Cases On Election

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October 6, 2000] FACTS: Petitioner assailed public respondent O!"#" resolutions orderin$ t%e procla&ation o' 38 additional part()list representati*es to co&plete t%e +2 seats in t%e ,ouse o' Representati*es as pro*ided b( -ec +, .rt /0 o' t%e 1187 onstitution and R. 7121. On t%e ot%er %and, Public Respondent, to$et%er 3it% t%e respondent parties, a*ers t%at t%e 'illin$ up o' t%e t3ent( percent &e&bers%ip o' part()list representati*es in t%e ,ouse o' Representati*es, as pro*ided under t%e onstitution, 3as &andator(, 3%erein t%e t3ent( 42056 percent con$ressional seats 'or part()list representati*es is 'illed up at all ti&es. ISSUE: 7%et%er or not t%e t3ent( percent allocation 'or part()list la3&a8ers is &andator(. HELD: No, it is &erel( a ceilin$ 'or t%e part()list seats in on$ress. 9%e sa&e declared t%erein a polic( to pro&ote :proportional representation; in t%e election o' part()list representati*es in order to enable <ilipinos belon$in$ to t%e &ar$inali=ed and underrepresented sectors to contribute le$islation t%at 3ould bene'it t%e&. 0t %o3e*er dee&ed it necessar( to re>uire parties, or$ani=ations and coalitions participatin$ in t%e s(ste& to obtain at least t3o percent o' t%e total *otes cast 'or t%e part()list s(ste& in order to be entitled to a part()list seat. 9%ose $arnerin$ &ore t%an t%is percenta$e could %a*e :additional seats in proportion to t%eir total nu&ber o' *otes.; <urt%er&ore, no 3innin$ part(, or$ani=ation or coalition can %a*e &ore t%an t%ree seats in t%e ,ouse o' Representati*es 4sec 114b6 R. 71216.

Note: Clearly, the Constitution makes the number of district representatives the determinant in arriving at the number of seats allocated for party-list lawmakers, who shall comprise twenty per centum of the total number of representatives including those under the party-list. e thus translate this legal provision into a mathematical formula, as follows: No. of district representatives !!!!!!!!!!!- " .#$ % No. of party-list .&$ representatives 'his formulation means that any increase in the number of district representatives, as may be provided by law, will necessarily result in a corresponding increase in the number of party-list

seats. 'o illustrate, considering that there were #$& district representatives to be elected during the ())& national elections, the number of party-list seats would be *#, computed as follows: #$& !!+ " .#$ % *# .&$ 'he foregoing computation of seat allocation is easy enough to comprehend. 'he problematic ,uestion, however, is this: -oes the Constitution re,uire all such allocated seats to be filled up all the time and under all circumstances. /ur short answer is No.

Ang LADLAD vs COMELEC [G.R. No. 110+82, .pril 8, 2010]

Facts: Petitioner is a national or$ani=ation 3%ic% represents t%e lesbians, $a(s, bise?uals, and trans) $enders. 0t 'iled a petition 'or accreditation as a part()list or$ani=ation to public respondent. ,o3e*er, due to &oral $rounds, t%e latter denied biblical and >uranic passa$es in t%eir decision. 0t also stated t%at since t%eir 3a(s are i&&oral and contrar( to public polic(, t%e( are considered nuisance. 0n 'act, t%eir acts are e*en punis%able under t%e Re*ised Penal ode in its .rticle 201. . &otion 'or reconsideration bein$ denied, Petitioner 'iled t%is instant Petition on ertiorari under Rule 6+ o' t%e Rules o' ourt, an$ #adlad ar$ued t%at t%e denial o' accreditation, inso'ar as it @usti'ied t%e e?clusion b( usin$ reli$ious do$&a, *iolated t%e constitutional $uarantees a$ainst t%e establis%&ent o' reli$ion. Petitioner also clai&ed t%at t%e .ssailed Resolutions contra*ened its constitutional ri$%ts to pri*ac(, 'reedo& o' speec% and asse&bl(, and e>ual protection o' la3s, as 3ell aa constituted *iolations o' t%e P%ilippines international obli$ations a$ainst discri&ination based on se?ual orientation. 0n its o&&ent, t%e O!"#" reiterated t%at petitioner does not %a*e a concrete and $enuine national political a$enda to bene'it t%e nation and t%e petition 3as *alidl( dis&issed on &oral $rounds. 0t also ar$ued 'or t%e 'irst ti&e t%at t%e #GA9 sector is not a&on$ t%e sectors enu&erated b( t%e onstitution and R. 7121, and t%at petitioner &ade untrut%'ul state&ents in its petition 3%en it alle$ed its national e?istence contrar( to actual *eri'ication reports b( O!"#" Bs 'ield personnel. Issues: 1. 7%et%er or not Respondent *iolated t%e non)establis%&ent clause o' t%e onstitutionC 2. 7%et%er or not Respondent erred in den(in$ Petitioners application on &oral and le$al $rounds. Hel : Respondent &ista8enl( opines t%at our rulin$ in .n$ Aa$on$ Aa(ani stands 'or t%e proposition t%at onl( t%ose sectors speci'icall( enu&erated in t%e la3 or related to said sectors 4labor,

peasant, 'is%er'ol8, urban poor, indi$enous cultural co&&unities, elderl(, %andicapped, 3o&en, (out%, *eterans, o*erseas 3or8ers, and pro'essionals6 &a( be re$istered under t%e part()list s(ste&. .s 3e e?plicitl( ruled in .n$ Aa$on$ Aa(ani O<7 #abor Part( *s o&&ission on "lections, :t%e enu&eration o' &ar$inali=ed and under) represented sectors is not e?clusi*e.; 9%e crucial ele&ent is not 3%et%er a sector is speci'icall( enu&erated, but 3%et%er a particular or$ani=ation co&plies 3it% t%e re>uire&ents o' t%e onstitution and R. 7121. Our onstitution pro*ides in .rticle 000, -ection + t%at :[n]o la3 s%all be &ade respectin$ an establis%&ent o' reli$ion, or pro%ibitin$ t%e 'ree e?ercise t%ereo'.; .t botto&, 3%at our non) establis%&ent clause calls 'or is :$o*ern&ent neutralit( in reli$ious &atters.; learl(, :$o*ern&ental reliance on reli$ious @usti'ication is inconsistent 3it% t%is polic( o' establis%&ent clause 'or t%e O!"#" to utili=e t%e Aible and t%e Doran to @usti'( t%e e?clusion o' .n$ #adlad. Ae it noted t%at $o*ern&ent action &ust %a*e a secular purpose. Respondent %as 'ailed to e?plain 3%( societal ills are sou$%t to be pre*ented, or 3%( special protection is re>uired 'or t%e (out%. Neit%er %as t%e O!"#" condescended to @usti'( its position t%at petitionerBs ad&ission into t%e part()list s(ste& 3ould be so %ar&'ul as to irreparabl( da&a$e t%e &oral 'abric o' societ(. 7e also 'ind t%e O!"#" Bs re'erence to purported *iolations o' our penal and ci*il la3 'li&s(, at bestC disin$enuous, at 3orst. .rticle 612 o' t%e i*il ode de'ines a nuisance as :an( act, o&ission, establis%&ent, condition o' propert(, or an(t%in$ else 3%ic% s%oc8s, de'ies, or disre$ards decenc( or &oralit(,; t%e re&edies 'or 3%ic% are a prosecution under t%e Re*ised Penal ode or an( local ordinance, a ci*il action, or abate&ent 3it%out @udicial proceedin$s. . *iolation o' .rticle 201 o' t%e Re*ised Penal ode, on t%e ot%er %and, re>uires proo' be(ond reasonable doubt to support a cri&inal con*iction. 0t %ardl( needs to be e&p%asi=ed t%at &ere alle$ation o' *iolation o' la3s is not proo', and a &ere blan8et in*ocation o' public &orals cannot replace t%e institution o' ci*il or cri&inal proceedin$s and a @udicial deter&ination o' liabilit( or culpabilit(. .s suc%, 3e %old t%at &oral disappro*al, 3it%out &ore, is not su''icient $o*ern&ental interest to @usti'( e?clusion o' %o&ose?uals 'ro& participation in t%e part()list s(ste&. 9%e denial o' .n$ #adladBs re$istration on purel( &oral $rounds a&ounts to a state&ent o' disli8e and disappro*al o' %o&ose?uals, rat%er t%an a tool to 'urt%er an( substantial public interest.

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