1. When immobilizing a patient's hand in a splint, it is important to maintain the three arches of the hand and position the hand in a functional position. This provides the best balance of resting length and force production so the hand can function when moved again.
2. Coordinated thumb, wrist, and finger movements enable grasping patterns like tip to tip, palmar, lateral pinch, and cylindrical grasps. The roles of the extensor mechanism and intrinsic hand muscles during finger extension are also described.
3. Effects of nerve injuries on the hand like simian hand, claw hand, and wrist drop are discussed. Joint structures, positions, and motions of the thumb, fingers, and wrist
1. When immobilizing a patient's hand in a splint, it is important to maintain the three arches of the hand and position the hand in a functional position. This provides the best balance of resting length and force production so the hand can function when moved again.
2. Coordinated thumb, wrist, and finger movements enable grasping patterns like tip to tip, palmar, lateral pinch, and cylindrical grasps. The roles of the extensor mechanism and intrinsic hand muscles during finger extension are also described.
3. Effects of nerve injuries on the hand like simian hand, claw hand, and wrist drop are discussed. Joint structures, positions, and motions of the thumb, fingers, and wrist
1. When immobilizing a patient's hand in a splint, it is important to maintain the three arches of the hand and position the hand in a functional position. This provides the best balance of resting length and force production so the hand can function when moved again.
2. Coordinated thumb, wrist, and finger movements enable grasping patterns like tip to tip, palmar, lateral pinch, and cylindrical grasps. The roles of the extensor mechanism and intrinsic hand muscles during finger extension are also described.
3. Effects of nerve injuries on the hand like simian hand, claw hand, and wrist drop are discussed. Joint structures, positions, and motions of the thumb, fingers, and wrist
1. When immobilizing a patient's hand in a splint, it is important to maintain the three arches of the hand and position the hand in a functional position. This provides the best balance of resting length and force production so the hand can function when moved again.
2. Coordinated thumb, wrist, and finger movements enable grasping patterns like tip to tip, palmar, lateral pinch, and cylindrical grasps. The roles of the extensor mechanism and intrinsic hand muscles during finger extension are also described.
3. Effects of nerve injuries on the hand like simian hand, claw hand, and wrist drop are discussed. Joint structures, positions, and motions of the thumb, fingers, and wrist
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Reading Assignen!" Pages 35-56 Coppard & Lohman, 2001 Pages 530-540 Pedretti & Early, 2001 When immoili!ing a hand in a splint, it is "ery important to maintain the ar#hes o$ the hand% Longit&dinal 'istal Pro(imal )aintaining the ar#hes and positioning the hand in the $&n#tional position pro"ides the est alan#e o$ resting length and $or#e prod&#tion so the hand #an $&n#tion *hen the person mo"es it again% Coordinated th&m, *rist, and $inger mo"ements enale the $ollo*ing grasp and prehensile patterns+ ,ip to ,ip Palmar Lateral Pin#h Cylindri#al -pheri#al .oo/ 0ntrinsi# pl&s ,he role o$ the e(tensor me#hanism and intrinsi# hand m&s#les d&ring 1inger E(tension What happens *hen the lateral ands shi$t2 Boutonniere Swan Neck Mallet E$$e#ts o$ ner"e in3&ries on the hand Simian Hand Claw Hand Wrist Drop Re#e$en%es" Coppared, 4%)%, & Lohman, .% 520016% Introduction to splinting: A critical-reasoning and problem soling approac! 52 nd ed%6% -t% Lo&is, )7+ )osy% .ertling, '%, & 8essler, 9% )% 51::66% Management o" common musculoskeletal disorders: #!$sical t!erap$ principles and met!ods% 53rd ed%6%Philadelphia+ ;%4% Lippin#ott% <or/in, C%C%, & Le"angie, P%8% 51::26% %oint structure and "unction& 52nd ed%6% Philadelphia+ 1%=% 'a"is% Pedretti, L% )%% & Early, )%4% 5Eds%6% 520016% 'ccupational t!erap$ practice skills "or p!$sical d$s"unction 55th ed%6% -t% Lo&is, )7+ )osy% -mith, L%8%, Weiss, E%L% & Lehm/&hl, L%'% 51::66% Brunnstrom(s clinical kinesiolog$% 55th ed%6% Philadelphia+ 1%=% 'a"is%
-ome iologists elie"e that the de"elopment o$ the h&man hand a##orded an ad"antage to the de"elopment o$ a large and #omple( rain% ,he hand>s "ery e(isten#e potentiated rain de"elopment y allo*ing h&mans to manip&late, intera#t *ith, e(plore, and gain in$ormation $rom their en"ironment% 'e"elopment o$ a more #omple( rain permitted &s in t&rn to ma/e and &se tools and to de"elop lang&age, *hi#h in t&rn led to the gro*th o$ an elaorate system o$ shared meanings, *hat *e /no* as #<&re% O+!,ine
,ypes o$ grasp =r#hes o$ the hand 1&n#tional position o$ the hand ;oints o$ the hand )e#hanism $or $inger $le(ion )e#hanism $or $inger e(tension? the e(tensor me#hanism )&s#les that transmit $or#e to the e(tensor me#hanism .o* does the e(tensor me#hanism *or/2 Clini#al appearan#e o$ peripheral ner"e in3&ries in the hand 0nternet lin/s related to the hand ,ypes o$ grasp ,*o types o$ grasp are di$$erentiated 5-mith, Weiss, & Lehm/&hl, 1::5, pp% 216-21:? .ertling & 8essler, 1::6, pp%25:-2606 a##ording to the position and moility o$ the th&m>s C)C and )P 3oints% 1% P7WE9 grasp 5,he terms grasp, grip, and prehension are inter#hangeale%6 5,he add&#tor polli#is staili!es an o3e#t against the palm? the hand>s position is stati#%6
#ylindri#al grip 5$ist grasp is a small diameter #ylindri#al grasp6 spheri#al grip hoo/ grip 5)P e(tended *ith $lattening o$ trans"erse ar#h? the person may or may in#l&de the th&m in this grasp6 lateral prehension 5this #an e a po*er grip i$ the th&m is add&#ted, a pre#ision grip i$ the th&m is ad&#ted6%
2% P9EC0-07< 5)&s#les are a#ti"e that ad&#t or oppose the th&m? the hand>s position is dynami#%6
palmar prehension 5p&lp to p&lp6, in#l&des >#h&#/> or tripod grips tip-to-tip 5*ith 1'P a#ti"e to maintain '0P $le(6 lateral prehension 5pad-to-side? /ey grip6 T'$ee a$%'es -a,an%e s!a-i,i!. and &-i,i!. in !'e 'and/ T'e )$&0ia, !$ans*e$se a$%' is $igid, -+! !'e &!'e$ !(& a$%'es a$e #,e0i-,e, and a$e ain!ained -. a%!i*i!. in !'e 'and1s in!$insi% +s%,es/
1. P97@0)=L ,9=<-AE9-E =9C. He$!,ing and 2ess,e$ 3)/ 4567 des%$i-e !'is a$%' as a %&)&si!e &# !(& a$%'es, !'e )$&0ia, and dis!a, %a$)a, a$%'es/7
a stale ony ar#h that $orms the posterior order o$ the #arpal t&nnel%
,he ar#h>s integrity is maintained y a so$t tiss&e Bstr&tB $ormed y the $le(or retina#&l&m or trans"erse #arpal ligament 5also #alled the "olar #arpal ligament6% ,his ligamento&s str&t #onne#ts the s#aphoid and trape!i&m on the ar#h>s radial side *ith the hamate on its &lnar side, and $orms the anterior order o$ the #arpal t&nnel%
2. '0-,=L ,9=<-AE9-E =9C.
He$!,ing and 2ess,e$ 3)/ 4567 %a,, !'is !'e e!a%a$)a, a$%', -e%a+se i! is #&$ed -. !'e e!a%a$)a, 'eads8 e!a%a$)a,s 4 and 9 a$e s!a-,e ('i,e : and 5 a$e $e,a!i*e,. &-i,e/ Y&+ %an &-se$*e !'e a$%'1s %&-ina!i&n &# ;$adia,; s!a-i,i!. and ;+,na$; &-i,i!. -. ,&&se,. %,&sing .&+$ #is!, !'en s<+ee=ing &$e !ig'!,., ('en .&+ (i,, &-se$*e &*een! in !'e &$e &-i,e #&+$!' and #i#!' e!a%a$)a,s/
3. L7<C0,D'0<=L =9C. 7ser"e this ar#h>s eha"ior as yo& loosely #lose yo&r $ist% ,ighten the $ist and *at#h the $o&rth and $i$th meta#arpals% ,he ar#hes pro"ide a alan#e et*een staility and moility $or grasping% 1or instan#e, *e prod&#e the so-#alled B#h&#/ graspB y &sing the more stale se#ond and third meta#arpals, instead o$ the more moile $o&rth and $i$th meta#arpals% ,herape&ti# splints m&st s&pport these three ar#hes% F+n%!i&na, )&si!i&n &# !'e 'and 3N&$>in & Le*angie, ?@@4, )/ 4@A8 He$!,ing & 2ess,e$, ?@@A, )/ 4AB7
,h&m $irst C)C 3oint partially ad&#ted and opposed )P 3oint $le(ed 10 degrees 0P 3oint $le(ed 5 degrees C&)a$e !'is #ig+$e (i!' !'e &ne in He$!,ing and 2ess,e$ 3?@@A, Fig/??C457/ When therapists immoili!e a patient>s hand, they o$ten position it this *ay% '&ring a period o$ immoili!ation, the resting lengths o$ the hand>s ligaments and m&s#les #hange% ,his hand position pro"ides the est alan#e o$ resting length and $or#e prod&#tion so the hand #an $&n#tion *hen the patient moili!es it again% D&in!s &# !'e 'and DOINT STRUCTURE AXIS MOTION CLOSEC PAC2ED POSITION Me!a%a$)&C )'a,angea, 3MP7 -ia0ia, 3%&nd.,a$7 ,a!e$a, ACP #,e0i&nEe0!ensi&n a-d+%!i&nEadd+%!i&n #i$s!" e0!ensi&n 4ndC5!'" #,e0i&n P$&0ia, In!e$)'a,angea, 3PIP7 +nia0ia, ,a!e$a, #,e0i&nEe0!ensi&n E0!ensiFn Dis!a, In!e$)'a,angea, 3DIP7 +nia0ia, ,a!e$a, #,e0i&nEe0!ensi&n E0!ensiFn
)eta#arpophalangeal 5)P6
#ondyloid, ia(ial 3oints 3oint>s palmar aspe#t is palpale at le"el o$ distal palmar #rease pro(imal 3oint s&r$a#e is #on"e( and distal s&r$a#e is #on#a"e roll and glide o##&r in same dire#tion anterior *ith $le(ion posterior *ith e(tension% large meta#arpal 3oint s&r$a#e a $iro#artilagino&s "olar plate is lined *ith hyaline #artilage so that it a&gments or enlarges the pro(imal phalan(> relati"ely small arti#&lar s&r$a#e% s&per$i#ial to "olar plate is the trans"erse meta#arpal ligament 3oint #aps&le s&pported y t*o #ollateral ligaments #lose-pa#/ed position+ )P 3oints o$ digits 2 thro&gh 5+ #lose-pa#/ed in $le(ion? yo& #annot ad&#t or add&#t these 3oints *hen they are $le(ed% )P 3oint o$ th&m+ #lose-pa#/ed in e(tension 0nterphalangeal 50P6 &nia(ial hinge 3oints s&pported y t*o #ollateral ligaments, and y smaller "ersions o$ a "olar plate% Li/e )P 3oint, pro(imal 3oint s&r$a#e is #on"e( and distal s&r$a#e is #on#a"e roll and glide o##&r in same dire#tion anterior *ith $le(ion posterior *ith e(tension #lose-pa#/ed in e(tension Me%'anis #&$ #inge$ #,e0i&n
1'P+ $le(or digitor&m pro$&nd&s 5the deeper o$ the t*o6 1'-+ $le(or digitor&m s&per$i#ialis 5the more s&per$i#ial m&s#le6 =ltho&gh the 1'P is deep to the 1'- o"er most o$ its #o&rse, it atta#hes to the s/eleton more distally, e#a&se it passes thro&gh a >split> in the 1'- tendon% Me%'anis #&$ #inge$ e0!ensi&n
We #an e(tend the P0P and '0P 3oints *itho&t also e(tending the )P 3oints% 4&t *e #an>t e(tend the P0P 3oint *itho&t e(tending the '0P 3oint at the same time% 1le(ing only the '0P 3oint *itho&t also $le(ing the P0P 3oint is di$$i#<% 1&ll 5a#ti"e or passi"e6 $le(ion o$ the P0P 3oint pre"ents a#ti"e e(tension o$ the '0P 3oint% We #an &nderstand these $inding y learning the str&#t&re o$ the E@,E<-79 )EC.=<0-), also /no*n as the+
,hey atta#h distally either to one 5pro(imal phalan(6 or to so$t tiss&e 5e(tensor me#hanism6% Appl$ resistance as $ou attempt to abduct t!e second and "ourt! M# *oints& Abduction is stronger at t!e second M# *oint because t!e most o" t!e "irst DI(s muscle "ibers attac! directl$ to t!e second pro+imal p!alan+& Abduction o" t!e "ourt! M# *oint is relatiel$ weak because t!e "ourt! DI attac!es largel$ to t!e e+tensor mec!anism itsel"&
,he dorsal interossei prod&#e )P ad&#tion and, in #ertain instan#es, )P $le(ion% 4e#a&se they atta#h to the e(tensor me#hanism, they also prod&#e P0P and '0P e(tension% 2. Palmar interossei 5P06+
1o&r palmar interossei 5anatomists o$ten in#l&de the &lnar head o$ $le(or polli#is re"is in this gro&p6 atta#h pro(imally to a meta#arpal, and distally to the same digit>s pro(imal phalan( andEor its e(tensor me#hanism%
,hey prod&#e )P add&#tion and, in #ertain instan#es, )P $le(ion% ,hey also prod&#e P0P and '0P e(tension *hen they introd&#e tension into the e(tensor me#hanism%
3. L&mri#ales+
,he $o&r l&mri#ales atta#h pro(imally to the tendons o$ the $le(or digitor&m pro$&nd&s, and distally to the e(tensor me#hanism on its radial side at the le"el o$ the lateral ands% ,he m&s#les pass on the "olar side o$ the trans"erse meta#arpal ligament%
0$ they a#t alone, they prod&#e )P $le(ion% ,hey also prod&#e P0P and '0P e(tension *hen they introd&#e tension into the e(tensor me#hanism%
,he l&mri#ales permit a dynami# intera#tion et*een $le(ors and e(tensors% ,heir atta#hments transmit their $or#e to oth the 1'P tendon and the e(tensor me#hanism% -pe#i$i#ally, l&mri#al a#ti"ity+ 1. in#reases passi"e tension in the e(tensor me#hanism% 2. de#reases passi"e tension in 1'P tendon>s distal portion%
Palpate the l&mri#als on yo&rsel$ H&( d&es !'e e0!ens&$ e%'anis (&$>H A,!'&+g' !'e e0!ens&$ e%'anis1s #i-e$s a$e !endin&+s, and !'e$e#&$e in%a)a-,e &# )$&d+%ing a%!i*e #&$%e, !'e. s!i,, !$ansi! #&$%e !& !'ei$ a!!a%'en!s/ 1or#e de"elops in the e(tensor me#hanism in t*o *ays+ 1. )any o$ the hand>s intrinsi# m&s#les atta#h to the e(tensor me#hanism% =#ti"ity in any o$ these m&s#les prod&#es $or#e that the e(tensor me#hanism #omm&ni#ates to its distal atta#hments%
2. ,he e(tensor me#hanism de"elops passi"e tension *hene"er it is elongated% .and mo"ements that passi"ely elongate either the e(tensor me#hanism or a str&#t&re that atta#hes to the e(tensor me#hanism prod&#e $or#e in the e(tensor me#hanism itsel$% ,he e(tensor me#hanism>s $iers ha"e lines o$ appli#ation that are al*ays dorsal to the lateral a(es o$ the P0P and '0P 3oints% ,here$ore, 1. a#ti"ity in the intrinsi# m&s#les that atta#h to the e(tensor me#hanism al*ays prod&#es '0P and P0P e(tension%
2. Passi"e $le(ion o$ the )P 3oint 5try it yo&rsel$F6 elongates the e(tensor me#hanism and e(tends the P0P and '0P 3oints% ,he $iro&s lines o$ appli#ation in the hood and lateral ands pass "ery near the )P 3oint>s lateral a(is% Whether these str&#t&res mo"e the )P 3oint in the sagittal plane depends on *hether the )P 3oint is already $le(ed or e(tended%
1. in )P $le(ion+ )P $le(ion o##&rs *hen a#ti"ity in the 1'- or 1'P $le(es the )P 3oint%
,he e(tensor me#hanism is not >stret#hy%> When the digits $le( 5at the )P, P0P, or '0P 3oints6, passi"e tension in the lateral ands and #entral slip p&ll the hood distally%
When the )P 3oint is already $le(ed, the lines o$ appli#ation o$ the interossei $all on "olar side o$ the )P 3oint, and so prod&#e )P $le(ion%
,he distal shi$t in the e(tensor hood also in#reases the l&mri#ales> moment arm so they #an prod&#e a greater $le(or moment at the )P 3oint% .o*e"er, yo&r te(t des#ries E)C st&dies *hi#h sho* G&ite #onsistently that the l&mri#ales do not a#t at the same time as the 1'PF ,he l&mri#ales> $&n#tion e"idently does not in#l&de #los&re o$ the hand% 2. 3. in )P e(tension+
=#tion in the e(tensor digitor&m e(tends the )P 3oint, and also p&lls the e(tensor me#hanism 5in#l&ding the hood6 pro(imally%
0n this position, the interosseo&s m&s#les> lines o$ appli#ation are "ery #lose to the )P 3oint>s lateral a(is%
With s&#h small moment arms, these m&s#les ha"e little e$$e#t on )P 3oint mo"ement in the sagittal plane% .o*e"er, they still prod&#e )P ad&#tionEadd&#tion *hen the )P 3oint is e(tended% CLINICAL APPEARANCE OF PERIPHERAL NERIE INDURIES IN THE HAND 1% )edian+
'amage to &lnar ner"e #an o##&r *ith tra&ma to elo* region% Dlnar ne&ropathy is a $reG&ent #ompli#ation o$ diaetes mellit&s
Wasting o$ *e spa#e and interosseo&s spa#es%
=$$e#ts strength o$ intrinsi# m&s#les o$ hand, so person #an>t hold a pie#e o$ paper et*een e(tended &t add&#ted $ingers
=$$e#ts add&#tor polli#is and &lnar head o$ 1P4% = person *ho la#/s strength in these m&s#les #annot grasp *ith the th&m &nless he or she $le(es the 0P 3oint y s&stit&ting *ith the $le(or polli#is long&s%
3% 9adial+
=sso#iated *ith g&nshot or sta *o&nds, $ra#t&re o$ h&mer&s, B-at&rday night palsy%B
person demonstrates a Bdropped *rist,B and #annot reposition th&m%
la#/ o$ *rist e(tension may #a&se hand grip to e *ea/% Re#e$en%es" He$!,ing, D/, & 2ess,e$, R/ M/ 3?@@A7/ Management of common musculoskeletal disorders: Physical therapy principles and methods/ 39$d ed/7/P'i,ade,)'ia" D/B/ Li))in%&!!/ <or/in, C%C%, & Le"angie, P%8% 51::26% %oint structure and "unction& 52nd ed%6% Philadelphia+ 1%=% 'a"is% -mith, L%8%, Weiss, E%L% & Lehm/&hl, L%'% 51::66% Brunnstrom(s clinical kinesiolog$% 55th ed%6% Philadelphia+ 1%=% 'a"is% WRIST DOINT COMPLEX
=(es and motions 9e"ie*+ 4ones o$ the *rist =rthro/inemati#s )&s#les that mo"e the *rist E(amples o$ m&s#le synergies in *rist $&n#tion Carpal t&nnel A0es and &!i&ns D&in! A0is M&!i&n C,&seC )a%>ed )&si!i&n W$is! radio-#arpal mid-#arpal ,a!e$a, #,e0i&n E e0!ensi&n e0!ensi&n ACP +,na$ and $adia, de*ia!i&n E*en !'&+g' #,e0i&n and e0!ensi&n &%%+$ a! -&!' &# !'e ($is!1s a$!i%+,a!i&ns, M&s! ($is! e0!ensi&n &%%+$s a$&+nd !'e id%a$)a, G&in!1s ,a!e$a, a0is/ M&s! ($is! #,e0i&n &%%+$s a$&+nd !'e $adi&%a$)a, G&in!1s ,a!e$a, a0is/ U,na$ and $adia, de*ia!i&n &%%+$ a$&+nd an a0is !'a! )asses !'$&+g' !'e %a)i!a!e/ T(& ($is! %$eases &n !'e 'and1s )a,a$ 3&$ *&,a$7 s+$#a%e a$e ,anda$>s #&$ !'e ,&%a!i&ns &# !'e $adi&%a$)a, and id%a$)a, G&in!s/ Re*ie(" B&nes &# !'e ($is! #$& C'a$,es Ea!&n MD, 'and s+$ge$. )ages/ W$is! a$!'$&>inea!i%s In &)en %'ain &*een!, !'e %&n*e0 s+$#a%es &# !'e s%a)'&id and ,+na!e &*e &n !'e %&n%a*e s+$#a%es &# !'e $adi+s and +,na/ d+$ing #,e0i&n" s#aphoidEl&nate roll anteriorly 5to*ard palm6 and glide posteriorly5to*ard dors&m6 d+$ing e0!ensi&n" s#aphoidEl&nate roll posteriorly5to*ard dors&m6 and glide anteriorly5to*ard palm6% D+$ing +,na$ de*ia!i&n" s#aphoidEl&nate roll to*ard &lna and glide to*ard radi&s% D+$ing $adia, de*ia!i&n" s#aphoidEl&nate roll to*ard radi&s and glide to*ard &lna% M+s%,es !'a! &*e !'e ($is! T& )$edi%! a +s%,e1s a%!i&n, .&+ +s! >n&("
the 3oint5s6 that the m&s#le #rosses the a(isEa(es o$ ea#h o$ those 3oints the m&s#le>s line o$ appli#ation 5L7=6 lo#al to ea#h o$ the a(es%
E(tensors ha"e L7= dorsalEposterior to *rist>s lateral a(is%
1le(ors ha"e L7= "entralEanterior to *rist>s lateral a(is%
9adial de"iators ha"e L7= on the radial side o$ the *rist>s =P a(is%
Dlnar de"iators ha"e L7= on the &lnar side o$ the *rist>s =P a(is% list o$ *rist and hand m&s#les E0a),es &# +s%,e s.ne$gies in ($is! #+n%!i&n
I. palpate the EC9L as yo& ma/e a $ist or $irmly grasp an o3e#t+
role o$ the 1'P+ the only m&s#le that $le(es the '0P 3oints% =lso $le(es the P0P, )P, and *rist%
role o$ the 1'-+ $le(es the )P and P0P 3oints? &sed $or more $or#e$&l grasp
role o$ *rist e(tensors 5EC94, EC9L, ECD6+ maintain appropriate length and tension 5$or#e6 in $inger $le(ors so they #an prod&#e strong grip%
II. 7pen yo&r $ingers $or#e$&lly and oser"e that the *rist $le(es a&tomati#ally%
role o$ the e(tensor digitor&m+ the only m&s#le that #an open the $ingers? also e(tends the *rist%
role o$ the *rist $le(ors+ maintain appropriate length and tension in $inger e(tensors they #an $or#e$&lly open the hand
III. Palpate the ECD as yo& G&i#/ly mo"e the th&m a*ay $rom the se#ond digit% Why is the ECD a#ti"e d&ring this mane&"er2
aplEep mo"e th&m &t also radially de"iate *rist? e#& a#ts as tr&e synergist%
IV. Carpal m&s#les a#t in helping synergies to prod&#e+ *rist $le(ion+ *rist e(tension+ &lnar de"iation+ radial de"iation+ Ca$)a, !+nne,"
T'e ;s!$+!; !'a! ain!ains !'e !+nne,1s s'a)e is !'e #,e0&$ $e!ina%+,+, a,s& %a,,ed !'e !$ans*e$se %a$)a, ,igaen! &$ !'e *&,a$ %a$)a, ,igaen!/ T'is ,igaen! %&nne%!s !'e s%a)'&id and !$a)e=i+ &n !'e 'and1s $adia, side (i!' !'e 'aa!e &n !'e +,na$ side/ T'e 9CD iage is &di#ied #$& C'a$,es Ea!&n MD ,he #arpal t&nnel #ontains 5$rom radial to &lnar side6+ 1C9 tendon 1PL tendon median nn% tendons o$ 1'- and 1'P also #ontains "as#&lar str&#t&res 9epetiti"e motion #an prod&#e a tenosyno"itis in the tendon sheaths o$ the long $le(or m&s#les% ,his, in t&rn, #an in#rease hydrostati# press&re in the t&nnel, #a&sing #ompression damage to median ner"e% BCarpal t&nnel syndrome>sB impairments in#l&de pain and paresthesia in the distri&tion o$ the median ner"e% ,hey also in#l&de *ea/ness o$ m&s#les inner"ated y the median ner"e, the thenar m&s#les, and the $irst and se#ond l&mri#ales% ,he t&nnel>s #ontents are also prone to #ompression in3&ry d&e to tra&ma, #ongenital stenosis, a#romegaly, or hormonal #hanges%
1&rther dis#&ssion o$ #arpal t&nnel syndrome $rom a Charles Eaton )'>s hand s&rgery pages%
Cross-se#tional area o$ the #arpal t&nnel in di$$erent *rist positions Last updated 1-31-03 $e!+$n !& C&n!$&, &# H+an M&*een! ?, ,e%!+$e s%'ed+,e ,Dae -!ompson #- Bi&e%'ani%s &# !'e !'+-
D&in!s A0es M&*een!s C,&seC)a%>ed )&si!i&n Fi$s! %a$)&Ce!a%a$)a, 3CMC7 AP ,a!e$a, a-Eadd+%!i&n #,e0i&n E e0!ensi&n e0!$ees &# &))&si!i&n &$ $e)&si!i&n Fi$s! e!a%a$)&C)'a,angea, 3MP7J AP ,a!e$a, a-Eadd+%!i&n #,e0i&n E e0!ensi&n e0!ensi&n Fi$s! in!e$)'a,angea, 3IP7J ,a!e$a, #,e0i&nEe0!ensi&n e0!ensi&n JS!$+%!+$e and #+n%!i&n &# !'e MP and IP G&in!s a$e sii,a$ !& !'&se &# !'e &!'e$ digi!s/ ,he th&m also has an e(tensor me#hanism% Charles Eaton )' ,h&m home page T'+- +s%,es linical !inesiology ,is!s nine !'+- +s%,es"
1. 9apid $le(ion o$ the th&m>s 0P 3oint in"ol"es the $le(or polli#is long&s 51PL6, and is o$ten a##ompanied y palpale a#ti"ity in the ad&#tor polli#is long&s% ,he $irst C)C 3oint may e"en ad&#t% ,he =PL a#ti"ity #o&nters 1PL>s tenden#y to $le( the C)C 3oint in the plane o$ the palm%
2. 9apid e(tension o$ the th&m>s 0P 3oint in"ol"es the e(tensor polli#is long&s 5EPL6, and is o$ten a##ompanied y palpale a#ti"ity in the thenar m&s#les% ,he $irst C)C 3oint may e"en $le( in the plane o$ the palm% =#ti"ity in the opponens polli#is #o&nters the EPL>s tenden#y to e(tend the $irst C)C 3oint or add&#t it in a plane perpendi#&lar to the palm%
3. ,he ad&#tor polli#is long&s 5the =PL, a sn&$$o( m&s#le6 a#ts in syn#hrony *ith any a#tion o$ the thenar m&s#les% 0ts a#ti"ity staili!es the $irst meta#arpal so that the thenar m&s#les do not prod&#e mo"ement at the $irst C)C 3oint% -in#e the =PL also prod&#es radial de"iation o$ the *rist, the e(tensor #arpi &lnaris 5ECD6 may also a#t to pre"ent *rist motion% E0!ens&$ Me%'anis &# T'+- T'e #i$s! digi!1s e0!ens&$ e%'anis $e%ei*es #i-e$s #$& !'e" 1% ad&#tor polli#is re"is 5median nn%6 2% add&#tor polli#is 5&lnar nn6 3% &lnar head o$ $le(or polli#is re"is E $irst palmar interosseo&s 5&lnar nn6 4% e(tensor polli#is long&s 5radial nn%6 4e#a&se a "ariety o$ ner"es s&pply these m&s#les, th&m e(tension is possile e"en i$ one o$ the peripheral ner"es is in3&red% ,his arrangement permits the /ind o$ alan#e et*een $le(ion and e(tension in the th&m that the l&mri#ales pro"ide in the other digits% Last updated "-#"-0# $e!+$n !& C&n!$&, &# H+an M&*een! ? ,e%!+$e s%'ed+,e