Desert Magazine 1961 July

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My. 1961 40 cents

Fragments out of the past: Modern Nevada's heritage

Rawhide in 1908. People lined-up on main street are waiting for post office (out of sight at right) to open.

blew across the flame of a stove. The drug

store, some folks said, was the only insured
RAWHIDE'S CACHED CASK building in town.
The entire downtown section and a major
part of the residential district was destroyed
—and another gold camp was started on its
way to oblivion.
•HILE I worked in the Bank oi Raw- fist—went through the plate glass window of
At the time of the fire, R. W. Thaler, other-
hide, a n incident occurred which I the bank.
wise known as "The Gumshoe Kid," was
believe has no parallel in banking We didn't sue. There was enough gold in operating a prospect at Bovard. He had four
history. that rock to pay for the broken window, with tents in Rawhide that were occupied by his
Across the road about a block from the $50 left over, which was accordingly depos- cronies and associates. On the day of the
bank, the Grutt brothers were working in a ited to the credit of the Grutt brothers. fire, every establishment on Main Street and
mine shaft. One morning, an extra heavy On September 4. 1908, Rawhide was swept Rawhide Avenue threw open their doors and
charge of dynamite was set off in this shaft, by a disastrous fire. It was reported that the told all comers to help themselves to food,
throwing rocks in every direction. curtain in the rear of the drug store on the liquor, clothing or whatever else was handy,
One chunk of rock—about the size oi a corner of Main Street across from the Bank, because the stores were doomed.
Thaler and his friends took only whiskey
—several barrels of it. Days later, when this
windfall was rapidly reduced to but one
barrel. Thaler rolled his treasure into a nearby
prospect hole—not very deep—and covered
it up.
Seventeen years later. Thaler returned to
Rawhide and tried to locate the barrel of
whiskey—but as in all lost mine stories—
the unfortunate prospector failed.
Thus, a barrel of Yellowstone Whiskey,
vintage of '04, lies buried not far from what
was once Rawhide Avenue.—from the un-
published memoirs of Frank P. Tondel of
Fresno, Calif.


"Gold is where you find it"
Drive to one of these
Magnificent 23"x34" full-color map shows the
way—via roads, hiways. Fascinating wall dec-
oration & conversation piece. "Best ever!"
experts say. Vellum Finish $2.00. Ivory
Deckle-edged $3.00. Parchment Deluxe $5.00.
Write for nearest dealer or send check/cash/
M.O. (In Calif, add sales tax.) Full refund
if not delighted. TREASURAMA
3969 Goodland A v c , North Hollywood, Calif.
Dealer inquiries invited
24 Contents for July 1961 Number


NEW . . . NEW . . . NEW
COVER PHOTO: Virginia City Panorama, by Donald Boone
2 MEMOIRS: How It Was In Rawhide
6 TOURISM: An Interview With Nevada Governor Sawyer
Unusual mountings and findings. Good selec-
tion of jewelers' tools, equipment, supplies,
silver, books, cut stones, etc. Covington lapi- 8 CREDO: My Nevada!
dary equipment. Top quality merchandise at NELL MURBARGER
reasonable prices.
SEND 50c TODAY FOR YOUR COPY 15 RECREATION: The Mountains of Nevada
Money refunded on first $5.00 order WILLIAM J. HART

TERRY'S LAPIDARY 18-19 COLOR PHOTO: The Ruby Mountains, by Lenard Smith
20 PROGRESS: Great Basin National Park Is On Its W a y

22-23 COLOR PHOTO: Treasure Lake, by Irwin Fehr

Buried loot, coins, silver, gold,
25 RECREATION: Nevada Water Sports
jewelry, battle relics! Transistor PEGGY TREGO
M-SCOPE detects them all. Used
worldwide by experienced explor- 26-27 COLOR MAP: Nevada Camping Guide
ers since 1932. Exciting! Reward- NORTON ALLEN
ing! Lightweight and supersensi-
tive, the powerful M-SCOPE offers
greater depth penetration, over
29 GHOST TOWN: Tuscarora
200 treasure-hunting days of CHRIS JENSEN
battery life. From $59.50. Easy
terms. Guaranteed. Write for the 30 LOST MINE: Monte Cristo Gold
FREE illustrated booklet of fas- HAROLD O. WEIGHT
cinating customer experiences.
34 NATURE: Wildlife of Nevada
Dept. 2C, Palo Alto, Calif.
DEPARTMENTS: Readers' Letters 4 Calif. Travel, Calendar 39
July Poetry 17 Editorial -42
Classified Ads 37 Harry Oliver's Almanac 43
The Desert Magazine, founded in 1937 by Randall Henderson, is published monthly
COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS . . . by Desert Magazine, Inc., Palm Desert, California. Re-entered as second class
matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert, California, under the Act
of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U.S. Patent Office, and contents
The three double-page color copyrighted 1961 by Desert Magazine, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents must
photographs in this issue of be secured from the editor in writing.

Desert Magazine (wrap-around Unsolicited manuscripts and

photographs submitted can-
cover; Ruby Mountain scene not be returned or acknowl- BARSTOW
edged unless full return
on pages 18-19; and Wheeler postage is enclosed. Desert
Peak lake photograph on pages Magazine assumes no re-
sponsibility for damage or
22-23) were made available loss of manuscripts or pho-
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vada State Department of High- should send notice of change
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ways. the month preceding issue.
Address all editorial and
circulation correspondence to
The Highway Department Desert Magazine, Palm Des-
ert, California.
publishes a magazine which
Desert Magazine readers may Address all advertising
correspondence to Aaron D.
obtain free of charge by writing Viller, 8217 Beverly Blvd.,
Los Angeles 48, Calif. Phone
to: Donald L. Bowers, editor; OL 1-2225.
Nevada Highways and Parks CHARLES E. SHELTON
Magazine; Carson City, Ne- Publisher
vada. Editor
Circulation Manager

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 3

column of listed "efforts to civilize the In-
dians of the Southwest," holds this terse
statement regarding the efforts of my mis-
LETTERS sionary-doctor father: "Zuni School, by Rev.
H. K. Palmer and wife, was closed."
FROM OUR READERS In my father's journal is this description
of our Zuni home: COUNTY,
". . . the dwellings in our village are
built around a square presenting the appear-
An 1877 Visit to Zuni . . . ance of an unbroken wall as high as a two-
story building, but is divided into two or
To the Editor: A long-time friend, who has three stories. One or two openings in the
known of my warm interest in, and affec- roofs, easily closed, give entrance in, and
tion for the Zuni Indians, is to be thank- Goldfield, Fish Lake Valley, Goldpoint,
exit from the courtyard. But the ground
ed for sending me the May number of floor rooms have neither windows nor doors Silver Peak, Coaldale, Lida, Lida Junction
Desert Magazine containing the thrilling (to in their exterior walls. Ladders are placed
me) article by Hope Gilbert on the "1882 against the wall inside, and the Puebloans
Zuni Pilgrimage to the Atlantic Ocean." —and even the numerous dogs—run up and V GREAT COUNTRY
Frank Hamilton Cushing, the man who down them with the agility of monkeys.
escorted the Zunis East, arrived at Zuni a So, it was a great concession to us that the FOR A VACATION . . .
year after my parents and their three chil- Cacique permitted me to cut a ground floor
dren (including me—I am 91 years of age) entrance in our dwelling, for my wife's
spent the terrible winter of 1877-78 trying convenience. Incidentally, that same door V GREAT COUNTRY
against fearful odds to keep a school and was never closed to our friends, the Zunis,
hospital going in the village. Bancroft's during famine, cold and small-pox." FOR A LIFETIME . . .
History of New Mexico and Arizona, in a
ISABEL M. WISTER Esmeralda is building a diversified in-
Long Beach, Calif. dustry . . . MINING—from gold to talc;
AGRICULTURE—from corn to cattle; and

pick up and go Preventing Vapor Lock . . .

towns, the world's best rock collecting,

VagaBondia! To the Editor: I have just finished reading

the article you have in the current June
issue on "Auto Breakdown." Thought it
swimming, pack trains to remote country,
guide service. . . . for FREE LITERATURE,

might be of interest to suggest that the easy write: ESMERALDA DEPT. OF

way to avoid having a vapor lock in hot
weather is to add a little kerosene to your ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
gas supply. For a full tank add a quart of
kerosene. c/o Ernest Koop
GEORGE H. LARK Fish Lake Valley via Tonopah, Nevada
La Canada, Calif.

Get away from it all and carry the comforts of

home with you! Fishing, hunting, camping, travel-
ing, relaxing . . . life's more fun with a Vaga- What Are Belly Flowers? . . .
• Sleeps 4 to 6! • Beautiful interior! To the Editor: In the June issue, artist
• Fits any pickup! • Completely outfitted! Henry Mockel mentions the "belly flower"
• 6 ' 1 " headroom! * 2 5 % more quality! BEAUTIFUL
in his article. Can you tell me the botanical
* Cab-over models from S I I 7 7 . 5 0 name for this plant? FISHING
Oklahoma City, Okla. FREE

VaqaBtmdia 21203 S. FIGUEROA ST.

TORRANCE, CALIF, o (The term "belly flower" refers to no

specific plant. It is a name given to plants

of low stature that are best viewed by
getting the eye close to the ground. Dr.
Edmund Jaeger describes the term as be-
a Vacation Land
"No Pepper"
11 ing "unfortunate and inelegant." It was
invented, says Jaeger, to call attention to
the host of small desert flowers that re-
to Remember
"No Garlic"
"No Vinegar"
"No Pork"
A MUST for Fishing, Hunting,
Camping, Picnics, Boating, Pack-
quire close scrutiny if we are to realize
their true beauty. "Personally," he adds,
"1 shun the use of the term, preferring to
call such ground - hugging wildflowers
'flower midgets'."— ED.)
ing Trips—Because of its long
lasting freshness—will keep with-
out refrigeration.

Guarantee of Satisfaction Snake Catcher's Errors . . .
and Safe Delivery
No Charge for Mailing To the Editor: I am sure that many readers
were pleased, as was I, to find your lead
100% Pure Beef article in the June issue by S. H. Walker
Hickory Farms of Ohio on his experiences catching and exhibiting The White Mountain Apache Indians welcome you.
Western Division rattlesnakes in Southern California. Yet, as Come and enjoy the wonderful mountain climate,
P. O. Box 3306, Van Nuys, Cal. is so often the case when the subject is
snakes, fact and fiction become so liberally the beautiful primitive scenery, clear, cold streams
Approx. 4 Ib, beef sticks are $5.98 ea. includ-
ing all packing and mailing. Send check or mixed that only by careful sifting and atten- and the best trout fishing in the Southwest.
money order. tion to detail can the one be separated from
Please ship me Beef Sticks at $5.98 ea. the other. I found no less than 10 state- FOR INFORMATION AND MAPS, WRITE
New Customer Old Customer ments in the Walker article to be inaccurate.
To: Space allows a discussion of but a few. WHITE MOUNTAIN
Walker states that ". . . in those years RECREATION ENTERPRISE
(1930-39) I captured nearly 10,000 dia-
monbacks . . . to 1949 . . . at least 15,000 P.O. BOX 218
. . ." Laurence Klauber, in his definitive
4 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961
work on rattlesnakes, credits Walker with ser's place" refers to Dr. Raymond B.
the capture of "over 7000 rattlesnakes in Cowles, just recently retired from U.C.L.A.,
the Coachella Valley in 20 years," appar- and for over 30 years one of the foremost
ently halving Walker's own estimate. But, authorities on reptiles in the United States.
it is still a fantastic number of snakes! The inaccuracies cited in no way detract
I question Walker's conclusion drawn from the interest of the article, nor did
from his statement that his recovery from they diminish my pleasure in reading it.
arteriosclerosis and attendant heart trouble Mr. Walker's snake collecting experiences
immediately following his only serious make interesting reading for the profession-
snakebite, in 1938 (prior, that is, to his al scientist and general reader alike.
fatal bite in 1949). That you can "tell by JOHN D. GOODMAN
the tongue when a snake is going to strike" Associate Professor of Biology
is not borne out in the experience of many University of Redlands, Calif.
other herpetologists; nor is Walker's re-
mark that "now, a rattlesnake knows I am
not afraid, and will run from me." Snake-Pit Memoirs . . .
Walker's first snake-hunting companion, To the Editor: I am a great admirer of
called in the article, "Dr. Mauser, professor Desert Magazine and have read it for many
of herpetology at the University of South- years. This is my first adverse comment:
ern California" was Dr. Walter Mosauer, "Memoirs of a Snake-Pit Operator" in the
at that time not at U.S.C., but at U.C.L.A. June issue was a misfit; this story was not
While the "Dr. Cole, who took Dr. Mau- in keeping with the general style of Desert
Magazine. I found this article gruesome
and colored opposite to what most of your
articles bring out. Desert Magazine's stand-
GLEN CANYON ard has been far above the Snake-Pit
Memoirs story. Ruggedness in design, lightness in
JAMES C. CASSELL, JR. weight, plus power to take you
VOYAGE... Yucca Valley, Calif. wherever you please. Total weight
with engine (6 hp) tips 65 lbs.
Plan now to have the time of
your life in Utah on a Colorado Larger models are also available.
Charm, Vitality, Beauty . . .
River Expedition led by the noted Prices start at $169.00 complete,
To the Editor: For years I have thorough- ready to run.
Utah Guide, ly enjoyed your magazine, and nothing
more so than the Laura Adams Armer Write today
KEN SLEIGHT series just concluded. for complete descriptive
(Ken has led many parties—men, women On a recent visit to Taos, New Mexico, literature on the Flea.
and children—down the Colorado River) I saw a painting by Dorothy Brett titled, engineering
"Foot Race." Instantly this work of art
1 Full Week of Adventure seemed the perfect illustration for the spirit 330 So. Irwindale Ave, DM-7F, Azusa, Calif.
ONLY $100 per person of Mrs. Armer's Indianland stories.
I hope that Mrs. Armer has seen Miss
(includes food and transportation from Brett's painting, and that Miss Brett has
Richfield, Utah) read Mrs. Armer's articles. Perhaps, by
—a $25 deposit secures your reservation the long arm of coincidence, this has hap-
pened, and each has recognized in the work
Special 1961 Added Expeditions of the other the same charm and vitality
AUG. 13—AUG. 19
Tapestry Wall
AUG. 23—AUG. 29
SEPT. 27—OCT. 3
' Rainbow Bridge
and beauty.
Redondo Beach, Calif.
Music Temple
Kscalanto River
Hole-in-the-Rock Crossing of the the continuing
Pioneer Crossing
Hidden Passage Ghost Ranch Museum . . .
Ancient Indian Forbidden Canyon
Ruins and Writings with its many
Mystery Canyon swimming holes To the Editor: We are all delighted with
the fine article on our Ghost Ranch Museum
Write for FREE 10 Page River
Recreation Literature
in your June issue. There is just one correc-
tion. William H. Woodin has been Director
of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum for
St o r y
the past six years. It was stated in the
article that I remained Director until I built
the museum at Ghost Ranch. Actually, I
did establish the Desert Museum and was
V a da
Ken Sleight, river guide its first Director until I became very ill. At
6575 South Main, Bountiful, Utah that point I suggested Mr. Woodin as Di-
rector and have never had cause to regret
it. On the contrary, he has proved a splen-
did person in every way and the Desert
LEARN..ENJOY Museum has prospered under his leadership.
Crafts and Culture of WILLIAM H. CARR
the American Indian Abiquiu, New Mexico
beautifully illustrated
in color and black and
white photos . . . auth-
oritative articles
PHOTO and ART credits
"INDIAN LIFE" (Unless otherwise specified below or in text,
Magazine $1.00 PP photographs and art work are by authors of
features in which they appear.) and
SEE.. 40TH ANNUAL CEREMONIAL Page 7: Nevada State Highway Dept. 15:
(top) Wilson Agency; (middle and bottom) Nevada State Journal*
Indian Dances, Sports. Crafts. AUGUST Nevada State Highway Dept. 16: Irwin
Send for Free Brochure. 10-11-12-13 Fehr. 17: Nevada State Highway Dept. •Morning & Sunday
FILMED CEREMONIAL HIGHLIGHTS 18-19: Lenard Smith. 21-22-23-24: Irwin
Fehr. 25: Lee Oertle. 26-27: Map by. covering Northwest Nevada & adjacent
9 full color 35 MM slides, commentary $2.25 Norton Allen. 28: Adrian Atwater. 30:
Map by Norton Allen. 34: F. V. Sair- California counties. 35,743 combined
CEREMONIAL ASSOCIATION poon. 40: Harold O. Weight. daily circulation.
Box 1029 Gallup, New Mexico

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 5

3 Reporter of the Southwest" whose
magazine articles and books have
lished her as a leading authority on
the Great Basin's past and present

RIENDS OFTEN ASK why I go to Nevada each sum- Lake City and California, today finds our sixth largest state
F mer; what I find there that my home state of California
doesn't offer? It is a natural question, but I usually
sidestep it with some flippant remark. Who can explain
still the least-known and most misunderstood in the Union
—and one of the most sparsely-settled areas on earth.
It is a state with thousands of miles of good paved high-
why he is that way about a certain person—or state? Cer- ways, but with scarcely a dozen incorporated towns and
tainly, my liking for Nevada is not a matter of scenery, or cities; a state without a street car, but with 20,000,000
climate, or friends, or freedom, or any single thing on which acres of public domain; a state nearly twice the size of all
I can put a finger. It's just a good, deep down, over-all New England, but with a total population less than that of
feeling—like that which comes when you step across the San Diego, California!
threshold of your own home after a harrowing day. You
remove your tight shoes, loosen your clothing, bathe your True, the 1960 census shows that during the past 10
face in cold water, lie back in your favorite easy chair, and years, Nevada's population has increased by some 75 per-
close your eyes. cent—second-greatest percentage increase of any state. But
this means only that a few towns and cities are increasing
That's how I feel when I return to Nevada—as though in size and importance. It doesn't mean that the saw-tooth
I have come home where there's no need to pretend I'm summits of the Rubies are growing crowded, that there is
rich, or virtuous, or young, or clever, or anything I am not. no longer room to pitch your tent or park your trailer along
Even my faults and failures no longer seem very important, the shores of Wild Horse Lake, or that any more persons
for Nevada is almost as tolerant and forgiving as my own have come to live in the Virgin Valley. All these miles—
mother. and 10,000 others—remain open and unspoiled, uncrowded
This Nevada I call my own is not symbolized by the by people.
playboy capitals of Reno and Las Vegas, with their glitter- This is Big Country—high, wide and handsome—as any-
ing multi-million-dollar resort hotels and block-long neon one who takes a little time to examine it will discover.
signs. Not that I have any quarrel with this make-believe Happily, this may be done with surprising ease since good
world—for a night or two I even find it exciting and color- paved roads lead to countless scenes of splendor—to Walker
ful; a lot of fun. But soon as I have had my little fling and Pyramid lakes, to matchless Tahoe, and Lakes Mead
it seems as if I can't get rolling fast enough toward my real, and Mohave. Paved roads take you to ski runs, trout
unvarnished, unalloyed, Simon-pure Nevada of rushing streams, pine-shaded campgrounds, through thousands of
streams and high blue lakes, and cool, dim gorges. acres of National Forest, to state parks, and picturesque
That this side of Nevada should be almost unknown ex- old mining camps by the dozen.
cept to a few cattlemen, prospectors and sportsmen, is not As in any other state, however, he who would see Nevada's
too difficult to understand, for Nevada's hinterlands have very best must leave the asphalt; must take to the graveled
always been considered an obstacle, rather than a goal. roads or to those dim narrow lines designated on highway
Dazzled by the magic name of California, the gold-seek- maps as "semi-improved."
ers of 1849 had only curses for this sparsely-peopled To the experienced motorist with adequate gasoline, a
wilderness that delayed their progress, and in their blind five-gallon can of water, and a measure of common sense,
hastening toward Coloma and its ephemeral treasure, they there's nothing fearful about these little roads that lead
passed almost within shouting distance of a mountain where into the high country. They're slow—sure! But in places
men of the next decade would begin harvesting $500,000,- of this sort, reduced speed is a blessing, not a curse. As
000 from Nevada's Comstock Lode. Same was true of the the late Don Blanding wrote, "I may not go so far or fast,
covered-wagon emigrants. In following the sinuous 600- but I see more along the road."
mile course of the Humboldt River, they passed—and left
behind—thousands of acres as level and free and fertile Make no mistake about it—there's plenty to see on these
as most of them would ever gain in the Promised Land little roads, for they are the magic carpets that lead into the
beyond the Sierra. majestic Rubies, the Whites, the Toiyabes, and other card-
board-cutout mountains ranged tier upon purple tier. Here
But man learns slowly—if at all—and long after the are 16 peaks between 10,000 and 14,000 feet in height—
explorers and gold-seekers and emigrants had gone their one with a living glacier!—while the statewide average ele-
unseeing ways, there came the era of the automobile tourist vation of 5500 feet is greater than the maximum height of
and the diabolical dogma of traveling by night to escape the land in three-fourths of the states of the Union!
"monotony" of the desert.
Explore the Jarbidge Craters, High Rock Canyon, the
By reason of this more-than-a-century-long tendency to headwaters of the Humboldt, or the Owyhee, and you'll
regard Nevada as only an annoying land-bridge between Salt carry back to civilization memories of a Nevada that not

8 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

one tourist in 10,000 ever sees! You'll look on towering
crags and wild sandstone canyons and great forests of pine
and fir; on jagged rimrock where the mule deer feed, and
high rocky mesas pounded by the hooves of wild mustangs.
You'll see clear, cold, tumultuous streams leaping with rain-
bow trout; deep, dark gorges where the cougar screams, and
green mountain valleys blanketed with wild iris and shoulder-
high columbines and woodferns. You'll see July snowfields
fringed with the brilliant scarlet of snowplants, and aspen
glades transformed to flaming gold by September's first frost.
Other great expanses of Nevada, like some women, are
beautiful only to those who love them. This is the desert, a
land of brilliant sunrises and sunsets, spectacular skylines,
precipitous cliffs and canyons, and severe brown hills, high
and mighty and arid. Whether this vastness frightens, thrills,
or bores the beholder depends on the eyes through which
it is viewed. But, even those who see nothing lovely in this
harsh land should never be guilty of calling it "worthless,"
for not a hill in Nevada truly merits that stigma. Even
though fit only for enhancing the beauty of the sunrise and
bringing peace to man's troubled soul, these great jagged-
topped desert ranges still would justify their existence—and
don't ever regard them with contempt!
Remember that in the bare 100 years since 1860, when
Nevada's mining industry began to flower, such hills as
these have yielded close to two thousand million dollars
worth of mineral!
In the course of this prodigious harvesting many mines
have been worked out—just as any treasure chest, long
drawn upon and not replenished, is eventually emptied. In
such cases, the camps originally supported by such mines
have become ghost towns.
How many of these old camps there are in the Sagebrush
State is impossible to say, but I have collected historical
material on more than 1600 of them, and every summer
brings me the knowledge of scores more ghost towns previ-
ously unknown to me. Seeking out these phantom camps,
exploring and photographing them, and hunting relics lost
amid their caving cellars and trash heaps and fallen walls,
has been one of the major "fringe benefits" of every summer
I have spent in Nevada.
4 ~ m* •:•
Displayed on the walls of my den are hundreds of
mementos from such towns. These, when I am through OLD LOG CABIN IN RUBY VALLEY
with them, are to go to the Nevada Historical Society; but
until that time I find a rich pleasure from looking at them
and remembering the joy of that particular day which brought
each into my possession.
A section of hand-riveted buffalo-hide fire hose from the
old town of Yankee Blade, recalls to mind a day spent
in the hills near Austin with my wonderful friends, Doc and
Irene Tagert.
A brass powderhorn and splintered pack saddle bring
memories of a day passed on the Forty-Mile Desert with
Ed Green.
An old meat cleaver, an iron kettle, door locks, a Bowie
knife, an old "pepper-box" revolver, mule shoes and ox
shoes, sun-purpled glass, Chinese brandy jugs—almost every
ghost-town memento on my walls—awake memories of
Nevada's high-country sun, of rain falling gently on the sage,
S*t /4%

" . . . a state nearly twice the size of all

New England; but with a total popula-
tion less than that of San Diego, Calif!"

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 9

Tfevada,: 'You'll see clear, cold, tumultuous streams


It gives me a reason—an excuse—for being out in the

hills; and all the while I'm seeking whatever it is that I may
not find, my body is absorbing the dry warmth and sunshine.
I'm filling my lungs with clean, dry air, and the wind is
sweeping the cobwebs from my brain and clearing the veil
of doubt from before my eyes.
Occasionally, such trips lead me to the lonely cabin of
some old timer and a pleasant chat on any subject from
"cabbages to kings." One time I dropped in quite accident-
ally at the Copper Basin cabin of Lee Hand and in less
than an hour learned more about the history of turquoise
mining than I had ever known before! Just as accidentally
I called on the late Senator Wiley, at Gold Point, and heard
a treasury of stories drawn from his near-50 years of mining
in Esmeralda County.
Another of the reasons I like Nevada is because of the
courage and determination of her old timers—rugged indi-
vidualists such as Ed Smith who, at the age of 88, was still
working a small mine in Mineral County and hoping to
find a better one so that he might leave a "nice" legacy to
a home for crippled children; and Charlie Hawkinson
of Elko County, also close to 90 and still fiercely loyal to his
town of Jarbidge, confident that gold mining will soon come
back into its own.
In every county — almost every mountain range — live
such men and women, strong, courageous souls, who ask
of pinyon incense in the clear, sharp air, and campfires only to work out their own destiny in their own way.
crackling in the soft dark. Furthermore, I like Nevada because its people and officials
One of the reasons I like Nevada is that there is always will permit such oldsters to continue living as they wish to
something for which to seek. live, in the hills they love, doing the work they want most
Whether I am in Tonopah, or Ely, or Lovelock, or to do.
Goldfield, I can always spend an idle afternoon—or a week When the editor of Desert Magazine asked me to tell folks
—looking for lost mines, or for mines yet to be found. I why I like Nevada, and why I go there each summer, he
can look for relics in every old mining camp, or Pony also asked me to name my favorite Nevada county. Loving
Express station, every abandoned Army fort; I can look every part of the state as I do, I cannot possibly name any
for geodes and crystals on every hill, can hunt arrowheads county as my "favorite"—any more than a mother should
on every dry lake bed. True, I may not find any of these be guilty of naming her "favorite" child. So I'll say that
things—but finding is beside the point. The big thing is the in addition to Nevada's other 16 counties, I have a passing
quest, the seeking. fondness for Elko.

10 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

It seems to me Elko County has just about everything
anyone could ask in a summer vacation spot! For fishermen
there are half-a-dozen ice-cold lakes and 2800 miles of
trout streams. For the mountain climber there are peaks so
high that snow may fall on them 10 months out of every
year. There are baronial-sized cattle ranches and hard-
riding buckaroos, grassy meadows smothered in wildflowers,
shady campgrounds in the National Forest, historic ghost
towns, great herds of deer and antelope—even a few wild
mustangs—and thousands of miles of friendly little back-
country roads, each one prickling with adventure!
Stretching across the northeast corner of Nevada for 150
miles east to west, and 135 miles north to south, Elko ex-
ceeds in acreage the combined area of New Jersey, Connecti-
cut, Delaware, and three Rhode Islands; yet, in all this im-
mense territory there reside but 12,000 persons—an average
of about one to each one-and-one-half square miles. With two-
thirds of the county's entire population concentrated in the
towns of Elko, Wells, and Carlin, it adds up to a scad of ON CHARLESTON MOUNTAIN IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE STATE
land without any human inhabitants at all!
More than 8,000,000 acres in the county is designated
"public domain," meaning Uncle Sam still owns it. Hum-
boldt National Forest, lying almost entirely within the
county, embraces some of the finest hunting and fishing in
the United States. Of the dozen-or-so improved free camp-
grounds, practically all are situated adjacent to good trout
and bass fishing.
Last June, while driving out Lamoille Canyon to Thomas
Canyon Forest Camp, in the Rubies, I counted 22 waterfalls
in five miles—some of them appearing to be at least 500
feet high! On the same stretch of road I tallied 19 deer in
15 minutes, and once I had to brake the truck nearly to a
stop while a couple of beautiful does and a big buck
decided whether to trot up the road ahead of me, or scramble
down the canyonside. All the hunting I do is with a camera,
but I happen to know that Elko is famous for her fine
deer herds, estimated at 25,000 animals.
Along with these deer graze thousands of Hereford cattle
—sleek, fat and wild. This Old West atmosphere is another
reason I like Elko County—and all of Nevada, so far as that
goes. It is not a synthetic atmosphere, but the real McCoy.
Buckeroos, mounted on good cow-ponies, wear cowboy
boots and chaps, and Stetson hats—not because they think
these accoutrements make them look like Guy Madison, but
because such articles are comfortable to wear and suited to A PICKUP TRUCK ENTERS THE MOUTH OF WALL CANYON, NYE COUNTY
ranch work.
There's still scads of open range in Nevada, and anyone
like myself, who grew up on Zane Grey's Wild West thrillers,
and Chip of the Flying U, can get a whale of a bang out of
round-up time, when riders gather the great herds, cut out
the unmarked calves and rope and brand them, exactly as
it was being done in days of the Chisholm Trail.
With a large percentage of her livelihood stemming from
cattle, Nevada takes to rodeos like a duck to water. Half-
a-dozen towns and cities over the state hold annual contests
in which national champions take part. But, better still, to
my way of thinking, are the small town rodeos where partici- *V '• -^..j.i

". . . he who would see Nevada's very

best must leave the asphalt; must take to
the graveled roads or to those dim narrow
lines designated on highway maps as



July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 11

iH :•

All the inconveniences and unpleasantries experienced

during 15 summers in Nevada are not as important to me,
today, as the memory of one afternoon I spent with the fme V
late Louis Lamaire, of Battle Mountain. Mr. Lamaire, at
that time, had dealt in general merchandise in the same
building in this small desert town for more than 70 years.
For having known this fine old gentleman, and for having
heard his recollections of pioneer merchandising, I feel im-
measureably richer—just as I feel richer for having spent
a day in the hills of Elko County with "Uncle" Hugh Martin,
born in Mountain City 85 years before, and then still a
resident of that little town. I feel enriched for having known
"Grandpa" and "Grandma" Leonard, almost lifelong resi-
dents of the ghost town of Unionville in Pershing County.
Nearly 500 friends and well-wishers gathered in this old
camp last September to help the Leonards celebrate the 75th
anniversary of their marriage. And, of course, I feel the
richer for having known Josie Pearl.
Josie lives in a mining claim cabin near the rim of the
Black Rock Desert in northwestern Humboldt County. Her
front yard is surrounded by 10,000 square miles of highland
desert. The nearest town is Winnemucca, 110 miles distant.
I first met Josie in 1951. She had spent the major portion
of her life looking for mines, working them and selling them,
and battling to defend them. Every one of those mines had
left its indelible stamp in her face; yet, at 80 years, she
stood straight and proud, her eyes shrewd, coldly appraising,
completely inscrutable and steady as the eyes of a gunfighter.
It was plain to see that self-sufficiency had been this
woman's way of life. I felt instinctively that if she should
decide to move one of the nearby hills to the other side of
the ravine, she would attack the job calmly and deliberately,
some evening after supper, perhaps; and she would move the
hill, every stick and stone of it, without asking the help of
anyone—or the permission of God, man or the government.
Josie was not especially friendly to me at first. Not that
she was openly discourteous; she simply was withholding
judgment. I was on probation until she could size me up
and decide if I merited her friendship. Whether she actually
decided in my favor, or whether she let down the bars only
because she was starved-hungry for another woman to talk
to, I never knew; but she eventually invited me inside her
cabin and asked me to sit down. Rattling the grate and
poking some life into the fire in her old wood-burning cook- RELICS FROM THE CHINESE OCCUPATION OF AMERICAN CANYON
stove, she sat the coffeepot on to heat and began paring a
pan of potatoes to fry.
All afternoon dark clouds had been collecting over the
desert hills to the northwest, and by the time Josie and I
finished eating, a biting wind was roaring through the ravine
and the air had turned bitterly cold. With our supper dishes
washed and a kerosene lamp lighted, this strange desert
woman and I drew our chair close to the glowing stove and
talked half the night away.
Josie told me of her mines, past, present and future. She
told what it meant for a woman to play a man's part in a
hard demanding game that is no sinecure even for men.
She told of loneliness; of packing grub on her back through
winter gales with the mercury in the thermometer sulking at
20 and 30 below zero. She told of wading snow, and sharp-
ening drill steel, and loading shots, and of defending her

"One of the reasons I like Nevada is

that there is always something for which
to seek."


July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 13

Ttevtuta,: "Another of the reasons I like Nevada is
because of the courage and determination
of her old timers..."


of the cabin. Jagged flashes of lightning periodically split

the dark sky, and thunder rolled and rumbled across the
Lying there in the blackness of that stormy night, I was
thinking that in another day or two I would return to
Winnemucca—and Josie Pearl would be left alone. Alone
she would face the spectre of bad roads, and drouth, and
failing springs, and heat, the prospect of illness and accident,
even death. It was impossible for me to imagine a stranger
sort of existence for a woman who had put behind her so
many years. Yet, even then, I felt certain that as long as
Josie Pearl retained her good health she would stand fiercely
proud, and would face each new dawn with hope and courage
and a wonderful enthusiasm for whatever the day might
That first meeting with Josie Pearl was ten years ago this
summer. Josie, now close to 90, is still living on her desert
mining claim, still facing the trials, tribulations and problems
of each new day; still rejoicing in the wonderful challenge of
life. Is it any wonder I should feel that knowing this woman
has strengthened my character, given me added courage and
determination, and enriched my years?
Possibly these paragraphs have revealed a bit of my feel-
ing for the Sagebrush State and its people; have explained,
JOSIE PEARL OF NEVADA'S BLACK ROCK DESERT in part, why I must go there each year as soon as dark
patches of bare ground are appearing on the hills, the mead-
successive mines against high-graders and claim jumpers and owlarks of another spring are nesting, and the bluebells and
faithless partners, and of spending long cold nights huddled johnny-jump-ups are bursting into flower.
in a mine tunnel with a rifle across her knees. Ranging my eyes over Nevada's terrifying immensity of
Late that night, long after Josie and I had retired and broken mountains and purple-shadowed gorges, her vastness
the fire in the cookstove had died to gray embers, I lay of sage and sun and sky and infinite space, I want to throw
wakefully in the darkness, listening to the desert gale as it back my shoulders and stand tall, and shout into the teeth of
pounded at the doors and windows and whistled down the the highcountry wind, "This is my land! / have come
stovepipe, and flung loose gravel against the tar-papered side home . . ." Ill

14 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961


Director of the Nevada State Park Commission

T IS OFTEN difficult to convince giant caterpillars headed north. The

9 people that Nevada is a moun-
tain state. The Sagebrush State
seems to be judged by a mid-summer
analogy is true if it is explained that
the caterpillars are of varying sizes,
and the plateau they are crawling on
dash along the route of the Overland is 3500 to 6000 feet above sea level.
Trail (U. S. 40) or along the Spanish Although the mountains of south-
Trail (U. S. 91) rather than from ern Nevada demonstrate the buttelike
pursuit of quiet trails wending characteristics of the Colorado River
through alpine meadows in one of drainage, and the ranges along the
Nevada's 120 named mountain ranges. state's northern border the Snake
Fate has determined, by the relation River Plateau characteristics; the
in time of Nevada's colorful mining great majority of Nevada mountains
frontier to the rising importance of have a family similarity. They are
modern highways, that the fine state part of the Great Basin where all
highway system speeds travelers rap- streams flow into closed basins, and
idly from border to border with only evaporation is greater than surface
occasional glimpses of peaks that rise flow. The basins most often are in
10,000, 11,000 and 12,000 feet above long broad valleys whose floors slope
sea level. upward on alluvial material to fault
One of the best descriptions of the block mountains jutting 3500 to 9000
COMMUNITY OF ROUND MOUNTAIN, WITH THE feet above the lowlands.
SNOW-CLAD TOIYABES IN DISTANCE. NOTE PLAYA Nevada topography compares the
AT FOOT OF THIS TYPICAL GREAT BASIN RANGE. state's mountain chains to a herd of Geologists explain that the Basin


July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 15

and Range Province land forms have valley floor shimmering in July sun- Tonopah, N. 8A passes through the
been caused by a giant squeeze on shine. Big Smokey Valley. On the west
the earth's crust which gave rise to In the south, the most popular are the Toiyabes, dominated by Arc
a series of fault blocks pushed up area is the Spring Mountain Range Dome at 11,775; to the east is the
from the once smooth surface. Of capped by lofty Mount Charleston at Toquima Range. N. 8A can be used
more importance to the traveler are 11,910 feet. Major campground facil- as a base for side-trips to mining
the cliffs, canyons, peaks and other ities are operated by the U. S. Forest camps like Round Mountain or Man-
forms that have eroded out of the Service and are accessible via N. 39 hattan. The route can also serve as
massive uplifts. Then too, the vege- and N. 52. The visitor will find trails, the start of two loop trips. The first
tation varies directly with altitude— one of which winds to Charleston would swing west on U.S. 50 to Aus-
from salt grass and saltbrush along Peak through a fine stand of bristle- tin and then up the Reese River val-
the margins of the playas to grease- cone pine. The Spring Mountain ley on N. 21 to lone. From there it's
wood, blackbrush, sagebrush and pin- area stands a chance of becoming one a short hop to the old Stokes mining
yon-juniper zones in regularly layered of the outstanding recreation com- camp of Berlin and Ichthyosaur Sci-
belts, with some local distortion ac- plexes in the nation. In addition to entific State Monument. A dusty N.
cording to slope exposure. If the the high elevation facilities in the 91 leads west to Gabbs and pavement
mountain range is high enough, pon- National Forest (including winter on N. 23 for the return to U. S. 95.
derosa pine, aspen, engelmann spruce, skiing), a new Red Rock Canyon The second trip leaves N. 8A before
bristlecone pine and limber pine oc- State Park is proposed on the south- reaching U. S. 50 and travels south-
cur. In some ranges, such as the eastern flank of the range to preserve eastward on a Forest Service road to
Ruby and the Snake, there is an arc- and interpret colorful, vertical cliffs, N. 82 in Monitor Valley near Diana's
tic-alpine zone extending above tim- pictographs and ecological oddities. Punch Bowl. The gravel road wends
berline. Many canyon bottoms sport To the northwest an extensive area southward in the shadow of Monitor
flowing streams lined with willows is to be retained in primitive condi- Peak, 10,856 feet through historic
and other broadleaved species. Six- tion by the U. S. Bureau of Refuges Belmont, proposed for partial resto-
teen ranges have been judged to have and Bureau of Land Management. ration as part of the State Park Sys-
sufficient timber and watershed values tem, and back to N. 8A. Each of the
to be included in two national forests. Additional spring-summer-fall en- roads provides access to numerous
The Toquima, Toiyabe and Monitor joyment can be found in the unde- well-marked side-roads that lead into
ranges blanket the dead-center por- veloped canyons of mountain areas the steep lush canyons. Areas such as
tion of the state. like Potosi Mountain (proposed for Kingston Canyon are singularly beau-
inclusion in the State Park System as tiful and provide fishable water. Rem-
The abrupt changes in land form part of a 10-year expansion program) nants of old towns, springs, camp-
and vegetation, as modified by lati- and the Sheep Mountains (part of grounds and other surprises await the
tude, gives each person a chance to the Desert Game Range). Informa- visitor to these openings in the moun-
find a location with just the right tion about these areas can be secured tain fastness. Others will be interested
combination of satisfaction regardless at Goodsprings, north of U. S. 91 in hiking the Toiyabe Trail from
of the time of year. The variety and below Las Vegas, and at Corn Creek Kingston Ranger Station to Mahog-
contrast make possible the very real Station, on U. S. 95 north of Las any Mountain.
thrill of being in the coolness of a Vegas.
giant fir and looking off across a Farther to the north, just east of On U. S. 93, a traveler can use one
of three State Park units between
Pioche and Caliente as a base for
trips into little-known mountain areas
such as the Wilson Creek Range.
Local advice on routes and road con-
ditions should be sought.
Farther north a whole range of
alternatives confronts those who
would enjoy the mountains of Ne-
vada. Some of the most magnificent
desert mountain landscape is found
in the Snake Range which flanks
U, S. 6 east of Ely. The best known
features are Lehman Caves National
Monument and Wheeler Peak with
its glacier. There are top-notch camp-
ing facilities in Lehman Creek plus
little known areas, such as Lincoln
Canyon on the west-side of the range,
to poke around in. Other developed
facilities are found in the Duck Creek
area of the Schell Creek Range north
of Ely. More primitive conditions
are to be found on mountain trips to
the site of the old town of Hamilton
in the White Pine Mountains or in
the Timber Mountains west of Sun-
nyside. And wild country with no
improvements will be found in the
16 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961
MJiffi 8 empire he built in Independence
Further west is the Santa Rosa
Range overlooking the great open
plateaus of northwestern Nevada.
Traveling north from Winnemucca
on U. S. 95, N. 83 takes off to the
east and leads to Paradise Ranger
Station and a little-known loop-road
through the Santa Rosas, complete
with startling vistas, and back to
U. S. 95 14 miles from the Oregon
state line.
These ranges provide some of the
most interesting and enjoyable sum-
mer travel in the American outdoors.
And one should not overlook the
many other desert mountains in Ne-
U. S. 93, 50 miles south of Ely. mountains are dominated by Ruby vada: spring-fall trips to the Hum-
(Again, inquire locally about condi- Dome which holds its head 11,349 boldt Mountains, the Stillwater
tions.) feet in the clear desert air. Delicate Mountains overlooking the Carson
mountain lakes and spectacular scen- Sink, the Wassuk Range above Wal-
Another highland worth visiting is ker Lake, the Destoya Mountains,
ery can be reached by ascending La-
the Ruby Range, most closely associ- the Simpson Park Mountains (named
moille Canyon. A good campground
ated with Elko on U. S. 40. These is located in the canyon at Thomas for the military explorer who sur-
Creek and a gravel road ends at a veyed the telegraph and wagon route
glacial lake. Good trails connect with from Camp Floyd, Utah, to Genoa,
Poetn of the Month: other lakes in the high country. New Nevada).
camping facilities are being built on Each Nevada mountain range has
Mining Camp, the east-side of Harrison Pass, over-
looking Ruby Valley and the migra-
tory waterfowl refuge. Some pictur-
its own boom town—Union ville, Jun-
go, Rawhide, Aurora and a host of
others. Some of the peaks are truly
Mining Town esque pioneer cattle headquarter
spreads are strung along the east foot
of the Rubys (see color photo on
majestic. For instance, there are two
Mount Grants — both above 11,000
feet. One towers directly above Wal-
next page), and it is well to remem- ker Lake, the other is 30 miles north
Mining camp, mining town, ber that the present road was once of Eastgate overlooking the Humboldt
Perched on the mountain's a major wagon route running through Salt Marsh. With a land surface that
Secret Pass to the Humboldt River. is 50 percent mountain, there should
bones, be little trouble in turning to the
Picking at the carcass, Nevada Highway 11 turns north
from U. S. 40 on the west edge of mountains in Nevada — from Pilot
Pecking at the stones. Elko. Both N. 11 and N. 43 probe
the mountains which form the south COLOR PHOTO ON NEXT PAGE: CATTLE GRAZING
Rhyolite, gray Osceola, edge of the Snake River drainage.
The south shoulder of the moun-
Battle Mountain, Lane, tains has a gradual slope, but the
Gold Hill and Hamilton— north face drops off sharply. Racing Peak to Boundary Peak — at any
streams, like the Jarbidge and Bru- season of the year.
How unlovely plain
neau rivers, have carved startling Perhaps it is fortunate that the tide
Gape their marrow-seeking canyons through these sheer moun- of civilization has ebbed from the
wounds. tain faces. Following the signs to Nevada landscape. The broad valley,
Charleston and Jarbidge canyon is the raw mountain, the clear sun-filled
But, these marks of man's the most spectacular way to visit the air are available to meet the needs
assaults old mining town on the floor of of a society which increasingly needs
Are doomed, as cloud shadows Jarbidge Canyon, but another inter- to re-establish rapport with the out-
esting route leaves N. 43 at Wildhorse doors. Nevada and her mountains
are doomed Reservoir (where the fishing is darn are places where the deer and the
That pass over ancient faults. good) and proceeds via Copper antelope — and man — play — a use
Mountain Ranger Station and the which, over time, may be the highest
Man rushes through bonanzas, head of the Bruneau to the remote and best this amazing landscape can
Unmindful that the stones will community of Jarbidge. Small Forest be put to.
Service campgrounds provide limited
flow facilities, although a new facility has Of course, there are parts of the
Or that earth can wait: the been opened at Pine Creek just off Sierra Nevada Mountains that some-
mountains N. II. If desire takes the visitor to one thoughtlessly allowed to be in-
the west-side of the Independence cluded in Nevada. But these are
Wait for us to go. Mountains, a visit to Tuscarora and mountain - mountains, rapidly filling
MARGARET E. ROWE Earl Phillip's place is a must. Many with crowds. The charm of Nevada
stories are available about the fabled is best characterized by the desert
Ely, Nevada Pedro Altube and the Spanish Ranch mountains. ///

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 17

>*' ~4i
A Mighty Nevada Mountain
Nears National Park Status

e ASTERN NEVADA is a stimulat-

ing high desert country built on
a heroic scale. In all directions
are hundred-mile panoramas into the
blue distance, sweeping over broad
sagebrush valleys and uplands dotted
with pinyon and juniper to long for-
ested mountain ranges on the hori-
But in all this king-sized Western
realm, nothing is bigger, taller or
grander than the Snake Range.
Stretching north and south for 80
miles, just west of the Utah line, this
gigantic mountain mass soars abrupt-
ly 6000 to 8000 feet above the wide
treeless valleys on its flanks. Culmin-
ating the lofty row of rocky crests is remained aloof and little known from there. U. S. 6-50 crosses the
Wheeler Peak, 13,063 feet, the Silver until recently, and the superlative Snake Range through a wide gap,
State's second highest point. mountain country flanking its high 7163 feet elevation, known as Sacra-
shoulders was seldom visited except mento Pass. At the east portal of this
Deep canyons gash the mountains' by local people. Then suddenly the pass, paved State 73 branches south
flanks and lead back to hidden reces- Snake Range hit the news. Five to Baker, five miles. This little ranch-
ses under the rugged snow-streaked years ago a vigorous campaign was ing community is situated at 5350
summit ridges. There, unsuspected launched to preserve this unique feet altitude among green irrigated
from below, is an exhilarating sky- area in a new national park. Since fields on the edge of broad Snake
land oasis of pine, fir, spruce and then publicity has been widespread, Valley, with the snow-flecked summits
aspen forests, cascading streams, jew- and these mountains have been in- of Wheeler Peak and its satellites
el-like alpine lakes, and green flower- creasingly explored, written about, soaring grandly above it. Here are
spread meadows. It is as if a piece of photographed and discussed. Public motel, restaurant, service station and
the Rockies had dropped down in reaction has been generally favorable, garage, and a general store with lim-
the midst of the Nevada desert. and there is good reason to hope that ited supplies. From the town, a hard-
The range is included in a detached Wheeler Peak will soon be the center surfaced spur road heads directly
section of Humboldt National Forest, of Great Basin National Park — the west for the mountains, gradually
nation's thirtieth and Nevada's first. ascending Lehman Creek to the caves,
and at Wheeler Peak's east base is
Lehman Caves National Monument. Headquarters would be at Lehman six miles. The road ends at Monu-
Administered by the United States Caves, and those who want a preview ment Headquarters at an elevation
National Park Service, the latter is of the proposed park should start of 6825 feet, among pinyons and juni-
a 640-acre govern- pers on the lower
ment reservation slopes of the range.
created in 1922 to In 1955 Weldon Heald and Albert Marshall discovered that Cabin accommoda-
preserve a singular- an icefield in Wheeler Peak's north cirque was a true glacier— tions and meals are
ly beautiful lime- probably the only one in the whole Great Basin region. In a available, a n d
stone cavern. Six- report of the discovery, Heald suggested that a large part of the nearby is a shady
ty-eight miles east highly scenic Snake Range be made a national park or included picnic ground.
of Ely, the caves in an enlarged Lehman Caves National Monument. The idea
was enthusiastically received in Nevada and endorsed by Guided walks
are easily reached into the lighted
via transcontinen- national conservation organizations. Since 1957, a vigorous
campaign has been spearheaded by the Great Basin National cave are made over
tal U. S. Highway Park Association. President and indefatigable leader of the park an easy half-mile
6-50, and are vis- movement is Darwin Lambert, editor of the Ely "Daily Times." trail. The temper-
ited by thousands On May 3 of this year. Senator Alan Bible of Nevada introduced ature is always a
of people each a bill in Congress to establish a 121,000-acre Great Basin National chilly 52 degrees.
year. Park in the Snake Range. Although there is some opposition, Although compar-
But, the great chances now appear favorable for passage during this session. atively small, these
peak to the west caverns excel in
20 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961
bristling stalactites, stalagmites, helic- sively 4000 feet above gently sloping into a series of transverse ridges sep-
tites, curtainlike stone formations, meadows bordered by tall pointed arated by deep canyons.
fluted columns, thin pillars, and drip- Engelmann spruce. On the rocky The finest view of Wheeler Peak
ping basins rimmed with terraced slopes above are fine stands of shaggy is from Baldy, 11,750 feet, on the
dikes. Tiny needle-sharp crystals, pe- veteran bristlecone pines, and aspen north-side of Lehman Creek basin.
culiar mushroom-shaped nodules, and groves sweep to timberline, where Prominent are the precipitous walls
infinitely varied frosty incrustations they form mat-like thickets not more and jagged rim of the gigantic cirque
adorn the larger formations; and than a foot high. gouged-out of the mountain's north-
shades of buff, chocolate, and white At Stella Lake, 10,800 feet-largest east face by Pleistocene glaciers. Hid-
color some of the rooms. It is a fan- of the three moraine lakes at the head den deep within this recess is the
tastic subterranean world of pitch of Lehman Creek — the trail tackles Matthes Glacier, probably the only
blackness where the only sound is the head-wall and surmounts the crest remaining body of moving ice be-
the dripping of water, which for of the Snake Range. Beyond the last tween California's High Sierra and
many thousands of years has slowly wind - whipped spruces and limber the Rockies. The rough trail-less
formed the caves and furnished the pines, it follows the bleak arctic ridge scramble into the cirque is very much
soluble limes and minerals for the upward to the steep summit cone. worth doing. It is an awesome place,
weird Stygian decorations. On both sides the slopes plunge down
The Monument is located between to the desert thousands of feet be-
two eastside canyons which lead up low, and range after range of moun- ONE OF SEVERAL JEWEL-LIKE BODIES OF WATER
to the high country around Wheeler tains recede to the distant horizon. IN THE WHEELER PEAK AREA. IRWIN FEHR PHOTO.
Peak. In both are Forest Service im- But even here miniature alpine gar-
proved campgrounds reached by fair dens bloom amidst the waste of rocks,
dirt roads. Lehman Creek, to the and the cheery blue blossoms of pole- lonely as the moon, enclosed by sheer
north, is the most popular approach, monium brighten the way almost to cliffs rising 1200 to 1800 feet, with
and the large campground, with the top. the peak soaring impressively at its
14 trailer spaces, is three miles from head in an almost unbroken rock
Monument Headquarters, at an ele- The view from the wedge-shaped face. Cradled in this tremendous
vation of 8000 feet. This is the start- Wheeler summit is magnificent. It basin lies the glacier. True, this is
ing point of the eight-mile Wheeler commands a 360 - degree panorama no giant river of ice, and its greatest
Peak Trail. embracing thousands of square miles dimension doesn't exceed a half mile.
of deserts, valleys, hills and mountains But the wonder is that a permanent
A more delightful and varied hike in eastern Nevada and western Utah. icefield exists at all in the midst of
would be hard to find. The route But perhaps most impressive is the the vast Great Basin desert.
ascends the canyon beside foaming close-up of peaks, ridges, cirques,
Lehman Creek, passing through as- Baker Creek Canyon, to the south
basins and canyons of the Snake of Lehman Caves, penetrates the
pen groves alternating with shady Range itself, stretching north and range to the divide just south of
woods of white and Douglas firs, and south in jumbled confusion. Wheeler Peak. The country has
grassy openings bright with Indian
paintbrush, lupines and other wild- This huge piled-up mountain mass greater variety than Lehman Creek
flowers. Now and then the trail loops is a typical Great Basin fault-block and is perhaps even more scenic. A
up sunny south-facing slopes of pin- range, and the peak is a vast arch of two-mile dirt road leads to a small
yon, manzanita and mountain ma- ancient quartzite a mile thick. How- campground in an aspen grove, start-
hogany. Some of the latter are giants ever, other rocks are present, with ing point of the trail. In the lower
40 feet high with trunks two feet or limestone and granite forming some canyon are scattered stands of pon-
more in diameter. In about four of the southern summits. Like many derosaNarrows
pines, and at the so-called
are undeveloped limestone
miles the high glacial basin is fault blocks, it is tilted so that the caves, recently explored by speleolo-
reached, and the scenery becomes al- crest rises directly in a steep escarp- gists. The creek heads in two huge
pine. Here the precipitous north ment on the west, while the more cirques, divided by the jutting prow
face of Wheeler Peak rises impres- gradual eastern slope has been eroded of Baker Peak, 12,298 feet elevation,
with the sweeping southern slopes of
Wheeler Peak to the north and sym-
metrical Pyramid Peak, 11,921 feet,
to the south. Embedded in the south-
ern cirque, eight miles from the
campground, is spruce-fringed Treas-
ure Lake, 10,600 feet, backed by a
semi-circle of thousand-foot cliffs (see
color photograph next page). From
here the trail continues above tim-
berline over the ridge south to John-
son Lake at the head of Snake Creek
Canyon. This, too, is in a glacial
cirque amidst grand alpine surround-
ings. Past mining activity is evident
around the lake, with the remains of
excavations, tramways and cabins of
the old Johnson workings. The Snake
Range is highly mineralized, and
gold, silver, tungsten, beryllium and

—Text Continues on Page 24

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 21
*• -••.
iw^Kp'. W.

• • ' "
in the space of five miles all the
GREAT BASIN NATIONAL PARK •• climatic conditions one would en-
(Continued from Page 21)
counter on a 2600-mile trip from the
Mexican border to northern Alaska.
Wildlife is also abundant and in-
other metals have been found. But Johnson Creek, and Lincoln Canyon, cludes herds of antelope in the val-
realization never equalled expecta- on the west slope, are outstanding, as leys, deer, elk, cougars, and numerous
tions, except in the 1870s at the is the Lexington Arch. This huge other species, with possibly a band
booming gold camp of Oceola, now natural stone bridge, large enough of bighorn sheep on the remotest
a ghost town, near Sacramento Pass. to span a six-story building, was re- peaks. As yet little disturbed by man,
cently rediscovered and publicized by the area is a natural zoo, aviary and
Johnson Lake also can be reached a party inspecting the mountains as
by a scenic dirt road up Snake Creek botanical garden where animals, birds
a potential national park. Alluring and plants of the Southwestern des-
Canyon, ending one to four miles high-line trails also traverse the south-
below, depending on whether passen- erts, Pacific Coast and Rocky Moun-
ern section and reach superb stands tains meet and mingle with rare vari-
ger car, truck or four-wheel-drive is of bristlecone pines near the summits
used. But all cars can easily make eties found only locally. A study of
of Mount Washington, 11,678 feet, the scrambled and kaleidoscopic ecol-
Johnson Cabin in a beautiful loca- and Lincoln Peak, a few feet lower.
tion, 8,250 feet elevation, and there ogies of the Snake Range would be
are two improved Forest Service Almost everyone who visits the a fascinating enterprise.
campgrounds on the way. The upper Snake Range becomes an ardent en- Our once magnificent wilderness
one is a good base for exploring the thusiast, and one authority stated heritage is being recklessly squand-
forests, meadows and peaks at the emphatically that "the Wheeler Peak ered. Not much longer will we have
head of Johnson Creek. The stream area has a greater variety of outstand- the opportunity to preserve the last
also provides fair trout fishing, as ing scenery than any existing national few remaining examples in their or-
does Lehman and Baker creeks. park." In fact, such an amazing com- iginal state. But by rare good for-
Further south, the Snake Range bination of desert and high moun- tune, in Nevada today we do have
declines in altitude, although still tain features in such close association such an opportunity. Let us not
well above timberline. However, is hardly duplicated anywhere else. throw away this chance to save one
some of the most spectacular canyons From base to summit the climate more superlative example of original
and rock formations are in this south- ranges from arid Upper Sonoran to America for the enjoyment, educa-
ern section. The vaulting limestone frigid Arctic-Alpine, and on the west tion and inspiration of generations
precipices lining Big Wash, south of side of Wheeler Peak are telescoped to come. ///



24 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

NLY A couple of thousand years
O ago, much of Nevada was one
grand lake, Lahontan by name.
Only a century ago, emigrants cursed
the alkali dust of Lahontan's dry
beds. Nevada, they said, was a water-

less land.
Nowadays man has combined in-
genuity with Lake Lahontan's legacy.
Alkali flats bloom with boats being
towed to nearby water sports areas,
and summer is a glorious time for
getting wet under the desert sun. So Information on a desert state's liquid playgrounds
come on in — the water's fine in
The state's true desert lakes are the
two great fragments of ancient La-
hontan — Pyramid and Walker. Man-
made are four others ranging from
huge to merely large — Rye Patch
and Lahontan reservoirs, and Lakes
Mead and Mohave. (Of course half
of Lake Tahoe has been in Nevada
all the time, but Tahoe is a Sierran
lake of no kin to the desert except
by proximity.)
Pyramid Lake is Nevada's own.
Thirty-three miles north of Reno by

ii U it
Nevada's paved Route 33, it is 30
miles long, 12 miles at its widest.
Pyramid has a peculiar lure of its
own — a lost, weird loveliness that
belongs with Indian legend and the
miracle of water in the desert. Its
shores belong to the Paiute Indians,
who have plans in progress for resorts
and marinas. As yet, there is only
one boat launching area near Sut-
cliffe on the west shore; the only com-
mercial establishments are the Sut-
cliffe Ranch sandwich - and - drink
stand, and a coffee shop and stores
at the Indian village of Nixon at
the southerly end of the lake.
Any boating, water-skiing or fish-
ing on Pyramid needs a permit from lead to the Needles at the lake's fishing) is its unspoiled remoteness
the Paiutes, but these are easily ob- northerly end, and around behind so close to a town.
tained at small cost. Once out on the the Pyramid on the south—but watch In northern Nevada, only a mile
lake, civilization fades away and the for sandtraps if you travel these trails oft U.S. 40, 22 miles north of Love-
world seems to be contained within in a low-slung car. lock, is Rye Patch Reservoir on the
that wild shoreline of twisted tufa Walker Lake is in the south-central Humboldt River. Rye Patch in nor-
against the mottled brown folds of the part of Nevada, just north of Haw- mal years extends several miles up-
Dogskin and Virginia ranges. Two thorne. U.S. Highway 95 skirts its stream between dramatic bare cliffs.
islands are interesting to see up westerly edge for some miles, and off The water skiing is exciting here.
close by boat. At the base of the the highway are several excellent Near the dam is a curving beach for
Pyramid that gives the lake its name small beaches where boats can be boat launching and swimming; on
are spouting hot springs, remnants of launched and swimming enjoyed. the other side of the dam is a picnic
those that built the tufa towers 10,- These, too, are "primitive"—which ground with shade trees and tables.
000 years ago. Anaho Island is the means without facilities other than There is no charge for boating,
nesting center for hundreds of peli- willows and tamarisks. Walker ex- though visitors are asked to obtain
cans. Human landings are prohibited tends nearly 30 miles along the east- permits at the caretaker's house. Rye
on the islands, and it's just as well; ern escarpment of the Wassuk Range, Patch's only drawback occurs in dry
both are infested with rattlesnakes. and though it is narrower than Pyra- years when the water level drops dur-
mid, it offers plenty of room to visit- ing summer months; 1960-61 have
Swimming is pleasant in Pyramid's ors. Near the southern end are places been dry so far.
slightly brackish water, and there are where boats can be rented, and near- A very different reservoir is Lahon-
many areas around the lake where by Hawthorne provides creature com- tan, namesake of the great ancient
sandy beaches invite camping and forts of all kinds. One of Walker's
bathing primitive style. Dirt roads great charms (besides its magnificent —Text Continues on Page 28
July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 25
Eldorado Canyon and Cottonwood
NEVADA WATER SPORTS . . . Cove. Eldorado Canyon is the north-
(Continued from page 25)
ernmost of the two; you get there
from U.S. 95 by turning east on Ne-
vada's Route 60. It is 32 miles south
lake. Created by damming the Car- of Lake Mead, but north of the im- of Boulder City, 46 miles north of
son River near Fallon, Lahontan Res- mense dam and the Lake Mead Ma- the Nevada-California line. Eldorado
ervoir winds charmingly through rina by some miles. You get to the Canyon is still a-building as to public
gentle hilly country with trees and Bay by traveling 10 miles of Ne- facilities, but there is a place to camp
brush on its shoreline. Its public vada's Route 41 which turns easterly and a boat ramp free of charge. The
areas are just off U.S. 50, 14 miles from U.S. 95 at Henderson. Free of small resort nearby offers boat rentals,
west of Fallon, and they include charge are its picnic and camp- food, a trailer park and cabins.
places to picnic, boat and swim. Like grounds, swimming beach (with life-
Rye Patch it has no commercial de- guards) and boat ramp. Nearby, the South of Eldorado Canyon (13
velopment, but welcomes visitors. Las Vegas Boat Harbor has boat and miles by shoreline, 37 miles by road)
motor rentals, gasoline and refresh- is Cottonwood Cove which has much
The world of Lakes Mead and Mo- ments. the same facilities, free and otherwise.
have in the southern end of Nevada Whichever you choose, you'll find
is one unto itself when it comes to The largest installation on Lake Lake Mohave a haunting desert water-
all-year enjoyment of every kind of Mead is in the Marina and Boulder way to travel, much of it keeping the
water sport. Both are under the Beach district, roughly six miles north feeling of its original river course
benevolent care of the National Park of Boulder City and not far above under a rugged, towered shore.
Service and both extend into other Hoover Dam itself. Boulder Beach
states — Mead into Arizona, Mohave Fishing is, of course, good on both
is a mile or so above the Marina Lakes Mead and Mohave.
into California. proper, and is one of the most attrac-
In Nevada, Lake Mead has three tive "for free" areas in the Southwest. Besides the six big water bodies I've
main recreational centers. The north- There are picnic and camping areas, mentioned, Nevada has a number of
ernmost is near Overton, the south- dock and ramp for boats, a fine bath- smaller lakes and reservoirs. Most of
them offer pretty good fishing, some
are pleasant for "slow-boating" or
swimming, though the reservoirs vary
BEACH ACTIVITY, LAKE TAHOE as they must in dry years. I'll men-
tion only three of the better-known:
Topaz Lake, Angel Lake and Wild
Horse Reservoir.
Topaz is definitely a Nevada lake,
even though a little bit of it lies
across the California border 25 miles
south of Gardnerville. U.S. 395 goes
along its edge on a steep slope above
the water, but there are roads lead-
ing down to the lakeshore and plenty
of room to launch a boat. There is
a good-sized resort on the highway,
with food and rooms, and a tract
development is in progress nearby.
Angel Lake is an anomaly — a cold
glacier pool only 20 miles from hot,
flat U.S. 40 at Wells. High in the
ernmost is near Boulder City and not ing beach—and trees and bushes add East Humboldt Range, Angel is set
far above Hoover Dam itself. Closer to the setting. Just to the north is like a jewel in a craggy rock basin;
to Henderson is Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead Lodge, a trailer park,
roughly equidistant from Las Vegas store, and beach house. South of the road up is dirt and narrow in
and Boulder City. Boulder Beach is the Marina itself, places, not quite suitable for trailers.
where you can rent anything from Angel has known rowboats and fisher-
You reach Overton Beach and a rowboat to a cruiser fully equipped men and swimmers for a long time,
Echo Bay from U. S. 91, 50 miles for overnight trips. and there is a small camping and
north of Las Vegas, by turning south- picnic area at road's end.
easterly on Nevada's Route 12. Over- Much has been written about Lake
ton Beach is 24 miles from the turn- Mead — its sapphire blue against the Wild Horse Reservoir is far up in
off; it has places to eat and stay, a tawny shoreline, dotted with islands; northern Nevada, a manmade lake
trailer park, boat rentals and moor- the gaiety of hundreds of boats, joy- on Nevada's Route 43, 60 miles north
ings. Another eight miles south is ful swimmers, and water skiers. It of Elko. As with Angel Lake, it isn't
Echo Bay with a public campground still has to be seen and felt to be quite big enough for motorboating,
and launching ramps. Across the believed; Mead is miles of secret although an occasional fisherman may
Overton Arm of Lake Mead, which places, silent coves, great expanses of supplement his oars with a small out-
fills a wide canyon here, rise the fine shining, empty water. All it takes is board. Wild Horse is a lonely place
rugged hills of the Virgin Range, and a boat to find your own special place in a vast, lovely land of rocky hills
Echo Bay seems farther away from far away from the rest of the world. and wide valleys. Perhaps, after the
the civilized world than it actually is. more civilized environments of Lake
Lake Mohave, chillier, slimmer and
Las Vegas Bay (also known as Las less commercialized than Mead, has Mead, it will be just what you want
Vegas Wash) is on the southern end two Nevada centers of recreation at in the way of primitive outing. / / /

28 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

It has always been a wonder to me
why doctors recommend that patients
suffering from nervous disorders
should take up painting. For one
thing, most of the artists I know need
help for their nervous disorders. Out-
door painting often produces the
physical exertion of manual labor
(though not always the monetary
rewards), the compulsion of the dope
habit, and the frustration of golf.
The old stamp mill is located some
distance from the road. The hike is
up a gradual grade of loose earth. I
carried a drawing-board, paint-box,
two sketch pads, a folding stool, one
gallon of water in a jug, my easel,
and a camera. On the way the wind
began to blow and I was forced to
OLD CARRIAGE SHOP AND, BEHIND IT, THE PAINTSHOP resort to a sort of tacking maneuver
to keep the drawing board from be-
ing torn out of my hands. The pages

In Tuscarora... By CHRIS JENSEN

of my drawing pads were roughly
blown open and the wind kept riffling
them. My camera slid around and
bounced against my thighs. By the
time I reached the spot for setting
up my equipment, I was puffing wild-
ly, my eyes were running and my nose
KNOW THE gas station attend- structure near the "main" highway. itching.
9 ant at Elko thought I was crazy.
"What do you want to go over
Years ago this building was a repair
shed for wagons and stage coaches.
At the rear is a smaller building —
When I was painting the old shops,
a family of tourists screeched their
to Tuscarora for?" he asked. "There's station wagon to a halt—in a cloud
nothing over there but a lot of fallen- the paint shop. This is an entirely of dust, most of which settled on my
down buildings." different scene from the old stamp easel. The children jumped out and
mill. The buildings are weathered ran toward me. Under such circum-
But, go I did, and as I headed west to a dark brown — almost black in
and north on Nevada Highway 11, I stances I feel a bit embarrassed, for
places. The roof is a very light gray.
tried to analyze why I should be so The ground unevenly covered with my painting procedure is not very
excited about wandering about an a thin sprinkling of cheat grass. Near spectacular.
almost deserted mining town, look- here the sage grows small and sparse. Eventually they tired of watching.
ing for painting subjects. No logical In the background, contrasting with Dashing back to the car, one of the
answer came to me. I could only the dark boards of the buildings, are boys yelled, "Ah, he's only painting
paraphrase that famous statement by hills of light blue-violet. that old shed." ///
a mountain climber: I wanted to
paint the buildings because they were
The few remaining evidences of
man's handiwork in Tuscarora are
certainly unorthodox: abandoned
homes with porch railings in tic-tac-
toe formation; walls leaning heavily
against the memories of the past;
gnarled fingers of neglected fruit
trees clawing at the thin mountain
air; mill smokestacks holding up
fingers of silence.
Haphazardly terracing one of the
hills is the ruin of an old stamp mill.
The broken irregular masonry has
weathered to a soft powder-blue, con-
trasting sharply with the warm orange
tones of the earth. This color scheme
is augmented by clumps of sagebrush
with their delicate gray-green hues.
The whole scene abounds with inter-
esting shapes, textures and colors in
harmony and contrast. This scene
became my first drawing.
Next, I turned to a large barnlike RUINS OF THE STAMP MILL AT TUSCARORA

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 29

A Nevada Lost Mine Story by Harold (X Weight

ROW SPRINGS, in the Monte One of the most frequent travelers prospectors and miners all their lives.
C Cristo Mountains, is lonely and
almost forgotten now. Few mod-
ern maps even admit that it exists.
along that earlier trail was Charles
Lampson, who lived in Pahranagat
and whose sister and brother-in-law
Environment may have been to
blame. Their father, John Benton
Gilbert, crossed the plains in 1865
But at the beginning of this century —Owen Owens—lived in Candelaria. and spent the rest of his life prospect-
it played an important role in the And in June of 1896, somewhere near ing and mining. And wherever he
history of southern Nevada. Crow Springs and somewhere near followed the booms or labored at
When Jim Butler made his spec- the old trail, Lampson discovered isolated mines, his family went with
tacular silver strike at Tonopah gold ore that assayed $86,000 to the him.
Springs in 1900, the Carson & Colo- ton. "He took $30,000 out of Spruce
rado was the only railroad anywhere A dozen tons of that fabulous rock Mountain," Fred says. "He was a
in that part of the country. Old and he would be a millionaire! pioneer at Tintic, Utah. He mined
Sodaville, on the C&C 60 miles north- But there was a catch. The ore he silver at Pioche. He made three for-
west of Butler's discovery, became the found was float. There was less than tunes in lead-silver and lost them all.
gateway to the Tonopah boom and a dozen pounds of it. He was never But my mother always encouraged
remained so until completion of a able to locate its source, the ledge him. 'You'll strike it again,' she said."
narrow-gauge to the silver camp in from which it had eroded. Nor has
July, 1904. And Crow Springs—din- anyone since, among all the hundreds In the middle 1890s, Gilbert was
ner stop and change station for the who have sought it. mining lead-silver on Mt. Irish at
Concord stages, half-way camp for Pahranagat. His partner was Homer
the freighters, on the newly created I learned the story of Lampson's P. Thompson, and the Gilbert fam-
Sodaville-Tonopah road—was throng- gold from Fred and Logan Gilbert, ily lived on Thompson's ranch in
ed day and night through those years. now of Luning, Nevada. The Gilbert Pahranagat Valley.
But, though the freight road was brothers know that Lampson's gold
new, the trail past Crow Springs was exists. Fred saw it, 65 years ago. Charles Lampson also lived in
not. It was an ancient Indian way, The Gilberts know ore, too. And Pahranagat at that time. After the
and the springs had long been a mining. Their strike in the Monte Gilberts came he "was sweet on"
camping spot for-white travelers be- Cristos in 1924 precipitated Nevada's Fred's 17-year-old sister, Flora Iola,
tween Pahranagat Valley and the old last substantial gold rush and the and the family got to know him well.
silver camp of Candelaria, a dozen short-lived camp of Gilbert. "Born Fred remembers Lampson as "a sort
miles south of Sodaville. in a prospect hole," they have been of free-lancer, a tramp fellow who

30 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

played the fiddle at all the valley chunk of incredibly gold-rich head They camped at Crow Springs and
dances." cheese rock. Everything else was for- searched the country around in wi-
But restless John Gilbert did not gotten for two weeks while he and dening circles. There was no sign
remain in Pahranagat long. To the Owens searched and hammered and of Lampson's gold, or any gold. But
north and west of the valley (about panned. But no more of the precious about eight miles to the southwest,
60 miles due east of present Tono- rock could they find. Owens gave up in the Monte Cristos, they found
pah) was an old silver camp, Reveille, and returned to Candelaria. Lamp- traces of old workings. Searching
first discovered in 1866. One of the son reluctantly headed back for Pah- further they discovered the silver-
original finders was M. D. Fairchild ranagat. lead outcrop which became the Car-
of the family then owning and oper- "You are my friends," he told Gil- rie Mine. Later, Gilbert learned that
ating Austin's famed newspaper, the bert. "I'd rather have you find it during the Candelaria boom, "Span-
Reese River Reveille. (Hence the than anyone else. You go to San iards" with pack trains of silver ore
camp's name.) By the end of the '60s, An tone station. Old Man Bell at San came to that camp from the direction
Reveille had two stores, a blacksmith Antone will point out Crow Springs of the Monte Cristos.
shop, post office, boarding house and to you. It's about 30 miles away, due Gilbert moved his family from
a population of 150, with 50 mines west. When you get to Crow Springs, Reveille to the Monte Cristos, arriv-
under development. By 1880 no go to that little hill about 3Vi miles ing at the Carrie outcrop on August
mines were operating and the popu- southeast. I picked up this ore right 20, 1897. From then on he worked
lation was down to 30. There was on the saddle on that hill. But I at developing the Carrie. But he
another explosive boom in the early couldn't find any more. I've panned never gave up on Lampson's gold—
1900s. Between times, the camp all around it and couldn't find a that was one reason he moved to the
roller-coasted up and down. It was color." Monte Cristos—and from time to time
on an upswing in 1896 when Gilbert would camp at Crow Springs and
took his family there. Lampson then went on from Rev- hunt the elusive ledge. The Gilberts
eille to Pahranagat. The Gilberts did were still living at the Carrie when
Reveille was on the route Charles not see him again for many years.
Lampson followed when he visited Butler discovered silver. They moved
his relatives at Candelaria. With the But John Gilbert and his partner, to Tonopah in 1901 as the big rush
Gilberts there, it became part of his Thompson, headed for Crow Springs got under way.
schedule to stop, coming and going, as soon as they could get outfitted. Crow Springs and the Monte Cris-
to see Flora—and, incidentally, the Gilbert took his portable assay out- tos changed astoundingly as Tonopah
rest of the family. fit along. They had no trouble find- grew. In the beginning there was no
He stayed with the Gilberts over- ing the hill Lampson had described. direct road from Sodaville station to
night on one such trip in 1896—prob- But the best rock they located on it Tonopah Springs. But in those days
ably late in May. When he continued ran only $7 to the ton—and in silver, highway construction did not involve
toward Candelaria he told them he not gold. commissions, engineers, long range
would be back within two weeks. But
he did not return for more than a
month, and then he was a disturbed
and obviously disappointed man.
"Well, I have found gold," he told
the elder Gilbert. "But I've had to
give it up. I can't find where it came
He showed them the ore he had
discovered. Fred was only six at the
time, but he has never forgotten that
rock. "It looked like head cheese,"
he says. It weighed about eight or
nine pounds — clear quartz crowded
with gold nuggets strung together
with golden threads.
Then Lampson told them his story.
But as it would seem there were some
confusions in his mind even then, the
exact and correct details of his strike
can never be known.
Lampson traveled alone on his
trips, and prospected along the way.
This time, near Crow Springs, he
found promising mineral showings.
His brother - in - law, Owen Owens,
came back to the springs with him
to investigate them. These discov-
eries were copper and lead, and while
there were a number of veins, they
proved to be be small and unlikely to
pay off.

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 31

filtered through Nevada, as lost gold found the monuments. Lampson
stories always do, more and more of pointed to it.
the prospectors and boomers along "You see those two little peaks over
the Crow Springs road paused for at there? My brother-in-law was driving
least a few days to hunt the phan- the wagon that day, and I was walk-
tom ledge. And more and more of ing off to the side of the road looking
those who heard the story in Tono- for float. It was either just below
pah turned back to try their luck. those hills or to the right."
Lampson himself came back at least
once to look for it. He walked in They walked over to the hill.
from Miller's, almost starved to death, Lampson stuck his pick in the
and again found nothing. ground. "This is the spot where I
found that ore," he said. "My mon-
In 1918, when the Gilbert brothers uments ought to be right around
were in Tonopah with time on their here somewhere." Wordlessly Fred
hands, they and a friend decided to showed him the old monuments.
take another look for the lost gold.
This time, just about a mile from "That completely puzzled us," Fred
Crow Springs on a little reddish-pink told me. "Lampson told Father defi-
quart/ hill with twin peaks, Fred nitely that he had picked up the ore
noticed two old location monuments. 3Vi miles from the spring. That's
Curious, he investigated, and in a where we and all the others had con-
rusted old baking powder can in one centrated the search for that gold
he found a location notice. It was through all the years. But it was a
dated June 6, 1896, and signed by new lease on the old story. The
Charles Lampson and Owen Owens. ground there was covered with brec-
But that was all they found. ciated rock — coarse-grained, tannish,
mixed with quartz. We panned tons
The next year Charles Lampson of it with rock crushers and hand
turned up in Tonopah. pans — and didn't get a color."
"He was getting pretty old," Fred Through all the years the only real
said. "But of course we couldn't talk evidence that there might be rich
POST OFFICE BUILDING IN GILBERT long without bringing up his gold. gold in the Monte Cristos lay in the
Remembering the monuments I had chunk of rock Charles Lampson
planning, rights of way, heavy equip- found, we asked Lampson if he would found. But its existence was proved
ment and millions in funds. Legend go with us and show us exactly where in September 1924 when the Gilberts
has it that Bob Stewart — big mine, he found the gold." —Fred, Logan and a third brother,
mill and hotel man of Sodaville — It was early morning when they Herman—made the strike which be-
set off for Tonopah Springs in a reached Crow Springs. The sunlight came Gilbert (Desert Magazine, May,
buckboard. Freighters followed the glistened on the hill where Fred had 1951). And while Gilbert did not
tracks he made, and the new road
was in operation.
It led from Sodaville up past Sum-
mit Springs, at the southern end of
the Pilot Mountains, and on across
the open country just north of the
main mass of the Monte Cristos, to
Crow Springs. From the springs, in
a pass in the Monte Cristos, it angled
southeast across the great sweep of
Big Smokey Valley to Desert (later
Miller's) Wells. From that watering
place it led up the long slope to Ton-
During those early years, dust
scarcely had time to settle along the
Sodaville-Tonopah road, so cluttered
was it with stages and lumbering
freight outfits and hundreds of boom-
ers "hoofing it" between the deepen-
ing ruts. Stewart's Well was opened
about half-way between Sodaville and
Crow Springs, but the springs re-
mained the important way station
along the road. According to Byrd
Wall Sawyer (The Gold and Silver
Rushes of Nevada- 1900-1910), Mr.
and Mrs. Humphrey, who ran Crow
Springs, often served as many as 200
people a day there at 50c a meal.

32 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

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have a long life, and the vein of its

principal mine, the Black Mammoth,
Springs? Was he even confused about
the spring?
was lost through faulting, selected ore
from the Black Mammoth ran $96,-
000 to the ton. That is $10,000 per
Apparently he was confused when
he first told the Gilberts how far his
strike was from the springs. And he
Our road project to Silver Onyx is
ton higher than Lampson's find. But, was when he told them Crow Springs ready for travel. Now you can ride
the Gilberts were quick to explain, were due west of San Antonio. By up the long climb to seams of Silver
the Black Mammoth was not the ledge U. S. Geological Survey map they lie and Honey onyx. Yes—several new
from which Lampson's ore came. His directly southwest of that old station seams of onyx uncovered and avail-
ore was entirely different in character. in Big Smokey Valley, and closer to able! Honey, Honey Lace, Silver
"What gets us, though," Fred went 20 than 30 miles distant. Lace, Brown blend, Black and White
on, "is that thousands of people One thing is certain to my mind blends. All necessary tools furnished
walked right over Gilbert during the after years of intermittent prowling free; as well as picnic tables and
Tonopah and Goldfield booms. But through the fantastic and beautiful drinking water. You will be trans-
nobody would pan that quartz!" Monte Cristo Mountains. Barring a ported from and back to Calico Ghost
stroke of luck, if anyone ever does Town (near Yermo, California.)
What is also to the point, for Lamp- These tours leave Calico Ghost Town
son lost ledge hunters, is that even discover Lampson's ledge it will only
be after weeks or months of careful at 9 & 11 a.m., 1, 3 and 5 p.m.; re-
before those thousands came, John and openminded prospecting over an turning every hour. Open Saturday,
Gilbert and Homer Thompson, be- area vastly greater than the little hill Sunday and Holidays or when a party
lieving that such ore did exist and where Lampson built his monuments. of 6 or more desires this trip. Closed
prospecting this very ground — only on Friday.
miles from the Carrie — were also The Gilbert brothers have finally
come to the conclusion that the gold- FEE: $4 per person per day
unable to find that rich ledge. If en ore Charles Lampson found must Fee includes 30 pounds of onyx
the Monte Cristos can hide fabulous have been dropped on the hill where
gold ore in one place for 30 years, (Additional onyx 25c per pound)
he found it by some Indian traveling Tickets available at Assay Office
why not even longer in another? through. in Calico Ghost Town
Where, then is Lampson's gold? Is But this simply raises other ques- For additional information write to:
it in the area where he thought it tions.
was — another unlikely-looking ledge
that no one has ever been willing to
And the most baffling of them for
lost mine hunters is: Where did the
Calico Silver Onyx Co.
P. O. Box 685—Yermo. California
pan? Is it miles away from Crow Indian find the $86,000 ore? ///
July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 33
Few people have ever seen these crea-
WILDLIFE OF NEVADA tures. Sandy greasewood (Sarcobatus)
and sagebrush (Artemisia) areas of far
west-central Nevada or gravelly mixed
desert scrublands of central and north-
ern Nevada are its haunts. The few I
have seen I came upon in colorful Fish
Lake Valley while wandering about fine
wind-blown sand with a flashlight at
night. One I caught in a harmless trap
proved to be unusually gentle and un-
afraid; in fact, I was able to hold it in
my open hand for some moments. This
supreme gentleness is a characteristic
this soft-furred rodent shares with many
of the kangaroo rats.
In many parts of Nevada the cunning
nocturnal (and therefore largely unno-
ticed) Deer or White-footed Mice (Pero-
myscus) are the most plentiful of all
mammals. They occur almost every-
where but especially are they abundant
in rocky or brushy areas. They are for
the most part harmless wild-seed and
insect eaters.
I have seen these mice nosing about
my pots and pans and pack boxes, or
felt them running over my sleeping bag
at night. One little mother built her
nest in the upholstery of my automobile,
and gave birth to her babies there. A
second one which I failed to dislodge
BY before I left my summer camp in the
Charleston Mountains, traveled with me
EDMUND across Utah and Arizona and down into
Baja California before running down my
JAEGER coat sleeve one early morning and jump-
ing out of the open car window into
the brush so far away from her original
Author of: Desert Wildfiowers, home. A well traveled mouse, that!
The California Deserts, Our Desert
Nevada's old-timers still tell of the
Neighbors, The North American Deserts 1907-1908 plague of Field Mice (Mi-
crotus montanus). The small-eared ever-
.1ACKRABBIT hungry rodents suddenly appeared in
W EVADA IS A state of considerable
length (483 miles) and breadth
(320 miles) — a broad land of
varied topography with some of the
such numbers it was estimated in certain
areas of Humbolt and Carson valleys
that there were 8000 to 12,000 on every
highest mountains in continental United acre! Carnivorous mammals (Coyotes,
States, and scores of them of lesser alti- Foxes, Skunks) and raptorial birds
ulation for the State was about 20 per (Hawks, Eagles, Vultures, Owls) came
tude. Most all of these more or less acre. Nevada, with its 109,740 square
parallel mountain chains run in a north- in from far and wide to feast upon them,
miles, would therefore have about a bil-
south direction. Between are numerous lion and a half mammals! but even they were not able to extermin-
broad, often level-floored, shrub-covered ate any large proportion.
basins and valleys of an average altitude Of these, the small rodents (Mice,
Gophers and Kangaroo Rats) out-num- Such population explosions are usu-
of 3000 to 5000 feet above sea level. ally only temporary. They are made
Some of the areas near the Colorado ber all others many times over. Few
River in the southern part of the state rodents are seen by persons traveling possible when a peculiar favorable com-
comprise low-altitude hot creosotebush about in the daytime, for these small plex of conditions ensue. When we re-
desert with comparatively warm climate creatures are active only at night. They member that female Meadow Mice be-
the year around. comprise the main food supply for most come sexually mature when only three
of the larger carnivores such as Coyotes, weeks old, and after another three weeks
This combination of features makes Foxes, Skunks, and even certain of the give birth to litters of six to eight young,
possible the existence of a very varied Snakes and Owls. and may have more than one litter per
and interesting fauna and flora living year, it is easy to understand how the
under every condition from those pre- The smallest of these rodents is the
rare-to-abundant nocturnal Dwarf Kan- yearly increase can be astounding. Nat-
vailing in the arctic to those of arid ural enemies, ranging from predators to
Sonoran-zone lands much farther south. garoo Rat (Microdipodops, two species),
a half dozen of which could huddle to- disease and eventual lack of food, all
E. Raymond Hall, who wrote The gether in the open hand. The tail is come in to finally reduce their numbers
Mammals of Nevada, estimated a few unusual in that it is swollen in the mid- to seeming near extinction. However,
years ago that the average mammal pop- dle: it is used as a balancing organ. population build-ups soon begin again.

34 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

The rather rare, stouter-bodied Grass- and yellow pines, but the Black-Tailed men as a whole called for wholesale
hopper Mice (Onochomys) are especially Hare (Lepus californicus), so common destruction of all Coyotes. Paid federal
unique and interesting because of their in Southern California, is found almost poison squads were soon at work.
peculiar high - pitched, far - sounding everywhere from low hot desert to high Because of their destruction of ro-
"voice." Many a camper has been mys- mountain slopes. Tularemia often cuts dents, which are their chief food, Badg-
tified by it. According to an observer down their numbers to apparent near ers may be considered one of Nevada's
who had several in captivity, these mice extinction; but due to their high fertility most valuable animal citizens—yet they
stand on their rear feet with front feet they soon reappear in great and surpris- suffer persecution on every hand. Espe-
resting on something higher when issu- ing numbers. When decrease in num- cially great and unfortunate is the toll
ing their call. They point the nose sky- bers is due to poison efforts by man, of Badgers taken when poison is set out
ward and emit a shrill clear little "wolf's predators are forced to seek other for other animals such as Coyotes.
howl" from an open mouth. Another sources of food, and then there is an
sound made when angry or scolding, outcry to get rid of Coyotes, Foxes and Nevada's natural heritage of wildlife
sounds like the barking of a miniature Wildcats. Many a Nevada rancher has is all too valuable to be so thoughtlessly
terrier. These mice eat insects and seeds. found that by welcoming a certain num- wiped out. Once sacrificed, it can never
ber of Rabbits for the Coyotes to eat, be restored. Wiser future generations
Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys), those re- he restores nature's balance and suffers will wonder why we have not been more
markable soft-furred efficient leapers, unduly neither from Rabbits or Coyotes. careful guardians of the rich heritage of
are well represented in Nevada's wild- wildlife placed here by nature for our
lands. There are at least five species In my travels in Nevada I have come enjoyment, welfare and economic good.
and untold numbers of individuals. upon two kinds of Coyotes, the "Big
About all they seem to ask is loose soil Barker" Coyote (Cards latrans lestes) On several occasions I have found
or sand where they can make their bur- in the central and northern parts of the Badgers hopelessly caught in traps set
rows, and a few shrubs and annual plants state, and the smaller more reddish kind for Coyotes. Thankfully, I have been
to supply their food. The smallest is in the southern arid sections. Both ani- able to free many of them. One Badger
Merriam's Kangaroo Rat, weighing only mals were once quite plentiful. They in its efforts to free itself had almost
43 grams, the largest is the big Desert were always interesting to see, and on gnawed off a foot caught in the trap.
Kangaroo Rat, weighing almost four- the whole beneficial since they kept The Pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra
times as much. All are creatures of the down the numbers of grass destroying americana), in my estimation the most
night spending their days curled up in rodents. Among these animals were beautiful of Nevada's larger animals,
their deep underground burrows where always some that preyed upon sheep. once roamed in small to large herds over
temperatures are nearly unvariable. They Instead of eliminating the guilty individ- most of the non-mountainous parts of
form the chief fare of the Kit Foxes, uals as recommended by the enlightened the state. Place names such as Antelope
who dig them out or slyly catch them Missouri predator-control plan, stock- Spring, Antelope Valley, Antelope Mine
while out playing or foraging.
Like the Mice, burrowing Pocket
Gophers (in Nevada, at least 29 kinds)
occur almost everywhere in the state
where there is loose, deep and fertile
soils. In the southernmost arid parts of
the state they work in quite dry, thin
soils; loose sandy soils are wholly
avoided. These seemingly dull-witted
animals are unique in being able to run
backwards in their tunnels as readily as
they run forwards. Such movements are
facilitated by the sense of touch of the
highly sensitive nose and surrounding
stiff vibrissae, and equally sensitive tail
For rapid digging, Pocket Gophers
have developed unusually heavy muscu- AMERICA'S No. 1 OFF HIGHWAY CYCLE
lar and bony parts of both head and On a ming expedition to the famed Rainbow Bridge,
shoulders, and very large and strong individualists picked Tote Gote as their means
of tra< in. This was the first time thot man had attempted
clawed forefeet. They are surly little to reach this remote area in the southern Utah desert with motor-
creatures and only one adult ever occu- ized vehicles. The five-day trip across this nearly inaccessible
pies a single burrow. One of their great terrain was a grueling test for both man and machine. Once

enemies are owls. Some years ago on a again Tote Gote proved its dependability as it carried both
the men and their gear to the Rainbow Bridge and back.
very bright moonlit night I luckily wit- Another first for Tote Gote!
nessed a Long-eared Owl snatch one as
it slightly exposed itself at the entrance AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
to its burrow. Other animals Pocket POWERFUL 40 to 1 gear ratio
Gophers must watch out for are Gopher RUGGED high test steel frame
Snakes and the quick-witted, slender-
bodied Weasels that dig into the tun- LIGHTWEIGHT 115 pounds
nels and soon kill their victims. Bonham Corporation
6th South and University, Prove Utah
The rather rare Townsend White- • SEND FREE BOOKLET and NEAREST DEALER'S NAME I
tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) oc-
curs mostly in the northeastern quarter See your local TOTE GOTE dealer today! Addre
of the state among the junipers, pinyons

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 35

and others were given because of the brush-covered valleys fairly ring with
impressive prevalence of this fine alert THE LAPIDARY'S the sweet songs of the males.
and graceful animal. Conservationists
saved this beautiful animal from extinc-
STANDARD OF VALUE The small, very agile and bright-eyed
BUY THE BEST Sagebrush Chipmunk loves to climb into
tion in the Sagebrush State. Through FOR LESS the sagebrush and find an observation
their generous monetary interest and Congo Dla Blades
Sizes range from post at the summit of some high branch
other efforts, a large refuge was created 4 to 24"
when it gives its scolding notes or chirps
in northwestern Nevada, and here, pro- as we pass by. At times it is a greedy
tected from hunting and with ample and exemplary feeder on the larvae and
winter and summer feeding range, the pupa of the Sagebrush Webworm; at
antelope is perpetuating its kind. other times it subsists largely on the
While I recognize that Nevada's vast IN ITS FIELD seeds of wild thistles and grasses. It
Deer population comprise no part of the Highland Park
avoids the more sterile southern desert
desert fauna in the strictest sense, I can- Slab Saws areas, confining itself to the northern-
not feel that I am going too far astray Sizes range from 12" half of the state.
to 24". Metal or Lu-
to mention these fine creatures of the cite hood.
Among the most frequently seen birds
high mountains. In mid-summer the of Nevada's wastelands are the Horned
Deer herds inhabit the pine forests, but Larks which are often observed in flocks
when cool autumn, and later, cold win- flying low or running and feeding on
ter, arrive, deer come down into the the ground. Then there is the Roadrun-
sunny pinyon forests and even at times ner whose presence always thrills the
wander into the warmer brush-covered traveler, the sweet-voiced Gambel Spar-
hillsides and basins. Areas heavily row, the Western Mourning Dove, the
grazed by domestic Sheep have the least Highland Park Combination Unit
Available in all sizes. Perfect combina- Western Lark Sparrow, the Pinyon Jay,
Deer, for Sheep are the Deer's greatest tion unit for Lapidary work. Handles saw-
the Say Phoebe, the Raven and Turkey
ing, grinding, sanding, and polishing. Ex-
food competitors; Sheep not only eat ceptionally quiet operation. Vulture. Occasionally I still see a Bur-
the grasses and wildflowers, but browse Arbors of All Sizes—Tumblers, Belt Sanders,
rowing Owl or hear the Western Horned
Trim Saws — 41 Models to Choose From
on the shrubs which comprise the deer's The most complete line of lapidary ma- Owl's deep flute-like notes.
chief food. chinery offered by any manufacturer. See
these at your local Highland Park dealer
or send fifty cents for beautiful illustrated Rising like islands from the sands of
And of course where Deer are there catalog today! the hot low desert of southern Nevada
also are Puma (also called Cougars and HIGHLAND PARK MANUFACTURING CO. are the Charleston and Sheep mountains.
Mountain Lions), one of nature's chief Department "D"
Both are high enough to support a cover
natural checks on deer over-population SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA of beautiful yellow pines, firs, pinyons
and her wise means of weeding out the and junipers. In the 1920s I spent a
weak, the sick and otherwise undesirable number of summers exploring for plants
individuals. How unfortunate that the YOU CAN BE ASSURED on these wild steep slopes, at the same
clever and beautiful Puma is all too often OF COMPLETE time studying the birds and mammals.
considered dangerous (which it is not) I published the first list of plants and
and is persistently the victim of persecu- CENTRAL NEVADA <] the first annotated list of birds from the
tion by man, his dogs, his rifle, his cruel COVERAGE BLANKETING Charleston Mountains; also I made early
steel traps and poisons. The number of ENTIRE CHURCHILL observations and collected information
Cougars, never great, is gradually dimin- COUNTY WITH A TOTAL on the Desert Bighorn Sheep living in
ishing. READERSHIP OF OVER the Sheep Mountains. The latter place
6000, WHEN YOU is now a federal game refuge and has
One April night when I camped in
the largest concentration of Desert Big-
a narrow pine gulch in the Sheep Moun-
tains of Clark County, it began to snow ADVERTISE <0 horn in the United States. Persons quali-
fied and properly endorsed can some-
and by morning the rocky ground was IN THE
times get permission to visit the closely
covered with a white mantle eight inches
deep. When we got up to rebuild our EAGLE-STANDARD 0 supervised refuge to see at close range
these beautiful noble creatures. It is a
campfire and get breakfast, we found all SALES MESSAGES ARE
DIRECTED TO AN INCOME hard journey over poor rocky roads to
about us—actually within three feet of get to their haunts, but great is the re-
where we slept—the numerous big tracks OF OVER $20,000,000—
AGRICULTURE: BEEF, ROW ward to him who seeks knowledge of
of a cougar which out of curiosity had Bighorn ways. In these same highlands
walked all about our camp. Later we CROPS. DAIRY; MILITARY:
NAVY, AIR FORCE; MINING: one may perhaps glimpse Pumas even
tracked this big cat over a mile as it as I have, and witness the work of Por-
went along a rocky ridge and down into cupines. If you delve in the rocks of
the thick brush below. PUBLISHED IN
talus slopes of the lime rocks, you will
There are several of Nevada's birds FALLON <] uncover the shells of rarely seen Land
and mammals very much dependent on Snails. You will doubtless find numer-
the sagebrush (Nevada's state flower) ous marine fossils (echinoderms, brachi-
for food and shelter; among them are opods and trilobites) in the Charleston
the Sage Sparrow, the Sage Hen, the Mountain limestones of Carboniferous
THE Age. Insect collecting can be a reward-
Sage Thrasher, the Sagebrush Vole and
ing experience in these highlands.
the Sagebrush Chipmunk. The Sage
Sparrow is common on the sagebrush
FALLON, NEVADA. There are other mountain ranges in
flats during the breeding season and Nevada equally wild and appealing to
onwards until autumn. It builds its nest JULIUS VESTERGAARD
EDITOR. the naturalist. They await the reverent
in the sagebrush. In spring the sage- explorer. ///
36 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961
FINE DOMESTIC and foreign crystals and mas-
• How to Place an Ad: • EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES sive minerals. Please ask for free list. Con-
• Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine, tinental Minerals, P.O. Box 1206, Anaconda,
Palm Desert, Calif. CAMPING EQUIPMENT: Personally selected scout, Montana.
• Classified rates are 20c per word, $4 trail, family tents. Best quality United States
minimum per insertion. manufacturers. European pack equipment. Sat- FOSSILS. 12 different for $2. Other prices on
isfaction guaranteed. Send 25c for catalog. request. Will buy, sell or trade. Museum of
Don Gleason's Campers' Supply, Northampton, Fossils. Clifford H. Earl, P. O. Box 188,
• BOOKS - MAGAZINES Massachusetts. Good practical equipment at Sedona, Arizona.
sensible prices.
FREE BOOK Catalog of the Southwest—history,
people, legends, lost treasure, Indians, nature, HOUR NATURAL staurolites, cross on both sides,
LIGHTWEIGHT CAMPING and mountaineering for $1 postpaid. "Animals" assembled from
gems, minerals and children's books. World's
equipment. The World's finest; used on Ever- uncut quartz crystals — "Rockhound," $1.25
largest all-desert book selection. Write for
est, Himalayas, Andes, etc. For free catalog, each. Five assorted animals, $5.50 postpaid.
your catalog today: Desert Magazine Book
write: Gerry, Dept. 107, Box 910. Boulder, Reasoner Rock Originals, Crown King Highway,
Shop, Palm Desert, California.
Colorado. Bumble Bee, Arizona.
READ THE Prospector's Guide. Tells how and
where to prospect for minerals, etc. Send 10X SELF illuminating pocket magnifier. Examine
for application to United Prospectors, 701 Vi specimens anywhere anytime. A magnifying • GEMS, ROUGH MATERIAL
East Edgeware, Los Angeles 26, California. glass with its own built-in light. $3 postpaid.
Emerald Distributors, Dept. A, Oakridge, Ore.
OUT-OF-print books at lowest prices! You name COLORFUL AUSTRALIAN fire opal; rough or cut.
it—we find it! Western Americana, desert and No deposit. Approvals sent on request. See
Indian books a specialty. Send us your wants. • GEMS, CUT-POLISHED before you buy. Free list. Write: Walker
No obligation. International Bookfinders, Box "Opals Exclusively", 20385 Stanton Ave.,
3003-D, Beverly Hills, California. Castro Valley, California.
AUSTRALIAN TUMBLED gemstones, 8 different,
identified, $1.10 postpaid, or 10 different,
"GEMS & Minerals Magazine," largest rock hobby GEMSTONES IN the rough; 16 different kinds
identified, from around the world, $1.25 post-
monthly. Field trips, " h o w " articles, pictures, from all over the world, 1 pound "Quality
paid. Bensusan, 8615 Columbus Avenue, Se-
ads. $3 year. Sample 25c. Box 687J, Mentone, Guaranteed" $3 postpaid. Free list, gems and
pulveda, California.
California. minerals. Charles M. Ozment, The Vellor Co.,
P.O. Box 2344(D), St. Louis 14, Missouri. (A
BOOKS: "PANNING Gold for Beginners," 50c. OPALS AND sapphires direct from Australia.
Golden Rule Dealer)
"Gold in Placer," $3. Frank J. Harnagy, 701 Vi This month's best buy: cut sapphires. 1 blue
E. Edgeware, Los Angeles 26, California. sapphire facet cut, 1 black star sapphire, 1
MINNESOTA SUPERIOR agates 1/2 to 1 inch
cabochon sapphire, 1 blue star sapphire. All
BEFORE YOU take that trip to old mining camps $1.35 pound postpaid; 1 to 2 inch $2.50
weighing over 1 carat each. $18, free airmail.
read "Rocky Trails of the Past," either at your pound postpaid. 3 polished Thompsonites $1
Send personal check, international money or-
book store or the author: Charles Labbe, 210 postpaid. Frank Engstrom, Grey Eagle, Minn.
der, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all
Baltimore, Las Vegas, Nevada. Australian gemstones. Australian Gem Trading
Co., 294 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, C.I., PETRIFIED PALM slabs, 50 square inches, $10, 25
WE WILL buy the following back issues if they square inches, $6.50 postpaid, generous sam-
are in good condition and sent postpaid to: ple postpaid $2. Charles Brown, 1355 Gladys
Desert Magazine, Circulation Dept., Palm Des- Avenue, Long Beach, California.
ert, Calif. November 1937 — $7.50, August
1938-$1, September 1938-$3, October 1938 • GEMS, DEALERS
- 5 0 c , January 1939 — $1, March 1939 — $1, BRILLIANT ARIZONA fluorescent willemite cal-
May 1939—$1, October 1941—50c, January cite combination, new find from Chiricauhua
RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA. We have everything Mountains, one to 12 pound pieces, $1.50 per
1945-35c, January 1950-35c, February 1950 for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
- 3 5 c , October 1950-35c, November 1950- pound postpaid. N. G. Woolsey, 559 South
gifts for those who are not rock hounds. Lazona, Mesa, Arizona.
35c, March 1951-35c, August 1951-35c, No- Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary sup-
vember 1951—35c, December 1951—35c, Jan- plies, mountings, equipment, black lights. Why
uary 1952-35c, May 1952-35c, July 1952-
35c, September 1952-35c, March 1953-35c,
not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock Shop, • INDIAN GOODS
593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside, Calif.
May 1953—35c, November 1953—35c, Decem- OVerland 6-3956.
ber 1953—35c, September 1954—35c, October AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Nava|o tugs, Chi-
1954-35c, February 1957-35C mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's items.
DESERT ROCKS, woods, jewelry. Residence rear Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian Trading
$550 A week made by skin divers in gold, gems, of shop. Rockhounds welcome. Mile west on Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East Woodland
etc. "Underwater Prospecting Techniques—the U.S. 66. McShan's Gem Shop and Desert Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
Gold Diver's Handbook" gives details, $2 from Museum. P.O. Box 22, Needles, California.
V. N. Greene, Box 7724, Rincon Annex, San WE APPRAISE, buy, sell finest reservation-made
Francisco, Calif. GEM DEALERS, gift store owners: write for free Indian goods. Send $1 for genuine turquoise
brochure on ready-made, superior-polish jew- nugget, fine quality key chain, 16-page catalog
HOW AND Where to Pan Gold, just published, elry and popular, fast-selling baroques. Roy's of Indian handicrafts, history of Southwestern
72 pages, photos, drawings, plus maps of 19 Rock Shop, Box 133, Trinidad, California. Indian jewelry, story of Navajo rugs, other
states, with gold placer areas marked, $2. information. The Indian Room, 1440 South
Lost Treasure Trails, by Penfield, a fine big CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma- Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California.
book, is back in print after a long absence,
terial, machinery, supplies, mountings, fluor-
$3. Foul Anchor Archives, D.M., Rye, N. Y.
escent lamps, books. Sumner's, 21108 Devon- INDIAN PHONOGRAPH records, authentic songs
shire, Chatsworth, California. Formerly Valley and dances, all speeds. Write for latest list:
BOOKS! BOOKS! Books, Rare books located, Art Shoppe.
new books ordered, much fiction in stock. Canyon Records, 834 No. 7th Avenue, Phoenix,
Your mail order bookstore! Out-of-State Book 1, Arizona.
Service, Box 1153, Burbank, California.
• GEMS, MINERALS-FOSSILS THREE FINE prehistoric Indian war arrowheads
$1. Flint scalping knife $1. Rare flint thunder-
• FOR WOMEN FOSSILS: 400 varieties. List with plates avail- bird $3. All $4. Catalog free. Arrowhead,
able: 25c. 75,000 shark teeth, fish fossils, Glenwood, Arkansas.
LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier." fern fossils, intact shell fossils, petrified crabs,
Your whole beauty treatment in one jar. trilobites, whale vertebrae, etc. We find, we
Write: Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasa- exchange, we sell! Malicks, 5514 Plymouth
dena 6, California. Road, Baltimore 14, Maryland. MORE CLASSIFIEDS *
July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 37
BOOMING KINGMAN, Arizona-level lots $125
each, $5 down, $5 month; minimum two lots,
no interest or other charges. Write for free
pictures and maps. Box 486, Kingman, Ari-
zona. Phone Skyline 3-3383.

FOR INFORMATION on desert acreage and par-

cels for sale in or near Twentynine Palms,
Continued from preceding page please write Silas S. Stanley, Realtor, 73644
Twentynine Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms,
10 WARPOINTS $1.50; 6 arrowheads $1.50; 4 $1 FOR gold areas, 25 California counties. California.
birdpoints $1.50; 2 spearheads $1.50; 2 gem- Geology, elevations. Pans $3, $2.50. Poke $1.
points $1.50; 24" strand trade beads $1.50. Fred Mark, Box 801, Ojai, California. WYOMING: 40, 80 or more scenic acres of un-
Paul Summers, Canyon, Texas. spoiled wilderness adjoining national forest
near Laramie Peak. Stream frontage, REA
BOULDER ASSAY OFFICE: gold and silver $3.50,
electricity available. Elevation 6500 feet. Cut
FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi tungsten $5, molybdenum $5. Mineralights,
your own timber and build your cabin. $100
jewelry. Old pawn. Many fine old baskets, ore specimens. Write for free price list. 250
per acre, cash or terms. Write or phone: A.
moderately priced, in excellent condition. Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado.
T. Foster, Box 572, Phoenix, Ariz. BR 6-1314.
Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo homespuns,
pottery. A collector's paradise! Open daily LAS VEGAS lots in choice subdivision, five min-
10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo Trading • OLD COINS, STAMPS utes from Strip, only 2'/2 miles from down-
Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley, California. town, graded streets, producing water wells
in vicinity, power lines adjoining subdivision.
RARE UNCIRCULATED Carson City mint dollars, Lots selling fast now. Great investment po-
SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancient 1878, $5. 1882-83-84-90-91, $7.50 each. 100- tential for only $10 down and $10 a month.
arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free. page catalog 50c. Shultz, P.O. Box 746, Salt Free illustrated brochure. Land, Inc., 130-DC
Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas. Lake City 10, Utah. Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, Nevada.

OLD SILVER dollars (before 1900), very good FOR SALE 3V2 acres deeded ground, house,
• JEWELRY to uncirculated, various dates and mints, as guest house, out buildings, small garden plot,
available. Five for $11 or 10 for $21, sent electricity, three miles from Chloride, Arizona.
postpaid and insured. K-Coins, P.O. Box 282, Beautiful view of valley. Asking $5000. Albin
DEALERS! Write for wholesale prices on our
Calimesa, California. Larson, Box 113, Chloride, Arizona.
fabulous line of non-tarnishing aluminum
chains and baroque mountings. Include $1
for samples. Use letterhead or send tax num-
ber. R. B. Berry & Company, 5040B Corby • PHOTO SUPPLIES • WESTERN MERCHANDISE
Street, Omaha 4, Nebraska.
BIOLOGIST, BOTANIST, histologist, zoologist, GHOST TOWN items: Sun colored glass, amethyst
specialized and scientific photography. Mac- to royal purple; ghost railroads materials,
GENUINE TURQUOISE bolo ties $1.50, 11 stone rophotography, microphotography, photomicro- tickets; limited odd items from camps of the
turquoise bracelet $2. Gem quality golden graphy. Please send for particulars: Special- '60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D, Smith,
tiger-eye $1.75 pound, beautiful mixed agate ized and Scientific Photographers, Inc. P.O. Nevada.
baroques $3 pound. Postage and tax extra. Box 367, Alpine, Calif.
Tubby's Rock Shop, 242O'/2 Honolulu Ave., SUN COLORED glass for sale. Mrs. A. E. Wyc-
Montrose, California. koff, 11501 Davenport Road, Agua Dulce, Cal.
COLOR SLIDES: Railroad, ghost town, scenic
southwest, California missions, Calico, Marine-
land. Sample and list 25c. Longstreet, 5453 PRESSED GLASS from old molds, guaranteed to
SEVEN POINT bell caps, $1.95 per gross, in-
Virginia, Hollywood 29, California. turn purple in sun; 21 items, desert and moun-
cludes tax and postage. Doney's Rock Shop,
tain driftwood, dried materials for arranging.
Box 246, Lucerne, Lake County, California.
Send stamp for price list. Apple Mountain
• PLANTS, SEEDS Workshop, Box 403, Julian, California.
• LODGES, MOTELS FREE "DO-lt-Yourself" Leatt.ercraft catalog. Tandy
WILDFLOWER SEEDS: catalog offers over 600 Leather Company, Box 791-Y-40, Fort Worth,
ROCK HOUND headquarters: Moqui Motel, Es- different kinds of wildflower and wild tree Texas.
calante, Utah—on Highway U. 54, phone MAr- seeds. Catalog 50c. Clyde Robin, 4233 Heyer
Avenue, Castro Valley, California. LAMPSHADES BY Cubit. Translucent materials,
ket 4-4210, Dyna and Mohr Christensen. Pack
plain, textured, handpainted wallpanels, gifts,
and Jeep Trips by appointment. novelties, stationery—desert designs. Closed
SORRY, NO chia this year because of drought.
Thursdays. Cubit's on the Highway, 51329—
Will sell teaspoonful for $1 to those who
East, Morongo Valley, California.
• MAPS would like to plant it. Bruce Gregory, Box
147, French Camp, California.
$3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $1, large $2; • REAL ESTATE
San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25;
other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada PLASTIC EMBEDDING for fun and profit, no
FERTILE SOIL ranchos—2V2 and 20 acre parcels oven. Make beautiful jewelry, decorative
counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax.
sold as low as $10 down and $10 month; has panels, science specimens castings. Catalog
Topographic maps of all mapped western
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third abundant underground water supply. Huge 25c, Natcol Plastics, Box 444, Yucaipa, Calif.
Street, Los Angeles 13, California. commercial farms nearby, growing second
best cotton in United States. Near West's most WILDERNESS TRIP to scenic British Columbia;
famous playground: Las Vegas and Lake Mead. steelhead, salmon and rainbow fishing; moose,
Wonderful investment for future while you bear, sheep and goat hunting. Famous guides.
• MINING play during the present. Located southern Finest fishing guaranteed. For details write to
end Pahrump Valley, California. Large airport Jack C. Harris 2985 Winifred, Riverside, Calif.
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- on ranch. Hidden Hills Ranch Development,
est quality spectrographic. Only $8 per sam- 443 West Garvey Blvd., Monterey Park, Cali-
WANTED TO buy: one pair of old single brass
ple. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Inglewood fornia. Phone Clinton 7-0818.
beds. Write: Mrs. Roger Shappee, Route 3,
Ave., Inglewood, California. Box 553, Escondido, California.
RETIRE: IDEAL desert home; beautiful trailer
PROSPECTORS! DO not be without new fluor- guest house; both completely furnished, mod- LOST: ARGUS C-3 camera, light meter, May 7,
escent mineral detector that operates in day- ern, magnificent view. $2500. Mrs. Dinsmore, Saline Valley near Death Valley. Reward.
light, is economical to use and can be car- Randsburg, California. Schwartz, 1731 Martina, Torrance, California.
ried in shirt pocket. Detects many industry
wanted minerals. Useful in uranium and other LARGE GEM and rock collection, my home, in- ULTRAVIOLET LAMPS from $10.50. Kits, filters,
mining operations. Price only $12.50. Free tact, best offer takes, account of illness. tubes, accessories. America's most complete
brochure. Essington Products & Engineering, Charles Brown, 1355 Gladys Avenue, Long line. Free literature. Radiant Ultra Violet
Box 4174, Coronado Station, Santa Fe, N. M. Beach 4, California. Products, Cambia Heights 11, New York.

38 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

tion upon request. Trips are one day to

OWENS VALLEY CENTENNIAL several weeks. Costs vary according to

service required, size of party, amount of
gear, length of trip. The packer will supply
food and equipment, or a suggested list.
Sports stores in the Valley also will advise
By LUCILE WEIGHT you, and some rent equipment.
For the camper, there are about 65 public
Desert Magazine's California Travel Correspondent campgrounds, accessible by car, in Inyo
National Forest, those nearest Independence
being at Gray's Meadow six miles west of
newspaper, the Inyo Independent, founded town, at 6500 feet elevation; at Onion Val-
WENS VALLEY, a 110-mile trough
O between the Sierra Nevada and the
Inyo-White Mountains, yearly attracts
thousands of fishermen, campers and other
by Chalfant and Parker.
Many a piece of highgrade ore was ex-
ley, also west, at 9000 feet; and Oak Creek,
north fork, four miles west of Fort Inde-
pendence, at 4500 feet.
hibited in the streets of Independence, where
vacationers seeking the high canyons, prospectors who had made a strike came to To enjoy a vacation in Owens Valley,
streams and lakes above the flatlands. record their claims. Cerro Gordo in the
This year the Valley is spotlighted for Inyo Mountains was the greatest of the
an added reason—1961 marks its centennial. mines affecting Owens Valley. Its silver,
Celebrations have already started, with the
Lone Pine Stampede held May 27, Big Pine
lead and zinc paid about 17 million. Others
were Panamint City, Waucoba, Ubehebe,
Fandango June 16-18. The Independence
Day event will be at the town of Indepen-
dence, followed by the Tri-County Fair in
Saline Valley, Darwin mines; then in the
1880s, soda and other salts from Owens
Lake, and borax in Death Valley. Just
August and Labor Day celebration Septem- when the old mines had declined, discovery That's What They Say About The
ber 4, both at Bishop. of Nevada bonanzas at Tonopah in 1900,
followed by Goldfield, Bullfrog, Skidoo,
July 4th at Independence will include a and Greenwater, brought new business to
parade and historical pageant, portraying Owens Valley, especially a demand for pro-
the town's early days. The day will start duce.
with a Lions Club breakfast in Dehy Park.
There will be little leaguer ballgames, sky- A promising agricultural future in the
divers, quarter midget races, gymkhana, Valley vanished when the Owens River The West's Largest Weekly Newspaper.
archery, barbecue in the park at 4:30, pag- water was taken by Los Angeles. The Val-
eant at the ballpark 6 p.m., fireworks at the ley was further doomed by Bureau of Rec- ALSO one hears that we're Peerless Hard-
airport, 8 p.m. There will be exhibits of lamation withdrawal of land from settle-
art, Indian artifacts, rocks and minerals, ment for "forestry conservation," Valleyites hitting, Witty, Wild, Western as all hell.
coins. claiming that much of this land was already (without any "howdy podner" nonsense, either)
in crops and that the only "forests" involved
A special program will be given by Owens were trees planted by the settlers. The IT'S NEVADA'S FIRST NEWSPAPER.
Valley Indians, including authentic tribal 23 3 VA -mile aqueduct to Los Angeles was It Gave Mark Twain His Literary Send Off.
dances, Paiute skills and crafts demonstra- completed in October, 1913. Five years
tions. No tape recorders or cameras will be
later, the Owens surface water was not It Has Subscribers In 50 States
enough, so Los Angeles started sinking
While settlement in Owens Valley started wells for the underground water. And 20 Foreign Countries
in 1861, white men came through possibly Towns and schools were annihilated, fam-
as early as 1825, including Joe Walker in ilies abandoned their homes. Wkp Mot join Vkem?
1833 and part of Fremont's party in 1845.
Discovery of gold near Mono Lake to the It may have been the end of the trail for
north, in 1859, brought prospectors from agriculture, but it was by no means the One Year $5.00
Los Angeles. Soon, Aurora gold drew more end for those catering to vacationers. Each
travelers. Then stockmen moved in to sup- year more people make Owens Valley head- Two Years $9.00
ply mine camps with beef, grain and hay. quarters for Sierra pack trips, for reaching
boating, water skiing, fishing, swimming,
Independence had its roots in the stone
cabin trading post on Little Pine Creek
and hunting spots. THE
started in August, 1861, by Charles Putnam. For those who plan their vacation around
Actual townsite is said to be on land pat-
ented to Thomas Edwards and named for
July 4 this year, the celebration at Inde-
pendence can be an extra treat. If there is
Camp Independence which had been estab time, a pack trip will be an exhilarating P. O. Box 119
lished July 4, 1862, on Oak Creek, 2V4 experience. Operating out of Independence
miles north. Independence was made the are the High Sierra Pack Train, Parker Pack Virginia City,
county seat when Inyo was created in Train and Sequoia Kings Pack Train. These IWWe'll send you a sample copy if you wish.
1866. and over 20 others are members of High
Sierra Packers Assn., Rt. 1, Box 16, Bishop,
White settlement was virtually dependent Calif., which will send complete informa-
upon the military from 1862 to 1877, when
the Camp was abandoned, for trouble in-
evitably followed the white men's prospect-
ing and ranching on Indian land. A peace
treaty concluded in October, 1862, cele-
brated by the Indians with a fandango, was
short-lived. Mining strikes, with subsequent
arrival of more miners, renewed Indian
trouble. In March, 1863, more cavalry
moved in, this time giving Indians no quar-
ter. Plans for an Indian reservation in
Owens Valley did not materialize, although The Alaskan Camper is quickly transformed from its compact low silhouette on the road' to
the boundaries were defined. Instead, on roomy walk-in living quarters. Drive safely at any speed with minimum drag and sway.
July 11, 1863, soldiers started for a reser- Moments later, enjoy the comfort and convenience of a weather tight, high ceiling home away
vation near Fort Tejon with 908 Indians, from home complete with three burner stove, sink, cabinets, ice box, beds, and many other
50 of whom escaped and returned to Owens luxury features.
The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises the Write today for more informa-
Valley. camper top can be safely operated even by a small tion on the most advanced
child. Locks prevent accidental lowering. The top camper on the road.
As the Valley became a vital corridor is lowered quickly by the simple turn of a valve. Patent No. 2879103
for travel and a supply point for mines, "IN NORTHWEST" "IN CANADA"
ranches increased and towns grew. Inde- R. D. Hall Mfg. Inc.
pendence, which had one dwelling in Janu- 9847 Glenoaks Blvd. Campers Inc. Canadian Campers
8819 Renton Ave. 77 Pelham
ary, 1866, had a population of 100 next Sun Valley, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Toronto, Ontario
year. By 1870 it became a city with a

July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 39

seum, in the basement of the Court House,
has fascinating mementos and records.
Visitors will learn that Owens Valley's past
is far older than the span of 100 years
being celebrated this July. These collections
are but one facet of the ECM Association.
Founded in 1928, it has been active in
both locating and preserving the historic
and prehistoric heritage of eastern Califor-
nia and southwest Nevada. It obtained
presidential withdrawal of 10,000 acres of
Inyo and Mono counties and part of Esmer-
alda County in Nevada for research pur-
poses. In 1930 the Association invited the
Southwest Archeological Federation to co-
operate in locating and collecting artifacts.
One of its big jobs in this field is its effort
at educating the public to the importance
of exactly marking sites, taking pictures if
possible, and reporting finds to the Associa-
tion. The president, Dorothy Cragen, re-
cently compared thoughtless picking-up of
artifacts, or defacing of petroglyphs, with
the act of a person who would tear out
the page of a rare book, thus destroying a
link in the story of the past.
The Association sponsors archeological
workshops at which young people and adults
who have collected arrowheads and other
artifacts receive instruction under qualified
archeologists. Guests are welcome during
part of this period to hear lectures. The
Association during other months conducts
public tours for those interested in geology,
mines and minerals, botany and history.
Information on the trips is available from
Eastern California Museum Assn., Court-
house, Independence.


22-23: Air Show and Indian Pow-Wow,
you don't have to be the outdoor type. Mary Austin, who did much of her writing dependence Day celebrations at Caliente,
There are many comfortable motels, and here, including Land of Little Rain and Ely, Eureka, Lovelock, Tonopah; Boulder
points of interest are easily accessible for Lost Borders. Another landmark is the Damboree at Boulder City.
short day trips. Dorothy Cragen residence, once the Com-
At Independence, a recommended motel mander's house at Camp Independence. ARIZONA JULY EVENTS: July 1-4:
costs as little as $6 for two. From here (Dorothy is the pageant chairman.) Also Hopi Craftsmen Annual exhibition of pot-
you can visit the site of Camp Indepen- moved here from the Camp is the Drew tery, basketry, weaving and silver. Museum
dence north of town, Mt. Whitney Fish home, once the military hospital. Pleasant of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. July 2-4:
Hatchery about two miles northwest, aban- Dehy Park includes Narrow Gauge Engine All-Indian Pow - Wow, Flagstaff; Annual
doned mines — or visit landmarks in the No. 18, a museum exhibit. Frontier Days, Prescott. July 3-4: Hash-
town itself. These include the home of In addition, the Eastern California Mu- knife Stampede, Holbrook. July 4: Annual
Fourth of July Celebration, coaster race
down Tombstone Canyon, fireworks, Bisbee.
July 4 Fireworks at Williams, Clarkdale
and Payson. July 21: 100th anniversary of
PLACE YOUR TWO-YEAR the Burning of Ft. Buchannan at Patagonia.
July 23-30: Navajo Craftsmen exhibition,
ORDER NOW . . . AND BRING THE Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff.
July 24: Annual Mormon Pioneer Day at
Championship Rodeo, Tooele; Parades and
THAN THIRTY CENTS A MONTH! celebrations at Bountiful, Centerville, and
Woodruff. Annual Reata Days at Layton.
July 8-9: Weber Valley Air Fair at Ogden.
Send to_ • 2 years $7 July 13-15: 28th annual performance of
Ute Stampede at Nephi; Black Diamond
(24 issues) Stampede at Price. July 14-16: Pioneer
Street • 1 year $4 pageant "All Faces West," Ogden. July
19-24: Horse show, rodeo, Pioneer Days
(12 issues) Celebration, Ogden. July 20-22: Flora Fes-
City tival, Centennial Celebration, Orem. July
State_ 21-22: 50th Annual hike to the top of
12,000-foot Mount Timpanogos, Aspen
This subscription is New • Renewal • Gift • Grove. Special pre-hike program on the
(Sign gift card: .____ )
evening of the 21st. July 22-24: Re-enact-
ment of evacuation of Federal troops from
Camp Floyd (Fort Crittenden). July 24
[U Remittance Enclosed • Please Bill Me (week of): Pioneer Day Celebrations at
Mail to DESERT MAGAZINE, Palm Desert, California
most Utah communities. July 27-29: An-
nual Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo at Vernal.

40 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

Just $10 down and $10 per month for choice
property only 5 minutes drive from down-town

VEGAS VIEW - The real estate with skyrocketing value

$10. DOWN
$10.00 per Month

You can now take advantage of the fabulous business boom in the Las Vegas area. Here gains in real
estate activity outstripped all other parts of the nation during 1959 with a spectacular jump of nearly
100 per cent in sales volume—this trend and the trend in retail sales and other business activity has
continued to soar upward during 1960 and 1961.
Both fun and profit can be yours,..Bask in the desert sun...Ski at 11,910 foot Mt. Charleston...
Boat, swim and fish at giant Lake Mead. These water and snow-fun areas are within a 30-minute drive
Vegas View sites are free of city taxes but adjacent to the present Las Vegas city limits—totally
unlike much of the barren land being sold today in remote desert and swamp areas of doubtful future.
The lots now have graded streets and electricity on the East and West boundaries of the subdivision.
Never again will sites with such a potential increase in value be offered at these low, low prices. Com-
parable lots in Las Vegas are now selling for many hundreds of dollars more. In VEGAS VIEW just $10
will start you on your way to early future profits! Total cost of these 50' x 100' sites is only $795 plus
the low interest included in monthly payments. You must act NOW to take advantage of this oppor-
tunity of a lifetime. Remember—only a very limited number of these choice sites are available.



JUST I wish to purchase site (s) in VEGAS VIEW and
have enclosed $10.00 as a deposit on each site. If for any
reason I am not satisfied, I understand that my deposit will
be returned to me immediately if I notify you within 30
days. Please RUSH brochure and sales contract to me today.


July, 1961 / Desert Magazine / 41

Metween If on


HE 1960 CENSUS reveals that over four million clusion that sooner or later Nevada will see a revival of
T Americans are now making their homes in the Desert
Southwest. This does not include another million
or two who come here during the winter season for health
its mining industry. When we have to recover our cop-
per, tin, antimony, aluminum, lead and zinc from low
grade ores, the cost of everything from kitchenware to
and recreation. The population of this region has more automobiles will be much higher. But our grandchildren
than doubled since the Desert Magazine was started in will be thankful that in Nevada there will still be a vast
1937. underground storehouse of such ores.
The increase has been mainly in the cities. During the * # *
10 years from 1950 to 1960 Phoenix grew from 106,000 Nevada is the only state west of the Rockies which does
to 439,000 persons, Tucson from 45,000 to 212,000, Las not have a national park within or adjacent to its
Vegas from 24,000 to 64,000, and Albuquerque from 96,- boundaries. But there are good reasons to believe this
000 to 201,000. omission will be corrected. During the last eight years
Recently a public relations man from an Eastern city there has been increasing support for a proposal to set
who was about to retire, asked me where in the South- aside 28-square-miles in the Snake Range of eastern
west he would find a town which would qualify as follows: Nevada, including the Lehman Caves, Mt. Wheeler (El.
"I am fed up with the over-crowded city. My wife and 13,061) and Matthes Glacier as a new recreational park
1 would like to spend our late years in a small community for Americans.
where there is no smog, no traffic congestion, no high Interest in the Snake Range as a potential national
pressure salesmen. We would like to find a place with park has developed in recent years after Weldon Heald
a moderate climate where there is lots of space and the of Tucson and Albert Marshall of Three Rivers, Cali-
neighbors call each other by their first names—and there fornia, during an ascent of Mt. Wheeler, ascertained that
is a bit of the camaraderie of the old frontier, if it still a glacier on the east slope of the mountain, first reported
exists. ' by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1883, is still alive. This
I suggested that he start his quest in Nevada. This is believed to be the only living glacier in the Great
is one of the few states which has not yet become over- Basin between the Sierra of California and the Rocky
crowded with people. Although it is the 7th largest state Mountains.
in the Union, there are fewer people in its 1T0,000— The proposal to set aside the Snake Range area as a
square-miles than in the factory town of Akron, Ohio. public recreational area, to be known as the Great Basin
If you will spread out a map of Nevada you will find National Park, not only is sponsored by many Nevada
it has more blank space than any other portion of the organizations, but is receiving widespread support from
country. Like the other desert states, much of it is arid, conservation groups all across the nation.
and yet there are many fertile valleys where pioneering In the years since World War II there has been very
Mormon families and other thrifty farmers have created little expansion of the national park system. But Stewart
for themselves a wholesome way of life and an ample Udall, new Secretary of Interior, has indicated it will be
economy. the policy of the present administration in Washington
Nevada's main contribution to the wealth of the na- to seek congressional approval of many new park, monu-
tion has been its minerals. The gold, silver and copper ment and recreational areas both east and west. Grand
which came from Virginia City, Tonopah, Goldfield, Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite and other western parks
Rhyolite and scores of other rich mining camps in the are becoming more crowded each year, and the need for
past have been depleted. But Nevada is by no means increased park facilities is widely recognized.
a has-been state insofar as mineral resources are con- The support which proponents of the Great Basin
cerned. The day is approaching when Americans, having National Park may expect from the national administra-
skimmed the cream of their mineral deposits, will be tion was made clear in a recent address in which Secre-
going back to the old mine workings for the low-grade tary Udall said: "Each generation has its challenges. It
ores they scorned during the years when high-assay ma- was easy in the earlier period of this century for Presi-
terials were available. dents by merely a stroke of the pen to set aside land for
Today Americans are consuming more minerals than public use and to conserve it. Now we must, in some
are being produced in this country. As population ex- instances, buy back the land in order to maintain tracts
pands, it is inevitable that the deficit gap will increase. of it for public use.
So far it has been possible to make up the shortage by "But it does seem to me that in the next few years
importations from other lands. But the under-developed there will be a last opportunity to engage in a major
countries from which much of this mineral supply is work of conservation, to round out our park system, and
coming are aspiring to their own industrialization—and for this administration to provide the leadership needed
even the world supply is not unlimited. Hence my con- in this field."

42 / Desert Magazine / July, 1961

You can bet on the
in Good Old
There's more freedom in Nevada than a body
can find in a bronc buster's 12-year-old union suit.
That's why I love the state and its people.

On the leit is a portrait of Slim Law Red-headed Shorty O'Brien (pictured

of Silver Peak in the heart of Es- at the right), prospector of Fish
meralda County, Nevada. Slim told Lake Valley (also in Esmeralda
me about a wonderful echo in the County, Nevada) discovered gold
Monte Cristo Range near his place. while building a short-cut to his
"When folks came here," says shack. He figured to watch his pen-
Slim, "they go to their beds, give nies on this one by cutting all cor-
a good shout and the echo wakes ners. He economized on everything
them up in the morning." The only except a name for the mine:
sound that doesn't echo is a good "O'Brien, O'Brien and O'Brien Short-
old "hiss." A Hollywood actor Cut Bonanza Irish Diggings." Every-
bought a ranch near the canyon thing was going smooth until Shorty
on the strength of this hissless echo. So far he's went broke on some letterheads and envelopes he
heard only two "hisses"—one from a gopher snake, had printed with his mine's name on them in fancy
the other from a flat tire. hand-lettered type.

Reno is the city of oppor- ity bath is now occupied by

tunities. I got a letter the N e v a d a State
from a fellow who Prison.
was d e a d - b r o k e
when he pulled into town two weeks Propaganda Dept.: I wrote to one of
ago. Now he owes $21,000. the big Las Vegas casinos to find out
* * * why it is beginners are sure to win in
Eastern Nevada is cowboy country. a poker game. "Confidentially speak-
Fellow from Elko I know complimented ing," wrote back the casino owner, "this
his neighbor on his 10-gallon hat. is not true, but we encourage this super-
"Yeah," says the neighbor. "I bought stition because it gets the tenderfeet
this hat five years ago; had it cleaned interested."
-__ three times; changed it twice in a * * *
restaurant; and it's still just as good The only non-human thing bad
as new." about Virginia City is its Washoe
* * * Zephyr. This wind is so strong, in
In 1859 there the old days
were no bath kids used
houses in Car- iron doors
s o n , so t h e for k i t e s .
p o p u 1a - The Air Force
tion w e n t to won't a l l o w
C u r r y ' s Hot this kind
New Moon Springs. T h e of k i t e
July 12 s i t e of t h i s f l y i n g
commun- today.
Nevada's real gamblers are its gold miners. They are betting
on the politicians in Washington giving the gold industry a fair
shake. The miners don't like impossible odds—but in this case
they are stuck with them.



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