Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
9:30 A.M.
* denotes standing
5:30 P.M.
* denotes standing
Welcome & Announcements........................................Pastor Steve Igo Congregational Greeting ................................ The Passing of the Peace
Prelude Welcome & Announcements .......................................... Pastor Steve Igo We Enter Into Gods Presence...................................... Call to Worship In Song* ........................... It Came upon the Midnight Clear, Hymn 200 Choir ............................. Joy to the World! (with The Heavens Declare) Choir .... Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring (with Come Thou Long Expected Jesus) Choir ...........................And the Glory of the Lord (with The First Noel) The First Noel (please sing when directed)
The first Noel the angel did say, Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay. In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winters night that was so deep. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the king of Israel.
God Speaks to Us In Scripture ...................................................................... John 14:7-11 A Homily.............................................................. Is Seeing Believing? A Giving ................................................................. Tithes & Offerings We Celebrate Gods Grace Choir .......................... O Come, All Ye Faithful (with Sleepers, Awake) Choir ......... For Unto Us a Child is Born (with Hark the Herald Angels Sing) All*....................................... Good Christian Men, Rejoice, Hymn 207
We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer .............................................. Prayer of Confession & Petition
God Feeds Us
In Scripture ...................................................................... Luke 1:67-79 In Sermon ..................... ZECHARIAHS SONG THE BENEDICTUS
God Blesses Us ........................................................... Benediction O Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Hymn 211 (Chorus Only) O Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy. O tidings of comfort and joy.
TODAY Welcome! This morning, Pastor Steve continues his advent sermon series entitled, The Songs of Christmas. In the evening service, we will enjoy our annual Christmas Cantata called Classic Noels. Our evening homily will be entitled, Is Seeing Truly Believing? 11:00 AM India Missions Report Teachers Lounge 4:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 5:30 PM Christmas Cantata Classic Noels 7:00 PM Youth Group @ Igos THIS WEEK Wednesday Ladies Bible Study @ 9:30 AM Kortman Home OFFERINGS Benevolent Offering - Thank you for your generous giving. $596.52 was received for the Lakeshore Pregnancy Center last Sunday. Next Sunday, our benevolent offering will be designated for the Cedars Deacon Fund. Currently this fund is at $3929.20. The deacons have set a goal of $5,000.00 for this fund in order to have adequate resources available to help those in need. ANNOUNCEMENTS Missions Report After morning worship, we invite you to hear Deacon Duane Saxtons presentation about his recent trip to India. Please meet in the teachers lounge at 11 AM to hear about the exciting things God is doing in the nation of India. Classic Noel Christmas Cantata Tonight Please join the Cedar Choir and narrator Bill Grysen as we present Classic Noels tonight at 5:30 PM. Classical masterworks will be blended with favorite Christmas carols and biblical narrative to create a rich tapestry of music for Christmas worship. Our service will include a holiday homily by Pastor Steve as well congregational singing. Please join us! Youth Group Tonight, the Cedar Church youth group is invited to the Igo home for a special Christmas gathering. Please see one of the youth leaders if you need transportation.
The Lords Day December 15, 2013
ANNOUNCEMENTS A Christmas Luncheon Thank You Last week, 128 people attended our Christmas Luncheon worship service. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful for our childrens choir, young musicians, senior high servers, ladies fellowship, and everyone who participated by inviting friends and serving all of our guests! May God bless all who came with the gospel of Christ and the spirit in which it was shared! Reception of New Members Cedar session is pleased to announce that we will receive Sarah Johnson as a new member of Cedar Church on Sunday morning, December 29th. The ministerial credentials of her husband, the Rev. Larry Johnson, currently reside with the United Reformed Churches in North America. Soli Deo Gloria! Holiday Break Due to the holiday season, there will be no Sunday School classes until January 19. Midweek Ministries resume on January 22. Women's Coordinator Meeting - All womens coordinators are invited to Joan Broene's home for check up on Tuesday, January 14. Please plan to suggestions, questions and reports on what is going hour long meeting will begin at 7pm. committee a mid-year attend with well. This
Cadet Snow Derby - January 18 is the date for this year's annual Snow Derby. Cadets be sure to be there for this fun day of competition with other area cadet groups! Cadet Father/Son Campout - February 28 - March 1 the Cadets and their sons are invited to campout in the heated lodge on the Cadet Council Campground. Good food, good fun and good fellowship. See Tom Dykema for more information. Severe Weather Policy - In the event of a winter storm, the session will contact the congregation by phone if the service is cancelled. You can also check WoodTV8 for any church cancellations.
The Lords Day December 15, 2013
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Bible Class Leaders Needed - Love INC is looking for volunteers to teach Bible studies to clients enrolled in the LOVING HELP Budget Program. The program runs year-round and in 4-week terms. Studies can last from 4 weeks long or up to 8 weeks. They are 1-hour per week commitment on Thursday evenings plus prep time. You can commit to one 4-week term, multiple terms in a row, or intermittent terms throughout the year. Topics and lessons vary and staff is open to suggestions. If you are looking to serve and have a passion for teaching Gods Word, please call or email Corrie Krol at 616.662.3300x118 [email protected] for more information. Transportation Ministry Love Inc could use more on-call volunteer drivers. (This is a flexible ministry opportunity.) Contact Corrie at [email protected] or 616-662-3300 ext 118 if you would like more information or if you have questions. Volunteers Needed Love INCs Outback and Sorting Warehouse needs additional volunteers. If you enjoy greeting people and organizing items, this could be a fulfilling half day or full day opportunity for you. Find out more at Love INC 616-6623300 and ask for Corrie, ext 118.
Hearing assist units are available from the soundmen located at the left side of the auditorium. Please feel free to ask for one. Bibles and hymnals are available on a cart at the back of the auditorium. For the benefit of those who would like to hear the service while caring for a little one, we have a cry room equipped with speakers located in the Teachers Lounge across the hall from the gym. You are welcome to use this as needed. If you are new to Cedar, please stop by our literature table in the foyer for more information about Cedar and a gift for you. Please take time to let us know more about you by filling out the connection card included in the bulletin and placing it in the offering plate.
WELCOME TO CEDAR CHURCH! Were glad youre here. As a church family, we are delighted you have joined us for worship today. Below you will find some information to help you during our Sunday services. If you need any assistance, please ask one of our greeters for help. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Cedar Church strives to enjoy God through Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered worship. The Bible is sincerely loved, and we hope that you will find it opened up to you in a fresh and faithful manner each Sunday. A NURSERY is available near the entrance of the gymnasium, but children are always welcome in the worship service. COFFEE BREAK After the morning worship, please join us in the gym for coffee and refreshments. KIDS BREAK After morning worship, all kids (Preschool thru 6th grade) are invited to the orchestra room for snacks and fun songs with Mrs. Himebook. SUNDAY SCHOOL From 11am - 12pm, Cedar Church offers classes for all ages. Visitors are especially welcome to join us! Class
Toddler Preschool & K Early Elementary Middle Elementary Older Elementary
Childrens Snack Church Set-Up Sun. Foreman AM Sun. Foreman PM Wed. Foreman Ushers Youth Group Meal
TODAY Sprik/Arnold/Elzinga Christina Hartwell Christina Hartwell Angie Dykema Kailyn Baum Alaina Post N/A N/A Rebecca Van Dyke Lydia Igo Peggy Smith Carla Baker Stacey Faber Corrie Post Sprik/Arnold/Elzinga Paul Sprik Tom Dykema Tom Dykema Matt Grysen Todd Entingh Igo
NEXT WEEK Grysen/Dykema Caryn Baker Megan Himebook Carla Baker Cayte Baker Kiersten Holstege N/A N/A Joan Broene Heidi Kooienga Sharon Elzinga Irene Potter Kelsey Stanley Elisabeth Knott Grysen/Dykema Paul Sprik Tom Dykema Tom Dykema Tim DeWent Terry Holstege
*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ * Jr. High Sr. High
Numbers Bible Study
Rachel Himebook & Dawn DeWent Cathy Postmus Christina Hartwell Paul & Diana Sprik Marc Scaturro & Michael Durant Chris Post Bill & Deb Grysen Larry Johnson Deb Kooienga Craig Baker
Orchestra Room
Pastor: Steve Igo Associate Pastor: Mick Knierim Pastoral Intern: Micah Shin Shepherding Districts Mick Knierim/Tom Dykema A-E Craig Baker/Jim Knott F-H Bill Grysen/Paul Sprik I-P Ted Himebook/Duane Saxton Q-Z Womens Ministry Coordinator: Joan Broene