This document provides information on asbestos exposure hazards and safe work practices for handling asbestos containing materials (ACM). It outlines that asbestos is dangerous when airborne fibers are disturbed and can cause diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn, including respirators, when working with ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates asbestos use, disposal, and transportation.
This document provides information on asbestos exposure hazards and safe work practices for handling asbestos containing materials (ACM). It outlines that asbestos is dangerous when airborne fibers are disturbed and can cause diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn, including respirators, when working with ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates asbestos use, disposal, and transportation.
This document provides information on asbestos exposure hazards and safe work practices for handling asbestos containing materials (ACM). It outlines that asbestos is dangerous when airborne fibers are disturbed and can cause diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn, including respirators, when working with ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates asbestos use, disposal, and transportation.
This document provides information on asbestos exposure hazards and safe work practices for handling asbestos containing materials (ACM). It outlines that asbestos is dangerous when airborne fibers are disturbed and can cause diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn, including respirators, when working with ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates asbestos use, disposal, and transportation.
Safety Education and Training Programs Asbestos Safety HS93-003E (11-06) Goal This program provides information on asbestos exposure hazards. Objective Employees will gain knowledge and demonstrate safe work practices when handling asbestos containing material (ACM). Regulations/Standards The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the use and disposal of toxic substances in air, water, and on land. (See 40 CFR 763.) The EPA regulates emissions from asbestos mills and various manufacturing and fabricating operations based on the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 CFR 61 Subparts A & M). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets limits for worker exposure to haz- ardous substances and materials. Prevention of asbestos contamina- tion in foods, drugs, and cosmetics is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The use of asbestos in any consumer product including dry- wall patching compounds, ceramic logs, and clothing is regu- lated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The CPSC is also considering a ban on all nonessential prod- uct uses that can result in the release of asbestos fbers. Asbestos mining and milling operations are regulated by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). MSHA pro- cedures cover asbestos containment once it is mined, and its processing into workable fbers for construction and industry. Background Most new products do not contain asbestos as an ingredient. However, enough ACM still remains to pose a potential health hazard. In the past, asbestos has been used in over 3,000 com- mercial products ranging from pipe insulation to clothing for fre fghters. Commercial products have the potential to release asbestos fbers into the environment if mishandled or misused. The following are at risk for potential exposure: mechanics working on older automotive clutch and brake systems; plumbers working on asbestos insulated pipe; construction and demolition personnel working on building materials containing asbestos; and maintenance personnel working on freproofng insulation, pipe insulation, spray-on acoustic insulation, textured wall plaster, ceiling plaster, and vinyl foor tile, all of which may contain asbestos. Once ACM has been identifed, OSHA strictly regulates the handling, the use of personal protective equipment, the use of monitoring devices, and hazardous area postings. Identification Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, composed of fbrous mineral silicates. It is freproof and almost chemically inert. These properties make it a valuable component in fre- proofng insulation and as an inert, non-reactive ingredient in many industrial processes. Microscopic examination is required to determine the pres- ence of asbestos in a material. ACM is often found in several materials: use of materialpipe insulation, freproofng insulation, fbrous cement components, and acoustical plasters; age of materialif it was installed between 1920 and the late 1980s; and appearance of materialpipe insulation, fre proofng insulation that is a light tan, grey- white or blue tinted off-white. The only way to confrm the presence of asbestos is in a licensed and certifed laboratory. Always treat the suspected material as asbestos until proven otherwise. Health Concerns Asbestos is most dangerous when the micro fbers are disturbed by sawing, drilling, nailing, cutting, bumping or tearing the asbestos-contain- ing material. When disturbed, the fbers can travel throughout an entire building in air ducts, under doors, and down hallways and stairs. Asbestos fbers continue to foat in the air for days following a disturbance. Inhaled microscopic fbers penetrate deeply into the lungs where they remain lodged. The fbers will not dissolve and cannot be expelled by normal physiological reaction. There are no physical warning signs such as sneezing, coughing, or itching from the inhalation of asbestos. The fbers are very durable and will remain in the body. It is generally agreed that the asbestos fbers change the basic cell chemistry that may result in asbestosis or cancer. The diseases caused by exposure may not surface for twenty to forty years. Asbestosis is a chronic disease of the lungs that makes breathing progressively more diffcult and can result in death. Mesothelioma is an incur- able cancer found in the chest and abdominal membranes. When working with asbestos exposure rates above the permissible exposure limit, OSHA requires employers to provide medical exams to establish a baseline. This data is used to compare results from subsequent required annual ex- ams. A doctor who specializes in occupational diseases must give each exam. The exam includes three parts: a work history obtained by questionnaire which examines any background of lung disease, damage to lungs through smoking, and/or previous work habits that may have contributed to lung damage; a general physical exam which concentrates on the lungs, heart, and stomach to determine whether the employee can work with asbestos; and a breathing test Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) de- termines if damage to the lungs currently exists and is the frst indication of damage to healthy lungs. Asbestos Removal The EPA is encouraging states to adopt licensing regu- lations and training programs for asbestos abatement. A revised licensing program has been in effect in Texas since 1992. This program includes standardized training courses on technical knowledge of asbestos, abatement practices, and abatement monitoring. Regular retraining is required. Special precautions should be taken when working with asbestos: do not disturb any material that may contain asbestos un- less absolutely necessary; treat any suspicious material as if it contains asbestos; if removal of fri- able materials is essential, do so before demolition or renovation; enclose the work area with plastic sheeting and duct tape; always wear a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved respirator and protective clothing which includes cover- alls, gloves, hats, boots, and a mask; airborne asbestos fbers can be prevented by moistening the material with a hand sprayer; combining a low-sudsing detergent with the water improves fber saturation and makes cleanup easier and safer; remove the material in complete pieces if possible, as smaller pieces are more likely to release asbestos fbers; thoroughly clean the area with wet mops, sponges, or rags after removal; repeat the procedure; and do not vacuum as the fbers can pass through normal vacuum cleaning flters. Disposal and Transportation Disposal of asbestos products must be in accordance with EPA regulations. The materials must be placed in plastic bags and enclosed in sturdy, leakproof containers. The containers must be properly labeled. The personal protective equipment and clean- ing supplies should also be properly disposed of immediately after use. A custody form passes from the ACM originator to the transporter and fnally to the person receiving the wastes at the disposal site. EPA transportation regulations state that there should be no visible emissions of the asbestos wastes. EPA recommends vehicles transporting ACM to have enclosed compartments or canvas covers. The landfll operator must be notifed of any load containing asbestos wastes and must inspect the load to ensure the wastes are in leakproof containers and properly labeled. He is also responsible for notifying EPA of any suspected fber releases dur- ing disposal. The landfll site must have a designated area and trench for disposing of asbestos wastes. EPA regulations state that there must be no visible dust emissions from the site during disposal. Once deposited in a designated area, at least six inches of non-asbestos material must be placed over the waste within 24 hours of disposal. When closing an asbestos waste site, a 30 inch cover of non- asbestos material must be placed on top of the existing six inch cover. Erosion prevention measures, like proper grading and vegetation, must also be added. Review 1. What qualities make asbestos preferable to use? A. Fireproof B. Color C. Almost chemically inert D. Both A & C 2. When is asbestos especially dangerous? A. When mixed in a solution B. When it is airborne C. When it is locked inside of a solid Safety Violations Hotline 1-800-452-9595 [email protected] The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers Compensation (TDI/DWC) E-mail [email protected] or call 1-800-687-7080 for more information. Resources The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers Compensation (TDI/DWC) Resource Center offers a workers health and safety video tape library. Call (512) 804-4620 for more information or visit our web site at Disclaimer: Information contained in this training program is considered accurate at time of publication. D. None of the above 3. What are the adverse health effects of asbestos? A. Asbestosis B. Mesothelioma C. Other cancers D. All of the above 4. What personal protective equipment should be worn when working with asbestos? A. NIOSH approved respirator and protective clothing B. No personal protective equipment is needed C. Surgical mask and coveralls D. Safety glasses, hard hat, and steel toe shoes Review Answers ANS: 1.D; 2.B; 3.D; 4.A