Hopkins Poems

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Early Poems

For a Picture of St. Dorothea
I BEAR a basket lined with grass;
I am so light, I am so fair,
That men must wonder as I pass
And at the basket that I bear,
Where in a newly-drawn green litter
weet flowers I !arry, -- sweets for bitter"
#ilies I shew you, lilies none,
$one in %aesar&s gardens blow, --
And a 'uin!e in hand, -- not one
Is set upon your boughs below;
$ot set, be!ause their buds not spring;
pring not, &!ause world is wintering"
But these were found in the East and outh
Where Winter is the !lime forgot" --
The dewdrop on the larkspur&s mouth
( should it then be 'uen!h)d not*
In starry water-meads they drew
These drops+ whi!h be they* stars or dew*
,ad she a 'uin!e in hand* -et ga.e+
Rather it is the si.ing moon"
#o, link)d hea/ens with milky ways0
That was her larkspur row" -- o soon*
phered so fast, sweet soul* -- We see
$or fruit, nor flowers, nor 1orothy"
A nun takes the veil
I ,A2E desired to go
Where springs not fail,
To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail
And a few lilies blow"
And I ha/e asked to be
Where no storms !ome,
Where the green swell is in the ha/ens dumb,
And out of the swing of the sea"
The Habit of Perfection
E#E%TE1 ilen!e, sing to me
And beat upon my whorl)d ear,
3ipe me to pastures still and be
The musi! that I !are to hear"
hape nothing, lips; be lo/ely-dumb+
It is the shut, the !urfew sent
4rom there where all surrenders !ome
Whi!h only makes you elo'uent"
Be shell)d, eyes, with double dark
And find the un!reated light+
This ru!k and reel whi!h you remark
%oils, keeps, and teases simple sight"
3alate, the hut!h of tasty lust,
1esire not to be rinsed with wine+
The !an must be so sweet, the !rust
o fresh that !ome in fasts di/ine0
$ostrils, your !areless breath that spend
5pon the stir and keep of pride,
What relish shall the !ensers send
Along the san!tuary side0
( feel-of-primrose hands, ( feet
That want the yield of plushy sward,
But you shall walk the golden street
And you unhouse and house the #ord"
And, 3o/erty, be thou the bride
And now the marriage feast begun,
And lily-!oloured !lothes pro/ide
-our spouse not laboured-at nor spun"
Poems 1876-1889
The Wreck of the Deutschland
To the
happy memory of five Franciscan Nuns
exiles by the Falk Laws
drowned between midnight and morning of
Dec. 7th. !7"
TH! "asterin# "e
$od% #iver of breath and bread&
World's strand( s)a* of the sea&
+ord of livin# and dead&
Thou hast bound bones and veins in "e( fastened "e flesh(
And after it al"ost un"ade( )hat )ith dread(
Th* doin#, and dost thou touch "e afresh-
ver a#ain I feel th* fin#er and find thee.
I did sa* *es
at li#htnin# and lashed rod&
Thou heardst "e truer than ton#ue confess
Th* terror( /hrist( $od&
Thou kno)est the )alls( altar and hour and ni#ht,
The s)oon of a heart that the s)ee0 and the hurl of thee trod
Hard do)n )ith a horror of hei#ht,
And the "idriff astrain )ith leanin# of( laced )ith fire of stress.
The fro)n of his face
2efore "e( the hurtle of hell
2ehind( )here( )here )as a( )here )as a 0lace-
I )hirled out )in#s that s0ell
And fled )ith a flin# of the heart to the heart of the Host.
3* heart( but *ou )ere dove)in#ed( I can tell(
/arrier-)itted( I a" bold to boast(
To flash fro" the fla"e to the fla"e then( to)er fro" the #race to the #race.
I a" soft sift
In an hour#lass -- at the )all
Fast( but "ined )ith a "otion( a drift(
And it cro)ds and it co"bs to the fall&
I stead* as a )ater in a )ell( to a 0oise( to a 0ane(
2ut ro0ed )ith( al)a*s( all the )a* do)n fro" the tall
Fells or flanks of the voel( a vein
f the #os0el 0roffer( a 0ressure( a 0rinci0le( /hrist's #ift.
I kiss "* hand
To the stars( lovel*-asunder
Starli#ht( )aftin# hi" out of it& and
$lo)( #lor* in thunder&
6iss "* hand to the da00led-)ith-da"son )est,
Since( tho' he is under the )orld's s0lendour and )onder(
His "*ster* "ust be instressed( stressed&
For I #reet hi" the da*s I "eet hi"( and bless )hen I understand.
8ot out of his bliss
S0rin#s the stress felt
8or first fro" heaven 9and fe) kno) this:
S)in#s the stroke dealt --
Stroke and a stress that stars and stor"s deliver(
That #uilt is hushed b*( hearts are flushed b* and "elt --
2ut it rides ti"e like ridin# a river
9And here the faithful )aver( the faithless fable and "iss:.
It dates fro" da*
f his #oin# in $alilee&
War"-laid #rave of a )o"b-life #re*&
3an#er( "aiden's knee&
The dense and the driven Passion( and fri#htful s)eat&
Thence the dischar#e of it( there its s)ellin# to be(
Thou#h felt before( thou#h in hi#h flood *et --
What none )ould have kno)n of it( onl* the heart( bein# hard at ba*(
Is out )ith it% h(
We lash )ith the best or )orst
Word last% Ho) a lush-ke0t 0lush-ca00ed sloe
Will( "outhed to flesh-burst(
$ush% -- flush the "an( the bein# )ith it( sour or s)eet(
2ri"( in a flash( full% -- Hither then( last or first(
To hero of /alvar*( /hrist( 's feet --
8ever ask if "eanin# it( )antin# it( )arned of it -- "en #o.
2e adored a"on# "en(
$od( three-nu"ber>d for"&
Wrin# th* rebel( do##ed in den(
3an's "alice( )ith )reckin# and stor".
2e*ond sa*in# s)eet( 0ast tellin# of ton#ue(
Thou art li#htnin# and love( I found it( a )inter and )ar"&
Father and fondler of heart thou hast )run#,
Hast th* dark descendin# and "ost art "erciful then.
With an anvil-din#
And )ith fire in hi" for#e th* )ill
r rather( rather then( stealin# as S0rin#
Throu#h hi"( "elt hi" but "aster hi" still,
Whether at once( as once at a crash Paul(
r as Austin( a lin#erin#-out s)eet skill(
3ake "erc* in all of us( out of us all
3aster*( but be adored( but be adored 6in#.
'So"e find "e a s)ord& so"e
The flan#e and the rail& fla"e(
Fan#( or flood' #oes Death on dru"(
And stor"s bu#le his fa"e.
2ut )A drea" )e are rooted in earth -- Dust%
Flesh falls )ithin si#ht of us( )e( thou#h our flo)er the sa"e(
Wave )ith the "eado)( for#et that there "ust
The sour sc*the crin#e( and the blear share co"e.
n Saturda* sailed fro" 2re"en(
Take settler and sea"en( tell "en )ith )o"en(
T)o hundred souls in the round --
Father( not under th* feathers nor ever as #uessin#
The #oal )as a shoal( of a fourth the doo" to be dro)ned&
Bet did the dark side of the ba* of th* blessin#
8ot vault the"( the "illion of rounds of th* "erc* not reeve even the" in-
Into the sno)s she s)ee0s(
Hurlin# the haven behind(
The Deutschland( on Sunda*& and so the sk* kee0s(
For the infinite air is unkind(
And the sea flint-flake( black-backed in the re#ular blo)(
Sittin# Eastnortheast( in cursed Cuarter( the )ind&
Wir* and )hite-fier* and )hirl)ind-s)ivell>d sno)
S0ins to the )ido)-"akin# unchildin# unfatherin# dee0s.
She drove in the dark to lee)ard(
She struck -- not a reef or a rock
2ut the co"bs of a s"other of sand, ni#ht dre) her
Dead to the 6entish 6nock&
And she beat the bank do)n )ith her bo)s and the ride of her keel,
The breakers rolled on her bea" )ith ruinous shock&
And canvas and co"0ass( the )horl and the )heel
Idle for ever to )aft her or )ind her )ith( these she endured.
Ho0e had #ro)n #re* hairs(
Ho0e had "ournin# on(
Trenched )ith tears( carved )ith cares(
Ho0e )as t)elve hours #one&
And fri#htful a ni#htfall folded rueful a da*
8or rescue( onl* rocket and li#htshi0( shone(
And lives at last )ere )ashin# a)a*,
To the shrouds the* took( -- the* shook in the hurlin# and
horrible airs.
ne stirred fro" the ri##in# to save
The )ild )o"an-kind belo)(
With a ro0e's end round the "an( hand* and brave --
He )as 0itched to his death at a blo)(
For all his dreadnou#ht breast and braids of the),
The* could tell hi" for hours( dandled the to and fro
Throu#h the cobbled foa"-fleece( )hat could he do
With the burl of the fountains of air( buck and the flood of the )ave-
The* fou#ht )ith $od's cold --
And the* could not and fell to the deck
9/rushed the": or )ater 9and dro)ned the": or rolled
With the sea-ro"0 over the )reck.
8i#ht roared( )ith the heart-break hearin# a heart-broke rabble(
The )o"an's )ailin#( the cr*in# of child )ithout check --
Till a lioness arose breastin# the babble(
A 0ro0hetess to)ered in the tu"ult( a vir#inal ton#ue told.
Ah( touched in *our bo)er of bone
Are *ou% turned for an eDCuisite s"art(
Have *ou% "ake )ords break fro" "e here all alone(
Do *ou% -- "other of bein# in "e( heart.
unteachabl* after evil( but utterin# truth(
Wh*( tears% is it- tears& such a "eltin#( a "adri#al start%
8ever-elderin# revel and river of *outh(
What can it be( this #lee- the #ood *ou have there of *our o)n-
Sister( a sister callin#
A "aster( her "aster and "ine% --
And the inboard seas run s)irlin# and ha)lin#&
The rash s"art slo##erin# brine
2linds her& but she that )eather sees one thin#( one&
Has one fetch in her, she rears herself to divine
Ears( and the call of the tall nun
To the "en in the to0s and the tackle rode over the stor"'s bra)lin#.
She )as first of a five and ca"e
f a coif>d sisterhood.
9 Deutschland( double a des0erate na"e%
)orld )ide of its #ood%
2ut $ertrude( lil*( and +uther( are t)o of a to)n(
/hrist's lil* and beast of the )aste )ood,
Fro" life's da)n it is dra)n do)n(
Abel is /ain's brother and breasts the* have sucked the sa"e.:
+oathed for a love "en kne) in the"(
2anned b* the land of their birth(
Rhine refused the". Tha"es )ould ruin the"&
Surf( sno)( river and earth
$nashed, but thou art above( thou rion of li#ht&
Th* unchancellin# 0oisin# 0al"s )ere )ei#hin# the )orth(
Thou "art*r-"aster, in th* si#ht
Stor" flakes )ere scroll-leaved flo)ers( lil* sho)ers -- s)eet heaven )as astre) in the".
Five% the findin# and sake
And ci0her of sufferin# /hrist.
3ark( the "ark is of "an's "ake
And the )ord of it Sacrificed.
2ut he scores it in scarlet hi"self on his o)n bes0oken(
2efore-ti"e-taken( dearest 0riE>d and 0riced --
Sti#"a( si#nal( cinCuefoil token
For letterin# of the la"b's fleece( rudd*in# of the rose-flake.
Fo* fall to thee( father Francis(
Dra)n to the +ife that died&
With the #narls of the nails in thee( niche of the lance( his
+ovesca0e crucified
And seal of his sera0h-arrival% and these th* dau#hters
And five-liv>d and leav>d favour and 0ride(
Are sisterl* sealed in )ild )aters(
To bathe in his fall-#old "ercies( to breathe in his all-fire #lances.
A)a* in the loveable )est(
n a 0astoral forehead of Wales(
I )as under a roof here( I )as at rest(
And the* the 0re* of the #ales&
She to the black-about air( to the breaker( the thickl*
Fallin# flakes( to the thron# that catches and Cuails
Was callin# ' /hrist( /hrist( co"e Cuickl*',
The cross to her she calls /hrist to her( christens her )ild-)orst 2est.
The "aGest*% )hat did she "ean-
2reathe( arch and ori#inal 2reath.
Is it love in her of the bein# as her lover had been-
2reathe( bod* of lovel* Death.
The* )ere else-"inded then( alto#ether( the "en
Woke thee )ith a we are perishing in the )eather of $ennesareth.
r is it that she cried for the cro)n then(
The keener to co"e at the co"fort for feelin# the co"batin# keen-
For ho) to the heart's cheerin#
The do)n-du##ed #round-hu##ed #re*
Hovers off( the Ga*-blue heavens a00earin#
f 0ied and 0eeled 3a*%
2lue-beatin# and hoar*-#lo) hei#ht& or ni#ht( still hi#her(
With belled fire and the "oth-soft 3ilk* Wa*(
What b* *our "easure is the heaven of desire(
The treasure never e*esi#ht #ot( nor )as ever #uessed )hat for the hearin#-
8o( but it )as not these.
The Gadin# and Gar of the cart(
Ti"e's taskin#( it is fathers that askin# for ease
f the sodden-)ith-its-sorro)in# heart(
8ot dan#er( electrical horror& then further it finds
The a00ealin# of the Passion is tenderer in 0ra*er a0art,
ther( I #ather( in "easure her "ind's
2urden( in )ind's burl* and beat of endra#on>d seas.
2ut ho) shall I ... "ake "e roo" there,
Reach "e a ... Fanc*( co"e faster --
Strike *ou the si#ht of it- look at it loo" there(
Thin# that she ... there then% the 3aster(
Ipse, the onl* one( /hrist( 6in#( Head,
He )as to cure the eDtre"it* )here he had cast her&
Do( deal( lord it )ith livin# and dead&
+et hi" ride( her 0ride( in his triu"0h( des0atch and have done )ith his doo" there.
Ah% there )as a heart ri#ht%
There )as sin#le e*e%
Read the unsha0eable shock ni#ht
And kne) the )ho and the )h*&
Wordin# it ho) but b* hi" that 0resent and 0ast(
Heaven and earth are )ord of( )orded b*- --
The Si"on Peter of a soul% to the blast
Tar0eian-fast( but a blo)n beacon of li#ht.
Fesu( heart's li#ht(
Fesu( "aid's son(
What )as the feast follo)ed the ni#ht
Thou hadst #lor* of this nun- --
Feast of the one )o"an )ithout stain.
For so conceiv>d( so to conceive thee is done&
2ut here )as heart-throe( birth of a brain(
Word( that heard and ke0t thee and uttered thee outri#ht.
Well( she has thee for the 0ain( for the
Patience& but 0it* of the rest of the"%
Heart( #o and bleed at a bitterer vein for the
/o"fortless unconfessed of the" --
8o not unco"forted, lovel*-felicitous Providence
Fin#er of a tender of& of a feather* delicac*( the breast of the
3aiden could obe* so( be a bell to( rin# of it( and
Startle the 0oor shee0 back% is the shi0)rack then a harvest( does te"0est carr* the #rain
for thee-
I ad"ire thee( "aster of the tides(
f the Bore-flood( of the *ear's fall&
The recurb and the recover* of the #ulf's sides(
The #irth of it and the )harf of it and the )all&
Stanchin#( Cuenchin# ocean of a "otionable "ind&
$round of bein#( and #ranite of it, 0ast all
$ras0 $od( throned behind
Death )ith a soverei#nt* that heeds but hides( bodes but abides&
With a "erc* that outrides
The all of )ater( an ark
For the listener& for the lin#erer )ith a love #lides
+o)er than death and the dark&
A vein for the visitin# of the 0ast-0ra*er( 0ent in 0rison(
The-last-breath 0enitent s0irits -- the utter"ost "ark
ur 0assion-0lun#>d #iant risen(
The /hrist of the Father co"0assionate( fetched in the stor" of his strides.
8o) burn( ne) born to the )orld(
Doubled-natur>d na"e(
The heaven-flun#( heart-fleshed( "aiden-furled
3id-nu"bered He in three of the thunder-throne%
8ot a doo"s-da* daEEle in his co"in# nor dark as he ca"e&
6ind( but ro*all* reclai"in# his o)n&
A released sho)er( let flash to the shire( not a li#htnin# of fire hard-hurled.
Da"e( at our door
Dro)ned( and a"on# our shoals(
Re"e"ber us in the roads( the heaven-haven of the Re)ard,
ur 6in# back( oh( u0on En#lish souls%
+et hi" easter in us( be a da*s0rin# to the di"ness of us( be a cri"son-cresseted east(
3ore bri#htenin# her( rare-dear 2ritain( as his rei#n rolls(
Pride( rose( 0rince( hero of us( hi#h-0riest(
ur hearts' charit*'s hearth's fire( our thou#hts' chivalr*'s thron#'s +ord.
Pen"aen Pool
For the Visitors' Book at the Inn
WH lon# for rest( )ho look for 0leasure
A)a* fro" counter( court( or school
)here live )ell *our lease of leisure
2ut here at( here at Pen"aen Pool-
-ou&ll dare the Alp* you&ll dart the skiff* --
Ea!h sport has here its ta!kle and tool+
%ome, plant the staff by %adair !liff;
%ome, swing the s!ulls on 3enmaen 3ool"
What&s yonder* -- 7ri..led 1yphwys dim+
The triple-hummo!ked 7iant&s stool,
,oar messmate, hobs and nobs with him
To hal/e the bowl of 3enmaen 3ool"
And all the lands!ape under sur/ey,
At tran'uil turns, by nature&s rule,
Rides repeated topsytur/y
In frank, in fairy 3enmaen 3ool"
And %harles&s Wain, the wondrous se/en,
And sheep-flo!k !louds like worlds of wool,
4or all they shine so, high in hea/en,
hew brighter shaken in 3enmaen 3ool"
The 8awdda!h, how she trips0 though throttled
If floodtide teeming thrills her full,
And ma.y sands all water-wattled
Waylay her at ebb, past 3enmaen 3ool"
But what&s to see in stormy weather,
When grey showers gather and gusts are !ool* --
Why, raindrop-roundels looped together
That la!e the fa!e of 3enmaen 3ool"
Then e/en in weariest wintry hour
(f $ew -ear&s month or surly -ule
4urred snows, !harged tuft abo/e tuft, tower
4rom darksome darksome 3enmaen 3ool"
And e/er, if bound here hardest home,
-ou&/e parlour-pastime left and 9who&ll
$ot honour it*: ale like goldy foam
That fro!ks an oar in 3enmaen 3ool"
Then !ome who pine for pea!e or pleasure
Away from !ounter, !ourt, or s!hool,
pend here your measure of time and treasure
And taste the treats of 3enmaen 3ool"
The Silver Fubilee,
To James First Bishop of Shrewsbury on the !th "ear of his #pis$opate July %& '%()
TH!$H no hi#h-hun# bells or din
f bra##art bu#les cr* it in --
What is sound- 8ature's round
3akes the Silver Fubilee.
Five and t)ent* *ears have run
Since sacred fountains to the sun
S0ran#( that but no) )ere shut(
Sho)erin# Silver Fubilee.
Feasts( )hen )e shall fall aslee0(
Shre)sbur* "a* see others kee0&
8one but *ou this her true(
This her Silver Fubilee.
8ot toda* )e need la"ent
Bour )ealth of life is so"e )a* s0ent,
Toil has shed round *our head
Silver but for Fubilee.
Then for her )hose velvet vales
Should have 0ealed )ith )elco"e( Wales(
+et the chi"e of a rh*"e
!tter Silver Fubilee.
$od's $randeur
THE )orld is char#ed )ith the #randeur of $od.
It )ill fla"e out( like shinin# fro" shook foil&
It #athers to a #reatness( like the ooEe of oil
/rushed. Wh* do "en then no) not reck his rod-
$enerations have trod( have trod( have trod&
And all is seared )ith trade& bleared( s"eared )ith toil&
And )ears "an's s"ud#e and shares "an's s"ell, the soil
Is bare no)( nor can foot feel( bein# shod.
And for all this, nature is ne/er spent;
There li/es the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the bla!k West went
(h, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs --
Be!ause the ,oly 7host o/er the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah0 bright wings"
The Starli#ht 8i#ht
+6 at the stars% look( look u0 at the skies%
look at all the fire-folk sittin# in the air%
The bri#ht borou#hs( the circle-citadels there%
Do)n in di" )oods the dia"ond delves% the elves'-e*es%
The #re* la)ns cold )here #old( )here Cuick#old lies%
Wind-beat )hitebea"% air* abeles set on a flare%
Flake-doves sent floatin# forth at a far"*ard scare% --
Ah )ell% it is all a 0urchase( all is a 0riEe.
2u* then% bid then% -- What- -- Pra*er( 0atience( ai"s( vo)s.
+ook( look, a 3a*-"ess( like on orchard bou#hs%
+ook% 3arch-bloo"( like on "ealed-)ith-*ello) sallo)s%
These are indeed the barn& )ithindoors house
The shocks. This 0iece-bri#ht 0alin# shuts the s0ouse
/hrist ho"e( /hrist and his "other and all his hallo)s.
8THI8$ is so beautiful as s0rin# --
When )eeds( in )heels( shoot lon# and lovel* and lush&
Thrush's e##s look little lo) heavens( and thrush
Throu#h the echoin# ti"ber does so rinse and )rin#
The ear( it strikes like li#htnin#s to hear hi" sin#&
The #lass* 0eartree leaves and bloo"s( the* brush
The descendin# blue& that blue is all in a rush
With richness& the racin# la"bs too have fair their flin#.
What is all this ;ui!e and all this ;oy*
A strain of the earth&s sweet being in the beginning
In Eden garden" -- ,a/e, get, before it !loy,
Before it !loud, %hrist, lord, and sour with sinning,
Inno!ent mind and 8ayday in girl and boy,
8ost, ( maid&s !hild, thy !hoi!e and worthy the winning"
The +antern out of Doors
S3ETI3ES a lantern "oves alon# the ni#ht(
That interests our e*es. And )ho #oes there-
I think& )here fro" and bound( I )onder( )here(
With( all do)n darkness )ide( his )adin# li#ht-
8en go by me whom either beauty bright
In mould or mind or what not else makes rare+
They rain against our mu!h-thi!k and marsh air
Ri!h beams, till death or distan!e buys them 'uite"
1eath or distan!e soon !onsumes them+ wind
What most I may eye after, be in at the end
I !annot, and out of sight is out of mind"
%hrist minds+ %hrist&s interest, what to a/ow or amend
There, <yes them, heart w=nts, !are ha>nts, foot f?llows k@nd,
Their r=nsom, th<ir res!ue, =nd first, f=st, last fri<nd"
The Sea and the Sk*lark
8 ear and ear t)o noises too old to end
Trench -- ri#ht( the tide that ra"0s a#ainst the shore&
With a flood or a fall( lo) lull-off or all roar(
FreCuentin# there )hile "oon shall )ear and )end.
#eft hand, off land, I hear the lark as!end,
,is rash-fresh re-winded new-skein)d s!ore
In !risps of !url off wild win!h whirl, and pour
And pelt musi!, till none &s to spill nor spend"
,ow these two shame this shallow and frail town0
,ow ring right out our sordid turbid time,
Being pure0 We, life&s pride and !ared-for !rown,
,a/e lost that !heer and !harm of earth&s past prime+
(ur make and making break, are breaking, down
To man&s last dust, drain fast towards man&s first slime"
The Windhover,
To *hrist our +or,
I /A!$HT this "ornin# "ornin#'s "inion( kin#-
do" of da*li#ht's dau0hin( da00le-da)n-dra)n Falcon( in his ridin#
f the rollin# level underneath hi" stead* air( and stridin#
Hi#h there( ho) he run# u0on the rein of a )i"0lin# )in#
In his ecstas*% then off( off forth on s)in#(
As a skate's heel s)ee0s s"ooth on a bo)-bend, the hurl and #lidin#
Rebuffed the bi# )ind. 3* heart in hidin#
Stirred for a bird( -- the achieve of& the "aster* of the thin#%
Brute beauty and /alour and a!t, oh, air, pride, plume, here
Bu!kle0 A$1 the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion
Times told lo/elier, more dangerous, ( my !he/alier0
$o wonder of it+ sh<er pl?d makes plough down sillion
hine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear,
4all, gall themsel/es, and gash gold-/ermillion"
Pied 2eaut*
$+RB be to $od for da00led thin#s --
For skies of cou0le-colour as a brinded co)&
For rose-"oles all in sti00le u0on trout that s)i"&
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls& finches' )in#s&
+andsca0e 0lotted and 0ieced -- fold( fallo)( and 0lou#h&
And Hll trHdes( their #ear and tackle and tri".
All things !ounter, original, spare, strange;
Whate/er is fi!kle, fre!kled 9who knows how*:
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; ada..le, dim;
,e fathers-forth whose beauty is past !hange+
3raise him"
Hurrahin# in Harvest
S!33ER ends no)& no)( barbarous in beaut*( the stooks arise
Around& u0 above( )hat )ind-)alks% )hat lovel* behaviour
f silk-sack clouds% has )ilder( )ilful-)avier
3eal-drift "oulded ever and "elted across skies-
I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes,
1own all that glory in the hea/ens to glean our a/iour;
And, <yes, he=rt, what looks, what lips yet ga/e you a
Rapturous lo/e&s greeting of realer, of rounder replies*
And the a.urous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder
8a;esti! -- as a stallion stalwart, /ery-/iolet-sweet0 --
These things, these things were here and but the beholder
Wanting; whi!h two when they on!e meet,
The heart rears wings bold and bolder
And hurls for him, ( half hurls earth for him off under his feet"
The /a#ed Sk*lark
AS a dare-#ale sk*lark scanted in a dull ca#e
3an's "ountin# s0irit in his bone-house( "ean house( d)ells --
That bird be*ond the re"e"berin# his free fells&
This in drud#er*( da*-labourin#-out life's a#e.
Though aloft on turf or per!h or poor low stage,
Both sing somet@mes the sweetest, sweetest spells,
-et both droop deadly s?metimes in their !ells
(r wring their barriers in bursts of fear or rage"
$ot that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest --
Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest,
But his own nest, wild nest, no prison"
8an&s spirit will be flesh-bound when found at best,
But un!umbered+ meadow-down is not distressed
4or a rainbow footing it nor he for his b?nes r@sen"
In the Ialle* of the El)*
I RE3E32ER a house )here all )ere #ood
To "e( $od kno)s( deservin# no such thin#,
/o"fortin# s"ell breathed at ver* enterin#(
Fetched fresh( as I su00ose( off so"e s)eet )ood.
That cordial air "ade those kind 0eo0le a hood
All over( as a bev* of e##s the "otherin# )in#
Will( or "ild ni#hts the ne) "orsels of s0rin#,
Wh*( it see"ed of course& see"ed of ri#ht it should.
#o/ely the woods, waters, meadows, !ombes, /ales,
All the air things wear that build this world of Wales;
(nly the inmate does not !orrespond+
7od, lo/er of souls, swaying !onsiderate s!ales,
%omplete thy !reature dear ( where it fails,
Being mighty a master, being a father and fond"
The +oss of the Eur*dice
Foun,ere, -ar$h .& '%(%
THE Eur*dice -- it concerned thee( +ord,
Three hundred souls( alas% on board(
So"e aslee0 una)akened( all un-
)arned( eleven fatho"s fallen
Where she foundered% ne stroke
Felled and furled the"( the hearts of oak%
And flockbells off the aerial
Do)ns' forefalls beat to the burial.
For did she 0ride her( frei#hted full*( on
2ounden bales or a hoard of bullion- --
Precious 0assin# "easure(
+ads and "en her lade and treasure.
She had co"e fro" a cruise( trainin# sea"en --
3en( boldbo*s soon to be "en,
3ust it( )orst )eather(
2last bole and bloo" to#ether-
8o Atlantic sCuall over)rou#ht her
r rearin# billo) of the 2isca* )ater,
Ho"e )as hard at hand
And the blo) bore fro" land.
And *ou )ere a liar( blue 3arch da*.
2ri#ht sun lanced fire in the heavenl* ba*&
2ut )hat black 2oreas )recked her- he
/a"e eCui00ed( deadl*-electric(
A beetlin# baldbri#ht cloud thorou#h En#land
Ridin#, there did stores not "in#le- and
Hailro0es hustle and #rind their
Heaven#ravel- )olfsno)( )orlds of it( )ind there-
8o) /arisbrook kee0 #oes under in #loo"&
8o) it overvaults A00ledurco"be&
8o) near b* Ientnor to)n
It hurls( hurls off 2oniface Do)n.
Too 0roud( too 0roud( )hat a 0ress she bore%
Ro*al( and all her ro*als )ore.
Shar0 )ith her( shorten sail%
Too late& lost& #one )ith the #ale.
This )as that fell ca0siEe(
As half she had ri#hted and ho0ed to rise
Death tee"in# in b* her 0ortholes
Raced do)n decks( round "esses of "ortals.
Then a lurch for)ard( fri#ate and "en&
'All hands for the"selves' the cr* ran then&
2ut she )ho had housed the" thither
Was around the"( bound the" or )ound the" )ith her.
3arcus Hare( hi#h her ca0tain(
6e0t to her -- care-dro)ned and )ra00ed in
/heer's death( )ould follo)
His char#e throu#h the cha"0-)hite )ater-in-a-)allo)(
All under /hannel to bur* in a beach her
/heeks, Ri#ht( rude of feature(
He thou#ht he heard sa*
'Her co""ander% and thou too( and thou this )a*.'
It is even seen( ti"e's so"ethin# server(
In "ankind's "edle* a dut*-s)erver(
At do)nri#ht '8o or *es-'
Doffs all( drives full for ri#hteousness.
S*dne* Fletcher( 2ristol-bred(
9+o) lie his "ates no) on )ater* bed:
Takes to the seas and sno)s
As sheer do)n the shi0 #oes.
8o) her afterdrau#ht #ullies hi" too do)n&
8o) he )rin#s for breath )ith the death#ush bro)n&
Till a lifebelt and $od's )ill
+end hi" a lift fro" the sea-s)ill.
8o) he shoots short u0 to the round air&
8o) he #as0s( no) he #aEes ever*)here&
2ut his e*e no cliff( no coast or
3ark "akes in the rivellin# sno)stor".
Hi"( after an hour of )intr* )aves(
A schooner si#hts( )ith another( and saves(
And he boards her in h% such Go*
He has lost count )hat ca"e neDt( 0oor bo*. --
The* sa* )ho sa) one sea-cor0se cold
He )as all of lovel* "anl* "ould(
Ever* inch a tar(
f the best )e boast our sailors are.
+ook( foot to forelock( ho) all thin#s suit% he
Is strun# b* dut*( is strained to beaut*(
And bro)n-as-da)nin#-skinned
With brine and shine and )hirlin# )ind.
his ni"ble fin#er( his #narled #ri0%
+ea#ues( lea#ues of sea"anshi0
Slu"ber in these forsaken
2ones( this sine)( and )ill not )aken.
He )as but one like thousands "ore(
Da* and ni#ht I de0lore
3* 0eo0le and born o)n nation(
Fast founderin# o)n #eneration.
I "i#ht let b*#ones be -- our curse
f ruinous shrine no hand or( )orse(
Robber*'s hand is bus* to
Dress( hoar-hallo)>d shrines unvisited&
nl* the breathin# te"0le and fleet
+ife( this )ild)orth blo)n so s)eet(
These daredeaths( a* this cre)( in
!nchrist( all rolled in ruin --
Dee0l* surel* I need to de0lore it(
Wonderin# )h* "* "aster bore it(
The rivin# off that race
So at ho"e( ti"e )as( to his truth and #race
That a starli#ht-)ender of ours )ould sa*
The "arvellous 3ilk )as Walsin#ha" Wa*
And one -- but let be( let be,
3ore( "ore than )as )ill *et be. --
)ell )e0t( "other have lost son&
We0t( )ife& )e0t( s)eetheart )ould be one,
Thou#h #rief *ield the" no #ood
Bet shed )hat tears sad truelove should.
2ut to /hrist lord of thunder
/rouch& la* knee b* earth lo) under,
'Holiest( loveliest( bravest(
Save "* hero( Hero savest.
And the 0ra*er thou hearst "e "akin#
Have( at the a)ful overtakin#(
Heard& have heard and #ranted
$race that da* #race )as )anted.'
8ot that hell kno)s redee"in#(
2ut for souls sunk in see"in#
Fresh( till doo"fire burn all(
Pra*er shall fetch 0it* eternal.
The 3a* 3a#nificat
3AB is 3ar*'s "onth( and I
3use at that and )onder )h*,
Her feasts follo) reason(
Dated due to season --
%andlemas, #ady 1ay;
But the #ady 8onth, 8ay,
Why fasten that upon her,
With a feasting in her honour*
Is it only its being brighter
Than the most are must delight her*
Is it opportunest
And flowers finds soonest*
Ask of her, the mighty mother+
,er reply puts this other
Auestion+ What is pring* --
7rowth in e/ery thing --
4lesh and flee!e, fur and feather,
7rass and greenworld all together;
tar-eyed strawberry-breasted
Throstle abo/e her nested
%luster of bugle blue eggs thin
4orms and warms the life within;
And bird and blossom swell
In sod or sheath or shell"
All things rising, all things si.ing
8ary sees, sympathising
With that world of good,
$ature&s motherhood"
Their magnifying of ea!h its kind
With delight !alls to mind
,ow she did in her stored
8agnify the #ord"
Well but there was more than this+
pring&s uni/ersal bliss
8u!h, had mu!h to say
To offering 8ary 8ay"
When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple
Bloom lights the or!hard-apple
And thi!ket and thorp are merry
With sil/er-surf)d !herry
And a.uring-o/er greybell makes
Wood banks and brakes wash wet like lakes
And magi! !u!koo!all
%aps, !lears, and !lin!hes all --
This e!stasy all through mothering earth
Tells 8ary her mirth till %hrist&s birth
To remember and eBultation
In 7od who was her sal/ation"
2inse* Po0lars
felle, '%(/
3B as0ens dear( )hose air* ca#es Cuelled(
Juelled or Cuenched in leaves the lea0in# sun(
All felled( felled( are all felled&
f a fresh and follo)in# folded rank
8ot s0ared( not one
That dandled a sandalled
Shado) that s)a" or sank
n "eado) and river and )ind-)anderin# )eed-)indin# bank.
( if we but knew what we do
When we del/e or hew --
,a!k and ra!k the growing green0
in!e !ountry is so tender
To tou!h, her being s? slender,
That, like this sleek and seeing ball
But a pri!k will make no eye at all,
Where we, e/en where we mean
To mend her we end her,
When we hew or del/e+
After-!omers !annot guess the beauty been"
Ten or twel/e, only ten or twel/e
trokes of ha/o! >nsel/e
The sweet espe!ial s!ene,
Rural s!ene, a rural s!ene,
weet espe!ial rural s!ene"
Duns Scotus's Dford
TWERB cit* and branch* bet)een to)ers&
/uckoo-echoin#( bell-s)ar">d( lark-char">d( rook-racked( river-rounded&
The da00le-eared lil* belo) thee& that countr* and to)n did
nce encounter in( here co0ed and 0ois>d 0o)ers&
Thou hast a base and bri!kish skirt there, sours
That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded
Best in; gra!eless growth, thou hast !onfounded
Rural rural keeping -- folk, flo!ks, and flowers"
-et ah0 this air I gather and I release
,e li/ed on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what
,e haunted who of all men most sways my spirits to pea!e;
(f realty the rarest-/ein)d unra/eller; a not
Ri/alled insight, be ri/al Italy or 7ree!e;
Who fired 4ran!e for 8ary without spot"
Henr* Purcell
The poet wishes well to the ,ivine genius of 0ur$ell an, praises him that,
whereas other musi$ians have given utteran$e to the moo,s of man's min,,
he has, beyon, that, uttere, in notes the very make an, spe$ies of man as
$reate, both in him an, in all men generally&
HAIE( fair fallen( fair( fair have fallen( so dear
To "e( so arch-es0ecial a s0irit as heaves in Henr* Purcell(
An a#e is no) since 0assed( since 0arted& )ith the reversal
f the out)ard sentence lo) la*s hi"( listed to a heres*( here.
$ot mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sa!red fear,
(r lo/e or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle+
It is the forg)d feature finds me; it is the rehearsal
(f own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear"
#et him (h0 with his air of angels then lift me, lay me0 only I&ll
,a/e an eye to the sakes of him, 'uaint moonmarks, to his pelted plumage under
Wings+ so some great stormfowl, whene/er he has walked his while
The thunder-purple seabea!h plum)d purple-of-thunder,
If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions s!atter a !olossal smile
(ff him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder"
WHE8 )ill *ou ever( Peace( )ild )ooddove( sh* )in#s shut(
Bour round "e roa"in# end( and under be "* bou#hs-
When( )hen( Peace( )ill *ou( Peace- I'll not 0la* h*0ocrite
To o)n "* heart, I *ield *ou do co"e so"eti"es& but
That 0iece"eal 0eace is 0oor 0eace. What 0ure 0eace allo)s
Alar"s of )ars( the dauntin# )ars( the death of it-
( surely, rea/ing 3ea!e, my #ord should lea/e in lieu
ome good0 And so he does lea/e 3atien!e eB'uisite,
That plumes to 3ea!e thereafter" And when 3ea!e here does house
,e !omes with work to do, he does not !ome to !oo,
,e !omes to brood and sit"
The 2u#ler's First /o""union
A 2!$+AR bo* fro" barrack 9it is over the hill
There: -- bo* bu#ler( born( he tells "e( of Irish
3other to an En#lish sire 9he
Shares their best #ifts surel*( fall ho) thin#s )ill:(
This /ery /ery day !ame down to us after a boon he on
8y late being there begged of me, o/erflowing
Boon in my bestowing,
%ame, I say, this day to it -- to a 4irst %ommunion"
,ere he knelt then @n regimental red"
4orth %hrist from !upboard fet!hed, how fain I of feet
To his youngster take his treat0
#ow-lat!hed in leaf-light housel his too huge godhead"
There0 and your sweetest sendings, ah di/ine,
By it, hea/ens, befall him0 as a heart %hrist&s darling, dauntless;
Tongue true, /aunt- and tauntless;
Breathing bloom of a !hastity in manseB fine"
4rowning and forefending angel-warder
'uander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him;
8ar!h, kind !omrade, abreast him;
1ress his days to a deBterous and starlight order"
,ow it d?es my heart good, /isiting at that bleak hill,
When limber li'uid youth, that to all I tea!h
-ields tender as a pushed pea!h,
,ies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will0
Then though I should tread tufts of !onsolation
1=ys =fter, s? I in a sort deser/e to
And do ser/e 7od to ser/e to
Cust su!h slips of soldiery %hrist&s royal ration"
$othing <lse is like it, no, not all so strains
5s+ fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending
That sweet&s sweeter ending;
Realm both %hrist is heir to and th<re r<igns"
( now well work that sealing sa!red ointment0
( for now !harms, arms, what bans off bad
And lo!ks lo/e e/er in a lad0
#et m< though see no more of him, and not disappointment
Those sweet hopes 'uell whose least me 'ui!kenings lift,
In s!arlet or somewhere of some day seeing
That brow and bead of being,
An our day&s 7od&s own 7alahad" Though this !hild&s drift
eems by a di/@ne doom !h=nnelled, nor do I !ry
1isaster there; but may he not rankle and roam
In ba!kwheels though bound home* --
That left to the #ord of the Eu!harist, I here lie by;
Re!orded only, I ha/e put my lips on pleas
Would brandle adamantine hea/en with ride and ;ar, did
3rayer go disregarded+
4orward-like, but howe/er, and like fa/ourable hea/en heard these"
3ornin# 3idda* and Evenin# Sacrifice
THE da00led die-a)a*
/heek and )i"0led li0(
The #old-)is0( the air*-#re*
E*e( all in fello)shi0 --
This( all this beaut* bloo"in#(
This( all this freshness fu"in#(
$ive $od )hile )orth consu"in#.
Both thought and thew now bolder
And told by $ature+ Tower;
,ead, heart, hand, heel, and shoulder
That beat and breathe in power --
This pride of prime&s en;oyment
Take as for tool, not toy meant
And hold at %hrist&s employment"
The /ault and s!ope and s!hooling
And mastery in the mind,
In silk-ash kept from !ooling,
And ripest under rind --
What life half lifts the lat!h of,
What hell stalks towards the snat!h of,
-our offering, with despat!h, of0
8W Ti"e's Andro"eda on this rock rude(
With not her either beaut*'s eCual or
Her inGur*'s( looks off b* both horns of shore(
Her flo)er( her 0iece of bein#( doo"ed dra#on's food.
Ti"e 0ast she has been atte"0ted and 0ursued
2* "an* blo)s and banes& but no) hears roar
A )ilder beast fro" West than all )ere( "ore
Rife in her )ron#s( "ore la)less( and "ore le)d.
,er 3erseus linger and lea/e her t? her eBtremes* --
3illowy air he treads a time and hangs
,is thoughts on her, forsaken that she seems,
All while her patien!e, morselled into pangs,
8ounts; then to alight disarming, no one dreams,
With 7orgon&s gear and barebill, thongs and fangs"
The /andle Indoors
S3E candle clear burns so"e)here I co"e b*.
I "use at ho) its bein# 0uts blissful back
With *ello)* "oisture "ild ni#ht's blear-all black(
r to-fro tender tra"bea"s truckle at the e*e.
2* that )indo) )hat task )hat fin#ers 0l*(
I 0lod )onderin#( a-)antin#( Gust for lack
f ans)er the ea#erer a-)antin# Fess* or Fack
There $od to a##rHndise( $od to #lorif*. --
%ome you indoors, !ome home; your fading fire
8end first and /ital !andle in !lose heart&s /ault+
-ou there are master, do your own desire;
What hinders* Are you beam-blind, yet to a fault
In a neighbour deft-handed* Are you that liar
And, !ast by !ons!ien!e out, spendsa/our salt*
The Handso"e Heart,
at a 1ra$ious Answer
'2!T tell "e( child( *our choice& )hat shall I bu*
Bou-' -- 'Father( )hat *ou bu* "e I like best.'
With the s)eetest air that said( still 0lied and 0ressed(
He s)un# to his first 0oised 0ur0ort of re0l*.
What the heart is0 whi!h, like !arriers let fly --
1off darkness, homing nature knows the rest --
To its own fine fun!tion, wild and self-instressed,
4alls light as ten years long taught how to and why"
8annerly-hearted0 more than handsome fa!e --
Beauty&s bearing or muse of mounting /ein,
All, in this !ase, bathed in high hallowing gra!e"""
(f hea/en what boon to buy you, boy, or gain
$ot granted* -- (nly """ ( on that path you pa!e
Run all your ra!e, ( bra!e sterner that strain0
At the Weddin# 3arch
$D )ith honour han# *our head(
$roo"( and #race *ou( bride( *our bed
With lisso"e scions( s)eet scions(
ut of hallo)ed bodies bred.
Ea!h be other&s !omfort kind+
1<ep, d<eper than di/ined,
1i/ine !harity, dear !harity,
4ast you e/er, fast bind"
Then let the 8ar!h tread our ears+
I to him turn with tears
Who to wedlo!k, his wonder wedlo!k,
1<als tr@umph and immortal years"
FeliD Randal
FE+IK Randal the farrier( he is dead then- "* dut* all ended(
Who have )atched his "ould of "an( bi#-boned and hard*-handso"e
Pinin#( 0inin#( till ti"e )hen reason ra"bled in it and so"e
Fatal four disorders( fleshed there( all contended-
i!kness broke him" Impatient he !ursed at first, but mended
Being anointed and all; though a hea/enlier heart began some
8onths earlier, sin!e I had our sweet reprie/e and ransom
Tendered to him" Ah well, 7od rest him all road e/er he offended0
This seeing the si!k endears them to us, us too it endears"
8y tongue had taught thee !omfort, tou!h had 'uen!hed thy tears,
Thy tears that tou!hed my heart, !hild, 4eliB, poor 4eliB Randal;
,ow far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years,
When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers,
1idst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal0
HW lovel* the elder brother's
+ife all laced in the other's(
+Lve-laced% -- )hat once I )ell
Witnessed& so fortune fell.
When Shrovetide( t)o *ears #one(
ur bo*s' 0la*s brou#ht on
Part )as 0icked for Fohn(
Boun# FLhn, then fear( then Go*
Ran revel in the elder bo*.
Their ni#ht )as co"e no)& all
ur co"0an* thron#ed the hall&
Henr*( b* the )all(
2eckoned "e beside hi",
I ca"e )here called( and e*ed hi"
2* "ean)hiles& "akin# "* 0la*
Turn "ost on tender b*0la*.
For( )run# all on love's rack(
3* lad( and lost in Fack(
S"iled( blushed( and bit his li0&
r drove( )ith a diver's di0(
/lutched hands do)n throu#h clas0ed knees --
Truth's tokens tricks like these(
ld telltales( )ith )hat stress
He hun# on the i"0's success.
8o) the other )as brHss-bLld,
HA had no )ork to hold
His heart u0 at the strain&
8a*( ro#uish ran the vein.
T)o tedious acts )ere 0ast&
Fack's call and cue at last&
When Henr*( heart-forsook(
Dro00ed e*es and dared not look.
Eh( ho) Hll rMn#%
Boun# do#( he did #ive ton#ue%
2ut Harr* -- in his hands he has flun#
His tear-tricked cheeks of fla"e
For fond love and for sha"e.
Ah 8ature( fra"ed in fault(
There 's co"fort then( there 's salt&
8ature( bad( base( and blind(
Dearl* thou canst be kind&
There dearl* thAn( deHrl*(
I'll cr* thou canst be kind.
S0rin# and Fall,
to a young $hil,
3NR$AROT( Hre *ou #rPevin#
ver $olden#rove unleavin#-
+eHves( lPke the thin#s of "an( *ou
With *our fresh thou#hts care for( can *ou-
Nh% Hs the heart #ro)s older
It )ill co"e to such si#hts colder
2* and b*( nor s0are a si#h
Thou#h )orlds of )an)ood leaf"eal lie&
And *et *ou )Pll )ee0 and kno) )h*.
8o) no "atter( child( the na"e,
SLrro)'s s0rPn#s Hre the sa"e.
8or "outh had( no nor "ind( eD0ressed
What heart heard of( #host #uessed,
It Ps the bli#ht "an )as born for(
It is 3ar#aret *ou "ourn for.
S0elt fro" Sib*l's +eaves
EAR8EST( earthless( eCual( attuneable( ' vault*( volu"inous( ... stu0endous
Evenin# strains to be tP"e's vHst( ' )o"b-of-all( ho"e-of-all( hearse-of-all ni#ht.
Her fond *ello) hornli#ht )ound to the )est( ' her )ild hollo) hoarli#ht hun# to the hei#ht
Waste& her earliest stars( earl-stars( ' stHrs 0rinci0al( overbend us(
FPre-fAaturin# heaven. For earth ' her bein# has unbound( her da00le is at an end( as-
tra* or as)ar"( all throu#hther( in thron#s& ' self Pn self stee0>d and 0Hshed -- CMite
Disre"e"berin#( dPs"A"berin# ' Hll no). Heart( *ou round "e ri#ht
With, Qur Avenin# is over us& Lur ni#ht ' )hAl"s( )hAl"s( Hnd )ill end us.
nl* the beak-leaved bou#hs dra#onish ' da"ask the tool-s"ooth bleak li#ht& black(
Ever so black on it. Qur tale( Lur oracle% ' +At life( )Hned( ah lAt life )ind
ff hAr once skAined stained vAined variet* ' u0on( Hll on t)L s0ools& 0Hrt( 0en( 0Hck
8o) her Hll in t)L flocks( t)L folds -- black( )hite& ' ri#ht( )ron#& reckon but( reck but(
2ut thAse t)o& )Hre of a )Lrld )here bMt these ' t)L tell( each off the Lther& of a rack
Where( self)run#( selfstrun#( sheathe- and shelterless( ' thLu#hts a#aPnst thou#hts Pn #roans
THIS darkso"e burn( horseback bro)n(
His rollrock hi#hroad roarin# do)n(
In coo0 and in co"b the fleece of his foa"
Flutes and lo) to the lake falls ho"e.
A windpuff-bonnet of f=wn-fr?th
Turns and twindles o/er the broth
(f a pool so pit!hbla!k, f<ll-fr?wning,
It rounds and rounds 1espair to drowning"
1egged with dew, dappled with dew
Are the groins of the braes that the brook treads through,
Wiry heathpa!ks, flit!hes of fern,
And the beadbonny ash that sits o/er the burn"
What would the world be, on!e bereft
(f wet and of wildness* #et them be left,
( let them be left, wildness and wet;
#ong li/e the weeds and the wilderness yet"
AS kin#fishers catch fire( dra#onflies drH) flH"e&
As tu"bled over ri" in round* )ells
Stones rin#& like each tucked strin# tells( each hun# bell's
2o) s)un# finds ton#ue to flin# out broad its na"e&
Each "ortal thin# does one thin# and the sa"e,
Deals out that bein# indoors each one d)ells&
Selves -- #oes itself& myself it s0eaks and s0ells(
/r*in# 2h3t I ,o is me4 for that I $ame&
D say m?re+ the ;ust man ;usti!es;
E<eps gr=!e+ th=t keeps all his goings gra!es;
A!ts in 7od&s eye what in 7od&s eye he is --
%hr@st -- for %hrist plays in ten thousand pla!es,
#o/ely in limbs, and lo/ely in eyes not his
To the 4ather through the features of men&s fa!es"
EARTH( s)eet Earth( s)eet landsca0e( )ith leavAs thron#
And louchAd lo) #rass( heaven that dost a00eal
To( )ith no ton#ue to 0lead( no heart to feel&
That canst but onl* be( but dost that lon# --
Thou !anst but be, but that thou well dost; strong
Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal,
Thy lo/ely dale down thus and thus bids reel
Thy ri/er, and o&er gi/es all to ra!k or wrong"
And what is Earth&s eye, tongue, or heart else, where
Else, but in dear and dogged man* -- Ah, the heir
To his own selfbent so bound, so tied to his turn,
To thriftless rea/e both our ri!h round world bare
And none re!k of world after, this bids wear
Earth brows of su!h !are, !are and dear !on!ern"
The +eaden Echo and the $olden Echo
5-ai,ens' song from St& 2inefre,'s 2ell6
,(W to k<ep -- is there =ny any, is there none su!h, nowhere known some,
bow or broo!h or braid or bra!e, l=!e, lat!h or !at!h or key to keep
Ba!k beauty, keep it, beauty, beauty, beauty, """ from /anishing away*
F is there no frowning of these wrinkles, rank<d wrinkles deep,
1?wn* no wa/ing off of these most mournful messengers, still messengers,
sad and stealing messengers of grey*
$o there &s none, there &s none, ( no there &s none,
$or !an you long be, what you now are, !alled fair,
1o what you may do, what, do what you may,
And wisdom is early to despair+
Be beginning; sin!e, no, nothing !an be done
To keep at bay
Age and age&s e/ils, hoar hair,
Ru!k and wrinkle, drooping, dying, death&s worst, winding sheets, tombs and
worms and tumbling to de!ay;
o be beginning, be beginning to despair"
( there &s none; no no no there &s none+
Be beginning to despair, to despair,
1espair, despair, despair, despair"
There @s one, yes I ha/e one 9,ush there0:;
(nly not within seeing of the sun,
$ot within the singeing of the strong sun,
Tall sun&s tingeing, or trea!herous the tainting of the earth&s air,
omewhere elsewhere there is ah well where0 one,
(n<" -es I !an tell su!h a key, I do know su!h a pla!e,
Where whate/er&s pri.ed and passes of us, e/erything that &s fresh and fast
flying of us, seems to us sweet of us and swiftly away with, done away with,
5ndone, done with, soon done with, and yet dearly and dangerously sweet
(f us, the wimpled-water-dimpled, not-by-morning-mat!h)d fa!e,
The flower of beauty, flee!e of beauty, too too apt to, ah0 to fleet,
$e/er fleets m?re, fastened with the tenderest truth
To its own best being and its lo/eliness of youth+ it is an e/erlastingness of,
( it is an all youth0
%ome then, your ways and airs and looks, lo!ks, maiden gear, gallantry and
gaiety and gra!e,
Winning ways, airs inno!ent, maiden manners, sweet looks, loose lo!ks,
long lo!ks, lo/elo!ks, gaygear, going gallant, girlgra!e --
Resign them, sign them, seal them, send them, motion them with breath,
And with sighs soaring, soaring s@ghs deli/er
Them; beauty-in-the-ghost, deli/er it, early now, long before death
7i/e beauty ba!k, beauty, beauty, beauty, ba!k to 7od, beauty&s self and
beauty&s gi/er"
ee; not a hair is, not an eyelash, not the least lash lost; e/ery hair
Is, hair of the head, numbered"
$ay, what we had lighthanded left in surly the mere mould
Will ha/e waked and ha/e waBed and ha/e walked with the wind what while
we slept,
This side, that side hurling a hea/yheaded hundredfold
What while we, while we slumbered"
( then, weary then why
When the thing we freely f?rfeit is kept with fonder a !are,
4onder a !are kept than we !ould ha/e kept it, kept
4ar with fonder a !are 9and we, we should ha/e lost it: finer, fonder
A !are kept" -- Where kept* 1o but tell us where kept, where" --
-onder" -- What high as that0 We follow, now we follow" -- -onder, yes
yonder, yonder,
The 2lessed Iir#in co"0ared to the Air )e 2reathe
WI+D air( )orld-"otherin# air(
8estlin# "e ever*)here(
That each e*elash or hair
$irdles& #oes ho"e bet)iDt
The fleeciest( frailest-fliDed
Sno)flake& that 's fairl* "iDed
With( riddles( and is rife
In ever* least thin#'s life&
This needful( never s0ent(
And nursin# ele"ent&
3* "ore than "eat and drink(
3* "eal at ever* )ink&
This air( )hich( b* life's la)(
3* lun# "ust dra) and dra)
8o) but to breathe its 0raise(
3inds "e in "an* )a*s
f her )ho not onl*
$ave $od's infinit*
D)indled to infanc*
Welco"e in )o"b and breast(
2irth( "ilk( and all the rest
2ut "others each ne) #race
That does no) reach our race --
3ar* I""aculate(
3erel* a )o"an( *et
Whose 0resence( 0o)er is
$reat as no #oddess's
Was dee">d( drea">d& )ho
This one )ork has to do --
+et all $od's #lor* throu#h(
$od's #lor* )hich )ould #o
Throu#h her and fro" her flo)
ff( and no )a* but so.
I say that we are wound
With mer!y round and round
As if with air+ the same
Is 8ary, more by name"
he, wild web, wondrous robe,
8antles the guilty globe,
in!e 7od has let dispense
,er prayers his pro/iden!e+
$ay, more than almoner,
The sweet alms& self is her
And men are meant to share
,er life as life does air"
If I ha/e understood,
he holds high motherhood
Towards all our ghostly good
And plays in gra!e her part
About man&s beating heart,
#aying, like air&s fine flood,
The deathdan!e in his blood;
-et no part but what will
Be %hrist our a/iour still"
(f her flesh he took flesh+
,e does take fresh and fresh,
Though mu!h the mystery how,
$ot flesh but spirit now
And makes, ( mar/ellous0
$ew $a.areths in us,
Where she shall yet !on!ei/e
,im, morning, noon, and e/e;
$ew Bethlems, and he born
There, e/ening, noon, and morn --
Bethlem or $a.areth,
8en here may draw like breath
8ore %hrist and baffle death;
Who, born so, !omes to be
$ew self and nobler me
In ea!h one and ea!h one
8ore makes, when all is done,
Both 7od&s and 8ary&s on"
Again, look o/erhead
,ow air is a.ur)d;
( how0 nay do but stand
Where you !an lift your hand
kywards+ ri!h, ri!h it laps
Round the four fingergaps"
-et su!h a sapphire-shot,
%harged, steep)d sky will not
tain light" -ea, mark you this+
It does no pre;udi!e"
The glass-blue days are those
When e/ery !olour glows,
Ea!h shape and shadow shows"
Blue be it+ this blue hea/en
The se/en or se/en times se/en
,ued sunbeam will transmit
3erfe!t, not alter it"
(r if there does some soft,
(n things aloof, aloft,
Bloom breathe, that one breath more
Earth is the fairer for"
Whereas did air not make
This bath of blue and slake
,is fire, the sun would shake,
A blear and blinding ball
With bla!kness bound, and all
The thi!k stars round him roll
4lashing like fle!ks of !oal,
Auart.-fret, or sparks of salt,
In grimy /asty /ault"
o 7od was god of old+
A mother !ame to mould
Those limbs like ours whi!h are
What must make our daystar
8u!h dearer to mankind;
Whose glory bare would blind
(r less would win man&s mind"
Through her we may see him
8ade sweeter, not made dim,
And her hand lea/es his light
ifted to suit our sight"
Be thou then, ( thou dear
8other, my atmosphere;
8y happier world, wherein
To wend and meet no sin;
Abo/e me, round me lie
4ronting my froward eye
With sweet and s!arless sky;
tir in my ears, speak there
(f 7od&s lo/e, ( li/e air,
(f patien!e, penan!e, prayer+
World-mothering air, air wild,
Wound with thee, in thee isled,
4old home, fast fold thy !hild"
To )hat serves 3ortal 2eaut*-
T )hat serves "ortal beaut* ' -- dan#erous& does set danc-
in# blood -- the -seal-that-so ' feature( flun# 0rouder for"
Than Purcell tune lets tread to- ' See, it does this, kee0s )ar"
3en's )its to the thin#s that are& ' )hat #ood "eans -- )here a #lance
3aster "ore "a* than #aEe( ' #aEe out of countenance.
Those lovel* lads once( )et-fresh ' )indfalls of )ar's stor"(
Ho) then should $re#or*( a father( ' have #lean>d else fro" s)ar"-
ed Ro"e- 2ut $od to a nation ' dealt that da*'s dear chance.
To "an( that needs )ould )orshi0 ' block or barren stone(
ur la) sa*s, +ove )hat are ' love's )orthiest( )ere all kno)n&
World's loveliest -- "en's selves. Self ' flashes off fra"e and face.
What do then- ho) "eet beaut*- ' 3erel* "eet it& o)n(
Ho"e at heart( heaven's s)eet #ift& ' then leave( let that alone.
Bea( )ish that thou#h( )ish all( ' $od's better beaut*( #race.
9The Soldier:
BES. Wh* do )e Hll( seein# of a soldier( bless hi"- bless
ur redcoats( our tars- 2oth these bein#( the #reater 0art(
2ut frail cla*( na* but foul cla*. Here it is, the heart(
Since( 0roud( it calls the callin# "anl*( #ives a #uess
That( ho0es that( "akesbelieve( the "en "ust be no less&
It fancies( fei#ns( dee"s( dears the artist after his art&
And fain )ill find as sterlin# all as all is s"art(
And scarlet )ear the s0irit of )Hr thAre eD0ress.
8ark %hrist our Eing" ,e knows war, ser/ed this soldiering through;
,e of all !an handle a rope best" There he bides in bliss
$ow, and s<eing somewh<re some m=n do all that man !an do,
4or lo/e he leans forth, needs his ne!k must fall on, kiss,
And !ry &( %hrist-done deed0 o 7od-made-flesh does too+
Were I !ome o&er again& !ries %hrist &it should be this&"
9/arrion /o"fort:
8T( I'll not( carrion co"fort( Des0air( not feast on thee&
8ot unt)ist -- slack the* "a* be -- these last strands of "an
In "e Lr( "ost )ear*( cr* I $an no more& I can&
/an so"ethin#( ho0e( )ish da* co"e( not choose not to be.
2ut ah( but thou terrible( )h* )ouldst thou rude on "e
Th* )rin#-)orld ri#ht foot rock- la* a lionli"b a#ainst "e- scan
With darkso"e devourin# e*es "* bruis>d bones- and fan(
in turns of te"0est( "e hea0ed there& "e frantic to avoid thee and flee-
Why* That my !haff might fly; my grain lie, sheer and !lear"
$ay in all that toil, that !oil, sin!e 9seems: I kissed the rod,
,and rather, my heart lo0 lapped strength, stole ;oy, would laugh, !h<er"
%heer whom though* the hero whose hea/en-handling flung me, f?ot tr?d
8e* or me that fought him* ( whi!h one* is it ea!h one* That night, that year
(f now done darkness I wret!h lay wrestling with 9my 7od0: my 7od"
8 )orst( there is none. Pitched 0ast 0itch of #rief(
3ore 0an#s )ill( schooled at fore0an#s( )ilder )rin#.
/o"forter( )here( )here is *our co"fortin#-
3ar*( "other of us( )here is *our relief-
3* cries heave( herds-lon#& huddle in a "ain( a chief
Woe( )orld-sorro)& on an a#e-old anvil )ince and sin# --
Then lull( then leave off. Fur* had shrieked '8o lin#-
erin#% +et "e be fell, force I "ust be brief'.
( the mind, mind has mountains; !liffs of fall
4rightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed" ,old them !heap
8ay who ne&er hung there" $or does long our small
1uran!e deal with that steep or deep" ,ere0 !reep,
Wret!h, under a !omfort ser/es in a whirlwind+ all
#ife death does end and ea!h day dies with sleep"
To"'s $arland,
upon the 7nemploye,
T3 -- #arlanded )ith sCuat and surl* steel
To"& then To"'s fallo)bootfello) 0iles 0ick
2* hi" and ri0s out rockfire ho"eforth -- sturd* Dick&
To" Heart-at-ease( To" 8avv*, he is all for his "eal
Sure( 's bed no). +o) be it, lustil* he his lo) lot 9feel
That ne'er need hun#er( To"& To" seldo" sick(
Seldo"er heartsore& that treads throu#h( 0rick0roof( thick
Thousands of thorns( thou#hts: s)in#s thou#h. /o""on)eal
+ittle I reck ho% lacklevel in( if all had bread,
What% /ountr* is honour enou#h in all us -- lordl* head(
With heaven's li#hts hi#h hun# round( or( "other-#round
That "a""ocks( "i#ht* foot. 2ut no )a* s0ed(
8or "ind nor "ainstren#th& #old #o #arlanded
With( 0erilous( nL& nor *et 0lod safe shod sound&
!ndeniEened( be*ond bound
f earth's #lor*( earth's ease( all& no one( no)here(
In )ide the )orld's )eal& rare #old( bold steel( bare
In both& care( but share care --
This( b* Des0air( bred Han#do# dull& b* Ra#e(
3an)olf( )orse& and their 0acks infest the a#e.
Harr* Plou#h"an
HARD as hurdle ar"s( )ith a broth of #oldish flue
2reathed round& the rack of ribs& the scoo0ed flank& lank
Ro0e-over thi#h& knee-nave& and barrelled shank --
Head and foot( shoulder and shank --
2* a #re* e*e's heed steered )ell( one cre)( fall to&
Stand at stress. Each li"b's barro)* bra)n( his the)
That one)here curded( one)here sucked or sank --
Soared or sank -- (
Thou#h as a beechbole fir"( finds his( as at a roll-call( rank
And features( in flesh( )hat deed he each "ust do --
His sine)-service )here do.
,e leans to it, ,arry bends, look" Ba!k, elbow, and li'uid waist
In him, all 'uail to the wallowing o& the plough+ &s !heek !rimsons; !urls
Wag or !rossbridle, in a wind lifted, windla!ed --
ee his wind- lilylo!ks -la!ed;
%hurlsgra!e, too, !hild of Amansstrength, how it hangs or hurls
Them -- broad in bluff hide his frowning feet lashed0 ra!ed
With, along them, !ragiron under and !old furls --
With-a-fountain&s shining-shot furls"
T see" the stran#er lies "* lot( "* life
A"on# stran#ers. Father and "other dear(
2rothers and sisters are in /hrist not near
And he "* 0eace "* 0artin#( s)ord and strife.
En#land( )hose honour all "* heart )oos( )ife
To "* creatin# thou#ht( )ould neither hear
3e( )ere I 0leadin#( 0lead nor do I, I )ear-
* of idle a bein# but b* )here )ars are rife.
I am in Ireland now; now I am at a th@rd
Remo/e" $ot but in all remo/es I !an
Eind lo/e both gi/e and get" (nly what word
Wisest my heart breeds dark hea/en&s baffling ban
Bars or hell&s spell thwarts" This to hoard unheard,
,eard unheeded, lea/es me a lonely began"
I WA6E and feel the fell of dark( not da*.
What hours( )hat black hoRrs )e have s0ent
This ni#ht% )hat si#hts *ou( heart( sa)& )a*s *ou )ent%
And "ore "ust( in *et lon#er li#ht's dela*.
With )itness I s0eak this. 2ut )here I sa*
Hours I "ean *ears( "ean life. And "* la"ent
Is cries countless( cries like dead letters sent
To dearest hi" that lives alas% a)a*.
I am gall, I am heartburn" 7od&s most deep de!ree
Bitter would ha/e me taste+ my taste was me;
Bones built in me, flesh filled, blood brimmed the !urse"
elfyeast of spirit a dull dough sours" I see
The lost are like this, and their s!ourge to be
As I am mine, their sweating sel/es; but worse"
PATIE8/E( hard thin#% the hard thin# but to 0ra*(
2ut bid for( Patience is% Patience )ho asks
Wants )ar( )ants )ounds& )ear* his ti"es( his tasks&
To do )ithout( take tosses( and obe*.
Rare 0atience roots in these( and( these a)a*(
8o)here. 8atural heart's iv*( Patience "asks
ur ruins of )recked 0ast 0ur0ose. There she basks
Pur0le e*es and seas of liCuid leaves all da*.
We hear our hearts grate on themsel/es+ it kills
To bruise them dearer" -et the rebellious wills
(f us we do bid 7od bend to him e/en so"
And where is he who more and more distils
1eli!ious kindness* -- ,e is patient" 3atien!e fills
,is !risp !ombs, and that !omes those ways we know"
3B o)n heart let "e have "ore have 0it* on& let
3e live to "* sad self hereafter kind(
/haritable& not live this tor"ented "ind
With this tor"ented "ind tor"entin# *et.
I cast for co"fort I can no "ore #et
2* #ro0in# round "* co"fortless( than blind
E*es in their dark can da* or thirst can find
Thirst 's all-in-all in all a )orld of )et.
oul, self; !ome, poor Ca!kself, I do ad/ise
-ou, ;aded, let be; !all off thoughts awhile
Elsewhere; lea/e !omfort root-room; let ;oy si.e
At 7od knows when to 7od knows what; whose smile
&s not wrung, see you; unforeseen times rather -- as skies
Betweenpie mountains -- lights a lo/ely mile"
That 8ature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the co"fort of the
/+!D-P!FF2A++( torn tufts( tossed 0illo)s ' flaunt forth( then chev* on an air-
built thorou#hfare, heaven-ro*sterers( in #a*-#an#s ' the* thron#& the* #litter in "arches.
Do)n rou#hcast( do)n daEElin# )hite)ash( ' )herever an el" arches(
Shiveli#hts and shado)tackle in lon# ' lashes lace( lance( and 0air.
Deli#htfull* the bri#ht )ind boisterous ' ro0es( )restles( beats earth bare
f *esterte"0est's creases& in 0ool and rut 0eel 0arches
SCuanderin# ooEe to sCueeEed ' dou#h( crust( dust& stanches( starches
SCuadroned "asks and "an"arks ' tread"ire toil there
Footfretted in it. 3illion-fuel>d( ' nature's bonfire burns on.
2ut Cuench her bonniest( dearest ' to her( her clearest-selv>d s0ark
3an( ho) fast his firedint( ' his "ark on "ind( is #one%
2oth are in an unfatho"able( all is in an enor"ous dark
Dro)ned. 0it* and indi# ' nation% 3ansha0e( that shone
Sheer off( disseveral( a star( ' death blots black out& nor "ark
Is an* of hi" at all so stark
2ut vastness blurs and ti"e ' beats level. Enou#h% the Resurrection(
A heart's-clarion% A)a* #rief's #as0in#( ' Go*less da*s( deGection.
Across "* founderin# deck shone
A beacon( an eternal bea". ' Flesh fade( and "ortal trash
Fall to the residuar* )or"& ' )orld's )ildfire( leave but ash,
In a flash( at a tru"0et crash(
I a" all at once )hat /hrist is( ' since he )as )hat I a"( and
This Fack( Goke( 0oor 0otsherd( ' 0atch( "atch)ood( i""ortal dia"ond(
Is i""ortal dia"ond.
In honour of
St. Al0honsus Rodri#ueE
+aybrother of the So$iety of Jesus
H8!R is flashed off eD0loit( so )e sa*&
And those strokes once that #ashed flesh or #alled shield
Should ton#ue that ti"e no)( tru"0et no) that field(
And( on the fi#hter( for#e his #lorious da*.
n /hrist the* do and on the "art*r "a*&
2ut be the )ar )ithin( the brand )e )ield
!nseen( the heroic breast not out)ard-steeled(
Earth hears no hurtle then fro" fiercest fra*.
-et 7od 9that hews mountain and !ontinent,
Earth, all, out; who, with tri!kling in!rement,
2eins /iolets and tall trees makes more and more:
%ould !rowd !areer with !on'uest while there went
Those years and years by of world without e/ent
That in 8a;or!a Alfonso wat!hed the door"
Justus 8ui,em tu es, 9omine, si ,isputem te$um4 verumtamen :usta lo8uar
a, te4 ;uare via impiorum prosperatur< =$&
TH! art indeed Gust( +ord( if I contend
With thee& but( sir( so )hat I 0lead is Gust.
Wh* do sinners' )a*s 0ros0er- and )h* "ust
Disa00oint"ent all I endeavour end-
Wert thou my enemy, ( thou my friend,
,ow wouldst thou worse, I wonder, than thou dost
1efeat, thwart me* (h, the sots and thralls of lust
1o in spare hours more thri/e than I that spend,
ir, life upon thy !ause" ee, banks and brakes
$ow lea/)d how thi!k0 la!)d they are again
With fretty !her/il, look, and fresh wind shakes
Them; birds build -- but not I build; no, but strain,
Time&s eunu!h, and not breed one work that wakes"
8ine, ( thou lord of life, send my roots rain"
To R. 2.
THE fine deli#ht that fathers thou#ht& the stron#
S0ur( live and lancin# like the blo)0i0e fla"e(
2reathes once and( Cuench>d faster than it ca"e(
+eaves *et the "ind a "other of i""ortal son#.
8ine "onths she then( na* *ears( nine *ears she lon#
Within her )ears( bears( cares and "oulds the sa"e,
The )ido) of an insi#ht lost she lives( )ith ai"
8o) kno)n and hand at )ork no) never )ron#.
S)eet fire the sire of "use( "* soul needs this&
I )ant the one ra0ture of an ins0iration.
then if in "* la##in# lines *ou "iss
The roll( the rise( the carol( the creation(
3* )inter )orld( that scarcel* breathes that bliss
8o)( *ields *ou( )ith so"e si#hs( our eD0lanation.
Unfinished Poems & Fragments
THE best ideal is the true
And other truth is none.
All #lor* be ascrib>d to
The hol* Three in ne.
WHAT bein# in rank-old nature should earlier have that breath been
That hAre 0Arsonal tells off these heart-son# 0o)erful 0eals- --
A bush-bro)ed( beetle-brL)ed bPllo) is it-
With a soMth-)Asterl* )Pnd blMsterin#( )ith a tide rolls reels
f cru"blin#( fore-founderin#( thunderin# all-surf* seas in& seen
Snderneath( their #lass* barrel( of a fair* #reen.
. . . . . . . .
r a Gauntin# vauntin# vaultin# assaultin# tru"0et tellin#
n the Portrait of T)o 2eautiful Boun# Peo0le
A Brother an, Sister
I ad"ire and sorro)% The heart's e*e #rieves
Discoverin# *ou( dark tra"0lers( t*rant *ears.
A Guice rides rich throu#h bluebells( in vine leaves(
And beaut*'s dearest veriest vein is tears.
,appy the father, mother of these0 Too fast+
$ot that, but thus far, all with frailty, blest
In one fair fall; but, for time&s after!ast,
%reatures all heft, hope, ha.ard, interest"
And are they thus* The fine, the fingering beams
Their young delightful hour do feature down
That fleeted else like day-dissol/)d dreams
(r ringlet-ra!e on burling Barrow brown"
he leans on him with su!h !ontentment fond
As well the sister sits, would well the wife;
,is looks, the soul&s own letters, see beyond,
7a.e on, and fall dire!tly forth on life"
But ah, bright forelo!k, !luster that you are
(f fa/oured make and mind and health and youth,
Where lies your landmark, seamark, or soul&s star*
There&s none but truth !an stead you" %hrist is truth"
There &s none but good !an b< good, both for you
And what sways with you, maybe this sweet maid;
$one good but 7od -- a warning wa/)d to
(ne on!e that was found wanting when 7ood weighed"
8an li/es that list, that leaning in the will
$o wisdom !an fore!ast by gauge or guess,
The selfless self of self, most strange, most still,
4ast furled and all foredrawn to $o or -es"
-our feast of; that most in you earnest eye
8ay but !all on your banes to more !arouse"
Worst will the best" What worm was here, we !ry,
To ha/e ha/o!-po!ked so, see, the hung-hea/enward boughs*
Enough+ !orruption was the world&s first woe"
What need I strain my heart beyond my ken*
( but I bear my burning witness though
Against the wild and wanton work of men"
" " " " " " "
THE sea took 0it*, it inter0osed )ith doo",
'I have tall dau#hters dear that heed "* hand,
+et Winter )ed one( so) the" in her )o"b(
And she shall child the" on the 8e)-)orld strand.'
. . . . . . . .
8T of all "* e*es see( )anderin# on the )orld(
Is an*thin# a "ilk to the "ind so( so si#hs dee0
Poetr* to it( as a tree )hose bou#hs break in the sk*.
Sa* it is ashbou#hs, )hether on a Dece"ber da* and furled
Fast Lr the* in cla""*ish lashtender co"bs cree0
A0art )ide and ne)-nestle at heaven "ost hi#h.
The* touch heaven( tabour on it& ho) their talons s)ee0
The s"oulderin# enor"ous )inter )elkin% 3a*
3ells blue and sno))hite throu#h the"( a frin#e and fra*
f #reener*, it is old earth's #ro0in# to)ards the stee0
Heaven )ho" she childs us b*.
5Variant from line (&6 b&
The* touch( the* tabour on it( hover on itT& here( there hurledU(
With talons s)ee0
The s"oulderin# enor"ous )inter )elkin. TE*e(
2ut "ore cheer is )henU 3a*
3ells blue )ith sno))hite throu#h their frin#e and fra*
f #reener* and old earth #ro0es for( #ras0s at stee0
Heaven )ith it )ho" she childs thin#s b*.
. . . . . . . .
HPE holds to /hrist the "ind's o)n "irror out
To take His lovel* likeness "ore and "ore.
It )ill not )ell( so she )ould brin# about
An ever bri#hter burnish than before
And turns to )ash it fro" her )ellin# e*es
And breathes the blots off all )ith si#hs on si#hs.
Her #lass is blest but she as #ood as blind
Holds till hand aches and )onders )hat is there&
Her #lass drinks li#ht( she darkles do)n behind(
All of her #lorious #ainin#s una)are.
. . . . . . . .
I told *ou that she turned her "irror di"
2et)een)hiles( but she sees herself not Hi".
. . . . . . . .
St. Winefred's Well
A/T I. S/. I
#nter Teryth from ri,ing, 2inefre, following&
T. WHAT is it( $)en( "* #irl- )h* do *ou hover and haunt "e-
W. Bou ca"e b* /aer)*s( sir-
T. I ca"e b* /aer)*s.
W. There
So"e "essen#er there "i#ht have "et *ou fro" "* uncle.
T. Bour uncle "et the "essen#er -- "et "e& and this the "essa#e,
+ord 2euno co"es to-ni#ht.
W. To-ni#ht( sir%
T. Soon( no), therefore
Have all thin#s read* in his roo".
W. There needs but little doin#.
T. +et )hat there needs be done. Sta*% )ith hi" one co"0anion(
His deacon( Dirvan War", t)ice over "ust the )elco"e be(
2ut both )ill share one cell. -- This )as #ood ne)s( $)envre)i.
W. Ah *es%
T. Wh*( #et thee #one then& tell th* "other I )ant her.
#>it 2inefre,&
8o "an has such a dau#hter. The fathers of the )orld
/all no such "aiden '"ine'. The dee0er #ro)s her dearness
And "ore and "ore ti"es laces round and round "* heart(
The "ore so"e "onstrous hand #ro0es )ith cla""* fin#ers there(
Ta"0erin# )ith those s)eet bines( dra)s the" out( strains the"( strains the"&
3eanti"e so"e ton#ue cries 'What( Ter*th% )hat( thou 0oor fond father%
Ho) )hen this bloo"( this hone*suckle( that rides the air so rich about thee(
Is all( all sheared a)a*( thus%' Then I s)eat for fear.
r else a funeral( and *et 'tis not a funeral(
So"e 0a#eant )hich takes tears and I "ust foot )ith feelin# that
Alive or dead "* #irl is carried in it( endlessl*
$oes "archin# thro' "* "ind. What sense is this- It has none.
This is too "uch the father& na* the "other. Fanciful%
I here forbid "* thou#hts to fool the"selves )ith fears.
#nter 1wenlo&
. . . . . . . .
A/T II. -- S$ene, a woo, en,ing in a steep bank over a ,ry ,ene, 2inefre, having been
mur,ere, within& ?e@enter *ara,o$ with a bloo,y swor,&
/. 3* heart( )here have )e been- What have )e seen( "* "ind-
What stroke has /aradoc's ri#ht ar" dealt- )hat done- Head of a rebel
Struck off it has& )ritten u0on lovel* li"bs(
In blood* letters( lessons of earnest( of reven#e&
3onu"ents of "* earnest( records of "* reven#e(
n one that )ent a#ainst "e )hAreas I had )arned her --
Warned her% )ell she kne). I )arned her of this )ork.
What )ork- )hat har" 's done- There is no har" done( none *et&
Perha0s )e struck no blo)( $)envre)i lives 0erha0s&
To "akebelieve "* "ood )as -- "ock. I "i#ht think so
2ut here( here is a )ork"an fro" his da*'s task s)eats.
Wi0ed I a" sure this )as& it see"s not )ell& for still(
Still the scarlet s)in#s and dances on the blade.
So be it. Thou steel( thou butcher(
I cHn scour thee( fresh burnish thee( sheathe thee in th* dark lair& these dro0s
8ever( never( never in their blue banks a#ain.
The )oeful( /radock( the )oeful )ord% Then )hat(
What have )e seen- Her head( sheared fro" her shoulders( fall(
And la00ed in shinin# hair( roll to the bank's ed#e& then
Do)n the beetlin# banks( like )ater in )aterfalls(
It stoo0ed and flashed and fell and ran like )ater a)a*.
Her e*es( oh and her e*es%
In all her beaut*( and sunli#ht to it is a 0it( den( darkness(
Foa"-fallin# is not fresh to it( rainbo) b* it not bea"in#(
In all her bod*( I sa*( no 0lace )as like her e*es(
8o 0iece "atched those e*es ke0t "ost 0art "uch cast do)n
2ut( bein# lifted( i""ortal( of i""ortal bri#htness.
Several ti"es I sa) the"( thrice or four ti"es turnin#&
Round and round the* ca"e and flashed to)ards heaven, there(
There the* did a00eal. Therefore air* ven#eances
Are afoot& heaven-vault fast 0ur0lin# 0ortends( and )hat first li#htnin#
An* instant falls "eans "e. And I do not re0ent&
I do not and I )ill not re0ent( not re0ent.
The bla"e bear )ho aroused "e. What I have done violent
I have like a lion done( lionlike done(
Honourin# an uncontrolled ro*al )rathful nature(
3antlin# 0assion in a #randeur( cri"son #randeur.
8o) be "* 0ride then 0erfect( all one 0iece. Henceforth
In a )ide )orld of defiance /aradoc lives alone(
+o*al to his o)n soul( la*in# his o)n la) do)n( no la) nor
+ord no) curb hi" for ever. darin#% dee0 insi#ht%
What is virtue- Ialour& onl* the heart valiant.
And ri#ht- nl* resolution& )ill( his )ill un)averin#
Who( like "e( kno)in# his nature to the heart ho"e( nature's business(
Des0atches )ith no flinchin#. 2ut )ill flesh( can flesh
Second this fier* strain- 8ot al)a*s& no no%
We cannot live this life out& so"eti"es )e "ust )ear*
And in this darkso"e )orld )hat co"fort can I find-
Do)n this darkso"e )orld cL"fort )hAre can I find
When 'ts li#ht I Cuenched& its rose( ti"e's one rich rose( "* hand(
2* her bloo"( fast b* her fresh( her fleec>d bloo"(
Hideous dashed do)n( leavin# earth a )inter )itherin#
With no no)( no $)envre)i. I "ust "iss her "ost
That "i#ht have s0ared her )ere it but for 0assion-sake. Bes(
To hun#er and not have( *At ho0e Ln for( to stor" and strive and
2e at ever* assault fresh foiled( )orse flun#( dee0er disa00ointed(
The tur"oil and the tor"ent( it has( I s)ear( a s)eetness(
6ee0s a kind of Go* in it( a Eest( an ed#e( an ecstas*(
8eDt after s)eet success. I a" not left even this&
I all "* bein# have hacked in half )ith her neck, one 0art(
Reason( selfdis0osal( choice of better or )orse )a*(
Is cor0se no)( cannot chan#e& "* other self( this soul(
+ife's Cuick( this kPnd( this kAen self-feelin#(
With dreadful distillation of thou#hts sour as blood(
3ust all da* lon# taste "urder. What do nL) then- Do- 8a*(
Deed-bound I a"& one deed treads all do)n here cra"0s all doin#. What do- 8ot
8ot ho0e( not 0ra*& des0air& a*( that, braEen des0air out(
2rave all( and take )hat co"es -- as here this rabble is co"e(
Whose bloods I reck no "ore of( no "ore rank )ith hers
Than se)ers )ith sacred oils. 3ankind( that "obs( co"es. /o"e%
#nter a $row,, among them Teryth, 1wenlo, Beuno&
. . . . . . . .
#fter $inefred%s raising from the dead and the breaking out of the fountain.
2E!8. no) )hile skies are blue( no) )hile seas are salt(
While rush* rains shall fall or brooks shall fleet fro" fountains(
While sick "en shall cast si#hs( of s)eet health all des0airin#(
While blind "en's e*es shall thirst after da*li#ht( drau#hts of da*li#ht(
r deaf ears shall desire that li0"usic that 's lost u0on the"(
While cri00les are( )hile le0ers( dancers in dis"al li"b-dance(
Fallers in dreadful froth0its( )aterfearers )ild(
Stone( 0als*( cancer( cou#h( lun# )astin#( )o"b not bearin#(
Ru0ture( runnin# sores( )hat "ore- in brief& in burden(
As lon# as "en are "ortal and $od "erciful(
So lon# to this s)eet s0ot( this leaf* lean-over(
This Dr* Dene( no) no lon#er dr* nor du"b( but "oist and "usical
With the u0roll and the do)ncarol of da* and ni#ht deliverin#
Water( )hich kee0s th* na"e( 9for not in rLck )rPtten(
2ut in 0ale )ater( frail )ater( )ild rash and reelin# )ater(
That )ill not )ear a 0rint( that )ill not stain a 0en(
Th* venerable record( vir#in( is recorded:.
Here to this hol* )ell shall 0il#ri"a#es be(
And not fro" 0ur0le Wales onl* nor fro" el"* En#land(
2ut fro" be*ond seas( Erin( France and Flanders( ever*)here(
Pil#ri"s( still 0il#ri"s( "Lre 0Pl#ri"s( still "ore 0oor 0il#ri"s.
. . . . . . . .
What si#hts shall be )hen so"e that s)un#( )retches( on crutches
Their crutches shall cast fro" the"( on heels of air de0artin#(
r the* #o rich as roseleaves hence that loathso"e cH"e hither%
8ot no) to nH"e even
Those dearer( "ore divine boons )hose haven the heart is.
. . . . . . . .
As sure as )hat is "ost sure( sure as that s0rin# 0ri"roses
Shall ne)-da00le neDt *ear( sure as to-"orro) "ornin#(
A"on#st co"e-back-a#ain thin#s( thPn#s )ith a revival( thin#s )ith a recover*(
Th* na"e...
. . . . . . . .
WHAT shall I do for the land that bred "e(
Her ho"es and fields that folded and fed "e- --
2e under her banner and live for her honour,
!nder her banner I'll live for her honour.
/HR!S. !nder her banner live for her honour.
$ot the pleasure, the pay, the plunder,
But !ountry and flag, the flag I am under --
There is the shilling that finds me willing
To follow a banner and fight for honour"
%," We follow her banner, we fight for her honour"
%all me England&s fame&s fond lo/er,
,er fame to keep, her fame to re!o/er"
pend me or end me what 7od shall send me,
But under her banner I li/e for her honour"
%," 5nder her banner we mar!h for her honour"
Where is the field I must play the man on*
( wel!ome there their steel or !annon"
Immortal beauty is death with duty,
If under her banner I fall for her honour"
%," 5nder her banner we fall for her honour"
THE ti"es are ni#htfall( look( their li#ht #ro)s less&
The ti"es are )inter( )atch( a )orld undone,
The* )aste( the* )ither )orse& the* as the* run
r brin# "ore or "ore blaEon "an's distress.
And I not hel0. 8or )ord no) of success,
All is fro" )reck( here( there( to rescue one --
Work )hich to see scarce so "uch as be#un
3akes )elco"e death( does dear for#etfulness.
(r what is else* There is your world within"
There rid the dragons, root out there the sin"
-our will is law in that small !ommonweal"""
/heer* 2e##ar
2EB8D 3H#dalen and b* the 2rid#e( on a 0lace called there the Plain(
In Su""er( in a burst of su""erti"e
Follo)in# falls and falls of rain(
When the air )as s)eet-and-sour of the flo)n fineflo)er of
Those #oldnails and their #a*links that han# alon# a li"e&
. . . . . . . .
The "otion of that "an's heart is fine
Who" )ant could not "ake 0Pne( 0Pne
That stru##lin# should not sear hi"( a #ift should cheer hi"
+ike that 0oor 0ocket of 0ence( 0oor 0ence of "ine.
. . . . . . . .
DE8IS( )hose "otionable( alert( "ost vaultin# )it
/a0s occasion )ith an intellectual fit.
Bet Arthur is a 2o)"an, his three-heeled ti"ber 'll hit
The bald and bLld blPnkin# #old )hen Hll 's dLne
Ri#ht rootin# in the bare butt's )incin# navel in the si#ht of the sun.
. . . . . . . .
THE furl of fresh-leaved do#rose do)n
His cheeks the forth-and-flauntin# sun
Had s)arthed about )ith lion-bro)n
2efore the S0rin# )as done.
,is lo!ks like all a ra/el-rope&s-end,
With hempen strands in spray --
4allow, foam-fallow, hanks -- fall&n off their ranks,
wung down at a disarray"
(r like a ;ui!y and ;ostling sho!k
(f bluebells shea/ed in 8ay
(r wind-long flee!es on the flo!k
A day off shearing day"
Then o/er his turn)d temples -- here --
Was a rose, or, failing that,
Rough-Robin or fi/e-lipped !ampion !lear
4or a beauty-bow to his hat,
And the sunlight sidled, like dewdrops, like dandled diamonds
Through the sie/e of the straw of the plait"
" " " " " " "
The Woodlark
T##VA $heevo $heevio $hee4
)here( )hat can thHt be-
2ee,io@wee,io4 there a#ain%
So tin* a trickle of sLn#-strain&
And all round not to be found
For brier( bou#h( furro)( or #rAen #round
2efore or behind or far or at hand
Either left either ri#ht
An*)here in the sMnli#ht.
Well( after all% Ah but hark --
'I a" the little )Lodlark.
. . . . . . . .
To-da* the sk* is t)o and t)o
With )hite strokes and strains of the blue
. . . . . . . .
Round a rin#( around a rin#
And )hile I sail 9"ust listen: I sin#
. . . . . . . .
The sk*lark is "* cousin and he
Is kno)n to "en "ore than "e
. . . . . . . .
...)hen the cr* )ithin
Sa*s $o on then I #o on
Till the lon#in# is less and the #ood #one
But down drop, if it says top,
To the all-a-leaf of the tr<etop
And after that off the bough
" " " " " " " "
I =m so /<ry, ( so? /ery glad
That I d? th@nk there is not to be had"""
" " " " " " " "
The blue wheat-a!re is underneath
And the braided ear breaks out of the sheath,
The ear in milk, lush the sash,
And !rush-silk poppies aflash,
The blood-gush blade-gash
4lame-rash rudred
Bud shelling or broad-shed
Tatter-tassel-tangled and dingle-a-dangled
1andy-hung dainty head"
" " " " " " " "
And down """ the furrow dry
unspurge and oBeye
And la!ed-lea/ed lo/ely
4oam-tuft fumitory
" " " " " " " "
Through the /el/ety wind 2-winged
To the nest&s nook I balan!e and buoy
With a sweet ;oy of a sweet ;oy,
weet, of a sweet, of a sweet ;oy
(f a sweet -- a sweet -- sweet -- ;oy"&
I AW6E in the 3idsu""er not to call ni#ht( ' in the )hite and the )alk of the "ornin#,
The "oon( d)indled and thinned to the frin#e ' of a fin#er-nail held to the candle(
r 0arin# of 0aradisaVcal fruit( ' lovel* in )anin# but lustreless(
Ste00ed fro" the stool( dre) back fro" the barro)( ' of dark 3aenefa the "ountain&
A cus0 still clas0ed hi"( a fluke *et fan#ed hi"( ' entan#led hi"( not Cuit utterl*.
This )as the 0riEed( the desirable si#ht( ' unsou#ht( 0resented so easil*(
Parted "e leaf and leaf( divided "e( ' e*elid and e*elid of slu"ber.
REPEAT that( re0eat(
/uckoo( bird( and o0en ear )ells( heart-s0rin#s( deli#htfull* s)eet(
With a ballad( )ith a ballad( a rebound
ff trundled ti"ber and scoo0s of the hillside #round( hollo) hollo) hollo) #round,
The )hole landsca0e flushes on a sudden at a sound.
n a 0iece of "usic
HW all 's to one thin# )rou#ht%
&This poem appeared in the '! edition as facsimile( not print( and is not included
'THE child is father to the "an.'
Ho) can he be- The )ords are )ild.
Suck an* sense fro" that )ho can,
'The child is father to the "an.'
8o& )hat the 0oet did )rite ran(
'The "an is father to the child.'
'The child is father to the "an%'
Ho) $an he be- The )ords are )ild.
THE she0herd's bro)( frontin# forked li#htnin#( o)ns
The horror and the havoc and the #lor*
f it. An#els fall( the* are to)ers( fro" heaven -- a stor*
f Gust( "aGestical( and #iant #roans.
2ut "an -- )e( scaffold of score brittle bones&
Who breathe( fro" #roundlon# bab*hood to hoar*
A#e #as0& )hose breath is our memento mori @@
What bass is our viol for tra#ic tones-
He% Hand to "outh he lives( and voids )ith sha"e&
And( blaEoned in ho)ever bold the na"e(
3an Fack the "an is( Gust& his "ate a huss*.
And I that die these deaths( that feed this fla"e(
That ... in s"ooth s0oons s0* life's "asCue "irrored, ta"e
3* te"0ests there( "* fire and fever fuss*.
To his Watch
3RTA+ "* "ate( bearin# "* rock-a-heart
War" beat )ith cold beat co"0an*( shall I
Earlier or *ou fail at our force( and lie
The ruins of( rifled( once a )orld of art-
The tellin# ti"e our task is& ti"e's so"e 0art(
8ot all( but )e )ere fra"ed to fail and die --
ne s0ell and )ell that one. There( ah thereb*
Is co"fort's carol of all or )oe's )orst s"art.
4ield-flown, the departed day no morning brings
aying &This was yours& with her, but new one, worse,
And then that last and shortest"""
STRI6E( churl& hurl( cheerless )ind( then& helterin# hail
3a*'s beaut* "assacre and )is0>d )ild clouds #ro)
ut on the #iant air& tell Su""er 8o(
2id Go* back( have at the harvest( kee0 Ho0e 0ale.
,ARE, hearer, hear what I do; lend a thought now, make belie/e
We are leafwhelmed somewhere with the hood
(f some bran!hy bun!hy bushybowered wood,
outhern dene or #an!ashire !lough or 1e/on !lea/e,
That leans along the loins of hills, where a !andy!oloured, where a gluegold-brown
8arbled ri/er, boisterously beautiful, between
Roots and ro!ks is dan!ed and dandled, all in froth and waterblowballs, down"
We are there, when we hear a shout
That the hanging honeysu!k, the dogeared ha.els in the !o/er
8akes dither, makes ho/er
And the riot of a rout
(f, it must be, boys from the town
Bathing+ it is summer&s so/ereign good"
By there !omes a listless stranger+ be!koned by the noise
,e drops towards the ri/er+ unseen
ees the be/y of them, how the boys
With dare and with downdolphinry and bellbright bodies huddling out,
Are earthworld, airworld, waterworld thorough hurled, all by turn and turn about"
This garland of their gambols flashes in his breast
Into su!h a sudden .est
(f summertime ;oys
That he hies to a pool neighbouring; sees it is the best
There; sweetest, freshest, shadowiest;
4airyland; silk-bee!h, s!rolled ash, pa!ked sy!amore, wild wy!helm, hornbeam
fretty o/erstood
By" Rafts and rafts of flake-lea/es light, dealt so, painted on the air,
,ang as still as hawk or hawkmoth, as the stars or as the angels there,
#ike the thing that ne/er knew the earth, ne/er off roots
Rose" ,ere he feasts+ lo/ely all is0 $o more+ off with -- down he dings
,is blea!h)d both and woolwo/en wear+
%areless these in !oloured wisp
All lie tumbled-to; then with loop-lo!ks
4orward falling, forehead frowning, lips !risp
(/er finger-teasing task, his twiny boots
4ast he opens, last he offwrings
Till walk the world he !an with bare his feet
And !ome where lies a !offer, burly all of blo!ks
Built of !han!e'uarri)d, self'uain)d ro!ks
And the water warbles o/er into, filleted with glassy grassy 'ui!ksil/ery shi/)s and
And with hea/enfallen freshness down from moorland still brims,
1ark or daylight on and on" ,ere he will then, here he will the fleet
4linty kind!old element let break a!ross his limbs
#ong" Where we lea/e him, froli!la/ish while he looks about him, laughs, swims"
Enough now; sin!e the sa!red matter that I mean
I should be wronging longer lea/ing it to float
5pon this only gambolling and e!hoing-of-earth note --
What is """ the delightful dene*
Wedlo!k" What the water* pousal lo/e"
" " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " "
4ather, mother, brothers, sisters, friends
Into fairy trees, wild flowers, wood ferns
Rank)d round the bower
" " " " " " " "
THEE( $od( I co"e fro"( to thee #o(
All da* lon# I like fountain flo)
Fro" th* hand out( s)a*ed about
3ote-like in th* "i#ht* #lo).
What I know of thee I bless,
As a!knowledging thy stress
(n my being and as seeing
omething of thy holiness"
(n!e I turned from thee and hid,
Bound on what thou hadst forbid;
ow the wind I would; I sinned+
I repent of what I did"
Bad I am, but yet thy !hild"
4ather, be thou re!on!iled"
pare thou me, sin!e I see
With thy might that thou art mild"
I ha/e life before me still
And thy purpose to fulfil;
-ea a debt to pay thee yet+
,elp me, sir, and so I will"
But thou bidst, and ;ust thou art,
8e shew mer!y from my heart
Towards my brother, e/ery other
8an my mate and !ounterpart"
" " " " " " " "
T hi" )ho ever thou#ht )ith love of "e
r ever did for "* sake so"e #ood deed
I )ill a00ear( lookin# such charit*
And kind co"0assion( at his life's last need
That he )ill out of hand and heartil*
Re0ent he sinned and all his sins be freed.

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