This document outlines the course content and schedule for the Management Information Systems course at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. The course aims to help students understand key concepts of information systems and their role in business management and decision making. It covers topics such as business processes and relevant information systems, data quality issues, decision support systems, database management, and Microsoft Access. The course assessments include assignments, presentations, quizzes, a midterm exam and final exam.
This document outlines the course content and schedule for the Management Information Systems course at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. The course aims to help students understand key concepts of information systems and their role in business management and decision making. It covers topics such as business processes and relevant information systems, data quality issues, decision support systems, database management, and Microsoft Access. The course assessments include assignments, presentations, quizzes, a midterm exam and final exam.
This document outlines the course content and schedule for the Management Information Systems course at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. The course aims to help students understand key concepts of information systems and their role in business management and decision making. It covers topics such as business processes and relevant information systems, data quality issues, decision support systems, database management, and Microsoft Access. The course assessments include assignments, presentations, quizzes, a midterm exam and final exam.
This document outlines the course content and schedule for the Management Information Systems course at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. The course aims to help students understand key concepts of information systems and their role in business management and decision making. It covers topics such as business processes and relevant information systems, data quality issues, decision support systems, database management, and Microsoft Access. The course assessments include assignments, presentations, quizzes, a midterm exam and final exam.
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THIRD TERM (2013-14) C!"#$ C%$& C!"#$ T'()$& M*+*,$-$+( I+."-*('+ S/#($-# C!"#$ O0$"0'$1 Management Information Systems, as the name itself suggests, is the management of information and information systems of an organization for better decision making. MIS concept is a blend of principle, theories, and practices of Management, Information and Systems. MIS is a dynamic concept which continuously interacts with internal and external environment of the business and provides a directive and corrective mechanism to the management. The course addresses issues that arise in dealing with information as a business resource. It provides an indepth look at usage of information systems for managers in business organizations. It also helps the students to evaluate tools and technologies for sourcing information from databases to improve business performance ! decision making and assess the role of data "uality in the management issues. The course further helps to demonstrate role of enterprise systems in achieving operational excellence by integrating and coordinating diverse functions and business processes within a firm. #astly, the course helps the students to understand the concept of web commerce ! its security and its relevance in today$s digitized economy. L$*"+'+, O!(2-$# %pon completion of this course, students will be able to complete the following key tasks& 'e able to understand the concept of information system in terms of current business practices and technologies. 'e able to analyze business processes within an organization in terms of organizational performance and development. 'e able to identify and appreciate range of tools and techni"ues that may be applied to enhance the management of information systems, including the capturing ! mapping of data and structuring of information to make a significant contribution to an organization$s business process. ( 'e able to analyze and operate their own information intensive needs and make decisions via computerized simulation. 'e able to work in groups for analyzing practical situations and preparing ! presenting recommendations for enhancement of the usage of management information using systems available. L'#( . T3'2#4M%!)$# T3'24M%!)$ C+($+(#4C+2$3(# Information System and 'usiness )rocesses This modules constructs students understanding towards Information System and its impact on business environment *nhancing +ecision Making Students learn the role played by information and information system in supporting various management activities and decision making processes. Managing +ata& +atabase Students learn to understand data and its critical issues like "uality, time etc and differentiate it from information and also understand the business problems associated with issues like data "uality MS,ccess Students learn to identify entities in a business and create entity relationships and graphically represent them through *-+. It also helps students to learn to retrieve data from entities using simple select "ueries, conditional "ueries, calculations and different operators .eb based IS Students get sensitized to the changes in value proposition and business models brought about by internet and its applications. E0*)!*('+ C"'($"'* C-3+$+(# D$#2"'3('+ I+%'0'%!*)4G"!3 5W$',6(*,$ /lass participation and -eflective 0otes *ach student will be re"uired to maintain a separate notebook1sheet of class notes 2reflective notes3. The reflective notes will include only the 4key learning and key take away$ which the students got from the class for that session. The students will also write in that Individual (5 6 note about his1 her class participation in each class. 7uizzes There will be two announced "uizzes. The "uiz will consist of M/7s. ,ll the two scores will be considered for assessment. Individual (5 )resentation1 /ase analysis 1#ab assignment Student will be evaluated individually and1or groups. It is based on how well students participate individually1in groups in the case analysis activities or "uestions put up in the class. Individual18roup (5 ,ssignment1 )ro9ect Students will be re"uired to complete an assignment1 pro9ect as a part of their individual1group assessment component. Individual18roup (5 Mid Term *xamination This will consist of cognition and application based situational "uestions coupled with small analysis. Individual 65 *nd Term *xamination This will consist of case study and application based situational "uestions wherein students will reflect and correlate their learning with problems in "uestion. Individual :5 *xemption or deferral of a "uiz, assignment etc. is not permitted. ,ny student who either misses a "uiz, or does not hand in an assignment, will have zero marks for that component. There will be no makeup provisions. In case of absence from midterm or endterm, the student$s absence will be treated as per examination norms. It is expected that all students will make a significant contribution to the group assignment wherever re"uired, failing which, marks may be awarded accordingly. ,ssignment not submitted on the due date will not be graded. R$2--$+%$%4R$.$"$+2$ T$7( 89# *+% R$#!"2$# T$7( 89 #audon, #audon and +ass, Management Information Systems Managing the digital firm, )earson, (6 th *dition. R$.$"$+2$# ;ames ,. <='rien, Introduction to Information Systems, Mc8raw>ill /ompanies, (: th
*dition. ;oshi, Management Information Systems, <xford, ( st *dition, Mc8raw>ill /ompanies ;awadekar .aman, Management Information Systems ? , digital firm perspective, Tat Mc8raw>ill *ducation, : th *dition. @ S$##'+ P)*+ S$##' + D*($ T3'2 R$:!'"$-$+(#& R$*%'+,#4C*#$ L$*"+'+, O!(2-$ M%!)$ 1& M*+*,'+, '+."-*('+ ." ;!#'+$## '+'('*('0$# ( Introductory Session& Ice 'reaking, Mutual *xpectations, /ourse <verview& Information System and Information Technology Introductory talk /h. 6& p:@A@ Students would be able to differentiate between technology ! system and how is one interrelated to the other with its significance in business. 6 >ow businesses use Information System 'usiness process and its relevant information systems /aselet1/ase ( /h. 6& p:@A@ Students would be able to identify the IS 2T)S, MIS, +SS..3 supporting the ma9or business functions and to assess the role of IS in business @ %nderstanding data1information hierarchy, data "uality issues, information processing needs at various levels /aselet1/ase ( contdB )olycopy /h C& p 6@D 6@E Students get to learn data and its critical issues like "uality, time etc. and differentiate it from information, knowledge and wisdom. M%!)$ 2& E+6*+2'+, D$2'#'+ M*9'+, : +ata and its effect on +ecision making, decision making ! information systems, decision structures 2types of decisions3, systems for decision support /aselet1/ase ( contdB /h.(6& p :C5 :D@ Students learn the role played by data1information and information system in supporting various management activities and decision making processes. A /omponents and stages in decision making, using decision support systems /aselet1/ase ( contdB /h.(6& p :C5 :D@ Students would be able to conceptualize the process and stages of decision making. C +ata mining for +SS, *IS ! *SS and its role in business, 'I and its application in the enterprise, Moving towards data managementB /h.C& p66D6@A /h (6& p :F5 :FC Students will get sensitized to the concept of business intelligence M%!)$ 3& M*+*,'+, D*(*& M0'+, (1*"%# %*(*;*#$ ." #!33"('+, %$2'#'+ -*9'+, F %nderstanding database, traditional file system versus +'MS /hC& p 6(A66F Students will be sensitized on various concepts of databases types , models and current trends D Types of databases, +'MS vs -+'MS, and -+'MS fundamentals /hC& p 6(A66F Students get to learn nuances of -+'MS structure and its utility : E Moving towards database modeling *-+ /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn to identify entities in a business situation (5 %nderstanding *ntity -elationship model /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn to create entity relationships and graphically represent them through *-+ (( *- model contd., 0ormalization /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn the basic art of normalizing the *- model (6 *- model contd., 0ormalization /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn the basic art of normalizing the *- model M%!)$ 4& MS-A22$## (@ %nderstanding MS,ccess, implementing *-+ through MS ,ccess /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students get handson practice on *-+ using MS,ccess. (: 7'* 2>ands on3 Select "uery /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students would be able to retrieve textual data from entities using different operators with select "ueries 2for textual data3 (A 7'* 2>ands on3 Select "uery /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students would be able to retrieve numeric and date related data from entities using different operators with select "ueries 2for numeric and date related data3 (C 7'* 2>ands on3 ? )arametric "uery /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn to retrieve data from entities based on user$s preference and combine the same with various select "ueries (F 7'* 2>ands on3 ? /alculated "uery /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn to extract data using conditional and calculated "ueries. (D 7'* 2>ands on3 ? /ombination of )arametric and /alculated "uery /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 Students learn to combine various "ueries together to extract data. (E -eports 2>ands on3 /hC& p 6(A66F /ase 6 2case assignment3 /reate reports from the data in the entities and the "ueries. M%!)$ <& W$; ;*#$% IS 65 .*' based Information System *commerce Gs *business 'usiness models for * /h.(5& p@D: :(C, /aselet1/ase @ Students get sensitized to the changes in value proposition and business models brought A commerce about by internet and its applications. 6( Mobile /ommerce '6' and '6/ ,pplications /h.(5& p@D: :(C, /aselet1/ase @ contdB +ifferentiate the various e commerce models and their applicability 66 *commerce revenue models *commerce payment systems /h.(5& p@D: :(C, /aselet1/ase @ contdB 8ets sensitized on the concept of payment systems and various revenue models used in */ommerce 6@ Mobile ,))S 1 8oogle docs -eading material 8ets to understand MIS through mobile computing technologies 6:. /oncluding Session Summing up Summing up C+(*2( D$(*')#& 0ame of the Instructor& Sanchita 8hatak <ffice #ocation& 6 nd floor -oom 65F, Telephone& E:(AA:(CD: *mail& Teaching Genue& .ebsite& <ffice >ours& E&@5 a.m. ? A&@5 pm <nline #inks 2#ink to 'lackboard etc.3& C