Sociology in Me
Sociology in Me
Sociology in Me
A Reflection Paper
By: Lara, Queenniexeth D.
A.Y. 13-14
PUP Manila
Studying the society. At first, Ive thought of it as a boring subject. But then, I realized
that it was not really. And why? Because in Sociology Class, Id never thought that I will be
knowledgeable enough on things that are not seem to be interesting but the reasons behind
these are amazing. Just for example, why is common to Filipinos not to use shower as they
take a bath? Why are they drinking coffee as they woke up? And why do people sit on bowl
when theyre moving bowels? See. Learning about society, how it interacts with one
another, different types of country people and how they see one another is quite
One core concept that happened to remark in me in the very beginning is the
sociological imagination. It is the ability to look beyond ones own everyday life as a cause
for daily successes and failures and see the entire society in which one lives as potential
cause for these things. Im not even aware of the term, but as I heard the lesson, it opened
my mind to many different things. It allows one to reflect their lives with the surroundings
around them. One great example/lesson that was given by our gorgeous professor, Mrs.
Camille Ocampo, is that dont laugh over a person whove slipped on the floor. Its because
corruption causes that to happen. How come? Alligator politicians used substandard
materials, which are less expensive and which caused the man to slip on the floor. In other
words, sociological imagination helped me to take a look outside a box and push away the
obvious. The obvious is what can mask the truth which allows for ignorance,
misunderstanding of others culture or beliefs. This subject has opened my eyes and enabled
my mind to have a different perspective to everything I came across daily, whenever I
judged a situation, I now try to look beyond the outer layer and understand the other side of
it as well before coming to a conclusion.
Culture, as what the World Wide Web says, is the arts and other manifestations of
human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Rather than that, it is defined as a
complex collection of values, beliefs, behaviors, and material objects shared by a group
passed on from one generation to the next. On the other hand, Deviance is the state of
being different or you are to violate the social norms. The social norms are like the culture.
These are the shared patterns of behaviors, interactions, etc. by the way we act, dress, and
what we believe in.
But being deviant doesnt really exist. Because being deviant can only be judged by
ones eyes. A good example is Miley Cyrus. For us, Filipinos, she is the total opposite of a role
model. But if you tried to use your sociological perspective, Miley Cyrus is not that evilistic.
Because in US, where she grew up, everyone is liberated. And since sheve seen many
people that do the same, she got influenced, without knowing that doing such thing is kinda
Another lesson that will leave a remark in me are the major dociological perspective--
structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and the conflict theory. In structural
functionalism, the focus is the order of the society and it is where the outlook should be
always positive. The symbolic interactionist concentrates on interactions between people.
And the conflict theory, which is against the functionalists, talks about the power and
differences of every member of the society.
I like our short discussion of their deviances. Let's take the scene of a parent whose
son was involved in cheating on an examination. If the father was a functionalist, he will
surely punish the kid because he wants everything to be perfect and functional. If the father
was a symbolic interactionist, most probably, snobbing will be his best way to express to his
son that what he have done is not good. Finally, if the father was a conflict theorist, his
response to the situation will depend upon his economical status: if he belongs to the
working class, he will punish his kid verbally; while if he belongs to the capitalist class, or the
elites, he will only talk to the teacher of his son and will please to forget what had happened
and promise not to do that again.
With the knowledge i have earned in Sociology, I now know what is it like to see things
from the other side of view. Ultimately, I have come to appreciate and realize more than I
ever have had than before. And truely I will never forget this class nor this experience.