This document is the August 2014 newsletter from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Nevada, Missouri. It provides updates on recent church events like Vacation Bible School and baby showers, thanks volunteers for their contributions, and announces upcoming activities like choir practice and a women's book club meeting. It also shares news about members' families and includes the church's service schedule and contact information.
This document is the August 2014 newsletter from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Nevada, Missouri. It provides updates on recent church events like Vacation Bible School and baby showers, thanks volunteers for their contributions, and announces upcoming activities like choir practice and a women's book club meeting. It also shares news about members' families and includes the church's service schedule and contact information.
Original Description:
Take a few minutes to see what's been happening at St. Paul and what's to come.
This document is the August 2014 newsletter from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Nevada, Missouri. It provides updates on recent church events like Vacation Bible School and baby showers, thanks volunteers for their contributions, and announces upcoming activities like choir practice and a women's book club meeting. It also shares news about members' families and includes the church's service schedule and contact information.
This document is the August 2014 newsletter from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Nevada, Missouri. It provides updates on recent church events like Vacation Bible School and baby showers, thanks volunteers for their contributions, and announces upcoming activities like choir practice and a women's book club meeting. It also shares news about members' families and includes the church's service schedule and contact information.
St. Paul Lutheran 15156 E. Pony Hill Rd. Nevada, MO 64772
417-667-7209 (O)
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9:00noon August 2014
Vol. 14, No. 8 It was a
Harvest of Love Vacation Bible School 2014 Thanks to all who helped make another successful Vacation Bible School experience for our young people: Becky Kiel, Katherine Kerbs, Amber Ogle, Geoff Stewart, Chelsea Deines & Pastor Chris. See more pictures at the St. Paul Facebook page, the St. Paul website or on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Dear Congregation of St. Paul, First and foremost, we apologize for the ridicu- lous amount of time it took for us to send this thank you note. Please do not feel that our tardiness equals lack of sincerity! We were beyond grateful for all of the wonderful gifts showered on us at Vivienne's diaper shower. We were truly overwhelmed by the gener- osity, love, and kind words shown to sweet Vivi and our entire family. We feel blessed to be a part of such a giving and tight-knit church family. Thank you again, from the bottom our hearts. God bless! In Christian love, Vivi, Chad, Jill, Jack and Simone Spangler Congratulations to Gregg and Kathy Poe who have become new grandparents. Keith and Erin Poe Rodgers have a beautiful new baby boy, Jack Alexander Rodgers, born July 21 at 7 lbs. 12 oz. Congratulations to Greg and Reanna Villagomez on the birth of their twins on July 25 at St. Lukes in Kansas City. Greyson Charles weighed 4 lbs., 11 oz. and was 18 3/4 long. Ronan Jesse (on the right) weighed 3 lbs., 3 oz. and was 16 1/4 long. At the time of this printing, both babies remain at St. Lukes, but they are gaining everyday and all is going well. The proud grandparents are Russell and Ronda Johnson and great- grandma, Joyce Gundy. Everyone at St. Paul is sending prayers and good wishes. A Word of Thanks:
Jack Lathrop has been supplying gravel and con- trolling the weeds in the back parking lot for years. Its one of those things that goes unnoticed, but definitely helps St. Paul: Thanks, Jack
Russell Hogan made and donated a bbq grill to St. Paul which he installed back by the kitchen door. He also installed the new sign on BB for St. Paul. What would we do without Russell!
Sam Delaney donated a wheel chair to the church in memory of her sister, Linda Craig. The chair is located by the front door and available to any who might need it.
Margaret Bond has continued to organize the Farmers Market sales helping our youth raise money to attend the national convention.
Sharon Kamla made a beautiful quilt that was auc- tioned off at Camp Tomah Shinga in July.
The Church Council voted and approved that the personal financial statements will be given out semi -annually instead of quarterly. You will get your next statement from Jeanne Craig at the end of the year. Any questions, please see Jeanne or Sam. St. Paul Choir will start again on August 13, at 7:00 p.m. If you didnt sing with us last spring and would like to join us, the only requirement is a desire to sign. We perform about once a month and out performances dates are an- nounced ahead of time. For those who have been in the choir before I will look forward to hearing your Telling the Story
Chelsea and I dont often get people knocking on the door to our home, but it happened the other night. We had just gotten home, putting grocerys away when the door bell rang. The UPS driver is usually the only one who comes a knocking, but then quickly drops off the package and leaves. This night it was not the big brown truck, but two women who lived a few doors down from me, which I didn't know until they introduced themselves. They told me that they were with one of the local churches and invited me and my family to some special worship services they were going to have at the beginning of August. I asked a few questions about their church and told them that I was a Pastor of the Lutheran church in Nevada and Butler. They gave me a half sheet of paper that listed all the information on one side, and on the other in large font, Jesus loves you! In the 10 th chapter of Luke's Gospel, Jesus sends out seventy to go into the towns and villages and into the homes of people. Jesus sends them out in pairs so that they may tell people about the Word of God. I couldn't help but think about this text after the mother-daughter pair left our home. And I am sure that you all have had people come to your door looking to tell you about Jesus. Sometimes it may just be an invitation. Other times it may be something more aggressive, asking if you have been saved, or asking if Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and savior. The last two examples of evangelism gives the E word a bad wrap, and per- haps why many of us Lutherans would run the other way if the Pastor would ask you to do this. And perhaps the reason it makes us so uncomfortable to go out and knock on doors and invite someone is because those two examples of evangelism are not how we think of God. We are saved by God's grace, we don't chose to be saved, God saves us in the cross of Jesus Christ! We think Jesus is more than our savior, but the savior of the world. So what does Lutheran evangelism look like? It's telling the story; the story of God's love and grace, the story of what God is doing in our lives, and relationships that are formed through the story. Maybe evangelism is as simple as loving someone, understanding them, and hearing their story. Come to think of it, isn't that what God does for us? Loves us while we are yet sinners, welcomes us, and makes us new? So let's begin with gratitude for all God has done and will continue to do in our lives. Sometime in the month of August drop a thank you note to God in the offering plate, it can be on a post it note, a formal card, a napkin, a short or lengthy message. You decide! Think about the story, your story, God's story in your life, and lets say thanks! Perhaps one day those thank you notes will turn into invitations to experience God in this place, to hear the story of God's love and grace, and to live in community as children of God. Peace, Pastor Chris Womens Book Club:
The group will soon finish Ms Understood by Jen Hatmaker. This book has used examples of five women named in Jesus lineage to help define a daughter of Christ. From the woman who acted like a prostitute to the woman who was one, the widow to the adulteress to the mother, each had something to pass on. We need a new book! Have any ideas? All women are invited to our next meeting which will be at the Reinert house (18048 S. 1550 Rd [South Washington]) at 7:00 on Thursday, August 14. Even if you have not read Ms Understood, please feel free to join us in the discussion. Weve had some wonderful discussions and fellowship and are keeping things simple: no food, just a glass of wine. Well be discussing the last chapters of Ms Under- stood, but will also be selecting a new book to chal- lenge us, so get in on the selection. Did you know you could make prayer requests on the St. Paul website: The current church calendar and servant schedule is also available there.
The St. Paul Facebook page has 133 likes. If you havent done so already, take a minute to like St. Paul. And, feel free to comment on posts. Lets keep our St. Paul family in touch with one another. This is just one of the many wagon loads of food that was delivered to Community Out- reach. Thanks to the generosity of so many that helped. And, thanks to Jerry and Carol Janes for making the deliveries. Peace Lutheran Includes Outdoor Ministry
When Peace Lutheran in Joplin their church follow- ing the destruction of the 2011 tornado, they did more than just build a building. The whole intent is to use as much of the land as we can for ministry, said Pas- tor Katherine Redpath. As people of God, we are called to be the stewards of the earth. The five acres of the property includes a walking trail around the periphery leading to a prayer tree which is a large tree supporting a cross and a bench nearby. Building on an idea taken from conservation experts at Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon Center, they planted native trees and shrubs to form a rain garden to manage water runoff. They also planted a small orchard of apple and peach trees that they hope will one day bear fruit . Bat houses were built to help control the mosquitoes. The last Sunday of every month, Pastor Redpath holds an outdoor campfire service complete with a short sermon, singing, and roasting hot dogs. Also chief among the new outdoor features is the labyrinth, a mulched pathway incorporating a 4,500-year-old concept based on the principles of sacred geometry, Redpath said. The seven-circuit labyrinth is proposed as a meditation or prayer walk, although there is no one right way to use it, she said. The idea is to just give yourself over to the path, clear your brain and, in our case, listen to God, she said. The whole idea is the journey, not the destination.
St. Paul Lutheran Church 15156 E. Pony Hill Rd. Nevada, MO 64772 August Congregational Life Committee:
Don & Deanna Ness 667-9120 Anna Lee Bloesser 667-7986 Susie Knuteson 667-5407 Julie Sitz 448-4585 Margaret Bond 321-2905 August Birthdays
Cameron Byergo August 3 Carol Janes August 4 Candy Creech August 8 Kaden Cherry August 10 Marjorie Biber August 10 Gregg Poe August 12 Patsy McCullough August 14 Chelsea Deines August 15 Shaun Doyle August 16 Zachary Dale Fulton August 16 Robin McHugh Campbell August 20 Kathy Poe August 22 Sharon Kamla August 23 Trey Phillips August 23 Marjorie Range August 25 Larry Kerbs August 27 Margaret Bond August 30 August Anniversaries
Larry & Sam DeLaney August 19, 1978 Dyke & Becky Kiel August 27, 1966 Ernie & Julie Sitz August 27, 1960 Jerry & Carol Janes August 28, 1960 Have you thought about getting involved with the St. Paul Lutheran Church Council?? There are 3 people who finish up their terms this year. Is this something that interests you?? Please see Pastor or Sam for more information or to let them know you are inter- ested. Thank you!! Mark Your Calendars: