Drop The Fat Now
Drop The Fat Now
Drop The Fat Now
Legal Notice
This book is 2012 [YOUR NAME HERE]. All Rights Rese!e".
U#a$thoi%e" Re&o"$ctio# is 'tictl( )ohibite".
The i#*o+atio# co#tai#e" i# this &$blicatio# is *o ge#eal
i#*o+atio# &$&oses o#l(. ,hile -e e#"ea!o$ to kee& the
i#*o+atio# $&.to."ate a#" coect/ -e +ake #o e&ese#tatio#s o
-aa#ties o* a#( ki#"/ e0&ess o i+&lie"/ abo$t the co+&lete#ess/
acc$ac(/ eliabilit(/ s$itabilit( o a!ailabilit( -ith es&ect to the
&$blicatio# o the i#*o+atio#/ &o"$cts/ se!ices/ o elate"
ga&hics co#tai#e" i# this &$blicatio# *o a#( &$&ose. A#( elia#ce
(o$/ the ea"e &lace o# s$ch i#*o+atio# is thee*oe stictl( at
(o$ o-# isk. 1# #o e!e#t -ill -e be liable *o a#( loss o "a+age
i#cl$"i#g b$t #ot li+ite" to2 i#"iect o co#se3$e#tial loss o
"a+age/ o a#( loss o "a+age -hatsoe!e aisi#g *o+ loss o*
"ata o &o*its ste++i#g *o+ o i# co##ectio# -ith the $se o* this
&$blicatio#. ,e ca##ot g$aa#tee es$lts as es$lts -ill "i**e *o+
&eso# to &eso# a#" -ill "e&e#" o# the e**ot take#. Yo$ ae
taki#g the "ecisio# to t( this +etho"/ a#" thee ae #o g$aa#tees
to (o$ s$ccess.
No &at o* this e4ook +a( be e&o"$ce"/ co&ie" o ta#s+itte" b(
a#( +ea#s 5 electo#ic o ha" co&(/ i#cl$"i#g &hotoco&(i#g a#"
eco"i#g . -itho$t e0&essl( -itte# a#" sig#e" &e+issio# *o+
the a$tho. 6iolatio#s o* this co&(ight -ill be e#*oce" to the *$llest
e0te#t o* the la-.
Table Of Contents
1#to"$ctio# 7
8ha&te 19 ,h( :o 1 ;ai# ,eight
The Ma<o 8a$ses O* ,eight ;ai# =
'ho$l" 1 ;o O# A :iet> 10
8hoosi#g The Right :iet )la# 10
Ho- :iets ,ok 11
1#"$st( 'ecets 1?
8ha&te 29 ,hat :o 1 :o No->
'te&&i#g O$t O* Yo$ 8o+*ot @o#e 1A
,ho to A&&oach ,he# Yo$ ,a#t to Lose ,eight 1B
)esisti#g Tho$gh Cail$e 21
4$""( '(ste+ 22
,h( Mai#tai#i#g a :ail( 'che"$le is 8itical 2D
8ha&te D9 Health( N$titio# A#" 1ts 4e#e*its
8aloies 1# 5 8aloies O$t 2?
8lea# Eati#g 2=
Re"$ci#g Yo$ )otio#s 2A
,ate 1s Yo$ 4est Cie#" D1
8ha&te ?9 The 1+&ota#ce O* E0ecise
E0ecisi#g D2
The D Mai# T(&es O* E0ecise DD
Ci#"i#g E0ecises To 4e :o#e At Ho+e D7
8ha&te 79 Li!i#g The Health( Li*est(le
The Health( Li*est(le DA
The 'ecets o* 'ta(i#g Health( DB
The A"!a#tages o* 'ta(i#g Health( ?1
8o#cl$sio#9 Rea"(/ 'et/ ;oE ?D
1s this (ea *i#all( the ti+e (o$ ae goi#g to sa( FE#o$gh 1s
1 a+ ea"( to stat o# a &ath to a healthie +e/ 1H+ NOT go##a
+ake a#( +oe e0c$ses a#" i a+ goi#g to +ake a cha#ge b(
she""i#g so+e o* those e0ta &o$#"sINo +atte -hatEEE
1* it is the# get ea"( toI
1# this "a( a#" age it is eas( to be te+&te" b( &o+ises o* a&i"
-eight loss that ae gi!e# b( cetai# -eight loss &oga+s/ o
o**ee" as a es$lt o* F+agic "iet &illsG/ o othe F+iacle -eight loss
"ietsG. 4$t ho#estl(/ it is a total loa" o* 4.'.
Thee ae a *e- basic t$ths (o$ sho$l" k#o- be*oe (o$ "eci"e o#
ho- (o$ -ill &ocee".
Cist/ eali%e that thee is NO +iacle -eight loss teat+e#t.
,hile 1t is &ossible to lose sig#i*ica#t -eight b( a"hei#g to a highl(
esticti!e o othe &o&$la *a" "iet/ i# ealit( the biggest &oble+
-ith that is the ha+ to (o$ bo"(/ i# esse#ce the( "e&i!e (o$
bo"( o* esse#tial #$tie#ts.
These "iets ca# lea!e (o$ -ith bittle bo#es/ lo- i++$#it( a#"
o!eall health that is -ose tha# i# the begi##i#g. Moe i+&ota#t
tho$gh/ is the &oble+ that i* #o cha#ges ae +a"e to (o$
li*est(le/ the +o+e#t (o$ sto& "e&i!i#g (o$sel* o# the cash "iet/
(o$ ae highl( likel( to et$# to (o$ &e!io$s eati#g a#" e0ecise
habits/ -hich lea"s to the "ea"e" Yo.Yo &he#o+e#o#.
't$"ies ha!e sho-# that the +a<oit( o* &eo&le -ho ae o!e-eight
a#" cash "iet/ the# egai# the -eight lost al+ost i#sta#tl( a#" ae
i# a +$ch -ose state o* health tha# those -ho e+ai# at thei
oigi#al o!e-eight si%e.
,hich lea"s to the 3$estio#..Ho- ca# i lose -eight> a#" ho- ca# i
+ake a "i**ee#ce i# +( a#" +( *a+il(Hs li*e>
The &lai# a#s-e is... thee is #o +iacle/ o#l( tie" a#" teste"
#$titio#al a#" e0ecise a"!ice/ a#" this is -hat this book is all
The goal o* this book is to assist the +$ltit$"e o* e!e("a( &eo&le
-ho "es&eatel( -a#t to +ake a cha#ge i# thei o-# a#" thei
*a+il(Hs li*e #o-/ a#" +ake that *i#al "ecisio# to li!e a healthie/
ha&&ie a#" +oe *$l*illi#g li*e.
1* (o$ -a#t to +ake a co++it+e#t to lose -eight a#" kee& it o**/
This book -ill hel&/ assist a#" &o!i"e (o$ -ith all the i#ge"ie#ts
(o$ #ee" to achie!e (o$ goals a#" "ea+s.
To"a( is the "a( to +ake the "ecisio# to LO'E THE CAT AN:
8ha&te 1
Why Do I Gain Weight?
,ith the $sh o* o$ e!e("a( li!es/ the a"!a#ce+e#t o*
tech#olog(/ alo#g -ith the co#!e#ie#ces o* *ast *oo"/ it s$e is ha"
to sta( acti!e a#" eat a health(/ bala#ce" "iet. 4$t i* (o$ k#o- ho-
to "o it/ it ca# be "o#e/ e!e# -ith a b$s( li*est(le.
1# this *ist sectio# o* the book -e ae goi#g to look at9
All the easo#s -h( -e gai# -eight/
The &eo&le -e #ee" to talk to -he# -e "eci"e -e ae ea"( to
lose the -eight/
,h( kee&i#g (o$sel* o# a sche"$le act$all( hel&s (o$ to lose
the -eight/
,eight loss secets/
)l$s +a#( othe s$b<ects that -ill hel& (o$ to lea# ho- to
*i#all( take the -eight o** a#" kee& it o** o#ce a#" *o all
The Ma<o 8a$ses O* ,eight ;ai#
We eat more calories than our body needs in a day, so the
excess gets stored as fat. O$ h$+a# bo"ies ae "esig#e" i#
s$ch a -a( that -he# i# ti+es it -as ha"e to get *oo"/ o$ bo"ies
co$l" be &e&ae" b( ha!i#g stoe" e0ta caloies i# ti+es o* &le#t(
i# the *o+ o* *at. No-/ -ith the ease -ith -hich -e get *oo"/ a lot
o* &eo&le te#" to o!eeat/ a#" this is a se!ee &oble+ that ca$ses
a h$ge #$+be o* &eo&le to beco+e o!e-eight o obese.
J Genetics lay a factor as !ell by setting basic arameters
on the metabolic efficiency of your body. )eo&le -ho ae
o!e-eight +a#( ti+es ha!e !e( e**icie#t +etabolis+s/ +ea#i#g
thei bo"( #ee"s less caloies &e "a( tha# othes to o&eate/ a#"
the( stoe the e0cess caloies as *at. Also (o$ ha!e a geate isk o*
bei#g obese i* o#e o* (o$ &ae#ts ae a#" a# e!e# geate isk i*
both &ae#ts ae.
J "our metabolic rate. 4esi"es ge#etics/ (o$ +etabolic ate
"e&e#"s o# ho- acti!e (o$ ae. 1t is sai" that e!e( te# (eas &ast
o$ +i".t-e#ties -e lose abo$t 10K o* o$ +etabolic ate. This
&obabl( "oes #ot ha!e to "o co+&letel( -ith age/ ho-e!e/ b$t
i#stea" -ith ho- acti!e -e ae. The +oe acti!e -e ae/ the +oe
+$scle +ass -e ca# etai#/ o e!e# b$il"/ a#" i# t$# the +oe *it
-e ae beca$se +$scle tiss$e is +etabolicall( acti!e -heeas *at is
#ot. O# the othe ha#"/ i* -e lea" a basicall( se"e#ta( li*e/ -e ae
+$ch +oe likel( to be able to gai# -eight as -e lose +$scle +ass.
J #ating atterns. )eo&leHs eati#g habits +ake a h$ge "i**ee#ce
i# "ete+i#i#g thei -eight. ,he# *oo"s high i# *at o s$gas ae
*a!oe"/ this o* co$se ca# ca$se +$ch -eight gai#. Also/ ho- (o$
se!e the *oo"/ i.e. "o (o$ &$t the &otio#s o# e!e(o#eHs &late o
"o (o$ bi#g it all to the table a#" se!e it the *oo" *a+il( st(le
-hee e!e(o#e ca# take as +$ch as the( -a#t> )otio# si%e is o#e
o* the +ai# easo#s &eo&le eat too +$ch. Also/ ho- ha!e (o$
lea#e" to eat> 1* (o$ ae a *ast eate/ (o$ +a( #ot e!e# eali%e the
c$es (o$ sto+ach gi!es (o$ that it is *$ll.
J $arger ortion si%es. O!e ti+e/ lage &otio#s o* *oo" ha!e
beco+e the #o+/ es&eciall( at +a#( esta$a#ts. ,eight has also
go#e $& beca$se o* this.
J #xercise or the lac& thereof. E0ecise is esse#tial to a health(
li*est(le a#" to +ai#tai#i#g a health( -eight. ,he# (o$ e0ecise/
es&eciall( -he# (o$ i#cl$"e ste#gth tai#i#g i# (o$ -oko$ts/ (o$
gai# +$scle +ass a#" aise (o$ +etabolis+ a#" i# t$# the
+$scle hel&s to b$# +oe *at. 1# t$#/ (o$ -ill -eigh less a#" (o$
-ill look lea#e a#" *i+e beca$se +$scle takes $& less s&ace tha#
*at. )l$s/ ste#gth tai#i#g hel&s e"$ce the isk o* acci"e#tal i#<$(/
i+&o!es (o$ bo#e "e#sit(/ hel&s -ith "igestio# a#" hel&s i#
lo-ei#g (o$ bloo" &ess$e/ cholesteol a#" tigl(cei"e le!els.
As (o$ ca# see/ e!e# i* (o$ ge#es +ake it easie to gai# -eight
tha# othe &eo&le/ "iet a#" e0ecise ae the t-o +ai# *actos that
a**ect (o$ health a#" -eight. Reg$la e0ecise is esse#tial to
getti#g to a#" +ai#tai#i#g a health( -eight 5 a#" so is -hat (o$
eat/ ho- (o$ eat a#" ho- +$ch (o$ eat.
Lea# &otio# co#tol. This is $s$all( a h$ge *acto *o +ost &eo&le/
a#" the( "o #ot eali%e ho- +$ch the( ae act$all( eati#g. A
&otio# o* *oo" the si%e o* (o$ *ist is ge#eall( all that sho$l" be
eate# at o#e ti+e/ beca$se that is the si%e o* (o$ sto+ach as -ell.
Eati#g se!eal s+all +eals a "a(/ athe tha# t-o o thee big o#es/
-ill hel& (o$ to be able to eat less a#" also #ot be h$#g( i# the
eal( "a(s o* *o+i#g this habit. A#othe !itall( i+&ota#t thi#g is
to #e!e ski& beak*ast/ as this sets $& (o$ +etabolis+ *o the
"a(. 1* (o$ "o#Ht eat beak*ast/ (o$ bo"( -ill go i#to "e*e#se +o"e
a#" stoe +oe *at beca$se it -ill thi#k (o$ ae sta!i#g.
T( slo-i#g "o-# (o$ eati#g as -ell i* (o$ ha!e the habit o* eati#g
*ast. This -a( (o$ ca# *eel the sig#als *o+ (o$ sto+ach -he# (o$
ha!e ha" e#o$gh/ be*oe (o$ st$** (o$sel* *$ll. ,he# (o$ ha!e
"o#e that/ (o$ k#o- *o s$e (o$ ha!e eate# too +$ch. 1# ealit(/
o# a scale o* 1.10 o* *$ll#ess/ -e sho$l" *eel ight i# the +i""le/
ao$#" a 7/ -he# -e ae "o#e eati#g. 1t takes so+e &actice/ b$t
(o$ ca# lea# this tick a#" (o$ -ill *eel so +$ch bette k#o-i#g
(o$ "i" #ot st$** (o$sel* to the +a0i+$+ ca&acit(.
A#othe thi#g to -atch o* co$se is (o$ i#take o* *att( a#" s$ga(
*oo"s. ,e all #ee" #$tie#ts/ i#cl$"i#g health( *ats/ to kee& $s
bala#ce"/ b$t eati#g a lot o* <$#k *oo" a#" s$ga( "i#ks -ill
attib$te geatl( to $s gai#i#g +oe -eight. )ocesse" *oo"s "o#Ht
ge#eall( ha!e a lot o* #$tie#ts i# the+/ o a#( at all/ a#" the( ae
high i# salt/ s$ga/ a#" $#health( *ats.
1# to"a(Hs b$s( li*est(les/ -e +a( #ot eali%e ho- o*te# -e ae
eati#g these *oo"s. 1* (o$ ae o#e -ho is al-a(s o"ei#g o$t *o
-ok/ o goi#g o$t to "i##e as -ell/ this is #ot goi#g to kee& (o$
health( beca$se (o$ "o #ot ha!e the co#tol as to -hat is bei#g &$t
i# (o$ *oo" Le0ce&t s&ecial o"ei#g at a esta$a#tM a#" it is +$ch
ha"e to +ake s$e (o$ ae eati#g the ight ki#"s o* thi#gs a#"
getti#g all o* (o$ #$tie#ts. ;oi#g o$t to eat is *i#e e!e( o#ce i# a
-hile/ b$t be se#sible i# -hat (o$ ae choosi#g/ a#" (o$ "o#Ht ha!e
to clea (o$ &late o* the lage se!i#gs (o$ -ill +ost likel( be
'ho$l" 1 ;o O# A :iet>
,he# +ost &eo&le thi#k o* losi#g -eight/ the( thi#k o* goi#g o# a
"iet. Ma#( ti+es/ this +ea#s *i#"i#g so+e *a" "iet that is &obabl(
&o&$la at the c$e#t ti+e/ a#" t(i#g to *ollo- all o* its ca%( $les
a#" eci&es/ like le+o# <$ice/ ca(e##e &e&&e a#" +a&le s($&. 4$t
ho#estl(/ -ho e#<o(s these thi#gs> :o (o$ like c$tti#g o$t e#tie
*oo" go$&s s$ch as caboh("ates o "i#ki#g ca%( co#coctio#s
that si+&l( "o #ot taste !e( goo" a#" "o #ot *ill (o$ $&>
1t is "o$bt*$l that a#(o#e "oes. Yes/ thee ae othe "iet &la#s o$t
thee that ha!e a lot o* +eit to the+/ a#" i* a "iet is the -a( (o$
-a#t to go/ the# eseachi#g the "i**ee#t o#es o$t thee is !e(
a"!isable so that (o$ ca# *i#" a easo#able/ se#sible "iet &la# that
is #ot goi#g to ha+ (o$ o +ake (o$ go ca%( -ith h$#ge/ ca$si#g
(o$ to *ail i# the e#" a#(-a(.
8hoosi#g the Right :iet )la#
,he# (o$ ae ea"( to choose (o$ "iet o eati#g &la#/ thee ae
cetai# thi#gs that (o$ +$st take i#to co#si"eatio# to +ake s$e
that (o$ ae &icki#g o#e that -ill hel& (o$ to attai# the -eight loss
goals (o$ ha!e a#" to +ake s$e (o$ ae sta(i#g health(. 'o+e
"iets/ as -e +e#tio#e"/ "o #ot co#tai# the ight bala#ce o*
#$titio# that (o$ bo"(Ns #ee"s/ a#" ca# thee*oe +ake (o$ sick/
a#" -o#Ht hel& (o$ to lose -eight &o&el(.
Hee ae so+ i+&ota#t thi#gs to kee& i# +i#" -he# choosi#g the
ight "iet &la#9
J 'ealistic #xectations( Yo$ +$st eali%e that losi#g -eight is a
&ocess a#" takes ti+e.The le#gth o* ti+e to achie!e (o$ goals
"e&e#"s o# ho- +$ch (o$ ha!e to lose to bet to (o$ goal -eight.
Yo$ "o #ot -a#t to take o# a cash "iet &la# that &o+ises (o$ to
lose a lot o* -eight i# a shot a+o$#t o* ti+e/ as that -ill +ost
likel( be a !e( $#health( a#" a# $#sa*e o&tio# *o (o$. A*te the
i#itial t-o o thee -eeks -he# -eight loss is a&i" beca$se o*
-ate loss/ a*te that (o$ sho$l" be losi#g ao$#" 1.2 &o$#"s a
-eek to +ai#tai# health( -eight loss.
J The 'ight Nutrition( Make s$e (o$ look o!e a#( "iet &la#s (o$
ae co#si"ei#g thoo$ghl( a#" see -hat the( allo- o s$ggest *o
(o$ to eat. 1* it has a bala#ce".looki#g "iet to it -ith the ight
a+o$#ts o* *oo"s *o+ the +ai# *oo" go$&s/ (o$ ae &obabl(
looki#g at a &la# that is sa*e. A#( o* the *a" "iets that c$t o$t
-hole *oo" go$&s/ o +ake (o$ sta!e (o$sel* o "i#k sta#ge
co#coctio#s ae #ot sa*e. Yo$ also -a#t the ight a+o$#t o* &otei#/
caboh("ates/ *ibe a#" +ake s$e (o$ ae getti#g #o +oe tha#
D0 &ece#t o* (o$ caloies *o+ *at &e "a(.
J The 'ight )it )or "ou*or Not? ,hile (o$ ae eseachi#g
"i**ee#t "iet &la#s/ +ake s$e it is so+ethi#g that (o$ thi#k -o$l"
s$it (o$ a#" (o$ li*est(le. 1* (o$ ae a !e( b$s( &eso# -ho is #ot
ho+e a lot/ look *o a &la# that has co#!e#ie#ce as -ell as health(
choices. 1* (o$ -i#" $& choosi#g a &la# that (o$ "o#Ht stick to *o
-hate!e easo#/ (o$ -ill -i#" $& *aili#g a#" (o$ -ill the# +ost
likel( go back to (o$ ol" -a(s/ b$t #o- *eeli#g -ose tha# -he#
(o$ state" o$t.
J Calorie $e+el( Make s$e that the &la# (o$ choose has (o$
eati#g e#o$gh caloies. Yo$ esse#tiall( -a#t to c$t o$t e#o$gh
caloies so that (o$ ca# lose those 1.2 &o$#"s a -eek. Yo$ ha!e to
-eigh this all agai#st (o$ a#" (o$ acti!it( le!els/ as ho- +a#(
caloies (o$ #ee" each "a( -ill !a( *o+ &eso# to &eso#
"e&e#"i#g o# ho- acti!e the( ae a#" thei -eight. Yo$ +ight -a#t
to -ok -ith a tai#e" health &o*essio#al to hel& (o$ "eci"e -hich
is best *o (o$.
Ho- :iets ,ok
Losi#g -eight is si+&le2 lose +oe caloies tha# (o$ ca# eat.
,e eat beca$se it is a #ecessit(. The *oo" -e co#s$+e -ill be
&ocesse" b( o$ bo"(/ beaki#g the+ "o-# a#" o#l( kee&i#g -hat
is #ee"e" -hile tho-i#g o$t the est. As -e "o o$ #o+al "ail(
tasks o$ bo"( $ses caloies a#" #$tie#ts *o+ o$ *oo" as *$el *o
(o$ bo"( to co+&lete all the tasks. Ho-e!e o$ bo"( o#l( #ee"s
a cetai# a+o$#t o* caloies to "o this a#" this lea"s to all the
$#$se" caloies bei#g stoe" i# o$ bo"( as *at.
The &oble+ -ith o$ bo"( is thee is #o -a( to tell it to sto&
stoi#g caloies. All e0cess caloies -ill be co#!ete" i#to *at #o
+atte ho- +$ch *at (o$ ha!e i# (o$ bo"( alea"(. Most o* $s
-o$l" al-a(s eat +oe tha# -e #ee" to/ taki#g i# all those e0ta
caloies to lea" $s i#to bei#g o!e-eight.
So in essence a diet is supposed to help you lose those
extra calories
A "iet is a# eati#g &la# -hee (o$ -o$l" co#tol the a+o$#t o*
caloies eate#. Eati#g less is #ot the o#l( -a( to "iet. 'i#ce the
goal is to eat *e-e caloies/ (o$ ca# ha!e co#sta#t *oo" b$t it is
lo- o# caloies. 'o *oo" like *$it o !egetables ae lo- o# caloies
i* (o$ co+&ae sa+e a+o$#t -ith othe *oo" like +eat.
,he# (o$ ae "ieti#g/ (o$ -ill be eati#g less tha# #o+al. 'o (o$
-o$l" *eel h$#gie tho$gho$t the "a( a#" *eel +oe $#satis*ie"
-he# (o$ *i#ish (o$ +eal. 1t ca##ot be a!oi"e" si#ce (o$ ae a*te
all t(i#g to lo-e (o$ caloie i#take. :o #ot be +istake# -ith
ski&&i#g +eals o sta!i#g (o$sel*. Those -ill o#l( -ose# (o$
"iet co#"itio#s.
,hat a goo" "iet -o$l" i#cl$"e is hel& i# s$&&essi#g the h$#ge/
+a( it be &s(chologicall( o &h(sicall(. :iet -ill al-a(s &e&ae (o$
&s(chologicall( *ist be*oe stati#g it. This is to e#s$e that (o$ -ill
be able to kee& o# the "iet &la# *o the -hole "$atio# a#" each
(o$ goal. :iet &la#s -ill also gi!e (o$ alte#ati!es s#acks that (o$
ca# eat to s$&&ess (o$ ca!i#gs.
,he# (o$ ae o# a "iet/ "o#Nt thi#k that (o$ -ill be ha!i#g -ate
a#" !egetables to last *o the -hole "a(. :iet act$all( &o+otes
eati#g a bala#ce" +eal. Yo$ o#l( -a#t to ha!e a lo-e caloie co$#t
b$t the est o* the #$tie#ts sho$l"#Nt be ig#oe".
'o -he# (o$ ae a!oi"i#g cetai# ki#" o* *oo"s/ (o$ -o$l" also be
a!oi"i#g thei #$tie#ts. 'o the "iet &la# -ill sho- (o$ alte#ati!e
*oo" (o$ ca# take to e&lace the +issi#g #$tie#ts. Us$all( these
*oo"s ae a!oi"e" a#" #ot *obi""e# co+&letel(. 'o (o$ ca# still eat
the+ i# s+all &otio# o#ce a -hile.
A goo" "iet also co#tib$tes to (o$ #at$al +etabolis+. Each
&eso# has his o-# ate o* +etabolis+. A &eso# -ith highe ate o*
+etabolis+ -ill be able to b$# +oe caloies a "a(. A &o&e "iet
&la# ca# hel& &eo&le -ith lo- +etabolis+ to *$ll( $tili%e the+.
Like ha!i#g a &o&e beak*ast to <$+& stat the +etabolis+/ l$#ch
to kee& the e#eg( goi#g a#" eati#g less *o "i##e si#ce (o$ "o
#ot b$# as +$ch caloies at #ight. This is to e#s$e that (o$ ha!e
e#o$gh caloies *o the "a(.
R$le o* Th$+b
,he# (o$ -a#t to kee& a "iet &la#/ "isci&li#e is o#e o* the +ost
i+&ota#t *actos. ,eight loss tho$gh &o&e "iet -ill take *o+
+o#ths to (eas to achie!e (o$ &o&e -eight. :iet that is
e0te+e a#" &o+ote s&ee"( es$lt ca# t$# i#to a *o+ o* (o.(o
"ieti#g. Yo.(o "ieti#g is a te+ -hee a &eso# *ollo-i#g a "iet a#"
+a#age to lose his -eight b$t e!e#t$all( -ill eat a#" gai# +oe
tha# he lose.
This ha&&e#s beca$se the "iet he *ollo-e" -as too e0te+e2
li+iti#g his *oo" i#take a#" *obi""i#g a lot o* *oo" catego(. 'o he
ca##ot take all these "iet th$s gi!i#g i# a#" eati#g +oe. O it ca#
be "$e to the lack o* "isci&li#e a*te the tagete" -eight is
achie!e". This is $s$all( the ca$se -he# (o$ go *o e0te+e h(&e
caloic "iet.
'o to a!oi" that/ "ietes ae a"!ise" to go slo- i# thei "ieti#g
-hee it -ill take +o#ths to see big es$lt a#" -hee +a<oit( -ill
3$it hal*-a(. 1t is #ot eas( to cha#ge a habit (o$ b$ilt $& *o (eas.
'o that is -h( (o$ #ee" a lot o* "isci&li#e/ -ill&o-e a#"
"ete+i#atio# to be able to sta( o# a "iet.
8ha#gi#g a habit is ha" at *ist. Yo$ +$st stick to (o$ "iet &la#
"ail( *o the *ist +o#th. This -ill set the *o$#"atio#. A*te D0 "a(s
it is sai" (o$ ha!e *o+e" a #e- habit
No o#e has to "iet alo#e. 1 t$l( e#co$age (o$ to get a *ie#" to
hel& o e!e# "iet -ith (o$. 4( ha!i#g so+eo#e besi"e (o$ *o
e#co$age+e#t/ (o$ ca# also slo-l( see the es$lt i# each othe. 1t
also hel&s to ha!e so+eo#e to co#*i"e i# -he# (o$ thi#k that the
"iet is #ot -oki#g o$t *o (o$.
,he# (o$ &ick a "iet to *ollo-/ (o$ sho$l" co#si"e a *e- "iet &la#s
that +ight be si+ila to the o#e that (o$ ae alea"( "oi#g. This is
to "i!esi*( the "iet. Collo-i#g the sa+e "iet that (o$ hate o!e a#"
o!e agai# -ill ha!e a #egati!e e**ect o# (o$ -ill&o-e late o#.
This +ight e!e# ca$se (o$ to aba#"o# (o$ "iet. 'o b( "i!esi*(i#g
(o$ "iet/ (o$ -ill *i#" a "iet &la# that (o$Nll like a#" -o#Nt *eel
boe" -atchi#g -hat (o$ eat. Yo$ ca# c(cle "iet &la# b( -eekl( o
+o#thl(/ +aki#g the "iet eati#g &la# *esh.
O$st e+e+be i* (o$ ha!e boke# o#e o* (o$ "iet +eals/ this "oes
#ot +ea# (o$ -hole "a( is $i#e" a#" (o$ sho$l" #ot co#ti#$e to
*ollo- (o$ "iet &la# *o the est o* the "a(. O$st co#ti#$e (o$ "a(
as i* (o$ #e!e boke# (o$ "iet i# the *ist &lace. O!e ti+e this is
-hat lea"s to lo#g te+ -eight lossP+a#age+e#t
1#"$st( 'ecets
Thee ae se!eal thi#gs that the -eight loss i#"$st( is #ot telli#g
(o$ 5 #o "o the( -a#t (o$ to k#o-. Thei b$si#ess is boo+i#g
tha#ks to all the *a"s/ ga"gets a#" &ills o$t thee that the( ae
selli#g to &eo&le "es&eate to lose -eight. U#*ot$#atel(/ the o#l(
thi#g i# +ost cases that is getti#g lighte is &eo&lesH -allets. Ma#(
o* these thi#gs "o #ot -ok/ a#" o#l( a s+all &ece#tage o* &eo&le
b$(i#g i#to o#e o* the+ +a#age to lose the -eight a#" kee& it o**.
'o+e o* These 1#"$st( 'ecets 1#cl$"e9
J ,ost !eight loss roduct ads decei+e the buyer. A +a<oit(
o* the -eight loss &o"$cts (o$ hea abo$t o# the a"io a#" see o#
i#*o+ecials "o#Ht e!e# "o -hat the( clai+ to. E!e# so/ co#s$+es
ae l$e" i#to b$(i#g these &o"$cts -ith &o+ises like FLose the
-eight a#" kee& it o**G/ FEat -hate!e (o$ -a#tG a#" F#o "iet o
e0ecise e3$ie"G. 4asicall(/ i* it so$#"s too goo" to be t$e/ it
+ost likel( is.
J -ust because they say it.s /scientifically ro+en0 or
/doctor1endorsed0 doesn.t mean it !or&s. These clai+s ae
t(&ical as -ell/ b$t the( #e!e tell (o$ a#(thi#g abo$t -hee the
st$"ies -ee +a"e o b( -ho so that (o$ ca# check o$t the !ali"it(
*o (o$sel*.
A#" -hat "oes it eall( +ea# a#(-a(> O*te# these so.calle" health
&o*essio#als ha!e a *i#a#cial i#teest i# the &o"$ct/ a#" &obabl(
"i" #ot e!ie- the scie#ti*ic e!i"e#ce. 1* it -as e!ie-e"/ the( +a(
#ot ha!e e!e# $se" acce&table e!ie- sta#"a"s. ,h( -o$l" (o$
-a#t to isk (o$ health o# s$ch a thi#g>
J -ust because the go+ernment allo!s a roduct to be on the
mar&et does not mean it is safe for consumers or that it
does !hat it claims. Thee is a h$ge +isco#ce&tio# that the
go!e#+e#t -o$l" #ot allo- a &o"$ct o# the +aket i* it co$l"
&ote#tiall( be ha+*$l to (o$. )eo&le te#" to thi#k that the
go!e#+e#t has to &e.a&&o!e the+ *ist/ b$t +a#( ti+es that is
#ot the case.
J 2roducts toted as 3natural. or 3herbal. are not guaranteed
safe. )eo&le also ass$+e that <$st beca$se a &o"$ct is +a"e o*
#at$al i#ge"ie#ts +ea#s it +$st be sa*e as -ell. 4$t $#til the C:A
ecei!es e!i"e#ce that a &o"$ct is ha+*$l/ the co+&a#ies ae *ee
to &$t thei &o"$cts o# the +aket.
Not e!e(thi#g (o$ hea is t$e/ a#" (o$ sho$l"#Ht belie!e it. Thee
ae &le#t( o* &o"$cts that clai+ to "o thi#gs that the( <$st "o #ot/
a#" (o$ sho$l" stee a-a( *o+ &o"$cts +aki#g high a#" lo*t(
:o#Ht b$( i#to the clai+s o* *a" "iets/ eithe. A#(thi#g that e3$ies
s$""e# a#" a"ical cha#ges to (o$ eati#g &atte#s is !e( "i**ic$lt
to s$stai# o!e ti+e. The( -ill se#" (o$ i#to a 3$ick c(cle o* -eight
loss -hich is al-a(s *ollo-e" b( a ebo$#" &eio" -hee (o$ gai#
the -eight back a#" the# so+e i# cetai# i#sta#ces o#ce (o$He
#o+al eati#g es$+es. )l$s/ the #e0t ti+e (o$ t( to take the
-eight o**/ it +akes it all that +$ch +oe "i**ic$lt. Thee ae #o
health be#e*its to these "iets/ a#" i* a#( o#e o* the+ -oke"/ "o
(o$ eall( thi#k thee -o$l" be the #ee" *o #e- o#es>
Yo$ also ca# #ot co$#t o# the +o#e( back g$aa#tee. Yo$ ha!e
abo$t as goo" o* a cha#ce o# getti#g (o$ +o#e( back as ha!i#g
the &o"$ct act$all( "o -hat it clai+s to.
Thee is also #o 3$ick *i0 o +agic &ill that -ill hel& (o$ to *i#all(
lose -eight. 1* the &o"$ct is +aki#g s$ch clai+s/ (o$ ca# <$st
abo$t g$aa#tee that the( -o#Ht -ok..
8ha&te 2
What Do I Do No!?
To +ake a#( "iet a s$ccess*$l o#e/ (o$ #ee" to be co++itte" to it.
O#l( -ith a ight +i#" set ca# (o$ each s$ccess. To &e&ae
(o$sel*/ (o$ #ee" to k#o- -hat stage (o$ ae i# be*oe (o$ ca#
+o!e o# the #e0t stage o* (o$ "iet. 1t +ight #ot be ob!io$s b$t it
is thee.
The )irst stage is re1contemlation. Yo$ "o #ot see (o$sel* as
bei#g o!e -eight. Yo$ "o #ot *eel like cha#gi#g (o$sel*. O#l(
sto#g &ess$e -ill lea" (o$ to seek hel&. 4$t the# (o$ -o$l"
esist a#" <$st be "e+oali%e" as (o$ see (o$ o-# sit$atio# as
4econd is contemlation. This is -hee (o$ ack#o-le"ge that
(o$ ha!e a# o!e -eight &oble+ a#" stat to thi#k o* a sol$tio#.
4$t (o$ ae #ot -illi#g to &e*o+ that sol$tio#. Yo$ -o$l" <$st
boo" o!e it/ k#o-i#g -hat actio#s to take to +ake a cha#ge b$t
#e!e ea"( to "o so. Yo$ -ill &ocasti#ate abo$t &e*o+i#g the
Third is rearation. Yo$N!e *i#all( "eci"e" to "o so+ethi#g abo$t
(o$ o!e-eight &oble+. Yo$ +o!e o# *o+ boo"i#g abo$t (o$
&oble+ to eali%i#g (o$ sol$tio#. Yo$ -o$l" also stat to thi#k
abo$t the *$t$e -hee (o$ ae sli++e a#" *eeli#g +$ch healthie.
4$t at this stage (o$ ae #ot *$ll( esol!e" (et. Yo$ -o$l" still ha!e
seco#" tho$ghts abo$t the sol$tio# as it e3$ies (o$ to cha#ge
(o$ li*est(le.
)ourth is action. Yo$ stat to take actio# i# losi#g -eight. Yo$
-o$l" stat choosi#g the *oo" (o$ eat a#" "o so+e *o+ o* e0ecise
e!e( "a(. 1t is the *ist ste& i# achie!i#g (o$ tagete" goal.
Yo$ sho$l" al-a(s set goals -he# losi#g -eight. 1* (o$ "o#Nt set
(o$ goals/ the# itNs !e( &ossible that (o$ -hole "ieti#g &la#
+ight #ot go the -a( (o$ i+agi#e it.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
List the *ollo-i#g9
What is your current situation right no!> List all (o$
eati#g habits/ *oo" &e*ee#ces/ e!e(thi#g that co$l" a**ect
(o$ -eight loss. ,oki#g o$t/ etc
What is the reason you !ant to lose !eight> This co$l"
be a# $&co+i#g e!e#t/ s$++e/ o e!e# *o a cetai# s&ecial
so+eo#e. List the si#gle 41;;E'T easo# (o$ ca# thi#k o*.
What are the benefits you get from your !eight loss>
List A' MANY as (o$ ca#. 1t ca# be health/ bette e#eg(/
a"+ie" b( &at#e/ etc. This sho$l" be (o$ +ai# +oti!ato.
"our Goal. /I !ant to lose 55 lbs of !eight in 55 days0 .
,ite this i# bol" a#" +ake it eall( si#k i#. 1 -o$l" &eso#all(
sa( that setti#g a goal o* +oe tha# 10 lbs &e 2 -eeks is #ot
ealistic/ es&eciall( i* this is (o$ *ist atte+&t at a goal like
this. 4e ealistic. Yo$ +$st -ite F1 -a#tG #ot F1 -ishG
,ite e!e(thi#g "o-# a#" look at that &a&e e!e( "a(. )$t it i# a
&lace -hee (o$ ca# see it. O#ce (o$ see it e!e( "a(/ (o$ -ill
co#sta#tl( be e+i#"e" o* ,HY (o$ "o this a#" -hat the be#e*its
6# 2#'4I4T#NT ONC# "O7 T89# 8CTION 6#C874# IT.4 NOT
GOING TO 6# #84"
1* (o$ see (o$sel* +aki#g e0c$ses athe tha# 'TART1N; a "iet
that is e**ecti!e/ (o$ sho$l" thi#k abo$t -h( (o$ "o#Nt eall( -a#t
to lose -eight. Yo$ +$st be able to ste& o$t o* (o$ co+*ot %o#e
a#" as NikeNs *a+o$s sloga# goes -74T DO IT:
The *i#al ste& -o$l" be +ai#te#a#ce. Yo$ #ee" to kee& the
+o+e#t$+ goi#g that (o$ ha!e i# the actio# stage. 1* at a#(ti+e
(o$ lose (o$ co++it+e#t o s$&&ot/ the# (o$ -o$l" *all back to
a#( o* the &e!io$s stages.
'o the *i#al stage is the +ost i+&ota#t stage i# (o$ "iet &la# as
(o$ #ee" to kee& (o$ co++it+e#t goi#g *o a lo#g &eio" o* ti+e.
Thee ae se!eal +etho"s (o$ ca# $se to kee& bei#g co++itte".
Cist is to +ake a list abo$t the easo# -h( ae (o$ "oi#g this i#
the *ist &lace. Look at the list "ail( to e+i#" (o$ o* (o$ goals. :o
#ot ha!e #egati!e tho$ghts i# (o$ +i#". ,o"s like Q#e!eQ o
Q"e&i!i#gQ sho$l" #ot be i# (o$ !ocab$la(. Rathe tha# sa(i#g
Q#e!eQ/ (o$ ae <$st ha!i#g "essets Qoccasio#all( a#" i#
+o"eatio#Q. A#" so the -o" Q"e&i!e"Q ca# be e&lace" -ith the
-o" Qchoosi#gQ as (o$ choose to ski& chocolate cakes.
6is$ali%e i# (o$ +i#" (o$ *$t$e sli+ sel* "oi#g all the thi#gs that
(o$ al-a(s -a#te" to "o. This !is$ali%atio# -ill ste#gthe# (o$
+oti!atio# to co++it to this &la# a#" be the "esie to s$ccee". :o
this !is$ali%atio# "ail(/ e!e( ti+e (o$ -ake $& a#" a#(ti+e o* the
"a( (o$ *eel (o$ co++it+e#t is -eake#i#g.
,ho to A&&oach ,he# Yo$ ,a#t to Lose ,eight
No- that (o$H!e "eci"e" (o$ -a#t to lose -eight/ (o$ sho$l"
i#cl$"e so+e othe &eo&le i# (o$ -eight loss <o$#e(. These
&eo&le ca# hel& (o$ -ith +a#( as&ects/ i#cl$"i#g choosi#g (o$
"iet &la#/ setti#g (o$ goals a#" e#co$agi#g (o$ alo#g the -a(.
J 8 Theraist( 'o+e &eo&le k#o- the( o!eeat/ a#" ho-
$#health( it is *o the+ as -ell/ (et ca#Ht see+ to sto& thei
o!eeati#g #o +atte ho- ha" the( t(. Ma#( o* these &eo&le eat
*o e+otio#al easo#s like lo#eli#ess o $#ha&&i#ess a#" -ill t( to
hi"e thei h$t a#" othe *eeli#gs -ith *oo".
)eo&le that "o this sho$l" seek the co$#cil o* a thea&ist o othe
&o*essio#als tai#e" i# this s&eci*ic +atte so the( ca# get the
&o&e s$&&ot. 1# so+e se!ee cases/ it -ill take checki#g
the+sel!es i#to a s&eciali%e" cli#ic "esig#e" *o this &$&ose so
that thei #$titio# a#" e0ecise ca# be closel( +o#itoe".
J 8 Dietician( A "ieticia# -ill ha!e a -i"e a#ge o* k#o-le"ge that
ca# hel& (o$ to $#"esta#" (o$ bo"( a#" to hel& &e&ae a *oo"
&la# that -ill *it (o$ &atic$la #ee"s/ beca$se i# +ost states a#"
co$#ties it is e3$ie" to get a +e"ical lice#se be*oe the( ca#
beco+e a "ieticia#.
Thei goal is to hel& (o$ eat healthie/ a#" i# t$# (o$ ca# lose
-eight. 4eca$se o* this/ "ieticia#s ae set a&at *o+ a#(o#e -ho
&o+otes a *a" "iet beca$se the( ae #ot #ecessail( #$titio#all(
so$#" *o (o$. A "ieticia# -ill also hel& (o$ to *ig$e o$t ho- +a#(
caloies (o$ #ee" to co#s$+e i# a "a( a#" to bala#ce (o$ i#take
o* all the !aio$s *oo" go$&s that (o$ sho$l" be eati#g *o+.
J 8 2hysical Trainer( The +a<oit( o* &eo&le ha!e #e!e lea#e"
to e0ecise &o&el(. A &h(sical tai#e -ill e#s$e that (o$ "o/ a#"
-ill &$sh (o$ to attai# (o$ goals/ a#" ca# also hel& i# the &ocess
o* setti#g (o$ goals. The( -ill o!esee (o$ e0ecise o$ti#e i# a
g(+/ gi!i#g (o$ both ca"io a#" ste#gth base" e0ecises to *ollo-.
The +ai# goal o* a &eso#al tai#e is to see to it that (o$ get *it/
a#" the( also e"$cate (o$ o# ho- to "o that &o&el( *o (o$sel*.
Each &eso# is "i**ee#t i# thei #ee"s/ a#" a &eso#al tai#e ca#
a"<$st (o$ tai#i#g &oga+ to *it (o$ <$st ight. O!e the co$se o*
the -eight loss &ocess/ both the &h(sical tai#e a#" the "ieticia#
+a( gi!e (o$ a"!ice i# cha#gi#g $& (o$ "iet a#" (o$ -oko$t
o$ti#e as (o$ begi# to gai# +oe +$scle to#e to hel& s$&&ot (o$
#e- +$scles.
J )riends and )amily( ,he# stati#g (o$ -eight loss <o$#e(/
(o$ +a( -a#t to let *ie#"s a#" *a+il( k#o- -hat (o$ ae "oi#g so
that the( ca# be s$&&oti!e o* (o$. 1t al-a(s hel&s to ha!e &eo&le
(o$ k#o- a#" t$st that sta#" b( (o$ si"e i# a#( e#"ea!o.
Yo$ ca# e!e# ha!e a *ie#"/ o (o$ s&o$se/ kee& (o$ acco$#table
to the+ a#" sto& (o$ *o+ s#eaki#g a#( e0ta s#acks o s-eets/
o to +oti!ate (o$ to kee& o# (o$ e0ecise egi+e#. Yo$ -ill likel(
be +oe s$ccess*$l i# the e#" i* (o$ ha!e so+eo#e alo#gsi"e (o$
Le!e# o!e the &ho#e i* the( ae lo#g "ista#ceM -ho -ill hel&
e#co$age (o$ -he# (o$ ae eachi#g (o$ goals a#" to hel& &$sh
(o$ -he# (o$ stat to st$ggle. The#/ -he# (o$ "o each (o$ *i#al
goal Lo e!e# +i#i goals tho$gho$tM (o$ ca# celebate (o$
achie!e+e#ts -ith the o#es (o$ lo!e.
)esisti#g Tho$gh Cail$e
1* (o$ -a#t to co++it to losi#g -eight/ the# (o$ #ee" to be able to
&esist tho$gh *ail$e. E!e(o#e -ho has acco+&lishe" so+ethi#g
o* #ote has st$ggle" -ith *ail$e at o#e o +oe &oi#ts i# thei
asce#t. The "i**ee#ce is the( "i"#Nt 3$it -he# it got to$gh/
&esiste" tho$gh it a#" lea#e" a lesso#.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Those ae the t-o ke(s i# "eali#g -ith *ail$e. Yo$ +$st &esist
a#" lea#.
1* (o$ sli& o# (o$ "iet/ o +iss a "a( o* e0ecise/ "o#Ht *et abo$t
it. :o#Ht let it "eail (o$. )$sh it *o+ (o$ +i#". Coc$s o# all
(o$ &ositi!e "a(s/ #ot the o#e sli& $&. Re+e+be it is all abo$t
li!i#g a health( li*est(le/ the +oe goo" "a(s a"" $& a#" be*oe
(o$ k#o- it ba" "a(s beco+e *e- a#" *a bet-ee#. 4$t the tick is
to kee& goi#g a#" &$sh tho$gh the ba" "a(s. Teat it as a cheat
"a( a#" +o!e o#. This is ho- (o$ &esist/ *aili#g *o a "a( is OR/
<$st "o#Ht let that "a( stetch i#to a -eek a#" the# a +o#th.
Yo$ ha!e to acce&t *ail$es as #at$al a#" "e!elo& a to$gh +e#tal
state to "eal -ith the+.
The seco#" ste& is to lea# *o+ (o$ +istakes. S$ite o*te#
lea#i#g *o+ (o$ +istakes -ill be +oe e**icie#t tha# lea#i#g
*o+ (o$ s$ccesses. ,he# (o$ *ail/ teat it as a lesso# lea#e". it
is <$st like i# b$si#ess/ -he# (o$ *ail at so+ethi#g/ (o$ lea# the
thi#gs that "o#Ht -ok. This is the sa+e -ith -eight loss. 1* (o$
ha!e sli&&e" o** (o$ #e- "iet e!e( ti+e (o$ "i#k/ the# +a(be
(o$ a!oi" "i#ki#g. 1* (o$ eali%e that e!e( Ci"a( (o$ +iss o$t o#
e0ecise beca$se o* a late -ok +eeti#g the# esche"$le (o$
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that
won't work.
ho!as " #dison
Cail$e is #at$al &at o* li*e/ alo#g -ith "eath a#" ta0es. Yo$ ca#Ht
a!oi" it/ a#" e!e# i* (o$ co$l" (o$ -o$l"#Ht -a#t to. Yo$ li*eHs
lesso#s ae lea#e" tho$gh (o$ *ail$es alo#g -ith (o$
s$ccesses. :o#Ht *ea *ail$e/ &esist tho$gh a#" lea# *o+ it.
4$""( '(ste+
O#e o* the best thi#gs (o$ ca# "o -he# (o$ ae t(i#g to lose
-eight is to a"" so+e acco$#tabilit( to (o$ o$ti#e. Ho- "o (o$
"o that>
The b$""( s(ste+.
Ha!i#g a b$""( to t( a#" lose -eight -ith is a geat +oti!ato.
Yo$ -ill *eel +oe acco$#table to each (o$ -eight loss goals -he#
(o$ ae act$all( shai#g the+ -ith so+eo#e. The( ca# also be
hel&*$l beca$se the &eso# is so+eo#e that ca# elate to (o$ abo$t
st$ggli#g to lose -eight. Yo$ ca# shae (o$ ti$+&hs i# <o(/ a#"
(o$ setbacks i# s$&&ot.
1* (o$ ae -oki#g o$t eg$lal( a b$""( is i#!al$able. The( ca#
cha#ge a boi#g -alk o <og i#to a# e0ecise slash thea&( sessio#.
A hike i# the -il"e#ess is al-a(s +oe *$# -ith a *ie#" alo#gE 1*
(o$ ae i#to -eight li*ti#g it is also #ice to ha!e a b$""(. Yo$ g$(s
ca# challe#ge each othe -hile at the sa+e ti+e &o!i"i#g
e#co$age+e#t a#" &actical hel& like s&ots o# hea!( li*ts.
1t is sa" to sa( b$t i# this "a( a#" age/ (o$ ca# &obabl( *i#"
(o$sel* a -eight loss b$""( i# (o$ go$& o* *ie#"s. i* (o$ ca#Ht/
"o#Ht &a#ic (o$ ca# al-a(s "o it !it$all( o#li#e as -ell. Yo$ co$l"
*i#" a *ie#" o# Cacebook that is losi#g -eight a#" -ok -ith the+.
Ha!i#g Cacebook chats a#" shai#g &ogess &ict$es o# Cacebook.
Thee ae also +a#( -eb *o$+s a#" sites "e"icate" to li#ki#g
-eight loss &at#es $& !it$all(.
The botto+ li#e is this . i* (o$ -a#t to lose -eight -oki#g -ith a
*ie#" ca# &o!i"e +oti!atio#/ s$&&ot as -ell as the al-a(s
i+&ota#t acco$#tabilit(. Ci#" (o$ -eight loss b$""( #o-E
,h( Mai#tai#i#g a :ail( 'che"$le is 8itical
The #e0t ste& i# &la##i#g (o$ -eight loss goals is to set $& a "ail(
sche"$le *o (o$sel*. Yo$ #ee" to "eci"e -he# the best ti+e *o
(o$ to e0ecise is. Co i#sta#ce/ i* (o$ ae #ot a +o#i#g &eso#/
getti#g $& t-o ho$s ealie tha# (o$ ae $se" to is &obabl( #ot a
goo" &la# beca$se (o$ ae likel( to +iss +a#( +o#i#gs.
At the sa+e ti+e/ i* (o$ <ob ca$ses (o$ to -ok late i#to the
e!e#i#gs *e3$e#tl(/ sche"$li#g (o$ -oko$ts *o a*te -ok is #ot
a -ise i"ea eithe. Yo$ ca# also sche"$le o$t (o$ +eals/ i#cl$"i#g
the ti+es (o$ eat each "a(/ a#" sche"$le o$t -hat (o$ +eals -ill
be. The best thi#g to "o is to sche"$le the+ o$t *o a -eek at a
ti+e/ a#" +ake a list a#" stick to it/ so -he# (o$ go sho&&i#g (o$
-ill #ot be as te+&te" to i+&$lse b$( o sta( o** o* (o$ "iet.
J 9eeing "ourself in Chec&( 1* (o$ ha!e a s&eci*ic sche"$le to
*ollo-/ (o$ ae +oe likel( to stick to (o$ goals b( -iti#g
e!e(thi#g "o-# i# a <o$#al o othe eco"i#g "e!ice like a
s+at&ho#e. 4$t/ i* (o$ "o +iss a sche"$le" -oko$t/ o ha!e a#
e0ta s#ack/ (o$ ca# kee& #ote o* it a#" !o- to "o bette the #e0t
J 9no!ing What "ou 8re Doing #ach Day( Ha!i#g -hat ti+e
(o$ ae s$&&ose" to be "oi#g (o$ -oko$ts o eati#g (o$ +eals
-itte# "o-# ca# kee& (o$ i# the k#o- ahea" o* ti+e/ a#" i# this
-a( (o$ ca# sche"$le thi#gs ao$#" (o$ -oko$t ti+es/ athe
tha# sche"$li#g o!e the+ a#" <$st +issi#g -oko$ts altogethe.
This ca# be eas( to "o/ a#" i* (o$ stat "oi#g this/ it -ill e!e#t$all(
s#o-ball i#to i#cease" ti+es -hee (o$ ae +issi#g (o$
-oko$ts/ $#til (o$ ae tho-# o** tack co+&letel(.
J $ose ,ore Weight( 4( kee&i#g (o$sel* o# a sche"$le/ (o$ -ill
te#" to lose +oe -eight i# the e#" beca$se (o$ -ill be likel( to
#ot +iss a#( -oko$ts Lo !e(/ !e( *e- i# the lo#g $#M. 1* (o$
kee& goi#g back a#" *oth a#" +issi#g (o$ -oko$ts/ o ski&&i#g a
+eal a#" co#*$si#g (o$ bo"(Hs +etabolis+/ (o$ -ill ha!e a +$ch
ha"e ti+e +ai#tai#i#g a stea"( ate o* -eight loss.
8ha&te D
;ealthy Nutrition 8nd Its 6enefits
Yo$ -o$l" ha!e hea" lots o* &eo&le sa(i#g that health( #$titio# is
i+&ota#t *o a health( bo"( b$t (o$ #ee" to k#o- -hat is the
act$al +ea#i#g o* health( #$titio# a#" -h( it is so i+&ota#t. LetHs
"e*i#e #$titio#.
FN$titio# is the &ocess o* gi!i#g (o$ bo"( all the i+&ota#t a#"
#ecessa( ele+e#ts -hich ca# hel& it to go- i# a &o&e a#"
bala#ce" -a(.G
This is the si+&lest "e*i#itio# o* #$titio# -hich tells (o$ that (o$
#ee" to eat &o&e *oo" -ith goo" basic #$tie#ts. Health( #$titio#
ca# +ake (o$ bo"( sto#g a#" health( also it ca# hel& it to go-
a#" e&ai itsel* -hile a# $#health( #$titio# &la# ca# +ake (o$
bo"( -eake a#" ca# +ake (o$ ill a#" (o$ -ill #ot be able to *ight
agai#st cetai# +i#o "iseases.
8aloies 1# . 8aloies O$t
E!e(o#e -ho -a#ts to lose -eight has &obabl( tie" +$lti&le
"iets/ s$&&le+e#ts a#"Po &la#s. Thee ae h$#"e"s o* -eight
loss +etho"s a!ailable to b$(. All o* the+ +aki#g -il" &o+ises.
Hee is the ha" t$th . thee ae #o +agical &ills/ "iets o e0ecise
ga"gets that -ill +ake -eight i#sta#tl( "isa&&ea. 1t co+es "o-#
to eati#g ight/ sta(i#g health( a#" b$#i#g +oe caloies tha# (o$
take i#.
That is -hee the sa(i#g Fcaloies i# . caloies o$tG co+es *o+.
Yo$ -a#t to +ake s$e (o$ b$# +oe caloies Lo$tM tha# (o$
co#s$+e Li#M.
8leal(/ this is a si+&listic !ie- a#" a &o&e "iet co#sists o* taki#g
+oe tha# caloies i#to co#si"eatio#. ,e -ill look at that i# othe
cha&tes/ b$t ight #o- -e -a#t to talk abo$t ceati#g a caloie
1# o"e to tack this (o$ #ee" so+e basic i#*o+atio#. Cist o**
(o$ #ee" to *ig$e o$t ho- +a#( caloies (o$ b$# &e "a(
#at$all(. This co+es "o-# to *actos s$ch as age a#" -eight.
Calculating the Number of Calories "ou 6urn Daily
4MR calc$latio#
*o +e# LkgM
4MR T UU.7 V L 1D.=7 0 -eight i# kg M V L 7.00D
0 height i# c+ M 5 L U.=77 0 age i# (eas M
4MR calc$latio#
*o +e#
4MR T UU V L U.2D 0 -eight i# &o$#"s M V L 12.=
0 height i# i#ches M 5 L U.=U 0 age i# (eas M
4MR calc$latio#
*o -o+e# LkgM
4MR T U77.1 V L B.7UD 0 -eight i# kg M V L 1.A70
0 height i# c+ M 5 L ?.U=U 0 age i# (eas M
4MR ca lc$latio#
*o -o+e#
4MR T U77 V L ?.D7 0 -eight i# &o$#"s M V L ?.=
0 height i# i#ches M 5 L ?.= 0 age i# (eas M
This *o+$la -ill gi!e (o$ the basic caloies (o$ b$# "ail(/ <$st b(
beathi#g/ heat &$+&i#g a#" etc... These ae ho- +a#( caloies
(o$ b$# i* (o$ "i"#Ht +o!e all "a( Lbasal +etabolic ateM.
O#ce (o$ ha!e that #$+be/ (o$ #ee" to stat tacki#g the caloies
(o$ b$# a#" the caloies (o$ co#s$+e. This ca# be tick( beca$se
it is a lot o* i#*o+atio# to kee& tack o*.
Thee ae -ebsites that ca# hel& tho$gh9
This is o#e o* the +oe &o&$la caloie co$#tes o$t thee si#ce it is
*ee. 1t -ill hel& (o$ tack -hat (o$ eat/ a#" -hat (o$ e0&e#".
Yo$ <$st ha!e to e#te the *oo"s a#" acti!it( (o$ ha" *o the "a(. 1t
-ill e!e# allo- (o$ to i#&$t (o$ basal +etabolic ate.
1t is i"eal i* (o$ ca# kee& a "ail( caloic "e*icit/ b$t that is#Ht al-a(s
&ossible. 'o+eti+es -e sli& a#" so+eti+es -e i#"$lge. 1* (o$
ca# get a -eekl( caloic "e*icit that -ill still ha!e (o$ losi#g -eight.
This is#Ht abo$t sta!i#g (o$sel*/ o e0ecisi#g $#til (o$ ae "ea".
1t is all abo$t bei#g a-ae -hat (o$ &$t i# (o$ bo"(/ a#" -hat (o$
e0et. ,eight loss ca# be a st$ggle/ b$t i* (o$ ca# +a#age (o$
caloies i# a#" caloies o$t . (o$ ca# o!eco+eE
8lea# Eati#g
,e ha!e talke" abo$t caloies i# caloies o$t . the basic -eight loss
g$i"eli#e. 1t is a basic ti& beca$se (o$ still -a#t to +ake s$e (o$
ae getti#g those caloies *o+ goo" so$ces. Ree&i#g (o$ caloies
"o-# b( eati#g t-o co#."ogs a "a( &obabl( is#Ht (o$ best
Eati#g clea# is a te+ that "oes#Ht ha!e a# o**icial te+ b$t i#
ge#eal it +ea#s9
FEati#g health( -hole *oo"s -hile a!oi"i#g &ocesse" *oo"s a#"
e*i#e" s$gasG.
That is a ge#eal goal to sti!e *o/ it is#Ht al-a(s &ossible to eat
co+&letel( Fclea#G b$t i* (o$ ae getti#g the +a<oit( o* (o$
caloies *o+ clea# so$ces the# (o$ ae "oi#g geat. ,he# (o$
eat clea# (o$ a!oi" &ocesse" *oo"s so a$to+aticall( thi#gs like
*ast *oo" a#" <$#k *oo" ae eli+i#ate" *o+ (o$ "iet. 1* (o$ "o eat
so+e &ocesse" *oo" "o#Ht *et o!e it/ the i"ea is to eat lea#l( as
+$ch as &ossible.
Hee ae so+e ge#eal clea# eati#g ti&s9
$earn to read labels: Rea" the #$titio#al i#*o+atio# a#"
i#ge"ie#ts o* e!e(thi#g (o$ b$(.
Choose !hile grains !hen ossible. ,hole -heat
"oes#Nt #ecessail( +ea# -hole gai# eitheE Look *o
bea"/ &asta a#" etc... that ae +a"e -ith 100K -hole
#at lots of fruits and +egetables. The( ae geat -hole
so$ces o* clea# caloies
2reare more of your o!n meals/ "o#Ht eat o$t as +$ch
o b$( +ico-a!eable t(&e +eals. These +eals e!e#
-he# Fhealth(G/ ca# be loa"e" -ith thi#gs like so"i$+.
Choose lean meats !hen coo&ing. Eati#g +eat is *i#e
a#" the &otei# -ill hel& b$il" +$scle a#" +ake (o$ *eel *$ll.
8hicke# a#" *ish ae geat +eat choices.
8+oid rocessed meats li&e bologna or hot dogs.
'elace <un& food !ith unsalted or lightly salted
!hole nuts.
Chec& out the internet for great clean recies. 9ee a
Don.t fret o+er falling off the !agon/ e!e# gat (o$sel*
a cheat "a( #o- a#" the#.
#ating clean !hile out can be tough but more
restaurants are offering clean menu items. A 'ala"
ca# be a goo" choice/ b$t i* (o$ ae eall( h$#g( (o$ +ight
#ee" to a"" so+e &otei#E
4tart as soon as ossible:
Eati#g clea# is a geat -a( to +ake s$e (o$ #ot o#l( lose -eight
b$t (o$ ae o!eall health(. 1t is#Ht #ecessail( a# eas( ta#sitio#
a#" (o$ "o#Ht ha!e to t( a#" t$# o# a s-itch a#" "o it o!e#ight.
1* (o$ ae co++itte" to losi#g -eight a#" bei#g health(/ (o$ sho$l"
choose to clea# $& (o$ "iet.
Re"$ci#g Yo$ )otio#sE
A#(o#e -ho is t(i#g to lose -eight #ee"s to co#si"e thei &otio#
co#tol. O$st talk to a#(o#e -ho has act$all( lost -eight La#"
s$stai#e" itM. The( -ill al+ost ass$e"l( bi#g $& &otio# co#tol as
o#e o* the ke(s *o thei s$ccess.
,hat is )otio# 8o#tol>
)otio# co#tol is $#"esta#"i#g ho- +$ch a se!i#g si%e is a#"
ho- +a#( caloies a se!i#g co#tai#s.
O#e o* the biggest &oble+s o!e-eight &eo&le *ace is eali%i#g
-hat co#stit$tes a &o&e &otio# o* *oo". ,he# (o$ eat a +eal
(o$ #ee" to eali%e -hat co#stit$tes a se!i#g si%e o* (o$ *oo"s.
,hile #ot scie#ti*ic/ the *ollo-i#g list gi!es (o$ a# i"ea o* so+e
eco++e#"e" &otio# si%es. 1* (o$ st$ggle -ith -eight loss/ these
&otio#s +ight see+ s+alle tha# (o$ tho$ght9