The document summarizes a new seismic design standard for piers and wharves being developed by ASCE. It discusses the background and need for the standard, including billions spent on construction in seismic regions and existing codes having limited applicability. The new standard will codify current performance-based seismic design practices and be based on research specific to the marine industry. It establishes criteria for different hazard levels with the goal of minimal, controlled repairable damage rather than focusing solely on life safety.
The document summarizes a new seismic design standard for piers and wharves being developed by ASCE. It discusses the background and need for the standard, including billions spent on construction in seismic regions and existing codes having limited applicability. The new standard will codify current performance-based seismic design practices and be based on research specific to the marine industry. It establishes criteria for different hazard levels with the goal of minimal, controlled repairable damage rather than focusing solely on life safety.
Original Description:
New Asce Seismic Design Standards for Piers and Wharves
Original Title
New Asce Seismic Design Standards for Piers and Wharves
The document summarizes a new seismic design standard for piers and wharves being developed by ASCE. It discusses the background and need for the standard, including billions spent on construction in seismic regions and existing codes having limited applicability. The new standard will codify current performance-based seismic design practices and be based on research specific to the marine industry. It establishes criteria for different hazard levels with the goal of minimal, controlled repairable damage rather than focusing solely on life safety.
The document summarizes a new seismic design standard for piers and wharves being developed by ASCE. It discusses the background and need for the standard, including billions spent on construction in seismic regions and existing codes having limited applicability. The new standard will codify current performance-based seismic design practices and be based on research specific to the marine industry. It establishes criteria for different hazard levels with the goal of minimal, controlled repairable damage rather than focusing solely on life safety.
PHOTO Seismic Design of Piers and Wharves PHOTO Presented by: Gayle Johnson H l I PHOTO Halcrow, Inc. Oakland, CA PHOTO October 20, 2010 PHOTO Agenda Agenda Background / history of standards Why we are where we are Whats comingg Potential impact to the marine industry Potential impact to the marine industry ASCE Standards Committee ASCE Standards Committee Formed in 2005 National committee of >40 professionals National committee of > 40 professionals Owners, consultants, and academics Geographically diverse Heavy geotechnical emphasis y g p Includes loading and design details specific to marine structures Funding by US Navy O t ib W t B ildi k Our tribe: Were great Building guys suck. What will these new standards do? What will these new standards do? Codify current practice of performance-based seismic design seismic design National consensus document Build on work done by others specifically for Build on work done by others specifically for the marine industry C lif i St t L d C i i (MOTEMS) California State Land Commission (MOTEMS) Port of Los Angeles Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach PIANC Why is this necessary ? Why is this necessary ? Billions of dollars of construction in seismic regions P f b d d i b i d ti l Performance-based design being used routinely on a project basis Existing marine codes have limited standing Existing marine codes have limited standing Conventional building codes still often take precedence precedence Enforcement by local building officials Conventional code development controlled by building designers Major changes to those codes Code Development Code Development 2 separate paths 2 separate paths Building Industry Marine Industry Model Codes Individual Criteria by Building Designers by Owners and Marine Engineers Minimum Standards for Life Safety for Economics and Life Safety Marine Industry Historic Practice Marine Industry Historic Practice Through 1980s equivalent lateral force methods mostly AASHTO based Lateral force often specified, not calculated for each project using R values, site factors, etc. E h j (POLA POLB POAK) h i i i Each major port (POLA, POLB, POAK) set their own criteria POLA 1981 used V = 0.12 W Performance Performance--based design based design PSHAs common b mid 1980s PSHAs common by mid-1980s Two level design Port of Oakland Example Port of Oakland Example L1: 20% in 50 years (240 year RP) 7% damping 0.35g PGA 0.95g Spectral peak Divide spectral peak by risk factor of 8 L2: 50% in 50 years (72 year RP) 5% damping 0.25g PGA g 0.65g Spectral peak Use risk factor of 4 (ductility before spalling) Smaller L2 earthquake governs design (V = 0.16 W) q g g ( ) 1994 Port of Oakland Design 1994 Port of Oakland Design 1999 Port of Oakland Design 1999 Port of Oakland Design 2003 Port of Oakland Design 2003 Port of Oakland Design Were the low return periods unconservative ??? Were the low return periods unconservative ??? Compare mid-80s Oakland design to a design using 1985 UBC V = ZIKCSW Z = Zone factor (1.0 is highest for Zone 4) ( g ) I = Importance factor (1.0) K = Factor for building type (0.67 for ductile moment resisting frame) frame) CS Coefficients where CS need not exceed 0.14 Express as ultimate load by applying a 1.4 factor p ess as ut ate oad by appy g a acto V = 0.13W Less than the smaller L2 earthquake using the Port of Less than the smaller L2 earthquake using the Port of Oakland internal criteria Current marine industry seismic design practice Current marine industry seismic design practice Performance based design Ports of Los Angeles Long Beach Oakland Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland MOTEMS for California Oil Terminals (State Law in 2006)) PIANC Two level earthquake No damage level in small event No collapse and repairable in large event Deformation based criteria Pushover analyses Code Development Code Development 2 separate paths 2 separate paths Building Industry Marine Industry Model Codes Individual Criteria by Building Designers by Owners and Marine Engineers Minimum Standards for Life Safety for Economics and Life Safety Meanwhile: Meanwhile: Building Codes Building Codes The Early Days The Early Days Building Codes Building Codes The Early Days The Early Days Through 1997: Through 1997: Three model building codes adopted by building officials in US officials in US Note: Not all ports subject to local building official jurisdiction j Dominated by UBC / SEAOC Blue Book Nonbuilding structures added in 1988 g No specific reference to piers and wharves World domination by building designers World domination by building designers Post 1997: Consolidation of 3 US Model Building Codes into IBC FEMA Sponsored National Earthquake Hazards R d ti P (NEHRP) Reduction Program (NEHRP) ASCE 7 becomes focal point Different sponsoring organizations Similar but not identical documents Similar, but not identical, documents Many of the same authors Major changes to codes Major changes to codes not benign not benign Some due to lessons learned, many changes for the sake of change Huge expansion of nonbuilding structures Conflicts with existing industry practices and standards (not just piers and wharves) Major changes to ground motion definitions Biggest effect outside of California 2000 NEHRP 2000 NEHRP 2003 NEHRP 2003 NEHRP Task Committee of industry engineers A dd f b d d i Attempt to add performance-based design Crashed and burned 2003 NEHRP 2003 NEHRP ASCE 7 ASCE 7--05 05 Why was performance Why was performance- -based design rejected ? based design rejected ? Two level performance criteria L l f h ki / i d i d Levels of shaking / return periods viewed as unconservative Consistent risk vs. life-safety Displacement based design not understood Inconsistency in building code geotechnical requirements not appreciated, not a big deal for buildings Performance Criteria Performance Criteria ASCE 7 / IBC Historically was single earthquake 475 t i d 475 year return period Life safety only Now Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) q ( ) 2,500 year RP with deterministic cap Allegedly for collapse prevention Design Earthquake Design Earthquake 2/3 MCE Life Safety Really a single-level earthquake design for 2/3 MCE Performance at higher level is presumed due to implied factors of safetyfor buildings of safety for buildings Why change the 475 year return period ? Why change the 475 year return period ? Increase ground shaking in Eastern US 2%i 50 2% in 50 years Keep actual design values for California about the same the same 2/3 factor J ifi d b i h 1 f f f J ustified by inherent 1.5 factor of safety Charleston, SC Site Class D 1.2 0.8 1.0 r a t i o n
( g ) 04 0.6 r a l
A c c e l e r 0.2 0.4 S p e c t r 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Period (sec) Period (sec) 2/3 NEHRP USGS-10% in 50 Years Oakland Outer Harbor Wharf, CA Site Class D 12 1.4 1.0 1.2 a t i o n
( g ) 0.6 0.8 a l
A c c e l e r a 0.2 0.4 S p e c t r a 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Period (sec) 2/3 NEHRP USGS-10% in 50 Years Port industry issues with changes Port industry issues with changes Accelerations / forces can be scaled, displacements are not linear Massive ground failures occur in 2,500 year event that dont occur at 500 years Cant just scale those events by 2/3 Hard to distinguish between damage states for life- f t d ll ti safety and collapse prevention Inherent 1.5 FS is only for buildings Difference between life-safety and collapse is Difference between life-safety and collapse is meaningless Life safety hasnt been an issue Never have addressed lessons learned in ports 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 1995 Kobe Earthquake 1995 Kobe Earthquake 1995 Kobe Earthquake 1995 Kobe Earthquake 1995 Manzanillo, Mexico Earthquake 1995 Manzanillo, Mexico Earthquake 1995 Manzanillo, Mexico Earthquake 1995 Manzanillo, Mexico Earthquake 1999 Turkey Earthquake 1999 Turkey Earthquake 1999 Turkey Earthquake 1999 Turkey Earthquake 2004 Indonesia Earthquake / Tsunami 2004 Indonesia Earthquake / Tsunami New Standards New Standards S i i f Seismic Hazard Level and Performance Level Operating Level Earthquake (OLE)* Contingency Level Earthquake (CLE)* Design Earthquake (DE) Design Classification Ground Motion Probability of Exceedance Performance Level Ground Motion Probability of Exceedance Performance Level Seismic Hazard Level Performance Level Exceedance Exceedance High 50% in 50 years Minimal Damage 10% in 50 years Controlled and Repairable as per ASCE-7 Life Safety Protection (72 year RP) Damage (475 year RP) Repairable Damage ASCE 7 Protection M d t / / 20% in 50 years Controlled and as per Life Safety Moderate n/a n/a y (225 year RP) and Repairable Damage as per ASCE-7 Life Safety Protection Low n/a n/a n/a n/a as per ASCE-7 Life Safety Protection Does higher RP = more conservative ? Does higher RP = more conservative ? ASCE 7 2 500 year return period / non collapse 2,500 year return period / non-collapse 2/3 of that motion / life-safety Lots of design coefficients e.g. Rfactor Lots of design coefficients e.g. R factor ASCE Piers and Wharves Lower return periods Controlled and repairable damage g Failure is more functional and economical No real difference between life-safety and ll collapse Tests at Oregon State University Tests at Oregon State University Tests at University of Washington Tests at University of Washington Tests at University of Washington Tests at University of Washington 1.75 % Drift 9% Drift Advantages to industry specific standards Advantages to industry specific standards Address common structural configurations Irregularities Sloping foundations Battered piles Strong beam/ weak column Strong beam / weak column Actual loading conditions Kinematic Mooring and berthing Code developers who work in the industry Building designers think they know best Standing as ASCE Mandatory Standard Address issues like structural detailing Whats next ? Whats next ? Standard to be balloted this year L h bli i Lengthy public review process Best case published late 2011 Over time gain national standing and acceptance by building officials Continued application by marine industry Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Bob Harn Berger ABAM A l A l li E h M h i Arul Arulmoli Earth Mechanics Omar J aradat Moffatt & Nichol Nate Lemme U.S. Navy Questions ? Questions ?