Short Course T2/P2 The Utilization of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Turbomachinery Design and Analysis
Short Course T2/P2 The Utilization of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Turbomachinery Design and Analysis
Short Course T2/P2 The Utilization of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Turbomachinery Design and Analysis
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)89:;8 3< 6=>>=??@ ,A<4< B As MSl's ulrecLor of llulds Lnglneerlng, ur. 8enneLL ls experlenced ln new
producL developmenL, and has been deeply lnvolved ln many ma[or roLaLlng machlnery programs. Pls deslgn meLhodology
ls used by companles around Lhe world, and he lecLures wldely on Lhese sub[ecLs. Pe graduaLed from Lhe naval Academy,
and holds a h.u. ln lluld Mechanlcs from !ohns Popklns unlverslLy. ln 2009, ur. 8enneLL recelved ASML's presLlglous
Copalakrlshnan Award for llulds Lnglneerlng. Pe ls currenLly Lhe AssoclaLe 1echnlcal LdlLor for Lhe !ournal of llulds
Lnglneerlng (ASML).
%;:CDE 0< FG>:E [olned MSl as a Senlor SLaff Lnglneer ln 2011. Mr. !onas recelved nASA's Space lllghL Awareness (SlA)
Award ln 2000 for hls conLrlbuLlon ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe Space ShuLLle's Plgh ressure luel 1urbopump/AlLernaLe
1urbopump (Pl1/A1). 1he SlA ls consldered one of Lhe hlghesL awards presenLed Lo nASA and/or slgnlflcanL lndusLry
parLners relaLed Lo Lhe human space fllghL program. AL MSl, Mr. !onas performs pro[ecL managemenL, as well as flnlLe
elemenL analysls (lLA) and CompuLaLlonal lluld uynamlcs (Clu) analysls of complex flowpaLhs wlLhln Lurbomachlnery. Mr.
!onas recelved hls 8achelors uegree ln Mechanlcal englneerlng from urdue unlverslLy.
7;:>? #< 3HEI;GC= ls currenLly an Lnglneer ln Lhe Machlnery SLrucLural uynamlcs SecLlon wlLhln Lhe llulds and Machlnery
ueparLmenL aL SouLhwesL 8esearch lnsLlLuLe. Pe earned hls 8achelor and MasLer degrees ln Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng from
Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy ln 2007 and 1he ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy ln 2009, respecLlvely. Mr. Musgrove's research
lnLeresLs are ln Lhe areas of fluld dynamlcs, heaL Lransfer, Lhermodynamlcs, and sLrucLural dynamlcs ln roLaLlng machlnery
0>8;=9 "< .=;JA= ls a Senlor 8esearch Lnglneer aL SouLhwesL 8esearch lnsLlLuLe ln San AnLonlo, 1x. Pe holds 8.S. and
M.S. ln Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng from Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas aL AusLln and Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas aL San AnLonlo,
respecLlvely. Cver Lhe lasL 10 years he has worked ln areas lnvolvlng mechanlcal deslgn, roLordynamlc analysls, flnlLe
elemenL analysls, compuLaLlonal fluld dynamlcs, experlmenLal LesLlng, and LesL rlg developmenL. Pls lnLeresLs lnclude
sLrucLural dynamlcs, modal LesLlng and analysls, fluld-sLrucLure lnLeracLlon, roLordynamlcs, lnsLrumenLaLlon and
LelemeLry, and susLalnable/renewable energles.
KDEA9:E -L=>I:;@ ,A<4< ls currenLly worklng as a Senlor 1echnlcal SpeclallsL aL rospecL llow SoluLlons ln PousLon, 1exas.
rlor Lo LhaL ur lyengar worked ln Lhe Machlnery rogram aL SouLhwesL 8esearch lnsLlLuLe for 4.3 years. ur lyengar
recelved hls h.u. ln rospace Lnglneerlng from Ceorgla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology ln 2007. Pls research lnLeresLs lnclude
8ooL Cause lallure Analysls, CompuLaLlonal lluld uynamlcs and 8enewable Lnergy. ur lyengar has auLhored 4 !ournal
ubllcaLlons, 18 eer 8evlewed Conference apers and presenLed numerous 1urbomachlnery relaLed LuLorlals/lecLures.
F:M=E ":;8D> ls a Senlor Lnglneer ln Lhe Advanced 1echnology deparLmenL aL LllloLL Company, ln !eanneLLe,
ennsylvanla, where he performs compuLaLlonal fluld dynamlcs (Clu) and oLher aerodynamlc analyses for Lurblnes and
compressors. revlous experlence lncludes Clu and oLher analyses on shlpboard propulslon and plplng sysLems wlLh
WesLlnghouse LlecLrlc CorporaLlon, and Lurblne deslgn supporL and LesLlng aL LllloLL Company. Pe has 31 years of
englneerlng experlence, mosLly ln aerodynamlcs and fluld sysLems. Mr. Pardln recelved a 8.S. degree (Mechanlcal
Lnglneerlng, 1981) from Carnegle-Mellon unlverslLy, and ls a reglsLered rofesslonal Lnglneer ln Lhe SLaLe of