Boiler Models For System Dynamic Performance Studies
Boiler Models For System Dynamic Performance Studies
Boiler Models For System Dynamic Performance Studies
1, February 1991
Authorized licensed use limited to: Politehnica Timisoara. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
hf = enthalpy of saturated water
hr' = enthalpy of water entering waterwalls
h = enthalpy of saturated steam
PD = drum pressure
- boiling mr
M is calculate$ as proportional to the volume
requid8 to heat the incoming fluid from hr' to hf.
Since i is constant, this translates into being
proportignal to (hf- h ')/Qw. A small time constant is
/ -
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, ,, , , .,
K, =
heat transfer coefficient between tubes and
f-- inner fluid
'"r Q = heat flux from furnace to waterwalls
Figure 3. Waterwall anc Drum Subsystem
Storaqe in SuDerheaterq
The effect of superheater volume is considered
h, - hl assuming temperature is constant. The distributed nature
of the process is approximated as in Figure 7 with three
lumped volumes 1 inked by orifices to represent pressure
to flow squared, the pressure flow effects are'modeled
by the following set of algebraic and differential
equations :
PD = P1 + (ms)'K1 P1 = P2 + (m12)2K2
P2 = P3 + (mZ3)'K3
Figure 4. Computation of Subcooled Resident Mass
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VI, V2 and V3 are the volumes of the lumped
superheater sections and 4 , P 2 , p 3 are the densities o f
steam in these volumes.
Calculation o f Drum Level
Mfd = mass of liquid in drum
Iterate I
Using the last time step value of b
VD = volume of drum with last time step value of P as 2
start calculate Vf, vg. hf. hg(ll).
MF(7). MG(8) and P(10)
Volume of waterwalls occupied by the steaming mixture = 2
(v - vD) - Msc*Vf
The proportion of this volume occupied by liquid is
= steam generation
i - G(P - Po)
- old P,'"
Go to Block 1
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where Vi is the superheater section volume and
Authorized licensed use limited to: Politehnica Timisoara. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Turbine V a l v e
Steam Flow
Qw Heat t o Fluid
Figure 11. Simplified boiler model with pressure effect on steam generation
Authorized licensed use limited to: Politehnica Timisoara. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
turbine valve in Figure 15 using the detailed model and
(CO + CSH) = 2400 x 60 x .02 in Figure 16 using the simplified model.
= 180 seconds
with the variables, pressure and steam flow, expressed 'n
per unit of rated. Experience has shown that splitting
the total storage constant (CO + CsH) as 10% for C and
90% for CO yields a good approximation to the &ler
pressure response.
The parameter K is obtained from a knowledge of the
pressure drop between drum and admission to the turbine.
For instance if at full load (i = 1 pu) the drum and
throttle pressures are 2640 and 5400 psi respectively,
k / 2640 - 2400
2400 = 1.0 or K = 3.16
The parameter KT relates the change in saturation 100% Load 50% Load
temperature with pressure. Keeping the temperature as
degrees F and pressure in per unit Figure 13. Step Change in Valve Flow Area for Model of
Figure 1 1
KT = - x 2400
K typically for a 2400 psi unit (drum pressure around
Typically 7
2g40 psi) = 0.057 x 2400 = 137.
can be estimated from the assumption of
25OF drop for fu 1 load steam generation. Hence
$ = 25 = 0.04
from waterwalls to inner fluid is in the order of 7 Figure 14. 2% Step Change in Heat Flux for Model of
seconds. Hence CM/KW = 7 or CM = 0.7. Figure 1 1
more elaborate modeling of the process physics. 100% Load sec 50% Load
ResDonse With Pressure Control Figure 15. Detailed Model with Pressure Control
2% Step Increase in Valve Flow Area
Assuming that the fuel system dynamics are
characterized by a dead time of 20 secs in series with a The controller function is
time constant of 30 secs
AQ KI(l + TIs)(l + TRs)
AS - 1 +30 S
a three mode control (proporbional, integral and rate)
operating on pressure error , properly tuned for the
(I+ 3
with KI = 0.04, TI .= 100 sec, TR = 30 sec.
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.. - .. r" .....- - .. W O -
_.? O - 7 pu
100% Load
25 P S I
100% Load 50% Load 3.
Figure 16. Simplified Model With Pressure Control Figure 18. Model as in Figure 17 Without Pressure
2% Step Increase in Valve Flow Area Controls
One notes that the simplified model's response is
almost identical to that of the more detailed model.
A Sinmler Model
Authorized licensed use limited to: Politehnica Timisoara. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Politehnica Timisoara. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.