The Boy Who Wanted The Willies

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The Boy Who Wanted the Willies

Adaptation by: Triple A Productions

NARRATOR 1: There was once a boy who was never frightenedfor he had not enough sense to be
AN!: (cheerfully, to audience) That"s #e$
NARRATOR %: One day& ans and his big sisters were wal'ing ho#e after dar'.
NARRATOR (: The wind howled& and the trees crea'ed and groaned. The road led )ast a graveyard&
where the #oon lit u) rows of to#bstones.
NARRATOR *: ans"s sisters began to +uiver and +ua'e.
!,!T-R 1: , don"t li'e wal'ing ho#e at night.
!,!T-R (: Ooh$ This )lace gives #e the willies$
AN!: The willies. What are the willies.
!,!T-R (: (scornfully) /o , have to tell you everything.
!,!T-R 1: 0annoyed1 The willies are when you get so scared& you shiver and sha'e.
AN!: Well$ , never had anything li'e that$ , wish I would get the willies& so ,"d 'now what they"re li'e.
!,!T-R!: (to audience, shakes her head in disgust)
NARRATOR 2: The #ore ans thought it over& the #ore he wondered about the willies& and the #ore he
wished he could have the#. One day he told hi#self&
AN!: (to audience) ,f , want the willies& ,"d better go loo' for the#.
NARRATOR 3: !o he said good4bye to his fa#ily
AN!: (waves and smiles)
!,!T-R 1: What a fool$
!,!T-R (: 5ou are !O la#e.
6OT-R: , wonder where he gets it fro# 0as sisters are dragging her off stage1 Ta'e care #y son$ -at
your vegetables7
NARRATOR 8 0tomps foot and stares at mother, trying to silence her1 and he started down the road.
NARRATOR 9: ans wal'ed for #any days. -veryone he #et& he as'ed&
AN!: (to all T!A"#$!) :an you give #e the willies.s
NARRATOR ;: 6any tried
A<< !TRAN=-R!: (try to scare %A" with scary faces and spooky sounds)
AN!: (looks bored and sighs)
NARRATOR (: but none could.
A<< !TRAN=-R!: (shrug to audience)
NARRATOR *: At last he ca#e to the >ing"s castle and stood before the >ing and ?ueen.
AN!: 5our 6a@esties& can you give #e the willies.
?A--N: What ever do you #ean.
>,N=: , thin' he #eans Willia# are )easant servant.
?A--N: BR,N= OAT W,<<,A6$
Narrator 2: 0wal'ing over to Narrator 1 and grabbing hi# by the shirt.1 ere he is$
Narrator 1: 6-.$ ,"6 NOT ,N T- !TOR5. ,"6 BA!T T-<<,N= ,T$$$
AN!: No& No& No$ , #eant the Willies. <i'e& when you get so scared& you shiver and sha'e.
>,N=: oh& OC :OAR!- , can. ,"# the >ing$
?A--N: !end the )easant bac' to his )itiful duties. 0Narrator 1 rolls his eyes and ta'es his )lace bac' with
the narrators1.
NARRATOR %: The >ing waved his royal sce)ter.
>,N=: (waving his scepter, then pointing it at %A") , co##and you to have . . . the willies$
NARRATOR 2: ans waited&
NARRATOR 3: but nothing ha))ened.
AN!: ,"# sorry& 5our 6a@esty& , still don"t have the#.
>,N=: Oh well& at least , 'now where you can get the#. On the other side of #y 'ingdo# is a haunted
castle. ,f you s)end the night there& you are sure to get the willies.
AN!: Than' you& 5our 6a@esty$
>,N=: There"s @ust one )roble#. No one who goes there ever lives through the night.(cheerfully) But& if
you stay alive and brea' the s)ell& you"ll find the castle treasure$
AN!: That"s fine with #e& as long as , get the willies$
>,N=: (to audience, gives a look of disbelief)
NARRATOR 8: ,t was #idnight when ans reached the castle. The towers cast eerie shadows under the
full #oon.
NARRATOR 9: The drawbridge lowered itself at ans"s feet. &reeeeeeeeeeeek' (ooooom'
AN!: (happily, to audience) !ee#s li'e a friendly )lace$
NARRATOR 1: As ans entered the great hall& a fire s)rang to life in the huge fire)lace. )oooooom*
NARRATOR ;: ans )ulled u) a chair and settled hi#self to wait.
AN!: (cheerfully, to audience) Now ,"# sure to get the willies.
NARRATOR *: The cloc' in the great hall struc' one. (onnngggggg'
NARRATOR %: A voice boo#ed out behind hi#.
DA6E,R-: Delco#e$
NARRATOR 2: ans loo'ed around and saw four )eo)le )laying cards. One had a long& blac' cloa'& one
had a )ointed hat& and the other two had a fluffy hair.
W-R-WO<C!: (growls at %A" and bares teeth)
DA6E,R-: (to %A") Dould you care to @oin our ga#e. ,t"s been so long since ve had anyvun to . . . )lay
W,T:: 5eah7TO :AR!-$ 7 , #ean7 )lay with.
NARRATOR 3: ans too' a seat.
AN!: :ertainly$ ,t will )ass the ti#e& while ,"# waiting for the willies$
DA6E,R-: , vill eF)lain the rules. ,f #y furry friends vins . . . they vill ri) you to shreds.
W-R-WO<C 1: (snarls at %A") we"re eFtra hungry.
W-R-WO<C (: !he #eans eFtra7ha))y to )lay$
W-R-WO<C 1: No& , #eant hungry. ,"6 !TARD,N=$
W-R-WO<C (: !$ We"re trying to NOT be cons)icuous.
DA6E,R-: ,f , vin . . . , vill drin' your blood. ,f you vin . . . ve vill let you live.
AN!: !ounds fair to #e$
W-R-WO<C: (growls) A<R,=T$
W,T:: WA,T BA!T A 6,NAT-. What do , get if , win. A #agical Eony.
AN!: ,.. , don"t have a #agical Eony. !orry.
W,T:: 0tanding on the chair1 WAT.$ OW :OA</ 5OA NOT AD- A 6A=,:A< EON5$ T,! ,!
R-/,:A<OA!. , WANT A EON5. 0$veryone +ust stares at her like she,s cra-y)'
NARRATOR 1: :an we #ove on& )lease.
W,T:: 0loo'ing around at everyone. roles her eyes.1 -h. Cine. owever& , get his nose if he loses$
ans: O'ie do'ie.
NARRATOR 8: The furry wo#an dealt the cards.
NARRATOR 9: They )layed for al#ost an hour.
NARRATOR 1: ,n the end& the cloa'ed #an won.
DA6E,R-: (laughs ominously) , vant to drin' your blood$
NARRATOR (: e #oved closer to ans& showing two long& )ointy teeth.
AN!: , thin' you cheated.
NARRATOR ;: ans reached for the )ointy teeth and bro'e the# offnap*
NARRATOR %: And out of the hall ran the #an.
W-R-WO<C: (roars)
NARRATOR 2: The furry ladies lea)ed at ans& but ans s)rang away and the werewolves flew )ast
falling on their legs. They stood u) and stu#bled off stage. :rying. <i'e little babies.
W-R-WO<C: (screams)
NARRATOR (: The Witch @u#)ed on her broo#stic' and flew towards ans& but lost control of her
broo#stic' and flew out of the castle.
NARRATOR 3: ans heard a dull thud' Then he went and settled hi#self again before the fire.
AN!: (to audience) , en@oyed the ga#e& but when do , get the willies.
NARRATOR 8: The cloc' struc' two. (onnngggggg' (onnngggggg'
NARRATOR 9: ans heard a rattling& and into the hall #arched a long line of s'eletons.
NARRATOR 1: The first s'eleton ta))ing her foot. &lick' &lick'
!>-<-TON 1: (with "A!!AT.!, start tapping feet)
NARRATOR (: The second s'eleton 'noc'ed its 'nees. &lack' &lack'
!>-<-TON (: (with "A!!AT.!, starts knocking knees together)
NARRATOR *: The third s'eleton dru##ed its s'ull. &lock' &lock'
!>-<-TON *: (with "A!!AT.!, starts pretending to knock on head)
NARRATOR %: The fourth s'eleton ta))ed along its ribs in a little tune. &lackety, click clock' &lackety,
click clock'
!>-<-TON %: (with "A!!AT.!, starts tapping ribs)
NARRATOR 2: The Cifth s'eleton cla))ed its hands.
!>-<-TON 2: 0with "A!!AT.!, starts clapped its hand)
AN!: Nice beat$
!>-<-TON! 1G2: (tart tap dancing)
NARRATOR 2: The other s'eletons started to dance. One s'eleton stretched a hand toward ans.
AN!: /on"t #ind if , do$
NARRATOR 3: ans too' hold of the bony hand and danced around the hall.
AN!: (dances in place, with arms outstretched) ey& this is fun$
!>-<-TON! 1G2: (start to dance faster)
NARRATOR 8: The #usic got faster. &lackety, clackety, click clock clackety' &lackety, clackety, click clock
AN!: (dancing faster) old it& , can"t dance that fast$
!>-<-TON! 1G2: (tart to dance faster)
NARRATOR 1: But the s'eletons gri))ed his hands harder and danced even faster. &lackety clickety,
clackety clockety' &lackety clickety, clackety clockety'
AN!: (dancing even faster) , said O</ ,T$ (stops)
NARRATOR ;: ans gave a yan' andPop*the two s'eletons" ar#s ca#e right off.
!>-<-TON! 1G2: (free-e)
NARRATOR (: The #usic and the dancing sto))ed.
AN!: (sheepishly, holding up the arms) , thin' you lost so#ething.
NARRATOR *: The s'eletons rushed at ans and started chasing hi# around the roo#.
NARRATOR %: Bones flew here& there& and everywhere& till the s'eletons lay all in )ieces on the floor.
NARRATOR 2: ans gathered the# u) and tossed the# out the window.
NARRATOR 3: Then he settled hi#self once again in his chair.
AN!: (to audience) , li'e a little dancing& but , wonder when ,"# going to get those willies$
NARRATOR 8: The cloc' struc' three. (onnngggggg' (onnngggggg' (onnngggggg'
NARRATOR 9: Cro# the other roo# ca#e a strange voice.
NARRATOR 1: !o#ething )owerful ca#e running into the roo#& andthumplanded before the fire)lace.
NARRATOR (: ,t was a )owerful wiIard that lived in the 'ingdo#.
NARRATOR 1: The wiIard @u#)ed u).
W,HAR/: The s)ell is bro'en$ 5ou"re the only one ever to get #e out of there. The others all died of fright
long before this$ Now follow #e to the castle treasure.
AN!: Wait& you"re the wiIard. Erove it77
W,HAR/: Of :ourse ,"# a wiIard. What should , do to )rove that ,"# a wiIard.
AN!: 5ou can7.turn the lights off$
W,HAR/: o'ie do'ie7.0the wiIard then turns off all the lights.1
AN!: O'ay& o'ay& O>A5 ,"6 !ORR5. , B-<,-D- 5OA$
W,HAR/: Well& you should have$ W5 -<!- WOA</ , B- /R-!!-/ <,>- T,!$ Bust follow #e
NARRATOR %: ans followed hi# to the doorway.
W,HAR/: (brus/uely, gesturing out) 5ou first.
AN!: (graciously, also gesturing out) After you.
NARRATOR 2: The wiIard led hi# to the courtyard and )ointed to a shovel under a tree.
W,HAR/: (pointing) /ig there$
AN!: (irritated, also pointing) 0ou dig there$
NARRATOR 3: The wiIard dug till he uncovered three )ots of gold.
W,HAR/: (pointing his thumb back) Ta'e the# inside$
AN!: (really annoyed, also pointing his thumb back) 0ou ta'e the# inside$
NARRATOR 8: The wiIard too' the )ots of gold and set the# down in the great hall.
W,HAR/: (pointing to one pot, then another, then at %A") One is for the 'ing& one is for the )oor& and
one is for you.
NARRATOR 9: Then he gave a big wave and ran out of the hall.
AN!: (to audience) !o#e fol's @ust can"t stic' around.
NARRATOR (: ans went bac' to his chair before the fire& curled u) in it& and sighed.
AN!: (to audience) ,t"s nice to be rich& but when will , ever get the willies.
NARRATOR *: And that is how ans stayed alive& bro'e the s)ell& and found the treasure.
NARRATOR ;: When the >ing heard the tale& he gathered the 'ingdo#. e let ans live in the castle& and
when ans grew u)& he #arried the >ing"s daughter.
NARRATOR 2: Within a year they had tri)lets
NARRATOR 3: three fine sons.
ER,N:-!!: /earest& would you li'e to na#e the#.
AN!: :ertainly$ Their na#es will be Willy . . . Willy . . . and Willy$
ER,N:-!!: (confused) But why all the sa#e.
AN!: (triumphantly, to audience) Because now ,"ll have the Willies$
A<< 0eFce)t ans1: (to audience, give a look of disbelief and dismay)

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