AWDM 10 CH04 Water Consumption

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Thomas M. Walski
Donald V. Chase
Dragan A. Savic
Walter Grayman
Stephen Beckwith
Edmundo Koelle

Contributing Authors
Scott Cattran, Rick Hammond, Kevin Laptos, Steven G. Lowry,
Robert F. Mankowski, Stan Plante, John Przybyla, Barbara Schmitz

Peer Review Board
Lee Cesario (Denver Water), Robert M. Clark (U.S. EPA),
Jack Dangermond (ESRI), Allen L. Davis (CH2M Hill),
Paul DeBarry (Borton-Lawson), Frank DeFazio (Franklin G. DeFazio Corp.),
Kevin Finnan (Bristol Babcock), Wayne Hartell (Bentley Systems),
Brian Hoefer (ESRI), Bassam Kassab (Santa Clara Valley Water District),
James W. Male (University of Portland), William M. Richards
(WMR Engineering), Zheng Wu (Bentley Systems ),
and E. Benjamin Wylie (University of Michigan)

Click here to visit the Bentley Institute
Press Web page for more information

Water Consumption
The consumption or use of water, also known as water demand, is the driving force
behind the hydraulic dynamics occurring in water distribution systems. Anywhere
that water can leave the system represents a point of consumption, including a cus-
tomers faucet, a leaky main, or an open fire hydrant.
Three questions related to water consumption must be answered when building a
hydraulic model: (1) How much water is being used? (2) Where are the points of con-
sumption located? and (3) How does the usage change as a function of time? This
chapter addresses these questions for each of the three basic demand types described
Customer demand is the water required to meet the non-emergency needs of
users in the system. This demand type typically represents the metered por-
tion of the total water consumption.
Unaccounted-for water (UFW) is the portion of total consumption that is
lost due to system leakage, theft, unmetered services, or other causes.
Fire flow demand is a computed system capacity requirement for ensuring
adequate protection is provided during fire emergencies.
Determining demands is not a straightforward process like collecting data on the
physical characteristics of a system. Some data, such as billing and production
records, can be collected directly from the utility but are usually not in a form that can
be directly entered into the model. For example, metering data are not grouped by
node. Once this information has been collected, establishing consumption rates is a
process requiring study of past and present usage trends and, in some cases, the pro-
jection of future ones.
After consumption rates are determined, the water use is spatially distributed as
demands, or loads, assigned to model nodes. This process is referred to as loading the
model. Loading is usually a multistep process that may vary depending on the prob-
lem being considered. The following steps outline a typical example of the process
the modeler might follow.
134 Water Consumption Chapter 4
1. Allocate average-day demands to nodes.
2. Develop peaking factors for steady-state runs (page 153) or diurnal curves for
EPS runs (page 155).
3. Estimate fire and other special demands.
4. Project demands under future conditions for planning and design.
This chapter presents some of the methods to follow when undertaking the process of
loading a water distribution system model.
Most modelers start by determining baseline demands to which a variety of peaking
factors and demand multipliers can be applied, or to which new land developments
and customers can be added. Baseline demands typically include both customer
demands and unaccounted-for water. Usually, the average day demand in the current
year is the baseline from which other demand distributions are built.
Data Sources
Pre-Existing Compiled Data. The first step in finding demand information
for a specific utility should always be to research the utilitys existing data. Previous
studies, and possibly even existing models, may have a wealth of background infor-
mation that can save many hours of investigation.
However, many utilities do not have existing studies or models, or may have only lim-
ited resources to collect this type of information. Likewise, models that do exist may
be outdated and may not reflect recent expansion and growth.
System Operational Records. Various types of operational records are avail-
able that can offer insight into the demand characteristics of a given system. Treat-
ment facility logs may provide data regarding long-term usage trends such as seasonal
pattern changes or general growth indications. Pumping logs and tank level charts
(such as the one shown in Figure 4.1) contain data on daily system usage, as well as
the changing pattern of demand and storage levels over time.
Water distribution systems may measure and record water usage in a variety of forms,
Flow information, such as the rate of production of a treatment or well
Volumetric information, such as the quantity of water consumed by a
Hydraulic grade information, such as the water level within a tank
The data described above are frequently collected in differing formats and require
conversion before they can be used. For example, tank physical characteristics can be
used to convert tank level data to volumes. If data describing the temporal changes in
tank levels are incorporated, volumes can be directly related to flow rates.
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 135
Figure 4.1
Tank level chart
Courtesy of the City of Waterbury, CT Bureau of Water
Customer Meters and Billing Records. If meters are employed throughout
a system, they can be the best source of data for determining customer demands. Cus-
tomers are typically billed based on a volumetric measure of usage, with meter read-
ings taken on a monthly or quarterly cycle. Using these periodically recorded usage
volumes, customers average usage rates can be computed. Billing records, therefore,
provide enough information to determine a customers baseline demand, but not
enough to determine fluctuations in demand on a finer time scale such as that required
for extended-period simulations.
Ideally, the process of loading demand data into a model from another source would
be relatively automatic. Cesario and Lee (1980) describe an early approach to auto-
mate model loading. Coote and Johnson (1995) developed a system in Valparaiso,
Indiana in which each customer account was tied to a node in their hydraulic model.
With the increasing popularity of geographic information systems (GIS) among water
utilities, more modelers are turning to GIS to store and manipulate demand data to be
imported into the model. Stern (1995) described how Cybernet data were loaded from
a GIS in Los Angeles, and Basford and Sevier (1995) and Buyens, Bizier, and
Combee (1996) describe similar applications in Newport News, Virginia, and Lake-
136 Water Consumption Chapter 4
land, Florida, respectively. As GIS usage becomes more widespread, more utilities
will construct automated links between customer data, GIS, and hydraulic models.
Spatial Allocation of Demands
Although water utilities make a large number of flow measurements, such as those at
customer meters for billing and at treatment plants and wells for production monitor-
ing, data are usually not compiled on the node-by-node basis needed for modeling.
The modeler is thus faced with the task of spatially aggregating data in a useful way
and assigning the appropriate usage to model nodes.
The most common method of allocating baseline demands is a simple unit loading
method. This method involves counting the number of customers [or acres (hectares)
of a given land use, number of fixture units, or number of equivalent dwelling units]
that contribute to the demand at a certain node, and then multiplying that number by
the unit demand [for instance, number of gallons (liters) per capita per day] for the
applicable load classification. For example, if a junction node represents a population
of 200, and the average usage is 100 gal/day/person (380 l/day/person), the total base-
line demand for the node would be 20,000 gal/day (75,710 l/day).
In applying unit demands, the user must be careful to understand what is accounted
for by that measure. Equations 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 show three different unit demands that
can be determined for a utility (Male and Walski, 1990).
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 137
system-wide use = (production) / (domestic customers) (4.1)
non-industrial use = (production industrial use) / (domestic customers) (4.2)
domestic use = (domestic metered consumption) / (domestic customers) (4.3)
All three unit demands can be determined on a per capita or per account basis.
Although all three can be referred to as unit demands, each yields a different result,
and it is important that the modeler understand which unit demand is being used. The
first unit demand includes all nonemergency uses and is the largest numerical value;
the second excludes industrial uses; the third excludes industrial use and
unaccounted-for water and is the smallest. If the third unit demand is used, then
unaccounted-for water and industrial use must be handled separately from the unit
demands. This approach may be advantageous where industrial use is concentrated in
one portion of the network.
Another approach to determining the baseline demand for individual customers
involves the use of billing records. However, rarely does a system have enough
recorded information to directly define all aspects of customer usage. Even in cases
where both production records and full billing records are available, disagreements
between the two may exist that need to be resolved.
Demands in the United Kingdom
Not all water systems are universally metered as
is customary in North America. For example, in
the United Kingdom, only roughly 10 percent of
the domestic customers are metered.
Instead of metering individual customers, distribu-
tion systems in the UK are divided into smaller
zones, called District Metered Areas (DMAs),
which are isolated by valving and are fed through
a smaller number of inlet and outlet meters (WRc,
1985). The number of properties in a DMA is
known fairly precisely, and usually varies from 500
to 5,000 properties but can go as high as 10,000.
The flows are recorded using data-logging tech-
nology or telemetered to a central location.
Per capita consumption at the unmetered resi-
dences is estimated to be on the order of 150
liters per capita per day, although there is consid-
erable variation (Ofwat, 1998). Some of the
variation is attributed to different socioeconomic
classes as accounted for by ACORN (A Classifi-
cation of Residential Neighborhoods), which
classifies properties in England and Wales into
categories such as modern family housing with
higher income to poorest council estates.
Demand patterns in the UK are similar to most
other developed nations, and the patterns can be
established by DMA or groups of DMAs. Data log-
ging is used to determine individual demand pat-
terns only for the largest users.
Because most residences are not metered, unac-
counted-for water in the UK is large, but most of
this water is delivered to legitimate users and can
be estimated fairly reasonably. The amount of
actual leakage depends on pressure, burst fre-
quency, leakage control policy, and age of pipes.
Despite the differences in metering practices
between the UK and North America, loading of
the model still involves many of the same steps,
and the system metering data collected in the UK
can make calibration easier than in locations with-
out pervasive distribution metering.
138 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Two basic approaches exist for filling in the data gaps between water production and
computed customer usage: top-down and bottom-up. Both of these methods are based
on general mass-balance concepts and are shown schematically in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2
Approaches to model
Nodes Nodes Nodes Nodes Nodes
Large Users Nodes / Service Area
Billing Records Unaccounted-For
Start: Production Data
Goal: Nodal Demands
Start: Meter Records
Top-down demand determination involves starting from the water sources (at the
top) and working down to the nodal demands. With knowledge about the produc-
tion of water and any large individual water customers, the remainder of the demand
is disaggregated among the rest of the customers. Bottom-up demand determination is
exactly the opposite, starting with individual customer billing records and summing
their influences using meter routes as an intermediate level of aggregation to deter-
mine the nodal demands.
Most methods for loading models are some variation or combination of the top-down
and bottom-up approaches, and tend to be system-specific depending on the availabil-
ity of data, the resources for data-entry, and the need for accuracy in demands. For
some systems, the decision to use top-down or bottom-up methods can be made on a
zone-by-zone basis.
Cesario (1995) uses the terms estimated consumption method and actual consumption
method to describe these two approaches. However, both methods involve a certain
level of estimation. An intermediate level of detail can be achieved by applying the
top-down approach with usage data on a meter-route-by-meter-route basis (AWWA,
Most design decisions, especially for smaller pipes, are controlled by fire flows, so
modest errors in loading have little impact on pipe sizing. The case in which loading
becomes critical is in the tracking of water quality constituents through a system,
because fire flows are not typically considered in such cases.
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 139
Example Top-Down Demand Determination. Consider a system that serves a
community of 1,000 people and a single factory, which is metered. Over the course of a year, the total
production of potable water is 30,000,000 gallons (114,000 m
). The factory meter registered a usage
of 10,000,000 gallons (38,000 m
). Determining the average per capita residential usage in this case is
Total volume of residential usage = (Total usage) (Non-residential usage)
= 30,000,000 gallons 10,000,000 gallons
= 20,000,000 gallons
Residential volume usage per capita = (Total volume of residential usage) / (no. of residents)
= 20,000,000 gallons / 1,000 capita
= 20,000 gallons/capita
Residential usage rate per capita (given that prior volume calculations were for a period of one year)
= (Residential volume usage per capita) / time
= (20,000 gallons/capita/year) (1 year / 365 days)
= 55 gallons/capita/day = 210 liters/capita/day
Models usually require demands in gallons per minute or liters per second, which gives
0.038 gpm/capita = 0.0024 l/s/capita
Next, the approximate number of people (or houses) per node (e.g., 25 houses with 2.5 residents per
house = 62.5 residents/node) is determined to give average nodal demand of
2.37 gpm/node =0.15 l/s/node
These average residential nodal demands can be adjusted for different parts of town based on popula-
tion density, amount of lawn irrigation, and other factors.
Example Bottom-Up Demand Determination. Each customer account is assigned
an x-y coordinate in a GIS. Then, each account can be assigned to a node in the model based on poly-
gons around each node in the GIS. (If a GIS is not available, customer accounts can be directly
assigned to a node in the customer service information system used for billing purposes.) Then, each
account in the customer information database records can be assigned to a model node. By querying
the customer information database, the average demand at each node for any billing period can be
The billing data must now be corrected for unaccounted-for water. Consider a user who decides to
allocate unaccounted-for water uniformly to each node. The daily production is 82,000 gpd, and
metered sales are 65,000 gpd. For each node, the demand must be corrected for unaccounted-for
water. One approach is to assign unaccounted-for water in proportion to the demand at a node using:
Corrected demand = (Node consumption) [(Production) / (Metered Sales)]
For a node with a consumption of 4.2 gpm, the corrected demand is:
Corrected demand = (4.2 gpm) (82,000/65,000) = 5.3 gpm = 0.33 l/s
As can be seen in the preceding examples, bottom-up demand allocation requires a
great deal of initial effort to set up links between accounts and nodes, but after this
work is done, the loads can be recalculated easily. Of course, the corrections due to
unaccounted-for water and the fact that instantaneous demands are most likely not
equal to average demands suggest that both approaches are subject to error.
140 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Example Demand Allocation. In a detailed demand allocation, a key step is determin-
ing the customers assigned to each node. Figure 4.3 demonstrates the allocation of customer demands
to modeled junction nodes. The dashed lines represent the boundaries between junction associations.
For example, the junction labeled J-1 should have demands that represent nine homes and two com-
mercial establishments. Likewise, J-4 represents the school, six homes, and one commercial building.
Figure 4.3
Allocating demands
to network junctions
J-1 J-2
J-3 J-4 J-5
Node Service
Area Boundary (typ.)
Following demand allocation, the modeler must ensure that demands have been assigned to junction
nodes in such a way that (1) the sums of the nodal demands system-wide and in each pressure zone
are in agreement with production records, and (2) the spatial allocation of demands closely approxi-
mates actual demands.
When working with high-quality GIS data, the modeler can much more precisely
assign demands to nodes. Nodal demands can be loaded using several GIS-related
methodologies, ranging from a simple inverse-pipe-diameter allocation model to a
comprehensive polygon overlay. The inverse-pipe-diameter approach assumes that
demands are associated with small-diameter pipes, whereas large-diameter pipes are
mainly used for transmission and thus should have less weight associated with
them. More detailed methods make use of extensive statistical data analysis and GIS
processing by combining layers of data that account for variables such as population
changes over time, land use, seasonal changes, planning, and future development
rates. Davis and Brawn (2000) describe an approach they employed to allocate
demands using a GIS.
Using GIS for Demand Allocation
As discussed previously, an integral part of creating a water distribution model is the
accurate allocation of demands to the node elements within the model. The spatial
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 141
analysis capabilities of GIS make it a logical tool for the automation of the demand
allocation process.
The following sections provide descriptions of some of the automated allocation strat-
egies that have been used successfully.
Meter Assignment. This allocation strategy uses the spatial analysis capabili-
ties of GIS to assign geocoded (possessing coordinate data based on physical location,
such as an x-y coordinate) customer meters to the nearest demand node. Therefore,
this type of model loading is a point-to-point demand allocation technique, meaning
that known point demands (customer meters) are assigned to network demand points
(demand nodes). Meter assignment is the simplest technique in terms of required data,
because there is no need for service polygons to be applied (see Figure 4.4).
However, meter assignment can prove less accurate than the more complex allocation
strategies because nearest is determined by straight-line proximity between the
demand node and the consumption meter. Piping routes are not considered, so the
nearest demand node may not be the location from which the meter actually receives
its flow. In addition, the actual location of the service meter may not be known. Ide-
ally, these meter points should be placed at the location of the tap, but the centroid of
the building or land parcel may be all that is known about a customer account.
Figure 4.4
Meter assignment
142 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Meter Aggregation. Meter aggregation is the technique of assigning all meters
within a service polygon to a specified demand node (see Figure 4.5). Service poly-
gons define the service area for each of the demand junctions.
Meter aggregation is a polygon-to-point allocation technique because the service
areas are contained in a GIS polygon layer and the demand junctions are contained in
a point layer. The demands associated with each of the service-area polygons are
assigned to the respective demand node points.
Because of the need for service polygons, the initial setup for this approach is more
involved than for the simpler meter assignment strategy, with the tradeoff being
greater control over the assignment of meters to demand nodes. Automated construc-
tion of the service polygons may not produce the desired results, so it may be neces-
sary to manually adjust the polygon boundaries, especially at the edges of the
Figure 4.5
Meter aggregation
Flow Distribution. This strategy involves distributing a lump-sum demand
among a number of service polygons (service areas) and, by extension, their associ-
ated demand nodes. The lump-sum area is a polygon for which the total (lump-sum)
demand of all of the service areas (and their demand nodes) is known (metered), but
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 143
the distribution of the total demand among the individual nodes is not. Lump-sum
areas can be based on pressure zones, meter routes, or other criteria.
The known demand within the lump-sum area is divided among the service polygons
within the area using one of two techniques: equal distribution or proportional distri-
bution. The equal distribution option simply divides the known demand evenly
between the demand nodes. For example, in Figure 4.6, the total demand in meter
route A may be 55 gpm (3.48 l/s), and the total demand in meter route B may be 72
gpm (4.55 l/s). Since there are 11 nodes in meter route A and 8 nodes in meter route
B, the demand at each node will be 5 gpm (0.32 l/s) and 9 gpm (0.57 l/s), respectively.
Figure 4.6
Equal flow
The proportional distribution option divides the lump-sum demand among the service
polygons based on one of two attributes of the service polygons: the area or the popu-
lation. That is, the greater the percentage of the lump-sum area or population that a
service polygon contains, the greater the percentage of total demand that will be
assigned to that service polygon.
Each service polygon has an associated demand node, and the demand that is calcu-
lated for each service polygon is assigned to this demand node. For example, if a ser-
vice polygon makes up 50 percent of the lump-sum polygons area, then 50 percent of
the demands associated with the lump-sum polygon will be assigned to the demand
node associated with that service polygon.
144 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Flow distribution strategies require the definition of lump-sum area or population
polygons, service polygons, and their related demand nodes.
Sometimes, a combination of demand allocation methods is recommended. One case
where this technique is particularly helpful is in accounting for unaccounted-for
water. A meter assignment or meter aggregation method can be used to distribute the
normal demands, and a flow distribution technique can be used in addition to assign
the unaccounted-for water.
Point Demand Assignment. A point demand assignment technique is used to
directly assign a demand to a demand node. This strategy is primarily a manual oper-
ation, and is used to assign large (generally industrial or commercial) water users to
the demand node that serves the consumer in question. This technique is unnecessary
if all demands are accounted for by using one of the other allocation strategies.
Projection of Future Demands. Automated techniques have also been devel-
oped to assist in the assignment of future demands to nodes. These are similar to flow
distribution allocation except that the type of base layer that is used to intersect with
the service layer may contain information other than average-day demands.
Demand projection relies on a polygon layer that contains data regarding expected
future conditions. Some data types that can be used for this include future land use
and projected population, in combination with a demand density (for example, gal-
lons per capita per day), with the polygons based on traffic analysis zones, census
tracts, planning districts, or another classification. Many of these data types do not
include demand information, so demand density is required to translate the informa-
tion contained in the future-condition polygons into projected demand values.
Methods of using water-use data based on population or land use involve overlaying
those polygons on node service-area polygons and are described in more detail in
Chapter 12.
Categorizing Demands
Sometimes water users at a single node fall into several categories, and the modeler
would like to keep track of these categories within the model. Composite demands
enable the modeler to do this type of tracking. The modeler can selectively search for
all demands of a certain type (for example, residential or industrial) and make adjust-
ments. The modeler can also make changes to the characteristics of an entire category,
and all of the customers of that type will automatically be modified.
Composite Demands. Whether a unit-loading-based or a billing-record-based
method is used to generate the baseline demand, the user may need to convert it into a
composite demand at a particular node. This conversion is necessary since a junction
node does not always supply a single customer type. When more than one demand
type is served by a particular junction, the demand is said to be a composite. Deter-
mining the total rate of consumption for a junction node with a composite demand is a
simple matter of summing the individual components. Composite demands are also a
way of keeping track of unaccounted-for water independent of the other demands at a
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 145
When temporal patterns are applied to composite demands, the total demand for a
junction at any given time is equal to the sum of each baseline demand times its
respective pattern multiplier. It is also possible with most software packages to assign
a different pattern to the different components of the composite demand.
i t ,
i j ,
i j t , ,
= (4.4)
where Q
i, t
= total demand at junction i at time t (cfs, m
i, j
= baseline demand for demand type j at junction i (cfs, m
i, j, t
= pattern multiplier for demand type j at junction i at time t
Nomenclature. Depending on the scale of the model, the demand type may con-
sist of such broad categories as residential, commercial, and industrial, or be
broken down into a finer level of detail with categories such as school, restaurant,
multifamily dwelling, and so on.
An issue that arises when discussing demands is that each utility classifies customers
differently. For example, an apartment may be a residential account at one utility, a
commercial account at another, and a multifamily residential account at yet
another. Schools may be classified as institutional, commercial, public, or sim-
ply schools. A modeler working for a utility can easily adapt to the naming conven-
tions, but a consultant who works with many utilities may have a difficult time
keeping track of the nomenclature when moving from one system to another.
Mass Balance Technique
Regardless of whether a modeler is studying the entire system, one particular pressure
zone, or an individual customer, mass balance techniques are useful for determining
changes in demand occurring on a finer time scale than a monthly billing cycle. For a
water distribution system, a mass balance simply indicates that what goes into the sys-
tem must be equal to what comes out of the system or zone (accounting for changes in
storage). In equation form, this can be stated as follows:
inf low
outf low
st orage
At + = (4.5)
where Q
= average rate of production (cfs, m
= average rate of demand (cfs, m
= average outflow rate (cfs, m
st orage
= change in storage within the system (ft
, m
At = time between volume measurements (s)
Note that the rates of production and demand in the above equation are representative
of the average flow rates over the time period. The change in storage, however, is
146 Water Consumption Chapter 4
found by taking the difference between storage volumes at the beginning and end of
the time period for each tank, as follows:
st orage
i t At + ,
i t ,
( )
= (4.6)
where V
i t At + ,
= storage volume of tank i at time t+A t (ft
, m
i, t
= storage volume of tank i at time t (ft
, m
When calculating volume changes in storage, a sign convention must apply. If the vol-
ume in storage decreased during the time interval, then that volume is added to the
inflows, and if it increased over the time period, then it is subtracted from inflows.
For upright cylindrical tanks (or any tank with vertical sides), the change in storage
can be determined directly from the change in tank level, as follows:
st orage
i t At + ,
i t ,
( )A
i t ,
= (4.7)
where H
i t At + ,
= water level at beginning of times step t+A t at tank i (ft, m)
= water level at beginning of times step t at tank i (ft, m)
= surface area of tank i during time step t (ft
, m
Example Mass Balance. Consider a pressure zone with a single cylindrical tank having
a diameter of 40 feet. At the beginning of a daily monitoring interval, the water level is at 28.3 feet,
and at the beginning of the next day it is 29.1 feet. During that time, the total flow into that zone is
determined to be 455 gallons per minute, and there is no outflow to other zones. What is the total
average daily demand within the zone?
Knowing the tanks diameter, its area is found to be
t 40 ( )
----------------- 1256 = = = ft
The change in storage is then found as
AV = A(H
- H
) = 1256 ft
(29.1 ft 28.3 ft) 7.48 gal/ft
= 7,516 gal
Storage in the tank increased over the monitoring period, thus the sign convention dictates that the
flows to storage be subtracted from the total inflow. With the change in storage and the average
inflow, the average zone demand occurring over the hourly monitoring period is
Q 455
60 24
------------------ 449.8 = = gpm
This answer makes sense because the average zone demand must be smaller than the average inflow
for the tank to fill during the monitoring period.
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 147
Using Unit Demands
In the case of new water customers, flows can usually be estimated based on similar
customers in the community. Numerous investigators have compiled typical water
consumption for different types of facilities. To use this data, the modeler needs to
determine the number of units (for example, number of rooms in a hotel or number of
seats in a restaurant) and multiply by the typical unit flow to determine the average
daily flow from that establishment.
Table 4.1 provides typical unit loads for a number of different types of users. Ranges
are given because there is considerable variation between establishments within a
given category.
Table 4.1 Typical rates of water use for various establishments
Range of Flow
User (l/person or unit/day) (gal/person or unit/day)
Airport, per passenger 1020 35
Assembly hall, per seat 610 23
Bowling alley, per alley 60100 1626
Pioneer type 80120 2132
Childrens, central toilet and bath 160200 4253
Day, no meals 4070 1118
Luxury, private bath 300400 79106
Labor 140200 3753
Trailer with private toilet and bath,
per unit (2 1/2 persons)
500600 132159
Country clubs
Resident type 300600 79159
Transient type serving meals 60100 1626
Dwelling unit, residential
Apartment house on individual well 300400 79106
Apartment house on public water supply,
300500 79132
Boardinghouse 150220 4058
Hotel 200400 53106
Lodging house and tourist home 120200 3253
Motel 400600 106159
Private dwelling on individual well or
metered supply
200600 53159
Private dwelling on public water
supply, unmetered
400800 106211
Factory, sanitary wastes, per shift 40100 1126
Table extracted from Ysuni, 2000 based on Metcalf and Eddy, 1979
148 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Other investigators have linked water use in nonresidential facilities to the Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for each industry as shown in Table 4.2. To use
this table, the modeler determines the number of employees in an industry and multi-
plies the number by the use rate given in the table. As is the case with Table 4.1, there
will be considerable variation about the typical values given Table 4.2.
Fairground (based on daily attendance) 26 12
Average type 400600 106159
Hospital 7001200 185317
Office 4060 1116
Picnic park, with flush toilets 2040 511
Restaurant (including toilet)
Average 2540 711
Kitchen wastes only 1020 35
Short order 1020 35
Short order, paper service 48 12
Bar and cocktail lounge 812 23
Average type, per seat 120180 3248
Average type, 24 h, per seat 160220 4258
Tavern, per seat 60100 1626
Service area, per counter seat (toll road) 10001600 264423
Service area, per table seat (toll road) 600800 159211
Day, with cafeteria or lunchroom 4060 1116
Day, with cafeteria and showers 6080 1621
Boarding 200400 53106
Self-service laundry, per machine 10003000 264793
First 7.5 m (25 ft) of frontage 16002000 423528
Each additional 7.5 m of frontage 14001600 370423
Swimming pool and beach, toilet and shower 4060 1116
Indoor, per seat, two showings per day 1020 35
Outdoor, including food stand, per car
(3 1/3 persons)
1020 35
Table 4.1 (cont.) Typical rates of water use for various establishments
Range of Flow
User (l/person or unit/day) (gal/person or unit/day)
Table extracted from Ysuni, 2000 based on Metcalf and Eddy, 1979
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 149
Table 4.2 Average rates of nonresidential water use from establishment-level data
Category SIC Code
Use Rate
Construction 31 246
General building contractors 15 118 66
Heavy construction 16 20 30
Special trade contractors 17 25 150
Manufacturing 164 2790
Food and kindred products 20 469 252
Textile mill products 22 784 20
Apparel and other textile products 23 26 91
Lumber and wood products 24 49 62
Furniture and fixtures 25 36 83
Paper and allied products 26 2614 93
Printing and publishing 27 37 174
Chemicals and allied products 28 267 211
Petroleum and coal products 29 1045 23
Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 30 119 116
Leather and leather products 31 148 10
Stone, clay, and glass products 32 202 83
Primary metal industries 33 178 80
Fabricated metal products 34 194 395
Industrial machinery and equipment 35 68 304
Electronic and other electrical equipment 36 95 409
Transportation equipment 37 84 182
Instruments and related products 38 66 147
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 39 36 55
Transportation and public utilities 50 226
Railroad transportation 40 68 3
Local and interurban passenger transit 41 26 32
Trucking and warehousing 42 85 100
U.S. Postal Service 43 5 1
Water transportation 44 353 10
Transportation by air 45 171 17
Transportation services 47 40 13
Communications 48 55 31
Electric, gas, and sanitary services 49 51 19
Wholesale trade 53 751
Wholesale tradedurable goods 50 46 518
Wholesale tradenondurable goods 51 87 233
Table from Dziegielweski, Opitz, and Maidment, 1996
150 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Retail trade 93 1044
Building materials and garden supplies 52 35 56
General merchandise stores 53 45 50
Food stores 54 100 90
Automotive dealers and service stations 55 49 498
Apparel and accessory stores 56 68 48
Furniture and home furnishings stores 57 42 100
Eating and drinking places 58 156 341
Miscellaneous retail 59 132 161
Finance, insurance, and real estate 192 238
Depository institutions 60 62 77
Nondepository institutions 61 361 36
Security and commodity brokers 62 1240 2
Insurance carriers 63 136 9
Insurance agents, brokers, and service 64 89 24
Real estate 65 609 84
Holding and other investment offices 67 290 5
Services 137 1878
Hotels and other lodging places 70 230 197
Personal services 72 462 300
Business services 73 73 243
Auto repair, services, and parking 75 217 108
Miscellaneous repair services 76 69 42
Motion pictures 78 110 40
Amusement and recreation services 79 429 105
Health services 80 91 353
Legal services 81 821 15
Educational services 82 110 300
Social service 83 106 55
Museums, botanical, zoological gardens 84 208 9
Membership organizations 86 212 45
Engineering and management services 87 58 5
Services, NEC 89 73 60
Public administration 106 25
Executive, legislative, and general 91 155 2
Justice, public order, and safety 92 18 4
Administration of human resources 94 87 6
Table 4.2 (cont.) Average rates of nonresidential water use from establishment-level data
Category SIC Code
Use Rate
Table from Dziegielweski, Opitz, and Maidment, 1996
Section 4.1 Baseline Demands 151
Unaccounted-For Water
Ideally, if individual meter readings are taken for every customer, they should exactly
equal the amount of water that is measured leaving the treatment facility. In practice,
however, this is not the case. Although inflow does indeed equal outflow, not all of the
outflows are metered. These lost flows are referred to as unaccounted-for water
There are many possible reasons why the sum of all metered customer usage may be
less than the total amount of water produced by the utility. The most common reasons
for discrepancies are leakage, errors in measurement, and unmetered usage. Ideally,
customer demands and unaccounted-for water should be estimated separately. In this
way, a utility can analyze the benefits of reducing unaccounted-for water.
Unaccounted-for water must be loaded into the model just like any other demand.
However, the fact that it is unaccounted-for means that the user does not know where
to place it. Usually, the user simply calculates total unaccounted-for water and divides
that quantity equally among all nodes. If the modeler knows that one portion of a sys-
tem has a greater likelihood of leakage because of age, then more unaccounted-for
water can be placed within that section.
Leakage. Leakage is frequently the largest component of UFW and includes dis-
tribution losses from supply pipes, distribution and trunk mains, services up to the
meter, and tanks. The amount of leakage varies from system to system, but there is a
general correlation between the age of a system and the amount of UFW. Newer sys-
tems may have as little as 5 percent leakage, while older systems may have 40 percent
leakage or higher. Leakage tends to increase over time unless a leak detection and
repair program is in place. Use of acoustic detection equipment to listen for leaks is
shown in Figure 4.7.
Other factors affecting leakage include system pressure (the higher the pressure, the
more leakage), burst frequencies of mains and service pipes, and leakage detection
and control policies. These factors make leakage very difficult to estimate, even with-
out the complexity of approximating other UFW causes. If better information is not
available, UFW is usually assigned uniformly around the system.
Environmental quality and housing 95 101 6
Administration of economic programs 96 274 5
National security and international affairs 97 445 2
Table 4.2 (cont.) Average rates of nonresidential water use from establishment-level data
Category SIC Code
Use Rate
Table from Dziegielweski, Opitz, and Maidment, 1996
152 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Figure 4.7
Use of leak detection
Meter Under Registration. Flow measurement errors also contribute to UFW.
Flow measurements are not always exact, and thus metered customer usage may con-
tain inaccuracies. Some flow meters under-register usage at low flow rates, especially
as they get older.
Unmetered Usage. Systems may have illegal connections or other types of
unmetered usage. Not all unmetered usage is indicative of water theft. Fire hydrants,
blow-offs, and other maintenance appurtenances are typically not metered.
By definition, baseline demands during a steady-state simulation do not change over
time. However, in reality, water demand varies continuously over time according to
several time scales:
Daily. Water use varies with activities over the course of a day.
Weekly. Weekend patterns are different from weekdays.
Seasonal. Depending on the extent of outdoor water use or seasonal
changes, such as tourism, consumption can vary significantly from one sea-
son to another.
Section 4.2 Demand Multipliers 153
Long-term. Demands can grow due to increases in population and the
industrial base, changes in unaccounted-for water, annexation of areas previ-
ously without service, and regionalization of neighboring water systems.
The modeler needs to be cognizant of the impacts of temporal changes on all of these
scales. These time-varying demands are handled in the model by either
Steady-state runs for a particular condition, or
Extended-period model runs
For extended-period simulations, the model requires both baseline demand data and
information on how demands vary over time. Modeling of these temporal variations is
described in the next section.
In steady-state runs, the user can build on the baseline demand by using multipliers
and/or assigning different demands to specific nodes. Fortunately, the entire demand
allocation need not be redone.
The following are some examples of demand events frequently considered:
Average-day demand: The average rate of demand for an average day (past,
present, or future)
Maximum-day demand: The average rate of use on the maximum usage
day (past, present, or future)
Peak-hour demand: The average rate of usage during the maximum hour of
usage (past, present, or future)
Maximum day of record: The highest average rate of demand for the his-
torical record
Peaking Factors
For some consumption conditions (especially predicted consumption conditions),
demands can be determined by applying a multiplication factor or a peaking factor.
For example, a modeler might determine that future maximum day demands will be
double the average-day demands for a particular system. The peaking factor is calcu-
lated as the ratio of discharges for the various conditions. For example, the peaking
factor applied to average-day demands to obtain maximum day demands can be found
by using Equation 4.8.
= (4.8)
where PF = peaking factor between maximum day and average-day demands
= maximum day demands (cfs, m
= average-day demands (cfs, m
Determining system-wide peaking factors is fairly easy because most utilities keep
good records on production and tank levels. However, peaking factors for different
types of demands applied at individual nodes are more difficult to determine, because
154 Water Consumption Chapter 4
individual nodes do not necessarily follow the same demand pattern as the system as a
Peaking factors from average day to maximum day tend to range from 1.2 to 3.0, and
factors from average day to peak hour are typically between 3.0 and 6.0. Of course,
these values are system-specific, so they must be determined based on the demand
characteristics of the system at hand.
Fire flows represent a special type of peaking condition, and they are described on
page 165. Fire flows are usually added to maximum day flows when evaluating the
capacity of the system for fire fighting.
Demands in Systems with High Unaccounted-For Water. Using glo-
bal demand multipliers for projections in systems with high unaccounted-for water is
based on the assumption that the relative amount of unaccounted-for water will
remain constant in the future. Unaccounted-for water can also be treated as one of the
parts of a composite demand, as discussed on page 144. If unaccounted-for water is
reduced, then the utility will see higher peaking factors because unaccounted-for
water tends to flatten out the diurnal demand curve. Walski (1999) describes a method
for correcting demand multipliers for systems where leakage is expected to change
over time.
---- -
\ .
| |
L +
L +
----------------------------- = (4.9)
where M/A = corrected multiplier
= multiplier for consumptive users only
= water use through customer meters in future (cfs, m
L = leakage in future (cfs, m
Example Peaking Factors. If the multiplier for metered customers (M/A)
is 2.1, and
the metered demand (Q
) is projected to be 2.4 MGD in a future condition, then the overall multiplier
can be determined based on estimated future leakage as shown in the following table.
0.0 2.1
0.5 1.9
1.0 1.8
Because leakage contributes the same to average and peak demands, the peak demand multipliers
increase as leakage decreases. The numerical value of (M/A)
can be calculated using current year
data and Equation 4.10.
\ .
| |
---- - Q
L + ( ) L
------------------------------------ = (4.10)
Section 4.3 Time-Varying Demands 155
The L and Q values are based on current year actual values. For example, in this problem, say that the
current year overall multiplier is 1.8, the metered demand is 1.5 MGD, and the leakage is 0.6 MGD.
The multiplier for metered consumption is then
\ .
| |
1.8 1.5 0.6 + ( ) 0.6
----------------------------------------------- 2.1 = =
Commercial Building Demands. A means of estimating design demands for
proposed commercial buildings is called the Fixture Unit Method. If the nature of the
customer/building is known, and the number and types of water fixtures (toilets, dish-
washers, drinking fountains, and so on) can be calculated, then the peak design flow
can be determined. The fixture unit method accounts for the fact that it is very
unlikely that all of the fixtures in a building will be operated simultaneously. Chapter
9 contains more information on using this method (see page 399).
Water usage in municipal water distribution systems is inherently unsteady due to
continuously varying demands. In order for an extended period simulation to accu-
rately reflect the dynamics of the real system, these demand fluctuations must be
incorporated into the model.
The temporal variations in water usage for municipal water systems typically follow a
24-hour cycle called a diurnal demand pattern. However, system flows experience
changes not only on a daily basis, but also weekly and annually. As one might expect,
weekend usage patterns often differ from weekday patterns. Seasonal differences in
water usage have been related to climatic variables such as temperature and precipita-
tion, and also to the changing habits of customers, such as outdoor recreational and
agricultural activities occurring in the summer months.
Diurnal Curves
Each city has its own unique level of usage that is a function of recent climatic condi-
tions and the time of day. (Economic growth also influences demands, but its effect
occurs over periods longer than the typical modeling time horizon, and it is accounted
for using future demand projections.) Figure 4.8 illustrates a typical diurnal curve for
a residential area. There is relatively low usage at night when most people sleep,
increased usage during the early morning hours as people wake up and prepare for the
day, decreased usage during the middle of the day, and finally, increased usage again
in the early evening as people return home.
For other water utilities and other types of demands, the usage pattern may be very
different. For example, in some areas, residential irrigation occurs overnight to mini-
mize evaporation, which may cause peak usage to occur during the predawn hours.
For small towns that are highly influenced by a single industry, the diurnal pattern
may be much more pronounced because the majority of the population follows a sim-
ilar schedule. For example, if a large water-using industry runs 24 hours per day, the
overall demand pattern for the system may appear relatively flat because the steady
industrial usage is much larger than peaks in the residential patterns.
156 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Figure 4.8
A typical diurnal
Developing System-Wide Diurnal Curves
A system-wide diurnal curve can be constructed using the same mass balance tech-
niques discussed earlier in this chapter. The only elaboration is that the mass balance
is performed as a series of calculations, one for each hydraulic step of an EPS simula-
Time Increments. The amount of time between measurements has a direct corre-
lation to the resolution and precision of the constructed diurnal curve. If measure-
ments are only available once per day, then only a daily average can be calculated.
Likewise, if measurements are available in hourly increments, then hourly averages
can be used to define the pattern over the entire day.
If the modeler tries to use a time step that is too small, small errors in tank water level
can lead to large errors in water-use calculations. This type of error is explained fur-
ther in Walski, Lowry, and Rhee (2000). Modeling of hydraulic time steps smaller
than one hour is usually only justified in situations in which tank water levels change
rapidly. Even if facility operations (such as pump cycling) occur frequently, it may
still be acceptable for the demand pattern time interval to be longer than the hydraulic
time step.
The modeler should be aware that incremental measurements can still overlook a peak
event. For example, consider something as simple as determining the peak-hour
demand (the highest average demand over any continuous one-hour period). If mea-
surements are taken every hour on the hour, then the determination of the computed
peak hour will only be accurate if the actual peak begins and ends right on an even
Section 4.3 Time-Varying Demands 157
hour increment (such as a peak occurring from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.). The modeler will
underestimate peak hour usage if the true peak occurs, for example, from 7:15 to 8:15
a.m. The diurnal demand curve in Figure 4.9 illustrates this point. As can also be seen
in Figure 4.9, as time increments become smaller, peak flows become higher (for
instance, the 15-minute peak is higher than the one-hour peak).
Figure 4.9
Missed peak on a
diurnal curve due to
model time step
Diurnal Curve Peak Missed
5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 11pm 12am
Hourly Measurements
Developing Customer Diurnal Curves
Frequently, developing a diurnal curve for a specific customer requires more informa-
tion than can be extracted from typical billing records. In these situations, more inten-
sive data collection methods are needed to portray the time-variant nature of the
Data Logging for Customer Usage. Manually reading a customers water
meter at frequent intervals would obviously be a tedious and expensive undertaking.
The process of data logging refers to the automated gathering of raw data in the field.
These data are later compiled and analyzed for a variety of purposes, among them the
creation of diurnal demand curves. Various applications of data logging are described
in papers by Brainard (1994); Rhoades (1995); and DeOreo, Heaney, and Mayer
There have been many recent advances in data-logging technology, making it a reli-
able and fairly inexpensive way to record customer water usage. Figure 4.10 illus-
158 Water Consumption Chapter 4
trates a typical meter/data logger setup. Utilities can now easily place a data logger on
a customers meter and determine that customers consumption pattern. While it
would be nice to have such a detailed level of data on all customers, the cost of obtain-
ing the information is only justifiable for large customers and a sampling of smaller
Figure 4.10
A typical meter/data
logger setup
Meter-Master Model 100EL Flow Recorder manufactured by F.S. Brainard & Company
Representative Customers. Although it is possible to study a few customers
in detail and extend the conclusions of that study to the rest of the system, this type of
data extrapolation has some inherent dangers. The probability of selecting the per-
fect average customer is small, and any deviation from the norm or error in measure-
ment will be compounded when it is applied to an entire community. As with all
statistical data collection methods, the smaller the sample size, the less confidence
there can be in the results.
There are also applications in which use of a representative customer is inappropriate
under any circumstances. With large industries, for example, there may be no rela-
tionship at all between the volumes and patterns of usage even though they share a
similar zoning classification. Therefore, demands for large consumers (industries,
hospitals, hotels, and so on) and their diurnal variations should be individually deter-
Even if data logging cannot be applied to all customers, studying the demands of large
consumers and applying the top-down demand determination concept to the smaller
consumers can still yield reasonable demand calculations. The large customer data is
subtracted from the overall system or zone usage, and the difference in demand is
attributable to the smaller customers.
It is impossible to know with absolute certainty when water will be used or how much
water is used in a short period of time, even though usage per billing period is known
exactly. Bowen, Harp, Baxter, and Shull (1993) collected data from single and multi-
Section 4.3 Time-Varying Demands 159
family residential customers in several U.S. cities. These demand patterns can be used
as a starting point for assigning demand patterns to residential nodes.
Buchberger and Wu (1995) and Buchberger and Wells (1996) developed a stochastic
model for residential water demands and verified it by collecting extensive data on
individual residential customers. The model is particularly useful for evaluating the
hydraulics of dead-ends and looped systems in the periphery of distribution networks.
The researchers found that the demand at an individual house cannot simply be multi-
plied by the number of houses to determine the demand in a larger area. The methods
that they developed provide a way of combining the individual stochastic demands
from individual customers who are brushing their teeth or running their washing
machines, dishwashers, and so on into the aggregate for use in a larger area over a
longer time interval.
In general, hotels and apartments have demand patterns similar to those of residential
customers, office buildings have demand patterns corresponding to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
operations, and retail area demand patterns reflect 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. operations. Every
large industry that uses more than a few percentage points of total system production
should have an individual demand pattern developed for it.
Defining Usage Patterns within a Model
Usage could be defined directly by describing a series of actual flow versus time
points for each junction in the system. One shortcoming of this type of definition is
that it does not offer much data reuse for nodes with similar usage patterns. Conse-
quently, most hydraulic models express demands by using a constant baseline demand
multiplied by a dimensionless demand pattern factor at each time increment.
A demand multiplier is defined as
= (4.11)
where Multi
= demand multiplier at the i
time step
= demand in i
time step (gpm, m
= base demand (gpm, m
The series of demand pattern multipliers models the diurnal variation in demand and
can be reused at nodes with similar usage characteristics. The baseline demand is
often chosen to be the average daily demand (although peak day demand or some
other value can be used). Assuming a baseline demand of 200 gpm, Table 4.3 illus-
trates how nodal demands are computed using a base demand and pattern multipliers.
Table 4.3 Calculation of nodal demands using pattern multipliers
0:00 0.7
200 gpm 0.7 = 140 gpm
160 Water Consumption Chapter 4
As one can imagine, usage patterns are as diverse as the customers themselves. Figure
4.11 illustrates just how different diurnal demand curves for various classifications
can be. A broad zoning classification, such as commercial, may contain differences
significant enough to warrant the further definition of subcategories for the different
types of businesses being served. For instance, a hotel may have a demand pattern that
resembles that of a residential customer. A dinner restaurant may have its peak usage
during the late afternoon and evening. A clothing store may use very little water,
regardless of the time of day. Water usage in an office setting may coincide with cof-
fee breaks and lunch hours.
Figure 4.11
Diurnal curve for
different user
Single Family Businesses
Restaurant Factory
Time Time
Time Time
There will sometimes be customers within a demand classification whose individual
demand patterns differ significantly from the typical demand pattern assigned to the
classification as a whole. For most types of customers, the impact such differences
have on the model is insignificant. For other customers, such as industrial users, errors
in the usage pattern may have a large impact on the model. In general, the larger the
individual usage of a customer, the more important it is to ensure the accuracy of the
consumption data.
Stepwise and Continuous Patterns. In a stepwise demand pattern, demand
multipliers are assumed to remain constant over the duration of the pattern time step.
1:00 1.1
200 gpm 1.1 = 220 gpm
2:00 1.8
200 gpm 1.8 = 360 gpm
Table 4.3 Calculation of nodal demands using pattern multipliers
Section 4.3 Time-Varying Demands 161
A continuous pattern, on the other hand, refers to a pattern that is defined indepen-
dently of the pattern time step. Interpolation methods are used to compute multiplier
values at intermediate time steps. If the pattern time step is reset to a smaller or larger
value, the pattern multipliers are automatically recalculated. The pattern multiplier
value is updated by linearly interpolating between values occurring along the continu-
ous curve at the new time step interval. The result is a more precise curve fit that is
independent of the time step specified, as shown in Figure 4.12.
Figure 4.12
Stepwise and
continuous pattern
Time of Day
0 8 12 18 24
For example, the pattern from Table 4.3 can be extended to show how a typical model
might determine multipliers after the time step had been changed from 1 hour to 15
minutes over the time period 0:00 to 1:00. As Table 4.4 shows, a pattern multiplier for
an intermediate time increment in a continuous pattern can differ significantly from
its stepwise pattern counterpart.
Table 4.4 Interpolated stepwise and continuous pattern multipliers
Time Pattern Multiplier Stepwise Multiplier Continuous Multiplier
0:00 0.7 0.7 0.7
0:15 0.7 0.7 0.8
0:30 0.7 0.7 0.9
0:45 0.7 0.7 1.0
1:00 1.1 1.1 1.1
Pattern Start Time and Repetition. When defining and working with pat-
terns, it is important to understand how the pattern start time is referenced. Does pat-
tern hour 2 refer to 2:00 a.m., or does it refer to the second hour from the beginning of
162 Water Consumption Chapter 4
a simulation? If a model simulation begins at midnight, then there is no difference
between military time and time step number. If the model is intended to start at some
other time (such as 6:00 a.m., when many systems have refilled all their tanks), then
the patterns may need to be adjusted, advancing or retarding them in time accordingly.
Most modelers accept that demand patterns repeat every 24 hours with only negligible
differences, and are willing to use the same pattern each day in such a way that hours
25 and 49 use the same demands as the first hour. For a factory with three shifts, a pat-
tern may repeat every eight hours. Other patterns may not repeat at all. Each software
package handles pattern repetition in its own way; thus, some research and experi-
mentation may be required to produce the desired behavior for a particular applica-
Water distribution models are created not only to solve the problems of today, but also
to prevent problems in the future. With almost any endeavor, the future holds a lot of
uncertainty, and demand projection is no exception. Long-range planning may
include the analysis of a system for 5-, 10-, and 20-year time frames. When perform-
ing long-term planning analyses, estimating future demands is an important factor
influencing the quality of information provided by the model.
Section 4.4 Projecting Future Demands 163
The uncertainty of this process puts the modeler in the difficult position of trying to
predict the future. The complexity of such analyses, however, can be reduced to some
extent with software that supports the creation and comparison of a series of possible
alternative futures. Testing alternative future projections provides a way for the mod-
eler to understand the sensitivity of decisions regarding demand projections. Scenario
management tools in models help make this process easier. Even the most compre-
hensive scenario management, however, is just another tool that needs to be applied
intelligently to obtain reasonable results.
Historical Trends
Since the growth of cities and industries is hard to predict, it follows that it is also dif-
ficult to predict future water demands. Demand projections are only as accurate as the
assumptions made and the methods used to extrapolate development. Some cities
have relatively stagnant demands, but others experience volatile growth that chal-
lenges engineers designing water systems.
How will the economy affect local industries? Will growth rates continue at their cur-
rent rate, or will they level off? Will regulations requiring low-flow fixtures actually
result in a drop in water usage? What will be the combined result of increased popula-
tion and greater interest in water conservation? These questions are all difficult to
answer, and no method exists that can answer them with absolute certainty.
In general, the decision about which alternative future projection should be used is not
so much a modeling decision as a utility-wide planning decision. The modeler alone
should not try to predict the future, but rather facilitate the utility decision-makers
process of coming to a consensus on likely future demands.
Figure 4.13 illustrates some possible alternative futures given a historical demand pat-
tern. In spite of its shortcomings, the most commonly used method for predicting
demands is to examine historical demand trends and to extrapolate them into the
future under the assumption that they will continue.
Spatial Allocation of Future Demands
Planning departments and other groups may provide population projections for future
years and associate these population estimates with census tracts, traffic analysis
zones, planning districts, or other areas. The data must then be manipulated to deter-
mine the spatial allocation of nodal demands for the water model.
This manipulation requires a good deal of judgment on the modelers part, reflecting
the uncertainty of the process. Predictions concerning the future, by their nature, con-
tain varying degrees of uncertainty. If the significant factors affecting community
growth have been identified, the modeler can usually save time by making good judg-
ments about how the current baseline demand allocation can be modified and reused
for planning purposes. It is also important for the modeler to consider the future fire
protection requirements. Because fire protection demands are often much larger than
baseline demands, they are usually a major factor in future pipe-sizing decisions.
164 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Figure 4.13
Several methods for
projecting future
Time, year
Annual Demand Data
2040 2030 2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960
Constant Percent Growth
Growth to Buildout
Economic Downturn
Linear Growth
Disaggregated Projections
Rather than basing projections on extrapolation of flow rate data, it is somewhat more
rational to examine the causes of demand changes and then project that data into the
future. This technique is called disaggregated projection. Instead of predicting
demands, the user predicts such things as industrial production, number of hotel
rooms, and cost of water, and then uses a forecasting model to predict demand.
The simplest type of disaggregated demand projection involves projecting population
and per capita demand separately. In this way, the modeler can, for example, separate
the effects of population growth from the effects of a decrease in per capita consump-
tion due to low-volume fixtures and other water conservation measures.
These types of approaches attempt to account for many variables that influence future
demands, including population projections, water pricing, land use, industrial growth,
and the effects of water conservation (Vickers, 1991; and Macy, 1991). The IWR-
Main model (Opitz et al., 1998; Dziegielewski and Boland, 1989) is a sophisticated
model that uses highly disaggregated projections to forecast demands.
The most difficult factor to predict when performing a projection is drastic change in
the economy of an area (for example, a military base closure or the construction of a
factory). Using disaggregated projections, population projections can be modified
Section 4.5 Fire Protection Demands 165
more rationally than can flow projections when developing demand forecasts that
reflect these types of events.
Population Estimates. Planning commissions often have population studies
and estimates that predict the future growth of a city or town. Though population esti-
mates usually contain uncertainties, they can be used as a common starting point for
any model requiring future estimates, such as water distribution models, sewer plans,
and traffic models.
Starting with current per capita usage rates or projections of per capita usage trends,
future demands can be estimated by taking the product of the future population and
the future per capita usage. In areas that are already densely populated, the growth
may be only slightly positive, or even negative.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) publishes per capita water consumption
rates for each state, but these values include nonmunicipal uses such as power genera-
tion and agriculture. A per capita consumption rate developed in this manner cannot
be widely applied because there are large differences in water consumption among
customers in different areas within a particular state.
Land Use. Sometimes, water demands can be estimated based on land use desig-
nations such as single-family residential, high-density residential, commercial, light
industrial, heavy industrial, and so on. Information regarding a representative water
usage rate based on land use can then aid in planning for other areas that are in the
same category.
As with population estimates, using land use designation requires some level of pre-
diction regarding future growth in every area from residential land use to industrial
and commercial operations. For example, the loss or gain of a single large industry
can have a tremendous effect on the overall consumption in the system.
When a fire is in progress, fire protection demands can represent a huge fraction of
the total demand for the system. The effects of fire demands are difficult to derive pre-
cisely since fires occur with random frequency in different areas, with each area hav-
ing unique fire protection requirements. Generally, the amount of water needed to
adequately fight a fire depends on the size of the burning structure, its construction
materials, the combustibility of its contents, and the proximity of adjacent buildings.
For some systems, fire protection is a lower priority than water quality or construction
costs. To reduce costs in situations in which customers are very spread out, such as in
rural areas, the network may not be designed to provide fire protection. Instead, the
fire departments rely on water tanker trucks or other sources for water to combat fires
(for example, ponds constructed specifically for that purpose).
One of the primary benefits of providing water for fire protection is a reduction in the
insurance rates of residents and businesses in the community. In the United States,
community fire protection infrastructure (the fire-fighting capabilities of the fire
department and the capacity of the water distribution network) is audited and rated by
the Insurance Services Office (ISO) using the Fire Protection Rating System (ISO,
166 Water Consumption Chapter 4
1998). In Canada, the Insurers Advisory Organization (IAO) evaluates water supply
systems using the Grading Schedule for Municipal Fire Protection (IAO, 1974). The
ISO evaluation process is summarized in AWWA M-31 (1998).
In Europe, no fire prevention standards exist that apply to all European countries;
therefore, each country must develop or adopt its own fire flow requirements. For
example, the flow rates that the UK Fire Services ideally require to fight fires are
based on the national guidance document on the provision of water for fire fighting
(Water UK and LGA, 1998). Similarly, the German standards (DVGW, 1978), the
French standards (Circulaire, 1951, 1957, and 1967), the Russian standards (SNIP,
1985), and others, are based on fire risk categories that assign the level of risk accord-
ing to the type of premises to be protected, fire-spread risk, installed fire proofing, or
any combination of these factors.
Because systems will be evaluated using ISO methods, engineers in the United States
usually base design of fire protection systems on the ISO rating system, which
includes determining fire flow demands according to the ISO approach. Although the
actual water needed to fight a fire depends on the structure and the fire itself, the ISO
method yields a Needed Fire Flow (NFF) that can be used for design and evaluation
of the system. Different calculation methods are used for different building types,
such as residential, commercial, or industrial.
For one- and two-family residences, the needed fire flow is determined based on the
distance between structures, as shown in Table 4.5.
Table 4.5 Needed fire flow for residences two stories and less
Distance Between Buildings
Fire Flow
More than 100 500
31-100 750
11-30 1,000
Less than 11 1,500
For commercial and industrial structures, the needed fire flow is based on building
area, construction class (that is, frame or masonry construction), occupancy (such as
a department store or chemical manufacturing plant), exposure (distance to and type
of nearest building), and communication (types and locations of doors and walls). The
formula can be summarized as:
O X P + ( ) = (4.12)
where NFF = needed fire flow (gpm)
F = class of construction coefficient
A = effective area (ft
O = occupancy factor
X = exposure factor
P = communication factor
References 167
The procedure for determining NFF is documented in the Fire Protection Rating Sys-
tem (1998) and AWWA M-31 (1998). The minimum needed fire flow is not less than
500 gpm (32 l/s), and the maximum is no more than 12,000 gpm (757 l/s). Most fre-
quently, the procedure produces values less than 3,500 gpm (221 l/s). Values are
rounded to the nearest 250 gpm (16 l/s) for NFFs less than 2,500 gpm (158 l/s), and to
the nearest 500 gpm (32 l/s) for values greater than 2,500 gpm (158 l/s). Values are
also adjusted if a building is equipped with sprinklers.
In addition to a flow rate requirement, a requirement exists for the duration over
which the flow can be supplied. According to ISO (1998), fires requiring 3,500 gpm
(221 l/s) or less are referred to as receiving Public Fire Suppression, and those
requiring greater than 3,500 gpm (221 l/s) are classified as receiving Individual
Property Fire Suppression. For fires requiring 2,500 gpm (158 l/s) or less, a two-hour
duration is sufficient; for fires needing 3,000 to 3,500 gpm (190 to 221 l/s), a three-
hour duration is used; and for fires needing more than 3,500 gpm (221 l/s), a four-
hour duration is used along with slightly different rules for evaluation.
Methods for estimating sprinkler demands are based on the area covered and a flow
density in gpm/ft
as described in NFPA 13 (1999) for commercial and industrial
structures, and in NFPA 13D (1999) for single- and two-family residential dwellings.
For residences, the sprinklers shall provide at least 18 gpm (1.14 l/s) when one sprin-
kler operates and no less than 13 gpm (0.82 l/s) per sprinkler when more than one
operates. For commercial and industrial buildings, the flow density can vary from
0.05 to 0.35 gpm/ft
(2 to 14 l/min/m
), depending on the hazard class associated with
the building and the floor area. Sprinkler design is covered in detail on page 401.
NFPA 13 provides a chart for determining flow density based on whether occupancy
is light, ordinary hazard, or extra hazard. A hose stream requirement exists as well for
water used to supplement the sprinkler flows. These values range from 100 to 1000
gpm (6.3 to 63 l/s), depending on the hazard classification.
American Water Works Association (1989). Distribution Network Analysis for Water Utilities. AWWA
Manual M-32, Denver, Colorado.
American Water Works Association (1998). Distribution System Requirements for Fire Protection.
AWWA Manual M-31, Denver, Colorado.
Basford, C., and Sevier, C. (1995). Automating the Maintenance of Hydraulic Network Model Demand
Database Utilizing GIS and Customer Billing Records. Proceedings of the AWWA Computer Confer-
ence, American Water Works Association, Norfolk, Virginia.
Bowen, P. T., Harp, J., Baxter, J., and Shull, R. (1993). Residential Water Use Patterns. AWWARF, Denver,
Brainard, B. (1994). Using Electronic Rate of Flow Recorders. Proceedings of the AWWA Distribution
System Symposium, American Water Works Association, Omaha, Nebraska.
Buchberger, S. G., and Wu, L. (1995). A Model for Instantaneous Residential Water Demands. Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 121(3), 232.
Buchberger, S. G., and Wells, G. J. (1996). Intensity, Duration, and Frequency of Residential Water
Demands. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 122(1), 11.
168 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Buyens, D. J., Bizier, P. A., and Combee, C. W. (1996). Using a Geographical Information System to
Determine Water Distribution Model Demands. Proceedings of the AWWA Annual Conference, Ameri-
can Water Works Association, Toronto, Canada.
Cesario, A. L., and Lee T. K. (1980). A Computer Method for Loading Model Networks. Journal of the
American Water Works Association, 72(4), 208.
Cesario, A. L. (1995). Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Water Distribution Systems. American Water
Works Association, Denver, Colorado.
Circulaire des Ministreres de lIntriur et de lAgriculture du Fvrier (1957). Protection contre lincendie
dans les communes rurales. Paris, France.
Circulaire du Ministrere de lAgriculture du Auout (1967). Rserve deau potable. Protection contre
lincendie dans les communes rurales. Paris, France.
Circulaire Interministrielle du Dcembre (1951). Alimentation des communes en eau potable - Lutte con-
tre lincendie. Paris, France.
Coote, P. A., and Johnson, T. J. (1995). Hydraulic Model for the Mid-Size Utility. Proceedings of the
AWWA Computer Conference, American Water Works Association, Norfolk, Virginia.
Davis, A. L., and Brawn, R. C. (2000). General Purpose Demand Allocator (DALLOC). Proceedings of
the Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
DeOreo, W. B., Heaney, J. P., and Mayer, P. W. (1996). Flow Trace Analysis to Assess Water Use. Jour-
nal of the American Water Works Association, 88(1), 79.
DVGW. (1978). DVGW W405 Bereitstellung von Lschwasser durch die ffentliche Trinkwasserversor-
gung. Deutscher Verein des Gas und Wasserfaches, Franfurt, Germany.
Dziegielewski, B., and Boland J. J. (1989). Forecasting Urban Water Use: the IWR-MAIN Model. Water
Resource Bulletin, 25(1), 101 119.
Dziegielewski, B., Opitz, E. M., and Maidment, D. (1996). Water Demand Analysis. Water Resources
Handbook, Mays, L. W., ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, New York.
Insurance Advisory Organization (IAO) (1974). Grading Schedule for Municipal Fire Protection. Toronto,
Insurance Services Office (ISO) (1998). Fire Suppression Rating Schedule. New York, New York.
Macy, P. P. (1991). Integrating Construction and Water Master Planning. Journal of the American Water
Works Association, 83(10), 44 47.
Male, J. W., and Walski, T. M. (1990). Water Distribution: A Troubleshooting Manual. Lewis Publishers,
Chelsea, Florida.
Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (1979). Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
New York, New York.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (1999). Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwell-
ings and Manufactured Homes. NFPA 13D, Quincy, Massachusetts.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (1999). Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
NFPA 13, Quincy, Massachusetts.
Office of Water Services (Ofwat) (1998). 1997-98 Report on Leakage and Water Efficiency. http://, United Kingdom.
Opitz, E. M., et al. (1998). Forecasting Urban Water Use: Models and Application. Urban Water Demand
Management and Planning, Baumann D., Boland, J. and Hanemann, W. H., eds., McGraw Hill. New
York, New York, 350.
Rhoades, S. D. (1995). Hourly Monitoring of Single-Family Residential Areas. Journal of the American
Water Works Association, 87(8), 43.
References 169
SNIP (1985). Water Supply Standards (in Russian). 2.04.02-84, Moscow, Russia.
Stern, C. T. (1995). The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Hydraulic Modeling Project. Pro-
ceedings of the AWWA Computer Conference, American Water Works Association, Norfolk, Virginia.
Vickers, A. L. (1991). The Emerging Demand Side Era in Water Conservation. Journal of the American
Water Works Association, 83(10), 38.
Walski, T. M. (1999). Peaking Factors for Systems with Leakage. Essential Hydraulics and Hydrology,
Haestad Press, Waterbury, Connecticut.
Walski, T. M., Lowry, S. G., and Rhee, H. (2000). Pitfalls in Calibrating an EPS Model. Proceedings of
the Environmental and Water Resource Institute Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Min-
neapolis, Minnesota.
Water Research Centre (WRc) (1985). District Metering, Part I - System Design and Installation. Report
ER180E, United Kingdom.
Water UK and Local Government Association (1998). National Guidance Document on the Provision of
Water for Fire Fighting. London, United Kingdom.
Ysuni, M. A. (2000). System Design: An Overview. Water Distribution Systems Handbook, Mays, L. W.,
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, New York.
170 Water Consumption Chapter 4
Read the chapter and complete the problems. Submit your work to Haestad Methods
and earn up to 11.0 CEUs. See Continuing Education Units on page xxix for more
information, or visit
4.1 Develop a steady-state model of the water distribution system shown in the figure. Data describing
the system and average daily demands are provided in the tables that follow.
P -1
P -7 P -6 P -5
P -4 P -3
P -2
P -9
P -8
Pipe Label
Minor Loss
P-1 500 12 120 10
P-2 2,600 10 120 0
P-3 860 8 120 0
P-4 840 8 120 5
P-5 710 6 120 0
P-6 1,110 4 120 0
P-7 1,110 4 120 0
P-8 710 6 120 0
P-9 1,700 6 120 0
Node Label
R-1 750 N/A
J-1 550 250
J-2 520 75
J-3 580 125
J-4 590 50
J-5 595 0
Discussion Topics and Problems 171
a) Fill in the tables below with the pipe and junction node results.
Pipe Label
Hydraulic Gradient
(ft/1000 ft)
Node Label
Hydraulic Grade
172 Water Consumption Chapter 4
b) Complete the tables below assuming that all demands are increased to 225 percent of average-
day demands.
Pipe Label
Hydraulic Gradient
(ft/1000 ft)
Node Label
Hydraulic Grade
c) Complete the tables below assuming that, in addition to average-day demands, there is a fire flow
demand of 1,850 gpm added at node J-3.
Pipe Label
Hydraulic Gradient
(ft/1000 ft)
Node Label
Hydraulic Grade
Discussion Topics and Problems 173
4.2 English Units: Perform a 24-hour extended-period simulation with a one-hour time step for the sys-
tem shown in the figure. Data necessary to conduct the simulation are provided in the tables that fol-
low. Alternatively, the pipe and junction node data has already been entered into Prob4-02.wcd. Use
a stepwise format for the diurnal demand pattern. Answer the questions presented at the end of this
J-3 J-2
P-12 P-13
P-7 P-6
P-10 P-11
Crystal Lake
West Carrolton
(Not To Scale)
Pipe Label
Suction 25 24 120
Discharge 220 21 120
P-1 1,250 6 110
P-2 835 6 110
P-3 550 8 130
P-4 1,010 6 110
P-5 425 8 130
P-6 990 8 125
P-7 2,100 8 105
P-8 560 6 110
P-9 745 8 100
P-10 1,100 10 115
P-11 1,330 8 110
P-12 890 10 115
P-13 825 10 115
P-14 450 6 120
P-15 690 6 120
P-16 500 6 120
Node Label
Crystal Lake 320 N/A
J-1 390 120
J-2 420 75
J-3 425 35
J-4 430 50
J-5 450 0
J-6 445 155
J-7 420 65
J-8 415 0
J-9 420 55
J-10 420 20
Pump Curve Data
Shutoff 245 0
Design 230 1,100
Max Operating 210 1,600
Elevated Tank Information
West Carrolton
Base Elevation (ft) 0 0
Minimum Elevation (ft) 535 525
Initial Elevation (ft) 550 545
Maximum Elevation (ft) 570 565
Tank Diameter (ft) 49.3 35.7
Diurnal Demand Pattern
Time of Day Multiplication Factor
Midnight 1.00
6:00 am 0.75
Noon 1.00
6:00 pm 1.20
Midnight 1.00
174 Water Consumption Chapter 4
a) Produce a plot of the HGL in the Miamisburg and West Carrolton tanks as a function of time.
b) Produce a plot of the pressures at node J-3 versus time.
Discussion Topics and Problems 175
SI Units: Perform a 24-hour extended-period simulation with a one-hour time step for the system
shown in the figure. Data necessary to conduct the simulation are provided in the tables below. Alter-
natively, the pipe and junction node data has already been entered into Prob4-02m.wcd. Use a step-
wise format for the diurnal demand pattern. Answer the questions presented at the end of this
Pipe Label
Suction 7.6 610 120
Discharge 67.1 533 120
P-1 381.0 152 110
P-2 254.5 152 110
P-3 167.6 203 130
P-4 307.8 152 110
P-5 129.5 203 130
P-6 301.8 203 125
P-7 640.1 203 105
P-8 170.7 152 110
P-9 227.1 203 100
P-10 335.3 254 115
P-11 405.4 203 110
P-12 271.3 254 115
P-13 251.5 254 115
P-14 137.2 152 120
P-15 210.3 152 120
P-16 152.4 152 120
Node Label
Crystal Lake 97.5 N/A
J-1 118.9 7.6
J-2 128.0 4.7
J-3 129.5 2.2
J-4 131.1 3.2
J-5 137.2 0
J-6 135.6 9.8
J-7 128.0 4.1
J-8 126.5 0
J-9 128.0 3.5
J-10 128.0 1.3
Pump Curve Data
Shutoff 74.6 0
Design 70.1 69
Max Operating 64.0 101
Elevated Tank Information
West Carrolton
Base Elevation (m) 0 0
Minimum Elevation (m) 163.1 160.0
Initial Elevation (m) 167.6 166.1
Maximum Elevation (m) 173.7 172.2
Tank Diameter (m) 15.0 10.9
Diurnal Demand Pattern
Time of
Midnight 1.00
6:00 a.m. 0.75
Noon 1.00
6:00 p.m. 1.20
Midnight 1.00
176 Water Consumption Chapter 4
a) Produce a plot of the HGL in the Miamisburg and West Carrolton tanks as a function of time.
b) Produce a plot of the pressures at node J-3 versus time.
4.3 Develop a steady-state model for the system shown in the figure and answer the questions that fol-
low. Data necessary to conduct the simulation are provided in the following tables. Alternatively, the
pipe and junction node data has already been entered into Prob4-03.wcd. Note that there are no
minor losses in this system. The PRV setting is 74 psi.
Central Tank
Newtown Res.
High Field Res.
Lower Pressure Zone
Pressure Zone Boundary
Higher Pressure Zone
J-11 P-18
P-15 J-8
P-5 P-4
PRV-1 P-14
J-2 P-3
J-6 P-8
Pipe Label
P-1 120 24 120
P-2 435 16 120
P-3 2,300 12 120
P-4 600 10 110
P-5 550 10 110
P-6 1,250 12 110
P-7 850 12 110
P-8 4,250 12 120
P-9 2,100 12 120
P-10 50 24 105
P-11 250 16 105
P-12 1,650 10 115
P-13 835 8 110
P-14 800 8 100
P-15 1,300 6 95
P-16 1,230 6 95
P-17 750 6 95
P-18 1,225 8 95
P-19 725 6 100
P-20 155 4 75
Node Label
High Field Reservoir 1,230 N/A
Newtown Reservoir 1,050 N/A
Central Tank 1,525 N/A
J-1 1,230 0
J-2 1,275 0
J-3 1,235 120
J-4 1,250 35
J-5 1,300 55
J-6 1,250 325
J-7 1,260 0
J-8 1,220 100
J-9 1,210 25
J-10 1,210 30
J-11 1,220 45
PRV-1 1,180 N/A
PMP-1 1,045 N/A
PMP-2 1,225 N/A
Discussion Topics and Problems 177
Pump Curve Data
Shutoff 550 0 320 0
Design 525 750 305 1,250
Max Operating 480 1,650 275 2,600
178 Water Consumption Chapter 4
a) Fill in the tables for pipe and junction node results.
Pipe Label
Hydraulic Gradient
(ft/1000 ft)
Node Label
Hydraulic Grade
Discussion Topics and Problems 179
Analyze the following demand conditions for this system by using the average-day demands as your
base demands.
b) Increase all demands to 150 percent of average-day demands. What are the pressures at nodes J-2
and J-10?
c) Add a fire flow demand of 1,200 gpm to node J-4. What is the discharge from the Newtown
pump station? What is the pressure at node J-4?
d) Replace the demand of 120 gpm at node J-3 with a demand of 225 gpm. How does the pressure at
node J-3 change between the two demand cases?
e) Replace the existing demands at nodes J-3, J-9, J-10, and J-11 with 200 gpm, 50 gpm, 90 gpm,
and 75 gpm, respectively. Is Central Tank filling or draining? How does the tank condition com-
pare with the original simulation before demands were changed?
4.4 Perform an extended-period simulation on the system from part (a) of Problem 4.3. However, first
add a PRV to pipe P-6 and close pipe P-14. Note that pipe P-6 must split into two pipes when the
PRV is inserted. Specify the elevation of the PRV as 1,180 ft and the setting as 74 psi.
The simulation duration is 24 hours and starts at midnight. The hydraulic time step is 1 hour. The
capacity and geometry of the elevated storage tank and the diurnal demand pattern are provided
below. Assume that the diurnal demand pattern applies to each junction node and that the demand
pattern follows a continuous format. Assume that the High Field pump station does not operate.
Central Tank Information
Base Elevation (ft) 1,260
Minimum Elevation (ft) 1,505
Initial Elevation (ft) 1,525
Maximum Elevation (ft) 1,545
Tank Diameter (ft) 46.1
Diurnal Demand Pattern
Time of Day Multiplication Factor
Midnight 0.60
3:00 a.m. 0.75
6:00 a.m. 1.20
9:00 a.m. 1.10
Noon 1.15
3:00 p.m. 1.20
6:00 p.m. 1.33
9:00 p.m. 0.80
Midnight 0.60
a) Produce a plot of HGL versus time for Central Tank.
b) Produce a plot of the discharge from the Newtown pump station versus time.
c) Produce a plot of the pressure at node J-3 versus time.
d) Does Central Tank fill completely? If so, at what time does the tank completely fill? What hap-
pens to a tank when it becomes completely full or completely empty?
180 Water Consumption Chapter 4
e) Why does the discharge from the Newtown pump station increase between midnight and 6:00
a.m.? Why does the discharge from the pump station decrease, particularly after 3:00 p.m.?
f) Does the pressure at node J-3 vary significantly over time?
4.5 Given a pressure zone with one pump station pumping into it and a smaller one pumping out of it,
and a single 40-ft diameter cylindrical tank, develop a diurnal demand pattern. The pumping rates
and tank water levels are given in the table below. The pumping rates are the average rates during the
hour, and the tank levels are the values at the beginning of the hour.
What is the average use in this pressure zone? What is the average flow to the higher pressure zone?
Pump In
Pump Out
Tank Level
0 650 0 35.2
1 645 210 38.5
2 645 255 40.4
3 652 255 42.1
4 310 255 43.5
5 0 255 42.8
6 0 255 39.6
7 0 0 36.0
8 0 0 33.4
9 225 0 30.3
10 650 0 28.9
11 650 0 30.5
12 650 0 32.1
13 650 0 33.8
14 650 45 35.8
15 645 265 37.5
16 645 260 37.5
17 645 260 37.2
18 645 260 36.5
19 645 260 36.4
20 645 255 36.7
21 645 150 37.2
22 115 0 38.7
23 0 0 38.3
24 0 0 37.1

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