Eled434 S S Lesson Plan
Eled434 S S Lesson Plan
Eled434 S S Lesson Plan
Students will
have the option
of gluing words
or writing the
words on their
* will provide the
students with
the categories
for the North and
the South. * will
tell the students
how many words
should e under
each category
Transition * will explain to the
students it is time to Anish the
last characteristic they are
wor2ing on. * will explain they
need to either put their map
in their noteoo2 to Anish
later at home or another day!
or they can turn it in for
The students will hopefully
have Anished the $ap
activity and will turn the
activity in (*f not! they will
continue to Anish the
activity at home or the
next day). The students at
this time will return to their
* will tell the students to
review their Anticipation
-uide to give them time to
change their answers under
/#hat * Cearned0
The students will review
their answers on the
Anticipation -uide and
write what they learned if
they answered a 3uestion
wrong and1or if a 3uestion
was false
.vent D
Anticipation -uide
* will go over the
Anticipation -uide y reading
the statement and answering
the T1&
The students will follow
along and correct any T1& they
answered incorrectly
* will write the
answers on the
oard as * go
through them.
#rite 5-7 on the
oard and as * go
through one at a
time write the
As2 3uestions
relating to the real
>ow do we 2now African
Americans have succeeded in
the '.S=
The students should name
ways they 2now African
Americans have een
successful y explaining who(
footall! as2etall! and
aseall players!
actors1comedians! Bresident
Eama! Eprah #infrey etc.
All (tudent learning ,ill )e (u..orted t#roug#out t#e le((on! +it#in t#e cla(( t#ere are %ariou( learning (tyle(! Many (tudent( learn )y
reading and ta3ing note(/ ot#er( learn )y .#y(ically engaging t#em(el%e( in an acti%ity/ and ot#er( learn )y di(cu((ing content ,it# t#eir .eer(!
T#roug#out t#e le((on I #a%e im.lemented di--erent ,ay( o- learning t#e di--erence( )et,een t#e nort# and t#e (out#!
Student( ,ill )e gi%en a %oca)ulary .age t#at include( 3ey .oint( -or eac# ,ord! I #a%e decided to e8tend (ome o- t#e %oca)ulary to )e
more com.le8 )ecau(e (ome (tudent( are a)le to under(tand and retain more in-ormation and are a)le to t#in3 a)(tractly! I ,ill ,rite and t#e
(tudent( ,ill co.y t#e e8tra meaning( to t#e %oca)ulary! T#e (tudent( ,#o #a%e a di--icult time ta3ing note( ,ill )e gi%en a %oca)ulary li(t ,it#
t#e e8tra meaning( already ,ritten on t#em! t#e(e (tudent( ,ill )e a)le to #ig#lig#t t#e de-inition(!
T#e categori7ing acti%ity i( meant -or (tudent( to di(cu(( and decode t#e di--erence( )et,een t#e nort# and t#e (out#! I #a%e decided to
allo, (tudent( to com.lete t#i( acti%ity in grou.( o- t,o to -our .eo.le/ alt#oug# (ome (tudent( may ,ant to ,or3 inde.endently! T#e (tudent(
are allo,ed to -ini(# t#eir Antici.ation $uide inde.endently i- t#ey com.lete t#e categori7ing acti%ity early and it #a( )een c#ec3ed -or
com.letion! I- t#e (tudent( #a%e -ini(#ed )ot# acti%itie( early t#ey ,ill ,rite a .aragra.# com.aring and contra(ting t#e nort# and t#e (out#
u(ing %oca)ulary! T#e (tudent( ,ill )e allo,ed to u(e t#e %oca)ulary (#eet( and t#e categori7ing acti%ity a( a re(ource!
T#e Ci%il +ar i( im.ortant -or (tudent( to learn/ e(.ecially in t#e -ourt# grade/ )ecau(e t#e (tudent( need to )e a,are o- t#e .ro)lem(
t#e United State( #a( encountered and o%ercome! T#e im.ortance o- t#e Ci%il +ar com.ared to today (#o,( #o, -ar t#e United State( #a(
come )ecau(e o- im.ortant document( (tating t#e -reedom o- t#e .eo.le and t#e rig#t( o- t#e .eo.le! Student( need to under(tand t#e mi(ta3e(
t#e U!S #a( made/ )ut t#e U!S #a( al(o -ound ,ay( to correct t#o(e mi(ta3e(! T#e <3
Amendment -reed (la%e( and (#ortly a-ter t#e<9
Amendment allo,ed A-rican American( t#e rig#t to %ote ,#ile at t#e time t#e Amendment ,a( .a((ed ,omen did not #a%e t#at rig#t!
Today/ t#e U!S continue( to #a%e .ro)lem( ,it# allo,ing .eo.le t#eir rig#t(! +#ile all U!S citi7en( are #a%e -reedom (ome citi7en(
(truggle to gain t#eir rig#t(! A current (truggle t#at can )e related to t#e rig#t( o- (la%e( i( t#e rig#t( o- #omo(e8ual( to #a%e t#e rig#t to )e
married and #a%e t#e (ame )ene-it( o- #etero(e8ual(!
T#e Ci%il +ar le((on i( a..ro.riate -or -ourt# grade (tudent( )ecau(e t#ey are )eginning to gra(. t#e ,orld around t#em! T#e (tudent(
are muc# more o)(er%ant o- ,#at i( #a..ening in t#e real ,orld! T#e (tudent( ,ill under(tand t#e et#ical dilemma( t#at (la%e( encountered and
,ill )e a)le to com.are t#e (ucce(( o- A-rican American( today! T#ere are many (ucce((-ul A-rican American( and ot#er culture( in t#e U!S
t#at are (ucce((-ul ,#o are not a.art o- t#e Cauca(ian race! Pre(ident &ara3 O)ama i( a .rime e8am.le o- t#e mile (tone A-rican American(
#a%e ta3en to )ecome (ucce((-ul!
T#e Ci%il +ar .layed an im.ortant role -or all culture( economically/ ci%illy/ #i(torically/ and .olitically! T#e meaning o- t#e Ci%il +ar
and (ome .eo.leC( rig#t( today are (imilar to ,#at t#e U!S i( )attling today! T#e mile (tone o- A-rican American( i( a..arent t#e (tudent( ,ill
)e a)le to addre(( #o, t#ey 3no, t#e U!S #a( (ocially (ucceeded!
T#e (tudent( may not (ee t#e %alue in t#e -ir(t acti%ity ,#ere t#e Ci%il +ar i( created u(ing a to.ic t#ey under(tand! T#e (tudent( may
not ma3e t#e connection! I ,ill need to e8.lain t#e connection )et,een t#e Ci%il +ar and t#e relata)le acti%ity! I ,ill do t#i( )y .ro)ing
2ue(tion( a)out t#e Ci%il +ar and t#e (cenario o- t#e mot#er and #er c#ild!
Some (tudent( may not -ini(# t#e acti%ity during t#e allotted time! T#e (tudent( ,ill )e a)le to -ini(# t#e acti%ity at anot#er time
,#et#er it i( -or #ome,or3 or during e8tra time t#roug#out t#e day!
Student( may )e re(tle(( later in t#e morning and a-ter lunc#Erece((! I ,ill need to 3ee. t#e (tudent( on ta(3 )y ,al3ing around t#e
room and o)(er%ing eac# grou.( com.letion o- t#e acti%ity!
Lesson Implementation Reflection
As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience. Use the questions/prompts below to guide your thinking. Be thorough in your
reflection and use specific examples to support your insights.
I! 5o, did your actual teac#ing o- t#e le((on di--er -rom your .lan(6 De(cri)e t#e c#ange( and e8.lain ,#y you made t#em!
II! &a(ed on t#e a((e((ment you created/ ,#at can you conclude a)out your im.act on (tudent learning6 Did t#ey learn6 +#o learned6 +#at did t#ey
learn6 +#at e%idence can you o--er t#at your conclu(ion( are %alid6
III! De(cri)e at lea(t one ,ay you could incor.orate de%elo.mentally a..ro.riate .ractice in a )etter or more t#oroug# ,ay i- you ,ere to teac# t#i(
le((on again!
I0! &a(ed on t#e a((e((ment data you collected/ ,#at ,ould you doEteac# ne8t i- you ,ere t#e cla((room teac#er6
0! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out young c#ildren a( learner(6
0I! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out teac#ing6
0II! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out your(el-6