Anand Sutra

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(Formulas For Happiness)

Anand Sura
Formulas !or "appiness
# $ #
T"e Foun %! &our Inspiraion'
W"a is "e sour(e o! "e ur)es you "a*e+ Are you in!luen(ed ,y
"e "in)s you "ear and see ouside+ I! "a ,e "e (ase- your mind
.ill /eep !lu(uain)- ,e(ause "e "in)s you see and "ear /eep
("an)in)' &ou .ill /eep )ein) a *ariey o! resol*es- "ou)"s-
and (on(lusions' Di!!eren /inds o! a(i*iies .ill (ome and )o in
your li!e'
Ho.e*er- i! you are inspired ,y "e Is".ara .i"in you- ."o is
(ompleely !ree !rom "e e0ernal .orld1 i! you ry o /eep your
"ou)"s lin/ed o Him- "en your desires .ill mer)e ino His' T"e
Is".ara is "e antaryaami He is in all "ears' He is omnis(ien
and!ul' W"en you mer)e ino Him- you ,e(ome sa,le-
and you- yoursel!- ,e(ome a reasure "ouse o! /no.led)e and
# 6 #
Ser*i(e Wi"ou 7ride'
I is (erain "a you "a*e a desire in your "ear o ser*e o"ers-
,e(ause you (anno li*e .i"ou a((epin) ser*i(e !rom o"ers'
W"a needs o ,e o,ser*ed is- "o. do you .is" o render ser*i(e
is i a((ordin) o your o.n pre!eren(e- or is i a((ordin) o "e
pre!eren(e o! "e one you ser*e+ Do you .is" o )i*e (om!or and
pleasure- or do you .is" o ,ene!i "im+ T"ese are .o di!!eren
"in)s- "ou)" "ey may o((asionally ,e one' I is di!!i(ul o
dis(riminae' %ur o.n desire )es aa("ed o our ser*i(e'
%,ser*e minuely do you !eel pride ."en you render some
ser*i(e- or no+ I! your ser*i(e o "e Is".ara ."o is "e Ama
o! all and o "umaniy- o "e so(iey- (ommuniy- or reli)ious
se(- any pari(ular (lass o! people- or any o"er- resuls in your
!eelin) "a you "a*e done some"in) )rea- "en "a ser*i(e is
no rendered o any o"er' &ou "a*e ser*ed yoursel!1 your *aniy'
T"e sandal pase .as applied on your !ore"ead' T"e )arland .as
pla(ed round your ne(/' I .as you ."o )o "e bhoga sukha ("e
pleasure o! indul)in) yoursel!)' T"e "in) o ,e (are!ul a,ou is
"a *aniy or pride s"ould no (ome ino your mind ."en you
ser*e anyone'
T"e .orld is *ery lar)e- and is needs are immense' &our ser*i(e
is no e*en a drop in "e o(ean' 80perien(e "e 9nan- and
"e ama:in) (reaion o! "e Is".ara' He is .i"in you' &ou .ill
see "a you "a*e no indi*idual e0isen(e or imporan(e' ;oninue
o ,e an insrumen o! "e Is".ara- and )o on ser*in)'
# < #
Ad"i/ara (8li)i,iliy)'
Do you "a*e an in(linaion o do some .or/+ 9i*e a )ood "ou)"
o ."a you .is" o do' Be!ore a/in) a de(ision or sarin)
any"in)- you s"ould ("e(/ your o.n eli)i,iliy and (apa,iliy'
Don= do a do(or=s .or/ i! you are an en)ineer' Don= ry o ,e a
p"ilosop"er i! you are a s(ienis' Ta/e up "e su,>e( in ."i("
you are rained'
Do you "a*e a proper undersandin) o! ."a you .an- and ."a
your (apa(iy is+ ;"e(/ "a "e .or/ you .an o do is no
improper or unsuia,le !or you' ;onsider all "ese !a(ors ,e!ore
a/in) a de(ision'
W"i(" desire do you "ope o !ul!ill "rou)" "e .or/ you plan o
do+ T"e desire .ill lea*e you as soon as i is !ul!illed' &ou .ill no
lon)er "a*e an in(linaion !or i' A imes- "e !ul!illmen o! some
desire (auses s"ame and dis)us' So- i is no lo)i(al o !ollo.
e*ery in(linaion'
T"ere is a purpose !or doin) "in)s- and "e purpose is separae
!rom "e desire' T"e purpose o! doin) some"in) is "a "e resul-
or !rui- o! your a(ion remains .i" you- mer)es ino you' W"a
lea*es is "e kaama (desire)- ."a remains is "e prayojana
(purpose)' We s"ould do some"in) only a!er (onsiderin) our
eli)i,iliy- "e deails o! "e .or/- our (apa(iy and undersandin)-
and also ."e"er i is morally ri)"- and "e purpose i .ill ser*e'
Will "e .or/ you are plannin) !ul!ill your purpose+ W"y+ W"a
is your purpose+ Is i o de*elop "e su,le su,(ons(ious
impressions !or e"i(al li*in)+ Is i o de*elop a uni*ersal
,ene*olen(e- ,"a/i !or B"a).an- or o,ainin) Ta*a)nan
(enli)"enmen)+ I! you )e "ese- "ey .ill remain .i" you'
<' $' $345'
# ? #
San/alpa (Resol*e)
I is "e rule in "e @edi( (ulure "a .e ma/e a sankalpa
(resol*e) ,e!ore undera/in) any ne. reli)ious rie' San/alpa
means samyak kalpanaa a .ell "ou)"2ou s("eme "a is
undera/en a!er a !ull (onsideraion o! all aspe(s' Unless you
"a*e a proper plan- "ere is "e possi,iliy o! une0pe(ed o,sa(les
(roppin) up o "inder your pro)ress' T"is does no apply only o
@edi( riuals1 i also applies o .orldly a(i*iies and ,usiness
T"e san/alpa in(ludes#
$' Remem,erin) S"ri 9anes"a- "e remo*er o! all o,sa(les'
6' Remem,erin) B"a).an'
<' De(idin) ."i(" lo(aion .ill ,e "e mos suia,le !or "e
?' W"en "e .or/ s"ould ,e done- "a is- (onsiderin) "e
5' W"ere "e Bra"mins and ser*ans s"ould ,e ,rou)" !rom-
!or "e .or/'
A' W"a .or/ .ill you- yoursel!- "a*e o do'
B' W"i(" pla(e .ill ,e mos (on*enien !or )ein) all "e iems
you .ill need'
4' T"e len)" o! ime i .ill a/e !or you o (omplee "e .or/'
3' To ."a e0en .ill "is .or/ !ul!ill or remo*e your
.orldly desires+
$C' Is "is .or/ a radiion in your !amily- or no+
$$' Is "is .or/ ,ein) done a "e (ommand o! your elders-
or are you doin) i a your o.n ."im+
$6' Ho. sron) is your deerminaion re)ardin) "is .or/+
$<' Ho. endurin) .ill "e !rui o! "is .or/ ,e+ Will i ,e
eernal or !leein)+
T"e san/alpa indi(aes all "ese poins' W"e"er you do a
&a)ya or plan o se up a !a(ory- "is is use!ul !or ,o"'
?' $' $345'
# 5 #
Be Aler'
To remain idle is o ,e one .i" "e jada (insensae)' T"a
means- o ,e(ome inanimae' Indolen(e- dro.siness- and
!or)e!ulness are Tamo )una ("e enden(y o! dullness
and !auly undersandin))' W"en you are in "is sae- your
(ons(iousness and >oy!ulness disappear' W"en you pu in an
e!!or- your inelle( and en>oymen are a.o/en' I is an
indi(aion o! un(onrolled desire ."en you do some"in) "a is
!or,idden ,y "e S"asras'
Desire- an)er- )reed- and !auly "in/in) lead you o .ron)
a(ions' D"arma is needed o (onrol "e dri*e o! desire'
D"arma is "e "a resrains your mind and senses' I
is sel!2(onrol' D"arma lays do.n "e rules a,ou ."a you
s"ould a/e- do- indul)e in- and say' I is D"arma o o,ey "e
rules' Diso,edien(e is !louin) D"arma' Firmness in ad"erin)
o your D"arma ma/es your li!e!ul' &our desires ,e(ome
dis(iplined ."en you o,ey "e (ommands o! D"arma'
Ho.e*er- D"arma ,e(omes se(ondary ."en i is done !or
)ainin) some"in)1 "e o,>e( o! your desire ,e(omes primary'
A man ."o is !illed .i" desires is piia,le and sullied'
Nishkaama karma is .or/ "a is done .i"ou any sel!is"
desire' Su(" .or/ is an indi(aion o! a pure mind' W"en "e
mind ,e(omes !ree o! .orldly (onsideraions- "e person .ill
ei"er )o ino a Samad"i (deep mediaion)- or sar "in/in)
a,ou "e Ama' Inrospe(i*e "ou)" is "e e!!ul)en(e o! "e
mind' T"e anaatmaa ("a ."i(" is no "e Ama)- or "e
presen(e or a,sen(e o! dualiy- is re*ealed in "is e!!ul)en(e' I
is an a.areness o! "e non2dual naure o! "e Ama'
T"ere!ore- sa*e yoursel! !rom idleness' 9i*e up .ron) a(ions'
Su,due desires' Be !ree o! .orldly resol*es- and "in/ a,ou "e
Ama' T"ese are "e main me"ods !or a "appy li!e' Aatma-
chintan (mediain) upon "e Ama) is no an ad*ersary o!
.orldly inera(ion' I (an ,e done as you (oninue o .or/
unsel!is"ly' T"e !eelin)s o! inadeDua(y- inner po*ery- and
inner impuriy (anno ,e remo*ed .i"ou Ama2("inan' &ou
.ill (oninue o !eel oppressed ,y sorro.- la(/ o! pea(e- and
!oolis"ness' So- you s"ould al.ays ,e aler'
5' $' $345'
# A #
T"e Falla(y o! T"in/in) &oursel! o ,e "e Doer'
A(ions are done- ,u ."a is "eir (ause+ Is i 7ra/rii ("e
Is".ara=s o! ;reaion1 Naure)+ Is i "e "ree )unas
(!lu(uain) enden(ies o! lo!y- mi0ed- and ur)es)+ Is i
"e Is".ara- is i a mi0ure o! many !a(ors- or is i some"in)
else+ %pinions di!!er re)ardin) "is' Some ,lame "e pre*ailin)
era- a(ions done in pas li*es- "e emperamen o! "e
indi*idual- (oin(iden(e- e('
T"e main poin is no ."e"er some a(ion is ,ein) done or no'
W"e"er "e a(ion is sakaama (moi*aed ,y sel!is" desire) or
no- is also no "e mos imporan poin' T"e imporan poin is-
do you !eel "a you are "e kartaa (doer o! "e a(ion) or no+
To "in/ "a you are "e doer o! any a(ion (aused ,y
inde!ina,le !a(ors is li/e "in/in) "a you "a*e (reaed "e
sars "a s"ine in "e s/y' &ou may (lin) o "e su,le *aniy o!
,ein) "e /ara- or you may ,lame praarabdha (!ae (reaed ,y
a(ions done in pas li*es)' &ou (an dan(e o "e pipin) o! your
desires- or you (an !lo. .i" "e sream o! so(iey- risin) and
("an)in) .i" is ripples and (urrens'
T"a is all ri)"- ,u do you /no. ."o you a(ually are+ To
,elie*e "a you are "e /ara is agnaana (la(/ o! 9nan)' To
,elie*e "a you are "e bhoktaa ("e one ."o "as "e pleasan
and unpleasan e0perien(es) is also a)nan' I is a bhram
(!alla(y) o ,elie*e yoursel! o ,e "e ,"o/a o! any"in) in "is
.orld or in "e realms a!er dea"' I is a !alla(y o (onsider
yoursel! o ,e "e /ara2,"o/a' Nara/ (Hell2Hea*en)
are o,ained a((ordin) o your ima)inaion'
To see "e Ama as some"in) separae is also an illusion' A
separae o,>e( (anno ,e "e essen(e o! "e Ama' T"a ."i("
is seen- is separae !rom "e one ."o sees' T"e one ."o sees is
separae' He is some o"er' W"en .e ,e(ome a.are o! our non2
dual Sel!- .e o*er(ome "e !auly impression o! ,ein) a
separae eniy' We undersand "a .e are poorna (."ole-
(omplee)' So- /no. your Sel!' Ne)ae "e seemin) realiy o!
,ein) "e /ara- ,"o/a- and sansaaree (o! "is inera(i*e
.orld)' All "ese sem !rom your !auly undersandin)' I!
a(ions are done- le "em ,e done' I! "ey are no done- le
"em )o' &our Sel! is "appy and (are!ree' I is paramaananda
(supreme ,liss)' I is li,eraed- re)ardless "o. you li*e'
B' $' $345'
# B #
W"a does aneervachaneeya mean+ W"a .ould you (all
some"in) "a appears o ,e some"in) !rom one *ie.poin-
and some"in) else !rom ano"er *ie.poin+ In su(" a (ase- you
(an= say "a i is real !rom one *ie.poin1 nor (an you (all i
unreal !rom ano"er *ie.poin' T"en- doesn= "a ma/e i
some"in) "a (anno ,e de!ined+ T"a is anir*a("aniya' I is a
relai*e ru"- some"in) "a (anno ,e (learly de!ined'
An o,>e( "a is o "e Wes o! one person .ill ,e o "e 8as o!
ano"er person' T"a- ."i(" is "i)" !rom one poin .ill ,e lo.
!rom ano"er poin' W"i(" (an you say is (orre( 8as or
Wes1 "i)" or lo.+ Tell meE
S"e- ."o is a mo"er in one person=s eyes- is a dau)"er in "e
eyes o! ano"er' He- ."o is someone=s !a"er- is a son o
someone else' Is "e lady a mo"er or a dau)"er+ Is "e man a
son or a !a"er+ I is "e *ie.poin o! di!!eren people "a
ma/es one o,>e( appear o ,e di!!eren'
T"en- is "ere a di!!eren(e in "eir drishti (*ie.poin)+ No' T"e
di!!eren(e is in "e o,>e(s' In "a (ase- !rom one *ie.poin i
is "e vastu (o,>e()- and !rom ano"er *ie.poin i is "e dris"i
"a is di!!eren' Doesn= "is ,e(ome anir*a("aniya+
W"en you ,elie*e yoursel! o ,e "e ,ody- senses- praana (li!e
spiri)- mind- inelle(- or a pea(e "a is- ."en you aa("
yoursel! o "ese and ideni!y .i" "em- and "en loo/ a "e
drishya ("a ."i(" is seen) you (anno (all i !alse' Ho.e*er-
."en you ne)ae all "ese- or pu "em aside !or a ."ile- and
,e(ome !ree o! "e !a(ors o! spa(e and ime and ima)inaion1
and /no. your Sel! o ,e "e Bra"man- you (anno say "a "e
.orld is real' &ou (anno (all i Saya ("a- ."i(" (an ne*er ,e
ne)aed)' T"is is "e Dualiy o! anirvachaniyataa ,ein)
,eyond de!iniion' From ."i(" *ie.poin do you see
e*ery"in)+ W"a are you ."en you see "e .orld+ Ho. !ar in
"e pas or !uure do you see+ &ou are rapped in "e ma:e o!
bhram (!alse impressions)'
W"a is Saya in "e undersandin) o! an agnaani (one ."o
la(/s 9nan)- (anno ,e (alled Saya ,y a 9nani (enli)"ened
person)' T"a ma/es i anir*a("aniya' Worldly people are
ensnared in "is'
Jhoothai hee le`naa, jhoothai hee de`naa,
Jhoothai hee bhojana, jhootha chabe`naa.
(T"e a/in) is !alse- "e )i*in) is !alse- "e meal is ima)ined
and "e a(or preends o ea')
4' $' $345'
# 4 #
T"e Sren)" o! Aa("mens'
A !irs you !eel Duie (on!iden o! your a,iliy o )i*e up any
a(i*iy' &ou "in/- FI ("ose o sar i' I "a*e a((eped i' I is
under my (onrol'= A !e. days laer- "e a(i*iy ,e(omes a
"a,i "a is e0remely di!!i(ul o ,rea/' I! "e "a,i enails "e
(ooperaion o! ano"er person- i ,inds you li/e a sron) ("ain'
&ou s"ould- "ere!ore- le yoursel! !orm only "ose "a,is "a
you ,elie*e in- and (an (oninue .i" "rou)"ou your li!e' &ou
s"ould "a*e lo*e !or "ose you (an (oninue o lo*e all li!e
lon)' &ou s"ould ,e a,le o do ."a you ,elie*e in- up o "e
momen o! dea"' Don= do "in)s "a are !or,idden ,y "e
S"asras- your 9uru and o"er elders- ,y so(iey- or ,y your
o.n inelle(' Don= "esiae o )i*e up all .ron) a(ions and
"a,is' Gus le )o o! "em'
W"en you do some .or/- doesn= "e .or/ isel! )i*e
sais!a(ion and pea(e+ Do you .an o )e some !rui !rom "is
.or/+ I! so- your .or/ is .or"lessE T"e !rui ,e(omes "e
primary !a(or and "e .or/ ,e(omes a se(ondary !a(or' @ery
.ell1 I a((ep "a you "a*e no desire !or any !rui' No desire
!or personal pro!i is aa("ed o ."a you do' T"a is e0(ellen'
&ou are o ,e (on)raulaed' Bu- do you "a*e a desire !or "e
.or/ o ,e (ompleed+ Is i in your (onrol "a "e .or/ .ill ,e
T"e (ompleion o! "e .or/ is no "e reason !or .or/in)' I is
no in our "ands "a "e .or/ .ill ,e (ompleed' T"e purpose
o! .or/ is o !ill in ime' Gus )o on doin) your .or/1 pro(eed
.i" your as/' &ou /no. "a you "a*e no (onrol o*er "e
(ompleion o! "e .or/- and ye you )o on .or/in)' Wor/ "as
,e(ome a "a,i' &ou (anno say .i"ou .or/in)' &our
kartaapana ("e !eelin) o! ,ein) "e doer) is *ery sron)' T"is
.ill (ause su!!erin) ."en you .ill no lon)er ,e a,le o .or/'
T"a ,ein) "e (ase- i ,e(omes ne(essary o (onsider yoursel!
"e akartaa (no "e doer)- ,u don= allo. "e !eelin) o! ,ein)
"e a/ara o ,e(ome a ,urden on your mind' T"e !eelin) o!
,ein) "e a/ara is also an abhimaana (*aniy1 pride)' &ou (an
,e !ree o! "ese !our aa("mens falaasakti (aa("men o "e
!rui o! your a(ion)- karmaasakti (aa("men o "e .or/)-
kartrittvaasakti (aa("men o "e !eein) "a you are "e doer)-
and akartrittvaasakti (aa("men o "e !eelin) "a you are no
"e doer)' ."en you o,ain "e /no.led)e o! "e poornataa
(."oleness) o! "e Ama'
;ome- >oin us1 you are poorna (."ole- (omplee)'
3' $' $345'
# 3 #
W"en you uer a .ord !or e0ample- F)"aa=- you .ill !irs say
F)"a=' W"en "e sound dies- you .ill say Fa=- and "is sound
also dies' W"en "e .o sylla,les are (onne(ed- "e mind
inerpres "e .ord F)"aa= a((ordin) o "e sanskaara (su,le
su,(ons(ious impressions) "a are a.o/en- and "e person
undersands "a i means a po' I! someone does no /no. "e
Indian lan)ua)e- and "a )"aa means a po "a is- i! "e does
no "a*e "e sans/ara a,ou )"aa ,ein) a po "e .ord .ill
mean no"in) o "im' W"a is a )"aa+ I is a round- !la2
,oomed *essel .i" a narro. ne(/ and an openin) on op'
W"en "e sans/ara is "ere !rom ,e!ore- "e person undersands
"e meanin) immediaely'
T"e .or/ .e do dies e*ery momen- >us as sound does' I
ne*er endures' Wor/ is o*er as soon as i is done' Ho.e*er- "e
.or/ you do (reaes a !rui' Dependin) upon your sans/aras-
you !eel "a ."a you did .as )ood2,ad- paapa-punya (sin2
spiriual meri)- and a (ause o! pain or pleasure' T"is !rui is
(alled "e adrishya (unseen)- or apoorva. T"e !rui may ,e
immediae- or i may ,e delayed' A((ordin) o "is sans/ara-
"e su,le ,ody (or !our!old mind) )oes o (Hea*en) a
imes and o Nara/ (Hell) a imes- and is re,orn a imes' T"e
mind "as "ese e0perien(es ."en i lea*es "e )ross ,ody- e*en
"ou)" "ere is no ("an)e in pla(e- ime or su,san(e' I is a/in
o dreamin)- ,u i is a misa/e o "in/ "a "is is unreal'
T"e jaagrita (.a/in)) sae is "e same- ,u i seems real o us'
So lon) as you do no /no. "e Ama as "e non2dual Bra"man-
"is .a/in) sae .ill seem real' So .ill and Nara/-
re,ir"- @ai/un"a ("e land o! B"a).an @is"nu) and 9olo/a
("e land o! B"a).an S"ri Kris"na)' All "ese are real- ri)" up
o "e spli se(ond ,e!ore you o,ain Bra"ma)nan (/no.led)e
o! "e non2dual Bra"man)'
All "ese are vyavahaarika satya (realiies o! "e inera(i*e
.orld)- ."ile "e Ama ,ein) "e Bra"man is a paaramaarthik
satya ("e pure e0isen(e "a (an ne*er ,e ne)aed)' &ou
s"ould no (reae (on!usion in .orldly inera(ion' &our
,e"a*ior s"ould ,e D"armi/ (in /eepin) .i" D"arma) and
impe((a,le' &ou s"ould ne*er (onsider sadaachaara (de(en
,e"a*ior) o ,e mithyaa (!alse)'
$C' $' $345'
# $C #
W"a &ou A(ually Wan'
W"a do you .an+ Do you .an .eal"- a "ouse- !amily- !ame-
reno.n- D"arma- /arma (a(i*iies)- ,"o)a (sensual
indul)en(ies)- &o)a (aa("in) yoursel! o "e Is".ara)-
Mo/s"a (li,eraion !rom re,ir")- sanyoga (union)- or viyoga
(separaion)+ I! you ,elie*e "a you .an any o! "ese- i is
your bhrama (!alla(y)' None o! "em are a(ually ."a you
really .an' W"a you really .an is "e sukha ("appiness-
(om!or- (onenmen) "a "ey .ill )i*e' All "ese are separae
,u "e su/"a is one' Su/"a is "e essen(e o! all purushaartha
("uman endea*ors)' W"a e*ery,ody desires is no"in) ,u
W"a /ind o! su/"a do you .an+ Is i su/"a "a you .ill "a*e
o((asionally- ,u no al.ays+ %"- noE &ou .an "e su/"a "a
.ill al.ays ,e .i" you' I s"ould ,e an uninerruped
"appiness' 7lease /eep in mind ."a is su(" a su/"a+
Do you .an a su/"a "a is a*aila,le "ere- ,u no else."ere+
No' I s"ould ,e "ere as .ell as e*ery."ere' 7ay aenion
."a is su(" a su/"a+
Do you .an a su/"a "a is )i*en ,y "is person- ,u no ,y
ano"er person+ No1 you .an a su/"a "a you (an )e !rom
e*ery,ody' &ou .an a su/"a "a is .i" you all "e ime and
in e*ery pla(e1 a su/"a "a you (an (oninue o )e al.ays'
All ri)"- ell me do you .an a su/"a "a is dependen on
someone or some"in) else1 "e !a(or "a )i*es su/"a- )i*es i
a imes ,u no al.ays+ He (an )i*e a lile and no )i*e a
lile+ He )i*es in some pla(es ,u no in all pla(es+ I is a !a(
"a you don= .an a su/"a "a is dependen on o"er !a(ors'
&ou .an a su/"a "a is independen o! all !a(ors'
No.- ell me do you .an a su/"a "a (an ,e o,ained only
,y )rea e!!or+ ;erainly noE &ou .an su/"a "a is o,ained
e!!orlessly- or .i" a minimum o! e!!or' &esE T"a is "e /ind
o! su/"a you .an'
&ou are a.are "a su/"a e0iss only ."en you are a.are o! i'
I (anno e0is unless you are (ons(ious o! "appiness' T"a
means- su/"a "as o .in/le and spar/le and )lier and )lo. in
your mind' &ou don= .an a su/"a you (an= !eel' &ou .an a
su/"a "a you e0perien(e'
;ome- pu o)e"er all "ese poins' %nly su/"a- a all imes-
e*ery."ere- in e*ery"in)- independen- e!!orless- and ."i("
you (an !eel' T"is is "e /ind o! su/"a you .an' Well- my
,ro"er- i! .e are o )i*e a name o su(" a su/"a- (an i ,e any
o"er- e0(ep F7aramama= or FB"a).an=+ I (an ,e your Ama-
"e Bra"man- or "e Is".ara o! "e ."ole .orld'
I am no ellin) you o .an B"a).an or "e Is".ara' I am no
e*en ellin) you o "in/ a,ou "e essen(e o! "e Ama or "e
Bra"man' W"a I am ellin) you is "a ."a you really .an is
"e 7arames".ara'
&ou "a*e .ron)ly ,elie*ed "ese !alse- palry- )ross "in)s o
,e "e o,>e(s o! your desire' FI .an "is- and I .an "a- oo' I
.an i no. and I .an i "en' I .an i "is .ay and I .an i
"a .ay'= A(ually- a *eil (o*ers ."a you really .anE
T"e palry suppresses "e )rea' T"e desru(i,le "as (o*ered up
"e indesru(i,le' An oun(e "as suppressed a on' So-
undersand "e ,asi(s properly' %,ain "e /no.led)e o! "e
oaliy and use "is /no.led)e o pul*eri:e your !alla(ies- and
"en "ro. "e dus o "e .inds' I! you undersand "e ulimae
a("ie*emen "e Bra"man you .ill !ind "a i is .i" you
(as your Ama- your Sel!)' In !a(- o say "a i is near you is o
pu i a a disan(e' Don= delay' Don= (reae ano"er' I is you-
your Sel!E &ou are "e in!inie su/"a- or i is "e 7aramama in
your "ear'
Mile`yi rahata maano kabahoon milai naa.
(He is al.ays .i" us- ,u .e !eel "a .e ne*er "a*e Him')
$6' $' $345'
# $$ #
W"y Are &ou Sad+
T"e ,asi( Duesion is# are you sad or no+ To li*e under "e
s"ado. o! dukha (sorro.) all your li!e- and lau)" o((asionally-
"an/s o maayaa ("e Is".ara=s o! illusion) and moha
(aa("men o .orldly o,>e(s)- is no "e rue essen(e o! li!e'
Ha*e you e*er "ou)" a,ou "e (auses o! your sorro.+ I is
(erain "a you .ould ,e .anin) .orldly indul)en(es' T"a
bhoga (sensual e0perien(es) may ,e "rou)" "e ear- s/in- eyes-
on)ue- nose- or "e mind' &ou !eel impo*eris"ed ."en you
don= )e ."a you .an' &ou !eel "a you la(/ some"in) in
li!e' &ou (onsider yoursel! o ,e sad'
He us pu aside "is poin' Do you desire o a((umulae )rea
.eal" and possessions- in "e .ors"ip o! your FI=- your e)o+ I
may ,e .eal"- people- "ouse- learnin)- or inelli)en(e' &ou
undou,edly .an o o,ain ."a you don= "a*e- o sais!y your
e)o' W"en you are una,le o o!!er "is .ors"ip a "e aler o!
your e)o or ."en someone pre*ens you !rom doin) so you
,e(ome un"appy' Is "is no "e (ase+
&ou are no sais!ied in "e presen' &ou ei"er "in/ a,ou "e
"in)s "a "appened in "e pas and !eel sad "a pas >oys are
no more- or you "in/ a,ou your pas sorro.s and reli*e "em'
%r else- you ima)ine )ood and ,ad "in)s a,ou "e !uure and
"is a!!e(s your pea(e o! mind' &our li!e is enan)led in
memories and ima)ined !uure e*ens- ."ile your presen is
,ein) .ased' &our presen slips ,y unnoi(ed'
In "a (ase- are you li*in) in an ima)inary .orld+ Day
dreamin) is no al.ays su((ess!ul' So "en- you are ryin) o
,urn yoursel! .i" "e la*a o! sorro.E W"y don= you !o(us on
"e presen+ Is your presen dead+ Ma/e your presen ,ri)"-
ma/e i limpid- and ma/e i s"ine' T"is is "e ime o! your li!e'
T"e pas "a is )one and "e !uure "a is ye o (ome- .ill
,o" mer)e ino "e presen- and ,e !illed .i" s.eeness and
Hoo/ a "is aspe( o! your li!e' Sin(e your ("ild"ood- up o
no.- you "a*e de*eloped some "a,is / and
un/' Tenden(ies and in(linaions urn and .is your
mind so !or(e!ully "a you ,e(ome un"appy ."en "in)s don=
"appen "e .ay you .an' W"a is "e (ause o! your sorro.+ Is
i your desire !or lu0uries and indul)en(es+ Is i your a*ari(e
!or a((umulain) more and more+ Is i a li!e o! day dreamin)-
or is i your sla*ery o "a,i+ All !our .ill ma/e you un"appy'
W"y did you )e rapped ,y "em+ W"a made you !or)e your
!undamenal desire !or real "appiness+ Is i ,e(ause you )o ied
do.n .i" palry pleasures- a((umulaion- day dreamin)- and
Ta/e a serious loo/ a "ese- ry o undersand- and o,ain real
"appiness i is (alled "e 7arames".ara- "e Ama- "e
Bra"man' Unless and unil you /no. Him- you .ill (oninue o
!eel un"appy'
$<'$' $345'
# $6 #
W"ere Is &our Happiness+
W"y do you .an o ,rea/ up and re2desi)n your >e.elry+ W"y
do you pu on a sari and "en de(ide o ("an)e ino ano"er+
Ha*in) !ormed an aa("men .i" someone- ."y do you .an o
)e aa("ed o someone else+
T"in)s /eep ("an)in)' No"in) reains is appeal a!er some ime'
%,>e(s ("an)e (oninuously' I is "e naure o! "in)s o ("an)e'
No"in) (an /eep you "appy !ore*er' T"e o! your senses o
en>oy di!!eren sensaions doesn= al.ays "a*e "e (apa(iy o
pro*ide pleasure' T"eir po.ers .ane' %,>e(s ("an)e- and so does
"e (apa(iy o! your sense or)ans
W"en a youn)ser o! se*eneen or ei)"een rea("es .eny2!i*e or
"iry2!i*e or !i!y2!i*e or se*eny2!i*e "e is (ompleely
("an)ed' His ee"- lips- s/in- *oi(e- sren)"- and spiri o!
endea*or all ("an)e' He no lon)er (ra*es indul)en(es as ,e!ore'
I! someone .ans o indul)e (oninuously in sensual pleasures- i
is no possi,le' A person needs menal and p"ysi(al res' He needs
rela0aion and repose' Ho. lon) .ill "e ,e a bhoktaa (one ."o
"as "e su,le e)o o! ,ein) "e one ."o is "a*in) "e e0perien(e)+
His "ands and le)s .ill )e ired- and "is mind .ill su((um, o
slum,er' W"a a mo(/ery i is "a you .an o /eep yoursel!
"appy "rou)" "ese o,>e(s- sense or)ans- in(linaions- and "e
su,le e)o o! ,ein) "e one ."o e0perien(es pleasureE
W"y do you ("oose "ese e0ernal !a(ors o )i*e you "appiness+
Weal" is a,soluely e0ernal' &ou "a*e o ima)ine "a i .ill
)i*e you "appiness' T"e "appiness o! bhoga (sensual pleasures) is
in "e mind' I is inernal o a (erain e0en- ,u i is momenary'
T"e "appiness o! *aniy is a a deeper le*el' I says in "e
inelle(' Ho.e*er- all .orldly sorro.s e!!e( "e inelle(' I is "e
*aniy in a person "a re(ei*es ,lo. a!er ,lo.' I is "e e)o "a
is "ur' Re)res- illusions- and !ears aa(/ "e e)o' Re)re !or
."a is pas- illusions in "e presen- and !ear o! "e !uure "ey
all s"eler in "e e)o'
Bein) !ree !rom all "ese sorro.s- and o,ainin) supreme ,liss
7aramananda "ese are "e names o! our Ama' %,>e(s- "e
sense or)ans- "e mind- and "e inelle( are no dependen on any
!a(or in "e Ama' W"a is- ."ere i is- ."en i is- and "e .ay i
is- i is all "e essen(e o! "e 7aramananda'
T"is 7aramananda is no only !or paraloka ("e realms a!er
dea")' I is e0perien(ed in "is .orld- in "is *ery li!e- in all .e
see and "ear' T"e person e0perien(es a !eelin) o! (omplee
&ou- yoursel!- are "a 7aramananda- ri)" a "is *ery momen-
ri)" "ere- in "is *ery pla(e' T"is is "e menal sae o!
Ma"amas' Do you .is" o "a*e "is e0perien(e+ Don= )o
any."ere1 urn .i"in' ;ome ino your o.n "ome- your o.n
essen(e' &ou .ill see "a i is no "idden ,y any (urain' I is you-
your Sel!'
$?' $ $345'
# $< #
;ome Ba(/'
W"a .e don= "a*e- .e "a*e o ma/e' I! you don= "a*e >e.elry-
you "a*e o )e i made' I! you don= "a*e )rain- you (an )ro. i'
I! you don= "a*e (lo"- you (an .ea*e i' I! you (an= do "ese
"in)s yoursel!- you )o and )e "em' &ou (an ei"er )e i !rom
someone ."o )i*es i ou o! a!!e(ion- or you (an ,uy i- ,u you
"a*e o pro(ure i'
No.- "in/ "a you "a*e )o "e o,>e( you .an- ,u i is no
(lean' ;lean i ,y .as"in) a.ay "e dir- "en rim i- and polis"
i' I! "e o,>e( is ra.- (oo/ i' Add some"in) o ma/e i asy'
Ma/e i ara(i*e- ender- and !ra)ran' I! i is useless-
desroy i- "ro. i a.ay- or ,urn i' T"ese !i*e a(ions are done o
o,>e(s "a are separae !rom oursel*es'
W"ere "e Ama is (on(erned- you are nei"er o ma/e i- nor
pro(ure i !rom else."ere' &ou are no o prepare- (oo/- or
desroy i' T"e Ama is sel!2e*iden' I is al.ays .i" you' I is
prisine i does no need o ,e (leaned or repaired' Nor (an "e
Ama ,e dis(arded- "ro.n a.ay- or desroyed'
T"en- ."a is is uiliy+ Is uiliy is "a i "as o ,e /no.n as i
is' Had i ,een some"in) separae- you .ould !irs "a*e o /no.
i and "en pro(ure i' &ou .ould "a*e o (a(" i and /eep "old o!
i' &our Ama- "o.e*er- is already .i" you' &ou don= e*en need
o impro*e i in any .ay'
I is a di!!eren maer o /no. someone else and i is a di!!eren
maer o /no. yoursel!' I! you /no. (Hea*en)- or
@ai/un" ("e land o! B"a).an @is"nu)- you "a*e o aain "ese
lands a!er / a,ou "em' &ou "a*e o do ,"a/i o! "e
Is".ara a!er / a,ou Him' Bu on(e you o,ain Ama)nan
(/no.led)e a,ou "e Ama) you don= need o do any"in) o
e0perien(e your Ama' T"e dire( e0perien(e o! your Ama is no
"e !rui o! any karma (a(ion)1 nor is i "e (ause o! any /arma'
T"e e0perien(e o! your Ama resuls in your seein) /arma- is
!ruis- is kartaa ("e doer) and bhoktaa ("e one ."o e0perien(es
"e resuls) as "in)s seen in a dream' In a dream "ere is no /ara-
no ,"o/a- no paapa (sin) or punya (spiriual meri)- e*en "ou)"
"ey seem o ,e real' Similarly- a person ."o o,ains Ama)nan
!inds "a e*ery"in) in "e .a/in) sae is also an illusion'
$5'$' $345
# $? #
Happiness- %nly Happiness'
I is an indispua,le !a( "a you "a*e ne*er e0perien(ed your
o.n dea"' &ou see "e spiri o! o"er people lea*e "eir ,ody and
ima)ine i o ,e dea"' Dea" is some"in) "a is ima)ined' I is
no an e0perien(e' T"e )ross !orm o! a po ,rea/s- ,u "e (lay
remains un("an)ed'
T"e meanin) o! "is is "a you are immoral' &ou are amrita ("e
eli0ir o! immoraliy)' No.- i! you lo*e any moral !orm "a is
su,>e( o ("an)e and desru(ion or any pari(ular me"od o!
doin) "in)s "ese .ill die ,e!ore you- and you .ill (oninue o
li*e' No as a )ross ,ody- ,u as "e Ama'
I! you remain ali*e ,u "e o,>e( o! your lo*e is ,ro/en or
separaed !rom you- i .ill (ause you a )rea deal o! an)uis"' &ou
are ,ound o su!!er' W"e"er "e o,>e( o! your aa("men is a
"ouse or a person- aa("men o "e anaatmaa ("a- ."i(" is no
"e Ama) .ill resul in sorro.' Aa("men o any"in) "a is
ransien .ill resul in ears !or you'
T"e lo*e !or insensae o,>e(s is one2sided' &ou are aa("ed o
diamonds- pearls- )old and sil*er' T"ey are (ompleely una.are o!
your lo*e !or "em' Anyone (an ,uy or seal "em !rom you' T"ey
may e*en ,e ,ro/en up' T"ey .ill ne*er say- FI ,elon) o "is
person ."o lo*es me dearly' I .an o remain .i" "im'=
All insensae o,>e(s are li/e "e raindrops "a !all ."en "e plane is "i)"- and you are li/e "e le)endary ,ird "e
("aa/ ."ose lo*e !or "e raindrop is su(" "a "e .ould
ra"er die o! "irs "an drin/ any o"er .aer' T"ese "in)s are
li/e "e moon- and you are li/e "e ,ird (alled "e ("a/ora- ."o is
in lo*e .i" "e moon' My )ood man- .i" ."a "ou)" did you
)i*e your lo*e o "ese li!eless o,>e(s+ T"ese are all raiors ."o
don= e*en re(o)ni:e you' Is i no !olly o )e rapped ,y "em+
re`ma (lo*e) !or "a- ."i(" .ill die- and prema !or animae
o,>e(s is deadly !or you' I leads o your do.n!all' T"is is o plan
seeds "a .ill yield a (rop o! sorro.'
Ho*e "a- ."i(" is as immoral and eernal as your Ama- ."i("
is (ons(ious- and ."i(" lo*es you' T"a- ."i(" .ill ne*er ,eray
you- is ne*er a.ay !rom you- i does no delay- and is no o"er i
is your o.n Sel!' &ou .ill ne*er "a*e o !a(e sorro. a)ain' All
your "elplessness and dependen(e .ill ,e )one' T"e o,>e( o!
your lo*e is in your "ear' I is you' &our li!e .ill ,e !ree o!
ension' &ou .ill e0perien(e only "appiness'
$A' $' $34A
# $5 #
Be AlerE
;leanliness is dear o you' &ou ry your ,es o /eep your "ome-
,ed- (lo"es- !ood and ,ody (lean' All o! us are unanimous in our
desire !or "e ear" and .aer- "e "in)s .e see- ou("- and "ear-
o ,e (lean and unsullied' I! "ere is some dir or sain on your
,ody you ry your ,es o .as" i o!!' I appro*e o! "e !a( "a
you li/e (leanliness' I "ope "is li/in) is mainained and "a i
;ome ino "e su,le re)ion o! your antahkaran (su,le ,ody- or
!our!old mind)' Ha*e you e*er )i*en your aenion o "o. (lean
your sankalpa (resol*es)- desires- "ou)"s- and sae o! mind are+
Some people .ear (lean (lo"es ,u "eir ,odies remain"ed' T"e (ondiion o! "ose ."o don= puri!y "eir mind is
"e same' Ta/e a )ood loo/ a "is#
W"a all does your mind .an o do+ W"a all does i .an o
en>oy+ W"a all does i .an o o,ain+ And- ."a all does i .an
o (on*ey+ Try o ma/e a lis o! all "ese' T"e (ounin) .ill ne*er
,e (ompleedE &ou .ill al.ays .an o ,uy "in)s you see in "e
s"ops and mar/es'
W"a is your mind+ I is a ma)i(al ,o0' &ou (an see ."ae*er you
.an in i ,o" )ood and ,ad' &ou (an see "e Is".ara- "e >ee*a
(an indi*idual1 an Ama aa("ed o a ,ody)- or a sone' &ou (an
(a(" a )limpse o! sealin)- o! immoral a(ions- *iolen(e- and
In "a (ase- do you .an (leanliness ouside ,u no inside+ I is
your inner .orld in ."i(" you li*e' I is your (lo"es- indul)en(e-
a(ions and spee("' W"a is "e use o! e0ernal (leanliness i! your
mind is diry+
Do you .an o remain in "is dross- or )o ,e!ore "e 7aramama
in "is dress+ Be alerE
$4' $' $345'
# $A #
Keep &our T"ou)"s 7ure'
T"e ears- s/in- eyes- on)ue- nose- "ands and !ee are all e0ernal
insrumens "a are used !or re(ei*in)- / and doin)
"in)s' T"ey are (alled Fbahikaran= (,a"iIouer1
/aranIinsrumens)' Similarly- "ere is an Fantahkaran=
(ana"Iinner) in "e ,ody' T"e ana"/aran ,rin)s in "e ouer
!a(ors- as sanskaara (su,le su,(ons(ious impressions)' T"a is
."y i is (alled "e ana"/aran "e inner insrumen' Food-
a(ions- !eelin)s- "ou)"s- ranDuiliy and disur,an(e all say in
"e ana"/aran'
T"e ana"/aran is no a solid o,>e( "a (an ,e .as"ed (lean' T"e
ri)" ina/e is reDuired !or is (leansin)' T"a means- "e "in)s
you "ear- ou("- see- ase- smell and "in/ a,ou s"ould all ,e
shuddha (pure in "e D"armi( sense)' Some people ,elie*e "a
"e ana"/aran is puri!ied ,y me"ods li/e aahaara-shuddhi
(eain) pure !ood)- karma-shuddhi (doin) "in)s "a are .i"in
"e !rame.or/ o! D"arma)- or bhaava-shuddhi ("a*in) pure
!eelin)s)- and some ,elie*e in a nisankalpa sthiti (a desire2less
sae o! mind)' I! a person "as all !our- ."a (an ,e ,eer+ Su(" a
person .ill ,e puri!ied insanly'
A "orou)" inspe(ion o! your ana"/aran is ne(essary' &ou "a*e
o see "e sae o! your ana"/aran o reali:e "a i is "e
su,san(e o! your "ou)"s' I is !ormed ,y "e /ind o! "ou)"s
"a !ill your mind' I may ,e li/e a ,lan/e made o! ,la(/ .ool-
or ."ie .ool' I may ,e spoed or a mi0ure o! s"ade and
suns"ine' T"ere may ,e "e sattvaguni (.i" lo!y enden(ies)-
rajoguni (mi0ed enden(ies) and tamoguni ( in(linaions)
enden(ies in i' %r- "ey may ,e a (om,inaion o! all "ese
in(linaions "a )i*e !orm o your ana"/aran' T"ey indi(ae "e
("an)in) "ou)"s and aiudes' T"e ana"/aran is !ormed !rom
your (ons(iousness a,ou your in(linaions' &our in(linaions
/eep ("an)in) a((ordin) o "e o,>e(s "ey !o(us on' T"us- your
ana"/aran "as muliple in(linaions' I! you .an o ma/e your
ana"/aran (lean- pure- sainless- and sill i! you .an o ma/e i
(apa,le o! a,sor,in) su,le maers you s"ould "in/ only a,ou
su,le maers'
T"e ana"/aran is nei"er lon) nor .ide' I "as no .ei)" or a)e'
I is (omposed o! your "ou)"s' T"e !orm o! "e ana"/aran is "e
a.areness o! o,>e(s' T"a ,ein) "e (ase- i! you ("an)e "e
dire(ion o! your "ou)"s- and "in/ only a,ou "a- ."i(" is
pure- "en your ana"/aran is pure'
T"e only pure o,>e( is "e 7ara,ra"ma 7aramama1 i is our o.n
Ama' Sop "in/in) a,ou "e "in)s you /no. o ,e "e
anaatmaa ("a- ."i(" is no "e Ama)- and !o(us on "e pure
Ama- "e 7aramama' &our ana"/aran is pure' I is !i o mer)e
ino "e 7aramama'
$3' $' $345'

# $B #
8asy Di!!i(ul'
To spea/ "e ru" is easy' We >us "a*e o say ."a is in our
mind- or .e (an /eep Duie i! "ere is no need o spea/'
Unne(essary al/ .ases your ime as .ell as "e ime o! "e
one ."o lisens' Does your spee(" "a*e some purpose or no+
Ho. .ill i "elp "e lisener+ %r- is i >us o )e your an)er o!!
your ("es+
W"a I .an o say is "a ru" does no ,e(ome a ,urden on
"e mind' &ou "a*e "e opion o! spea/in) "e simple ru" or
remainin) silen' &ou (an spea/ ."en you need o' Saya ("e
ru") does no oppress you'
I! you spea/ asatya ("a ."i(" is no "e ru") you "a*e o
remem,er ."o you old "e lie o- ."en you said i- and ."a
you said' &ou "a*e o ,e (are!ul o no say any"in) "a .ill
e0pose "e lie' T"is is a ,urden you impose upon your mind'
Saya is e!!orless1 i is naural' Asaya is ari!i(ial and "as
many !orms' Saya says in your essen(e- ."ile asaya says in
;an anyone al.ays spea/ unru"s+ I! "e ma/es up a (erain
(ode o (on*ey ."a "e .ans- "e .ords "e uses .ill also
,e(ome "e ru"' He .ill pro,a,ly (all a plae a (up- and *i(e
*ersa' He .ill "a*e o /eep ("an)in) "is me"od o! no ellin)
"e ru" repeaedly' All "is .ill impose a )rea srain on "is
mind' Saya imposes no su(" srain' I is "e pa" "a leads o
"e essen(e'
I is "e same .i" ahinsaa (non2*iolen(e)' ;an any,ody
perperae hinsaa (*iolen(e) (oninuously+ I is impossi,le o
remain in a sae o! una,aed an)er and "ared' A"insa-
"o.e*er- (an al.ays ,e mainained' I is no a ,urden' Nor do
you "a*e o do any"in)' No.- ell me- ."i(" is naural
*iolen(e- or non2*iolen(e+
%ur naural sae is al.ays easier' T"a is ."y Saya and a"insa
are sadguna ()ood Dualiies)1 lies and *iolen(e are durguna
(,ad Dualiies)' FDu= means dushta (.i(/ed)- dukhadaayee ("a
."i(" )i*es sorro.)' Gus as a )an)ser is no !i o ,e /ep in
our "ouse- ,o" asaya and "insa are no !i o ,e /ep in "e
"ear' T"ese (ome !rom ouside' I is o our ,ene!i o no )i*e
"em a pla(e in our mind'
FAste`ya! means' Fno sealin)=' T"e Ama is Sa(("idananda
(Sa I pure e0isen(e- ;"i I pure (ons(iousness- Ananda I
pure ,liss)' T"e sadvastu (*asu means o,>e()- chidvastu- and
anandavastu (anno ,e solen' Nei"er (an anyone seal "e
Ama !rom you- nor (an you seal i !rom ano"er' We (an say
.i"ou e*er sealin) any"in)- ,u (an anyone seal
(oninuously+ "horee (sealin)) is unnaural- i is !ri)"enin)-
and i resuls in sorro.' I also (reaes ension' Insead o!
indul)in) in sealin)- you (an mainain a li!elon) *o. o no
seal' Ho.e*er- you (anno ma/e a resol*e o ma/e sealin) a
li!elon) pra(i(e'
T"en- ."y don= you lead "e li!e "a is naural+ Saya- a"insa-
and aseya are all sadguna ()ood Dualiies)- ,e(ause "ey are
(lose o your sadsvaroopa ("e essen(e "a is Sa)'
No.- "in/ a,ou "e sae o! ,ra"ma("arya ((eli,a(y)' Wei)"
i on "e same s(ales' I is possi,le o mainain un,ro/en
,ra"ma("arya- ,u ,rea/s in "e sae o! (eli,a(y (an only ,e
*ery s"or' Bra"ma("arya is an eernal sae- ."ile "e lapses
are !leein)' W"en "e o,>e(s o! indul)en(e are no a*aila,le-
"e person ,e(omes un"appy' T"e ur)e !or indul)en(e is al.ays
in(omplee' T"e person !eels en*ious o! "ose ."o indul)e
more' T"e "a,is o! indul)en(e ensla*e a man'
Bra"ma("arya "as no ("eain) and no de(ei' I is al.ays
simple and un(ompli(aed' Is ("ara(erisi( is an a,sen(e o!
menal disorions' &ou "a*e ,een en>oyin) "e pleasures o!
indul)en(e ."y don= you urn ,a(/ and en>oy "e pleasure o!
a sae "a is !ree o! menal disorions+ Unless "e chitta (sae
o! "e mind) is !ree o! disorions- a Ma"ama .ill no ,e
nirvikaara (!ree o! menal disorions)' A Ma"ama "as o ,e
nir*i/ara o o,ain "e e0perien(e o! "e 7aramama' 7u on "e
ro,e o! p"ysi(al- menal and *er,al ,ra"ma("arya' &ou are no
a brahmachaari (one ."o pra(i(es ,ra"ma("arya) you are
"e Bra"manE
T"e "in)s around you (ome- and )o- and ("an)e' Are "ey
essenial+ T"e pile o! your a((umulaions is li/e "e dir on "e
,ody- or dus in "e "ouse' Don= say- FI "a*e earned i' I is
mine ,y ri)"' I ,elon)s o me' W"y s"ouldn= I /eep i+= &ou
are ridin) a (amel- and siin) .i" your ,undle on your "eadE I
is no a si)n o! inelli)en(e o load yoursel! unne(essarilyE
By indul)in) in an ima)ined sense o! o.ners"ip- you only
.ei)" yoursel! do.n needlessly' T"ese ari!i(ial !a(ors (on(eal
"e Saya *asu' &ou are "e Saya ("e ru" "a (an ne*er ,e
ne)aed)' T"is (ounless *ariey o! o,>e(s "ides your essen(e'
Free yoursel! !rom "em' By loo/in) a yoursel!- you .ill
o,ain "e momen o! "appiness- )ood !orune- s.eeness- and
sais!a(ion' &ou .ill see "a you "ad "ro.n a pri(eless
diamond ino a "eap o! ru,,is"'
#adguna sahaj ()ood enden(ies are easy) durguna kathina
(,ad enden(ies are di!!i(ul)'
6<' $' $345'
# $4 #
%ne Me"od Many Names'
T"ere are .o /inds o! saadhan (me"ods)' %ne is "a- ,y
."i(" .e re(o)ni:e or o,ain ."a .e desire' T"e o"er is "a-
."i(" is o,ained- e0perien(ed- or aimed a meanin)- seein)
our )oal (learly'
T"e antahkaran (su,le ,ody or !our!old mind) is a sad"an !or
o,ainin) "e 7aramama' T"ere!ore- "e "in)s "a .e do !or
puri!yin) i are (alled "e bahirang (e0ernal) sad"an' I! you
.an o "i your ar)e- i is ne(essary o (lean "e inside o! "e
)un' T"a is puri!yin) "e karan (insrumen)' And- o see "e
ar)e (learly- is "e puri!yin) o! *ision' T"e !irs is "e (leanin)
o! "e insrumen- and "e se(ond is "e (lear *ision o! our
ar)e' T"e !ormer is inernal- and "e laer is e0ernal' To
o,ain "e 7aramama- "e me"ods are vive`ka-vairaagya
(dis(riminaion and non2aa("men) ."i(" are inernal1 and
shravana - manana (lisenin) o "e dis(ourses o! enli)"ened
Sains and mediain) upon "em)- ."i(" are e0ernal'
@ery .ell- (ome1 use vive`ka (dis(riminaion)E Turn your mind
a.ay !rom "a- ."i(" your in"eren /no.led)e ells you is no
your essen(e' Resrain your "a,i o! aa("in) your mind o
ransien o,>e(s- insensae maer- and sorro.' &ou- yoursel!-
.ill remain' T"a is enou)"' Be a pea(e' @i*e/ ,e.een "e
Ama (your Sel!) and "e anaatmaa ("a- ."i(" is no "e
Ama) .ill )i*e rise o vairaagya (non2aa("men)' T"e
svaroopa sthiti ("e naural sae o! your essen(e) in *i*e/ is
pea(e1 and in *aira)ya- "e a,sen(e o! aa("mens and
a*ersions- is also pea(e' T"ere!ore- "ere is no di!!eren(e in "e
!rui o! *i*e/ and *aira)ya' Dis(riminaion and non2aa("men
,o" )i*e pea(e' Ho.e*er- *aira)ya )enerally (omes !rom
*i*e/- al"ou)" i is Duie possi,le !or "em o (ome
simulaneously' And ye- "ese .o are no .o1 "ey ,o" resul
in shaanti (pea(e)'
Don= ,e under "e .ron) impression "a you need o do many
/inds o! saadhanaa (e!!ors !or spiriual pro)ress) o o,ain "e
7aramama- or o "a*e a saakshaatkaara (dire( e0perien(e) o!
Saya (pure e0isen(e)' Don= "in/ "a you "a*e o do sad"ans
"a are *ery di!!i(ul'
Undersand "is .ell' W"en "e mind is a pea(e- i (onains no
desire or an)er' T"is is (alled shama' $ama is ."en "e senses
are a pea(e1 "ey are no resless or a)iaed' A la(/ o! ineres
in .orldly (onsideraions is also pea(e s"ani' %itikshaa is
."en "e mind is a pea(e- endurin) .orldly rou,les .i"ou
,e(omin) a)iaed' #hraddhaa (!ai") is "e pea(e o! mind
."en "e mind is no rou,led ,y pride or *aniy'
#amaadhaana is o )a"er up opinions and resol*es- and !eel
sais!ied .i" "e' T"e names are di!!eren- ,u "e
essen(e in all o! "em is s"ani' So- a saadhaka (spiriual
see/er) s"ould no )e .orried ."en "e "ears all "ese di!!eren
names' Don= ,e dis"earened or depressed' T"ey are di!!eren
names o! "e same sae "e sae o! ,ein) a.a/e and ye !ree
o! resol*es' All o! "em (onain >us one "in) s"ani- s"ani-
W"en a sad"a/ reali:es "a "is s"ani is no un,ro/en- "e
(omes o "e (on(lusion "a "e chitta (!lu(uain) menal
in(linaions) (an ne*er remain in any one sae !or lon)' T"en-
"e "as an inense .is" o ,e !ree o! "e ("ia "a /eeps
!lu(uain)' He .ans o ,e li,eraed !rom "e in!luen(es o!
ransien o,>e(s and in(idens- and o e0perien(e "is non2dual
essen(e' His essen(e is paramaananda supreme ,liss' T"is
,liss is (alled mumukshaa "e .is" o ,e !ree o! all ,onda)e'
No.- "in/ a,ou ."y people use so many names- ."en "e
ulimae !orm o! all sad"ana is one s"ani' Di!!eren names
are used ,e(ause "e a(ions leadin) o s"ani are separae'
T"ere is a s"ani "a desroys desire and an)er' T"ere is a
s"ani "a desroys "e reslessness o! "e senses- e(' T"e
e0ernal sad"ana is so easy and simple "a you (an o,ain )rea
,ene!is ,y a lile (are!ul e!!or' &ou .ill (ome (loser o
*irues and ,e(ome eli)i,le !or "e inernal sad"an o! s"ra*an2
manan e('
6?' $' $345
# $3 #
9i*in) Up All Menal In(linaions'
I! you ry o !ind "e ,e)innin) o! chitta (!lu(uain) menal
enden(ies)- i (anno ,e !ound' Did a(ions "appen !irs+ ;"ia
is (reaed ,y karma (a(ions)' T"e ,ody is (reaed ,y a
(om,inaion o! "e ("ia and /armas' Bo" are "oused in "e
,ody' T"ere!ore- "e (y(le o! ("ia- /arma- and shareera ("e
,ody) is .i"ou ,e)innin)' T"ey are all !illed .i" so many
sanskaara (su,le su,(ons(ious impressions) "a i is
impossi,le o ra(e any o! "em "rou)" in!inie ime' 9ood
enden(ies "a*e ,ad ones in "eir dep"- and ,ad enden(ies lie
,enea" )ood ones' T"ere is no rule as o ."i(" enden(y .ill
(rop up a ."i(" poin in ime' 8*en "e bhagvadaakaara vritti
(menal in(linaion !or B"a).an) *anis"es ."en .e )o o
sleep' T"en- ."o (an desroy "e sans/aras "a "a*e ,een lyin)
dorman sin(e ime immemorial+ T"e .a/in) sae (an only
,rin) a ("an)e in "e dream sae'
W"en a person rea("es "e nirodha dashaa ("e sae ."en "e
mind is (ompleely ,lan/) in mediaion- e*en "e sleep sae is
,lo(/ed' Ho.e*er- "e a.areness o! "e .orld and "e person=s
rea(ions o i !lood ,a(/ as soon as "e Samad"i is ,ro/en' T"e
!a( is "a "e mind=s mo*emens are merely ,lo(/ed durin)
"e nirod"a das"a' T"ey are no desroyed' T"ere!ore- "e 9nan
and sukha ("appiness) o! mediaion (an ne*er ,e permanen'
T"ey !lu(uae alon) .i" "e menal in(linaions' T"a ,ein)
"e (ase- i is ne(essary o also )i*e up "e ("ia'
8*en de`haabhimaana ("e su,le e)o o! ideni!yin) .i" "e
,ody) is di!!i(ul !or an ordinary mumukshu (one ."o see/s o
,e !ree o! "e (y(le o! re,ir") o )i*e up' 9i*in) up "e ("ia is
ne0 o impossi,leE T"e ("ia and "e o,>e(s o! "e senses
"a*e mer)ed as "orou)"ly as mil/ and .aer' I is no possi,le
o separae "em ,y doin) sad"ana or ,y any o"er me"od'
T"en- "o. (an .e ,e !ree o! "e ("ia+ Sense o,>e(s are seen
in "e ("ia- "ey lie dorman in i- and /eep ("an)in) in i'
T"ey may ,e a pea(e and "ey may also ,e Duie proper- ,u
"ey (anno ,e a/en ou o! "e ("ia and "ro.n a.ay'
He us "en )i*e up "e ("ia alo)e"er' W"y no ,e(ome a
mahaa tyaagee ("a*e oal renun(iaion)+ T"is is a )i*in) up o!
e*ery"in)' T"e pro,lem is "a "is (anno ,e )i*en up ,y
doin) any a(ion- .ors"ip- or &o)a'
T"en- "o. (an i ,e )i*en up+
Well- do you ruly .an o ,e !ree o! "e ("ia+ I! so- you "a*e
o,ained mumu/s"a' &ou "a*e ,e(ome a mumu/s"u' ;ome-
s"eler a "e !ee o! a Sad)uru (enli)"ened Maser) ."o is
shrotreeya (/no.s "e S"asras)- brahmanishtha (,elie*es in
"e Bra"man)- and is nivritti-paraayana (.i"dra.n !rom
.orldly (onsideraions)' T"e ("ia (an ,e )i*en up only ."en
you o,ain "e /no.led)e o! your essen(e' As soon as you
e0perien(e your essen(e- you !eel dea("ed !rom .orldly
(onsideraions' T"is is ."y i is essenial !or you o /no. "a
your essen(e is "e non2dual Bra"man' T"is is no possi,le
unless you "a*e a Sad)uru'
64' $' $345'
# 6C #
W"y Ha*e A 9uru+
Well- Sir- ell me do you "a*e a 9uru or no+ Are you so
learned- .ise- (le*er and e0perien(ed "a you see no need !or a
9uru+ I! "a ,e "e (ase- ."o (an ,e more arro)an "an you+
;an you say "a you are no sad a,ou any"in)+ Don= you
e*er "a*e any dou,s+ Do you ne*er !a(e any dilemma a,ou
."a you s"ould do+ Don= you .is"- someimes- "a you "ad
someone ."o .ould )uide you+ My ,ro"er- "is arro)an(e o!
yours .ill lead you o do.n!all' &ou .ill ,e sun/' &ou are
,adly .ei)"ed do.n ,y i'
All ri)"- ell me is "ere no )enuine"er on ."om
you (an depend- o seer "e ,oa o! your li!e+ &ou "a*e !ai" in
your mo"er ."en s"e ells you "a "is is your !a"er' &ou
rus your ,ar,er and do(or' &e you la(/ !ai" in your .ell2
.is"erE W"a /ind o! .isdom is "is+ &ou are ma/in) yoursel!
,ere! o! all suppor' W"en i (omes o / some"in)
a,ou Him- ."o is ,e"ind your inelle(- and re)ulaes your
inelle(- you "a*e no one o "elp you' T"e eyes see "e ,eauy-
,u ,eauy (anno see "e eyes' &ou see your buddhi (inelle()-
,u your inelle( (anno see youE
&ou (anno e0perien(e "e e0isen(e o! your Ama ,y
dependin) upon your inelli)en(e' Rise a,o*e diale(i(s and
de,aes' He "ou)"s a.a/en and slum,er1 le "em (ome and
)o' T"ere is a non2dual essen(e ,eyond "e inelle(- and i is
"e su,sraum o! "e inelle(' Hisen o dis(ourses upon "is
essen(e !rom a Sad)uru' T"ere is no o"er .ay- e0(ep
shravana (lisenin) o dis(ourses o! enli)"ened Sains) !or
o,ainin) "e /no.led)e o! "e Amaa*a ("e essen(e o! "e
<C' $' $4345'
# 6$ #
9o o "e Ne0 Sep-
Hea*e "e Sep Belo.'
Ho. deeply are you in*ol*ed in .orldly inera(ion+ W"a all
do you ,elie*e o ,e Saya ("a- ."i(" (an ne*er ,e ne)aed)+
Gus loo/ a "in)s .i" an un,iased inner *ision' W"en you
.ere *ery youn)- you .ould play .i" o"er lile ("ildren' &ou
.ould ma/e mud "ouses and sand (asles' &ou .ould ma/e
dolls !rom (lay- .a0- or dou)"' I! a ("ild ,ro/e ."a you made-
you .ould Duarrel .i" "im' F&ou "a*e spoil my (reaionE= Is
i no so+
Similarly- you ima)ine many lile "in)s- and "ey a/e roo in
your "ear' &ou need a yukti (ri(/ or me"od) o remo*e "em'
Some people !eel (on*in(ed "a "ere is a )"os in "eir "ouse'
T"ey !eel !ri)"ened' T"ey ie a taabee& (medallion) o "eir
arm- and sop ,ein) a!raid' T"ere .as no )"os1 no )"os ran
a.ay' T"ere .as a bhraanti (!alse impression) "a .en a.ay'
T"e )"os .as an adhyaaropa (superimposiion) and "e a,ee:
.as an apavaada (ne)aion o! "e superimposed impression)'
7eople use ima)inary num,ers !or (ompli(aed (al(ulaions'
T"e me"od o! shravana (lisenin) o dis(ourses ,y enli)"ened
Sains) is "e same' 7lease undersand "is .ell' 7eople mould a
lump o! gobar ((o. dun))- and .ors"ip i as 9auri (7ar*ai)'
T"ey pla(e a supaari (,eelenu) and .ors"ip i as 9anes"'
T"ey ("an "e manras o! in*o(aion and esa,lis" "e deiies'
T"ey do "e poojaa (.ors"ip) and "en o "e visarjana
(immolaion1 reurnin) "e !orms made o! "e !i*e elemens o
"e elemens)'
T"e in*o(aion is a superimposiion- and "e *isar>ana is "e
ne)aion' Mamataa (lo*e) !or "e mo"er and !a"er is an
adhyaasa (ima)ined !eelin))' A (ouple )e married and lo*e
ea(" o"er' T"ey )e alienaed !rom parens ."o o,>e( o "e
marria)e' T"a is an apa*ada o! "eir lo*e !or "eir parens' T"e
marria)e .as an ad"yaropa (superimposed relaions"ip)' W"en
"ey di*or(ed- i .as an apa*ada (ne)aion o! "e superimposed
&ou lo*e "e o,>e(s o! "is .orld' T"a is an ad"yaropa' W"en
you ,e)in o lo*e B"a).an- "ere is an apa*ada o! your lo*e
!or .orldly o,>e(s' I .as an apa*ada o! "e apaasya ("a-
."i(" is no .or"y o! .ors"ip) and an ad"yaropa o! "e
upaasya ("a ."i(" .e .ors"ip)' &ou pra(i(ed Samad"i and
o,ained vairaagya (dea("men) !rom "e .orld' T"e pra(i(e
.as a superimposiion- and "e *aira)ya .as "e ne)aion (o!
.orldly (onsideraions)' T"e sampragyaat samaadhi ("e
Samad"i in ."i(" "e Ama is no /no.n !ully) .as ne)aed-
and "e asampragyaat samaadhi (in ."i(" "ere is no"in) ,u
"e Ama) .as superimposed' In "e same .ay- "e annamaya
kosha ("e s"ea" o! "e )ross ,ody) and "e praanamaya kosha
("e s"ea" o! "e su,le ,ody) e( are superimposed and "en
ne)aed urn ,y urn'
T"e me"od is o (a(" one- and le )o o! "e o"er' T"is is ."y
.e "a*e o ne)ae "e !eelin) o! ,ein) "e ,ody- and
superimpose "e !eelin) "a .e are a >ee*a (Ama aa("ed o a
,ody)' W"en "e >ee*a bhaava (!eelin) o! ,ein) a >ee*a) (omes-
i auomai(ally ne)aes our ideni!i(aion .i" "e ,ody and all
"a is dear o "e ,ody'
T"e superimposiion o! "e saaksheebhaava ("e !eelin) o!
,ein) an unin*ol*ed o,ser*er) ne)aes "e !eelin) o! ,ein) a
kartaa ("e doer)' Ho.e*er- e*en "ou)" e*ery"in) else is
ne)aed- "e !orm o! "e >ee*a remains' W"a is "a+
T"a is no some"in) "a (an ,e undersood ,y "e inelle(' I
(anno ,e /no.n "rou)" D"arma- upaasanaa (.ors"ip)- or
&o)a' I (anno ,e re*eled ,y "e spo/en .ord- mind- e('
T"en- ."a is i+
I is ,eyond D"arma and ad"arma ("a- ."i(" is (onrary o
D"arma)' I is ,eyond kaarya-kaarana (e!!e( and (ause)- pas
and !uure' All "ese are /no.n ,y "e inelle(' W"a is "e
amata (inde!ina,le) essen(e+ Ho. (an you possi,ly /no. "is
.i"ou a Sad)uru (enli)"ened Maser) ."o (an e0plain "e
shruti (@edi( *erses)- smriti (.ords o! enli)"ened seers)-
7uranas- and o"er )rea .or/s+ ;ome- "en- do shravana
(lisen o spiriual dis(ourses)'
<$' $' $345'
# 66 #
T"e Mira(le %! S"ra*ana'
All "e indreeya (senses) "a*e "eir separae sense o,>e(s' For
e0ample- sound is "e o,>e( o! "e ears- !eel is "e o,>e( o! "e
s/in- appearan(e is "e o,>e( o! "e eyes- !la*or is "e o,>e( o!
"e on)ue- and !ra)ran(e is "e o,>e( o! "e nose' None o! "e
senses "a*e "e o a,sor, "e o,>e(s o! o"er sense
or)ans' 8*ery sense or)an (an only /no. is o.n !ield- and "a
oo- no !ully'
For e0ample- "e ear (anno "ear sounds "a are *ery !ain-
*ery !ar o!!- or in "e pas' T"e eyes (anno see "in)s "a are
*ery !ar- or *ery iny- or in "e pas' T"us- "e senses "a*e
limied po.ers' So mu(" so "a "ey (anno a,sor, "emsel*es'
T"e eyes (anno see isel!- e('
T"a ,ein) "e (ase- "o. (an "e senses )i*e "e /no.led)e o!
"e essen(e "a "as e0ised sin(e ,e!ore name and !orm
mani!esed+ T"e senses re*ol*e around "eir o.n sp"eres' T"e
essen(e o! te`ja (e!!ul)en(e) is "e adhyaatmika (meap"ysi(al)
aspe( o! "e eye' T"e sun is "e adhidaivik (di*ine) aspe(- and
"e o,>e( .e see is "e adhibhautik ()ross) aspe( o! "e same
e>a' Te>a sees e>a "rou)" e>a' No sense or)an "as "e
(apa(iy o see isel! re*ealed' Nor (an i see is adhishthaaana
("e su,sraum in ."i(" is e0iss)1 is in!inie essen(e'
T"en ."a (an .e "ope o )e !rom sense or)ans- e0(ep
limied /no.led)e+ ;an "ey e*er )i*e us "e saakshaatkaara
(dire( e0perien(e) o! "e essen(e ("e Bra"man)+ Ho. !oolis"
i .ould ,e o e0pe( "aE
All ri)"1 mediae .i" your mind' T"ese same senses "a*e
!illed "e mind .i" "e sanskaara (su,le su,(ons(ious
impressions) o! "e /no.led)e "ey possess' T"e mind (anno
mediae on some"in) i does no /no.' I is (olored ,y "e
su,(ons(ious impressions (reaed ,y ."a i "as seen and
"eard' W"en a person .ears (olored spe(a(les- e*en "e
(olorless rays o! "e sun seem o ,e (olored'
Similarly- ."en .e mediae upon Saya ("a- ."i(" (an ne*er
,e ne)aed)- "e e0perien(es .e "a*e depend upon our
sans/aras' We e0perien(e "e Bra"man as saakaara (.i"
!orm)- or niraakaara (.i"ou !orm)- as ,ein) in ano"er .orld-
,ein) a "e ,e)innin) or end o! ime- e(' All "is is "e play o!
our sans/aras' T"ese sans/aras (an ,e pus"ed aside !or a ."ile
,y !o(usin) "e mind- ,u "ey are no desroyed' T"e shuddha
tattva (pure essen(e) (an ,e mediaed upon only ,y a shudda
mana (pure mind)'
Do you sri*e o ma/e your mind pure+
No.- "in/ a,ou buddhi ("e inelle()' T"e inelle( is
di!!eren in di!!eren people' I is in!luen(ed ,y ,o" paernal
and maernal )randparens- ,y ,o" parens- ,y prenaal
e0perien(es- ,y our solid and liDuid ina/e- and "e people .e
asso(iae .i"' T"e inelle( (an see srai)" a"ead' I sees "e
e0ernal .orld- ,u no ."a lies .i"in' T"a means- i (an only
ima)ine "e sour(e o! is inspiraion- "e "a re*eals
isel!- is su,sraum'
T"ese ima)ined (on(eps "a*e o ,e )i*en up !irs' An
ima)ined Saya (an ne*er ,e "e a(ual Saya' T"e a(ual Saya
is no a !ra)men o! ima)inaion' I is e0remely di!!i(ul o
es(ape !rom "e .e, o! ima)ined and e0pressed ideas' For "is-
you need a Sad)uru (enli)"ened Maser) ."o "as e0perien(ed
"is poornataa (."oleness) and adviteeyataa (non2dual
essen(e)' T"e ad*iiyaa in "e paramaartha (supreme essen(e)-
and poornaaa in vyavahaara (.orldly inera(ion)' 8Duanimiy
is presen only in poornaaa' T"e ."oleness (o! "e Bra"man-
"e Ama) "as no s(ope !or di!!eren(es ,e.een )ood or ,ad-
sin or )ood deeds- aa("men or a*ersion- "appiness or sorro.-
e)o or possessi*eness' No,ody (an ,e uni*ersally ,ene*olen
.i"ou "a*in) "e e0perien(e o! "is o.n non2dual essen(e
"is Ama ."i(" is poorna (."ole1 non2dual)' Sorro. (anno
,e eradi(aed unless a person )es samataa (eDuanimiy)' T"e
sel!2e!!ul)en essen(e "a is ,eyond ima)inaion and opinions
is "e a(ual !orm o! our Ama' To e0perien(e "is is o
e0perien(e "e 7aramar"a' T"is (anno ,e /no.n "rou)" "e
senses- mind- or inelle(' T"e only me"od ,y ."i(" i (an ,e
/no.n is shravana (lisenin) o spiriual dis(ourses ,y
Nei"er "e eyes nor "e mind- are o! any use in pi(" dar/ness-
,u "e spo/en .ord )i*es /no.led)e' &ou "ear a sound and
(all ou o as/ ."o "as (ome' T"e person replies- and you
re(o)ni:e "im e*en in "e dar/'
T"e >ee*a (Ama aa("ed o a ,ody) is .anderin) around in "e
dar/ness o! i)noran(e' S"ra*an is "e only suppor "e "as'
;ome1 do s"ra*an'
$' 6' $34A
# 6< #
T"e Wonder!ul 8ssen(e o! 9nan'
9nan is o /no. some"in) as i a(ually is' I! you .an o
/no. a,ou any o,>e(- you "a*e o use your ears- s/in- eyes-
and o"er insrumens o! o,ainin) /no.led)e' &ou .ill see
"a "e o,>e(s are many- ,u "e li)" in ."i(" "ey are seen is
one' T"e eyes "a see are "e same' Sense o,>e(s are ransien-
,u 9nan is eernal' T"e di!!eren(e in "e pos and pi(ures does
no (reae di!!eren(es in 9nan'
I is "e same eyes "a sa. a ,lue and yello. sari yeserday-
and see a red and ."ie sari oday' T"e saris are di!!eren- ,u
"e eyes are "e same' T"e 9nan ,y ."i(" my ears "ear sounds
is "e same as "e 9nan ,y ."i(" my eyes see "e o,>e(s
,e!ore me' Some people "a*e e0(ellen eyesi)"- some "a*e
moderae eyesi)" and some "a*e poor eyesi)"' I is "e same
.i" all "e senses' T"e di!!eren(e in "e o,>e(s ma/es i seem
as "ou)" "ere are di!!eren 9nans- ,u 9nan is al.ays one'
All ri)"1 ."a is "e di!!eren(e ,e.een / ano"er
o,>e( and / yoursel!+ W"en you o,ain /no.led)e
a,ou o"er o,>e(s- you .an o pro(ure "em i! "ey are )ood
and use!ul- or a*oid "em i! "ey are ,ad' T"a means- 9nan
a,ou o"er "in)s is !or o,ainin) or a*oidin)' T"a is no "e
(ase .i" Ama)nan 9nan a,ou your Sel!' T"e Ama is
al.ays .i" you1 you don= "a*e o o,ain i1 nor (an you le i
)o' W"i(" means- Ama)nan only re*eals "a- ."i(" already
e0iss' To dis(lose ."a e0iss means o remo*e mis(on(epions
a,ou "e Ama'
Some"in) "a is /no.n- ,u is pas- is remem,ered' T"a-
."i(" .e ,elie*e .e .ill /no. in !uure- is ima)ined' %ur
Ama is nei"er some"in) o! "e pas- nor is i some"in) "a is
ye o (ome' I is "ere and no.- in "e !orm o! our che`tan
((ons(iousness)- ."i(" is "e sel!2e!!ul)en su,sraum o!
e*ery"in)' I is no (onne(ed o memories or ima)ined "in)s'
T"a means- our 9nan says as sanskaara (su,le su,(ons(ious
impressions) and is "e sour(e o! memories' %ur 9nan al.ays
says in ."a .e ima)ine- and promps "ou)"s a,ou
possi,iliies' Ho.e*er- "e 9nan a,ou our essen(e is nei"er
"e su,>e( o! memory- nor o! ima)inaion' I is- as i is' In "is-
Fis= and F9nan= are no separae'
T"is is su(" a simple maer "a anyone (an undersand i i! "e
ries' I! any >ee*a (Ama aa("ed o a ,ody) or Is".ara "ad
(reaed 9nan- didn= 9nan e0is ,e!ore "a+ T"e (reaion o!
9nan (anno ,e done i! "ere is no 9nanE T"e Is".ara (an only
,e /no.n "rou)" 9nan' T"e >ee*a (an only ,e /no.n "rou)"
9nan' T"e jagat (.orld) (an only ,e /no.n "rou)" 9nan'
No"in) (an ,e /no.n or esa,lis"ed- .i"ou 9nan'
I! .e )e a darshan (*ision) o! B"a).an- .e .ill "a*e o "a*e
"e 9nan a,ou B"a).an- or else "o. .ill .e /no. ."o He
is+ We .ill "a*e o /no. a,ou B"a).an !rom ,e!ore'
T"ere!ore- 9nan is no (reaed ,y "e >ee*a- Is".ara- 7ra/rii
(Naure)- bhoota (any"in) made o! "e !i*e elemens)- chitta
(!lu(uain) menal in(linaions)- or shoonya (*a(uum)' 9nan
e0iss- and i is ,e(ause o! 9nan "a "in)s are per(ei*ed'
T"in/ a,ou "is (an you separae yoursel! !rom 9nan+ %r-
(an 9nan separae isel! !rom you+
;ome- "en1 do shravana (lisen o spiriual dis(ourses ,y
Ma"amas)' &ou are a.are "a you /no. your mo"er and
!a"er ,e(ause you "a*e ,een old "a "ey are your parens-
and you ,elie*e ."a you are old' T"ere!ore- a lile !ai" is
needed !or you o ,elie*e ."a "e Ma"amas "a*e said' He
your mind ,e !a*ora,ly in(lined ."en you do s"ra*an' T"e
mind .ill ,e !a*ora,ly in(lined only i! you "a*e shraddhaa
&ou (an nei"er see- nor /no.- ."a you .ill o,ain !rom "is
9nan' &ou (an (erainly /no. ."i(" !auls in your inelle(
.ill ,e remo*ed- and "e !alse impressions "a .ill ,e
remo*ed' I! your 9nan remo*es any !la.s !rom your li!e- i is
use!ul o you' W"en a ,oy "as "is yagyopaveeta sanskaara ("e
(eremony o! re(ei*in) "e sa(red "read) "e sops eain) !ood
"a is !or,idden !or "im' A marria)e (eremony sops "e
(ouple !rom asso(iain) .i" o"er men and .omen' In "e
same .ay- ."en "e 9nan a,ou Saya ("a ."i(" (an ne*er ,e
ne)aed) (omes ino "e inelle(- i remo*es all !alse
impressions' &ou .ill see "a sukha ("appiness) "as (ome ino
your mind as you do s"ra*an'
Don= ("oose "e su/"a o! pro(urin) .orldly o,>e(s' ;"oose
"e su/"a o! !alse impressions ,ein) remo*ed' T"e only 9nan
"a (an a/e you o Saya is "e 9nan "a "as "e (apa(iy o
remo*e "e !auls in your li!e- and "e !alse impressions in your
mind' 8*ery ne. undersandin) .ill remo*e a layer o!
i)noran(e' &ou .ill (ome (loser o "a )rea e!!ul)en(e "a is
your essen(e' He is "e antaryaami ("e one ."o is in all
"ears) only "rou)" "e relaions"ip o! "e inelle(' I!
relaions"ips are remo*ed- He is your o.n Sel!'
Ho.e*er- "is (anno ,e )rasped !ully .i"ou s"ra*an !rom a
Sad)uru (enli)"ened Maser)' Ho. many ies are you ,ound
,y- in "is .orld+ &ou are ,ound ,y you e)o- ,y your mind- ,y
sins and )ood deeds- aa("mens and a*ersions- "appiness and
sorro.- 9nan and i)noran(e' All "ese are ,ro/en ."en you
"ear "e dis(ourses o! your 9uru- ."o "as reali:ed "is Sel!'
;ome do s"ra*an'
5' 6' $345'
# 6? #
Ni*rii A Mar*el'
Ni*rii is "e .i" o! .orldly (onsideraions' 7ra*rii
is o see e0ernal o,>e(s "rou)" your mind and senses' W"en
you .i"dra. menally !rom "e e0ernal .orld and urn ,a(/
ino your Sel!- i is (alled Fni*rii='
W"en you see muliple o,>e(s- i is pra*rii' To sop seein) "e
mulipli(iy and !o(us only on one o,>e( is ni*rii' No.- le )o
o! "a one e0ernal o,>e(- and !i0 your aenion on your eye'
See "e eye (in your mind) .i"ou any (olor- !orm- or sense
o,>e( aa("ed o i' Ha*en= you .i"dra.n !rom all e0ernal
No.- le )o o! "e ne`tra-vritti ("e menal in(linaion o.ards
"e eye) and (ome o mano-vritti (menal in(linaion o.ards
"e mind)' T"en le )o o! "e mana2*rii and (ome ino "e
buddhi-vritti' Fo(us your mind on "e inelle('
W"a is "e di!!eren(e ,e.een "e mano2*rii and ,udd"i2
*rii+ T"e ,udd"i2*rii (onains 9nan' &ou /no. "a "is is
)ood and "a is ,ad' T"e mano2*rii (onains desires' T"e
/no.led)e o! )ood and ,ad- ,ene!i(ial and "arm!ul- (omes
!rom "e inelle(' T"e .is" o )e or )i*e up- (omes !rom "e
mana (mind)' Rise a,o*e "e mind' Rise a,o*e "e di!!eren(es
o! )ood and ,ad "a lie in "e inelle(' To rise a,o*e means o
)o deeper .i"in' I means o (ome (loser o your Sel!' Is "is
no ni*rii+ As soon as "e ni*rii is poorna (oal1 (omplee)
you .ill ,e seaed in "e a,solue pea(e o! your essen(e'
Do you "a*e any )old ornamen+ T"e )old is no separae !rom
"e s"ape and .ei)" o! "e ornamen' T"a means- "e o,>e( is
no is appearan(e i is "e )old "a is "e an)i,le o,>e('
&ou (an urn i ino po.der- or ("an)e is s"ape and (all i ,y
some o"er name' I! "e pari(les are *ery iny- you .ill need a
mi(ros(ope o see "em' I! "ey are e*en more minis(ule- "ey
.ill ,e(ome niraakaara (!ormless)' T"ey .ill ,e(ome
!ra)mens o! your ima)inaion'
He )o o! e*en "e ima)ined !orm' W"a is le! is you "e
shuddha (pure) Sa (e0isen(e)- s"udd"a 9nan- and s"udd"a
Ananda (,liss)' T"is is "e pea/ o! ni*rii' W"a is "is
Sa(("idananda (Sa I pure e0isen(e- ;"i I pure
(ons(iousness- Ananda I pure ,liss1 "e Ama or "e Bra"man)'
#hravana (lisenin) o "e dis(ourses o! Ma"amas) is needed o
/no. "is'
In ."a !orm do you see a trina (,lade o! )rass)+ &our eyes ell
you "a i is yello.' &our s/in ells you "a i is si!!' &our
ears and on)ue )i*e you "e in!ormaion a,ou "o. i (ra(/les
and ."a i ases li/e' W"ere "a*e you seen "e ,lade o! )rass+
&ou only o,ained /no.led)e a,ou is appearan(e- !la*or- !eel-
!ra)ran(e and sound- "rou)" your di!!eren senses' T"e a(ual
essen(e o! "e ,lade o! )rass did no ,e(ome "e o,>e( o! your
senses' So "en- ."a is is a(ual essen(e+ Ima)ine i' No.-
."a is "e di!!eren(e ,e.een your sattaa (pure e0isen(e) and
"e sattaa o! "e ,lade o! )rass "a you "a*e ima)ined+ T"ere
is no di!!eren(e in saa2saa1 pure e0isen(e is one' T"e
di!!eren(e is in ."a is ima)ined'
&ou see a "uman ,ein)' Gus as ."en you a/e a p"oo)rap"-
"e impression (omes on a !ilm- ."a you see lea*es a su,le
impression on your antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody)-
and is seen .i"in' &our !eelin)s !or your parens are also seen
in your ana"/aran- and mer)e ino "eir ima)e in your mind'
No.- loo/ deep ino your ana"/aran and see "e Ama2
("aianya ("e (ons(iousness "a is your Ama) "a lies ,e"ind
your ana"/aran' Is "e che`tan (pure (ons(iousness) in "e
person you see separae !rom "e Ama2("aianya "a you see
in your ana"/aran+
T"e ("ean is "e one ."o sees' T"e ("ean in "e o,>e( you
see is ima)ined' W"en you "a*e a dream- and in i you see a
!i*e year old ("ild- a "iry year old !a"er and a si0y year old
)rand!a"er- aren= "ey all a(ually "e same a)e+ T"eir a)e is
"e duraion o! "eir presen(e in your dream' Were "ey
some"in) else in "eir pas li*es+ Will "eir a(ions lead "em
o !uure ,ir"s- Hell- Hea*en- or @ai/un" ("e land o!
B"a).an @is"nu)+ &ou see "em as ,ein) separae !rom you-
,u is "eir (ons(iousness separae !rom yours+ T.o people
Duarrel .o people ma/e lo*e' Someone is ,orn- someone dies'
W"a is all "is+ Are "ey all separae >ee*as (Ama aa("ed o
di!!eren ,odies)+ NoE I is your o.n mind "e one ."o .ins-
as .ell as "e one ."o loses' T"e ("aianya in "em ,o" is
your ("ainanya' T"eir minds are your mind' T"eir saa is your
T"e di!!eren(es o! pla(e- ime- and indi*iduals are no separae
!rom you' Is i no mar*elous+ T"is is a spe(ial- e0raordinary
9nan- and no,ody (an o,ain i "rou)" "is o.n inelle(' I (an
,e o,ained only "rou)" shravana (lisenin) o dis(ourses ,y
Ma"amas)' So (ome1 do s"ra*an'
A' 6' $345'
# 65 #
T"e Ama is 9nan- 8ernal and Hi,eraed'
In vyavahaara (.orldly inera(ion) all 9nan ,e(omes a triputi
(riple !a(eed)' For e0ample- "e eyes )i*e "e /no.led)e
a,ou "e appearan(e' T"is is one !a(e' T"e 9nan a,ou "e
appearan(e is ano"er !a(e- and "e one ."o "as "e 9nan
your FI= is "e "ird !a(e' T"ese are "e "ree !a(es o! 9nan
"a apply o all o,>e(s'
T"e aham (su,le e)o o! ,ein) an indi*idual- "e FI=) is ,e"ind
"e 9nan' T"e o,>e( "a is /no.n is "e idam ("a1 "e o"er)
9nan' Does "a ma/e "e a"am "e FI= "a lies ,e"ind "e
/no.led)e o! all "e di!!eren "in)s- separae+ Is "e FI= ."o
"ears separae !rom "e FI= ."o sees- ases- ou("es- and
smells+ No- o! (ourse noE I is "e same FI='
T"is ripui (reaes "e di!!eren(es ,e.een "e alpagya ("e
one ."o "as limied /no.led)e- a "uman) and "e sarvagya
("e all2/ "e Is".ara)' T"e >ee*a (Ama aa("ed o a
,ody) is alpa)ya- and "e Is".ara is sar*a)ya' T"a means- "e
a"am and "e idam are ,o" o ,e pu aside' T"en- 9nan
,e(omes pure' T"e di!!eren(es (aused ,y spa(e- ime- and
maer do no e0is in pure 9nan' T"e di!!eren(es o! a"am are
remo*ed' %nly 9nan remains' No"in) e0iss- e0(ep pure
9nan' T"ere are no sense o,>e(s- and no one ."o en>oys "e
sense o,>e(s' T"is 9nan is "e paramaartha (supreme)
svaroopa (essen(e) o! "e Ama' T"is is ."a is e0plained ,y
"e mahaa vaakya ("e supreme saemen o! "e @edas)'
T"a means- ."en you /no. "a your essen(e is "e pure 9nan
"a is !ree o! "e FI= and Fo"er=- "e i)noran(e a,ou "e
essen(e o! "e Bra"man ,ein) non2dual- is remo*ed' &ou no
lon)er ma/e non2dualiy "e o,>e( o! your inelle(' W"en a
person o,ains Bra"ma)nan- "e ne*er "in/s- FI /no. "e
Bra"man'= He /no.s "a "e is "e Bra"man' He (anno ,e
di*ided ino .o !orms' He (an= ,e "e one ."o /no.s as .ell
as "a ."i(" is /no.n'
Well no.- ell me ruly "a*e you e*er "ou)" a,ou 9nan in
"is .ay+ Ha*e you e*er !el "a 9nan is "e Ama- 9nan is "e
Bra"man- and "ere!ore- "e Ama is "e Bra"man+ Isn= "is a
mira(le o! 9nan+ All your sel!2(reaed ,onda)es .ill s(aer
and !all o!!' &ou .ill no lon)er ,e dependen on any"in)' &our
!ears a,ou li!e and dea" .ill all !ade a.ay' Aa("mens and
a*ersions .ill no lin)er in your mind' T"e ussle ,e.een >oy
and sorro. .ill no ou(" you'
T"is is a mira(le o! 9nan- in ."i(" "ere is no ,onda)e o! e*en
D"arma- upaasanaa (.ors"ip)- or &o)a' Nor is "ere any
ension a,ou "e need o "old on o 9nan' I is "e ama:in)
"appiness o! jeevan mukti (,ein) !ree o! all .orldly (on(erns)'
Unli/e D"arma- is no resri(ed o any spe(ial /arma (a(ions)'
&ou do no "a*e o "old on o i- as in upasana' &ou don= "a*e
o rerea ino "e (a*e o! your "ear "e .ay you "a*e o in
&o)a' T"is 9nan remains .i" you a e*ery sa)e o! your
inera(ion' I is an in!inie- un,ro/en- (omplee 9nan'
Su(" 9nan (an only ,e o,ained !rom an e0perien(ed-
enli)"ened Maser' Do shravana (lisen o "e dis(ourses o!
B' 6' $345'
# 6A #
9o A"ead Wi" 8n"usiasm
T"e desires are sron)' T"e mind is resless' T"e senses are
urned ou.ards' T"e empaions are innumera,le' T"e !ee are
s"a/y' %,sa(les sand in "e .ay li/e )"ouls' A /ind o!
sadness and "opelessness en*elopes "e mind' T"ere is a
!eelin)- FI "a*e !allen !rom "e pa"'= T"a is "e ime o
,e(ome aler'
%nly a person ."o .al/s (an sum,le and slip' He may e*en
!all a imes' T"e o!!en(e is no "is !allin)- "e o!!en(e is i! "e
does no )e up and )o !or" a)ain' So- don= !eel a!raid o! your
o,sa(les' Don= ,e dis"earened or depressed' &our prospe(s
are e0remely ,ri)" ,e(ause your aatmashakti ("e o!
your Ama) is (onne(ed o "e ananta-shakti ("e in!inie "a (anno ,e o*er(ome ,y anyone'
9o !or" .i" en"usiasm' Ha*e (on!iden(e "a you are on "e
*er)e o! rea("in) your )oal' Feel "a your )oal is (omin)
(loser .i" e*ery minue "a passes- .i" e*ery sep you a/e'
W"a you desire is no o"er1 i is your Sel!' No a sin)le
momen or ioa o! your e!!or )oes .ase' I "elps you mer)e
ino poornataa (."oleness)'
So "en- "o. sin(ere are you in your e!!ors o rea(" your )oal+
Ho. *i)ilan are you a,ou "is+ To ."a dep" does your
ea)erness- an0iey- or lon)in) rea("+ W"i(" is "e o,sa(le "a
sands li/e a *eil ,e.een you and your )oal+
Ta/e one mad leap o.ards your )oal- usin) all your sren)"'
T"e )oal seems o ,e remoe- !ar ino "e !uure- disan- and
separae !rom you' All "ese !a(ors .ill disappear' T"e !a( is
"a "ey .ere ne*er "ere' I .as >us a menal ,lo(/a)e' I is
"e enden(y o! !alse impressions- and no e0erion is needed !or
you o remo*e i' W"ene*er you .an i o ,e remo*ed- "e
enire eeshvareeya shakti ( o! "e Is".ara) .ill suppor
your s"a/i- and "e dar/ness .ill ("an)e ino a )rea
Wa/e upE AriseE Be ea)er o aain your )oal' All "e po.ers
are ea)er o "elp you'
3' 6' $345'
# 6B #
W"y A(ions are ;onrary o T"ou)"'
We "a*e "e 9nan a,ou ."a .e s"ould do and ."a .e
s"ouldn=- ,u ."en !a(ed .i" some empaion- our a(ions
o!en )o (onrary o our 9nan' W"a is "e reason !or "is+
Improper a(ion is resri(ed as lon) as 9nan and sukha
("appiness) )o o)e"er' W"en su/"a ,e(omes separae !rom
9nan- 9nan !ollo.s su/"a- and "a is ."en .e do "in)s "a
.e s"ouldn='
Ta/e "e e0ample o! spea/in) "e ru"' We /no. "a i is
.ron) o ell lies1 "a i is a sin' We /no. "a i is .ron) o
seal1 sealin) is a sin' And ye .e ima)ine "a .e .ill o,ain
"appiness ,y ellin) lies or sealin) some"in)' T"e mind a/es
"e side o! su/"a and a,andons ."a .e /no. o ,e ri)"' 9nan
is "e maser and su/"a is "e ser*an' W"en "e ,e"a*ior is in
/eepin) .i" 9nan- su/"a .ill al.ays a((ompany i- ,u ."en
9nan ,e)ins o !ollo. su/"a- i no lon)er says in is pure !orm'
I ,e(omes disored' I ,e(omes agnaana ("a- ."i(" is
(onrary o 9nan)'
T"a is ."y our mind is parial o su/"a and .e ,e(ome
disin(lined o !ollo. 9nan' To de*elop "e in(linaion o !ollo.
9nan- .e s"ould li*e a((ordin) o our 9nan- e*en a "e (os o!
some dis(om!or' Su/"a is !leein)' I ,e(omes a (ause o!
sorro. ."en i )oes (onrary o 9nan' We s"ould use "e
me"ods o! tapasyaa (as(ei(ism)- sahishnutaa (enduran(e) and
nishkaamataa (,ein) !ree o! sel!is" desires) o ma/e our su/"a
a ! o! our 9nan' T"e- sin!ul empaions .ill no
in!luen(e our antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody)'
$3' $' $34A'
# 64 #
Feelin) or T"ou)"'
W"en .e see any person- o,>e(- pla(e- ime- or emoion !rom
"e *ie.poin o! .ors"ip o! "e Is".ara- "ere is no need o lin/
i .i" lo)i( or s(ien(e' T"e o,>e( may ,e lar)e or small' I
may ,e a S"ali)ram s"ila (a round sone .ors"ipped as
B"a).an @is"nu)- a Tulsi plan- a 7eepal Tree- a (o.- a
or a 9uru' I may ,e "e s/y- .ind- or !ire' T"e !eelin) "a
"is is "e Is".ara "as o (ome !rom us' T"e !eelin) (omes
!rom "e kartaa (doer)1 "e o,>e( .e .ors"ip seems poorna
(."ole- "e oaliy) o us' T"is (anno ,e esed in a la,oraory'
Nor (an i ,e e0amined lo)i(ally' W"ae*er i may ,e- ."en
our inelle( "as "e (on*i(ion "a "is is poorna- .e .ill "a*e
"e e0perien(e o! poornataa ("e ."oleness1 "e oaliy)' I!
"ere is "e sli)"es la(/ o! !ai"- "e poornataa .ill no ,e
T"e pa" o! "e inelle( is di!!eren' In "is- "ere is no need o
de*elop any !eelin)' We "a*e o e0pose "e ru" "rou)"
saadhan (me"ods !or spiriual pro)ress)- yukti (pra(i(al
me"ods or reasonin))- sthiti ((ondiion)- and e0perien(e'
'haava (!eelin)) is dependen on "e /ara- ."ereas vichaara
(inelle(ual analysis- pro!ound "ou)") is dependen on "e
essen(e o! "e o,>e('
W"en people see all "e di!!eren o,>e(s in "is .orld- "ey
superimpose "eir o.n ideas upon "e 7aramama- and "e
paramaartha (supreme Saya1 "e realiy "a (an ne*er ,e
ne)aed)' So mu(" so- "a .e ,elie*e "e 7aramama is eernal
,e(ause o! our aa("men o ime' We ,elie*e "a He is all2
per*adin) ,e(ause o! our aa("men o spa(e- and .e ,elie*e
Him o ,e "e ,asi( maer o! e*ery"in) ,e(ause o! our
aa("men o o,>e(s
W"en .e are !reed o! all desires- no"in) remains e0(ep our
essen(e' T"e Ama "a ena,les us o see "e .orld is "e same
Ama ino ."i(" "e .orld dissol*es' So- .e s"ould ,e (are!ul
o a*oid mi0in) up !eelin) and "ou)"' I! you ("oose !eelin)-
"a*e !ull de*oion' I! you ("oose "ou)"- ,e ru"less in your
6C' $' $34A'
# 63 #
Don= Disdain 9nan'
&ou don= disdain your 9nan- do you+ I! your 9nan ells you
some"in)- and you i)nore i and a( a)ains i- you are
insulin) your 9nan' 9nan s"rin/s ."en i is o!!ended' W"en
9nan s"rin/s you no lon)er )e ne. ideas or !res" inspiraions'
T"e (lariy o! your inelle( .ill ,e dulled' Respe( your 9nan'
Don= do any"in) you /no. o ,e .ron)'
Is your 9nan mean !or o"ers or is i mean !or you+ I! i is
mean !or o"ers- you "a*e o a((ep "a "ey la(/ 9nan and
you are a 9nani (one ."o "as 9nan1 an enli)"ened person)' I
means you (onsider o"ers o ,e in!erior' T"is in(reases "e
possi,iliy o! *aniy ,ein) reained in your mind' 9nan s"ould
,e used !or undersandin) oursel*es .ell'
Almos e*ery"in) in "is .orld is a((eped as ,ein) superior or
in!erior- dependin) on "e pla(e- ime- eli)i,iliy- sae-
sren)"- radiion- e(' T"ese are separae and /eep ("an)in)'
T"ey also di!!er !rom pla(e o pla(e' T"ere!ore- "ere is no need
or (ause !or >ud)in) o,>e(s ,y "ese (onsideraions' Mos o!
our ,elie!s are ,ased on ,lind a((epan(e or so(ial radiions'
As and ."en "eir la(/ o! uiliy is re*ealed "ey s"ould ,e
dis(oninued' 8*en i! "ey are reained in our li*es- .e s"ould
no allo. our inelle( o )i*e "em imporan(e'
We s"ould )i*e up "e dir "a "as min)led .i" our aham ("e
su,le e)o o! ,ein) an indi*idual)' We s"ould undersand "e
("an)es and enden(ies o! "e )ood Dualiies in our a"am' Gus
as !as"ions ("an)e in our dress and >e.elry- "e norms o! ."a
is )ood and proper in so(ial inera(ion also /eep ("an)in)'
No"in) remains .i" us' 8*ery"in) is )i*en up ."en .e )o o
sleep or ino o,li*ion' I! .e .an- .e (an use our lo!y and
"eal"y 9nan o )i*e up e*ery"in) e*en ."en .e are a.a/e'
Respe( your 9nan' All "e "a,is a((eped ,y agnaana (la(/ o!
9nan) .ill auomai(ally mo*e a.ay' T"ey .ill slip and !all
o!!' Respe( !or 9nan is "e pa" !or o,ainin) "e e0perien(e o!
"e paramaartha (supreme) Saya ("e ulimae realiy)'
6$' $' $34A'
# <C #
Su/"a2Du/"a Mere 7er(epions'
T"ere .as a poer' He "ad a .i!e and son' 8*ery day "e .ould
ma/e- ,a/e and sell "is pos' T"ey li*ed a "appy li!e'
T"e poer ,e)an o )e a dream' 8*ery ni)"- as soon as "e !ell
asleep- "e dream "a "e .as an 8mperor' He "ad e*ery"in)
a Kin)dom- Jueen- 7rin(e- a 9eneral- .eal"- and a de*oed
popula(e' His li!e .as "appy in e*ery .ay' W"en "e .o/e up-
"e .as a poer on(e more'
He dream "e same dream e*ery ni)"- and "e ,e(ame *ery
aa("ed o "is dream' He no lon)er en>oyed "is .or/' All "e
.aned .as !or "e day o ,e o*er- so "a "e (ould )o o sleep
and ,e(ome an 8mperor a)ain' I is "e naure o! dreams "a
"ey e0is only as lon) as "ey as seen' 8*ery"in) "a is seen
in a dream is no"in) ,u "e dream' T"e *ision is "e o,>e(-
and "e o,>e(s are a *ision' T"e (reaion is "e *ision'
Ta/e a )ood loo/ a your presen li!e' W"a are sukha-dukha
("appiness2sorro.)+ W"a is "e e0en o! "eir pla(e- ime-
imporan(e or la(/ o! imporan(e+ Ha*e "ey (ome or "a*e
"ey )one+ Are "ey (reaed or no (reaed+ T"ey are a
re!le(ion seen in a mirror'
&ou !eel "a su/"a2du/"a are real- ,u "ey "a*e no e0isen(e
unless "ey are /no.n' T"en- ."a is "eir sattaa (e0isen(e1
realiy)+ T"ey are mere per(epions- no"in) more' I is a
!alla(y "a su/"a2du/"a are real- "a "ey "a*e (ome !rom
some."ere- .ill say or )o' 8*ery"in) "a is seen on "e
(inema s(reen is a play o! li)" and s"ado.' All "a is seen in
"e s(reen o! "e antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody) is
Maya (illusion)' I e0iss nei"er in "e one ."o sees- nor on "e
s(reen' Don= urn i ino a realiy'
S"arpen your per(epion and see "e s"ado.s o! su/"a2du/"a
are no"in) ,u s"ado.s' T"ey are no real- so don= urn "em
ino a ,urden' T"ey are pi(ures "a "a*e no .all o suppor
"em' T"ey are li/e (loud paerns' Don= )i*e "em "e
imporan(e o! real "in)s' Don= mer)e ino "em >us o,ser*e
66' $' $34A'
# <$ #
T"e Se(re o! Su/"a2Du/"a'
T"ere .as a Bads"a"' He "ad e*ery"in) a .i!e- a son- a
pala(e- .eal"- and a (onened popula(e- ,u "e .as al.ays
do))ed ,y some pro,lem o! o"er' His .i!e .ould sul/- or "is
son .ould ill2rea someone- "e Army .as !ull o! pro,lems- "is
enemies "reaened- or "ere .as !ear o! an ou,rea/ o! some
epidemi(' %ne pro,lem !ollo.ed ano"er- and "e (ould ne*er
sleep in pea(e' T"is is "e .ay "e .orld !lo.s on'
%ne day "e Bads"a" .as srollin) on "e erra(e o! "is pala(e'
He )lan(ed do.n- and sa. a lile "u (lose o "e pala(e .alls'
A *ery poor !amily man- .i!e and son li*ed "ere' T"ey
.ere so poor "a "ey "ad no"in)' 8*en "eir *essels .ere
made o! (lay' T"e Bads"a" .a("ed "em s"are "eir mea)er
meal- ("ain) "appily as "ey ae- and "en )o o sleep
pea(e!ully' He .a("ed "em !or a !e. days- mar*elin) a "eir
"appiness in spie o! su(" a(ue po*ery'
%ne day- "e Bads"a" spo/e a,ou i o "is Miniser' FHo. (an
"ey li*e so "appily ."en "ey are so poor+=
F&our Hi)"ness- )i*e me niney2nine rupees-= said "e Miniser'
He ied "e money ino a ,undle and "re. i do.n ino "e "u'
T"e ne0 mornin)- "e !amily sa. "e ,undle and .ondered
."ere i (ame !rom' T"ey opened i and .ere ama:ed o see so
mu(" money' T"ey didn= "a*e e*en a small (oin in "e "ome'
A!er dis(ussin) "e maer- "ey de(ided o sa*e one paisa
(si0y2!our paisa made one rupee) e*ery day- unil "ey "ad
sa*ed a "undred rupees'
T"e day "ey !ailed o sa*e one paisa- "ey .ould ,lame ea("
o"er !or no ,ein) "ri!ier' 9radually- sri!e and ension
repla(ed "eir (are!ree "appiness' T"e Miniser old "e
Bads"a"- FHi)"ness- "is is (alled K"e ma:e o! niney2nineL'
W"en someone .ans more and more- "ey (an ne*er ,e "appy
or a pea(e' T"is is "e se(re o! sukha-dukha ("appiness and
T"e e0en o! a person=s sorro. depends on "e e0en o! "is
desires' T"e ! "e desires- "e "appier "e .ill ,e' Be
(are!ulE Are you in(reasin) your desires- or redu(in) "em+
6<' $' $34A'
# <6 #
Aa("men or Falla(y+
Kno.led)e a,ou e0ernal o,>e(s (omes !rom "e senses' For
e0ample- "e !ra)ran(e- !la*or- appearan(e- e0ure and sound
are /no.n ,y "eir respe(i*e senses' 8a(" sense or)an (an
/no. is o.n o,>e(s- ,u no "e o,>e(s o! any o"er sense
or)an' For e0ample- "e eyes /no. no"in) a,ou !ra)ran(e-
!la*or- e0ure- or sound' T"a means- e*ery sense or)an is
agnaani (i)noran) a,ou "e o,>e(s o! "e o"er senses'
T"e senses are in(apa,le o! / e*en "eir o.n o,>e(s
!ully' T"in)s loo/ di!!eren ."en "ey are *ery !ar- or *ery
(lose' Appearan(es ("an)e' T"e same o,>e( loo/s di!!eren
!rom a di!!eren an)le- or ."en eyesi)" ("an)es' T"in)s loo/
di!!eren ."en seen "rou)" a ,ino(ular or mi(ros(ope' T"e
num,ers o! spe(a(les are also di!!eren'
No,ody (an (laim "a "ey "a*e ,e(ome aa("ed o ."a "eir
eyes s"o.ed "em' T"e eyes "a*e seen so many !lo.ers- !ruis-
ri*ers- mounains- !oress- seas- animals- ,irds- and people did
"ey e*er )e su(/ o any o! "em+ T"e senses e0perien(e one
o,>e( a!er ano"er- !or)e "em- and (ra*e ne. e0perien(es'
Ha*e "ey e*er )o aa("ed o any one or ano"er+
Ta/e relaions"ips' Is "ere anyone in your li!e .i" ."om you
(an inera( .i"ou reser*e+ T"ere is al.ays some !a(or "a
you "a*e o /eep (on(ealed' A man "as o "ide so many "in)s
a,ou "is .i!e !rom "is mo"er- and so many "in)s a,ou "is
mo"er !rom "is .i!eE We (an ne*er ell anyone e*ery"in)
a,ou oursel*es' 8*en ."en .e are aa("ed o someone- a
(are!ul e0aminaion .ill s"o. "a "ere are some "in)s a,ou
."i(" .e (anno ,e (ompleely open' T"en- ."ere is "e
aa("men (omplee+
Has your mind ,e(ome aa("ed o any o,>e( or indi*idual or
pla(e- sin(e your ("ild"ood up o "e presen ime+ T"e !a( is
"a you "ardly remem,er "ose you .ere deeply aa("ed o
on(e' T"e mana (mind) is 9nan and "e senses are also 9nan'
T"ere!ore- "ey see "eir o,>e(s ,u "ey ne*er )e rapped ino
si(/in) o any o! "em' 9nan is "a- ."i(" remains in is pure
!orm- un("an)ed- e*en ."en "e o,>e(s /eep ("an)in)' FMy
dreams /eep ("an)in)1 I do no ("an)e'= I is a !alla(y o "in/
"a you are emoionally aa("ed o any"in) or anyone'
No.- a/e "e inelle(' T"e "ou)"s "a (ome ino your
inelle( are as in(al(ula,le as "e sars in "e s/y- "e )uss o!
.ind- "e spar/s in !ire- "e ripples in .aer- and "e )rains o!
ear"' T"ou)"s are s(aered in "e inelle( "e .ay sound is
s(aered in spa(e' T"ey (ome- seem pleasan !or a ."ile- and
"ey ("an)e' T"e inelle( is also 9nan' I is no ied o
any"in)' Aa("men is a !alse impression' I seems o ,e
)enuine- ,u i is no real'
9nan (ould ne*er ,e asanga (unaa("ed) "ad i (onained
aasakti (aa("men)' (aaga-dve`sha (aa("mens2a*ersions)
.ould al.ays remain' Desires .ould (oninue o ensla*e '
Dependen(e .ould ,e permanen' T"ere is no a(ual aa("men
e*er- any."ere- o anyone- in "e rue essen(e o! 9nan' Nor
does aa("men e0is in "e indriya (senses)- mind- inelle(- or
"e Ama' Asa/i is a bhram (!alla(y)'
T"is !alla(y "as .o !orms' T"e super!i(ial !orm is- FI am
aa("ed o some,ody'= T"e o"er !orm ."i(" is a a deeper
le*el is- FT"a person is aa("ed o me'= T"e se(ond (auses
more sorro. "an "e !irs' I! .e )i*e up our li!e !or someone- i
is our ."im1 ,u o "in/ "a someone is so (ompleely de*oed
o us- is o ma/e oursel*es as *ulnera,le as animals' &ou .ill
,e(ome "is puppe' He .ill ma/e you dan(e- and you .ill
dan(e o "is pipin)'
T"ere!ore- aa("men is no"in) ,u a !alla(y' An inelli)en
person s"ould al.ays ,e aler a,ou "is'
63' $' $34A'
# << #
Memories ,e(ome sale' T"a means- ."a you e0perien(e urns
ino memories' I is no possi,le !or an e0perien(e- and is
memory- o e0is in "e mind a "e same ime' W"e"er a pas
e0perien(e is au"eni( or no- is memory .ill ,e sored in "e
antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody) and .ill ei"er ,e
(lear- or in(omplee'
7roo! esa,lis"es some"in) "a e0iss' Is uiliy (eases on(e i
"as re*ealed is o,>e(' T"ere is no need o pro*e "e same "in)
a)ain and a)ain' 7roo! *anis"es ino "e !uure'
'haavanaa (!eelin)) is done !rom our side' An idol is seen- and
.e !eel "a i is "e De*a (presidin) deiy- "e o,>e( o! our
.ors"ip)' Feelin) is imposed ,y us- ei"er on oursel*es- or on
some o"er o,>e(' I is no (onne(ed o "e !a(' T"e in!luen(e
o! "e people .e asso(iae .i"- our o.n in(linaions- and "e
opinions o! o"ers a!!e( our !eelin)' B"a*ana (an ,e (uli*aed-
)i*en up- or ("an)ed' I! .e )e in!luen(ed ,y "e .ron) /ind o!
people- i (an ,e (onsidered a !olly'
#hravana (lisenin) o "e spiriual dis(ourses o! Ma"amas)
a,ou "e paroksha (some"in) "a is no seen)- or aparoksha
(some"in) "a is e0perien(ed ,y "e mind) )i*es 9nan a,ou
."a .e "ear' I! you do s"ra*an a,ou "e essen(e o! "e Ama-
you .ill o,ain "e aparo/s"a 9nan a,ou i' I! you do s"ra*an
a,ou "e paro/s"a Is".ara- you .ill o,ain paro/s"a 9nan
a,ou Him' T"e spo/en .ord "as unima)ina,le' I .ill
s"aer "e *eil "a "ides "e o,>e( o! your s"ra*an' T"is is
."y ,o" ,"a/i and @edana are o,ained "rou)" s"ra*an'
T"e !irs saadhan (me"od !or spiriual pro)ress) !or ,"a/i is
s"ra*an- and "e "i)"es proo! o! @edana is also o,ained !rom
Manana ()i*in) "ou)" o "e su,>e( maer o! spiriual
dis(ourses) "as "e o remo*e dou,s' I also )i*es rise o
ne. per(epions' Manan remo*es all dou,s a,ou "e proo!-
and a,ou "a- ."i(" is esa,lis"ed' De,aes and ar)umens )o
a)ains s"ra*an- ,u manna is "elp!ul' Manan is no sin)le2
Nididhyaasana is o ,rin) "e !o(us o! "e mind a)ain and a)ain
o one o,>e(' T"e menal in(linaion !or "e o,>e( ,e(omes a
(oninuous sream' T"is sream o! "ou)" is (onne(ed o
mo*emen- speed- and ime' I is inernal- and i remo*es .ron)
in(linaions' T"e person is a.are "a "e one ."o dis(ards is
separae !rom "a- ."i(" is dis(arded' T"ere!ore- "ese
disin(ions remain in manna'
$hyaana (mediaion) is dependen on "e kartaa (doer)'
W"e"er "e o,>e( o! mediaion is real or ima)ined- i ,eso.s
"e !rui- dependin) on "e sren)" o! "e desire and "e e!!or'
T"e !rui (an ,e desroyed i! "e person sops "is mediaion'
T"e !rui ,elon)s o "e ima)ined o,>e( and is impermanen'
9nan is o,ained ,y proo!' Worldly 9nan is o,ained "rou)"
maerial insrumens li/e "e !i*e senses' Ho.e*er- "ese
insrumens do no "a*e "e (apa(iy o )i*e 9nan a,ou our
Ama' All maerial insrumens !a(e ou.ards' 9nan a,ou our
Sel!- our Ama- is o,ained "rou)" "e proo! )i*en ,y @edana'
I does no ma/e "e Ama is o,>e( "e .ay 9nan a,ou
maerial o,>e(s ma/es pos and pi(ures is o,>e(' Nor is 9nan
a,ou "e Ama li/e "e Hea*en and o"er realms "a (an ,e
o,ained "rou)" e!!or' In !a(- i desroys "e agnaana (la(/ o!
9nan) a,ou "e Ama' T"e 9nan o! @edana does no (reae
any"in)1 no e*en Hea*en' I merely re*eals ."a is- as i is'
T"e essen(e o! 9nan is dependen on is o,>e(- and "e essen(e
o! d"yana is dependen on "e desire and e!!or o! "e /ara'
Fai" is a primary !a(or in d"yana- ."ile e0perien(e is "e
essen(e o! 9nan' T"e o,>e( o! mediaion is (reaed ,y d"yana-
,u no"in) is (reaed ,y 9nan' 9nan desroys "e *eil o!
advidyaa (nes(ien(e1 i)noran(e) "a "ides "e ru"' D"yana
(reaes some"in)- ,u 9nan re*eals ."a .as al.ays "ere'
T"e person is !reed1 "e reali:es "a "e "as al.ays ,een !ree' He
o,ains ."a "e al.ays "ad'
In !a(- "e prin(iple is "a any"in) "a is (reaed or remains
due o a)nana is mithyaa (an illusion1 a relai*e ru")1 i did
no e0is in "e ,e)innin)' And- "e o,>e( o,ained "rou)"
9nan is some"in) "a .as al.ays "ere' I is li/e a .oman
."o sear("ed e*ery."ere !or "er ,a,y ."o .as lyin) on "er
lap1 or sear("ed in "e sa!e !or "e ne(/la(e s"e .as .earin)'
T"is is "e spe(ial !eaure a,ou "e purpose- essen(e- and resul
o! 9nan'
9nan is sel!2e!!ul)en' I does no )i*e ,ir" o any"in)- and i
enli)"ens us a,ou "e one ."o is un,orn'
<$' $ $34A'
# <? #
Ama27aramamaE Ma"ama'
$' T"e su,sraum o! !ai" a,ou "e Ama27aramama and
e0isen(e2non2e0isen(e is sel!2e!!ul)en' I is "e "a
re*eals e*ery"in)' W"e"er "ere is e0isen(e or non2
e0isen(e- ."e"er "ese ,elie!s e0is or no- does no a!!e(
"e Bra"man ."o is "e su,sraum upon ."i(" e*ery"in)
is superimposed'
6' T"e Ama27aramama do no e0is in "e lap o! any spa(e-
ime- or o,>e(' T"e non2dual essen(e o! "e Bra"man is "e
su,sraum o! spa(e- ime and o,>e(1 and i is immua,le'
<' T"e Bra"man (anno ,e measured as ,ein) an anu,
madhyam, or vibhu. I is ,eyond all measures' FAnu= means
iny- Fmad"yam= means medium as lar)e as our ,ody- and
F*i,"u= means all2per*adin)' All "ese are measured ,y
(omparison- in(ludin) "e (on(ep o! ,ein) all2per*adin)'
?' T"e Ama27aramama are no (ompara,le' T"ere is no"in)
"ey (an ,e (ompared .i"'
5' T"e Ama27aramama are nirvikaara (,eyond disorion)
,e(ause "ey are no *isi,le1 nor are "ey )ross maer'
A' Ho. (an dukha (sorro.) ener "a- ."i(" is sel!2e!!ul)en-
eernal- and immua,le+ T"e Bra"man is "e mos ,elo*ed
essen(e o! supreme ,liss- and "ere!ore- i is !ree o! sorro.'
B' T"e dualiy o! "e sense o,>e(s and "e one ."o
e0perien(es "em- is a,sen in "e Ama27aramama'
4' Someone may (all "e Ama27aramama nirguna (.i"ou
ari,ues)- or saguna (.i" ari,ues)' Some may (all "em
niraakaara (.i"ou !orm) and some may (all "em
saakaara (.i" !orm)' Some may say "a "ey say in some
spe(i!i( land or ,eyond spa(e' T"e Ama27aramama ma/es
no o,>e(ions'
3' T"e Ama is eDual in all )oodness and .i(/edness- li(e
and mosDuioes- elep"ans and mounains i is simple and
$C'No maer ."a people say- do or "in/- "e 7aramama
ne*er re>e(s any,ody'
$$'T"ere is no desire in "e Ama27aramama !or any o"er'
$6'W"en you "in/ on "ese lines- you .ill /no. "a "e
Ma"ama is "e personi!i(aion o! "e 7aramama' T"e
7armama "as no !orm- "e Ma"ama "as a !orm' T"a
means- "e Ma"ama is a mani!esaion o! "e 7aramama'
T"e li!e o! a Ma"ama (onains no "ou)" o"er "an "e
essen(e o! "e 7aramama' T"e 7aramama is "e
paramaartha (supreme sae)- ."ile "e Ma"ama is
vyavahaara (.orldly inera(ion)' Unless you see "o. a
Ma"ama inera(s in "is .orld- you (anno e0perien(e or
esa,lis" "e 7aramama'
$' I ma/es no di!!eren(e o a Ma"ama ."e"er "e is
(onsidered o ,e a Sain or no' T"e .ord #ant (Sain)
(omes !rom asti (e0isen(e)' Asant (one ."o is "e opposie
o! sainly) is made !rom "e .ord Fnaasti (is no)' Bo" are
"e *ie.poins o! "e agnaani (one ."o la(/s 9nan)' T"e
Ma"ama is 9nan2svaroopa "e is "e essen(e o! 9nan'
6' T"e Ma"ama "as no "ou)"s a,ou "is o.n ,ir"- old a)e
or dea"'
<' T"e Ma"ama is no aa("ed o any pla(e- ime- or o,>e('
He "as no ur)e !or any o! "ese'
?' T"e Ma"ama does no (onsider "imsel! o ,e a >ee*a (Ama
aa("ed o a ,ody)' T"ere!ore- "is aham (su,le e)o o!
,ein) an indi*idual) is no ied o any"in) small- medium
or all2per*adin)' In "is *ie.- "ey are all superimposiions'
T"ey are ima)ined' T"ey are ima)ined ,e(ause o! our
ideni!i(aion .i" our antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le
5' A Ma"ama is no su,>e( o menal disorions li/e desire-
an)er- e( sin(e "e is no a separae )ross ,ody' His essen(e
pure (ons(iousness "as ,een re*ealed o "im- and "a is
."y "ere is no possi,iliy o! disorion'
A' T"e eernal (auses i! sorro. are mithyaa (!alse1 a relai*e
ru") in a Ma"ama' 8*en "e dukhaakaara vritti ("e
menal in(linaion o! sorro.) is mi"ya in a Ma"ama' T"e
su,le e)o o! "in/in)- FI am un"appy= ne*er (omes o a
B' A Ma"ama is ne*er su,>e( o per(epions o! dualiy- li/e
"e e0isen(e o! sense2o,>e(s and "e one ."o e0perien(es
"em1 or !eelin)s- or appearan(es'
4' 7eople may (all a Ma"ama a !ool or a 7undi- *iruous or
sin!ul- poor or ri("- sad or "appy i does no a!!e( "im in
any .ay'
3' A Ma"ama does no loo/ as/an(e a any,ody' He )i*es a
srai)"!or.ard reply- a*oidin) ar)umens and dispues'
$C' A Ma"ama ne*er re>e(s any,ody'
$$' A Ma"ama "as no desire !or any o"er'
# <5 #
&o)a- B"a/i and Bra"ma)nan'
"hitta-vritti (menal in(linaions) are o! !i*e /inds' %ne is
pratyaksha (e0perien(ed ,y "e senses)- anumaana (esimaed)-
e( li/e "e smo/e "a indi(aes "e presen(e o! !ire' T"e se(ond
is ,y error li/e "e sil*er in mo"er2o!2pearl' T"e "ird is "rou)"
a misa/en relaions"ip- li/e "e son o! a ,arren .oman' T"e
!our" is "rou)" slum,er- deep sleep and "e dreamin) sae' T"e
!i!" is "rou)" "e memory o! "in)s "a "a*e ,een seen- "eard
or e0perien(ed' T"ese !i*e /inds o! *rii (menal mo*emens) (an
,e "e (auses o! sorro.- or "ey (an ,e !a(ors "a li,erae us
!rom kle`sha (su!!erin))'
T"ou)"s "a in(rease "e .orld in(rease /les"a' T"e "ou)"s
"a remo*e "e .orld remo*e /les"a' All "ese (an ,e ,lo(/ed
"rou)" yogaabhyaasa ("e pra(i(e o! &o)a)' T"e person ."o
pra(i(es &o)a )es "e !eelin) "a "e is merely an unin*ol*ed
o,ser*er a drashtaa' He !eels "a "e is esa,lis"ed in "is
essen(e' Su(" a sae is (alled &o)a or Samad"i'
Ho.e*er- "is sae o! Samad"i does no "a*e ei"er ,"a/i or "e
Bra"ma)nan (9nan a,ou "e essen(e o! "e Bra"man) "a
remo*es avidyaa (nes(ien(e)' Bo" "ese are di!!eren !rom "e
nirodha-yoga "a ,lo(/s "ou)"s'
T"e S"asras and "e Sad)uru (enli)"ened Maser) in(ul(ae a
!orm o! B"a).an in our "ear' W"e"er i is "e a(ue su!!erin) o!
viraha (,ein) separaed !rom B"a).an) or ."e"er i is "e
deli(ious e(sasy o! ,ein) unied .i" Him- our menal
in(linaions are so!ened and made mallea,le' T"a means- "e
!orms (onne(ed o aa("mens and a*ersions "a are imprined
on our su,(ons(ious are erased- and "e !orm o! B"a).an is
imprined on our antahkaran (su,le ,ody or !our!old mind)
insead' %ur "ear is !illed .i" lo*e !or Him' B"a/i is "e *rii
"a is !illed .i" lo*e !or B"a).an'
T"e ("ia2*rii o! some people is (leansed o! aa("mens and
a*ersions "rou)" shama-dama (e0ernal and inernal sel!2
dis(ipline) e(- ,u "ey do no e0perien(e ears- e(sasy- or "e
melin) o! "e "ear' T"e S"asras and Sad)uru implan "e mind
o! "e dras"a (unin*ol*ed o,ser*er) .i" "e 9nan "a is "e
essen(e o! "e Bra"man' I! "e *rii ,e(omes bhagavadaakaara
in(lined o.ards B"a).an) i is ,"a/i' I! i ,e(omes
brahmaakaara (in(lined o.ards "e Bra"man) i is 9nan'
B"a).an is saguna (.i" ari,ues)1 "e Bra"man is nirguna
(.i"ou ari,ues)'
W"a is "e di!!eren(e ,e.een ,"a/i and 9nan+ T"e di!!eren(e
is "a ."en "e ,"a)a*ada/ara *rii rises- i says .i" "e person
all "is li!e' T"e ,ra"ma/ara *rii rises on(e- desroys agnaana
(i)noran(e) and is needed no more' I! i says- i is )ood- i! i )oes
i is )ood'
T"e sa)una2nir)una Bra"man o! ,"a/i and 9nan is esa,lis"ed in
"e inelle( ,y "e proo! )i*en ,y "e S"asras' Ho*e and !ai" are
predominan in ,"a/i- and "e *rii is !or "e paroksha (unseen)'
T"e essen(e o! ,"a/i is lo*e !or "e !orm o! B"a).an' We (an
!eel ,"a/i- )i*e i up- or ("an)e i- ,e(ause "e !orm in ,"a/i is
o,ained ,y saadhan (e!!or !or spiriual pro)ress)' B"a/as
(onsider ,"a/i o ,e a 9ra(e o! B"a).an'
Bra"ma)nan is o,ained "rou)" "e mahaa-vaakya ("e ulimae
saemen o! "e @edas "a "e Bra"man is "e su,sraum o!
e*ery"in))' We )e a dire( e0perien(e "a our Ama is "e
T"us- "e proo! and "e !rui o! ,"a/i are !ai"- mer)in) ino
B"a).an- and "e e0perien(e o! "e o,>e(s o! our .ors"ip' T"e
proo! o! Bra"ma)nan is "e dire( e0perien(e o! our Ama ,ein)
"e Bra"man'
B"a/i is ,es suied !or a sensii*e mind- ."ile Bra"ma)nan is
,es suied !or a person ."o "as renun(iaion' T"e oal
in*ol*emen o! "e ("ia2*rii is essenial in ,"a/i- ,u no in
Bra"ma)nan' B"a/i is independen in o,ainin) "e e0perien(e o!
"e nir)una- and "ere!ore- "ere is no reason !or any dispue in "is
re)ard' Bo" are appropriae- dependin) on "e eli)i,iliy and
o,>e(i*e o! "e indi*idual'
# <A #
Don= 9e Trapped In Mira(les'
#aadhan (e!!or !or spiriual pro)ress) is done ,y resrainin) "e
mind' T"e inera(i*e .orld is (reaed ."en "e mind is allo.ed
!ull !reedom' Use "e S"asras and 9uru o ,rin) some !orm o!
B"a).an ino your mind' I may ,e S"i*a- @is"nu- Rama- or any
o"er' Sin(e "ey are )i*en ,y "e S"asras or "e 9uru- "ey .ill
"a*e )rea imporan(e' &our mind .ill ou(" "em repeaedly' A
!irm ima)e .ill ,e (reaed in your mind'
Do poojaa (riual .ors"ip)- ("an "e name- de*elop a
relaions"ip- and mediae on B"a).an' Allo. your mind o ,e
immersed in "ou)"s o! B"a).an' I is seen "a people ,e(ome
o*er(ome ,y spiris- desire- or an)er' He yoursel! ,e o*er(ome ,y
"e ima)e o! B"a).an' Smile as He does- see "in)s "e .ay He
does- and spea/ as He .ould spea/' For)e yoursel! and a/e on
"e !orm o! "e ima)e you .ors"ip' T"is !eelin) .ill re(ede a!er
some ime- and "en you .ill see "e mira(le o! your tanmayataa
(mind ,e(omin) (ompleely immersed in B"a).an)'
&ou .ill !ind "a ."a you ima)ine .ill ,e)in o "appen' &ou
.ill ,e a,le o ,less people so "a "eir .is"es (ome rue' &ou
.ill also "a*e "e o (urse- ,u "a is no a sae o! "e
paramaartha ("e supreme)' All "e and Dualiies you "ad
superimposed upon your o,>e( o! .ors"ip .ill (ome ino you' I!
your mediaion .ea/ens or ,e(omes irre)ular- "ese po.ers .ill
*anis"' &ou .ill !eel sad and impo*eris"ed ."en you reali:e "a
"ese po.ers "a*e le! you' T"e !a( is "a ."en you ,e(ome one
.i" anyone- your sattaa (pure e0isen(e1 Sel!)- 9nan- and
ananda (pure ,liss) )limmer in "a person' T"is is no "e
mira(ulous "a (omes !rom "im1 i is your' I is
your mind "a )es (onne(ed and em,ra(es "e o"er person and
)limmers in "im'
Don= "ro. your nityataa (eernal essen(e)- che`tanaa (pure
(ons(iousness) and ananda ino anyone' Wi"dra. "em ino
yoursel!' T"a .ay- you .ill ,e a,le o )e !ree o! all "a is
ransien- )ross- and !ull o! sorro.' T"en- "e e0panse o! spa(e-
eerniy o! ime- and "e (ause o! o,>e(s .ill no ,o"er your
inelle(' &ou .ill /no. "a you are separae !rom "e ima)e-
anmayaaa- s"a/i ( and chamatkaara (mira(le)- and "is
separae !orm o! yours is "e Bra"man' %ur essen(e "as no
(onne(ion .i" any majhab (reli)ious se()- and so- "e do)mai(
aiudes o! reli)ious se(s ,e(ome an o,sa(le in our e0perien(in)
Saya ("e ulimae ru")'
T"ere is no need o "in/ a,ou ."o au)" "is saadhan (me"od)-
or ."i(" ,oo/ i is .rien in- or ."en i .as re*ealed' Hoo/ a "e
pla(e ."ere "ou)"s arise and die' T"e o,>e(s o! your "ou)"s
(anno ou(" you' &ou are "e one ."o re*eals "e "ou)"s'
4' 6' $34A'

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