Lab 3

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Lab #3

Analysis and Simulation of switched Gm-C


ECEN 610
Mixed Signal Interfaces


Binod Adhikari (919-00-5213)

1. Consider the following circuit, where N=8 and the frequency of the clocks is 2.4 GHz and
Cs=15.925pF. The capacitors are charged in a cyclic fashion by the input current iRF.
Similarly, the voltage stored in the capacitors Cs is read cyclically at the end of each
consecutive N cycles. The output of the circuit is the concatenation of the cyclic readings of
the voltages. Consider the following 2 cases:
a) The capacitors are discharged after each read out operation, i.e. the charge of the capacitors
is zero at the beginning of the integration of every N cycles.
b) The capacitors are never discharged.
In both cases find the filter transfer function H (f) =Vo (f)/iRF (f) where Vo (f) is the
capacitor voltage. Please use a mathematical description of how the transfer function is found
and then use Matlab to plot the transfer functions.

Fig Transfer function of the system when the capacitor is discharged after every cycle
Matlab Code for the first part:
clear all
N = 8;
flo = 2.4E9;
Cap = 15.925E-12;
f = 1:1E6:2.4E9;
z = tf('z', 1/flo)
X1 = 1/(N*Cap*flo*pi)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1);
X1_tf = bodeplot(X1);

Fig 2 Transfer function of the system when the capacitor is not discharged after every cycle
Matlab Code for the second part when the capacitor is not discharged:
N = 8;
flo = 2.4E9;
Cap = 15.925E-12;
f = 1:1E6:2.4E9;
z = tf('z', 1/flo)
X1 = 1/(N*Cap*flo*pi)*1/(1-z^-1);
X1_tf = bodeplot(X1);

Fig IIR response @ RF/8

2. Now consider the addition of a history capacitor CH=15.425 pF and a rotating
capacitor CR=0.5 pF.
a.) Explain the effect of adding the capacitor CH in the transfer function that was calculated
in problem 1.
b.) Find the new transfer function and plot it using Matlab.

Fig Using a history capacitor and the rotating capacitor is discharged after every cycle
Here the sharp nodes corresponds to history capacitor.

3. Consider the following circuit. This is just an extension of the previous circuit where the
cyclic operation is extended to 8 capacitors. As in the previous circuit, every capacitor also
stores N=8 cycles of the input switched current. The output voltage is defined as the voltage
resulting from the physical connection of the bank of 4 capacitors enclosed by the rectangle
in the figure. This read out operation is also made in a cyclic fashion between the 2 bank of
capacitors. Assume ideal transistors and an ideal transconductance gm. Find a mathematical
expression for the transfer function and plot in Matlab for the following 2 situations.
a) The 4 capacitors are discharged after their connection and read out operation, i.e. the
charge of the capacitors is zero at the beginning of the integration of every N cycles.
b) The capacitors are never discharged.
c) The capacitors are discharged but they have different sizes, i.e. CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4.

Matlab Code for the part 3a:
clear all
N = 8;
M = 4;
flo = 2.4E9;
Cs = 0.5E-12;
f = 1:1E6:2.4E9;
CH = 15.425E-12
a = CH/(CH+Cs);
z = tf('z', 1/flo)
X1 = 1/(N*(CH+Cs)*flo*pi)*(1-z^-N)/(1-z^-1);
X2= 1/(N*(CH+Cs)*flo*pi)*(1-z^-N)/((1-z^-1)*(1-a*z^-N));
X1_tf = bodeplot(X1);
hold on
X3 = 1/(N*M*(CH+Cs)*flo*pi)*(1-a^(1/M*N)*z^-(M*N))/((1-z^-1)^2*(1-a^(M)*z^-N));
X3_tf = bodeplot(X3);
Part a:

Fig part 3a. The graph have some DC normalization offset but the frequency corresponds

Part 3b when the filter is not discharged.

Fig 3b when the capacitor is never discharged the system acts as an 3 rd order system with 2
order integrator.

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