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'BIPED': Ballet's Bones at Annenberg: Posted On Sat, Mar. 1, 2008

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Posted on Sat, Mar.

1, 2008

'BIPED': Ballet's bones at Annenberg

By Merilyn Jackson

For The Inquirer In usic, the !art o" a sonata or "u#ue that introduces the the es is called the e$!osition. Merce %unnin#ha &s choreo#ra!hy, thou#h ne'er created (ith usic in ind, nonetheless looks 'ery usical, and seein# his 1))) BIPED at *nnen+er# %enter Thursday ni#ht, it struck e that the !iece (as an e$!osition o" the +ones o" +allet. The "irst ti e I sa( BIPED, at its 1))) ,incoln %enter !re iere, I drank in the decor and (as da--led +y Paul .aiser and Shelley /shkar&s !ro0ected ani ation i a#ery. The urky, sonarlike thuds o" 1a'in Bryars& score and the dancers& shi erin# tour aline costu es con'eyed an under(ater i !ression2 the choreo#ra!hy too s(a as i" under (ater 3 and receded, (a'ery and elusi'e. But on second 'ie(in#, (hen the dancers +e#an tracin# de ilunes (ith their toes !ointed on the "loor, I sa( (hat I had not seen the "irst ti e 3 the #hosts o" +allet, s!are and skeletal. 4hether 5 terre or +alanc6, the classic rond de 0a +e (as one o" the dance&s e er#in# the es. 7ee! !li6s, unorthodo$ ara+esques, li"ts and 0et6s (ere a second. *!!earance and disa!!earance (as another the e. The 18 dancers o"ten e$ited or entered throu#h concealed o!enin#s in the +ackdro!, (hich s(allo(ed one dancer u! a"ter her +rie", etchy solo. She e er#ed o entarily (ith t(o other (o en on each side. 9ad she +een re!roduced in quadru!le: Technolo#y also created illusions. ;ed and +lue hori-ontal stri!es "loated do(n the scri like lines on a !a#e, tracin#s o" otion3ca!tured "i#ures +u++led across it like cha !a#ne, dia#onal shards o" color dri"ted do(n like !ick3 u! sticks tossed into a 0ar o" ineral oil. *ll the (hile, *aron %o!!&s li#htin# chan#ed the sense o" ti e, as i" the dancin# on the ocean "loor (ere illu inated +y re"racted sunli#ht. John .in# and 7a'id Behr an, each o" (ho has co !osed "or %unnin#ha , !er"or ed Bryars& <=3 inute score li'e on electric #uitar and key+oard. %ellist ,oren 7e !ster, son o" the %unnin#ha colla+orator and tro +onist Stuart 7e !ster, also !layed2 at one !oint, his so +er attenuations (ere shattered +y (hat sounded like a lar#e #lass sna!!in# in t(o. So e 'ie(ers co !lain that %unnin#ha &s (ork lacks e otion. But there is no ra!ture like that o" conte !latin# !ure +eauty, and BIPED&s +eauty cannot +e o'ere !hasi-ed. The +i# +u-- o" this concert (as "or eyeSpace, (ith Mikel ;ouse&s >03 inute iPod score International Cloud Atlas, (hich in its Philadel!hia !re iere (as (hittled do(n to a 203 inute ?shu""le.? 4hile so e audience e +ers listened to the a +ient soundsca!e created +y .in# and Behr an o""sta#e, ost took ad'anta#e o" the !re!ro#ra ed iPods !ro'ided. It (as !retty co ical to see the electric3+lue3clad dancers lea!in# and li"tin# to lyrics they could not hear, like ?I al ost lost y "ork? or ?,ook (ho&s sho!!in# on the 1a-a Stri! all no(.? Many in the audience took ad'anta#e o" the "reedo to lau#h or ake co ents, #i'en the "eelin# o" !ri'acy (earin# ear+uds !ro'ided. 9enry Sa elson&s #or#eous +ackdro! (as !lay"ul too. It looked like a red desert (ith "ire(orks +urstin# "ro hundreds o" !rairie do# holes2 (hen the dancers (ere in u!ri#ht dia#onal !ositions, they +eca e !art o" the "iery dis!lay.

http://www.philly.com/inquirer/magazine/20080301_BIPE __Ballet!_"one!_at_#nnen"erg.htm l$a%&tring'inq.entertainment/magazine()category'magazine(*ran%om+r%'03010803100,

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