2011 AIChE Career Day at Chem Show Flyer

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C k G A N I 2 L D 8

1 n L M L 1 k C N L W C k k
S L C 1 I C N , A I C n L
Javits Convention Center
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011
Career Day at
the Chem Show
Students from engineering schools in the
northeast region are invited at no cost to
learn about the experiences of practicing
engineers from different business areas.
This two-hour event is being held on
Tuesday, November 1st, beginning at 1
pm. In addition, attendance to the Career
Day event gives students an opportunity
to tour the exhibits of the ChemShow at
no cost. This will allow students to see
the equipment and products they are
studying in school and to meet with
engineers in many fields and of all ages
and experiences.
The panelists come from a diverse set of
industries, including:
Patent Law
Professional Societies
For a fee of $25, students can also
register to attend any or all sessions of
the Conference on Energy, Safety
& Consulting (11/1 - 11/3). This
conference will be great for students, as
they will be able to learn about important
issues of concern to all current and future
engi neer s , and wi l l be anot her
opportunity to meet with experts in a
number of fields of interest to engineers.
Sponsor|ng AIChL Secnons:
AIChL, Metro New ork Secnon
AIChL, 1appan 2ee Secnon
1hank you to our Sponsors:
Go|d: Internanona| Lxpos|non
Co. www.chemshow.com
8ronze: AIChL, 1appan 2ee
NI1, New ork
Insntute of 1echno|ogy
owerfu| urpose

as of 9-23
Keynote Speaker & Panelists
Anthony Iasano (keynote) - .L., Author, Coach
AnLhony ls CLC and founder of owerful urpose AssoclaLes. Pe
ls a naLlonally recognlzed professlonal coach and lnsplraLlonal
speaker speclallzlng ln Lhe areas of buslness and career growLh
and developmenL as well as leadershlp. AnLhony ls also an auLhor.
Pls new book "Lnglneer ?our own Success: 7 key LlemenLs Lo
CreaLlng and LxLraordlnary Lnglneerlng Career" was publlshed
earller Lhls summer. 1hls easy Lo read book was wrlLLen Lo provlde
englneers wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon needed Lo develop Lhelr non-
Lechnlcal skllls and advance Lhelr careers. Pe ls also Lhe auLhor of
Lhe popular A ually 8oosL lrom ?our rofesslonal arLner, a dally
e-mall LhaL goes ouL Lo Lhousands of englneers worldwlde.
AnLhony recelved a 8.S. and a M.S. ln Clvll Lnglneerlng from
LafayeLLe College and Columbla unlverslLy, respecLlvely, and hls
coachlng cerLlflcaLe from Lhe lnsL. of rof. Lxcellence ln Coachlng.
Lauren De|tch (ane||st) - AIChL
Lauren has worked aL Lhe headquarLers of Lhe Amerlcan lnsLlLuLe
of Chemlcal Lnglneers slnce March 2011 as a 1echnlcal
rogrammlng ro[ecL Manager, organlzlng Lhe Lechnlcal conLenL
of AlChL conferences. rlor Lo her move Lo new ?ork, she was
worklng aL Lll-vuLek ln new Pampshlre as a ro[ecL Manager of
lnk uevelopmenL, runnlng research and developmenL pro[ecLs Lo
deslgn speclallzed uv-curable lnks for super-wlde formaL dlglLal
lnk[eL prlnLers. Lauren holds a 8.S. ln Chemlcal Lnglneerlng from
Lhe unlverslLy of new Pampshlre.

kache| Ir|edman (ane||st) - Con Ld|son
8achel has worked aL Con Ldlson for nlne years ln
varlous poslLlons. She has worked as an Lnglneer ln Lhe company's
WasLe WaLer 1reaLmenL lanL, acLed as Lhe 8esulLs Supervlsor
monlLorlng boller efflclency, as Lhe ro[ecL Manager for
a uemlnerallzed WaLer urlflcaLlon SysLem aL a sLeam
generaLlng sLaLlon, and currenLly as Lhe Manager of an
LnvlronmenLal PealLh and SafeLy CuallLy Assurance and 8lsk
ManagemenL group. 8achel holds a 8.S. ln Chemlcal Lnglneerlng
from Columbla unlverslLy and has compleLed her M.8.A. aL n?u's
SLern School of 8uslness wlLh a concenLraLlon ln Supply Chaln and

Dan|e| Lepek (ane||st) - 1he Cooper Un|on
uanlel ls AssL. rof. of Chem. Lnglneerlng aL 1he Cooper
unlon. Pls research lnLeresLs lnclude parLlcle Lechnology,
fluldlzaLlon and mulLlphase flow, pharmaceuLlcal
englneerlng, modellng of LransporL and blo-LransporL
phenomena, and englneerlng educaLlon. uanlel Leaches
a wlde range of courses and supervlses research pro[ecLs
lnvolvlng boLh undergraduaLe and graduaLe sLudenLs.
uanlel holds a 8.L. ln Chemlcal Lnglneerlng from 1he
Cooper unlon and a h.u. ln Chemlcal Lnglneerlng from
new !ersey lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology. Pe ls an acLlve
member of AlChL, lSL, and ASLL.
8arry Sch|nd|er (ane||st) - Greenberg
8arry ls Co-Chalr of Lhe Creenberg 1raurlg's aLenL
rosecuLlon Croup and a shareholder ln lLs lnLellecLual
roperLy & 1echnology uepL. Pe has more Lhan 20 years
of legal experlence ln all aspecLs of lnLellecLual properLy
law, lncludlng mulLldlsclpllnary llLlgaLlon experlence.
8arry has helped companles of all slzes bulld and
manage slgnlflcanL paLenL porLfollos, develop ln-house
procedures, and formulaLe l sLraLegles. Pe poslLlons
cllenLs Lo galn a compeLlLlve advanLage by ldenLlfylng
paLenLable sub[ecL maLLer and drafLlng clalms ln such a
way LhaL lnfrlngemenL becomes posslble Lo prove. Pe
works closely wlLh Lhe u.S. aLenL Cfflce Lo Lraln aLenL
Lxamlners. 8arry was a chemlcal englneer wlLh lorLune
100 companles for seven years prlor Lo law school.
aiche career day Registration
Career Sess|on: Iree for sLudenLs,
8L-8LClS18A1lCn lS 8LCul8Lu.
Comp|ete Conference on Lnergy, Safety,
and Consu|nng: Speclal $23 raLe for sLudenLs,
8L-8LClS18A1lCn lS 8LCul8Lu.
keg|ster on||ne: norLheasLreglonal.alche.org/
Spec|a| Cer to Career Day Auendees: Save $10 o reLall
prlce. AnLhony lasano wlll dellver your personallzed copy
of Lhe book aL Lhe evenL. Crder aL: hup://
aiche career day at the chem show
1uesday, November 1st, 1 - 3 pm
Iav|ts Center, koom 1-C04

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