This document outlines the course structure and content for a Software Engineering III course offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering. The 14-week course consists of lectures and practical sessions covering topics such as socio-technical systems, critical systems, software processes, project management, requirements engineering, system modeling, formal specification, software architecture, distributed systems architecture, and object-oriented design. Students will be evaluated based on tests, classwork, a project, and an exam moderated by an external examiner.
This document outlines the course structure and content for a Software Engineering III course offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering. The 14-week course consists of lectures and practical sessions covering topics such as socio-technical systems, critical systems, software processes, project management, requirements engineering, system modeling, formal specification, software architecture, distributed systems architecture, and object-oriented design. Students will be evaluated based on tests, classwork, a project, and an exam moderated by an external examiner.
This document outlines the course structure and content for a Software Engineering III course offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering. The 14-week course consists of lectures and practical sessions covering topics such as socio-technical systems, critical systems, software processes, project management, requirements engineering, system modeling, formal specification, software architecture, distributed systems architecture, and object-oriented design. Students will be evaluated based on tests, classwork, a project, and an exam moderated by an external examiner.
This document outlines the course structure and content for a Software Engineering III course offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering. The 14-week course consists of lectures and practical sessions covering topics such as socio-technical systems, critical systems, software processes, project management, requirements engineering, system modeling, formal specification, software architecture, distributed systems architecture, and object-oriented design. Students will be evaluated based on tests, classwork, a project, and an exam moderated by an external examiner.
Ian Sommerville ISBN: 0-321-2102-3 !"#li$her: !ear$on Ed"%ation &o'(right: 200) !ntroduction *ver the la$t 30 (ear$+ the $"%%e$$ of $oftware engineering ha$ #een remar,a#le- .arge and %om'le/ $oftware $($tem$ "nder'in the Internet+ worldwide mo#ile tele'hone$+ ind"$trial 'rod"%tion+ tran$'ort $($tem$ and entertainment- 0owever+ demand$ on $oftware are in%rea$ing 1 it m"$t #e delivered 2"i%,er+ it m"$t #e more relia#le and ada'ta#le- 3o meet the$e demand$ we need to "$e the mo$t effe%tive $oftware engineering te%hni2"e$ availa#le- "b#ecti$es 3he o#4e%tive$ of thi$ %o"r$e are to give the learner a thoro"gh "nder$tanding of the late$t develo'ment$ in $oftware engineering and 'ra%ti%e and to $how how $oftware engineering integrate$ with the relevant a$'e%t$ of $($tem$ engineering- Prere%uisites .earner$ $ho"ld have $ome 'rogramming e/'erien%e in an( high level lang"age- E$aluation 3he final mar, i$ %al%"lated a$ follow$: &lass 'ark (inal 'ark 3ES3 1 205 &la$$ 6ar, )05 3ES3 2 205 E/am 6ar, 05 3ES3 3 205 (moderated #( e/ternal moderator) !ro4e%t 1 )05 1005 &ourse "utline 3he %o"r$e i$ $tr"%t"red to r"n over a 'eriod of fo"rteen wee,$ (one $eme$ter)- &la$$e$ will %on$i$t of formal le%t"re$ a$ well a$ 'ra%ti%al $e$$ion$- 3he $tr"%t"re i$ a$ follow$: 1 Department of Electrical Engineering &hapter list 1- Introd"%tion 2- So%io-te%hni%al $($tem$ 3- &riti%al $($tem$ )- Software 'ro%e$$e$ 7- !ro4e%t management - Software re2"irement$ 7- 8e2"irement$ engineering 'ro%e$$ 8- S($tem modelling 9- &riti%al $($tem$ $'e%ifi%ation 10- :ormal $'e%ifi%ation 11- Software ar%hite%t"re 12- ;i$tri#"ted $($tem$ ar%hite%t"re 13- <''li%ation ar%hite%t"re$ 1)- *#4e%t-oriented de$ign )eek * Introd"%tion *#4e%tive$ 3o introd"%e $oftware engineering and to e/'lain it$ im'ortan%e 3o $et o"t the an$wer$ to ,e( 2"e$tion$ a#o"t $oftware engineering 3o introd"%e ethi%al and 'rofe$$ional i$$"e$ and to e/'lain wh( the( are of %on%ern to $oftware engineer$ )eek + So%io-te%hni%al $($tem$ *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain what a $o%io-te%hni%al $($tem i$ and the di$tin%tion #etween thi$ and a %om'"ter-#a$ed $($tem 3o introd"%e the %on%e't of emergent $($tem 'ro'ertie$ $"%h a$ relia#ilit( and $e%"rit( 3o e/'lain $($tem engineering and $($tem 'ro%"rement 'ro%e$$e$ 3o e/'lain wh( the organi$ational %onte/t of a $($tem affe%t$ it$ de$ign and "$e 3o di$%"$$ lega%( $($tem$ and wh( the$e are %riti%al to man( #"$ine$$e$ )eek , &riti%al $($tem$ *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain what i$ meant #( a %riti%al $($tem where $($tem fail"re %an have $evere h"man or e%onomi% %on$e2"en%e- 3o e/'lain fo"r dimen$ion$ of de'enda#ilit( - availa#ilit(+ relia#ilit(+ $afet( and $e%"rit(- 3o e/'lain that+ to a%hieve de'enda#ilit(+ (o" need to avoid mi$ta,e$+ dete%t and remove error$ and limit damage %a"$ed #( fail"re- 2 Department of Electrical Engineering )eek - Software 'ro%e$$e$ *#4e%tive$ 3o introd"%e $oftware 'ro%e$$ model$ 3o de$%ri#e three generi% 'ro%e$$ model$ and when the( ma( #e "$ed 3o de$%ri#e o"tline 'ro%e$$ model$ for re2"irement$ engineering+ $oftware develo'ment+ te$ting and evol"tion 3o e/'lain the 8ational =nified !ro%e$$ model 3o introd"%e &<SE te%hnolog( to $"''ort $oftware 'ro%e$$ a%tivitie$ )eek . !ro4e%t management *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain the main ta$,$ "nderta,en #( 'ro4e%t manager$ 3o introd"%e $oftware 'ro4e%t management and to de$%ri#e it$ di$tin%tive %hara%teri$ti%$ 3o di$%"$$ 'ro4e%t 'lanning and the 'lanning 'ro%e$$ 3o $how how gra'hi%al $%hed"le re're$entation$ are "$ed #( 'ro4e%t management 3o di$%"$$ the notion of ri$,$ and the ri$, management 'ro%e$$ )eek / Software re2"irement$ *#4e%tive$ 3o introd"%e the %on%e't$ of "$er and $($tem re2"irement$ 3o de$%ri#e f"n%tional and non-f"n%tional re2"irement$ 3o e/'lain how $oftware re2"irement$ ma( #e organi$ed in a re2"irement$ do%"ment )eek 7 8e2"irement$ engineering 'ro%e$$ *#4e%tive$ 3o de$%ri#e the 'rin%i'al re2"irement$ engineering a%tivitie$ and their relation$hi'$ 3o introd"%e te%hni2"e$ for re2"irement$ eli%itation and anal($i$ 3o de$%ri#e re2"irement$ validation and the role of re2"irement$ review$ 3o di$%"$$ the role of re2"irement$ management in $"''ort of other re2"irement$ engineering 'ro%e$$e$ )eek S($tem modelling *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain wh( the %onte/t of a $($tem $ho"ld #e modelled a$ 'art of the 8E 'ro%e$$ 3o de$%ri#e #ehavio"ral modelling+ data modelling and o#4e%t modelling 3o introd"%e $ome of the notation$ "$ed in the =nified 6odeling .ang"age (=6.) 3o $how how &<SE wor,#en%he$ $"''ort $($tem modelling 3 Department of Electrical Engineering )eek 0 &riti%al $($tem$ $'e%ifi%ation *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain how de'enda#ilit( re2"irement$ ma( #e identified #( anal($ing the ri$,$ fa%ed #( %riti%al $($tem$ 3o e/'lain how $afet( re2"irement$ are generated from the $($tem ri$, anal($i$ 3o e/'lain the derivation of $e%"rit( re2"irement$ 3o de$%ri#e metri%$ "$ed for relia#ilit( $'e%ifi%ation )eek *1 :ormal $'e%ifi%ation *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain wh( formal $'e%ifi%ation te%hni2"e$ hel' di$%over 'ro#lem$ in $($tem re2"irement$ 3o de$%ri#e the "$e of alge#rai% te%hni2"e$ for interfa%e $'e%ifi%ation 3o de$%ri#e the "$e of model-#a$ed te%hni2"e$ for #ehavio"ral $'e%ifi%ation )eek ** Software ar%hite%t"re *#4e%tive$ 3o introd"%e ar%hite%t"ral de$ign and to di$%"$$ it$ im'ortan%e 3o e/'lain the ar%hite%t"ral de$ign de%i$ion$ that have to #e made 3o introd"%e three %om'lementar( ar%hite%t"ral $t(le$ %overing organi$ation+ de%om'o$ition and %ontrol 3o di$%"$$ referen%e ar%hite%t"re$ are "$ed to %omm"ni%ate and %om'are ar%hite%t"re$ )eek *+ ;i$tri#"ted $($tem$ ar%hite%t"re *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain the advantage$ and di$advantage$ of different di$tri#"ted $($tem$ ar%hite%t"re$ 3o di$%"$$ %lient-$erver and di$tri#"ted o#4e%t ar%hite%t"re$ 3o de$%ri#e o#4e%t re2"e$t #ro,er$ and the 'rin%i'le$ "nderl(ing the &*8B< $tandard$ 3o introd"%e 'eer-to-'eer and $ervi%e-oriented ar%hite%t"re$ a$ new model$ of di$tri#"ted %om'"ting- )eek *, <''li%ation ar%hite%t"re$ *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain the organi$ation of two f"ndamental model$ of #"$ine$$ $($tem$ - #at%h 'ro%e$$ing and tran$a%tion 'ro%e$$ing $($tem$ 3o de$%ri#e the a#$tra%t ar%hite%t"re of re$o"r%e management $($tem$ 3o e/'lain how generi% editor$ are event 'ro%e$$ing $($tem$ 3o de$%ri#e the $tr"%t"re of lang"age 'ro%e$$ing $($tem$ 4 Department of Electrical Engineering )eek *- *#4e%t-oriented de$ign *#4e%tive$ 3o e/'lain how a $oftware de$ign ma( #e re're$ented a$ a $et of intera%ting o#4e%t$ that manage their own $tate and o'eration$ 3o de$%ri#e the a%tivitie$ in the o#4e%t-oriented de$ign 'ro%e$$ 3o introd"%e vario"$ model$ that %an #e "$ed to de$%ri#e an o#4e%t-oriented de$ign 3o $how how the =6. ma( #e "$ed to re're$ent the$e model$ EN; 5