Harry Eden File Format

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Digital graphics for print describe sheets

File extension- .JPG

Name- Joint Photographic Expert
It is a raster file.
The Advantages of using a .JPG file is that it is widely supported as many files use
it and you can change the file size.
The disadvantages are that it is not good for simple colours, and it is not a good
as quality when it has been compressed.
An example of using a .JPG file could be on your email, digital or photograph.

File extension- .TIF
Name- it is called a Tagged Image File Format
It is a raster file and it uses pixel data.
The advantages of using a .TIF file is that it is widely supported standard, it is
used when scanning and both mac and windows supported.
The disadvantages of using a TIF file is that it is not supported by a web browser,
and the file does not compress automatically so it creates a loger.
The example of using a .TIF file is on email.

File extension- .PNG
Name- Portable Network Graphics
It is raster file.
The advantages of using the .PNG file are that it is platform independent format
that supports high level losses compression and transparency, and the web
browser supports it.
The disadvantages of using .PNG is that it is new so old browsers may not
support it. Also it does not offer any support for animated files.
An example of using a .PNG file is making a logo with a transparent background.

File extension- .BMP
Name- Windows Bitmap
It is a raster file.
The advantages of using .BMP are that it supports a wide range of colours, and
the .bmp format is widely compatible with window programs.
The disadvantages of using of the .BMP are that it does not support compression,
windows computers only use it and web browsers do not support it.
The examples are colour scheming.

File extension- .GIF
Name- Graphics Interchange Format
GIF is a raster file.
The advantages of using a .GIF is that it is widely supported, low loss of
compression and transparency, and because its supported it can make
The disadvantages of using a .GIF file are that you will loose the colour and
information. Also it is limited and inferior to other formats.
An example of using a .GIF file is that you can make animated media.

File extension- .PSD
Name- Photoshop Document
It is a raster file
The advantages of using a .PSD file are that you can store it in layers. Also it can
create and manipulate vector graphics.
The disadvantage of using a .GIF file is that it is a very large file so you have to
save it as a smaller file to share it. Also it doesnt work with all programs and the
function is limited and software might be useful.
The examples of using a .GIF file format is editing on Photoshop.

File extension- .CGM
Name- Computer Graphics Metafile
It is a metafile, which means it uses raster and vector files
The advantages using a .CGM file are that it is a free file format, which means it,
works on many systems. Also it is international standard.
The disadvantage of using a .CGM file is that in some programs it needs a filter to
convert it.
The example of using a .CGM file is graphics and international standard.

File extension- .PDF
Name- portable document format
It is a metafile, which means it uses raster and vector data.
The advantages of using .PDF are that you can open it on any system, it is a small
file so its easy to share. Also you can set it so you cant access it anymore.
The disadvantages of using .PDF are that you cannot manipulate images once
they are saved to this format.
The examples of using a .PDF is that they have their own website with samples.

Raster files-
These use pixels to store their data.
Each square is a pixel. Also each pixel contains one bit of data and one colour.
If you zoom into a raster file you will see lots of pixels.
Cameras and scanners produce work in raster files, so they need to stay as raster
files when being edited.

Vector graphics-
Vector graphics use mathematic equations (points, lines, curves, shapes or
polygons) to store the data.
Vector graphics will stay perfect quality no matter how far you zoom in.
Raster graphics will often be turned into vector graphics for printing as it is easy
to resize without changing the quality.
Not all computer programs support all types of vector graphics so if you want to
work in many different programs it would be better to save as a more universally
compatible raster file.

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