Testing Opt-Out/refusal Guide For: VERMONT Form Completed by United Opt Out Admin

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State by state template created by UOO, http://unitedoptout.

Testing opt-out/refusal guide for: VERMONT
Form completed by United Opt Out Admin
Contact information (email) [email protected]
and Susan Ohanian [email protected]
List of Assessments
According to the Vermont Agency o Education!
As a result of the adoption of Common Core State Standards and Next
eneration Science Standards and the de!elopment of ne"
assessments to measure student achie!ement of those standards, the
A#ency of $ducation %AO$& has "or'ed "ith an internal and external
#roup to de!elop the 20132014 Standards and Assessment
Implementation Guide. (his #uide builds on the pre!ious Common Core
State Standards Implementation Guide and attempts to coordinate
these !arious state)"ide e*orts.
20132014 Standards and Assessment Implementation
AO$+s #uide for Common Core State Standards %CCSS&, Next
eneration Science Standards %NSS&, Smarter ,alanced
Assessment %S,AC Assessments& System, and -ynamic .earnin#
/aps %-./&.0

Dynamic Learning Maps
Vermont has "oined the #ynamic $earning Maps %#$M& Alternate Assessment
'onsortium %() states! *o+a, -ansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ne+ .ersey,
North 'arolina, O/lahoma, Utah, Virginia, 0ashington, 0est Virginia, and 0isconsin&.
The #$M 'onsortium is developing the #ynamic $earning Maps Alternate Assessment
system, a computer12ased assessment or the (3 o the -1(4 pu2lic school student
population +ith signiicant cognitive disa2ilities or +hom, even +ith accommodations,
general state assessments are not appropriate. *t +ill 2e implemented during the 45(61
45(7 school year.
The #$M system is designed to map a student8s learning throughout the year. The system
+ill use items and tas/s that are em2edded in day1to1day instruction. *n this +ay, testing
happens as part o instruction9An end o the year assessment +ill 2e created or states
This is not a legal document. *t is or inormational purposes only.
Template revised August 45(6.
State by state template created by UOO, http://unitedoptout.com
that +ant to include a summative test in addition to the instructionally em2edded
system9 Every student +ho is participating in an alternate assessment in each o the (6
consortium states +ill 2e re:uired to participate in the ;irst 'ontact Survey. This survey
has 2een designed to compile student data that +ill eventually assist in the completion o
the online alternate a
<uestions a2out #$M can 2e directed to!
'indy Moran, Alternate Assessment =rogram 'oordinator, VT AOE
[email protected] or %>54& >4>15?6? or
.oanne @ode/, #irector o Educational Support Systems, SAS#
"gode/@s2schools.net or %>54& ?741B)C4
=er http!DDeducation.vermont.govDdocumentsDE#U1

MA!T"! #alanced Assessment Consortium
Vermont is one o 4> mem2er o the SMARTER Aalanced Assessment 'onsortium
+hich +ill produce ne+ tests or English $anguage ArtsD$iteracy and Mathematics that
+ill 2e ully aligned +ith the 'ommon 'ore State Standards, and use state o the art
'omputer Adaptive Testing and accessi2ility technologies.
SBAC will result in a fully computerized testing system.
pecial considerations for t$e abo%e assessments
Vermont does not appear to re:uire testing or graduation or use it as the 2asis or
&rocedures for opt-out/refusal
See statement rom the Vermont Education Agency regarding the potential eects o
testing reusal.
This section includes inormation on speciic la+s, statutes, and procedures, including
loopholes, eFceptions, alternatives, and potential conse:uences.
Accordin# to: http://education.!ermont.#o!/documents/$-U)
The term opt1out in relation to assessment does not appear any+here in la+ and.
thereore, even i contemplated 2y a local school administrator or local school 2oard
policy, it +ould 2e considered Gparent reusalH under these rules. Aecause parent reusal
is not among the valid assessment eFemptions, such occurrence +ill result in a score o
This is not a legal document. *t is or inormational purposes only.
Template revised August 45(6.
State by state template created by UOO, http://unitedoptout.com
Iero or calculating the school8s Ade:uate Jearly =rogress %AJ=& *ndeF, and the student
+ill 2e considered a non1participant'/
(rgency for opt-out/refusal
0hile VT is not currently %as o summer 45(6& a Ghigh sta/es testingH state, the reasons
and need to opt out are as important to all our children as it is or all other states'
*s not scientiically12ased and ails to ollo+ the U.S. @overnmentLs o+n data on
;osters test driven education that is not meeting the individualDintellectual needs
o students.
=resents a racial and economic 2ias that is 2eneicial to +hite middleDupper class
students and detrimental to second language students, impoverished students, and
students o color.
*s in opposition to the corrective action in gaps in opportunity and resources
sanctioned 2y the ;iscal ;airness Act.
Supports complicity o corporate interests rather than democracy 2ased on pu2lic
;osters coercion over cooperation +ith regards to ederal unding or pu2lic
=romotes a culture o lying, cheating, and eFploitation +ithin the school
Kas used the achievement gap to oster a Gde actoH segregation that has resulted
in separate and une:ual education or minorities.

Additionally, data collection o studentLs private inormation cannot 2e guaranteed
security or that it +ill not 2e a2used in some +ay 2y third party entities.

As 'ommon 'ore is implemented, the num2er o tests and test1centric activities +ill
increase dramatically. $o+Dpoor test scores, +hich are li/ely to occur +ith more
re:uency +ith 'ommon 'ore, +ill 2e used to ire teachers, replace human interaction
+ith the internet Dtechnology driven activities %even in elementary schools&, and close
community pu2lic schools and replace them +ith or1proit charter schools.
ample language to include in opt-out/refusal
This is not a legal document. *t is or inormational purposes only.
Template revised August 45(6.
State by state template created by UOO, http://unitedoptout.com

* am +riting on 2ehal o EEEEE to opt himDher out o the %test name&. KeDshe is neither
permitted to ta/e the eFam during mandated testing days nor during designated ma/e1up
sessions. 0hile there is no Gopt outH clause in Vermont, * am reusing that my child
participate in the aorementioned tests.
Additionally, * am re:uesting that the school ma/e accommodations or meaningul
alternative activities or assignments that +ill continue to promote hisDher academic and
intellectual gro+th. My child +ill not 2e in attendance i academically via2le alternatives
are not availa2le. ;urthermore, * must 2e guaranteed in +riting that +hatever option is
ta/en, either alternative assignments or a2sence, my child +ill not ace any negative
conse:uences to, or eFample, course grades, social or 2ehavioral evaluations, +or/load,
promotion, or uture classroom assignments.

Strict adherence to state and ederal standardiIed testing, including the eFtensive
classroom preparation that occurs prior to test administration, prevents my child rom
receiving a +ell1rounded and engaging educational eFperience. Until ocus on testa2le
s/ills diminishes to a reasona2le eFtent, * +ill continue to +ithhold my child rom
participation in the testing program, and * as/ that you honor that decision.

* do apologiIe in advance or the inconvenience or scrutiny that this decision may cause
the administration, the school, and sta.


!esources and organi0ations
;or more inormation on Assessment, Accounta2ility and Student *normation!
Susan Ohanian http!DD+++.susanohanian.orgD
tate specific 1atc$-list
Additional or miscellaneous information
Nothing availa2le at this time.
This is not a legal document. *t is or inormational purposes only.
Template revised August 45(6.

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