MSC Malaysia was launched in 1998 to promote innovation and partnerships with global IT players through integrated environments. It encompasses designated areas called Cybercities and Cybercentres that offer various incentives and guarantees to attract multimedia and technology companies. The Multimedia Development Corporation was established to oversee MSC Malaysia's development and implementation, acting as a one-stop center to facilitate applications. Companies and institutions involved in multimedia, IT, and related fields located in designated areas may be eligible for tax incentives like pioneer status, investment allowances, and grants if they meet criteria such as employing knowledge workers and contributing to Malaysia's knowledge economy.
MSC Malaysia was launched in 1998 to promote innovation and partnerships with global IT players through integrated environments. It encompasses designated areas called Cybercities and Cybercentres that offer various incentives and guarantees to attract multimedia and technology companies. The Multimedia Development Corporation was established to oversee MSC Malaysia's development and implementation, acting as a one-stop center to facilitate applications. Companies and institutions involved in multimedia, IT, and related fields located in designated areas may be eligible for tax incentives like pioneer status, investment allowances, and grants if they meet criteria such as employing knowledge workers and contributing to Malaysia's knowledge economy.
MSC Malaysia was launched in 1998 to promote innovation and partnerships with global IT players through integrated environments. It encompasses designated areas called Cybercities and Cybercentres that offer various incentives and guarantees to attract multimedia and technology companies. The Multimedia Development Corporation was established to oversee MSC Malaysia's development and implementation, acting as a one-stop center to facilitate applications. Companies and institutions involved in multimedia, IT, and related fields located in designated areas may be eligible for tax incentives like pioneer status, investment allowances, and grants if they meet criteria such as employing knowledge workers and contributing to Malaysia's knowledge economy.
MSC Malaysia was launched in 1998 to promote innovation and partnerships with global IT players through integrated environments. It encompasses designated areas called Cybercities and Cybercentres that offer various incentives and guarantees to attract multimedia and technology companies. The Multimedia Development Corporation was established to oversee MSC Malaysia's development and implementation, acting as a one-stop center to facilitate applications. Companies and institutions involved in multimedia, IT, and related fields located in designated areas may be eligible for tax incentives like pioneer status, investment allowances, and grants if they meet criteria such as employing knowledge workers and contributing to Malaysia's knowledge economy.
Introduction MSC Malaysia (formerly Multimedia Super Corridor) was launched on 27 Jun 1998 and it encompasses an integrated environment that encourages innovation to reach new technology frontiers, promotes partnership with global IT players and provides opportunities for mutual enrichment and success. Key economic focus areas The status of MSC Malaysia designated area has been divided into two distinct categories, namely MSC Malaysia Cybercity and MSC Malaysia Cybercentre. MSC Malaysia Cybercity MSC Malaysia Cybercentre Self-contained intelligent city with world-class business and living environment offering the 10-point MSC Malaysia Bill of Guarantees (BoGs) A building or complex with basic enabling environment offering partial BoGs.
Includes: Cyberjaya, Technology Park Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia-Malaysia Technology Development Corporation (UPM-MTDC), Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Kuala Lumpur Tower, Penang Cybercity 1, and Kulim High Tech Park Includes: Kuala Lumpur Sentral, Melaka International Trade Centre, Menara MSC Cyberport in Johor, Mid Valley City, G Tower, Bangsar South City, TM Cybercentre in Kuala Lumpur, Bandar Utama, i- City Shah Alam in Selangor, Meru Raya in Ipoh, and Spansion in Penang. The 10-point MSC Malaysia BoGs are: World class physical and information infrastructure Unrestricted employment of knowledge workers Freedom of ownership Freedom of sourcing capital globally for MSC Malaysia infrastructure and borrowing funds Competitive financial incentives Regional leader in Intellectual Property protection and cyber laws No censoring of Internet Globally competitive telecommunication tariffs Tender key MSC Malaysia infrastructure contracts to leading companies willing to use MSC as their regional hub High powered implementation agency to act as an effective one-stop super shop. Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) or faculties of IHLs, and incubators are not required to locate in an MSC Malaysia Cybercity or Cybercentre, but will be eligible for benefits conferred by some parts of the BoGs. MSC MALAYSIA | 221 | 221 Multimedia Development Corporation The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) was established to take charge of the development and implementation of MSC. It is a one-stop client centre that will expedite applications for visas and other licences and permits. Incentives Financial incentives MSC Malaysia status company (New companies) whose activities or products are of national and strategic importance Pioneer status with full income tax exemption for 5 years extendable to 10 years, or 100% investment tax allowance (ITA) on qualifying capital expenditure for 5 years to be utilised against statutory income for new companies engaged in highly capital-intensive activities or whose multimedia activities are treated as cost centres. No duties on importation of multimedia equipment. R&D grants for local small and medium-sized majority Malaysian-owned companies. Effective 1 Oct 2002, non-resident companies are exempted from payment of Malaysian income tax on the following types of income received from an approved MSC Malaysia company (located in specified areas): (a) payment for technical advice or technical services; (b) licensing fees in relation to technology development; and (c) interest on loans for technology development. MSC Malaysia companies located in Cyberjaya, Technology Park Malaysia Phase 1, Universiti Putra Malaysia-Malaysia Technology Development Corporation Incubator 1, or Petronas Twin Towers are exempted from deducting the withholding tax under S. 109 and S. 109B of the Income Tax Act 1967 (Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 13) Order 2005). ICT companies relocating into Cybercities and Cybercentres Effective from 8 Sep 2007, ICT activities including computer software development relocating to Cybercities/Cybercentres are given: Pioneer status with full income tax exemption for a period of 10 years; or ITA of 100% on qualifying capital expenditure incurred for a period of 5 years to offset against 100% of statutory income. Existing companies operating in Malaysia MSC Malaysia tax incentives will apply to the value-added income (i.e. the additional statutory income above the average income for the past 3 years), or to the value of new investment made in MSC Malaysia. Owners of new buildings in Cyberjaya From Y/A 2006, Industrial Building Allowance of 10% for owners of new buildings occupied by MSC Malaysia-status companies in Cyberjaya (including completed buildings yet to be occupied) for 10 years. For further details on ITA incentives, please refer to Promotion of Investments (Determination of Assets under S. 29B in respect of MSC status companies) Order 2001.
| 222 | 222 Eligibility for MSC Malaysia status MSC Malaysia status company A provider or a heavy user of multimedia products and services. Employ substantial number of knowledge workers. Provide technology transfer and/or knowledge to Malaysia, or contribute to the development of MSC Malaysia, or support Malaysias k-economy initiatives. Should not be engaged in non-qualifying activities such as manufacturing, trading and consultancy (i.e. general professional advice not tied to any new multimedia application developed in-house). Once granted MSC Malaysia status, additional conditions to be complied: Establish a separate legal business entity for MSC Malaysia qualifying businesses and activities (either locally incorporated company or a branch of a foreign company). Locate MSC Malaysia operations designated areas within six months from the date of approval. Ensure that at least 15% of the total number of employees of MSC Malaysia company are knowledge workers. Comply with MSC Malaysia environmental guidelines. Institutions of higher learning (IHLs) IHLs with faculties offering internationally recognised standard of higher education in multimedia, information technology, engineering (selected), sciences (selected) and other related fields that will contribute to the development of human resources for MSC Malaysia are also eligible. The following criteria must be satisfied: Provide or be a heavy user of multimedia products and services. Grant either diploma or degree courses in multimedia, information technology and related fields for a training period of two years and above. Establish a multimedia or a qualified faculty conducting multimedia courses, programmes and related activities. Employ a substantial number of knowledge workers. Conduct and support R&D activities. Be registered as a separate legal entity. Comply with Lembaga Akreditasi Negara guidelines. Incubators Incubators housing early stage growth companies are also eligible. The following criteria must be satisfied: House early stage growth companies (i.e. seed-level / start-up companies) involved in the ICT/Multimedia (e.g. software, e-commerce, telecom), biotechnology and/or bio-informatics. | 223 | 223 Provide basic facilities such as water and electricity, internet access (minimum bandwidth of 128kbps), share facilities (e.g. meeting room, reception, audio-visual systems), business advisory services (in-house or outsourced) and minimum 2,000 sq ft floor space. Dedicated management team to provide business support services in nurturing incubatees besides managing the physical infrastructure. All newly formed incubators must register with the Companies Commission of Malaysia within 1 month of obtaining MSC Malaysia status. Definition of early stage growth companies: Seed level-companies incorporated within the past 2 years and have ideas or concepts that require funds for proof of concept; Start up-companies in the process of setting up or have been in business for a short time and require capital for commercialisation of their products/solutions. These companies may not be generating profits yet. Shared services and outsourcing (SSO) Companies performing SSO activities must satisfy the following criteria: More than 70% of the revenue must be from outside Malaysia. Employ at least 85% knowledge workers. With minimum of 100 employees by the third year of operation. 70% of investment/operation to be in an MSC-designated area within 6 months of MSC Malaysia approval. MSC Malaysia status application is available online via: