Location Visit Sheet

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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: love natural by tekkers production


Director: Sam Alfie and harry

Date: 20/01/15

Sams house
Access: Sams permission
Space: bedroom
Permissions: sams mum and Sam
Lighting: lamp and dimming the light
Power: plugs and switch
Health and Safety:
Make sure no hazards when performing
Make sure tripods set up correctly with space so you dont trip over it.

Positives/negatives about filming here: positive is that its in an enclosed

surrounding, and the sun light dont effect it. The negatives are that its quite a
small area and also the lighting isnt natural.

Name and number of location contact:

Sams house location number 1 31 Canterbury road


Sketch or photo of location:

(Repeat the above for each location)

local park
Access: via the park gate
Space: football pitches
Permissions: grounds men
Lighting: Sunlight
Power: the sun
Health and Safety:
Check pitch has no hazards such as sharp objects
When doing an acrobatic shot make sure to land safety and correctly.

Positives/negatives about filming here: positives are that it is a large space, and
natural light.
Negatives are anyone can ruin the shot, and we have to be aware of the weather.

Name and number of location contact: local park location 2 Morden recreational


Sketch or photo of location:

Sams house
Access: sam
Space: bedroom
Permissions: sams mum and sam
Lighting: bedroom lights

Power: electricity and switch

Health and Safety:
Make sure rooms tidy so no one trips up,
Make sure enough space from bed and camera so dont nock camera over.

Positives/negatives about filming here: postives are we dont have to worry about
the weather and we can fit everything in the shot. The negatives are that its not
natural light.

Name and number of location contact: number 3 location Sam harper 31

Canterbury road


Sketch or photo of location:

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