Inoue (2012) - ADHD Hemodynamic Response Go:NoGo & FNIRS
Inoue (2012) - ADHD Hemodynamic Response Go:NoGo & FNIRS
Inoue (2012) - ADHD Hemodynamic Response Go:NoGo & FNIRS
The averaged near-infrared spectroscopy waveforms of [oxy-Hb] and [deoxy-Hb] elicited during (a) NoGo-condition and (b) Go-condition. Two
vertical lines represent the task block (2-min duration). ADHD, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; LL, left lateral; LM, left medial; RL, right lateral;
RM, right medial.
Fig. 4
The average [oxy-Hb] changes in children with attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the group of typically developing
children (TDC) across the four regions.
58 NeuroReport 2012, Vol 23 No 2
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In the current study, the hemodynamic response of
prefrontal regions during a Go/NoGo task was compared
between TDC and children with ADHD. The mean
change in [oxy-Hb] was clearly reduced in the ADHD
group compared with that in the TDC group. This char-
acteristic change was confined to the NoGo-condition,
for which prepotent inhibition is involved. Our NIRS data
for TDC indicated that activation of the prefrontal area
during an inhibitory task could be detected on NIRS
measurement even in children 614 years of age. As the
current and previous study [17] compared two task
conditions (Go-conditions and NoGo-conditions), in
both, the condition-specific brain activity in healthy
participants (children and adults) caused by inhibitory
demand but not by simple response execution could be
detected. Therefore, the current results overcome the
methodological limitations in the early NIRS study
involving a Go/NoGo task [24], in which the hemody-
namic response without an adequate control condition
equivalent to the Go-condition used in the current study
was measured.
Therefore, the mean [oxy-Hb] and [deoxy-Hb] changes
were not influenced by the regions of NIRS probes,
suggesting that bilateral PFC regions were equally
involved in the response inhibition. Tamm et al. [25]
conducted an fMRI study on children/adolescents,
showing that significant activation during a Go/NoGo
task was observed in the right superior/inferior frontal gyri
and the left middle frontal gyrus, which indicates
activation in more confined areas compared with the
currently described one. This may be due to the higher
mean age of the participants in the fMRI study (14 years
5 months) than in the current study (9 years 9 months),
which implies that younger participants show more
extensive brain activity than older participants because
of inefficient recruitment of brain regions. Moreover, the
[oxy-Hb] changes observed in the current study may
reflect activation in broader brain areas compared with
that in the former fMRI study, which was based on the
BOLD signal [25].
Thus, the reduced [oxy-Hb] response across PFC regions
in ADHD children observed in the current study is
consistent with the former fMRI studies involving an
inhibitory task [10,11], which showed a significant
reduction in brain activity in the bilateral PFC of children
with ADHD. These NIRS/fMRI findings during the
Go/NoGo task presumably reflect the deficit of inhibi-
tion of a prepotent response in children with ADHD [2].
Considering the characteristic findings in the previous
NIRS studies on ADHD children involving the task of
interference control [14,16], the clinical usefulness of
NIRS measurement for investigation of the inhibitory
function in ADHD patients is indicated.
The current study showed that NIRS measurement is a
powerful and handy tool for evaluation of the inhibitory
function in children with ADHD. Future NIRS studies on
ADHD children should include investigation of the
effects of pharmacotherapy on the inhibitory function
and clinical outcome.
This study was supported in part by a grant from the
Hayao Nakayama Foundation for Science & Technology
and Culture and a Grant for Research on Psychiatric and
Neurological Diseases and Mental Health (H19-Kokoro-
Ippan-006), and a Research Grant (19A-8) for Nervous
and Mental Disorders from the Ministry of Health,
Labour, and Welfare.
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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