This document provides an overview of negotiable instruments under the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 in India. It defines key terms like negotiable instrument, discusses the conditions for negotiability, and classifies different types of negotiable instruments such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques, inland instruments, foreign instruments, demand instruments, time instruments, ambiguous instruments, and inchoate or incomplete instruments. The key points are that a negotiable instrument must be freely transferable by delivery or endorsement and allow a bona fide holder to acquire it free of defects in title.
This document provides an overview of negotiable instruments under the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 in India. It defines key terms like negotiable instrument, discusses the conditions for negotiability, and classifies different types of negotiable instruments such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques, inland instruments, foreign instruments, demand instruments, time instruments, ambiguous instruments, and inchoate or incomplete instruments. The key points are that a negotiable instrument must be freely transferable by delivery or endorsement and allow a bona fide holder to acquire it free of defects in title.
This document provides an overview of negotiable instruments under the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 in India. It defines key terms like negotiable instrument, discusses the conditions for negotiability, and classifies different types of negotiable instruments such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques, inland instruments, foreign instruments, demand instruments, time instruments, ambiguous instruments, and inchoate or incomplete instruments. The key points are that a negotiable instrument must be freely transferable by delivery or endorsement and allow a bona fide holder to acquire it free of defects in title.
This document provides an overview of negotiable instruments under the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 in India. It defines key terms like negotiable instrument, discusses the conditions for negotiability, and classifies different types of negotiable instruments such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques, inland instruments, foreign instruments, demand instruments, time instruments, ambiguous instruments, and inchoate or incomplete instruments. The key points are that a negotiable instrument must be freely transferable by delivery or endorsement and allow a bona fide holder to acquire it free of defects in title.
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Definition of a Negotiable Instr!ent"
T#e la$ relating to negotiable instr!ents is %ontaine& in t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t, 1881" It is an A%t to &efine an& a!en& t#e la$ relating to 'ro!issor( notes, bills of e)%#ange an& %#e*es" T#e A%t &oes not affe%t t#e %sto! or lo%al sage relating to an instr!ent in oriental langage i"e", a +n&i" T#e ter! "negotiable instrument" !eans a &o%!ent transferable fro! one 'erson to anot#er" +o$e,er t#e A%t #as not &efine& t#e ter!" It !erel( sa(s t#at -A "negotiable instr!ent- !eans a 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e 'a(ab1e eit#er to or&er or to bearer" .Se%tion 1/0112 A negotiable instr!ent !a( be &efine& as -an instr!ent, t#e" 'ro'ert( in $#i%# is a%*ire& b( an(one $#o ta3es it bona fide, an& for ,ale, not$it#stan4ing an( &efe%t of title in t#e 'erson fro! $#o! #e too3 it, fro! $#i%# it follo4s t#at an instr!ent %annot be negotiable nless it is s%# an& in s%# a state t#at t#e tre o$ner %ol& transfer t#e %ontra%t or engage!ent %ontaine& t#erein b( si!'le &eli,er( of instr!ent- 05illis6 The Law of Negotiable Securities, Page 6). A%%or&ing to t#is &efinition t#e follo$ing are t#e %on&itions of negotiabilit(7 0i1 T#e instr!ent s#ol& be freel( transferable" An instr!ent %annot be negotiable nless it is s%# an& in s%# state t#at t#e tre o$ner %ol& transfer b( si!'le &eli,er( or en&orse!ent an& &eli,er(" 0ii1 T#e 'erson $#o ta3es it for ,ale an& in goo& fait# is not affe%te& b( t#e &efe%t in t#e title of t#e transferor" 0iii1 S%# a 'erson %an se 'on t#e instr!ent in #is o$n na!e" Negotiabilit( in,ol,es t$o ele!ents na!el(, transferabilit( free fro! e*ities an& transferabilit( b( &eli,er( or en&orse!ent 0Moo3er8ee 9" In Tailors Priya ," Gulab hand, AIR 1:;< Cal1" Bt t#e A%t re%ognises onl( t#ree t('es of instr!ents ,i=", %i >ro!issor( Note, a Bill of" E)%#ange an& a C#e*e as negotiable instr!ents" +o$e4er, it &oes not !ean t#at ot#er instr!ents are not negotiable instr!ents 'ro,i&e& t#at t#e( satisf( t#e follo$ing %on&itions of negotiabilit(7 1" T#e instr!ent s#ol& be freel( transferable b( t#e %sto! of tra&e" Transferabilit( !a( be b( 0i1 &eli,er( or 0ii1 en&orse!ent an& &eli,er(" ?" T#e 'erson $#o obtains it in good fait# an& for %onsi&eration gets it free fro! all &efe%ts an& %an se 'on it in #is o$n na!e" /" T#e #ol&er #as t#e rig#t to transfer" T#e negotiabilit( %ontines till t#e !atrit(" !ffect of Negotiability T#e general 'rin%i'le of la$ relating to transfer of 'ro'ert( is t#at no one %an 'ass a better title t#an #e #i!self #as "nemodat #uad non$habet). The e)%e'tions to t#is general rle arise b( ,irte of statte or b( a %sto!" A negotiable instr!ent is one s%# e)%e'tion $#i%# is originall( a %reation of !er%antile %sto!" T#s a bona fide transferee of negotiable instr!ent for %onsi&eration $it#ot noti%e of an( &efe%t of title, a%*ires t#e instr!ent free on an( &efe%t, i.e., #e a%*ires a better title t#an t#at of t#e transferor" Important Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments @ollo$ing are t#e i!'ortant %#ara%teristi%s of negotiable instr!ents7 011 T#e #ol&er of t#e instr!ent is 'res!e& to be t#e o$ner of t#e 'ro'ert( %ontaine& in it" 0?1 T#e( are freel( transferable" 0/1 A #ol&er in &e %orse gets t#e instr!ent free fro! all &efe%ts of title of an( 're,ios #ol&er" 0A1T#e #ol&er in &e %orse is entitle& to se on t#e instr!ent in #is o$n na!e" 0<1 T#e instr!ent is transferable till !atrit( an& in %ase of %#e*es till it be%o!es stale 0on t#e e)'ir( of ; !ont#s fro! t#e &ate of isse1" 0;1 Certain e*al 'res!'tions are a''li%able to all negotiable instr!ents nless t#e %ontrar( is 'ro,e&" Classification of Negotiable Instruments T#e negotiable instr!ents !a( be %lassifie& as n&er7 "%) &earer 'nstruments A 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e is 'a(able to bearer $#en 0i1 it is e)'resse& to be so 'a(able, or 0ii1 t#e onl( or last en&orse!ent on t#e instr!ent is an en&orse!ent in blan3, A 'erson $#o is a #ol&er of a bearer instr!ent %an obtain t#e 'a(!ent of t#e instr!ent" "())rder 'nstruments A 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e is 'a(able to or&er 0i1 $#i%# is e)'resse& to be so 'a(ableB or 0ii1 $#i%# is e)'resse& to be 'a(able to a 'arti%lar 'erson, an& &oes not %ontain an( $or&s 'ro#ibiting transfer or in&i%ating an intention t#at it s#all not be transferable" "*) 'nland 'nstruments 0Se%tion 111 A 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e &ra$n or !a&e in In&ia, an& !a&e 'a(able, or &ra$n 'on an( 'erson, resi&ent in In&ia s#all be &ee!e& to be an inlan& instr!ent" Sin%e a 'ro!issor( note is not &ra$n on an( 'erson, an inlan& 'ro!issor( note is one $#i%# is !a&e 'a(able in In&ia" Sb8e%t to t#is e)%e'tion, an inlan& instr!ent is one $#i%# is eit#er7 0i1 &ra$n an& !a&e 'a(able in In&ia, or 0ii1 &ra$n in In&ia 'on so!e 'ersons resi&ent t#erein, e,en t#og# it is !a&e 'a(able in a foreign %ontr(" "+) ,oreign 'nstruments An instr!ent $#i%# is not an inlan& instr!ent, is &ee!e& to be a foreign instr!ent" T#e essentials of a foreign instr!ent in%l&e t#at7 0i1 it !st be &ra$n otsi&e In&ia an& !a&e 'a(able otsi&e or insi&e In&iaB or 0ii1 it !st be &ra$n in In&ia an& !a&e 'a(able otsi&e In&ia an& &ra$n on a 'erson resi&ent otsi&e In&ia" "-) .emand 'nstruments 0Se%tion 1:1 A 'ro!issor( note or a bill of e)%#ange in $#i%# no ti!e for 'a(!ent is s'e%ifie& is an instr!ent 'a(able on &e!an&" "6) Time 'nstruments Ti!e instr!ents are t#ose $#i%# are 'a(able at so!eti!e in t#e ftre" T#erefore, a 'ro!issor( note or a bill of e)%#ange 'a(able after a fi)e& 'erio&, or after sig#t, or on s'e%ifie& &a(, or on t#e #a''ening of an e,4nt $#i%# is %ertain to #a''en, is 3no$n as a ti!e instr!ent" T#e e)'ression -after slig#t- in a 'ro!issor( note !eans t#at t#e 'a(!ent %annot be &e!an&e& on it nless it #as been s#o$n to t#e !a3er" In t#e %ase of bill of e)%#ange, t#e e)'ression -after sig#t- !eans after a%%e'tan%e, or after noting for non6a%%e'tan%e or after 'rotest for non6a%%e'tan%e" /mbiguous 'nstruments 0Se%tion 1C1 An instr!ent, $#i%# in for! is s%# t#at it !a( eit#er be treate& b( t#e #ol&er as a bill or as a note, is an a!bigos instr!ent" Se%tion <0?1 of t#e Englis# Bills of E)%#ange A%t 'ro,i&es t#at $#ere in a bill, t#e &ra$er an& t#e &ra$ee are t#e sa!e 'erson or $#ere t#e &ra$ee is a fi%titios 'erson or a 'erson in%o!'etent to %ontra%t, t#e #ol&er !a( treat t#e instr!ent, at #is o'tion, eit#er as a bill of e)%#ange or as a 'ro!issor( note" Bill &ra$n to or to t#e or&er of t#e &ra$ee or b( an agent on #is 'rin%i'al, or b( one bran%# of a ban3 on anot#er or b( t#e &ire%tion of a %o!'an( or t#eir %as#ier are also a!bigos instr!ents" A 'ro!issor( note a&&resse& to a t#ir& 'erson !a( be treate& as a bill b( s%# 'erson b( a%%e'ting it, $#ile a bill not a&&resse& to an(one !a( be treate& as a note" Bt $#ere t#e &ra$er an& 'a(ee are t#e same e.g., $#ere A &ra$s a bill 'a(able to ADs or&er, it is not an a!bigos instr!ent an& %annot be treate& as a 'ro!issor( note" On%e an instr!ent #as been treate& eit#er as a bill or as a note, it %annot be treate& &ifferentl( after$ar&s" 'nchoate or 'ncom0lete 'nstrument 0Se%tion ?E1 5#en one 'erson signs an& &eli,ers to anot#er a 'a'er sta!'e& in a%%or&an%e $it# t#e la$ relating to negotiable instr!ents, an& eit#er $#oll( blan3 or #a,ing $ritten t#ereon an in%o!'lete negotiable instr!ent, #e t#ereb( gi,:S 0rima facie at#orit( to t#e #ol&er t#ereof to !a3e or %o!'lete, as t#e %ase !a( be ,'on it a negotiable instr!ent, for an( a!ont s'e%ifie& t#erein, an& not e)%ee&ing t#e a!ont, %o,ere& b( t#e sta!'" S%# an instr!ent is %alle& an in%#oate instr!ent" T#e 'erson so signing s#all be liable 'on s%# instr!ent, in t#e %a'a%it( in $#i%# #e signs t#e sa!e, to an( #ol&er in &e %orse for s%# a!ont" 'ro,i&e& t#at no 'erson ot#er t#an a #ol&er in &e %orse s#all re%o,er fro! t#e 'erson &eli,ering t#e instr!ent an(t#ing in e)%ess of t#e a!ont inten&e& b( #i! to be 'ai& t#ereon" T#e at#orit( to fill ' a blan3 or in%o!'lete instr!ent !a( be e)er%ise& b( an( -#ol&er- an& not onl( t#e first #ol&er to $#o! t#e instr!ent $as &eli,ere&" T#e 'erson signing an& &eli,ering t#e 'a'er is liable bot# to a -#ol&er- an& a -#ol&er6in6&e6%orse-" Bt t#ere is a &ifferen%e in t#eir res'e%ti,e rig#ts" A -#ol&er- %an re%o,er onl( $#at t#e 'erson signing an& &eli,ering t#e 'a'er agree& to 'a( n&er t#e instr!ent, $#ile a -#ol&er6in6 &e6%orse- %an re%o,er t#e $#ole a!ont !a&e 'a(able b( t#e instr!ent 'ro,i&e& t#at it is %o,ere& b( t#e sta!', e,en t#og# t#e a!ont at#orise& $as s!aller" Kinds of Negotiable Instruments T#e A%t re%ognises onl( t#ree 3in&s of negotiable instr!ents n&er Se%tion 1/ bt it &oes not e)%l&e an( ot#er negotiable instr!ent 'ro,i&e& t#e instr!ent entitles a 'erson to a s! of !one( an& is transferable b( &eli,er(" Instr!ents $ritten in oriental langages i.e. #n&is are also negotiable instr!ents" T#ese instr!ents are &is%sse& belo$7 "i) Promissory Notes A -'ro!issor( note- is an instr!ent in $riting 0not being a ban3 note or a %rren%( note1 %ontaining an n%on&itional n&erta3ing, signe& b( t#e !a3er to 'a( a %ertain s! of !one( to, or to t#e or&er of, a %ertain 'erson, or onl( to bearer of t#e instr!ent" 0Se%tion A1 Parties to a Promissory Note: A 'ro!issor( note #as t#e follo$ing 'arties7 0a1 The ma1er2 t#e 'erson $#o !a3es or e)e%tes t#e note 'ro!ising to 'a( t#e a!ont state& t#erein" 0b1 The 0ayee2 one to $#o! t#e note is 'a(able" 0%1 The holder2 is eit#er t#e 'a(ee or so!e ot#er 'erson to $#o! #e !a( #a,e en&orse& t#e note" 0&1 The endorser. 0e1 The endorsee. !ssentials of a Promissory Note2 To be a 'ro!issor( note" an instr!ent !st 'ossess t#e follo$ing essentials7 0a1 It !st be in $riting" An oral 'ro!ise to 'a( $ill not &o" 0b1 It !st %ontain an e)'ress 'ro!ise or %lear n&erta3ing to 'a(" A 'ro!ise to 'a( %annot be inferre&" A !ere a%3no$le&ge!ent of &ebt is not sffi%ient" If A $rites to B -I o$e (o 0I"O"U"1 Rs. <EE-,t#ere is no 'ro!ise to 'a( an& t#e instr!ent is not a 'ro!issor( note" 0%1 T#e 'ro!ise or n&erta3ing to 'a( !st be n%on&itional" A 'ro!ise to 'a( -$#en able-, or -as soon as 'ossible-, or -after (or !arriage to IF-, is %on&itional" Bt a 'ro!ise to 'a( after a s'e%ifi%D ti!e or on t#e #a''ening of an e,ent $#i%# !st #a''en, is not %on&itional, e"g" -I 'ro!ise to 'a( Rs" 1,000 ten &a(s after t#e &eat# of B-, is n%on&itional" 0&1 T#e !a3er !st sign t#e 'ro!issor( note in to3en of an n&erta3ing to 'a( to t#e 'a(ee or #is or&er" 0e1 T#e !a3er !st be a %ertain 'erson, Le", t#e note !st s#o$ %learl( $#o is t#e 'erson engaging #i!self to 'a(" " 0f1 T#e 'a(ee !st be %ertain" T#e 'ro!issor( note !st %ontain a 'ro!ise to 'a( to so!e 'erson or 'ersons as%ertaine& b( na!e or &esignation or to t#eir or&er" 0g1 T#e s! 'a(able !st be %ertain an& t#e a!ont !st" not be %a'able of %ontingent a&&itions or sbtra%tions" If A 'ro!ises to 'a( Rs" 1EE an& all ot#er s!s $#i%# s#all be%o!e &e to #i!, t#e instr!ent is not a 'ro!issor( note" 0#1 >a(!ent !st be in legal !one( of t#e %ontr(" T#s, a 'ro!ise to 'a( Rs" <EE an& &eli,er 1E *intals of ri%e is not a 'ro!issor( note" 0i1 It !st be 'ro'erl( sta!'e& in a%%or&an%e $it# t#e 'ro,isions of t#e In&ian Sta!' A%t" Ea%# sta!' !st be &l( %an%elle& b( !a3erDs signatre or initials" 081 It !st %ontain t#e na!e of 'la%e, n!ber an& t#e &ate on $#i%# it is !a&e" +o$e,er, t#eir o!ission $ill not ren&er t#e instr!ent in,ali&, e"g" if it is n&ate&, it is &ee!e& to be &ate& on t#e &ate of &eli,er(" Note: A 'ro!issor( note %annot be !a&e 'a(able or isse& to bearer, no !atter $#et#er it is 'a(able on &e!an& or after a %ertain ti!e 0Se%tion /1 of t#e RBI A%t1" "ii) &ills of !3change A -bill of e)%#ange- is an instr!ent in $riting %ontaining an n%on&itional or&er, signe& b( t#e !a3er, &ire%ting a %ertain 'erson to 0ay a certain sum of money only to or to t#e or&er of, a %ertain 'erson or to t#e bearer of t#e instr!ent" 0Se%tion <1 T#e &efinition of a bill of e)%#ange is ,er( si!ilar to t#at of a 'ro!issor( note an& for !ost of t#e %ases t#e rles $#i%# a''l(1E 'ro!issor( notes are in general a''li%able I to bills" T#ere are #o$e,er, %ertain i!'ortant 'oints of &istin%tion bet$een t#e t$o" Parties to bills of e3change T#e follo$ing are 'arties to a bill of e)%#ange7 0a1 The .rawer2 t#e 'erson $#o &ra$s t#e bill" 0b1 The .rawee2 t#e 'erson on $#o! t#e bill is &ra$n" 0%1 The /cce0tor2 one $#o a%%e'ts t#e bill" Generall(, t#e &ra$ee is t#e a%%e'tor bt a stranger !a( a%%e't it on be#alf of t#e &ra$ee" "d) The 0ayee2 one to $#o! t#e s! state& in t#e bill is 'a(able, eit#er t#e &ra$eror an( ot#er 'erson !a( be t#e 'a(ee" 0e1 The holder2 is eit#er t#e original 'a(ee or an( ot#er 'erson to $#o!, t#e 'a(ee #as en&orse& t#e bill" In %ase of a bearer bill, t#e bearer is t#e #ol&er" 0f1 The endorser2 $#en t#e #ol&er en&orses t#e bill to an(one else #e be%o!es t#e en&orser" 0g1 The endorsee2 is t#e 'erson to $#o! t#e bill is en&orse&" 0#1 .rawee in case of need2 Besi&es t#e abo,e 'arties" anot#er 'erson %alle& t#e -&ra$ee in %ase of nee&-, !a( be intro&%e& at t#e o'tion of t#e &ra$er" T#e na!e of s%# a 'erson !a( be inserte& eit#er b( t#e &ra$er or b( an( en&orser in or&er t#at resort !a( be #a& to #i! in %ase of nee&, i"e", $#en t#e bill is &is#onore& b( eit#er non6a%%e'tan%e or non6'a(!ent" 0i1 /cce0tor for honour2 @rt#er, an( 'erson !a( ,olntaril( be%o!e a 'art( to a bill as a%%e'tor" A 'erson, $#o on t#e refsal b( t#e original &ra$ee to a%%e't t#e bill or to frnis# better se%rit(, $#en &e!an&e& b( t#e notar(, a%%e't t#e bill su0ra 0rotest in or&er to safegar& t#e #onor of t#e &ra$er or an( en&orser, is %alle& t#e a%%e'tor for #onor" !ssentials of a &ill of !3change2 011 It !st be in $riting" 0?1 It !st %ontain an n%on&itional or&er to 'a( !one( onl( an& not !erel( a re*est 0/1 It !st be signe& b( t#e &ra$er" 0A1 T#e 'arties !st be %ertain" 0<1 T#e s! 'a(able !st also be %ertain" 0;1 It !st %o!'l( $it# ot#er for!alities e"g" sta!'s, &ate,et%" .istinction between &ill of !3change and Promissory Note T#e follo$ing are t#e i!'ortant 'oints of &istin%tion bet$een a bill of e)%#ange an& a 'ro!issor( note7 0a1 A 'ro!issor( note is a t$o6'art( instr!ent, $it# a !a3er 0&ebtor1 an& a 'a(ee 0%re&itor1" In a bill" t#ere are t#ree 'arties6&ra$er, &ra$ee an& 'a(ee, t#og# an( t$o ot of t#e t#ree %a'a%ities !a( be fille& b( one an& t#e sa!e 'erson" In a billB t#e &ra$er is t#e !a3er $#o or&ers t#e &ra$ee to 'a( t#e bill to a 'erson %alle& t#e 'a(ee or to #is or&er" 5#en t#e &ra$ee a%%e'ts t#e bill #e is %alle& t#e a%%e'tor, 0b1 A note %annot be !a&e 'a(able to t#e !a3er #i!self, $#ile in a bill, t#e &ra$er an& 'a(ee !a( be t#e sa!e 'erson" 0%1 A note %ontains an n%on&itional 'ro!ise b( t#e !a3er to 'a( to t#e 'a(ee or #is or&erB in a bill t#ere is an n%on&itional or&er to t#e &ra$ee to 'a( a%%or&ing to t#e &ire%tions of t#e &ra$er" 0&1 A note is 'resente& for 'a(!ent $it#ot an( 'rior a%%e'tan%e b( t#e !a3er" A bill 'a(able after sig#t !st be a%%e'te& b( t#e &ra$ee or so!eone else on #is be#alf before it %an be 'resente& for 'a(!ent" 0e1 T#e liabilit( of t#e !a3er of a 'ro6note is 'ri!ar( an& absolte, bt t#e liabilit( of t#e &ra$er of a bill is se%on&ar( an& %on&itional" 0f1 @oreign bill !st be 'roteste& for &is#onor bt no s%# 'rotest is ne%essar( in t#e %ase of a note" 0g1 5#en a bill is &is#onore&, &e noti%e of &is#onor is to be gi,en b( t#e #ol&er to t#e &ra$er an& t#e inter!e&iate en&orsee, bt no s%# noti%e nee& to be gi,en in t#e %ase of a note" 0#1 A bill %an be &ra$n 'a(able to bearer 'ro,i&e& it is not 'a(able on &e!an&" A 'ro!issor( note %annot be !a&e 'a(able to be/rer, e,en if it is !a&e 'a(able ot#er$ise t#an on &e!an&" 4ow &ill of !3change )riginates 6 ,orms of &ills of !3change. Bills of e)%#ange $ere originall( se& for 'a(!ent of &ebts b( tra&ers resi&ing in one %ontr( to anot#er %ontr( $it# a ,ie$ to a,oi& trans!ission of %oin" No$6a6&a(s t#e( are se& !ore as tra&e bills bot# in %onne%tion $it# &o!esti% tra&e an& foreign tra&e an& are %alle& inlan& bills an& foreign bills res'e%ti,el(" 'nland &ills 0Se%tions 11 an& 1?1 A bill of e)%#ange is an inlan& instr!ent if it is 0i1 &ra$n or !a&e an& 'a(able in In&ia, or 0ii1 &ra$n in In&ia 'on an( 'erson $#o is a resi&ent in In&ia, e,en t#og# it is !a&e 'a(able in a foreign %ontr(" Bt a 'ro!issor( note to be an inlan& s#oi& be &ra$n an& 'a(able in In&ia, as it #as no &ra$ee" T$o essential %on&itions to !a3e an inlan& instr!ent are7 011 t#e instr!ent !st #a,e been &ra$n or !a&e in In&iaB an& 0?1 t#e instr!ent !st be 'a(able in In&ia or t#e &ra$ee !st be in In&ia" !3am0les2 A bill &ra$n in In&ia, 'a(able in USA, 'on a 'erson in In&ia is an inlan& instr!ent" A bill &ra$n in In&ia an& 'a(able in In&ia bt &ra$n on a 'erson in USA is also an inlan& instr!ent or !a&e in In&ia ,oreign &ills All bills $#i%# are not inlan& are &ee!e& to be foreign bills" Nor!all( foreign bills are &ra$n in sets of t#ree %o'ies" Trade &ill A bill &ra$n an& a%%e'te& for a genine tra&e transa%tion is ter!e& as a tra&e bill" 5#en a tra&er sells goo&s on %re&it, #e !a( !a3e se of a bill of e)%#ange" S''ose A sells goo&s $ort# Rs" 1,EEE to B an& allo$s #i! :E &a(s ti!e to 'a( t#e 'ri%e, A $ill &ra$ a bill of e)%#ange on B, in t#e follo$ing ter!s7 -Ninet( &a(s after &ate 'a( A or or&er, t#e s! of one t#osan& r'ees onl( for ,ale re%ei,e&-" A $ill sign t#e bill an& t#en 'resent it to B for a%%e'tan%e" T#is is ne%essar( be%ase, ntil a bill is a%%e'te& b( t#e &ra$ee, nobo&( #as eit#er rig#ts or obligations" If B agrees to obe( t#e or&er of A, #e $ill a%%e't t#e bill b( $riting a%ross its fa%e t#e $or& -a%%e'te&- an& signing #is na!e n&erneat# an& t#en &eli,ering t#e bill to t#e #ol&er" B, t#e &ra$ee, no$ be%o!es t#e a%%e'tor of t#e bill an& liable to its #ol&ers" S%# a bill is a genine tra&e bill" /ccommodation &ill All bills are not genine tra&e bills, as t#e( are often &ra$n for a%%o!!o&ating a 'art(" An a%%o!!o&ation bill is a bill in $#i%# a 'erson len&s or gi,es #is na!e to oblige a frien& or so!e 'erson $#o! #e 3no$s or ot#er$ise" In ot#er $or&s, a bill $#i%# is &ra$n, a%%e'te& or en&orse& $it#ot %onsi&eration is %alle& an a%%o!!o&ation bill" T#e 'art( len&ing #is na!e to oblige t#e ot#er 'art( is 3no$n as t#e a%%o!!o&ating or a%%o!!o&ation 'art(, an& t#e 'art( so oblige& is %alle& t#e 'art( a%%o!!o&ate&" An a%%o!!o&ation 'art( is not liable on t#e instr!ent to t#e 'art( a%%o!!o&ate& be%ase as bet$een t#e! t#ere $as no %onsi&eration an& t#e instr!ent $as !erel( to #el', Bt t#e a%%o!!o&ation 'art( is liable to a #ol&er for ,ale, $#o ta3es t#e a%%o!!o&ation bill for ,ale, t#og# s%# #ol&er !a( not be a #ol&er in &e %orse" T#s, A !a( be in nee& of !one( an& a''roa%# #is frien&s B an& C $#o, instea& of len&ing t#e !one( &ire%tl(, 'ro'ose to &ra$ an -A%%o!!o&ation Bill- in #is fa,or in t#e follo$ing for!7 -T#ree !ont#s after &ate 'a( A or or&er, t#e s! of R'ees one t#osan& onl(D B To C If t#e %re&it of Ban& C is "goo&, t#is &e,i%e enables A to get an a&,an%e of Rs" 1,EEE fro! #is ban3er at t#e %o!!er%ial rate of &is%ont" T#e real &ebtor in t#is %ase is not C, bt A t#e 'a(ee $#o 'ro!ises to rei!brse C before t#e 'erio& of t#ree !ont#s onl(" A is #ere t#e 'rin%i'al &ebtor an& Ban& C are !ere sreties" T#is in,ersion of liabilit( affor&s a goo& &efinition of an a%%o!!o&ation bill -If as bet$een t#e original 'arties to 6 t#e bill t#e one $#o s#ol& 0rima facie be 'rin%i'al is in" fa%t t#e sret( $#et#er #e be &ra$er, a%%e'tor, or en&orser, t#at bill is an a%%o!!o&ation bill-" \ Bills in Sets (Section 1/? an& 1//1 @oreign bills are sall( &ra$n in sets to a,oi& t#e &anger of loss" T#e( ar:e &ra$n in sets of t#ree, ea%# of $#i%# is %alle& -Gia- an& as soon as an(one of t#e! is 'ai&, t#e ot#ers be%o!e ino'erati,e" All t#ese 'arts for! one bill an& t#e &ra$er !st sign an& &eli,er all of t#e! to t#e 'a(ee" T#e sta!' is affi)e& onl( on one 'art an& one 'art is re*ire& to be a%%e'te&" Bt if t#e &ra$er !ista3enl( a%%e'ts all t#e 'arts of t#e sa!e bill, #e $ill be liable on ea%# 'art accepted as if it $ere a se'arate bill" 5ight to .u0licate &ill 5#ere a bill of e)%#ange #as been lost before it $as o,er&e, t#e 'erson $#o $as t#e #ol&er to it !a( a''l( to t#e &ra$er, to gi,e #i! anot#er bill of t#e sa!e tenor" It is onl( t#e #ol&er $#o %an as3 for a &'li%ate bill, 'ro!issor( note or %#e*e" Bank Draft A bill of e)%#ange is also so!eti!es s'o3en of as a &raft" It is %alle& as a ban3 &raft $#en a bill of e)%#ange &ra$n b( one ban3 on anot#er ban3, or b( itself on its o$n bran%#, an& is a negotiable instr!ent" It is ,er( !%# li3e t#e %#e*e $it# t#ree 'oints of &istin%tion bet$een t#e t$o" A ban3 &raft %an be &ra$n onl( b( a ban3 on anot#er ban3, sall( its o$n bran%#" It %annot so easil( be %onter6!an&e&" It %annot be !a&e 'a(able to bearer" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH S0ecimen of a &an1 .raft /.&.. Bank 6.7.8. &ranch No..................... .ate................... )n demand 0ay 9/9 or order the sum of ru0ees one thousand fi:e hundred only for :alue recei:ed. 5s. %,-;;<$ Sd.< =anager To 9&9 &ranch, "Place) In t#e abo,e &e!an& &raft t#e &ra$er is I"J"K" Bran%#, t#e &ra$ee is DBD bran%# an& t#e 'a(ee is DAD" "iii) he#ues Se%tion ; of t#e A%t 'ro,i&es t#at a %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange &ra$n on a s'e%ifie& ban3er, an& not e)'resse& to be 0ayable otherwise than on demand. Si!'l( state&, a %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange &ra$n on a ban3 'a(able al$a(s on &e!an&" T#s, a %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange $it# t$o a&&itional *alifi%ations, na!el(7 0i1 it is al$a(s &ra$n on a ban3er, an& 0ii1 it is al$a(s 'a(able on &e!an&" A %#e*e being a s'e%ies of a bill of e)%#ange, !st satisf( all t#e re*ire!ents of a billB it &oes not, howe:er, re#uire acce0tance. Note: B( ,irte of Se%tion /1 of t#e Reser,e Ban3 of In&ia A%t, no bill of e)%#ange or #n&i %an be !a&e 0ayable to bearer on demand an& no 'ro!issor( note or a ban1 draft can be made 0ayable to bearer at all, whether on demand or after a s0ecified time. )nly a che#ue can be 0ayable to bearer on demand. Parties to a cheque The following are the parties to a cheque: (a) The drawer: The person who draws the cheque (!) The drawee: The !an"er of the drawer on who# the cheque is drawn (c), (d), (e) and (f) The pa$ee, holder, endorser and endorsee: sa#e as in the case of a !ill Essentials of a Cheque (1) It is alwa$s drawn on a !an"er (%) It is alwa$s pa$a!le on de#and (&) It does not require acceptance There is, howe'er, a custo# a#ong !an"s to #ar" cheques as good for purposes of clearance (() A cheque can !e drawn on !an" where the drawer has an account ()) *heques #a$ !e pa$a!le to the drawer hi#self It #a$ !e #ade pa$a!le to !earer on de#and unli"e a !ill or a note (+) The !an"er is lia!le onl$ to the drawer A holder ,has no re#ed$ against the !an"er if a cheque is dishonoured (-) A cheque is usuall$ 'alid for fi. #onths /owe'er, it is not in'alid 0f it is post dated or ante,dated (1) No Sta#p is required to !e affi.ed on cheques .istinction between he#ues and &ills of !3change As a general rle, t#e 'ro,isions a''li%able to bills pa$a!le on de#and appl$ to cheques, (et t#ere are fe$ 'oints of &istin%tion bet$een t#e t$o, na!el(7 0a1 A %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange an& al$a(s &ra$n on a ban3er, $#ile a bill !a( be &ra$n on an(one, in%l&ing ban3er" 0b1 A %#e*e %an onl( be &ra$n 'a(able on &e!an&, a bill !a( be &ra$n 'a(able on &e!an&, or on t#e e)'ir( of a s'e%ifie&D 'erio& after sig#t or &ate" 0%1 A bill 'a(able after sig#t !st be a%%e'te& before 'a(!ent %an be &e!an&e&, a %#e*e &oes not re*ire a%%e'tan%e and is inten&e& for i!!e&iate 'a(!ent" 0&1 A gra%e of / &a(s is allo$e& in t#e %ase of ti!e bills, $#ile no gra%e is gi,en" in t#e %ase of a %#e*e, for 'a(!ent" 0e1 T#e &ra$er of a bill is &is%#arge&, if it is not 'resente& for 'a(!ent, bt t#e &ra$er of a %#e*e is &is%#arge& onl( if #e sffers an( &a!age b( &ela( in 'resent!ent for 'a(!ent" 0f1 Noti%e of t#e &is#onor of a bill is ne%essar(, bt not in t#e %ase of a %#e*e" 0g1 T#e %#e*e being a re,o%able !an&ate, t#e at#orit( !a( be re,o3e& b( %onter!an&ing 'a(!ent, an& is &eter!ine& b( noti%e of t#e %sto!erDs &eat# or insol,en%(" T#is is not so in t#e %ase of bilt "h) / che#ue may be crossed, but not a bill A %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange &ra$n on a s'e%ifie& ban3er an& al$a(s 'a(able on &e!an&" A %#e*e is al$a(s &ra$n on a 'arti%lar ban3er an& is al$a(s 'a(able on &e!an&" Conse*entl(, all %#e*es are bills of e)%#ange bt all bills are not %#e*es" S0ecimen of a he#ue A2* 2an" 3ate4444444444444 5a$ 6A7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or the !earer su# of rupees,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,onl$ A8c No,,,,,,,,,9:,,,,,, Sd8, No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Banker A ban3er is one $#o &oes ban3ing bsiness" Se%tion <0b1 of t#e Ban3ing Reglation A%t, 1:A: &efines ban3ing as, -a%%e'ting for t#e 'r'ose of len&ing or in,est!ent, of &e'osits of !one( fro! t#e 'bli%, re'a(able on &e!an& or ot#er$ise an& $it#&ra$able b( %#e*e, &raft or ot#er$ise"- T#is &efinition e!'#asises t$o 'oints7 011 t#at t#e 'ri!ar( fn%tion of a ban3er %onsists of a%%e'ting of &e'osits for t#e 'r'ose of len&ing or in,esting t#e sa!eB 0?1 t#at t#e a!ont &e'osite& is re'a(able to t#e &e'ositor on &e!an& or a%%or&ing to t#e agree!ent" T#e &e!an& for re'a(!ent %an be !a&e t#rog# a %#e*e, &raft or ot#er$ise, an& not !erel( b( ,erbal or&er" Customer T#e ter! -%sto!er- is neit#er &efine& in In&ian nor in Englis# stattes" T#e general o'inion is t#at a %sto!er is one $#o #as an a%%ont $it# t#e ban3 or $#o tilises t#e ser,i%es of t#e ban3" T#e s'e%ial featres of t#e legal relations#i' bet$een t#e ban3er an& t#e %sto!er !a( be ter!e& as t#e obligations an& rig#ts of t#e ban3er" T#ese are7 1" Obligation to #onor %#e*es of t#e %sto!ers" ?" Obligation to %olle%t %#e*es an& &rafts on be#alf of t#e %sto!ers" /" Obligation to 3ee' 'ro'er re%or& of transa%tions $it# t#e %sto!er" A" Obligation to %o!'l( $it# t#e e)'ress stan&ing instr%tions of t#e %sto!er" <" Obligation not to &is%lose t#e state of %sto!erDs a%%ont to an(one else" ;" Obligation to gi,e reasonable noti%e to t#e %sto!er, if t#e ban3er $is#es to %lose t#e a%%ont" C" Rig#t of lien o,er an( goo&s an& se%rities baile& to #i! for a general balan%e of account. 8" Rig#t of set off an& rig#t of a''ro'riation" :" Rig#t to %lai! in%i&ental %#arges an& interest as 'er rles an& reglations of t#e ban3 as %o!!ni%ate& to t#e %sto!er at t#e ti!e of o'ening t#e a%%ont" ;s,,,,,,,8, Liability of a Banker B( o'ening a %rrent a%%ont of a %sto!er, t#e ban3er be%o!es liable to #is &ebtor to t#e e)tent of t#e a!ont so re%ei,e& in t#e sai& a%%ont an& n&erta3es to #onor t#e %#e*es &ra$n b( t#e %sto!er so long as #e #ol&s sffi%ient fn&s to t#e %sto!erDs %re&it" If a ban3er, $it#ot 8stifi%ation, fails to #onor t1is %sto!erDs %#e*es, #e is liable to %o!'ensate t#e &ra$er for an( loss or &a!age sffere& b( #i!" Bt t#e 'a(ee or #ol&er of t#e %#e*e #as no %ase of a%tion against t#e ban3er as t#e obligation to #onor a %#e*es is onl( to$ar&s t#e &ra$er" T#e ban3er !st also !aintain 'ro'er an& a%%rate a%%onts of %re&its an& &ebits" +e !st #onor a %#e*e 'resente& in &e %orse" Bt in t#e follo$ing %ir%!stan%es, #e must refse to #onor a %#e*e an& in so!e ot#ers #e may &o so" 8. When Banker must Refuse Payment In t#e follo$ing %ases t#e at#orit( of t#e ban3er to #onor %sto!erDs %#e*e %o!es to an en&, #e must refse to #onor %#e*es isse& b( t#e %sto!er7 0a1 5#en a %sto!er %onter!an&s 'a(!ent Le", $#ere or $#en a %sto!er, after issing a %#e*e isses instr%tions not to #onor it, t#e ban3er !st not 'a( it" "b) >hen the ban1er recei:es notice of customer9s death. L 5#en %sto!er #as been a&8&ge& an insol,ent" 0&1 5#en t#e ban3er re%ei,es noti%e of %sto!erDs insanit(" "e) >hen an order "e.g., Garnishee )rder) of the ourt, 0rohibits 0ayment. "f) >hen the customer has gi:en notice of assignment of the credit balance of his account. 0g1 5#en t#e #ol&erDs title is &efe%ti,e an& t#e ban3er %o!es to 3no$ of it" "h) >hen the customer has gi:en notice for closing his account. When Banker may Refuse Payment In t#e follo$ing %ases t#e ban3er !a( refse to 'a( a %sto!erDs %#e*e7 0a1 5#en t#e %#e*e is 'ost6&ate&" 0b1 5#en t#e ban3er #as not sffi%ient fn&s of t#e &ra$er $it# #i! an& t#ere is no %o!!ni%ation bet$een t#e ban3 an& t#e %sto!er to #onor t#e %#e*e" 0%1 5#en t#e %#e*e is of &obtfl legalit(" 0&1 5#en t#e %#e*e is not &l( 'resente&, e"g", it is 'resente& after ban3ing #ors" 0e1 5#en t#e %#e*e on t#e fa%e of it is irreglar, a!bigos or ot#er$ise !ateriall( altered. (f) <hen t#e %#e*e is 'resente& at a bran%# $#ere t#e %sto!er #as no a%%ont" 0g1 5#en so!e 'ersons #a,e 8oint a%%ont an& t#e %#e*e is not signe& 8ointl( b( all or b( t#e sr,i,ors of t#e!" 0#1 5#en t#e %#e*e #as been allo$e& to be%o!e stale, Le", it #as not been 0resented within si3 months of the date mentioned on it. 5rotection of 5a$ing 2an"er (Sections 10, 1) and 1%1) Se%tion 8< la(s &o$n t#at $#ere a %#e*e 'a(able to or&er 'r'orts to be en&orse& b( or on be#alf 6of t#e 'a(ee t#e ban3er is &is%#arge& b( 'a(!ent in &e %orse" +e %an &ebit t#e a%%ont of t#e %sto!er $it# t#e a!ont e,en t#og# t#e en&orse!ent trns ot sbse*entl( to #a,e been forge&, or t#e agent of t#e 'a(ee $it#ot at#orit( en&orse& it on be#alf of t#e 'a(ee" It $ol& be seen t#at t#e 'a(ee in%l&es en&orsee" T#is 'rote%tion is grante& be%ase a ban3er %annot be e)'e%te& to 3no$ t#e signatres of all t#e 'ersons in t#e $orl&" +e is onl( bon& to 3no$ t#e signatres of #is o$n %sto!ers" T#erefore, t#e forger( of &ra$erDs signatre $ill not or&inaril( 'rote%t t#e ban3er bt e,en in t#is %ase, t#e ban3er !a( &ebit t#e a%%ont of t#e %sto!er, if it %an s#o$ t#at t#e forger( $as inti!atel( %onne%te& $it# t#e negligen%e of t#e %sto!er an& $as t#e 'ro)i!ate %ase of loss" I n t#e %ase of bearer %#e*es, t#e rle is t#at on%e a bearer %#e*e, al$a(s a bearer %#e*e" 5#ere, t#erefore, a %#e*e originall( e)'resse& b( t#e &ra$er #i!self to be 'a(able to bearer, t#e ban3er !a( ignore an( en&orse!ent on t#e %#e*e" +e $ill be &is%#arge& b( 'a(!ent in &e %orse" Bt a %#e*e $#i%# be%o!es bearer b( a sbse*ent en&orse!ent in blan3 is not %o,ere& b( t#is Se%tion" A ban3er is &is%#arge& fro! liabilit( on a %rosse& %#e*e if #e !a3es 'a(!ent in &e %orse" Payment in due Course 0Se%tion 1E1 An( 'erson liable to !a3e 'a(!ent n&er a negotiable instr!ent, !st !a3e t#e 'a(!ent of t#e a!ont &e t#eren&er in &e %orse in or&er to obtain a ,ali& &is%#arge against t#e #ol&er" A 'a(!ent in &e %orse !eans a 'a(!ent in a%%or&an%e $it# t#e a''arent tenor of t#e instr!ent, in good fait# an& $it#ot negligen%e to an( 'erson in 'ossession t#ereof" " A 'a(!ent $ill be a 'a(!ent in &e %orse if7 0a1 it is in a%%or&an%e $it# t#e a''arent tenor of t#e instr!ent, i"e" a%%or&ing to $#at a''ears on t#e fa%e of t#e instr!ent to be t#e intention of t#e 'artiesB 1 0b1 it is !a&e in goo& fait# an& $it#ot negligen%e, an& n&er %ir%!stan%es $#i%# &o not affor& a gron& for belie,ing t#at t#e 'erson to $#o! it is !a&e is not entitle& to re%ei,e t#e a!ontB 0%1 it is !a&e to t#e 'erson in 'ossession of t#e instr!ent $#o is entitle& as #ol&er to re%ei,e 'a(!entB 0&1 'a(!ent is !a&e n&er %ir%!stan%es $#i%# do not afford a reasona!le gron& belie,ing t#at #e is not entitle& to re%ei,e 'a(!ent of t#e a!ont !entione& in t#e instr!entB an& 0e1 'a(!ent is !a&e in !one( an& !one( onl(" Un&er Se%tions 1E an& 1?8, a 'a(ing ban3er !a3ing 'a(!ent in &e %orse is 'rote%te&" Collecting Banker Colle%ting Ban3er is one $#o %olle%ts t#e 'ro%ee&s of a %#e*e for a %sto!er" Alt#og# a ban3er %olle%ts t#e 'ro%ee&s of a %#e*e for a %sto!er 'rel( as a !atter of ser,i%e, (et t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t, 1881 in&ire%tl( i!'oses stattor( obligation, stattor( in natre" T#is is e,i&ent fro! Se%tion 1?; of t#e A%t $#i%# 'ro,i&es t#at a %#e*e bearing a -general %rossing- s#all not be 'ai& to an(one ot#er t#an ban3er an& a %#e*e $#i%# is -s'e%iall( %rosse&- s#all not be 'ai& to a 'erson ot#er t#an t#e ban3er to $#o! it is %rosse&" T#s, a 'a(ing ban3er !st 'a( a generall( %rosse& %#e*e onl( to a ban3er t#ereb( !eaning t#at it s#ol& be %olle%te& b( anot#er ban3er" 5#ile so %olle%ting t#e %#e*es for a %sto!er, it is *ite 'ossible t#at t#e ban3er %olle%ts for a %sto!er, 'ro%ee&s of a %#e*e to $#i%# t#e %sto!er #a& no title in fa%t" In s%# %ases, t#e tre o$ner !a( se t#e %olle%ting ban3er for -%on,ersion-" At t#e sa!e ti!e, it %annot be e)'e%te& of a ban3er to 3no$ or to ensre t#at all t#e signatres a''earing in en&orse!ents on t#e re,erse of t#e %#e*e are genine" T#e ban3er is e)'e%te& to be %on,ersant onl( $it# t#e signatres of #is %sto!er" A %sto!er to $#o! a %#e*e #as been en&orse&, $ol& re*e4t #is ban3er to %olle%t a %#e*e" In t#e e,ent of t#e en&orserDs signatre being 'ro,e& to be forge& at iater &ate, t#e ban3er $#o %olle%te& t#e 'ro%ee&s s#ol& not be #el& liable for t#e si!'le reason t#at #e #as !erel( %olle%te& t#e 'ro%ee&s of a %#e*e" Se%tion 1/1 of t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t affor&s stattor( 'rote%tion in s%# a %ase $#ere t#e %sto!erDs title to t#e %#e*e $#i%# t#e ban3er #as %olle%te& #as been *estione&" It rea&s as follo$s7 -A ban3er $#o #as in good fait# an& $it#ot negligen%e re%ei,e& 'a(!ent for a %sto!er of a %#e*e %rosse& generall( or s'e%ifi%all( to #i!self 6s#all not, in %ase t#e title to t#e %#e*e 'ro,es &efe%ti,e, in%r an( liabilit( to t#e tre o$ner of t#e %#e*e b( reason of onl( #a,ing re%ei,e& s%# 'a(!ent" !30lanation2 A ban3er re%ei,es 'a(!ent of a %rosse& %#e*e for a %sto!er $it#in t#e !eaning of t#is se%tion not$it#stan&ing t#at #e %re&its #is %sto!erDs a%%ont $it# t#e a!ont of6t#e %#e*e before re%ei,ing 'a(!ent t#ereof"- T#e re*isites of %lai!ing 'rote%tion n&er Se%tion 1/1 are as follo$s7 0i1 T#e %olle%ting ban3er s#ol& #a,e a%te& in goo& fait# an& $it#ot negligen%e" An a%t is &one in goo& fait# $#en it is &one #onestl(" T#e 'lea of goo& fait# %an be rebtte& on t#e gron& of re%3lessness in&i%ati,e of $ant of 'ro'er %are an& attention" T#erefore, !%# &e'en&s 'on t#e fa%ts of t#e %ase" T#e br&en of 'ro,ing t#at t#e %#e*e $as %olle%te& in goo& fait# an& $it#ot negligen%e is 'on t#e ban3er %lai!ing 'rote%tion" @ailre to ,erif( t#e reglarit( of en&orse!ents, %olle%ting a %#e*e 'a(able to t#e a%%ont of t#e %o!'an( to t#e %re&it of t#e &ire%tor, et%" are e)a!'les of negligen%e" 0ii1 T#e ban3er s#ol& #a,e %olle%te& a %rosse& %#e*e, i"e", t#e %#e*e s#ol& #a,e been %rosse& before it %a!e to #i! for %olle%tion" 0iii1 T#e 'ro%ee&s s#ol& #a,e been %olle%te& for a %sto!er, i"e", a 'erson $#o #as an a%%ont $it# #i!" 0i,1 T#at t#e %olle%ting ban3er #as onl( a%te& as an agent of t#e %sto!er" If #e #a& be%o!e t#e #ol&er for ,ale, t#e 'rote%tion a,ailable n&er Se%tion 1/1 is forfeite& 6 5#ere for instan%e, t#e ban3er allo$s t#e %sto!er to $it#&ra$ t#e a!ont of t#e %#e*e before t#e %#e*e is %olle%te& or $#ere t#e %#e*e #as been a%%e'te& in s'e%ifi% re&%tion of an o,er&raft, t#e ban3er is deemed to ha:e become the holder for :alue and the 0rutection is lost. Bt t#e e)'lanation to Se%tion 1/1 sa(s t#at t#e !ere %re&iting of t#e a!ont to t#e a%%ont &oes not i!'l( t#at t#e ban3er #as be%o!e a #ol&er for ,ale be%ase &e to a%%onting %on,enien%es t#e ban3er !a( %re&it t#e a%%ont of t#e %#e*e to t#e %sto!erDs a%%ont e,en before 'ro%ee&s t#ereof are realise&" Oerdue! "tale or Out#of#date Che$ues A %#e*e is o,er&e or be%o!es statte6barre& after t#ree (ears fro! its &e &ate of isse" A #ol&er %annot se on t#e %#e*e after t#at ti!e" A'art fro! t#is 'ro,ision, t#e #ol&er of a %#e*e is re*ire& to 'resent it for 'a(!ent $it#in a reasonable ti!e, as a %#e*e is not !eant for in&efinite %ir%lation" In In&ia, a %#e*e, $#i%# #as been in %ir%lation for !ore t#an si) !ont#s, is regar&e& b( ban3ers as stale" If, as a reslt of an( &ela( in 'resenting a %#e*e, t#e &ra$er sffers an( loss, as b( t#e failre of t#e ban3, t#e &ra$er is &is%#arge& fro! liabilit( to t#e #ol&er to t#e e)tent of t#e &a!age" Liability of %ndorser In or&er to %#arge an en&orser, it is ne%essar( to 'resent t#e %#e*e for 'a(!ent $it#in a reasonable ti!e of its &eli,er( b( s%# en&orser" DAD en&orses an& &eli,ers a %#e*e to B, an& B 3ee's it for an nreasonable lengt# of ti!e, an& t#en en&orses an& &eli,ers it to C" C 'resents it for 'a(!ent $it#in a reasonable ti!e after its re%ei't b( #i!, an& it is &is#onore&" C %an enfor%e 'a(!ent against B bt not against A, as #ua A, t#e %#e*e #as be%o!e stale" Rights of &older against Banker A ban3er is liable to #is %sto!er for $rongfl &is#onor of #is %#e*e bt it is not liable to t#e 'a(ee or #ol&er of t#e %#e*e" T#e #ol&er #as no rig#t to en"tEr%e 'a(!ent fro! t#e ban3er e)%e't in t$o %ases, na!el(, 0i1 $#ere t#e #ol&er &oes not 'resent t#e %#e*e $it#in a reasonable ti!e after isse, an& as a reslt t#e &ra$er sffers &a!age b( t#e failre of t#e ban3er in li*i&ation 'ro%ee&ingsB an& 0ii1 $#ere ban3er 'a(s a %rosse& %#e*e b( !ista3e o,er t#e %onter, #e is liable to t#e o$ner for an( loss o%%asione& b( it" Crossing of Che$ues A %#e*e is eit#er -o'en- or -%rosse&-" An o'en %#e*e %an be 'resente& b( t#e 'a(ee to t#e 'a(ing ban3er an& is 'ai& o,er t#e %onter" A %rosse& %#e*e %annot be 'ai& a%ross t#e %onter bt !st be %olle%te& t#rog# a ban3er" A crossing is a &ire%tion to t#e 'a(ing ban3er to 'a( t#e !one( generall( to a ban3er or to a 'arti%lar ban3er, an& not to 'a( ot#er$ise" T#e ob8e%t of %rossing is to se%re 'a(!ent to a ban3er so t#at it %ol& be tra%e& to t#e 'erson re%ei,ing t#e a!ont of t#e %#e*e" Crossing is a &ire%tion to t#e 'a(ing ban3er t#at t#e %#e*e s#ol& be 'ai& onl( to a ban3er or a s'e%ifie& ban3er" To restrain negotiabilit(, a&&ition of $or&s -Not Negotiable- or -A%%ont >a(ee Onl(- is ne%essar(" A %rosse& bearer %#e*e %an be negotiate& b( &eli,er( an& %rosse& or&er %#e*e b( en&orse!ent an& &eli,er(" Crossing affor&s se%rit( an& 'rote%tion to t#e #ol&er of t#e %#e*e" 'odes of Crossing 0Se%tions 1?/61/1A1 T#ere are t$o t('es of %rossing $#i%# !a( be se& on %#e*e, na!el(7 0i1 General, an& 0ii1 S'e%ial" To t#ese !a( be a&&e& anot#er t('e, Le" Restri%ti,e %rossing" It is general %rossing $#ere a %#e*e bears a%ross its fa%e an a&&ition of t$o 'arallel trans,erse lines an&Mor t#e a&&ition of t#e $or&s -an& Co"- bet$een t#e!, or a&&ition of -not negotiable-" As state& earlier, $#ere a %#e*e is %rosse& generall(, t#e 'a(ing ban3er $ill 'a( to an( ban3er" T$o trans,erse 'arallel lines are essential for a general %rossing 0Se%tions 1?/61?;1" In %ase of general %rossing, t#e #ol&er or 'a(ee %annot get t#e 'a(!ent o,er t#e %onter of t#e ban3 bt t#rog# a ban3 onl(" T#e a&&ition of t#e $or&s -an& Co"- &o not #a,e an( signifi%an%e bt t#e a&&ition of t#e $or&s -not negotiable- restri%t t#e negotiabilit( of t#e %#e*e an& in %ase of transfer, t#e transferee $ill not gi,e a better title t#an t#at of a transferor" 5#ere a %#e*e bears a%ross its fa%e an a&&ition of t#e na!e of a ban3er, eit#er $it# or $it#ot t#e $or&s -not negotiable- t#at a&&ition %onstittes a crossing an& t#e %#e*e is crossed s0ecially and to that !an"er The pa$ing !an"er will pa$ onl$ to the !an"er whose na#e appears across the cheque, or to his collecting agent 5arallel trans'erse lines are not essential !ut the na#e of the !an"er is the insignia of a special crossing In %ase of s'e%ial %rossing, t#e 'a(ing, ban3er is to #onor t#e %#e*e onl( $#en it is 'res%ribe& t#rog# t#e ban3 !entione& in t#e %rossing or itDs agent ban3" /ccount Payee9s rossing2 S%# %rossing &oes, in 'ra%ti%e, restri%t negotiabilit( of a %#e*e" It $arns t#e collecting ban1er t#at t#e 'ro%ee&s are to be %re&ite& onl( to t#e a%%ont of t#e 'a(ee, or t#e 'art( na!e&, or #is agent" If t#e %olle%ting ban3er allo$s t#e 'ro%ee&s of a %#e*e bearing s%# %rossing to be %re&ite& to an( ot#er a%%ont, #e $ill be gilt( of negligen%e an& $ill not be entitle& to t#e 'rote%tion gi,en to %olle%ting ban3er n&er Se%tion 1/1" S%# %rossing &oes not affe%t t#e 'a(ing ban3er, $#o is n&er no &t( to as%ertain t#at t#e %#e*e is in fa%t %olle%te& for t#e a%%ont of t#e 'erson na!e& as 'a(ee" S0ecimen of a general crossing S0ecimen of a s0ecial crossing
Not Negotiable Crossing A %#e*e !a( be %rosse& not negotiable b( $riting a%ross t#e fa%e of t#e %#e*e t#e $or&s -Not Negotiable- $it#in t$o trans,erse 'arallel lines in t#e %ase of a general %rossing or along $it# t#e na!e of a ban3er in t#e %ase of a s'e%ial %rossing" Se%tion 1/E of t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t 'ro,i&es -A 'erson ta3ing a %#e*e %rosse& generall( or s'e%iall( bearing in eit#er %ase $it# t#e $or&s -not negotiable- s#all not #a,e an& s#all not be %a'able of gi,ing, a better title to t#e %#e*e t#an t#at $#i%# t#e 'erson fro! $#o! #e too3 it #a&-" T#e %rossing of %#e*e -not negotiable- &oes not !ean t#at it is non6transferable" It onl( &e'ri,es t#e instr!ent of t#e in%i&ent of negotiabilit(" Nor!all( s'ea3ing, t#e essential featre of a negotiable instr!ent as o''ose& to %#attels is t#at a 'erson $#o ta3es t#e instr!ent in goo& fait#, $it#ot negligen%e, for ,ale, before !atrit( an& $it#ot 3no$le&ge of t#e &efe%t in t#e title of t#e transferor, gets a goo& title to t#e instr!ent" In ot#er $or&s, #e is %alle& a #ol&er in &e %orse $#o a%*ires an in&is'table title to t#e %#e*e" 05#en t#e instr!ent 'asses t#rog# a #ol&er6in6&e %orse, it is 'rge& of all &efe%ts an& t#e sbse*ent #ol&ers also get goo& title1" It is e)a%tl( t#is i!'ortant featre $#i%# is ta3en a$a( b( %rossing t#e %#e*e -not negotiable-" In ot#er $or&s, a %#e*e %rosse& Nnot negotiable- is li3e an( ot#er %#attel an& t#erefore t#e transferee gets sa!e title to t#e %#e*e $#i%# #is transferor #a&" T#at is to sa( t#at t#e transferee %annot %lai! t#e rig#ts of a #ol&er6 in6&e6%orse" So long as t#e title of t#e transferors is goo&, t#e title of t#e transferees is also goo& bt if t#ere is a taint in t#e title to t#e %#e*e of one of t#e en&orsers, t#en all t#e sbse*ent transfereesD title also be%o!e tainte& $it# t#e sa!e &efe%t6t#e( %annot %lai! to be #ol&ers6in6&e6%orse" T#e ob8e%t of t#is Se%tion is to affor& 'rote%tion to t#e &ra$er or #ol&er of a %#e*e $#o is &esiros of trans!itting it to anot#er 'erson, as !%# 'rote%tion as %an reasonabl( be affor&e& to #i! against &is#onestl( or a%tal !is%arriage in t#e %orse of transit" @or e)a!'le, a %#e*e 'a(able to bearer is %rosse& generall( an& is !ar3e& -not negotiable-" It is lost or stolen an& %o!es into t#e 'ossession of I $#o ta3es it in good fait# an& gi,es ,ale for it, I %olle%ts t#e %#e*e t#rog# #is ban3 an& 'a(ing ban3er also 'a(s" In t#is %ase, bot# t#e 'a(ing an& t#e %olle%ting ban3ers are 'rote%te& n&er Se%tions 1?8 an& 1/1 res'e%ti,el(" Bt I %annot %lai! t#at #e is a #ol&er6in6&e %orse $#i%# #e %ol& #a,e n&er t#e nor!al %ir%!stan%es %lai!e&" T#e reason is t#at %#e*e is %rosse& -not negotiable- an& #en%e t#e tre o$nerDs 0#ol&erDs1 rig#t s'er%e&es t#e rig#ts of t#e #ol&er6in6&e6%orse" Sin%e I obtaine& t#e %#e*e fro! a 'erson $#o #a& no title to t#e %#e*e 0Le" fro! one $#ose title $as &efe%ti,e1 I %an %lai! no better title solel( be%ase t#e %#e*e $as %rosse& -not negotiable- an& not for an( "ot#er reason" T#s -not negotiable- %rossing not onl( 'rote%ts t#e rig#ts of t#e tre o$ner of t#e %#e*e bt also ser,es as a $arning to t#e en&orseesD to en*ire t#orog#l( before ta3ing t#e %#e*e as t#e( !a( #a,e to be ans$erable to t#e tre o$ner t#ereof if t#e en&orserDs title is fon& to be &efe%ti,e" -Not negotiable- restri%ts t#e negotiabilit( of t#e %#e*e an& in %ase of transfer, t#e transferee $ill not get a better title t#an t#at of a transferor" If t#e %#e*e be%o!es -not negotiable- it la%3s negotiabilit(" A %#e*e %rosse& s'e%iall( or generall( bearing t#e $or&s -not negotiableO la%3s negotiabilit( an& t#erefore is not a negotiable instr!ent in t#e ,tre sense" It &oes not restri%t transferabilit( bt restri%ts negotiabilit( onl(" 'aturity C#e*es are al$a(s 'a(able on &e!an& bt ot#er instr!ents li3e bills, notes, et%" !a( be !a&e 'a(able on a s'e%ifie& &ate or after t#e s'e%ifie& 'erio& of ti!e" T#e &ate on $#i%# 'a(!ent of an instr!ent falls &e is %alle& its !atrit(" A%%or&ing to Se%tion ?? of t#e A%t, -t#e !atrit( of a 'ro!issor( note or a bill of e)%#ange is t#e &ate at $#i%# it falls &e-" A%%or&ing to Se%tion ?1 a 'ro!issor( note or bill of e)%#ange 'a(able -at sig#t- or -on 'resent!ent- is 'a(able on &e!an&" It is &e for 'a(!ent as soon as it is isse&" T#e *estion of !atrit(, t#erefore, arises onl( in t#e %ase of a 'ro!issor( note or a bill of e)%#ange 'a(able -after &ate- or -after sig#t- or at a %ertain 'erio& after t#e #a''ening of an e,ent $#i%# is %ertain to #a''en" Matrit( is t#e &ate on $#i%# t#e 'a(!ent of an instr!ent falls &e" E,er( instr!ent 'a(able at a s'e%ifie& 'erio& after &ate or after sig#t is entitle& to t#ree &a(s of gra%e" S%# a bill or note !atres or falls &e on t#e last &a( of t#e gra%e 'erio&, an& !st be 'resente& for 'a(!ent on t#at &a( an& if &is#onore&, sit %an be institte& on t#e ne)t &a( after !atrit(" If an instr!ent is 'a(able b( instal!ents, ea%# instal!ent is entitle& to t#ree &a(s of gra%e" No &a(s of gra%e are allo$e& for %#e*es, as t#e( are 'a(able on &e!an&" 5#ere a note or bill is e)'resse& to be 'a(able on t#e e)'ir( of s'e%ifie& n!ber of !ont#s after sig#t, or after &ate, t#e 'erio& of 'a(!ent ter!inates on t#e &a( of t#e !ont# $#i%# %orres'on&s $it# t#e &ate of instr!ent, or $it# t#e &ate of a%%e'tan%e if t#e bill be a%%e'te& or 'resente& for sig#t, or note& or 'roteste& for non6a%%e'tan%e" If t#e !ont# in $#i%4 t#e 'erio& $ol& ter!inate #as no %orres'on&ing &a(, t#e 'erio& s#all be #el& to ter!inate on t#e last &a( of s%# !ont#" 'llustratio n 0i1 A negotiable instr!ent &ate& /1 st 9anar(, ?EE1, is !a&e 'a(able at one !ont#s after &ate" T#e instr!ent is at !atrit( on t#e t#ir& &a( after t#e ?8t# @ebrar(, ?EE1, Le" on /r& Mar%#, ?EE1" 0ii1 A negotiable instr!ent &ate& /Et# Agst, ?EE1, is !a&e 'a(able t#ree !ont#s after &ate" T#e instr!ent is at !atrit( on"/r& De%e!ber, ?EE1" 0iii1 A negotiable instr!ent" &ate& t#e /1 st Agst, ?EE1, is !a&e 'a(able t#ree !ont#s after &ate" T#e instr!ent is at !atrit( on /r& De%e!ber, ?EE1" If t#e &a( of !atrit( falls on a 'bli% #oli&a(, t#e instr!ent is 'a(able on t#e 0receeding bsiness &a(" T#s if a bill is at !atrit( on a Sn&a(" It $ill be &ee!e& &e on Satr&a( an& 0ot on Mon&a(" T#e as%ertain!ent of t#e &ate of !atrit( be%o!es i!'ortant be%ase all t#ese instr!ents !st be 'resente& for 'a(!ent on t#e last &a( of gra%e an& t#eir 'a(!ent %annot be &e!an&e& before t#at &ate" 5#ere an instr!ent is 'a(able b( instal!ents, it !st be 'resente& for 'a(!ent on t#e t#ir& &a( after t#e &a( fi)e& for t#e 'a(!ent of ea%# instal!ent" &older A%%or&ing to Se%tion 8 of t#e A%t a 'erson is a #ol&er of a negotiable instr!ent $#o is entitle& in #is o$n na!e 0i1 to t#e 'ossession of t#e instr!ent, an& 0ii1 to re%o,er or re%ei,e its a!ont fro! t#e 'arties t#ereto" It is not e,er( 'erson in 'ossession of t#e instr!ent $#o is %alle& a #ol&er" To be a #ol&er, t#e 'erson !st be na!e& in t#e instr!ent as t#e 'a(ee, or t#e en&orsee, or #e !st be t#e bearer t#ereof" A 'erson $#o #as obtaine& 'ossession of an instr!ent b( t#eft, or n&er a forge& en&orse!ent, is not a #ol&er" as #e is not entitle& to re%o,er t#e instr!ent" T#e #ol&er i!'lies de ?ure 0#ol&er in la$1 #ol&er an& not de facto 0#ol&er in fa%t1 #ol&er" An agent #ol&ing an instr!ent for #is 'rin%i'al is not a #ol&er alt#og# #e !a( re%ei,e its 'a(!ent" &older in (ue Course Se%tion : states t#at a #ol&er in &e %orse is 0i1 a 'erson $#o for %onsi&eration, obtains 'ossession of a negotiable instr!ent if 'a(able to bearer, or 0ii1 t#e 'a(ee or en&orsee t#ereof, if 'a(able to or&er, before its !atrit( an& $it#ot #a,ing sffi%ient %ase to belie,e t#at an( &efe%t e)iste& in t#e title of t#e 'erson fro! $#o! #e &eri,e& #is title" In or&er to be a #ol&er in &e %orse, a 'erson !st satisf( t#e follo$ing %on&itions7 0i1 +e !st be t#e #ol&er of t#e instr!ent" 0ii1+e s#ol& #a,e obtaine& t#e instr!ent for ,ale or %onsi&eration" 0iii1 +e !st #a,e obtaine& t#e negotiable instr!ent before !atrit(" 0i,1 T#e instr!ent s#ol& be %o!'lete an& reglar on t#e fa%e of it" 0,1 T#e #ol&er s#ol& ta3e t#e instr!ent in goo& fait#" A #ol&er in &e %orse is in a 'ri,ilege& 'osition" +e is not onl( #i!self 'rote%te& against all &efe%ts of t#e 'ersons fro! $#o! #e re%ei,e& t#e instr!ent as %rrent %oin, bt also ser,es as a %#annel to 'rote%t all sbse*ent #ol&ers" A #ol&er in &e %orse %an re%o,er t#e a!ont of t#e instr!ent fro! all 're,ios 'arties, alt#og#, as a !atter of fa%t, no %onsi&eration $as 'ai& b( so!e of t#e 're,ios 'arties to t#e instr!ent or t#ere $as a &efe%t of title in t#e 'art( fro! $#o! #e too3 it" )nce an instrument 0asses through the hands of a holder in due course, it is 0urged of all defects. It is li3e %rrent %oin" 5#oe,er ta3es it %an re%o,er t#e a!ont fro! all 'arties 're,ios to s%# #ol&er" " Capacity of Parties Ca'a%it( to in%r liabilit( as a 'art( to a negotiable instr!ent is %o6e)tensi,e $it# %a'a%it( to %ontra%t" A%%or&ing to Se%tion ?;, e,er( 'erson %a'able of %ontra%ting a%%or&ing to la$ to $#i%# #e is sb8e%t, !a( bin& #i!self an& be bon& b( !a3ing, &ra$ing, a%%e'tan%e, en&orse!ent, &eli,er( an& negotiation of a 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e" Negati,el(, !inors, lnati%s, i&iots, &rn3en 'erson an& 'ersons ot#er$ise &is*alifie& b( t#eir 'ersonal la$, &o not in%r an( liabilit( as 'arties to negotiable instr!ents" Bt in%a'a%it(" of one or !ore of t#e 'arties to a negotiable instr!ent in no $a(, &i!1nis#es t#e abilities an& t#e liabilities of t#e %o!'etent 'arties" 5#ere a " !inor is t#e en&orser or 'a(ee of an instr!ent $#i%# #as been en&orse& all t#e 'arties a%%e'ting t#e !inor are liable in t#e e,ent of its &is#onor" Liability of Parties T#e 'ro,isions regar&ing t#e liabilit( of 'arties to negotiable instr!ents are lai& &o$n in Se%tions /E to /? an& /< to A? of t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t" T#ese 'ro,isions are as follo$s7 %. Liability of .rawer 0Se%tion /E1 T#e &ra$er of a bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e is bon&, in %ase of &is#onor b( t#e &ra$ee or a%%e'tor t#ereof, to %o!'ensate t#e #ol&er, 'ro,i&e& &e noti%e of &is#onor " #as been gi,en to or re%ei,e& b( t#e &ra$er" T#e natre of &ra$erDs liabilit( is t#at b( &ra$ing a bill, #e n&erta3es t#at 0i1 on &e 'resentation, it s#all be a%%e'te& an& 'ai& a%%or&ing to its tenor, an& 0ii1 in %ase of &is#onor, #e $ill %o!'ensate t#e #ol&er or an( en&orser, 'ro,i&e& noti%e of &is#onor #as been &l( gi,en" +o$e,er, in %ase of a%%o!!o&ation bill no noti%e of &is#onor to t#e &ra$er is re*ire&" T#e liabilit( of a &ra$er of a bill of e)%#ange is se%on&ar( an& arises onl( on &efalt of t#e &ra$ee, $#o is 'ri!aril( liable to !a3e 'a(!ent of t#e negotiable instr!ent" (. Liability of the .rawee of he#ue 0Se%tion /11 T#e &ra$ee of a %#e*e #a,ing sffi%ient fn&s of t#e &ra$er in #is #an&s 'ro'erl( a''li%able to t#e 'a(!ent of s%# %#e*e !st 'a( t#e %#e*e $#en &l( re*ire& to &o so an&, or in &efalt of s%# 'a(!ent, #e s#all %o!'ensate t#e &ra$er for an( loss or &a!age %ase& b( s%# &efalt" As a %#e*e is a bill of e)%#ange, &ra$n on a s'e%ifie& ban3er, t#e &ra$ee of a %#e*e !st al$a(s be a ban3er" T#e ban3er, t#erefore, is bon& to 'a( t#e %#e*e of t#e &ra$er, i"e", %sto!er, if t#e follo$ing %on&itions are satisfie&7 0i1 T#e ban3er #as sffi%ient fn&s to t#e %re&it of %sto!erDs a%%ont" 0ii1 T#e fn&s are 'ro'erl( a''li%able to t#e 'a(!ent of s%# %#e*e, e"g", t#e fn&s are not n&er an( 3in& of lien et%" " 0iii1 T#e %#e*e is &l( re*ire& to be 'ai&, &ring ban3ing #ors an& on or after t#e &ate on $#i%# it is !a&e 'a(able" If t#e ban3er is n8stifie& in refsing to #onor t#e %#e*e of its %sto!er, it s#all be liable for &a!ages" *. Liability of "=a1er" of Note and 99/cce0tor9 of &ill 0Se%tion /?1 In t#e absen%e of a %ontra%t to t#e %ontrar(, t#e !a3er of a 'ro!issor( note an& t#e a%%e'tor before !atrit( of a bill of e)%#ange are bon& to 'a( t#e a!ont t#ereof at !atrit(, a%%or&ing to t#e a''arent tenor of t#e note or a%%e'tan%e res'e%ti,el(" T#e a%%e'tor of a bill of e)%#ange at or after !atrit( is bon& to 'a( tbe a!ont t#ereof to t#e #ol&er on &e!an&7 It follo$s t#at t#e liabilit( of t#e a%%e'tor of a bill %orres'on&s to t#at of t#e !a3er of a note an& is absolte an& n%on&itional bt t#e liabilit( n&er t#is Se%tion is sb8e%t to t#e %ontra%t to t#e %ontrar( 0e"g", as in t#e %ase of a%%o!!o&ation bills1 an& !a( be e)%l&e& or !o&ifie& b( a %ollateral agree!ent" @rt#er, t#e 'a(!ent !st be !a&e to t#e 'art( na!e& in t#e instr!ent an& not to an(6one else, an& it !st be !a&e at !atrit( an& not before" +. Liability of endorser 0Se%tion /<1 E,er( en&orser in%rs liabilit( to t#e 'arties t#at are sbse*ent to #i!" 5#oe,er en&orses an& &eli,ers a negotiable instr!ent before !atrit( is bon& t#ereb( to e,er( sbse*ent #ol&er in %ase of &is#onor of t#e instr!ent b( t#e &ra$ee, a%%e'tor or !a3er, to %o!'ensate s%# #ol&er of an( loss or &a!age %ase& to #i! b( s%# &is#onor 'ro,i&e& 0i1 t#ere is no %ontra%t to t#e %ontrar(B 0ii1 #e 0en&orser1 #as not e)'ressl( e)%l&e&, li!ite& or !a&e %on&itional #is o$n liabilit(B an& 0iii1 &e noti%e of &is#onor #as been gi,en to, or re%ei,e& b(, s%# en&orser" E,er( en&orser after &is#onor, is liable 'on t#e instr!ent as if it is 'a(able on &e!an&" +e is bon& b( #is en&orse!ent not$it#stan&ing an( 're,ios alteration of t#e instr!ent" 0Se%tion 881 P -. Liability of Prior Parties 0Se%tion /;1 E,er( 'rior 'art( to a negotiable instr!ent is liable t#ereon to a #ol&er in &e %orse ntil t#e instr!ent is &l( satisfie&" >rior 'arties !a( in%l&e t#e !a3er or &ra$er, t#e a%%e'tor an& all t#e inter,ening en&orsers to a negotiable instr!ent" T#e liabilit( of t#e 'rior 'arties to a #ol&er in &e %orse is 8oint an& se,eral" T#e #ol&er in &e %orse !a( #ol& an( or all 'rior 'arties liable for t#e a!ont of t#e &is#onore& instr!ent" 6. Liability interse Garios 'arties to a negotiable instr!ent $#o are liable t#ereon stan& on a &ifferent footing $it# res'e%t to t#e natre of liabilit( of ea%# one of t#e!" @. Liability of /cce0tor of ,orged !ndorsement 0Se%tion A11 An a%%e'tor of a bill of e)%#ange alrea&( en&orse& is not relie,e& fro! liabilit( b( reason t#at s%# en&orse!ent is forge&" if #e 3ne$ or #a& reason to belie,e t#e en&orse!ent to be forge& $#en #e a%%e'te& t#e bill" A. /cce0tor9s Liability on a &ill drawn in a ,ictitious Name An a%ee'tor of a bill of e)%#ange &ra$n in a fi%titios na!e an& 'a(able to t#e &ra$erDs or&er is not, b( reason t#at s%# na!e is fi%titios, relie,e& fro! liabilit( to an( #ol&er In &e %orse %lai!ing n&er an en&orse!ent b( t#e sa!e #an& as t#e &ra$erDs signatre, an& 'r'orting to be !a&e b( t#e &ra$er" Negotiation 0Se%tion 1A1 A negotiable instr!ent !a( be transferre& b( negotiation or assign!ent" Negotiation is t#e transfer of an instr!ent 0a note, bill or %#e*e1 for one 'erson to anot#er in s%# a !anner as to %on,e( title an& to %onstitte t#e transferee t#e #ol&er t#ereofQ" 5#en a negotiable instr!ent is transferre& b( negotiation, t#e rig#ts of t#e transferee !a( rise #ig#er t#an t#ose of t#e transferor, &e'en&ing 'on t#e %ir%!stan%es atten&ing t#e negotiation" 5#en t#e transfer is !a&e b( assign!ent, t#e assignee #as onl( t#ose rig#ts $#i%# t#e assignor 'ossesse&" In %ase of assign!ent, t#ere is a transfer of o$ners#i' b( !eans of a $ritten an& registere& &o%!ent" Negotiabilit( an& Assignabilit( Distingis#e& A transfer b( negotiation &iffers fro! transfer b( assign!ent in t#e follo$ing res'e%ts7 0a1 Negotiation re*ires !ere &eli,er( of a bearer instr!ent an& en&orse!ent an& &eli,er( of an or&er instr!ent to effe%tate a transfer" Assign!ent re*ires a $ritten &o%!ent signe& b( t#e transferor" 0b1 Noti%e of transfer of &ebt 0a%tionable %lai!1 !st be gi,en b( t#e assignee to t#e &ebtor in or&er to %o!'lete #is titleB no s%# noti%e is ne%essar( in a transfer b( negotiation" 0%1 On assign!ent, t#e transferee of an a%tionable %lai! ta3es it sb8e%t to all t#e &efe%ts in t#e title of, an& sb8e%t to all t#e e*ities an& &efen%es a,ailable against t#e assignor, e,en t#og# #e too3 t#e assign!ent for ,ale an& in good fait#" In %ase of negotiation t#e transferee, as #ol&er6in6&e %orse, -ta3es t#e instr!ent free fro! an( &efe%ts in t#e title of t#e transferor" Importance of (eliery Negotiation is effe%te& b( !ere &eli,er( of a bearer instr!ent an& b( en&orse!ent an& &eli,er( of an or&er instr!ent" T#is s#o$s t#at -&eli,er(- is essential in negotiable instr!ents" Se%tion A; e)'ressl( 'ro,i&es t#at !a3ing a%%e'tan%e or en&orse!ent of negotiable instr!ent is not %o!'lete ntil &eli,er(,a&al or %onstr%ti,e, of t#e instr!ent" Deli,er( !a&e ,olntaril( $it# t#e intention of 'assing 'ro'ert( in t#e instr!ent to t#e 'erson to $#o! it is gi,en is essential" Negotiation by 'ere (eliery A bill or %#e*e 'a(able to bearer is negotiate& b( !ere &eli,er( of t#e instr!ent" An Rinstr!ent is 'a(able to bearer7 0i1 5#ere it is !a&e so 'a(able, or 0ii1 5#ere it is originall( !a&e 'a(able to or&er bt t#e onl( ort#e last en&orse!ent is in blan3" 0iii1 5#ere t#e 'a(ee is a fi%titios or a non6e)isting 'erson 0i,1 T#ese Instr!ents &o not re*ire signatre of t#e transferor" T#e 'erson $#o ta3es t#e! is a #ol&er, an& %an se in #is o$n na!e on t#e!" 5#ere a bearer negotiates an instr!ent b( !ere &eli,er(, an& &oes not 't #is signatre t#ereon,6#e is not liable to an( 'art( to t#e instr!ent in %ase t#e instr!ent is &is#onore&, as #e #as not lent #is %re&it to it" +is obligations are onl( to$ar&s #is i!!e&iate transferee an& to no ot#er #ol&ers" A %#e*e, originall( &ra$n 'a(able to bearer re!ains bearer, e,en t#og# it is sbse*entl( en&orse& in fll" T#e rle is once a bearer che#ue al>ays a bearer che#ue. H, Negotiation by !ndorsement and .eli:ery An instr!ent 'a(able to a s'e%ifie& 'erson or to t#e or&er of a s'e%ifie& 'erson or to a s'e%ifie& 'erson or or&er is an instr!ent 'a(able to or&er" S%# an instr!ent %an be negotiate& onl( b( en&orse!ent an& &eli,er(" Unless t#e #ol&er signs #is en&orse!ent on t#e instr!ent, t#e transferee &oes not be%o!e a #ol&er" 5#ere an instr!ent 'a(able to or&er is &eli,ere& $it#ot en&orse!ent, it is !erel( assigne& an& not negotiate& an& t#e #ol&er t#ei;Ef is not entit7e& to t#e rig#ts of a #ol&er in &e %orse, an& #e %annot negotiate it to a t#ir& 'erson" En&orse!ent 0Se%tions 1< an& 1;1 5#ere t#e !a3er or #ol&er of a negotiable instr!ent signs t#e sa!e ot#er$ise t#an as s%# !a3er for t#e 'r'ose of negotiation, on t#e ba%3 or fa%e t#ereof or on a sli' of 'a'er anne)e& t#ereto 0%alle& Allonge1, or so, signs for t#e sa!e 'r'ose, a sta!'e& 'a'er inten&e& to be %o!'lete& as a negotiable instr!ent, #e is sai& to en&orse t#e sa!e 0Se%tion 1<1, t#e 'erson to $#o! t#e instr!ent is en&orse& is %alle& t#e en&orsee" In ot#er $or&s, Den&orse!entD !eans an& in,ol,es t#e $riting of so!et#ing on t#e ba%3 of an instr!ent for t#e 'r'ose of transferring t#e rig#t, title an& interest t#erein to so!e ot#er 'erson" lasses of endorsement An en&orse!ent !a( be 0a1 Blan3 or General, 0b1 S'e%ial or @ll, 0%1 Restri%ti,e, or 0&1 >artial, an& 0e1 Con&itional or Salifie&" 0a1 &lan1 or General2 An en&orse!ent is to be blan3 or general $#ere t#e en&orser !erel( $rites #is signatre on t#e ba%3 of t#e instr!ent, an& t#e instr!ent so en&orse& be%o!es 'a(able to bearer, e,en t#og# originall( it $as 'a(able to or&er" T#s, $#ere bill is 'a(able to -Mo#an or or&er-, an& #e $rites on its ba%3 -Mo#an-, it is an en&orse!ent in blan3 b( Mo#an an& t#e 'ro'ert( in t#e bill %an 'ass b( !ere &eli,er(, as long as t#e en&orse!ent %ontines tobe aMblan3" Bt a #ol&er of an instr!ent en&orse& in blan3 !a( %on,ert t#e en&orse!ent in blan3 into an en&orse!ent In fll, b( $riting abo,e t#e en&orserDs signatre, a &ire%tion to 'a( t#e instr!ent to anot#er 'erson or #is or&er" 0b1 S0ecial or ,ull2 If t#e en&orser signs #is na!e an& a&&s a &ire%tion to 'a( t#e a!ont !entione& in t#e instr!ent to, or to t#e or&er of a s'e%ifie& 'erson, t#e en&orse!ent is sai& to be s'e%ial or in fll" A bill !a&e 'a(able to Mo#an or Mo#an or or&er, an& en&orse& -'a( to t#e or&er of So#an- $ol& be s'e%iall( en&orse& an& So#an en&orses it frt#er" A blan3 en&orse!ent %an be trne& into a s'e%ial one b( t#e a&&ition of an or&er !a3ing t#e bill 'a(able to t#e transferee" " 0%1 5estricti:e2 An en&orse!ent is restri%ti,e $#i%# 'ro#ibits or restri%ts t#e frt#er negotiation of an instr!ent" E)a!'les of restri%ti,e en&orse!ent7 ->a( A onl(- or ->a( A for !( se- or ->a( A on a%%ont of B- or ->a( A or or&er for %olle%tion-" 0&1 Partial2 An en&orse!ent 'artial is one $#i%# 'r'orts to transfer to t#e en&orsee a 'art onl( of t#e a!ont 'a(able on t#e instr!ent" A 'artial en&orse!ent &oes not o'erate as negotiation of t#e instr!ent" A #ol&s a bill for Rs" 1,EEE an& en&orses it as ->a( B or or&er Rs" <EE-" T#e en&orse!ent is 'artial an& in,ali&" "e) onditional or #ualified2 An '-&orse!ent is %on&itional or *alifie& $#i%# li!its or negati,es t#e liabilit( of t#e en&orser" An en&orser !a( li!it #is liabilit( in an( of t#e follo$ing $a(s7 0i1 &y sans recourse endorsement, Le" b( !a3ing it %lear t#at #e &oes not in%r t#e liabilit( of an en&orser to t#e en&orsee or sbse*ent #ol&ers an& t#e( s#ol& not loo3 to #i! in %ase of &is#onor of instr!ent" T#e en&orser e)%l&es #is liabilit( b( a&&ing t#e $or&s -sans re%orse- or -$it#ot re%orse-, e"g", -'a( A or or&er sa!e re%orse-" 0ii1 B( !a3ing #is liabilit( &e'en&ing 'on #a''ening of a s'e%ifie& e,ent $#i%# !a( ne,er #a''en, e"g", t#e #ol&er of a bill !a( en&orse it t#s7 ->a( A6or or&er on #is !arr(ing B-" In s%# a %ase, t#e en&orser $ill not be liable ntil" A !afries B" It is 'ertinent to refer to Se%tion <? of t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t, 1881 #ere" It rea&s -T#e en&orser of a negotiable instr!ent !a(, b( e)'ress $or&s in t#e en&orse!ent e)%l&e #is o$n liabilit( t#ereon, or !a3e s%# liabilit( or t#e rig#t of t#e en&orsee to re%ei,e t#e a!ont &e t#ereon &e'en& 'on t#e #a''ening of a s'e%ifie& e,ent, alt#og# s%# e,ent !a( ne,er #a''en" Negotiation Back 5#ere an en&orser negotiates an instr!ent an& again be%o!es its #ol&er, t#e instr!ent is sai& to be negotiate& ba%3 to t#at en&orser an& none of t#e inter!e&iar( en&orsees are t#en liable to #i!" T#e rle 're,ents a %ir%it( of a%tion" @or e)a!'le, A, t#e #ol&er of a bill en&orses it to a, B en&orses to C, an& C to D, an& en&orses it again to A" A, being a #ol&er in &e %orse of t#e bill b( se%on& en&orse!ent b(,D, %an re%o,er t#e a!ont t#ereof fro! B, C, or D an& #i!self being a 'rior 'art( is liable to all of t#e!" T#erefore, A #a,ing been relegate& b( t#e se%on& en&orse!ent to #is original 'osition, %annot se B, C an& D" >here an endorser so e3cludes his liability and afterwards becomes the holder of the instrument, all the intermediate endorsers are liable to him. - t#e itali%ise& 'ortion of t#e abo,e Se%tion is i!'ortant" An illstration $ill !a3e t#e 'oint %lear" A is t#e 'a(ee of a negotiable instr!ent" +e en&orses t#e instr!ent Dsans re%orseD to B, B en&orses to C, C to D, an& D again en&orses it to A" In t#is %ase, A is not onl( reinstate& in #is for!er rig#ts bt #as t#e rig#t of an en&orsee against B, C an& D" Negotiation of Lost Instrument or that Obtained by )nla*ful 'eans 5#en a negotiable instr!ent #as been lost or #as been obtaine& fro! an( !a3er, a%%e'tor or #ol&er t#ereof b( !eans of an offen%e or fra&, or for an nla$fl %onsi&eration, no 'ossessor or en&orsee, $#o %lai!s t#rog# t#e 'erson $#o fon& or obtaine& t#e instr!ent is entitle& to re%ei,e t#e a!ont &e t#ereon fro! s%# !a3er, a%%e'tor, or #ol&er fro! an( 'art( 'rior to s%# #ol&er unless s%# 'ossessor or en&orsee is, or so!e 'erson t#rog# $#o! #e %lai!s $as, a #ol&er in &e %orse" +orged %ndorsement T#e %ase of a forge& en&orse!ent is $ort# s'e%ial noti%e" if an instr!ent is en&orse& in fll, it %annot be negotiate& e)%e't b( an en&orse!ent signe& b( t#e 'erson to $#o! or to $#ose or&er t#e instr!ent is 'a(able, for t#e en&orsee obtains title onl( t#rog# #is en&orse!ent" T#s, if an instr!ent be negotiate& b( !eans of a forge& en&orse!ent, t#e en&orsee a%*ires no title e,en t#og# #e be a 'r%#aser for ,ale an& in goo& fait#, for t#e en&orse!ent is a nllit(" @orger( %on,e(s no title" &ut where the instrument is a bearer instrument or has been endorsed in blan1, it can be negotiated by mere deli:ery, and the holder deri:es his title inde0endent of the forged endorsement and can claim the amount from any of the 0arties to to the instrument. @or e)a!'le, a bill is en&orse&, ->a( A or or&er-" A en&orses it in blan3, an& it %o!es into t#e #an&s of B, $#o si!'l( &eli,ers it to C, C forges BDs en&orse!ent an& transfer it to D" +ere, D, as t#e #ol&er &oes not &eri,e #is title t#rog# t#e forge& en&orse!ent of B, bt t#rog# t#e genine en&orse!ent of A an& %an %lai! 'a(!ent fro! an( of t#e 'arties to t#e instr!ent in s'ite of t#e inter,ening forgeg en&orse!ent" ,cceptance of a Bill of %-change T#e &ra$ee of a bill of e)%#ange, as s%#, #as no liabilit( on an( bill a&&resse& to #i! for a%%e'tan%e or 'a(!ent" A refsal to a%%e't or to 'a( s%# bill gi,es t#e #ol&er no rig#ts against #i!" T#e &ra$ee be%o!es liable onl( after #e a%%e'ts t#e bill" T#e a%%e'tor #as to $rite t#e $or& Da%%e'te&D on t#e bill an& sign #is na!e belo$ it"" T#s, it is t#e a%%e'tor $#o is 'ri!aril( liable on a bill" T#e a%%e'tan%e of a bill is t#e in&i%ation b( t#e &ra$ee of #is assent to t#e or&er of t#e &ra$er" T#s, $#en t#e &ra$ee $rites a%ross t#e fa%e of t#e bill t#e $or& -a%%e'te&- an& signs #is na!e n&erneat# #e be%o!es t#e a%%e'tor of t#e bill" An a%%e'tan%e !a( be eit#er general or *alifie&" A general a%%e'tan%e is absolte an& as a rle, an a%%e'tan%e #as to be general" " 5#ere an a%%e'tan%e is !a&e sb8e%t to so!e %on&ition or *alifi%ation, t#ereb( ,ar(ing t#e effe%t of t#e bill, it is a *alifie& a%%e'tan%e" T#e #ol&er of t#e bill !a( eit#er refse to ta3e a *alifie& a%%e'tan%e or non6a%*ies%en%e in it" 5#ere #e refses to ta3e it, #e %an treat t#e bill as &is#onore& b( non6a%%e'tan%e, an& se t#e &ra$er a%%or&ingl(" ,cceptance for &onour 5#en a bill #as been note& or 'roteste& for non6a%%e'tan%e or for better se%rit(, an( 'erson not being a 'art( alrea&( liable t#ereon !a(, $it# t#e %onsent of t#e #ol&er, b( $riting on t#e bill, a%%e't t#e sa!e for t#e #onor of an( 'art( t#ereto" T#e stranger so a%%e'ting, $ill &e%lare n&er #is #an& t#at #e a%%e'ts t#e 'roteste& bill for t#e #onor of t#e &ra$er or an( 'arti%lar en&orser $#o! #e na!es" T#e a%%e'tor for #onor is liable to 'a( onl( $#en t#e bill #as been &l( 'resente& at !atrit( to t#e &ra$ee for 'a(!ent an& t#e &ra$ee #as refse& to 'a( an& t#e bill #as been note& an& 'roteste& for non6'a(!ent" 5#ere a bill #as been 'roteste& for non6'a(!ent after #a,ing been &l( a%%e'te&, an( 'erson !a( inter,ene an& 'a( it su0ra 0rotest for t#e #onor of an( 'art( liable on t#e bill" 5#en a bill is 'ai& su0ra9 0rotest, it %eases to be negotiable" T#e stranger, on 'a(ing for #onor, a%*ires all t#e rig#t of #ol&er for $#o! #e 'a(s" Presentment for ,cceptance It is onl( bills of e)%#ange t#at re*ire 'resent!ent for a%%e'tan%e an& e,en t#ese of %ertain 3in&s onl(" Bills 'a(able on &e!an& or on a fi)e& &ate nee& not be 'resente&" T#s, a bill 'a(able +0 &a(s after &e &ate on t#e #a''ening of a %ertain e,ent !a( or !a( not be 'resente& for a%%e'tan%e" Bt t#e follo$ing bills !st be 'resente& for a%%e'tan%e ot#er$ise, t#e 'arties to t#e bill $ill not be liable on it7 0a1 A bill 'a(able after sight. >resent!ent is ne%essar( in or&er to fi) !atrit( of t#e billsB an& 0b1 A bill in $#i%# t#ere is an e)'ress sti'lation t#at it s#all be 'resente& for a%%e'tan%e before it is 'resente& for 'a(!ent" Se%tion 1< 'ro,i&es t#at t#e 'resent!ent for a%%e'tan%e !st be !a&e to t#e &ra$ee or #is &l( at#orise& agent" If t#e &ra$ee is &ea&, t#e bill s#ol& be 'resente& to #is legal re'resentati,e, or if #e #as been &e%lare& an insol,ent, to t#e offi%ial re%ei,er or assigner" T#e follo$ing are t#e 'ersons to $#o! a bill of e)%#ange s#ol& be 'resente&7 0i1 T#e &ra$ee or #is &l( at#orise& agent" 0ii1 If t#ere are !an( &ra$ees, bill !st be 'resente& to all of t#e!" (iii) T#e legal re'resentati,es of t#e &ra$ee if &ra$ee is dead 0i,1T#e offi%ial re%ei,er or assignee of insol,ent &ra$ee" 0,1 To a &ra$ee in %ase of nee&, if t#ere is an(" T#is is ne%essar( $#en t#e original &ra$ee refses to a%%e't t#e bill" 0,i1 T#e a%%e'tor for #onor" In %ase t#e bill is not a%%e'te& an& is note& or 'roteste& for non6a%%e'tan%e, t#e bill !a( be a%%e'te& b( t#e a%%e'tor for #onor" +e IS a 'erson $#o %o!es for$ar& to a%%e't t#e bill $#en it is &is#onore& b( non6 a%%e'tan%e" T#e 'resent!ent !st be !a&e before !atrit(, $it#in a reasonable ti!e after it is &ra$n, or $it#in t#e sti'late& 'erio&, if an(, on a bsiness &a( $it#in bsiness #ors an& at t#e 'la%e of bsiness or resi&en%e of t#e &ra$ee" T#e 'resent!ent !st be !a&e b( e)#ibiting t#e bill to t#e &ra$eeB !ere noti%e of its e)isten%e in t#e 'ossession of #ol&er $ill not be sffi%ient" 5#en 'resent!ent is %o!'lsor( an& t#e #ol&er fails to 'resent for a%%e'tan%e, t#e &ra$er an& all t#e en&orsers are &is%#arge& fro! liabilit( to #i!" Presentment for Acceptance *hen %-cused Co!'lsor( 'resent!ent for a%%e'tan%e is e)%se& an& t#e bill !a( be treate& as &is#onore& in t#e follo$ing %ases7 0a1 5#ere t#e &ra$ee %annot be fon& after reasonable sear%#" 0b1 5#ere &ra$ee is a fi%titios 'erson or one in%a'able of %ontra%ting" 0%1 5#ere alt#og# t#e 'resent!ent is irreglar, a%%e'tan%e #as been refse& on so!e ot#er gron&" Presentment for Payment All notes" bills an& %#e*es !st be 'resente& for 'a(!ent to t#e !a3er, a%%e'tor or &ra$ee t#ereof res'e%ti,el( b( or on be#alf of t#e #ol&er &ring t#e sal #ors of bsiness, an& if at ban3erDs $it#in ban3ing #ors" Presentment for Payment *hen %-cused No 'resent!ent is ne%essar( an& t#e instr!ent !a( be treate& as &is#onore& in t#e follo$ing %ases7 0a1 5#ere t#e !a3er, &ra$er or a%%e'tor a%ti,el( &oes so!et#ing so as to intentionall( obstr%t t#e 'resent!ent of t#e instr!ent, e"g", &e'ri,es t#e #ol&er of t#e instr!ent an& 3ee's it after !atrit(" 0b1 5#ere #is bsiness 'la%e is %lose& on t#e &e &ate" 0%1 5#ere no 'erson is 'resent to !a3e 'a(!ent at t#e 'la%e s'e%ifie& for 'a(!ent" 0&1 5#ere #e %annot, after &e sear%# be fon&" 0Se%tion ;11 0e1 5#ere t#ere is a 'ro!ise to 'a( not$it#stan&ing non6'resent!ent" 0f1 5#ere t#e 'resent!ent is e)'ress or i!'lie&l( $ai,e& b( t#e 'art( entitle& to 'resent!ent" 0g1 5#ere t#e &ra$er %ol& not 'ossibl( #a,e sffere& an( &a!age b( non6'resent!ent" 0#1 5#ere t#e &ra$er is a fi%titios 'erson, or one in%o!'etent to %ontra%t" 0i1 5#ere t#e &ra$er an& t#e &ra$ee are t#e sa!e 'erson" ! 5#ere t#e bill is &is#onore& b( non6a%%e'tan%e" 031 5#ere 'resent!ent #as be%o!e i!'ossible, e"g", t#e &e%laration of $ar bet$een t#e %ontries of t#e #ol&er an& &ra$ee" 0I1 5#ere t#og# t#e 'resent!ent is irreglar, a%%e'tan%e #as been refse& on so!e ot#er gron&s" (ishonour by Non#,cceptance Se%tion :1 'ro,i&es t#at a bill is sai& to be &is#onore& b( non6a%%e'tan%e7 0a1 5#en t#e &ra$ee &oes not a%%e't it $it#in A8 #ors fro! t#e ti!e of 'resent!ent for a%%e'tan%e" 0b1 5#en 'resent!ent for a%%e'tan%e is e)%se& an& t#e bill re!ains na%%e'te&" 0%1 5#en t#e &ra$ee is in%o!'etent to %ontra%t" 0&1 5#en t#e &ra$ee is a fi%titios 'erson or after reasonable sear%# %an not be fon&" 0e1 5#ere t#e a%%e'tan%e is a *alifie& one" (ishonour by Non#payment ."ection /01 A 'ro!issor( note, bill of e)%#ange or %#e*e is sai& to be &is#onore& b( non6'a(!ent $#en t#e !a3er of t#e note, a%%e'tor of t#e bill or &ra$ee of t#e %#e*e !a3es &efalt in 'a(!ent 'on being &l( re*ire& to 'a( t#e sa!e" Also, a negotiable instr!ent is &is#onore& b( non6'a(!ent $#en 'resent!ent for 'a(!ent is e)%se& an& t#e instr!ent $#en o,er&e re!ains n'ai&" If t#e bill is &is#onore& eit#er b( non6a%%e'tan%e or b( non6 'a(!ent, t#e &ra$er an& ail t#e en&orsers of t#e bill are liable to t#e #ol&er, 'ro,i&e& #e gi,es noti%e of s%# &is#onor" T#e &ra$ee is liable onl( $#en t#ere is &is#onor b( non6'a(!ent" Notice of (ishonour 0Se%tions :16:8 an& Se%tions 1E<61EC1 5#en a negotiable instr!ent is &is#onore& eit#er b( non6a%%e'tan%e or b( non6 'a(!ent, t#e #ol&er or so!e 'art( liable t#ereon !st gi,e noti%e of &is#onor to all ot#er 'arties $#o! #e see3s to !a3e liable" Ea%# 'art( re%ei,ing noti%e of &is#onor !st in or&er to ren&er an( 'rior 'art( liable to #i!self, gi,e noti%e of &is#onor to s%# 'art( $it#in a reasonable ti!e after #e #as re%ei,e& it" T#e ob8e%t ot gi,ing noti%e is not to &e!an& 'a(!ent bt to $#o! t#e 'art( notifie& of #is liabilit( an& in %ase of &ra$er to enable #i! to 'rote%t #i!self as against t#e &ra$ee or a%%e'tor $#o #as &is#onore& t#e instr!ent isse& b( #i!" Noti%e of &is#onor is so ne%essar( t#at an o!ission to gi,e Dit &is%#arges all 'arties ot#er t#an t#e !a3er or a%%e'tor" T#ese 'arties are &is%#arge& not onl( on t#e bill or note, bt also in res'e%t of t#e original %onsi&eration" " Noti%e !a( be oral or in $riting, bt it !st be a%tal for!al noti%e" It !st be gi,en $it#in a res'onsibleD ti!e of &is#onor" Notice of (ishonour )nnecessary No noti%e of &is#onor is ne%essar(7 0a1 5#en it is &is'ense& $it# or $ai,e& b( t#e 'art( entitle& t#ereto, e"g" $#ere an en&orser $rites on t#e instr!ent s%# $or&s as -noti%e of &is#onor $ai,e&- , 0b1 5#en t#e &ra$er #as %onter!an&e& 'a(!ent" 0%1 5#en t#e 'art( %#arge& $ol& not sffer &a!age for $ant of noti%e" 0&1 5#en t#e 'art( entitle& to noti%e %annot after &e sear%# be fon&" 0e1 5#en t#e o!ission to gi,e noti%e is %ase& b( na,oi&able %ir%!stan%es, e"g", &eat# or &angeros illness of t#e #ol&er" 0f1 5#ere t#e a%%e'tor is also a &ra$er, e"g", $#ere a fir! &ra$s on its bran%#" 0g1 5#ere t#e 'ro!issor( note is not negotiable" S%# a note %annot be en&orse&" 0#1 5#ere t#e 'art( entitle& to noti%e 'ro!ises to 'a( n%on&itionall(" Noting and Protest 0Se%tions ::61EA A1 Noting 5#ere a note or bill is &is#onore&, t#e #ol&er is entitle& after gi,ing &e noti%e of &is#onor, to se t#e &ra$er an& t#e en&orsers" Se%tion :: 'ro,i&es a %on,enient !et#o& of at#enti%ating t#e fa%t of &is#onor b( !eans of -Noting-" 5#ere a bill or note is &is#onore&, t#e #ol&er !a(, if #e so &esires, %ase s%# &is#onor to be note& b( a notar( 'bli% on t#e instr!ent, or on a 'a'er atta%#e& t#ereto or 'artl( on ea%#" T#e noting or !inte !st be re%or&e& b( t#e notar( 'bli% $it#in a reasonable ti!e after &is#onor an& !st %ontain t#e fa%t of &is#onor, t#e &ate of &is#onor, t#e reason, if an(, assigne& for s%# &is#onor if t#e instr!ent #as not been e)'ressl( &is#onore& t#e reasons $#( t#e #ol&er treats it &is#onore& an& notar(Ds %#arges" Protest T#e 'rotest is t#e for!al notarial %ertifi%ate attesting t#e &is#onor of t#e bill, an& base& 'on t#e noting $#i%# #as been effe%te& on t#e &is#onor of t#e bill" After t#e noting #as been !a&e, t#e for!al 'rotest is &ra$n ' b( t#e notar( an& $#en it is &ra$n ' it relates ba%3 to t#e &ate of noting" 5#ere t#e a%%e'tor of a bill #as be%o!e insol,ent, or #as ss'en&e& 'a(!ent, or #is %re&it #as been 'bli%l( i!'ea%#e&, before t#e !atrit( of t#e bill, t#e #ol&er !a( #a,e t#e bill 'roteste& for better se%rit(" T#e notar( 'bli% &e!an&s better se%rit( an& on its refsal !a3es a 'rotest 3no$n as -'rotest for better se%rit(-" @oreign bills !st be 'roteste& for &is#onor $#en s%# 'rotest is re*ire& b( t#e la$ of t#e 'la%e $#ere t#e( are &ra$n" @oreign 'ro!issor( notes nee& not be so 'roteste&" 5#ere a bill is re*ire& b( la$ to be 'roteste&, t#en instea& of a noti%e of &is#onor, noti%e of 'rotest !st be gi,en b( t#e notar( 'bli%" A 'rotest to be ,ali& !st %ontain on t#e instr!ent itself or a literal trans%ri't t#ereof,t#e na!es of t#e 'arties for an& against $#o! 'rotest is !a&e, t#e fa%t an& reasons for &is#onor toget#er $it# t#e 'la%e an& ti!e of &is#onor an& t#e signatre of t#e notar( 'bli%" >rotest affor&s an at#enti% e,i&en%e of &is#onor to t#e &ra$er an& t#e en&orsee" (ischarge T#e &is%#arge in relation to negotiable instr!ent !a( be eit#er 0i1 T9is%#arge of t#e instr!ent or 0ii1 &is%#arge of one or !ore 'arties to t#e instr!ent fro! liabilit(" .ischarge of the 'nstrument A negotiable instr!ent is &is%#arge&7 0a1 b( 'a(!ent in &e %orseB 0b1 $#en t#e 'rin%i'al &ebtor Dbe%o!es t#e #ol&erB 0%1b( an a%t t#at $ol& &is%#arge si!'le %ontra%tB 0&1 b( renn%iationB an& 0e1 b( %an%ellation" .ischarge of a Party or Parties 5#en an( 'arti%lar 'art( or 'arties are &is%#arge&, t#e instr!ent %ontines to be negotiable an& t#e n&is%#arge& 'arties re!ain liable on it" @or e)a!'le, t#e non6'resent!ent of a bill on t#e &e &ate &is%#arges t#e en&orsers fro! t#eir liabilit(, bt t#e a%%e'tor re!ains liable on it" A 'art( !a( be &is%#arge& in t#e follo$ing $a(s 7 0a1 &y cancellation b( t#e #ol&er of t#e na!e of an( 'art( to it $it# t#e intention of &is%#arging #i!" 0b1 &y release, $#en t#e #ol&er releases an( 'art( to t#e instr!ent 0%1 .ischarge of secondary 0arties, Le", en&orsers" 0&1 &y the o0eration of the law, Le", b( insol,en%( of t#e &ebtor" 0e1 &y allowing &ra$ee !ore t#an A8 #ors to a%%e't t#e bill, all 're,ios 'arties are &is%#arge&" 0f1 &y non$0resentment of %#e*e 'ro!'tl( t#e &ra$er is &is%#arge&" 0g1 &y ta1ing #ualified acce0tance, all t#e 're,ios 'arties are &is%#arge&" 0#1 &y material alteration. AA" 'aterial ,lteration 0Se%tion 8C1 An alteration is !aterial $#i%# in an( $a( alters t#e o'eration of t#e Instr!ent an& t#e liabilities of t#e 'arties t#ereto" T#erefore, an( %#ange in an instr!ent $#i%# %ases it to s'ea3 a &ifferent langage in"legal effe%t fro! t#at $#i%# it originall( s'o3e, or $#i%# %#anges legal %#ara%ter of t#e instr!ent is a !aterial alteration" A !aterial alteration ren&ers t#e instr!ent ,oi&, bt it affe%ts onl( t#ose 'ersons $#o #a,e alrea&( be%o!e 'arties at t#e &ate of t#e alteration" T#ose $#o ta3e t#e altere& instr!ent %annot %o!'lain" Se%tion 11 'ro,i&eU t#at an a%%e'tor or en&orser of a negotiable instr!ent is bon& b( #is a%%e'tan%e or en&orse!ent not$it#stan&ing an( 're,ios alteration of t#e instr!ent" " V E)a!'les of !aterial alteration are7 Alteration 0i1 of t#e &ate of t#e instr!ent 0Ii1 of t#e s! 'a(able, 0iii1 in t#e ti!e of 'a(!ent, 0i,1 of t#e 'la%e of 'a(!ent, 0,1 of t#e rate of interest, 0,i1 !$ a&&ition of a ne$ 'art(, 0,ii1 tearing t#e instr!ent" in a !aterial 'art" T#ere is no !aterial alteration an& t#e instr!ent is not ,itiate& in t#e follo$ing %ases 7 0i1 %orre%tion of a !ista3e, 0Ii1 to %arr( ot t#e %o!!on Intention of t#e 'arties, 0iii1 an alteration !a&e before t#e instr!ent is isse& an& !a&e $it# t#e %onsent of t#e 'arties, 0i,1 %rossing a %#e*e, 0,1 a&&ition of t#e $or&s -on &e!an&- in an instr!ent $#ere no ti!e of 'a(!ent is state&" Retirement of a Bill under Rebate An a%%e'tor of a bill !a( !a3e 'a(!ent before !atrit(, an& t#e bill is t#en sai& to "be retire&, bt it is not &is%#arge& an& !st not be %an%elle& e)%e't b( t#e a%%e'tor $#en it %o!es into #is #an&s" It is %sto!ar( in s%# a %ase to !a3e allo$an%e of interest on t#e !one( to t#e a%%e'tor for t#e re!ain&er of t#e ti!e $#i%# t#e bill #as to rn" T#e interest allo$an%e Is 3no$n as rebate" &undis +n&is are negotiable instr!ents $ritten in an oriental langage" T#e( are so!eti!es bills of e)%#ange an& so!eti!es 'ro!issor( notes, an& are not %o,ere& n&er t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t, 1881" Generall(, t#e( are go,erne& b( t#e %sto!s an& sages in t#e lo%alit( bt if %sto! is silent on t#e 'oint in &is'te before t#e Cort, t#is A%t a''lies to t#e #n&is" T#e ter! -#n&i- $as for!erl( a''li%able to nati,e bills of e)%#ange" T#e 'ro!issor( notes $ere t#en %alle& -tea'-" T#e #n&is $ere in %ir%lation in In&ia e,en before t#e 'resent Negotiable Instr!ent A%t, 1881 %a!e into o'eration" T#e sages atta%#e& to t#ese #n&is ,arie& $it# t#e lo%alit( in $#i%# t#e( $ere in %ir%lation" Generall( n&erstoo&, t#e ter! -#n&i- in%l&es all in&igenos negotiable instr!ents $#et#er t#e( are bills of e)%#ange or 'ro!issor( notes" An instr!ent in or&er to be a #n&i !st be %a'able of being se& b( t#e #ol&er in #is o$n na!e, an& !st b( t#e %sto! of tra&e be transferre& li3e %as# b( &eli,er(" Ob,iosl( t#e %sto!s relating to #n&is $ere !an(" In %ertain 'arts of t#e %ontr( e,en oral " " a%%e'tan%e $as in ,age" T#e follo$ing t('es of #n&is are $ort# !entioning 7 %. Shah Bog 4undi -S#a#- !eans a res'e%table an& res'onsible 'erson or a !an of $ort# in t4e ba=ar" S#a# 9og +n&i !eans a #n&i $#i%# is 'a(able onl( to a res'e%table #ol&er,as o''ose&" to a #n&i 'a(able to bearer" In ot#er $or&s t#e &ra$ee before 'a(ing t#e sa!e #as to satisf( #i!self t#at t#e 'a(ee is a DS+A+D" (. Bo1hmi 4undi A -8o3#!i- #n&i is al$a(s &ra$n on or against goo&s s#i''e& on t#e ,essel !entione& in t#e #n&i" It i!'lies a %on&ition t#at !one( $ill be 'ai& onl( in t#e e,ent of arri,al of t#e goo&s against $#i%# t#e #n&i is &ra$n" It is in t#e natre of 'oli%( of insran%e" T#e &ifferen%e, #o$e,er, is t#at t#e !one( is 'ai& before #an& an& is to be re%o,ere& if t#e s#i' arri,es safel(" *. Bawabee 4undi A%%or&ing to Ma%'#erson, =A 'erson &esiros of !a3ing a re!ittan%e $rites to t#e 'a(ee an& &eli,ers t#e letter to a ban3er, $#o eit#er en&orses it on to an( of #is %orres'on&ents near t#e 'a(eeDs 'la%e of resi&en%e, or negotiates its transfer" On t#e arri,al, t#e letter is for$ar&e& to t#e 'a(ee, $#o atten&s an& gi,es #is re%ei't in t#e for! of an ans$er to t#e letter $#i%# is for$ar&e& b( t#e sa!e %#annel of t#e &ra$er or t#e or&er"- T#erefore, t#is is a for! of #n&i $#i%# is se& for re!itting !one( fro! one 'la%e to anot#er" +. Nam ?og 4undi It is a #n&i 'a(able to t#e 'art( na!e& in t#e bill or #is or&er" T#e na!e of t#e 'a(ee is s'e%ifi%all( inserte& in t#e #n&i" It %an also be negotiate& li3e a bill of e)%#ange" Its alteration into a Shah Bog #n&i is a" !aterial alteration an& ren&ers it ,oi&" -. .arshani 4undi T#is is a #n&i 'a(able at sig#t" It is freel( negotiable an& t#e 'ri%e is reglate& b( &e!an& an& s''l(" T#e( are 'a(able on &e!an& an& !st be 'resente& for 'a(!ent $it#in a reasonable ti!e after t#e( are re%ei,e& b( t#e #ol&er" 6. =iadi 4undi T#is is ot#er$ise %alle& muddati #n&i, t#at is, a #n&i 'a(able after a s'e%ifie& 'erio& of ti!e" Usall( !one( is a&,an%e& against t#ese #n&is b( s#roffs after &e&%ting t#e a&,an%e for t#e 'erio& in a&,an%e" T#ere are ot#er for!s of #n&is also li3e" .hani Bog 4undi 6 A #n&i $#i%# is 'a(able to -&#ani- Le", t#e o$ner" ,irman Bog 4undi 6 $#i%# is 'a(able to or&er if %an be negotiate& b( en&orse!ent an& &eli,er(" Presumptions of Law A negotiable instr!ent is sb8e%t to %ertain 'res!'tions" T#ese #a,e been re%ognise& b( t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t n&er Se%tions 118 an& 11: $it# a ,ie$ to fa%ilitate t#e bsiness transa%tions" T#ese are &es%ribe& belo$7 It s#all be 'res!e& t#at7 011 E,er( negotiable instr!ent $as !a&e or &ra$n for %onsi&eration irres'e%ti,e of t#e %onsi&eration !entione& in t#e instr!ent or not" 0?1 E,er( negotiable instr!ent #a,ing a &ate $as !a&e on s%# &ate" 0/1 E,er( a%%e'te& bill of e)%#ange $as a%%e'te& $it#in a reasonable ti!e before its !atrit(" 0A1 E,er( negotiable instr!ent $as transferre& before its !atrit(" 0<1 T#e instr!ents $ere en&orse& in t#e or&er in $#i%# t#e( a''ear on it" 0;1 A lost or &estro(e& instr!ent $as &l( signe& an& sta!'e&" 0C1 T#e #ol&er of t#e instr!ent is a #ol&er in &e %orse" 081 In a sit 'on an instr!ent $#i%# #as been &is#onore&, t#e Cort s#all 'res!e t#e fa%t of &is#onor, or 'roof of t#e 'rotest" +o$e,er t#ese legal 'res!'tions are rebttable b( e,i&en%e to t#e %ontrar(" T#e br&en to 'ro,e to t#e %ontrar( lies 'on t#e &efen&ant to t#e sit an& not 'on t#e 'laintiff" Payment of Interest in case of dishonour T#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t, 1881 $as a!en&e& in t#e (ear 1:88, re,ising t#e rate of interest as %ontaine& in Se%tions 8E an& 11C, fro! ; 'er %ent to 18 'er %ent 'er ann! 'a(able on negotiable instr!ents fro! t#e &e &ate in %ase no rate of interest is s'e%ifie&, or 'a(able to an en&orser fro! t#e &ate of 'a(!ent on a negotiable instr!ent on its &is#onor $it# a ,ie$ to &is%orage t#e $it##ol&ing of 'a(!ent on negotiable instr!ents on &e &ates" >enalties in %ase of &is#onor of %#e*es C#a'ter IGII of t#e Negotiable Instr!ents A%t 'ro,i&es for 'enalties in %ase of &is#onor of %ertain %#e*es for insffi%ien%ies of fn&s in t#e a%%onts" Se%tions 1/8 to 1A? &eal $it# t#ese as'e%ts" T#e 'ro,isions %ontaine& in t#is C#a'ter 'ro,i&e t#at $#ere an( %#e*e &ra$n b( a 'erson for &is%#arge of an( liabilit( is retrne& b( t#e ban3 n'ai& for t#e reason of insffi%ien%( of t#e a!ont of !one( stan&ing to t#e %re&it of t#e a%%ont on $#i%# t#e %#e*e $as &ra$n or for t#e reason t#at it e)%ee&s t#e arrange!ent !a&e b( t#e &ra$er of t#e %#e*e $it# t#e ban3er for t#at a%%ont, t#e &ra$er of s%# %#e*e s#all be &ee!e& to #a,e %o!!itte& an offen%e" In t#at %ase, t#e &ra$er, $it#ot 're8&i%e to t#e6;f#er 'ro,isions of t#e A%t, s#all be 'nis#able $it# i!'rison!ent for a ter! $#i%# !a( e)ten& to one (ear, or $it# fine $#i%# !a( e)ten& to t$i%e t#e a!ont of t#e %#e*e, or $it# bot#" In or&er to %onstitte t#e sai& offen%e 0a1 s%# %#e*e s#ol& #a,e been 'resente& to t#e ban3 $it#in a 'erio& of si) !ont#s fro! t#e &ate on $#i%# it is &ra$n or $it#in t#e 'erio& of its ,ali&it(, $#i%#e,er is earlierB an& 0b1 t#e 'a(ee or #ol&er in &e %orse of s%# %#e*e s#ol& #a,e !a&e a &e!an& for t#e 'a(!ent of t#e sai& a!ont of !one( b( gi,ing noti%e, in $riting, to t#e &ra$er of t#e %#e*e $it#in fifteen &a(s of t#e re%ei't of infor!ation b( #i! fro! t#e ban3 regar&ing t#e retrn of t#e %#e*e n'ai&B an& 0%1 t#e &ra$er of s%# %#e*e s#ol& #a,e faile& to !a3e t#e 'a(!ent of t#e sai& a!ont of !one( to t#e 'a(ee or t#e #ol&er in &e %orse of t#e %#e*e $it#in fifteen &a(s of t#e re%ei't of t#e sai& noti%e" It #as also been 'ro,i&e& t#at it s#all be 'res!e&, nless t#e %ontrar( is 'ro,e&, t#at t#e #ol&er of s%# %#e*e re%ei,e& t#e %#e*e in t#e &is%#arge of a liabilit(" Defen%es $#i%# !a(or !a( not be allo$e& in an( 'rose%tion for s%# offen%e #a4e also been 'ro,i&e& to !a3e t#e 'ro,isions effe%ti,e" T#e S're!e Cort in =odi ements Ltd. ," C.C. Nandi, 01:881 ?8 CLA A:1, #el& t#at !erel(D be%ase t#e &ra$er isse& a noti%e to t#e &ra$ee or to t#e Ban3 for Dsto' 'a(!entD, it $ol& not 're%l&e an a%tion n&er Se%tion 1/8 b( t#e &ra$ee or #ol&er in &e %orse" Usal 'ro,isions relating to offen%es b( %o!'anies #a,e also been in%l&e& in t#e sai& ne$ C#a'ter" In or&er to ensre t#at genine an& #:nest ban3 %sto!ers are not #arasse& or 't to in%on,enien%e, sffi%ient safegar&Ds #a,e also been 'ro,i&e& in t#e ne$ C#a'ter, as n&er7 0a1 t#at no Cort s#all ta3e %ogni=an%e of s%# offen%e e)%e't on a %o!'laint in $riting, !a&e b( t#e 'a(ee or t#e #ol&er in &e %orse of t#e %#e*eB 0b1 t#at s%# %o!'laint is !a&e $it#in one !ont# or t#e &ate on $#i%# t#e %ase of a%tion arisesB 0%1t#at SO Cort inferior to t#at of a Metro'olitan Magistrate or a 9&i%ial Magistrate of t#e first %lass s#all tr( an( s%# offen%e" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Re%o!!en&e& Rea&ing Ele!ents of Mer%antile La$ b( N D Wa'oor"
Credit Rating Is The Opinion of The Rating Agency On The Relative Ability and Willingness of The Issuer of A Debt Instrument To Meet The Debt Service Obligations As and When They Arise