The document provides information about the Sunday worship services and announcements at Cedar Church on August 10, 2014. It includes details about the morning and evening sermons, Sunday school, an upcoming bike hike, the church picnic, and women's ministry relaunch. It also shares a missions update and thanks the congregation for their support.
The document provides information about the Sunday worship services and announcements at Cedar Church on August 10, 2014. It includes details about the morning and evening sermons, Sunday school, an upcoming bike hike, the church picnic, and women's ministry relaunch. It also shares a missions update and thanks the congregation for their support.
The document provides information about the Sunday worship services and announcements at Cedar Church on August 10, 2014. It includes details about the morning and evening sermons, Sunday school, an upcoming bike hike, the church picnic, and women's ministry relaunch. It also shares a missions update and thanks the congregation for their support.
The document provides information about the Sunday worship services and announcements at Cedar Church on August 10, 2014. It includes details about the morning and evening sermons, Sunday school, an upcoming bike hike, the church picnic, and women's ministry relaunch. It also shares a missions update and thanks the congregation for their support.
The Lords Day August 10, 2014 The Lords Day August 10, 2014
Ecclesiastes The Search for Meaning * denotes standing Prelude Welcome& Announcements........................................Pastor SteveIgo Congregational Greeting ................................ ThePassing of thePeace
The Living God Calls Us to Worship ........................... Call to Worship
We Enter Into Gods Presence In Song* .............................................. To God Be the Glory, Hymn 55 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach
God Speaks to Us In Scripture .................................................................. 1 Kings 1:28-40
We Respond in Consecration In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assuranceof Pardon In Song* ... Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It, Hymn 701 (v. 1 & 3) In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* .............................................................. Speak, O Lord, Insert
God Feeds Us In Scripture ..................................................................... Ecclesiastes 1 In Sermon ............................................................ VAIN REPETITION
We Respond in Commitment ............................... Prayer of Application In Song* ....................................... Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Hymn 32 In Giving ...................................................... Tithes & Special Offering (a) General Fund & (b) Benevolent Offering for LOVE INC.
God Blesses Us .................................................................... Benediction Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God, Hymn 11 (verse1 only)
Now blessed be the Lord our God, the God of Israel, For he alone does wondrous works in glory that excel.
Postlude Queens NY Mission Trip Report ............................ Cedar Youth Group
EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE 5:30 P.M. Seeking to Save the Lost * denotes standing Prelude Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook
The Living God Summons Us ....................................... Call to Worship
We Enter Into Gods Presence In Song* ...................... O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Hymn 164 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach
God Welcomes Us In Scripture ...................................................................... Isaiah 61:1-3
We Respond in Consecration In Prayer ......................... Prayer of Confession & Assuranceof Pardon In Song* .................................. I Will Sing of My Redeemer, Hymn 650
God Feeds Us In Scripture ....................................................................... Mark 5:1-20 In Sermon ........................................ SEEKING TO SAVE THE LOST Pastor Chris Post
We Respond in Commitment ............................... Prayer of Application In Song* ...................How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, Hymn 647
Gods & Our Communion Meal ...............................TheLords Supper In Giving ...................................................... Tithes & Special Offering (a) General Fund & (b) Benevolent Offering for LOVE INC. In Song ........... O Zion, Haste Your Mission High Fulfilling, Hymn 444
God Blesses Us* ................................................................... Benediction Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross, Hymn 264 (Refrain Only)
In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
The Lords Day August 10, 2014 The Lords Day August 10, 2014 TODAY
Welcome to Cedar Church! This morning, Pastor Steve begins a sermon series called Ecclesiastes: The Search for Meaning. In the evening we welcome Pastor Chris Post as he brings us the message fromGods Word. We will also celebrate the Lords Supper in the evening service. Wine is placed in the center & middle of the tray and grape juice on the outside ring.
11:00 AM - Sunday School 5:30 PM Evening Service
Saturday Bike Hike with Pastor Ken @ 9AM Clean Water Plant
This Sundays Benevolent Offering - Our benevolent offering will be received today during both services for Love In the Name of Christ. Love INC works to support Christians in bringing God's love and care into our communities by mobilizing churches to meet the unmet needs of individuals and families.
Todays Morning Sermon Series Today, Pastor Steve begins an AM sermon series entitled, Ecclesiastes - The Search for Meaning. Join usas we wrestle with the meaning of life as 'it really is and look at the futilities of life fromGod's high and wise perspective.
Next Weeks Evening Sermon Series - Next Sunday evening, Pastor Steve begins a PM sermon series called We are Family, a series inspired by our recent elder retreat. This coming year, by Gods grace and help, Cedar session aims to see our church-wide practice of friendship, fellowship and hospitality be so enlarged by the Holy Spirit, that He radically draws people nearer to Christ, vitalizes our love for his means of grace, and immerses us in an agape/love family- like-free-for-all that sounds the alarmof gospel grace, victory, and power. Please pray for the Spirits unction upon this vital mission and message.
Sunday School Reminder The summer quarter of Sunday school concludes today. Autumn quarter will begin Sunday, September 14.
Bike Hike with Pastor Ken This Saturday, August 16 is the date of the next Cedar Bike Ride, beginning at 9:00 am. This ride, for teens and adults, will be a 15 mile loop through the Kent Trails and MillenniumPark. If you have any questions please contact Ken Smith. We will meet at the Clean Water Plant, just off Baldwin Street in Jenison. Be sure to sign up today.
Church Picnic The annual Church Picnic is schedule for August 23, 4:30-7 p.m. at the Allendale Community Park (located behind the Township Office, 6676 Lake Michigan Dr., Allendale). Fried Chicken, beverages and place settings provided. To help with planning please sign up today.
20142015 Cedar Womens Ministry This September, we are excited that our Cedar Womens Ministry will relaunch for the new year. Are you interested in using your gifts, skills and passions to serve our church family here at Cedar? If so, please speak with coordinator Joan Broene, as we make plans for our annual September planning meeting.
Interested in Church Membership at Cedar? Pastor Steve will hold a membership seminar Wednesday, September 3rd, from7- 8:30 PM for anyone interested in learning more about church membership at Cedar. Please register through our Connection Cards, or speak to Pastor Steve.
Puritan Reformed Conference - Please consider attending the 2014 Puritan Reformed conference, The Beauty & Glory of Christs Bride, August 21 - 23. This conference will be held at the beautiful Prince Conference Center (1800 East Beltline Ave., GR, MI) and will feature speakers Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Gerald Bilkes, TimGeiger, Conrad Mbewe, David Murray, and William VanDoodewaard. For more information or to register go to
The Lords Day August 10, 2014 The Lords Day August 10, 2014 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS
Simply Give - The Jenison Meijer Store will be doing their Simply Give campaign August 3 September 27 that will benefit the Hudsonville Love INC food pantries. Customers can pick up their Simply Give card at Love INC, Loves Treasures, the Outback Store, or the Jenison Meijer and take it to the Jenison Meijer cashier. They will scan the card (as many times as you like) and you will be donating $10 per card to benefit the Love INC food pantries. Meijer will provide matching funds to provide further support. September 4 6 will feature Double Match Days when Meijer will provide $20 for every $10 donation, resulting in $30 donation to the Love INC food pantries. Your donation will be greatly appreciated!
Grocery Bags Needed Jehovah J ireh is in need of plastic grocery bags to help with the distribution of food. Please call J im at 895-1570 for more information.
Dear Cedar Church:
By the time you receive this update Summer Training Project 2014 will have ended and all of the students will have returned home. I'll likewise be back in the area for a short while before I head back to MSU. I want to say again how thankful I amfor all the love and support you've shown me, and for your willingness to partner in this ministry! Know for certain that this project has been a means by God has worked in the hearts and lives of the students here to bring about the obedience of faith. It's been an exciting thing to see the other students growing in the faith and see them apply the truth of the gospel to their everyday lives. My prayer is that these experiences would be used by God to further the gospel on the college campus and anywhere else he would have us go. Thank you for love to us in the gospel!
InChrist, Benjamin Van Dyke
The Lords Day August 10, 2014 The Lords Day August 10, 2014 WELCOME TO CEDAR!
Weareglad yourehere. As a church family, weredelighted you havejoined us for worship today. Below you will find some information to help you during our Sunday services. If you need any assistance, please ask one of our ushers for help.
Worship Service Cedar Church strives to enjoy God through Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered worship. The Bible is sincerely loved, and we hope that you will find it opened up to you in a fresh and faithful manner each Sunday.
Nursery Childcare is available near the entrance of the gymnasium for children 0-3 years old, but children of all ages are always welcome in the worship service.
Coffee Break After the morning worship, please join us in the gymfor coffee and refreshments.
Kids Break After morning worship, all kids (Preschool thru 6th grade) are invited to the orchestra roomfor snacks and fun songs.
Sunday School From11 12pm, Cedar Church offers classes for all ages. Visitors are especiallywelcome!
*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *
Shepherding Districts David Van Dyke/TomDykema A-B Craig Baker/JimKnott/Terry Holstege C-G Bill Grysen/Paul Sprik H-O Ted Himebook/DuaneSaxton P-Z
Womens Ministry Coordinator: J oan Broene
We offer the following classes:
SPECIAL REMINDERS TODAY NEXT WEEK Greeters Knott/ T. Entingh Van Dyke/DeWent Accompanist A.M. Accompanist P.M. Rachel Himebook Rachel Himebook Bonnie Boeve Megan Himebook Nursery A.M.
Nursery Sun. Sch.
Nursery PM
Sarah Johnson Meagan Entingh Alaina Post Peg Smith Allison Benczkowski Corrie Post Brittany DeWent Jen denHollander Heidi Kooienga Kiersten Holstege N/A N/A Lynn Igo Cassidy Baker Fellowship Snack
Childrens Snack Nella Kortman Joan Broene Tammy Holstege Mindy Weiss Corrie Post Carla Baker Sharon Elzinga Ruthie Scaturro Church Set-Up Sun. Foreman AM Sun. Foreman PM Ushers
Knott/T. Entingh TomDykema Jon Mulder Matt Grysen David Stanley Van Dyke/DeWent TomDykema Jon Mulder TomDykema Terry Holstege Youth Group Meal Class Age Teacher/Location Toddler 2-3 PamHimebook Central Hallway Preschool & K 4K Sheila Rostvedt West Classroom Younger Elementary 1 st 3 rd