7SA611 Setting

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132 KV Nokhar / Folder / 7SA611 V4.

MLFB: 7SA61114AB227PR7
Parameter set version: V04.65.01
Device path: C:\Siemens\Digsi4\D4PROJ \132_kv_n\P7DI\GV\SD\00000001
Creation date: 13.08.14 10:06:41
Last modified: 13.08.14 10:06:52
Operating mode: Offline
Setting values in: Secondary value description
P R I N T - C O N T E N T S
1 Device Configuration 2
2 General Device Settings 3
2.1 Group Device 3
3 Power System Data 1 4
3.1 Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers 4
3.2 Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System 4
3.3 Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker 4
4 Settings groups 5
4.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System 5
4.2 Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status 5
4.3 Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole 5
4.4 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General 5
4.5 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth faults 6
4.6 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays 6
4.7 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1 6
4.8 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten. 6
4.9 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2 7
4.10 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3 7
4.11 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4 7
4.12 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5 7
4.13 Group Backup overcurrent; Group General 7
4.14 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I>> 8
4.15 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I> 8
4.16 Group Backup overcurrent; Group Inverse 8
4.17 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I - STUB 8
4.18 Group Demand Measurement Setup; Group Measurement 8
4.19 Group Min/Max Measurement Setup; Group Measurement 9
4.20 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Balance / Summ. 9
4.21 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon. 9
4.22 Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb 9
4.23 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Load Angle 9
4.24 Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator 9
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1 Device Configuration
No. Function Scope
0103 Setting Group Change Option Disabled
0110 Trip mode 1-/3pole
0114 Distance protection pickup program Z<(quadrilateral)
0120 Power Swing detection Disabled
0121 Teleprotection for Distance prot. Disabled
0122 DTT Direct Transfer Trip Disabled
0124 Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent Disabled
0125 Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo) Disabled
0126 Backup overcurrent Time Overcurrent Curve IEC
0130 Sensitive Earth Flt.(comp/ isol. starp.) Disabled
0131 Earth fault overcurrent Disabled
0132 Teleprotection for Earth fault overcurr. Disabled
0133 Auto-Reclose Function Disabled
0134 Auto-Reclose control mode with Trip and Action time
0135 Synchronism and Voltage Check Disabled
0136 Over / Underfrequency Protection Disabled
0137 Under / Overvoltage Protection Disabled
0138 Fault Locator Enabled
0139 Breaker Failure Protection Disabled
0140 Trip Circuit Supervision Disabled
0142 Thermal overload protection Disabled
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2 General Device Settings
2.1 Group Device
No. Settings Value Group
0610 Fault Display on LED / LCD Display Targets on TRIP only All
0625A Minimum hold time of lachted LEDs 0 min All
0640 Start image Default Display image 1 All
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3 Power System Data 1
3.1 Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers
No. Settings Value Group
0201 CT Starpoint towards Line All
0203 Rated Primary Voltage 132.0 kV All
0204 Rated Secondary Voltage (Ph-Ph) 110 V All
0205 CT Rated Primary Current 800 A All
0206 CT Rated Secondary Current 1A All
0210 U4 voltage transformer is not connected All
0211 Matching ratio Phase-VT To Open-Delta-VT 1.73 All
0215 Matching ratio Usy1 / Usy2 1.00 All
0220 I4 current transformer is Neutral Current (of the protected line) All
0221 Matching ratio I4/Iph for CT's 1.000 All
3.2 Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System
No. Settings Value Group
0207 System Starpoint is Solid Earthed All
0230 Rated Frequency 50 Hz All
0235 Phase Sequence L1 L2 L3 All
0236 Distance measurement unit km All
0237 Setting format for zero seq.comp. format Zero seq. comp. factors RE/RL and XE/XL All
3.3 Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker
No. Settings Value Group
0240A Minimum TRIP Command Duration 0.10 sec All
0241A Maximum Close Command Duration 0.10 sec All
0242 Dead Time for CB test-autoreclosure 0.10 sec All
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4 Settings groups
4.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System
No. Settings Value Group
1103 Measurement: Full Scale Voltage (100%) 132.0 kV A
1104 Measurement: Full Scale Current (100%) 800 A A
1105 Line Angle 81 A
1211 Angle of inclination, distance charact. 81 A
1107 P,Q operational measured values sign not reversed A
1110 x' - Line Reactance per length unit 0.3921 Ohm / km A
1111 Line Length 22.2 km A
1116 Zero seq. comp. factor RE/RL for Z1 3.97 A
1117 Zero seq. comp. factor XE/XL for Z1 0.60 A
1118 Zero seq. comp.factor RE/RL for Z1B...Z5 3.97 A
1119 Zero seq. comp.factor XE/XL for Z1B...Z5 0.60 A
4.2 Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status
No. Settings Value Group
1130A Pole Open Current Threshold 0.10 A A
1131A Pole Open Voltage Threshold 30 V A
1132A Seal-in Time after ALL closures 0.05 sec A
1133A minimal time for line open before SOTF 0.25 sec A
1134 Recognition of Line Closures with Manual Close BI only A
1135 RESET of Trip Command with Pole Open Current Threshold only A
1136 open pole detector with measurement (U/I,trip,pickup,CBaux) A
1140A CT Saturation Threshold 20.0 A A
1150A Seal-in Time after MANUAL closures 0.30 sec A
1151 Manual CLOSE COMMAND generation NO A
1152 MANUAL Closure Impulse after CONTROL <none> All
4.3 Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole
No. Settings Value Group
1155 3 pole coupling with Trip A
1156A Trip type with 2phase faults 3pole A
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4.4 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General
No. Settings Value Group
1201 Distance protection ON A
1202 Phase Current threshold for dist. meas. 0.10 A A
1211 Angle of inclination, distance charact. 81 A
1208 Series compensated line NO A
1232 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault Inactive A
1241 R load, minimum Load Impedance (ph-e) 43.200 Ohm A
1242 PHI load, maximum Load Angle (ph-e) 45 A
1243 R load, minimum Load Impedance (ph-ph) 43.200 Ohm A
1244 PHI load, maximum Load Angle (ph-ph) 45 A
1317A Single pole trip for faults in Z2 NO A
1357 Z1B enabled before 1st AR (int. or ext.) NO A
4.5 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth
No. Settings Value Group
1203 3I0 threshold for neutral current pickup 0.10 A A
1204 3U0 threshold zero seq. voltage pickup 5 V A
1207A 3I0>-pickup-stabilisation (3I0>/Iphmax) 0.10 A
1209A criterion of earth fault recognition 3I0>OR 3U0> A
1221A Loop selection with 2Ph-E faults block leading ph-e loop A
4.6 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time
No. Settings Value Group
1210 Condition for zone timer start with distance pickup A
1305 T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 sec A
1306 T1multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.00 sec A
1315 T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.30 sec A
1316 T2multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.30 sec A
1325 T3 delay 0.70 sec A
1335 T4 delay 0.90 sec A
1345 T5 delay 1.20 sec A
1355 T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. faults 0.00 sec A
1356 T1B-multi-ph, delay for multi ph. faults 0.00 sec A
4.7 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1
No. Settings Value Group
1301 Operating mode Z1 Forward A
1302 R(Z1), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 0.679 Ohm A
1303 X(Z1), Reactance 4.440 Ohm A
1304 RE(Z1), Resistance for ph-e faults 12.679 Ohm A
1305 T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 sec A
1306 T1multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.00 sec A
1307 Zone Reduction Angle (load compensation) 0 A
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4.8 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten.
No. Settings Value Group
1351 Operating mode Z1B (overrreach zone) Forward A
1352 R(Z1B), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 0.959 Ohm A
1353 X(Z1B), Reactance 6.268 Ohm A
1354 RE(Z1B), Resistance for ph-e faults 12.959 Ohm A
1355 T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. faults 0.00 sec A
1356 T1B-multi-ph, delay for multi ph. faults 0.00 sec A
1357 Z1B enabled before 1st AR (int. or ext.) NO A
4.9 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2
No. Settings Value Group
1311 Operating mode Z2 Forward A
1312 R(Z2), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 0.959 Ohm A
1313 X(Z2), Reactance 6.268 Ohm A
1314 RE(Z2), Resistance for ph-e faults 12.959 Ohm A
1315 T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.30 sec A
1316 T2multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.30 sec A
1317A Single pole trip for faults in Z2 NO A
4.10 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3
No. Settings Value Group
1321 Operating mode Z3 Forward A
1322 R(Z3), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 1.200 Ohm A
1323 X(Z3), Reactance 7.835 Ohm A
1324 RE(Z3), Resistance for ph-e faults 13.300 Ohm A
1325 T3 delay 0.70 sec A
4.11 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4
No. Settings Value Group
1331 Operating mode Z4 Inactive A
1332 R(Z4), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 12.000 Ohm A
1333 X(Z4), Reactance 12.000 Ohm A
1334 RE(Z4), Resistance for ph-e faults 12.000 Ohm A
1335 T4 delay 0.90 sec A
4.12 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5
No. Settings Value Group
1341 Operating mode Z5 Non-Directional A
1342 R(Z5), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 1.758 Ohm A
1343 X(Z5)+, Reactance for Forward direction 11.491 Ohm A
1344 RE(Z5), Resistance for ph-e faults 13.758 Ohm A
1345 T5 delay 1.20 sec A
1346 X(Z5)-, Reactance for Reverse direction 0.400 Ohm A
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4.13 Group Backup overcurrent; Group General
No. Settings Value Group
2601 Operating mode ON:only active with Loss of VT sec. cir. A
2680 Trip time delay after SOTF 0.00 sec A
4.14 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I>>
No. Settings Value Group
2610 Iph>>Pickup 2.00 A A
2611 T Iph>>Time delay 0.30 sec A
2612 3I0>>Pickup 0.50 A A
2613 T 3I0>>Time delay 2.00 sec A
2614 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI YES A
2615 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
4.15 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I>
No. Settings Value Group
2620 Iph>Pickup 1.50 A A
2621 T Iph>Time delay 0.50 sec A
2622 3I0>Pickup 0.20 A A
2623 T 3I0>Time delay 2.00 sec A
2624 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
2625 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
4.16 Group Backup overcurrent; Group Inverse
No. Settings Value Group
2640 Ip>Pickup oo A A
2642 T Ip Time Dial 0.50 sec A
2646 T Ip Additional Time Delay 0.00 sec A
2650 3I0p Pickup oo A A
2652 T 3I0p Time Dial 0.50 sec A
2656 T 3I0p Additional Time Delay 0.00 sec A
2660 IEC Curve Normal Inverse A
2670 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
2671 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
4.17 Group Backup overcurrent; Group I - STUB
No. Settings Value Group
2630 Iph>STUB Pickup 1.50 A A
2631 T Iph STUB Time delay 0.30 sec A
2632 3I0>STUB Pickup 0.20 A A
2633 T 3I0 STUB Time delay 2.00 sec A
2634 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
2635 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
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4.18 Group Demand Measurement Setup; Group Measurement
No. Settings Value Group
2801 Demand Calculation Intervals 60 Min per., 1 Sub. A
2802 Demand Synchronization Time On the Hour A
4.19 Group Min/Max Measurement Setup; Group Measurement
No. Settings Value Group
2811 Automatic Cyclic Reset Function YES A
2812 MinMax Reset Timer 0 min A
2813 MinMax Reset Cycle Period 7 day(s) A
2814 MinMax Start Reset Cycle in 1 Days A
4.20 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Balance / Summ.
No. Settings Value Group
2901 Measurement Supervision ON A
2902A Voltage Threshold for Balance Monitoring 50 V A
2903A Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 0.75 A
2904A Current Balance Monitor 0.50 A A
2905A Balance Factor for Current Monitor 0.50 A
2906A Summated Current Monitoring Threshold 0.10 A A
2907A Summated Current Monitoring Factor 0.10 A
2908A T Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 5 sec A
2909A T Current Balance Monitor 5 sec A
4.21 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon.
No. Settings Value Group
2910 Fuse Failure Monitor ON A
2911A Minimum Voltage Threshold U> 30 V A
2912A Maximum Current Threshold I< 0.10 A A
2913A Maximum Voltage Threshold U<(3phase) 5 V A
2914A Delta Current Threshold (3phase) 0.10 A A
2915 Voltage Failure Supervision with current supervision A
2916A Delay Voltage Failure Supervision 3.00 sec A
4.22 Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb
No. Settings Value Group
2921 VT mcb operating time 0 ms A
4.23 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Load Angle
No. Settings Value Group
2941 Limit setting PhiA 200 A
2942 Limit setting PhiB 340 A
2943 Minimum value I1> 0.05 A A
2944 Minimum value U1> 20 V A
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4.24 Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator
No. Settings Value Group
3802 Start fault locator with Pickup A
3806 Load Compensation NO A
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