Infrastructure Development Plans of Yangon City

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Infrastructure Development Plans of Yangon City

Present by Mr. Bo Htay, Head of Central Stores Department

Yangon City Development Committee
Global Infrastructure Cooperation Conference 2013, 12-14 November 2013

Total Area 676,578 sq-km
Frontier 6,173 km
2,206 km with China,
2,109 km with Thailand,
1,340 km with India,
270 km with Bangladesh
238 km with Laos
Coastline 2,230 km
Population 63.5 millions
Growth Rate 1.84%

Growth of City Area, Land Use Changes & Urban Sprawl
YCDC Area 794.43 sq. km.
Population 5.14 million
1950- 86, pop.- 1 mill.
1974-, pop.- 2 mill.
1995-, pop.- 3 mill.
Present Land Use of Greater Yangon
Organization Structure and Functions of YCDC
Yangon Mayor, Chairman of YCDC and
Minister for Development Affairs of Yangon Region
City Planning & Land Administration
Public Relations & Information
Budget & Accounts
Committee Member -3
Engineering Dept. (Buildings)
Pollution Control & Cleansing
Work Inspection
Motor Transport & Workshop
Committee Member -5
Central Stores
Veterinary & Slaughter Houses
Security & Disciplinary
Committee Member -7
Engineering Dept. (Water & Sanitation)
Engineering Dept. (Roads & Bridges)
Playgrounds, Parks & Gardens
Industrial Structure
The industrial structure in Myanmar was composed of
primary sector (36%) secondary sector (20%) tertiary sector (18%)
That of Yangon Region was composed of
primary sector (8%) secondary sector (37%) tertiary sector (24%)
A Land Use Image of Thilawa SEZ
Future Land Use Plan for Port Area Development
Sub-center with
Green Isle System
Aims at decentralizing urban
Sub-centers will be created
around 10-15 km radius area
from CBD.
Controls urban expansion by
creating outer green belt.
Outer ring road will be
Future urbanization along the
outer ring road in the next
step of development of the
sub-centers growth belt will
be promoted namely Outer
Ring Growth Belt.
Urban Function
Not only current CBD but
also other new area centers
will play a role of city
centers in the future to
accommodate a large
The new city centers will be
divided into some types,
Secondary CBD, Sub-
centers, and New Town
Core Areas.
Distances between
neighboring sub-centers are
set about 10km each other
Industrial Function
In Yangon 24 industrial
zones are currently under
operating with a total area
of 5,105 ha, which
include some unused
lands inside them.
Labor population of
secondary sector is
estimated to increase by
554 thousands from
present to 2040.
Not only Thialwa SEZ
but also 700 ha of
additional new industrial
zones will be necessary.
Public Transportation
The development of a mega city with 10 million
population will need a large amount of investment for
the transport infrastructures to cope with huge amount
of traffic demands. It is apparent that transport system
has to play a significant role in the urban development
in Yangon. Therefore it is necessary to further develop
an integrated transport network so as to maximize the
efficiency of the huge investment.
Urban areas in Yangon are separated by rivers and
channels, thus huge investment will be required to
cross the rivers. Single core urban structure will
generate huge amount of inter-zonal traffic demand
and require huge infrastructure development, while
multi cores urban structure will be able to encourage
intra-zonal activities and reduce the inter-zonal traffic
The UMRT system for inter-zonal traffic particularly
for passengers will be indispensable as a main
framework of the transport network system connecting
the urban cores with each other. It is thus
recommended to promote urban development along
the proposed UMRT lines, so that the effectiveness of
the huge investment would be higher.

Perennial congestion
Ineffective intersection
Underused old, deteriorated railway
Urban Transport

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Restructuring of Passenger Bus
- Restructuring the passenger bus network
- Introduction of functional network system including bus zone
- Reorganization of bus operation companies
US$ 3 mil.
Modernization of the Passenger Bus
- Renewal of bus fleets
- Provision of information to the passengers and introduction of smart card
- Operation management by GPS and traffic safety management
US$ 50 mil.
Prioritization of Passenger Bus
- Introduction of bus lane
- Introduction of bus priority traffic light
US$ 15 mil.
Development of Bus Interchanges
- Connecting point of major bus routes
- Construction of facility for transfer passengers
US$ 20 mil.
Development of Bus Terminals
- Construction of bus terminals for each urban area Approximately
US$ 20 mil.
BRT System Development
- Introduction of bus rapid transit (BRT) system in the north-south urban
development corridor
US$ 200 mil.
Development of Public
Transportation System in the CBD
- Circular bus or LRT in the CBD
- Traffic restriction of private vehicles
US$ 100 mil.
Traffic Congestion Mitigation
- Improvement of existing traffic bottlenecks
- Installation of traffic signal and improvement of geometric intersection
US$ 20 mil.
Intersection Grade-separation
- The intersections of main roads that experience traffic congestion. Approximately
US$ 150 mil.
Modernization of Traffic Control
and Management System
- Introduction of an Area Traffic Control System, provision of information about
traffic conditions
US$ 50 mil.
Urban Transport (Cont.-)

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Improvement of Traffic Safety Facility
- Provision of center barrier on the main roads
- Construction of pedestrian bridges
- Traffic enforcement, installation of traffic lights
US$ 20 mil.
Improvement of Pedestrian Environment
in the CBD
- Enforcement of law regading street vending and provide barrier-free
pedestrian facilities
- Development of pedestrian mall (shopping arcade)
US$ 5 mil.
Traffic Safety Education and Propaganda
- Education and propaganda on traffic safety
- Capacity development of traffic safety committee
US$ 3 mil.
Enhancement of Traffic Enforcement
- Provision of enforcement equipment including cameras
- Reform the laws and regulation on road traffic
- Simplification of traffic violation ticket
US$ 20 mil.
Development of Traffic Accident
Database and Traffic Safety Audit System
- Development of a database for traffic accident
- Development of a Traffic Safety Audit System
US$ 5 mil.
Computerization of Vehicle and License
- Computerization of vehicle registration and drivers license Approximately
US$ 5 mil.
Transport Demand Control in the CBD
- Pricing and registration control, etc.
- Control of motorcycle use
US$ 20 mil.
Development of Public Parking and
Guidance System in the CBD
- Effective use of government vacant lands
- Construction of multi-storey parking
- Parking information system and enforcement
US$ 30 mil.
Reform of Law and Regulation on Traffic
Management and Transport Demand
- Traffic impact assessment
- Garage Law, compulsory parking facilities
- Laws and regulations on traffic management
US$ 1 mil.
Yangon Urban Traffic Planning Unit
- Planning and monitoring of urban transport system
- Updating of urban transportation database
US$ 5 mil.
PTA (Public Transport Authority)
- Management of public transportation system
- Policy development for public transport system
US$ 5 mil.
Road Network
Formation of a high capacity
road network sufficient to
accommodate future traffic
demands will be needed so as
to support and to guide the
targeted future urban
development in addition to
public transport systems.
New road network is
proposed, characterized by
construction of an outer ring
road which is a circular
highway passing around 15-
30km radius area from CBD,
and some other radial and ring
Road Network

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
[Current Problem]
- Traffic congestion at major intersections especially in peak hours
- Independent operation (not synchronized) of each traffic signal
- Improper parameter setting of signals
- To improve the road shape of intersections with minimal land acquisition
- Installation of the advanced signal control system such as ATCS (Area Traffic Control System)
- Installation of preliminary traffic control center
[Project Scope]-To improve 20 intersections
[Expected Project Effect]-To maximize the capacity of intersections and reduce the traffic jam
US$ 13 mil.
for Bottleneck
[Current Problem]-Traffic congestion at major intersections especially in peak hours
- To construct flyovers/underpasses
- Provision of pedestrian facilities
[Project Scope]
- To study alternatives such as at-grade intersections with proper signal system
- In case of not applicable of the above at-grade alternative, overpass (flyover) or underpass structure
will be constructed.
- Installation of pedestrian facilities
[Expected Project Effect]-To reduce the traffic jam
US$ 50 mil.
of Old Bridge
[Current Problem]
- Traffic congestion on the narrow old bridge
- Serious damages such as corrosion are observed and YCDC recognizes to re-construct the bridge.
- Narrow dangerous pedestrian crossing across the creek
[Countermeasure and Project Scope]
- To construct the new bridge by dismantling the old bridge
- Widening or construction of new approach roads
- Installation of proper pedestrian facility to enhance pedestrian movement across the creek
[Expected Project Effect]
- To reduce the traffic jam
- To enhance peoples mobility (pedestrian)
- To eliminate possible danger in the collapse of the old bridge
US$ 35 mil.
Road Network (Cont.-)
Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Improvement of
Road No.2
[Current Problem]
- Mostly 2-lane road except a part of 4-lane section
- Urbanization along Road No.2 is developing
- Bad pavement condition
-Thilawa SEZ will be opened in 2015 and heavy vehicles to and from SEZ will
enter the city

[Countermeasure and Project Scope]
- Upgrading the total 6-lane highway (20 km stretch)
- Proper pavement structure for heavy vehicle
- Connection to the proposed Outer Ring Road (Road No.7)

[Expected Project Effect]
- Enhance economic development along Road No.2
- Reduce heavy traffic to the city
US$ 60 mil.
[Outer Ring Road
Upgrading of Road
[Current Problem]
- Narrow road (2-lane)
- Critical for urbanization due to poor accessibility
- Bad pavement condition
-Thilawa SEZ will be opened in 2015 and the heavy vehicle to and from SEZ will
enter the city
- Early land acquisition shall be recommended for future Outer Ring Road

[Countermeasure and Project Scope]
- Upgrading the total 4-lane highway (26 km stretch)
- To secure ROW for future Outer Ring Road
- Proper pavement structure for heavy vehicle
- Connection to Road No.1 and Road No.2

[Expected Project Effect]
- Enhance economic development along Road No.2 and Road No.7
- Reduce heavy traffic to the city
US$ 78 mil.
Railway Network
It is estimated that railway
transport in Yangon City
will deal with 6 million trips
in 2040.
The required railway
network length for the
Greater Yangon in 2040 will
be 350 km with 150 km
In the case that 350 km
railway network is
established in the future, not
only modernization of
existing 3 lines (122 km) but
also construction of 5 new 5
MRT lines (232 km) will be
Priority Projects for Railway

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
in Yangon
[Current Problem]
- Yangon Circular Railway has 25 level crossings which are manually operated (opened and closed) by
railway staff.
- Therefore, quite long closing time is required, and it brings chronic traffic congestions at all level crossing
- To introduce automatic level crossing which open and close barrier works automatically at all existing level
[Project Scope]-To install 25 automatic level crossings in Yangon Circular Railway.
[Expected Project Effect]-To reduce drastically the closing time and shorten the traffic jam length.
US$ 13 mil.
Elimination of
Station and
[Current Problem]
- The section between Yangon Central Station and Malwagone Station becomes double-double track, one
double track is for Yangon Circular Railway and the other double track is for Yangon-Mandalay Line.
- Both double track lines are crossed at grade between Yangon Central Station and Pazundaung Station.
- In addition, a part in the section reduce the number of tracks from four (double-double track) to three.
- Therefore, trains for Yangon Circular Railway are forced to have unscheduled long time waiting for
Yangon-Mandalay long distance trains which are categorized as high-class train.
- As it worsened delays, and unreliability of travel, it becomes one of the reasons for low modal share.
- To install an additional track, converting all sections to double-double track (eliminating three-track
- To change the role of platforms for Yangon Circular trains and Yangon-Mandalay long distance trains. Then,
an escalator and elevator should be installed for both platforms because passengers for Yangon-Mandalay
long distance train, which carry large baggage are forced to use the platform located far from the concourse
and connected by FOB with stairway.
[Project Scope]
- To install an additional track to the current three lines section.
- To improve the existing tracks of the section.
- To improve the drainage condition.
- To install an escalator and elevator at both platforms.
[Expected Project Effect]
- To improve the punctuality and quick-deliverability of both Yangon Circular Railway and Yangon-
Mandalay Line
- To increase the number of railway passengers, and proceed in the modal shift from road to railway traffic.
US$ 13 mil.
Priority Projects for Railway (Cont.-)

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Urgent Installation
Radio-typed Train
Detection System in
Yangon Circular
[Current Problem]
- Yangon Circular Railway has installed automatic color light signal. However, the system is quite old and has many problems
such as frequent malfunction without changing signal color due to fail-safe system caused by short-circuiting as well as, track
circuit failure due to water-soaked track in rainy season. It causes chronic train delay and dangerous train operation depending on
drivers keen vision even without reliable signal.
[Countermeasure and Project Scope]
- To install radio-typed train detection system that is free from water-soaked track.
- The radio-typed train detection system should have future expandability in order to realize moving block typed train control
system in the future by adding optional devices/equipment.
[Expected Project Effect]-To enhance the safety and punctuality of train operation because the instruction from dispatcher to
drivers becomes accurate due to working radio train detection system even during signal malfunction
US$ 13 mil.
Installation of
System for Yangon
Circular Line
[Current Problem]
- Current telecommunication system for Yangon Circular Railway is old-fashioned, and forces to communicate telephone line
among stations and transceivers between stations and drivers. However, it is not suitable for railway communication system in
terms of reliability. Especially, regarding the 28 km section between Malwagone Station and Danyingone Station via Yangon
Central Station, the improvement is essential and urgent due to the highest train operation density section and dangerous train
operation under signal malfunction.
[Countermeasure]-To install radio-typed telecommunication system.
[Expected Project Effect]-To improve safety by the improvement of communication condition among stations and drivers.
US$ 4 mil.
Yangon Circular
(Improvement and
Phase1: Western
Half Loop
[Current Problem]
- Yangon Circular Railway surrounds the city center by 47 km length line. The line, especially the western half, has high potential
as urban railway line is passing through high value areas such as business district, high density residential area, etc.
- However, the railway is inferior as compared to other public transport modes such as bus in all aspects such as punctuality,
quick-deliverability, safety, comfortability, and accessibility at present due to deteriorated infrastructures, lack of feeder
connection, etc. These causes dissatisfaction in using railway to Yangon citizens, especially to high income class.
[Countermeasure and Project Outline]
- The western half of Yangon Circular Railway (Yangon Central Station Insein Station Danyingone Station with 21 km length)
which passes through high population density areas is categorized as future main transport axis linking the north with the south in
the city center. The modernization and electrification should be conducted.
- In addition, to develop station plazas at the main stations in order to connect the railway with other feeder services like bus, etc.
[Expected Project Effect]
- To facilitate the modal shift from road to railway transport, especially the north-south direction transport.
- To reduce road traffic volume and congestion.
- To improve the transport condition between north Yangon and the CBD area drastically, especially the commuting condition.
US$ 560 mil.
Logistics Network
Main logistics function will
shift from Yangon Main Port to
Thilawa Area Port gradually in
the future.
Myanmar Government has a
plan to construct a new
international airport at
Hanthawaddy near Bago.
Logistics network between
south-east area (direction to
Thilawa) and north-east area
(direction to the new
international airport, Nay Pyi
Taw, Mandalay and Bago) will
be more important in the future
than present.

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Twante Canal
Rehabilitation Project
[Current Problem]
Embankment damages are evident at the edges of the sandbar at the entrance to Twante Canal.
[Countermeasure]-Rehabilitation of the embankment and jetty.
[Project Scope]-To construct robust embankment
[Expected Project Effect]-Security of navigation route between Yangon and the Delta and upper
Myanmar regions. Safety of villagers lives and security of the waterway transport.
Note: Supplementary information is mentioned below.
US$ 10 mil.
Waterfront Development
[Current Problem]-Jetties owned by MPA are scattered along the Yangon River, and the
waterfront is not efficiently utilized for commercial activities.
[Countermeasure]-Renovation of waterfront
[Project Scope]
-To construct commercial facilities behind Lanmadaw area (inland waterway terminal)
-To renovate the Pansodan-Dala Ferry terminal area at the Yangon side into modern terminal and
commercial zone.
-To extend the Botathaung jetty terminals and construct commercial and recreation area
[Expected Project Effect]
-Revive the waterfront commercial activities
-Provide amenities to the citizen
US$ 50 mil.
Yangon Main Port
[Current Problem]-The existing international port terminals are not efficiently operated due to the
obsolete facilities or insufficient berthing area.
[Countermeasure]-Rehabilitation of the existing port terminals
[Project Scope]
-To renovate the Sule Terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 (by MPAs BOT scheme)
-To expand the MIP berthing area
[Expected Project Effect]-Increase the cargo handling capacities
US$ 100 mil.
Priority Projects for Port and Logistics

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Installation of Safety
Navigation Facilities
Navigation Aid
[Current Problem]
Due to lack of navigation aid system in the access channel, vessels are not allowed to
navigate during night time
[Countermeasure]-Installation of navigation aid
[Project Scope]-To install equipment, and train to facilitate operation.
[Expected Project Effect]-Safety navigation during day and night Increase number of vessel
US$ 50 mil.
Thilawa Area Port
Project Phase I
[Current Problem]-Cargo handling capacity of Yangon Port will soon become insufficient to
handle the increasing cargo volume.
[Countermeasure]-MPA to develop the container terminal through yen loan
[Project Scope]-To construct 400 m length berth and a yard
[Expected Project Effect]-To meet the increasing cargo volume demand
US$ 291 mil.
Replacement of Dala
Ferry Ships
[Current Problem]-Old ferry ships currently being used do not guarantee safe ferry operation
and service.
[Countermeasure]-Replacement of old ferry ships with new ones.
[Project Scope]-To provide three new ferry ships
[Expected Project Effect]-Secure the safe ferry operation and service Passengers comfort
US$ 12 mil.
Priority Projects for Port and Logistics (Cont.-)

Water Supply
The service population of the Greater
Yangon has been estimated at 8.1 million
and the daily maximum water consumption
is calculated at 2.9 million m3/day. The
service population of Yangon City has been
estimated at 6.8 million and the daily
maximum water consumption is calculated
at 2.5 million m3/day. The supply water
volume in 2040 will increase by
approximately 3.5 times of 2011.
It is predicted that standard level of living
will go up drastically by 2040. In this
regard, the domestic water consumption per
capita will be around 173 L/day in Greater
Yangon and 180 L/day in Yangon City
which shows an increase of approximately
1.84 times from the 94 L/day in 2011.
New reservoirs and rivers are planned to be
tapped for the needed new water sources.
Several new water treatment plants
(WTPs) are planned with a capacity of
120,000 m3/day to 1.2 million m3/day.
This is in accordance with the current water
resource conditions and the existing WTPs
that should be rehabilitated. It is also
important to consider supplying sufficient
water to Thilawa SEZ.
The existing daily water supply of 160 MGD is served
from four reservoirs and YCDC owned tubed wells,
but the city water supply system can cover only about
65 % of the population due to insufficient supply-
network and heavy losses.
Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Renewal of Pump Station of
[Construction Works]
- Replacement of all pump facilities, improvement of preventing water hammer,
refurbishment of house and installation of monitoring equipment
[Selection basis]
- It is the most important facility that supports water supply to nine townships and
Yegu Pumping Station. YCDC does not have alternative facility. Damage of pumps
due to water hammer from frequent power failure as well as to disrupted water
supply caused by many repair works.
US$ 20 mil.
Replacement of pump
station of Nyaungnapin
WTP and Distribution
pipeline in Yankin
Township will be
implemented together.
Renewal of
Pipeline in Yankin
[Construction works]
- Replacement of distribution pipeline between Kokkine Reservoir to Yegu Pumping
Station, CIP 42,
- Establishment of DMA and LMB
[Selection basis]-Improvement of aged main pipeline caused many water leakages
therefore improvement of trunk/main distribution pipe network is important in order
to establish DMA and LMB.
Construction of
Kokkowa WTP and
[Construction works]
- Intake pump facilities from Kokkowa river and conduct pipeline
- New WTP (75MGD)
- Transfer/distribution pipeline
[Selection basis]
- To meet increasing water demand
- The first WTP which has river water resource in Greater Yangon
US$ 520mil.
Priority Projects for Water Supply

Project Name Project Outline
Construction of
Lagunpyin WTP
and transfer/
[Construction works]
- New WTP (40MGD) of which water resource is Lagunpyin reservoir
- Transfer/distribution pipeline (19km)
[Selection basis]
- To meet increasing water demand
- It is the nearest water resource from Thilawa SEZ and support improving Thilawa SEZ
Renewal of
Distribution Pipe Network of
Zone 1
[Construction works]
- Renewal of distribution pipe network (556km)
- Rehabilitation of existing reservoir (2)
- Installation of DMA (30)
- Installation of distribution pumps for higher area
[Selection basis]
- To work out stable water supply
- To reduce NRW and to increase supply water
Installation of
Disinfection Facility
[Construction works]
-Installation of disinfection facilities such as Gyobyu WTP(27MGD), Naungnapin WTP(90MGD), Hlawaga
pumping station(68MGD),
[Selection basis]
Priority Projects for Water Supply (Cont.-)

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Improvement of
water quality of
Kan Daw Gyi Lake
[Construction Area]
- Waste water collecting pipe and pumping station
- Eliminating water bloom and dredging up sludge from bottom
- Rain water discharge facilities (7)
[Selection basis]
- Realization of citizens amenity
- Improvement of water environment
US$ 4.6 mil
Installation of
Sewerage System
[Construction Area]
- CBD area
[Selection basis]
- C1 zone and W1 zone are the existing sewerage area and the highest urbanized area
with high population density
US$ 105 mil
Priority Projects
Future Sewerage Zoning Plan in 2040
Current Sewerage Treatment System
Sewerage and Drainage
500kV and 230kV Transmission Line and Power Station in Greater Yangon in 2040
Power Supply

Year Supply Demand Balance
2018 3,387 1,979 1,408 (171%)
2025 4,266 4,682 -415 ( 91%)
2030 4,778 7,819 -3042 ( 61%)
2040 4,778 12,976 -8198 ( 37%)
Power Sector Improvement Project with YESB and
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc. of JICA Sstudy Team
July 2013 Feb. 2014
Solid Waste Management
In the solid waste management sector,
the unit waste generation rate in the
Greater Yangon will also increase in
parallel with the anticipated growth of
the city and its economy while the
present situation still needs
improvement for creating a sanitary
waste stream from generation to final
disposal as a basic objective of SWM.
The necessary number and location of
the final disposal sites to meet the full
capacity of the landfill-final disposal is
proposed as short-, middle-, and long-
term layout plans.

2018-2024 2025-2030
2031-2034 2035-2040
Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Project for Supply of
Collection Equipment
for Solid Waste
[Current Problem]
- Most of the waste collection vehicles are very old and frequently require repair and maintenance.
- Weak capacity of waste collection and transportation cause delay in the removal of waste from living
- To replace the aged vehicle with new waste vehicle
- To improve the capacity of maintenance equipment
[Project Scope]
- To procure number of waste vehicles and equipment.
- To procure and equip maintenance tools and equipment
[Expected Project Effect]-To improve solid waste removal from the living environment of YCDC
US$ 16 mil.
Project for Capacity
Development of Solid
Waste Management (1)
[Current Problem]
- There is no integrated SWM plan based on quantitative analysis.
- Facility development plan is not prepared and authorized.
- Inefficient waste collection system
- No specific facility for hazardous waste treatment
- Less capacity for public enhancement
- No regular training of YCDC personnel for SWM
[Countermeasure]-To carry out capacity development in the organizational and individual level to
solve/improve the current problems listed above
[Project Scope]
- To prepare an action plan for short term development based on the development concept prepared, which is
to cover facility development plan
- To review, update and modify the waste collection system
- To develop operation manual of hazardous waste management including separation at source, reinforcement
of the polluter pay principle and operation of its treatment facility
- To prepare and execute public enhancement program. To coordinate with the concerned stakeholders
including depts. Of YCDC, Ministry, NGO and private sector
- To develop and execute a regular training program for SWM
[Expected Project Effect]
- To formulate and authorize a short-term policy of SWM
- To improve the efficiency of solid waste collection
- To realize and execute the method and procedure of public enhancement
- To share the experiences and knowledge of SWM in YCDC
US$ 5 million
Priority Projects for Solid Waste Management

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Project for Capacity
Development of Solid
Waste Management (2)
[Current Problem]
- Final disposal sites are operated in open dumping site and may cause negative environmental
- Collection rate of waste service fee is very low and deficit is very huge while tariff table exist
for the service.
- Material recovery activities are mainly carried out by private sector. Instruction by YCDC for
this issue as not been well developed.
[Countermeasure]-To carry out capacity development at social/institutional, organizational and
individual level to solve/improve the current problems listed above
[Project Scope]
- To review and update the action plan developed in the capacity development project1
- To train personnel for improvement of operation of the existing final disposal sites and future
sanitary landfill
- To review, revise and monitor the tariff table and fee collection method of SWM fee
- To coordinate and stimulate private sector for setting up of 3R policy and promoting their
involvement for middle term
[Expected Project Effect]
- To continue the formulating and authorizing a the policy of SWM
- To improve the operation of the existing final disposal sites and prevent environmental impact
- To realize and acquire necessary knowledge and operation practice for sanitary landfill
- To prepare development of 3R policy and enhance the awareness of private sector
US$ 6 mil.
Priority Projects for Solid Waste Management (Cont.-)

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Project for Sanitary
1) Htein Bin
2)Kyi Su
3) Hlaing Tharyar
[Current Problem]
- All existing final disposal sites of YCDC are operated in an open dumping method.
- The disposed waste at the open dumping sites is causing negative environmental impact.
- The sanitary waste stream cannot be achieved without an appropriate final disposal plan.
[Countermeasure]-To construct a sanitary landfill.
[Project Scope]
- To construct a sanitary landfill Approximate area of the project site 1) 30 ha, 2) 100 ha, 3) 150
ha, 4) 200 ha, 5) 50 ha
- To procure and install necessary equipment and facility for landfill management such as
weighing scale, heavy equipment, environmental monitoring equipment, etc.
[Expected Project Effect]
- To operate a final disposal site in sanitary manner.
- To prevent negative impact to the environment
1) US$35 mil.
2) US$ 80 mil.
3) US$ 120 mil.
4) US$ 140 mil.
5) US$ 45 mil.
Project for Hazardous
Waste Treatment
[Pilot scale]
[Current Problem]
- No specific facility of hazardous waste treatment
- Anticipated increase of hazardous waste generation as economic grows
- Weak enforcement of the polluter pay principle
[Countermeasure]-To construct hazardous waste treatment facility [incinerator].
[Project Scope]
- To construct a incinerator for hazardous waste treatment as a pilot scale facility [treatment
capacity: 100ton/day]
- To procure and install necessary equipment and facility
[Expected Project Effect]
- To treat hazardous waste properly.
- To prevent negative impact to the environment.
US$34 mil.
Priority Projects for Solid Waste Management (Cont.-)

The old phone network will be changed to the Next Generation
Network (NGN) using the internet protocol technology. NGN
will be merged with the internet network in the near future.
NGN should be constructed in all areas of Yangon based on the
demand forecast.
step -the core facilities of NGN will be constructed in the
center of Yangon, Pabeden, Hanthawaddy, Tamwe, and
Mayangon. Hanthawaddy has a national gateway while
Mayangon has an international gateway. The number of
subscribers will be 300,000 based on the demand forecast.
step -the core facilities of NGN will be constructed in
suburbs, such as Thanlyin and Dagon Myothit with 300,000
subscribers in with development area.
step -the core facilities will be constructed in Hlaing
Tharyar with 300,000 subscribers.

Project Name Project Outline Preliminary
Estimated Cost
Construction of Next
Generation Network
[Current Problem]
- Low speed access line
- Construction of NGN with OFC.
[Project Scope]
- Installation of 4 NGN core facilities and construction of FTTX
[Expected Project]
-Serviceable telecommunication network

US$ 276 mil.

Future Urban
Structure and
Land Use of
Greater Yangon

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