Utzon Symposium Program 2014
Utzon Symposium Program 2014
Utzon Symposium Program 2014
International Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014, Sydney
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
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The Fourth International Utzon Symposium
March 79 2014
UNSW, Australia and The Sydney Opera House
A collaboration between UNSW Australia, the Jrn Utzon Research
Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University
of Portsmouth, UK and Aalborg University, Denmark, the Fourth
International Utzon Symposium will extend previous research on
Utzons oeuvre and ask the question: What would Utzon do now?
Louise Herron AM
Welcome to the Sydney Opera House and the Fourth International Utzon
I am delighted the symposium is being held in Sydney for the frst time and
that we are able to host within Jorn Utzons iconic masterpiece delegates from
across Australia and around the world.
The timing could not be better. The Opera House recently celebrated its 40th
Anniversary and has now embarked on a decade of renewal to ensure the
building continues to inspire future generations of artists, audiences and visitors.
For us, there is no more apt questions than: What would Utzon do now?
I wish you all an inspiring and stimulating exchange of ideas about the legacy of
the architect who gave us this magnifcent buildingand so much more.
Louise Herron AM
Chief Executive Offcer
Sydney Opera House
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
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We hope that this symposium will contribute to a broad spectrum of academic
work as well as enable this work to become evident and useful to a wider
audience. The signifcant urban and architectural issues we face today are by
their very nature multi-facetted and multi-dimensional often involving a range of
disciplines. Utzon challenged the world in his life by bringing to focus innovation
across many disciplines often inspired by a diverse range of cultures. Perhaps
the challenge, refected by this symposium, is of special relevance as we
seek to better understand how to undertake the design and delivery of urban
infrastructure today to the standards he achieved in his life.
I wish you three days of valuable engagement with your colleagues and also invite
you to register for the special dinner event that will conclude the Symposium.
We also take this opportunity to recognise all the Symposiums partners and
sponsors for their support and expertise.
Alec Tzannes
UNSW Faculty of Built Environment
Alec Tzannes
Alec Tzannes
Welcome from UNSW Built Environment, Aalborg University and
the University of Portsmouth, to the Fourth International Utzon
Symposium titled What would Utzon do now? We kindly thank
Louise Herron, the CEO of the Sydney Opera House, for the
generous support that has enabled this important scholarly event
to be held at the Utzon Room within the Sydney Opera House.
We conceived the theme of the symposium partly as a challenge to some
established notions about Utzons legacy. For many, Utzons contribution goes
beyond what he did as an architect, even though his achievements in this
respect are not yet fully understood and provide scope for continued scholarly
work. With our minds still frmly engaged with questions around Utzons built
legacy, we also contemplated the enormous global challenges facing those
whose skills and actions determine the future of our cities. We asked ourselves
if Utzons intellectual legacy could inspire the development of knowledge in
felds as diverse as architecture, city administration, conservation, fnance
and development, material science, engineering, construction technology and
management, urban design and urban planning. Like the ancient Roman god
Janus, usually depicted with two faces simultaneously directing his vision to the
future and the past, we sought in this symposium to ground Utzon frmly in the
present and examine how his legacy may guide the disciplines that deliver our
urban futures.
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
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On behalf of the Scientifc Committee of the Fourth International Utzon
Symposium we welcome you to Sydney, Australia. We express our
sincere gratitude to the University of New South Wales Faculty of Built
Environment, who have provided unstinting collaboration and are
generously hosting this event. The chosen location of Sydney is clearly
important as the site of Utzons most signifcant yet simultaneously
controversial work, the Sydney Opera House. It is somewhat paradoxical
to record that a building that has consistently attracted controversy in
various forms is now internationally, a symbol of not only a City, but also
a Nation. We are delighted that the Symposium will be centred upon
Utzons iconic work and express our gratitude to the CEO of the Opera
House for supporting and facilitating the event. In continuation of the 40th
Anniversary of the opening of the Sydney Opera House it is apposite to
refect upon Utzons contribution to architecture.
Comparable in many ways to the protean achievements of le Corbusier, Utzons
architecture emerges today as paradigmatic at many levels, not least of which
is the manner in which, from the beginning of his career, he would challenge the
supposed authority of Eurocentric culture. (Frampton. K. 2003)
It is self-evident that Utzons contribution was considerable, across all scales of
architectural endeavour, and across diverse architectural typologies. We sit in
a world that is increasingly horizontal and fuid, a world in which information is
exchanged virtually and instantaneously, a world in which capital easily migrates
and tensions between those that have and those who have not, seemingly
increase rather than decrease. Within this zeitgeist is there anything we might
learn from Utzons oeuvre?
This Symposium has the ambition to critically examine the contemporary
relevance of Utzons thinking and working methods in relation to present
circumstances, conditions and technologies; to consider What would Utzon do
now? From the outset, the organising group were determined that rather than
merely view Utzons contribution from a historic perspective, the Symposium
should strive to engage with contemporary and future discourse within
What would Utzon
do now?
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
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architecture and cognate felds. In this context the title of the Symposium became
self-evident. Sub-themes developed in response to this primary decision each
defning areas of contemporary and future challenges, that were either drawn
from, or projected Utzons oeuvre into our now and beyond.
We may argue that Architecture has reached a crisis, in professional authority,
praxis and theory. Given our increasingly homogenised world order, it is
appropriate to develop conversations around the role of political economy in
delivering signifcant architecture and urban space. The theories and practice
of City-Making, within the new world paradigm is under increasing pressure, not
only in making place and space of quality, but also in signifying the particularity
of City identity in our globalised world. The Sydney Opera House perhaps
effectively illustrates the last of our sub-themes; the challenge of conservation
of twentieth century heritage, and we may fruitfully speculate upon the
contemporary and future role for not only such iconic buildings but also for what
we might term architecture of the ordinary.
The Symposium is led by keynote speakers of international signifcance,
supported by invited speakers, and populated with seventy Paper presentations
across a diverse range of subjects. The Symposium will conjoin with the Second
Utzon International Workshop to be held subsequently in Tasmania that seeks,
in the spirit of Utzon, to synthesise the theoretical and praxis debates into design
propositions located within this particular physical, cultural and landscape
This event is the latest manifestation of an on-going academic and praxis-
based discourse concerning Utzons contribution. The First International Utzon
Symposium, Nature, Vision and Place organised by the Utzon Research Center,
was held at Aalborg University in August 2003, and brought together architects
that worked together with Utzon and notable international academics that had
written about his work. The success of this initial conference, provided the basis
for moving forward with the concrete intention of realising an Utzon designed
building in Aalborg as a home for the Utzon Archives and Utzon Research
Center. This vision captured not only academic research, but also use as an
experimental workshop for new ideas within architecture, design and the arts,
public exhibition space and forum for wider discussions. Utzons own concept
for the building was inspired by his experience of visiting the famous Ulm Design
School in the late 1960s, where architects, designers, artists and artisans
worked closely together within a dynamic workshop environment.
The Utzon Center, designed by Jrn Utzon together with his son Kim, opened
to the public in 2008, in time to celebrate Utzons 90th year. The frst major
exhibition focused upon the competition and making of the Sydney Opera
House. This original exhibition provided a wider audience with an understanding
of the background, sources of inspiration, complexity, tectonic integrity and
tribulations of Utzons great masterpiece, as well as providing an appropriate
backdrop for the Second International Utzon Symposium, again organised by
the Utzon Research Center; Poetics of Construction. The second symposium
established the ambition of combining both a historic perspective and
contemporary relevance of Utzons.
2008 also saw the genesis of JURN that was dedicated to expanding academic
and praxis discourse around Utzon developed through an international network
of academics practitioners and student members. In response to Utzons own
interest in traveling and seeking inspiration from other cultures, it was appropriate
that the Third International Utzon Symposium held in April 2012 should be
located in one of the countries that had provided Utzon with signifcant insights
and inspiration. Morocco was chosen given that it had been an important source
of inspiration for many modernist architects and contemporaries of Utzon,
including Le Corbusier and Jrn Utzons good friend Sverre Fehn.
Utzon travelled to Morocco just after the Second World War, in 1947, where
he produced two notable, but unrealised projects for a paper factory and a
housing scheme, that were greatly infuenced by the cohesive materiality, forms
and composition in relation to landscape of the Berber vernacular settlement,
that he experienced on his travels through the south Atlas Mountains. The
profound experience of this courtyard housing, built in such harmony with its
local environment, was also to greatly inform Utzons major later works; most
notably the Kingo and Fredensborg houses. The Third International Utzon
Symposium was a collaboration between JURN, the Utzon Research Center
and lEcole Nationale dArchitecture (ENA), Moroccos only publically funded
School of Architecture. With these references in mind and with a desire to revisit
What would Utzon
do now?
What would Utzon
do now?
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
and discuss the continuing contemporary relevance of these original sources of
inspiration, the themes of the Symposium Dwelling, Landscape, Place & Making,
were discussed by the guest speakers, Juhani Pallasmaa, Richard Leplastrier
and Jan Utzon, together with academics and architects from Australia, Denmark,
France, Morocco, Norway, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Amongst the audience of seventy were a diverse international group of
48 architecture students and practitioners, who following the symposium
participated in the inaugural Utzon International Workshop, together with the
guest speakers, for eight intense, inspiring and challenging days. The event
began in Marrakech, then travelled over the Atlas Mountains to Ait Benhaddou,
engaging in further discussions and returning to the ENAs teaching complex
in Marrakech, where the participants in groups interpreted through drawings,
models and installations their own understandings of the themes. The
participants greatly appreciated the direct, hands-on approach to developing
an understanding of architecture, through actual personal experience, drawing
and physically making models, complimented by informed and inspirational
professional discussion on site. Through Utzons example, they came to more
fully appreciate how much could be gained by studying the original sources and
being open to a wide range of cultural experiences; and the Utzon Workshop in
Morocco demonstrated, that the paradigm of Utzons work and design approach
has considerable potential to provide an exceptional catalyst for the education
of future generations of architects.
JURN has established fve institutional academic partners across the world and
is approaching a hundred individual members worldwide. It serves to create
links between Utzon scholars internationally, particularly in those countries
where Utzon drew inspiration and realised projects that have infuenced
architects since. The future objectives of JURN are to continue to develop an
understanding of Utzons paradigm and oeuvre, which will be discussed and
disseminated through symposia, workshops, publications and exhibitions.
Welcome to Sydney and we look forward to what will be without doubt a credible
and multi-dimensional academic and praxis-based discussion that will resonate
well beyond the event.
What would Utzon
do now?
The Heritage Council of NSW is established under the NSW
Heritage Act, 1977 and is an independent advisory body to
Government. Membership of the Council is skills-based, with
representation from peak heritage bodies such as the National
Trust of Australia (NSW).
The council provides advice on heritage
matters to the Minister for Heritage in NSW,
currently Minister Robyn Parker, Minister for
the Environment and Minister for Heritage.
It recommends to the Minister places and
objects for listing on the State Heritage
Register (SHR).
The Heritage Council makes decisions
about the care and protection of heritage
places and items that have been identifed as
being signifcant to the people of NSW.
The Council also delivers the NSW Heritage
Grants program to help the community to
identify, conserve, interpret and promote the
States heritage. Funding is available every
two years to individuals, community groups
and local government who own or manage
heritage items of state signifcance.
The Heritage Council is serviced by
the Heritage Division of the Offce of
Environment and Heritage, which provides
professional advice and administrative
support. The Heritage Division also
provides advice on heritage issues to the
Government, state agencies, local councils
and the community on the identifcation
and protection of heritage places and items
for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage
across NSW.
Heritage is evidence of our history.
Conserving our heritage helps us to
understand our past, and to contribute to
the lives of future generations. It gives us
a sense of continuity and identity, and of
belonging to the place where we live.
Further details of the Heritage Council of
NSW and the Heritage Division of the Offce
of Environment and Heritage can be found at:
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
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Vishaan Chakrabarti, Marc
Holliday Associate Professor
of Real Estate Development.
Vishaan Chakrabarti is the Marc
Holliday Associate Professor of
Real Estate Development and the
Director of CURE., the Center for
Urban Real Estate, at Columbia
Universitys Graduate School of
Architecture, Planning & Preservation.
An experienced architect, planner,
and developer, Chakrabarti has
transformed the Masters of Science
in Real Estate Development into
a curriculum dedicated to smart
growth policies locally, nationally, and
globally, with an emphasis on training
students to synthetically tackle the
three pillars of urban real estate,
namely, the fnancial, the physical,
and the transactional. Simultaneously,
Chakrabarti is a Partner at SHoP
Architects where he advances
large-scale projects worldwide.
One of seven partners committed
to proving that intelligent, exciting,
evocative design can be done in
the context of real world constraints,
he adds to SHoPs already diverse
internal knowledge base and
highlights the curiosity and creative
thinking essential to groundbreaking
design and urban development.
Prior to joining Columbia and SHoP,
Chakrabarti was an Executive
Vice President at the Related
Companies where he ran the
Moynihan Station project and
oversaw planning and design for
the frms extensive development
portfolio including Hudson Yards.
Keynote Speakers
Vishaan Chakrabarti
Keynote Speakers
Vishaan Chakrabarti
In addition, Chakrabarti was the
inaugural Jaquelin T. Robertson
Visiting Professor in Architecture for
the University of Virginia in 2009.
From 2002 to 2005, Chakrabarti
served as the Director of the
Manhattan Offce for the New
York Department of City Planning.
While with the City, Chakrabarti
successfully gained approvals for
major rezonings that have begun to
reshape the west side of Midtown
Manhattan including the extension
of the #7 subway line. In this role
Chakrabarti also directed the Citys
design response to the reconstruction
of Lower Manhattan in the wake of
9/11, the expansion of Columbia
University into Manhattanville, the
makeover of Lincoln Center, the
transformation of the High Line, and
several other major development
proposals in Manhattan. Prior to his
work with the City, Chakrabarti was
an Associate Partner and Director of
Urban Design at Skidmore, Owings
& Merrill, as well as a transportation
planner at the Port Authority of
New York and New Jersey.
Chakrabarti holds a Master of
Architecture from the University of
California at Berkeley, a Master of
City Planning from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and dual
Bachelors degrees in Art History and
Engineering from Cornell University.
He serves on the boards of the
Architectural League of New York
and Enterprise Community Partners,
is a trustee of the Citizens Budget
Commission, and is an emeritus
board member of Friends of the
High Line. He is also a member
of the Young Leaders Forum of
the National Council on US-China
Relations. Metropolis Magazine
named Chakrabarti one of the top
12 Game Changers for 2012.
Chakrabarti is a David Rockefeller
Fellow and was a Crains
40 under 40 in 2000.
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
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Juhani Pallasmaa, Finnish
architect, former Professor at
Helsinki University of Technology,
former Director of the Museum
of Finnish Architecture.
Juhani Pallasmaa, Architect
professor, Helsinki, has practised
architecture since the early 60s
and established Pallasmaa
Architects in 1983. In addition to
architectural design, he has been
active in urban planning, exhibition,
product and graphic design.
He has taught and lectured widely in
Europe, North and South America,
Africa, Australia and Asia, and
published over forty books and
numerous essays on the philosophies
of architecture and art in over thirty
languages. He has held positions
as Professor and Dean at the
Helsinki University of Technology
(199197), Director of the Museum of
Finnish Architecture (197883), and
Rector of the Institute of Industrial
Arts (197071), Helsinki. He has
also held visiting professorships
in several universities in the USA.
Pallasmaa has received four honorary
doctrates and numerous awards.
Pallasmaas books include:
Understanding Architecture (in
collaboration with Robert McCarter),
London, 2012; Encounters 2;
Architectural Essays, Helsinki, 2012;
The Embodied Image: Imagination
and Imagery in Architecture, London,
2011; The Resonant Line: Biography
of Raimo Utriainen, Sculptor, Helsinki,
2011; Conversaciones con Alvar
Aalto, ed., Barcelona, 2010; The
Thinking Hand: Embodied and
Existential Wisdom in Architecture,
London, 2009; Encounters 1:
Architectural Essays, Helsinki, 2005;
The Architecture of Image: Existential
Space in Cinema, Helsinki, 2001;
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture
and the Senses, London, 1996 and
2005, and; Animal Architecture,
Helsinki, 1995 and 2002.
Keynote Speakers
Juhani Pallasmaa
Keynote Speakers
Liu Jiakun
Liu Jiakun, Founder and Chief
Architect of Jiakun Architects.
Liu Jiakun is the Founder and Chief
Architect of Jiakun Architects. His
projects have been selected into
many international exhibitions,
including Young Chinese Architects
Work Exhibition in Germany,
Contemporary Chinese Architecture
Exhibition in France, NAI China
Contemporary Architecture in
the Netherlands, International
Architecture Exhibition in Russia,
and International Architecture
Exhibition in Venice Biennale.
The numerous honors and awards
he has received include the Honor
Prize of the 7th ARCASIA, Chinese
Architecture & Art Prize 2003,
Architectural Record Magazine
China Awards, Far East Award in
Architecture, and Architectural
Design Award from Architectural
Society of China. His design works
have been widely published in the
magazines and books such as A+U,
AV, Area, Domus, AR, GA, MADE
IN CHINA, etc. He has also lectured
at various international institutions
such as MIT, Royal Academy of
Arts, Palais de Chaillot in Paris,
and many universities in China.
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
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Mr. Roger Tyrrell
Principal Lecturer, University of Portsmouth School of Architecture. UK
Co-Director Jrn Utzon Research Network
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Aalborg, Department of
Architecture, Design and Media Technology
Mr. Adrian Carter
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Design and Media
Technology, University of Aalborg, Denmark
Co-Director Jrn Utzon Research Network (JURN)Director: Utzon
Research Center, Aalborg. Denmark
Visiting Research Fellow: University of Portsmouth
(UK) School of Architecture. UK
Professor Lorraine Farrelly
Professor of Architecture and Design and Director of Research, University
of Portsmouth (UK) School of Architecture
Jrn Utzon Research Network (JURN) Steering Group Member
Scientifc Committee
Professor Poul Henning Kirkegaard
Department of Civil Engineering, Division for Structures, Materials
and Geotechnics, The University of Aalborg, Denmark
Professor Bruce Judd
Director, Australian School of Architecture and Design. Built
Environment. University of New South Wales. Australia
Dr. Fabiano Lemes De Oliveira
Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth (UK) School of Architecture. UK
Ms. Belinda Mitchell
Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth. UK
Professor Alec Tzannes
Dean, Built Environment. University of New South Wales. Australia
Director: Tzannes Associates, Sydney, Australia
Ms. Anne Warr
PhD candidate, Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Architect, Author and Critic
Professor Xing Ruan
Director, Architecture Discipline, Built Environment, University of New
South Wales, Australia
Translator for Keynote address by Liu Jiakun
Integrated design solutions enabling
Utzons vision then and now
Mechanical Engineering
Lighting Design
Sustainable Design
Electrical Engineering
Hong Kong
New York
Scientifc Committee
Utzon Symposium
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Utzon Symposium
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Program Schedule
Friday 7 March
Friday 7 March
Date/Time Detail Location
Registration Utzon Room
8:45am 9:00am
Opening of Symposium
by Dean, Professor Alec Tzannes, UNSW
Built Environment and Louise Herron
AM, CEO, Sydney Opera House
Utzon Room
9:00am - 10:15am
Keynote: Vishaan Charkrabati
10:15am 10:30am Morning Tea Utzon Room
10:30am 11:45pm
Session 1
3 presentations
Utzon Room
11:45am 1:20pm
Session 2
4 presentations
Utzon Room
1:20pm 2:20pm
Lunch at Opera Kitchen Lower Concourse,
Sydney Opera House
2:20pm 3:30pm
Industry Session
Kenneth Woolley
Adjunct Professor, The University of Sydney
Not All Problems Have Solutions. A Little History
Richard Leplastrier
Some things that need to be said
Contributions will also be made by
Joseph Skrzynski AO
Chairman of SBS Board of Directors
Former Chairman of Sydney Opera House Trust
Utzon Room
3:30pm 3:40pm Afternoon Tea Utzon Room
Program Schedule
Friday 7 March
Saturday 8 March
3:40pm 5:15pm
Session 3
4 presentations
Utzon Room
5:15pm 6:30pm
Session 4
3 presentations
Utzon Room
Saturday 8 March
Date/Time Detail Location
8:30am 9:30am
Session 1
3 presentations
Utzon Room
9:30am 11:00am
Industry Session 1
Materials Technology
Session co-ordinated by the Australian Institute of
Architects NSW Chapter, Heritage Committee
Speakers include:
Donald Ellsmore
University of Melbourne, APT Convenor, Australasia Chapter
The Challenge of Conserving Modern
Trevor Waters
Director, Waterstone
Sydney Opera House Analysis and Cleaning of the Concrete
David Burdon
NSW Government Architects Offce
The development of glass curtain walls at the NSW
Government Architects Offce 1955-1965
Peter Myers
THEN and NOW or Can We Complete Jrn Utzons Sydney Opera House?
Tim Womack
Senior Associate, Arup
Chifey Square, Sydney: Replication of Porcelain
Enamelled Faade Cladding?
Anne Watson
Architect and PhD candidate, Sydney University
Those Mad, Big Windows: The Dilemma of the Northern Glass Walls
11:00am 11:15am Morning Tea Utzon Room
11:15am 12:30pm
Keynote: Juhani Pallasmaa
Utzon Room
12:30pm 1:30pm Lunch at Opera Kitchen Lower Concourse,
Sydney Opera House
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Utzon Symposium
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1:30pm 1:50pm
Industry Session 2
Emeritus Professor Brit Andresen
The University of Queensland
1:50pm 3:05pm
Session 2
3 presentations
Utzon Room
3:05pm 4:20pm
Session 3
3 presentations
Utzon Room
4:20pm 4:30pm Afternoon Tea Utzon Room
4:30pm 5:45pm
Session 4
2 presentations
1 presentation
Utzon Room
5:45pm 6:30pm
Session 5
2 presentations
1 presentation
Utzon Room
Sunday 9 March
Date/Time Detail Location
9:00am 10:15am
Keynote: Liu Jiakun
Utzon Room
10:15am - 11:30am
Session 1
3 presentations
Utzon Room
11:30am 11:45pm Morning Tea Utzon Room
11:45pm 1:15pm
Session 2
3 presentations
Utzon Room
1:15pm 2:15pm Lunch at Opera Kitchen Lower Concourse,
Sydney Opera House
Program Schedule
Saturday 8 March
Sunday 9 March
Program Schedule
Sunday 9 March
As leaders in the built environment
since 1962, AMP Capital has the answers.
AMP Capital is proud to be part of the UNSW
Built Environment Utzon Symposium. With
over 50 years experience of helping to build
cities, well be delighted to share what we know.
ACI0127_148x52.5mm_UNSW_Press Ad.indd 1 3/03/14 12:28 PM
2:15pm 3:30pm
Session 3
2 presentations
1 presentation
Utzon Room
3:30pm 3:40pm Afternoon Tea
3:40pm 4:55pm
Session 4
3 presentations
Utzon Room
5.00pm 5.15pm
Industry Session
Richard Hough
Principal, Arup, Sydney
What Would Utzon do Now with Wood
Utzon Room
5:15pm 6:00pm
Panel Discussion Utzon Room
6:15pm 7:30pm
Film: Autopsy on a Dream
1968 flm directed by John Weiley
about Danish architect Jrn Utzons
masterpiece, the Sydney Opera House
Utzon Room
8:00pm Symposium Dinner O Bar and Dining
Level 47, Australia
Square/264 George
St, Sydney
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
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Theme: Practice
Improved cost performance through more effective management
of uncertainty
Sidney Newton, University of New South Wales, Australia
Interpretation of Utzon design principles for the integration of technology
and services
Dan Mackenzie, Steensen Varming, Australia
An icon recreated: Integration of BIM into design and management of
architectural building services
Roland Towning and Christopher Lock, Steensen Varming, Australia
Understanding Utzons works through 360 degree photography
John E. Kroll, Architect and photographer, Denmark
Visions of an interactive Utzon archive: Tangible, visual and interactive
experiences of Utzon works
Liselott Stenfeldt, Aarhus University, Denmark and
Kaj Grnbk, Alexandra Institute, Denmark
An empirical typology of cost overrun in infrastructure projects by using
cluster analysis
Fahad Saud A. Allahaim, PhD Candidate, and
Li Liu, The University of Sydney, Australia
Building a universal design legacy: What might Utzon do differently?
Catherine Bridge, University of New South Wales, Australia
Greg Killeen, Spinal Cord Injuries Australia and
Satoshi Kose, Shizuoka University, Japan
Theme: Architectural Theory
Utzons beautiful ideas: An antidote to the Australian ugliness?
Adrian Carter, Aalborg University, Denmark
The Utzon paradigm: A humane, transcultural, tectonic and innovative
approach within contemporary architecture
Adrian Carter, Aalborg University, Denmark and
Roger Tyrrell, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Design process and suitability: Utzons courtyard houses
Johan Nielsen, Campus Sint-Lucas (Luca), Belgium
Semiotics as a guide for architectural formation
M. Salim Ferwati, Qatar University, Qatar
The Jorn Utzon architectural paradigm and the emerging world
design experience
Caitlin de Berigny Wall, University of Sydney, Australia, and
Majdi Faleh, PhD Candidate, the University of Western Australia, Australia
Of cabinet-making, wrestling, and coincidence: Speculations upon a theory
of critical non-theory in architecture and possibly beyond
Roger Tyrrell, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Would Utzon Really Want to be Modern? Musings arising from Utzons
own houses
Xing Ruan, University of New South Wales, Australia
Theme: Conservation, Urban Conservation and
Conservation of Contemporary Heritage
Excavating Utzon
Lise Juel, Royal Academy of Architecture Copenhagen, Denmark
Utzon Symposium
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Sydney Opera House practical conservation management tools
Sheridan Burke, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee
on Twentieth Century Heritage, GML Heritage, Sydney
The city of the future: Containing the past
Anne Warr, University of New South Wales, Australia
Theme: Tectonics
Setting the record straight
Gerard Reinmuth, University of Technology, Sydney
Optimizing fabric concrete casting techniques through digital simulation
and fabrication
Jon Krhling Engholt Andersen, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark
Form and performance: Daylight as a generator of design in Jorn Utzons
Can Lis
Martin Schwartz, Lawrence Technological University, United States
Utzon and the sun path as an organizing element of life in a house
Miguel Angel Ruprez Escribano, Universidad
Politcnica De Madrid, Spain
A hybrid grid shell structure produced of digitally manufactured plywood
and concrete components
Dave Pigram, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, and
Ole Egholm Pedersen and Niels Martin Larsen,
Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark
Concrete ambitions for Sydney
Paola Favaro, University of New South Wales, Australia
Roots of performance: Aided design in Jrn Utzons design principles
Dario Parigi, Aalborg University, Denmark
A different kind of industrial design: The natural point of arrival of Utzons
innovation strategies
Paolo Tombesi, University of Melbourne, Australia
Theme: Landscape
Varying winds, varying waves: Nature and/or landscape in Utzon and Aalto
John Roberts, University of Newcastle, Australia
Theme: Performance Design
Layers of Meaning: Extracting theatricality from Utzons
Sydney Opera House
Simon Dwyer, PhD Candidate, CQ University, Australia
The Sydney Opera House as influent: A case study in yield of cultural
capital from community initiative
Bob Perry, Scott Carver, Australia
Theme: Sustainability
The Sydney Opera House: A sustainability rating test case?
Paul Osmond, University of New South Wales, Australia
Theme: Transcultural Infuence
Utzon and Moneo: A critical conversation
Catherine Lassen, University of New South Wales, Australia
Utzons influence in contemporary Spanish architecture
Jaime J. Ferrer Fores, Universitat Politcnica
de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain
Travels as a form of study
Line Nrskov Eriksen, PhD Candidate, University
of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Following Utzons footsteps in Hawaii: From the north shore of Oahu to the
Bagsvrd church in Denmark
Marja Sarvimki, University Of Hawaii, United States
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
Utzon Symposium
79 March 2014
26 27
A more vivid China for Utzon: In the case of Shazi
Mengbi Li, PhD Candidate, University of New South Wales, Australia
Transcultural analogies and metaphors: Utzons other China
Glenn Harper, PTW Architects, Australia
Theme: Place and Identity
Engagement with place: Utzons approach to sustainability and the
sense of place
Jan Fugl, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark
Respecting the place-scape of Utzons opera house: Have we even tried?
Joan Domicelj, Australia
Theme: Urbanism
Urban design and sustainability on Sydneys western front
Cleveland Rose, Cleveland Rose Design, Australia
The changing face of our cities: A spotlight on Sydney
James Rosenwax, AECOM Australia
Creating a better urban environment in Sydney: The civic design society of
the University of New South Wales 1962-1982
Robert Freestone, University of New South Wales, Australia
The Emerging City Workscape: Propositions for Sydney
Andrew Laing and Sue Wittenoom, AECOM Australia
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