Drop The Fat Now

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This book is 2012 [YOUR NAME HERE]. All Rights Rese!e".
U#a$thoi%e" Re&o"$ctio# is 'tictl( )ohibite".
The i#*o+atio# co#tai#e" i# this &$blicatio# is *o ge#eal
i#*o+atio# &$&oses o#l(. ,hile -e e#"ea!o$ to kee& the
i#*o+atio# $&.to."ate a#" coect/ -e +ake #o e&ese#tatio#s o
-aa#ties o* a#( ki#"/ e0&ess o i+&lie"/ abo$t the co+&lete#ess/
acc$ac(/ eliabilit(/ s$itabilit( o a!ailabilit( -ith es&ect to the
&$blicatio# o the i#*o+atio#/ &o"$cts/ se!ices/ o elate"
ga&hics co#tai#e" i# this &$blicatio# *o a#( &$&ose. A#( elia#ce
(o$/ the ea"e &lace o# s$ch i#*o+atio# is thee*oe stictl( at
(o$ o-# isk. 1# #o e!e#t -ill -e be liable *o a#( loss o "a+age
i#cl$"i#g b$t #ot li+ite" to2 i#"iect o co#se3$e#tial loss o
"a+age/ o a#( loss o "a+age -hatsoe!e aisi#g *o+ loss o*
"ata o &o*its ste++i#g *o+ o i# co##ectio# -ith the $se o* this
&$blicatio#. ,e ca##ot g$aa#tee es$lts as es$lts -ill "i**e *o+
&eso# to &eso# a#" -ill "e&e#" o# the e**ot take#. Yo$ ae
taki#g the "ecisio# to t( this +etho"/ a#" thee ae #o g$aa#tees
to (o$ s$ccess.
No &at o* this e4ook +a( be e&o"$ce"/ co&ie" o ta#s+itte" b(
a#( +ea#s 5 electo#ic o ha" co&(/ i#cl$"i#g &hotoco&(i#g a#"
eco"i#g . -itho$t e0&essl( -itte# a#" sig#e" &e+issio# *o+
the a$tho. 6iolatio#s o* this co&(ight -ill be e#*oce" to the *$llest
e0te#t o* the la-.
Table Of Contents
1#to"$ctio# 7
8ha&te 19 ,h( :o 1 ;ai# ,eight
The Ma<o 8a$ses O* ,eight ;ai# =
'ho$l" 1 ;o O# A :iet> 10
8hoosi#g The Right :iet )la# 10
Ho- :iets ,ok 11
1#"$st( 'ecets 1?
8ha&te 29 ,hat :o 1 :o No->
'te&&i#g O$t O* Yo$ 8o+*ot @o#e 1A
,ho to A&&oach ,he# Yo$ ,a#t to Lose ,eight 1B
)esisti#g Tho$gh Cail$e 21
4$""( '(ste+ 22
,h( Mai#tai#i#g a :ail( 'che"$le is 8itical 2D
8ha&te D9 Health( N$titio# A#" 1ts 4e#e*its
8aloies 1# 5 8aloies O$t 2?
8lea# Eati#g 2=
Re"$ci#g Yo$ )otio#s 2A
,ate 1s Yo$ 4est Cie#" D1
8ha&te ?9 The 1+&ota#ce O* E0ecise
E0ecisi#g D2
The D Mai# T(&es O* E0ecise DD
Ci#"i#g E0ecises To 4e :o#e At Ho+e D7
8ha&te 79 Li!i#g The Health( Li*est(le
The Health( Li*est(le DA
The 'ecets o* 'ta(i#g Health( DB
The A"!a#tages o* 'ta(i#g Health( ?1
8o#cl$sio#9 Rea"(/ 'et/ ;oE ?D

1s this (ea *i#all( the ti+e (o$ ae goi#g to sa( FE#o$gh 1s
1 a+ ea"( to stat o# a &ath to a healthie +e/ 1H+ NOT go##a
+ake a#( +oe e0c$ses a#" i a+ goi#g to +ake a cha#ge b(
she""i#g so+e o* those e0ta &o$#"sINo +atte -hatEEE
1* it is the# get ea"( toI
1# this "a( a#" age it is eas( to be te+&te" b( &o+ises o* a&i"
-eight loss that ae gi!e# b( cetai# -eight loss &oga+s/ o
o**ee" as a es$lt o* F+agic "iet &illsG/ o othe F+iacle -eight loss
"ietsG. 4$t ho#estl(/ it is a total loa" o* 4.'.
Thee ae a *e- basic t$ths (o$ sho$l" k#o- be*oe (o$ "eci"e o#
ho- (o$ -ill &ocee".
Cist/ eali%e that thee is NO +iacle -eight loss teat+e#t.
,hile 1t is &ossible to lose sig#i*ica#t -eight b( a"hei#g to a highl(
esticti!e o othe &o&$la *a" "iet/ i# ealit( the biggest &oble+
-ith that is the ha+ to (o$ bo"(/ i# esse#ce the( "e&i!e (o$
bo"( o* esse#tial #$tie#ts.
These "iets ca# lea!e (o$ -ith bittle bo#es/ lo- i++$#it( a#"
o!eall health that is -ose tha# i# the begi##i#g. Moe i+&ota#t
tho$gh/ is the &oble+ that i* #o cha#ges ae +a"e to (o$
li*est(le/ the +o+e#t (o$ sto& "e&i!i#g (o$sel* o# the cash "iet/
(o$ ae highl( likel( to et$# to (o$ &e!io$s eati#g a#" e0ecise
habits/ -hich lea"s to the "ea"e" Yo.Yo &he#o+e#o#.
't$"ies ha!e sho-# that the +a<oit( o* &eo&le -ho ae o!e-eight
a#" cash "iet/ the# egai# the -eight lost al+ost i#sta#tl( a#" ae
i# a +$ch -ose state o* health tha# those -ho e+ai# at thei
oigi#al o!e-eight si%e.
,hich lea"s to the 3$estio#..Ho- ca# i lose -eight> a#" ho- ca# i
+ake a "i**ee#ce i# +( a#" +( *a+il(Hs li*e>
The &lai# a#s-e is... thee is #o +iacle/ o#l( tie" a#" teste"
#$titio#al a#" e0ecise a"!ice/ a#" this is -hat this book is all
The goal o* this book is to assist the +$ltit$"e o* e!e("a( &eo&le
-ho "es&eatel( -a#t to +ake a cha#ge i# thei o-# a#" thei
*a+il(Hs li*e #o-/ a#" +ake that *i#al "ecisio# to li!e a healthie/
ha&&ie a#" +oe *$l*illi#g li*e.
1* (o$ -a#t to +ake a co++it+e#t to lose -eight a#" kee& it o**/
This book -ill hel&/ assist a#" &o!i"e (o$ -ith all the i#ge"ie#ts
(o$ #ee" to achie!e (o$ goals a#" "ea+s.
To"a( is the "a( to +ake the "ecisio# to LO'E THE CAT AN:
8ha&te 1
Why Do I Gain Weight?
,ith the $sh o* o$ e!e("a( li!es/ the a"!a#ce+e#t o*
tech#olog(/ alo#g -ith the co#!e#ie#ces o* *ast *oo"/ it s$e is ha"
to sta( acti!e a#" eat a health(/ bala#ce" "iet. 4$t i* (o$ k#o- ho-
to "o it/ it ca# be "o#e/ e!e# -ith a b$s( li*est(le.
1# this *ist sectio# o* the book -e ae goi#g to look at9
All the easo#s -h( -e gai# -eight/
The &eo&le -e #ee" to talk to -he# -e "eci"e -e ae ea"( to
lose the -eight/
,h( kee&i#g (o$sel* o# a sche"$le act$all( hel&s (o$ to lose
the -eight/
,eight loss secets/
)l$s +a#( othe s$b<ects that -ill hel& (o$ to lea# ho- to
*i#all( take the -eight o** a#" kee& it o** o#ce a#" *o all
The Ma<o 8a$ses O* ,eight ;ai#
We eat more calories than our body needs in a day, so the
excess gets stored as fat. O$ h$+a# bo"ies ae "esig#e" i#
s$ch a -a( that -he# i# ti+es it -as ha"e to get *oo"/ o$ bo"ies
co$l" be &e&ae" b( ha!i#g stoe" e0ta caloies i# ti+es o* &le#t(
i# the *o+ o* *at. No-/ -ith the ease -ith -hich -e get *oo"/ a lot
o* &eo&le te#" to o!eeat/ a#" this is a se!ee &oble+ that ca$ses
a h$ge #$+be o* &eo&le to beco+e o!e-eight o obese.
J Genetics lay a factor as !ell by setting basic arameters
on the metabolic efficiency of your body. )eo&le -ho ae
o!e-eight +a#( ti+es ha!e !e( e**icie#t +etabolis+s/ +ea#i#g
thei bo"( #ee"s less caloies &e "a( tha# othes to o&eate/ a#"
the( stoe the e0cess caloies as *at. Also (o$ ha!e a geate isk o*
bei#g obese i* o#e o* (o$ &ae#ts ae a#" a# e!e# geate isk i*
both &ae#ts ae.

J "our metabolic rate. 4esi"es ge#etics/ (o$ +etabolic ate
"e&e#"s o# ho- acti!e (o$ ae. 1t is sai" that e!e( te# (eas &ast
o$ +i".t-e#ties -e lose abo$t 10K o* o$ +etabolic ate. This
&obabl( "oes #ot ha!e to "o co+&letel( -ith age/ ho-e!e/ b$t
i#stea" -ith ho- acti!e -e ae. The +oe acti!e -e ae/ the +oe
+$scle +ass -e ca# etai#/ o e!e# b$il"/ a#" i# t$# the +oe *it
-e ae beca$se +$scle tiss$e is +etabolicall( acti!e -heeas *at is
#ot. O# the othe ha#"/ i* -e lea" a basicall( se"e#ta( li*e/ -e ae
+$ch +oe likel( to be able to gai# -eight as -e lose +$scle +ass.

J #ating atterns. )eo&leHs eati#g habits +ake a h$ge "i**ee#ce
i# "ete+i#i#g thei -eight. ,he# *oo"s high i# *at o s$gas ae
*a!oe"/ this o* co$se ca# ca$se +$ch -eight gai#. Also/ ho- (o$
se!e the *oo"/ i.e. "o (o$ &$t the &otio#s o# e!e(o#eHs &late o
"o (o$ bi#g it all to the table a#" se!e it the *oo" *a+il( st(le
-hee e!e(o#e ca# take as +$ch as the( -a#t> )otio# si%e is o#e
o* the +ai# easo#s &eo&le eat too +$ch. Also/ ho- ha!e (o$
lea#e" to eat> 1* (o$ ae a *ast eate/ (o$ +a( #ot e!e# eali%e the
c$es (o$ sto+ach gi!es (o$ that it is *$ll.
J $arger ortion si%es. O!e ti+e/ lage &otio#s o* *oo" ha!e
beco+e the #o+/ es&eciall( at +a#( esta$a#ts. ,eight has also
go#e $& beca$se o* this.
J #xercise or the lac& thereof. E0ecise is esse#tial to a health(
li*est(le a#" to +ai#tai#i#g a health( -eight. ,he# (o$ e0ecise/
es&eciall( -he# (o$ i#cl$"e ste#gth tai#i#g i# (o$ -oko$ts/ (o$
gai# +$scle +ass a#" aise (o$ +etabolis+ a#" i# t$# the
+$scle hel&s to b$# +oe *at. 1# t$#/ (o$ -ill -eigh less a#" (o$
-ill look lea#e a#" *i+e beca$se +$scle takes $& less s&ace tha#
*at. )l$s/ ste#gth tai#i#g hel&s e"$ce the isk o* acci"e#tal i#<$(/
i+&o!es (o$ bo#e "e#sit(/ hel&s -ith "igestio# a#" hel&s i#
lo-ei#g (o$ bloo" &ess$e/ cholesteol a#" tigl(cei"e le!els.
As (o$ ca# see/ e!e# i* (o$ ge#es +ake it easie to gai# -eight
tha# othe &eo&le/ "iet a#" e0ecise ae the t-o +ai# *actos that
a**ect (o$ health a#" -eight. Reg$la e0ecise is esse#tial to
getti#g to a#" +ai#tai#i#g a health( -eight 5 a#" so is -hat (o$
eat/ ho- (o$ eat a#" ho- +$ch (o$ eat.
Lea# &otio# co#tol. This is $s$all( a h$ge *acto *o +ost &eo&le/
a#" the( "o #ot eali%e ho- +$ch the( ae act$all( eati#g. A
&otio# o* *oo" the si%e o* (o$ *ist is ge#eall( all that sho$l" be
eate# at o#e ti+e/ beca$se that is the si%e o* (o$ sto+ach as -ell.
Eati#g se!eal s+all +eals a "a(/ athe tha# t-o o thee big o#es/
-ill hel& (o$ to be able to eat less a#" also #ot be h$#g( i# the
eal( "a(s o* *o+i#g this habit. A#othe !itall( i+&ota#t thi#g is
to #e!e ski& beak*ast/ as this sets $& (o$ +etabolis+ *o the
"a(. 1* (o$ "o#Ht eat beak*ast/ (o$ bo"( -ill go i#to "e*e#se +o"e
a#" stoe +oe *at beca$se it -ill thi#k (o$ ae sta!i#g.
T( slo-i#g "o-# (o$ eati#g as -ell i* (o$ ha!e the habit o* eati#g
*ast. This -a( (o$ ca# *eel the sig#als *o+ (o$ sto+ach -he# (o$
ha!e ha" e#o$gh/ be*oe (o$ st$** (o$sel* *$ll. ,he# (o$ ha!e
"o#e that/ (o$ k#o- *o s$e (o$ ha!e eate# too +$ch. 1# ealit(/
o# a scale o* 1.10 o* *$ll#ess/ -e sho$l" *eel ight i# the +i""le/
ao$#" a 7/ -he# -e ae "o#e eati#g. 1t takes so+e &actice/ b$t
(o$ ca# lea# this tick a#" (o$ -ill *eel so +$ch bette k#o-i#g
(o$ "i" #ot st$** (o$sel* to the +a0i+$+ ca&acit(.
A#othe thi#g to -atch o* co$se is (o$ i#take o* *att( a#" s$ga(
*oo"s. ,e all #ee" #$tie#ts/ i#cl$"i#g health( *ats/ to kee& $s
bala#ce"/ b$t eati#g a lot o* <$#k *oo" a#" s$ga( "i#ks -ill
attib$te geatl( to $s gai#i#g +oe -eight. )ocesse" *oo"s "o#Ht
ge#eall( ha!e a lot o* #$tie#ts i# the+/ o a#( at all/ a#" the( ae
high i# salt/ s$ga/ a#" $#health( *ats.
1# to"a(Hs b$s( li*est(les/ -e +a( #ot eali%e ho- o*te# -e ae
eati#g these *oo"s. 1* (o$ ae o#e -ho is al-a(s o"ei#g o$t *o
-ok/ o goi#g o$t to "i##e as -ell/ this is #ot goi#g to kee& (o$
health( beca$se (o$ "o #ot ha!e the co#tol as to -hat is bei#g &$t
i# (o$ *oo" Le0ce&t s&ecial o"ei#g at a esta$a#tM a#" it is +$ch
ha"e to +ake s$e (o$ ae eati#g the ight ki#"s o* thi#gs a#"
getti#g all o* (o$ #$tie#ts. ;oi#g o$t to eat is *i#e e!e( o#ce i# a
-hile/ b$t be se#sible i# -hat (o$ ae choosi#g/ a#" (o$ "o#Ht ha!e
to clea (o$ &late o* the lage se!i#gs (o$ -ill +ost likel( be
'ho$l" 1 ;o O# A :iet>
,he# +ost &eo&le thi#k o* losi#g -eight/ the( thi#k o* goi#g o# a
"iet. Ma#( ti+es/ this +ea#s *i#"i#g so+e *a" "iet that is &obabl(
&o&$la at the c$e#t ti+e/ a#" t(i#g to *ollo- all o* its ca%( $les
a#" eci&es/ like le+o# <$ice/ ca(e##e &e&&e a#" +a&le s($&. 4$t
ho#estl(/ -ho e#<o(s these thi#gs> :o (o$ like c$tti#g o$t e#tie
*oo" go$&s s$ch as caboh("ates o "i#ki#g ca%( co#coctio#s
that si+&l( "o #ot taste !e( goo" a#" "o #ot *ill (o$ $&>
1t is "o$bt*$l that a#(o#e "oes. Yes/ thee ae othe "iet &la#s o$t
thee that ha!e a lot o* +eit to the+/ a#" i* a "iet is the -a( (o$
-a#t to go/ the# eseachi#g the "i**ee#t o#es o$t thee is !e(
a"!isable so that (o$ ca# *i#" a easo#able/ se#sible "iet &la# that
is #ot goi#g to ha+ (o$ o +ake (o$ go ca%( -ith h$#ge/ ca$si#g
(o$ to *ail i# the e#" a#(-a(.
8hoosi#g the Right :iet )la#
,he# (o$ ae ea"( to choose (o$ "iet o eati#g &la#/ thee ae
cetai# thi#gs that (o$ +$st take i#to co#si"eatio# to +ake s$e
that (o$ ae &icki#g o#e that -ill hel& (o$ to attai# the -eight loss
goals (o$ ha!e a#" to +ake s$e (o$ ae sta(i#g health(. 'o+e
"iets/ as -e +e#tio#e"/ "o #ot co#tai# the ight bala#ce o*
#$titio# that (o$ bo"(Ns #ee"s/ a#" ca# thee*oe +ake (o$ sick/
a#" -o#Ht hel& (o$ to lose -eight &o&el(.
Hee ae so+ i+&ota#t thi#gs to kee& i# +i#" -he# choosi#g the
ight "iet &la#9
J 'ealistic #xectations( Yo$ +$st eali%e that losi#g -eight is a
&ocess a#" takes ti+e.The le#gth o* ti+e to achie!e (o$ goals
"e&e#"s o# ho- +$ch (o$ ha!e to lose to bet to (o$ goal -eight.
Yo$ "o #ot -a#t to take o# a cash "iet &la# that &o+ises (o$ to
lose a lot o* -eight i# a shot a+o$#t o* ti+e/ as that -ill +ost
likel( be a !e( $#health( a#" a# $#sa*e o&tio# *o (o$. A*te the
i#itial t-o o thee -eeks -he# -eight loss is a&i" beca$se o*
-ate loss/ a*te that (o$ sho$l" be losi#g ao$#" 1.2 &o$#"s a
-eek to +ai#tai# health( -eight loss.

J The 'ight Nutrition( Make s$e (o$ look o!e a#( "iet &la#s (o$
ae co#si"ei#g thoo$ghl( a#" see -hat the( allo- o s$ggest *o
(o$ to eat. 1* it has a bala#ce".looki#g "iet to it -ith the ight
a+o$#ts o* *oo"s *o+ the +ai# *oo" go$&s/ (o$ ae &obabl(
looki#g at a &la# that is sa*e. A#( o* the *a" "iets that c$t o$t
-hole *oo" go$&s/ o +ake (o$ sta!e (o$sel* o "i#k sta#ge
co#coctio#s ae #ot sa*e. Yo$ also -a#t the ight a+o$#t o* &otei#/
caboh("ates/ *ibe a#" +ake s$e (o$ ae getti#g #o +oe tha#
D0 &ece#t o* (o$ caloies *o+ *at &e "a(.

J The 'ight )it )or "ou*or Not? ,hile (o$ ae eseachi#g
"i**ee#t "iet &la#s/ +ake s$e it is so+ethi#g that (o$ thi#k -o$l"
s$it (o$ a#" (o$ li*est(le. 1* (o$ ae a !e( b$s( &eso# -ho is #ot
ho+e a lot/ look *o a &la# that has co#!e#ie#ce as -ell as health(
choices. 1* (o$ -i#" $& choosi#g a &la# that (o$ "o#Ht stick to *o
-hate!e easo#/ (o$ -ill -i#" $& *aili#g a#" (o$ -ill the# +ost
likel( go back to (o$ ol" -a(s/ b$t #o- *eeli#g -ose tha# -he#
(o$ state" o$t.
J Calorie $e+el( Make s$e that the &la# (o$ choose has (o$
eati#g e#o$gh caloies. Yo$ esse#tiall( -a#t to c$t o$t e#o$gh
caloies so that (o$ ca# lose those 1.2 &o$#"s a -eek. Yo$ ha!e to
-eigh this all agai#st (o$ a#" (o$ acti!it( le!els/ as ho- +a#(
caloies (o$ #ee" each "a( -ill !a( *o+ &eso# to &eso#
"e&e#"i#g o# ho- acti!e the( ae a#" thei -eight. Yo$ +ight -a#t
to -ok -ith a tai#e" health &o*essio#al to hel& (o$ "eci"e -hich
is best *o (o$.
Ho- :iets ,ok
Losi#g -eight is si+&le2 lose +oe caloies tha# (o$ ca# eat.
,e eat beca$se it is a #ecessit(. The *oo" -e co#s$+e -ill be
&ocesse" b( o$ bo"(/ beaki#g the+ "o-# a#" o#l( kee&i#g -hat
is #ee"e" -hile tho-i#g o$t the est. As -e "o o$ #o+al "ail(
tasks o$ bo"( $ses caloies a#" #$tie#ts *o+ o$ *oo" as *$el *o
(o$ bo"( to co+&lete all the tasks. Ho-e!e o$ bo"( o#l( #ee"s
a cetai# a+o$#t o* caloies to "o this a#" this lea"s to all the
$#$se" caloies bei#g stoe" i# o$ bo"( as *at.
The &oble+ -ith o$ bo"( is thee is #o -a( to tell it to sto&
stoi#g caloies. All e0cess caloies -ill be co#!ete" i#to *at #o
+atte ho- +$ch *at (o$ ha!e i# (o$ bo"( alea"(. Most o* $s
-o$l" al-a(s eat +oe tha# -e #ee" to/ taki#g i# all those e0ta
caloies to lea" $s i#to bei#g o!e-eight.
So in essence a diet is supposed to help you lose those
extra calories
A "iet is a# eati#g &la# -hee (o$ -o$l" co#tol the a+o$#t o*
caloies eate#. Eati#g less is #ot the o#l( -a( to "iet. 'i#ce the
goal is to eat *e-e caloies/ (o$ ca# ha!e co#sta#t *oo" b$t it is
lo- o# caloies. 'o *oo" like *$it o !egetables ae lo- o# caloies
i* (o$ co+&ae sa+e a+o$#t -ith othe *oo" like +eat.
,he# (o$ ae "ieti#g/ (o$ -ill be eati#g less tha# #o+al. 'o (o$
-o$l" *eel h$#gie tho$gho$t the "a( a#" *eel +oe $#satis*ie"
-he# (o$ *i#ish (o$ +eal. 1t ca##ot be a!oi"e" si#ce (o$ ae a*te
all t(i#g to lo-e (o$ caloie i#take. :o #ot be +istake# -ith
ski&&i#g +eals o sta!i#g (o$sel*. Those -ill o#l( -ose# (o$
"iet co#"itio#s.
,hat a goo" "iet -o$l" i#cl$"e is hel& i# s$&&essi#g the h$#ge/
+a( it be &s(chologicall( o &h(sicall(. :iet -ill al-a(s &e&ae (o$
&s(chologicall( *ist be*oe stati#g it. This is to e#s$e that (o$ -ill
be able to kee& o# the "iet &la# *o the -hole "$atio# a#" each
(o$ goal. :iet &la#s -ill also gi!e (o$ alte#ati!es s#acks that (o$
ca# eat to s$&&ess (o$ ca!i#gs.
,he# (o$ ae o# a "iet/ "o#Nt thi#k that (o$ -ill be ha!i#g -ate
a#" !egetables to last *o the -hole "a(. :iet act$all( &o+otes
eati#g a bala#ce" +eal. Yo$ o#l( -a#t to ha!e a lo-e caloie co$#t
b$t the est o* the #$tie#ts sho$l"#Nt be ig#oe".

'o -he# (o$ ae a!oi"i#g cetai# ki#" o* *oo"s/ (o$ -o$l" also be
a!oi"i#g thei #$tie#ts. 'o the "iet &la# -ill sho- (o$ alte#ati!e
*oo" (o$ ca# take to e&lace the +issi#g #$tie#ts. Us$all( these
*oo"s ae a!oi"e" a#" #ot *obi""e# co+&letel(. 'o (o$ ca# still eat
the+ i# s+all &otio# o#ce a -hile.
A goo" "iet also co#tib$tes to (o$ #at$al +etabolis+. Each
&eso# has his o-# ate o* +etabolis+. A &eso# -ith highe ate o*
+etabolis+ -ill be able to b$# +oe caloies a "a(. A &o&e "iet
&la# ca# hel& &eo&le -ith lo- +etabolis+ to *$ll( $tili%e the+.
Like ha!i#g a &o&e beak*ast to <$+& stat the +etabolis+/ l$#ch
to kee& the e#eg( goi#g a#" eati#g less *o "i##e si#ce (o$ "o
#ot b$# as +$ch caloies at #ight. This is to e#s$e that (o$ ha!e
e#o$gh caloies *o the "a(.
R$le o* Th$+b
,he# (o$ -a#t to kee& a "iet &la#/ "isci&li#e is o#e o* the +ost
i+&ota#t *actos. ,eight loss tho$gh &o&e "iet -ill take *o+
+o#ths to (eas to achie!e (o$ &o&e -eight. :iet that is
e0te+e a#" &o+ote s&ee"( es$lt ca# t$# i#to a *o+ o* (o.(o
"ieti#g. Yo.(o "ieti#g is a te+ -hee a &eso# *ollo-i#g a "iet a#"
+a#age to lose his -eight b$t e!e#t$all( -ill eat a#" gai# +oe
tha# he lose.
This ha&&e#s beca$se the "iet he *ollo-e" -as too e0te+e2
li+iti#g his *oo" i#take a#" *obi""i#g a lot o* *oo" catego(. 'o he
ca##ot take all these "iet th$s gi!i#g i# a#" eati#g +oe. O it ca#
be "$e to the lack o* "isci&li#e a*te the tagete" -eight is
achie!e". This is $s$all( the ca$se -he# (o$ go *o e0te+e h(&e
caloic "iet.
'o to a!oi" that/ "ietes ae a"!ise" to go slo- i# thei "ieti#g
-hee it -ill take +o#ths to see big es$lt a#" -hee +a<oit( -ill
3$it hal*-a(. 1t is #ot eas( to cha#ge a habit (o$ b$ilt $& *o (eas.
'o that is -h( (o$ #ee" a lot o* "isci&li#e/ -ill&o-e a#"
"ete+i#atio# to be able to sta( o# a "iet.
8ha#gi#g a habit is ha" at *ist. Yo$ +$st stick to (o$ "iet &la#
"ail( *o the *ist +o#th. This -ill set the *o$#"atio#. A*te D0 "a(s
it is sai" (o$ ha!e *o+e" a #e- habit
No o#e has to "iet alo#e. 1 t$l( e#co$age (o$ to get a *ie#" to
hel& o e!e# "iet -ith (o$. 4( ha!i#g so+eo#e besi"e (o$ *o
e#co$age+e#t/ (o$ ca# also slo-l( see the es$lt i# each othe. 1t
also hel&s to ha!e so+eo#e to co#*i"e i# -he# (o$ thi#k that the
"iet is #ot -oki#g o$t *o (o$.
,he# (o$ &ick a "iet to *ollo-/ (o$ sho$l" co#si"e a *e- "iet &la#s
that +ight be si+ila to the o#e that (o$ ae alea"( "oi#g. This is
to "i!esi*( the "iet. Collo-i#g the sa+e "iet that (o$ hate o!e a#"
o!e agai# -ill ha!e a #egati!e e**ect o# (o$ -ill&o-e late o#.
This +ight e!e# ca$se (o$ to aba#"o# (o$ "iet. 'o b( "i!esi*(i#g
(o$ "iet/ (o$ -ill *i#" a "iet &la# that (o$Nll like a#" -o#Nt *eel
boe" -atchi#g -hat (o$ eat. Yo$ ca# c(cle "iet &la# b( -eekl( o
+o#thl(/ +aki#g the "iet eati#g &la# *esh.
O$st e+e+be i* (o$ ha!e boke# o#e o* (o$ "iet +eals/ this "oes
#ot +ea# (o$ -hole "a( is $i#e" a#" (o$ sho$l" #ot co#ti#$e to
*ollo- (o$ "iet &la# *o the est o* the "a(. O$st co#ti#$e (o$ "a(
as i* (o$ #e!e boke# (o$ "iet i# the *ist &lace. O!e ti+e this is
-hat lea"s to lo#g te+ -eight lossP+a#age+e#t
1#"$st( 'ecets
Thee ae se!eal thi#gs that the -eight loss i#"$st( is #ot telli#g
(o$ 5 #o "o the( -a#t (o$ to k#o-. Thei b$si#ess is boo+i#g
tha#ks to all the *a"s/ ga"gets a#" &ills o$t thee that the( ae
selli#g to &eo&le "es&eate to lose -eight. U#*ot$#atel(/ the o#l(
thi#g i# +ost cases that is getti#g lighte is &eo&lesH -allets. Ma#(
o* these thi#gs "o #ot -ok/ a#" o#l( a s+all &ece#tage o* &eo&le
b$(i#g i#to o#e o* the+ +a#age to lose the -eight a#" kee& it o**.
'o+e o* These 1#"$st( 'ecets 1#cl$"e9
J ,ost !eight loss roduct ads decei+e the buyer. A +a<oit(
o* the -eight loss &o"$cts (o$ hea abo$t o# the a"io a#" see o#
i#*o+ecials "o#Ht e!e# "o -hat the( clai+ to. E!e# so/ co#s$+es
ae l$e" i#to b$(i#g these &o"$cts -ith &o+ises like FLose the
-eight a#" kee& it o**G/ FEat -hate!e (o$ -a#tG a#" F#o "iet o
e0ecise e3$ie"G. 4asicall(/ i* it so$#"s too goo" to be t$e/ it
+ost likel( is.
J -ust because they say it.s /scientifically ro+en0 or
/doctor1endorsed0 doesn.t mean it !or&s. These clai+s ae
t(&ical as -ell/ b$t the( #e!e tell (o$ a#(thi#g abo$t -hee the
st$"ies -ee +a"e o b( -ho so that (o$ ca# check o$t the !ali"it(
*o (o$sel*.
A#" -hat "oes it eall( +ea# a#(-a(> O*te# these so.calle" health
&o*essio#als ha!e a *i#a#cial i#teest i# the &o"$ct/ a#" &obabl(
"i" #ot e!ie- the scie#ti*ic e!i"e#ce. 1* it -as e!ie-e"/ the( +a(
#ot ha!e e!e# $se" acce&table e!ie- sta#"a"s. ,h( -o$l" (o$
-a#t to isk (o$ health o# s$ch a thi#g>
J -ust because the go+ernment allo!s a roduct to be on the
mar&et does not mean it is safe for consumers or that it
does !hat it claims. Thee is a h$ge +isco#ce&tio# that the
go!e#+e#t -o$l" #ot allo- a &o"$ct o# the +aket i* it co$l"
&ote#tiall( be ha+*$l to (o$. )eo&le te#" to thi#k that the
go!e#+e#t has to &e.a&&o!e the+ *ist/ b$t +a#( ti+es that is
#ot the case.
J 2roducts toted as 3natural. or 3herbal. are not guaranteed
safe. )eo&le also ass$+e that <$st beca$se a &o"$ct is +a"e o*
#at$al i#ge"ie#ts +ea#s it +$st be sa*e as -ell. 4$t $#til the C:A
ecei!es e!i"e#ce that a &o"$ct is ha+*$l/ the co+&a#ies ae *ee
to &$t thei &o"$cts o# the +aket.
Not e!e(thi#g (o$ hea is t$e/ a#" (o$ sho$l"#Ht belie!e it. Thee
ae &le#t( o* &o"$cts that clai+ to "o thi#gs that the( <$st "o #ot/
a#" (o$ sho$l" stee a-a( *o+ &o"$cts +aki#g high a#" lo*t(
:o#Ht b$( i#to the clai+s o* *a" "iets/ eithe. A#(thi#g that e3$ies
s$""e# a#" a"ical cha#ges to (o$ eati#g &atte#s is !e( "i**ic$lt
to s$stai# o!e ti+e. The( -ill se#" (o$ i#to a 3$ick c(cle o* -eight
loss -hich is al-a(s *ollo-e" b( a ebo$#" &eio" -hee (o$ gai#
the -eight back a#" the# so+e i# cetai# i#sta#ces o#ce (o$He
#o+al eati#g es$+es. )l$s/ the #e0t ti+e (o$ t( to take the
-eight o**/ it +akes it all that +$ch +oe "i**ic$lt. Thee ae #o
health be#e*its to these "iets/ a#" i* a#( o#e o* the+ -oke"/ "o
(o$ eall( thi#k thee -o$l" be the #ee" *o #e- o#es>
Yo$ also ca# #ot co$#t o# the +o#e( back g$aa#tee. Yo$ ha!e
abo$t as goo" o* a cha#ce o# getti#g (o$ +o#e( back as ha!i#g
the &o"$ct act$all( "o -hat it clai+s to.
Thee is also #o 3$ick *i0 o +agic &ill that -ill hel& (o$ to *i#all(
lose -eight. 1* the &o"$ct is +aki#g s$ch clai+s/ (o$ ca# <$st
abo$t g$aa#tee that the( -o#Ht -ok..
8ha&te 2
What Do I Do No!?
To +ake a#( "iet a s$ccess*$l o#e/ (o$ #ee" to be co++itte" to it.
O#l( -ith a ight +i#" set ca# (o$ each s$ccess. To &e&ae
(o$sel*/ (o$ #ee" to k#o- -hat stage (o$ ae i# be*oe (o$ ca#
+o!e o# the #e0t stage o* (o$ "iet. 1t +ight #ot be ob!io$s b$t it
is thee.
The )irst stage is re1contemlation. Yo$ "o #ot see (o$sel* as
bei#g o!e -eight. Yo$ "o #ot *eel like cha#gi#g (o$sel*. O#l(
sto#g &ess$e -ill lea" (o$ to seek hel&. 4$t the# (o$ -o$l"
esist a#" <$st be "e+oali%e" as (o$ see (o$ o-# sit$atio# as
4econd is contemlation. This is -hee (o$ ack#o-le"ge that
(o$ ha!e a# o!e -eight &oble+ a#" stat to thi#k o* a sol$tio#.
4$t (o$ ae #ot -illi#g to &e*o+ that sol$tio#. Yo$ -o$l" <$st
boo" o!e it/ k#o-i#g -hat actio#s to take to +ake a cha#ge b$t
#e!e ea"( to "o so. Yo$ -ill &ocasti#ate abo$t &e*o+i#g the
Third is rearation. Yo$N!e *i#all( "eci"e" to "o so+ethi#g abo$t
(o$ o!e-eight &oble+. Yo$ +o!e o# *o+ boo"i#g abo$t (o$
&oble+ to eali%i#g (o$ sol$tio#. Yo$ -o$l" also stat to thi#k
abo$t the *$t$e -hee (o$ ae sli++e a#" *eeli#g +$ch healthie.
4$t at this stage (o$ ae #ot *$ll( esol!e" (et. Yo$ -o$l" still ha!e
seco#" tho$ghts abo$t the sol$tio# as it e3$ies (o$ to cha#ge
(o$ li*est(le.
)ourth is action. Yo$ stat to take actio# i# losi#g -eight. Yo$
-o$l" stat choosi#g the *oo" (o$ eat a#" "o so+e *o+ o* e0ecise
e!e( "a(. 1t is the *ist ste& i# achie!i#g (o$ tagete" goal.
Yo$ sho$l" al-a(s set goals -he# losi#g -eight. 1* (o$ "o#Nt set
(o$ goals/ the# itNs !e( &ossible that (o$ -hole "ieti#g &la#
+ight #ot go the -a( (o$ i+agi#e it.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
List the *ollo-i#g9
What is your current situation right no!> List all (o$
eati#g habits/ *oo" &e*ee#ces/ e!e(thi#g that co$l" a**ect
(o$ -eight loss. ,oki#g o$t/ etc
What is the reason you !ant to lose !eight> This co$l"
be a# $&co+i#g e!e#t/ s$++e/ o e!e# *o a cetai# s&ecial
so+eo#e. List the si#gle 41;;E'T easo# (o$ ca# thi#k o*.
What are the benefits you get from your !eight loss>
List A' MANY as (o$ ca#. 1t ca# be health/ bette e#eg(/
a"+ie" b( &at#e/ etc. This sho$l" be (o$ +ai# +oti!ato.
"our Goal. /I !ant to lose 55 lbs of !eight in 55 days0 .
,ite this i# bol" a#" +ake it eall( si#k i#. 1 -o$l" &eso#all(
sa( that setti#g a goal o* +oe tha# 10 lbs &e 2 -eeks is #ot
ealistic/ es&eciall( i* this is (o$ *ist atte+&t at a goal like
this. 4e ealistic. Yo$ +$st -ite F1 -a#tG #ot F1 -ishG
,ite e!e(thi#g "o-# a#" look at that &a&e e!e( "a(. )$t it i# a
&lace -hee (o$ ca# see it. O#ce (o$ see it e!e( "a(/ (o$ -ill
co#sta#tl( be e+i#"e" o* ,HY (o$ "o this a#" -hat the be#e*its
6# 2#'4I4T#NT ONC# "O7 T89# 8CTION 6#C874# IT.4 NOT
GOING TO 6# #84"
1* (o$ see (o$sel* +aki#g e0c$ses athe tha# 'TART1N; a "iet
that is e**ecti!e/ (o$ sho$l" thi#k abo$t -h( (o$ "o#Nt eall( -a#t
to lose -eight. Yo$ +$st be able to ste& o$t o* (o$ co+*ot %o#e
a#" as NikeNs *a+o$s sloga# goes -74T DO IT:
The *i#al ste& -o$l" be +ai#te#a#ce. Yo$ #ee" to kee& the
+o+e#t$+ goi#g that (o$ ha!e i# the actio# stage. 1* at a#(ti+e
(o$ lose (o$ co++it+e#t o s$&&ot/ the# (o$ -o$l" *all back to
a#( o* the &e!io$s stages.
'o the *i#al stage is the +ost i+&ota#t stage i# (o$ "iet &la# as
(o$ #ee" to kee& (o$ co++it+e#t goi#g *o a lo#g &eio" o* ti+e.
Thee ae se!eal +etho"s (o$ ca# $se to kee& bei#g co++itte".
Cist is to +ake a list abo$t the easo# -h( ae (o$ "oi#g this i#
the *ist &lace. Look at the list "ail( to e+i#" (o$ o* (o$ goals. :o
#ot ha!e #egati!e tho$ghts i# (o$ +i#". ,o"s like Q#e!eQ o
Q"e&i!i#gQ sho$l" #ot be i# (o$ !ocab$la(. Rathe tha# sa(i#g
Q#e!eQ/ (o$ ae <$st ha!i#g "essets Qoccasio#all( a#" i#
+o"eatio#Q. A#" so the -o" Q"e&i!e"Q ca# be e&lace" -ith the
-o" Qchoosi#gQ as (o$ choose to ski& chocolate cakes.
6is$ali%e i# (o$ +i#" (o$ *$t$e sli+ sel* "oi#g all the thi#gs that
(o$ al-a(s -a#te" to "o. This !is$ali%atio# -ill ste#gthe# (o$
+oti!atio# to co++it to this &la# a#" be the "esie to s$ccee". :o
this !is$ali%atio# "ail(/ e!e( ti+e (o$ -ake $& a#" a#(ti+e o* the
"a( (o$ *eel (o$ co++it+e#t is -eake#i#g.
,ho to A&&oach ,he# Yo$ ,a#t to Lose ,eight
No- that (o$H!e "eci"e" (o$ -a#t to lose -eight/ (o$ sho$l"
i#cl$"e so+e othe &eo&le i# (o$ -eight loss <o$#e(. These
&eo&le ca# hel& (o$ -ith +a#( as&ects/ i#cl$"i#g choosi#g (o$
"iet &la#/ setti#g (o$ goals a#" e#co$agi#g (o$ alo#g the -a(.
J 8 Theraist( 'o+e &eo&le k#o- the( o!eeat/ a#" ho-
$#health( it is *o the+ as -ell/ (et ca#Ht see+ to sto& thei
o!eeati#g #o +atte ho- ha" the( t(. Ma#( o* these &eo&le eat
*o e+otio#al easo#s like lo#eli#ess o $#ha&&i#ess a#" -ill t( to
hi"e thei h$t a#" othe *eeli#gs -ith *oo".
)eo&le that "o this sho$l" seek the co$#cil o* a thea&ist o othe
&o*essio#als tai#e" i# this s&eci*ic +atte so the( ca# get the
&o&e s$&&ot. 1# so+e se!ee cases/ it -ill take checki#g
the+sel!es i#to a s&eciali%e" cli#ic "esig#e" *o this &$&ose so
that thei #$titio# a#" e0ecise ca# be closel( +o#itoe".

J 8 Dietician( A "ieticia# -ill ha!e a -i"e a#ge o* k#o-le"ge that
ca# hel& (o$ to $#"esta#" (o$ bo"( a#" to hel& &e&ae a *oo"
&la# that -ill *it (o$ &atic$la #ee"s/ beca$se i# +ost states a#"
co$#ties it is e3$ie" to get a +e"ical lice#se be*oe the( ca#
beco+e a "ieticia#.
Thei goal is to hel& (o$ eat healthie/ a#" i# t$# (o$ ca# lose
-eight. 4eca$se o* this/ "ieticia#s ae set a&at *o+ a#(o#e -ho
&o+otes a *a" "iet beca$se the( ae #ot #ecessail( #$titio#all(
so$#" *o (o$. A "ieticia# -ill also hel& (o$ to *ig$e o$t ho- +a#(
caloies (o$ #ee" to co#s$+e i# a "a( a#" to bala#ce (o$ i#take
o* all the !aio$s *oo" go$&s that (o$ sho$l" be eati#g *o+.
J 8 2hysical Trainer( The +a<oit( o* &eo&le ha!e #e!e lea#e"
to e0ecise &o&el(. A &h(sical tai#e -ill e#s$e that (o$ "o/ a#"
-ill &$sh (o$ to attai# (o$ goals/ a#" ca# also hel& i# the &ocess
o* setti#g (o$ goals. The( -ill o!esee (o$ e0ecise o$ti#e i# a
g(+/ gi!i#g (o$ both ca"io a#" ste#gth base" e0ecises to *ollo-.
The +ai# goal o* a &eso#al tai#e is to see to it that (o$ get *it/
a#" the( also e"$cate (o$ o# ho- to "o that &o&el( *o (o$sel*.
Each &eso# is "i**ee#t i# thei #ee"s/ a#" a &eso#al tai#e ca#
a"<$st (o$ tai#i#g &oga+ to *it (o$ <$st ight. O!e the co$se o*
the -eight loss &ocess/ both the &h(sical tai#e a#" the "ieticia#
+a( gi!e (o$ a"!ice i# cha#gi#g $& (o$ "iet a#" (o$ -oko$t
o$ti#e as (o$ begi# to gai# +oe +$scle to#e to hel& s$&&ot (o$
#e- +$scles.
J )riends and )amily( ,he# stati#g (o$ -eight loss <o$#e(/
(o$ +a( -a#t to let *ie#"s a#" *a+il( k#o- -hat (o$ ae "oi#g so
that the( ca# be s$&&oti!e o* (o$. 1t al-a(s hel&s to ha!e &eo&le
(o$ k#o- a#" t$st that sta#" b( (o$ si"e i# a#( e#"ea!o.
Yo$ ca# e!e# ha!e a *ie#"/ o (o$ s&o$se/ kee& (o$ acco$#table
to the+ a#" sto& (o$ *o+ s#eaki#g a#( e0ta s#acks o s-eets/
o to +oti!ate (o$ to kee& o# (o$ e0ecise egi+e#. Yo$ -ill likel(
be +oe s$ccess*$l i# the e#" i* (o$ ha!e so+eo#e alo#gsi"e (o$
Le!e# o!e the &ho#e i* the( ae lo#g "ista#ceM -ho -ill hel&
e#co$age (o$ -he# (o$ ae eachi#g (o$ goals a#" to hel& &$sh
(o$ -he# (o$ stat to st$ggle. The#/ -he# (o$ "o each (o$ *i#al
goal Lo e!e# +i#i goals tho$gho$tM (o$ ca# celebate (o$
achie!e+e#ts -ith the o#es (o$ lo!e.
)esisti#g Tho$gh Cail$e
1* (o$ -a#t to co++it to losi#g -eight/ the# (o$ #ee" to be able to
&esist tho$gh *ail$e. E!e(o#e -ho has acco+&lishe" so+ethi#g
o* #ote has st$ggle" -ith *ail$e at o#e o +oe &oi#ts i# thei
asce#t. The "i**ee#ce is the( "i"#Nt 3$it -he# it got to$gh/
&esiste" tho$gh it a#" lea#e" a lesso#.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Those ae the t-o ke(s i# "eali#g -ith *ail$e. Yo$ +$st &esist
a#" lea#.
1* (o$ sli& o# (o$ "iet/ o +iss a "a( o* e0ecise/ "o#Ht *et abo$t
it. :o#Ht let it "eail (o$. )$sh it *o+ (o$ +i#". Coc$s o# all
(o$ &ositi!e "a(s/ #ot the o#e sli& $&. Re+e+be it is all abo$t
li!i#g a health( li*est(le/ the +oe goo" "a(s a"" $& a#" be*oe
(o$ k#o- it ba" "a(s beco+e *e- a#" *a bet-ee#. 4$t the tick is
to kee& goi#g a#" &$sh tho$gh the ba" "a(s. Teat it as a cheat
"a( a#" +o!e o#. This is ho- (o$ &esist/ *aili#g *o a "a( is OR/
<$st "o#Ht let that "a( stetch i#to a -eek a#" the# a +o#th.
Yo$ ha!e to acce&t *ail$es as #at$al a#" "e!elo& a to$gh +e#tal
state to "eal -ith the+.
The seco#" ste& is to lea# *o+ (o$ +istakes. S$ite o*te#
lea#i#g *o+ (o$ +istakes -ill be +oe e**icie#t tha# lea#i#g
*o+ (o$ s$ccesses. ,he# (o$ *ail/ teat it as a lesso# lea#e". it
is <$st like i# b$si#ess/ -he# (o$ *ail at so+ethi#g/ (o$ lea# the
thi#gs that "o#Ht -ok. This is the sa+e -ith -eight loss. 1* (o$
ha!e sli&&e" o** (o$ #e- "iet e!e( ti+e (o$ "i#k/ the# +a(be
(o$ a!oi" "i#ki#g. 1* (o$ eali%e that e!e( Ci"a( (o$ +iss o$t o#
e0ecise beca$se o* a late -ok +eeti#g the# esche"$le (o$
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that
won't work.
ho!as " #dison
Cail$e is #at$al &at o* li*e/ alo#g -ith "eath a#" ta0es. Yo$ ca#Ht
a!oi" it/ a#" e!e# i* (o$ co$l" (o$ -o$l"#Ht -a#t to. Yo$ li*eHs
lesso#s ae lea#e" tho$gh (o$ *ail$es alo#g -ith (o$
s$ccesses. :o#Ht *ea *ail$e/ &esist tho$gh a#" lea# *o+ it.
4$""( '(ste+
O#e o* the best thi#gs (o$ ca# "o -he# (o$ ae t(i#g to lose
-eight is to a"" so+e acco$#tabilit( to (o$ o$ti#e. Ho- "o (o$
"o that>
The b$""( s(ste+.
Ha!i#g a b$""( to t( a#" lose -eight -ith is a geat +oti!ato.
Yo$ -ill *eel +oe acco$#table to each (o$ -eight loss goals -he#
(o$ ae act$all( shai#g the+ -ith so+eo#e. The( ca# also be
hel&*$l beca$se the &eso# is so+eo#e that ca# elate to (o$ abo$t
st$ggli#g to lose -eight. Yo$ ca# shae (o$ ti$+&hs i# <o(/ a#"
(o$ setbacks i# s$&&ot.
1* (o$ ae -oki#g o$t eg$lal( a b$""( is i#!al$able. The( ca#
cha#ge a boi#g -alk o <og i#to a# e0ecise slash thea&( sessio#.
A hike i# the -il"e#ess is al-a(s +oe *$# -ith a *ie#" alo#gE 1*
(o$ ae i#to -eight li*ti#g it is also #ice to ha!e a b$""(. Yo$ g$(s
ca# challe#ge each othe -hile at the sa+e ti+e &o!i"i#g
e#co$age+e#t a#" &actical hel& like s&ots o# hea!( li*ts.
1t is sa" to sa( b$t i# this "a( a#" age/ (o$ ca# &obabl( *i#"
(o$sel* a -eight loss b$""( i# (o$ go$& o* *ie#"s. i* (o$ ca#Ht/
"o#Ht &a#ic (o$ ca# al-a(s "o it !it$all( o#li#e as -ell. Yo$ co$l"
*i#" a *ie#" o# Cacebook that is losi#g -eight a#" -ok -ith the+.
Ha!i#g Cacebook chats a#" shai#g &ogess &ict$es o# Cacebook.
Thee ae also +a#( -eb *o$+s a#" sites "e"icate" to li#ki#g
-eight loss &at#es $& !it$all(.
The botto+ li#e is this . i* (o$ -a#t to lose -eight -oki#g -ith a
*ie#" ca# &o!i"e +oti!atio#/ s$&&ot as -ell as the al-a(s
i+&ota#t acco$#tabilit(. Ci#" (o$ -eight loss b$""( #o-E
,h( Mai#tai#i#g a :ail( 'che"$le is 8itical
The #e0t ste& i# &la##i#g (o$ -eight loss goals is to set $& a "ail(
sche"$le *o (o$sel*. Yo$ #ee" to "eci"e -he# the best ti+e *o
(o$ to e0ecise is. Co i#sta#ce/ i* (o$ ae #ot a +o#i#g &eso#/
getti#g $& t-o ho$s ealie tha# (o$ ae $se" to is &obabl( #ot a
goo" &la# beca$se (o$ ae likel( to +iss +a#( +o#i#gs.
At the sa+e ti+e/ i* (o$ <ob ca$ses (o$ to -ok late i#to the
e!e#i#gs *e3$e#tl(/ sche"$li#g (o$ -oko$ts *o a*te -ok is #ot
a -ise i"ea eithe. Yo$ ca# also sche"$le o$t (o$ +eals/ i#cl$"i#g
the ti+es (o$ eat each "a(/ a#" sche"$le o$t -hat (o$ +eals -ill
be. The best thi#g to "o is to sche"$le the+ o$t *o a -eek at a
ti+e/ a#" +ake a list a#" stick to it/ so -he# (o$ go sho&&i#g (o$
-ill #ot be as te+&te" to i+&$lse b$( o sta( o** o* (o$ "iet.
J 9eeing "ourself in Chec&( 1* (o$ ha!e a s&eci*ic sche"$le to
*ollo-/ (o$ ae +oe likel( to stick to (o$ goals b( -iti#g
e!e(thi#g "o-# i# a <o$#al o othe eco"i#g "e!ice like a
s+at&ho#e. 4$t/ i* (o$ "o +iss a sche"$le" -oko$t/ o ha!e a#
e0ta s#ack/ (o$ ca# kee& #ote o* it a#" !o- to "o bette the #e0t
J 9no!ing What "ou 8re Doing #ach Day( Ha!i#g -hat ti+e
(o$ ae s$&&ose" to be "oi#g (o$ -oko$ts o eati#g (o$ +eals
-itte# "o-# ca# kee& (o$ i# the k#o- ahea" o* ti+e/ a#" i# this
-a( (o$ ca# sche"$le thi#gs ao$#" (o$ -oko$t ti+es/ athe
tha# sche"$li#g o!e the+ a#" <$st +issi#g -oko$ts altogethe.
This ca# be eas( to "o/ a#" i* (o$ stat "oi#g this/ it -ill e!e#t$all(
s#o-ball i#to i#cease" ti+es -hee (o$ ae +issi#g (o$
-oko$ts/ $#til (o$ ae tho-# o** tack co+&letel(.
J $ose ,ore Weight( 4( kee&i#g (o$sel* o# a sche"$le/ (o$ -ill
te#" to lose +oe -eight i# the e#" beca$se (o$ -ill be likel( to
#ot +iss a#( -oko$ts Lo !e(/ !e( *e- i# the lo#g $#M. 1* (o$
kee& goi#g back a#" *oth a#" +issi#g (o$ -oko$ts/ o ski&&i#g a
+eal a#" co#*$si#g (o$ bo"(Hs +etabolis+/ (o$ -ill ha!e a +$ch
ha"e ti+e +ai#tai#i#g a stea"( ate o* -eight loss.
8ha&te D
;ealthy Nutrition 8nd Its 6enefits
Yo$ -o$l" ha!e hea" lots o* &eo&le sa(i#g that health( #$titio# is
i+&ota#t *o a health( bo"( b$t (o$ #ee" to k#o- -hat is the
act$al +ea#i#g o* health( #$titio# a#" -h( it is so i+&ota#t. LetHs
"e*i#e #$titio#.
FN$titio# is the &ocess o* gi!i#g (o$ bo"( all the i+&ota#t a#"
#ecessa( ele+e#ts -hich ca# hel& it to go- i# a &o&e a#"
bala#ce" -a(.G
This is the si+&lest "e*i#itio# o* #$titio# -hich tells (o$ that (o$
#ee" to eat &o&e *oo" -ith goo" basic #$tie#ts. Health( #$titio#
ca# +ake (o$ bo"( sto#g a#" health( also it ca# hel& it to go-
a#" e&ai itsel* -hile a# $#health( #$titio# &la# ca# +ake (o$
bo"( -eake a#" ca# +ake (o$ ill a#" (o$ -ill #ot be able to *ight
agai#st cetai# +i#o "iseases.
8aloies 1# . 8aloies O$t
E!e(o#e -ho -a#ts to lose -eight has &obabl( tie" +$lti&le
"iets/ s$&&le+e#ts a#"Po &la#s. Thee ae h$#"e"s o* -eight
loss +etho"s a!ailable to b$(. All o* the+ +aki#g -il" &o+ises.
Hee is the ha" t$th . thee ae #o +agical &ills/ "iets o e0ecise
ga"gets that -ill +ake -eight i#sta#tl( "isa&&ea. 1t co+es "o-#
to eati#g ight/ sta(i#g health( a#" b$#i#g +oe caloies tha# (o$
take i#.
That is -hee the sa(i#g Fcaloies i# . caloies o$tG co+es *o+.
Yo$ -a#t to +ake s$e (o$ b$# +oe caloies Lo$tM tha# (o$
co#s$+e Li#M.
8leal(/ this is a si+&listic !ie- a#" a &o&e "iet co#sists o* taki#g
+oe tha# caloies i#to co#si"eatio#. ,e -ill look at that i# othe
cha&tes/ b$t ight #o- -e -a#t to talk abo$t ceati#g a caloie
1# o"e to tack this (o$ #ee" so+e basic i#*o+atio#. Cist o**
(o$ #ee" to *ig$e o$t ho- +a#( caloies (o$ b$# &e "a(
#at$all(. This co+es "o-# to *actos s$ch as age a#" -eight.
Calculating the Number of Calories "ou 6urn Daily
4MR calc$latio#
*o +e# LkgM
4MR T UU.7 V L 1D.=7 0 -eight i# kg M V L 7.00D
0 height i# c+ M 5 L U.=77 0 age i# (eas M
4MR calc$latio#
*o +e#
4MR T UU V L U.2D 0 -eight i# &o$#"s M V L 12.=
0 height i# i#ches M 5 L U.=U 0 age i# (eas M
4MR calc$latio#
*o -o+e# LkgM
4MR T U77.1 V L B.7UD 0 -eight i# kg M V L 1.A70
0 height i# c+ M 5 L ?.U=U 0 age i# (eas M
4MR ca lc$latio#
*o -o+e#
4MR T U77 V L ?.D7 0 -eight i# &o$#"s M V L ?.=
0 height i# i#ches M 5 L ?.= 0 age i# (eas M
This *o+$la -ill gi!e (o$ the basic caloies (o$ b$# "ail(/ <$st b(
beathi#g/ heat &$+&i#g a#" etc... These ae ho- +a#( caloies
(o$ b$# i* (o$ "i"#Ht +o!e all "a( Lbasal +etabolic ateM.
O#ce (o$ ha!e that #$+be/ (o$ #ee" to stat tacki#g the caloies
(o$ b$# a#" the caloies (o$ co#s$+e. This ca# be tick( beca$se
it is a lot o* i#*o+atio# to kee& tack o*.
Thee ae -ebsites that ca# hel& tho$gh9
This is o#e o* the +oe &o&$la caloie co$#tes o$t thee si#ce it is
*ee. 1t -ill hel& (o$ tack -hat (o$ eat/ a#" -hat (o$ e0&e#".
Yo$ <$st ha!e to e#te the *oo"s a#" acti!it( (o$ ha" *o the "a(. 1t
-ill e!e# allo- (o$ to i#&$t (o$ basal +etabolic ate.
1t is i"eal i* (o$ ca# kee& a "ail( caloic "e*icit/ b$t that is#Ht al-a(s
&ossible. 'o+eti+es -e sli& a#" so+eti+es -e i#"$lge. 1* (o$
ca# get a -eekl( caloic "e*icit that -ill still ha!e (o$ losi#g -eight.
This is#Ht abo$t sta!i#g (o$sel*/ o e0ecisi#g $#til (o$ ae "ea".
1t is all abo$t bei#g a-ae -hat (o$ &$t i# (o$ bo"(/ a#" -hat (o$
e0et. ,eight loss ca# be a st$ggle/ b$t i* (o$ ca# +a#age (o$
caloies i# a#" caloies o$t . (o$ ca# o!eco+eE
8lea# Eati#g
,e ha!e talke" abo$t caloies i# caloies o$t . the basic -eight loss
g$i"eli#e. 1t is a basic ti& beca$se (o$ still -a#t to +ake s$e (o$
ae getti#g those caloies *o+ goo" so$ces. Ree&i#g (o$ caloies
"o-# b( eati#g t-o co#."ogs a "a( &obabl( is#Ht (o$ best
Eati#g clea# is a te+ that "oes#Ht ha!e a# o**icial te+ b$t i#
ge#eal it +ea#s9
FEati#g health( -hole *oo"s -hile a!oi"i#g &ocesse" *oo"s a#"
e*i#e" s$gasG.
That is a ge#eal goal to sti!e *o/ it is#Ht al-a(s &ossible to eat
co+&letel( Fclea#G b$t i* (o$ ae getti#g the +a<oit( o* (o$
caloies *o+ clea# so$ces the# (o$ ae "oi#g geat. ,he# (o$
eat clea# (o$ a!oi" &ocesse" *oo"s so a$to+aticall( thi#gs like
*ast *oo" a#" <$#k *oo" ae eli+i#ate" *o+ (o$ "iet. 1* (o$ "o eat
so+e &ocesse" *oo" "o#Ht *et o!e it/ the i"ea is to eat lea#l( as
+$ch as &ossible.
Hee ae so+e ge#eal clea# eati#g ti&s9
$earn to read labels: Rea" the #$titio#al i#*o+atio# a#"
i#ge"ie#ts o* e!e(thi#g (o$ b$(.
Choose !hile grains !hen ossible. ,hole -heat
"oes#Nt #ecessail( +ea# -hole gai# eitheE Look *o
bea"/ &asta a#" etc... that ae +a"e -ith 100K -hole
#at lots of fruits and +egetables. The( ae geat -hole
so$ces o* clea# caloies
2reare more of your o!n meals/ "o#Ht eat o$t as +$ch
o b$( +ico-a!eable t(&e +eals. These +eals e!e#
-he# Fhealth(G/ ca# be loa"e" -ith thi#gs like so"i$+.
Choose lean meats !hen coo&ing. Eati#g +eat is *i#e
a#" the &otei# -ill hel& b$il" +$scle a#" +ake (o$ *eel *$ll.
8hicke# a#" *ish ae geat +eat choices.
8+oid rocessed meats li&e bologna or hot dogs.
'elace <un& food !ith unsalted or lightly salted
!hole nuts.
Chec& out the internet for great clean recies. 9ee a
Don.t fret o+er falling off the !agon/ e!e# gat (o$sel*
a cheat "a( #o- a#" the#.
#ating clean !hile out can be tough but more
restaurants are offering clean menu items. A 'ala"
ca# be a goo" choice/ b$t i* (o$ ae eall( h$#g( (o$ +ight
#ee" to a"" so+e &otei#E
4tart as soon as ossible:
Eati#g clea# is a geat -a( to +ake s$e (o$ #ot o#l( lose -eight
b$t (o$ ae o!eall health(. 1t is#Ht #ecessail( a# eas( ta#sitio#
a#" (o$ "o#Ht ha!e to t( a#" t$# o# a s-itch a#" "o it o!e#ight.
1* (o$ ae co++itte" to losi#g -eight a#" bei#g health(/ (o$ sho$l"
choose to clea# $& (o$ "iet.
Re"$ci#g Yo$ )otio#sE
A#(o#e -ho is t(i#g to lose -eight #ee"s to co#si"e thei &otio#
co#tol. O$st talk to a#(o#e -ho has act$all( lost -eight La#"
s$stai#e" itM. The( -ill al+ost ass$e"l( bi#g $& &otio# co#tol as
o#e o* the ke(s *o thei s$ccess.
,hat is )otio# 8o#tol>
)otio# co#tol is $#"esta#"i#g ho- +$ch a se!i#g si%e is a#"
ho- +a#( caloies a se!i#g co#tai#s.
O#e o* the biggest &oble+s o!e-eight &eo&le *ace is eali%i#g
-hat co#stit$tes a &o&e &otio# o* *oo". ,he# (o$ eat a +eal
(o$ #ee" to eali%e -hat co#stit$tes a se!i#g si%e o* (o$ *oo"s.
,hile #ot scie#ti*ic/ the *ollo-i#g list gi!es (o$ a# i"ea o* so+e
eco++e#"e" &otio# si%es. 1* (o$ st$ggle -ith -eight loss/ these
&otio#s +ight see+ s+alle tha# (o$ tho$ght9

6egetables o *$it is abo$t the si%e o* (o$ *ist.

)asta is abo$t the si%e o* o#e scoo& o* ice cea+.

Meat/ *ish/ o &o$lt( is the si%e o* a "eck o* ca"s o the si%e

o* (o$ &al+ L+i#$s the *i#gesM.

'#acks s$ch as &et%els a#" #$ts ae abo$t the si%e o* a

c$&&e" ha#"*$l.

)otato is the si%e o* a co+&$te +o$se.

'tea+e" ice is the si%e o* a c$&cake -a&&e.

8heese is the si%e o* a &ai o* "ice o the si%e o* (o$ -hole

th$+b L*o+ the ti& to the baseM.
1 k#o- &eso#all( that the cheese se!i#g si%e s$&ise" +e -he# 1
*ist sa- it. Yo$ ca# *i#" &otio# i#*o+atio# o#li#e. Yo$ ca# *i#"
+$ch +oe s&eci*ic &otio# co#tol g$i"es o#li#e as -ell. 'o+e
sites -ill beak it "o-# b( *oo" -eight/ so (o$ +a( #ee" to -eight
(o$ *oo" *o e0act &otio#s. The abo!e list tho$gh is goo" e#o$gh
to gi!e (o$ a o$gh i"ea.
,he# (o$ eat a +eal/ co#tol (o$ &otio#sE Lea#i#g ho- +$ch
*oo" (o$ act$all( #ee" is o#e o* the biggest ste&s (o$ -ill take o#
(o$ -eight loss <o$#e(.
'&ea"i#g o$t +eals i#to s+alle &otio#s as o&&ose" to eati#g
e#o+o$s +eals at a#( o#e ti+e is a +a<o *acto i# losi#g -eight.
1tNs bee# &o!e# that atio#i#g (o$ +eals #ot o#l( e"$ces (o$
caloic i#take tho$gho$t the "a( b$t it also hel&s to stea"( (o$
+etabolis+. 1* (o$Ne i# the habit o* eati#g 2.D +assi!e +eals
"ail(/ co#si"e eati#g U.= s+alle +eals -hich ae s&ea" o$t
tho$gho$t (o$ "a(.
O#e thi#g &eo&le e#<o( "oi#g is eati#g ight *o+ the &acket as
o&&ose" to taki#g o$t -hat the( #ee" a#" &$tti#g the &acket a-a(.
'$ch a# e0a+&le is eati#g o$t o* a +ega.si%e" &acket o* &otato
chi&s. Not o#l( "o (o$ ha!e #o i"ea ho- +$ch (o$ ae co#s$+i#g/
b$t t(&icall( (o$Ne satis*(i#g a ca!i#g b( eati#g +oe tha# (o$
eall( #ee" $#til (o$ ae co+&letel( satis*ie" -he# i#stea" (o$
co$l" &o$ a s+all &otio# i#to a bo-l a#" a"" a &iece o* *$it to
get the a+o$#t o* *oo" (o$ act$all( #ee".
'$&e.si%e" &ackets ae +oe co++o#&lace #o- tha# be*oe. Moe
ite+s ae sol" i# b$lk a#" +oe *oo"s ae se!e" at esta$a#ts
-ith the o&tio# to s$&esi%e *o a *e- e0ta ce#ts. 1#cease"
&otio#s ae a *acto i# the isi#g statistics *o obesit(. Thee is
al-a(s a ca$se b$t &eo&le &$t e#<o(+e#t ahea" o* a#(thi#g else
-hich #at$all( lea"s to a health isk. This is -h( atio#i#g +eals
ae a ha#"( -a( to take co#tol o* (o$ ba" habits.
1t takes "isci&li#e to +ake a"<$st+e#ts a#" theeNs eall( #o easo#
-h( &eo&le +$st *eel the( sho$l" eat $#til the(Ne *$ll. As al-a(s/
ti#( se!i#gs ae *i#e a#" i* still &eckish/ a"" a ti#( bit +oe as
o&&ose" to loa"i#g (o$ &late a#" t(i#g to *i#ish it all. Rathe tha#
sit ao$#" *eeli#g st$**e" a#" $#"oi#g (o$ belt b$ckle/ lea!i#g
so+e oo+ so that (o$ ca# ha!e a#othe s+all +eal a *e- ho$s
late -hile still *eeli#g goo" e#o$gh to +i0 i# a little bit o* e0ecise
is a goo" bala#ce -hich lea"s to i+&o!e" es$lts.
:oi#g this hel&s co#tol the -eight a#" slo-l( it begi#s to co+e
"o-# -hich is a +a!ello$s *eeli#g -he# (o$ e0&eie#ce it/
+oti!ati#g (o$ to -ok a little ha"e as (o$ beco+e co#*i"e#t i#
(o$ abilit( to take co#tol o* (o$ o-# bo"( as o&&ose" to allo-i#g
(o$ ca!i#gs to take co#tol *o (o$.
,ate 1s Yo$ 4est Cie#"
1tNs bee# s$ggeste" b( eseach that (o$ e3$ie at least A glasses
o* -ate "ail(/ b$t it ca# "e&e#" o# (o$ -eight ega"i#g ho-
+$ch (o$ act$all( e3$ie. Yo$ -o$l" #ee" to "i!i"e (o$ -eight b(
2 so as a# e0a+&le/ a +a# -eighi#g 1A0lbs -o$l" #ee" U0 o$#ces
o* -ate i# a "a(.
'o -h( "o e0&ets s$ggest that -e "i#k lots o* -ate a#" -h( is it
co#si"ee" so esse#tial to a health( li*e>
,ell *ist o** it hel&s to a!oi" "eh("atio# a#" it kee&s the ki"#e(s
*$#ctio#i#g -ell b( assisti#g i# the eli+i#atio# o* -aste &o"$cts
&l$s it hel&s to i#cease (o$ +etabolis+ -hich hel&s (o$ to lose
-eight. 4$t asi"e *o+ liste#i#g to -hat e0&ets tell (o$/ (o$
sho$l" +ake it a &ioit( to liste# to (o$ bo"( *ist a#" *oe+ost.
,he# (o$ ae thist(/ the# #at$all( (o$ -ill "i#k -ate to
e&le#ish (o$sel*.
:e&e#"i#g o# the ki#" o* -ok that (o$ "o/ (o$ sho$l" t( to get
i#to the habit o* "i#ki#g -ate eg$lal( o e!e# bette/ kee&i#g
a -ate bottle ha#"(/ es&eciall( o# eall( hot "a(s si#ce the heat
ca$ses (o$ to s-eat a#" (o$ bo"( loses -ate a#" th$s (o$ -ill
#ee" to e&le#ish (o$sel*.
This is -h( -ate is so i+&ota#t i# o$ li!es. Not o#l( is it %eo
caloies/ it is the best so$ce *o 3$e#chi#g (o$ thist AN: the
healthiest. Yo$ +a( co#si"e a""i#g -ate to all o* (o$ +eals o!e
ti+e a#" "oi#g a-a( -ith *$it "i#ks a#" so"as $lti+atel( as it -ill
hel& e"$ce (o$ caloic i#take a#" (o$Nll also *eel +$ch bette
-itho$t the a""e" s$ga that co+es -ith the othe "i#ks
8ha&te ?
The Imortance Of #xercise
1# this cha&te/ 1 -ill tell (o$ abo$t "i**ee#t t(&es o* e0ecises a#"
thei e**ects o# "i**ee#t as&ects o* (o$ li*e a#" health.
E0ecise to i+&o!e bo#e a#" +$scle ste#gth
Cle0ibilit( i#ceasi#g e0ecises
8a"io!asc$la e0ecise
E0ecisi#g a#" "ieti#g ae t-o thi#gs that go ha#" i# ha#". 1* (o$
<$st "iet -itho$t e0ecisi#g/ (o$ +a( #ot see a#( es$lt at all
beca$se (o$ ae #ot losi#g caloies *ast e#o$gh i# (o$ "iet. Also i*
(o$ "o +a#age to lose -eight -itho$t "ieti#g/ (o$ -o$l" look thi#
a#" *ail as (o$ lose (o$ *at. 'o it is bette to e0ecise to kee&
(o$ bo"( *it -hile (o$ "iet. Thee ae also othe easo#s to
A recent survey showed that seven out of ten adults do not
exercise regularly and close to four out of ten are not
physically active. If you do not exercise, then you will risk
getting stroke, diabetes and heart disease. This has lead to
death for about !! !!! people.
4e*oe (o$ stat e0ecisi#g/ (o$ sho$l" co#s$lt a &h(sicia#. This is
to k#o- (o$ c$e#t bo"( co#"itio# a#" see i* (o$ -o$l" isk
i#<$ies i* (o$ &e*o+ tii#g e0ecise acti!ities. ,he# (o$ *ist stat
o$t e0ecisi#g/ "o it slo-l(. Cist stat o** -ith o#l( 10 +i#$tes
-hich the# is i#cease to 20 +i#$tes the# to D0 +i#$tes a#" so o#
a#" so *oth o!e the &eio" o* +o#ths. This -ill hel& a!oi" (o$
bo"( to *eel !e( soe a*te each -ok o$t a#" "ecease a#( i#<$(
Yo$ sho$l" at least "o D0 +i#$tes o +oe o* +o"eate
ca"io!asc$la acti!ities each "a(. Yo$ "o #ot ha!e to "o all D0
+i#$tes togethe2 it ca# be e!e# shot bo$ts o* i#te+itte#t
acti!ities. The# t-ice a -eek/ "o e0ecise that -o$l" tai# (o$
+$scles. Yo$ ca# i#co&oate this &h(sical e0ecise i#to (o$ "ail(
li*e. Co e0a+&le/ take the stais to the o**ice i#stea" o* the
ele!ato2 go *o a <og "$i#g (o$ l$#ch ti+e o &ak *$the a-a(
*o+ (o$ -ok &lace.
1* (o$ *eel this is a too +$ch o* a choe/ -h( #ot t( to +ake (o$
leis$e ti+e +oe acti!e. 1#stea" o* sitti#g at ho+e o#l(/ ask (o$
*a+il( o$t *o a bic(cle i"e/ <oi# a ock cli+bi#g cl$b o <$st stoll
the &ak e!e( e!e#i#g.
)ick o$t e0ecisi#g acti!ities that (o$ -o$l" e#<o( to "o/ *i#" it
satis*(i#g a#" gi!es (o$ a *eeli#g o* acco+&lish+e#t. A s$ccess*$l
$# -ill +oti!ate (o$ +oe to be &h(sicall( acti!e. Make it eas( *o
(o$ to be acti!e b( &icki#g e0ecise that is easie accessible so (o$
-ill #ot be $#+oti!ate" e!e( ti+e (o$ -a#t to &e*o+ (o$
e0ecise. Lastl(/ &ick o$t e0ecise that is co+&atible -ith (o$ bo"(
a#" c$e#t age.
The D Mai# T(&es O* E0ecise
Cist o* all/ (o$ #ee" to k#o- that thee ae thee ki#"s o* e0ecise
&la#s -hich ae a!ailable a#" all *o$ o* the+ ha!e "i**ee#t
a"!a#tages *o (o$ &h(sical health.
E0ecise To 1+&o!e 4o#e a#" M$scle 'te#gth
These e0ecises ae also calle" ste#gth a#" esista#ce tai#i#g.
Most o* the &eo&le take bo"( b$il"i#g as ste#gth a#" esista#ce
i#ceasi#g e0ecise b$t (o$ #ee" to k#o- that bo"( b$il"i#g is
a#othe catego( o* e0ecise i# -hich the &i+a( goal o* the
&eso# is to e#ha#ce +$scle go-th.
Yo$ ca# a"" so+e -eight li*ti#g a#" bo"( b$il"i#g i# (o$ *at
b$#i#g a#" -eight co#tol &la# b$t (o$ sho$l" "o it to a# e0te#t
-hee (o$ bo"( ca# bea it -itho$t a#( &oble+. 1* (o$ o!e tie"
this e0ecise the#/ (o$ -hole bo"( ca# be a +ess. 1 ha!e see#
&eo&le <oi#i#g g(+s a#" "oi#g ha" e0ecise <$st b( -atchi#g othe
&eo&le "oi#g it. This is #ot the -a( to go i#stea" co#s$lt (o$
tai#e &eso#all( a#" ask hi+ abo$t a&&o&iate e0ecises -hich
ca# *it i# (o$ #ee"s. 1* (o$ -eight is $#"e co#tol a#" (o$ #ee"
<$st light e0ecise to kee& (o$ health( s(ste+ goi#g the#/ (o$ "o
#ot #ee" to li*t hea!( -eights.
Cle0ibilit( 1#ceasi#g E0ecises
'eco#" t(&e o* e0ecise &la# ca# be to i#cease (o$ *le0ibilit( a#"
i# +oe co++o# te+s (o$ ca# sa( that i* (o$ $se" to ha!e &ai# i#
(o$ a+s/ legs/ lo-e back/ #eck a#" othe si+ila aeas o* (o$
bo"( the#/ (o$ #ee" to +ake (o$ bo"( +oe *le0ible. Cle0ibilit(
-ill i#cease esista#ce a#" (o$ -ill be able to co&e -ith +oe
"i**ic$lt &ositio#s a#" &ost$es easil(. Yo$ ha!e to go tho$gh
"i**ee#t &ost$es i# "ail( li*e *o e0a+&le i* (o$ -ok i# a# o**ice
the#/ (o$ ca# be gi!e# a# $#co+*otable chai at ti+es o (o$ +a(
be gi!e# so+e -ok i# -hich (o$ ha!e to co#ce#tate ha" o#
co+&$te scee# a#" (o$ ca##ot est (o$ back -ith chai. 1# these
sit$atio#s/ i* (o$ "o #ot ha!e a#( *le0ibilit( i# (o$ bo"( the#/ it -ill
ceate &oble+s b$t eg$la *le0ibilit( e0ecises -hich -ill #ot take
+oe tha# 10.17 +i#$tes o* (o$ ti+e/ -ill i#cease this *le0ibilit(
a#" -ill +ake (o$ *eel bette a#" acti!e.
8a"io!asc$la E0ecise
8a"io +ea#s heat a#" !asc$la +ea#s the !essels o* bloo" a#"
this -hole &hase +ea#s that these e0ecises i+&o!e the
*$#ctio#alit( o* (o$ l$#gs a#" +ake the $se o* o0(ge# +oe
e**ecti!e a#" ecti*( a#( heat &oble+s -hich (o$ ca# ha!e. These
e0ecises ae little ti+e co#s$+i#g a#" sho$l" be &o&el( lea#e"
*o+ (o$ "octo o tai#e. Most o* the ti+es/ &eo&le -ho alea"(
ha!e got so+e heat &oble+ &e*o+ these ki#"s o* e0ecises to
a!oi" a#( *$t$e &oble+s.
Ci#"i#g E0ecises To 4e :o#e At Ho+e
A +a<o cha#ge has bee# obse!e" i# the te#"e#c( o* -oko$t
*eaks/ -hich is cha#gi#g thei e0ecise locale *o+ g(+s to ho+e.
Reaso# bei#g/ the soai#g +e+beshi& &ices a#" bi#"i#g
co#tacts. As a es$lt/ the( ha!e state" to o&t *o ho+e *it#ess
Ci#"i#g e0ecises to be "o#e at ho+e is #ot a co+&le0 <ob/ athe a
+$ch +oe co#!e#ie#t o&tio#. Thee ae +a#( geat ca"io
e0ecises -hich ca# be "o#e -itho$t +$ch cost to the $ses. The
+ai# +o#e( s&e#t is i# a goo" &ai o* -alki#g/ <oggi#g o aeobic
shoe/ "e&e#"i#g o# the ki#" o* acti!it( "esie". 4esi"es/ a <$+&i#g
o&e is also a geat a""itio# *o ski&&i#g at ho+e beca$se it
&o!i"es $ses a""e" alte#ati!es o* aeobic -oko$ts that ca#
i#cl$"e a&i" -ok i#te!al tai#i#g. O#e ca# "o it -hile -atchi#g
T6 o +a( be b( &la(i#g +$sic alo#gsi"e. O#e sho$l" <$+& *o a
"$atio# o* thit( seco#"s to a +i#$te as *ast as &ossible a#" est i#
bet-ee# *o so+eti+e be*oe stati#g agai#. Yo$ ca# al-a(s
&e*o+ it "$i#g a" co++ecials a#" -atch the est o* (o$ sho-
cal+i#g (o$ bo"(. To"a(/ !i"eo a#" :6: +aket is *loo"e" -ith
e0ecise/ aeobics a#" (oga 8:s a#" :6:s -hich ca# be &$chase"
*o a *a!oable *it#ess e0ecise egi+e to stat at ho+e.
This gi!es +oe alte#ati!es to &eo&le i# case <oggi#g o -alki#g
beco+es +$#"a#e o i* the -eathe "oes #ot allo- (o$ to go
o$tsi"e a#" $#. R$##i#g a#" -alki#g ca# act$all( beco+e all the
+oe i#teesti#g i* "o#e -ith a &at#e/ &o!i"e" #o chit.chat a#"
gossi& ho$s begi# a#" -i# o!e (o$ *it#ess sche"$le. N
6a(i#g the go$#" o* the $##i#g o -alki#g aea ca# also a""
cha#ge to the "ail( -oko$t &ocess. Re+e+be/ it is !e( esse#tial
that (o$ e#<o( -hat (o$ "o to kee& (o$sel* *it i* (o$ act$all( -a#t
to *eel the cha#ge i# (o$ health a#" bo"(. 4esi"es/ age "oes
+atte -hile selecti#g the ki#" o* -oko$t that (o$ "o. A# a"$lt
&eso# +a( be ca&able o* losi#g -eight $si#g &atic$la e3$i&+e#ts
a#" b$il" +$scles as -ell/ b$t a# el"el( +a( #ot <$st get the
sa+e es$lts *o+ the sa+e egi+e#. 1t is si+&l( beca$se o* the
3$alit( o* &e*o+a#ce a#" #ot the $tili%atio# the e0&e#si!e a#"
si+ila +achi#es. Th$/ itHs a"!isable that (o$ al-a(s choose a ki#"
o* *it#ess egi+e# that goes -ell -ith (o$ bo"(/ age a#" #ee"s
kee&i#g the !aio$s health co#stai#ts that age bi#gs alo#g.
E0ecises that (o$ ca# &e*o+ at ho+e
Lea!i#g (o$ -ith #o e0c$ses o* #ot *i#"i#g the ight t(&e o*
e0ecises that (o$ ca# "o at ho+e/ hee is a list o* the a&&o&iate
ho+e *it#ess base" &oga+ e0ecises *o (o$.
These e0ecises ca# be &e*o+e" b( $si#g eas( "ills at ho+e
a#" e+&lo(i#g +i#i+al
e3$i&+e#ts -hich (o$ ca# get *o+ ao$#" (o$ ho$se.
Co $&&e bo"( (o$ ca# "o chai "i&s/ lateal aises/ &$sh.$&s/
chi# $&s a#" be#t
o!e o-. Co coe e0ecises (o$ ca# "o "ea" li*t/ sit $&s a#" 'i"e
Co lo-e bo"( (o$ ca# o&t *o ste& $&s/ -all s3$at/ b$cket
s3$ats a#" l$#ges.
)io to stati#g these e0ecises (o$ +$st -a+ $& (o$sel* *o
+i#i+$+ o* *i!e +i#$tes b( <oggi#g o bisk -alk ao$#" the block
o b( ski&&i#g o# the s&ot. Yo$ +$st &e*o+ +$lti&le sets o* the
e0ecises +e#tio#e" abo!e "e&e#"i#g $&o# (o$ e#"$a#ce le!el
a#" e3$ie+e#t. Also/ taki#g i#te!als i# bet-ee# is e3$all(
esse#tial. Yo$ ca# co+bi#e t-o e0ecises that $se "i!ese +$scle
go$&s alte#ati#g bet-ee# t-o thi#gs that &o!i"e each +$scle
go$& so+e est -hile (o$ &e*o+ a#othe.
To get the best es$lts/ &e*o+ these -oko$ts at least thee ti+es
a -eek/ -ith #o less tha# a "a( bet-ee# e0ecises *o s$**icie#t
eco!e(. Yo$ +$st al-a(s sti!e to i#cease the i#te#sit( o loa"
a#" to i#cease (o$ *it#ess go-th. O#ce (o$ *it#ess i+&o!es/
(o$ ca# $#"ego this o$ti#e -itho$t bothei#g +$ch a#" stat -ith
a +oe s$&eio &oga+. Use (o$ ceati!it( a#" *i#" +oe thi#gs
to $se *o -oki#g o$t at ho+e.
Usi#g b$ckets/ *ille" -ith the a+o$#t o* -ate (o$ -a#t ca# be
e+&lo(e" *o s3$ats a#" ste&$&s.
Cilli#g $& +ilk bottles -ith 2 lite -ate +akes it e3$i!ale#t to a 2
kg -eight to be $se"
*o o!ehea" tice&s e0te#sio#/ bice& c$ls a#" be#t o!e o-s.
'ho&&i#g bags a#" back&ack *ille" -ith ite+s ca# be $se" *o
l$#ges/ ste&$&s a#" s3$ats. Utili%i#g bicks b( beaki#g the+ i#
hal* i# case o* lo-e -eight is a&&o&iate *o &$sh$&s/ be#ch
&ess/ lateal aises a#" *o#t aise.
The# co+es the age ol" *o+s o* e0ecises that co+e $#"e the
&actice o* (oga asa#a. A lot o* &eo&le #ot <$st &e*o+ these
e0ecises *o the sole ai+ o* elie!i#g +e#tal stess b$t to get a#"
sta( *it as -ell. 1* (o$ look at the *it#ess egi+e#s o* e!e( *a+o$s
celebit( to"a( i#cl$"i#g the big #a+es like Oe##i*e A#isto#/ :e-
4a(+oe/ it is (oga that has -oke" -o#"es o# thei bo"( to get
the e#!io$s *ig$e e!e( gil -a#ts. Not o#l( -o+e#/ e!e# +e#
ha!e also state" i#co&oati#g this *o+ o* *it#ess to b$il" $&
+$scles $si#g thei o-# bo"( -eight. This is the +ost #at$al -a(
o* "eali#g -ith (o$ bo"( a#" es&ecti#g it as -ell.
8ha&te 7
$i+ing The ;ealthy $ifestyle
O#ce (o$ ha!e eache" (o$ taget -eight/ (o$Hll -a#t to k#o- ho-
to +ai#tai# it so (o$ "o#Ht &$t all that ha" -ok to -asteE
E"$cati#g (o$sel* ahea" o* ti+e -ill hel& (o$ -he# (o$ ae at the
&oi#t -hee (o$ ha!e attai#e" (o$ -eight loss goal. Yo$ -o$l"#Ht
-a#t to $i# the celebatio# (o$ -ill -a#t to ha!e/ a#" (o$ o*
co$se -a#t to co#ti#$e o# -ith (o$ #e-*o$#" health( li*est(le.
J Don.t s&i any meals: Re+e+be/ (o$ bo"(Hs +etabolis+ -ill
take this as a sig#al that (o$ bo"( is sta!i#g a#" -ill begi# to
stoe *at *o ese!es. Make s$e (o$ kee& $& -ith eati#g (o$
+eals/ sche"$le" o$t as (o$ ha!e bee#. 4esi"es/ i* (o$ ski& a +eal
at o#e &oi#t i# the "a(/ it co$l" +ea# (o$ o!eeat late o# -he#
(o$ ae <$st so h$#g(.
J 9ee eating a +ariety of foods. This -ill hel& (o$ to kee&
getti#g all the #$tie#ts a#" !ita+i#s (o$ bo"( #ee"s to sta(
-oki#g &o&el(. 1t -ill kee& (o$ *eeli#g health(/ e#egi%e" a#"
&otect (o$ bo"( b( kee&i#g it health(. Yo$ ca# i#cl$"e choices
*o+ -hole gai#s/ *$its/ !egetables a#" lea# &otei#s.
J 9ee u the exercising: :o#Ht get la%( a#" slack o** o# (o$
e0ecise o$ti#e #o-. Yo$ ha!e gai#e" the k#o-le"ge o* -hat ki#"
o* a -oko$t is ight *o (o$/ a#" &obabl( ho- to cha#ge it $&
e!e( o#ce i# a -hile as -ell i* (o$ ha" i#st$ctio# *o+ a &eso#al
8ha#gi#g $& (o$ o$ti#e is a geat i"ea to kee& (o$ *o+ getti#g
boe"/ a#" to kee& (o$ bo"( g$essi#g. As lo#g as (o$ ae al-a(s
co+bi#i#g (o$ ca"io a#" ste#gth tai#i#g/ (o$ -ill co#ti#$e to
sta( *it a#" *eel sto#g a#" health(/ all -hile &otecti#g (o$sel*
*$the *o+ ill#esses co$&le" -ith (o$ health( "iet.
J 8d<ust your daily caloric inta&e. Ma#( &eo&le -o#"e i* the(
sho$l" i#cease thei "ail( caloic i#take ight a-a(. 1t is &obabl(
a"!isable to "o so/ b$t "o so ga"$all(. T( stati#g -ith <$st 270
caloies +oe a "a(. A*te a -eek/ -eigh (o$sel*. Yo$Hll &obabl(
still ha!e lost so+e +oe -eight. 1* this is the case/ a"" a#othe
270 caloies/ the# -eight (o$sel* a -eek a*te that. Re&eat these
ste&s $#til (o$ see that (o$ -eight has e+ai#e" the sa+e -he#
(o$ -eigh (o$sel* *o the -eek. 1* (o$ gai#e" a bit/ take a-a(
so+e caloies/ 100 at a ti+e/ $#til (o$ -eight e!e#s o$t a#"
e+ai#s the sa+e *o+ -eek to -eek.
J 9ee drin&ing that !ater: :o#Ht *oget to ha!e at least eight
glasses o* -ate a "a( to kee& (o$ bo"( -oki#g -ell. ,ate ai"es
i# "igestio#/ i#ceases (o$ e#eg( a#" hel&s i" (o$ bo"( o*
to0i#s #at$all(. )l$s/ (o$ -ill sta( h("ate" a#" health(.
J 9ee eating fre=uently. Eati#g *i!e to si0 s+all +eals a "a( as
(o$ ha!e &obabl( alea"( lea#e" to "o is a goo" thi#g to co#ti#$e
"oi#g/ as this kee&s (o$ +etabolis+ $&/ a#" kee&s (o$ *eeli#g
satis*ie". 1t is i+&ota#t to co#ti#$e this as -ell beca$se (o$ "o#Ht
-a#t to *all i#to the ta& o* i#ceasi#g (o$ &otio# si%es agai# i*
this -as a &oble+ be*oe. Yo$ -ill tho- (o$sel* all the -a( back
to s3$ae o#e e!e#t$all(. 1# the !e( least/ (o$ -ill gai# a b$#ch o*
the -eight back (o$ -oke" so ha" to she".
J Don.t let the <un& food bac& in. No- that (o$H!e "e!elo&e"
(o$ health( habits/ -h( $i# it b( goi#g back to (o$ ol" -a(s a#"
eati#g <$#k *oo"> Yo$ ha!e "isco!ee" &le#t( o* "elicio$s tastes to
satis*( all (o$ ca!i#gs -ith health( *oo"s. Ree& (o$ i#take o*
*$its a#" !egetables $& to se!eal se!i#gs a "a(/ &e*eabl( U.A.
J Ta&e your daily +itamins. Re+e+be to kee& taki#g (o$ "ail(
!ita+i#s as -ell. :oi#g this -ill hel& ass$e that (o$ ac3$ie all the
!ita+i#s (o$ #ee" each "a( a#" it -ill hel& (o$ to +ai#tai# (o$
health( -eight as -ell.
The 'ecets o* 'ta(i#g Health(
E!e(bo"( -a#ts to li!e lo#g a#" health( li!es2 #obo"( -a#ts to
co$#t o# getti#g a#( se!ee "iseases. Altho$gh -e ca#Ht &e"ict o
&e!e#t e!e( sit$atio#/ thee ae -a(s to hel& &otect o$sel!es
that ca# +ake o$ li!es +oe *$ll a#" health( o!eall.
J 2re+ention and early detection is the first thing you should
consider. Most &eo&le "ea" goi#g *o a (eal( &h(sical/ o e!e#
the "e#tist clea#i#g e!e( si0 +o#ths/ b$t ha!i#g goo" "octos a#"
kee&i#g these a&&oi#t+e#ts i# (o$ li*e -ill hel& (o$ to sta(
health( beca$se (o$ "octo ca# "etect thi#gs that (o$ ca#Ht o# (o$
R#o-i#g (o$ *a+il( histo( is also i+&ota#t beca$se i* thee is
a#( histo( o* heat "isease o ca#ces i# (o$ *a+il( (o$ "octo
ca# kee& a#( e(e o$t *o s(+&to+s a#" "o testi#g o# (o$
J $o+e the eole you are !ith. Make s$e a#" s&e#" ti+e -ith
the o#es -ho s$o$#" (o$ "ail( s$ch as (o$ s&o$se/ chil"e#/
othe *a+il( +e+bes/ *ie#"s a#" co-okes. E#<o( the ti+e (o$
s&e#" -ith othe &eo&le/ &l$s +ai#tai# health( *ie#"shi&s. These
elatio#shi&s ae #ee"e" to +ake (o$ *eel *$l*ille" i# li*e.
J Get eight hours of slee. Altho$gh +a#( &eo&le *i#" this o#e
"i**ic$lt to "o beca$se o* ho- b$s( -e ca# get i# o$ li!es/ it eall(
is !e( i+&ota#t to lea"i#g a ha&&( a#" health( li*e.
J )ind something you are good at. All o* $s ha!e ti+es -hee
-e #ee" to be "oi#g so+ethi#g -e eall( e#<o(/ a#" +ost o* these
ae thi#gs that -e e0cel at. This is $s$all( so+ethi#g that +akes $s
*eel goo" i#si"e as -ell/ a#" ca# e!e# be soothi#g a#" stess
J ,anage your stress > don.t ignore it: E!e(o#e has stessos
o* so+e ki#"/ a#" it is i+&ota#t that -e ha#"le o$ stess so that
it "oes #ot get o$t o* ha#" a#" co#s$+e $s.
,he# (o$ ae i""le" -ith -o( a#" stess it ca# liteall( +ake
(o$ sick i# +a#( "i**ee#t -a(s. :ail( -alks ca# hel& clea (o$
hea"/ a#" +ake s$e that (o$ ae#ot o!e.*illi#g (o$ age#"a *o
each "a( o letti#g otheHs sche"$les "ictate (o$ "a(.
J )ind balance in your life. :o#Ht t( to take o# too +a#(
&o<ects at -ok o let -ok co#s$+e (o$. Ci#" a bala#ce so (o$
ae still able to e#<o( all the othe thi#gs ao$#" (o$ like (o$
hobbies a#" (o$ *ie#"s a#" *a+il(.
Altho$gh *i#a#cial ti+es ca# be to$gh/ it is still so !e( i+&ota#t to
*i#" ti+e to s&e#" at least -ith (o$ *a+il(/ the o#es (o$ ae
-oki#g so ha" to kee& sa*e a#" &o!i"e" *o.
The A"!a#tages o* 'ta(i#g Health(
The be#e*its o* sta(i#g health( ae bo$#"less. 1t "oes#Ht <$st +ea#
that (o$ ae ha&&( -ith the -a( (o$ look a#" ca# *it i#to that #e-
o$t*it. 4ei#g health( has to "o -ith (o$ -hole &h(sical/ +e#tal a#"
social -ell.bei#g.
J "our 2hysical ;ealth( Ree&i#g (o$sel* &h(sicall( health( ca#
hel& (o$ all ao$#". Not o#l( ca# it hel& (o$ to take &at i# "ail(
acti!ities s$ch as bei#g able to -alk/ +o!e a#" be#"/ b$t it allo-s
(o$ to be &h(sicall( able to take cae o* (o$ lo!e" o#es ao$#"
(o$ -ho "e&e#" o# (o$.
1t ca# be *i#a#ciall( be#e*icial i* (o$ a!oi" "iseases that -ee
&e!e#table a#" that -o$l" be !e( costl(.
J "our ,ental ;ealth( 1* (o$ "o #ot ha!e a goo" +e#tal health/
(o$ &h(sical health -ill also be a**ecte". Ma#( &eo&le "o#Ht eali%e
<$st ho- i+&ota#t thei +e#tal health is to thei o!eall -ell.bei#g.
1* (o$ allo- (o$sel* to be o!e.stesse" o *o that stess to $le
(o$ li*e/ it ca# +ake (o$ sick.
'tess ca# aise (o$ bloo" &ess$e -hich i#ceases (o$ isk o* a
heat attack o stoke. Yo$ #ee" to "eal -ith (o$ stess i# &ositi!e
-a(s like tho$gh e0ecise/ +e"itatio# o thea&(. :o#Ht "eal -ith
stess b( thi#gs that ca# "a+age (o$ o!eall health like s+oki#g/
"i#ki#g o eati#g $#health( *oo"s.
J Disease 2re+ention( Maki#g s$e (o$ ae eati#g a health( "iet
is !ital to (o$ o!eall health a#" sta(i#g health(. The *oo"s (o$
choose to eat ca# ha!e a "iect i+&act o# (o$ health.
)h(toche+icals ae i+&ota#t *o (o$ health a#" co$l" &e!e#t
thi#gs like heat "isease/ s&eci*ic t(&es o* ca#ce/ "iabetes a#" high
bloo" &ess$e. The( ae *o$#" o#l( *o$#" i# cetai# *oo"s like
beies/ s&i#ach/ oli!es a#" kale. Eat a lo-.*at "iet *$ll o* lots o*
*$its a#" !egetables &l$s -hole gai#s to hel& &otect (o$
ca"io!asc$la health.
J $ong $ife( 'ti!i#g to li!e a health( li*est(le ca# be a big *acto o*
(o$ bei#g able to li!e a lo#g a#" health( li*e. Altho$gh (o$ ca#Ht
&e!e#t all health
&oble+s a#" so+e o* the+ ae o$t o* (o$ co#tol/ a lot o* the
+ost sig#i*ica#t o#es (o$ ca# hel& to a!oi" b( li!i#g health(.
,ith the lea"i#g ca$ses o* "eath bei#g cho#ic "iseases s$ch as
"iabetes/ heat "isease/ stoke a#" ca#ce/ ha!i#g li*est(le choices
that i#cl$"e co#tolli#g the *oo"s (o$ eat/ kee&i#g (o$ -eight at a
health( le!el/ ho- +$ch (o$ e0ecise a#" ho- (o$ "eal -ith the
stessos i# (o$ li*e ca# ha!e a h$ge i+&act o# kee&i#g these
"iseases at ba(.
Li!i#g a health( li*est(le ca# also i+&o!e (o$ +oo" a#" gi!e (o$
geate sel*.estee+ a#" +e#tal *oc$s. Yo$ -ill be sto#ge/ ha!e a
highe sta+i#a a#" (o$ -ill be able to get a bette #ightHs slee&.
Othe be#e*its o* a health( li*est(le i#cl$"e i+&o!e" "igestio# a#"
a lo-e bloo" &ess$e. Ree&i#g (o$sel* health( ca# also hel& ease
o eli+i#ate back &oble+s a#" back &ai# &l$s i+&o!e (o$
&ost$e/ e#ha#ce coo"i#atio# a#" bala#ce/ a#" lo-e (o$ esti#g
heat ate.
No- that -eN!e lea#t ho- to cha#ge (o$ li*estl(e a#" lose -eight
#o-/ e!e(bo"( k#o-s -hat to "o. The( ea" the +ateial/ the(
eali%e the( #ee" to take actio# a#" &$t i# the e**ot b$t the t$th
o* the +atte is/ &eo&le sel"o+ "o. U#less (o$ "isci&li#e (o$sel* to
esist the te+&tatio# o* eati#g $#health( *oo"s a#" +oti!ate
(o$sel* to eat health( *oo"s/ (o$ -ill *i#" it "i**ic$lt to get o# the
oa" to a health( li*e.
No a+o$#t o* ea"i#g o sa(i#g QYes, I can do itQ -ill hel& (o$
$#less (o$ take that *ist ste&. 1t takes a sto#g co++it+e#t to get
o# tack a#" it takes a# e3$all( sto#g co++it+e#t to kee& at it.
Most &eo&le gi!e $& a*te a shot ti+e beca$se the(Ne #ot satis*ie"
-ith thei es$lts. 1* (o$ ca# co++it a#" kee& (o$sel* +oti!ate"
a#" co#ti#$e to as&ie to eat -ell a#" tai# -ell/ (o$ -ill achie!e
(o$ goal. No +atte -hat the goal is/ be it to lose -eight o
i#cease (o$ e#"$a#ce o beco+e a bette athlete i# a s&eci*ic
s&ot/ (o$ <$st #ee" to go o$t thee a#" +ake the e**ot a#" "o the
-ok e3$ie".
O!e the co$se o* ti+e/ #ot o#l( -ill (o$ +e#tall( a"<$st to (o$
tai#i#g egi+e#t b$t (o$ -ill "e!elo& a geat a+o$#t o* "isci&li#e
a#" sel*.co#*i"e#ce a#" (o$ -ill #at$all( +ai#tai# a &ositi!e
attit$"e -hich +ea#s easil( bei#g able to esist a#( ki#" o*
te+&tatio#. E!e(bo"( #ee"s to stat *o+ so+e-hee. 'etti#g
(o$ goals little b( little as o&&ose" to atte+&ti#g to go all.o$t a#"
t(i#g to s-eat o$t 10 &o$#"s o# the tea"+ill i# the co$se o* a
-eek -ill "o +oe ha+ tha# goo". 'tati#g the &ocess slo-l( is
ke( -hich +ea#s goi#g *o a bisk -alk to hel& accli+ate (o$ bo"(
to the +oe igoo$s $#s (o$ &la# to "o i# the late -eeks.
O#e +istake &eo&le +ake -he# stati#g o$t is goi#g all o$t -hich
lea"s to i#<$( a#" soo# the( "eci"e that tai#i#g is <$st too &ai#*$l
a#" ta0i#g. As be*oe/ set a sche"$le a#" i* #ecessa(/ co#s$lt -ith
a &eso#al tai#e abo$t -hat +ight be goo" *o (o$ i* (o$ *eel
$#co+*otable co+i#g $& -ith a sche"$le. Altho$gh (o$ "o #ot
#ee" to +ake the &ocess so "i**ic$lt. 1* (o$ "esie is to lose
-eight/ all (o$ eall( e3$ie is a s+all "ail( -i#"o- allotte" to
(o$ e0ecise a#" kee&i#g a# e(e o# -hat (o$ &$t i# (o$ bo"(.
'i+&l( be co#*i"e#t a#" -ok to-a"s (o$ goals. 4e &ositi!e a#"
(o$ -ill get the es$lts (o$ -a#t. As -e a&&oach '&i#g/ +a(be
#o- is a goo" ti+e to begi# "e!elo&i#g that &la# a#" taki#g a
co$se o* actio# so (o$ ca# get o# the oa" to the s$&e health(
li*est(le (o$ "ese!e>

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