Course Outcome (Co) : Name of Course/Subject: Digital Communication (Theory)

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Name of Course/Subject: Digital Communication

Digital communication subject will enable the student to comprehend facts,
concept and working principles of Digital communication systems. This
subject familiarizes the student with digital information theory, information
rate and channel capacity. This subject helps the students to understand the
concept of principles of digital modulation technique, channel coding method
and error control multipleing, !ultiple "ccess scheme and spread spectrum
modulation.. The #nowledge acquired by student will help them to apply in
$arious modern communication systems.
Unit wise outcome of course Digital Communication:
Topic 1: Introduction of Digital Communication:
Student will be able to understand %lements of Digital &ommunication system.
Topic 2: Digital Pulse Modulation Techniques:
Student will be able to understand principles and &oncept of $arious digital pulse
modulation or encoding techniques.
Topic 3: Coding Methods and rror Control:
Student will be able to understand $arious coding, error detection and error
correction methods.
Topic !: Digital Modulation Technique:
Student will be able to understand principles and &oncept of $arious digital
modulation techniques.
Topic ": Multiple#ing $ Multiple %ccess:
Student will be able to 'nderstand $arious multipleing technique and multiple
"ccess (cheme.
Topic &: 'pread 'pectrum Modulation:
Student will be able to 'nderstand spread spectrum modulation and their
di)erent methods.
Name of Course/Subject: Digital Communication
#ntellectual S$ills*
+. ,nterpret gi$en circuit, type of modulation
-. ,nterpret the results
.. ,nterpret the $arious types of wa$eforms
Motor S$ills:
+. Draw circuit diagram
-. (etting up of equipment
.. "ccurate obser$ation and draw the wa$eforms
Name of Course/Subject: "#C ("ractical)
#ntellectual s$ills:
+. 'se of programming language constructs in program implementation.
-. "pply di)erent logics to sol$e gi$en problem.
.. write program using di)erent implementations for the same problem
/. (tudy di)erent types of errors as synta semantic, fatal, linker 0 logical
1. Debugging of programs
2. 'nderstanding di)erent steps to de$elop program such as
3roblem de4nition
Design of logic
!aintenance 5!odi4cations, error corrections, making changes etc.6
Motor S$ills*
+. 3roper handling of &omputer (ystem%
-. Typing skill

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