warrant of arrest iss+e 8* the San i-an8a*an is n+(( an 0oi ? $es @e( 9 31 W%et%er petitionerHs rig%ts to due pro!ess* speed' trial and disposition -ustif' dis#issal of !ase A +o 31 W%et%er ban on foreign tra,el on petitioner s%ould be ,a!ated to enable %i# to go abroad A Ies R+(in11 T%e Sandiganba'an failed to abide b' t%e !onstitutional #andate of personall' deter#ining t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause before issuing a (arrant of arrest) A Se!tion 3* Arti!le 999 of 16>5 Constitution: no sear!% (arrant or (arrant of arrest s%all issue e.!ept upon a probable !ause to be deter#ined )ersona((* b' t%e -udge after e.a#ination under oat% or affir#ation of t%e !o#plainant and t%e (itnesses %e #a' produ!e) A T%e Sandiganba'an %ad t(o do!u#ents to !onsider (%en it issued t%e (arrant of arrest against t%e a!!used: 11 Resolution of Panel of 9n,estigators of t%e @#buds#an re!o##ending t%e filing of t%e 9nfor#ation 31 Me#orandu# of Spe!ial Prose!utor den'ing e.isten!e of pre-udi!ial /uestion to suspend !ri#inal !ase A T%e Sandiganba'an %ad not%ing #ore to support its resolution) A Ho ,) People dis!ussed t%e deter#ining of probable !ause to #erit t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest: 11 !+r)ose. T%e -udge deter#ines (%et%er a (arrant of arrest s%ould be issued against t%e a!!used* t%at is (%et%er t%ere is a ne!essit' for pla!ing %i# under i##ediate !ustod' in order not to frustrate t%e ends of -usti!e) 34 In e)en ence) T%e -udge !annot rel' solel' on t%e report of t%e prose!utor in finding probable !ause to -ustif' t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest) T%e -udge #ust de!ide in e)en ent(*) He #ust %a,e supporting e,iden!e* ot%er t%an t%e prose!utorHs bare report* upon (%i!% to legall' sustain %is o(n findings on t%e e.isten!e of a probable !ause to issue an arrest order) 31 S+fficienc*. T%e -udge #ust %a,e s+fficient supporting do!u#ents 0su!% as t%e !o#plaint* affida,its* !ounterAaffida,its* s(orn state#ents of (itnesses or trans!ripts of stenograp%i! notes1 upon (%i!% to #a&e %is independent -udg#ent or to ,erif' t%e findings of t%e prose!utor as to t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause) He !annot rel' solel' and entirel' on t%e prose!utorHs re!o##endation) T%e Constitution !o##ands t%e -udge to )ersona((* deter#ine probable !ause in t%e issuan!e of (arrants of arrest)
A T%oug% t%e (arrant of arrest is ,oid* t%e gi,ing or posting of bail b' t%e a!!used is tanta#ount to sub#ission of %is person to t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e !ourt) ?' posting bail* petitioner is sub-e!t to t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e Sandiganba'an) He also in,o&ed t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e !ourt t%roug% t%e filing of #otions t%at soug%t ot%er affir#ati,e relief) 31 9t is best t%at t%e !ase be resol,ed on t%e #erits b' t%e Sandiganba'an (it% due regard to petitionerHs rig%t to due pro!ess* speed' trial and speed' disposition of t%e !ase against %i# and %is !oAa!!used) A T%e rig%t to a speed' disposition of a !ase* li&e t%e rig%t to speed' trial* is dee#ed ,iolated onl' (%en t%e pro!eeding is attended b' ,e.atious* !apri!ious* and oppressi,e dela's) T%e Court finds t%e period of #ore t%an one 'ear t%at elapsed for resol,ing petitionerHs #otion to dis#iss /uite long* !onsidering t%at all pleadings re/uired b' t%e Sandiganba'an (ere alread' sub#itted) 31 T%e tra,el ban s%ould be lifted) T%e period of tra,el s%ould be redu!ed to t%ree #ont%s instead of si. #ont%s as re/uested) Petitioner s%ould be re/uired to post an additional !as% bond e/ui,alent to t%e present !as% bond) A A person fa!ing a !ri#inal indi!t#ent and pro,isionall' released on bail does not %a,e an unrestri!ted rig%t to tra,el) A personHs rig%t to tra,el is sub-e!t to t%e usual !onstraints i#posed b' t%e ne!essit' of safeguarding t%e s'ste# of -usti!e) A All of petitionerHs pre,ious re/uests to tra,el abroad %a,e been granted) Petitioner %as al(a's returned to t%e P%ilippines and !o#plied (it% t%e restri!tions i#posed on %i#) T%e ne!essit' of furt%er den'ing petitionerHs rig%t to tra,el abroad (it% restri!tions appears less t%an !lear) Considerations affe!ting t%e petitionerHs duties to San Miguel Corporation* #ilitate against i#posing furt%er restri!tions on petitionerHs rig%t to tra,el abroad) Dis)ositi0e9 T%e Supre#e Court dis#issed t%e petition regarding t%e dis#issal of t%e !ri#inal !ase against t%e petitioner) Sandiganba'an #ust resol,e pending #otions and in!idents in Cri#inal Case 33=1> (it% ut#ost dispat!%) Resolution of Sandiganba'an i#posing a ban on petitionerHs tra,el abroad is lifted for t%ree #ont%s) Dissent9 Panganiban* ) %eld t%at as a !onse/uen!e of t%e nullit' of t%e (arrant of arrest* t%e Sandiganba'an did not a!/uire -urisdi!tion o,er t%e petitioner) A Petitioner filed an @pposition to t%e 9ssuan!e of a Warrant of Arrest based on t%e inade/ua!' of t%e !ourtHs basis for deter#ining probable !ause) 9t (as essentiall' an and !ontinuing ob-e!tion to t%e !ourtHs -urisdi!tion o,er %is person) PetitionerEs a!tions !on,e'ed %is persistent ob-e!tion to %is arrest and to t%e !ourtEs aut%orit' o,er %is person) His a!tions s%ould not be !onstrued as a (ai,er of %is rig%t to ob-e!t to t%e nullit' of %is arrest) A Wit% all due respe!t* 9 sub#it t%at to rule ot%er(ise as t%e #a-orit' did is #ost unfair and un-ust* be!ause an a!!used !ould be indefinitel' detained as a result of t%e trial !ourtEs e.pedient of #erel' sitting on t%e ob-e!tion to t%e issuan!e of t%e (arrant)
!eo)(e an D* 0 #A an #er8o 1666 Ponente: Panganiban Note9 T%is !ase distills t%e do!trines in Allado , "io&no* People , 9nting* and Roberts , CA 0t%e latter 3 !ases are in t%e s'llabus but no longer assigned1* as (ell as ot%er !ases not in t%e s'llabus* so 9 a# /uoting long do!trines ,erbati#) T%e distin!tion bet(een probable !ause for trial and probable !ause for arrest is rat%er tri!&' 0at least for #e1 so 9 a# pla'ing it safe b' not editing t%e do!trines too #u!%) Ja'a #e-o #a%aba tong digest) Facts9 Pri,ate respondent onat%an Cerbo (as !%arged (it% t%e #urder of Petitioner "'Hs #ot%er Rosalinda "') 9t (as a,erred b' a (itness t%at Rosalinda (as s%ot b' onat%an at point blan& range at ?ill' CerboHs offi!e $ fat%er of onat%an) 1663* t%e 3rd Muni!ipal Cir!uit Trial Court of +abunturanAMa(ab* "a,ao* after a preli#inar' in,estigation* found Ksuffi!ient ground to engender a (ellAfounded beliefL t%at t%e !ri#e of #urder %as been !o##itted b' pri,ate respondent onat%an Cerbo and resol,ed to for(ard t%e entire re!ords of t%e !ase to t%e pro,in!ial prose!utor at Tagu#)
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April >* 1664* Prose!utor Prota!io Lu#angtad filed a KMotion for lea,e of !ourt to rein,estigate t%e !aseL (as granted b' t%e respondent -udge in an order dated April 3>* 1664) 9n %is resolution dated Ma' 8* 1664* Prose!utor Lu#angtad re!o##ended t%e filing of an a#ended infor#ation in!luding ?ill' Cerbo as one of t%e a!!used in t%e #urder !ase) An infor#ation (as t%en filed against ?ill' and t%e !orresponding (arrant of arrest (as issued) ?ill' filed #otion to /uas% t%e arrest (arrant for la!& of probable !ause) @n une 3>* 1664* respondent udge issued t%e first assailed order dis#issing t%e !ase against ?ill' Cerbo and re!alling t%e (arrant for %is arrest) Pri,ate Prose!utor Ro#eo Tagra filed a #otion for re!onsideration (%i!% (as denied b' t%e respondent -udge in %is se!ond assailed order dated August 1>* 1664 CA: debun&ed petitionerHs assertion t%at TC -udge !o##itted <A"ALE for dis#issing !ase against ?ill') CA !ited -urispruden!e and said: T%e ruling is e.pli!it) 9f upon t%e filing of t%e infor#ation in !ourt* t%e trial -udge* after re,ie(ing t%e infor#ation and t%e do!u#ents atta!%ed t%ereto* finds t%at no probable !ause #ust eit%er !all for t%e !o#plainant and t%e (itnesses or si#pl' dis#iss t%e !ase) Iss+e9 W@+ CA gra,el' erred in %olding t%at t%e RTC udge %ad t%e aut%orit' to re,erse Mt%e publi! prose!utorHsN finding of probable !ause to prose!ute a!!used and t%us dis#iss t%e !ase filed b' t%e latter on t%e basis of a #otion to /uas% (arrant of arrest) @e( 9 Ies) :inding of probable !ause as regards filing of !ase for trial is under t%e aut%orit' of t%e publi! prose!utor) Ratio9 T%e deter#ination of probable !ause during a preli#inar' in,estigation is a fun!tion t%at belongs to t%e publi! prose!utor) 9t is an executive fun!tion* t%e !orre!tness of t%e!ise of (%i!% is a #atter t%at t%e trial !ourt itself does not and #a' not be !o#pelled to pass upon) 9n Roberts , CA: Kt%is Court is being as&ed to assu#e t%e fun!tion of a publi! prose!utor) More !on!retel'* t%e Court is being as&ed to e.a#ine and assess su!% e,iden!e as %as t%us far been sub#itted b' t%e parties and* on t%e basis t%ereof* #a&e a !on!lusion as to (%et%er or not it suffi!es Oto engender a (ell founded belief t%at a !ri#e %as been !o##itted and t%at t%e respondent is probabl' guilt' t%ereof and s%ould be %eld for trial) 9t is a fun!tion t%at t%is Court !annot perfor#)L K9t is a fun!tion t%at properl' pertains to t%e publi! prose!utor* one t%at* as far as !ri#es !ogni;able b' a Regional Trial Court are !on!erned* and not(it%standing t%at it in,ol,es an ad-udi!ati,e pro!ess of a sort* e.!lusi,el' pertains* b' la(* to said e.e!uti,e offi!er* t%e publi! prose!utor) 9t is #oreo,er a fun!tion t%at in t%e establis%ed s!%e#e of t%ings* is supposed to be perfor#ed at t%e ,er' genesis of* indeed* prefatoril' to* t%e for#al !o##en!e#ent of a !ri#inal a!tion) T%e pro!eedings before a publi! prose!utor* it #a' (ell be stressed* are essentiall' preli#inar'* prefator' and !annot lead to a final* definite and aut%oritati,e ad-udg#ent of t%e guilt or inno!en!e of t%e persons !%arged (it% a felon' or !ri#eL K9t is not per#itted for an a!!used* upon t%e filing of t%e infor#ation against %i# b' t%e publi! prose!utor* to pree#pt trial b' filing a #otion (it% t%e Trial Court pra'ing for t%e /uas%al or dis#issal of t%e indi!t#ent on the ground that the evidence upon which the same is based is inadequate. Crespo , Mogul: 9t is a !ardinal prin!iple t%at all criminal actions eit%er !o##en!ed b' !o#plaint or b' infor#ation shall be prosecuted under the direction and control of the fiscal. The institution of a criminal action depends upon the sound discretion of the fiscal. T%e reason for pla!ing t%e !ri#inal prose!ution under t%e dire!tion and !ontrol of t%e fis!al is to pre,ent #ali!ious or unfounded prose!utions b' pri,ate persons)L Ledes#a , CA: KT%e pri#ar' ob-e!ti,e of a preli#inar' in,estigation is to free respondent fro# t%e in!on,enien!e* e.pense* igno#in' and stress of defending %i#selfP%erself in t%e !ourse of a for#al trial* until t%e reasonable probabilit' of %is or %er guilt in a #ore or less su##ar' pro!eeding b' a
!o#petent offi!e designated b' la( for t%at purpose) Se!ondaril'* su!% su##ar' pro!eeding also prote!ts t%e state fro# t%e burden of t%e unne!essar' e.pense an effort in prose!uting alleged offenses and in %olding trials arising fro# false* fri,olous or groundless !%arges) Su!% in,estigation is not part of t%e trial) A full and e.%austi,e presentation of t%e partiesH e,iden!e is not re/uired* but onl' su!% as #a' engender a (ellAgrounded belief t%an an offense %as been !o##itted and t%at t%e a!!used is probabl' guilt' t%ereof)L T%e deter#ination of probable !ause to %old a person for trial #ust be distinguis%ed fro# t%e deter#ination of probable !ause to issue a (arrant of arrest* (%i!% is judicial fun!tion) T%e -udi!ial deter#ination of probable !ause in t%e issuan!e of arrest (arrants %as been e#p%asi;ed in nu#erous !ases) Ho , People: K!iting Allado , "io&no $ in deter#ining probable !ause* t%e -udge #ust satisf' %i#self t%at based on t%e e,iden!e sub#itted* t%ere is suffi!ient proof t%at a !ri#e %as been !o##itted and t%at t%e person to be arrested is probabl' guilt' t%ereof)L At t%is stage of t%e !ri#inal pro!eeding* the judge is not yet tasked to review in detail the evidence submitted during the preliminary investigation. It is sufficient that he personally evaluates such evidence in determining probable cause. 3 ,ital #atters: irst! as %eld in Inting! the determination of probable cause by the prosecutor is for the purpose different from that which is to be made by the judge. "hether there is reasonable ground to believe that the accused is guilty of the offense charged and should be held for trial is what the prosecutor passes upon. The judge! on the other hand! determines whether a warrant of arrest should be issued against the accused! i.e.! whether there is a necessity for placing him under immediate custody in order not to frustrate the ends of justice. #econd! sin!e t%eir ob-e!ti,es are different* t%e -udge !annot rel' solel' on t%e report of t%e prose!utor in finding probable !ause to -ustif' t%e issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest) @b,iousl' and understandabl'* t%e !ontents of t%e prose!utorHs report (ill support %is o(n !on!lusion t%at t%ere is reason to !%arge t%e a!!used of an offense and %old %i# for trial) Ho(e,er* t%e -udge #ust de!ide independentl') Parent%eti!all'* t%e prose!utor !ould ease t%e burden of t%e -udge and speed up t%e litigation pro!ess b' for(arding to t%e latter not onl' t%e infor#ation and %is bare resolution* but also so #u!% of t%e re!ords and t%e e,iden!e on %and as to enable His Honor to #a&e %is personal and separate -udi!ial finding on (%et%er to issue a (arrant of arrest)L K$astly! it is not re/uired t%at t%e !o#plete or entire re!ords of t%e !ase during t%e preli#inar' in,estigation be sub#itted to and e.a#ined b' t%e -udge) We do not intend to undul' burden trial !ourts b' obliging t%e# to e.a#ine t%e !o#plete re!ords of e,er' !ase all t%e ti#e si#pl' for t%e purpose of ordering t%e arrest of t%e a!!used) W%at is re/uired* rat%er* is t%at t%e -udge #ust %a,e suffi!ient supporting do!u#ents 0su!% as t%e !o#plaint* affida,its* !ounterA affida,its* s(orn state#ents of (itnesses or trans!ript of stenograp%i! notes* if an'1 upon (%i!% to #a&e %is independent -udg#ent* or at t%e ,er' least* upon (%i!% to ,erif' t%e findings of t%e prose!utor as to t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause)L Beril'* a -udge !annot be !o#pelled to issue a (arrant of arrest if %e or s%e dee#s t%at t%ere is no probable !ause for doing so) Corollar' to t%is prin!iple* t%e -udge s%ould not o,erride t%e publi! prose!utorHs deter#ination of probable !ause to %old an a!!used for trial* on t%e ground t%at t%e e,iden!e presented to substantiate t%e issuan!e of an arrest (arrant insuffi!ient* as in t%e present !ase) 9ndeed* it (ould be unfair to!t t%e prose!ution to present all t%e e,iden!e needed to se!ure t%e !on,i!tion of t%e a!!used upon t%e filing of t%e infor#ation against t%e latter) T%e reason is found in t%e nature and t%e ob-e!ti,e of a preli#inar' in,estigation) Here* t%e publi! prose!utors do not de!ide (%et%er t%ere is e,iden!e be'ond reasonable doubt of t%e guilt of t%e person !%arged2 t%e' #erel' deter#ine K(%et%er t%ere is suffi!ient ground to engender a (ellAfounded belief t%at a !ri#e %as been !o##itted and t%at t%e respondent is probabl' guilt' t%ereof* and s%ould be %eld for trial) E,identiar' #atters #ust be presented and %eard during t%e trial)
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?a!& to t%e !ase at bar: CA relied in Allado in dis#issing !ase against ?ill' $ M9Nf* upon t%e filing of t%e infor#ation in !ourt* t%e trial -udge* after re,ie(ing t%e infor#ation and t%e do!u#ents atta!%ed t%ereto* #ust eit%er !all for t%e !o#plainant and t%e (itnesses t%e#sel,es or si#pl' dis#iss t%e !ase) t%ere is no reason to %old t%e a!!used for trial and furt%er e.pose %i# to an open and publi! a!!usation of t%e !ri#e (%en no probable !ause e.ists)L 0+ote: Re!all t%e fa!tual #ilieu of t%is !ase* parti!ularl' t%e !ir!u#stan!es (%' t%e (arrants for arrest (ere dee#ed to %a,e been issued b' udge "io&no (it% <A"ALE 1) Anot%er basis* !iting #alonga v. %ru&'(a)o! CA pointed out t%at (%en t%ere (as no prima facie !ase against a person soug%t to be !%arged (it% a !ri#e*L t%e -udge or fis!al* t%erefore* s%ould not go on (it% t%e prose!ution in t%e %ope t%at so#e !redible e,iden!e #ig%t later turn out during trial* for t%is (ould be a flagrant ,iolation of a basi! rig%t (%i!% t%e !ourts are !reated to up%old)L Here* o,ito Salonga soug%t to bar t%e filing of an infor#ation against %i# for alleged ,iolation of AntiASub,ersion La() SC granted A e,iden!e upon (%i!% t%e 9nfor#ation (as based (as not suffi!ient to !%arge %i# for a ,iolation of t%e Re,ised AntiASub,ersion A!t) 9n all* t%e Court de!reed in bot% !ases t%at t%ere (as no basis in la( and in fa!t for t%e -udi!ial and e.e!uti,e deter#ination of probable !ause) Ho(e,er* t%e present !ase is not at all fours (it% *llado and #alonga for the ff reasons+ a) Prin!ipal (itness in t%is !ase is not a !onspirator to t%e !ri#e) 9n Allado and Salonga* t%e' (ere and !ourt e,en said t%eir testi#onies (ere tainted
b) 9n t%is !ase* pri,ate respondents (ere a!!orded due pro!ess) 9n Allado and Salonga A respe!ti,e sets of e,iden!e before t%e prose!utors in *llado and #alonga (ere Kutterl' insuffi!ientL to support a finding of probable !ause* t%e sa#e !annot be said of t%e present !ase) We stress t%at *llado and #alonga !onstitute e.!eptions to t%e general rule and #a' be in,o&e onl' if si#ilar !ir!u#stan!es are !learl' s%o(n to @ne #ore t%ing* Petitioners a,er t%at Pri,ate Respondents Cerbo did not gi,e t%e# a !op' of t%e #otion to Guas% t%e Warrant of Arrest* (%i!% %ad been issued against %i#* or a noti!e of t%e s!%edule %earing) T%us* t%e' !ontend* udge Balles s%ould not %a,e entertained su!% #otion) Under Se!tion 7 of t%e said rule* no #otion s%all be a!ted upon b' t%e !ourt (it%out proof of ser,i!e t%ereof) T%e rationale for t%is is si#ple: unless t%e #o,ants set t%e ti#e and t%e pla!e of %earing* t%e !ourt (ill be unable to deter#ine (%et%er t%e ad,erse parties agree or ob-e!t to t%e #otions* sin!e t%e rules t%e#sel,es do not fi. an' period (it%in (%i!% t%e' #a' file t%eir replies or oppositions) T%e #otion to /uas% t%e (arrant of arrest in t%e present !ase being pro forma* inas#us!% as t%e re/uisite !op' and noti!e (ere not dul' ser,ed upon t%e ad,erse part'* t%e trial !ourt %ad no aut%orit' to a!t on it) Con!lusion: as a general rule* if t%e infor#ation is ,alid on its fa!e and t%ere is no s%o(ing of #anifest error* gra,e abuse of dis!retion or pre-udi!e on t%e part of t%e publi! prose!utor* !ourts s%ould not dis#iss it for O(ant of e,iden!e*H be!ause e,identiar' #atters s%ould be presented and %eard during t%e trial) ?5a*a
DO7 A Nationa( !rosec+tion Ser0ice "an+a( A !ART %I SE#TION 1. "efinition of probable !ause as a ground for an arrest or issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest) A Probable !ause is su!% fa!ts and !ir!u#stan!es (%i!% (ould lead a reasonabl' dis!reet and prudent #an to belie,e t%at an offense %as been !o##itted b' t%e person soug%t to be arrested !) Ho( effe!ted RULE 113 Se!) 3) Arrest2 %o( #ade) $ An arrest is #ade b' an a!tual restraint of a person to be arrested* or b' %is sub#ission to t%e !ustod' of t%e person #a&ing t%e arrest) +o ,iolen!e or unne!essar' for!e s%all be used in #a&ing an arrest) T%e person arrested s%all not be sub-e!t to a greater restraint t%an is ne!essar' for %is detention) Se!) 3) "ut' of arresting offi!er) $ 9t s%all be t%e dut' of t%e offi!er e.e!uting t%e (arrant to arrest t%e a!!used and deli,er %i# to t%e nearest poli!e station or -ail (it%out unne!essar' dela') Se!) 4) E.e!ution of (arrant) $ T%e %ead of t%e offi!e to (%o# t%e (arrant of arrest (as deli,ered for e.e!ution s%all !ause t%e (arrant to be e.e!uted (it%in ten 01=1 da's fro# its re!eipt) Wit%in ten 01=1 da's after t%e e.piration of t%e period* t%e offi!er to (%o# it (as assigned for e.e!ution s%all #a&e a report to t%e -udge (%o issued t%e (arrant) 9n !ase of %is failure to e.e!ute t%e (arrant* %e s%all state t%e reason t%erefore) Se!) 7) Ti#e of #a&ing arrest) $ An arrest #a' be #ade on an' da' and at an' ti#e of t%e da' or nig%t) 3) Warrantless a) W%en -ustified
R+(e 113 Se!) 8) Arrest (it%out (arrant2 (%en la(ful) $ A pea!e offi!er or a pri,ate person #a'* (it%out a (arrant* arrest a person: 0a1 W%en* in %is presen!e* t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted* is a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it an offense2 0b1 W%en an offense %as -ust been !o##itted and %e %as probable !ause to belie,e based on personal &no(ledge of fa!ts or !ir!u#stan!es t%at t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted it2 and 0!1 W%en t%e person to be arrested is a prisoner (%o %as es!aped fro# a penal establis%#ent or pla!e (%ere %e is ser,ing final -udg#ent or is te#poraril' !onfined (%ile %is !ase is pending* or %as es!aped (%ile being transferred fro# one !onfine#ent to anot%er) 9n !ases falling under paragrap%s 0a1 and 0b1 abo,e* t%e person arrested (it%out a (arrant s%all be fort%(it% deli,ered to t%e nearest poli!e station or -ail and s%all be pro!eeded against in a!!ordan!e (it% se!tion 5 of Rule 113) !eo)(e 0s T+ t+ 22BB34 Tinga* ,. FA#TS9 a. ul' and August 1666* t%e Toril Poli!e Station* "a,ao Cit' re!ei,ed a report fro# a K!i,ilian assetL na#ed ?obong Solier about +oel Tudtud) Solier related t%at %is neig%bors %a,e been !o#plaining about Tudtud* (%o (as allegedl' responsible for t%e proliferation of #ari-uana in t%eir area) 8. Rea!ting to t%e report* all #e#bers of t%e 9ntelligen!e Se!tion of t%e Toril Poli!e Station* !ondu!ted sur,eillan!e in SolierHs neig%bor%ood) :or fi,e da's* t%e' gat%ered infor#ation and learned t%at Tudtud (as in,ol,ed in illegal drugs) A!!ording to %is neig%bors* Tudtud (as engaged in selling #ari-uana) c. @n August 1* 1666* Solier infor#ed t%e poli!e t%at Tudtud %ad %eaded to Cotabato and (ould be ba!& later t%at da' (it% ne( sto!&s of #ari-uana) Solier
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des!ribed Tudtud as bigAbodied and s%ort* and usuall' (ore a %at) At around 4:== in t%e afternoon t%at sa#e da'* a tea# posted t%e#sel,es at t%e !orner of Saipon and M!Art%ur Hig%(a' to a(ait TudtudHs arri,al) All (ore !i,ilian !lot%es) . About >:== later t%at e,ening* t(o #en dise#bar&ed fro# a bus and %elped ea!% ot%er !arr' a !arton #ar&ed KJing :la&es)L Standing so#e fi,e feet a(a' fro# t%e #en* P@1 "esierto and P@1 :loreta obser,ed t%at one of t%e #en fit TudtudHs des!ription) T%e sa#e #an also toted a plasti! bag) e. P@1 :loreta and P@1 "esierto t%en approa!%ed t%e suspe!ts and identified t%e#sel,es as poli!e offi!ers) P@1 "esierto infor#ed t%e# t%at t%e poli!e %ad re!ei,ed infor#ation t%at sto!&s of illegal drugs (ould be arri,ing t%at nig%t) Tudtud denied t%at %e (as !arr'ing an' drugs) P@1 "esierto as&ed %i# if %e !ould see t%e !ontents of t%e bo.) Tudtud obliged* sa'ing* Kit (as alrig%t)L Tudtud opened t%e bo. %i#self as %is !o#panion loo&ed on) f. T%e bo. 'ielded pie!es of dried fis%* beneat% (%i!% (ere t(o bundles* one (rapped in a striped plasti! bag and anot%er in ne(spapers) P@1 "esierto as&ed Tudtud to un(rap t%e pa!&ages) T%e' !ontained (%at see#ed to be #ari-uana lea,es) -. T%e poli!e t%us arrested Tudtud and %is !o#panion* infor#ed t%e# of t%eir rig%ts and broug%t t%e# to t%e poli!e station) T%e t(o did not resist) h. T%e laborator' e.a#ination !onfir#ed t%at t%e ite#s (ere #ari-uana) T%e plasti! bag !ontained 3*3== gra#s of #ari-uana lea,es (%ile t%e ne(spapers !ontained anot%er >6= gra#s) i. +oel Tudtud and %is !o#panion* "indo ?ulong* (ere subse/uentl' !%arged (it% illegal possession of pro%ibited drugs) Upon arraign#ent* bot% a!!used pleaded not guilt') <. TU"TU" et al: reser,ed t%eir rig%t to /uestion t%e ,alidit' of t%eir arrest and t%e sei;ure of t%e e,iden!e against t%e#) He !ries fra#eAupQ :. His ,ersion: He %ad gone to +ort% Cotabato to sell pairs of Le,iHs pants* (%i!% (as %is Ksideline)L At about 8p#* %e returned to "a,ao Cit' b' bus) Upon rea!%ing Toril* Tudtud* got do(n t%e bus) Suddenl'* a #an (%o identified %i#self as a poli!e offi!er approa!%ed %i#* pointing a )3> !aliber re,ol,er) T%e #an told %i# not to run) Tudtud raised %is ar#s and as&ed* KSir* (%at is t%is aboutRL T%e #an ans(ered t%at %e (ould li&e to inspe!t t%e plasti! bag Tudtud (as !arr'ing* and instru!ted Tudtud to open t%e bag* (%i!% re,ealed se,eral pairs of Le,iHs pants) T%e #an t%en dire!ted Tudtud to open a !arton bo. so#e t(o #eters a(a') A!!ording to Tudtud* t%e bo. (as alread' t%ere (%en %e dise#bar&ed t%e bus) Tudtud told t%e #an t%e bo. (as not %is* but pro!eeded to open it out of fear after t%e #an again pointed %is re,ol,er at %i#) Tudtud dis!o,ered pie!es of dried fis%* underneat% (%i!% (as so#et%ing (rapped in !ellop%ane) KW%at is t%atRL t%e #an as&ed) Tudtud replied t%at %e did not &no() Wit%out e,en un(rapping t%e !ellop%ane* t%e #an said it (as #ari-uana and abruptl' %and!uffed Tudtud) (. Si#ultaneousl'* anot%er #an (as pointing a firear# at "indo ?olong at t%e ot%er side of t%e street* so#e eig%t #eters fro# Tudtud) ?olong re!ounted t%at (%en %e alig%ted fro# t%e bus and !rossed t%e street* t%at #an approa!%ed %i# and pointed a gun at %i#) T%e #an ordered %i# not to #o,e and %and!uffed %i#) ?olong as&ed (%' %e (as being arrested but t%e #an -ust told %i# to go (it% t%e#) T%e' (ere t%en ta&en to t%e poli!e station and t%at %e and Tudtud #et ea!% ot%er for t%e first ti#e t%ere) m. Tudtud @ffered testi#on' of :eli!ia ulaton and Mer!edita Abunda Cler&s of Court) T%e' testified and presented !ourt do!u#ents s%o(ing t%at one K?oboL or K?obongL Ra#ire; (as !%arged in t%eir respe!ti,e bran!%es (it% ,arious !ri#es and t%at t%is is t%e sa#e person as t%e infor#ant ?obong Solier) n. RTC: <uilt' ?R") Re!lusion perpetua) o. @n appeal* Tudtud and "indo assign !lai# ,iolation of t%eir rig%t against unreasonable sear!%es and sei;ures) ). T%e RTC -ustified t%e (arrantless sear!% of appellantsH belongings as a sear!% in!ident to a la(ful arrest) 9t !ited as aut%orities t%is CourtHs rulings in (eople v. %laudio* (eople v. Tangliben* (eople v. -ontilla* and (eople v. .alde&) C. @ffi!e of t%e Soli!itor <eneral 0@S<1* in arguing for t%e affir#an!e of t%e appealed de!ision* in,o&es t%e !ases of (eople v. -aspil! ,r.*(eople v. -almstedt* and (eople v. /agista) ISSUES9 1) W@+ t%ere (as probable !ause for t%e (arrantless arrest) +@)
3) W@+ t%e sear!% (as ,alid) +@) 3) W@+ it (as a !onsented sear!%) +@) @ELD>RATIO9 1. NO6 warrant(ess arrest in0a(i as there was no )ro8a8(e ca+seD A. ERe(ia8(e InformationF a(one is not s+fficient to -ustif' a (arrantless arrest under Se!tion 8 0a1* Rule 113) T%e rule re/uires* in addition* t%at t%e a!!used perfor# so#e o,ert a!t t%at (ould indi!ate t%at %e K%as !o##itted* is a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it an offense)L !RO5A5LE #AUSE A an a!tual belief or reasonable grounds of suspi!ion) T%e grounds of suspi!ion are reasonable (%en* in t%e absen!e of a!tual belief of t%e arresting offi!ers* t%e suspi!ion t%at t%e person to be arrested is probabl' guilt' of !o##itting t%e offense* is based on a!tual fa!ts* i.e.* supported b' !ir!u#stan!es suffi!ientl' strong in t%e#sel,es to !reate t%e probable !ause of guilt of t%e person to be arrested) A reasonable suspi!ion t%erefore #ust be founded on probable !ause* !oupled (it% good fait% of t%e pea!e offi!ers #a&ing t%e arrest) (eople v. /urgos: aut%orities obtained infor#ation t%at t%e a!!used %ad for!ibl' re!ruited one Cesar Masa#lo& as #e#ber of t%e +e( PeopleHs Ar#'* t%reatening Cesar (it% a firear#) Court %eld t%at arrest and sear!% in,alid as t%ere (as no su!% personal &no(ledge) W%ate,er &no(ledge (as possessed b' t%e arresting offi!ers* it !a#e in its entiret' fro# t%e infor#ation furnis%ed b' Cesar Masa#lo&* a biased infor#ant) (eople v. *minnudin* SC %eld t%e (arrantless arrest and sear!% illegal* gi,en t%at t%e a!!used (as not* at t%e #o#ent of %is arrest* !o##itting a !ri#e nor (as it s%o(n t%at %e (as about to do so or t%at %e %ad -ust done so) He (as -ust des!ending t%e gangplan& of t%e MPB Wil!on 6 and t%ere (as no out(ard indi!ation t%at %e !alled for %is arrest) 9t (as onl' (%en t%e infor#er pointed to %i# as t%e !arrier of t%e #ari-uana t%at %e suddenl' be!a#e suspe!t and so sub-e!t to appre%ension) (eople v. /inad #y %hua: 0(al&ing to(ards a %otel !lut!%ing a sealed SestA @ -ui!e bo.1 Reliable infor#ation alone is insuffi!ient) :or t%e e.!eption in Se!tion 8 0a1* Rule 113 to appl'* t%is Court ruled* t(o ele#ents #ust !on!ur: 214 the )erson to 8e arreste m+st eGec+te an o0ert act in icatin- he has <+st committe 6 is act+a((* committin-6 or is attem)tin- to commit a crime; 224 s+ch o0ert act is one in the )resence or within the 0iew of the arrestin- officer. "espite anot%er set of -urispruden!e t%at dee#s Kreliable infor#ationL suffi!ient to -ustif' a sear!% in!ident to a (arrantless arrest* ne,ert%eless* t%e great #a-orit' of !ases !onfor#s to t%e rule in /urgos* (%i!%* in turn* #ore fait%full' ad%eres to t%e letter of Se!tion 80a1* Rule 113) Note the )hrase Ein his )resenceF therein6 connotin- )ersona( :now(e -e on the )art of the arrestin- officer. 5. RE cases in0o:e 8* RT# an OSH9 T%e !ases in,o&ed b' t%e RTC and t%e @S< are gra,el' #ispla!ed) 9n %laudio* t%e a!!used* (%o (as seated aboard a bus in front of t%e arresting offi!er* put %er bag be%ind t%e latter* t%us arousing t%e latterHs suspi!ion) 9n Tangliben and -almstedt* t%e a!!used %ad also a!ted suspi!iousl') -aspil! ,r.* /agista and -ontilla (ere -ustified b' ot%er e.!eptions to t%e rule against (arrantless sear!%es) -ontilla* #oreo,er* (as not (it%out its !riti!s) -ontilla %as been see#ingl' dis!redited insofar as it san!tions sear!%es in!idental to la(ful arrest under si#ilar !ir!u#stan!es) At an' rate* -ontilla (as a !onsented sear!% (%ile t%is !ase is +@T) (eople v. .alde& $ t%is is different fro# t%e !ase at bar) T%is is KonAt%eAspot infor#ation)L T%e urgen!' of t%e !ir!u#stan!es* an ele#ent not present in t%is !ase* pre,ented t%e arresting offi!er t%erein fro# obtaining a (arrant) #. !o(ice Officers ha no E!ersona( 1now(e -eF A!!used (ere neit%er perfor#ing an' o,ert a!t or a!ting in a suspi!ious #anner t%at (ould %int t%at a !ri#e %as been* (as being* or (as about to be* !o##itted) 9f t%e arresting offi!ersH testi#onies are to be belie,ed* a!!used (ere #erel' %elping ea!% ot%er !arr' a !arton bo.) Alt%oug% Tudtud did appear Kafraid and perspiringL* KpaleL and Ktre#bling*L t%is (as onl' after* not before* %e (as as&ed to open t%e said bo.) Arresting @ffi!ers &no(ledge is +@T KPERS@+ALL %a,ing learned t%e sa#e onl' fro# t%eir infor#ant Solier)
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Solier infor#ation is HEARSAIQ He obtained %is infor#ation onl' fro# %is neig%bors and t%e friends of Tudtud: Kneig%bors pointed to %i#TL* K%is friends told #eTL Kinfor#ation fro# neig%bor t%at %e (ould be bringing #ari-uanaTL) P@1 :loreta %i#self doubted t%e reliablilit' of t%eir infor#ant) @n !rossA e.a#ination: Att': So Solier is not reliableR P@1: He is trust(ort%') Att': Iou do not !onsider %is info reliableR P@1: 0did not ans(er1 Att': +e,er #indQ 0Lol1 D. No +r-enc* that wo+( a((ow them to o awa* with the reC+isite warrant. Re!ords s%o( t%at t%e poli!e %ad a#ple opportunit' to appl' for a (arrant* %a,ing re!ei,ed SolierHs infor#ation at around 6a#2 Tudtud* %o(e,er* (as!ted to arri,e at around 7p#) Real reason for t%eir o#ission (as t%eir belief t%at t%e' la!&ed suffi!ient basis to obtain t%e sa#e assu#es greater signifi!an!e* as !an be gleaned fro# P@1 :loretaHs testi#on': @n !rossAe.a#ination: Att': W%' did 'ou not go to !ourt to appl' for SWR P@1: ?e!ause (e %a,e no real basis to se!ure t%e sear!% (arrant) Att': So 'ou %a,e also no real basis to sear!% Tudtud and ?ulong at t%at ti#eR P@1: Ies* sir) Att': Toril is -ust 17 &ilo#eters fro# "a,ao Cit'* (%' did 'ou not !o#e to "a,ao Cit' to as&ed for SWR P@1: We do not %a,e suffi!ient basis) 0o(,er* u#a#in agad si P@1Q pa&ipot &a na#an di'an serQ1
2. NO6 search is in0a(i . 9t is signifi!ant to note t%at t%e sear!% in /uestion pre!eded t%e arrest) Re!ent -urispruden!e %olds t%at t%e arrest m+st )rece e the search2 t%e pro!ess !annot be re,ersed) +e,ert%eless* a search s+8stantia((* contem)oraneo+s with an arrest can )rece e the arrest if the )o(ice ha0e )ro8a8(e ca+se to ma:e the arrest at the o+tset of the search. 9n t%is !ase* t%e (arrantless arrest in t%e first pla!e (as in,alid) 3. NO6 there was no consent. Consent of Tudtud to t%e sear!% not !learl' establis%ed) T%at Tudtud said Kit (as alrig%tL and t%at %e did not resist and opened t%e bo. %i#self not suffi!ient) Mere passi,e !onfor#it' gi,en under !oer!i,e or inti#idating !ir!u#stan!es and is* t%us* !onsidered no !onsent at all (it%in t%e pur,ie( of t%e !onstitutional guarantee) @EN#E6 e0i ence ina missi8(eD A Steffi ?anaag :"
U"IL % RA"OS 2133B4 !ER #URIA" Di-esterIs Intro9 Under paragrap%s 0a1 and 0b1 A person arrested (it%out a (arrant s%all be T%e #ain issue in t%is !ase is W@+ t%e arrests (ere ,alid and W@+ t%e deli,ered to t%e nearest poli!e station or -ail* and %e s%all be pro!eeded (rit of Habeas Corpus #a' be granted to t%e petitioners against in a!!ordan!e (it% Rule 113* Se!tion 5) Sec. 7. Former conviction or acquittal; double jeopardy. T%e !ourt %ere (ill de!ide ea!% !ase based on t%e indi,idual attending 0 "hen an accused has been convicted or acquitted! or the !ir!u#stan!es of all t%e a!!used case against him dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express consent by a court of competent jurisdiction! #onso(i ate )etition upon a valid complaint or information or other formal charge 1) <)R) +o) >1875 ul' 6* 166= A HC of UM9L , RAM@S sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction and 3) <)R) +os) >48>1A>3 ul' 6* 166= A R@GUE , <E+) "E B9LLA after the accused had pleaded to the charge! the conviction 3) <)R) +os) >48>3A>4 ul' 6* 166= A HC of A+@+UEB@ , Ra#os or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of the case shall 4) <)R) +o) >3173 ul' 6* 166= A HC of @CAIA ,) ?R9<) <E+) A<U9RRE be a bar to another prosecution for the offense charged! or 8) <)R) +o) >8535 ul' 6* 166=A APPL9CAT9@+ :@R HC @: ESP9R9TU , for any attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof! or ?R9<) <E+) L9M for any offense which necessarily includes or is necessarily 7) <)R) +o) >7333 ul' 6* 166= AHC @: +ASARE+@ , STAT9@+ included in the offense charged in the former complaint or C@MMA+"ER @: THE MU+T9+<LUPA P@L9CE STAT9@+ information. T%ese are > !onsolidated petitions for %abeas !orpus be!ause t%e issues 1owever! the conviction of the accused shall not be a bar %erein are si#ilar to another prosecution for an offense which necessarily o Writ of habeas corpus $ to order t%e respondents to produ!e t%e includes the offense charged in the former complaint or bodies of t%e persons na#ed t%erein and to e.plain (%' t%e' s%ould information under any of the following instances+ not be set at libert' (it%out furt%er dela' 2a3 the graver offense developed due to supervening facts arising from the same act or omission RES!ONDENTS !ETITIONERS constituting the former charge4 T%e persons soug%t to be produ!ed 9nfor#ations (ere null and ,oid 2b3 the facts constituting the graver charge became (ere all legall' arrested and are "etention is unla(ful known or were discovered only after a plea was detained b' ,irtue of ,alid infor#ations arrests #ade (it% no (arrant entered in the former complaint or information4 or %en!e a (rit of HC !annot be used to no preli#inar' in,estigations 2c3 the plea of guilty to the lesser offense was made set t%e# free !ondu!ted without the consent of the prosecutor and of the #OURT9 arrests are LEHAL6 circ+mstances o not warrant the re(ease offended party except as provided in section 52f3 thro+-h ha8eas cor)+s of 6ule 557. In any of the foregoing cases! where the accused satisfies or serves /arrant(ess arrests are reco-niJe 8* (aw in whole or in part the judgment! he shall be credited with the same R@CA Rule 113 A Se!) 8) *rrest without warrant2 when lawful) U A pea!e in the event of conviction for the graver offense. offi!er or a pri,ate person #a'* (it%out a (arrant* arrest a person: Also under par 0a1 and 0b1 (arrantless arrest is ,alid if person arrest is 0a1 W%en* in %is presen!e* t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted* is !aug%t in flagranti deli!to a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it an offense2 E0i ence shows that )ersons arreste herein ha a(( fresh(* 0b1 W%en an offense %as in fa!t -ust been !o##itted* and %e %as committe or were act+a((* committin- an offense arrests personal &no(ledge of fa!ts indi!ating t%at t%e person to be <+stifie an that the* are etaine 8* 0irt+e of 0a(i informations arrested %as !o##itted it2 and fi(e a-ainst them in co+rt 0!1 W%en t%e person to be arrested is a prisoner (%o %as es!aped fro# a penal establis%#ent or pla!e (%ere %e is ser,ing final -udg#ent or U"IL 0 RA"OS te#poraril' !onfined (%ile %is !ase is pending* or %as es!aped +PA Sparro( unit is responsible for t%e &illing of 3 CAPC@M soldiers on (%ile being transferred fro# one !onfine#ent to anot%er) 31 anuar' 16>>* in Caloo!an Cit'
@n 1 :ebruar' 16>>* t%e Regional 9ntelligen!e @perations Unit of t%e Capital Co##and re!ei,ed !onfidential infor#ation about a #e#ber of t%e +PA Sparro( Unit 0li/uidation s/uad1 being treated for a guns%ot (ound at t%e St) Agnes Hospital in GC o Me#ber (as listed in %ospital re!ords as Ronnie a,elon but is a!tuall' Rolando "ural* a #e#ber of t%e +PA o After CAPC@M ,erified "uralHs identit' %e (as transferred to t%e Regional Medi!al Ser,i!es of CACPC@M for se!urit' reasons :E? 4* 16>> $ "ural positi,el' identified b' e'e(itness as t%e gun#an (%o (ent on top of t%e %ood of t%e CAPC@M partrol !ar and s%ot t%e 3 soldiers inside 0TPsgt) Pabon and C9C Manligot1 o As a !onse/uen!e of positi,e identifi!ation "ural (as referred to t%e Caloo!an Cit' :is!al (%o !ondu!ted an in/uest filed (it% RTC Caloo!an Cit' an infor#ation !%arging "ural (it% C"ouble Murder (it% Assault Upon Agents of Persons in Aut%orit'L :E? 7* 16>> $ petition for %abeas !orpus (as filed (it% t%e !ourt on be%alf of U#il* "ural and Billanue,a FE5 2.6 13== A Umi( an %i((an+e0a )oste 8ai( 8efore RT# !asa* where char-es for 0io(ation of the Anti?S+80ersion Act the* were re(ease @# of Umi( an %i((an+e0a K moot an aca emic D+ra( was not arreste DURINH the shootin- nor was he arreste 7UST AFTER arreste a DA$ AFTER K seemin-(* +n<+stifie o ?UT !ourt said t%e "ural (as arrested for being a #e#ber of t%e +PA an outla(ed sub,ersi,e organi;ation o S+80ersion is a continuing offense K arrest witho+t warrant is <+stifie T%e !ri#es of rebellion* sub,ersion* !onspira!' or proposal to !o##it su!% !ri#es* and !ri#es or offenses !o##itted in furt%eran!e t%ereof or in !onne!tion t%ere(it% !onstitute dire!t assaults against t%e State and are in t%e nature of continuing crimes) under Presidential Pro!la#ation +o) 3=48 T%e absen!e of a -udi!ial (arrant is no legal i#pedi#ent to arresting or !apturing persons !o##itting o,ert a!ts of ,iolen!e against go,ern#ent for!es* or an' ot%er #ilder a!ts but e/uall' in pursuan!e of t%e rebellious #o,e#ent) T%e arrest or !apture is t%us i#pelled b' t%e e.igen!ies of t%e situation t%at in,ol,es t%e ,er' sur,i,al of so!iet' and its go,ern#ent and dul' !onstituted aut%orities) F+rthermore e0i ence shows that the case a-ainst D+ra( an It+ca( were trie in co+rt wherein the* were fo+n HUILT$ K now ser0insentence K @# no (on-er a0ai(a8(e
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ROLUE 0s. DE %ILLA A#elia Ro/ue and Wilfredo ?uenaobra (ere appre%ended at t%e %ouse of Renato Constantino 0note: sabi ni Sir ?arr' +@T t%e %istorian %a%a1 in Mari&ina ?uenaobra admitted t%at %e (as an +PA !ourier and %e %ad (it% %i# letters to Constantino and ot%er #e#bers Ro/ue (as a #e#ber of t%e +ational United :ront Co##ission* in !%arge of finan!e* and admitted o(ners%ip of sub,ersi,e do!u#ents found in t%e %ouse of %er sister in Caloo!an Cit' She was a(so in )ossession of amm+nition an a fra- -rena e no )ermit U+E 35* 16>> $ Ra#os an +PA #e#ber surrendered to t%e #ilitar' and snit!%ed about t%e operations of t%e CPP and +PA in Metro Manila o identified so#e of %is for#er !o#rades 1) CJa MongC* a staff #e#ber of t%e Co##uni!ations and Transportation ?ureau 0C@+STA+T9+@1 3) CJa +eliaC* a staff #e#ber in !%arge of finan!e 0R@GUE1 3) CJa MillerC* an +PA !ourier fro# Sorsogon and Lope;* Gue;on 0?UE+A@?RA1 4) CJa TedC 0A++@+UEB@1 8) CJa Toto'C 0CAS9PLE1 Also pointed to a !ertain %ouse o!!upied b' Constantino used as a safe%ouse of t%e +U:C of t%e CPPA+PA)
T%e Constantino %ouse (as pla!ed under #ilitar' sur,eillan!e o AU< 13 16>> A pursuant to a sear!% (arrant issued b' udge Migrino of RTC Pasig sear!% (as !ondu!ted at about 8p# b' a !o#bined tea# of t%e Cri#inal 9n,estigation Ser,i!e* +ational Capital "istri!t 0C9SA+C"1 and t%e Constabular' Se!urit' <roup o T%e follo(ing arti!les (ere found and ta&en 1) 1 Colt M17A1 long rifle 3) 1 Cal) 3>= ACTP6## Model PPJP> 3) 3 frag grenades2 4) 87 li,e a##o for Cal) 8)87 ##2 8) 8 li,e a##o for Cal) )3>=2 7) 1 9C@M BH: :M Radio Trans!ie,er 5) 1 Regulated po(er suppl' 33=B AC2 >) 1 Antennae 0ad-ustable12 6) 1 Spea&er (it% !ord ALEVAR2 1=) Bolu#inous Sub,ersi,e do!u#ents) Constatino !ould not produ!e an' per#it or aut%orit' to possess t%e firear#s* a##unition* radio and ot%er !o##uni!ations e/uip#ent broug%t to t%e C9S Head/uarters for in,estigation o W%en /uestioned* %e refused to gi,e a (ritten state#ent ?UT admitted t%at %e (as a staff #e#ber of e.e!o# of t%e +U:C and a ran&ing #e#ber of t%e 9nternational "epart#ent of CPP >:== p# 13 August 16>> A ?uenaobra arri,ed at t%e %ouse of Constantino %e 0?uenaobra1 readil' admitted t%at %e is a regular #e#ber of t%e CPPP+PA and t%at %e (ent to t%e pla!e to deli,er letters to CJa MongC and ot%er #e#bers of t%e rebel group) o %e also ad#itted t%at %e is CJa MillerC o A#ong t%e ite#s ta&en fro# %i# (ere t%e follo(ing: 011 Hand(ritten letter addressed to CJa ?ing W Co) fro# A W Co)C dated August 11* 16>>2 031 Hand(ritten letter addressed to CR@" fro# B9C 0S!%ell datre1C dated August 11* 16>>2 031 Hand(ritten letter addressed to CSu;ieC fro# CBi!C* dated August 11* 16>>) Also found ?uenaobraEs possession X pie!e of paper %ad a -u#bled telep%one nu#ber of :lorida M) Ro/ue* sister of A#elia Ro/ue alias CJa +eliaC o Militar' (ere gi,en tips to Ro/ueHs lo!ation (%i!% turned out to be anot%er SA:EH@USE arri,ed t%ere 11a# t%e ne.t da'* identified t%e#sel,es as #ilitar' agents* got !onsent to sear!% t%e pla!e in t%e presen!e of o!!upants* baranga' !aptain and one esus @lba o T%e' found ledgers* -ournals* ,ou!%ers* ban& deposit boo&s* folders* !o#puter dis&ettes* and sub,ersi,e do!u#ents as (ell as li,e a##unition for a )3> SPL Win!%ester* 11 rounds of li,e a##unition for a !al) )48* 16 rounds of li,e a##unition for an M17 Rifle* and a frag#entation grenade) Ro/ue and ot%er o!!upants (ere broug%t to PCAC9S HG in Cra#e for in,estigation o Ro/ue admitted to t%e in,estigators t%at t%e do!u#ents belonged to %er and t%at t%e ot%er o!!upants of t%e %ouse %ad no &no(ledge of t%e# ot%ers (ere released AU< 18* 16>> A Ro/ue broug%t to t%e Caloo!an Cit' :is!al for in/uest infor#ation filed !%arging %er (it% ,iolation of P" 1>77 0RTC1 and anot%er info for ,iolation of t%e antiAsub,ersion a!t 0MTC1 9nfo against ?uenaobra filed in MTC Mari&ina ,iolation of antiA sub,ersion a!t ?ail (as set at P4*===)==) AU< 34 16>>* a petition for 1% (as filed before SC on be%alf of Ro/ue and ?uenaobra 5UENAO5RA At the hearin- manifeste his esire to sta* in #rame K "oot an aca emic T%at Ro/ue and ?uenaobra are #e#ebres and offi!ers of +U:C of CPP are not !ontro,erted ROLUEIS /ARRANTLESS ARREST IS 7USTIFIED As officers an >or mem8ers of the NUF#?#!!6 their arrest6 witho+t warrant6 was
<+stifie for the same reasons ear(ier state vis-a-vis Rolando Dural a itiona((* <+stifie as she was6 at the time of a))rehension6 in )ossession of amm+nitions witho+t (icense to )ossess them. Anon+e0o 0s. Ramos 8omingo *nonuevo and 6amon %asiple are ad#ittedl' #e#bers of t%e standing !o##ittee of t%e +U:C appre%ended in t%e %ouse of Constatino o t%e' %ad a bag !ontaining sub,ersi,e #aterials* and bot% !arried firear#s and a##unition 0no per#it to !arr'1 AU< 13* 16>> A 5:3=p# Anonue,o and Casiple arri,ed at t%e %ouse of Constatino in Mari&ina (%i!% (as still under sur,eillan!e T%e #ilitar' agents noti!ed bulging ob-e!ts on t%eir (aist lines fris&ed found t%e# to be loaded guns ?roug%t to PC Head/uarters for in,estigation) :ound in t%eir possession (ere t%e follo(ing arti!les: a1 Bolu#inous sub,ersi,e do!u#ents b1 1 Cal) 5)78 M@" >3 3C Pistol (it% 1 #ag (P 1= li,e a##o !1 1 Cal) 5)78 Pietro ?arreta (it% 1 #ag (P 8 li,e a##o At HG Anonue,o (as identified as CJa TedC* and Casiple as CJa Toto'C of t%e CPP b' t%eir !o#rades (%o %ad pre,iousl' surrendered AU< 18 16>>* after in,estigation and in/uest Anonue,o and Casiple (ere !%arged (it% ,iolation of P" +o) 1>77 before RTC Pasig +o bail (as re!o##ended AU< 34* 16>> A a petition for habeas corpus (as filed (it% SCt on be%alf of Anonue,o and Casiple alleging t%at t%e' (ere unla(full' arrested (it%out a (arrant and t%at t%e infor#ations filed against t%e# are null and ,oid for %a,ing been filed (it%out prior %earing and preli#inar' in,estigation) AU< 3= 16>> A t%e Court issued t%e (rit of habeas corpus* and after t%e respondents %ad filed a Return of t%e Writ* t%e parties (ere %eard) S# sa*s Anon+e0o an #asi)(e were carr*in- +n(icense firearms an ammo when arreste (awf+( warrant(ess arrest T%ere is also no #erit in t%e !ontention t%at t%e infor#ations filed against t%e# are null and ,oid for (ant of a preli#inar' in,estigation) T%e filing of an infor#ation* (it%out a preli#inar' in,estigation %a,ing been first !ondu!ted* is san!tioned b' t%e Rules) Se!) 5* Rule 113 of t%e R@C Sec. M. W en accused la!fully arrested !it out a !arrant. U "hen a person is lawfully arrested without a warrant for an offense cogni&able by the 6egional Trial %ourt the complaint or information may be filed by the offended party! peace officer or fiscal without a preliminary investigation having been first conducted! on the basis of the affidavit of the offended party or arresting officer or person. 1owever! before the filing of such complaint or information! the person arrested may ask for a preliminary investigation by a proper officer in accordance with this 6ule! but he must sign a waiver of the provisions of *rticle 59: of the 6evised (enal %ode! as amended! with the assistance of a lawyer and in case of non'availability of a lawyer! a responsible person of his choice. ;otwithstanding such waiver! he may apply for bail as provided in the corresponding rule and the investigation must be terminated within fifteen 25:3 days from its inception. If the case has been filed in court without a preliminary investigation having been first conducted! the accused may within five 2:3 days from the time he learns of the filing of the information! ask for a preliminary investigation with the same right to adduced evidence in his favor in the manner prescribed in this 6ule. Anonue,o and Casiple* refused to sign a (ai,er of t%e pro,isions of RPC Art 138 0"ela' in deli,er' of detained persons to t%e proper -udi!ial aut%orities1 !ETITIONERS DID NOT AS1 FOR A !RELI"INAR$ IN%ESTIHATION AFTER INFOS FIELD AHAINST T@E" IN #OURT Oca*a 0s. A-+irre
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13 Ma' 16>>* agents of t%e PC 9ntelligen!e and 9n,estigation of t%e Ri;al PCA9+P Co##and* ar#ed (it% a sear!% (arrant issued b' udge Migrino of t%e RTC Pasig !ondu!ted a sear!% of a %ouse in Mari&ina o!!upied b' ?enito Tia#son* %ead of t%e CPPA+PA) "uring sear!% @!a'a arri,ed in a !ar dri,en b' "ann' Ri,era Sub,ersi,e do!u#ents and se,eral rounds of a##unition for a )48 !al) pistol (ere found in t%e !ar of Bi!&' @!a'a T%e' (ere broug%t to t%e PC Head/uarters for in,estigation) @!a'a !ould not produ!e an' per#it to possess t%e a##unition infor#ation filed for ,iolation of P" 1>77 in RTC Pasig "ann' Ri,era* on t%e ot%er %and* (as released fro# !ustod') Ma' 15 16>> A a petition for habeas corpus (as filed (it% SC on be%alf of @!a'a and Ri,era alleging arrest and detention are illegal and t%at t%e' (ere denied t%e rig%t to a preli#inar' in,estigation) S# he( that Oca*a was arreste in flagranti delicto so that her arrest witho+t a warrant is <+stifie +o preli#inar' in,estigation (as !ondu!ted be!ause s%e (as arrested (it%out a (arrant and s%e refused to (ai,e t%e pro,isions of Arti!le 138 of t%e Re,ised Penal Code* pursuant to Se!) 5* Rule 113 of t%e Rule of Court* as a#ended) 0see dis!ussion under anonue,o , ra#os1
/ON E%IDEN#E /AS !LANTEDN NO. @!a'a* Anonue,o* Casiple and Ro/ue !lai# t%at t%e firear#s* a##o and sub,ersi,e do!s (ere all planted illegal arrest SC sa's +@ EB9"E+CE and no attributable e,il #oti,e or illA(ill on part of arresting offi!ers S@L<E+ sa's arrests (ere part of inAdept% sur,eillan!e of +PA safe%ouses pointed to b' for#er +PA #e#bers Es)irit+ 0s. Lim "eogra!ias Espiritu is t%e <eneral Se!retar' of P9ST@+ 8:==a# (%ile %e (as sleeping in %is %o#e in Manila* %e (as a(a&ened b' %is sister (%o told %i# t%at a group of persons (anted to %ire %is -eepne') He (ent do(n to tal& to t%e# %e (as i##ediatel' put under arrest) He as&ed for (arrant #en %eaded b' Col) Re'es bodil' lifted %i# and put %i# into o(ner t'pe He (anted %is sister to be allo(ed to !o#e (it% %i# (asnHt allo(ed He (as broug%t to Poli!e Station +o) > of t%e Western Poli!e "istri!t at ?lu#entritt* Manila (%ere %e (as interrogated and detained 6:== a# %e (as broug%t before Li# (%o ordered %is arrest and detention Respondents !lai# EspirituHs arrest (as -ustified in lieu of t%e info filed against %i# in RTC Manila for ,iolation of ART 143 0in!iting to sedition1 :urt%er !lai# t%at %e (as la(full' arrested be!ause on afternoon of +@B 33* 16>> at press!on of +PC %e urged dri,ers and operators nation(ide to go on stri&e %e (as supposed to be arrested after t%e press!on but %e Kga,e t%e# t%e slipL At 8p# Espiritu (as at a gat%ering of dri,ers and s'#pat%i;ers (%ere %e said "u#as tuloy ang !elga natin$ sumagot na ang %ebu at "icol na #asali sila$ at indi tayo titigil anggang indi binibigay ng gobyerno ni %ory ang gusto nating pagbaba ng alaga ng spare parts$ bili in at and pagpapalaya sa ating pinuno na si &a Roda anggang sa mag#agulo na) Caug%t t%e ne.t da' and 9+B9TE" for /uestioning Since the arrest of the )etitioner witho+t a warrant was in accor ance with the )ro0isions of R+(e 1136 Sec. '284 of the R+(es of #o+rt an that the )etitioner is etaine 8* 0irt+e of a 0a(i information fi(e with the com)etent co+rt6 he ma* not 8e re(ease on abeas corpus. @e ma*6 howe0er 8e re(ease +)on )ostin- 8ai( as recommen e . ?ail set at 1=& NaJareno 0s. Station #omman er >:3= a# of 14 "e!e#ber 16>> ?un'e 99 (as &illed b' a group of #en
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@ne of t%e suspe!ts Regal during /uestioning pointed to +ar!iso +a;areno as on of %is !o#panions in t%e &illing t%e poli!e offi!ers* (it%out (arrant* pi!&ed up +ar!iso +a;areno and broug%t %i# to t%e poli!e HG for /uestioning K@b,iousl'* t%e e,iden!e of petitionerEs guilt is strong be!ause on 3 anuar' 16>6* an infor#ation !%arging +ar!iso +a;areno* Ra#il Regala* and t(o 031 ot%ers* (it% t%e &illing of Ro#ulo ?un'e 99 (as filed (it% t%e RTC ManilaL +a;areno filed a #otion to post baildenied ?UT bail filed b' %is !oA a!!used* Manuel Laureaga* (as granted 13 anuar' 16>6* a petition for habeas corpus (as filed (it% SC on be%alf of +a;areno issued it but (as returnable to RTC ?inan Laguna to resol,e petition At !on!lusion of %earing RTC udge denied petition for HC Kpresu#abl' be!ause of t%e strengt% of t%e e,iden!e against %i#L The fin in-s of the !resi in- 7+ -e of the Re-iona( Tria( #o+rt of 5iOan6 La-+na are 8ase +)on the facts an the (aw. #onseC+ent(*6 we wi(( not ist+r8 the same. 0but t%e SC did not elaborate on su!% basis1 Arrest of +a;areno (as effe!ted b' t%e poli!e (it%out (arrant pursuant to Se!) 80b1* Rule 113* Rules of Court after %e (as positi,el' i#pli!ated b' %is !oAa!!used Ra#il Regala in t%e &illing ?un'e 992 and after in,estigation b' t%e poli!e aut%orities #itin- 'eople vs. (nc eta For the etention to 8e )erfect(* (e-a(6 it is s+fficient that the a-ent or )erson in a+thorit* ma:in- the arrest has reasona8(* s+fficient -ro+n s to 8e(ie0e the eGistence of an act ha0in- the characteristics of a crime an that the same -ro+n s eGist to 8e(ie0e that the )erson so+-ht to 8e etaine )artici)ate therein.
free om an (i8ert* of the )eo)(e an )ermits (aw(ess an ar8itrar* State action. o S# no com)e((in- reason to a8an on octrines 8ase +)on RO# SAR"IENTO6 ).$ dissenting: I s+8mit that abeas corpus (ies in a(( ei-ht cases. DURAL #har-e was Do+8(e m+r er with assa+(t +)on a-ents of a+thorit* NOT SU5%ERSION "oes not belie,e t%at a (arrantless 0or !iti;enEs1 arrest is possible in !ase of sub,ersion U in t%e absen!e of an' o,ert a!t t%at (ould -ustif' t%e aut%orities to a!t) CSub,ersion*C as t%e ter# is &no(n in la(* #eans C&no(ingl'* (ilfull' and by overt acts affiliatMingN MoneselfN (it%* be!o#MingN or re#ainMingN a #e#ber of t%e Co##unist Part' of t%e P%ilippines andPor its su!!essor or of an' sub,ersion asso!iation as defined in se!tions t(o and t%ree %ereof) ) ) ) Militar' !ould not %a,e &no(n t%at "ural* at t%e ti#e %e (as ta&en* (as a #e#ber of t%e +e( PeopleEs Ar#' be!ause %e (as not perfor#ing an' o,er a!t t%at %e (as trul'* a rebel) needed ,erifi!ation to find out t%e %e is +PA C@,ert a!tC is #ade up of CMeN,er' a!t* #o,e#ent* deed and (ord of t%e Ma!!usedN*C indi!ating intent to a!!o#plis% a !ri#inal ob-e!ti,e) "ural* at t%e ti#e %e (as arrested* (as l'ing in a %ospital bed) T%is is not t%e o,ert a!t !onte#plated b' la() Un er the R+(e a8o0e?C+ote 6 the )erson m+st ha0e either 8een a))rehen e in flagranti 2first )ara-ra)h4 or after the act6 )ro0i e that the )eace officer has P)ersona( :now(e -eP that he6 the s+s)ect6 is -+i(t*. 2secon )ara-ra)h.4 "ural (as not !aug%t in t%e a!t) Arrest (as based plainl' and si#pl'* it is %earsa') He t%in&s #ilitar' is ta&ing la( into t%eir %ands be!ause e,iden!e of "uralHs guilt (as not plain and e,ident ?' sta#ping ,alidit' to Rolando "uralEs (arrantless arrest* 9 a# afraid t%at t%e #a-orit' %as set a ,er' dangerous pre!edent) Wit% all due respe!t* #' bret%ren %as a!!orded t%e #ilitar' a blan&et aut%orit' to pi!& up an' uan* Pedro* and Maria (it%out a (arrant for t%e si#ple reason t%at sub,ersion is supposed to be a !ontinuing offense) The ma<orit* a(so sa*s that abeas corpus is moot an aca emic 8eca+se D+ra( has 8een con0icte an is ser0in- sentence. I (i:ewise ta:e eGce)tion. It has 8een he( that9 PThe writ ma* 8e -rante +)on a <+ -ment a(rea * fina(.P 5UENAO5RA 9t is t%e dut' of t%is Court* in #' opinion* to #a&e sure t%at ?uenaobra %as #ade %is !%oi!e freel' and ,oluntaril') Personall'* 9 find it indeed strange (%' %e s%ould prefer to sta' in -ail t%an go s!otAfree) ROLUE ?ot% ?uenaobra and A#elia Ro/ue supposedl' ad#itted t%at t%e' (ere ran&ing offi!ers of t%e Co##unist Part' of t%e P%ilippines) A!!ording to t%e #a-orit'* ?uenaobra and Ro/ue are bound b' t%eir ad#issions) T%at bot% parties %ad ad#itted to be #e#bers of t%e Co##unist Part' of t%e P%ilippines 0t%e +ational United :ront Co##ission1 is a na&ed !ontention of t%e #ilitar') T%e fa!t t%at it %as not been !ontro,erted* in #' ,ie(* does not -ustif' t%e !oupleEs arrest (it%out (arrant) Worse* b' rel'ing on t%e bare (ord of t%e #ilitar'* t%is ,er' Court %as* to all intents and purposes* !onde#ned t%e duo for a !ri#e 0sub,ersion andPor illegal possession of firear#s1 t%e bone of !ontention* pre!isel'* belo() ANONUE%O AND #ASI!LE T%at t%e' are Cad#ittedl' #e#bers of t%e standing !o##ittee of t%e +U:CC and t%at Csub,ersi,e #aterialsC and unli!ensed firear#s (ere found in t%eir possession* are* li&e ?uenaobraEs and Ro/ueEs !ases* barren !lai#s of t%e #ilitar') O#A$A
#ON#LUSION All arrests %erein stated (ere -ustified (arrantless arrests based on t%e attending !ir!u#stan!es of ea!% !ase and be!ause t%ere is legal and ,alid reasons as to (%' t%e' are arrested and detained t%e (rit of %abeas !orpus !annot be granted in t%eir fa,or) HEN RULE9 9f a person alleged to be restrained of %is libert' is in t%e !ustod' of an offi!er under pro!ess issued b' a !ourt -udge* and t%at t%e !ourt or -udge %ad -urisdi!tion to issue t%e pro!ess or #a&e t%e order* of if such person is charged before any court * t%e (rit of habeas corpus (ill not be allo(ed) o 9+ TH9S CASE t%e' %ad -urisdi!tion be!ause !ri#inal !%arges (ere filed against all t%e a!!used Section &6 R+(e 1B26 R+(es of #o+rt6 as amen e is C+ite eG)(icit in )ro0i in- that9 #ec. <. "hen writ is allowed or discharge authori&ed. = If it appears that the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is in the custody of an officer under process issued by a court or judge or by virtue of a judgment or order of a court of record! and that the court or judge had jurisdiction to issue the process! render the judgment! or make the order! the writ shall not be allowed4 or if the jurisdiction appears after the writ is allowed! the person shall not be discharged by reason of any informality or defect in the process! judgment! or order. ;or shall anything in this rule be held to authori&e the discharge of a person charged with a convicted of an offense in the (hilippines or of a person suffering imprisonment under lawful judgment. T%e petitioners !lai# t%at t%e said ruling* (%i!% (as %anded do(n during t%e past ictatoria( re-ime to enfor!e and strengt%en said regi#e* %as no pla!e under t%e present de#o!rati! dispensation and !ollides (it% t%e basi!* funda#ental* and !onstitutional rig%ts of t%e people) Petitioners point out t%at t%e said do!trine ma:es )ossi8(e the arrest an etention of innocent )ersons despite la!& of e,iden!e against t%e#* and* #ost often* it is onl' after a petition for habeas corpus is filed before t%e !ourt t%at t%e #ilitar' aut%orities file t%e !ri#inal infor#ation in t%e !ourts of la( to be able to %ide be%ind t%e prote!ti,e #antle of t%e said do!trine) This6 )etitioners assert6 stan s as an o8stac(e to the
T%ere (as basis U at t%e outset U to sa' t%at @!a'a (as probabl' guilt' of illegal possession of firear#s) As 9 %a,e obser,ed* a (arrantless arrest #ust be predi!ated upon t%e e.isten!e of a !ri#e being a!tuall' !o##itted or %a,ing been !o##itted) W%at 9 find %ere* rat%er* is not%ing less t%an a su!!essful fis%ing e.pedition !ondu!ted b' t%e #ilitar' upon an un(ar' !iti;en) ES!IRITU Espiritu (as fast asleep in %is %ouse (%en %e (as pla!ed under arrest) :or t%e life of #e* 9 !an not figure out %o( one !an be pi!&ed upon in oneEs o(n %o#e and %eld #o#ents later (it%out a (arrant of arrest) Espiritu (as allegedl' guilt' of in!iting to sedition as a result of a spee!% deli,ered in a press !onferen!e at t%e +ational Press Club on +o,e#ber 31* 16>>) He (as* %o(e,er* arrested t%e da' after* +o,e#ber 33* 16>>) Under t%ese !ir!u#stan!es* it eludes #e %o( an arrest (it%out a (arrant !ould be -ustified* eit%er under paragrap% 0a1 or paragrap% 0b1 of t%e Rule on (arrantless arrests) NAQARENO T%e offense for (%i!% +ar!iso +a;areno is being %eld U t%e fatal s%ooting of Ro#ulo ?un'e 99 U (as !o##itted on "e!e#ber 14* 16>>) 9t (as* %o(e,er* onl' on "e!e#ber 3>* 16>> t%at t%e poli!e !ollared a suspe!t* Ra#il Regala* (%o subse/uentl' pointed to +a;areno as %is a!!o#pli!e) 9t also es!apes #e %o( +a;areno* under t%ese !ir!u#stan!es* !ould %a,e been ,alidl' put under arrest (it%out a (arrant or t%e e.isten!e of t%e !ir!u#stan!e des!ribed under eit%er paragrap% 0a1 or 0b1 of t%e Rule abo,eA/uoted: T%e !ri#e %ad long been !o##itted prior to t%e arrest) I ho( that *arcia-'adilla is no (on-er -oo (aw +n er the )resent #onstit+tion. it is repugnant to due pro!ess of la() 0CT%e arrest* t%erefore* need not follo( t%e usual pro!edure in t%e prose!ution of offenses (%i!% re/uire t%e deter#ination b' a -udge of t%e e.isten!e of probable !ause before t%e issuan!e of a -udi!ial (arrant of arrest and t%e granting of bail if t%e offense is bailableL1
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it lea,es t%e libert' of !iti;ens to t%e (%i# of one #an 0C@n t%ese o!!asions Mt%e e.isten!e of a state of e#ergen!'N* t%e President ta&es absolute !o##and* for t%e ,er' life of t%e +ation and its go,ern#ent* (%i!%* in!identall'* in!ludes t%e !ourts* is in gra,e peril) 9n so doing* t%e President is ans(erable onl' to %is !ons!ien!e* t%e people and to <od) :or t%eir part* in gi,ing %i# t%e supre#e #andate as t%eir President* t%e people !an onl' trust and pra' t%at* gi,ing %i# t%eir o(n lo'alt' and (it%out patriotis#* t%e President (ill not fail t%e#)C 1 Un er the #harter now )re0ai(in-6 the #hief EGec+ti0e shares6 to a certain eGtent6 the eGercise of emer-enc* )owers6 with #on-ress.
I a(so -ather from the recor s that none of the )etitioners ha 8een9 214 informe of their ri-ht to remain si(ent; an 224 to ha0e com)etent an in e)en ent co+nse(. T%e /uestion t%at %as not been ans(ered is (%et%er or not t%ese supposed !onfessions are ad#issible* for purposes of a (arrantless arrest* as e,iden!e of guilt* in t%e absen!e of an' s%o(ing t%at t%e' (ere apprised of t%eir !onstitutional rig%ts) 9 a# perturbed b' t%e silen!e of t%e #a-orit') +lagan v. ,nrile oes not ri-htf+((* 8e(on- in the 0o(+mes of !hi(i))ine <+ris)r+ ence 9n t%at !ase t%ree "a,aoAbased la('ers* (ere %eld b' ,irtue of a si#ple infor#ation (it%out an' preli#inar' in,estigation %a,ing been pre,iousl' !ondu!ted As 9 %a,e stated* an infor#ation is not a (arrant of arrest) T%e fa!t t%at an infor#ation e.ists does not #ean t%at a (arrant (ill be issued) A!!used persons %a,e t%e rig%t of preli#inar' in,estigation 0e.a#ination1) 9t for#s part and par!el of due pro!ess of la( ) T%e appre%ensions in /uestion !%roni!le in #' #ind t%e in!reasing pattern of arrests and detention in t%e !ountr' (it%out t%e san!tion of a -udi!ial de!ree) $es %aranay>s long digest is long
Umi( 0. Ramos 213314 Nat+re9 Motion for re!onsideration of t%e 166= de!ision (%i!% dis#issed se,eral petitions for %abeas !orpus) SC !larifies t%at t%e de!ision did not rule t%at #ere suspi!ion t%at one is Co##unist Part' or +PAHs #e#ber is a ,alid ground for %is arrest (it%out (arrant) Facts9 Petitioners: o Up%olding t%e ,alidit' of t%e /uestioned arrests (it%out (arrant and rel'ing on Se!) 8* Rule 113 of t%e R@C X disregard t%at su!% arrests ,iolated t%e !onstitutional rig%ts of t%e persons arrested o <ar!ia ,) Enrile and 9lagan ,) Enrile do!trine s%ould be abandoned 0insurre!tionPrebellionPsub,ersion a !ontinuing offense1 o "e!ision erred in !onsidering t%e ad#issions #ade b' t%e persons arrested as to t%eir #e#bers%ip in t%e CPPP+PA* and t%eir o(ners%ip of t%e unli!ensed firear#s* a##unitions and sub,ersi,e do!u#ents found in t%eir possession at t%e ti#e of arrest be!ause t%ose !onfessions do not !o#pl' (it% re/uire#ents on ad#issibilit' of e.tra-udi!ial ad#issions) o U#il !ase s%ould not be dee#ed #oot and a!ade#i! R+(in-9 +o #erit in t%e #otions for re!onsiderations Petitions are for t%e issuan!e of t%e (rit of %abeas !orpus filed under R@C) Writ of %abeas !orpus e.ists as a speed' and effe!ti,e re#ed' to relie,e persons fro# unla(ful restraint) T%e fun!tion of t%e spe!ial pro!eedings of %abeas !orpus is to in/uire into t%e legalit' of oneHs detention* so t%at if detention is illegal* t%e detainee #a' be ordered released) /ON the C+estione arrests witho+t warrant were ma e in accor ance with (awN $es) <eneral rule: no pea!e offi!er or person %as t%e po(er or aut%orit' to arrest an'one (it%out a (arrant of arrest o E.!eption: R@C* Rule 113* Se!) 8) Arrest (it%out (arrant2 (%en la(ful $ A pea!e offi!er or a pri,ate person #a'* (it%out a (arrant* arrest a person: W%en* in %is presen!e* t%e person %e arrested %as !o##itted* is a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it an offense W%en an offense %as in fa!t -ust been !o##itted* and %e %as personal &no(ledge of fa!ts t%at t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted it Sub,ersion and rebellion an!%ored on an ideologi!al base (%i!% !o#pels repetition of t%e sa#e a!ts of la(lessness and ,iolen!e until t%e o,erriding ob-e!ti,e of o,ert%ro(ing organi;ed go,ern#ent is attained X !ontinuing offense 8ural>s arrest without warrant is justified since he was committing an offense when arrested 2"ural arrested for being an +PA #e#ber* an outla(ed organi;ation (%ere #e#bers%ip is penali;ed* and for sub,ersion (%i!%* li&e rebellion is a !ontinuing offense1 o "ural (as arrested (%ile !onfined in St) Agnes HospitalA did not !ease to be* or be!a#e less of a sub,ersi,e o T%at "ural s%ot 3 poli!e#en as part of %is #ission as a sparro( 0+PA #e#ber1 did not end t%ere and t%en) <i,en t%e opportunit'* %e !ould %a,e s%ot ot%er poli!e#en an'(%ere) o His arrest (as based on probable !ause not on #ere suspi!ion of %is #e#bers%ip in t%e CPPP+PA) o 9t #a' also be said t%at t%e arrest of "ural falls under Se!) 8 0b1* Rule 113 0arrests (it%out (arrant based on personal &no(ledge a!/uired b' t%e arresting offi!er or pri,ate person1 Re/uisites: o
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Personal &no(ledge of fa!ts: #ust be based upon probable !ause X a!tual belief or reasonable grounds of suspi!ion X based on a!tual fa!ts 0supported b' !ir!u#stan!es suffi!ientl' strong in t%e#sel,es to !reate t%e probable !ause of guilt of t%e person to be arrested1 Reasonable suspi!ion #ust be founded on probable !ause* !oupled (it% good fait% U#il !ase: o Militar' agents (ere dispat!%ed to St) Agnes %ospital to ,erif' t%e infor#ation t%at a sparro( #an 0+PA #e#ber1 (as ad#itted to t%e %ospital (it% a guns%ot (ound ) T%e' found t%at t%e (ounded #anHs na#e (as listed as Ronnie a,ellon o Confidential infor#ation is dee#ed reasonable and (it% !ause as it (as based on a!tual fa!ts and supported b' !ir!u#stan!es suffi!ient to engender a belief t%at an +PA #e#ber (as trul' in t%e %ospital: 3 CAPC@M soldiers (ere &illed in Caloo!an b' 8 sparro(s in!luding "ural A (ounded person (as being treated in t%e %ospital for a guns%ot (ound Ronnie a,ellon and %is address in t%e %ospital re!ords (ere fi!titious and t%e (ounded #an (as in realit' "ural o Pea!e offi!ers (%o arrested "ural are dee#ed to %a,e !ondu!ted t%e sa#e in good fait%* t%e' are presu#ed to regularl' perfor# t%eir offi!ial duties) +o ill #oti,e in arresting "ural) o Re/uisites of Se!) 8 0b1* Rule 113 are present) o After "uralHs (arrantless arrest* an infor#ation !%arging double #urder (it% assault against agents of persons in aut%orit' (as filed against %i#) He (as t%us pro#ptl' pla!ed under -udi!ial !ustod') He (as !on,i!ted of t%e !ri#e !%arged) <R >48>1A>3 0Ro/ue and ?uenaobra1* <R >48>3A>4 0Anonue,o and Casiple1 and <R >3173 0@!a'a1: o Warrantless arrests (ere -ustified under Se!) 80a1* Rule 113) 0in flagrante deli!to1 o T%e' (ere sear!%ed pursuant to sear!% (arrants) Unli!ensed firear#s* e.plosi,es and a##unition (ere found in t%eir persons o A fe( da's after t%eir arrests (it%out (arrant* infor#ations (ere filed against t%e#* pla!ing t%e# (it%in -udi!ial !ustod' and disposition) o ?uenaobra #ooted %is o(n petition for %abeas !orpus) He %ad !%osen to re#ain in detention) Ante!edent fa!ts in t%e in flagrante !ases: o Militar' agents re!ei,ed infor#ation b' a for#er +PA about t%e operations of t%e CPP and +PA in Metro Manila and t%at a %ouse o!!upied b' Renato Constantino in Mari&ina (as being used as t%eir safe%ouse o House (as pla!ed under #ilitar' sur,eillan!e o Sear!% (as !ondu!ted pursuant to a sear!% (arrant o Renato Costantino !ould not produ!e an' per#it to possess t%e firear#s* a##unitions* radio and ot%er !o##uni!ations e/uip#ent) He ad#itted t%at %e (as a ran&ing #e#ber of t%e CPP o ?uenaobraHs !ase: %e arri,ed at ConstantinoHs %ouse 0da' of t%e sear!%1 and ad#itted t%at %e (as an +PA !ourier and %e %ad (it% %i# letters to Constantino and ot%er #e#bers of t%e group) o Ro/ueHs !ase: %er arrest (as a !onse/uen!e of ?uenaobraHs arrest (%o possessed papers leading to %er (%ereabouts) At t%e ti#e of %er arrest* #ilitar' agents found sub,ersi,e do!u#ents and li,e a##unitions and s%e ad#itted o(ners%ip o Anonue,o and Casiple: t%e' arri,ed at ConstantinoHs %ouse and (%en t%e agents fris&ed t%e#* sub,ersi,e do!u#ents and loaded guns (ere found) T%e' failed to s%o( a per#it to possess o @!a'aHs !ase: s%e arri,ed at t%e %ouse of Tia#;on (%o (as belie,ed to be t%e %ead of t%e CPPP+PA) House (as sub-e!t of a sear!% (arrant) Agents found a##unitions and sub,ersi,e do!u#ents in %er !ar) o T%e reason for t%ese (arrantless arrests (as t%e infor#ation gi,en to t%e #ilitar' t%at 3 safe%ouses 0ConstantinoHs and Tia#;onHs1 (ere
being used for CPPP+PA operations* (it% info as to t%e e.a!t lo!ation and t%e na#es of Constantino and Tia#;on as residents o "uring a!tual arrest* !ir!u#stan!es !onfir#ed t%e belief of t%e #ilitar' agents t%at t%e infor#ation (as true and t%e persons to be arrested (ere probabl' guilt' of t%e !o##ission of !ertain !ri#es) Sear!% (arrant dul' issued to sear!% ConstantinoHs safe%ouse :ound Renato Constantino (%o ad#itted t%at %e (as a ran&ing #e#ber of t%e CPP2 unli!ensed firear#s and !o##uni!ations e/pt found in %is possession S%ort' after arrest* t%e' (ere positi,el' identified b' t%eir for#er !o#rades Arrests (ere not illA#oti,ated or irregularl' perfor#ed An arrest is in t%e nature of an ad#inistrati,e #easure) 9t is t%e dut' of la( enfor!ers to arrest la(brea&ers to pla!e t%e# in t%e %ands of e.e!uti,e and -udi!ial aut%orities (it% t%e dut' to in,estigate t%e a!ts !onstituting t%e alleged ,iolation of la( and to prose!ute and se!ure t%e punis%#ent t%erefor) Po(er to arrest (it%out (arrant is (it%out li#itation as long as t%e re/uire#ents of Se!) 8* Rule 113 are #et) <uilt is not deter#inati,e of W@+ t%e arrest (it%out (arrant is in a!!ordan!e (it% Se!) 8* Rule 113) o Probable !ause* not guilt* is t%e reason t%at !an ,alidl' !o#pel t%e pea!e offi!er to !ondu!t an arrest (it%out (arrant) o E,en if t%e arrested persons are later found to be inno!ent* t%e arresting offi!ers are not liable) ?ut if t%e' do not stri!tl' !o#pl' (it% t%e !onditions* t%e' !an be %eld liable for arbitrar' detention for da#ages and under Art) 33* CC and for ot%er ad#inistrati,e san!tions) <R >8535 0Espiritu1: arrested (it%out (arrant on t%e basis of t%e attestation of !ertain (itnesses o Espiritu spo&e at a gat%ering of dri,ers and said Obu&as tulo' ang (elga natin)) %anggang sa #ag&agulo naH o Poli!e (ere present during t%e press !onferen!e %eld at t%e +ational Press Club (%ere Espiritu !alled for a nation(ide stri&e of -eepne' and bus dri,ers o A da' after* %e (as arrested (it%out (arrant for uttering t%e abo,eA /uoted language X in!iting to sedition 0not for sub,ersion or an' !ontinuing offense1 o 9n t%e balan!ing of aut%orit' and freedo#* Court tilted in fa,or of aut%orit' but onl' for purposes of t%e arrest not !on,i!tion o EspirituHs !ase is #oot and a!ade#i!A %as been pro,isionall' dis#issed <R >7333 0+a;areno1: o Ro#ulo ?un'e (as &illed in Alabang) 14 da's after* suspe!t Ra#il Regala (as arrested and pointed +a;areno as one of %is !o#panions during t%e &illings) o Poli!e arrested +a;areno* (it%out (arrant* for in,estigation) o Arrest (it%out (arrant (as #ade to pre,ent possible flig%t) Arrest (as #ade after t%e poli!e (ere alerted) o 7 da's after %is arrest* an infor#ation !%arging +a;areno (it% t%e &illing of ?un'e (as filed (it% Ma&ati RTC o His petition for %abeas !orpus (as denied b' reason of an infor#ation filed against %i# Arrests of Espiritu and +a;areno (ere based on probable !ause and supported b' fa!tual !ir!u#stan!es) Conditions in Se! 80b1* Rule 113 (ere !o#plied (it%) +ot arbitrar' or (%i#si!al arrests) /ON reC+isites for a missi8i(it* of an eGtra<+ icia( a mission were i-nore N o T%e Court too& into a!!ount t%e ad#issions of t%e arrested persons and t%ese strengt%ened t%e CourtHs per!eption t%at t%e grounds for (arrantless arrests are supported b' probable !ause) o To note t%ese ad#issions is not to rule t%at t%e arrested persons are guilt' of t%e !ri#es allegedl' !o##itted) o T%e tas& of deter#ining t%e guilt or inno!en!e of persons arrested (it%out (arrant is not proper in a %abeas !orpus petition) SC refused to disturb t%e do!trines in <ar!ia ,) Enrile and 9lagan ,) Enrile
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Mere suspi!ion of being a CPP #e#ber or a sub,ersi,e is absolutel' not a ground for t%e arrest (it%out (arrant of t%e suspe!t) Probable !ause* good fait% and t%e a!tual fa!ts and !ir!u#stan!es supporting t%e arrest are t%e !onditions set fort% in Se!) 8* Rule113* R@C)
Fernan6 conc+rrin- an issentin-9 EspirituHs !ase: 9n t%e per!eption of t%e arresting offi!ers* t%e state#ent (as in!iting to sedition) W%ile not !on!eding t%e ,alidit' of su!% per!eption* reali;ing t%at it is indeed possible t%at Espiritu (as #erel'!ising %is rig%t to free spee!%* t%e resolution nonet%eless supports t%e aut%orit' of pea!e offi!ers Conly for purposes of the arrest)C o Espiritu #a' not be !onsidered as %a,ing -ust !o##itted t%e !ri#e !%arged. Also* la( enfor!ers %ad ti#e to se!ure a (arrant for %is arrest t%oug% t%e ti#e bet(een t%e 1st and 3nd utteran!e (as s%ort) o Warrantless arrests #a' not be allo(ed if t%e arresting offi!er is not sure (%at parti!ular pro,ision of la( %ad been ,iolated) Erroneous per!eption espe!iall' if it (ould result in t%e ,iolation of an' rig%t of a person* #a' not be tolerated) T%at t%e arrested person %as t%e rig%t to insist during preAtrial or trial on t%e #erits is beside t%e point) +o person s%ould be sub-e!ted to trial -ust be!ause t%e la( enfor!ers (rongl' per!ei,ed %is a!tion) o 9n!iting to sedition is not a !ontinuous !ri#e for (%i!% t%e offender #a' be arrested (it%out a (arrant) 9t is a single a!t of urging ot%ers to !o##it an' of t%e a!ts in Art) 143 RPC) T%ese pro%ibited a!ts #a' infringe upon t%e funda#ental freedo#s of spee!% and e.pression) udi!ial inter,ention is ne!essar' before an arrest is #ade) W%ile t%e poli!e s%ould a!t s(iftl' (%en a seditious state#ent %as been uttered in ,ie( of t%e -eopard' it #a' !ause t%e go,ern#ent* speedy action s ould consist not in !arrantless arrests but in securing !arrants for arrests. Legalit' of (arrantless arrests of ,iolators of t%e AntiASub,ersion La( o Arresting offi!er #ust see to it t%at t%e alleged ,iolator is knowing #e#ber as distinguis%ed fro# a nominal #e#ber
A sub,ersi,e #a' be arrested e,en if %e %as not !o##itted an o,ert a!t of o,ert%ro(ing t%e go,ern#ent pro,ided t%ere is probable !ause to belie,e t%at %e is in t%e roll of #e#bers of a sub,ersi,e organi;ation o A!!used #a' pro,e #e#bers%ip b' for!e or !oer!ion) @ne #a' not be in su!% a roll (it%out undergoing t%e !ons!ious a!t of enlist#ent) 9n People ,) ?urgos* (arrantless arrest of a sub,ersi,e not based on t%e arresting offi!erHs personal &no(ledge is illegal) o Warrantless arrest s%ould !learl' fall (it%in t%e situations (%en se!uring a (arrant be absurd or is #anifestl' unne!essar' o +ot enoug% t%at t%ere is reasonable ground to belie,e t%at t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted a !ri#e) A !ri#e #ust in fa!t or a!tuall' %as -ust been !o##itted first Yessential pre!ondition o T%e test of reasonable ground applies onl' to t%e identit' of t%e perpetrator o
Fe(icianoIs issent9 T%e do!trine of !ontinuing !ri#es is being used as a substitute for t%e re/uire#ent under Se!) 80a1) T%ere is no reasonable basis for su!% use of t%e do!trine) 9t does not dispense (it% t%e re/uire#ent t%at o,ert a!ts re!ogni;abl' !ri#inal in !%ara!ter #ust ta&e pla!e in t%e presen!e of t%e arresting offi!er* or #ust %a,e -ust been !o##itted (%en t%e arresting offi!er arri,ed) T%e do!trine does not sustain (arrantless arrests of persons to be arrested is #erel' resting in bet(een spe!ifi! la(less and !o##it t%e #o#ent %e gets an opportunit' to do so) 3 proble#s of t%e !ontinuing !ri#es do!trine: 1) "eter#ination of W@+ a parti!ular offense (as !o##itted (it%in t%e territorial -urisdi!tion of t%e RTC 3) "eter#ining (%et%er a single !ri#e or #ultiple !ri#es (ere !o##itted (%ere t%e defense of double -eopard' is raised +a,arro* J)
b) Met%ods of arrest b' offi!er RULE 113 ? Sec. =) Met%od of arrest b' offi!er (it%out (arrant) $ W%en #a&ing an arrest (it%out a (arrant* t%e offi!er s%all infor# t%e person to be arrested of %is aut%orit' and t%e !ause of t%e arrest* unless t%e latter is eit%er engaged in t%e !o##ission of an offense* is pursued i##ediatel' after its !o##ission* %as es!aped* flees* or for!ibl' resists before t%e offi!er %as opportunit' to so infor# %i#* or (%en t%e gi,ing of su!% infor#ation (ill i#peril t%e arrest) RA M3=& ? AN A#T DEFININH #ERTAIN RIH@TS OF !ERSON ARRESTED6 DETAINED OR UNDER #USTODIAL IN%ESTIHATION AS /ELL AS T@E DUTIES OF T@E ARRESTINH6 DETAININH6 AND IN%ESTIHATINH OFFI#ERS6 AND !RO%IDINH !ENALTIES FOR %IOLATIONS T@EREOF SECT9@+ 1) State#ent of poli!') A 9t is t%e poli!' of t%e State to ,alue t%e dignit' of e,er' %u#an being and guarantee full respe!t for %u#an rig%ts) SE#. 2. Ri-hts of !ersons Arreste 6 Detaine 6 or +n er #+sto ia( In0esti-ation; D+ties of !+8(ic Officers. $ a1 An' person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%allat all ti#es be assisted b' !ounsel) b1 An' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an'one a!ting under %is order or in %is pla!e* (%o arrests* detains or in,estigates an' person for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all infor# t%e latter* in a language &no(n to and understood b' %i#* of %is rig%ts to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel* preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* (%o s%all at all ti#es be allo(ed to !onfer pri,atel' (it% t%e person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation) 9f su!% person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of %is o(n !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% a !o#petent and independent !ounsel b' t%e in,estigating offi!er) !1 T%e !ustodial in,estigation report s%all be redu!ed to (riting b' t%e in,estigating offi!er* pro,ided t%at before su!% report is signed* or t%u#b#ar&ed if t%e person arrested or detained does not &no( %o( to read and (rite* it s%all be read and ade/uatel' e.plained to %i# b' %is !ounsel or b' t%e assisting !ounsel pro,ided b' t%e in,estigating offi!er in t%e language or diale!t &no(n to su!% arrested or detained person* ot%er(ise* su!% in,estigation report s%all be null and ,oid and of no effe!t (%atsoe,er) d1 An' e.tra-udi!ial !onfession #ade b' a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all be in (riting and signed b' su!% person in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel or in t%e latterEs absen!e* upon a ,alid (ai,er* and in t%e presen!e of an' of t%e parents* elder brot%ers and sisters* %is spouse* t%e #uni!ipal #a'or* t%e #uni!ipal -udge* distri!t s!%ool super,isor* or priest or #inister of t%e gospel as !%osen b' %i#2 ot%er(ise* su!% e.tra-udi!ial !onfession s%all be inad#issible as e,iden!e in an' pro!eeding) e1 An' (ai,er b' a person arrested or detained under t%e pro,isions of Arti!le 138 of t%e Re,ised Penal Code* or under !ustodial in,estigation* s%all be in (riting and signed b' su!% person in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel2 ot%er(ise su!% (ai,er s%all be null and ,oid and of no effe!t) f1 An' person arrested or detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all be allo(ed ,isits b' or !onferen!es (it% an' #e#ber of %is i##ediate fa#il'* or an' #edi!al do!tor of priest or religious #inister !%osen b' %i# or b' an' #e#berof %is i##ediate fa#il' or b' %is !ounsel* or b' an' national nonAgo,ern#ent organi;ation dul' a!!redited b' t%e Co##ission on Hu#an Rig%ts or b' an' international nonAgo,ern#ental organi;ation dul' a!!redited b' t%e @ffi!e of t%e President) T%e personEs Ci##ediate fa#il'C s%all in!lude %is or %er spouse* fian!e or fian!ee* parent or !%ild* brot%er or sister* grandparent or grand!%ild* un!le or aunt* nep%e( or nei!e* and guardian or (ard) As used in t%is A!t* C!ustodial in,estigationC s%all in!lude t%e pra!ti!e of issuing an Cin,itationC to a person (%o is in,estigated in !onne!tion (it% an offense %e is suspe!ted to %a,e !o##itted* (it%out pre-udi!e to t%e liabilit' of t%e Cin,itingC offi!er for an' ,iolation of la()
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SE#. 3. Assistin- #o+nse(. ? Assistin- co+nse( is an* (aw*er6 eGce)t those irect(* affecte 8* the case6 those char-e with con +ctin- )re(iminar* in0esti-ation or those char-e with the )rosec+tion of crimes. T%e assisting !ounsel ot%er t%an t%e go,ern#ent la('ers s%all be entitled to t%e follo(ing fees: a1 T%e a#ount of @ne %undred fift' pesos 0P98=)==1 if t%e suspe!ted person is !%argeable (it% lig%t felonies* b1 T%e a#ount of T(o %undred fift' pesos 0P38=)==1 if t%e suspe!ted person is !%argeable (it% less gra,e or gra,e felonies2 !1 T%e a#ount of T%ree %undred fift' pesos 0P38=)==1 if t%e suspe!t is !%argeable (it% a !apital offense) T%e fee for t%e assisting !ounsel s%all be paid b' t%e !it' or #uni!ipalit' (%ere t%e !ustodial in,estigation is !ondu!ted* pro,ided t%at if t%e #uni!ipalit' or !it' !annot pa' su!% fee* t%e pro,in!e !o#prising su!% #uni!ipalit' or !it' s%all pa' t%e fee: Pro,ided* T%at t%e Muni!ipal or Cit' Treasurer #ust !ertif' t%at no funds are a,ailable to pa' t%e fees of assisting !ounsel before t%e pro,in!e pa's said fees) 9n t%e absen!e of an' la('er* no !ustodial in,estigation s%all be !ondu!ted and t%e suspe!ted person !an onl' be detained b' t%e in,estigating offi!er in a!!ordan!e (it% t%e pro,ision of Arfi!le 138 of t%e Re,ised Penal Code) SE#. &. !ena(t* #(a+se. $ a1 An' arresting publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an' in,estigating offi!er* (%o fails to infor# an' person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* s%all suffer a fine of Si. t%ousand pesos 0P7*===)==1 or a penalt' of i#prison#ent of not less t%an eig%t 0>1 'ears but not #ore t%an ten 01=1 'ears* or bot%) T%e penalt' of perpetual absolute dis/ualifi!ation s%all also be i#posed upon t%e in,estigating offi!er (%o %as been pre,iousl' !on,i!ted of a si#ilar offense) T%e sa#e penalties s%all be i#posed upon a publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an'one a!ting upon orders of su!% in,estigating offi!er or in %is pla!e* (%o fails to pro,ide a !o#petent and independent !ounsel to a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offense if t%e latter !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of %is o(n !ounsel) b1 An' person (%o obstru!ts* pre,ents or pro%ibits an' La('er* an' #e#ber of t%e i##ediate fa#il' of a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation* or an' #edi!al do!tor or priest or religious #inister !%osen b' %i# or an' #e#ber of %is i##ediate fa#il' or b' %is !ounsel* fro# ,isiting and !onferring pri,atel' (it% %i#* or fro# e.a#ining and treating %i#* or fro# #inistering to %is spiritual needs* at an' %our of t%e da' or* in urgent !ases* of t%e nig%t s%all suffer t%e penalt' of i#prison#ent of not less t%an four 041 'ears* and a fine of :our t%ousand pesos 0P4*===)==1) T%e pro,isions of t%e abo,e Se!tion not(it%standing* an' se!urit' offi!er (it% !ustodial responsibilit' o,er an' detainee or prisoner #a' underta&e su!% reasonable #easures as #a' be ne!essar' to se!ure %is safet' and pre,ent %is es!ape) !) Met%ods of arrest b' pri,ate person RULE 113 Se!) 6) Met%od of arrest b' pri,ate person) $ W%en #a&ing an arrest* a pri,ate person s%all infor# t%e person to be arrested of t%e intention to arrest %i# and t%e !ase of t%e arrest* unless t%e latter is eit%er engaged in t%e !o##ission of an offense* is pursued i##ediatel' after its !o##ission* or %as es!aped* flees* or for!ibl' resists before t%e person #a&ing t%e arrest %as opportunit' to so infor# %i#* or (%en t%e gi,ing of su!% infor#ation (ill i#peril t%e arrest) d) PostAarrest pro!edure RULE 112 Se!) 5) W%en a!!used la(full' arrested (it%out (arrant) $ W%en a person is la(full' arrested (it%out a (arrant in,ol,ing an offense (%i!% re/uires a preli#inar' in,estigation* t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation #a' be filed b' a prose!utor (it%out need of su!% in,estigation pro,ided an in/uest %as been !ondu!ted in a!!ordan!e (it% e.isting rules) 9n t%e absen!e or una,ailabilit' of an in/uest prose!utor* t%e !o#plaint #a' be filed b' t%e offended part' or a pea!e offi!er dire!tl' (it% t%e proper !ourt on t%e basis of t%e affida,it of t%e offended part' or arresting offi!er or person) ?efore t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation is filed* t%e person arrested #a' as& for a preli#inar' in,estigation in a!!ordan!e (it% t%is Rule* but %e #ust sign a (ai,er of t%e pro,ision of Arti!le 138 of t%e Re,ised Penal Code* as a#ended* in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel) +ot(it%standing t%e (ai,er* %e #a' appl' for bail and t%e in,estigation #ust be ter#inated (it%in fifteen 0181 da's fro# its in!eption) After t%e filing of t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation in !ourt (it%out a preli#inar' in,estigation* t%e a!!used #a'* (it%in fi,e 081 da's fro# t%e ti#e %e learns of its filing* as& for a preli#inar' in,estigation (it% t%e sa#e rig%t to addu!e e,iden!e in %is defense as pro,ided in t%is Rule) e) f) E.!eptions !onstrued stri!tl' Spe!ial rule for -u,eniles in !onfli!t (it% la(
RULES ON 7U%ENILES IN #ONFLI#T /IT@ LA/ Sec. .. !roce +re in Ta:in- a 7+0eni(e into #+sto *)$ An' person ta&ing into !ustod' a -u,enile in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( s%all: 0a1 9dentif' %i#self and present proper identifi!ation to t%e -u,enile2 0b1 9nfor# t%e -u,enile of t%e reason for su!% !ustod' and ad,ise %i# of %is !onstitutional rig%ts in a language or diale!t understood b' %i#2 0!1 Refrain fro# using ,ulgar or profane (ords and fro# se.uall' %arassing or abusing* or #a&ing se.ual ad,an!es on t%e -u,enile2 0d1 A,oid displa'ing or using an' firear#* (eapon* %and!uffs or ot%er instru#ents of for!e or restraint* unless absolutel' ne!essar' and onl' after all ot%er #et%ods of !ontrol %a,e been e.%austed and %a,e failed2 0e1 Refrain fro# sub-e!ting t%e -u,enile to greater restraint t%an is ne!essar' for %is appre%ension2 0f1 A,oid ,iolen!e or unne!essar' for!e2 0g1 +otif' t%e parents of t%e -u,enile or %is nearest relati,e or guardian* if an'* and t%e lo!al so!ial (elfare offi!er as soon as t%e appre%ension is #ade2 0%1 Ta&e t%e -u,enile i##ediatel' to an a,ailable go,ern#ent #edi!al or %ealt% offi!er for a p%'si!al and #ental e.a#ination) T%e e.a#ination results s%all be &ept !onfidential unless ot%er(ise ordered b' t%e :a#il' Court) W%ene,er treat#ent for an' p%'si!al or #ental defe!t is ne!essar'* steps s%all be i##ediatel' ta&en b' t%e said offi!er to pro,ide t%e -u,enile (it% t%e ne!essar' and proper treat#ent2 and 0i1 Hold t%e -u,enile in se!ure /uarters separate fro# t%at of t%e opposite se. and adult offenders)
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Sec. M. Ta:in- #+sto * of a 7+0eni(e /itho+t a /arrant )$ A pea!e offi!er or a pri,ate person ta&ing into !ustod' a -u,enile in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( (it%out a (arrant s%all li&e(ise follo( t%e pro,isions of Se!tions 8* > and 6 of Rule 113 of t%e Re,ised Rules of Cri#inal Pro!edure and s%all fort%(it% deli,er %i# to t%e nearest poli!e station) T%e -u,enile s%all be pro!eeded against in a!!ordan!e (it% Se!tion 5 of Rule 113) RA 33&& SE#. 21. !roce +re for Ta:in- the #hi( into #+sto *. A :ro# t%e #o#ent a !%ild is ta&en into !ustod'* t%e la( enfor!e#ent offi!er s%all: 0a1 E.plain to t%e !%ild in si#ple language and in a diale!t t%at %ePs%e !an understand (%' %ePs%e is being pla!ed under !ustod' and t%e offense t%at %ePs%e allegedl' !o##itted2 0b1 9nfor# t%e !%ild of t%e reason for su!% !ustod' and ad,ise t%e !%ild of %isP%er !onstitutional rig%ts in a language or diale!t understood b' %i#P%er2 0!1 Properl' identif' %i#selfP%erself and present proper identifi!ation to t%e !%ild2 0d1 Refrain fro# using ,ulgar or profane (ords and fro# se.uall' %arassing or abusing* or #a&ing se.ual ad,an!es on t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la(2 0e1 A,oid displa'ing or using an' firear#* (eapon* %and!uffs or ot%er instru#ents of for!e or restraint* unless absolutel' ne!essar' and onl' after all ot%er #et%ods of !ontrol %a,e been e.%austed and %a,e failed2 0f1 Refrain fro# sub-e!ting t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( to greater restraint t%an is ne!essar' for %isP%er appre%ension2 0g1 A,oid ,iolen!e or unne!essar' for!e2 0%1 "eter#ine t%e age of t%e !%ild pursuant to Se!tion 5 of t%is A!t2 0i1 9##ediatel' but not later t%an eig%t 0>1 %ours after appre%ension* turn o,er !ustod' of t%e !%ild to t%e So!ial Welfare and "e,elop#ent @ffi!e or ot%er a!!redited +<@s* and notif' t%e !%ildEs appre%ension) T%e so!ial (elfare and de,elop#ent offi!er s%all e.plain to t%e !%ild and t%e !%ildEs parentsPguardians t%e !onse/uen!es of t%e !%ildEs a!t (it% a ,ie( to(ards !ounseling and re%abilitation* di,ersion fro# t%e !ri#inal -usti!e s'ste#* and reparation* if appropriate2 0-1 Ta&e t%e !%ild i##ediatel' to t%e proper #edi!al and %ealt% offi!er for a t%oroug% p%'si!al and #ental e.a#ination) T%e e.a#ination results s%all be &ept !onfidential unless ot%er(ise ordered b' t%e :a#il' Court) W%ene,er t%e #edi!al treat#ent is re/uired* steps s%all be i##ediatel' underta&en to pro,ide t%e sa#e2Z 0&1 Ensure t%at s%ould detention of t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( be ne!essar'* t%e !%ild s%all be se!ured in /uarters separate fro# t%at of t%e opposite se. and adult offenders2 0l1 Re!ord t%e follo(ing in t%e initial in,estigation: 1) W%et%er %and!uffs or ot%er instru#ents of restraint (ere used* and if so* t%e reason for su!%2 3) T%at t%e parents or guardian of a !%ild* t%e "SW"* and t%e PA= %a,e been infor#ed of t%e appre%ension and t%e details t%ereof2 and 3) T%e e.%austion of #easures to deter#ine t%e age of a !%ild and t%e pre!ise details of t%e p%'si!al and #edi!al e.a#ination or t%e failure to sub#it a !%ild to su!% e.a#ination2 and 0#1 Ensure t%at all state#ents signed b' t%e !%ild during in,estigation s%all be (itnessed b' t%e !%ildEs parents or guardian* so!ial (or&er* or legal !ounsel in attendan!e (%o s%all affi. %isP%er signature to t%e said state#ent) A !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( s%all onl' be sear!%ed b' a la( enfor!e#ent offi!er of t%e sa#e gender and s%all not be lo!&ed up in a detention !ell) SE#. 22. D+ties D+rin- Initia( In0esti-ation ) A T%e la( enfor!e#ent offi!er s%all* in %isP%er in,estigation* deter#ine (%ere t%e !ase in,ol,ing t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( s%ould be referred) T%e ta&ing of t%e state#ent of t%e !%ild s%all be !ondu!ted in t%e presen!e of t%e follo(ing: 011 !%ildEs !ounsel of !%oi!e or in t%e absen!e t%ereof* a la('er fro# t%e Publi! Attorne'Es @ffi!e2 031 t%e !%ildEs parents* guardian* or nearest relati,e* as t%e !ase #a' be2 and 031 t%e lo!al so!ial (elfare and de,elop#ent offi!er) 9n t%e absen!e of t%e !%ildEs parents* guardian* or nearest relati,e* and t%e lo!al so!ial (elfare and de,elop#ent offi!er* t%e in,estigation s%all be !ondu!ted in t%e presen!e of a representati,e of an +<@* religious group* or #e#ber of t%e ?CPC) After t%e initial in,estigation* t%e lo!al so!ial (or&er !ondu!ting t%e sa#e #a' do eit%er of t%e follo(ing: 0a1 Pro!eed in a!!ordan!e (it% Se!tion 3= if t%e !%ild is fifteen 0181 'ears or belo( or abo,e fifteen 0181 but belo( eig%teen 01>1 'ears old* (%o a!ted (it%out dis!ern#ent2 and 0b1 9f t%e !%ild is abo,e fifteen 0181 'ears old but belo( eig%teen 01>1 and (%o a!ted (it% dis!ern#ent* pro!eed to di,ersion under t%e follo(ing !%apter) 3) @H+ "@E (arrants
!an-an aman 0. #asar 213==4 Nar0asa6 7. Facts9 (as an offs%oot of a grudge bet(een t%e fa#ilies of t%e a#bus%ers A s%ooting in!ident %appened on ul' 35*16>8 in Pantao Masiu Lanao and t%ose of t%e ,i!ti#s Att') ?atua#par !lai#ed t%at %e (as a representati,e of one of t%e del Sur left at least 8 persons dead and 3 ot%ers (ounded) @ne (ido(s of t%e ,i!ti#s of t%e s%ooting in!ident) He filed a letter ,ersion sa's t%at ar#ed #en %ad atta!&ed a residen!e in Masiu* (P !o#plaint (P Pro,isional :is!al as&ing for a full bla'st preli#inar' bot% atta!&ers and defenders suffering !asualties2 anot%er ,ersion in,estigation) sa's t%at a group (as on its (a' to anot%er pla!e #ore Masiu %ad o T%e letter ad,erted to t%e possibilit' of inno!ent persons being been a#bus%ed T%e t%ree (itnesses to t%e !o#plaint ga,e #utuall' !orroborati,e i#pli!ated b' t%e parties in,ol,ed on bot% sides U none of (%o# (as* %o(e,er* identified U and pro#ised t%at a!!ounts of t%e in!ident) Under separate /uestioning* t%e' de!lared supporting affida,its (ould s%ortl' be filed) t%at t%e' (ere #e#bers of a part' t%at (as passing b' Pantao on its (a' to Lalabuan fro# Talaguian* all in Masiu* Lanao del Sur* on ul' 9n Aug) 1= *16>8 a !ri#inal !ase (as filed before udge Casar on 35* 16>8* (%en t%e' (ere a#bus%ed and fired upon b' an ar#ed t%at sa#e da'* t%e -udge Ce.a#ined personall' all 0t%ree1 (itnesses group (%i!% in!luded t%e petitioners and about fift' ot%er unidentified 0broug%t b' t%e sergeant1 under oat% t%ru )) 0%is1 !losed and dire!t persons2 t%at e,en after t%e' %ad &illed t%eir ,i!ti#s* t%e a#bus%ers super,ision*C redu!ing to (riting t%e /uestions to t%e (itnesses and t%e %ad !ontinued to fire at t%e dead bodies2 t%at t%e (itnesses #anaged latterEs ans(ers*L against 14 petitioners and 8= o%n "oes to es!ape t%eir atta!&ers and return to Talaguian* (%ere t%e' infor#ed 9n an e.Aparte #otion for re!on (as sub#itted b' Att') ?atua#par t%eir relati,es about (%at %ad %appened* and t%en!e (ent to t%e see&s to re!all (arrant of arrest for ff) grounds: #uni!ipal %all in Masiu to report to t%e aut%orities2 and t%at t%e a#bus%
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<rounds: be!ause no t%oroug% in,estigation on t%e ground t%at t%e udgeHs initial in,estigation %as been %ast'* #anifestl' %ap%a;ardl' and (Po sear!%ing /uestions Pet) !lai# t%at su!% error on t%e part of t%e -udge !onstituted a denial of due pro!ess* %en!e nullif'ing t%e pro!eedings t%at led to t%e issuan!e of t%e petitionersH (arrants of arrest) 9t (as also !lai#ed t%at Aug) 1=* 16>8 (as a Saturda' and t%e MTC (ere open fro# >a# to 1p#* indi!ating t%at su!% a s%ort period !ould %a,e %ardl' pro,ided enoug% ti#e to deter#ine probabl' !ause against t%e 74 persons (%ore parti!ipations (ere of ,ar'ing nature and degree t%e supporting affida,its (ere t%e #ain supporting do!u#ents but t%e' appear to %a,e been pre,iousl' prepared alread' 9MP@RTA+T: issuan!e of a (arrant of arrest against fift' 08=1 C o%n "oesC transgressed t%e Constitutional pro,ision re/uiring t%at su!% (arrants s%ould parti!ularl' des!ribe t%e persons or t%ings to be sei;ed o
9ssue: WP+ t%e (arrants of arrest (ere ,alid Held: 9n,alid @+LI (it% respe!t to t%e o%n "oe (arrants Ratio: 1) 9MP@RTA+T: T%e (arrants issued against 8= o%n "oes* (%erein not one of (%o# t%e (itnesses to t%e !o#plaint !ould identif'* is in t%e nature of a <E+ERAL WARR+AT o Warrants of arrest s%ould parti!ularl' des!ribe t%e person or persons to be sei;ed o T%e (arrant #ust* as regards its unidentified sub-e!ts* be ,oided) 3) Re: t%e preli#inar' in,estigation A -udge of an inferior !ourt 0ot%er t%an in MetroAManila or t%e !%artered !ities* (%ere no aut%orit' to !ondu!t preli#inar' in,estigation is ,ested in su!% offi!ials1 #ust obser,e t%e pro!edure pres!ribed in Se!tion 3 of Rule 113* 16>8 Rules on Cri#inal Pro!edure T%ere are 3 p%ases: P%ase 1: Ex'parte in/uir' into t%e suffi!ien!' of t%e !o#plaint and t%e affida,its and ot%er do!u#ents offered in support t%ereof) udge deter#ines: "@ !ir!ular no) 8= 0sorr' 9 !ouldnHt find it online1 4) 9n,itations
(1) t%at t%ere is no ground to !ontinue (it% t%e in/uir' %e dis#isses t%e !o#plaint and trans#its t%e order of dis#issal* toget%er (it% t%e re!ords of t%e !ase* to t%e pro,in!ial fis!al2 or (2) 031 t%at t%e !o#plaint and t%e supporting do!u#ents s%o( suffi!ient !ause to !ontinue (it% t%e in/uir' in t%e se!ond p%ase P%ase 3: "esigned to gi,e t%e respondent noti!e of t%e !o#plaint* a!!ess to t%e !o#plainantEs e,iden!e and an opportunit' to sub#it !ounterAaffida,its and supporting do!u#ents) udge #a' !ondu!t a %earing and propound to t%e parties and t%eir (itnesses /uestions on #atters t%at* in %is ,ie(* need to be !larified) T%is is !on!luded (P de!ision to: 011 "is#iss !o#plaint (2) Hold t%e respondent for trial trans#it* (P re!ords* to t%e pro,in!ial fis!al for appropriate a!tion 9n t%is !ase: +o infor#ation %as 'et been filed (P RTC +o preten!e t%at t%e preli# in,estigation %as been !o#pleted insofar as t%e -udge is !on!erned and %e does not intend to underta&e a P%ase 3 9t !annot be said t%at %e %as failed to obser,e t%e pres!ribed pro!edure) W%at %as %appened is si#pl' t%at after re!ei,ing t%e !o#plaint and e.a#ining t%e !o#plainantEs (itnesses* and %a,ing !o#e to belie,e* on t%e basis t%ereof* t%at t%e offenses !%arged %ad been !o##itted) Under Rule 113 Se!tion 3: +o re/uire#ent t%at t%e entire pro!edure for preli# in,estigation be !o#pleted before a (arrant of arrest #a' be issued) Said pro,ision !learl' aut%ori;es t%e #uni!ipal trial !ourt to order t%e respondentEs arrest e,en before opening t%e se!ond p%ase of t%e in,estigation if said !ourt is satisfied t%at a probable !ause e.ists and t%ere is a ne!essit' to pla!e t%e respondent under i##ediate !ustod' in order not to frustrate t%e ends of -usti!e) T%e rule is and %as al(a's been t%at su!% issuan!e need onl' a(ait a finding of probable !ause* not t%e !o#pletion of t%e entire pro!edure of preli#inar' in,estigation) "UTIANH!ILI6 7
People ,) "el Rosario April 14* 1666 ?ellosillo* ) died in an en!ounter 0Mar/ue;1* 3 still at large 0Santos and o%n "oe K"odongL1) TC: found del Rosario guilt'* senten!ing %i# to deat%) Case no( on SC for auto#ati! re,ie() 9ssuesPHeld:
oselito del Rosario* a tri!'!le dri,er* (as %ired for P13=)== b' Birgilio Santos 0?o'1* and t%eir original agree#ent (as t%at del Rosario (ould dri,e ?o' to a !o!&pit at t%e ?las Ed(ard Coliseu#) Ho(e,er* ?o' dire!ted %i# to pro!eed to t%e #ar&et pla!e to fet!% Ernesto Mar/ue; 0 un1 and a o%n "oe 0"odong1) "el Rosario a!!eded) un and "odong boarded and del Rosario (as as&ed to pro!eed and stop after so#e ti#e and "odong alig%ted on t%e prete.t of bu'ing a !igarette) "odong t%en a!!osted ,i!ti# Birginia ?ernas and grappled (it% %er for t%e possession of %er bag) un alig%ted fro# t%e tri!'!le to %elp "odong* and del Rosario tried to lea,e and see& %elp but ?o' (%o (as still inside t%e tri!'!le pre,ented %i# fro# lea,ing and t%reatened to s%oot %i#) "odong su!!eeded in ta&ing t%e bag* but un still s%ot t%e ,i!ti# on t%e %ead) "odong boarded side!ar of tri!'!le (%ile un rode be%ind del Rosario and ordered %i# to dri,e to(ards "i!ar#a) Upon arri,ing at "i!ar#a* 3 #en 0"odong* un and ?o'1 oselito del Rosario* Ernesto Mar/ue; 0 un1* Birgilio Santos 0?o'1* and o%n "oe 0"odong1 (ere !%arged (Pspe!ial !o#ple. !ri#e of Robber' (it% Ho#i!ide) @nl' del Rosario* a#ong t%e a!!used* (as tried be!ause 1
11 31 31 41 Ratio:
Was t%ere irresistible for!e e#plo'ed upon del Rosario b' t%e 3 #enR IES) Was del Rosario part of a !onspira!' (it% t%e ot%ers a!!usedR +@) Were t%ere ,iolations against del RosarioHs !onstitutional rig%tsR IES) Was t%ere a la(ful (arrantless arrest 0(Pin #eaning of Se!) 8* Rule 1131R +@)
:irst 9ssue 0irresistible for!e1: 9n t%is !ase* del Rosario (as t%reatened (Pa gun) He !ound not be!ted to flee nor ris& %is life to %elp out a stranger 0t%e ,i!ti# ?ernas1) T%e fa!t t%at %e did not report to t%e poli!e !ould also be attributed to t%e fear %e felt be!ause %e (as t%reatened (Pp%'si!al %ar# s%ould %e report t%e in!ident) T%e fear (as real and i##inent)
Se!ond 9ssue 0!onspira!' a#ong t%e 41: T%ere !ould %a,e been no ot%er plausible e.planation for ?o' to sta' inside t%e tri!'!le if del Rosario (as a !onspirator) "el Rosario #erel' agreed to dri,e for ?o'* and del Rosario (as not a(are of t%eir plans) T%ird 9ssue 0!onsti rig%ts1: Spe!ifi!all'* del Rosario alleges t%at %is rig%t to re#ain silent* rig%tto %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' %is o(n !%oi!e* and rig%t ot be infor#ed of t%ese rig%ts (ere ,iolated) Upon finding t%e na#e of t%e o(ner of t%e tri!'!le* t%e o(ner (as su##oned and (as as&ed about (%o (as t%e dri,er of t%e tri!'!le) T%e o(ner ga,e del RosarioHs na#e* and del Rosario (as Kin,ited for inter,ie()L @n t%e (a' to t%e poli!e station* del Rosario infor#ed t%e# of t%e bag 0stolen1 and t%e pla!e (%ere t%e %oldAuppers #a' be found* and su!% findings (ere reported to Captain ?iag and Captain Cru;) After lun!% t%e' pro!eeded to ?g') "i!ar#a !o#posed of 18 ar#ed #en* %ad an en!ounter* and after(ards found un dead inside t%e %ouse) W%ile t%is (as %appening* del Rosario (as at t%e ba!& of t%e s!%ool and after(ards t%e in,estigator too& %is state#ent* and (as detained in t%e poli!e station as ordered b' t%e :is!al) His state#ent (as signed 3 da's later 0Ma' 14 state#ent (as gi,en* Ma' 17 signed1 and subs!ribed > da's after 0Ma' 33 subs!ribed1) "el Rosario e.e!uted a (ai,er of %is detention and %is Sinu#paang Sala'sa' (as done (Passistan!e of E.A udge Tala,era)
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"uring t%e en!ounter* del Rosario (as %and!uffed b' t%e poli!e 0be!ause t%e' allegedl' %ad enoug% e,iden!e against %i# and (ere afraid %e #ig%t atte#pt to es!ape1) 9t is !lear t%at del Rosario (as depri,ed of %is rig%ts during !ustodial in,estigation) Custodial in,estigationUstage (%ere poli!e in,estigation is no longer a general in/uir' but %as begun to fo!us on a parti!ular suspe!t) 9n su!% in,estigations* %e s%ould %a,e been apprised of %is rig%ts* and prose!ution no( failed to establis% t%at del Rosario (ai,ed t%ese rig%ts) THUSUBER?AL ad#issions of parti!ipation to !ri#e are inad#issible against %i#Q
:ourt% 9ssue 0(arrantless arrest unla(ful1: Arrest of del Rosario (as outside t%e pur,ie( of e.!eptions to (arrantless arrests be!ause %e (as arrested on t%e da' follo(ing t%e !ri#e 0not in flagrante deli!toQ1 Arresting offi!ers also %ad +@ PERS@+AL J+@WLE"<E @: :ACTS 0%o(e,erUillegalit' of %is arrest !annot affe!t !ourtHs -urisdi!tion be!ause del Rosario alread' sub#itted %i#self for arraign#ent (it%out ob-e!tion1)
del 6osario must be acquitted. 8efense of irresistible force substantiated by clear and convincing evidence.
RA M&3= SE# 2 A F !AR 2 Se!) 3) Rig%ts of Persons Arrested* "etained or under Custodial 9n,estigation2 "uties of Publi! @ffi!ers) VVVVVVV As used t%is A!t* C!ustodial in,estigationC s%all in!lude t%e pra!ti!e of issuing an Cin,itationC to a person (%o is in,estigated in !onne!tion (it% an offense %e is suspe!ted to %a,e !o##itted* (it%out pre-udi!e to t%e liabilit' of t%e Cin,itingC offi!er for an' ,iolation of la( VVVVV 3) Pro!edure2 dut' of poli!e during !ustodial in,estigation
#ONSTI ART III Section 12. 011 An' person under in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to be infor#ed of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e) 9f t%e person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% one) T%ese rig%ts !annot be (ai,ed e.!ept in (riting and in t%e presen!e of !ounsel) 031 +o torture* for!e* ,iolen!e* t%reat* inti#idation* or an' ot%er #eans (%i!% ,itiate t%e free (ill s%all be used against %i#) Se!ret detention pla!es* solitar'* in!o##uni!ado* or ot%er si#ilar for#s of detention are pro%ibited) 031 An' !onfession or ad#ission obtained in ,iolation of t%is or Se!tion 15 %ereof s%all be inad#issible in e,iden!e against %i#) 041 T%e la( s%all pro,ide for penal and !i,il san!tions for ,iolations of t%is se!tion as (ell as !o#pensation to t%e re%abilitation of ,i!ti#s of torture or si#ilar pra!ti!es* and t%eir fa#ilies) !eo)(e 0 O8rero 22BBB4 Mendo;a* Facts9 9n t%e #orning of August 11* 16>6* a!!usedAappellant @brero* (it% %is fello( e#plo'ee* Ronnie Li(anag* (ere as&ed to deli,er dressed !%i!&ens to E##a Cabrera* a regular !usto#er in Sta) Cru;* Manila) After learning t%at onl' t(o %elpers (ere t%en at t%e residen!e of E##a Cabrera* a!!usedAappellant and Ronnie de!ided to pull t%e %eist) Ronnie !o,ered t%e #out% of one +ena ?er-uega to pre,ent %er fro# s%outing but* as s%e tried to run a(a'* Ronnie stabbed and &illed %er) Ronnie t%en ga,e t%e &nife to a!!usedAappellant (%o stabbed t%e 'ounger #aid Re#edios Hitta fro# (%i!% s%e died) T%ereafter* t%e t(o pro!eeded to ?lu#entritt Street and di,ided t%e #one' Ronnie %ad ta&en fro# t%e %ouse of E##a Cabrera) :ro# ?lu#entritt Street* Ronnie (ent to La Union* (%ile a!!usedAappellant pro!eeded to Pangasinan) @n Mar!% 3* 166=* Pat) 9nes and %is group re!ei,ed infor#ation fro# Pat) Alfredo Gue of t%e Urdaneta Poli!e Station t%at a!!usedAappellant (as in Cataban* Urdaneta* Pangasinan) A!!ordingl'* t%e' (ent to t%e pla!e indi!ated and t%e ne.t da'* Mar!% 4* 166=* t%e' (ere able to appre%end a!!usedAappellant (%o# t%e' broug%t to Manila) Pat) 9nes testified t%at on t%at sa#e da'* Mar!% 4* 166=* a!!usedA appellant ga,e a !onfession in (riting (it% t%e assistan!e of !ounsel* Att') ?ien,enido "e los Re'es* in (%i!% %e ad#itted parti!ipation in t%e &illing of +ena ?er-uega and Re#edios Hitta) Pat) 9nes %i#self e.e!uted
an affida,it 0E.%) P1 stating t%e !ir!u#stan!es of a!!usedAappellantHs arrest) He said a!!usedAappellant refused to sign t%e boo&ing and infor#ation s%eet) T%e prose!ution presented Att') ?ien,enido "e los Re'es* a PC Captain of t%e WP" Head/uarters* U)+) A,enue* Manila) He said t%at on Mar!% 4* 166=* %e %appened to be at Station 5 of t%e WP"* representing a !lient a!!used of illegal re!ruit#ent) He (as as&ed b' Lt) <eneroso a,ier of t%e WP" Ho#i!ide Se!tion to assist a!!usedAe.e!uting an e.tra-udi!ial !onfession) A!!ording to Att') "e los Re'es* %e apprised a!!usedA appellant of %is !onstitutional rig%ts* e.plaining to %i# t%at an' state#ent #ade b' %i# !ould be used against %i# in !ourt* but a!!usedAappellant said %e (as (illing to gi,e a state#ent as in fa!t %e did* !onfessing to t%e !o##ission of t%e !ri#e of robber' (it% %o#i!ide) T%e defense presented* as its sole (itness* a!!usedAappellant i##' @brero ' Corla) He denied parti!ipation in t%e !o##ission of t%e !ri#e and !lai#ed t%at %e (as arrested (it%out a (arrant in Pangasinan) He !lai#ed t%at* after being infor#ed of t%e !%arges against %i#* %e (as beaten up and detained for a (ee& and #ade to e.e!ute an e.tra-udi!ial !onfession) He denied %a,ing &no(n or seen Att') "e los Re'es before and stated t%at %e did not understand t%e !ontents of t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession (%i!% %e signed be!ause %e does not &no( %o( to read) He !lai#s t%at Att') "e los Re'es* (%o assisted %i# in e.e!uting %is !onfession* (as not t%e !ounsel of %is o(n !%oi!e) T%at (as t%e reason* %e said* %e refused to sign t%e boo&ing and infor#ation s%eet) He said %e signed t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession fi,e ti#es as a sign t%at it (as in,oluntaril' e.e!uted b' %i#) TC !on,i!ted t%e a!!used for robber' (it% %o#i!ide) T%us* appeal)
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E.tra-udi!ial !onfessions are presu#ed ,oluntar'* and* in t%e absen!e of !on!lusi,e e,iden!e s%o(ing t%e de!larantHs !onsent in e.e!uting t%e sa#e %as been ,itiated* su!% !onfession (ill be sustained) Moreo,er* t%e !onfession !ontains details t%at onl' t%e perpetrator of t%e !ri#e !ould %a,e gi,en) 5+t (%at renders t%e !onfession of a!!usedAappellant inad#issible is t%e fa!t t%at a!!usedAappellant (as not gi,en t%e Miranda (arnings effe!ti,el') Under t%e Constitution* an un!ounseled state#ent* su!% as it is !alled in t%e United States fro# (%i!% Art) 999* [13011 (as deri,ed* is presu#ed to be ps'!%ologi!all' !oer!ed) S(ept into an unfa#iliar en,iron#ent and surrounded b' inti#idating figures t'pi!al of t%e at#osp%ere of poli!e interrogation* t%e suspe!t reall' needs t%e guiding %and of !ounsel) Under t%e first paragrap% of t%is pro,ision* it is re/uired t%at t%e suspe!t in !ustodial interrogation #ust be gi,en t%e follo(ing (arnings: 011 He #ust be infor#ed of %is rig%t to re#ain silent2 031 %e #ust be (arned t%at an't%ing %e sa's !an and (ill be used against %i#2 and 031 %e #ust be told t%at %e %as a rig%t to !ounsel* and t%at if %e is indigent* a la('er (ill be appointed to represent %i#) T%ere (as t%us onl' a perfun!tor' reading of t%e Miranda rig%ts to a!!usedAappellant (it%out an' effort to find out fro# %i# (%et%er %e (anted to %a,e !ounsel and* if so* (%et%er %e %ad %is o(n !ounsel or %e (anted t%e poli!e to appoint one for %i#) T%is &ind of gi,ing of (arnings* in se,eral de!isions of t%is Court* %as been found to be #erel' !ere#onial and inade/uate to trans#it #eaningful infor#ation to t%e suspe!t) Espe!iall' in t%is !ase* !are s%ould %a,e been s!rupulousl' obser,ed b' t%e poli!e in,estigator t%at a!!usedAappellant (as spe!ifi!all' as&ed t%ese /uestions !onsidering t%at %e onl' finis%ed t%e fourt% grade of t%e ele#entar' s!%ool) 9deall'* t%erefore* a la('er engaged for an indi,idual fa!ing !ustodial in,estigation 0if t%e latter !ould not afford one1 s%ould be engaged b' t%e a!!used 0%i#self1* or b' t%e latterHs relati,e or person aut%ori;ed b' %i# to engage an attorne' or b' t%e !ourt* upon proper petition of t%e a!!used or person aut%ori;ed b' t%e a!!used to file su!% petition) La('ers engaged b' t%e poli!e* (%ate,er testi#onials are gi,en as proof of t%eir probit' and supposed independen!e* are generall' suspe!t* as in #an' areas* t%e relations%ip bet(een la('ers and la( enfor!e#ent aut%orities !an be s'#bioti!) Moreo,er* Art) 999* [13011 re/uires t%at !ounsel assisting suspe!ts in !ustodial interrogations be !o#petent and independent) Here* a!!usedA appellant (as assisted b' Att') "e los Re'es* (%o* t%oug% presu#abl' !o#petent* !annot be !onsidered an Cindependent !ounselC as !onte#plated b' t%e la( for t%e reason t%at %e (as station !o##ander of t%e WP" at t%e ti#e %e assisted a!!usedAappellant) T%e independent !ounsel re/uired b' Art) 999* [13011 !annot be a spe!ial !ounsel* publi! or pri,ate prose!utor* #uni!ipal attorne'* or !ounsel of t%e poli!e (%ose interest is ad#ittedl' ad,erse to t%e a!!used) 9n t%is !ase* Att') "e los Re'es* as PC Captain and Station Co##ander of t%e WP"* (as part of t%e poli!e for!e (%o !ould not be!ted to %a,e effe!ti,el' and s!rupulousl' assisted a!!usedAappellant in t%e in,estigation* %is !lai# to t%e !ontrar' not(it%standing) To allo( su!% a %appenstan!e (ould render illusor' t%e prote!tion gi,en to t%e suspe!t during !ustodial in,estigation) Wit%out t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession* t%e !on,i!tion of a!!usedAappellant !annot stand) T%us !on,i!tion of a!!usedAappellant !annot be affir#ed be!ause of t%e pro!edural irregularities !o##itted during !ustodial in,estigation and t%e trial of t%e !ase) ML ?e-e#ino
/ON: E.tra-udi!ial !onfession (as ,alid R @ELD9 NO. Art) 999* [13 of t%e Constitution pro,ides: 011))))))An' person under in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to be infor#ed of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel* preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e) 9f t%e person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% one) T%ese rig%ts !annot be (ai,ed e.!ept in (riting and in t%e presen!e of !ounsel) 031))))))+o torture* for!e* ,iolen!e* t%reat* inti#idation or an' ot%er #eans (%i!% ,itiate t%e free (ill s%all be used against %i#) Se!ret detention pla!es* solitar'* in!o##uni!ado* or ot%er si#ilar for#s of detention are pro%ibited) 031))))))An' !onfession or ad#ission obtained in ,iolation of t%is or Se!tion 15 s%all be inad#issible in e,iden!e against %i#) T%ere are t(o &inds of in,oluntar' or !oer!ed !onfessions treated in t%is !onstitutional pro,ision: 011 t%ose (%i!% are t%e produ!t of t%ird degree #et%ods su!% as torture* for!e* ,iolen!e* t%reat* inti#idation* (%i!% are dealt (it% in paragrap% 3 of [13* and 031 t%ose (%i!% are gi,en (it%out t%e benefit of Miranda (arnings* (%i!% are t%e sub-e!t of paragrap% 1 of t%e sa#e [13)
A!!usedAappellant !lai#s t%at %is !onfession (as obtained b' for!e and t%reat) ?ut aside fro# t%is bare assertion* %e %as s%o(n no proof of t%e use of for!e and ,iolen!e on %i#) He did not see& #edi!al treat#ent nor e,en a p%'si!al e.a#ination) +o sign t%at t%e !onfession (as in,oluntaril' e.e!uted fro# t%e fa!t t%at it (as signed b' a!!usedA appellant fi,e ti#es) :or if %e (ere si#pl' for!ed to e.e!ute t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession and sign it for fi,e ti#es* t%ere is no reason t%e poli!e (as not able to #a&e %i# sign t%e said s%eet as (ell) T%e inferen!e rat%er (as t%at no for!e (as used to #a&e a!!usedAappellant e.e!ute t%e !onfession* ot%er(ise* %e !ould also %a,e been for!ed to sign t%e boo&ing and infor#ation s%eet)
RA M&3= Se!tion 3) Rig%ts of Persons Arrested* "etained or Under Custodial 9n,estigation2 "uties of Publi! @ffi!ers 0b1 An' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an'one a!ting under %is order or %is pla!e* (%o arrests* detains or in,estigates an' person for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all infor# t%e latter* in a language &no(n to and understood b' %i#* of %is rig%ts to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel*
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preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* (%o s%all at all ti#es be allo(ed to !onfer pri,atel' (it% t%e person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation) 9f su!% person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of %is o(n !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% a !o#petent and independent !ounsel b' t%e in,estigating offi!er)la(p%i1\ 0!1 T%e !ustodial in,estigation report s%all be redu!ed to (riting b' t%e in,estigating offi!er* pro,ided t%at before su!% report is signed* or t%u#b#ar&ed if t%e person arrested or detained does not &no( %o( to read and (rite* it s%all be read and ade/uatel' e.plained to %i# b' %is !ounsel or b' t%e assisting !ounsel pro,ided b' t%e in,estigating offi!er in t%e language or diale!t &no(n to su!% arrested or detained person* ot%er(ise* su!% in,estigation report s%all be null and ,oid and of no effe!t (%atsoe,er) 0d1 An' e.tra-udi!ial !onfession #ade b' a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all be in (riting and signed b' su!% person in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel or in t%e latterEs absen!e* upon a ,alid (ai,er* and in t%e presen!e of an' of t%e parents* elder brot%ers and sisters* %is spouse* t%e #uni!ipal #a'or* t%e #uni!ipal -udge* distri!t s!%ool super,isor* or priest or #inister of t%e gospel as !%osen b' %i#2 ot%er(ise* su!% e.tra-udi!ial !onfession s%all be inad#issible as e,iden!e in an' pro!eeding) i) Rig%ts in,ol,ed SEE ART III SE# 12 !AR 1 AND 2 ON !AHE RA M&3= Se!tion 3) Rig%ts of Persons Arrested* "etained or Under Custodial 9n,estigation2 "uties of Publi! @ffi!ers) $ 0a1 An' person arrested detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all at all ti#es be assisted b' !ounsel) 0b1 An' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an'one a!ting under %is order or %is pla!e* (%o arrests* detains or in,estigates an' person for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all infor# t%e latter* in a language &no(n to and understood b' %i#* of %is rig%ts to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel* preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* (%o s%all at all ti#es be allo(ed to !onfer pri,atel' (it% t%e person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation) 9f su!% person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of %is o(n !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% a !o#petent and independent !ounsel b' t%e in,estigating offi!er)la(p%i1\ 0!1 T%e !ustodial in,estigation report s%all be redu!ed to (riting b' t%e in,estigating offi!er* pro,ided t%at before su!% report is signed* or t%u#b#ar&ed if t%e person arrested or detained does not &no( %o( to read and (rite* it s%all be read and ade/uatel' e.plained to %i# b' %is !ounsel or b' t%e assisting !ounsel pro,ided b' t%e in,estigating offi!er in t%e language or diale!t &no(n to su!% arrested or detained person* ot%er(ise* su!% in,estigation report s%all be null and ,oid and of no effe!t (%atsoe,er) 0d1 An' e.tra-udi!ial !onfession #ade b' a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all be in (riting and signed b' su!% person in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel or in t%e latterEs absen!e* upon a ,alid (ai,er* and in t%e presen!e of an' of t%e parents* elder brot%ers and sisters* %is spouse* t%e #uni!ipal #a'or* t%e #uni!ipal -udge* distri!t s!%ool super,isor* or priest or #inister of t%e gospel as !%osen b' %i#2 ot%er(ise* su!% e.tra-udi!ial !onfession s%all be inad#issible as e,iden!e in an' pro!eeding) 0e1 An' (ai,er b' a person arrested or detained under t%e pro,isions of Arti!le 138 of t%e Re,ised Penal Code* or under !ustodial in,estigation* s%all be in (riting and signed b' su!% person in t%e presen!e of %is !ounsel2 ot%er(ise t%e (ai,er s%all be null and ,oid and of no effe!t) 0f1 An' person arrested or detained or under !ustodial in,estigation s%all be allo(ed ,isits b' or !onferen!es (it% an' #e#ber of %is i##ediate fa#il'* or an' #edi!al do!tor or priest or religious #inister !%osen b' %i# or b' an' #e#ber of %is i##ediate fa#il' or b' %is !ounsel* or b' an' national nonAgo,ern#ental organi;ation dul' a!!redited b' t%e Co##ission on Hu#an Rig%ts of b' an' international nonAgo,ern#ental organi;ation dul' a!!redited b' t%e @ffi!e of t%e President) T%e personEs Ci##ediate fa#il'C s%all in!lude %is or %er spouse* fian!] or fian!]e* parent or !%ild* brot%er or sister* grandparent or grand!%ild* un!le or aunt* nep%e( or nie!e* and guardian or (ard) As used in t%is A!t* C!ustodial in,estigationC s%all in!lude t%e pra!ti!e of issuing an Cin,itationC to a person (%o is in,estigated in !onne!tion (it% an offense %e is suspe!ted to %a,e !o##itted* (it%out pre-udi!e to t%e liabilit' of t%e Cin,itingC offi!er for an' ,iolation of la() ii) Conse/uen!es of ,iolation
SEE ART III SE# 12 !AR 3 ON !AHE New $or: 0. L+ar(es A 7+ne 126 13=& A 7+stice RehnC+ist :a!ts: Respondent (as !%arged in a +e( Ior& state !ourt (it% !ri#inal possession of a (eapon) T%e re!ord s%o(ed t%at a (o#an approa!%ed t(o poli!e offi!ers (%o (ere on road patrol* told t%e# t%at s%e %ad -ust been raped* des!ribed %er assailant 0bla!& #an (earing bla!& -a!&et1* and told t%e# t%at t%e #an %ad -ust entered a nearb' super#ar&et and (as !arr'ing a gun) W%ile one of t%e offi!ers radioed for assistan!e* t%e ot%er 0@ffi!er Jraft1 entered t%e store and spotted respondent* (%o #at!%ed t%e des!ription gi,en b' t%e (o#an) Respondent ran to(ard t%e rear of t%e store* and @ffi!er Jraft pursued %i# (it% a dra(n gun but lost sig%t of %i# for se,eral se!onds) Upon regaining sig%t of respondent* @ffi!er Jraft ordered %i# to stop and put %is %ands o,er %is %ead2 fris&ed %i# and dis!o,ered t%at %e (as (earing an e#pt' s%oulder %olster2 and* after %and!uffing %i#* as&ed %i# (%ere t%e gun (as) Respondent nodded to(ard so#e e#pt' !artons and responded t%at Ct%e gun is o,er t%ere)C @ffi!er Jraft t%en retrie,ed t%e gun fro# one of t%e !artons* for#all' arrested respondent* and read %i# %is rig%ts under Miranda ,) Ari;ona) Respondent indi!ated t%at %e (ould ans(er /uestions (it%out an attorne' being present and ad#itted t%at %e o(ned t%e gun and %ad pur!%ased it in :lorida) T%e trial !ourt e.!luded respondentEs initial state#ent and t%e gun be!ause t%e respondent %ad not 'et been gi,en t%e Miranda (arnings* and also e.!luded respondentEs ot%er state#ents as e,iden!e tainted b' t%e Miranda ,iolation) T%e state#ent (as obtained b' t%e poli!e before t%e' read respondent %is KMiranda Rig%ts)L ?ot% t%e Appellate "i,ision of t%e +e( Ior& Supre#e Court and t%e +e( Ior& Court of Appeals affir#ed) Con!luded t%at respondent (as in K!ustod'L (it%in t%e #eaning of Miranda during all /uestioning and re-e!ted t%e StateHs argu#ent t%at t%e e.igen!ies of t%e situation -ustified t%e offi!erHs failure to read %is Miranda rig%ts until after %e %ad lo!ated t%e gun)
9ssue: WP+ offi!er Jraft (as -ustified in failing to #a&e a,ailable to respondent t%e pro!edural safeguards asso!iated (it% t%e pri,ilege against !o#pulsor' selfAin!ri#ination sin!e Miranda)RRRRR 1eld+
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T%e Court of Appeals erred in affir#ing t%e e.!lusion of respondentEs initial state#ent and t%e gun be!ause of @ffi!er JraftEs failure to read respondent %is Miranda rig%ts before atte#pting to lo!ate t%e (eapon) The #upreme %ourt concluded that under the circumstances involved in the case! overriding considerations of public safety justify the officer>s failure to provide -iranda warnings before he asked questions devoted to locating the abandoned weapon. A!!ordingl'* it also erred in affir#ing t%e e.!lusion of respondentEs subse/uent state#ents as illegal fruits of t%e Miranda ,iolation) T%is !ase presents a situation (%ere !on!ern for publi! safet' #ust be para#ount to ad%eren!e to t%e literal language of t%e prop%'la!ti! rules enun!iated in Miranda) T%e Miranda !ourt presu#ed t%at interrogation in !ertain !ustodial !ir!u#stan!es is in%erentl' !oer!i,e and %eld t%at state#ents #ade under t%ose !ir!u#stan!es are inad#issible unless t%e suspe!t is spe!ifi!all' infor#ed of %is Miranda rig%ts and freel' de!ides to forgo t%ose rig%ts) T%e prop%'la!ti! Miranda (arnings t%erefore are Knot t%e#sel,es rig%ts prote!ted b' t%e Constitution but are instead #easures to insure t%at t%e rig%t against !o#pulsor' selfA in!ri#ination is prote!ted)L Alt%oug% respondent (as in poli!e !ustod' (%en %e #ade %is state#ents and t%e fa!ts !o#e (it%in t%e a#bit of Miranda* ne,ert%eless on t%ese fa!ts t%ere is a Cpubli! safet'C e.!eption to t%e re/uire#ent t%at Miranda (arnings be gi,en before a suspe!tEs ans(ers #a' be ad#itted into e,iden!e* and t%e a,ailabilit' of t%at e.!eption does not depend upon t%e #oti,ation of t%e indi,idual offi!ers in,ol,ed) T%e do!trinal underpinnings of Miranda do not re/uire t%at it be applied in all its rigor to a situation in (%i!% poli!e offi!ers as& /uestions reasonabl' pro#pted b' a !on!ern for t%e publi! safet') 9n t%is !ase* t%e poli!e (ere !onfronted (it% t%e i##ediate ne!essit' of as!ertaining t%e (%ereabouts of a gun (%i!% t%e' %ad e,er' reason to belie,e t%e suspe!t %ad -ust re#o,ed fro# %is e#pt' %olster and dis!arded in t%e super#ar&et) So long as t%e gun (as !on!ealed so#e(%ere in t%e super#ar&et* it posed #ore t%an one danger to t%e publi! safet': an a!!o#pli!e #ig%t #a&e use of it* or a !usto#er or e#plo'ee #ig%t later !o#e upon it) Pro!edural safeguards t%at deter a suspe!t fro# responding* and in!rease t%e possibilit' of fe(er !on,i!tions* (ere dee#ed a!!eptable in Miranda in order to prote!t t%e :ift% A#end#ent pri,ilege against !o#pulsor' selfAin!ri#ination) 1owever! if -iranda warnings had deterred responses to ?fficer @raftAs question about the whereabouts of the gun! the cost would have been something more than merely the failure to obtain evidence useful in convicting
respondent. *n answer was needed to insure that future danger to the public did not result from the concealment of the gun in a public area. T%e narro( e.!eption to t%e Miranda rule re!ogni;ed %ere (ill to so#e degree lessen t%e desirable !larit' of t%at rule) Ho(e,er* t%e e.!eption (ill not be diffi!ult for poli!e offi!ers to appl' be!ause in ea!% !ase it (ill be !ir!u#s!ribed b' t%e e.igen!' (%i!% -ustifies it) Poli!e offi!ers !an and (ill distinguis% al#ost instin!ti,el' bet(een /uestions ne!essar' to se!ure t%eir o(n safet' or t%e safet' of t%e publi! and /uestions designed solel' to eli!it testi#onial e,iden!e fro# a suspe!t) T%e fa!ts of t%is !ase !learl' de#onstrate t%at distin!tion and an offi!erHs abilit' to re!ogni;e it) @ffi!er Jraft as&ed onl' t%e /uestion ne!essar' to lo!ate t%e #issing gun before ad,ising respondent of %is rig%ts) 9t (as onl' after se!uring t%e loaded re,ol,er an gi,ing t%e (arnings t%at %e !ontinued (it% in,estigator' /uestions about t%e o(ners%ip and pla!e of pur!%ase of t%e gun)
usti!e @HConnor* !on!urring in t%e -udg#ent in part and dissenting in part A Kpubli! safet'L e.!eption unne!essaril' blurs t%e edges of t%e !lear line establis%ed and #a&es MirandaHs re/uire#ents #ore diffi!ult to understand) 9n so#e !ases* t%e poli!e (ill benefit but in ot%er !ases* poli!e (ill suffer be!ause* t%oug% t%e' t%oug%t an e.igen!' e.!used t%eir non!o#plian!e* t%e !ourt (ill ,ie( t%e Kob-e!ti,eL !ir!u#stan!es differentl') T%e !ourt belo( assu#ed* (it%out dis!ussion* t%at t%e pri,ilege against selfAin!ri#ination re/uired t%at t%e gun deri,ed fro# respondentHs state#ent also be suppressed* (%et%er or not t%e State !ould independentl' lin& it to %i#) T%at !on!lusion is in!orre!t) @nl' t%e introdu!tion of defendantHs testi#on' is pros!ribed) T%e #andate does not prote!t an a!!used fro# being !o#pelled to surrender nontesti#onial e,iden!e against %i#self)
usti!e Mars%all* dissenting ?efore t%e interrogation began* Guarles %ad been Kredu!ed to a !ondition of p%'si!al po(erlessness)L offi!ers suffi!ientl' !onfident of t%eir safet') Kpubli! safet'L e.!eption (ould be proble#ati!)
e(el Libati/ue
!eo)(e 0. Fi-+eroa 22BBB4 Da0i e6 ) Facts9 area) @?ET* (%o (as in possession of a )48 !aliber pistol* fired it t(i!e to(ard t%e dire!tion of PALE+C9A* (%ile %urr'ing to(ards t%e %ouse) +?9 Spe!ial 9n,estigator 999 PALE+C9A testified t%at on 18 :ebruar' 1665* @?ET t%en %eld %ostage %is #istress* Estrella ?rilliantes* and %er t(o %e re!ei,ed a !all fro# t%eir infor#ant* a (o#an* (%o reported t%at a !%ildren for t%e ne.t t%ree %ours until t%e arri,al of one Ma-or Roberto !ertain @?ET (as allegedl' engaged in largeAs!ale drug traffi!&ing in Re'es to (%o# @?ET surrendered) PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ broug%t Ma&ati Cit') @?ET* %is firear# and t%e re!o,ered bu'Abust #one' to t%e WP" PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ fort%(it% instru!ted t%eir infor#ant to establis% Head/uarters for re!ording purposes and* t%ereafter* to t%e +?9 !onta!t (it% @?ET for a bu'Abust operation) After se,eral %ours* t%e Head/uarters) infor#ant reported t%at @?ET (as alread' (aiting for %er at +o) 14>8 At t%e +?9 Head/uarters* PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ #et%odi!all' Soli#an Street* Ma&ati Cit'* (it% instru!tions for %er to !o#e alone as interrogated @?ET about t%e sour!e of %is s%abu) @?ET e,entuall' soon as s%e (as read' (it% P18=*===) PALE+C9A t%en !aused t%e ,olunteered t%at %is sour!e (as a !ertain ?ett' of 373 El <rande Street* dusting of fluores!ent po(der o,er ten pie!es of aut%enti! P1== bills as ?):) Ho#es* Paraa/ue Cit') PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ too& @?ET to bu'Abust #one' and ga,e t%e# to t%e infor#ant) ?ett'Es %ouse as a follo(Aup operation) @n board a ta.i* PALE+C9A* S@R9A+@ and t%eir infor#ant pro!eeded to As @?ET !alled ?ett' earlier to tell %er t%at %e (as arri,ing* ?ett' alread' t%e rende;,ous area)) As t%e gate (as alread' open* t%e infor#ant %ad t%e gate opened for t%e#) After par&ing* PALE+C9A sa( ?ett' entered t%e pre#ises* (%ile PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ dis!reetl' !ra(led (aiting for t%e#) PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ t%en tried to !on,in!e ?ett' and positioned t%e#sel,es near t%e gate of t%e %ouse) to surrender t%e s%abu t%at @?ET insisted (as %idden inside t%e %ouse) PALE+C9A t%en sa( t%e infor#ant %and o,er t%e #one' to @?ET) W%ile As ?ett' persistentl' denied t%e e.isten!e of t%e s%abu* PALE+C9A told !ounting t%e #one'* @?ET sensed t%e presen!e of ot%er people in t%e
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@?ET to !onfer (it% ?ett') After a (%ile* @?ET pro!eeded to t%e &it!%en of t%e guest%ouse lo!ated outside t%e #ain %ouse* follo(ed b' ?ett') @?ET t%en pro#ptl' pointed to (%at %e ter#ed as li/uid s%abu inside a (%ite pail along (it% ot%er drug parap%ernalia* su!% as a bea&er spra') PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@sei;ed t%e ite#s)5 )PALE+C9A !lai#ed t%at based on t%e !ertifi!ation issued b' t%e :orensi! C%e#istr' "i,ision of t%e +?9* all t%e ite#s sei;ed fro# ?ett'Es residen!e (ere positi,e for #et%a#p%eta#ine %'dro!%loride e.!ept spe!i#en no)52 (%ile fro# a#ong t%e persons sub-e!ted to ultra,iolet lig%t e.a#ination* onl' @?ET (as found positi,e for fluores!ent po(der) @n !rossAe.a#ination* PALE+C9A ad#itted t%at %e and S@R9A+@ !ondu!ted t%e sear!% (it%out a sear!% (arrant* but (it% t%e !onsent of ?ett')He also ad#itted t%at %e did not a!tuall' see @?ET or ?ett' in t%e a!t of #anufa!turing s%abu) +?9 9ntelligen!e Agent 99 S@R9A+@ !orroborated PALE+C9AEs testi#on') He li&e(ise ad#itted t%at t%e !ustodial in,estigation of @?ET* during (%i!% %e di,ulged ?ett' as t%e sour!e of s%abu* (as !ondu!ted in t%e absen!e of an' !ounsel) S@R9A+@ also !onfir#ed PALE+C9AEs testi#on' t%at t%e' (ere not ar#ed (it% a sear!% (arrant* but t%at t%e' !ondu!ted t%e follo(Aup operation at ?ett'Es %ouse under t%e %ot pursuit t%eor') T%e trial !ourt agreed (it% t%e prose!utionEs t%eor' t%at t%e (arrantless arrests of @?ET and ?ett' (ere !ondu!ted (it%in t%e pur,ie( of ,alid (arrantless arrests)9t t%en ruled as ,alid t%e !onsented (arrantless sear!% !ondu!ted at t%e %ouse of ?ett') Conse/uentl'* it found t%at t%e ,er' ite#s sei;ed b' t%e +?9 agents at t%e &it!%en of ?ett'Es guest%ouse (ere ad#issible as t%e corpus delicti of t%e ,iolation of Se!tion 14AA of t%e "angerous "rugs A!t) T%e trial !ourt obser,ed t%at t%e "angerous "rug A!t does not re/uire t%at t%ere be a!tual #anufa!turing a!ti,ities at t%e ti#e of t%e sei;ure) T%e trial !ourt* %o(e,er* a!/uitted ?ett' for failure of t%e prose!ution to addu!e e,iden!e t%at s%e* in !onspira!' (it% @?ET* #anufa!tured s%abu (it%out t%e re/uisite aut%orit') "efense: He prin!ipall' pre#ises %is pra'er for a!/uittal on t%e failure of t%e State to s%o( b' !on,in!ing e,iden!e t%at s%ortl' prior to or during !ustodial in,estigation* %e (as apprised of %is !onstitutional rig%ts to re#ain silent* to %a,e a !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* and to be infor#ed of su!% rig%ts) He asserts t%at %e did not (ai,e t%ose rig%ts) T%us* (%ate,er ad#issions (ere allegedl' e.tra!ted fro# %i# are inad#issible in e,iden!e) E,en assu#ing t%at %is e.tra-udi!ial state#ents (ere ad#issible* ?ett'Es a!/uittal (ould (or& in %is fa,or be!ause t%e indi!t#ent is based on !onspira!') 9n a !onspira!'* t%e a!t of one is t%e a!t of all) T%erefore* t%e a!ts i#puted to %i# (ere also t%e a!ts of ?ett'* and ,i!e ,ersa) Sin!e t%e trial !ourt !onsidered insuffi!ient for !on,i!tion t%e a!ts of ?ett'* t%en %e* too* s%ould be a!/uitted) 9ssuesPRatio: 1) W%et%er ?ett'Es a!/uittal (ould benefit @?ETR +o Held: T%e SC disagrees (it% t%e t%eor' of @?ET t%at in an indi!t#ent based on !onspira!'* t%e a!/uittal of a !onspirator li&e(ise absol,es a !oA!onspirator fro# !ri#inal liabilit') 9f t%e prose!ution fails to pro,e !onspira!'* t%e alleged !onspirators s%ould be %eld indi,iduall' responsible for t%eir o(n respe!ti,e a!ts) A!!ordingl'* @?ETEs !ri#inal liabilit' in t%is !ase #ust be -udged on t%e basis of %is o(n a!ts as establis%ed b' t%e /uantu# of proof re/uired in !ri#inal !ases) 3) W%et%er t%e prose!ution (as able to establis% be'ond reasonable doubt @?ETEs guilt for unaut%ori;ed #anufa!ture of s%abu* a regulated drugR +o)
Held: T%e e,iden!e for t%e prose!ution #iserabl' failed to pro,e @?ETEs guilt of t%e offense !%arged) T%ere is no s%o(ing t%at t%e %ouse o!!upied b' ?ett' and t%e arti!les !onfis!ated t%erefro# belong to @?ET) T%at @?ET pointed to PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ t%e pla!es (%ere t%e arti!les (ere found pro,ides no suffi!ient basis for a !on!lusion t%at t%e' belonged to %i#) E,en if t%e arti!les t%us sei;ed a!tuall' belonged to %i#* t%e' !annot be !onstitutionall' and legall' used against %i# to establis% %is !ri#inal liabilit' t%erefor* sin!e t%e sei;ure (as t%e fruit of an in,alid !ustodial in,estigation) A T%e bu'Abust operation (as a failure be!ause no s%abu or ot%er regulated or pro%ibited drug (as found in @?ETEs person and residen!e) +o e,iden!e (as addu!ed to s%o( t%at @?ET %anded s%abu o,er to t%e infor#ant) Iet* %e (as pla!ed in !ustod') 9t (as establis%ed t%at @?ET fired t(o s%ots to(ard t%e dire!tion of PALE+C9A and S@R9A+@ and %eld %ostage %is #istress and %er t(o !%ildren) Iet %e (as +@T pla!ed under !ustodial in,estigation for su!% !ri#es as gra,e t%reats* !oer!ion* illegal possession of firear#s* or !ri#es ot%er t%an t%at (it% (%i!% %e (as !%arged) @n t%e !ontrar'* @?ET (as %eld in !ustod' and in,estigated or interrogated about t%e sour!e of t%e s%abu* none of (%i!% (as found during t%e bu'Abust operation) 9n s%ort %e (as %eld in !ustod' as a !onse/uen!e of t%e failed bu'A bust operation and as a follo(Aup to lin& %i# to t%e sour!e and establis% a !onspira!' in t%e illegal trade of s%abu) +eedless to state* @?ET !annot be in,estigated for an't%ing in relation to s%abu (%ile under !ustod' (it%out infor#ing %i# of %is rig%ts to re#ain silent and to %a,e a !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e) An' (ai,er of su!% rig%ts s%ould be in (riting and #ade in t%e presen!e of a !ounsel pursuant to Se!tion 13 011* Arti!le 999 of t%e Constitution) 9t %as been %eld t%at t%ese rig%ts atta!% fro# t%e #o#ent t%e in,estigation starts* i.e. (%en t%e in,estigating offi!ers begin to as& /uestions to eli!it infor#ation and !onfessions or ad#issions fro# t%e suspe!t) 9t is al(a's in!u#bent upon t%e prose!ution to pro,e at t%e trial t%at prior to inA!ustod' /uestioning* t%e !onfessant (as infor#ed of %is !onstitutional rig%ts) T%e presu#ption of regularit' of offi!ial a!ts does not pre,ail o,er t%e !onstitutional presu#ption of inno!en!e) Hen!e* in t%e absen!e of proof t%at t%e arresting offi!ers !o#plied (it% t%ese !onstitutional safeguards* e.tra-udi!ial state#ents* (%et%er in!ulpator' or e.!ulpator'* #ade during !ustodial in,estigation are inad#issible and !annot be !onsidered in t%e ad-udi!ation of a !ase)3Su!% state#ents are useless e.!ept as e,iden!e against t%e ,er' poli!e aut%orities (%o ,iolated t%e suspe!tEs rig%ts) S@R9A+@ ad#itted t%at t%e !ustodial in,estigation of @?ET (as !ondu!ted (it%out t%e presen!e of a la('er* and t%ere is no proof t%at @?ET (ai,ed said rig%t and t%e rig%t to re#ain silent) +o (ai,er in (riting and in t%e presen!e of a !ounsel (as presented) T%us* pursuant to paragrap% 3 of Se!tion 13 of Arti!le 999 of t%e Constitution an' ad#ission obtained fro# @?ET in t%e !ourse of %is !ustodial in,estigation (as inad#issible against %i# and !annot be used as a -ustifi!ation for t%e sear!% (it%out a (arrant) T%e sear!% !ondu!ted on ?ett'Es %ouse !annot be !onsidered as a ,alid (arrantless sear!% be!ause ?ett' %ad no a!tual intention to relin/uis% t%e rig%t) T%e fa!t is* ?ett' as&ed for a sear!% (arrant) Dis)ositi0e9 T%e lo(er !ourtHs de!ision is %ereb' REBERSE" and SET AS9"E) He is %ereb' ACGU9TTE" of t%e !ri#e !%arged* and @R"ERE" i##ediatel' released #ar(a "a)a(o
RA M&3= Se!tion 4) Penalt' Clause) $ 0a1 An' arresting publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an' in,estigating offi!er* (%o fails to infor# an' person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e* s%all suffer a fine of Si. t%ousand pesos 0P7*===)==1 or a penalt' of i#prison#ent of not less t%an eig%t 0>1 'ears but not #ore t%an ten 01=1 'ears* or bot%) T%e penalt' of perpetual absolute dis/ualifi!ation s%all also be i#posed upon t%e in,estigating offi!er (%o %as been pre,iousl' !on,i!ted of a si#ilar offense) T%e sa#e penalties s%all be i#posed upon a publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee* or an'one a!ting upon orders of su!% in,estigating offi!er or in %is pla!e* (%o fails to pro,ide a !o#petent and independent !ounsel to a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offense if t%e latter !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of %is o(n !ounsel)
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0b1 An' person (%o obstru!ts* pre,ents or pro%ibits an' la('er* an' #e#ber of t%e i##ediate fa#il' of a person arrested* detained or under !ustodial in,estigation* or an' #edi!al do!tor or priest or religious #inister !%osen b' %i# or b' an' #e#ber of %is i##ediate fa#il' or b' %is !ounsel* fro# ,isiting and !onferring pri,atel' (it% %i#* or fro# e.a#ining and treating %i#* or fro# #inistering to %is spiritual needs* at an' %our of t%e da' or* in urgent !ases* of t%e nig%t s%all suffer t%e penalt' of i#prison#ent of not less t%an four 041 'ears nor #ore t%an si. 071 'ears* and a fine of four t%ousand pesos 0P4*===)==1)la(p%i1^ T%e pro,isions of t%e abo,e Se!tion not(it%standing* an' se!urit' offi!er (it% !ustodial responsibilit' o,er an' detainee or prisoner #a' underta&e su!% reasonable #easures as #a' be ne!essar' to se!ure %is safet' and pre,ent %is es!ape) S!E#IFI# RELUIRE"ENTS IN #ASE LA/ 1) Wai,er of rig%t to !ounsel
People v Caguioa January 17, 1980 Ponente: Fernando, C.J. Petitioner: Peop e of t!e P!i ippine" #e"pondent": $on. %duardo P. Caguioa, Judge, CF& of 'u a(an, and Pa)uito *upo
Facts 1) Respondent Iupo (as a!!used of #urder) An infor#ation (as filed b' t%e pro,in!ial fis!al and t%e !ase (as assigned to udge Caguioa) 3) "uring trial* t%e prose!ution presented Corporal Ro!a of t%e Me'!aua'an Poli!e "epart#ent* before (%o# a (ritten state#ent of t%e a!!used Iupo and %is alleged (ai,er of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to be assisted b' a !ounsel of %is o(n !%oi!e (as ta&en) 3) W%en Ro!a (as about to be /uestioned on t%e in!ri#inating ans(ers in t%e state#ent* t%e defense !ounsel ob-e!ted* on t%e ground t%at su!% state#ent is inad#issible in e,iden!e* as t%e state#ent (as ta&en b' t%e poli!e (it%out an' !ounsel assisting t%e a!!used in t%e in,estigation) 4) 9t appeared t%at (%en t%e a!!used (as apprised of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and %is rig%t to !ounsel* Corporal Ro!a used Tagalog* (%i!% t%e a!!used* a 16A'ear old Bisa'an* did not full' understand $ Ro!a: 9pinaaala# &o sa i'o na i&a( a' sinisi'asat tung&ol sa isang paglabag sa batas na i'ong gina(a* bago &o ipagpatulo' ang pagtatanong sa i'o* i&a( a' #a' &arapatan na %u(ag #agsalita &ung a'a( #o at #a' &arapatan &a rin na #ag&aruon ng abogado na i'ong gusto at dapat #o ring #abatid na anu#an ang sabi%in #o ditto a' #aaaring ga#itin ng a'on o labang sa i'o* magsasalaysay ka pa rin baR Iupo: @po 8) T%e subse/uent M(rittenN state#ent apparentl' ta&en b' t%e Me'!aua'an poli!e (as also in Tagalog* but it (as signed b' t%e a!!used) 7) udge Caguioa sustained t%e ob-e!tion on t%e ,ie( t%at su!% e.tra -udi!ial !onfession of t%e a!!used is inad#issible in e,iden!e for being un!onstitutional* it appearing t%at t%e a!!used (as not assisted b' a !ounsel (%en it (as gi,en) 5) udge Caguioa also stated t%at su!% rig%t !ould not be (ai,ed) :or %i#* t%ere (as a !lear failure to abide b' t%e pro%ibition in t%e funda#ental la( against t%e possibilit' of an' !onfession obtained fro# a person under in,estigation (it%out %is %a,ing been infor#ed of %is rig%t to &eep silent and to %a,e t%e benefit of !ounsel) >) :or t%e udge %a,ing ruled t%us* t%e People filed t%e present petition) Iss+e9 W@+ a!!used Iupo ,alidl' (ai,ed %is rig%t to re#ain silent and %is rig%t to !ounsel) Decision9 +@) 9t (as not s%o(n t%at t%e alleged (ai,er (as gi,en freel' and ,oluntaril') Iupo* being a Bisa'an not full'Aa!/uainted (it% Tagalog* !annot %a,e (ai,ed %is rig%ts ,oluntaril'* &no(ingl'* and intelligentl') ?ut udge Caguioa (as (rong (%en %e said t%at su!% rig%ts !annot be (ai,ed) T%e' #a' be (ai,ed as long as t%e' %a,e been #ade ,oluntaril' and intelligentl'* (it% full understanding of its !onse/uen!es) (etition dismissed! trial of the case ordered to be resumed. @e( 9 Ri-hts of the acc+se m+st 8e inte((i-ent(* wai0e *briol v 1omeres 01646 de!ision before t%e Miranda rig%ts1: W%ile t%ere !ould be a (ai,er of t%e rig%ts of t%e a!!used* it #ust be intelligentl' (ai,ed* ot%er(ise a !ourtHs -urisdi!tion starting at t%e banning of t%e trial #a' be lost in t%e !ourse of t%e pro!eeding) -iranda v *ri&ona 016771: State#ents #ade during t%e period of !ustodial in,estigation to be ad#issible re/uire a !lear intelligent (ai,er of !onstitutional rig%ts* t%e suspe!t being (arned prior to /uestioning t%at %e %as a rig%t to re#ain silent* t%at an' utteran!e #a' be used against %i# and t%at %e %as t%e rig%t to t%e presen!e of !ounsel* eit%er retained or appointed) Said C%ief usti!e Warren: KT%e defendant #a' (ai,e effe!tuation of t%ose rig%ts* pro,ided t%e (ai,er is #ade ,oluntaril'* &no(ingl' and intelligentl')L Se!) 3=* Art) 9B of t%e 1653 Constitution adopted t%e Miranda do!trine) A((e-e wai0er is ina missi8(e for fa((in- short of the stan ar Tested b' su!% a !lear and une/ui,o!al standard Mfound in t%e -iranda v *ri&onaN* t%e alleged (ai,er falls far s%ort) 9t is !learl' inad#issible) 011 T%ere (as a perfun!tor' opening state#ent as&ed b' Corporal Ro!a* and t%e a!!used onl' ans(ered t%e #onos'llabi! (ord K@po)L 031 T%e subse/uent state#ent $ t%at apparentl' (as to !ure t%e defe!t in t%e (ai,er $ %ad irregularities: 011 t%e da' (%en it (as subs!ribed and s(orn to* allegedl' b' a Muni!ipald udge Mendieta* (as not spe!ified2 031 t%e state#ent anne.ed (it% t%e petition #erel' stated t%at t%ere (ere signatures M+ote: 9 t%in& (%at t%e Court %ere is sa'ing is t%at t%e' did not sub#it a !op' (it% signatures* onl' a !op' t%at indi!ated KS9<+E"LN2 031 Teresita Te!son* (%o supposedl' #ade t%e !ertified true !op' %as not !onne!tion (it% t%e !ase of (it% t%e !ourt) Acc+se cannot ha0e 8een )ro)er(* informe of his ri-hts 9n (eople v. /acong* a si#ilar set of fa!ts (as present) 9n t%at !ase* t%e issue (as (%et%er t%ere (as an i#pro,ident plea of guilt) 9t (as deter#ined t%at %e onl' &ne( Bisa'an) T%e !ourt ruled t%at t%ere (as an i#pro,ident plea of guilt be!ause %e !annot %a,e been!ted to full' understand t%e legal signifi!ations of t%e !ir!u#stan!es) T%ere (as an effort in t%at !ase to as!ertain (%et%er t%e a!!used !ould read and (rite in Tagalong) 9n t%is !ase* t%e a!!used Iupo* a Bisa'an* (as as&ed a &ilo#etri! /uestion in Tagalog* and t%e interrogator (as satisfied (it% t%e #onos'llabi! @po) Also* t%e failure to sub#it to t%is Court t%e alleged signature of Iupo #a' be indi!ati,e of t%e fear on t%e part of t%e !ounsel for People t%at t%e absen!e of edu!ation of t%e a!!used (ould be apparent) At an' rate* it !annot be denied t%at to predi!ate a (ai,ed under t%e !ir!u#stan!es dis!losed (ould be to nullif' t%e plain !o##and of t%e !onstitutional pro,ision re/uiring t%at a !onfession to be ad#issible #ust be gi,en onl' if t%e a!!used (ere infor#ed of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to !ounsel2 ot%er(ise* it is Kinad#issible in !%ara!ter)L SEPARATE C@+CURR9+< @P9+9@+: ?arredo* ) T%e Court re-e!ts unani#ousl' t%e ,ie( on (%i!% udge Caguioa based %is ruling under re,ie(* t%at t%e rig%t to silen!e and to !ounsel during !ustodial in,estigation is not sub-e!t to (ai,e) Said rig%ts are indeed sub-e!t to (ai,er* t%e onl' re/uire#ent in t%at regard being t%at su!% (ai,er #ust be pro,en to %a,e been #ade ,oluntaril' and intelligentl') 9 agree t%at #erel' infor#ing a person under !ustod' of %is !onstitutional rig%ts under t%e !ir!u#stan!es present in t%e instant !ase does not suffi!ientl' safeguard t%ose rig%ts) 9t !annot be dedu!ed fro# 011 t%e perfun!tor' /uestion and ans(er and 031 subse/uent state#ent* t%at t%ere (as a free and intelligent (ai,er) A!!ording to Se!) 3= MArt) 9B* 1653 ConstitutionN* Kan' person under in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offenseL does not onl' %a,e t%e rig%t to
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re#ain silent and to %a,e t%e assistan!e of !ounsel* %e #ust in addition be infor#ed of su!% rig%ts) 9t is not enoug% t%at %e be told %e %as t%ose rig%ts) He #ust perfor!e be as&ed pointedl' and une/ui,o!all' (%et%er or not %e (ant to!ise t%e#) 9t be%oo,es e,er' poli!e in,estigator (%o !ondu!ts a !ustodial in,estigation to possess definite &no(ledge of t%e !onstitutional rig%ts of all persons being sub-e!ted b' %i# to an' in/uir' relati,e to t%e !o##ission of an' offense* and (%at is #ore* %e #ust see to it t%at t%e person being interrogated b' %i# is not onl' infor#ed of su!% rig%ts but t%at %e is spe!ifi!all' as&ed in t%e language t%e latter ade/uatel' understands (%et%er or not %e desires to!ise t%e#* and onl' (%en su!% person definitel'* !ategori!all' and freel' ans(ers affir#ati,el' #a' t%e in,estigator pro!eed to !ondu!t %is in/uir' and ta&e t%e state#ent of t%e person detained* (it% t%e i#pli!it understanding 'et t%at e,en su!% initial (ai,er is not definitel' final* for t%e person under in,estigation #a' still in,o&e at %is option t%e sa#e rig%ts at an' furt%er stage of t%e interrogation) ?efore an' !onfession is e,er #ar&ed or 9dentified* upon ti#el' ob-e!tion of t%e a!!used* t%e !ourt #ust first %old a separate pro!eeding solel' for t%e purpose of satisf'ing itself t%at t%e sa#e (as ta&en (it% due regard to t%e !onstitutional rig%ts of t%e a!!used dis!ussed earlier in t%is opinion) T%e ad,antage of t%is pro!edure is t%at t%e !ourt #a' not e,en see t%e in!ri#inator' parts* if an'* of t%e purported !onfession until after it is satisfied of t%e legalit' of its ta&ing* %en!e an' possible danger of t%e #ind of t%e !ourt being CpoisonedC fa!tuall' b' illegal e,iden!e* %u#an as t%e -udge is* is t%ereb' eli#inated* s%ould t%e !onfession be denied stated does not #ean t%at failure to ti#el' ob-e!t at t%e stage entr' into t%e re!ords)
"9SSE+T9+< @P9+9@9+: A/uino* ) 9n t%e -iranda case* it (as spelled out t%at t%e a!!used* (%o is in poli!e !ustod'* K#ust be (arned prior to an' /uestioning t%at %e %as t%e rig%t to re#ain silent* t%at an't%ing %e sa's !an be used against %i# in a !ourt of la(* t%at %e %as t%e rig%t to t%e presen!e of an attorne'* and t%at if %e !annot afford an attorne' one (ill be appointed for %i# prior to an' /uestioning if %e so desires)L Also* Kunless and until su!% (arnings and (ai,er are de#onstrated b' t%e prose!ution at the trial no e,iden!e obtained as a result of interrogation !an be used against %i#)L Respondent udge #ade a premature ruling on t%e ad#issibilit' of t%e !onfession) 9t (as #erel' being identified) 9t (as not 'et being for#all' offered in e,iden!e) T%e ti#e to ob-e!t to t%e ad#issibilit' of t%e !onfession is (%en it is for#all' offered in e,iden!e and t%at is (%en t%e prose!ution is at t%e stage of !losing its !ase) T%at is t%e (ellA&no(n pra!ti!e) Respondent udge also erroneousl' assu#ed t%at t%e rig%t to !ounsel !annot be (ai,ed) "uring trial* Ro!a (ould de!lare t%at t%e re/uisites of Se!) 3=* Art) 9B of t%e 1653 Constitution (ere !o#plied (it% or t%at t%e !onfession is ad#issible in e,iden!e) His testi#on' s%ould be allo(ed) To re-e!t %is testi#on' outrig%t (ould pre,ent t%e prose!ution fro# s%o(ing t%at t%e !onfession is ad#issible) T%e a!!used #a' rebut Ro!aHs testi#on') @n t%e basis of Ro!aHs testi#on' and t%e testi#on' of t%e a!used* if %e repudiates %is !onfession* t%e trial !ourt #a' rule* when the confession is offered in evidence * t%at it is inad#issible be!ause t%ere (as no !o#plian!e (it% t%e !onstitutional pro,isions)
!EO!LE 0. HALIT 213='4 Con!ep!ion* ) Facts 9n 6 Septe#ber 1655* :ran!is!o <alit ,oluntaril' e.e!uted a #alaysay ad#itting parti!ipation in t%e !o##ission of t%e !ri#e of Robber' (it% Ho#i!ide) 9nfor#ation (as filed against <alit on t%e basis of t%e said #alaysay. Prose!ution (itness :lorentino Balentino* a %ouse#ate of t%e a!!used* #erel' testified t%at %e o,er%eard <alit and %is (ife %a,ing an argu#ent in !onne!tion (it% t%e robber' and &illing of t%e ,i!ti#* +ati,idad :ernando* in t%e latterHs o(n residen!e) T%e trial !ourt found a!!used <alit guilt' of Robber' (it% Ho#i!ide* senten!ing %i# to suffer t%e deat% penalt') a!!used at t%e s!ene of t%e !ri#e) T%e onl' e,iden!e against t%e a!!used is %is alleged !onfession) Iss+e9 WP+ t%e !onfession of t%e a!!used obtained during !ustodial in,estigation is in a!!ordan!e (it% t%e pro!edure laid do(n b' la(* and %en!e* ad#issible in e,iden!eR NOD The a((e-e confession is ina missi8(e as e0i ence 8eca+se the* were o8taine in a manner contrar* to (aw. Acc+se A#LUITTED.
Ratio After a #andator' re,ie( of t%e re!ords* t%e Supre#e Court found t%at t%e 1) 9n -orales v. (once Bnrile! t%e Court laid do(n t%e !orre!t pro!edure for e,iden!e presented b' t%e prose!ution does not support a !on,i!tion) 9n fa!t* pea!e offi!ers to follo( (%en #a&ing an arrest and in !ondu!ting a !ustodial t%e findings of t%e trial !ourt relati,e to t%e a!ts attributed to t%e a!!used are in,estigation: not supported b' !o#petent e,iden!e) Moreo,er* t%ere (ere no e'e(itnesses* no propert' re!o,ered fro# t%e a!!used* and not e,en fingerprints of t%e Arrest #+sto ia( In0esti-ation a) At t%e ti#e of t%e arrest* it s%all be t%e dut' of t%e arresting offi!er to infor# t%e a) +o !ustodial in,estigation s%all be !ondu!ted unless it be in t%e a!!used of t%e reason for the arrest* and %e #ust be s%o(n t%e warrant of arrest* if )resence of co+nse( engaged b' t%e person arrested) an') b) T%e a!!used s%all be infor#ed of %is !onstitutional rig%ts to remain si(ent an to co+nse(* and t%at an' state#ent %e #ig%t #a&e !ould be used against %i#) !) T%e arresting offi!er s%ould see to it t%at t%e a!!used is able to!ise %is ri-ht to comm+nicate with his (aw*er* a relati,e* or an'one %e !%ooses b' t%e #ost e.pedient #eans) 3) 9nfor#ing t%e a!!used (it% %is !onstitutional rig%ts s%ould !onsist of se,eral s%ort and !lear /uestions and e,er' rig%t e.plained in si#ple (ords in a diale!t or language &no(n to t%e person under in,estigation) 9n t%e !ase at bar* <alit is fro# Sa#ar and t%ere is no s%o(ing t%at %e understands Tagalog) 3) At t%e ti#e of %is arrest* <alit (as not per#itted to !o##uni!ate (it% %is la('er* a relati,e or a friend) 9n fa!t* %is relati,es did not &no( t%at %e %ad been 3) 3) Counsel of !%oi!e during !ustodial in,estigation Co#plian!e (it% re/uire#ent to infor# person detained of rig%ts b) T%e rig%t to !ounsel #a' be (ai,ed but t%e wai0er s%all not be ,alid unless ma e with the assistance of co+nse() !) An' statement o8taine in 0io(ation of the )roce +re* (%et%er e.!ulpator' or in!ulpator'* in (%ole or in part* s%all be ina missi8(e in e0i ence)
broug%t to t%e +?9 for in,estigation) Also* t%e state#ent of <alit does not e,en !ontain an' (ai,er of rig%t to !ounsel and 'et during t%e in,estigation %e (as not assisted b' one) ose La!as
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!EO!LE 0. @ERA#LEO "ANRILUEQ an HREHORIO #ANO$6 R HREH6 @ER"INIA @ERRERA R @ER"IE6 5UTONH DAE6 an !AT. !AULINO RO"ARATE 2at (ar-e46 acc+se 6 HREHORIO #ANO$ 22BBB6 Da0i e4 :ACTS: Hera!leo Manri/ue; and <regorio Cano' (ere found guilt' of t(o !ounts of #urder b' RTC) T%e' (ere indi!ted in t(o separate infor#ations* (it% Her#inia Herrera and ?utong "ae* (%o bot% re#ain at large* for stabbing to deat% Ernesto <abu'an and :erdinand "ua' on 13 anuar' 166=) 9n a#ended infor#ation* Patrol#an Paulino Ro#arate (as also in!luded as an a!!used and a (arrant for t%e arrest for %i# (as issued (it% order of suspension fro# t%e ser,i!e 0%e re#ains at large1) PR@SECUT9@+ W9T+ESSESH TEST9M@+9ES 0+@TE: -ust for :I9 so 'ou &no( t%e series of e,ents1: 1) E##a ?angot* a (aitress of Jasi'a%an pub %ouse along C)M) Re!to St)* "a,ao Cit': 6:== p)#) of 13 anuar' 166=* s%e (as tal&ing (it% t%e ,i!ti#s s%e &ne( t%e# to be agents of t%e Metrodis!o# AntiA+ar!oti!s Unit 0MA+U1 (%o usuall' posted t%e#sel,es along t%e area to obser,e persons bu'ing pro%ibited drugs at 8M drug store a!ross t%e pub %ouse) T%en* E##a sa( <A?UIA+ !ollared b' Pat) Ro#arate* (%o (as (it% HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@) "UAI approa!%ed Ro#arate* identif'ing %i#self as a MA+U agent) Ro#arate ignored %i# and %and!uffed bot% "UAI and <A?UIA+) T%e t(o (ere t%en dragged into t%e groupEs ,e%i!le) E##a i##ediatel' reported t%e in!ident to MA+U offi!e) At t%e AntiACri#e Unit offi!e* s%e positi,el' identified Ro#arate* HERACLE@* and <RE<@R9@ fro# pi!s of in,estigator as t%e persons (%o sei;ed "UAI and <A?UIA+) 3) Rolando Lata'ada* a MA+U agent a!ting as a loo&Aout of "UAI and <A?UIA+* !orroborated t%e testi#on' of E##a 3) Ra#on de Asis (as (at!%ing TB at %o#e nig%t of 13 anuar' 166= (%en %e sa( four persons in t%e ,i!init' of %is %ouse* one of t%e# alread' dead) He did not see t%e fa!e of t%e dead person (%i!% (as Cl'ing fa!e do(n*C but %e re!ogni;ed HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@* (%o (ere %is neig%bors and %eard Ro#arate telling Ra#on C(e &illed %i# E+ong be!ause %e is a sparro()C Ra#on ordered t%e t%ree to re#o,e t%e dead bod'* t%en (ent inside t%e %ouse) 4) ere#ias ?agu%in* a #e#ber of P+P* de!lared t%at at around 6:== a)#) of 15 :ebruar' 166=* (%ile %e and Poli!e @ffi!ers :loribel and Paguidaton (ere patrolling t%e ?an&ero%an area of "a,ao Cit'* %e learned t%at t%e perpetrators in t%e &illing of "UAI and <A?UIA+ (anted to surrender) ere#ias and %is !o#panions i##ediatel' (ent to C#atada%anC (%ere t%e' found HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ (aiting for t%e# (%o said t%e' &no( about t%e deat% of "UAI and <A?UIA+ b' Ro#arate* and t%at t%e' (anted to surrender be!ause t%eir !ons!ien!e bot%ered t%e#) ere#ias broug%t t%e# to t%e AntiACri#e @ffi!e for in,estigation) 9n t%e afternoon of t%e sa#e da'* Ro#arate (as appre%ended* but %e denied &illing "UAI and <A?UIA+ but HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ pointed to Ro#arate as t%e K#aster#indL 8) Rodel Calo* #e#ber of t%e AntiACri#e Tas& :or!e of t%e P%ilippine +ational Poli!e* "a,ao Cit'* on 15 :ebruar' 166=* HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ (ere referred to %i# for in,estigation regarding t%e deat% of "UAI and <A?UIA+) After t%e' (ere apprised of t%eir !onstitutional rig%ts* HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ told %i# t%e' didnHt need t%e assistan!e of a la('er and t%e' (ere (illing to gi,e a state#ent) +e,ert%eless* Rodel !alled Att') Ride(a' Tan-ili* of PA@* to assist t%e# in signing a s(orn state#ent (ai,ing t%eir rig%ts to !ounsel and to re#ain silent) Att') Tan-ili substantiall' !orroborated t%is point and HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ e.e!uted an e.traA-udi!ial !onfession in t%e presen!e of :is!al <ar!ia* (%erein t%e' narrated t%eir parti!ipation in t%e !o##ission of t%e !ri#e) 7) "r) ose Ladrido r)* a #edi!oAlegal offi!er* testified t%at %e !ondu!ted an autops' on t%e !ada,ers of "UAI and <A?UIA+ on 18 anuar' 166= finding rope #ar&s on "UAIEs (rists and t%e (rists of <A?UIA+ fro# being tied (it% a Ctire (ireL and suffered #ultiple stab (ounds) 5) "UAIEs (ife testified t%at s%e !ried and !ollapsed upon learning of t%e deat% of %er %usband and t%at s%e spent P38*=== for t%e (a&e) Prior to %is deat%* "UAI %ad been (or&ing as a se!urit' guard and as an agent of t%e MA+U "E:E+SE W9T+ESSESH TEST9M@+9ES: 1) <RE<@R9@* neig%bor of bot% HERACLE@ and Ro#arate at ?an&ero%an* "a,ao Cit'* testified t%at on 13 anuar' 166=* Her#ina told %i# to see %er %usband Ro#arate) Later* <RE<@R9@ and HERACLE@ #et Ro#arate* (%o (as %a,ing a drin&ing session) At 5:== p)#)* Ro#arate as&ed <RE<@R9@ to a!!o#pan' %i# in a bu'Abust operation to be !ondu!ted at 8M drug store) <RE<@R9@ and HERACLE@ (ent (it% Ro#arate* et) al) Ro#arate tried to bu' at t%e Rose P%ar#a!' a drug CPidol 0an appeti;er1L* but failed* so %e pro!eeded to 8M drug store but still (as not gi,en t%e drug) HERACLE@ offered to bu' t%e drug after being assured b' Ro#arate t%at t%ere (as not%ing to (orr' about) Ha,ing boug%t t%e drug* HERACLE@ !rossed t%e street to(ard %is !o#panions* but (as arrested b' <A?UIA+) Upon seeing t%e in!ident* Ro#arate* (it% a dra(n gun approa!%ed <A?UIA+ and ordered t%e latter to release HERACLE@) <A?UIA+ (as %and!uffed and Ro#arate t%en (ent to(ard "UAI* po&ed a gun at %i#* and fris&ed %i# for (eapons) A gun tu!&ed in "UAIEs (aist (as !onfis!ated b' Ro#arate) "UAI and <A?UIA+ (ere broug%t to t%e residen!e of HERACLE@* (%ere <RE<@R9@ (at!%ed Ro#arate et) al) tie t%e %ands of "UAI and <A?UIA+ (it% (ires and gag t%eir #out%s (it% %and&er!%iefs to pre,ent t%e# fro# s%outing) HERACLE@ t%en left to pla' bas&etball) At 1=:== p)#)* <A?UIA+ and "UAI (ere broug%t near t%e ri,er (%ere Ro#arate* et) al) too& turns in repeatedl' stabbing t%e t(o) He !ould not run a(a' be!ause Ro#arateEs gun (as pointed at %i#) Ro#arate e,en ordered HERACLE@ to s%oot "UAI (%ose bod' (as t%ro(n into t%e ri,er) HERACLE@ onl' fired a s%ot into t%e air) Ro#arate t%en said t%at t%e ,i!ti#s (ere &illed be!ause t%e' (ere +PA #e#bers) After t%e in!ident* <RE<@R9@ and HERACLE@ still sa( ea!% ot%er (%ile Ro#arate et al) a,oided t%e#) @n 15 :ebruar' 166=* <RE<@R9@ and HERACLE@ surrendered to Poli!e @ffi!er Teodoro Paguidu!on) <RE<@R9@ !lai#: t%at during in,estigation* %e (as not infor#ed of %is rig%ts to !ounsel and to re#ain silent2 denied %a,ing ad#itted an' parti!ipation in t%e &illing HERACLE@ !lai#: no parti!ipation in t%e &illing of <A?UIA+ and "UAI2 !orroborated <RE<@R9@Hs testi#on' !on!erning t%e in!ident of 13 anuar' 166=) He !onfir#ed ,oluntaril' surrendered to t%e poli!e and e.e!ution of a s(orn state#ent at t%e residen!e of Att') Tan-ili on t%e latterEs pro#ise t%at t%e' (ould not be i#pli!ated in t%e !ri#e but* instead* be utili;ed as state (itnesses) T%eir stor' (as !orroborated b' Pedrita Manri/ue; and @ffi!er Teodoro Paguidu!on) C:9: ruled in fa,or of t%e prose!ution2 ad#itted in e,iden!e t%e e.traA-udi!ial !onfessions of HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@2 up%eld t%e ,alidit' of t%e (ai,er of t%eir rig%t to !ounsel sin!e it (as e.e!uted intelligentl' and ,oluntaril' in t%e presen!e of t%eir #ot%ers and Att') Tan-ili* and (it% full !o#pre%ension of t%e i#port* #eaning* and !onse/uen!es of (%at t%e' %ad signed2 suffi!ient e,iden!e s%o(ing t%at t%e t(o %ad a!ted in !on!ert (it% and C(illingl' follo(ed e,er' !o##and of Ro#arateC THUS !olle!ti,e responsibilit' of t%e !onspirators %ad been establis%ed) So t%at "UAI and <A?UIA+ !ouldnHt resist t%e atta!& and to a,oid ris& to t%e#sel,es* t%e !onspirators* ar#ed (it% &ni,es and a gun* tied t%e %ands of "UAI and <A?UIA+ and gagged t%eir #out%s !onstituting trea!%er' and abuse of superior strengt%2 !lai# of HERACLE@ and <RE<@R9@ onl' an aftert%oug%t t%at t%e' (ere onl' (itnesses to t%e !ri#e and %ad no part in t%e deat% of t%e ,i!ti#s <U9LTI @: !ri#e of Murder2 senten!ed to a penalt' of reclusion perpetua Ma' 17* 1668: <RE<@R9@ appealed but HERACLE@ didnHt <RE<@R9@Hs CLA9M: oral ad#ission and e.traA-udi!ial !onfession %e ga,e before t%e poli!e aut%orities !anHt be used as e,iden!e against %i# be!ause
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%is (ai,er of %is rig%ts to re#ain silent and to !ounsel during !ustodial (as not #ade &no(ingl'* ,oluntaril'* and intelligentl' sin!e: 1) t%e s(orn state#ent (as (ritten in Englis% and no proof t%at t%e preli#inar' /uestions and ans(ers (ere translated to Bisa'anACebuano diale!t 0%is diale!t1 3) no proof t%at %e* t%en onl' 1> 'ears old and a 4t% grader* !learl' understood t%e i#port and !onse/uen!es of t%e (ai,er (%i!% (as C!ou!%ed in broad and general ter#sC 3) t%e s(orn state#ent related onl' to %is alleged disinterest to be represented b' a !ounsel but not an agree#ent to #a&e a !onfession of t%e !ri#e (it% (%i!% %e (as !%arged 4) e.e!uted t%e s(orn state#ent not &no(ing t%at an e.traA-udi!ial !onfession (as atta!%ed 8) t%e presen!e of %is #ot%er during t%e signing of t%e (ai,er did not guarantee t%at %e did so ,oluntaril' and intelligentl' Also denies e.isten!e of a !onspira!' sin!e %e onl' Kdutifull' follo(edL t%e orders of Ro#aratee sin!e latter (as a poli!e offi!er and ar#ed2 e.traA-udi!ial !onfession (as sole basis for RTCHs !on,i!tion t%at !onspira!' e.isted disregarding rule t%at independent e,iden!e and proof be'ond reasonable doubt are re/uired in order to establis% a !onspira!') ISSUE9 0a(i it* of the wai0er an eGtra?<+ icia( confession eGec+te 8* HREHORIO RULINH9 Se!tion 13 paragrap% 9* Arti!le 999 of Constitution: An' person under in,estigation for t%e !o##ission of an offense s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to be infor#ed of %is rig%t to re#ain silent and to %a,e !o#petent and independent !ounsel preferabl' of %is o(n !%oi!e) 9f t%e person !annot afford t%e ser,i!es of !ounsel* %e #ust be pro,ided (it% one) T%ere rig%ts !annot be (ai,ed e.!ept in (riting and in t%e presen!e of t%e !ounsel o Reinfor!ed b' R)A) +o) 543> @neEs rig%t to be infor#ed of t%e rig%t to re#ain silent and to !ounsel RE:ERS T@ trans#ission of #eaningful infor#ation rat%er t%an -ust t%e !ere#onial and perfun!tor' re!itation of an abstra!t !onstitutional prin!iple not enoug% for t%e interrogator to #erel' repeat to t%e person under in,estigation t%e pro,isions of Se!tion 13* Arti!le 999 of t%e 16>5 Constitution ?UT REGU9RE" THAT interrogator e.plain t%e effe!ts of su!% pro,ision in pra!ti!al ter#s 0e)g)* (%at t%e person under interrogation #a' or #a' not do1 in a language t%e detainee understands o Rig%t to be infor#ed CARR9ES a !orrelati,e obligation on t%e part of t%e poli!e in,estigator to e.plain 0in,ol,es effe!ti,e !o##uni!ation to result to sub-e!tEs understanding of (%at is !on,e'ed1 4) Poli!e lineAup
C@MPREHES9@+ 9S THE <@AL t%us* degree of e.planation re/uired (ill ne!essaril' ,ar' and depend on t%e edu!ation* intelligen!e* and ot%er rele,ant personal !ir!u#stan!es of t%e person undergoing in,estigation o T@ E+SURE rig%t to !ounsel not enoug% t%at t%e sub-e!t is infor#ed of su!% rig%t REGU9RE" t%at %e be as&ed if %e (ants to a,ail of t%e sa#e and s%ould be told t%at %e !ould as& for !ounsel if %e so desired or t%at one !ould be pro,ided %i# at %is re/uest A+" 9f %e de!ides not to retain a !ounsel of %is !%oi!e or a,ail of one to be pro,ided for %i# t%us !%oosing to (ai,e %is rig%t to !ounsel THE WA9BER to be ,alid and effe!ti,e: #ade (it% assistan!e of !ounsel 0la('er1 9+ TH9S CASE* !onstitutional rig%ts of <RE<@R9@ (ere ,iolated o re!ords s%o( t%at t%e do!u#ent of Wai,er signed b' <RE<@R9@ (as prepared on 5 :ebruar' 166= but (as subs!ribed and s(orn to on 16 :ebruar' 166= before Asst) Cit' Prose!utor o,er t%e signature of Att') Ridge(a' Tan-ili* t%e follo(ing (ords (ere t'ped: C 8eclarant assisted by counsel)C o 9n t%e Wai,er* CLEAR t%at no #eaningful infor#ation as to %is rig%ts under !ustodial interrogation (as !on,e'ed to <RE<@R9@ not as&ed if %e (anted to a,ail of %is rig%ts +@R (as %e infor#ed t%at if %e %ad no la('er of %is o(n !%oi!e %e !ould a,ail of one to be appointed for %i# o ALS@* t%e (ai,er states t%at %e does not (ant t%e assistan!e of !ounsel and (as not s%o(n t%at %e agreed to be assisted b' Att') Tan-ili 0(%o based on %is testi#on' %ad a !a,alier attitude and ga,e insuffi!ient assistan!e e.planation of !onstitutional rig%ts during !ustodial interrogation and effe!ts of t%e (ai,erU+SAT9S:ACT@RI1 Att') Tan-ili also ad#itted during !rossAe.a#ination t%at <RE<@R9@ and HERACLE@ agreed to !onfess be!ause of t%e pro#ise t%at t%e' (ould turn state (itnesses ?ECAUSE (ai,er of <RE<@R9@ (as intrinsi!all' fla(ed THUS null and ,oid e.tra-udi!ial !onfession is inad#issible in e,iden!e o ?UT t%e +ULL9TI of (ai,er and t%e e.purgation of t%e e.tra-udi!ial !onfession do not absol,e <RE<@R9@ fro# an' !ri#inal responsibilit' S9+CE e,iden!e suffi!ientl' pro,ed t%at a!!used !onspired toget%er to &ill "UAI and <A?UIA+ and t%at <RE<@R9@ and (ere not #ere (itnesses to t%e a!ts of t%e ot%ers <RE<@R9@ #ateriall' !ontributed to t%e !onspira!' D NA%ARRO o
#RISTO!@ER HA"5OA6 0s 7UDHE ALFREDO #RUQ6 of the #FI of "ani(a6 PA"9LLA* ) une 35* 16>> @n 14 ul' 16>=* instead of presenting %is defense* petitioner #anifested t%at FA#TS9 %e (as filing a Motion to A!/uit or "e#urrer to E,iden!e) Petitioner filed said @n ul' 1656* at 5:==a#* C%ristop%er <a#boa (as arrested for ,agran!'* Motion predi!ated on t%e ground t%at t%e lineAup* (it%out noti!e to and in t%e (it%out a (arrant of arrest* b' Patrol#an Arturo Palen!ia) He (as broug%t to absen!e of %is !ounsel* ,iolated %is !onstitutional rig%ts to !ounsel and to due Pre!in!t 3* Manila* (%ere %e (as boo&ed for ,agran!' and t%en detained (it% pro!ess) se,eral ot%ers) @n 33 @!tober 16>=* t%e respondent !ourt issued t%e follo(ing order den'ing T%e follo(ing da'* during t%e lineup of fi,e 081 detainees* in!luding petitioner* t%e Motion to A!/uit* %en!e t%is !ase) !o#plainant Erlinda ?) ?ernal pointed to petitioner and said* Ct%at one is a !o#panion)C After t%e identifi!ation* t%e ot%er detainees (ere broug%t ba!& to ISSUE9 W@+ <a#boaHs rig%ts to !ounsel and to due pro!ess (ere ,iolatedR t%eir !ell but petitioner (as ordered to sta' on) W%ile t%e !o#plainant (as being interrogated b' t%e poli!e in,estigator* petitioner (as told to sit do(n in DE#ISION9 +o* t%ere (as no ,iolation) front of %er) @ELD9 @n 33 ul' 1656* an infor#ation for robber' (as filed against t%e petitioner) Petitioner (as arraigned and %earings (ere %eld) @n 3 April 16>=* t%e prose!ution for#all' offered its e,iden!e and t%en rested its !ase) T%e rig%ts to !ounsel and to due pro!ess of la( are t(o funda#ental rig%ts guaranteed b' t%e bot% t%e 1653 and 16>5 Constitution) T%e rig%t to !ounsel atta!%es upon t%e start of an in,estigation* i)e) (%en t%e in,estigating offi!er starts to as& /uestions to eli!it infor#ation* !onfessions or
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ad#issions fro# t%e a!!used) At su!% stage* t%e person being interrogated #ust be assisted b' !ounsel to a,oid t%e #ali!ious pra!ti!e of e.torting false or !oer!ed ad#issions or !onfessions fro# t%e person undergoing interrogation* for t%e !o##ission of an offense) An' person under in,estigation #ust be assisted b' !ounsel) T%e pro,isions of t%e Constitution are !lear2 t%e' lea,e no roo# for a#biguit') 9n se,eral !ases* t%is Court %as !onsistentl' %eld t%at no !ustodial in,estigation s%all be !ondu!ted unless done in t%e presen!e of !ounsel* engaged b' t%e a!!used* or b' an' person in %is be%alf* or appointed b' t%e !ourt upon petition eit%er of t%e detainee %i#self* or b' an'one in %is be%alf) W%ile t%e rig%t #a' be (ai,ed* t%e (ai,er s%all not be ,alid unless #ade in (riting and in t%e presen!e of !ounsel) Ho(e,er* in t%is !ase* t%e poli!e lineAup (as not part of t%e !ustodial in/uest) Hen!e* at t%at stage* petitioner (as not 'et entitled to !ounsel) T%e poli!e lineAup is not a part of t%e !ustodial in/uest* %en!e* %e (as not 'et entitled to !ounsel) W%en t%e pro!ess %ad not 'et s%ifted fro# t%e in,estigator' to t%e a!!usator' stage as (%en poli!e in,estigation does not eli!it a !onfession* t%e a!!used #a' not 'et a,ail of t%e ser,i!es of %is la('er) Sin!e petitioner* in t%e !ourse of t%e lineAup* %ad not 'et been %eld to ans(er for a !ri#inal offense* %e (as* t%erefore* not depri,ed of %is rig%t to be assisted b' !ounsel be!ause t%e a!!usator' pro!ess %ad not 'et set in) T%e poli!e !ould not %a,e ,iolated petitionerEs rig%t to !ounsel sin!e it %ad not a!!rued as t%e !onfrontation bet(een t%e State and %i# %ad not begun) 9n fa!t* (%en %e (as 9dentified in t%e poli!e lineAup b' !o#plainant %e did not gi,e an' state#ent to t%e poli!e) He (as* t%erefore* not interrogated at all as %e (as not fa!ing a !ri#inal !%arge) :ar fro# (%at %e professes* t%e poli!e did not* at t%at stage* e.a!t a !onfession to be used against %i#) :or it (as not %e but t%e !o#plainant (%o (as being in,estigated at t%at ti#e) He C(as ordered to sit do(n in front of t%e !o#plainant (%ile t%e latter (as being in,estigatedC) T%e P%ilippine Constitutions go fart%er and be'ond t%e guarantee of t%e rig%t to !ounsel under t%e Si.t% and :ourteent% A#end#ents to t%e U)S) Constitution) Under t%e latter* t%e rig%t to !ounsel Catta!%es onl' at or after t%e ti#e t%at ad,ersar' -udi!ial pro!eedings %a,e been initiated against t%e a!!used*C under t%e 1653 and 16>5 P%ilippine Constitutions* t%e rig%t to !ounsel atta!%es at t%e start of in,estigation against a respondent and* t%erefore* e,en before ad,ersar' -udi!ial pro!eedings %a,e begun) W%ile t%e Court finds no real need to afford a suspe!t t%e ser,i!es of !ounsel during a poli!e lineAup* fro# t%e #o#ent t%ere is an' #o,e of t%e in,estigators to eli!it ad#issions* !onfessions or e,en plain infor#ation (%i!% #a' appear inno!ent or inno!uous* fro# said suspe!t* %e s%ould t%en and t%ere be assisted b' !ounsel* unless %e (ai,es t%e rig%t 0but t%e (ai,er s%all be #ade in (riting and in t%e presen!e of !ounsel)1 Regarding due pro!ess* t%e Court finds t%at petitioner (as not depri,ed of t%is substanti,e and !onstitutional rig%t* as %e (as dul' represented b' a #e#ber of t%e ?ar) He (as a!!orded all t%e opportunities to be %eard and to present e,iden!e to substantiate %is defense2 onl' t%at %e !%ose not to* and instead opted to file a Motion to A!/uit after t%e prose!ution %ad rested its !ase)
The )etition is DIS"ISSED. CRUS* )* !on!urring: 9 !on!ur be!ause it does not appear fro# t%e narration of t%e fa!ts in t%is !ase t%at i#proper suggestions (ere #ade b' t%e poli!e to influen!e t%e (itnesses in t%e 9dentifi!ation of t%e a!!used) IAP* C) )* "issenting 9 do not agree (it% t%e ,ie( t%at sin!e t%e a!!used (as not as&ed an' /uestion* %e (as not Cunder in,estigation)C T%e in,estigation !o##en!ed t%e #o#ent %e (as ta&en fro# t%e poli!e lineAup and #ade to sit in front of t%e !o#plainant* (%ile t%e latter #ade %er state#ent to t%e poli!e) T%e rig%t to !ounsel #ust be afforded to t%e a!!used t%e #o#ent %e is under !ustodial in,estigation* and not onl' (%en a !onfession is being e.a!ted fro# %i#) SARM9E+T@* )* dissenting: 9t is #' ,ie(* gi,en t%e parti!ular !ir!u#stan!es of t%is !ase* t%at petitioner (as entitled to !ounsel) T%e a!!used (as alread' in !ustod' at t%e ti#e) Alt%oug% %e (as detained for ,agran!'* it left %i# no !%oi!e ot%er t%an to fa!e %is a!!user after t%e line up) 9t !annot be t%en denied t%at as far as %e (as !on!erned* t%e situation %ad rea!%ed (%at A#eri!an -urispruden!e refers to as t%e C!riti!al stageC of t%e in/uir'* in (%i!% t%e !onfrontation be!o#es an a!!usation rat%er t%an a routine pro!edure preli#inar' to a for#al prose!ution) He (as in !ustod' not for t%e Cusual /uestioningC but for an e.isting !%arge* alt%oug% t%e in,estigation (as in !onne!tion (it% anot%er offense) T%e !onfrontation* e.a!erbated b' t%e pressure of a!tual !ustod'* %ad be!o#e ad,ersarial rat%er t%an infor#ational* and t%e assistan!e of !ounsel to t%e a!!used (as ne!essar') T%e a!!used (as #ade to !onfront t%e !o#plainant in an interrogation follo(ing t%e lineAup) 9t is #' belief t%at* t%e subse/uent !onfrontation %ad reinfor!ed %is need for legal assistan!e) He (as an un(illing audien!e to %is a!!user) 9t is in su!% !onfrontations t%at t%e #ore /uestions are as&ed* t%e #ore !on,in!ed is t%e !o#plainant of t%e a!!usedEs guilt* and in e.tre#e !ases* t%e better C!on,in!edC is t%e a!!used %i#self t%at %e is trul' guilt') T%e presen!e of !ounsel (ould %a,e ob,iated t%e oneAsidedness of t%e in,estigation) To #' #ind* t%e a!!used %erein (as not onl' denied t%e rig%t to !ounsel* %e (as depri,ed of due pro!ess t%e da' %e (as arrested) He (as not apprised of %is rig%ts (%en %e (as appre%ended for ,agran!') T%e ne.t da'* %e (as pla!ed in a lineAup in a !o#plaint for robber') To #' #ind* %e (as a read'#ade suspe!t for an offense in (%i!% no probable !ause e.isted to (arrant a !ustodial interrogation) W%ile it is true t%at %e (as not denied t%e rig%t to present %is defense* it does not !ure t%e defe!t surrounding %is arrest* or #a&e ad#issible (%ate,er e,iden!e gat%ered in t%e !ourse of t%e !onfrontation and in,estigation) T%e resulting unfairness %as depri,ed %i# of t%e opportunit' to prepare a #eaningful defense)
US 0. /ADE ) ?rennan Argued :ebruar' 17* 1675 "e!ided une 13* 1675 FA#TS9 A federall' insured ban& in Eusta!e** (as robbed on Septe#ber 31* 1674) A #an (it% a s#all strip of tape on ea!% side of %is fa!e entered t%e ban&* pointed a pistol at t%e fe#ale !as%ier and t%e ,i!eApresident* t%e onl' persons in t%e ban& at t%e ti#e* and for!ed t%e# to fill a pillo(!ase (it% t%e ban&Es #one') T%e #an t%en dro,e a(a' (it% an a!!o#pli!e in a stolen !ar) @n Mar!% 33* 1678* an indi!t#ent (as returned against respondent* Wade* and t(o ot%ers for !onspiring to rob t%e ban&* and against Wade and t%e a!!o#pli!e for t%e robber' itself) Wade (as arrested on April 3* and !ounsel (as appointed to represent %i# on April 37) :ifteen da's later* an :?9 agent* (it%out noti!e to WadeEs la('er* arranged to %a,e t%e t(o ban& e#plo'ees obser,e a lineup #ade up of Wade and fi,e or si. ot%er prisoners and !ondu!ted in a !ourtroo# of t%e lo!al !ount' !ourt%ouse) Ea!% person in t%e line (ore strips of tape su!% as allegedl' (orn b' t%e robber* and* upon dire!tion* ea!% said so#et%ing li&e Cput t%e #one' in t%e bag*C t%e (ords allegedl' uttered b' t%e robber) ?ot% ban& e#plo'ees identified Wade in t%e lineup as t%e ban& robber)
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At t%e trial* (%en as&ed if t%e robber (as in t%e !ourtroo#* t%e' identified respondent) T%e prior lineup identifi!ations (ere eli!ited on !rossAe.a#ination) Urging t%at t%e !ondu!t of t%e lineup ,iolated %is :ift% A#end#ent pri,ilege against selfAin!ri#ination and %is Si.t% A#end#ent rig%t to !ounsel* respondent filed a #otion for -udg#ent of a!/uittal or* alternati,el'* to stri&e t%e !ourtroo# identifi!ations) T%e trial !ourt denied t%e #otions* and respondent (as !on,i!ted) T%e Court of Appeals re,ersed* %olding t%at* t%oug% t%ere (as no :ift% A#end#ent depri,ation* t%e absen!e of !ounsel at t%e lineup denied respondent %is rig%t to !ounsel under t%e Si.t% A#end#ent and re/uired t%e grant of a ne( trial at (%i!% t%e inA!ourt identifi!ations of t%ose (%o %ad #ade lineup identifi!ations (ould be e.!luded) ISSUE9 W@+ !ourtroo# identifi!ations of an a!!used at trial are to be e.!luded fro# e,iden!e be!ause t%e a!!used (as e.%ibited to t%e (itnesses before trial at a post indi!t#ent lineup !ondu!ted for identifi!ation purposes (it%out noti!e to and in t%e absen!e of a!!usedHs appointed !ounsel DE#ISION9 No. #A <+ -ment re0erse an case is reman e to (ower co+rt. @ELD9 +@) +eit%er t%e lineup itself nor an't%ing re/uired t%erein ,iolated respondentHs :ift% A#end#ent pri,ilege against selfAin!ri#ination sin!e #erel' e.%ibiting %is person for obser,ation b' (itnesses and using %is ,oi!e as an identif'ing p%'si!al !%ara!teristi! in,ol,ed no !o#pulsion of t%e a!!used to gi,e e,iden!e of a testi#onial nature against %i#self (%i!% is pro%ibited b' t%e A#end#ent) T%e Si.t% A#end#ent guarantees an a!!used t%e rig%t to !ounsel not onl' at %is trial but at an' !riti!al !onfrontation b' t%e prose!ution at pretrial pro!eedings (%ere t%e results #ig%t (ell deter#ine %is fate and (%ere t%e absen!e of !ounsel #ig%t derogate fro# %is rig%t to a fair trial) T%e prin!iple of (owell v. *labama and su!!eeding !ases re/uires t%at (e s!rutini;e an' pretrial !onfrontation of t%e a!!used to deter#ine (%et%er t%e
presen!e of %is !ounsel is ne!essar' to preser,e t%e defendantEs basi! rig%t to a fair trial as affe!ted b' %is rig%t #eaningfull' to !rossAe.a#ine t%e (itnesses against %i# and to %a,e effe!ti,e assistan!e of !ounsel at t%e trial itself) T%e post indi!t#ent lineup 0unli&e su!% preparator' steps as anal';ing fingerprints and blood sa#ples1 (as a !riti!al prose!uti,e stage at (%i!% respondent (as entitled to t%e aid of !ounsel) T%ere is a great possibilit' of unfairness to t%e a!!used at t%at point* be!ause of t%e #anner in (%i!% !onfrontations for identifi!ation are fre/uentl' !ondu!ted* be!ause of dangers in%erent in e'e(itness identifi!ation and suggestibilit' in%erent in t%e !onte.t of t%e !onfrontations* and be!ause of t%e li&eli%ood t%at t%e a!!used (ill often be pre!luded fro# re!onstru!ting (%at o!!urred and t%ereb' obtaining a full %earing on t%e identifi!ation issue at trial) T%is !ase illustrates t%e potential for i#proper influen!e on (itnesses t%roug% t%e lineup pro!edure* sin!e t%e ban& e#plo'ees (ere allo(ed to see respondent in t%e !ustod' of :?9 agents before t%e lineup began) T%e presen!e of !ounsel at t%e lineup (ill signifi!antl' pro#ote fairness at t%e !onfrontation and a full %earing at trial on t%e issue of identifi!ation) T%e proper test for ad#issibilit' of e,iden!e obtained t%roug% lineup identifi!ation (it%out presen!e of !ounsel is (%et%er* granting establis%#ent of t%e pri#ar' illegalit'* t%e e,iden!e to (%i!% instant ob-e!tion is #ade %as been !o#e at b' e.ploitation of t%at illegalit' or instead b' #eans suffi!ientl' distinguis%able to be purged of t%e pri#ar' taint) MWong Sun ,) USN 9n !ourt identifi!ation b' a (itness to (%o# t%e a!!used (as e.%ibited before trial in t%e absen!e of !ounsel #ust be e.!luded unless it !an be establis%ed t%at su!% e,iden!e %ad an independent origin or t%at error in its ad#ission (as %ar#less) Sin!e it is not !lear t%at t%e CA applied t%e pres!ribed rule of e.!lusion* and sin!e t%e nature of t%e inA!ourt identifi!ation %ere (as not an issue in t%e trial and !annot be deter#ined on t%e re!ord* t%e !ase #ust be re#anded to t%e "istri!t Court for resolution of t%ese issues)
!eo)(e 0. !a0i((are 22BBB4 !er #+riam FA#TS9 Pri,ate !o#plainant Su&%-inder Sing%* an 9ndian national* testified in !ourt t%at around noon of :eb) 13* 1667 (%ile %e (as on %is (a' ba!& to %is #otor!'!le par&ed at t%e !orner of S!out Re'es and Ro!es A,enue* t%ree #en blo!&ed %is (a') T%e one dire!tl' in front of %i#* (%o# %e later identified as %erein a!!usedAappellant* a!!used %i# of %a,ing raped t%eir (o#an !o#panion) Sing% denied t%e a!!usation* but t%e t%ree #en for!ed %i# inside t%e !ab and t%ere beat %i# up and de#anded P1== === for %is release) Pa,illare for!ed %i# to gi,e t%e p%one nu#bers of %is relati,es fro# (%o# t%e' !ould de#and t%e #one') A!!ording to Sing%* it (as Pa,illare (%o %aggled o,er t%e p%one (it% t%e for#erHs !ousin* La&%,ir Sing%* for t%e a#ount of ranso# #one'* until t%e a#ount of P38 === (as agreed upon) Later on* Sing% sa( %is un!le and !ousin enter a #iniAgro!er' (it% t%e &idnappers) Sing% (as li&e(ise broug%t inside) La&%,ir %anded t%e #one' to Pa,illare (%o !ounted it before lea,ing (it% %is !o#panions) Sing%Hs !ousin La&%,ir li&e(ise identified t%at it (as Pa,illare (%o as&ed %i# KAno dala #o na ang peraRL and t%at it (as %e (%o re!ei,ed t%e #one' and !ounted it before lea,ing) SP@1 Eduardo :rias testified for t%e prose!ution t%at %e as %e poli!e offi!er (%o too& t%e s(orn state#ent of t%e pri,ate !o#plainant t(o da's after t%e in!ident* and t%at on Mar!% 11* 1667 0al#ost a #ont% after t%e in!ident1 pri,ate !o#plainant identified t%e a!!usedAappellant at t%e poli!e station as one of %is &idnappers) A!!usedAappellant denied being at t%e s!ene of t%e !ri#e* and !lai#ed t%at %e (as at t%e ti#e in +o,ali!%es (%ere %e %ad !ontra!ted to build t%e %ouse of a !lient) TC found a!!usedAappellant guilt' be'ond reasonable doubt of t%e !ri#e of &idnapping for ranso# and senten!ed %i# to suffer t%e deat% penalt') Hen!e t%e auto#ati! re,ie( b' SC) Pa,illare pra's for a!/uittal based on reasonable doubt) He i#putes error on t%e identifi!ation #ade b' pri,ate !o#plainant: 1) Pa,illare #a&es #u!% of t%e alleged in!onsisten!ies bet(een !o#plainantHs testi#on' in !ourt 0Ks%ort* be-e(eled and po!&#ar&ed fa!eL1 and %is s(orn affida,it 0Ktall* a little bit agedL1 as regards t%e p%'si!al des!ription of t%e abdu!tors) Also* %e points out t%at t%e s(orn state#ent does not !ontain a p%'si!al des!ription of t%e &idnappers) Pa,illare t%us !on!ludes t%at !o#plainant !ould not identif' %is abdu!tors) 3) T%at it (as :rias (%o pinpointed to !o#plainant t%at Pa,illare (as one of t%e abdu!tors* sin!e :rias first pointed to Pa,illare and !on,ersed (it% t%e !o#plainant before as&ing t%e latter to identif' t%e &idnappers fro# t%e poli!e lineup) 3) T%at %e (as appre%ended in !onne!tion (it% t%e &idnapping of anot%er 9ndian national* and t%at %e (as supposedl' identified b' t%e pri,ate !o#plainant in a poli!e lineAup as one of t%e lattersH abdu!tors onl' be!ause t%e 9ndians needed a s!apegoat for t%e ot%er four !ases of &idnapping of 9ndian nationals t%en pending) T%at %is arrest in !onne!tion (it% a different !ase for t%e &idnapping of anot%er 9ndian national pro,ided t%e !o#plainant an i#proper suggestion t%at %e (as one of t%e latterHs abdu!tors) 4) T%at !o#plainant (as depri,ed of an' reliable re!olle!tion of %is !aptors sin!e t%e !o#plainant (as %eld !apti,e onl' for about t(o %ours and t%ere (as an inter,al of al#ost one #ont% fro# t%e da' of t%e in!ident up to t%e ti#e Pa,illare (as identified at t%e poli!e lineup) 8) T%at t%e i#proper identifi!ation of Pa,illare at t%e poli!e lineup (it%out t%e assistan!e of !ounsel renders t%e said identifi!ation inad#issible in e,iden!e)
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ISSUE9 WP+ t%ere (as i#proper identifi!ation of Pa,illare at t%e poli!e lineup suffi!ient to a!/uit t%e latter based on reasonable doubt) $+@) Con,i!tion affir#ed) @ELD9 1) T%e !ited ,arian!e bet(een !o#plainantHs testi#on' in !ourt and %is affida,it pertains to a #ere #inor detail) Co#plainant and :rias bot% testified t%at !o#plainant ga,e a p%'si!al des!ription of t%e abdu!tors (%ile t%e poli!e t'ped %is affida,it) W%' no su!% des!ription is stated in t%e affida,it (as e.plained b' :rias (%en %e testified t%at said des!ription (as entered in t%e poli!e logboo&) T%e defense ne,er re/uired :rias to produ!e t%e logboo& to as!ertain (%et%er su!% des!ription (as gi,en during t%e in,estigation) 3) Pa,illareHs argu#ent t%at %e (as identified on a!!ount of t%e i#proper suggestion #ade b' offi!er :rias (as un!orroborated) T%e defense did not present an' e,iden!e to support su!% allegation) E,en (%en t%e TC suggested t%at t%e defense #a' !all :rias to t%e (itness stand apparentl' to gi,e t%e defense a !%an!e to pro,e its allegations* t%e defense !ounsel ne,er !alled :rias to t%e stand) 3) T%ere (as neit%er an' !o#petent proof presented to establis% t%at Pa,illare (as identified onl' as a s!apegoat for t%e ot%er &idnapping !ases against ot%er 9ndian nationals) 4) TC did not err in gi,ing !reden!e to t%e identifi!ation #ade b' !o#plainant and %is !ousin) ?ot% (itnesses %ad a#ple opportunit' to obser,e t%e &idnappers and to re#e#ber t%eir fa!es) T%e !o#plainant %ad !lose !onta!t (it% t%e &idnappers (%en %e (as abdu!ted and beaten up) Co#plainantHs !ousin #et Pa,illare fa!e to fa!e (%en t%e for#er paid t%e ranso# #one') T%e t(oA%our period (as suffi!ient for 8) 7) Proof of ,oluntariness of !onfession2 burden on prose!ution E.!eptional !ases of un!ounseled !onfessions not %eld to be e.!luded
!o#plainant to re!all %is abdu!tors) Co#plainant re!ogni;ed Pa,illare in !ourt as one (%o blo!&ed %is (a'* beat %i# up* %aggled (it% t%e !ousin* and re!ei,ed t%e ranso# #one') As an indi!iu# of !andor* t%e !o#plainant ad#itted t%at %e does not re!ogni;ed Pa,illareHs !oA a!!used* Santos* for (%i!% reason t%e !ase (as dis#issed against t%e latter) 8) T%e pro%ibition for !ustodial in,estigation !ondu!ted (it%out t%e assistan!e of !ounsel does not e.tend to a person in a poli!e lineup be!ause t%at stage of in,estigation is not 'et part of t%e !ustodial in,estigation) Custodial in,estigation !o##en!es (%en a person is ta&en into !ustod' and is singled out as a suspe!t in t%e !o##ission of t%e !ri#e and t%e poli!e offi!ers as& /uestions on t%e suspe!tHs parti!ipation t%erein and (%i!% tend to eli!it an ad#ission) T%e stage of in,estigation (%erein a person is as&ed to stand in a poli!e lineup in,ol,es a general in/uir' and is purel' in,estigator' in nature* %en!e outside t%e #antle of prote!tion of t%e rig%t to !ounsel) @t%er issue: Pa,illare !ontends t%at %e s%ould %a,e been !on,i!ted of si#ple robber' instead of &idnapping (it% ranso#* sin!e %e and %is !o#panions (ere #oti,ated b' an intent to gain and not to depri,e !o#plainant of %is libert'* and t%at t%e #one' de#anded (as not ranso# #one' but a bribe to drop t%e a!!usation of rape of t%eir !o#panion) Court did not sustain t%e argu#ent) 9t (as e,ident fro# t%e re!ord t%at Pa,illare and %is !o#panions de#anded #one' in e.!%ange for !o#plainantHs libert') T%e duration of t%e detention e,en if onl' for a fe( %ours does not alter t%e nature of t%e !ri#e !o##itted) "e!ision: Con,i!tion affir#ed2 penalt' of deat% i#posed) AAn-a Guitain
RIH@TS AND RE"EDIES A) Rig%ts of persons under arrest SEE C@+ST9 ART 999 SEC 13 @+ PA<E R@C RULE 113 Se!) 14) Rig%t of attorne' or relati,e to ,isit person arrested) $ An' #e#ber of t%e P%ilippine ?ar s%all* at t%e re/uest of t%e person arrested or of anot%er a!ting in %is be%alf* %a,e t%e rig%t to ,isit and !onfer pri,atel' (it% su!% person in t%e -ail or an' ot%er pla!e of !ustod' at an' %our of t%e da' or nig%t) Sub-e!t to reasonable regulations* a relati,e of t%e person arrested !an also!ise t%e sa#e rig%t) SEE RA 543> SEC 3 @+ PA<E !EO!LE % RA"OS A @annah "arC+eJ !EO!LE % HALIT SEE !AHE 21 5. Reme ies
#ONSTI ART III Section 1&. 011 +o person s%all be %eld to ans(er for a !ri#inal offense (it%out due pro!ess of la() 031 9n all !ri#inal prose!utions* t%e a!!used s%all be presu#ed inno!ent until t%e !ontrar' is pro,ed* and s%all en-o' t%e rig%t to be %eard b' %i#self and !ounsel* to be infor#ed of t%e nature and !ause of t%e a!!usation against %i#* to %a,e a speed'* i#partial* and publi! trial* to #eet t%e (itnesses fa!e to fa!e* and to %a,e !o#pulsor' pro!ess to se!ure t%e attendan!e of (itnesses and t%e produ!tion of e,iden!e in %is be%alf) Ho(e,er* after arraign#ent* trial #a' pro!eed not(it%standing t%e absen!e of t%e a!!used: Pro,ided* t%at %e %as been dul' notified and %is failure to appear is un-ustifiable) RULES ON 7U%ENILLES IN #ONFLI#T /IT@ LA/ Se!) 18) Re!ogni;an!e)$ ?efore final !on,i!tion* all -u,eniles !%arged (it% offenses falling under t%e Re,ised Rule on Su##ar' Pro!edure s%all be released on re!ogni;an!e to t%e !ustod' of t%eir parents or ot%er suitable person (%o s%all be responsible for t%e -u,enilesH appearan!e in !ourt (%ene,er re/uired) Se!) 17) W%en ?ail a Matter of Rig%t)$ All -u,eniles in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( s%all be ad#itted to bail as a #atter of rig%t before final !on,i!tion of an offense not punis%able b' deat%* re!lusion perpetua or life i#prison#ent) 9n t%e e,ent t%e -u,enile !annot post bail for la!& of finan!ial resour!es* t%e :a#il' Court s%all !o##it t%e -u,enile pursuant to Se!tion 1> of t%is Rule) Ho(e,er* (%ere t%e -u,enile does not pose a t%reat to publi! safet'* t%e :a#il' Court #a'* #otu proprio or upon #otion and re!o##endation of t%e "SW"* release t%e -u,enile on re!ogni;an!e to t%e !ustod' of %is parents or ot%er responsible person)
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Se!) 15) W%en ?ail +ot A Matter of Rig%t)$ +o -u,enile !%arged (it% an offense punis%able b' deat%* re!lusion perpetua or life i#prison#ent s%all be ad#itted to bail (%en e,iden!e of guilt is strong) 7U%ENILE 7USTI#E AND /ELFARE A#T SEC) 34) ?ail) A :or purposes of re!o##ending t%e a#ount of bail* t%e pri,ileged #itigating !ir!u#stan!e of #inorit' s%all be !onsidered) SEC) 38) Release on Re!ogni;an!e) A W%ere a !%ild is detained* t%e !ourt s%all order: 0a1 t%e release of t%e #inor on re!ogni;an!e to %isP%er parents and ot%er suitable person2 0b1 t%e release of t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( on bail2 or 0!1 t%e transfer of t%e #inor to a 'out% detention %o#eP'out% re%abilitation !enter) T%e !ourt s%all not order t%e detention of a !%ild in a -ail pending trial or %earing of %isP%er !ase) SEC) 37) "etention of t%e C%ild Pending Trial) A C%ildren detained pending trial #a' be released on bail or re!ogni;an!e as pro,ided for under Se!tions 34 and 38 under t%is A!t) 9n all ot%er !ases and (%ene,er possible* detention pending trial #a' be repla!ed b' alternati,e #easures* su!% as !lose super,ision* intensi,e !are or pla!e#ent (it% a fa#il' or in an edu!ational setting or %o#e) 9nstitutionali;ation or detention of t%e !%ild pending trial s%all be used onl' as a #easure of last resort and for t%e s%ortest possible period of ti#e) W%ene,er detention is ne!essar'* a !%ild (ill al(a's be detained in 'out% detention %o#es establis%ed b' lo!al go,ern#ents* pursuant to Se!tion > of t%e :a#il' Courts A!t* in t%e !it' or #uni!ipalit' (%ere t%e !%ild resides) 9n t%e absen!e of a 'out% detention %o#e* t%e !%ild in !onfli!t (it% t%e la( #a' be !o##itted to t%e !are of t%e "SW" or a lo!al re%abilitation !enter re!ogni;ed b' t%e go,ern#ent in t%e pro,in!e* !it' or #uni!ipalit' (it%in t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e !ourt) T%e !enter or agen!' !on!erned s%all be responsible for t%e !%ildEs appearan!e in !ourt (%ene,er re/uired) R@C $ RULE 114 Se!) 37) ?ail not a bar to ob-e!tions on illegal arrest* la!& of or irregular preli#inar' in,estigation) $ An appli!ation for or ad#ission to bail s%all not bar t%e a!!used fro# !%allenging t%e ,alidit' of %is arrest or t%e legalit' of t%e (arrant issued t%erefore* or fro# assailing t%e regularit' or /uestioning t%e absen!e of a preli#inar' in,estigation of t%e !%arge against %i#* pro,ided t%at %e raises t%e# before entering %is plea) T%e !ourt s%all resol,e t%e #atter as earl' as pra!ti!able but not later t%an t%e start of t%e trial of t%e !ase) !ara a 0. %eneracion 2133M4 Torres ,r.! ,. Facts Parada is a!!used of 4 !ounts of estafa* (%i!% (ere initiall' raffled to ?ran!% 3=* Manila RTC 0presided b' udge @rtile1) He is also dul' bonded (it% t%e Eastern Assuran!e and Suret' Corp) @!t) 33* 1663: Parada notified t%e said !ourt for#all' t%ru !ounsel of %is chan-e of a ress fro# ?uendia E.tension* Ma&ati to San 9sidro* Ma&ati) He li&e(ise notified t%e #anager of t%e bonding !o#pan' of %is !%ange of address) :eb) >* 1664: udge @rtile in%ibited %i#self fro# tr'ing t%e !ase (as reAraffled to t%e sala of 7+ -e %eneracion. T%e %earing for t%e !ase (as set for une 3* 7* 5 and >) T%e noti!e of %earing 0dated Apr) 351 (as sent to ParadaHs former a ress) :or %is failure to appear on une 3* udge Benera!ion ordered t%e arrest of Parada* ordered t%e !onfis!ation of t%e bond and a trial in absentia) T%e -udge li&e(ise assigned a !ounsel de ofi!io 0Att') Tiburan1) :urt%er#ore* a (arrant of arrest (as issued 6 with no 8ai( recommen e . une 7* 5* >: T%e Court issued orders noting t%e failure of Parada to appear and pro!eeded (it% t%e trial in absentia) T%e #otion of t%e !ounsel de ofi!io t%at defense be allo(ed to present e,iden!e upon ParadaHs arrest (as denied and furt%er %eld t%at t%e failure of t%e a!!used to appear is a (ai,er of %is rig%t to addu!e e,iden!e) +o,) 38* 1664: "e!ision (as rendered !on,i!ting Parada* and t%e de!ision (as pro#ulgated despite his absence. Parada (as arrested and broug%t to t%e Ma&ati Cit' ail) Parada filed a petition for Habeas Corpus* Certiorari and Annul#ent of udg#ent) CA: "e!lared t%e +o,) 38 de!ision null and ,oid and ordered t%e !ase to be re#anded for furt%er pro!eeding) !ara a9 Alleged t%at udge Benera!ion is guilt' of ignoran!e of t%e la( (%en %e did not follo( t%e legal re/uire#ents of a ,alid trial in absentia* t%at t%e order of %is arrest (it% no re!o##endation for bail (as erroneous* and udge Benera!ion abused %is aut%orit' (%en %e issued t%e une > order den'ing t%e #otion of %is !ounsel de ofi!io to allo( %i# to present %is e,iden!e upon %is arrest) 7+ -e %eneracion9 T%e !o#plaint is a plain %arass#ent suit2 t%e !%arges t%erein (ere denied be!ause t%e' are not based on t%e fa!ts and of t%e re!ords of t%e !ase 0a!ted (it% !o#passion be!ause t%e !o#plainants allegedl' borro(ed fro# loan s%ar&s t%e #one' gi,en to Parada12 and t%at %e a!ted in good fait%) Office of the #o+rt A ministrator: o T%e udgeHs general denial of allegations i#puted to %i# does not belie an' of t%e fa!ts (%i!% led to ParadaHs in!ar!eration) o Trial in absentia #a' pro!eed onl' if t%e a!!used failed to appear at t%e trial (it%out -ustifi!ation despite due noti!e) Here* Parada (as ne,er notified of an' %earing fro# t%e ti#e %e !%anged %is address up to pro#ulgation of t%e de!ision despite t%e fa!t t%at %e notified t%e !ourt and t%e bonding !o#pan') o udge Benera!ion denied Parada %is rig%t to due pro!ess (%en %e issued a (arrant of arrest (it% no bail re!o##ended) o REC@MME+"AT9@+: :9+E and a WAR+9+<)
Iss+es>@e( >Ratio 1) WP+ t%ere (as a ,alid trial in absentia) NO. T%e re/uisites of ,alid trial in absentia are: 011 t%e a!!used %as alread' been arraigned* 031 %e %as been dul' notified of t%e trial* and 031 %is failure to appear is un-ustifiable) 0Art) 999* Se!) 14)31 Here* 031 and 031 are (anting) Parada (as not notified be!ause t%e noti!e (as sent to t%e for#er address of ParadaHs !ounsel despite t%e fa!t t%at t%e latter for#all' notified t%e !ourt of %is !%ange of address W%ere a part' appears b' attorne' in a pro!eeding* all noti!es re/uired to be gi,en t%erein #ust be gi,en to t%e attorne' of re!ord) +oti!es to !ounsel s%ould be properl' sent to %is address of re!ord* and unless the counsel files a notice of change of address! %is offi!ial address re#ains to be t%e address of re!ord) HERE: ParadaHs !ounsel filed a noti!e of !%ange of address 0@!t) 16631) udge Benera!ion s%ould %a,e alread' ta&en !ogni;an!e of t%e ne( address) 9t (as un(arranted for %i# to still send t%e noti!e to t%e old address* and as su!%* t%e sending of noti!e (as an in,alid ser,i!e and !annot bind Parada)
"ue pro!ess in -udi!ial pro!eedings re/uires t%at t%e a!!used #ust be gi,en an opportunit' to be %eard) T%is rig%t !arries (it% it t%e rig%t to be notified of e,er' in!ident of t%e pro!eedings in !ourt) +oti!e is essential to enable t%e a!!used to addu!e %is o(n e,iden!e and to #eet and refute t%e e,iden!e of t%e ot%er part')
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WP+ udge Benera!ion (as !orre!t in issuing a (arrant (it% no bail re!o##ended) NO. T%e (arrant of arrest (it% no re!o##endation for bail is a ownri-ht 0io(ation of !ara aIs constit+tiona( ri-ht to 8ai(.
Unless !%arged (it% offenses punis%able b' re!lusion perpetua and t%e e,iden!e of guilt is strong* all persons detained* arrested or ot%er(ise under t%e !ustod' of t%e la( are entitled to bail as a #atter of rig%t) Estafa is a bailable offense udge Benera!ion e.%ibited t%at degree of ignoran!e so gross (%i!% t%e Court !an not !ountenan!e)
#. /RITS a. @A5EAS #OR!US RULE 1B2 Se!) 1) To (%at %abeas !orpus e.tends) A E.!ept as ot%er(ise e.pressl' pro,ided b' la(* t%e (rit of %abeas !orpus s%all e.tend to all !ases of illegal !onfine#ent or detention b' (%i!% an' person is depri,ed of %is libert'* or b' (%i!% t%e rig%tful !ustod' of an' person is (it%%eld fro# t%e person entitled t%ereto) Se!) 3) W%o #a' grant t%e (rit) A T%e (rit of %abeas !orpus #a' be granted b' t%e Supre#e Court* or an' #e#ber t%ereof* on an' da' and at an' ti#e* or b' t%e Court of Appeals or an' #e#ber t%ereof in t%e instan!es aut%ori;ed b' la(* and if so granted it s%all be enfor!eable an'(%ere in t%e P%ilippines* and #a' be #ade returnable before t%e !ourt or an' #e#ber t%ereof* or before t%e Court of :irst 9nstan!e* or an' -udge t%ereof for t%e %earing and de!ision on t%e #erits) 9t #a' also be granted b' a Court of :irst 9nstan!e* or a -udge t%ereof* on an' da' and at an' ti#e* and returnable before %i#self* enfor!eable onl' (it%in %is -udi!ial distri!t) Se!) 3) Re/uisites of appli!ation t%erefor) A Appli!ation for t%e (rit s%all be b' petition signed and ,erified eit%er b' t%e part' for (%ose relief it is intended* or b' so#e person on %is be%alf* and s%all set fort%: 0a1 T%at t%e person in (%ose be%alf t%e appli!ation is #ade is i#prisoned or restrained of %is libert'2 0b1 T%e offi!er or na#e of t%e person b' (%o# %e is so i#prisoned or restrained2 or* if bot% are un&no(n or un!ertain* su!% offi!er or person #a' be des!ribed b' an assu#ed appellation* and t%e person (%o is ser,ed (it% t%e (rit s%all be dee#ed t%e person intended2 0!1 T%e pla!e (%ere %e is so i#prisoned or restrained* if &no(n2 0d1 A !op' of t%e !o##it#ent or !ause of detention of su!% person* if it !an be pro!ured (it%out i#pairing t%e effi!ien!' of t%e re#ed'2 or* if t%e i#prison#ent or restraint is (it%out an' legal aut%orit'* su!% fa!t s%all appear) Se!) 4) W%en (rit not allo(ed or dis!%arge aut%ori;ed) A 9f it appears t%at t%e person alleged to be restrained of %is libert' is in t%e !ustod' of an offi!er under pro!ess issued b' a !ourt or -udge or b' ,irtue of a -udg#ent or order of a !ourt of re!ord* and t%at t%e !ourt or -udge %ad -urisdi!tion to issue t%e pro!ess* render t%e -udg#ent* or #a&e t%e order* t%e (rit s%all not be allo(ed2 or if t%e -urisdi!tion appears after t%e (rit is allo(ed* t%e person s%all not be dis!%arged b' reason of an' infor#alit' or defe!t in t%e pro!ess* -udg#ent* or order) +or s%all an't%ing in t%is rule be %eld to aut%ori;e t%e dis!%arge of a person !%arged (it% or !on,i!ted of an offense in t%e P%ilippines* or of a person suffering i#prison#ent under la(ful -udg#ent) Se!) 8) W%en t%e (rit #ust be granted and issued) A A !ourt or -udge aut%ori;ed to grant t%e (rit #ust* (%en a petition t%erefor is presented and it appears t%at t%e (rit oug%t to issue* grant t%e sa#e fort%(it%* and i##ediatel' t%ereupon t%e !ler& of t%e !ourt s%all issue t%e (rit under t%e seal of t%e !ourt2 or in !ase of e#ergen!'* t%e -udge #a' issue t%e (rit under %is o(n %and* and #a' depute an' offi!er or person to ser,e it) Se!) 7) To (%o# (rit dire!ted* and (%at to re/uire) A 9n !ase of i#prison#ent or restraint b' an offi!er* t%e (rit s%all be dire!ted to %i#* and s%all !o##and %i# to %a,e t%e bod' of t%e person restrained of %is libert' before t%e !ourt or -udge designated in t%e (rit at t%e ti#e and pla!e t%erein spe!ified) 9n !ase of i#prison#ent or restraint b' a person not an offi!er* t%e (rit s%all be dire!ted to an offi!er* and s%all !o##and %i# to ta&e and %a,e t%e bod' of t%e person restrained of %is libert' before t%e !ourt or -udge designated in t%e (rit at t%e ti#e and pla!e t%erein spe!ified* and to su##on t%e person b' (%o# %e is restrained t%en and t%ere to appear before said !ourt or -udge to s%o( t%e !ause of t%e i#prison#ent or restraint) Se!) 5) Ho( prisoner designated and (rit ser,ed) A T%e person to be produ!ed s%ould be designated in t%e (rit b' %is na#e* if &no(n* but if %is na#e is not &no(n %e #a' be ot%er(ise des!ribed or identified) T%e (rit #a' be ser,ed in an' pro,in!e b' t%e s%eriff or ot%er proper offi!er* or b' a person deputed b' t%e !ourt or -udge) Ser,i!e of t%e (rit s%all be #ade b' lea,ing t%e original (it% t%e person to (%o# it is dire!ted and preser,ing a !op' on (%i!% to #a&e return of ser,i!e) 9f t%at person !annot be found* or %as not t%e prisoner in %is !ustod'* t%en t%e ser,i!e s%all be #ade on an' ot%er person %a,ing or!ising su!% !ustod') Se!) >) Ho( (rit e.e!uted and returned) A T%e offi!er to (%o# t%e (rit is dire!ted s%all !on,e' t%e person so i#prisoned or restrained* and na#ed in t%e (rit* before t%e -udge allo(ing t%e (rit* or* in !ase of %is absen!e or disabilit'* before so#e ot%er -udge of t%e sa#e !ourt* on t%e da' spe!ified in t%e (rit* unless* fro# si!&ness or infir#it' of t%e person dire!ted to be produ!ed* su!% person !annot* (it%out danger* be broug%t before t%e !ourt or -udge2 and t%e offi!er s%all #a&e due return of t%e (rit* toget%er (it% t%e da' and t%e !ause of t%e !aption and restraint of su!% person a!!ording to t%e !o##and t%ereof) Se!) 6) "efe!t of for#) A +o (rit of %abeas !orpus !an be disobe'ed for defe!t of for#* if it suffi!ientl' appears t%erefro# in (%ose !ustod' or under (%ose restraint t%e part' i#prisoned or restrained is %eld and t%e !ourt or -udge before (%o# %e is to be broug%t) Se!) 1=) Contents of return) A W%en t%e person to be produ!ed is i#prisoned or restrained b' an offi!er* t%e person (%o #a&es t%e return s%all state t%erein* and in ot%er !ases t%e person in (%ose !ustod' t%e prisoner is found s%all state* in (riting to t%e !ourt or -udge before (%o# t%e (rit is returnable* plainl' and une/ui,o!abl': 0a1 W%et%er %e %as or %as not t%e part' in %is !ustod' or po(er* or under restraint2 0b1 9f %e %as t%e part' in %is !ustod' or po(er* or under restraint* t%e aut%orit' and t%e true and (%ole !ause t%ereof* set fort% at large* (it% a !op' of t%e (rit* order* e.e!ution* or ot%er pro!ess* if an'* upon (%i!% t%e part' is %eld2 0!1 9f t%e part' is in %is !ustod' or po(er or is restrained b' %i#* and is not produ!ed* parti!ularl' t%e nature and gra,it' of t%e si!&ness or infir#it' of su!% part' b' reason of (%i!% %e !annot* (it%out danger* be broug%t before t%e !ourt or -udge2
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0d1 9f %e %as %ad t%e part' in %is !ustod' or po(er* or under restraint* and %as transferred su!% !ustod' or restraint to anot%er* parti!ularl' to (%o#* at (%at ti#e* for (%at !ause* and b' (%at aut%orit' su!% transfer (as #ade) Se!) 11) Return to be signed and s(orn to) A T%e return or state#ent s%all be signed b' t%e person (%o #a&es it2 and s%all also be s(orn to b' %i# if t%e prisoner is not produ!ed* and in all ot%er !ases unless t%e return is #ade and signed b' a s(orn publi! offi!er in %is offi!ial !apa!it') Se!) 13) Hearing on return2 Ad-ourn#ents) A W%en t%e (rit is returned before one -udge* at a ti#e (%en t%e !ourt is in session* %e #a' fort%(it% ad-ourn t%e !ase into t%e !ourt* t%ere to be %eard and deter#ined) T%e !ourt or -udge before (%o# t%e (rit is returned or ad-ourned #ust i##ediatel' pro!eed to %ear and e.a#ine t%e return* and su!% ot%er #atters as are properl' sub#itted for !onsideration* unless for good !ause s%o(n t%e %earing is ad-ourned* in (%i!% e,ent t%e !ourt or -udge s%all #a&e su!% order for t%e safe&eeping of t%e person i#prisoned or restrained as t%e nature of t%e !ase re/uires) 9f t%e person i#prisoned or restrained is not produ!ed be!ause of %is alleged si!&ness or infir#it'* t%e !ourt or -udge #ust be satisfied t%at it is so gra,e t%at su!% person !annot be produ!ed (it%out danger* before pro!eeding to %ear and dispose of t%e #atter) @n t%e %earing t%e !ourt or -udge s%all disregard #atters of for# and te!%ni!alities in respe!t to an' (arrant or order of !o##it#ent of a !ourt or offi!er aut%ori;ed to !o##it b' la() Se!) 13) W%en t%e return e,iden!e* and (%en onl' a plea) A 9f it appears t%at t%e prisoner is in !ustod' under a (arrant of !o##it#ent in pursuan!e of la(* t%e return s%all be !onsidered pri#a fa!ie e,iden!e of t%e !ause of restraint2 but if %e is restrained of %is libert' b' an' alleged pri,ate aut%orit'* t%e return s%all be !onsidered onl' as a plea of t%e fa!ts t%erein set fort%* and t%e part' !lai#ing t%e !ustod' #ust pro,e su!% fa!ts) Se!) 14) W%en person la(full' i#prisoned re!o##itted* and (%en let to bail) A 9f it appears t%at t%e prisoner (as la(full' !o##itted* and is plainl' and spe!ifi!all' !%arged in t%e (arrant of !o##it#ent (it% an offense punis%able b' deat%* %e s%all not be released* dis!%arged* or bailed) 9f %e is la(full' i#prisoned or restrained on a !%arge of %a,ing !o##itted an offense not so punis%able* %e #a' be re!o##itted to i#prison#ent or ad#itted to bail in t%e dis!retion of t%e !ourt or -udge) 9f %e be ad#itted to bail* %e s%all fort%(it% file a bond in su!% su# as t%e !ourt or -udge dee#s reasonable* !onsidering t%e !ir!u#stan!es of t%e prisoner and t%e nature of t%e offense !%arged* !onditioned for %is appearan!e before t%e !ourt (%ere t%e offense is properl' !ogni;able to abide its order or -udg#ent2 and t%e !ourt or -udge s%all !ertif' t%e pro!eedings* toget%er (it% t%e bond* fort%(it% to t%e proper !ourt) 9f su!% bond is not so filed* t%e prisoner s%all be re!o##itted to !onfine#ent) Se!) 18) W%en prisoner dis!%arged if no appeal) A W%en t%e !ourt or -udge %as e.a#ined into t%e !ause of !aption and restraint of t%e prisoner* and is satisfied t%at %e is unla(full' i#prisoned or restrained* %e s%all fort%(it% order %is dis!%arge fro# !onfine#ent* but su!% dis!%arge s%all not be effe!ti,e until a !op' of t%e order %as been ser,ed on t%e offi!er or person detaining t%e prisoner) 9f t%e offi!er or person detaining t%e prisoner does not desire to appeal* t%e prisoner s%all be fort%(it% released) Se!) 17) Penalt' for refusing to issue (rit* or for disobe'ing t%e sa#e) A A !ler& of a !ourt (%o refuses to issue t%e (rit after allo(an!e t%ereof and de#and t%erefor* or a person to (%o# a (rit is dire!ted* (%o negle!ts or refuses to obe' or #a&e return of t%e sa#e a!!ording to t%e !o##and t%ereof* or #a&es false return t%ereof* or (%o* upon de#and #ade b' or on be%alf of t%e prisoner* refuses to deli,er to t%e person de#anding* (it%in si. 071 %ours after t%e de#and t%erefor* a true !op' of t%e (arrant or order of !o##it#ent* s%all forfeit to t%e part' aggrie,ed t%e su# of one t%ousand pesos* to be re!o,ered in a proper a!tion* and #a' also be punis%ed b' t%e !ourt or -udge as for !onte#pt) Se!) 15) Person dis!%arged not to be again i#prisoned) A A person (%o is set at libert' upon a (rit of %abeas !orpus s%all not be again i#prisoned for t%e sa#e offense unless b' t%e la(ful order or pro!ess of a !ourt %a,ing -urisdi!tion of t%e !ause or offense2 and a person (%o &no(ingl'* !ontrar' to t%e pro,isions of t%is rule* re!o##its or i#prisons* or !auses to be !o##itted or i#prisoned* for t%e sa#e offense* or pretended offense* an' person so set at libert'* or &no(ingl' aids or assists t%erein* s%all forfeit to t%e part' aggrie,ed t%e su# of one t%ousand pesos* to be re!o,ered in a proper a!tion* not(it%standing an' !olorable pretense or ,ariation in t%e (arrant of !o##it#ent* and #a' also be punis%ed b' t%e !ourt or -udge granting (rit as for !onte#pt) Se!) 1>) W%en prisoner #a' be re#o,ed fro# one !ustod' to anot%er) A A person !o##itted to prison* or in !ustod' of an offi!er* for an' !ri#inal #atter* s%all not be re#o,ed t%erefro# into t%e !ustod' of anot%er offi!er unless b' legal pro!ess* or t%e prisoner be deli,ered to an inferior offi!er to !arr' to -ail* or* b' order of t%e proper !ourt or -udge* be re#o,ed fro# one pla!e to anot%er (it%in t%e P%ilippines for trial* or in !ase of fire* epide#i!* insurre!tion* or ot%er ne!essit' or publi! !ala#it'2 and a person (%o* after su!% !o##it#ent* #a&es* signs* or !ountersigns an' order for su!% re#o,al !ontrar' to t%is se!tion* s%all forfeit to t%e part' aggrie,ed t%e su# of one t%ousand pesos* to be re!o,ered in a proper a!tion) Se!) 16) Re!ord of (rit* fees and !osts) A T%e pro!eedings upon a (rit of %abeas !orpus s%all be re!orded b' t%e !ler& of t%e !ourt* and upon t%e final disposition of su!% pro!eedings t%e !ourt or -udge s%all #a&e su!% order as to !osts as t%e !ase re/uires) T%e fees of offi!ers and (itnesses s%all be in!luded in t%e !osts ta.ed* but no offi!er or person s%all %a,e t%e rig%t to de#and pa'#ent in ad,an!e of an' fees to (%i!% %e is entitled b' ,irtue of t%e pro!eedings) W%en a person !onfined under !olor of pro!eedings in a !ri#inal !ase is dis!%arged* t%e !osts s%all be ta.ed against t%e Republi! of t%e P%ilippines* and paid out of its Treasur'2 (%en a person in !ustod' b' ,irtue or under !olor of pro!eedings in a !i,il !ase is dis!%arged* t%e !osts s%all be ta.ed against %i#* or against t%e person (%o signed t%e appli!ation for t%e (rit* or bot%* as t%e !ourt s%all dire!t) b) !) WR9T @: AMPAR@ 0AM =5A6A13ASC1 HA?EAS "ATA 0AM =>A1A17ASC1 Effe!ts of plea on ob-e!tions to legalit' of arrest !EO!LE 0. ALO7ADO 213334 Ponente: Panganiban* ) A!!used: Edgar S) Alo-ado Facts9 at around 1=:== a)#)* bot% girls (ent to t%e %ouse of ulette to get a Prose!ution: dress (%i!% ulette intended to s%o( to %er tea!%er) @n t%eir (a' ba!& to 1) @!tober 11* 1664 AA ulette PeDaranda and <erra Rustia (ent to A#si! s!%ool* t%e' !a#e a!ross t%e ACCUSE" (%o s%o(ed t%e# a pi!ture and Ele#entar' S!%ool (%ere t%e' (ere <rade 999 pupils) "uring t%e re!ess as&ed t%e# if t%e' &ne( t%e (o#an in it) W%en t%e girls replied t%at t%e'
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did not* t%e ACCUSE" as&ed t%e# if t%e' !ould %elp %i# sear!% for t%e (o#an) T%e 3 girls t%en a!!o#panied t%e a!!used) Upon rea!%ing a grass' area in Plaridel* appellant brandis%ed a &nife* 7 to 5 in!%es long) @ne of t%e girls* ulette* t%en told t%e ACCUSE" t%at s%e (anted to go to %o#e be!ause s%e (as alread' s!ared but t%e ACCUSE" told t%e# to (ait) T%e ACCUSE" tied up t%e 3 girls and pro!eeded to rape t%e bot% of t%e#) 3) After %e (as done* %e told t%e 3 girls to sta' as %e (ould -ust rest) T%e 3 girls too& t%is opportunit' to es!ape and as& for %elp T%e' stood up and (al&ed to(ard t%e %ouse of Mrs) Sti!&le* (%o# t%e' as&ed for %elp) W%en Mrs) Sti!&le sa( t%e# at t%e gate of %er %ouse* ulette (as (earing %er s%orts (%ile <erra (as (earing not%ing) Mrs) Sti!&le and t%e neig%bors broug%t t%e# to t%e Angeles Cit' <eneral Hospital) 3) Medi!al e.a#ination s%o(ed la!erations in bot% ,i!ti#Hs ,agina) 4) T%e ACCUSE" (as later broug%t to t%e %ospital (%ere %e (as identified b' ulette as t%e person (%o raped t%e#) "efense: 1) T%e ACCUSE" alleged an alibi !lai#ing t%at at 11:== a)#) on @!tober 11* 1664* (%en t%e !ri#es (ere !o##itted* %e left %is %ouse and (ent to t%e "a' Care Center in Marisol Billage to fet!% %is 'oungest son* Carl) 3) T%at a <eraldine <a#boa testified t%at s%e (as near t%e ,i!init' of t%e lo!us !ri#inis and t%at s%e sa( a #an* who was not the a))e((ant* e#erge fro# so#e bus%es (it% blood' ar#s and legs) 1) Pro!edure: 9n t(o separate but identi!all' (orded Co#plaints dated @!tober 1>* 1664* Ma) ulette <) PeDaranda and <erra G) Rustia* bot% assisted b' t%eir respe!ti,e #ot%ers Lolita <) PeDaranda and <e##a G) Rustia* !%arged appellant (it% statutor' rape) Upon !ertifi!ation b' T%ird Assistant Cit' Prose!utor Bi!ente U) Pornillos t%at a preli#inar' in,estigation %ad been !ondu!ted* t%e Co#plaints (ere subse/uentl' treated as 9nfor#ations) Upon %is arraign#ent on "e!e#ber 33* 1664* appellant* assisted b' a !ounsel* pleaded not guilt') T%e !ases (ere -ointl' tried)
T%e ACCUSE" #aintains t%at %e (as illegall' arrested but su!% argu#ent !o#es too late in t%e da') !eo)(e 0. Sa(0atierra9 an o8<ection to the (e-a(it* of an arrest m+st 8e s+8mitte to the tria( co+rt 8efore the acc+se enters his )(ea. Appellant is estopped fro# /uestioning t%e legalit' of %is arrest !onsidering t%at %e ne,er raised t%is before entering %is plea) An' ob-e!tion in,ol,ing a (arrant of arrest or t%e a!/uisition of -urisdi!tion o,er t%e person of an a!!used #ust be #ade before %e enters %is plea* ot%er(ise t%e ob-e!tion is dee#ed (ai,ed) Conse/uentl'* an* efect concernin- the arrest of the a))e((ant was c+re 8* his 0o(+ntar*6 s+8mission to the <+ris iction of the tria( co+rt* as s%o(n (%en %e entered %is plea during %is arraign#ent* and (%en %e a!ti,el' parti!ipated in t%e trial t%ereafter) 2. $es. AppellantEs !on,i!tion %inges on t%e !redibilit' of t%e ,i!ti#s and t%eir testi#onies) 9n t%is !ase* t%e trial !ourt* (%i!% %ad t%e opportunit' to obser,e t%e #anner and de#eanor of t%e (itnesses* (as !on,in!ed of t%eir !redibilit') We find no reason to re,erse or alter its %olding* for CM9Nt is a ti#e tested do!trine t%at a trial !ourtEs assess#ent of t%e !redibilit' of a (itness is entitled to great (eig%t AA e,en !on!lusi,e and binding if not tainted A(it% arbitrariness or o,ersig%t of so#e fa!t or !ir!u#stan!e of (eig%t and influen!e)C T%e appellant %as not gi,en us reason AA and (e do not find an' AA to depart fro# t%is rule or to #a&e an e.!eption t%erefro#) T%e defense of Aalibi #ust be re-e!ted* be!ause appellant failed to pro,e t%at %is presen!e at t%e pla!e of t%e !ri#e at t%e ti#e it (as !o##itted (as p%'si!all' i#possible) Appellant allegedl' left %is residen!e to fet!% %is son Carl at t%e da' !are !enter in Marisol Billage) Ho(e,er* t%e distan!e bet(een Marisol and t%e lo!us !ri#inis did not dis!ount %is presen!e at t%e s!ene of t%e !ri#e at t%e ti#e) 9n an' e,ent* t%e latterEs defense of alibi !annot o,er!o#e t%e positi,e identifi!ation #ade b' t%e t(o ,i!ti#s* (%o %ad no i#proper #oti,e to testif' falsel'* against %i#) SC found t%at t%e trial !ourt !orre!tl' stated t%at <a#boaEs testi#on' (as !ontrar' to %u#an e.perien!e) More i#portant* e,en if s%e did see a #an ot%er t%an appellant e#erge fro# so#e nearb' bus%es* s%e did not see t%e !o##ission of t%e rape) 9n ot%er (ords* t%e defense fails to establis% t%at t%at #an and t%e #alefa!tor (ere one and t%e sa#e) 9n an' e,ent* <a#boaEs testi#on' !annot o,er!o#e t%e positi,e identifi!ation #ade b' t%e t(o ,i!ti#s) "ispositi,e: RTC de!ision is A::9RME") Arr%a "e Leon
3) 3)
RTC: :ound ACCUSE" guilt' and senten!ed %i# to RECLUS9@+ PERPETUA for ea!% !ase) 0A!!used filed a ne( #otion of trial but (as subse/uentl' denied)1 Iss+e>s9 1) W@+ ACCUSE" (as illegall' arrestedR 3) W@+ t%e e,iden!e for t%e prose!ution (as suffi!ient to find t%e ACCUSE" guilt'R a) Credibilit' of t%e (itnesses b) Alibi !) Positi,e testi#on' of <eraldine <a#boa 1. Held _ Rationale: No. Irre-+(arit* of arrest eeme wai0e .
!eo)(e 0. Ron ero "ate Pro#ulgated: "e!e#ber 6* 1666 Ponente: Per Curia# Facts9 @n t%e e,ening of Mar!% 38* 1664* Mard' "oria !a#e %o#e late fro# a barrio fiesta) W%en %e noti!ed t%at %is nine 'ear old sister* M'lene* (as not around* %e (o&e up %is parents to in/uire about %is sisterHs (%ereabouts) T%eir fat%er* Ma.i#o "oria* soug%t t%e %elp of ?aranga' Jaga(ad Andong Rondero* a ?aranga' Captain* and %is ot%er neig%bors in Pugaro* "agupan to sear!% for M'lene) T%e group began sear!%ing at around 1:== oH!lo!& in t%e #orning of Mar!% 37* 1664) T%e' sear!%ed for e,er' noo& and !rann' to no a,ail) Tired and distraug%t* Ma.i#o started on %is (a' %o#e) W%en %e (as about fi,e 081 #eters a(a' fro# %is %ouse* Ma.i#o* (%o (as t%en !arr'ing a flas%lig%t* sa( "elfin Rondero pu#ping t%e artesian (ell about one 011 #eter a(a') "elfin %ad an i!e pi!& !len!%ed in %is #out% and (as (as%ing %is bloodied %ands) Ma.i#o %astil' returned to t%e s!%ool and told Jaga(ad Andong (%at %e sa( (it%out* %o(e,er* re,ealing t%at t%e person %e sa( (as t%e latterHs o(n son) Ma.i#o and Andong !ontinued t%eir sear!% for M'lene) T%e group returned to Pugaro Ele#entar' S!%ool (%ere t%e' found M'leneHs lifeless bod' l'ing on a !e#ented pa,e#ent near t%e !anteen) Her rig%t %and (as raised abo,e %er %ead* (%i!% (as se,erel' bas%ed* and %er fra!tured left %and (as be%ind %er ba!&) S%e (as na&ed fro# t%e (aist do(n and %ad se,eral !ontusions and abrasions on different parts of %er bod') Tig%tl' gripped in %er rig%t %and (ere so#e %air strands) A blue rubber slipper (it% a tin' leaf painted in red (as found beside %er bod' (%ile t%e ot%er slipper (as found be%ind %er ba!&)
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Half an %our later* fi,e 081 poli!e#en arri,ed at t%e s!ene and !ondu!ted a spot in,estigation) T%e' found a pair of s%orts under M'leneHs butto!&s* (%i!% Ma.i#o identified as %ers) T%ereafter* Ma.i#o led t%e poli!e#en to t%e artesian (ell (%ere %e %ad seen "elfin earlier (as%ing %is %ands) T%e poli!e#en found t%at t%e artesian (ell (as spattered (it% blood) After t%e in,estigation* t%e poli!e#en* toget%er (it% Ma.i#o* (ent ba!& to t%eir %ead/uarters in "agupan Cit') T%ere* Ma.i#o dis!losed t%at before t%e' found M'leneHs bod'* %e sa( "elfin (as%ing %is bloodstained %ands at t%e artesian (ell) A!ting on t%is lead* t%e poli!e#en returned to Pugaro and arrested "elfin) "elfin (as later for#all' !%arged (it% t%e spe!ial !o#ple. !ri#e of rape (it% %o#i!ide but (as e,entuall' !on,i!ted of t%e !ri#e of %o#i!ide) Iss+es>@e( 9 1) W@+ t%e !ir!u#stantial e,iden!e presented b' t%e prose!ution is suffi!ient) IesQ 3) W@+ %air sa#ples for!ibl' ta&en fro# t%e a!!used and sub#itted to t%e +?9 for forensi! e.a#ination #a' be ad#itted as e,iden!e against t%e for#er) IesQ 3) W@+ t%e a!!used #a' be found guilt' despite %is illegal arrest and illegal detention) +oQ Ratio9 1) Se!tion 4* Rule 133 of t%e Re,ised Rules of Court pro,ides t%at !ir!u#stantial e,iden!e is suffi!ient for !on,i!tion if: 0a1 T%ere is #ore t%an one !ir!u#stan!e2 0b1 T%e fa!ts fro# (%i!% t%e inferen!es are deri,ed are pro,en2 and 0!1 T%e !o#bination of all t%e !ir!u#stan!es is su!% as to produ!e a !on,i!tion be'ond reasonable doubt) Cir!u#stantial e,iden!e is t%at e,iden!e (%i!% pro,es a fa!t or series of fa!ts fro# (%i!% t%e fa!ts in issue #a' be establis%ed b' inferen!e) Su!% e,iden!e is founded on e.perien!e and obser,ed fa!ts and !oin!iden!es establis%ing a !onne!tion bet(een t%e &no(n and pro,en fa!ts and t%e fa!ts soug%t to be pro,ed) T%e test for a!!epting !ir!u#stantial e,iden!e as proof of guilt be'ond reasonable doubt is: t%e series of !ir!u#stan!es dul' pro,ed #ust be !onsistent (it% ea!% ot%er and t%at ea!% and e,er' !ir!u#stan!e #ust be !onsistent (it% t%e a!!usedHs guilt and in!onsistent (it% %is inno!en!e) 9n t%e !ase at bar: o A fe( %ours after t%e ,i!ti#Hs probable ti#e of deat%* Ma.i#o sa( "elfin* (it% an i!e pi!& !len!%ed in %is #out%* (as%ing %is bloodied %ands at an artesian (ell) o A pair of slippers (%i!% Ma.i#o identified as belonging to "elfin (as found at t%e s!ene of t%e !ri#e) Ma.i#o positi,el' pointed to "elfin as t%e o(ner of t%e pair of slippers be!ause of a distinguis%ing #ar& of t%e painting of a red leaf on t%e left slipper) Ma.i#o said "elfin used to fre/uent t%eir %ouse (earing t%e sa#e pair of slippers for o,er a 'ear) o T%e %air strands (%i!% (ere found on M'leneHs rig%t %and and t%e %air strands ta&en fro# "elfin (ere s%o(n to %a,e si#ilar !%ara!teristi!s (%en sub-e!ted to #i!ros!opi! e.a#ination) o A!!usedAappellantHs unders%irt and s%ort pants (%i!% %e (ore on t%e nig%t of Mar!% 38* 1664 %ad bloodstains) His (ife !EO!LE % LA!ITA7E A Trina Fernan eJ
ad#itted %a,ing (as%ed t%e unders%irt and s%ort pants in t%e earl' #orning of Mar!% 37* 1664) 3) T%e use of e,iden!e against t%e a!!used obtained b' ,irtue of %is testi#on' or ad#ission (it%out t%e assistan!e of !ounsel (%ile under !ustodial in,estigation is pros!ribed under Se!tions 13 and 15* Arti!le 999 of t%e Constitution) T%e aforesaid rules are set fort% in t%e Constitution as a re!ognition of t%e fa!t t%at t%e ps'!%ologi!al if not p%'si!al at#osp%ere of !ustodial in,estigations in t%e absen!e of pro!edural safeguards is in%erentl' !oer!i,e in nature) 9t bears e#p%asis* %o(e,er* t%at under t%e abo,eA/uoted pro,isions* (%at is a!tuall' pros!ribed is t%e use of p%'si!al or #oral !o#pulsion to e.tort !o##uni!ation fro# t%e a!!used and not t%e in!lusion of %is bod' in e,iden!e (%en it #a' be #aterial) o :or instan!e* substan!e e#itted fro# t%e bod' of t%e a!!used #a' be re!ei,ed as e,iden!e in prose!ution for a!ts of las!i,iousness and #orp%ine for!ed out of t%e #out% of t%e a!!used #a' also be used as e,iden!e against %i#) o Conse/uentl'* alt%oug% "elfin insists t%at %air sa#ples (ere for!ibl' ta&en fro# %i# and sub#itted to t%e +?9 for forensi! e.a#ination* t%e %air sa#ples #a' be ad#itted in e,iden!e against %i#* for (%at is pros!ribed is t%e use of testi#onial !o#pulsion or an' e,iden!e !o##uni!ati,e in nature a!/uired fro# t%e a!!used under duress) @n t%e ot%er %and* t%e bloodAstained unders%irt and s%ort pants ta&en fro# "elfin are inad#issible in e,iden!e) T%e' (ere ta&en (it%out t%e proper sear!% (arrant fro# t%e poli!e offi!ers) 9t #ig%t be true t%at "elfinHs (arrantless arrest (as not la(ful) T%e poli!e offi!ers (%o arrested %i# %ad no personal &no(ledge of fa!ts indi!ating t%at %e (as t%e perpetrator of t%e !ri#e -ust !o##itted) His (arrantless arrest (as based solel' on Ma.i#oHs suspi!ion t%at %e (as in,ol,ed in t%e sla'ing of M'lene sin!e %e (as seen (as%ing %is bloodied %ands in t%e earl' #orning of Mar!% 37* 1664) +e,ert%eless* it is %ornboo& &no(ledge t%at an' irregularit' attending t%e arrest of an a!!used is dee#ed (ai,ed (%en* instead of /uas%ing t%e infor#ation for la!& of -urisdi!tion o,er %is person* t%e a!!used ,oluntaril' sub#its %i#self to t%e !ourt b' entering a plea of guilt' or not guilt' during t%e arraign#ent and parti!ipating in t%e pro!eedings)
:inall'* (e reiterate t%at (%en an a!!used appeals fro# t%e senten!e of t%e trial !ourt* %e (ai,es t%e !onstitutional safeguard against double -eopard' and t%ro(s t%e (%ole !ase open to t%e re,ie( of t%e appellate !ourt* (%i!% is t%en !alled to render -udg#ent as t%e la( and -usti!e di!tate* (%et%er fa,orable or unfa,orable* and (%et%er t%e' are #ade t%e sub-e!t of assigned errors or not) T%is pre!ept s%ould be borne in #ind b' e,er' la('er of an a!!used (%o un(ittingl' ta&es t%e ris& in,ol,ed (%en %e de!ides to appeal %is senten!e) A!!usedAappellant "elfin Rondero is found guilt' be'ond reasonable doubt of t%e !%arge of spe!ial !o#ple. !ri#e of rape (it% %o#i!ide !o##itted against M'lene "oria and is a!!ordingl' senten!ed to suffer t%e supre#e penalt' of "EATH) R""
ARSENIO %ERHARA %ALDEQ 0. !EO!LE OF T@E !@ILI!!INES6 TINHA6 ). No0em8er 236 2BBM FA#TS9 per#it* li!ense or pres!ription fro# t%e proper go,ern#ent une 3==3* petitioner (as !%arged (it% ,iolation of Se!tion 11* par) 3031 agen!') Trial: prose!ution presented t%ree 031 baranga' tanods of San ?enito of R)A) +o) 6178 o (illfull'* unla(full' and feloniousl' %a,e in %is possession* +orte* Aringa'* La Union o Rogelio ?autista 0?autista1* +estor Aratas 0Aratas1 and !ontrol and !ustod' dried #ari-uana lea,es (rapped in a !ellop%ane and ne(spaper page* (eig%ing #ore or less Eduardo @rdoo 0@rdoo1* (%o arrested petitioner) t(ent'Afi,e 0381 gra#s* (it%out first se!uring t%e ne!essar'
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?autista 0!orroborated b' Aratas and @rdoo1: !ondu!ting t%e routine patrol (%en t%e' noti!ed petitioner* lugging a bag* alig%t fro# a #iniAbus) o T%e' obser,ed t%at petitioner* (%o appeared suspi!ious to t%e#* see#ed to be loo&ing for so#et%ing) o Tanods approa!%ed %i# but t%e latter allegedl' atte#pted to run a(a') o C%ased %i#* put %i# under arrest and broug%t %i# to t%e %ouse of ?g' Captain @ren!io Mer!ado 0Mer!ado1 (%ere %e (as ordered b' Mer!ado to open %is bag) o bag allegedl' !ontained a pair of deni# pants* eig%teen pie!es of eggplant and dried #ari-uana lea,es (rapped in ne(spaper and !ellop%ane) Aratas ad#itted t%at %e %i#self broug%t out t%e !ontents of petitioners bag before petitioner (as ta&en to t%e %ouse of Mer!ado) He !lai#ed t%at at Mer!ados %ouse* it (as petitioner %i#self (%o broug%t out t%e !ontents of %is bag upon orders fro# Mer!ado) @rdoo testified t%at it (as %e (%o (as ordered b' Mer!ado to open petitioners bag and t%at it (as t%en t%at t%e' sa( t%e purported !ontents t%ereof) Poli!e 9nspe!tor Baleriano La'a 99 0La'a1: spe!i#en sub#itted to %i# for anal'sis* a sa!%et of t%e substan!e (eig%ing 33)1= gra#s and !ontained in a plasti! bag* tested positi,e of #ari-uana) Ho(e,er* %e does not &no( %o( t%e #ari-uana (as ta&en fro# petitioner or %o( it rea!%ed t%e poli!e offi!ers) C%arges (ere denied b' petitioner) o After alig%ting fro# t%e bus %e (ent to t%e %ouse of a friend to drin& (ater and t%en (al&ed to %is brot%ers %ouse) o @rdoo* a !ousin of %is brot%ers (ife* allegedl' approa!%ed %i# and as&ed (%ere %e (as going) He replied t%at %e (as going to %is brot%ers %ouse) o @rdoo t%en allegedl' re/uested to see t%e !ontents of %is bag and appellant a!!eded) ?autista and Aratas -oined t%e#) o After inspe!ting %is bag* petitioner (as restrained b' t%e tanod and ta&en to t%e %ouse of Mer!ado) Aratas !arried t%e bag until t%e' rea!%ed t%eir destination) o At Mer!ados %ouse* bag (as opened b' t%e tanod and Mer!ado %i#self) T%e' too& out an ite# (rapped in ne(spaper* (%i!% turned out to be #ari-uana lea,es) Petitioner denied o(ners%ip t%ereof) o Petitioner: it (as %e (%o opened and too& out t%e !ontents of %is bag at %is friends %ouse* but it (as one of t%e tanod (%o did so at Mer!ados %ouse and t%at it (as onl' t%ere t%at t%e' sa( t%e #ari-uana for t%e first ti#e) RT# fo+n him -+i(t* 8e*on reasona8(e o+8t. #A affirme . o no !ogent reason to o,erturn t%e presu#ption of regularit' in fa,or of t%e baranga' tanod in t%e absen!e of e,iden!e of illA #oti,e on t%eir part ISSUES9 1. /ON acc+se is -+i(t has 8een )ro0en 8e*on reasona8(e o+8t 2. /ON warrant(ess arrest 8* the 8aran-a* tanod was +n(awf+( an warrant(ess search of his 8a- that fo((owe was (i:ewise contrar* to (aw 3. /ON the mari<+ana (ea0es are ina missi8(e in e0i ence for 8ein- the fr+it of a )oisono+s tree. DE#ISION9 Assai(e ecision RE%ERSED @ELD>RATIO9 +o(%ere in t%e re!ords !an (e find an' ob-e!tion b' petitioner to t%e irregularit' of %is arrest before %is arraign#ent) o petitioner is dee#ed to %a,e sub#itted to t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e trial !ourt* t%ereb' !uring an' defe!t in %is arrest) legalit' of an arrest affe!ts onl' t%e -urisdi!tion of t%e !ourt o,er %is person) o !etitioners warrant(ess arrest therefore cannot6 in itse(f6 8e the 8asis of his acC+itta(.
Ad#issibilit' of t%e sei;ed drugs in e,iden!e: indispensable to as!ertain (%et%er or not t%e sear!% (%i!% 'ielded t%e alleged !ontraband (as la(ful) o sear!%* !ondu!ted as it (as (it%out a (arrant* is -ustified onl' if it (ere in!idental to a la(ful arrest) o the arrest of )etitioner witho+t a warrant is not (awf+( o Se!tion 8* Rule 113 *rrest without warrant4 when lawful)A pea!e offi!er or a pri,ate person #a'* (it%out a (arrant* arrest a person: 0a1 W%en* in %is presen!e* t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted* is a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it an offense2 0b1 W%en an offense %as -ust been !o##itted and %e %as probable !ause to belie,e based on personal &no(ledge of fa!ts or !ir!u#stan!es t%at t%e person to be arrested %as !o##itted it2 and 0!1 W%en t%e person to be arrested is a prisoner (%o %as es!aped fro# a penal establis%#ent or pla!e (%ere %e is ser,ing final -udg#ent or te#poraril' !onfined (%ile %is !ase is pending* or %as es!aped (%ile being transferred fro# one !onfine#ent to anot%er) o based on t%e testi#onies of t%e arresting baranga' tanod* not one of these circ+mstances was o8tainin- at the time )etitioner was arreste ) T%e tanod did not %a,e probable !ause eit%er to -ustif' petitioners (arrantless arrest) o :or t%e e.!eption in Se!tion 80a1* Rule 113 to operate t(o 031 ele#ents #ust be present: 011 t%e person to be arrested #ust e.e!ute an o,ert a!t indi!ating t%at %e %as -ust !o##itted* is a!tuall' !o##itting* or is atte#pting to !o##it a !ri#e2 and petitioners a!t of loo&ing around after getting off t%e bus (as but natural as %e (as finding %is (a' to %is destination) T%at t%e petitioner allegedl' atte#pted to run a(a' as t%e tanod approa!%ed %i# is irrele,ant and !annot b' itself be !onstrued as ade/uate to !%arge t%e tanod (it% personal &no(ledge t%at petitioner %ad -ust engaged in* (as a!tuall' engaging in or (as atte#pting to engage in !ri#inal a!ti,it') :lig%t per se is not s'non'#ous (it% guilt and #ust not al(a's be attributed to ones !ons!iousness of guilt) 031 su!% o,ert a!t is done in t%e presen!e or (it%in t%e ,ie( of t%e arresting offi!er) Kin %is presen!eL !onnotes penal &no(ledge on t%e part of t%e arresting offi!er) 0(eople v. Tudtud3 !etitioners wai0er of his ri-ht to C+estion his arrest notwithstan in-6 the mari<+ana (ea0es a((e-e (* ta:en +rin- the search cannot 8e a mitte in e0i ence a-ainst him as the* were seiJe +rin- a warrant(ess search which was not (awf+(. o A wai0er of an i((e-a( warrant(ess arrest oes not a(so mean a wai0er of the ina missi8i(it* of e0i ence seiJe +rin- an i((e-a( warrant(ess arrest. 2(eople v. /acla'an3 o Petitioner (as neit%er !aug%t in flagrante delicto !o##itting a !ri#e nor (as t%e arrest effe!ted in %ot pursuit) Beril'* it !annot t%erefore be reasonabl' argued t%at t%e (arrantless sear!% !ondu!ted on petitioner (as in!idental to a la(ful arrest
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Soli!itor <eneral: petitioner %ad !onsented to t%e sear!%) Court not !on,in!ed) The consent m+st 8e 0o(+ntar* in or er to 0a(i ate an otherwise i((e-a( etention an search6 i.e.6 the consent is +neC+i0oca(6 s)ecific6 an inte((i-ent(* -i0en6 +ncontaminate 8* an* +ress or coercion. 2%aballes v. %ourt of *ppeals1 /uestion (%et%er a !onsent to a sear!% (as in fa!t ,oluntar' is a /uestion of fa!t to be deter#ined fro# t%e totalit' of all t%e !ir!u#stan!es) Must be s%o(n b' !lear and !on,in!ing e,iden!e o apparent t%at petitioner (as alread' under t%e !oer!i,e !ontrol of t%e publi! offi!ials (%o %ad !ustod' of %i# (%en t%e sear!% of %is bag (as de#anded) prose!ution failed to pro,e an' spe!ifi! state#ent as to %o( t%e !onsent (as as&ed and %o( it (as gi,en* nor t%e spe!ifi! (ords spo&en b' petitioner indi!ating %is alleged C!onsent)C )etitioners (ac: of o8<ection to the search an seiJ+re is not tantamo+nt to a wai0er of his constit+tiona( ri-ht or a 0o(+ntar* s+8mission to the warrant(ess search an seiJ+re. Prose!ution %as fai(e to con0incin-(* esta8(ish the i entit* of the mari<+ana (ea0es )+r)orte (* ta:en from )etitioners 8a-. prose!utions for ,iolation of t%e "angerous "rugs A!t* t%e follo(ing ele#ents #ust !on!ur: o 011 proof t%at t%e transa!tion too& pla!e2 and o 031 presentation in !ourt of t%e corpus delicti or t%e illi!it drug as e,iden!e e.isten!e of dangerous drugs is a !ondition sine qua non for !on,i!tion for t%e illegal sale of dangerous drugs* it being t%e ,er' corpus delicti of t%e !ri#e) o D. "OTION TO LUAS@
after t%e arrest of petitioner b' t%e baranga' tanod! t%e re!ords onl' s%o( t%at %e (as ta&en to t%e %ouse of t%e baranga' !aptain and t%ereafter to t%e poli!e station) t%ree tanod !ontradi!t ea!% ot%er on t%e #atter of (%en petitioners bag (as opened* t%e' also ga,e !onfli!ting testi#on' on (%o a!tuall' opened t%e sa#e) "a#ning to t%e prose!ution: ad#ission b' La'a t%at %e did not &no( %o( t%e spe!i#en (as ta&en fro# petitioner* %o( it rea!%ed t%e poli!e aut%orities or (%ose #ar&ing (as on t%e !ellop%ane (rapping of t%e #ari-uana) )rosec+tion ne-(ecte to esta8(ish the cr+cia( (in: in the chain of c+sto * of the seiJe mari<+ana (ea0es from the time the* were first a((e-e (* isco0ere +nti( the* were 8ro+-ht for eGamination 8* La*a. presu#ption of regularit' in t%e perfor#an!e of offi!ial dut' in,o&ed b' t%e prose!ution and relied upon b' t%e !ourts a quo !annot b' itself o,er!o#e t%e presu#ption of inno!en!e nor !onstitute proof of guilt be'ond reasonable doubt o t%e e,iden!e of t%e defense is (ea& and un!orroborated) Ho(e,er* Prose!utionHs e,iden!e #ust stand or fall on its o(n (eig%t and !annot be allo(ed to dra( strengt% fro# t%e (ea&ness of t%e defense) o Tota(it* of the e0i ence )resente fai(s to o0ercome the )res+m)tion of innocence of )etitioner. Fai(+re of the )rosec+tion to )ro0e a(( the e(ements of the offense 8e*on reasona8(e o+8t K )etitioners eGoneration from crimina( (ia8i(it*. t%e !ourts a quo negle!ted to gi,e #ore serious !onsideration to !ertain #aterial issues in t%e deter#ination of t%e #erits of t%e !ase) 8ecision is 6B.B6#B8 and #BT *#I8B. (etitioner *rsenio .ergara .alde& is *%DEITTB8 on reasonable doubt.
RO# RULE 11M Section 1. Time to mo0e to C+ash. A At an' ti#e before entering %is plea* t%e a!!used #a' #o,e to /uas% t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation) Sec. 3. Hro+n s. A T%e a!!used #a' #o,e to /uas% t%e !o#plaint or infor#ation on an' of t%e follo(ing grounds: 0a1 T%at t%e fa!ts !%arged do not !onstitute an offense2 0b1 T%at t%e !ourt tr'ing t%e !ase %as no -urisdi!tion o,er t%e offense !%arged2 0!1 T%at t%e !ourt tr'ing t%e !ase %as no -urisdi!tion o,er t%e person of t%e a!!used2 0d1 T%at t%e offi!er (%o filed t%e infor#ation %ad no aut%orit' to do so2 0e1 T%at it does not !onfor# substantiall' to t%e pres!ribed for#2 0f1 T%at #ore t%an one offense is !%arged e.!ept (%en a single punis%#ent for ,arious offenses is pres!ribed b' la(2 0g1 T%at t%e !ri#inal a!tion or liabilit' %as been e.tinguis%ed2 0%1 T%at it !ontains a,er#ents (%i!%* if true* (ould !onstitute a legal e.!use or -ustifi!ation2 and 0i1 T%at t%e a!!used %as been pre,iousl' !on,i!ted or a!/uitted of t%e offense !%arged* or t%e !ase against %i# (as dis#issed or ot%er(ise ter#inated (it%out %is !onsent) L+na 0 !(aJa 213.=4 -aldivar$ ). Facts9 Pla;a e.a#ined t%e prose!ution (itnesses b' reading to t%e# Call o,er Si#on Luna (as !%arged (it% t%e !ri#e of #urder) again t%e /uestions and ans(ersC in t%eir state#ents in (riting* and t%e (itnessesAaffiants de!lared before Pla;a t%at t%e /uestions (ere TASgt Candido Patosa of PC filed (it% respondent udge Loren;o M) propounded b' TASgt) Patosa* and t%at t%e ans(ers (ere #ade b' t%e#) Pla;a of t%e Muni!ipal Court of Tandag t%e !ri#inal !ase and opining t%at T%e affiants furt%er de!lared before Pla;a t%at t%eir ans(ers (ere true* t%at t%ere (as reasonable ground to belie,e t%at t%e !ri#e of #urder %ad and (ere freel' and ,oluntaril' #ade2 t%at t%e' full' understood t%e been !o##itted and t%e a!!used (as probabl' guilt' t%ereof Pla;a /uestions and ans(ers* and t%at t%e' (ere (illing to sign t%eir respe!ti,e issued t%e order and (arrant of arrest* spe!if'ing t%erein t%at no bail affida,its) s%ould be a!!epted for t%e pro,isional release of t%e a!!used) After %is arrest* Luna #otioned t%at %e be ad#itted to bail) Pla;a granted Supporting t%e !o#plaint (ere s(orn state#ents of t%e (itnesses for t%e t%e bail but later on re,o&ed it) prose!ution* in t%e for# of /uestions and ans(ers ta&en b' Patosa* and Luna filed a (ai,er of %is rig%t to preli#inar' in,estigation) He (as subs!ribed and s(orn to before Pla;a) detained in t%e pro,in!ial -ail of Surigao del Sur)
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A #ont% in %is detention* %e t%en filed a petition for a (rit of habeas corpus (it% t%e C:9 of Surigao del Sur !lai#ing t%at %e (as being depri,ed of libert' (it%out t%e due pro!ess of la(* on t%e ground t%at %is i#prison#ent and detention (as t%e result of a (arrant of arrest in ,iolation of Republi! A!t +o) 3>3>) Said la( pro,ides t%at Kno (arrant of arrest s%all be issued b' an' -usti!e of t%e pea!e in an' !ri#inal !ase filed (it% %i# unless %e first e.a#ines t%e (itness or (itnesses personall'* and t%e e.a#ination s%all be under oat% and redu!ed to (riting in t%e for# of sear!%ing /uestions and ans(ers)L C:9 %eld t%at Pla;a %ad substantiall' !o#plied (it% RA 3>3> and !onse/uentl' denied t%e appli!ation for (rit of habeas corpus and dis#issed t%e !ase) Hen!e t%is appeal)
Iss+es>@e( 9 1) W@+ t%e Pla;a issued t%e arrest (arrant in ,iolation of RA 3>3>) No 3) W@+ t%e appli!ation for (rit of habeas corpus (as t%e proper re#ed' for Luna) No 3) W@+ a substantial rig%t of Luna (as ,iolated) No Ratio: 1) All t%e !onditions under RA 3>3> (ere fulfilled before t%e arrest (arrant (as issued) T%e !onditions are t%e follo(ing: o 011 he m+st eGamine the witnesses )ersona((* A T%e trial !ourt found as a fa!t t%at Pla;a personall' e.a#ined t%e (itnesses for t%e prose!ution alt%oug% %e adopted as %is o(n personal e.a#ination t%e /uestions as&ed b' TASgt) Patosa as appearing in t%e (ritten state#ents) RA 3>3> does not pro%ibit t%e #uni!ipal udge fro# adopting t%e /uestions as&ed b' a pre,ious in,estigator) o 031 t%e eGamination m+st 8e +n er oath A trial !ourt also found t%at t%e !o#plaint (as Csupported b' state#ents of t%e (itnesses under oat%C and t%e re!ord s%o(s t%at t%e s(orn state#ents of (itnesses %a,e been subs!ribed and s(orn to before Pla;a o 031 t%e eGamination m+st 8e re +ce to writin- in t%e for# of searchin- C+estions an answers) $ trail !ourt also found t%at Pla;a (as Csatisfied t%at t%e /uestions and ans(ers !ontained in t%e s(orn state#ents ta&en b' TASgt) Patosa parta&e of t%e nature of %is sear!%ing /uestions and ans(ers as re/uired b' la()C W%at (ould be sear!%ing /uestions (ould depend on (%at is soug%t to be in/uired into) T%e points t%at are t%e sub-e!t of in/uir' #a' differ fro# !ase to !ase) T%e /uestions* t%erefore* #ust to a great degree depend upon t%e udge #a&ing t%e in,estigation) o T%e !ontention t%at (arrant of arrest (as a ,iolation of t%e !onstitution and of pro!edural due pro!ess is untenable be!ause #RI"INAL LIA5ILIT$ FOR AN UNLA/FUL ARREST
t%e !onstitutional re/uire#ent of e.a#ination of (itnesses under oat% (as* as s%o(n abo,e* fulfilled) o 0re(ate to the to)ic1 T%e !ontention t%at t%e (arrant of arrest issued (as a ,iolation of pro!edural due pro!ess be!ause of t%e alleged efecti0e )re(iminar* eGamination %as no (e- to stan on be!ause all re/uire#ents under RA 3>3> (ere !o#plied (it%) Moreo,er preli#inar' e.a#ination is not an essential part of due pro!ess of la() Preli#inar' e.a#ination #a' be !ondu!ted b' t%e #uni!ipal -udge* prior to t%e issuan!e of t%e (arrant of arrest* eit%er in t%e presen!e* or in t%e absen!e* of t%e a!!used) T%e re!ord s%o(s t%at L+na wai0e the )re(iminar* in0esti-ation before Pla;a* and instead* %e filed a petition for bail) o Also* all t%e !onditions under t%e Rules of Court set fort% to den' t%e (rit are present) 9t is s%o(n t%at Luna is detained and is in the c+sto * of t%e Pro,in!ial Warden b' ,irtue of t%e order of arrest and t%e order to !onfine %i# in t%e pro,in!ial -ail) 9t is not disputed t%at Pla;a %ad <+ris iction to iss+e the warrant of arrest and t%e order of !o##it#ent alt%oug% Luna did /uestion t%e ,alidit' of t%e (arrant of arrest for allegedl' %a,ing been issued in ,iolation of Republi! A!t +o) 3>3> U (%i!% !lai# t%e Court %as found to be untenable) Conse/uentl'* t%e trial udge did not !o##it an error in den'ing t%e (rit of habeas corpus pra'ed for) o Court stressed t%at t%is opinion does not intend to san!tion t%e return to t%e for#er pra!ti!e of #uni!ipal -udges of si#pl' rel'ing upon affida,its or s(orn state#ents t%at are #ade to a!!o#pan' t%e !o#plaints t%at are filed before t%e#) Stri!t !o#plian!e b' #uni!ipal or !it' -udges of t%e pro,isions of t%e udi!iar' A!t of 164>* as a#ended b' Republi! A!t 3>3>* in order to a,oid #ali!ious andPor unfounded !ri#inal prose!ution of persons (as e#p%asi;ed) 3) 0re(ate to the to)ic1 T%e Court* at an' rate* belie,es t%at* if at all* t%e re#ed' a,ailable to Luna* under t%e !ir!u#stan!es stated in t%is opinion* is not a petition for a (rit of habeas corpus but a )etition to C+ash the warrant of arrest or a )etition for a rein0esti-ation of the case b' t%e respondent Muni!ipal udge or b' t%e Pro,in!ial :is!al) 3) T%e Court (as of t%e ,ie( t%at no substantial rig%t of Luna %ad been ,iolated be!ause* as %ereinbefore ad,erted to* %e (ai,ed %is rig%t to preli#inar' in,estigation after %e (as arrested* and %e too& t%e step of appl'ing for bail) T%ese a!ts subse/uent to %is arrest !onstitute an im)(ie a mission on %is part t%at t%ere (as a probable !ause for t%e issuan!e of t%e (arrant of arrest against %i#) T%ose a!ts constit+te a wai0er of whate0er irre-+(arit** if an' t%ere (as* t%at attended %is arrest) AP +a,arro
R!# Art. 12&. Ar8itrar* etention. U An' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee (%o* (it%out legal grounds* detains a person* s%all suffer2 1) T%e penalt' of arresto #a'or in its #a.i#u# period to prision !orre!!ional in its #ini#u# period* if t%e detention %as not e.!eeded t%ree da's2 3) T%e penalt' of prision !orre!!ional in its #ediu# and #a.i#u# periods* if t%e detention %as !ontinued #ore t%an t%ree but not #ore t%an fifteen da's2 3) T%e penalt' of prision #a'or* if t%e detention %as !ontinued for #ore t%an fifteen da's but not #ore t%an si. #ont%s2 and 4) T%at of re!lusion te#poral* if t%e detention s%all %a,e e.!eeded si. #ont%s) T%e !o##ission of a !ri#e* or ,iolent insanit' or an' ot%er ail#ent re/uiring t%e !o#pulsor' !onfine#ent of t%e patient in a %ospital* s%all be !onsidered legal grounds for t%e detention of an' person) Art. 12'. "ela' in t%e deli,er' of detained persons to t%e proper -udi!ial aut%orities) U T%e penalties pro,ided in t%e ne.t pre!eding arti!le s%all be i#posed upon t%e publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee (%o s%all detain an' person for so#e legal ground and s%all fail to deli,er su!% person to t%e proper -udi!ial aut%orities (it%in t%e period of2 t(el,e 0131 %ours* for !ri#es or offenses punis%able b' lig%t penalties* or t%eir e/ui,alent2 eig%teen 01>1 %ours* for !ri#es or offenses punis%able b' !orre!tional penalties* or t%eir e/ui,alent and t%irt'Asi. 0371 %ours* for !ri#es* or offenses punis%able b' affli!ti,e or !apital penalties* or t%eir e/ui,alent)!%an robles ,irtual la( librar' 9n e,er' !ase* t%e person detained s%all be infor#ed of t%e !ause of %is detention and s%all be allo(ed upon %is re/uest* to !o##uni!ate and !onfer at an' ti#e (it% %is attorne' or !ounsel) 0As a#ended b' E)@) +os) 86 and 353* +o,) 5* 16>7 and ul' 38* 16>5* respe!ti,el'1)
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Art. 12.. De(a*in- re(ease. U T%e penalties pro,ided for in Arti!le 134 s%all be i#posed upon an' publi! offi!er or e#plo'ee (%o dela's for t%e period of ti#e spe!ified t%erein t%e perfor#an!e of an' -udi!ial or e.e!uti,e order for t%e release of a prisoner or detention prisoner* or undul' dela's t%e ser,i!e of t%e noti!e of su!% order to said prisoner or t%e pro!eedings upon an' petition for t%e liberation of su!% person) F. SU!!RESION OF E%IDEN#E OF O5TAINED
#ONSTI ART III Section 3. 031 An' e,iden!e obtained in ,iolation of t%is or t%e pre!eding se!tion s%all be inad#issible for an' purpose in an' pro!eeding) Section 12. 031 An' !onfession or ad#ission obtained in ,iolation of t%is or Se!tion 15 %ereof s%all be inad#issible in e,iden!e against %i#) 041 T%e la( s%all pro,ide for penal and !i,il san!tions for ,iolations of t%is se!tion as (ell as !o#pensation to t%e re%abilitation of ,i!ti#s of torture or si#ilar pra!ti!es* and t%eir fa#ilies) R@C RULE 137 Sec. 1&. "otion to C+ash a search warrant or to s+))ress e0i ence; where to fi(e. $ A #otion to /uas% a sear!% (arrant andPor to suppress e,iden!e obtained t%ereb' #a' be filed in and a!ted upon onl' b' t%e !ourt (%ere t%e a!tion %as been instituted) 9f no !ri#inal a!tion %as been instituted* t%e #otion #a' be filed in and resol,ed b' t%e !ourt t%at issued sear!% (arrant) Ho(e,er* if su!% !ourt failed to resol,e t%e #otion and a !ri#inal !ase is subse/uentl' filed in anot%er !ourt* t%e #otion s%all be resol,ed b' t%e latter !ourt)