Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M

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The Lords Day June 15, 2014 The Lords Day June 15, 2014


Glory to God, Im Presbyterian
* denotes standing
Welcome& Announcements........................................Pastor SteveIgo
Congregational Greeting ................................ ThePassing of thePeace

The Living God Calls Us to Worship .................. Call to Worship

We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ...................... All Creatures of Our God and King, Hymn 115
In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

God Speaks to Us
In Scripture ....................................................................... Revelation 4

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assuranceof Pardon
In Song* ................................. Let Us Praise God Together, Hymn 659
In Confessing Our Faith* .................................. Apostles Creed, p. 845
In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer

God Feeds Us
In Scripture ............................................................ 1 Corinthians 14:40
In Sermon ..................... PRESBYTERIANS & ORDERLY WORSHIP

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application
In Song* .........................................God Himself Is with Us, Hymn 382
In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings

God Blesses Us ............................................. Doxology, Hymn 731

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy
Ghost. Amen.

Christs Church
* denotes standing
Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook

The Living God Summons Us .............................. Call to Worship

We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ..................... Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken, Hymn 345
In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

God Speaks to Us
In Scripture ............................................................. Zephaniah 3:14-20

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer of Confession & Assuranceof Pardon
In Song* ............................. Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands, Hymn 427

God Feeds Us
In Scripture .............................................................. Matthew 16:13-20
In Sermon ................................................................ MY CHURCH (1)
Micah Shin, Pastoral Intern

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application
In Song* ................................... Onward Christian Soldiers, Hymn 572
In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings
In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer
In Song* ................................................... We Rest on Thee, Hymn 449

God Blesses Us* ..........................................................Benediction
Gloria Patri, Hymn 735

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, amen.

The Lords Day June 15, 2014 The Lords Day June 15, 2014

Welcome to Cedar Church! This morning Pastor Steve continues
his sermon series called Glory to God, Im Presbyterian. In the
evening, our intern Micah Shin preaches a sermon fromMatthew
16 called My Church.

11:00 AM - Sunday School
5:30 PM Evening Service
7:00 PM Youth Mission Trip Training


Tuesday Young Adult Bible Study @ 7PM Hager Park
Tuesday Session Meeting @ 7PM Love Inc Offices
Friday Hike with Pastor Steve @ 7PM North Beach Park


Benevolent Offering - Thank you for your generous giving.
$297.00 was received for theHolland Rescue Mission last Sunday.
Next week our benevolent offering will be received for Cedars
Deacon Fund. Currently this fund is at $3,087.53. The deacons
have set a goal of $5,000.00 for this fund in order to have adequate
resources available to help those in need.


Outreach Opportunity - Meadow Springs OPC is seeking help
with their outreach on Saturday July 5th at Pinewood Park in
Kentwood. The outreach runs from10am-2pmand includes crafts,
games and stories geared for unbelievers. This park outreach will
be advertised at the Kentwood parade & carnival the day before. If
you would love to assist us in reaching the lost, please contact
Pastor Jerry at 455-5672.

Reception of New Members - Cedar session is pleased to
announce we will receive Ryan Mulder along with his children,
Paige and Luke, as members of Cedar Church by letter of transfer
fromHeritage NRC on Sunday morning, June 29th. We will also
receive KimDeMeester as a member of Cedar Church by letter of
transfer fromHeritage NRC that same day. Soli Deo Gloria!


Friday Night Hike with Pastor Steve Enjoy a beautiful hike
along the dunes and beach of Lake Michigan. On June 20, Pastor
Steve will be leading a hike through the North Ottawa Dunes.
Meet at North Beach Park (18775 N Shore Dr, Ferrysburg) at 7
p.m. to join this six mile hike, ending with a colorful sunset
provided by our Creator. Bring: Comfortable walking shoes,
water bottle, flashlight, bug spray.

Bike Hike With Pastor Ken - We are planning a family fun bike
ride, various lengths of ride are available. On June 28, we will
meet at the Clean Water Plant, just off Baldwin Street in Jenison at
10 a.m. The Kent Trail starts there, it is a very nice ride through
the woods alongside the Grand River, there are places to stop and
explore the river, or just enjoy the ride. If you ride the whole route
you will get in 8 miles, but you can make the route however long
or short you like. The whole ride is shaded, scenic, quiet and safe!
Sign up at the table today. If you have any questions please contact
Ken Smith.

Reserved Seating Please help our facility deacons by observing
the reserved seating signs on the final few rows! This special
seating is designed to help our families with young children,
visitors and latecomers have a pleasant and positive worship
experience with us each week at Cedar Church! -- In His Service,
Deacon TomDykema & Deacon Paul Sprik

The Lords Day June 15, 2014 The Lords Day June 15, 2014

Budget Coach/Mentor Trainings: Have you ever wanted to
know what is involved in being a Budget Mentor/Coach through
Love INCs LOVING HELP PROGRAM?? Consider attending a
1.5 to 2 hour information and explanation session (including a nice
meal!). Please call Tonia at 616.662.3300, ext. 122 to reserve a
spot on Tuesday evening, June 3 (6:00 pm)---right here in the
Love INC offices Board Room. Please consider this opportunity
to learn more and see if this is something you would like to do!
Questions? Talk to Norma at 662.3300, ext. 114.

Items Needed - Love In the Name of Christ has the opportunity to
help supply items for a week long Christian camp for teenage
moms, their mentors and their children. In order to help, we are in
need of 540 each travel size shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap and combs. Also needed are
90 bottles of baby shampoo, baby lotion, tubes of diaper ointment,
135 baby bottles and sippy cups, 225 baby bibs and 90 wash
clothes. If you are able to provide a portion of these items, please
bring themto the Love INC main office, Attn: Tonia (3300 Van
Buren, Hudsonville) by June 30. Tax receipt forms are available.


The Lords Day June 15, 2014 The Lords Day June 15, 2014

Weareglad yourehere. As a
church family, weredelighted
you havejoined us for worship
today. Below you will find
some information to help you
during our Sunday services. If
you need any assistance,
please ask one of our ushers
for help.

Worship Service
Cedar Church strives to enjoy
God through Spirit-empowered
and Christ-centered worship. The
Bible is sincerely loved, and we
hope that you will find it opened
up to you in a fresh and faithful
manner each Sunday.

Childcare is available near the
entrance of the gymnasium for
children 0-3 years old, but
children of all ages are always
welcome in the worship service.

Coffee Break
After the morning worship, please
join us in the gymfor coffee and

Kids Break
After morning worship, all kids
(Preschool thru 6th grade) are
invited to the orchestra room for
snacks and fun songs.

Sunday School
From11 12pm, Cedar Church
offers classes for all ages. Visitors
are especiallywelcome!

*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *

Weekly Budget Last Weeks Offerings
$3,592.50 $2,122.06
YTD Budget YTD Offerings
$82,627.50 $74,241.80

Pastor: SteveIgo
Associate Pastor: Mick Knierim
Pastoral Intern: Micah Shin

Shepherding Districts
David Van Dyke/TomDykema A-B
Craig Baker/JimKnott/Terry Holstege
Bill Grysen/Paul Sprik H-O
Ted Himebook/DuaneSaxton P-Z

Womens Ministry Coordinator:
J oan Broene

We offer the following classes:

Greeters Van Dyke/DeWent Kooienga/Boeve
Accompanist A.M.
Accompanist P.M.
Bonnie Boeve
Caryn Baker
Caryn Baker
Rachel Himebook
Nursery A.M.

Nursery Sun. Sch.

Nursery PM

Dawn DeWent
Ruthie Scaturro
Cayte Baker
Stacey Faber
Carla Baker
Diana Sprik
Brittany DeWent
Mindy Weiss
Meagan Entingh
Natassja DeWent
Kailyn Baum
Joan Broene
Caryn Baker
Fellowship Snack

Childrens Snack
Dawn DeWent
Meagan Entingh
Mindy Weiss
Allison Benczkowski
Joan Broene
Tammy Holstege
Church Set-Up
Sun. Foreman AM
Sun. Foreman PM

Van Dyke/DeWent
Terry Holstege
Ryan Mulder
Matt Grysen
Terry Holstege
Ryan Mulder
Dave Stanley
Todd Entingh
Youth Group Meal
Class Age Teacher/Location
Toddler 2-3
Central Hallway
& K
Sheila Rostvedt
West Classroom

Mindy Weiss
Workshop Room

Chris Benczkowski
Teachers Lounge
Jr. High 7

Phil Faber
Southeast Teachers
Sr. High 9

Terry & Tammy
Mick Knierim
Prayer Adult
Micah Shin
Art Room

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