General Internship Guidelines For The Students Fall 2014
General Internship Guidelines For The Students Fall 2014
General Internship Guidelines For The Students Fall 2014
Bangladesh (AIUB)
Faculty of Business Administration
General Internship Guidelines for the Students
There are two types of Internship Report. The format of each type of
report is described below.
Types of Report:
1. Internship Research Report
2. Internship Afliation Report
1. !ormat "f !BA Student Internship
#esearch #eport
1.1 $he Internship #esearch #eport %roposal
ach student will ha!e to prepare a %roposal "i!in" details of the
proposed topic #study he#she wants to wor$ on. The %roposal should not
be of more than & pa"es. The main contents of the %roposal are "i!en
1. Brief Introduction of the $opic&Study
1.1 Title of the 'tudy
1.2 Rationale of the 'tudy
()hy are you proposin" this study* )hat is the rele!ance of
this to you as a student and in you future career* )hat
contributions it can "i!e to the Faculty of Business
Administration or to the uni!ersity as a whole* to the business
1.& %ro,le of the -r"ani.ation or Business stablishment
(Brief description of the or"ani.ation where the study is based
or where you are ha!in" your internship. )hat type of
business the or"ani.ation is en"a"ed in* /ow many
employees are* )ho are the clients*
%age ' 1
2. Statement of the %ro(lems
('peci,c 0uestions to be answered by the study.+
3. Scope of the Study
(This is the co!era"e of the study in terms location1
respondents1 duration#timeframe1 data#information to be
"athered1 !ariables.+
4. )imitation of the Study
()hat not to be included in the study in order o clarify and
pre2empt e3pectations which are not dealt in the study.+
5. "(*ectives of the Study
(These are the purpose or intent of the study which are
e3pected to be achie!ed or attained at the end of the study.+
i. Broad#4eneral -b5ecti!e (1 or 2 statements only+
ii. 'peci,c -b5ecti!es (should harmoni.e or consistent with
the statement of the problems+
6. +ethodology of the Study
(This should describe the methods to be used in data
collection1 sources of data (primary or secondary+1 number
and type of respondents (selection: total or samplin"+1 use of
0uestionnaire1 if any1 statistical application (fre0uency count1
percenta"e1 mean1 correlation1 t2test1 time series1 etc.+1 use of
"raphics1 tables1 etc.
7. $imeline&Schedule of Activities
(These are the lists of acti!ities to be underta$en at the start
and completion of the report with their correspondin" dates.+
1., $he Internship !inal #esearch #eport !ormat
The Internship Report must not be less than 67 pa"es (e3cludin" the
Appendices or Attachments+.Based on the proposal submitted by the
student8 this report is presented as an in partial re0uirement for the
de"ree (Bachelor in Business Administration+. The preparation of the Final
Report shall follow the format "i!en below:
1. -over %age (see the standard format+
2. $itle %age (see the standard format+
&. )etter of $ransmittal (this letter contains the
information about the submission of the Final Report to the
Faculty of Business Administration throu"h -%A+
%age ' ,
9. )etter of .ndorsements (y the Supervisor
6. Ac/no0ledgment (%a"e no. in Roman Form8
e3. I1 II # i1 ii+
(3pression of than$s to the people1 to the company and others
who ha!e made in!aluable contribution to the completion of this
:. .1ecutive Summary (;ot more than 677
(%a"e no. in Roman Form8 e3. I1 II # i1 ii+
(This is the recap of the report or study hi"hli"htin" the
important and si"ni,cant
features of the study.+
<. $a(le of -ontents
=. Body of the #eport
I2 %art 1 of the Report:
-r"ani.ation -!er!iew or %ro,le of the -r"ani.ation
II2 %art 2 of the Report
II.1 Introduction to the Report#'tudy
Rationale of the 'tudy (see proposal format+
'tatement of the %roblems (see proposal format+
-b5ecti!es of the Report#'tudy (see proposal
'cope of the 'tudy(see proposal format+
>imitation of the 'tudy
II.2 Re!iew of Related >iterature
(@escribe the relationship of each of these documents
to your study. )hy did you use or cite them in your
study* A!oid cut and paste.+
II.& Aethodolo"y of the 'tudy
(This should describe the methods used in data collection1
sources of data (primary or secondary+1 number and type of
respondents (selection: total or samplin"+1 use of
0uestionnaire1 if any1 statistical application (fre0uency count1
%age ' 2
percenta"e1 mean1 correlation1 t2test1 time series1 etc.1 use of
"raphics1 tables1 etc.+
II.9 Analysis and Interpretation of the @ata
(-n the basis of the data and information collected which
are usually presented in tables1 matrices and "raphs1
analysis and interpretation can be made. 'ome
implications1 e3planations or 5usti,cation should be made
why this obtainin" situation e3ist. The se0uence of the
analysis should be made based on the statement of the
%roblems or -b5ecti!es of the study. 'ome Issues and
%roblems can be an oBshoot of the analysis and
II.9 Findin"s of 'tudy
('peci,c si"ni,cant ,ndin"s of the study after the analysis
and interpretation of the @ata ha!e been made.+
II.6 Conclusions
(These are speci,c and direct answers to the 0uestions in
the statement of the problems or ob5ecti!es of the study.+
II.6 'u""estions
(These are your su""estions based on the ,ndin"s of the
study for impro!ement or sustainability of the or"ani.ation1
stren"thenin" of the systems and procedures1 possible
re!ision of policies1 and other rele!ant su""estions. All
su""estions must be based on the study and not 5ust
personal perception1 hypothetical or arbitrary+
D. References
(Apply the Campbell style1 Thoribian+
17. Appendi3 (3amples+
>etters to the Company#Respondents
CF (not more than 2 pa"es+
%age ' 3
,. %roposal for the Student Internship
A4liation #eport
$itle of the #eport5 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
#ationale for Selecting the #eport5
Bac/ground (7escription of the "rgani8ation&-ompany)5
%age ' 9
Su(mitted (y5
:ame of the Student Intern5
I7 :o5
A-$I": B; $<. SU%.#=IS"#5 Approved 6666666666
7isapproved 6666666666
Approved 0ith #evision
,.1 !ormat of !BA Student Internship
A4liation #eport
I $I$). "! $<. #.%"#$ (3amples: Forei"n 3chan"e Transactions in
%rime Ban$2Banani Branch8 /uman Resource Aana"ement %ractices in
4rameen %hone8 Aar$etin" 'trate"ies of the Company8 'ocial
Responsibilities of G Company: Approaches and Bene,ciaries8 others+
II I:$#"7U-$I":
a. Rationale ()hy are you interested to underta$e this report* )hat is the
importance of this report*+
b. Bac$"round (@escription of the -r"ani.ation#Company2 not more than
6 pa"es+
c. -b5ecti!es ()hat are your ob5ecti!es#purposes you intend to attain or
achie!e in this report* 3. To describe the !arious practices of the
company in dealin" with the clients8 to ,nd out how issues and
problems are resol!ed by the mana"ement8 etc.+
III A-$I=I$I.S U:7.#$A>.: (;arrati!e discussion of the acti!ities
underta$en in relation to the report. These acti!ities can be focused on the
assi"ned tas$ by the or"ani.ation or any interest about the whole or"ani.ation.+
a. )or$2Related
b. -r"ani.ation2wide
c. -ther rele!ant acti!ities
I= -":S$#AI:$S&-<A)).:G.S A:7 %#"%"S.7 -"U#S. "!
A-$I": !"# I+%#"=.+.:$
%age ' ?
(Issues and %roblems encountered and identi,ed durin" the internship afliation
with the or"ani.ation#company.+
a. Identi,ed#-bser!ed in the -r"ani.ation
b. Academic %reparation (Aismatch between assi"ned tas$s and other
operational functions of the or"ani.ation with your academic
preparation#ma5or. Rele!ance of the academic preparation #ma5or to
the present assi"nment and future 5ob re0uirements of the
c. Any missin" $nowled"e and s$ills that need to be learned in the
uni!ersity which are rele!ant to the company or to oneself as future
= ).SS":S ).A#:.7 !#"+ $<. I:$.#:S<I% %#"G#A+ (These are
the !aluable lessons#$nowled"e #s$ills#beha!ior#practices you ha!e learned or
ac0uired from your internship.+
a. Implications to -r"ani.ation#Company H Based Afliation
b. Implications to Ini!ersityJs Internship %ro"ram
c. -thers
=I -":-)U7I:G S$A$.+.:$S
a. Recapitulation #'ummary
b. Recommendations for Future 'trate"ic Actions (-!er2all Internship
%ro"ram: Afliation and Ini!ersity+
=II@ SUGG.S$I":S !"# I+%#"=.+.:$ "# -"U#S. "! A-$I":
(Aention speci,c su""estions to address the problems identi,ed or obser!ed
durin" the afliation. Kou may refer to %art IF on ConstraintsL+
A%%.:7I-.S5 (Including a ,@page -=)
:ote5 The Report should not be less than 27 pa"es e3cludin" the Appendices.
%age ' A
%age ' B