Tag Questions

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Question tags are short questions used in spoken English to check understanding or agreement. They are formed with an auxiliary verb and a pronoun and can follow statements but not questions.

Question tags are formed with an auxiliary verb like have, be, can etc followed by a pronoun like I, you etc. They are used to ask if something is true or to ask for agreement.

Positive question tags are used after affirmative sentences and negative tags after negative sentences. Negative tags are usually contracted. Tags aren't used after questions.

Complete the sentences with question tags.

He studies very hard, She is a doctor, He has broken a

__________________? __________________? __________________?
They arent married, He mustnt arrive late, !ucy wont cook "or
__________________? __________________? __________________?

They are going "or a walk, #ark doesnt draw very well. $ am tall,
__________________? __________________? __________________?
Question tags are short questions that can follow sentences, especially in spoken
We make question tags with auxiliary verb (have, be, can etc) pronoun (!, you, etc)
We use question tags to ask if something is true, or to ask people to agree with us.
"ou haven#t got my keys have you$
%his music is very goo&, is it$
Question tags are usually negative (') after a(rmative sentences, an& not negative
after a negative sentence. We &on#t write question tags after questions.
!t is warm, isn#t it$ !t isn#t col&, is it$
)egative tags are usually contracte& * for example !sn#t it$

$n spoken %nglish, the e&pression aren+t !$ is o"ten used as a tag question.

However, this is not considered to be grammatically correct in "ormal, written
,) -n&erline the correct answer.
"ou#re going on holi&ay soon, aren#t you / are you$
0en& me a post car&, won#t you / will you$
"our frien& has got a big house, has he / hasn#t he$
%ony bought lovely 1owers, &i& he / &i&n#t he$
! am late for the party, am ! / aren#t ! $
2eter can swim very well, can he / can#t he$
"ou#ll work har&er next time, won#t you / will you$
3e likes eggs, &oes he / &oesn#t he$
4) 5ill in the correct question tags an& short answers.
0he has broken the vase, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
%hey are going to the cinema, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
7ary went home late, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
"ou &i&n#t eat anything, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
%hey aren#t marrie&, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
7ary will cook for us, 666666666666 $ 666666666666 666666666666.
8) 4omplete the conversation.
9nn. "ou &on#t want to marry me, 66666666666666666$
7ark. :f course ! &o. ;ive me time, 6666666666666666$
9nn. "ou love me 666666666666$
"ou know ! &o. !#ve tol& you many times, 66666666666$

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