AMCAT Syllabus
AMCAT Syllabus
AMCAT Syllabus
The module evaluates written English skills and is aimed at determining the candidates ability to
understand (a) the written text (b) the spoken word and (c) the ability to communicate effectively
through written documents.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: This module will be relevant for almost all profiles such as
usiness !onsulting" #$%&dmin" iTe'%()" *arketing" Engineering" 'ales and !ustomer
*anagement" +T" #otel *anagement" ,ife 'ciences" !ontent -evelopment" etc.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: ./ min
Detailed Syllabus:
'ub2ect30erb &greement
Tenses and &rticles
(repositions and !on2unctions
'peech and 0oices
+nferential and ,iteral !omprehension
!ontextual 0ocabulary
!omprehension ordering
Quantitative Ability:
The module is ideal to evaluate the numerical ability of an individual and is available in both
technical and non technical flavor.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: This module will be relevant for almost all profiles such as
!ontent -evelopment" usiness !onsulting" #$%&dmin" iTe'%()" *arketing" Engineering"
'ales and !ustomer *anagement" +T" #otel *anagement" ,ife 'ciences" etc.
Number of Questions: ./ (for Engineering 1raduates) % 45 (for *& and 1eneral 1raduates)
Module Duration: 6/ min (for Engineering 1raduates) % 45 min (for *& and 1eneral
Detailed Syllabus:
asic *athematics
#!7 and ,!*
8umbers" decimal fractions and power
&pplied *athematics
(rofit and ,oss
'imple and !ompound +nterest
Time" 'peed and -istance
Engineering *athematics
(ermutation and !ombinations
Logical Ability:
The module assesses capacity of an individual to interpret things ob2ectively" to be able to
perceive and interpret trends to make generali9ations and be able to analy9e assumptions behind
an argument%statement.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: This module will be relevant for almost all profiles such as
!ontent -evelopment" usiness !onsulting" #$%&dmin" iTe'%()" *arketing" Engineering"
'ales and !ustomer *anagement" +T" #otel *anagement" ,ife 'ciences" etc.
Number of Questions: .:
Module Duration: 6/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
-eductive $easoning
!oding deductive logic
-irectional sense" lood relations
)b2ective $easoning
'election decision tables
+nductive reasoning
!oding pattern and 8umber series pattern recognition
&nalogy and !lassification pattern recognition
&bductive $easoning
,ogical word se;uence
-ata sufficiency
Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory (AMPI:
The module does an overall personality assessment of the candidate and is used to assess
candidates in people3interaction and people3management roles.
Number of Questions: <=
Module Duration: .= min
Detailed Syllabus:
&*(+: &spiring *inds (ersonality +nventory is based on the five3factor model of (ersonality.
&*(+ measures five broad>based traits:
)penness to Experience
Co!puter Progra!!ing:
The module is ideal to evaluate entry level talents exposure and expertise in !omputer
(rogramming. This module is agnostic to programming languages and does not re;uire the
candidates to code during the test.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: Technical 'upport Executive" !omputer Engineer" 'oftware
-eveloper > ?eb" 'ystem s%w" (roduct" Trainee" Testing Engineer" $esearch Engineer" !ontent
-eveloper3+T" +T $ecruiter" etc.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: 6/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
asic (rogramming
-ata Types
+teration" $ecursion" -ecision
(rocedure" functions and scope
-ata 'tructures
&rrays" ,inked ,ists" Trees" 1raphs
'tacks" @ueues
#ash Tables
'earching and 'orting
!omplexity Theory
Co!puter Science:
The module focuses to assess the candidates knowledge in basics of operating system and
computer architecture" computer networks and database concepts.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: 'oftware -evelopers" -atabase &dministrator and 8etwork
Number of Questions: .5
Module Duration: .. min
Detailed Syllabus:
)perating 'ystem and !omputer &rchitecture
asics of )' and !omputer &rchitecture
(rocess *anagement and 'ynchroni9ation
*emory and +%) *anagement
-ata model
$elational &lgebra and '@,
8ormali9ation" &rchitecture" +ndexing
!omputer 8etworks
asics of networking and communication
)'+" T!(%+( layers and protocols
8etwork -evices and $outing &lgorithms
Electronics and Se!iconductors:
The module assesses the 2ob suitability of the candidate in those companies which deal with
Embedded 'ystems" 0,'+ design" ')!" Electronic" -esign and &utomation !ompanies etc.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: Electronics Engineer" #ardware Engineer" 'ales and
)perations *anager%Executive for Electronic +ndustry (rocesses" $esearch 'cientist" Technical
!ontent -eveloper" etc.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: 6/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
'emiconductors and -evices
asics of semiconductor
Two terminal devices
Three terminal devices
&nalog Electronics
asic for circuit analysis
'mall 'ignal and ,arge 'ignal !ircuit &nalysis
7eedback" stability and oscillators
-igital Electronics
oolean &lgebra and minimi9ation of oolean functions
,ogic families
!ombinational !ircuits
0,'+ asics
This module evaluates the candidates on their knowledge and understanding of the sub2ect of
Telecommunication and its applications.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: Telecommunications 7ield Engineer" Telecommunications
*anager" 'ystems -eveloper" $adio communications Technician" Telecommunications 8etwork
(lanner" Telecommunications Technical )fficer3Technologist" $7 Engineer" 'witch Engineer.
Number of Questions: 6=
Module Duration: 6= min
Detailed Syllabus:
*icrowave Engineering
*icrowave engineering
Transmission lines and waveguides
&ntennas and wave propagation
Electromagnetic theory
Electrical Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts of
electricity" electronics and electromagnetism.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: Electrical Engineer" (ower Engineer" Technical !ontent
-eveloper" 'ales and )perations *anager%Executive for Electrical +ndustry (rocesses" $esearch
and -evelopment" etc.
Number of Questions: 6=
Module Duration: 6= min
Detailed Syllabus:
7undamentals of Electrical Engineering
asic electrical engineering
Electrical machines
(ower machines
+nstrumentation and control
+nstruments and measurements
!ontrol system
&nalog and digital electronics
(ower electronics
Mechanical Engineering:
The module assesses a studentAs skills" knowledge and understanding of the core
principles%concepts in the branch of mechanical engineering.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: *echanical Engineer" $esearch and -evelopment"
&utomation Engineer" (roduct Engineer" Technical !ontent -eveloper" 'ales and )perations in
industry processes" etc.
Number of Questions: 6=
Module Duration: ./ min
Detailed Syllabus:
*anufacturing 'cience
Engineering materials
(roduction engineering
+ndustrial engineering
Thermodynamics and +! Engines
Thermodynamic cycles and steam generators
+! engines
#eat transfer" refrigeration and air conditioning
7luid and *achine *echanics
7luid mechanics and fluid machinery
'trength of materials
Theory of machines
*achine design
Civil Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on general principles of mechanics and construction" and
re;uires the candidates to apply these principles in practical based problems.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: !ivil Engineer" $esearch &ssociate" 'ite Engineer" -esign
Engineer" 'tructural Engineer" 'ales and )perations *anager%Executive 3 +ndustrial (rocesses"
Technical !ontent -eveloper" etc.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: .= min
Detailed Syllabus:
'tructural Engineering
&pplied mechanics
'trength of materials
uilding materials and construction
Theory of structures
'teel structures
!oncrete technology
$.!.!. -esign
1eotechnical and ?ater $esources Engineering
'oil mechanics
#ydraulic engineering
?ater supply engineering
Transportation Engineering and 'urveying
#ighways engineering
$ailway engineering
Estimation and costing
Instru!entation Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts in
the branch of instrumentation engineering.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: +nstrumentation Engineer" &utomation Engineer" $esearch
'cientist" -esign Engineer" (lant Engineer" (rocess Engineer" *aintenance Engineer" etc.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: .= min
Detailed Syllabus:
+nstrumentation and !ontrol
Transducers and industrial instrumentation
&nalytical and optical instrumentation
Electronic instrumentation and measurements
!ontrol systems and process control
&nalog electronics
-igital electronics
*icroprocessor and microcontroller
'ignals and !ommunication 'ystem
'ignal and systems
7undamentals of network analysis and synthesis
Industrial Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts of
engineering analysis" design and management.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: +ndustrial Engineer" (rocess Engineer" @uality Engineer"
Technical !ontent -eveloper" 7inancial Engineer" (lant Engineer" etc.
Number of Questions: 4<
Module Duration: 4/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
-esign of *anufacturing 'ystems
(roduct design and development
?ork system design
7acility design
@uality !ontrol and *anagement
@uality management
(roduction planning and inventory control
*anagement information system
$eliability and !osting
$eliability and maintenance
)peration research
Engineering economy and costing
Production Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical and practical concepts of design"
development and implementation of new production processes" information and control systems"
computer controlled inspection" assembly and handling.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: (rocess Engineer" (ro2ect -esign Engineer" @uality !ontrol
Engineer" 'ervice Engineer" *aintenance Engineer" etc.
Number of Questions: .=
Module Duration: 4/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
(roduction Technology and &nalysis
*etal casting" forming and 2oining
*anufacturing &nalysis
*etal !utting and Tool -esign
*achining and machine tool operators
Tool engineering
*etrology and inspection
*aterial 'cience and !+*
(olymers and composites
!omputer integrated manufacturing
Metallurgical Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts in
the branch of metallurgical engineering.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: (rocess *etallurgists" -esign Engineer" *etallurgical $B-
,ab Technician" ?elding Engineer" @uality (lanning Engineer" (lant E;uipment Engineer and
allistics Engineer.
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: 4< min
Detailed Syllabus:
(rocess *etallurgy
7uels and furnaces mineral beneficiation
8on 7errous Technology 3 +ron and steel
*etallurgical thermodynamics
+ndustrial *etallurgy
*etal casting" 2oining and forming
!orrosion science
(hysical *etallurgy
8on ferrous materials
(hase transformation and heat treatment
*aterial testing and characteri9ation
Che!ical Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on principles of chemistry" physics and material science
in practical and industrial based problems.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: !hemical Engineer" $esearch 'cientist" *anufacturer
(!hemical +ndustry)" @uality Engineer" 'ales and )perations *anager%Executive for +ndustrial
(rocesses" Technical !ontent -eveloper" etc.
Number of Questions: .5
Module Duration: ./ min
Detailed Syllabus:
Transport (henomena
7luid mechanics
#eat transfer
*ass transfer
!hemical (rocess Engineering and Technology
(rocess engineering and technology
!hemical technology
!hemical (rocess (rinciples and -esign
!hemical reaction engineering
!hemical engineering thermodynamics
'toichiometry and process calculations
Auto!otive Engineering:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts of
automobile design and testing" experimental%scientific methods related to automotive engineering.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: &erospace Engineer" *arine Engineer" -esign Engineer"
$esearch and -evelopment Engineer" 'ales Engineer" Technical !ontent -eveloper" etc.
Number of Questions: .:
Module Duration: 45 min
Detailed Syllabus:
&uto Engine
Engine classification
Engine fuel system
!ooling and lubrication
&uto vehicle technology and Electrical
7rame" body" clutch and brake
&xle and steering system
Transmission" differential" propeller shaft
&uto *aintenance and Turn Cp
(reventive maintenance
Troubles and tuning
&uto3inspection and tuning
Paint Technology:
The module focuses on testing a student on theoretical knowledge as well as practical concepts in
the branch of paint technology.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: (aint Technologists in paint manufacturing companies and
home furnishing companies" $esearch and -evelopment" @uality &ssurance" (roduction"
*arketing" Technical &ssistants%Executives.
Number of Questions: .=
Module Duration: 4/ min
Detailed Syllabus:
$aw *aterials and (recursors
+ntroduction to components of surface coatings
)rganic" inorganic pigments" extenders" dyestuff" natural resins and polymers
'ynthetic resins and polymers
!oating > *anufacturing" Evaluation" Types
7ormulation principles and manufacturing of coatings
!oating properties and evaluation
+ndustrial and specialty coatings" decorative and eco3friendly coatings
(aint &pplication and Troubleshooting
'urface treatment and coating applications
!oating defects
Poly!er Technology:
The module assesses both the theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the candidate across
various topics like polymer chemistry" processing" testing" etc.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: (roduction Engineers or Technologists" @uality !ontrol
+nspectors and (olymer 'pecialists
Number of Questions: ./
Module Duration: 4< min
Detailed Syllabus:
(olymer !hemistry and !haracteri9ation
!hemistry of polymers
(olymer characteri9ation
(olymer 'ynthesis and (roperties
'ynthesis and properties
(olymer processing
(olymer theology
&pplication of (olymers
(olymer testing
(olymer technology
(olymer blends and composites
The module assesses the candidates on the various laws" theories and principles governing the
various physical phenomena in chemistry.
Befitting Job Functions/Profiles: ,aboratory &ssistant" 'cientist" $esearch and -evelopment"
!hemist" 'ales $epresentative" etc.
Number of Questions: .D
Module Duration: 45 min
Detailed Syllabus:
(hysical !hemistry
&tomic structure
!hemical bonding
1aseous state
!hemical thermodynamics
!hemical and ionic e;uilibrium
'olutions and colligative properties
!hemical kinetics
+norganic !hemistry
(eriodic table and periodic properties
s" p and d3block elements
!oordination compounds
)rganic !hemistry
(urification and characteri9ation of organic compounds
Types of organic reactions