Relay Settings For SIEMENS 7SJ62

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tailid V4_7 Var Var_prn_10_24_18

Device Configuration
TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var
SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

1 Device Configuration

No. Function Scope

0103 Setting Group Change Option Disabled

0104 Oscillographic Fault Records Enabled
0112 DMT / IDMT Phase Definite Time only
0113 DMT / IDMT Earth Definite Time only
0116 DMT / IDMT Directional Earth Definite Time only
0117 Cold Load Pickup Disabled
0122 2nd Harmonic Inrush Restraint Disabled
0131 (sensitive) Earth fault Disabled
0130 (sens.) Earth fault dir. characteristic cos phi / sin phi measurement (standard)
0133 Intermittent earth fault protection Disabled
0134 Dir. Intermittent earth fault protection Disabled
0140 Unbalance Load (Negative Sequence) Disabled
0141 Startup Time Supervision for Motors Enabled
0142 Thermal Overload Protection Without ambient temperature measurement
0143 Startup Counter for Motors Enabled
0144 Load Jam Protection Enabled
0150 Under / Overvoltage Protection Disabled
0154 Over / Underfrequency Protection Disabled
0170 Breaker Failure Protection Disabled
0172 Circuit Breaker Wear Monitoring Disabled
0182 Trip Circuit Supervision Disabled
0192 Capacitive voltage measurement NO
Flexible Function

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tailid V4_7 Var Var_prn_10_24_18
Power System Data 1
TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var
SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

2 Power System Data 1

2.1 Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System

Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System

No. Settings Value Group

0214 Rated Frequency 50 Hz All

0209 Phase Sequence L1 L2 L3 All
0201 CT Starpoint towards Line All
0251A CT Connection IL1, IL2, IL3, (IE) All
0213 VT Connection, three-phase U L1E, U L2E, U L3E All
0235A Storage of th. Replicas w/o Power Supply YES All

2.2 Group Power System Data 1; Group Prot.Op. quant.

Group Power System Data 1; Group Prot.Op. quant.

No. Settings Value Group

0250A Time Overcurrent with 2 phase prot. OFF All

2.3 Group Power System Data 1; Group CT's

Group Power System Data 1; Group CT's

No. Settings Value Group

0204 CT Rated Primary Current 100 A All

0205 CT Rated Secondary Current 5A All
0217 IE-CT rated primary current 100 A All
0218 IE-CT rated secondary current 5A All

2.4 Group Power System Data 1; Group VT's

Group Power System Data 1; Group VT's

No. Settings Value Group

0202 Rated Primary Voltage 11.00 kV All

0203 Rated Secondary Voltage (L-L) 110 V All
0206A Matching ratio Phase-VT To Open-Delta-VT 1.73 All

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TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var

SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

2.5 Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker

Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker

No. Settings Value Group

0210A Minimum TRIP Command Duration 0.15 sec All

0212 Closed Breaker Min. Current Threshold 0.20 A All

2.6 Group Power System Data 1; Group Threshold BI

Group Power System Data 1; Group Threshold BI

No. Settings Value Group

0220 Threshold for Binary Input 1 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0221 Threshold for Binary Input 2 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0222 Threshold for Binary Input 3 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0223 Threshold for Binary Input 4 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0224 Threshold for Binary Input 5 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0225 Threshold for Binary Input 6 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All
0226 Threshold for Binary Input 7 Threshold for Binary Input: 88V All

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Oscillographic Fault Records
TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var
SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

3 Oscillographic Fault Records

3.1 Group Oscillographic Fault Records; Group Osc. Fault Rec.

Group Oscillographic Fault Records; Group Osc. Fault Rec.

No. Settings Value Group

0401 Waveform Capture Save with Pickup All

0403 Max. length of a Waveform Capture Record 2.00 sec All
0404 Captured Waveform Prior to Trigger 0.25 sec All
0405 Captured Waveform after Event 0.10 sec All
0406 Capture Time via Binary Input 0.50 sec All

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Settings groups
TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var
SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

4 Settings groups

4.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group General

Group Power System Data 2; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

1101 Measurement: Full Scale Voltage (100%) 20.00 kV A

1102 Measurement: Full Scale Current (100%) 400 A A
1107 Motor Start Current (BLK OVL,Start Mon.) 12.50 A A
1108 P,Q operational measured values sign not reversed A

4.2 Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group General

Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

1201 Phase Time Overcurrent ON A

1213A Manual Close Mode I>> instantaneously A
1215A Dropout Time Delay DMT Phase 0.00 sec A
1301 Earth Time Overcurrent ON A
1313A Manual Close Mode IE>> instantaneously A
1315A Dropout Time Delay DMT Earth 0.00 sec A

4.3 Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group DMT Ph

Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group DMT Ph

No. Settings Value Group

1219A I>>> measurement of Fundamental component A

1216A I>>> active Always A
1217 I>>> Pickup oo A A
1218 T I>>> Time Delay 0.00 sec A
1220A I>> measurement of Fundamental component A
1214A I>> active Always A
1202 I>> Pickup 4.30 A A
1203 T I>> Time Delay 0.00 sec A
1221A I> measurement of Fundamental component A
1204 I> Pickup 1.30 A A
1205 T I> Time Delay 0.50 sec A

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TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var

SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

4.4 Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group DMT E

Group DMT / IDMT Phase/Earth Overcurrent; Group DMT E

No. Settings Value Group

1319A IE>>> measurement of Fundamental component A

1317 IE>>> Pickup oo A A
1318 T IE>>> Time Delay 0.05 sec A
1320A IE>> measurement of Fundamental component A
1302 IE>> Pickup 2.50 A A
1303 T IE>> Time Delay 0.10 sec A
1321A IE> measurement of Fundamental component A
1304 IE> Pickup 1.00 A A
1305 T IE> Time Delay 0.50 sec A
1314A IE>> active Always A
1316A IE>>> active Always A

4.5 Group DMT / IDMT Directional Ph/E Overcurrent; Group General

Group DMT / IDMT Directional Ph/E Overcurrent; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

1601 Directional Earth Time Overcurrent OFF A

1613A Manual Close Mode IE>> instantaneously A
1626 IE>>> Direction Forward A
1623 IE>> Direction Forward A
1624 IE> Direction Forward A
1625 IEp Direction Forward A
1617 Ground Polarization with Ue and Ie A
1618A Dropout Time Delay DMT Earth 0.00 sec A
1619A Rotation Angle of Reference Voltage -45 A

4.6 Group DMT / IDMT Directional Ph/E Overcurrent; Group DMT E

Group DMT / IDMT Directional Ph/E Overcurrent; Group DMT E

No. Settings Value Group

1627A IE>>> measurement of Fundamental component A

1632A IE>>> active Always A
1628 IE>>> Pickup oo A A
1629 T IE>>> Time Delay 0.00 sec A
1620A IE>> measurement of Fundamental component A

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TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var

SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

Group DMT / IDMT Directional Ph/E Overcurrent; Group DMT E(2)

No. Settings Value Group

1614A IE>> active always A

1602 IE>> Pickup 2.50 A A
1603 T IE>> Time Delay 0.10 sec A
1621A IE> measurement of Fundamental component A
1604 IE> Pickup 1.00 A A
1605 T IE> Time Delay 0.50 sec A

4.7 Group Motor Protection; Group General

Group Motor Protection; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

4101 Startup Time Supervision for Motors ON A

4301 Startup Counter for Motors ON A
4401 Load Jam Protection ON A

4.8 Group Motor Protection; Group Startup Sup.

Group Motor Protection; Group Startup Sup.

No. Settings Value Group

4102 Startup Current 10.00 A A

4103 Startup Time 10.0 sec A
4104 Permissible Locked Rotor Time 2.0 sec A
4105 Startup Time for warm motor 10.0 sec A
4106 Temperature limit for cold motor 25 % A

4.9 Group Motor Protection; Group Startup Counter

Group Motor Protection; Group Startup Counter

No. Settings Value Group

4311 Rotor Overload Protection ON A

4302 I Start / I Motor nominal 4.90 A
4303 Maximum Permissible Starting Time 10 sec A
4304 Temperature Equalizaton Time 1.0 min A
4305 Rated Motor Current 5.00 A A
4306 Maximum Number of Warm Starts 2 A
4307 Number of Cold Starts - Warm Starts 1 A

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TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var

SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

Group Motor Protection; Group Startup Counter(2)

No. Settings Value Group

4308 Extension of Time Constant at Stop 5.0 A

4309 Extension of Time Constant at Running 2.0 A
4310 Minimum Restart Inhibit Time 6.0 min A

4.10 Group Motor Protection; Group Load Jam Prot.

Group Motor Protection; Group Load Jam Prot.

No. Settings Value Group

4406 Load Jam Blocking after motor start 10.00 sec A

4402 Load Jam Tripping Threshold 10.00 A A
4403 Load Jam Trip Delay 1.00 sec A
4404 Load Jam Alarm Threshold 9.00 A A
4405 Load Jam Alarm Delay 1.00 sec A

4.11 Group Thermal Overload; Group General

Group Thermal Overload; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

4201 Thermal overload protection ON A

4.12 Group Thermal Overload; Group Therm Over Load

Group Thermal Overload; Group Therm Over Load

No. Settings Value Group

4202 K-Factor 1.10 A

4203 Time Constant 100.0 min A
4204 Thermal Alarm Stage 90 % A
4205 Current Overload Alarm Setpoint 5.00 A A
4207A Kt-FACTOR when motor stops 1.0 A
4208A Emergency time 100 sec A

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Group Measurement Supervision; Group General
TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var
SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

4.13 Group Measurement Supervision; Group General

Group Measurement Supervision; Group General

No. Settings Value Group

8101 Measurement Supervision ON A

5301 Fuse Fail Monitor OFF A
5310 Block protection by FFM YES A
5201 VT broken wire supervision OFF A

4.14 Group Measurement Supervision; Group MeasSupervision

Group Measurement Supervision; Group MeasSupervision

No. Settings Value Group

8102 Voltage Threshold for Balance Monitoring 50 V A

8103 Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 0.75 A
8104 Current Balance Monitor 2.50 A A
8105 Balance Factor for Current Monitor 0.50 A
8110A T Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 5 sec A
8111A T Current Balance Monitor 5 sec A

4.15 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail Mon.

Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail Mon.

No. Settings Value Group

5302 Zero Sequence Voltage 30 V A

5303 Residual Current 0.50 A A
5308A Delta Current Threshold (3phase) 0.50 A A

4.16 Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT broken wire

Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT broken wire

No. Settings Value Group

5202 Threshold voltage sum 8.0 V A

5203 Maximum phase to phase voltage 16.0 V A
5204 Minimum phase to phase voltage 16.0 V A
5205 Symmetry phase to phase voltages 16.0 V A
5206 Minimum line current 0.20 A A
5208 Alarm delay time 1.25 sec A

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TEST / Renuka PTI / tailid V4.7 Var

SIMATIC Var/7SK804 03.03.17 10:24:28

4.17 Group Energy; Group Measurement

Group Energy; Group Measurement

No. Settings Value Group

8315 Meter resolution Standard A

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