Eled434 S S Lesson Plan

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JMU Elementary Education Program: ELED 434 ALL SECTIOS

A! TITLE O" LESSO: T#e $reat Di%ide
T#e (tudent( #a%e recently learned a)out t#e *e%olutionary +ar and ,ill )e -ini(#ing Im.ortant Document( (uc# a( t#e Declaration o-
Inde.endence/ t#e &ill o- *ig#t(/ t#e Con(titution/ t#e 0A document(!!!!.rior to t#e introduction o- t#e Ci%il +ar! T#e (tudent( ,ill relate to t#e
di%ide o- t#e ort# and Sout# )ecau(e 0irginia #ad a ma1or role in t#e (ece((ion -rom t#e Union! T#e le((on -it( into t#e curriculum (e2uence
)ecau(e a-ter t#e Engli(# Settler( made a deal ,it# t#e Indian( t#ey )egan to )ecome ric# in agriculture! T#e Engli(# did not ,ant to .er-orm
t#e la)or inten(i%e ,or3 to)acco needed !T#e Engli(# decided to u(e (la%e( to .er-orm t#e ,or3 and )ecome .ro-ita)le! T#e le((on teac#e(
moral( and t#e (tudent( are a)le to under(tand #o, -ar t#e United State( #a( come -rom t#e time in #i(tory ,#en t#ere ,a( (la%ery!
Under(tand 4no, Do
Student( ,ill under(tand
t#e et#ical dilemma o-
Student( ,ill under(tand
#o, t#e rig#t( o- A-rican
American( #a%e c#anged
Student( ,ill under(tand
#o, A-rican American(
#a%e )ecome an im.ortant
.art o- 0irginia and t#e
United State(
+#at t#e cau(e o- t#e Ci%il
+ar ,a(
5o, t#e Ci%il +ar )egan
+#y ,a( t#e economy
di--erent in t#e ort# and
Sout#! +#at indu(trie(
,ere in t#e ort#6 T#e
nort# ,a( more
indu(triali7ed )ecau(e it
)ecame more ur)an -rom
immigrant( -rom Euro.e
T#e (tudent( ,ill com.are
and contra(t t#e ort# and
t#e Sout#
T#e (tudent( ,ill e8.lain
t#e di--erence )et,een t#e
Union and t#e Con-ederacy
T#e (tudent( ,ill ma3e
generali7ation( a)out ,#at
(la%ery ,a( and ,#at it
meant to )e a (la%e
T#e -ollo,ing in-ormation (#ould )e included in t#e #eader o- t#e le((on .lan:
Candice Manuel
Diana Altomore/ Sandy 5oo3 Elementary Sc#ool
Marc# 9/ :;<4/ <<:;;=<<:3; AM and <:::9=<:;; PM
"e)ruary :>/ :;<4 and Marc# </ :;<4
landed in t#e nort#:
*ailroad(/ .ar3(
+#at ,a( t#e economy in
t#e (out#6 Agriculture:
-arming o- to)acco and
T#e ort#ern (tate( ,ere
?"ree State(@ and a .art o-
t#e Union
T#e Sout#ern (tate( ,ere
?(la%e (tate(@ a .art o- t#e
The Students will
explain what separated
the North from the
South (vise-versa)
The students will
accurately complete a
categorizing activity.
The students will
correctly complete the
Anticipation guide y
the end of the lesson
Diagnostic features:
The categorizing
activity will e
correctly categorized
into the North (lue)!
South (gray)! and
New States (any
The students will
have written or glued
geographically on a
"ivil #ar $ap.
The students will
have made three
di%erent categories
for oth the North
and the South
Economy: South-
Agriculture and
Students who have
troule with
content will e
given the
categories for the
North and the
South. They will
also e told how
many items go into
each category.
All students will e
ale to use their
vocaulary notes
Slavery: North &ree
States-'nion! South-
Slave States-
"onfederacy and New
States( &ree States-
'nion! People:
Aolitionists! )evolt!
'nderground )ailroad

T#e (tudent ,ill demon(trate 3no,ledge o- t#e i((ue( t#at di%ided our nation and led to t#e Ci%il +ar )y
aB identi-ying t#e e%ent( and di--erence( )et,een nort#ern and (out#ern (tate( t#at di%ided 0irginian( and led to (ece((ion/ ,ar/ and t#e creation o- +e(t
Antici.ation $uide -or Eac# Student
*a. Song
*a. Song Lyric( -or Eac# Student
0oca)ulary Li(t
Ma. o- United State( During t#e Ci%il +ar
Crayon( A&lue and $rayB
Activity Element
& Time (in
Procedures and management Students Academic, pysical,
social & linguistic
resources, and
Anticipation -uide
* will use a rap song
the students can
follow along to
aout the "ivil #ar
.ach student will e
handed an Anticipation -uide.
* will explain to the students
they only need to complete
the /efore0 T1& column
ecause * want to 2now what
they already 2now.
* will engage the students
in the lesson y having them
listen to a "ivil #ar rap. * will
hand out the lyrics to each
The students will complete
the Anticipation -uide
answering T1& 3uestions aout
the "ivil #ar using prior
2nowledge. The students will
not have to answer the T1&
statements correctly at this
point in the lesson
The students will follow
along with the "ivil #ar rap
and identify 2ey ideas
Students will e
allowed to as2
3uestions aout
the Anticipation
-uide. 4uestions
may refer to word
meanings or
The Anticipation
guide will include
/fun facts0 aout
the 56
! 5+
! and
to encourage
higher order
.vent 5
"reate the "ivil war
while implementing
2ey vocaulary
* will present a scenario( A
poor mother is unale to
a%ord her infant:s
medication. The mother
decides late one night she
will rea2 into the local
)ite Aid and steal the
medication for her child.
* will as2 the students to
write on a scrap piece of
paper if they elieve the
mother was right! wrong!
or unsure for stealing
* will then as2 the students
who cannot decide! who
elieves the mother was
wrong! and who elieves
the mother was not wrong.
* will tell them they as a
whole class represent the
'.S and the "nion
At this point! * will tell the
The students will
participate in discussion aout
the di%erences in the North
and the South
The students will divide
themselves ased on their
eliefs if the woman in the
scenario was right to rea2
into a local usiness and steal
medication for her child
The students will
e physically
recreating the "ivil
The students will
use each other as
a source for
The students will
as2 3uestions
students we are going to
recreate the "ivil #ar. * will
tell them the class will e
divided ased on their
outloo2s aout the
scenario. * will explain the
scenario was to show how
di%erence in opinion in
terms of slavery divided
the North and the South.
;ased on the students:
answers they will e
separated into the
South1Slave States. The
south ro2e away1
seceded to create their
own government and
country. The north is now
the #ree States and is
still the "nion$
The students who could
not decide will e split in
half to go to the North and
go to the South ecause
there were people who
disagreed with slavery! ut
still lived in the south and
people agreed with
slavery! ut lived in the
The North is still
considered the "nion and
the south is now the
The North was against
slavery. <ue to the fact
that the North was unale
to have rich agricultural
land they mostly made
their goods. #here the
south had land that was
ale to produce crops such
as toacco.
Activists who wanted to
end slavery and tried to
convince the south to
agree were a&olitionists.
<o you thin2 everyone in
the south was for
slavery=.....Those who
were not such as Nat
Turner! a slave! led people
to go against1revolt the
slave owners.
The a&olitionists who
were a part of the "nion
as >arriet Tuman led the
"nderground 'ailroad.
#hat do you thin2 the
'nderground )ailroad
#here do you thin2 the ')
lead to=
5 min
Turn and Tell
* will as2 the students to
tell a neighor what they have
learned so far
The students will choose a
neighor(s) and 3uic2ly say
one or two things aout what
they have learned so far in
the lesson
.vent ?
-o over @ocaulary
using discussion of
the scenario
&inish any
.ach student will e
handed a wor2sheet with
the vocaulary and the
* will discuss each
vocaulary word
individually y Ast relating
the word to the aove
The students will e
actively engaged and
writing and highlighting
important 2ey words
The students will e
engaged in what they
thin2 the vocaulary
means y using examples
from the activity1scenario
Any extra notes
for vocaulary
words will e
typed for
students who
need the extra
help. *nstead of
the students
having to write
@ocaulary after
recess if necessary
* will discuss each
vocaulary word and as2
the students to highlight
the important words.
* will as2 the students to
write elow the deAnition
important points to
consider that may not e
included in the deAnition
the extra notes.
5 min
Turn and Tell
* will as2 the students to
tell a neighor what they
have learned so far
The students will turn to a
neighor that they sit next to
and say one or two things
they have learned from the
.vent 6
&inish any
"ategorizing Activity
("an use Bartners)
* will hand out a '.S map
that resemles the '.S at the
time of the "ivil #ar
* will explain the Southern
states will need to e colored
in lue! the Northern states
grey! and the New states may
e a color of the students
* will explain to the
students they need to
categorize the
into the North and South y
using either pictures or
The students will discuss
the di%erences etween the
North and the South in order
to categorize the di%erent

Students will
have the option
of gluing words
or writing the
words on their
* will provide the
students with
the categories
for the North and
the South. * will
tell the students
how many words
should e under
each category
Transition * will explain to the
students it is time to Anish the
last characteristic they are
wor2ing on. * will explain they
need to either put their map
in their noteoo2 to Anish
later at home or another day!
or they can turn it in for
The students will hopefully
have Anished the $ap
activity and will turn the
activity in (*f not! they will
continue to Anish the
activity at home or the
next day). The students at
this time will return to their
* will tell the students to
review their Anticipation
-uide to give them time to
change their answers under
/#hat * Cearned0
The students will review
their answers on the
Anticipation -uide and
write what they learned if
they answered a 3uestion
wrong and1or if a 3uestion
was false
.vent D
Anticipation -uide
* will go over the
Anticipation -uide y reading
the statement and answering
the T1&
The students will follow
along and correct any T1& they
answered incorrectly
* will write the
answers on the
oard as * go
through them.
#rite 5-7 on the
oard and as * go
through one at a
time write the
As2 3uestions
relating to the real
>ow do we 2now African
Americans have succeeded in
the '.S=
The students should name
ways they 2now African
Americans have een
successful y explaining who(
footall! as2etall! and
aseall players!
actors1comedians! Bresident
Eama! Eprah #infrey etc.
All (tudent learning ,ill )e (u..orted t#roug#out t#e le((on! +it#in t#e cla(( t#ere are %ariou( learning (tyle(! Many (tudent( learn )y
reading and ta3ing note(/ ot#er( learn )y .#y(ically engaging t#em(el%e( in an acti%ity/ and ot#er( learn )y di(cu((ing content ,it# t#eir .eer(!
T#roug#out t#e le((on I #a%e im.lemented di--erent ,ay( o- learning t#e di--erence( )et,een t#e nort# and t#e (out#!
Student( ,ill )e gi%en a %oca)ulary .age t#at include( 3ey .oint( -or eac# ,ord! I #a%e decided to e8tend (ome o- t#e %oca)ulary to )e
more com.le8 )ecau(e (ome (tudent( are a)le to under(tand and retain more in-ormation and are a)le to t#in3 a)(tractly! I ,ill ,rite and t#e
(tudent( ,ill co.y t#e e8tra meaning( to t#e %oca)ulary! T#e (tudent( ,#o #a%e a di--icult time ta3ing note( ,ill )e gi%en a %oca)ulary li(t ,it#
t#e e8tra meaning( already ,ritten on t#em! t#e(e (tudent( ,ill )e a)le to #ig#lig#t t#e de-inition(!
T#e categori7ing acti%ity i( meant -or (tudent( to di(cu(( and decode t#e di--erence( )et,een t#e nort# and t#e (out#! I #a%e decided to
allo, (tudent( to com.lete t#i( acti%ity in grou.( o- t,o to -our .eo.le/ alt#oug# (ome (tudent( may ,ant to ,or3 inde.endently! T#e (tudent(
are allo,ed to -ini(# t#eir Antici.ation $uide inde.endently i- t#ey com.lete t#e categori7ing acti%ity early and it #a( )een c#ec3ed -or
com.letion! I- t#e (tudent( #a%e -ini(#ed )ot# acti%itie( early t#ey ,ill ,rite a .aragra.# com.aring and contra(ting t#e nort# and t#e (out#
u(ing %oca)ulary! T#e (tudent( ,ill )e allo,ed to u(e t#e %oca)ulary (#eet( and t#e categori7ing acti%ity a( a re(ource!
T#e Ci%il +ar i( im.ortant -or (tudent( to learn/ e(.ecially in t#e -ourt# grade/ )ecau(e t#e (tudent( need to )e a,are o- t#e .ro)lem(
t#e United State( #a( encountered and o%ercome! T#e im.ortance o- t#e Ci%il +ar com.ared to today (#o,( #o, -ar t#e United State( #a(
come )ecau(e o- im.ortant document( (tating t#e -reedom o- t#e .eo.le and t#e rig#t( o- t#e .eo.le! Student( need to under(tand t#e mi(ta3e(
t#e U!S #a( made/ )ut t#e U!S #a( al(o -ound ,ay( to correct t#o(e mi(ta3e(! T#e <3
Amendment -reed (la%e( and (#ortly a-ter t#e<9

Amendment allo,ed A-rican American( t#e rig#t to %ote ,#ile at t#e time t#e Amendment ,a( .a((ed ,omen did not #a%e t#at rig#t!
Today/ t#e U!S continue( to #a%e .ro)lem( ,it# allo,ing .eo.le t#eir rig#t(! +#ile all U!S citi7en( are #a%e -reedom (ome citi7en(
(truggle to gain t#eir rig#t(! A current (truggle t#at can )e related to t#e rig#t( o- (la%e( i( t#e rig#t( o- #omo(e8ual( to #a%e t#e rig#t to )e
married and #a%e t#e (ame )ene-it( o- #etero(e8ual(!
T#e Ci%il +ar le((on i( a..ro.riate -or -ourt# grade (tudent( )ecau(e t#ey are )eginning to gra(. t#e ,orld around t#em! T#e (tudent(
are muc# more o)(er%ant o- ,#at i( #a..ening in t#e real ,orld! T#e (tudent( ,ill under(tand t#e et#ical dilemma( t#at (la%e( encountered and
,ill )e a)le to com.are t#e (ucce(( o- A-rican American( today! T#ere are many (ucce((-ul A-rican American( and ot#er culture( in t#e U!S
t#at are (ucce((-ul ,#o are not a.art o- t#e Cauca(ian race! Pre(ident &ara3 O)ama i( a .rime e8am.le o- t#e mile (tone A-rican American(
#a%e ta3en to )ecome (ucce((-ul!
T#e Ci%il +ar .layed an im.ortant role -or all culture( economically/ ci%illy/ #i(torically/ and .olitically! T#e meaning o- t#e Ci%il +ar
and (ome .eo.leC( rig#t( today are (imilar to ,#at t#e U!S i( )attling today! T#e mile (tone o- A-rican American( i( a..arent t#e (tudent( ,ill
)e a)le to addre(( #o, t#ey 3no, t#e U!S #a( (ocially (ucceeded!
T#e (tudent( may not (ee t#e %alue in t#e -ir(t acti%ity ,#ere t#e Ci%il +ar i( created u(ing a to.ic t#ey under(tand! T#e (tudent( may
not ma3e t#e connection! I ,ill need to e8.lain t#e connection )et,een t#e Ci%il +ar and t#e relata)le acti%ity! I ,ill do t#i( )y .ro)ing
2ue(tion( a)out t#e Ci%il +ar and t#e (cenario o- t#e mot#er and #er c#ild!
Some (tudent( may not -ini(# t#e acti%ity during t#e allotted time! T#e (tudent( ,ill )e a)le to -ini(# t#e acti%ity at anot#er time
,#et#er it i( -or #ome,or3 or during e8tra time t#roug#out t#e day!
Student( may )e re(tle(( later in t#e morning and a-ter lunc#Erece((! I ,ill need to 3ee. t#e (tudent( on ta(3 )y ,al3ing around t#e
room and o)(er%ing eac# grou.( com.letion o- t#e acti%ity!
Lesson Implementation Reflection
As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience. Use the questions/prompts below to guide your thinking. Be thorough in your
reflection and use specific examples to support your insights.
I! 5o, did your actual teac#ing o- t#e le((on di--er -rom your .lan(6 De(cri)e t#e c#ange( and e8.lain ,#y you made t#em!
II! &a(ed on t#e a((e((ment you created/ ,#at can you conclude a)out your im.act on (tudent learning6 Did t#ey learn6 +#o learned6 +#at did t#ey
learn6 +#at e%idence can you o--er t#at your conclu(ion( are %alid6
III! De(cri)e at lea(t one ,ay you could incor.orate de%elo.mentally a..ro.riate .ractice in a )etter or more t#oroug# ,ay i- you ,ere to teac# t#i(
le((on again!
I0! &a(ed on t#e a((e((ment data you collected/ ,#at ,ould you doEteac# ne8t i- you ,ere t#e cla((room teac#er6
0! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out young c#ildren a( learner(6
0I! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out teac#ing6
0II! A( a re(ult o- .lanning and teac#ing t#i( le((on/ ,#at #a%e you learned or #ad rein-orced a)out your(el-6

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