Global Citizen Essay-Orlando Llampay

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Orlando Llampay

February 25, 2018

Mr. Colon’s Global Seminar Class

Global Citizen Essay

Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author, once said...“The world is changed by your

example, not by your opinion.” The importance and seriousness of being not just an

academic learner but also a mutable and liberal and open minded global learner and civic

citizen in the twenty first century without being biased or strong-willed would be because

in this age in where humanity faces dire and serious humanitarian circumstances, it is

important that humanity does not just investigate the world further and see the roots and

the seeds of global situations that affect all of humanity in one way or another but also

recognize perspectives and comprehend other opinions, as different as they may be due to

their lifestyle or path of life. At our school, the Ambassador School of Global Leadership,

our teachers not only encourage us to view the negative and often times tragic failures of

our society happening in every corner and side of the world, but also trains us to become

global learners capable of becoming global leaders who can view, brainstorm,

comprehend solutions and the roots of every imaginable problem and positively act on

marking a difference in our world. I believe that humanity’s best years are yet to come

sooner or later and we can build the bridges to the world we seek where peace, justice,

fairness, equality and tolerance are an inevitable reality. The vision is if we follow this

mission and hundreds of millions across the planet, notwithstanding their walks of life,

the vision can become a rendering turned into a reality. Being a global citizen simply
consists of four main pillars, investigating the world, recognizing perspectives, taking

action and communicating ideas.

A global learner is an essential skill one must educate oneself in to become a

global citizen that can understand the very basics of how various and diverse groups of

people think, communicate with each other, view the various situations humanity faces

and choose and act on the very best course of action. In my belief, a person who defines

him or herself as a global citizen would be not only someone who sees his or herself of

being part of the one global community that exists in humanity (the human race) but also

exhibits actions that construct community and a positive culture based on the most basic

principles, ethics and morals of life to not only frame but complete a better

interconnected community that can create communities and inevitable forces of change to

ship the course of humanity. Some of the prime guiding principles of any global citizen

would be investigating the world through independent research on just about any

constructive or matter of interest further than what the common core curriculum teaches

one at a local public school, be open to recognizing other people’s perspectives even if

you agree to disagree and understand the origins of these perspectives and respect views

across various cultures.

At the Ambassador School of Global Leadership, the curriculum through

default promotes the benefits of being the global citizen (even if you are not a legal

citizen of every country in the planet). I have personally accomplished the qualities of the

global citizens within the four years of attending the Ambassador School of Global

Leadership through performing projects, assignments and relatable tasks honestly and

frankly that embody the GPO’s and through those tasks either assist us in mastering the
GPO’s or connect the assignment with the real world and its matters through the GPO’s.

The feeling and unique experience of mastering the global performance outcomes at an

early age, in comparison to most people, some who do not even comprehend the global

pillars of a citizen at all, has assisted me in comprehending other people’s perspectives

and put them into consideration within my own life, exploring and opening up my mind

to seeing the reality and the fascination the world hosts, all within the comfort of being

embedded within our education, educating ourselves and taking the initiative of action as

part of our academic curriculum for academic success, one cannot have success without

taking initiative not just within ourselves, but the world around us as well. I have over the

years, mastered the GPO to communicate ideas, which interconnects with the rest of the

GPOs and vice versa in a matrix like form. Essentially it has been mastered via projects

such as essays in where we have to take a stance on a controversial and real world issue

such as the Syrian Refugee Crisis (written in 10th grade in Mr. Oh’s English class) or the

use of technology by teenagers (written in 11th grade in Mr. Rivas’ English class) or

explaining the best model for national government development under the nation creation

project with Mr. Oh in the tenth grade. Projects like these provided us with the education

necessary to become a master of communicating ideas to express initiative, feelings,

desires, thoughts, ideas and inquire on questions to investigate the world or suggestions

for improvement on the matter of taking action and recognize other people's’ perspectives

through communicating them peacefully in a civil manner with each other among other

reasons communicating ideas is essential to ensure all the other GPOs have their green

light on as well. To conclude this paragraph, it is inevitable that achieving the pillars and
philosophy has improved my overall being as a human being through opening up the

windows and the doors necessary to understand other people's philosophy of thinking and

stepping in their shoes at the same time and taking the initiative to explore our world

further and take relevant actions afterwards to spread awareness and hope of constructing

a better society and communicating ideas to make all of the above an inevitable reality

and not just a rendering within our minds.

The individual learner and civilian, no matter the socioeconomic status the

individual grew in and no matter how homogenous society or how hateful society may

live up to him within his or her own neighborhood, the global citizen best contributes a

positive force to society given that they are able to recognize perspectives, no matter how

contrastive to that of their own, communicate their ideas freely without preoccupy

yourself in what others might say and therefore lead others to recognize your perspective,

investigate the world and seek out the truth and not just the political correctness displayed

on major media outlets and seek out honest, unbiased alternative information and take

relevant action when others stay silent and take the microphone to be the voice and the

action on behalf of the hopeless and voiceless. The individual who has not accomplished

global competency does not have the foundation necessary and mandated to take on the

world essentially because one would have not achieved the same form of engagement

with societal and global matters due to the fact that one might not engage in investigating

the world further to seek the truth to form a more honest opinion or perspective to share

and leads to not one or permitting others to recognize perspectives in an open manner and

without the truth you cannot form and act on relevant actions to improve the world

around us. Therefore, personally if I have not educated myself in a global context, I
would be less willing to seek out truth from “many sides” and therefore create my own

perspective of the matter and freely communicate the idea (communicating ideas can only

effectively work in an honest manner, frankly, if everyone within their group has their

ears and minds open to recognizing others perspectives, no matter how distinct they are

from one's perspective). Therefore, I will contribute more effectively in a positive

connotation to society because, when combined with my personal ambition and life goal

of making the world a better place than I founded it. Finally, global learning and

engaging is critical to the world because to better know our world and better tolerate of

the differences among us in the world, we need to first educate ourselves about all the

misinformation and how misinformed it is to adopt the misinformation into our daily

lives, with an example being stereotyping and engaging with the world ensures not only

that we stay informed but adapt the portion of taking action as well depending on the

progress in general regarding that personal, local, regional and global problem.

A global citizen is a nationalist of every country at heart, not just of the United

States of America but every country out there in the United Nations. They are a

nationalist of every country at heart to step into their perspective of the matters that affect

every country’s homeland most and communicate ideas from the heart to construct

bridges of friendship, harmony and peace left and right to demolish nationalism and work

together to take action to solve the common issues affecting people from all walks of life

after investigating the world putting the recognition of perspectives by their hearts. A

global citizen actively investigates the world around them for the truth, listens with their

heart to recognize perspectives, takes relevant, genuine and fairly thought out action in

the name of the voiceless and the powerless and communicates their ideas thoughtfully
but liberally at the same time to foster understanding and comprehension. Becoming a

global learner is essential to all students no matter where one is at in the world because it

can help the learner be adaptable to the ever changing world we live in and form a more

concrete understanding, comprehension and place in the world to take it on and make it

ultimately a better place for all. Global learning at the end of the day leads to being

globally being successful. Ok, you may not achieve fame around the world but you can

find easier success anywhere you go with the open, optimistic and affable mindset the

global citizen is meant to create.

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