Computer Fundamentals

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UNIT 1: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS A computer is an electronic device that processes input data and produces result (output) according

to a set of instructions called program. A computer performs basically five major functions irrespective of its size and make. It accepts data or instructions by way of input (Input Unit) It stores data(Memory) It processes data as required by the user (Central Pro e!!in" Unit # ALU) It controls operations of a computer (Central Pro e!!in" Unit # Control Unit) It gives results in the form of output (Output Unit) $ar%&are is the physical tangible parts of computer

Input Unit It takes the input and converts it into binary form so that it is understood by the computer. Central Pro e!!in" Unit ' Mi ropro e!!or It is a processor on a single chip. It is the brain of a computer. !"# consists of two parts Control Unit (!#) and Arit(meti Lo"i Unit (A$#) A$# performs all arithmetic and logical operations. !# controls all other components and activities of the computer. Output Unit It re%converts the binary signal to be understood by human beings. So)t&are Con ept! So)t&are A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a program. &oftware is a set of computer programs' procedures and associated documentation related to the effective operation of a computer system Type! o) So)t&are: So)t&are

Sy!tem So)t&are

Appli ation So)t&are +eneral Purpo!e Rea%yma% e So)t&are Spe i)i Purpo!e U!er#&ritten So)t&are


Operatin" Sy!tem

Lan"ua"e Pro e!!or! Assembler( !ompiler( Interpreter

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Sy!tem !o)t&are is a set of one or more programs that are basically designed to control the operation of a computer system. &ystem software is further classified as )perating &ystem and $anguage "rocessors. Operatin" Sy!tem: An operating system is a master control program that runs the computer. *hen the computer is switched on' operating system is the first program loaded into the computer+s memory. "opular operating system includes ,&%-)&' *indows' #.I/ and $inu0. Lan"ua"e Pro e!!or!: 1. A!!em,ler It is a program that translates an assembly language program into a machine language program. 2. Compiler It is a program that translates a high%level language program into a machine language program in one go. 3.g. !44 !ompiler 5. Interpreter It is a program that translates a high%level language program into a machine language program line by line. 6isual 7asic Interpreter .ote A compiler is faster and larger (in bytes) than interpreter. 8he object code produced by the compiler is permanently saved for future reference whereas it is not saved in an interpreter. Nee% )or operatin" !y!tem 1. It acts as an interface between a user and the hardware 2. It controls all the operation and data movement in and out of computer. Fun tion! o) operatin" !y!tem 8he five functions of an operating system are 1. Pro e!!or Mana"ement. 2. Memory Mana"ement or Stora"e Mana"ement -. De/i e Mana"ement 9. File Mana"ement 8he )perating system keep track of processor (!"#)' memory' file and I() devices' decides which job should be given access to these and for how long' allocate it and then de%allocate after the use. Type! o) Operatin" !y!tem Intera ti/e 0+UI ,a!e%): :#I stands for :raphical #ser Interface. 8he graphical interface is easy to use and user friendly. 8he command can be entered by the click(double%click(right%click of a mouse. *indows operating system is one of the e0amples of :#I. 8he user interacts with graphics in a better way than with the te0t. Real Time: 8he real%time operating system is a computing environment that reacts to input within a specific time period. It is used in robots' comple0 animation' for government use etc. 8he e0amples are *indows !3 and $;./. Di!tri,ute%: 8he distributed operating system is a control program running on a set of computers that are interconnected by a network. 8he control program combines the different computers into a single integrated computer and storage location. Commonly u!e% Operatin" Sy!tem 1. UNI1 A system that has been around for many years and it is very stable. It is primary used to be a server rather than a workstation. 2. LINU1 $inu0 is similar to #.I/ in operation but it is free. 8he latest version is #buntu. 5. *indows It is an interactive :#I based operating system. -ifferent versions available are *indows <=' *indows /"' *indows >' *idows vista etc. 9. Solari! It is a #.I/ operating system originally developed by &un ,icrosystems. It is now known as )racle !orporation since )racle+s acquisition of &un in ?anuary 2@1@. A. 2OSS (7harat )perating &ystem &olutions) It is a :.#($inu0 distribution developed by !%-A!. It is basically the distribution of Bree()pen &ource software throughout India. It has a support of Indian languages. It is a :.# ( $inu0 distribution developed by !%-A!' !hennai to facilitate the use of Bree ()pen &ource &oftware throughout India. It has a desktop environment and includes support for Indian language and other packages that are relevant in the Indian government structure. 7)&& has been particularly tailored for use in educational domains C schools and colleges. 7)&& "age 3 of *

makes the switch from ,icrosoft *indows to the :.#($inu0 platform through features such as bulk document converter' presentation tools and plugs and play. D. Mo,ile OS 8here are many operating system used in a mobiles but two are discussed here. a. An%roi% It is an operating system used in mobile phones and tablets. It is owned and maintained by :oogle Inc. A new series of phones having android operating system are &ony 3ricsson /peria' $: optimus' E8! *ildfire etc. 8his operating system comes in different versions 2.@ (this and its lower versions) for mobile phones' version 5.@ was only for tablets and now the latest version is 9.@. b. Sym,ian It is an operating system used in mobile phones. It is developed and sold by &ymbian $td. It is primarily used by .okia. It is also used by ?apanese mobile phone manufacturer for handsets sold in ?apan Utility Pro"ram! A Utility Pro"ram is designed to perform maintenance work on a computer system or on any of its components. 30amples are 1. 2a 4up 8his program makes the backup copy of disk information. 7ackup means duplicating the disk information so that in case of any damage or data loss' this backed up data may be used. 2. Compre!!ion 8his program facilitates the compression of the files. $arge files can be compressed so that they take the less storage space. 5. Anti/iru! 8his program helps in detecting and removing viruses. &ome popular antivirus programs are ,cAffee virus scan' .orton Anti%6irus' Faspersky Anti%6irus. 9. Di!4 De)ra"menter It speeds up disk access by rearranging the files and free space on your computer' so that files are stored in contiguous and free space is consolidated in one contiguous block. Appli ation So)t&are Application software is a computer program designed to help the user in performing a certain type of work. Application software pertains to one specific application. Bor instance' software written to prepare a result for a school cannot be used to calculate salary of the employees in the school. An application program can manipulate te0t' numbers' graphics or a combination of these. Application software can be classified as :eneral "urpose Application &oftware and &pecific "urpose Application &oftware +eneral Purpo!e Appli ation So)t&are: 8hey are designed to solve a wide range of tasks. 30amples are 1. 5or% Pro e!!in" Pa 4a"e! such as ,icrosoft *ord and *ord&tar' which are used for processing and manipulating te0t. 2. Sprea%!(eet Pa 4a"e! such as ,icrosoft 30cel and $otus 1%2%5' which are used for calculating finances and for data analysis. 5. Pre!entation Pa 4a"e! such as ,icrosoft "ower "oint' which are used for creating slideshow presentations. 9. Data,a!e Mana"ement Pa 4a"e! such as ,icrosoft Access and Bo0"ro' which are used for working with records. Spe i)i purpo!e appli ation !o)t&are: performs a specific task or set of tasks. 30amples of such software are 1. S (ool Mana"ement Sy!tem It helps in managing the school activites like Bee collection' Academic information' 8ime 8able arrangement etc. 2. In/entory Mana"ement Sy!tem It helps in managing the assets of an organization. 5. $uman Re!our e Mana"ement Sy!tem 8his software has various modules about the employees of an organization. 8his include employee profile' leaves taken' payroll' loan taken' promotions' bonus' training given' medical reimbursement etc. 9. Payroll Sy!tem It calculates the salary of employees and generates pay slips. A. Finan ial A ountin" 8his software manages the entire business financial records. It helps in controlling the total e0penses and income details of the company' manage overall business transactions in a financial year' etc. "age - of *

D. $otel Mana"ement It helps in managing all the activities in a hotel like booking room' order of food items' billing etc. >. Re!er/ation Sy!tem It is used for online reservation of railway and airplane tickets' hotel reservation etc. =. 5eat(er Fore a!tin" Sy!tem It is used for weather forecasting which gives the information of rain' snow' cyclone' etc. Internal !tora"e en o%in" o) C(ara ter! ASCII (American &tandard !ode for Information Interchange) It is a >%bit code' and it has 2 > G 12= possible code. ISCII (Indian &cripts &tandard !ode for Information Interchange) It is an =%bit code and it has 2 = G 2AD possible code. It offers coding for Indian script C :urumukhi' :ujarati' )riya' 7engali' Assamese' 8elugu' Fannada' ,alayalam' 8amil etc. UNICODE 0Uni/er!al Co%e) It provides a unique number for every character' no matter what the platform' program or the language. (7efore #nicode was invented' there were hundreds of different encoding systems for assigning these numbers. .o single encoding could contain enough characters. 8hese encoding scheme also conflict with each other. 8hat is' two encodings can use the same number for two different characters or use different numbers for the same character.) Mi ropro e!!or A chip contains the !"# called microprocessor. 8hree basic characteristics differentiate microprocessors In!tru tion !et 8he set of instructions that the microprocessor can e0ecute. 2an%&i%t( 8he number of bits processed in a single instruction. Bor e0ample' 1D bits' 52 bits' D9 bits processors. Clo 4 !pee% It determines how many instructions per second the processor can e0ecute. 8his is measured in millions of cycles per second or megahertz (,Ez or :Ez). Type! o) Mi ropro e!!or CISC Pro e!!or! (!omple0 Instruction &et !omputing) RISC Pro e!!or! (Heduced Instruction &et !omputing) EPIC (30plicitly "arallel Instruction !omputing) It is a D9%bit microprocessor instruction set Memory Con ept!: Unit!: 2it 02inary Di"it) ' 2yte 06ilo,yte7 Me"a,yte7 +i"a,yte7 Tera,yte7 Peta,yte7 E8a,yte7 9etta,yte7 :otta,yte) 8he elementary unit of memory is a bit. A group of 9 bits is called a nibble and a group of = bits is called a byte. )ne byte is the minimum space required to store one character. 1 7yte G = bits 1 Filo 7yte (F7) G 1@29 7ytes 1 ,ega 7yte(,7) G 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 F7 1 :iga 7yte(:7) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 ,7 1 8era 7yte(87) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 :7 1 "eta 7yte("7) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 87 1 30a 7yte(37) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 "7 1 Ietta7yte(I7) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 37 1 ;otta7yte (;7) G 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 0 1@29 7ytes G 1@29 I7 1 (7ronto 7yte) G 1@29 ;7 1@29 7ronto7yte G 1 (:eop 7yte) :eop 7yte is the highest memory measurement unit Primary Memory "age ; of *

Ca (e memory is a memory that a microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular HA,. As the microprocessor processes data' it looks first in the cache memory (data read from a previous access)' and then in the HA,. RAM < ROM RAM Handom Access ,emory is used for primary storage in computers to hold active information of data and instructions. ROM Head )nly ,emory is used to store the instructions provided by the manufacturer to check basic hardware and to load operating system from appropriate storage device. It is a temporary memory. 8he data or It is a permanent memory. 8he data and instructions are instructions are lost when electricity goes off. It retained even when electricity goes off. It is also called is also called as volatile memory. as non % volatile memory. 30amples --H1 &-HA,' --H2 &-HA,' 30amples "H), (pro"ramma,le) ' 3"H), --H5 &-HA, (Dou,le %ata 0era!a,le pro"ramma,le)' 33"H), rate !yn (ronou! %ynami ran%om a e!! 0Electrically Erasable Programmable ) memory) Se on%ary Memory (30ternal Memory) differs from primary storage in that it is not directly accessible by the !"#. 8he computer usually uses its input(output channels to access secondary storage and transfers the desired data in primary storage. &econdary storage does not lose the data when the device is powered downJit is non%volatile. 1. Ma"neti !tora"e uses different patterns of magnetization on a magnetically coated surface to store information. ,agnetic storage is non%volatile. 8he information is accessed using one or more read(write heads which may contain one or more recording transducers. Floppy %i!4 and Ma"neti tape data storage are now obsolete. $ar% %i!4 %ri/e' used for secondary storage 2. Opti al !tora"e' the typical optical disc' stores information in deformities on the surface of a circular disc and reads this information by illuminating the surface with a laser diode and observing the reflection. )ptical disc storage is non%volatile. 8he deformities may be permanent (read only media)' formed once (write once media) or reversible (recordable or read(write media). CD = >??M27 D@D = ;.-+27 2lue Ray Di!4 = 3A+2 5. A US2 Fla!( Dri/e consists of a flash memory data storage device integrated with a #&7 (#niversal &erial 7us) interface. #&7 flash drives are typically removable and rewritable' and physically much smaller than a floppy disk. &torage capacities can be as large as 2AD :7. A flash drive consists of a small printed circuit board carrying the circuit elements and a #&7 connector' insulated electrically and protected inside a plastic' metal' or rubberized case which can be carried in a pocket or on a key chain' ,ost #&7 flash drives draw their power from the #&7 connection' and do not require a battery. 9. A Memory Car% or Fla!( Car% is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information. 8hey are commonly used in many electronic devices' including digital cameras' mobile phones' laptop computers' ,"5 players' and video game consoles. 8hey are small' re% recordable' and they can retain data without power. 8he most common type of memory card in use today is the &- card' which comes in capacities of up to D9 :igabytes. Communi ation 2u! A 7us is a subsystem that transfers data and instructions between functional components of a computer or between different computers. 7uses can be Parallel 2u!e!' which carry data words in parallel on multiple wires' and Serial 2u!e!' which carry data in bit%serial form. 7uses are of three types. "age A of *

1. A Control 2u! is used to direct and monitor the actions of the other functional components of computer. 2. 8he A%%re!! 2u! carries a number called memory address that indicates the desired location of data. 5. 8he bidirectional Data 2u!' transfers data and instructions (reads or writes the data) Input ' Output Port!: 8hey are used to connect various peripherals (devices) to the computer 1. Serial Port It transfers data serially 1 bit at a time. It comes in the form of < pin or 2A pins male connector. It is used to connect devices like mouse and modem. 2. Parallel Port It can send or receive a byte (= bits) at a time. 8he = bits are transferred parallel to each other. It comes in the form of 2A pin female connector. It is used to connect devices like printer' scanner' and e0ternal hard disk !- writer' zip drive' tape backup drive' etc. 5. US2 0Uni/er!al Serial 2u!) It is intended to replace many varieties of serial and parallel ports. It is used to connect to various devices like printers' scanners' mice' joystick' digital camera' web cameras' speakers' telephones' zip drives' network connections' scientific data acquisition devices' etc. 9. PS#3 Port 0Per!onal Sy!tem#3): It is used to connect keyboard (purple colored port) or mouse (green colored port). Net&or4 Port or LAN (Local Area Network) Port It is used to connect computers to each other in a network or to high%speed internet such as -&$ or cable. 2luetoot( 7luetooth is an open wireless technology standard for e0changing data over short distances creating personal area networks ("A.s) with high levels of security. 7luetooth is a standard for a small' cheap radio chip to be plugged into computers' printers' mobile phones' etc In)rare%: It is used to sends and receives infrared signals from other devices. 8he same technology is used to control a 86 set with a remote control. Fire5ire

A. D. >. B.

A Bire*ire connection lets you send data to and from high bandwidth digital devices and it is faster than #&7. It was created by Apple and standardized in 1<<A.

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