2014 II

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Seora Tomecek PTomecek@hinghamschools.

2014 2015 (781) 741-150 e!". 1770
Bienvenidos a la clase de Espaol II !
This #ear in S$anish %% #o& 'ill (e im$ro)ing #o&r S$anish (# learning a**i"ional )oca(&lar# an*
s"&*#ing more com$le! grammar conce$"s+ $rac"icing oral an* 'ri""en e!$ression+ rea*ing some le)el
a$$ro$ria"e ar"icles an* *isc&ssing )ario&s ,is$anic c&l"&res. -**i"ionall#+ #o& 'ill ha)e "he o$$or"&ni"#
"o $rac"ice s$eaking an* lis"ening skills in "he lang&age la( as 'ell as 'ork on some $ro.ec"s. There are
/i)e ma.or skill areas "ha" 'e 'ill incor$ora"e in"o class "his #ear0 s$eaking+ lis"ening+ rea*ing+ 'ri"ing
an* c&l"&re. %" is im$or"an" "o $ar"ici$a"e /&ll# in all ac"i)i"ies (class+ la(+ home) in or*er "o *emons"ra"e
im$ro)e* $ro/icienc# in "hese areas (# "he en* o/ S$anish %%.
Informacin para la clase de espaol
1o& m&s" (ring 'i"h #o& "o class 23241 *a#0 % recommen* "ha" #o& ha)e a" home0
#o&r co)ere* 5esc&(re %% (ook access "o a goo* S$anish 6 2nglish *ic"ionar#
a no"e(ook /or 'ri""en no"es some kin* o/ )er( re)ie'
a /ol*er 6 (in*er /or han*o&"s (a small han*(ook or #o&r o'n no"es6shee"s)
a $en or $encil
1o&r "erm gra*e 'ill (e com$rise* o/ gra*es /rom0
'ri""en 'ork
in-class6in-la( 'ork
home'ork class $ar"ici$a"ion
class $re$ara"ion
,ome'ork is an in"egral $ar" o/ learning a /oreign lang&age9 "here/ore+
home'ork is "o (e *one on #o&r o'n
home'ork 'ill (e checke* reg&larl# an* ma# (e gra*e*.
home'ork m&s" (e com$le"e9 no $ar"ial cre*i" or la"e cre*i" (e!ce$" gra*e*
assignmen"s 'hich 'ill (e s&(.ec" "o a 10 $oin" *e*&c"ion /or each *a# "he# are la"e)
'ork misse* (eca&se o/ an e!c&se* a(sence ma# (e ma*e &$ in accor*ance 'i"h "he
S"&*en" han*(ook. ($lease see $. 25 :ake-;$ <ork) 1=; are res$onsi(le /or ge""ing an* "&rning
in "he misse* 'ork. 1o& 'ill (e gi)en a 8ero /or 'ork no" "&rne* in 'i"hin "he alloca"e* "ime.
#o&r home'ork gra*e 'ill (e 10> o/ #o&r "erm gra*e.
1o& are e!$ec"e* "o *o #o&r o'n 'ork a" all "imes. This means no co$#ing 'ork /rom $&(lic
or $ri)a"e so&rces or &sing ano"her in*i)i*&al?s 'ork+ or $resen"ing ano"her in*i)i*&al?s 'ork
as #o&r o'n.
2lec"ronic "ransla"ions in an# /orm are $rohi(i"e*@ ;se o/ an# "ransla"ion *e)ices or
ser)ices 'ill (e consi*ere* chea"ing an* 'ill res&l" in a 8ero on gra*e* 'ork.
-ll elec"ronic *e)ices are "o (e "&rne* =AA *&ring "he en"ire class $erio* an* $&" a'a#.
4emem(er0 There are minim&m gra*e re7&iremen"s. %n or*er "o a*)ance "o S$anish %%%+ #o& m&s"
achie)e a #ear-en* a)erage o/ 80 or a(o)e "o s"a# in an -*)ance* class0 an a)erage o/ 70 "o 7B
'ill $lace #o& in an ;$$er S"an*ar* class. %/ #o& recei)e a gra*e (e"'een 0 an* B+ #o& 'ill (e
re7&ire* "o *o a**i"ional 'ork o)er "he s&mmer (a "&"or or s&mmer school)+ in or*er "o con"in&e.
Trea" e)er#one in "he classroom 'i"h res$ec" a" all "imes0 *o no" in"err&$"+ sho&" o&" ans'ers or
(eli""le an#one else.
4es$ec" o"hers? $ro$er"#0 *o no" *amage (ooks+ *esks+ classroom o(.ec"s or $ersonal $ossessions.
(1o& 'ill (e charge* /or *amage* or los" (ooks. The re$lacemen" cos" is C75.00.)
-rri)e on "ime or 'i"h a $ass. (D "ar*ies Eless "han 10 min&"esF G 1 a(sence)
He $re$are* /or class0 ,a)e #o&r assignmen" o&"+ (ooks an* o"her ma"erials rea*#.
:ain"ain an organi8e* no"e(ook "ha" incl&*es class no"es+ re/erence $ages+ home'ork assignmen"s
an*6or 'ork in $rogress.
%" is )er# im$or"an" in a lang&age classroom "o &se "he "arge" lang&age. -" /irs"+ i" ma# (e *i//ic&l"+ (&"
$lease "r# "o &se S$anish in class as m&ch as $ossi(le. The more #o& &se i" "he easier i" 'ill (e. % 'ill no"
"olera"e an#one making ano"her $erson in m# room &ncom/or"a(le. <e all make mis"akes an* some *a# i"
'ill (e #o&r "&rn+ so ac" accor*ingl#. Ii)e e)er#one in "he room res$ec" a" all "imes. The im$or"an" "hing is
"o &se "he lang&age+ no" 'orr# a(o&" $ossi(le mis"akes. 1o& J-K *o i"@
Ti$s /or a s&ccess/&l #ear
1. <ri"e *o'n all assignmen"s an* home'ork as 'ell as *&e *a"es in #o&r $lanner *ail#.
2. Take risks in "he S$anish lang&age0 *o no" (e a/rai* "o s$eak or make mis"akes in S$anish- "ha"
is one o/ "he (es" 'a#s "o im$ro)e an* learn S$anish.
D. Take "ime "o s"&*# e)er# nigh"0 :ake /lashcar*s /or #o&r )oca(&lar# 'or*s "o hel$ #o& s"&*#.
Learning S$anish re7&ires cons"an" $rac"ice. S$en*ing 10 min&"es e)er# nigh" 'ill hel$ #o&
memori8e )oca(&lar# 'or*s an* (e s&ccess/&l in S$anish class.
4. -sk /or hel$0 Please *o no" hesi"an" "o con"ac" me 'i"h an# 7&es"ions or concerns or "o se" &$
an a$$oin"men".
5. ,a)e a $osi"i)e+ can-*o a""i"&*e@
Please $rin"+ sign an* re"&rn =KL1 "he las" $age in*ica"ing "ha" #o& ha)e rea* "his
% ha)e rea* an* &n*ers"an* :rs. Tomecek?s S$anish %% class in/orma"ion /or 2014-2015.
$lease $rin"

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