This document provides important information about Finale 2014, including system requirements, installation instructions, authorization procedures, interface changes from previous versions, and file compatibility. It details how to install and set up Finale 2014, resolve any issues that come up, and where to find additional documentation and support. Users are advised to read this before working in Finale 2014.
This document provides important information about Finale 2014, including system requirements, installation instructions, authorization procedures, interface changes from previous versions, and file compatibility. It details how to install and set up Finale 2014, resolve any issues that come up, and where to find additional documentation and support. Users are advised to read this before working in Finale 2014.
This document provides important information about Finale 2014, including system requirements, installation instructions, authorization procedures, interface changes from previous versions, and file compatibility. It details how to install and set up Finale 2014, resolve any issues that come up, and where to find additional documentation and support. Users are advised to read this before working in Finale 2014.
This document provides important information about Finale 2014, including system requirements, installation instructions, authorization procedures, interface changes from previous versions, and file compatibility. It details how to install and set up Finale 2014, resolve any issues that come up, and where to find additional documentation and support. Users are advised to read this before working in Finale 2014.
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Additional Information about
Finale 2014a for Windows
Finale 2014a Read Me, December 2013 Co!ri"#t $ 2013, Ma%eMusic, Inc& Congratulations on your purchase of Finale 2014 for Windows! IMPO!"#!$ ead this docu%ent &efore you &egin wor'ing with Finale 2014 and print a copy of it to 'eep with your Finale infor%ation( !his )le contains i%portant infor%ation a&out Finale 2014 not included in the *ser Manual+ as well as infor%ation a&out con,erting older )les into the new ,ersion-s for%at( Please note that Finale 2014 )les cannot &e opened in pre,ious ,ersions of Finale without &eing con,erted to a di.erent for%at( !he ead Me contains the following sections$ unning Finale 2014 Interface Changes in Finale 2014a #ew Features in Finale 2014 Fi/es in Finale 2014a Fi/es in Finale 2014 0ou %ay also ,isit www()nale%usic(co% for updated infor%ation a&out Finale and infor%ation on new releases( Runnin" Finale 2014 '!stem Re(uirements Windows 1P23ista2425 627&it 8947&it co%pati&le:( Intel Core 2 ;uo or "M; "thlon+ Intel i6 or "M; "thlon II 12 or a&o,e preferred( 900M< hard dri,e space re=uired for software and user %anual( ;3;7OM dri,e re=uired for disc installation or high7speed Internet connection for download( 500/900 %ini%u% %onitor resolution+ 1699/495 or higher preferred( Mini%u% 2>< "M 84>< or %ore reco%%ended for optional use of >arritan and !apspace 83?!: sounds$ %ore "M @ %ore a,aila&le sounds(: "n additional 6 >< hard dri,e space is re=uired for all included 3?! sounds( Optional$ MI;I input and2or play&ac' de,ice( Printer( ?canner( Microphone re=uired for use of Mic#otatorA( " soundcard 8including ;irect?ound+ MMB+ or "?IO dri,ers: is re=uired for playing 3?! sounds in Windows( Installin" Finale 2014 If any pre,ious ,ersion of Finale has &een installed on the %achine+ Finale 2014 reco%%ends that you restart your co%puter and log on as ?yste% "d%inistrator &efore installing( !his will pre,ent erroneous font warnings( We reco%%end that you install Finale+ and any other software+ when logged in as ?yste% "d%inistrator( If you encounter pro&le%s during installation+ we reco%%end that you do the following$ 1. !urn o. any progra%s running in the &ac'ground( 3irus detectors can often pre,ent Finale fro% installing necessary )les and updating the registry( est assured+ your Finale C; does not contain any ,iruses( 2. Press C!C7?DIF!7B?C and clic' on the Process ta&( In the Processes !a&+ clic' on E*ser #a%eE to sort the running progra%s &y user I; na%e( !his lists e,ery process that is running on the syste%( 3. *nder the *ser #a%e colu%n+ loo' at all of the processes 8EI%age #a%eE: with your account na%e( Clic' on each one+ and then clic' EBnd ProcessE and select OF( ;o this for e,ery process assigned to your na%e e/cept Gtas'%gr(e/eH+ Ge/plorer(e/eH+ and G?yste% Idle Process(H 4. Close the !as' Manager( 5. Chec' your syste% tray 8lower7right corner of the screen: for any running progra%s+ especially anti,irus software+ which can interfere with proper installation of progra%s( ight7clic' each and choose Close( Aut#ori)in" Finale 2014 !he )rst ti%e you launch Finale+ you will &e pro%pted to authoriIe( !o authoriIe a single copy of Finale+ clic' "uthoriIe #ow to open the "uthoriIation WiIard 8or+ choose *el J Aut#ori)e Finale:( !hen follow the instructions to authoriIe your copy of Finale ,ia the Internet+ phone+ or %ail( If you choose not to authoriIe+ you will &e pro%pted to do so each ti%e you launch Finale( If you do not authoriIe within thirty days+ printing and sa,ing are disa&led until you choose to authoriIe( #ote that the *ser2"uthoriIation Codes are co%puter speci)c+ and will only wor' on the gi,en co%puter installation( Ma'e sure that the "uthoriIation Code is typed in using capital letters+ and also ,erify that the correct serial nu%&er has &een entered( 0our copy of Finale can &e authoriIed on two co%puters si%ultaneously+ and+ with an Internet connection+ authoriIation can &e %o,ed fro% one co%puter to another at will( ?i%ply choose *el J Deaut#ori)e Finale to open up a free slot( 0our copy of Finale can now &e authoriIed on a di.erent co%puter( When you deauthoriIe+ printing and sa,ing are disa&led until authoriIation has &een restored( If you %a'e a change to the co%puter 8such as replacing the hard dri,e or %other&oard or installing a new operating syste%:+ then you will need to re7authoriIe the installation( If you ha,e already installed and authoriIed twice+ you will need to contact Custo%er ?upport online www()nale%usic(co%2support with your serial nu%&er and the location I; for the speci)c installation in =uestion( If the software is not Ere%indingE you to authoriIe when you run the progra%+ then the registration2authoriIation has &een successfully co%pleted( 'tartin" Finale 2014 + D,,s Most applications 8including Ma'eMusic products: re=uire a set of )les+ the Microsoft redistri&uta&les+ in order to wor' successfully on your syste%( !hese redistri&uta&le )les are nor%ally already present on %ost syste%s and are not generally included in application setup2install scripts( !hese )les are constantly updated &y Microsoft and are operating7 syste% speci)cK including these )les in an application installer could result in incorrect )les &eing added in your syste% and su&se=uent pro&le%s(
In rare cases these )les %ay &e %issing or out of date on your syste%( In this case an error will &e reported when you start the progra%( Dere are so%e e/a%ples of the errors that could &e reported$ If t#e -les are missin"&&& -!he dyna%ic lin' li&rary M?3CP90(;CC could not &e found in the speci)ed path(((- or -!he dyna%ic lin' li&rary M?3C!(;CC could not &e found in the speci)ed path(((- If t#e -les are out of date&&& -!he OC1!?(B1B )le is lin'ed to %issing e/port MFC42(;CC$9550(- If you see one of these %essages+ ,isit www(%icrosoft(co% for %ore infor%ation regarding these )les and how to restore the%(
.nline /ser Manual For full docu%entation on how to use Finale 2014+ choose *el J /ser Manual( If you ha,e an Internet connection+ Finale opens the *ser Manual using your default &rowser and accesses the latest online content fro% Ma'eMusicLs ser,ers( If you do not ha,e an Internet connection+ Finale auto%atically opens the local ,ersion of the *ser Manual that was installed on your hard dri,e alongside Finale 2014( If you prefer to always use the local ,ersion of the *ser Manual+ go to 0dit J 1references J Folders and unchec' /se .nline Manual W#en A2ailable( 3ista and 04ortin" 01' 5ra#ics Windows 3ista uses a !rue !ype font for%at that is not co%pati&le with FinaleLs BP? e/port %echanis%( "s a result+ 3ista users will notice the EInclude FontsE chec' &o/es ha,e &een re%o,ed in the B/port ?election and B/port Pages dialog &o/es( Including fonts in e/ported BP? graphics is still fully supported in Windows 1P( Installation Details !o acco%%odate the autono%y of each of a co%puter-s %ultiple users+ and to pre,ent per%issions issues+ Finale installs its co%ponents to ,arious locations on your hard dri,e depending on their function and re=uired accessi&ility( ?ee GFinale Installation ;etailsH in the *ser Manual for %ore infor%ation( Finale 2014 Interface C#an"es *uman 1la!bac% 1references& !o access the Du%an Play&ac' Preferences+ choose 0dit J 1references J *uman 1la!bac%( 1ercussion ,a!out Desi"ner& !he Percussion Cayout ;esigner has &een updated to$ display the current sta. na%e and Percussion MI;I MapK access the Percussion MI;I Map editorK display the MI;I note ,alues fro% the current Percussion MI;I Map for assigned note typesK optionally only allow note types found in the current Percussion MI;I MapK and pro,ide a &utton to add all note types fro% the current Percussion MI;I Map( Mo2ie Window& !he play&ac' controls and error handling in FinaleLs Mo,ie Window ha,e &een updated to pro,ide greater Me/i&ility and ease of use( 6ranscrition Mode& !his %ethod of recording MI;I data ,ia the Dyper?cri&e !ool has &een re%o,ed( MI;I data pre,iously recorded with !ranscription Mode is e%&edded in your docu%ent and still plays &ac'( Mana"e 3'6 1lu"+ins dialo" bo4& Finale now uses an audio engine that auto%atically scans the audio plug7ins in the directories speci)ed in this dialog &o/ when you launch the progra%( "dditionally+ you can ha,e Finale auto%atically re7 scan your plug7ins directories for new plug7ins while Finale is running( 6oolbars7customi)ation& !he tool&ars 8and their custo%iIation:+ which duplicated co%%ands a,aila&le in FinaleLs %enus+ ha,e &een re%o,ed to free up screen space( Comoser8s Assistant lu"+ins& !hese seldo%7used plug7ins ha,e &eco%e out7of7 date and ha,e &een re%o,ed( !hey no longer appear under the ?coring and "rranging su&%enu( Mi4er7'tudio 3iew& !he Mi/er and ?tudio 3iew control %odules ha,e &een updated for clearer control( 'croll 3iew& ?ta. na%es are fully ,isi&le and re%ain to the far left when Ioo%ing and scrolling in ?croll 3iew( .en dialo" bo4& <y default+ the Open dialog &o/ now displays all )le types that Finale can open( Menu order& !he order in which %enus display in Finale has &een aligned so that they appear identical on Mac and Windows( For more information regarding specifc menu command changes, see Finale 2014 Interface Changes in the User Manual. 'M1 Files created in t#e ori"inal Finale 2014 release ?MP )les created in the original Finale 2014 release are not co%pati&le with ?%artMusic 2012( If you ha,e Finale 2012 installed+ you can e/port your Finale 2014 docu%ent as a Finale 2012 )le 8File J 04ort J Finale 2012: and then open that e/ported )le in Finale 2012 to sa,e it as an ?MP for ?%artMusic 2012( Download and Finale 6rial Finale 2014 is a,aila&le as a download fro% our we&site( !he trial ,ersion is identical to the full ,ersion+ &ut does not include the >arritan sounds+ local help )les+ or %usic )les( "fter the 607day trial period+ printing and sa,ing are disa&led( !o purchase the full ,ersion of Finale+ along with all sounds and features+ choose *el J 1urc#ase Finale( !rial users$ after purchasing+ another download is necessary to ac=uire the >arritan sounds+ help )les+ and %usic )les( 1la!in" 9uic%6ime 3ideos in Finale:s Mo2ie Window !o play Nuic'!i%e ,ideos in Finale for Windows+ Nuic'!i%e 8a free download at www(apple(co%: %ust &e installed on your co%puter( Mo,ie )les sa,ed in Windows Media Player for%ats do not re=uire Nuic'!i%e( Contactin" Customer 'uort For Finale support+ ,isit www()nale%usic(co%2support( Con2ertin" Finale 2012 ;and earlier< documents into Finale 2014 documents Finale 2014 has a di.erent )le for%at than earlier ,ersions+ and con,erts older )les to the new for%at when you open the% in Finale 2014( Finale 2014 will open and con,ert older ,ersions- docu%ents+ gi,ing the% the default title E*#!I!CB;(M*?1(H We reco%%end sa,ing a newly con,erted docu%ent with a di.erent na%e than the original )le+ 'eeping the older uncon,erted )le as a &ac'up( If you do want to sa,e the )le using the sa%e na%e+ choose ?a,e "s fro% the File %enu( Finale Maintenance is run auto%atically to chec' for any errors while opening old )les as long as Clean *p File ;ata is chec'ed in 0dit J 1references J .en 8chec'ed &y default:( Runnin" older 2ersions of Finale Finale 2012 8and earlier ,ersions: for Windows or Mac cannot open any standard Finale 2014 )le( !o open a Finale 2014 docu%ent in an earlier ,ersion+ choose File J 04ort J Finale 2012 8for Finale 2012 only: or File J 04ort J Music=M, 8all other ,ersions:( Finale for Windows includes the Music1MC i%porter &ac' to ,ersion 2006+ and then &ac' to 2000 using software a,aila&le separately( Finale for Mac supports Music1MC i%port &ac' to ,ersion 2009+ and &ac' to 2004 8O? 1 only: using software a,aila&le separately( ?ee www(%usic/%l(co%( Interface C#an"es in Finale 2014a 3iew and ,a!out alettes& !hese ha,e &een added to restore so%e of the functionality of the tool&ars( >ew Features in Finale 2014 >ew -le format& ;esigned to i%pro,e co%pati&ility+ the new for%at for docu%ents created in Finale helps you share your %usic %ore easily( Older Finale docu%ents are auto%atically con,erted when you open the%+ and you will &e pro%pted to sa,e the )le in the new for%at( 0ou can also e/port your docu%ent to the older for%at for use in Finale 2012 8use Music1MC for earlier ,ersions of Finale:( ?e!less scores& Create scores or sections with no 'ey signature( 0ou can also easily hide 'ey signatures and continue to auto%atically display accidentals using the Dide 'ey signature2?how accidentals option( @eat+attac#ed 'mart '#aes& ?%art ?hapes that pre,iously attached to %easures now attach to &eats 8in the sa%e %anner as e/pressions: with lines showing the attach%ent point( <eat attach%ent allows a ?%art ?hape start or end point to attach to a particular note+ &eat+ or right &arline( ".ected ?%art ?hapes include hairpins+ trills and trill e/tensions+ 5,a25,& 8otta,a2otta,a &assa:+ horiIontal &rac'ets+ and lines( 'mart multi+la!er accidental and rest #andlin"& ests of the sa%e duration and accidentals on unison notes in %ultiple layers now are displayed only once( "ccidentals in one layer are also carried through the %easure for all other layers 8these can optionally &e displayed in ?ta. "ttri&utes or ?ta. ?tyles:( Imro2ed ercussion functionalit!& !here is now greater interaction &etween the Percussion Cayout ;esigner and Percussion MI;I Maps+ and Percussion MI;I Maps can now &e re%o,ed( /nlin%able 'ecial 6ools& "lterations %ade with any of the ?pecial !ools are now unlin'a&le &etween a score and its parts( M14 suort& Finale now supports loading MP4 ,ideos( Imro2ed 'cannin"7'mart'core ,ite 0n#ancements& Finale now includes ?%art?core Cite ,ersion 12+ o.ering i%pro,ed notation recognition( >ew ARIA 1la!er& Finale includes the latest "I" Player fro% >arritan+ with %ore than 400 instru%ents including the additions of alto Mute+ &ass Mute+ o&oe d-a%ore+ B& clarinet+ contra&ass clarinet+ piccolo tru%pet+ tu&ular &ells+ string har%onics+ percussion EtoysE+ orchestral &rass %utes+ Mugelhorn+ &asic "frican percussion+ steel dru%s+ &anOo+ )fe+ ta&las+ Celtic harp+ and nine patches fro% >arritan Instant Orchestra( Imro2ements to oenin" -les& Finale displays all reada&le )le types in the Open dialog &o/( "dditionally+ Music1MC )les can now &e dragged7and7dropped onto the Finale application( >ew met#od for Finale udates& "t launch+ Finale auto%atically chec's for updates( Instead of re=uiring you to download and install the updates %anually fro% the Finale we&site+ Finale now downloads and installs the updates auto%atically( Fi4es in Finale 2014a @oo%mar%s ;e)ned %easure &oo'%ar's can again &e selected in GMeasureH te/t &o/es in se,eral dialog &o/es( 04ressions Feyswitch e/pressions now a.ect play&ac' for layers other than layer 1( Fonts Choosing the eset ?y%&olic Fonts co%%and no longer deletes Mac?y%&olFonts(t/t( 5ra#ics B/ported page graphics now include the correct page nu%&er in the )le na%e( Imortin" Files #o unnecessary accidentals are displayed on the latter of two tied notes( ,!rics ;rawing artifacts no longer appear when a sylla&le is elected while scrolling in !ype Into ?core %ode( Music=M, ;ocu%ents i%ported ,ia Music1MC successfully display Mags( 1alettes ?DIF!Pclic'ing and dragging an icon no longer re%o,es tools fro% the palettes( 1ercussion Cedger lines are no longer displayed on percussion sta,es with rhyth%ic notation( 1la!bac% Finale no longer loc's the sa%ple rate for certain "?IO de,ices to Q9 'DI( 3?! support )les fro% pre,iously7installed ,ersions of Finale are now copied into Finale 2014( 'coreMana"er Pressing C!CPF &oth opens and closes the ?coreManager( Pressing !"< in the File Info ta& always %o,es the cursor to the following te/t )eld( 'croll 3iew Constrained ,ertical dragging is now functioning properly( '#ae Desi"ner !he selection rectangle now displays where the %ouse is clic'ed in the drawing area( 'ecial 6ools !he <ea% Width and <ea% "ngle tools are no longer capa&le of clearing each otherLs adOust%ents( 6e4t esiIing a %easure7attached te/t &loc'Ls fra%e no longer causes the &loc' to %o,e up and to the right( Fi4es in Finale 2014 C#ords Fret ,alues o,er 10 for capo no longer cause a crash in the Chord ;e)nition dialog &o/( 04ressions ;escriptions for new e/pressions can &e copied in the B/pression ;esigner( Fonts Finale font annotation now supports *nicode( Bngra,er fonts are no longer %issing when e/porting to P;F( 5ra#ics Dandles stay attached to a selected graphic when scrolling( *uman 1la!bac% "ccordion instru%ents are now recogniIed as a single grand sta.( ,!rics Dyphens and word e/tensions now appear in %irrored %easures( Music 'acin" Music spacing is now applied correctly to all layers when using "uto%atic *pdate Cayout( 1DF 04ort Finale no longer crashes on P;F e/port when a %easure7 or &eat7attached score ele%ent is selected( 1la!bac% *nison notes of di.erent durations in %ultiple layers now play correctly( GPhanto%H si%ultaneous play&ac' of other sections of a docu%ent has &een eli%inated( 'coreMana"er Percussion MI;I Maps now display correctly when changing a sta.Ls notation style to Percussion( 'coreMer"er Certain )les containing repeats no longer cause a crash when &eing %erged( Measure nu%&er regions are now retained when %erging docu%ents( Merging docu%ents with duplicate instru%ents no longer o,erwrites the )rst instru%ent sta.( 'etu Wi)ard B& cornet instru%ents now appear with the correct transposition( Bnse%&les containing *nicode characters now display correctly( 6e4t !e/t fro% %ulti7line te/t &loc's now appear correctly in the Bdit !e/t dialog &o/(