Callanta Ethics Reviewer

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I, _______________________, do solemnly swear !a I w"ll ma"na"n
alle#"an$e o !e Re%&'l"$ o( !e )!"l"%%"nes* I w"ll s&%%or "s Cons"&"on
and o'ey !e laws as well as !e le#al orders o( !e d&ly $ons"&ed
a&!or""es !ere"n* I w"ll do no (alse!ood, nor $onsen o !e do"n# o( any
"n $o&r* I w"ll no w"ll"n#ly nor w"ll(&lly %romoe or s&e any #ro&ndless,
(alse or &nlaw(&l s&"* or #"+e a"d nor $onsen o !e same* I w"ll delay no
man (or money or mal"$e, and w"ll $ond&$ mysel( as a lawyer a$$ord"n# o
!e 'es o( my ,nowled#e and d"s$re"on, w"! all #ood ("del"y as well as o
!e $o&r as o my $l"ens* and I "m%ose or %&r%ose o( e+as"on- So !el% me
* Memorize this and think that you will take this oath after the Bar and it shall be so.
(Sabi ng mga pumasa na ng BAR dito lang daw sa LAWYERS OATH umiikot ang mga tanong
Nature of a Lawyers Oath:
T"# law$#%s oat" is not a m#%# &o%malit$ %#'it#d &o% a &#w minut#s in t"# gla%# o& &las"ing
'am#%as and b#&o%# t"# p%#s#n'# o& s#l#'t witn#ss( (In re: Arthur M. Cuevas, r. !"# $C%A #&,
anuary !'. (&&").
T"# law$#%s oat" is not m#%# &a'il# wo%ds) d%i&t and "ollow) but a sa'%#d t%ust t"at must b#
up"#ld and k#pt in*iolabl#( ($ebastian v. Calis, Adm. Case *o. #((", $e+t. &, (&&&)
Duties of Attorneys:
a( to maintain all#gian'# to t"# R#publi' o& t"# +"ilippin#s and to suppo%t t"#
onstitution and ob#$ t"# laws o& t"# +"ilippin#s,
b( obs#%*# and maintain t"# %#sp#'t du# to t"# 'ou%ts o& -usti'# and -udi'ial o&&i'#%s,
'( to 'ouns#l o% maintain su'" a'tions o% p%o'##dings onl$ as app#a% to "im as -ust)
and su'" d#&#ns#s onl$ as "# b#li#*#s to b# "on#stl$ d#batabl# und#% t"# laws,
d( to #mplo$) &o% t"# pu%pos# o& maintaining t"# 'aus#s 'on&id#d to "im) su'"
m#ans as onl$ as a%# 'onsist#nt wit" t%ut" and "ono%) and n#*#% s##k to misl#ad
t"# -udg# as an$ -udi'ial o&&i'#% b$ an a%ti&i'# o% &als# stat#m#nt o& &a't o% law,
#( to maintain in*iolat# t"# 'on&id#n'#) and at #*#%$ p#%il to "ims#l&) to p%#s#%*# t"#
s#'%#ts o& "is 'li#nt) and to a''#pt no 'omp#nsation in 'onn#'tion wit" "is
'li#nts busin#ss #.'#pt &%om "im o% wit" "is knowl#dg# and app%o*al,
&( to abstain &%om all o&&#nsi*# p#%sonalit$ and to ad*an'# no &a't p%#-udi'ial to t"#
"ono% o% %#putation o& a pa%t$ o% witn#ss) unl#ss %#/ui%#d b$ t"# -usti'# o& t"#
'aus# wit" w"i'" "# is '"a%g#d,
g( not to #n'ou%ag# #it"#% in t"# 'omm#n'#m#nt o% t"# 'ontinuan'# o& an a'tion o%
p%o'##ding) o% d#la$ an$ mans 'aus# &o% an$ 'o%%upt moti*# o% int#%#st,
"( n#*#% to %#-#'t) &o% an$ 'onsid#%ation p#%sonal to "ims#l&) t"# 'aus# o& t"#
d#&#ns#l#ss o% opp%#ss#d,
i( in t"# d#&#ns# o& a p#%son a''us#d o& a '%im#) b$ all &ai% and "ono%abl# m#ans)
%#ga%dl#ss o& "is p#%sonal opinion as to t"# guilt o& t"# a''us#d) to p%#s#nt #*#%$
d#&#ns# t"at t"# law p#%mits) to t"# #nd t"at no p#%son ma$ b# d#p%i*#d o& li&# o%
lib#%t$) but b$ du# p%o'#ss o& law(
LEGAL ETHIS ! It is a b%an'" o& mo%al s'i#n'# w"i'" t%#ats o& t"# duti#s w"i'" an
atto%n#$ ow#s to t"# 'ou%t) to "is 'li#nt) to "is 'oll#agu#s in t"# p%o&#ssion and to t"# publi' as
#mbodi#d in t"# onstitution) Rul#s o& ou%t) t"# od# o& +%o&#ssional R#sponsibiliti#s) anons
o& +%o&#ssional Et"i's) -u%isp%ud#n'#) mo%al laws and sp#'ial laws(
Ori"ina# $ases of Le"a# Ethi%s
0( anons o& +%o&#ssional Et"i's
1( Sup%#m# ou%t 2#'isions
3( Statisti's
4( onstitution
5( T%#ati#s and +ubli'ations
Present $asis of Phi#i&&ine Le"a# Ethi%s ! T"# Code of Professional Responsibility( It
is t"# #mbodim#nt into t"# 'od# o& t"# *a%ious p#%tin#nt and subsisting %ul#s) guid#lin#s and
standa%ds on t"# %ul# o& 'ondu't o& law$#%s w"i'" must b# obs#%*#d b$ all m#mb#%s o& t"# Ba% in
t"# #.#%'is# o& "is p%o&#ssion w"#t"#% in o% out o& ou%t as w#ll as in t"#i% publi' and p%i*at# li*#s(
$AR *s( $ENH
R#&#%s to t"# w"ol# bod$ o&
atto%n#$s and 'ouns#lo%s)
'oll#'ti*#l$) t"# m#mb#%s o&
t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion
2#not#s t"# w"ol# bod$ o&
Pra%ti%e of Law ' 6 An$ a'ti*it$) in o% out o& 'ou%t) w"i'" %#/ui%#s t"# appli'ation o& law) l#gal
p%o'#du%#) knowl#dg#) t%aining and #.p#%i#n'#( To #ngag# in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law is to gi*# noti'#
o% %#nd#% an$ kind o& s#%*i'#) w"i'" d#*i'# o% s#%*i'# %#/ui%#s t"# us# in an$ d#g%## o& l#gal
knowl#dg# o% skill (Cayetano v. Monsod, !,( $C%A !(,).
$ar A()ission ! a't b$ w"i'" on# is li'#ns#d to p%a'ti'# b#&o%# 'ou%ts o& a pa%ti'ula% stat# o%
-u%isdi'tion a&t#% satis&$ing '#%tain %#/ui%#m#nts su'" as ba% #.aminations) p#%iod o& %#sid#n'$ o%
admission on g%ounds o& %#'ip%o'it$ a&t#% p#%iod o& $#a%s as m#mb#% o& ba% o& anot"#% -u%isdi'tion
(Bla'k Law 2i'tiona%$ Si.t" Edition) p(047!(
Lawyer ! T"is is t"# g#n#%al t#%m &o% a p#%son t%ain#d in t"# law and aut"o%i8#d to ad*is# o%
%#p%#s#nt ot"#%s in l#gal matt#%s(
Tria# Lawyer ! A law$#% w"o p#%sonall$ "andl#s 'as#s in 'ou%t) administ%ati*# ag#n'i#s o%
boa%ds w"i'" m#ans #ngaging in a'tual t%ial wo%k #it"#% &o% t"# p%os#'ution o% &o% t"# d#&#ns# o&
'as#s o& 'li#nts(
Pra%tisin" Lawyer ! On# #ngag#d in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law( All t%ial law$#%s a%# p%a'ti'ing law$#%s)
but not all p%a'ti'ing law$#%s a%# t%ial law$#%s(
#ient ! On# w"o #ngag#s t"# s#%*i'#s o& a law$#% &o% l#gal ad*i'# o% &o% pu%pos#s o&
p%os#'uting o% d#&#nding a suit in "is b#"al& and usuall$ &o% a &##(
Attorney'at'Law*ounse#or'at'#aw*#awyer*attorney*%ounse#*a+o"a(o*+o%eros ! t"at 'lass o&
p#%sons w"o a%# b$ li'#ns# o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%ts) #mpow#%#d to app#a%) p%os#'ut# and d#&#nd)
and upon w"om p#'ulia% duti#s) %#sponsibiliti#s and liabiliti#s a%# d#*#lop#d b$ law as a
'ons#/u#n'# (Cui v. Cui, (!, -hil. '!&).
Attorney'in'fa%t ! an ag#nt w"os# aut"o%it$ is st%i'tl$ limit#d b$ t"# inst%um#nt appointing "im)
t"oug" "# ma$ do t"ings not m#ntion#d in "is appointm#nt n#'#ssa%$ to t"# p#%&o%man'# o& t"#
duti#s sp#'i&i'all$ %#/ui%#d o& "im b$ t"# pow#% o& atto%n#$ appointing "im) su'" aut"o%it$ b#ing
n#'#ssa%il$ impli#d( H# is not n#'#ssa%$ a law$#%(
ounse# de o(("$"o 0 a 'ouns#l) appoint#d o% assign#d b$ t"# 'ou%t) &%om among m#mb#%s o& t"#
Ba% in good standing w"o) b$ %#ason o& t"#i% #.p#%i#n'# and abilit$) ma$ ad#/uat#l$ d#&#nd t"#
*ote: In lo'aliti#s w"#%# m#mb#%s o& t"# Ba% a%# not a*ailabl#) t"# 'ou%t ma$ appoint an$ p#%son)
%#sid#nt o& t"# p%o*in'# and o& good %#put# &o% p%obit$ and abilit$) to d#&#nd t"# a''us#d( [Sec. 7
Rule 116, Rules of Court (1985)]
Attorney ad !o$ 1 a p#%son nam#d and appoint#d b$ t"# 'ou%t to d#&#nd an abs#nt## d#&#ndant
in t"# suit in w"i'" t"# appointm#nt is mad# (Bienvenu v. Factors !ra"ers #nsurance Cor$., %% &a.
'nn. ()9)
Attorney of Re%or( ! on# w"o "as &il#d a noti'# o& app#a%an'# and w"o "#n'# is &o%mall$
m#ntion#d in 'ou%t %#'o%ds as t"# atto%n#$ o& t"# pa%t$( +#%son w"om t"# 'li#nt "as nam#d as "is
ag#nt upon w"om s#%*i'# o& pap#%s ma$ b# mad#( (Re*nol"s v. Re*nol"s. Cal. ("58)).
Of ounse# ! to distinguis" t"#m &%om atto%n#$s o& %#'o%d) asso'iat# atto%n#$s a%# %#&#%%#d to as
9o& 'ouns#l: (5 '+. ,ur. (61)
Lea( ounse# ! T"# 'ouns#l on t"#i% sid# o& a litigat#d a'tion w"o is '"a%g#d wit" t"# p%in'ipal
manag#m#nt and di%#'tion o& a pa%t$s 'as#(
House ounse# ! Law$#% w"o a'ts as atto%n#$ &o% busin#ss t"oug" 'a%%i#d as an #mplo$## o&
t"at busin#ss and not as an ind#p#nd#nt law$#%(
A)i%us %uriae ! a &%i#nd o& t"# 'ou%t) not a pa%t$ to t"# a'tion, is an #.p#%i#n'#d and impa%tial
atto%n#$ in*it#d b$ t"# 'ou%t to app#a% and "#lp in t"# disposition o& t"# issu#s submitt#d to it( It
impli#s &%i#ndl$ int#%*#ntion o& 'ouns#l to 'all t"# att#ntion o& t"# 'ou%t to som# matt#%s o& law o%
&a'ts w"i'" mig"t ot"#%wis# #s'ap# its noti'# and in %#ga%d to w"i'" it mig"t go w%ong(
A)i%us %uriae &ar e,%e##en%e ! ba% asso'iations w"o app#a% in 'ou%t as ami'i 'u%ia# o% &%i#nds
o& t"# 'ou%t( A'ts m#%#l$ as a 'onsultant to guid# t"# 'ou%t in a doubt&ul /u#stion o% issu# p#nding
b#&o%# it(
$ar Asso%iation ! an asso'iation o& m#mb#%s o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
A(-o%ate ! T"# g#n#%al and popula% nam# &o% a law$#% w"o pl#ads on b#"al& o& som#on# #ls#(
$arrrister (England! ! a p#%son #ntitl#d to p%a'ti'# law as an ad*o'at# o% 'ouns#l in sup#%io%
So#i%itor (England! ; A p#%son p%os#'uting o% d#&#nding suits in ou%ts o& "an'#%$(
So#i%itor (+"ilippin#s! ; A go*#%nm#nt law$#% atta'"#d wit" t"# O&&i'# o& t"# Soli'ito% G#n#%al(
Pro%tor (England! ! <o%m#%l$) an atto%n#$ in t"# admi%alt$ and #''l#siasti'al 'ou%ts w"os# duti#s
and busin#ss 'o%%#spond to t"os# o& an atto%n#$ at law o% soli'ito% in "an'#%$(
T"&lo de A+o"a(o ! it m#ans not m#%# poss#ssion o& t"# a'ad#mi' d#g%## o& Ba'"#lo% o& Laws
but m#mb#%s"ip o& t"# Ba% a&t#% du# admission t"#%#to) /uali&$ing on# &o% t"# p%a'ti'# o& law(
Admission to the Practice of Law
In re .dillion "/ $C%A #0"
T"# p%a'ti'# o& law is not a p%op#%t$ %ig"t but a m#%# p%i*il#g# and as su'" must bow to
t"# in"#%#nt %#gulato%$ pow#% o& t"# ou%t to #.a't 'omplian'# wit" t"# law$#%s publi'
!-e $ of a"+ission to t-e $ractice of la. is veste" /* t-e Constitution in t-e
Su$re+e Court.
ART. /III0 Se%. 1213: The Su&re)e ourt s"all "a*# t"# &ollowing pow#%s=
(5) Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement pf constitutional rights,
pleading, practice and procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of law, the Integrated
Bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged
T"# 'onstitutional pow#% to admit 'andidat#s to t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion is a -udi'ial &un'tion
and in*ol*#s #.#%'is# o& dis'%#tion (In re: Alma1en 2( $C%A #0!).
The &ower of the Su&re)e ourt to re"u#ate the &ra%ti%e of #aw in%#u(es:
0( aut"o%it$ to d#&in# t"# t#%m
1( p%#s'%ib# t"# /uali&i'ations o& a 'andidat# to and t"# sub-#'ts o& t"# ba% #.aminations
3( d#'id# w"o will b# admitt#d to p%a'ti'#
4( dis'iplin#) susp#nd o% disba% an$ un&it and unwo%t"$ m#mb#% o& t"# ba%
5( %#instat# an$ disba%%#d o% ind#&init#l$ susp#nd#d atto%n#$
>( o%dain t"# int#g%ation o& t"# +"ilippin# Ba%
?( punis" &o% 'ont#mpt an$ p#%son &o% unaut"o%i8#d p%a'ti'# o& law and
@( in g#n#%al) #.#%'is# o*#%all sup#%*ision o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
In re Cunanan, &/ -hil. #/2
444 T"# L#gislatu%#) in t"# #.#%'is# o& its poli'# pow#%) ma$ "ow#*#%) #na't laws %#gulating t"#
p%a'ti'# o& law to p%ot#'t t"# publi' and p%omot# t"# publi' w#l&a%#. $ut t"# l#gislatu%# ma$ not
pass a law t"at will 'ont%ol t"# Sup%#m# ou%t in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& its &un'tion to d#'id# w"o
ma$ #n-o$ t"# p%i*il#g# o& p%a'ti'ing law) and an$ law o& t"at kind is un'onstitutional as an in*alid
444An$ l#gislati*# o% #.#'uti*# -udgm#nt substituting t"at o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t in matt#%s
'on'#%ning t"# admission to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law o% t"# susp#nsion) disba%m#nt o% %#instat#m#nt o&
an atto%n#$ in&%ing#s upon and 'onstitut#s an in*alid #.#%'is# o& t"# l#gislati*# o% #.#'uti*#
444 T"# l#gislatu%# ma$ pass a law p%#s'%ibing additional /uali&i'ations &o% 'andidat#s &o%
admission to p%a'ti'# o% &illing up d#&i'i#n'i#s in t"# %#/ui%#m#nts &o% admission to t"# ba%( Su'" a
law ma$ not) "ow#*#%) b# gi*#n %#t%oa'ti*# #&&#'t so as to #ntitl# a p#%son) not ot"#%wis#
/uali&i#d) to b# admitt#d to t"# ba%) no% will su'" a law p%#'lud# t"# Sup%#m# ou%t &%om &
ot"#% /uali&i'ations o% %#/ui%#m#nts &o% t"# p%a'ti'# o& law(
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t a'ts t"%oug" a Ba% E.amination ommitt## to t"# E.#%'is# o& "is
-udi'ial &un'tion to admit 'andidat#s to t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
of legislative power
Notes on the $ar E,a)ination o))ittee:
ompos#d o& on# (0! m#mb#% o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t w"o a'ts as "ai%man and #ig"t (@!
m#mb#%s o& t"# ba%(
T"# @ m#mb#%s w"o a't as #.amin#%s &o% t"# @ ba% sub-#'ts wit" on# sub-#'t assign#d to
T"# Ba% on&idant a'ts as a so%t o& liason o&&i'#% b#tw##n t"# 'ou%t and t"# Ba% "ai%man
on t"# ot"#% "and) and t"# indi*idual m#mb#%s o& t"# 'ommitt## on t"# ot"#%( H# is at t"#
sam# tim# a d#put$ 'l#%k o& 'ou%t(
Admission o& #.amin##s is alwa$s sub-#'t to t"# &inal app%o*al o& t"# 'ou%t(
Re5uire)ents for a## a&&#i%ants for a()ission to the $ar:
0( 'iti8#n o& t"# +"ilippin#s,
1( at l#ast 10 $#a%s o& ag#,
3( o& good mo%al '"a%a't#%,
Good mo%al '"a%a't#% is a 'ontinuing /uali&i'ation %#/ui%#d o& #*#%$ m#mb#% o&
t"# Ba%) it is not onl$ a /uali&i'ation p%#'#d#nt to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law( (Aa%ag) 170
SRA 450) Bun# 17) 077@!
4( +"ilippin# %#sid#nt,
5( +%odu'tion b#&o%# t"# Sup%#m# ou%t satis&a'to%$ #*id#n'# o&
a( good mo%al '"a%a't#%, and
b( no '"a%g#s against "im) in*ol*ing mo%al tu%pitud#) "a*# b##n &il#d o% a%# p#nding in
an$ 'ou%t in t"# +"ilippin#s
A%a(e)i% Re5uire)ents for an(i(ates:
0( a ba'"#lo%s d#g%## in a%ts o% s'i#n'#s (a(k(a +%#6law 'ou%s#!
1( 'ompl#t#d 'ou%s# on
a( 'i*il law
b( 'omm#%'ial law
'( %#m#dial law
d( publi' int#%national law
#( p%i*at# int#%national law
&( politi'al law
g( labo% and so'ial l#gislation
"( m#di'al -u%isp%ud#n'#
i( ta.ation
-( l#gal #t"i's
Re5uire)ents $efore a an(i(ate %an En"a"e in the Pra%ti%e of Law:
I( H# must "a*# b##n admitt#d to t"# Ba%
a( <u%nis"ing satis&$ing p%oo& o& #du'ational) mo%al and ot"#% /uali&i'ations
b( +assing t"# ba%
'( Taking t"# Law$#%s Oat" b#&o%# t"# S
d( Signing t"# Atto%n#$s Roll and %#'#i*ing &%om t"# l#%k o& ou%t o& t"# S a
#%ti&i'at# o& t"# li'#ns# to p%a'ti'#
II( A&t#% "is admission to t"# ba%) a law$#% must %#main in good and %#gula% standing)
w"i'" is a 'ontinuing %#/ui%#m#nt to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law( T"is m#ans t"at "# must=
a( %#main a m#mb#% o& t"# IB+
b( %#gula%l$ pa$ all IB+ m#mb#%s"ip du#s and ot"#% law&ul ass#ssm#nts) as w#ll as
t"# annual p%i*il#g# ta.
'( &ait"&ull$ obs#%*# t"# %ul#s and #t"i's o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion and
d( b# 'ontinuall$ sub-#'t to -udi'ial dis'iplina%$ 'ont%ol
Pri-i#e"es of Attorney
T"# law mak#s "is passing t"# ba% #.amination #/ui*al#nt to a &i%st g%ad# 'i*il s#%*i'#
#ligibilit$ &o% a$ position in t"# 'lassi&i#d s#%*i'# in t"# go*#%nm#nt t"# duti#s o& w"i'" %#/ui%#
knowl#dg# o& law) o% a s#'ond g%ad# 'i*il s#%*i'# #ligibilit$ &o% an$ ot"#% go*#%nm#nt position
w"i'" do#s not p%#s'%ib# p%o&i'i#n'$ in law as a /uali&i'ation(
Rul# 03@) S#'tion 0( W!o may %ra$"$e law 6 An$
p#%son "#%#to&o%# dul$ admitt#d as a m#mb#% o& t"# ba%) o%
"#%#a&t#% admitt#d as su'" in a''o%dan'# wit" t"# p%o*isions o&
t"is %ul#) and w"o is in good and %#gula% standing) is #ntitl#d to
p%a'ti'# law(
on%e&t of the Pra%ti%e of Law

G#n#%all$) to #ngag# in t"# p%a'ti'# is to do an$ o& t"os# a'ts w"i'" a%# '"a%a't#%isti' o& t"#
l#gal p%o&#ssion (In re: 3avid, &2 -hil. /0). It 'o*#%s an$ a'ti*it$) in o% out o& 'ou%t) w"i'" %#/ui%#s
t"# appli'ation o& law) l#gal p%in'ipl#s) p%a'ti'# o% p%o'#du%# and 'alls &o% l#gal knowl#dg#)
t%aining and #.p#%i#n'# (-4A vs. A5rava, (,# -hil. ('2).
Cayetano vs. Monsod, !,( $C%A !(,
CCCPractice of !aw m#ans an$ a'ti*it$ in o% out o& 'ou%t w"i'" %#/ui%#s t"# appli'ation o& law)
l#gal p%o'#du%#) knowl#dg#) t%aining and #.p#%i#n'#( "o engage in the practice of law is to
p#%&o%m t"os# a'ts w"i'" a%# '"a%a't#%isti's o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion( #enerally) to p%a'ti'# law is
to gi*# noti'# o% %#nd#% an$ kind o& s#%*i'#) w"i'" d#*is# o% s#%*i'# %#/ui%#s t"# us#) in an$
d#g%##) o& l#gal knowl#dg# o% skill(
-eo+le vs. 6illanueva, (/ $C%A (((

444St%i'tl$ sp#aking) t"# wo%d practice of law impli#s t"# 'ustoma%$ o% "abitual "olding o& on#s#l&
to t"# publi' as a law$#% and d#manding 'omp#nsation &o% "is s#%*i'#s(
444Private practice in mo%# t"an an isolat#d app#a%an'# &o% it 'onsist o& &%#/u#nt 'ustoma%$
a'tions) a su''#ssion o& a'ts o& t"# sam# kind( An isolated appearance ma$) "ow#*#%) amount to
p%a'ti'# in %#lation to t"# %ul# p%o"ibiting som# p#%sons &%om #ngaging in t"# #.#%'is# o& t"# l#gal
7le+ vs. 4e5al Clini1 In1. !!2 $C%A 2'" ((&&2)
444In t"# p%a'ti'# o& "is p%o&#ssion) a li'#ns#d atto%n#$6at6law g#n#%all$ #ngag#s in three
principal types of professional activities$
0( l#gal ad*i'# and inst%u'tions to 'li#nts to in&o%m t"#m o& t"#i% %ig"ts and obligations
1( p%#pa%ation &o% 'li#nts o& do'um#nts %#/ui%ing knowl#dg# o& l#gal p%in'ipl#s not
poss#ss#d b$ o%dina%$ la$man, and
3( app#a%an'# &o% 'li#nts b#&o%# publi' t%ibunals w"i'" poss#ss pow#% and aut"o%it$ to
d#t#%min# %ig"ts o& li&#) lib#%t$ and p%op#%t$ a''o%ding to law) in o%d#% to assist in t"#
p%op#% int#%p%#tation and #n&o%'#m#nt o& law(
444.ssential 1riteria enumerated by the C.A. as determinative of en5a5in5 in the +ra1ti1e of law:
3!Appli'ation o& law) l#gal p%in'ipl#) p%a'ti'#) o% p%o'#du%#
4!Atto%n#$6li#nt %#lations"ip
Non'Lawyers authori8e( to a&&ear in %ourt:
1. In 'as#s b#&o%# t"# DT) a pa%t$ ma$ 'ondu't "is 'as# o% litigation in p#%son) wit" t"# aid
o& an ag#nt o% &%i#nd appoint#d b$ "im &o% t"at pu%pos# (Sec. %0, Rule 1%8, RRC).
2. B#&o%# an$ ot"#% 'ou%t) a pa%t$ ma$ 'ondu't "is litigation p#%sonall$ (Ibid)
3( In a '%iminal 'as# b#&o%# t"# DT in a lo'alit$ w"#%# a dul$ li'#ns#d m#mb#% o& t"# Ba%
is not a*ailabl#) t"# -udg# ma$ appoint a non6law$#% w"o is
a( %#sid#nt o& t"# p%o*in'#) and
b. o& good %#put# &o% p%obit$ and abilit$ to aid t"# a''us#d in "is d#&#ns# (Rule 116,
Sec. 7, RRC)
4( A s#nio% law stud#nt) w"o is #n%oll#d in a %#'ogni8#d law s'"ools 'lini'al #du'ation
p%og%am app%o*#d b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t ma$ app#a% b#&o%# an$ 'ou%t wit"out
'omp#nsation) to %#p%#s#nt indig#nt 'li#nts a''#pt#d b$ t"# L#gal lini' o& t"# law
s'"ool( T"# stud#nt s"all b# und#% t"# di%#'t sup#%*ision and 'ont%ol o& an IB+ m#mb#%
dul$ a''%#dit#d b$ t"# law s'"ool(
5. End#% t"# Labo% od#) non6law$#%s ma$ app#a% b#&o%# t"# ALR o% an$ Labo% A%bit#%) i&
(0! t"#$ %#p%#s#nt t"#ms#l*#s) o% i& (1! t"#$ %#p%#s#nt t"#i% o%gani8ation o% m#mb#%s
t"#%#o& ('rt. (((, 12 00(, as a+en"e"!(
6. End#% t"# adast%al A't) a non6law$#% 'an %#p%#s#nt a 'laimant b#&o%# t"# adast%al
ou%t ('ct 3o. ((59, Sec. 9).
7. An$ p#%son appoint#d to app#a% &o% t"# go*#%nm#nt o& t"# +"il( in a''o%dan'# wit" law
(Sec. %% Rule 1%8).
Li)itations of A&&earan%e of non'#awyers
0( H# s"ould 'on&in# "is wo%k to non6ad*#%sa%$ 'ont#ntions(
1( H# s"ould not und#%tak# pu%#l$ l#gal wo%k) su'" as t"# #.amination o% '%oss6#.amination
o& witn#ss#s) o% t"# p%#s#ntation o& #*id#n'#(
3( S#%*i'#s s"ould not b# "abituall$ %#nd#%#d(
4. S"ould not '"a%g# o% 'oll#'t atto%n#$s &##s (-A847 vs. Binalba5an Isabela $u5ar Co. /!
$C%A 2,!)
9. A and B w"o a%# law stud#nts #nt#%#d t"#i% app#a%an'#s b#&o%# t"# Duni'ipal ou%t as
p%i*at# p%os#'uto%s in a '%iminal 'as#( T"is was disallow#d b$ t"# t%ial -udg#( Is t"is 'o%%#'tF
A. AO( A non6law$#% ma$ app#a% as a &%i#nd o& t"# pa%t$ b#&o%# t"# Duni'ipal ou%ts und#%
S#'tion 34) Rul# 03@ Rul#s o& ou%t, "# ma$ mak# su'" app#a%an'#s #it"#% as d#&#ns#
'ouns#l o% p%i*at# p%os#'uto% und#% t"# 'ont%ol and sup#%*ision o& t"# &is'al( T"# p#%mission
o& t"# &is'al is not n#'#ssa%$ &o% t"# app#a%an'# o& a p%i*at# p%os#'uto%) alt"oug" i& "# so
wis"#s) t"# &is'al ma$ disallow pa%ti'ipation in t"# t%ial b$ "andling t"# 'as# p#%sonall$(
(Catimbuhan, et al. vs. 9on. Cruz, :.%. *o. #("(2;(/, *ov.!&, (&"2)
Pu+#i% Offi%ia#s who %annot en"a"e in the &ri-ate &ra%ti%e of #aw in the Phi#i&&ines:
0( Budg#s and ot"#% o&&i'ials as #mplo$##s o& t"# Sup#%io% ou%t (Rule 108, Sec. %5, RRC).
2. O&&i'ials and #mplo$##s o& t"# OSG (#/i").
3. Go*#%nm#nt p%os#'uto%s (-eo v. 6illanueva, (/ $C%A (,&).
6 i& p#%mitt#d b$ t"#i% d#pa%tm#nt "#ad s"ould onl$ b# in isolat#d 'as#s
in*ol*ing %#lati*#s o% 'los# &amil$ &%i#nds
4. +%#sid#nt) Gi'#6+%#sid#nt) m#mb#%s o& t"# 'abin#t) t"#i% d#puti#s and assistants, ('rt.
4### Sec. 15, 1987 Constitution).
5. "ai%m#n and D#mb#%s o& t"# onstitutional ommissions ('rt. #56', Sec. (, 1987
6. Ombudsman and "is d#puti#s ('rt. #5, Sec. 8 ((
$ar.), 1987 Constitution).
7. All go*#%no%s) 'it$ and muni'ipal ma$o%s (R.'. 3o. 716), Sec. 9)).
@( T"os# w"o) b$ sp#'ial law) a%# p%o"ibit#d &%om #ngaging in t"# p%a'ti'# o& t"#i% l#gal
9. an a 'i*il s#%*i'# #mplo$## #ngag# in t"# p%i*at# p%a'ti'# o& lawF
A. A 'i*il s#%*i'# o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## w"os# dut$ o% %#sponsibilit$ do#s not %#/ui%# "is #nti%#
tim# to b# at t"# disposal o& t"# go*#%nm#nt ma$ not #ngag# in p%i*at# p%a'ti'# o& law
wit"out t"# w%itt#n p#%mit &%om t"# "#ad o& t"# d#pa%tm#nt 'on'#%n#d( How#*#%) go*#%nm#nt
o&&i'ials w"o b$ #.p%#ss mandat# o& t"# law a%# p%o"ibit#d &%om p%a'ti'ing law ma$ not) #*#n
wit" t"# 'ons#nt o& t"# d#pa%tm#nt "#ad) #ngag# in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law( I& so aut"o%i8#d b$
t"# d#pa%tm#nt "#ad) "# ma$) in an isolat#d 'as#) a't as 'ouns#l &o% a %#lati*# o% 'los#
&amil$ &%i#nd(
A go*#%nm#nt o&&i'ial &o%bidd#n to p%a'ti'# law ma$ b# "#ld '%iminall$ liabl# &o% doing
so( An o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o& t"# 'i*il s#%*i'# w"o) as a law$#%) #ngag#s in t"# p%i*at#
p%a'ti'# o& law wit"out a w%itt#n p#%mit &%om t"# d#pa%tm#nt "#ad 'on'#%n#d ma$ b# "#ld
administ%ati*#l$ liabl# t"#%#&o%(
9. T"# it$ o& Danila "i%#d t"# s#%*i'#s o& Att$( Bautista o& t"# AB Law O&&i'#s to %#p%#s#nt it
in 'as# p#nding b#&o%# t"# RT( an Att$( Bautista *alidl$ %#p%#s#nt itF
A. AO( A lo'al go*#%nm#nt unit 'ould not "i%# a p%i*at# atto%n#$ to %#p%#s#nt( T"# p%o*isions o&
S#'( 0>@3 'ompl#m#nt#d b$ S#'( 3 o& t"# Lo'al Autonom$ Law) is 'l#a% in p%o*iding t"at
onl$ t"# p%o*in'ial p%os#'uto% and t"# muni'ipal atto%n#$ 'an %#p%#s#nt a p%o*in'# o%
muni'ipalit$( T"# p%o*ision is mandato%$( T"# muni'ipalit$s aut"o%it$ to #mplo$ a p%i*at#
law$#% is #.p%#ssl$ limit#d onl$ to situations w"#%# t"# p%o*in'ial p%os#'uto% is dis/uali&i#d to
%#p%#s#nt it) as w"#n "# %#p%#s#nts t"at p%o*in'# against a muni'ipalit$(
Pu+#i% Offi%ia#s with Restri%tions in the Pra%ti%e of Law:
0( S#nato%s and m#mb#%s o& t"# Hous# o& R#p%#s#ntati*#s
1( D#mb#%s o& t"# Sanggunian
3( R#ti%#d Busti'# o% -udg#
4. i*il s#%*i'# o&&i'#%s o% #mplo$##s wit"out p#%mit &%om t"#i% %#sp#'ti*# d#pa%tm#nt "#ads
(*orie5a vs. $ison (!# $C%A !&2)
Restri%tions in the Pra%ti%e of Law of Me)+ers of the Le"is#ature

Ao s#nato% o% m#mb#% o& t"# Hous# o& R#p%#s#ntati*#s ma$ p#%sonall$ app#a% as
'ouns#l b#&o%# an$ 'ou%ts o& -usti'# o% b#&o%# t"# El#'to%al T%ibunals) o% /uasi6-udi'ial and ot"#%
administ%ation bodi#s ... ('rt. 4#, Sec. 10, 1987 Constitution).
A law$#%6m#mb#% o& t"# l#gislatu%# is onl$ p%o"ibit#d &%om app#a%ing as 'ouns#l b#&o%# an$
'ou%t o& -usti'#) #l#'to%al t%ibunals o% /uasi6-udi'ial and administ%ati*# bodi#s
T"# wo%d 9app#a%an'#: in'lud#s not onl$ a%guing a 'as# b#&o%# an$ su'" bod$ but also &iling a
pl#ading in b#"al& o& a 'li#nt as 9b$ simpl$ &iling a &o%mal motion) pl#a o% answ#%:( (%amos vs.
Manala1, "& -9I4. !',)
A#it"#% 'an "# allow "is nam# to app#a% in su'" pl#ading b$ its#l& o% as pa%t o& &i%m nam#
und#% t"# signatu%# o& anot"#% /uali&i#d law$#% b#'aus# t"# signatu%# o& an ag#nt amounts to
signing o& a non6/uali&i#d s#nato% o% 'ong%#ssman) t"# o&&i'# o& an atto%n#$ b#ing o%iginall$ an
ag#n'$) and b#'aus# "# will) b$ su'" a't) b# app#a%ing in 'ou%t o% /uasi6-udi'ial o% administ%ati*#
bod$ in *iolation o& t"# 'onstitutional %#st%i'tion( 9H# 'annot do indi%#'tl$ w"at t"# onstitution
p%o"ibits di%#'tl$(: (In re: 3avid &2 -9I4. /0()
Restri%tions in the &ra%ti%e of #aw of )e)+ers of the Sann"unian

End#% t"# Lo'al Go*#%nm#nt od# (R.'. 718), Sec. 9))) Sanggunian m#mb#%s ma$
p%a'ti'# t"#i% p%o&#ssions p%o*id#d t"at if they are members of the Bar, they shall not=
a( app#a% as 'ouns#l b#&o%# an$ 'ou%t in an$ 'i*il 'as# w"#%#in a lo'al go*#%nm#nt
unit o% an$ unit) ag#n'$) o% inst%um#ntalit$ o& t"# go*#%nm#nt is t"# ad*#%s#
b( app#a% as 'ouns#l in an$ '%iminal 'as# w"#%#in an o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o& t"#
national o% lo'al go*#%nm#nt is a''us#d o& an o&&#ns# 'ommitt#d in %#lation to "is
'( 'oll#'t an$ &## &o% t"#i% app#a%an'# in administ%ati*# p%o'##dings in*ol*ing t"#
lo'al go*#%nm#nt unit o& w"i'" "# is an o&&i'ial, and
d( us# p%op#%t$ and p#%sonn#l o& t"# Go*#%nm#nt #.'#pt w"#n t"# Sanggunian
m#mb#% 'on'#%n#d is d#&#nding t"# int#%#st o& t"# go*#%nm#nt(
Restri%tions in the &ra%ti%e of #aw of )e)+ers of the :u(i%iary
End#% R% &'(, )ec ', as am#nd#d) a %#ti%#d -usti'# o% -udg# %#'#i*ing a p#nsion &%om
t"# go*#%nm#nt) 'annot a't as 'ouns#l in an$ 'i*il 'as# in w"i'" t"# Go*#%nm#nt) o% an$ o& its
subdi*ision o% ag#n'i#s in t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$ o% in '%iminal 'as# w"#%#in an o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o&
t"# Go*#%nm#nt is a''us#d o& an o&&#ns# in %#lation to "is o&&i'#(
Re)e(ies A"ainst ;nauthori8e( Pra%ti%e
0( +#tition &o% In-un'tion
1( 2#'la%ato%$ R#li#&
3( ont#mpt o& ou%t
4( 2is/uali&i'ation and 'omplaints &o% disba%m#nt
5( %iminal 'omplaint &o% #sta&a w"o &als#l$ %#p%#s#nt#d to b# an atto%n#$ to t"# damag#
Alawi vs. Alauya, A.M. $3C;&';!;-, 8ebruary !/, (&&'
Q. A%# p#%sons w"o pass t"# S"a%ia Ba% m#mb#%s o& t"# +"ilippin# Ba%F
A. +#%sons w"o pass t"# S"a%ia Ba% a%# not &ull6&l#dg#d m#mb#%s o& t"# +"ilippin# Ba%) "#n'#
ma$ onl$ p%a'ti'# b#&o%# t"# S"a%ia 'ou%ts( T"#$ a%# also not #ntitl#d to us# t"# titl#
9atto%n#$: as su'" is %#s#%*#d to t"os# w"o) "a*ing obtain#d t"# n#'#ssa%$ d#g%## in t"#
stud$ o& law and su''#ss&ull$ tak#n t"# Ba% E.aminations) "a*# b##n admitt#d to t"#
Int#g%at#d Ba% o& t"# +"ilippin#s and %#main m#mb#%s t"#%#o& in good standing
Q. 2o#s 9s'%i*#ning: 'onstitut# p%a'ti'# o& lawF
A. AO( S'%i*#ning o% t"# &illing o& blanks in a standa%d o% st#%#ot$p#d &o%ms w"i'" in*ol*#s pu%#
'l#%i'al wo%k wit"out n##d &o% an$ l#gal int#%p%#tation( T"is is not p%a'ti'# o& law(
In re: oa<uin, !/( $C%A /,#
App#a%an'# 7in $ro$ia $ersona: is app#a%an'# in 'ou%t b$ a non6law$#% &o% "ims#l& wit"out
t"# assistan'# o& a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba%( T"is is som#tim#s %#&#%%#d to as 9$ro se: p%a'ti'#

W"il# p%o s# p%a'ti'# is allow#d) it is not ad*isabl# to do so( ou%t p%o'##dings a%# &ull o&
t#'"ni'al pit&alls t"at ma$ #nt%ap a p#%son uns'"ool#d in substanti*# and p%o'#du%al law(
Nee( for an( Ri"ht to ounse#
Genera# Ru#e: A pa%t$ litigant n##ds t"# assistan'# o& 'ouns#l in all p%o'##dings) administ%ati*#)
'i*il o% '%iminal(
1. *unicipal "rial Court ; A pa%t$ ma$ 'ondu't "is litigation in p#%son o% wit" t"# aid o& an
ag#nt o% &%i#nd appoint#d b$ "im &o% t"at pu%pos# o% wit" t"# aid o& an atto%n#$(
2. Regional "rial Court and %ppellate Court ; A pa%t$ ma$ #it"#% 'ondu't "is litigation
p#%sonall$ o% b$ atto%n#$ unl#ss t"# pa%t$ is a -u%idi'al p#%son in w"i'" 'as# it ma$
app#a% onl$ b$ atto%n#$(
444 T"# %ul# t"at app#a%an'# b$ 'ouns#l is not obligato%$ appli#s onl$ in 'i*il and administ%ati*#
'as#s( T"# %ul# do#s not appl$ in '%iminal 'as#s in*ol*ing g%a*# and l#ss g%a*# o&&#ns#s) w"#%#
an a''us#d must b# %#p%#s#nt#d b$ 'ouns#l de parte o% 'ouns#l de officio and in w"i'" "is %ig"t
is not wai*abl#(
Duty of Pu+#i% Prose%utor

T"# p%ima%$ dut$ o& a publi' p%os#'uto% is not to 'on*i't but to s## t"at -usti'# is don#( H#
s"ould not "#sitat# to %#'omm#nd to t"# 'ou%t t"# a''us#d a'/uittal i& t"# #*id#n'# in "is
poss#ssion s"ows t"at t"# a''us#d is inno'#nt(
Ro#e of Pri-ate Prose%utor
A p%i*at# p%os#'uto% ma$ int#%*#n# in t"# p%os#'ution o& a '%iminal a'tion w"#n t"#
o&&#nd#d pa%t$ is #ntitl#d to ind#mnit$ and "as not wai*#d #.p%#ssl$) %#s#%*#d o% institut#d t"#
'i*il a'tion &o% damag#s( T"#%# is not"ing ob-#'tionabl# about it as long as t"# publi' p%os#'uto%
is alwa$s p%#s#nt at #*#%$ "#a%ing) %#tains 'ont%ol t"#%#o&) and wit"out allowing t"# t%ial in t"#
"ands o& a p%i*at# p%os#'uto%(
<a'ts= At$( H nota%i8#d a d##d o& sal# making it app#a% t"at som# o& t"# *#ndo%s w#%# signato%i#s
and pa%ti#s w"#n in &a't t"#s# p#opl# w#%# al%#ad$ d#ad p%io% to t"# #.#'ution o& t"# do'um#nt(
(Arrieta v. 4losa, !"! $C%A !/", *ovember !", (&&')
IAota%i8ation is not #mpt$) m#aningl#ss) %outina%$ a't, it is in&#st#d wit" substantial publi'
int#%#st su'" t"at onl$ t"os# w"o a%# /uali&i#d o% aut"o%i8#d ma$ a't as nota%i#s publi'(
I Aota%i#s publi' must obs#%*# wit" t"# utmost 'a%# t"# basi' %#/ui%#m#nts in t"# p#%&o%man'#
o& t"#i% duti#s( Ot"#%wis#) t"# 'on&id#n'# o& t"# publi' in t"# int#g%it$ o& t"is &o%m o& 'on*#$an'#
would b# und#%min#d(
I <ait"&ul obs#%*an'# wit" utmost %#sp#'t o& t"# l#gal sol#mnit$ o& an oat" in an
a'knowl#dgm#nt o% +urat is sa'%osan't(
<a'ts= A a''us#d G o& nota%i8ing do'um#nts wit"out a 'ommission( In two s#pa%at# o''asions) "#
nota%i8#d d##ds o& sal# o& p%op#%t$ b#tw##n t"# bank "# wo%ks &o% and "is mino% son( At t"os#
tim#s "# was not 'ommission#d as a nota%$ publi'( (*un5a v. 6iray, 2,0 $C%A, A+ril 2,, (&&&)
I Aota%i8ation is in*#st#d wit" publi' int#%#st b#'aus# it 'on*#%ts p%i*at# do'um#nts to publi'
do'um#nts) making su'" do'um#nts admissibl# in #*id#n'# wit"out &u%t"#% p%oo& o& t"#
aut"#nti'it$ t"#%#o&(
I Aota%i8ing wit"out a 'ommission is a *iolation o& t"# law$#%s oat" to ob#$ t"# laws (Aota%ial
Law! and b$ making it app#a% t"at "# is so aut"o%i8#d is a d#lib#%at# &als#"ood w"i'" *iolat#s t"#
law$#%s oat" and Rul# 0(J0 (+R! t"at a law$#% s"all not #ngag# in unlaw&ul) dis"on#st) immo%al
o% d#'#it&ul 'ondu't(
#%ti&i'ation o& a 2##d (is a p%o'lamation to t"# wo%ld t"at=!
0( all t"# pa%ti#s t"#%#in p#%sonall$ app#a%#d b#&o%# "im
1( t"#$ a%# all p#%sonall$ known to "im
3( t"at t"#$ w#%# t"# sam# p#%sons w"o #.#'ut#d t"# inst%um#nts
4( "# (nota%$ publi'! in/ui%#d into t"# *olunta%in#ss and du# #.#'ution o& t"# inst%um#nt,
5( t"at t"#$ a'knowl#dg#d p#%sonall$ b#&o%# "im t"at t"#$ *olunta%il$ and &%##l$ #.#'ut#d
t"# sam#(
9. W"at a%# t"# g%ounds &o% t"# *iolation o& t"# 'ommission o& a nota%$ publi'F
A. !-e follo.in8 "ereliction of "uties on t-e $art of a notar* $u/lic s-all in t-e "iscretion of t-e $ro$er
R!C 9u"8e, /e sufficient 8roun" for t-e revocation of -is co++ission(
0( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to k##p a nota%ial %#gist#%
1( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to mak# t"# p%op#% #nt%$ o% #nt%i#s in "is nota%ial %#gist#% tou'"ing
"is nota%ial a'ts in a mann#% %#/ui%#d b$ law
3( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to s#nd a 'op$ o& t"# #nt%i#s to t"# p%op#% 'l#%k o& t"# RT wit"in
t"# &i%st 0J da$s o& t"# mont" n#.t &ollowing
4( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to a&&i. to a'knowl#dgm#nts t"# dat# o& #.pi%ation o& "is
'ommission) as %#/ui%#d b$ law
5( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to &o%wa%d "is nota%ial %#gist#% w"#n &ill#d) to t"# p%op#% 'l#%k o&
>( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ publi' to mak# t"# p%op#% notation %#ga%ding 'ommunit$ ta.
?( <ailu%# o& t"# nota%$ to mak# %#po%t) wit"in a %#asonabl# tim#) to t"# p%op#% RT -udg#
'on'#%ning t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s) as ma$ b# %#/ui%#d b$ said -udg#) and
@( An$ ot"#% d#%#li'tion o% a't w"i'" s"all app#a% to t"# -udg# to 'onstitut# good 'aus# &o%
8lores vs. Chua, 2,0 $C%A /0#
K( Att$( Rod%igo) a nota%$ publi') nota%i8#d a &o%g#d d##d o& sal#( In t"at nota%i8#d do'um#nt
"# sol#mnl$ d#'la%#d t"at t"# all#g#d *#ndo% app#a%#d b#&o%# "im and a'knowl#dg#d to
"im t"at t"# do'um#nt was t"# *#ndo%s &%## a't and d##d d#spit# t"# &a't t"at t"# *#ndo%
did not do so as "is signatu%# was &o%g#d(
A( AO( A nota%$ publi' 'annot pl#ad good &ait" w"#n nota%i8ing do'um#nts wit"out t"#
p%#s#n'# o& signato%i#s t"#%#to as t"is would b# a mo'k#%$ o& w"at t"# Bu%at and
A'knowl#dgm#nt %#/ui%#s(
W"#%# t"# nota%$ publi' is a law$#%) a g%a*#% %#sponsibilit$ is pla'#d upon "is s"ould#%
b$ %#ason o& "is sol#mn oat" to ob#$ t"# laws and to do no &als#"ood o% 'ons#nt to t"#
doing o& an$( T"# (+(R( also 'ommands "im not to #ngag# in unlaw&ul) dis"on#st) immo%al)
d#'#it&ul 'ondu't and to up"old at all tim#s t"# int#g%it$ and dignit$ o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
Aational o%gani8ation o& law$#%s '%#at#d on Banua%$ 0>) 07?3 und#% Rul# 0376A) Rul#s o&
ou%t and 'onstitut#d on Da$ 4) 07?3 into a bod$ 'o%po%at# b$ +(2( Ao(0@0
In re: .dillon, "/ $C%A ##/ ((&'")
T"# Int#g%ation o& t"# +"ilippin# Ba% m#ans t"# uni&i'ation o& t"# #nti%# law$#%
population( T"is %#/ui%#s (0! m#mb#%s"ip and (1! &inan'ial suppo%t o& #*#%$ atto%n#$ as 'ondition
sine ,ua non to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law and t"# %#t#ntion o& "is nam# in t"# Roll o& Atto%n#$s o& t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t(
In re: Inte5ration of the -hili++ines, /& $C%A !! ((&'2)
W"il# R#publi' A't Ao( >37? p%o*id#s t"at t"# 9Sup%#m# ou%t: ma$ adopt %ul#s o&
'ou%ts to #&&#'t t"# int#g%ation o& t"# +"ilippin# ba%) said law n#it"#% 'on&#%s a n#w pow#% no%
%#st%i'ts t"# ou%ts in"#%#nt pow#% but is m#%# l#gislati*# d#'la%ation o& t"# int#g%ation o& t"# ba%
will p%omot# publi' int#%#st o% will 9%ais# t"# standa%d o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion) imp%o*# t"#
administ%ation o& -usti'# and #nabl# t"# ba% to dis'"a%g# its publi' %#sponsibilit$ mo%# #&&#'ti*#l$(:
$e1tion (", By;4aws of the IB-
!-e follo.in8 $ersons are +e+/ers of t-e #nte8rate" Bar of t-e 1-ili$$ines=
(a! All law$#%s w"os# nam#s w#%# in t"# Roll o& Atto%n#$s o& t"# S on Banua%$ 0>) 07?3, and
(b! All law$#%s w"os# nam#s w#%# in'lud#d o% a%# #nt#%#d t"#%#in a&t#% t"# said dat#(
7hat are the o+=e%ti-es of the inte"ration of the $ar>
- El#*at# standa%ds o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion
- Imp%o*# t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#
- To #nabl# t"# ba% to dis'"a%g# its %#sponsibilit$ mo%# #&&#'ti*#l$
T"# Int#g%at#d Ba% is st%i'tl$ non6politi'al( To maintain its non6politi'al 'olo%) no law$#%
"olding an #l#'ti*#) -udi'ial) /uasi6-udi'ial o% p%os#'uto%$ o&&i'# in t"# Go*#%nm#nt o% an$ politi'al
subdi*ision o% inst%um#ntalit$ t"#%#o& s"all b# #ligibl# &o% #l#'tion o% appointm#nt to an$ position
in t"# Int#g%at#d Ba% o% an$ '"apt#% t"#%#o&( A d#l#gat#) go*#%no%) o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o& t"#
Int#g%at#d Ba% o% an o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o& an$ '"apt#% t"#%#o& s"all b# 'onsid#%#d ipso facto
%#sign#d &%om "is position as o& t"# mom#nt "# &il#s "is '#%ti&i'at# o& 'andida'$ &o% an$ #l#'ti*#
publi' o&&i'# o% a''#pts appointm#nt to an$ -udi'ial) /uasi6-udi'ial o% p%os#'uto%$ o&&i'# in t"#
Go*#%nm#nt o% an$ politi'al subdi*ision o% inst%um#ntalit$ t"#%#o&(
T"# d#lib#%ati*# bod$ o& t"# Int#g%at#d Ba% is t"# Hous# o& 2#l#gat#s( It is 'ompos#d o&
not mo%# t"an on# "und%#d and tw#nt$ m#mb#%s appo%tion#d among all t"# '"apt#%s b$ t"#
Boa%d o& Go*#%no%s a''o%ding to t"# numb#% o& t"#i% %#sp#'ti*# m#mb#%s) but #a'" '"apt#% s"all
"a*# at l#ast on# 2#l#gat#(
T"# Boa%d o& go*#%no%s s"all p%o*id# t"# B$6Laws &o% g%i#*an'# p%o'#du%# &o% t"#
#n&o%'#m#nt and maint#nan'# o& dis'iplin# among all m#mb#%s o& t"# IB+) but no a'tion
in*ol*ing t"# susp#nsion o% disba%m#nt o& a m#mb#% o& t"# %#mo*al o& "is nam# &%om t"#
Roll o& Atto%n#$s s"all b# #&&#'ti*# wit"out t"# &inal app%o*al o& t"# S((
9. Is t"# 'ompulso%$ m#mb#%s"ip in t"# IB+ *iolati*# o& t"# law$#%s 'onstitutional &%##dom to
asso'iat# o% 'o%olla%$ %ig"t not to asso'iat#F
A. AO( Int#g%ation do#s not mak# a law$#% a m#mb#% o& an$ g%oup o& w"i'" "# is al%#ad$ a
m#mb#%( H# b#'am# a m#mb#% o& t"# ba% w"#n "# pass#d t"# Ba% #.aminations( All t"at
int#g%ation a'tuall$ do#s in p%o*id# an o&&i'ial national o%gani8ation &o% t"# w#ll6d#&in#d but
uno%gani8#d and in'o"#si*# g%oup o& w"i'" #*#%$ law$#% is al%#ad$ a m#mb#%( (In re:
.dillion A.M. (&!")
9. Da$ a m#mb#% o& t"# IB+ *olunta%il$ t#%minat# "is m#mb#%s"ip t"#%#inF
A. YES) b$ &iling a *#%i&i#d noti'# to t"at #&&#'t wit" t"# S#'%#ta%$ o& IB+ w"o s"all imm#diat#l$
b%ing t"# matt#% to t"# att#ntion o& t"# S( <o%t"wit") "# s"all '#as# to b# a m#mb#% and "is
nam# s"all b# st%i'k#n &%om t"# Roll o& Atto%n#$s(
9. W"at is t"# #&&#'t o& &ailu%# to pa$ annual m#mb#%s"ip to t"# IB+F
A. T"# &ailu%# o& an$ atto%n#$ to pa$ "is annual m#mb#%s"ip du#s &o% si. mont"s s"all wa%%ant
susp#nsion o& "is m#mb#%s"ip in t"# IB+ and d#&ault o& su'" pa$m#nt &o% on# $#a% s"all b#
g%ound &o% t"# %#mo*al o& "is nam# &%om t"# Roll o& Atto%n#$s(
9. Da$ a law$#% b# dis'iplin#d #it"#% b$ t"# IB+ o% t"# ou%t &o% &ailing to pa$ "#% obligation to
A. AO( A law$#% ma$ not b# dis'iplin#d #it"#% b$ t"# IB+ o% t"# ou%t &o% &ailing to pa$ "#%
obligation) a matt#% in "#% p%o&#ssional o% p%i*at# 'apa'it$( (=oledo vs. Abalos)
9. Is wanton dis%#ga%d o& t"# law&ul o%d#%s o& t"# IB+ ommission on Ba% 2is'iplin# a g%ound
&o% susp#nsion o& a law$#% &%om t"# p%a'ti'# o& lawF
A. YES( A law$#% was susp#nd#d &%om t"# p%a'ti'# o& law &o% on# mont" du# to "#% wanton
dis%#ga%d o& t"# law&ul o%d#%s o& t"# IB+ ommission on Ba% 2is'iplin#( (=oledo vs. Abalos)
A #awyer sha## u&ho#( the onstitution0 o+ey the #aws of the #an( an(
&ro)ote res&e%t for #aw an( for #e"a# &ro%esses.
444 Law$#%s must not onl$ up"old and ob#$ t"# onstitution and t"# laws but also L#gal o%d#%s o%
p%o'#ss#s o& 'ou%ts
Ru#e ?.@?: A #awyer sha## not en"a"e in un#awfu#0 (ishonest0 i))ora# or
(e%eitfu# %on(u%t.
-eo+le vs. =uanda, Adm. Case *o. 220, (an. 2,, (&&,!
T"# natu%# o& t"# o&&i'# o& an atto%n#$ at law %#/ui%#s t"at s"# s"all b# a p#%son o& good
mo%al '"a%a't#%( T"is /uali&i'ation is not onl$ a 'ondition p%#'#d#nt to an admission to t"#
p%a'ti'# o& law, its 'ontinu#d poss#ssion is also #ss#ntial &o% %#maining in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law(
%ule (2", $e1tion !', %>C
T"# 'ommission o& unlaw&ul a'ts) sp#'iall$ '%im#s in*ol*ing mo%al tu%pitud#) a'ts o&
dis"on#st$ in *iolation o& t"# atto%n#$s oat") g%ossl$ immo%al 'ondu't and d#'#it a%# g%ounds &o%
susp#nsion o% disba%m#nt o& law$#%s(
Mora#ity as un(erstoo( in #aw: T"is is a "uman standa%d bas#d on t"# natu%al mo%al law w"i'"
is #mbodi#d in mans 'ons'i#n'# and w"i'" guid#s "im to do good and a*oid #*il(
Mora# tur&itu(e: #*#%$t"ing w"i'" is don# 'ont%a%$ to -usti'#) "on#st$) mod#st$ o% good mo%als(
I))ora# %on(u%t "as b##n d#&in#d as 9t"at 'ondu't w"i'" is will&ul) &lag%ant o% s"am#l#ss and
w"i'" s"ows a mo%al indi&&#%#n'# to t"# opinion o& t"# good and %#sp#'tabl# m#mb#%s o& t"#
'ommunit$ (Ar1i5a v. Maniwan5, (,0 $C%A #&().
W"at 'onstitut#s "ross#y i))ora# %on(u%t*a%t>
! on# t"at is so 'o%%upt and &als# as to 'onstitut# a '%iminal a't so unp%in'ipl#d o% disg%a'#&ul as
to b# %#p%#"#nsibl# to a "ig" d#g%##( (8i5ueroa v. Barran1a, !'# $C%A //#, uly 2(, (&&')
on-i%tion for %ri)e in-o#-in" )ora# tur&itu(e ! a numb#% o& law$#%s "a*# b##n susp#nd#d
o% disba%%#d &o% 'on*i'tion o& '%im#s in*ol*ing mo%al tu%pitud# su'" as=
0( #sta&a
1( b%ib#%$
3( mu%d#%
4( s#du'tion
5( abdu'tion
>( smuggling
?( &alsi&i'ation o& publi' do'um#nt
=olosa vs. Car5o, ('( $C%A !(((&"&)
As o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t) law$#%s must onl$ in &a't b# o& good mo%al '"a%a't#% but must also
b# s##n to b# o& good mo%al '"a%a't#% and li*ing li*#s in a''o%dan'# wit" t"# "ig"#st mo%al
standa%ds o& t"# 'ommunit$( A m#mb#% o& t"# Ba% and o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t is not onl$ %#/ui%#d to
%#&%ain &%om adult#%ous %#lations"ips o% t"# k##ping o& mist%#ss) but must also b#"a*# as to a*oid
s'andali8ing t"# publi' b$ '%#ating t"# b#li#& t"at "# is &louting su'" mo%al standa%d(
4izaso vs. Amante, (&" $C%A ((&&(!
. . . mis'ondu't indi'ati*# o& mo%al un&itn#ss) w"#t"#% %#lating to p%o&#ssional o% non6
p%o&#ssional matt#%s) -usti&i#s susp#nsion o% disba%m#nt( . . . an atto%n#$ ma$ b# %#mo*#d o%
ot"#%wis# dis'iplin#d 9not onl$ &o% malp%a'ti'# and dis"on#st$ in "is p%o&#ssion) but also &o% g%oss
mis'ondu't not 'onn#'t#d wit" "is p%o&#ssional duti#s) w"i'" s"ow#d "im un&it &o% t"# o&&i'# and
unwo%t"$ o& t"# p%i*il#g#s w"i'" "is li'#ns# and t"# law 'on&#% to "im(:
Constantino v. $aludares, !!" $C%A !22 ((&&2)
W"il# it is t%u# t"at t"#%# was no atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip b#tw##n %#spond#nt and
'omplainant) it is w#ll s#ttl#d t"at an atto%n#$ ma$ b# %#mo*#d o% ot"#%wis# dis'iplin#d not onl$
&o% malp%a'ti'# and dis"on#st$ in t"# p%o&#ssion) but also &o% g%oss mis'ondu't not 'onn#'t#d
wit" "is p%o&#ssional duti#s) s"owing "im to b# un&it &o% t"# o&&i'# and unwo%t"$ o& t"# p%i*il#g#s
w"i'" "is li'#ns# and t"# law 'on&#% upon "im(
So)e %ases of Dishonesty an( De%eit whi%h Merite( Dis%i&#ine +y the Su&re)e ourt.
0( Disapp%op%iation o& 'li#nts &unds
1( A't o& &%audul#ntl$ 'on'#aling dutiabl# impo%tation o% smuggling
3( Gi*ing &als# stat#m#nts und#% oat" in an In&o%mation S"##t submitt#d in 'onn#'tion wit"
t"# law$#%s appli'ation &o% t"# position o& "i#& o& +oli'#
4. Wanton &als#"ood mad# in an e- parte p#tition in 'ou%t w"#%#in t"# law$#% atta'"#d
a&&ida*it o& "is g%and&at"#% and w"i'" a&&ida*it "# nota%i8#d knowing t"at t"# suppos#d
a&&iant is al%#ad$ d#ad
5. Dan#u*#%ing %#'on*#$an'# o& p%op#%t$ in t"# nam# o& a law$#% inst#ad o& t"# 'li#nt ; in a
'as# in*ol*ing sal# wit" pacto de retro
>( Submission o% p%#s#ntation o& mutilat#d 'opi#s o& '#%tain do'um#nts to 'ou%t &o% t"#
pu%pos# o& d#'#i*ing and misl#ading it
?( <alsi&i'ation o& g%ad#s in t"# Ba% E.aminations
@( oll#'ting s#*#%al t"ousand p#sos on t"# p%#t#ns# t"at 'ouns#l would all#g#dl$ app#al
t"# 'omplaints 'as# to t"# Sup%#m# ou%t o& t"# Enit#d Stat#s) and t"at it was
n#'#ssa%$ to "im to go to Was"ington) 2(( w"i'" "# did) knowing t"at t"# d#'ision 'ould
no long#% b# app#al#d b#'aus# it is al%#ad$ &inal
7( Int%odu'ing som#on# to bu$ a pi#'# o& land knowing t"at it is not &o% sal#
0J( 2#la$#d &ailu%# to a''ount mon#$ 'oll#'t#d &o% t"# 'li#nt
00( St#aling #*id#n'# atta'"#d to t"# 'ou%t %#'o%ds
Instan%es of Gross I))ora#ity an( the Resu#tin" onse5uen%es:
1. Abandonm#nt o& wi&# and 'o"abiting wit" anot"#% woman( .isbarred
2. Bigam$ p#%p#t%at#d b$ t"# law$#%( .is,ualified from admission to the Bar
3. A law$#% w"o "ad 'a%nal knowl#dg# wit" a woman t"%oug" a p%omis# o& ma%%iag# w"i'"
"# did not &ul&ill( .isbarred(
4. S#du'tion o& a woman w"o is t"# ni#'# o& a ma%%i#d woman wit" w"om t"# %#spond#nt
law$#% "ad adult#%ous %#lations .isbarred(
5. Law$#% a%%anging t"# ma%%iag# o& "is son to a woman wit" w"om t"# law$#% "ad illi'it
%#lations( A&t#% t"# ma%%iag# o& t"# woman to t"# %#spond#nts son) "# 'ontinu#d "is
adult#%ous %#lations wit" "#% .isbarred
6. Law$#% in*#igling a woman into b#li#*ing t"at t"#$ "ad b##n ma%%i#d 'i*ill$ to satis&$ "is
'a%nal d#si%#s .isbarred
7. Law$#% taking ad*antag# o& "is position as '"ai%man o& t"# 'oll#g# o& m#di'in# and
ask#d a lad$ stud#nt to go wit" "im to manila w"#%# "# "ad 'a%nal knowl#dg# o& "#%
und#% t"%#at t"at i& s"# %#&us#d ) s"# would &lunk in all "#% sub-#'ts( .isbarred
8. on'ubinag# 'oupl#d wit" &ailu%# to suppo%t ill#gitimat# '"ild%#n )uspended indefinitely
9. Daintaining adult#%ous %#lation s"ip wit" a ma%%i#d woman( )uspended indefinitely
Ru#e ?.@A. A #awyer sha## not %ounse# or a+et a%ti-ities ai)e( at (efian%e
of the #aw or at #essenin" %onfi(en%e in the #e"a# syste).
Canon 2!, C-.
A law$#% s"ould not %#nd#% an$ s#%*i'# o% ad*i'# to an$ 'li#nt ; no matt#% "ow pow#%&ul
o% impo%tant is t"# 'aus# ; w"i'" will in*ol*# dislo$alt$ to t"# laws o& t"# 'ount%$ w"i'" "# is
bound to up"old and ob#$(
Canon (#, C-.
T"# g%#at t%ust o& t"# law$#% is to b# p#%&o%m#d wit"in and wit"out t"# bounds o& t"# law(
T"# o&&i'# o& atto%n#$ do#s not p#%mit) mu'" l#ss do#s it d#mand o& "im an$ 'li#nt) *iolation o&
law o% an$ mann#% o& &%aud o% '"i'an#%$( H# must ob#$ "is own 'ons'i#n'# and not t"at o& "is
Cosmos 8oundry $ho+ ?orkers 7nion vs. 4o Bu, 02 $C%A 2!(
H# was o& 'ou%s# #.p#'t#d to d#&#nd "is 'li#nts 'aus# wit" 8#al) but not at t"# dis%#ga%d
o& t"# t%ut" and in d#&ian'# o& t"# 'l#a% pu%pos# o& labo% statut#s(
In re:(&"& IB- .le1tions, ('" $C%A 2&"
R#sp#'t &o% law is g%a*#l$ #%od#d w"#n law$#%s t"#ms#l*#s) w"o a%# suppos#d to b#
minions o& t"# law) #ngag# in unlaw&ul p%a'ti'#s and 'a*ali#%l$ b%us" asid# t"# *#%$ %ul#s t"at t"#
IB+ &o%mulat#d &o% t"#i% obs#%*an'#(
Ru#e ?.@B. A #awyer sha## not0 for any %orru&t )oti-e or interest0
en%oura"e any suit or &ro%ee(in" or (e#ay in a )ans %ause.
$arratry is t"# o&&#ns# o& &%#/u#ntl$ #.'iting and sti%%ing up /ua%%#ls and suits) #it"#% at
law o% ot"#%wis#( It is t"# law$#%s a't o& &om#nting suits among indi*iduals and o&&#%ing "is l#gal
s#%*i'#s to on# o& t"#m(
Canon !", C-.
It is unp%o&#ssional &o% a law$#% to *olunt##% ad*i'# to b%ing a lawsuit) #.'#pt in %a%#
'as#s w"#%# ti#s o& blood) %#lations"ip o% t%ust mak# "is dut$ to do so(
T"# pu%pos# o& t"# p%o"ibition is to prevent ambulance chasing) w"i'" %#&#%s to soli'itation
o& almost an$ kind o& l#gal busin#ss b$ la$m#n #mplo$#d b$ an atto%n#$ &o% t"# pu%pos# o% b$ t"#
atto%n#$ "ims#l&( <o% ambulan'# '"asing "as spawn#d %#'ogni8#d #*ils su'" as=
a( &om#nting o& litigation wit" %#sulting bu%d#ns on t"# 'ou%ts and t"# publi',
b( subo%nation o& p#%-u%$,
'( mul'ting o& inno'#nt p#%sons b$ -udgm#nts) upon manu&a'tu%#d 'aus#s o&
a'tions) and
d( d#&%auding o& in-u%#d p#%sons "a*ing p%op#% 'aus#s a'tions but igno%ant o& l#gal
%ig"ts and 'ou%t p%o'#du%# b$ m#ans o& 'ont%a'ts w"i'" %#tain #.o%bitant
p#%'#ntag#s o& %#'o*#%$ and ill#gal '"a%g#s &o% 'ou%t 'osts and #.p#ns#s and b$
s#ttl#m#nt mad# &o% /ui'k %#tu%ns o& &##s and against t"# -ust %ig"ts o& t"# in-u%#d
Cobb;-erez vs. 4antin, !/ $C%A !&(
Law$#%s dut$ is to %#sist t"# w"ims and 'ap%i'#s o& "is 'li#nt and to t#mp#% "is 'li#nts
p%op#nsit$ to litigat#(
Castaneda vs. A5o, 0# $C%A #(!
It is t"# dut$ o& a 'ouns#l to ad*is# "is 'li#nt o%dina%il$ a la$man to t"# int%i'a'i#s and
*aga%i#s o& t"# law) on t"# m#%it o% la'k o& m#%it o& "is 'as#( I& "# &inds t"at "is 'li#nts 'aus# is
d#&#ns#l#ss) it is "is boud#n dut$ to ad*is# t"# latt#% to a'/ui#s'# and submit) %at"#% t"an
t%a*#%s# t"# in'on*#%tibl#( A law$#% must %#sist t"# w"ims and 'ap%i'#s o& "is 'li#nt) and t#mp#%
"is p%op#nsit$ to litigat#( A law$#%s oat" to up"old t"# 'aus# o& -usti'# is sup#%io% to "is dut$ to
"is 'li#nt, its p%ima'$ indisputabl#(
Signi&i'an'# o& an Atto%n#$s Signatu%# on a +l#ading
%ule ' $e1.#
H.. T"# signatu%# o& an atto%n#$ 'onstitut#s '#%ti&i'at# b$ "im t"at "# "as %#ad t"#
pl#ading, t"at to t"# b#st o& "is knowl#dg#) in&o%mation and b#li#& t"#%# is good g%ound to suppo%t
it, and t"at it is not int#%pos#d &o% d#la$( H.. <o% a will&ul *iolation o& t"is %ul# an atto%n#$ ma$ b#
sub-#'t#d to app%op%iat# dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
Ru#e ?.@C. A #awyer sha## en%oura"e his %#ients to a-oi(0 en( or sett#e a
%ontro-ersy if it wi## a()it of a fair sett#e)ent.
A 9'omp%omis# is as o&t#n t"# b#tt#% pa%t o& -usti'# as p%ud#n'# is t"# b#tt#% pa%t o& *alo%:
and a law$#% w"o #n'ou%ag#s 'omp%omis# is no l#ss t"# 'li#nts 9'"ampion in s#ttl#m#nt out o&
'ou%t: t"an "# is t"# 'li#nts 9'"ampion in t"# battl# o& 'ou%t(:
3e @aasi III v. *4%C, !2( $C%A ('2 ((&&/)
T"# us#&ul &un'tion o& a law$#% is not onl$ to 'ondu't litigation but also to a*oid it
w"#n#*#% possibl# b$ ad*ising s#ttl#m#nt o% wit""olding suit( ... H# s"ould b# a m#diato% &o%
'on'o%d and 'on'iliato% &o% 'omp%omis#) %at"#% t"an a *i%tuoso o& t#'"ni'alit$ in t"# 'ondu't o&
Melendrez vs. 3e1ena, ('0 $C%A 00!
A law$#% 'annot) wit"out sp#'ial aut"o%it$) 'omp%omis# "is 'li#nts litigation o% %#'#i*#
an$t"ing in dis'"a%g# o& t"# 'li#nts 'laim but t"# &ull amount in 'as"( A 'omp%omis# #nt#%#d into
wit"out aut"o%it$ is m#%#l$ un#n&o%'#abl#(
How#*#%) a law$#% "as t"# #.'lusi*# manag#m#nt o& t"# p%o'#du%al asp#'t o& t"#
litigation in'luding t"# #n&o%'#m#nt o& %ig"ts and %#m#di#s o& t"# 'li#nt(
A #awyer sha## )aDe his #e"a# ser-i%es a-ai#a+#e in an effi%ient an(
%on-enient )anner %o)&ati+#e with the in(e&en(en%e0 inte"rity an(
effe%ti-eness of the &rofession.
L#gal s#%*i'#s s"ould not onl$ b# #&&i'i#nt but s"ould also b# a*ailabl# and a''#ssibl# to
t"os# w"o n##d t"#m in a mann#% 'ompatibl# wit" t"# #t"i's o& t"# p%o&#ssion( A law$#% w"o
a''#pts p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt s"ould b# in a position to %#nd#% #&&i'i#nt and #&&#'ti*# l#gal
assistan'#) ot"#%wis# "# s"ould "#lp &ind anot"#% law$#% w"o is /uali&i#d and abl# to do so(
Ru#e A.@?. A #awyer sha## not re=e%t0 e,%e&t for -a#i( reasons0 the %ause of
the (efense#ess or the o&&resse(.
Canon /, C-.
A law$#% assign#d as 'ouns#l &o% an indig#nt p%ison#% must not ask to b# #.'us#d &o% an$
t%i*ial %#ason and s"ould alwa$s #.#%t "is b#st #&&o%ts in "is b#"al&(
-eo+le vs. 9ol5ado, "# -hil. '#!
T"# dut$ o& a law$#% to a''#pt t"# 'aus# o& t"# d#&#ns#l#ss and t"# opp%#ss#d
#mpow#%s t"# 'ou%t to %#/ui%# "im to %#nd#% p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s to an$ pa%t$ in a 'as#) i& t"#
pa%t$ is wit"out m#ans to #mplo$ an atto%n#$ and t"# s#%*i'#s o& a law$#% a%# n#'#ssa%$ to
p%ot#'t t"# %ig"ts o& su'" pa%t$ o% s#'u%# t"# #nds o& -usti'# o% to d#signat# "im as 'ouns#l de
officio &o% an a''us#d i& t"# latt#% is unabl# to #mplo$ a 'ouns#l de parte(
Ru#e A.@A. In su%h %ases0 e-en if the #awyer (oes not a%%e&t a %ase0 he
sha## not refuse to ren(er #e"a# a(-i%e to the &erson %on%erne(
if on#y to the ne%essary to safe"uar( the #atters ri"hts.
I& t"# %#ason &o% non6a''#ptan'# o& a 'as# is 'on&li't o& int#%#st) a law$#% must %#&%ain
&%om gi*ing l#gal ad*i'# b#'aus# a law$#%6'li#nt %#lations"ip is #stablis"#d and ma$ l#ad to
*iolation o& t"# %ul# against %#p%#s#nting 'on&li'ting int#%#sts(
Ru#e A.@B. A #awyer sha## not (o or &er)it to +e (one any a%t (esi"ne(
&ri)ari#y to so#i%it #e"a# +usiness.
T"# soli'itation o& #mplo$m#nt b$ an atto%n#$ is a g%ound &o% disba%m#nt o% susp#nsion(
T"# b#st ad*#%tis#m#nt &o% a law$#% is a w#ll6d#s#%*#d %#putation &o% 'omp#t#n'#)
"on#st$ and &id#lit$ to p%i*at# t%ust and publi' dut$(
%ule (2", $e1. !', %ules of Court
T"# law p%o"ibits law$#%s &%om soli'iting 'as#s &o% t"# pu%pos# o& gain) #it"#% p#%sonall$
o% t"%oug" paid ag#nts o% b%ok#%s) and mak#s t"# a't malp%a'ti'#(
A law$#% w"o ag%##s wit" a non6law$#% to di*id# atto%n#$s &##s paid b$ 'li#nts suppli#d
o% soli'it#d b$ t"# non6law$#% is guilt$ o& malp%a'ti'#) t"# sam# b#ing a &o%m o& soli'itation o&
hara%teristi%s whi%h (istin"uishes the #e"a# &rofession fro) +usiness:
0( a dut$ o& publi' s#%*i'#) o& w"i'" t"# #molum#nt is a b$6p%odu't) and in w"i'" on# ma$
sustain t"# "ig"#st #min#n'# wit"out making mu'" mon#$,
1( a %#lation as an 9o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t: to t"# administ%ation o& -usti'# in*ol*ing t"o%oug"
sin'#%it$) int#g%it$) and %#liabilit$,
3( a %#lation to 'li#nts in t"# "ig"#st d#g%## o& &idu'ia%$,
4( a %#lation to 'oll#agu#s at t"# ba% '"a%a't#%i8#d b$ 'ando%) &ai%n#ss) and unwillingn#ss to
%#so%t to 'u%%#nt busin#ss m#t"ods o& ad*#%tising and #n'%oa'"m#nt on t"#i% p%a'ti'# o%
d#aling di%#'tl$ wit" t"#i% 'li#nts(
Ty&es of a(-ertisin" or so#i%itations not &rohi+ite( (7le+ vs. 4e5al Clini1 !!2 $C%A 2'")
0( +ubli'ation o& %#putabl# law lists) in a mann#% 'onsist#nt wit" t"# standa%ds o& 'ondu't
impos#d b$ t"# 'anons) o% b%i#& biog%ap"i'al and in&o%mati*# data(
1( T"# us# o& o%dina%$ simpl# p%o&#ssional 'a%d( T"# 'a%d 'ontain onl$ a stat#m#nt o& "is
nam#) t"# nam# o& t"# law &i%m w"i'" "# is 'onn#'t#d wit") add%#ss) t#l#p"on# no() and
sp#'ial b%an'" o& law p%a'ti'#d(
3( +ubli'ation o% a publi' announ'#m#nt o& t"# op#ning o& a law &i%m o% o& '"ang#s in t"#
pa%tn#%s"ip) asso'iat#s) &i%m nam# o% o&&i'# add%#ss) b#ing &o% t"# 'on*#ni#n'# o& t"#
In re: =a5orda, #2 -hil. 2' ((&!&)
To allow a law$#% to ad*#%tis# "is tal#nt o% skill is to 'omm#%'iali8# t"# p%a'ti'# o& law)
low#% t"# p%o&#ssion in publi' 'on&id#n'# and l#ss#n "is abilit$ to %#nd#% #&&i'i#ntl$ t"at "ig"
'"a%a't#% o& s#%*i'# to w"i'" #*#%$ m#mb#% o& t"# ba% is 'all#d(
It d#st%u'ti*# o& t"# "ono% o& a g%#at p%o&#ssion( It low#%s t"# standa%ds o& t"at p%o&#ssion(
It wo%ks against t"# 'on&id#n'# o& t"# 'ommunit$ in t"# int#g%it$ o& t"# m#mb#%s o& t"# ba%( It
%#sults in n##dl#ss litigation and in in'#nting to st%i&# ot"#%wis# p#a'#&ull$ in'lin#d 'iti8#ns(
Ru#e A.@C. A #awyer sha## not %har"e rates #ower than those %usto)ari#y
&res%ri+e(0 un#ess the %ir%u)stan%es so warrant.
CCCW"at t"# %ul# p%o"ibits is t"# 'omp#tition in t"# matt#% o& '"a%ging &##s &o% p%o&#ssional
s#%*i'#s &o% t"# pu%pos# o& att%a'ting p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nts in &a*o% o& t"# law$#% w"o o&&#%s
low#% %at#s( T"# %ul# do#s not p%o"ibit a law$#% &%om 'oll#'ting a %#du'#d o% no &## at all &%om
a p#%son w"o would "a*# di&&i'ult$ in pa$ing t"# &## usuall$ '"a%g#d &o% t"# s#%*i'#.(A5+alo)
A #awyer in )aDin" Dnown his #e"a# ser-i%es sha## use on#y true0 honest0
fair0 (i"nifie( an( o+=e%ti-e infor)ation or state)ent of fa%ts.
Ru#e B.@?. A #awyer sha## not use or &er)it the use of any fa#se0
frau(u#ent0 )is#ea(in"0 (e%e&ti-e0 un(i"nifie(0 se#f'#au(atory or
unfair state)ent or %#ai) re"ar(in" his 5ua#ifi%ations or #e"a#
Canon !' of the Canon of -rofessional .thi1s
T"# 'anons o& t"# p%o&#ssion t"at t#ll t"# b#st ad*#%tising possibl# &o% a law$#% is w#ll6
m#%it#d %#putation &o% p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$ and &id#lit$ to t%ust) w"i'" must b# #a%n#d as t"#
out'om# o& '"a%a't#% and 'ondu't(
An$ &als# p%#t#ns# t"#%#&o%# b$ a law$#% int#nd#d to d#&%aud) misl#ad o% d#'#i*# to tout
on "is /uali&i'ations o% /ualit$ o& "is l#gal s#%*i'#s is un#t"i'al ; w"#t"#% don# b$ "im p#%sonall$
o% t"%oug" anot"#% wit" "is p#%mission(
T"# p%o&&#% o& &%## l#gal s#%*i'#s to t"# indig#nt) #*#n w"#n b%oad'ast o*#% t"# %adio o%
t#nd#%#d t"%oug" 'i%'ulations o& p%int#d matt#% to t"# g#n#%al publi') o&&#nds no #t"i'al %ul#(
Ru#e B.@A. In the %hoi%e of a fir) na)e0 no fa#se0 )is#ea(in" or assu)e(
na)e sha## +e use(. The %ontinue( use of the na)e of a
(e%ease( &artner is &er)issi+#e &ro-i(e( that the fir)
in(i%ates in a## its %o))uni%ations that sai( &artner is
A g%oup o& law$#%s w"o d#s#%*# to #stablis" a pa%tn#%s"ip &o% g#n#%al p%a'ti'# o& law ma$
adopt a &i%m nam#( How#*#%) no &als# nam# o% misl#ading o% assum#d nam# s"all b# us#d in t"#
&i%m nam# adopt#d( Ao nam# not b#longing to an$ o& t"# pa%tn#%s o% asso'iat#s ma$ b# us#d in
t"# &i%m nam# &o% an$ pu%pos#(
I& a pa%tn#% di#d) and 'ontinu#d us# o& t"# nam# is d#si%#d b$ t"# su%*i*ing pa%tn#%s) t"#
nam# o& t"# d#'#as#d ma$ still b# us#d) in all t"# 'ommuni'ations o& t"# law &i%m) p%o*id#d t"#%#
is an indi'ation t"at said pa%tn#% is al%#ad$ d#ad(
T"# us# o& a '%oss a&t#% t"# nam# o& t"# d#'#as#d pa%tn#% is su&&i'i#nt indi'ation( It is
ad*isabl# t"oug" t"at t"# $#a% o& t"# d#at" b# also indi'at#d(
Canon 22, C-.
In t"# &o%mation o& su'" pa%tn#%s"ip) no p#%son s"ould b# admitt#d o% "#ld out as a
m#mb#% w"o is not a law$#%( Ao% ma$ a g%oup o& law$#%s "old t"#ms#l*#s out as pa%tn#%s w"#n)
in &a't) t"#$ a%# not o% w"#n no pa%tn#%s"ip a'tuall$ #.ists(
B.%. $ebastian .nter+rises In1. vs. Court of A++eals, !,0 $C%A !"
2#at" o& a pa%tn#% do#s not #.tinguis" t"# 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip wit" t"# law &i%m(
Antonio vs. Court of A++eals, (#2 $C%A #&!
A#glig#n'# o& a m#mb#% in t"# law &i%m is n#glig#n'# o& t"# &i%m( W"#n t"# 'ouns#l o&
%#'o%ds is t"# Law <i%m) t"# n#glig#n'# o& t"# law$#% assign#d to t"# 'as# 'onsisting in "is
l#a*ing &o% ab%oad wit"out noti&$ing "is 'oll#agu#s is n#glig#n'# o& t"# Law <i%m(
3a1anay vs. Baker A M1kenzie
<ilipino law$#%s 'annot p%a'ti'# law und#% t"# nam# o& a &o%#ign law &i%m(
Ru#e B.@B 7here a &artner a%%e&ts &u+#i% offi%e0 he sha## with(raw fro)
the fir) an( his na)e sha## +e (ro&&e( fro) the fir) na)e
un#ess the #aw a##ows hi) to &ra%ti%e #aw %on%urrent#y.
%A '(0,, $e1tion &,
Aam# o& pa%tn#% s"ould b# d%opp#d &%om t"# &i%m nam# w"#n "# a''#pts publi' o&&i'#( I&
a pa%tn#% in a law &i%m "as a''#pt#d a publi' o&&i'#) "is nam# s"all b# %#mo*#d &%om t"# &i%m
/-ception = I& t"# law allows "im to p%a'ti'# law 'on'u%%#ntl$ w"il# "olding t"# position su'" as
Sanggunian m#mb#%s a%# sub-#'t to '#%tain %#st%i'tions(
Ru#e B.@C. A #awyer sha## not &ay or "i-e anythin" of -a#ue to
re&resentati-es of the )ass )e(ia in anti%i&ation of0 or in
return for0 &u+#i%ity to attra%t #e"a# +usiness.
A law$#% w"o s##ks publi'it$ to att%a't l#gal busin#ss is d#basing t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion)
sp#'iall$ so) i& "# pa$s som#t"ing o& *alu# &o% it(
A #awyer sha## &arti%i&ate in the (e-e#o&)ent of the Le"a# Syste) +y
initiatin" or su&&ortin" efforts in #aw refor) an( in the i)&ro-e)ent of the
a()inistration of =usti%e.
Canon /,, C-.
An atto%n#$ 9ma$ wit" p%op%i#t$ w%it# a%ti'l#s &o% publi'ations in w"i'" "# gi*#s
in&o%mation upon t"# law, but "# s"ould not a''#pt #mplo$m#nt &%om su'" publi'ations to ad*is#
in/ui%i#s in %#sp#'t to t"#i% indi*idual %ig"ts(:
A #awyer sha## Dee& a+reast of #e"a# (e-e#o&)ent0 &arti%i&ate in %ontinuin"
#e"a# e(u%ation &ro"ra)s0 su&&ort efforts to a%hie-e hi"h stan(ar(s in #aw
s%hoo# as we## as in the &ra%ti%a# trainin" of #aw stu(ents an( assist in
(isse)inatin" infor)ation re"ar(in" the #aw an( =uris&ru(en%e.
7hat is the threefo#( o+#i"ation of a #awyer>
0irst, "# ow#s it to "ims#l& to 'ontinu# imp%o*ing "is knowl#dg# o& t"# laws,
)econd ) "# ow#s it to "is p%o&#ssion to tak# an a'ti*# int#%#st in t"# maint#nan'# o& "ig"
standa%ds o& "ig" #du'ation(
"hird, "# ow#s it to t"# law publi' to mak# t"# law a pa%t o& t"#i% so'ial 'ons'iousn#ss(
3e %oy vs. Court of A++eals, (#' $C%A '#'
It is t"# bound#n dut$ o& 'ouns#l as law$#% in a'ti*# law p%a'ti'# to k##p upb%#ast o&
d#'isions o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t pa%ti'ula%l$ w"#%# issu#s "a*# b##n 'la%i&i#d) 'onsist#ntl$
%#it#%at#d) and publis"#d in t"# ad*an'# %#po%t o& Sup%#m# ou%t d#'isions (G(R(s! and in su'"
publi'ations as t"# Sup%#m# ou%t R#po%ts Annotat#d (SRA! and law -ou%nals(
Bualo vs. C8I of Cebu, CA;:.%. *o. !''(";%, uly ', (&0(
Atto%n#$s s"ould &amilia%i8# t"#ms#l*#s wit" t"# %ul#s and 'ompl$ wit" t"#i%
%#/ui%#m#nts( T"#$ a%# also '"a%g#abl# wit" noti'# o& '"ang#s in t"# %ul#s w"i'" "a*# b##n "#ld
as in'luding not onl$ #.p%#ss %#gl#m#nta%$ p%o*isions but also a %#gula% p%a'ti'# und#% t"# Rul#s
o& ou%t(
These %anons sha## a&&#y to #awyers in "o-ern)ent ser-i%e in the
(is%har"e of their offi%ia# tasDs.
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +.2,
A law$#% do#s not s"#d "is p%o&#ssional obligations upon "is assuming publi' o&&i'#(
1owever) law$#%s w"o a%# in'umb#nt -udg#s and magist%at#s s"all b# go*#%n#d in t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& t"#i% o&&i'ial &un'tions b$ t"# od# o& Budi'ial ondu't w"i'" b#'am# #&&#'ti*# on
O'tob#% 1J) 07@7(
Pu+#i% offi%e ' in'lud# #l#'ti*# and appointi*# o&&i'ials and #mplo$##s) p#%man#nt o% t#mpo%a%$)
w"#t"#% in t"# 'a%##% o% non6'a%##% s#%*i'#) in'luding milita%$ and poli'# p#%sonn#l) w"#t"#% o%
not t"#$ %#'#i*# 'omp#nsation) %#ga%dl#ss o& amount( ($e1. 2(b), %A 0('2).
T"# law %#/ui%#s t"# obs#%*an'# o& t"# &ollowing no%ms o& 'ondu't b$ #*#%$ publi' o&&i'ial in t"#
dis'"a%g# and #.#'ution o& t"#i% o&&i'ial duti#s=
a( 'ommitm#nt to publi' int#%#st
b( p%o&#ssionalism
'( -ustn#ss and sin'#%it$
d( politi'al n#ut%alit$
#( %#sponsi*#n#ss to t"# publi'
&( nationalism and pat%iotism
g( 'ommitm#nt to d#mo'%a'$
h. simpl# li*ing (Sec. 0, R' 671%)
Collantes vs. %enomeron, !,, $C%A #"/
I& t"# law$#%s mis'ondu't in t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s as go*#%nm#nt o&&i'ial is o&
su'" a '"a%a't#% as to a&&#'t "is /uali&i'ations as a law$#% o% to s"ow mo%al d#lin/u#n'$) "# ma$
b# dis'iplin#d as a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba% on su'" g%ound(
Ru#e E.@?. The &ri)ary (uty of a #awyer en"a"e( in &u+#i% &rose%ution is
not to %on-i%t +ut to see that =usti%e is (one. The su&&ression
of fa%ts or the %on%ea#)ent of witnesses %a&a+#e of
esta+#ishin" the inno%en%e of the a%%use( is hi"h#y
re&rehensi+#e an( is %ause for (is%i&#inary a%tion.
$tate vs. -laton, /, >.:. 0
$u++. !2#
A p%os#'uto% is a /uasi6-udi'ial o&&i'#% and as su'") "# s"ould s##k #/ual and impartial
-usti'#( H# s"ould b# as mu'" 'on'#%n#d wit" s##ing t"at no man inno'#nt su&&#%s as in s##ing
t"at no guilt$ man #s'ap#s(
7.$. vs. Barredo, 2! -hil. //&
A 'ons'ious p%os#'uting o&&i'ial) w"os# in*#stigations "a*# satis&i#d "im as to t"#
inno'#n'# o& p#%sons '"a%g#d wit" t"# 'ommission o& '%im#) s"ould not institut# '%iminal
p%o'##dings against su'" p#%sons( In t"# #*#nt t"at t"# '%iminal p%o'##dings "a*# b##n
institut#d) and t"# in*#stigations o& t"# p%o*in'ial &is'al "a*# satis&i#d "im t"at t"# a''us#d
p#%son is inno'#nt) o% t"at #*id#n'# su&&i'i#nt to s#'u%# 'on*i'tion will not b# &o%t"'oming at t"#
t%ial d#spit# t"# #.#%'is# o& du# dilig#n'# to t"at #nd( It t"#n b#'om#s "is dut$ to ad*is# t"# 'ou%t
w"#%#in t"# p%o'##dings a%# p#nding as to t"# %#sult o& "is in*#stigations) and to mo*# t"# 'ou%t
to dismiss t"# p%o'##dings(
$uarez vs. -laton, 0& -hil. ##0
T"# int#%#st o& a p%os#'uto% in a '%iminal p%os#'ution is not to win a 'as# but to s## t"at
-usti'# is don#( H# s"ould s## to it t"at t"# a''us#d is gi*#n a &ai% and impa%tial t%ial and not
d#p%i*#d o& an$ o& "is statuto%$ o% 'onstitutional %ig"ts(
C A publi' p%os#'uto% s"ould %#'omm#nd t"# a'/uittal o& t"# a''us#d w"os# 'on*i'tion is on
app#al) i& "# &inds no l#gal basis to sustain t"# 'on*i'tion(
=riente vs. $andi5anbayan, (/# $C%A #,"
Its %ol# as t"# +#opl#s Ad*o'at# in t"# Administ%ation o& Busti'# to t"# #nd t"at t"#
inno'#nt b# #/uall$ d#&#nd#d and s#t &%## -ust as it "as t"# task o& "a*ing t"# guilt$ punis"#d(
Ru#e E.@A. A #awyer in the "o-ern)ent sha## not use his &u+#i% &osition to
&ro)ote or a(-an%e his &ri-ate interests0 nor a##ow the #atter to
interfere with his &u+#i% (uties.
I& t"# law allows a publi' o&&i'ial to p%a'ti'# law 'on'u%%#ntl$) "# must us# "is publi'
position to &#at"#% "is law p%a'ti'#( I& t"# law do#s not allow "im to p%a'ti'# "is p%o&#ssion) "#
s"ould not do so indi%#'tl$ b$ b#ing a sil#nt pa%tn#% in a law &i%m o% b$ s#'u%ing l#gal busin#ss &o%
a &%i#nd o% &o%m#% asso'iat# in t"# a'ti*# p%a'ti'# o& law %#'#i*ing a s"a%# in t"# atto%n#$s &##s
&o% "is #&&o%ts(
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +.2,
Go*#%nm#nt law$#%s) w"o a%# publi' s#%*ants ow# utmost &id#lit$ to t"# publi' s#%*i'#(
+ubli' o&&i'# is a publi' t%ust( T"#$ do not s"#d t"#i% p%o&#ssional obligation in assuming publi'
positions( T"#$ s"ould b# mo%# s#nsiti*# to t"#i% p%o&#ssional obligations as t"#i% dis%#putabl#
'ondu't is mo%# lik#l$ to b# magni&i#d in t"# publi' #$#(
+ubli' o&&i'ials a%# %#/ui%#d to up"old t"# publi' int#%#st o*#% and abo*# p#%sonal
int#%#st, must dis'"a%g# t"#i% duti#s wit" t"# "ig"#st d#g%## o& #.'#ll#n'#) p%o&#ssionalism)
int#llig#n'#) and skill, p%o*id# s#%*i'# wit"out dis'%imination, #.t#nd p%ompt) 'ou%t#ous and
ad#/uat# s#%*i'# to t"# publi', b# lo$al to t"# R#publi', 'ommit t"#ms#l*#s to t"# d#mo'%ati'
wa$ o& li&# and *alu#s, and l#ad mod#st li*#s(
It is un#t"i'al &o% a go*#%nm#nt law$#% to %#main s#'%#tl$ 'onn#'t#d to a law <i%m and
soli'it 'as#s &o% t"# said &i%m wit" %#&#%%al &##s o% mont"l$ %#tain#%s &o% t"# pu%pos#(
:onzales;Austria, et al. vs. Abaya, ('0 $C%A 02/
A law$#% w"o "olds a go*#%nm#nt o&&i'# ma$ not b# dis'iplin#d as a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba%
&o% mis'ondu't in t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is duti#s as a go*#%nm#nt o&&i'ial( How#*#%) i& t"# mis'ondu't
o& a go*#%nm#nt o&&i'ial is o& su'" a '"a%a't#% as to a&&#'t "is /uali&i'ation as a law$#% o% to s"ow
mo%al d#lin/u#n'$) t"#n "# ma$ b# dis'iplin#d as a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba% upon su'" g%ound(
.nri<uez $r. vs. 9on. :imenez, (,' -hil. &22
Enlik# a p%a'ti'ing law$#% w"o "as t"# %ig"t to d#'lin# #mplo$m#nt) a &is'al 'annot %#&us#
t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is &un'tions on g%ounds not p%o*id#d &o% b$ law wit"out *iolating "is oat" o&
Ru#e E.@B. A #awyer sha## not0 after #ea-in" "o-ern)ent ser-i%e0 a%%e&t
en"a"e)ent or e)&#oy)ent in %onne%tion with any )atter in
whi%h he ha( inter-ene( whi#e in sai( ser-i%e.
/arious ways a "o-ern)ent #awyer #ea-es "o-ern)ent ser-i%e:
0( %#ti%#m#nt
1( %#signation
3( #.pi%ation o& t"# t#%m o& o&&i'#
4( dismissal
5( abandonm#nt
W"at a%# t"# p#%tin#nt statuto%$ p%o*isions %#ga%ding t"is Rul#F Sec. % (") R' %)19 as a+en"e" an"
Sec. 7 (/) R' 671%.
Section %. o%%upt p%a'ti'# o& publi' o&&i'#%s( In addition to a'ts o% omission o& publi'
o&&i'#%s al%#ad$ p#nali8#d b$ #.isting law) t"# &ollowing s"all 'onstitut# 'o%%upt p%a'ti'#s o& an$
publi' o&&i'#% and a%# "#%#b$ d#'la%#d to b# unlaw&ul,
. . .
(d! a''#pting o% "a*ing an$ m#mb#% o& "is &amil$ a''#pt #mplo$m#nt in a p%i*at#
#nt#%p%is# w"i'" "as p#nding o&&i'ial busin#ss wit" "im du%ing t"# p#nd#n'$ t"#%#o& wit"in on#
$#a% a&t#% its t#%mination,
Section 7 (/) R' 671% p%o"ibits publi' o&&i'ial &%om doing an$ o& t"# &ollowing a'ts=
0( own ) 'ont%ol) manag# o% a''#pt #mplo$m#nt as o&&i'#%) #mplo$##) 'onsultant) 'ouns#l)
b%ok#%) ag#nt) t%ust## o% nomin## in an$ p%i*at# #nt#%p%is# %#gulat#d) sup#%*is#d o%
li'#ns#d b$ t"#i% o&&i'# unl#ss #.p%#ssl$ allow#d b$ law,
T"#s# p%o"ibitions s"all 'ontinu# to appl$ &o% a p#%iod o& on# (0! $#a% a&t#% %#signation)
%#ti%#m#nt) o% s#pa%ation &%om publi' o&&i'#) #.'#pt in t"# 'as# o& subpa%ag%ap" (1! abo*#) but t"#
p%o&#ssional 'on'#%n#d 'annot p%a'ti'# "is p%o&#ssion in 'onn#'tion wit" an$ matt#% b#&o%# t"#
o&&i'# "# us#d to b# wit") in w"i'" 'as# t"# on# $#a% p%o"ibition s"all lik#wis# appl$(
$e1tion (, %e+ubli1 A1t &(,
9it is a 'ondition o& t"# p#nsion p%o*id#d "#%#in t"at no %#ti%ing -usti'# o% -udg# o& a 'ou%t
o& %#'o%d o% 'it$ o% muni'ipal -udg# du%ing t"# tim# t"at "# is %#'#i*ing said p#nsions s"all app#a%
as 'ouns#l in an$ 'ou%t in an$ 'i*il 'as# w"#%#in t"# Go*#%nm#nt o% an$ subdi*ision o%
inst%um#ntalit$ t"#%#o& is t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$) o% in an$ '%iminal 'as# w"#%#in an o&&i'#% o% #mplo$##
o& t"# Go*#%nm#nt is a''us#d o& an o&&#ns# 'ommitt#d in %#lation to "is o&&i'#) o% 'oll#'t an$ &##
&o% "is app#a%an'# in an$ administ%ati*# p%o'##dings to maintain an int#%#st ad*#%s# to t"#
Go*#%nm#nt) national) p%o*in'ial o% muni'ipal) o% an$ o& its l#gall$ 'onstitut#d o&&i'#%s(:
A #awyer sha## at a## ti)es u&ho#( the inte"rity an( (i"nity of the #e"a#
&rofession an( su&&ort the a%ti-ities of the Inte"rate( $ar.
0acts$ A d##d o& absolut# sal# was nota%i8#d b$ t"# &at"#% o& t"# bu$#%6mino% w"o is also t"#
sto'k"old#% and l#gal 'ouns#l &o% t"# *#ndo% and was not dul$ 'ommission#d as nota%$ publi' o&
t"at dat#( (*un5a vs. 6iray, Adm. Case *o. /'#", A+ril 2,, (&&&)
I A law$#% b%ings "ono% and int#g%it$ to t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion b$ &ait"&ull$ p#%&o%ming "is duti#s to
so'i#t$) to t"# Ba%) to t"# 'ou%ts and to "is 'li#nts(
I A m#mb#% o& t"# l#gal &%at#%nit$ s"ould %#&%ain &%om doing an$ a't w"i'" mig"t l#ss#n in an$
d#g%## t"# 'on&id#n'# and t%ust %#pos#d b$ t"# publi' in t"# &id#lit$) "on#st$ and int#g%it$ o& t"#
l#gal p%o&#ssion(
Canon !&, C-.
H# s"ould #.pos# wit"out &#a% o% &a*o% b#&o%# t"# Sup%#m# ou%t 'o%%upt o% dis"on#st
'ondu't in t"# p%o&#ssion and s"ould a''#pt wit"out "#sitation #mplo$m#nt against a law$#% w"o
"as w%ong#d "is 'li#nt(
Ru#e F.@?. A #awyer sha## +e answera+#e for Dnowin"#y )aDin" a fa#se
state)ent or su&&ressin" a )ateria# fa%t0 in %onne%tion with his
a&&#i%ation for a()ission to the +ar.
In re %amon :alan5, 00 $C%A !"!
T"at t"# 'on'#alm#nt o& an atto%n#$ in "is appli'ation to tak# t"# Ba% #.aminations o& t"#
&a't t"at "# "ad b##n '"a%g#d wit") o% indi't#d &o% an all#g#d '%im#) as a g%ound &o% %#*o'ation o&
"is li'#ns# to p%a'ti'# law) is w#ll s#ttl#d(
%ule (2", $e1. (2, %%C
Ao 'andidat# s"all #nd#a*o% to in&lu#n'# an$ m#mb#% o& t"# 'ommitt##) and du%ing
#.aminations t"# 'andidat#s s"all not 'ommuni'at# wit" #a'" ot"#% no% s"all t"#$ gi*# o% %#'#i*#
an$ assistan'#( T"# 'andidat#s w"o *iolat#s t"is p%o"ibition o% an$ ot"#% p%o*ision o& t"is %ul#)
s"all b# ba%%#d &%om t"# #.amination) and t"# sam# to 'ount as a &ailu%# against "im) and &u%t"#%
dis'iplina%$ a'tion) in'luding p#%man#nt dis/uali&i'ation) ma$ b# tak#n in t"# dis'%#tion o& t"#
Ru#e F.@A. A #awyer sha## not su&&ort the a&&#i%ation for a()ission to the
+ar of any &erson Dnown +y hi) to +e un5ua#ifie( in res&e%t to
%hara%ter0 e(u%ation0 or other re#e-ant attri+ute.
Canon !&, C-.
A law$#% s"ould aid in gua%ding t"# Ba% against admission to t"# p%o&#ssion o& 'andidat#s
un&it o% un/uali&i#d &o% b#ing d#&i'i#nt in #it"#% mo%al '"a%a't#% o% #du'ation(
+ubli' poli'$ %#/ui%#s t"at t"# p%a'ti'# o& law b# limit#d to t"os# indi*iduals &ound dul$
/uali&i#d in #du'ation and '"a%a't#%( T"# p#%missi*# %ig"t 'on&#%%#d on t"# law$#% is an indi*idual
and limit#d p%i*il#g# sub-#'t to wit"d%awal i& "# &ails to maintain p%op#% standa%ds o& mo%al and
p%o&#ssional 'ondu't(
Ru#e F.@B. A #awyer sha## not en"a"e( in %on(u%t that a(-erse#y ref#e%ts
on his fitness to &ra%ti%e #aw0 nor sha## he0 whether in &u+#i% or
&ri-ate #ife0 +eha-e in a s%an(a#ous )anner to the (is%re(it of
the #e"a# &rofession.
Melendrez vs. 3e1ena, ('0 $C%A 00!
A law$#% w"o 'ommits an unlaw&ul a't t"oug" not %#lat#d to t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is
p%o&#ssional duti#s as a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba%) w"i'" puts "is mo%al '"a%a't#% is s#%ious doubt)
%#nd#%s "im un&it to 'ontinu# in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law(
In re: -elaez, // -hil. #0'
T"# g%ounds &o% dis'iplina%$ a'tions #num#%at#d und#% t"# Rul#s o& ou%t a%# not
#.'lusi*# and a%# so b%oad as to 'o*#% p%a'ti'all$ an$ mis'ondu't o& a law$#% in "is p%o&#ssional
o% p%i*at# 'apa'it$(
=oloza vs. Car5o, ('( $C%A !(
As o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t) law$#%s must not onl$ in &a't b# o& good mo%al '"a%a't#% but also
b# s##n o& good mo%al '"a%a't#% and l#ading li*#s in a''o%dan'# wit" t"# "ig"#st mo%al
standa%ds o& t"# 'ommunit$(
A #awyer sha## %on(u%t hi)se#f with %ourtesy0 fairness an( %an(or towar(
his &rofessiona# %o##ea"ues0 an( sha## a-oi( harassin" ta%ti%s a"ainst
o&&osin" %ounse#.
T"# gold#n %ul# is mu'" mo%# n##d#d in t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion t"an in an$ ot"#%
p%o&#ssion &o% a b#tt#% administ%ation o& -usti'#(
@ulo vs. @an5 Chiao $en5, (,0 -hil. ((, ((&#&)
H# s"ould not tak# ad*antag# o& t"# #.'usabl# unp%#pa%#dn#ss o% abs#n'# o& 'ouns#l
du%ing t"# t%ial o& a 'as#(
Canon &, C-.
A law$#% s"ould not in an$ wa$ 'ommuni'at# upon t"# sub-#'t o& 'ont%o*#%s$ wit" a pa%t$
%#p%#s#nt#d b$ 'ouns#l) mu'" l#ss s"ould "# und#%tak# to n#gotiat# o% 'omp%omis# t"# matt#%
wit" "im) but s"ould d#al onl$ wit" "is 'ouns#l(
Ru#e G.@?. A #awyer sha## not0 in his &rofessiona# (ea#in"s0 use #an"ua"e
whi%h is a+usi-e0 offensi-e or otherwise i)&ro&er.
A.B.A. >+. (' (an. !2, (&2,)
T"# &a't t"at on# o& t"#m 'ondu'ts "ims#l& imp%op#%l$ do#s not %#li#*# t"# ot"#% &%om t"#
p%o&#ssional obligation in "is %#lation wit" "im(
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. /(
An$ kind o& languag# w"i'" atta'ks wit"out &oundation and int#g%it$ o& t"# opposing
'ouns#l o% t"# dignit$ o& t"# 'ou%t ma$ b# st%i'k#n o&& t"# %#'o%ds o% ma$ sub-#'t a law$#% to
dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
$uri5ao Mineral %eservation Board vs. Cloribel, 2( $C%A (
2is%#sp#'t&ul) abusi*# and ab%asi*# languag#) o&&#nsi*# p#%sonalit$) un&ound#d
a''usations o% int#mp#%at# wo%ds t#nding to obst%u't) #mba%%ass o% in&lu#n'# t"# 'ou%t in
administ#%ing -usti'#) o% to b%ing it into dis%#put# "a*# no pla'# in a pl#ading( T"#i% #mplo$m#nt
s#%*#s no us#&ul pu%pos# and on t"# 'ont%a%$ 'onstitut#s di%#'t 'ont#mpt o% 'ont#mpt in facie
In re: :omez, /2 -hil. 2'0
A law$#% w"o us#s int#mp#%at#) abusi*#) ab%asi*# o% t"%#at#ning languag# po%t%a$s
dis%#sp#'t to t"# 'ou%t) disg%a'#s t"# Ba% and in*it#s t"# #.#%'is# b$ t"# 'ou%t o& its dis'iplina%$
In re: Clima1o, ## $C%A (,'
A law$#%s languag# s"ould b# &o%'#&ul but digni&i#d) #mp"ati' but %#sp#'t&ul as b#&itting
an ad*o'at# and in k##ping wit" t"# dignit$ o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
*ational $e1urity Co. vs. arvis
T"# law$#%s a%gum#nts) w"#t"#% w%itt#n o% o%al) s"ould b# g%a'ious to bot" t"# 'ou%t and
opposing 'ouns#l and b# o& su'" wo%ds as ma$ b# p%op#%l$ add%#ss#d b$ on# g#ntl#man to
%heem of the -hili++ines vs. 8errer, !, $C%A //(
La'k o& want o& int#ntion is no #.'us# &o% t"# dis%#sp#'t&ul languag# #mplo$#d( ouns#l
'annot #s'ap# %#sponsibilit$ b$ 'laiming t"at "is wo%ds did not m#an w"at an$ %#ad#% must "a*#
und#%stood t"#m as m#aning(
Ru#e G.@A. A #awyer sha## not0 (ire%t#y or in(ire%t#y0 en%roa%h u&on the
&rofessiona# e)&#oy)ent of another #awyerH howe-er0 it is the
ri"ht of the #awyer0 without fear or fa-or0 to "i-e &ro&er a(-i%e
an( assistan%e to those seeDin" re#ief a"ainst unfaithfu# or
ne"#e%tfu# %ounse#.
A law$#% s"ould not st#al t"# ot"#% law$#%s 'li#nt no% indu'# t"# latt#% to %#tain "im b$ a
p%omis# o& b#tt#% s#%*i'#) good %#sult o% %#du'#d &##s &o% "is s#%*i'#s( A#it"#% s"ould "#
dispa%ag# anot"#%) mak# 'ompa%isons o% publi'i8# "is tal#nt as a m#ans to &#at"#% "is law
4a+ut vs. %emoti5ue, 0 $C%A /# ((&0!)
It is) "ow#*#%) t"# %ig"t o& a law$#%) wit"out &#a% o% &a*o%) to gi*# p%op#% ad*i'# to t"os#
s##king %#li#& against un&ait"&ul o% n#gl#'t&ul 'ouns#l(
H# ma$ p%op#%l$ a''#pt #mplo$m#nt to "andl# a matt#% w"i'" "as b##n p%#*iousl$ "andl#d
b$ anot"#% law$#%) p%o*id#d t"at t"# ot"#% law$#% "as b##n gi*#n noti'# b$ t"# 'li#nt t"at "is
s#%*i'#s "a*# b##n t#%minat#d(
In re: $oriano, 22 $C%A ",( ((&',)
. . . B#&o%# taking o*#% a 'as# "andl#d b$ a p##% in t"# Ba%) a law$#% is #n-oin#d to obtain
t"# 'on&o%mit$ o& t"# 'ouns#l w"om "# would substitut#( And i& t"is 'annot b# "ad) t"#n "#
s"ould) at t"# *#%$ l#ast) gi*# noti'# to su'" law$#% o& t"# 'ont#mplat#d substitution(
His #nt%$ o& app#a%an'# in t"# 'as# wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& t"# &i%st law$#% amounts to an
imp%op#% #n'%oa'"m#nt upon t"# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt o& t"# o%iginal 'ouns#l(
In re: Clemente M. $oriano, 22 $C%A ",( ((&',)
A law$#% w"o "as a'/ui%#d knowl#dg# o& t"# malp%a'ti'#s o& a m#mb#% o& a Ba%) "as t"#
dut$ to t"# publi' and to t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion to in&o%m t"# Sup%#m# ou%t o% t"# IB+ o& su'"
malp%a'ti'#s to t"# #nd t"at t"# malp%a'tition#% b# p%op#%l$ dis'iplin#d(
Canon ', C-.
A 'li#nts p%o&&#% o& assistan'# o& additional 'ouns#l s"ould not b# %#ga%d#d as #*id#n'# o&
want o& 'on&id#n'#) but t"# matt#% s"ould b# l#&t to t"# d#t#%mination o& t"# 'li#nt(
H# s"ould d#'lin# asso'iation as a 'oll#agu# i& it is ob-#'tionabl# to t"# o%iginal 'ouns#l) but i&
t"# law$#% &i%st %#tain#d is %#li#*#d) "# ma$ 'om# into t"# 'as#(
A #awyer sha## not0 (ire%t#y or in(ire%t#y0 assist in the unauthori8e( &ra%ti%e
of #aw.
%ule '(, se1.2 (e), %evised %ules of Court
T"# a't o& p%#t#nding o% assuming to b# an atto%n#$ o% an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t and a'ting
as su'" wit"out aut"o%it$ is punis"abl# wit" 'ont#mpt o& 'ou%t( T"# law$#% w"o assists in an
unaut"o%i8#d p%a'ti'# o& law w"#t"#% di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$ is sub-#'t to dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
Ru#e I.@? A #awyer sha## not (e#e"ate to any un5ua#ifie( &erson the
&erfor)an%e of any tasD whi%h +y #aw )ay on#y +e &erfor)e(
+y a )e)+er of the $ar in "oo( stan(in".
:uballa vs. Ca5uioa, '" $C%A 2,!
A law$#% is p%o"ibit#d &%om taking as pa%tn#% o% asso'iat# an$ p#%son w"o is not
aut"o%i8#d to p%a'ti'# law ; to app#a% in 'ou%t o% to sign pl#adings( A law$#%) w"o is und#%
susp#nsion &%om p%a'ti'# o& law is not a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba% in good standing( A law$#% w"os#
aut"o%it$ to p%a'ti'# "as b##n wit"d%awn du# to a '"ang# in 'iti8#ns"ip o% all#gian'# to t"#
'ount%$ 'annot app#a% b#&o%# t"# 'ou%ts(
Comments of IB- Committee, ++. /';/"
A law$#% 'an #mplo$ la$ s#'%#ta%i#s) la$ in*#stigato%s) la$ d#t#'ti*#s) la$ %#s#a%'"#%s)
a''ountants o% non6law$#% d%a&tsm#n) to und#%tak# an$ task not in*ol*ing p%a'ti'# o& law( H# ma$
also a*ail "ims#l& o& t"# assistan'# o& law stud#nts in man$ o& t"# &i#lds o& t"# law$#%s wo%k)
su'" as t"# #.amination o& a 'as# law) &inding and int#%*i#wing witn#ss) #.amining 'ou%t %#'o%ds)
d#li*#%ing pap#%s) and simila% matt#%s(
Ru#e I.@A. A #awyer sha## not (i-i(e or sti&u#ate a fee for #e"a# ser-i%e with
&ersons not #i%ense( to &ra%ti%e #aw0 e,%e&t:
a. where there is a &re'e,istin" a"ree)ent with the
&artner or asso%iate that0 u&on the #atters (eath0
)oney sha## +e &ai( o-er a reasona+#e &erio( of
ti)e to his estate or to &ersons s&e%ifie( in the
a"ree)entH or
+. where a #awyer un(ertaDes to %o)&#ete unfinishe(
#e"a# +usiness of a (e%ease( #awyerH or
%. where the #awyer or #aw fir) in%#u(es non'#awyer
e)&#oyees in a retire)ent &#an0 e-en if the &#an is
+ase( in who#e as in &art0 on a &rofit'sharin"
8ive =aCi v. *4%C
As a non6law$#%) +ulia is not #ntitl#d to atto%n#$s &##s #*#n t"oug" "# is t"# aut"o%i8#d
%#p%#s#ntati*# o& t"# %#spond#nts to t"# ALR( T"#'# o& an atto%n#$s &## imput#s an
atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip( T"is 'annot "app#n b#tw##n +ulia and %#spond#nts(
A #awyer owes %an(or0 fairness an( "oo( faith to the %ourt.
4an5en vs. Borkowski, ("" ?is !'', /2 A4% 0!! ((&!#)
A law$#% ow#s t"# 'ou%t t"# dut$ to %#nd#% no s#%*i'# o% to do no a't
0( w"i'" in*ol*#s dis%#sp#'t to t"# -udi'ial o&&i'#
1( adoption o& l#gal p%oposition w"i'" is not "on#stl$ d#batabl#
3( a%ti&i'# o% &als# stat#m#nt o& &a't o% law to misl#ad t"# 'ou%t
4( unlaw&ul 'onspi%a'$ wit" "is 'li#nt) a t"i%d p#%son o% a -udg# t#nding to &%ust%at#
o% d#la$ t"# administ%ation o& -usti'# o% to s#'u%# &o% "is 'li#nt t"at w"i'" is not
l#gall$ o% -ustl$ du# "im
A.B.A. >+. !", D Canon #, (# of C-.
A law$#%) "ow#*#%) t"oug" an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t and '"a%g#d wit" t"# dut$ o& 'ando% and
&ai%n#ss) is not an umpi%# but an ad*o'at#( H# is und#% no dut$ to %#&%ain &%om making #*#%$
p%op#% a%gum#nt in suppo%t o& an$ l#gal point b#'aus# "# is not 'on*in'#d o& its in"#%#nt
soundn#ss( His p#%sonal b#li#& in t"# soundn#ss o& "is 'aus# o% o& t"# aut"o%iti#s suppo%ting it is
MuEoz vs. -eo+le, #2 $C%A (&,
T"# bu%d#n 'ast on t"# -udi'ia%$ would b# intol#%abl# i& it 'ould not tak# at &a'# *alu# w"at
is ass#%t#d b$ 'ouns#l( T"# tim# t"at will "a*# to b# d#*ot#d -ust to t"# task o& *#%i&i'ation o&
all#gations submitt#d 'ould #asil$ b# imagin#d( E*#n wit" du# %#'ognition t"#n t"at 'ouns#l is
#.p#'t#d to displa$ t"# utmost 8#al in d#&#ns# o& a 'li#nts 'aus#) it must n#*#% b# at t"#
#.p#ns# o& d#*iation &%om t"# t%ut"(
Ru#e ?@.@?. A #awyer sha## not (o any fa#sehoo(0 nor %onsent to the (oin"
of any in %ourtH nor sha## he )is#ea( or a##ow the ourt to +e
)is#ea( +y any artifi%e.
-eo+le vs. Manobo, (" $C%A 2, ((&&0)
A law$#% s"ould not) in t"# d#&#ns# o& "is 'li#nt) put a witn#ss on t"# stand w"om "#
knows will gi*# a &als# t#stimon$( H# s"ould not disto%t t"# &a'ts in dis%#ga%d o& t"# t%ut" and t"#
law no% mak# imp%o*id#nt a%gum#nts bas#d t"#%#on o% on t"# &a'ts on %#'o%d(
So)e ases of 6a#sehoo(s 7hi%h Merite( Dis%i&#ine
1. Law$#%s &als#l$ stating in a d##d o& sal# t"at p%op#%t$ is &%## &%om all li#ns and
#n'umb%an'#s w"#n it is not so ($evilla vs. Boleta, &0 -hil. &'&)F
2. Law$#%s making it app#a% t"at a p#%son) long d#ad) #.#'ut#d a d##d o& sal# in "is &a*o%
(Monterey vs. Arayata, 0( -hil. "!,!,
3. Law$#%) #n'as"ing a '"#'k pa$abl# to a d#'#as#d 'ousin b$ signing t"# latt#%s nam# on
t"# '"#'k (In re: $amanie5o, &, -hil. 2"!)F
4. Law$#% &alsi&$ing a pow#% o& atto%n#$ and us#d it in 'oll#'ting t"# mon#$ du# to t"#
p%in'ipal and app%op%iating t"# mon#$ &o% "is own b#n#&it (In re: %usina, (,# -hil. (2!")F
5. Law$#% all#ging in on# pl#ading t"at "is 'li#nts w#%# m#%#l$ l#ss##s o& t"# p%op#%t$
in*ol*#d) and all#g#d in a lat#% pl#ading t"at t"# sam# 'li#nts w#%# t"# own#%s o& t"#
sam# p%op#%t$ (Chavez vs. 6iola, :.%. !(#!, (& A+ril (&&(! w"#%# t"#%# a%# &als# all#gations
in p#adlings(
6. Law$#% utt#%ing &als#"ood in a Dotion to 2ismiss (Martin vs. Moreno, (!& $C%A 2(#).
7. Law$#% d#n$ing "a*ing %#'#i*#d t"# noti'# to &il# b%i#& w"i'" is b#li#d b$ t"# %#tu%n 'a%d
(%a5a1eGo vs. IAC, (#2 $C%A /0!).
8. Law$#% p%#s#nting &alsi&i#d do'um#nts in 'ou%t w"i'" "# knows to b# &als# (Bautista vs.
:onzales, ("! $C%A (#() o% int%odu'ing &als# #*id#n'# (Berren5uer vs. Carranza, !0 $C%A
9. Law$#% &iling &als# '"a%g#s o% g%oundl#ss suits (%etuya vs. :orduiz, &0 $C%A #!0).
Art. ("/, %evised -enal Code
An$ p#%son w"o s"all knowingl$ o&&#% in #*id#n'# a &als# witn#ss o% t#stimon$ in an$
-udi'ial o% o&&i'ial p%o'##ding) s"all b# punis"#d as guilt$ o& &als# t#stimon$ and s"all su&&#% t"#
%#sp#'ti*# p#nalti#s p%o*id#d in t"is s#'tion(
Ru#e ?@.@A. A #awyer sha## not Dnowin"#y )is5uote or )isre&resent the
%ontents of a &a&er0 the #an"ua"e or the ar"u)ent of
o&&osin" %ounse#0 or the te,t of the (e%ision or authority0 or
Dnowin"#y %ite as #aw a &ro-ision a#rea(y ren(ere(
ino&erati-e +y re&ea# or a)en()ent0 or assert as a fa%t that
whi%h has not +een &ro-e(.
Insular 4ife Assuran1e Co. .m+loyees Asso1iation v. Insular 4ife Assuran1e Co., 2' $C%A !// ((&'()
. . . in 'iting t"# ou%ts d#'ision and %ulings) it is t"# dut$ o& 'ou%ts) -udg#s and law$#%s
to %#p%odu'# o% 'op$ t"# sam# wo%d6&o%6wo%d and pun'tuation ma%k6&o%6pun'tuation ma%k( ...(
A%ti'l# @ o& i*il od# %#ads= 9Budi'ial d#'isions appl$ing o% int#%p%#ting t"# laws o% t"#
onstitution s"all &o%m pa%t o& t"# l#gal s$st#m o& t"# +"ilippin#s(: E*#% p%#s#nt is t"# dang#% t"at
i& not &ait"&ull$ and #.a'tl$ /uot#d) t"# d#'isions and %ulings o& t"# S ma$ los# t"#i% p%op#% and
'o%%#'t m#aning) to t"# d#t%im#nt o& ot"#% 'ou%ts) law$#%s and publi' w"o ma$ t"#%#b$ b# misl#d(
Adez %ealty v. CA, !(# $C%A 2,( ((&&!)
. . . T"# l#gal p%o&#ssion d#mands t"at law$#%s t"o%oug"l$ go o*#% pl#adings) motions)
and ot"#% do'um#nts di'tat#d o% p%#pa%#d b$ t"#m) t$p#d o% t%ans'%ib#d b$ t"#i% s#'%#ta%i#s o%
'l#%ks) b#&o%# &iling t"#m wit" t"# 'ou%t( I& a 'li#nt is bound b$ t"# a'ts o& "is 'ouns#l) wit" mo%#
%#ason s"ould 'ouns#l b# bound b$ t"# a'ts o& "is s#'%#ta%$ w"o m#%#l$ &ollows "is o%d#%s(
Bano5on vs. Berna, (#/ $C%A #&2
Law$#%s must not int#ntionall$ mis%#ad o% int#%p%#t t"# law to t"# point o& disto%tion in
'unning #&&o%t to a'"i#*# t"#i% pu%pos#s(
Ru#e ?@.@B. A #awyer sha## o+ser-e the ru#es of &ro%e(ure an( sha## not
)isuse the) to (efeat the en(s of =usti%e.
A5uinaldo vs. A5uinaldo, 20 $C%A (2'
T"# aim o& t"# lawsuit is to %#nd#% -usti'# to t"# pa%ti#s a''o%ding to law( +%o'#du%al %ul#s
a%# p%#'is#l$ d#sign#d to a''ompli'# su'" a wo%t"$ ob-#'ti*#( A#'#ssa%il$) t"#%#&o%#) an$ att#mpt
p#%*#%t t"# #nds &o% w"i'" t"#$ a%# int#nd#d d#s#%*#s 'ond#mnation(
Canlas vs. Court of A++eals, (0/ $C%A (0,
A litigation is not a gam# o& t#'"ni'aliti#s o& w"i'" on#) mo%# d##pl$ s'"ool#d and skill#d
in t"# subtl# a%t o& mo*#m#nt and position) #nt%aps and d#st%o$s t"# ot"#%( It is %at"#%) a 'ont#st
in w"i'" #a'" 'ont#nding pa%t$ &ull$ and &ai%l$ la$s b#&o%# t"# 'ou%t t"# &a'ts in issu# and t"#n)
b%us"ing asid# as w"oll$ t%i*ial and ind#'isi*# all imp#%&#'tions o& &o%m and t#'"ni'aliti#s o&
p%o'#du%#) asks t"at -usti'# b# don# upon m#%its(
Ma1ias vs. 7y Him, /# $C%A !#(
+%o'#du%al %ul#s a%# inst%um#nts in t"# sp##d$ and #&&i'i#nt administ%ation o& -usti'#(
T"#$ s"ould b# us#d to a'"i#*# su'" #nd and not to d#%ail it( T"us) t"# &iling b$ a law$#% b$ a
multipl# p#titions %#ga%ding t"# sam# sub-#'t matt#% 'onstitut#s abus# o& t"# 'ou%ts p%o'#ss#s
and imp%op#% 'ondu't t"at t#nds to obst%u't and d#g%ad# t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
:ar1ia vs. 8ran1is1o, !!, $C%A #(! ((&&2)
A law$#% s"ould not abus# "is %ig"t o& %#'ou%s# to t"# 'ou%ts &o% t"# pu%pos# o& a%guing a
'aus# t"at "ad b##n %#p#at#dl$ %#bu&&#d( A#it"#% s"ould "# us# "is knowl#dg# o& law as an
inst%um#nt to "a%ass a pa%t$ no% to misus# -udi'ial p%o'#ss#s) as t"# sam# 'onstitut#s s#%ious
t%ansg%#ssion o& t"# od# o& +%o&#ssional R#sponsibilit$( <o% w"il# "# ow#s &id#lit$ to t"# 'aus#
o& "is 'li#nt) it s"ould not b# at t"# #.p#ns# o& t%ut" and t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
:omez vs. -residin5 ud5e, !/& $C%A /2! ((&&#)
As an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t) a law$#% s"ould not misus# t"# %ul#s o& p%o'#du%# to d#&#at t"#
#nds o& -usti'# o% undul$ d#la$ o% imp#d# t"# #.#'ution o& &inal -udgm#nt) ot"#%wis# "# ma$ b#
sub-#'t#d to dis'iplina%$ san'tions(
A #awyer sha## o+ser-e an( )aintain the res&e%t (ue to the %ourts an( to
=u(i%ia# offi%ers an( shou#( insist on si)i#ar %on(u%t +y others.

A law$#% is an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t ($al1edo vs. 9ernandez, 0( -hil. '!/). H# o''upi#s a /uasi6
-udi'ial o&&i'# wit" a t%ipa%tit# obligation to t"# 'ou%ts) to t"# publi' and to "is 'li#nts.(Cantorne vs.
3u1osin, #' -hil. !2). T"# publi' duti#s o& t"# atto%n#$ tak#s p%#'#d#n'# o*#% "is p%i*at# duti#s(
His &i%st dut$ is to t"# 'ou%ts( W"#%# duti#s to t"# 'ou%ts 'on&li't wit" "is duti#s to "is 'li#nts) t"#
latt#% must $i#ld to t"# &o%m#% (4an5en vs. Borkowski, /2 A4% 0!!).
T"# %#sp#'t is not onl$ towa%d t"# Busti'#s and Budg#s but also to ot"#% o&&i'#%s o& t"#
ou%ts lik# l#%k o& ou%t) S"#%i&&s and ot"#% -udi'ial o&&i'#%s w"o tak# pa%t in t"# -udi'ial wo%k(
0acts$ A law$#% &il#s g%oundl#ss administ%ati*# '"a%g#s against a -udg# w"o "as %#nd#%#d an
un&a*o%abl# -udgm#nt against "im &o% pu%pos#s o& "a%assing said -udg# and in "op#s t"at su'"
administ%ati*# '"a%g#s will s#'u%# a &a*o%abl# -udgm#nt &%om t"# app#llat# 'ou%ts w"i'" "a*#
tak#n 'ogni8an'# o& t"# latt#%s app#al( (Choa vs. Chion5son, !0, $C%A /'', Au5ust &, (&&0).
I An$ '%iti'ism against a -udg# mad# in t"# guis# o& an administ%ati*# 'omplaint w"i'" is 'l#a%l$
un&ound#d and impli#d b$ ult#%io% moti*# will not #.'us# t"# law$#% %#sponsibl# t"#%#&o%# und#%
"is dut$ o& &id#lit$ to "is 'li#nt(
I Law$#%s) as o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t) s"ould not #n'ou%ag# g%oundl#ss administ%ati*# 'as#s
against 'ou%t o&&i'#%s and #mplo$##s(
:uerrero v. 6illamor, ('& $C%A 2## ((&"&)
. . . T"# pow#% to punis" &o% 'ont#mpt s"ould b# us#d spa%ingl$) so mu'" so t"at -udg#s
s"ould alwa$s b#a% in mind t"at t"# pow#% o& t"# 'ou%t to punis" &o% 'ont#mpt s"ould b#
#.#%'is#d &o% pu%pos#s t"at a%# imp#%sonal( It is int#nd#d as a sa&#gua%d not &o% -udg#s as
p#%sons but &o% t"# &un'tions t"at t"#$ #.#%'is#( . . . B# t"at as it ma$) law$#%s) on t"# ot"#%
"and) s"ould b#a% in mind t"#i% basi' dut$ 9to obs#%*# and maintain t"# %#sp#'t du# to t"# 'ou%ts
o& -usti'# and -udi'ial o&&i'#%s and ... to insist on simila% 'ondu't b$ ot"#%s(
Abiera v. Ma1eda, !22 $C%A #!, ((&&/)
. . . omplainant s"ould b# %#mind#d o& "is p%ima%$ dut$ to assist t"# 'ou%t in t"#
administ%ation o& -usti'#( It b#a%s st%#ssing t"at t"# %#lations b#tw##n 'ouns#l and -udg# s"ould
b# bas#d on mutual %#sp#'t and on a d##p app%#'iation b$ on# o& t"# duti#s o& t"# ot"#%( It is
upon t"#i% 'o%dial %#lations"ip and mutual 'oop#%ation t"at t"# "op# o& ou% p#opl# &o% sp##d$ and
#&&i'i#nt -usti'# %#sts(
3e 4eon vs. =orres, && -hil./02
How#*#% #%%on#ous t"#$ ma$ b#) 'ou%t o%d#%s must b# %#sp#'t#d b$ law$#%s w"o a%#
t"#ms#l*#s o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t(
Ru#e ??.@?. A #awyer sha## a&&ear in %ourt &ro&er#y attire(.
Law$#%s w"o app#a% in 'ou%t must b# p%op#%l$ atti%#d( T"# t%aditional atti%#s &o% mal#
law$#%s in t"# +"ilippin#s a%# t"# long6sl##*# Ba%ong Tagalog o% 'oat and ti#( <#mal# law$#%s
app#a% in a s#mi6&o%mal atti%#s( Budg#s also app#a% in t"# sam# atti%# in addition to bla'k %ob#s(
T"# ou%t 'an "old t"# law$#% in 'ont#mpt o& 'ou%t i& "# app#a%s not in p%op#% atti%#(
Ru#e ??.@A. A #awyer sha## &un%tua##y a&&ear at %ourt hearin"s.
ouns#l ma$ #*#n b# "#ld in 'ont#mpt in 'oming lat# in t"# "#a%ing o% t%ial o& 'as# (%ule
'(, $e1tion 2 (a) %%C) o% &o% &ailing to app#a% in a t%ial (-eo+le vs. :a5ul, ! $C%A '#!).
Cantelan5 vs. Medina, &( $C%A /,2 ((&'&)
H# ow#s it not onl$ to "is 'li#nt but to t"# 'ou%t and t"# publi' as w#ll to b# pun'tual in
att#ndan'# and to b# 'on'is# and di%#'t in t"# t%ial and disposition o& 'aus#s(
Ru#e ??.@B. A #awyer sha## a+stain fro) s%an(a#ous0 offensi-e or
)ena%in" #an"ua"e or +eha-ior +efore the ourts.
$uri5ao Mineral %eservation Board vs. Cloribel, 2( $C%A ( ((&',!
A law$#%s languag# s"ould b# &o%'#&ul but digni&i#d) #mp"ati' but %#sp#'t&ul as b#&itting
an ad*o'at# and in k##ping wit" t"# dignit$ o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion(
A law$#% w"o us#s int#mp#%at#) abusi*#) ab%asi*# o% t"%#at#ning languag# s"ows
dis%#sp#'t to t"# 'ou%t) disg%a'#s t"# ba% and in*it#s t"# #.#%'is# b$ t"# 'ou%t o& its dis'iplina%$
Buenaseda vs. 8lavier, !!0 $C%A 0/#, '', ((&&2)
T"# languag# o& a law$#%) bot" o%al and w%itt#n) must b# %#sp#'t&ul and %#st%ain#d in
k##ping wit" t"# dignit$ o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion and wit" "is b#"a*io%al attitud# towa%d "is
b%#t"%#n in t"# p%o&#ssion( T"# us# o& abusi*# languag# b$ 'ouns#l against t"# opposing 'ouns#l
'onstitut#s at t"# sam# tim# a dis%#sp#'t to t"# dignit$ o& t"# 'ou%t -usti'#( Do%#o*#%) t"# us# o&
impassion#d languag# in pl#adings) mo%# o&t#n t"an not) '%#at#s mo%# "#at t"an lig"t(
BaGa vs. Ma1ando5, (#" $C%A 2&( ((&"")
It must not) "ow#*#%) &o%gott#n t"at a law$#% pl#ads, "# do#s not di'tat#( H# s"ould b#
'ou%ag#ous) &ai% and 'i%'umsp#'t) not p#tulant o% 'ombati*# o% b#lli'os# in "is d#alings wit" t"#
$an5alan5 v. IAC, ('' $C%A "' ((&"&)
. . . Att$( Sang'o is #ntitl#d to "is opinion) but not to a li'#ns# to insult t"# ou%t wit"
d#%ogato%$ stat#m#nts and %#'ou%s#s to 9a%gum#nta ad "omin#m:( . . . O& 'ou%s#) t"# ou%t is
not un%#'#pti*# to 'omm#nts and '%iti/u# o& its d#'isions) p%o*id#d t"at t"#$ a%# &ai% and
-ara5as vs. Cruz, (/ $C%A ",&
A m#%# dis'laim#% o& an$ int#ntional dis%#sp#'t b$ app#llant is no g%ound &o% #.on#%ation(
His int#nt must b# d#t#%min#d b$ a &ai% int#%p%#tation o& t"# languag#s b$ "im #mplo$#d( H#
'annot #s'ap# %#sponsibilit$ b$ 'laiming t"at "is wo%ds did not m#an w"at an$ %#ad#% must "a*#
und#%stood t"#m as m#aning(
Baldivar vs. :onzales, (00 $C%A 2(0
T"# law$#%s dut$ to %#nd#% %#sp#'t&ul subo%dination to t"# 'ou%ts is #ss#ntial to t"#
o%d#%l$ administ%ation o& -usti'#( H#n'#) in t"# ass#%tion o& t"# 'li#nts %ig"ts) law$#%s ; #*#n
t"os# gi&t#d wit" sup#%io% int#ll#'t) a%# #n-oin#d to %#in up t"#i% t#mp#%s(
Ru#e ??.@C. A #awyer sha## not attri+ute to a :u("e )oti-es not su&&orte(
+y the re%or( or ha-e no )ateria#ity to the %ase.
Ma1eda vs. >mbudsman, :.%. *o. (,!'"(, A+ril !!, (&&2
A law$#% "as t"# dut$ to d#&#nd a -udg# &%om un&ound#d '%iti'ism o% g%oundl#ss p#%sonal
atta'k( T"is is i%%#sp#'ti*# o& w"#t"#% "# los#s o% wins "is 'as#s in t"# sala o& a -udg#(
How#*#%) su'" dut$ do#s not p%#*#nt a law$#% &%om &iling administ%ati*# 'omplaints
against #%%ing -udg#s o% &%om a''#pting 'as#s o& 'li#nts w"o "a*# l#gitimat# g%i#*an'#s against
In doing so) t"# 'omplaint must b# &il#d wit" p%op#% aut"o%iti#s onl$) t"at is) wit" t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t (t"%oug" t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t Administ%ato%!) i& t"# 'as# is administ%ati*# in
natu%#) o% wit" t"# O&&i'# o& t"# Ombudsman i& t"# 'omplaint is '%iminal and not pu%#l$
administ%ati*# in natu%#(
In re: A5uas, ( -hil. (
T"#%# a%# tim#s w"#n it is t"# -udg# w"o misb#"a*#d du%ing a 'ou%t p%o'##ding( T"#
a&&#'t#d law$#% ma$ d#mand t"at t"# in'id#nt b# mad# o& %#'o%d( T"is a't o& t"# law$#% is not
-eo+le vs. Carillo, '' -hil. #"2
ouns#l must b# 'ou%ag#ous #noug" to point out #%%o%s) a%bit%a%in#ss) and in-usti'#s o&
'ou%ts and -udg#s( T"# &#a% o& p%o*oking displ#asu%# o& t"# a&&#'t#d -udg#s must not d#t#% t"#m
&%om 'ompl$ing wit" t"#i% 'i*il and l#gal dut$ to ob-#'t to) oppos#) and p%ot#st against ill#gal o%
#%%on#ous -udi'ial d#'isions) %#solutions) a'ts o% 'ondu't( Budg#s and t%ibunals a%# not in&allibl#(
In re: Alma1en, 2( $C%A #0! ((&',)
H . . E*#%$ 'iti8#n "as t"# %ig"t to 'omm#nt upon and '%iti'i8# t"# a'tuations o& publi'
o&&i'#%s( T"is %ig"t is not dismiss#d b$ t"# &a't t"at t"# '%iti'ism is aim#d at a -udi'ial aut"o%it$) o%
t"at it is a%ti'ulat#d b$ a law$#%( Su'" %ig"t is #sp#'iall$ %#'ogni8#d w"#%# t"# '%iti'ism 'on'#%ns
a 'on'lud#d litigation) b#'aus# t"#n t"# 'ou%ts a'tuations a%# t"%own op#n to publi'
'onsumption( ou%ts t"us t%#ats wit" &o%b#a%an'# and %#st%aint a law$#% w"o *igo%ousl$ assails
t"#i% a'tuations &o% 'ou%ag#ous and &#a%l#ss ad*o'at#s a%# t"# st%ands t"at w#a*# du%abilit$ into
t"# tap#st%$ o& -usti'#( H#n'# as 'iti8#n and o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t) #*#%$ law$#% is #.p#'t#d not onl$
to #.#%'is# t"# %ig"t) but also to 'onsid#% it "is dut$ to #.pos# t"# s"o%t'omings and indis'%#tions
o& 'ou%ts and -udg#s( But it is t"# 'a%dinal 'ondition o& all su'" '%iti'ism t"at it s"all b# bona &id#)
and s"all not spill o*#% t"# walls o& d#'#n'$ and p%op%i#t$( +ost litigation utt#%an'#s o%
publi'ations mad# b$ law$#%s) '%iti'al o& t"# 'ou%ts and t"#i% -udi'ial a'tuations) w"#t"#%
amounting to a '%im# o% not) w"i'" t%ans'#nd t"# p#%missibl# bounds o& &ai% 'omm#nt and
l#gitimat# '%iti'ism and t"#%#b$ t#nd to b%ing t"#m into disput# o% to sub*#%t publi' 'on&id#n'# in
t"#i% int#g%it$ and in t"# o%d#%l$ administ%ation o& -usti'#) 'onstitut# g%a*# p%o&#ssional mis'ondu't
w"i'" ma$ b# *isit#d wit" disba%m#nt o% ot"#% l#ss#% app%op%iat# dis'iplina%$ san'tions b$ t"# S
in t"# #.#%'is# o& t"# p%#%ogati*#s in"#%#nt in it as t"# dul$ 'onstitut#d gua%dian o& t"# mo%als and
#t"i's o& t"# l#gal &%at#%nit$(
. . . It is not a''u%at# to sa$) no% is it an obsta'l# to t"# #.#%'is# o& t"# ou%ts aut"o%it$
in t"# p%#mis#s) t"at) as Att$( Alma'#n would "a*# app#a%) t"# m#mb#%s o& t"# ou%t a%# t"#
9'omplainants) p%os#'uto%s and -udg#s: all %oll#d up into on# in t"is instan'#( T"is is an utt#%
misapp%#"#nsion) i& not a total disto%tion) not onl$ o& t"# natu%# o& t"# p%o'##ding at "and but also
o& t"# ou%ts %ol# t"#%#in( A''#nt s"ould b# laid on t"# &a't t"at dis'iplina%$ p%o'##dings lik# t"#
p%#s#nt a%# sui g#n#%is( A#it"#% pu%#l$ 'i*il no% '%iminal) t"is p%o'##ding is not and do#s not
in*ol*# a t%ial o& an a'tion o% a suit) but is %at"#% an in*#stigation b$ t"# ou%t into t"# 'ondu't o&
its o&&i'#%s( Aot b#ing int#nd#d to in&li't punis"m#nt) it is in no s#ns# a '%iminal p%os#'ution(
A''o%dingl$) t"#%# is n#it"#% a plainti&& no% a p%os#'uto% t"#%#in( It ma$ b# initiat#d b$ t"# 'ou%t
motu p%op%io( +ubli' int#%#st is its p%ima%$ ob-#'ti*#) and t"# %#al /u#stion &o% d#t#%mination is
w"#t"#% o% not t"# atto%n#$ is still a &it p#%son to b# allow#d t"# p%i*il#g#s as su'"( H#n'#) in t"#
#.#%'is# o& its dis'iplina%$ a'tuations as an o&&i'#% o& t"# ou%t wit" t"# #nd in *i#w o& p%#s#%*ing
t"# pu%it$ o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion and t"# p%op#% and "on#st administ%ation o& -usti'# b$ pu%ging
t"# p%o&#ssion o& m#mb#%s w"o b$ t"#i% mis'ondu't "a*# p%o*#d t"#ms#l*#s no long#% wo%t"$ to
b# #nt%ust#d wit" t"# duti#s and %#sponsibiliti#s p#%taining to t"# o&&i'# o& t"# atto%n#$( In su'"
postu%#) t"#%# 'an t"us b# no o''asion to sp#ak o& a 'omplainant o% a p%os#'uto%(
Choa vs. Chion5son, !0, $C%A /'' ((&&0)
T"# %ig"t o& a law$#% to 'omm#nt on a p#nding litigation o% to impugn t"# impa%tialit$ o& a
-udg# to d#'id# it is mu'" 'i%'ums'%ib#d( W"at "# 'an o%dina%il$ sa$ against a 'on'lud#d litigation
and t"# mann#% t"# -udg# "and#d down t"# d#'ision t"#%#in ma$ not g#n#%all$ b# said to a
p#nding a'tion( T"# 'ou%t) in a p#nding litigation) must b# s"i#ld#d &%om #mba%%assm#nt o%
in&lu#n'# in its all impo%tant dut$ o& d#'iding t"# 'as#(
In re: 4ozano, #/ -hil. ",(
A law$#% #n*o$s a wid#% latitud# o& 'omm#nt on '%isis o% '%iti'ism o& t"# -udg#s d#'ision
o% "is a'tuation( It "as b##n "#ld t"at a n#wspap#% publi'ation t#nding to imp#d#) obst%u't)
#mba%%ass o% in&lu#n'# t"# 'ou%ts in administ#%ing -usti'# in a p#nding 'as# 'onstitut#s '%iminal
'ont#mpt) but t"# %ul# is ot"#%wis# a&t#% t"# litigation is #nd#d(
0acts$ Att$( H) w"il# t%$ing "is 'li#nts 'as#) &il#d s#*#%al mani&#stations w"i'" 'ontain#d *#il#d
t"%#ats against 'ou%t( H# also imput#d t"at t"# 'ou%t s"ould d#'id# in "is &a*o% to "#lp disp#l t"#
imag# o& t"# 'ou%t as b#ing 'ompos#d o& onl$ t"# #lit# but w"o a%# non#t"#l#ss igno%ant( (In re:
-on1iano B. a1into, (#& $C%A /'(, A+ril 0, (&&")
I R#p#at#dl$ insulting and t"%#at#ning t"# ou%t in a most boo%is" and insol#nt mann#%) making
i%%#sponsibl# '"a%g#s and insinuations t"at b#smi%'" t"# "ig"#st t%ibunal and und#%min# popula%
&ait" in its int#g%it$) %#&l#'ts a sup#%'ilious and 'ont#mptuous %#ga%d &o% t"# ou%t) w"i'" 'annot
b# l#&t unnoti'#d and unpunis"#d(
Ru#e ??.@1. A #awyer sha## su+)it "rie-an%es a"ainst a :u("e to the
&ro&er authorities on#y.
Const., Art. 6III $e1. 0
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t s"all "a*# administ%ati*# sup#%*ision o*#% all 'ou%ts and p#%sonn#l
Ma1eda v. 6as<uez, !!( $C%A /0/ ((&&2)
. . . A%t( GII S#'( > o& t"# 07@? onstitution #.'lusi*#l$ *#sts in t"# Sup%#m# ou%t
administ%ati*# sup#%*ision o*#% all 'ou%ts and 'ou%t p#%sonn#l) &%om t"# +%#siding Busti'# o& t"#
ou%t o& App#als down to t"# low#st muni'ipal 'ou%t 'l#%k( B$ *i%tu# o& t"is pow#%) it is onl$ t"# S
t"at 'an o*#%s## t"# -udg#s and 'ou%t p#%sonn#ls 'omplian'# wit" all laws) and tak# t"# p%op#%
administ%ati*# a'tion against t"#m i& t"#$ 'ommit an$ *iolation t"#%#o&( Ao ot"#% b%an'" o& t"#
go*#%nm#nt ma$ int%ud# into t"is pow#%) wit"out %unning a&oul o& t"# do't%in# o& t"# s#pa%ation o&
pow#%s( T"# Ombudsman 'annot -usti&$ its in*#stigation o& p#tition#% on t"# pow#%s g%ant#d to it
b$ t"# onstitution) &o% su'" a -usti&i'ation not onl$ %uns 'ount#% to t"# sp#'i&i' mandat# o& t"#
onstitution g%anting sup#%*iso%$ pow#%s to t"# S) but lik#wis# und#%min#s t"# ind#p#nd#n'# o&
t"# -udi'ia%$( ... ... w"#%# a '%iminal 'omplaint against a -udg# o% ot"#% 'ou%t #mplo$## a%is#s
&%om t"#i% administ%ati*# duti#s) t"# Ombudsman must d#&#% a'tion on said 'omplaint and %#&#%
t"# sam# to t"# ou%t &o% d#t#%mination w"#t"#% said -udg# o% 'ou%t #mplo$## "ad a't#d wit"in
t"# s'op# o& t"#i% administ%ati*# duti#s(
Ma5lasan5 v. -eo+le, (&, $C%A 2,0 ((&&,)
H . . T"# Sup%#m# ou%t is sup%#m# ; t"# t"i%d g%#at d#pa%tm#nt o& go*#%nm#nt
#nt%ust#d #.'lusi*#l$ wit" t"# -udi'ial pow#% to ad-udi'at# wit" &inalit$ all -usti'iabl# disput#s)
publi' and p%i*at#( Ao ot"#% d#pa%tm#nt o% ag#n'$ ma$ pass upon its -udgm#nt o% d#'la%# t"#m
9un-ust:( ons#/u#ntl$ and owing to t"# &o%#going) not #*#n t"# +%#sid#nt o& t"# +"ilippin#s as
"i#& E.#'uti*# ma$ pass -udgm#nt on an$ o& t"# ou%ts A'ts(
7rbina vs. Ma1eren, #' $C%A /,2 ((&'/)
T"# dut$ o& t"# ba% to suppo%t t"# -udg# against un-ust '%iti'ism and 'lamo% do#s not)
"ow#*#%) p%#'lud# a law$#% &%om &iling administ%ati*# 'omplaints against #%%ing -udg#s o% &%om
a'ting as 'ouns#l &o% 'li#nts w"o "a*# l#gitimat# g%i#*an'#s against t"#m( But t"# law$#% s"ould
&il# '"a%g#s against t"# -udg# b#&o%# t"# p%op#% aut"o%iti#s onl$ and onl$ a&t#% p%op#%
'i%'umsp#'tion and wit"out t"# us# o& dis%#sp#'t&ul languag# and o&&#nsi*# p#%sonaliti#s so as
not to undul$ bu%d#n t"# 'ou%t in t"# dis'"a%g# o& its &un'tions(
A #awyer sha## e,ert e-ery effort an( %onsi(er it his (uty to assist in the
s&ee(y an( effi%ient a()inistration of =usti%e.
%ule (2", $. !, (5)
It is t"# dut$ o& atto%n#$s not to #n'ou%ag# suits o% d#la$ an$ mans 'aus# &%om an$
'o%%upt moti*# o% int#%#st(
Const., Art. III, $e1. (0
All p#%sons "a*# t"# %ig"t to sp##d$ disposition o& t"#i% 'as#s b#&o%# all -udi'ial) /uasi6
-udi'ial o% administ%ati*# bodi#s(
-eo+le vs. ardin, (!/ $C%A (0'
T"# dilato%$ ta'ti's o& t"# d#&#ns# 'ouns#l and t"# &ailu%# o& bot" t"# -udg# and t"# &is'al
to tak# #&&#'ti*# 'ount#% m#asu%#s to ob*iat# t"# d#la$ing a'ts 'onstitut# obst%u'tion o& -usti'#(
Cantorne vs. 3u1osin, #' -hil. !2 ((&2!)
An$ a't on t"# pa%t o& a law$#% t"at obst%u'ts) p#%*#%ts o% imp#d#s t"# administ%ation o&
-usti'# 'onstitut#s mis'ondu't and -usti&i#s dis'iplina%$ a'tion against "im
Ru#e ?A.@?. A #awyer sha## not a&&ear for tria# un#ess he has a(e5uate#y
&re&are( hi)se#f on the #aw an( the fa%ts of his %ase0 an( the
e-i(en%e he wi## a((u%e an( the or(er of its &rofferen%e. He
shou#( a#so +e rea(y with the ori"ina# (o%u)ents for
%o)&arison with the %o&ies.
A law$#% is not ad#/uat#l$ p%#pa%#d unl#ss "# "as a mast#%$ o& t"# &a'ts o& "is 'as#) t"#
law and -u%isp%ud#n'# appli'abl# t"#%#to and upon w"i'" "# 'an app%op%iat#l$ an'"o% "is t"#o%$
o% instan'#( H# must "a*# 'ollat#d #*#%$ pi#'# o& #*id#n'# #ss#ntial to #stablis" "is 'as# and
#ss#ntial to d#molis" t"# p%#t#ns# o& t"# oppon#nts t"#o%$ and 'apabl# o& p%#s#nting and
o&&#%ing "is #*id#n'# in an o%d#%l$ and smoot" mann#% wit"out p%o*oking *alid ob-#'tions(
6illasis vs. Court of A++eals, 0, $C%A (!,
A n#wl$ "i%#d 'ouns#l w"o app#a%s in a 'as# in t"# midst%#am is p%#sum#d and oblig#d
to a'/uaint "ims#l& wit" all t"# ant#'#d#nt p%o'#ss#s and p%o'##dings t"at "a*# t%anspi%#d in t"#
%#'o%d p%io% to "is tak#o*#%(
MartinIs 4e5al .thi1s, +. /', (&"" ed.
Hal& o& t"# wo%k o& t"# law$#% is don# in t"# o&&i'#( It is sp#nt in t"# stud$ and %#s#a%'"(
Inad#/uat# p%#pa%ation obst%u'ts t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
Ru#e ?A.@A A #awyer sha## not fi#e )u#ti&#e a%tions arisin" fro) the sa)e
R#st%i'tions a%# int#nd#d to p%#*#nt Jforum;sho++in5K (w"i'" is t"# imp%op#% p%a'ti'# o&
going &%om on# 'ou%t to anot"#% in t"# "op# o& s#'u%ing a &a*o%abl# %#li#& in on# 'ou%t w"i'"
anot"#% 'ou%t "as d#ni#d!(
6oru) Sho&&in" #.ists w"#n as a %#sult o& an ad*#%s# opinion in on# &o%um=
a( a pa%t$ s##ks &a*o%abl# opinion (ot"#% t"an b$ app#al o% '#%tio%a%i! in anot"#%) o%
b. w"#n "# institut#s two o% mo%# a'tions o% p%o'##dings g%ound#d on t"# sam# 'aus#)
on t"# gambl# t"at on# o% t"# ot"#% would mak# a &a*o%abl# disposition (Ben5uet
.le1tri1 Cor+. vs. 8lores !"' $C%A //&, Mar1h (!, (&&").
8irst -hil. International Bank vs. Court of A++eals, !#! $C%A !#& ((&&0)
!-e test in "eter+inin8 .-et-er a $art* -as violate" t-e rule a8ainst foru+ s-o$$in8 is:
1. w"#t"#% t"# #l#m#nts o& litis pendentia a%# p%#s#nt, o%
2. w"#t"#% a &inal -udgm#nt in on# 'as# will amount to res +udicata in t"# ot"#%(
-aredes vs. $andi5anbayan, !#! $C%A 0/( ((&&0)
T"# m#%# &iling o& s#*#%al 'as#s bas#d on t"# sam# in'id#nt do#s not n#'#ssa%il$
'onstitut# &o%um s"opping( T"# /u#stion is w"#t"#% t"# s#*#%al a'tions &il#d in*ol*# t"# sam#
t%ansa'tions) #ss#ntial &a'ts and 'i%'umstan'#s( I& t"#$ in*ol*# #ss#ntiall$ di&&#%#nt &a'ts)
'i%'umstan'#s and 'aus#s o& a'tion) t"#%# is no &o%um s"opping(
:ar1ia vs. 8ran1is1o, AC *o. 2&!2, Mar1h 2,, (&&2
A law$#% ow#s &id#lit$ to t"# 'aus# o& "is 'li#nt but not at t"# #.p#ns# o& t%ut" and t"#
administ%ation o& -usti'#(
B$ g%ossl$ abusing "is %ig"t o& %#'ou%s# to t"# 'ou%ts &o% t"# pu%pos# o& a%guing a 'aus#
t"at "ad b##n %#p#at#dl$ %#bu&&#d) "# was disdaining t"# obligation o& t"# law$#% to maintain onl$
su'" a'tions o% p%o'##dings) as app#a% to "im to b# -ust and su'" d#&#ns#s onl$ as "# b#li#*#s
to b# "on#stl$ d#batabl# und#% t"# law( B$ *iolating "is oat" not to d#la$ an$ man &o% mon#$ o%
mali'#) "# "as b#smi%'"#d t"# nam# o& an "ono%abl# p%o&#ssion and "as p%o*#d "ims#l&
unwo%t"$ o& t"# t%ust %#pos#d to "im b$ law as an o&&i'#% o& t"# ou%t(
Three 7ays in whi%h the 6oru) Sho&&in" is o))itte(:
0( Going &%om on# 'ou%t to anot"#% in t"# "op# o& s#'u%ing a &a*o%abl# %#li#& in on# 'ou%t) w"i'"
anot"#% 'ou%t "as d#ni#d(
1( <iling %#p#titious suits o% p%o'##ding in di&&#%#nt 'ou%ts 'on'#%ning t"# sam# sub-#'t matt#%
a&t#% on# 'ou%t "as d#'id#d t"# suit wit" &inalit$(
3( <iling a simila% 'as# in a -udi'ial 'ou%t a&t#% %#'#i*ing an un&a*o%abl# -udgm#nt &%om an
administ%ati*# t%ibunal(
4ast +ar., $e1. #, %ule ', %>C
<ailu%# to 'ompl$ wit" t"# %#/ui%#m#nts &o%) t"# submission o& a '#%ti&i'ation against
&o%um s"opping in initiato%$ pl#adings s"all not b# 'u%abl# b$ m#%# am#ndm#nt o& t"# 'omplaint
o% ot"#% initiato%$ pl#ading) but s"all b# 'aus# &o% t"# dismissal o& t"# 'as# wit"out p%#-udi'#)
unl#ss ot"#%wis# p%o*id#d) upon motion and a&t#% "#a%ing(
!-e su/+ission of a false certification or non6co+$liance .it- an* of t-e un"erta;in8s in a
certification of no foru+ s-o$$in8
0( s"all 'onstitut# indi%#'t 'ont#mpt o& 'ou%t
1( wit"out p%#-udi'# to t"# 'o%%#sponding administ%ati*# and '%iminal a'tions
#f t-e acts of t-e $art* or -is counsel clearl* constitute .illful an" "eli/erate foru+ s-o$$in8, t-e
sa+e s-all /e:
0( g%ound &o% summa%$ dismissal wit" p%#-udi'#, and s"all
1( 'onstitut# di%#'t 'ont#mpt) as w#ll as
3( 'aus# &o% administ%ati*# san'tions(
9. T"#%#sa ga*# bi%t" to a bab$ bo$ b$ 'a#sa%ian op#%ation( A w##k a&t#% "#% dis'"a%g# &%om
t"# "ospital) s"# &#lt in'#ssant pain in "#% abdom#n and) upon 'onsultation wit" an
obst#t%i'ian) it was dis'o*#%#d t"at a m#di'al inst%um#nt and a swab o& 'otton w#%# l#&t
insid# "#% abdom#n b$ t"# do'to% w"o 'ondu't#d t"# 'a#sa%ian op#%ation( T"#%#sa t"#n
&il#d a '%iminal 'as# against t"# do'to% in t"# RT and an administ%ati*# 'as# wit" t"#
+%o&#ssional R#gulations ommissions(
Ha*ing b##n in&o%m#d o& t"# &iling o& t"# 'as# in t"# RT o& w"i'" $ou w#%# t"# p%#siding
-udg# and b#&o%# t"# +R almost simultan#ousl$) "ow would $ou dispos# o& t"# '%iminal
'as# in $ou% 'ou%tF
A. I would p%o'##d wit" t"# "#a%ing o& t"# '%iminal 'as#( T"#%# is no &o%um s"opping in t"is
'as# b#'aus# t"# two a'tions a%# bas#d on di&&#%#nt 'aus#s o& a'tion( T"# 'as# b#&o%# t"#
+R is bas#d on malp%a'ti'# w"il# t"# '%iminal 'as# in t"# RT is bas#d on n#glig#n'#(
9. H sustain#d p"$si'al in-u%i#s du# to a moto% *#"i'l# 'ollision b#tw##n t"# 'a% "# was d%i*ing
and t"# publi' utilit$ bus) %#/ui%ing "#% 'on&in#m#nt &o% 3J da$s at AB "ospital( A&t#% "#%
%#l#as# &%om t"# "ospital) s"# &il#d a '%minal 'omplaint against t"# bus d%i*#% &o% s#%ious
p"$si'al in-u%i#s t"%oug" %#'kl#ss imp%ud#n'# b#&o%# t"# Dakati +%os#'uto%s O&&i'#( S"#
also &il#d 'i*il 'omplaint b#&o%# t"# +a%aLa/u# RT against t"# bus d%i*#% and op#%ato% &o%
'omp#nsato%$) mo%al) #.#mpla%$ and ot"#% damag#s( Asid# &%om t"# two 'omplaints) s"#
additionall$ &il#d an administ%ati*# 'omplaint against t"# bus op#%ato% wit" t"# LT<RB &o%
'an'#llation o% susp#nsion o& t"# op#%ato%s &%an'"is#( Would $ou sa$ t"at s"# and "#%
law$#% w#%# guilt$ o& &o%um6s"oppingF
A. AO( T"#%# is no &o%um6s"opping in t"# simultan#ous &iling o& '%iminal 'as# and a 'i*il 'as#
in t"is instan'#( A%t( 33 o& t"# i*il od# allows t"# &iling o& an in-u%#d pa%t$ o& a 'i*il a'tion
&o% damag#s #nti%#l$ s#pa%at# and distin't &%om t"# '%iminal a'tion in 'as#s o& d#&amation)
&%aud and p"$si'al in-u%i#s( T"#%# is also no &o%um6s"opping in*ol*#d in &iling administ%ati*#
'omplaint against t"# op#%ato% o& LT<RB( It is &o% a di&&#%#nt 'aus# o& a'tion) t"# 'an'#llation
o% susp#nsion o& op#%ato%s &%an'"is#(
Ru#e ?A.@B. A #awyer sha## not0 after o+tainin" e,tensions to fi#e
&#ea(in"s0 )e)oran(a or +riefs0 #et the &erio( #a&se without
su+)ittin" the sa)e or offerin" an e,&#anation for his fai#ure
to (o so.
A1ha1oso vs. Court of A++eals, #( $C%A /!/
T"# 'ou%t '#nsu%#s t"# p%a'ti'# o& 'ouns#ls w"o s#'u%#s %#p#at#d #.t#nsions o& tim# to
&il# t"#i% pl#adings and t"#%#a&t#% simpl$ l#t t"# p#%iod laps# wit"out submitting t"# pl#ading on
#*#n an #.planation o% mani&#station o& t"#i% &ailu%# to do so(
T"#%# #.ists a b%#a'" o& dut$ not onl$ to t"# 'ou%t but also to t"# 'li#nt(
Ru#e ?A.@C. A #awyer sha## not un(u#y (e#ay a %ase0 i)&e(e the e,e%ution
of a =u(")ent or )isuse ourt &ro%esses.
T"# aim o& a suit is to %#nd#% -usti'# to t"# pa%ti#s a''o%ding to law and &%## &%om t"#
laws d#la$( Rul#s o& p%o'#du%# a%# d#sign#d to a''omplis" su'" ob-#'ti*#( A law$#% s"ould us#
t"# %ul#s &o% t"is pu%pos# and not &o% its &%ust%ation( T"# law$#% "as t"# dut$ to t#mp#% "is 'li#nts
p%op#nsit$ to litigat#(
I& a law$#% is "on#stl$ 'on*in'#d o& t"# &utilit$ o& an app#llat# %#*i#w o% app#al in a 'i*il
suit "# s"ould not "#sitat# to in&o%m "is 'li#nt t"at most lik#l$ t"# *#%di't would not b# alt#%#d(
:ar1ia v. 8ran1is1o, !!, $C%A #(! ((&&2)
H . . A law$#% ow#s &id#lit$ to t"# 'aus# o& "is 'li#nt but not at t"# #.p#ns# o& t%ut" and
t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#( H . . B$ g%ossl$ abusing t"# %ig"t o& %#'ou%s# to t"# 'ou%ts &o% t"#
pu%pos# o& a%guing a 'aus# t"at "ad b##n %#p#at#dl$ %#bu&&#d) "# was disdaining t"# obligation
o& t"# law$#% to maintain onl$ su'" a'tions o% p%o'##dings as app#a% to "im to b# -ust and su'"
d#&#ns#s onl$ as "# b#li#*#s to b# "on#stl$ d#batabl# und#% t"# law( B$ *iolating "is oat" not to
d#la$ a man &o% mon#$ o% mali'#) "# "as b#smi%'"#d t"# nam# o& an "ono%abl# p%o&#ssion and
"as p%o*#d "ims#l& unwo%t"$ o& t"# t%ust %#pos#d in "im b$ law as an o&&i'#% o& t"# ou%t(
-erez vs. 4azatin, !2 $C%A 0/#
Law$#%s s"ould not %#so%t to no% ab#t t"# %#so%t o& t"#i% 'li#nts) to a s#%i#s o& a'tions and
p#titions &o% t"# pu%pos# o& t"wa%ting t"# #.#'ution o& a -udgm#nt t"at "as long b#'om# &inal and
-eo+le vs. ardin, (!/ $C%A (0'
A -udg# s"ould b# /ui'k #noug" to p%#*#nt a law$#% &%om %#so%ting to dilato%$ ta'ti's
w"i'" obst%u't t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
Ru#e ?A.@1. A #awyer sha## refrain fro) ta#Din" to his witness (urin" a
+reaD or re%ess in the tria#0 whi#e the witness is sti## un(er
+u%pos# is to p%#*#nt t"# suspi'ion t"at "# is 'oa'"ing t"# witn#ss w"at to sa$ du%ing t"#
%#sumption o& t"# #.amination( T"# %ational# t"#%#&o%# o& t"is %ul# is to up"old and maintain &ai%
pla$ wit" t"# ot"#% pa%t$ and to p%#*#nt t"# #.amining law$#% &%om b#ing t#mpt#d to 'oa'" "is
own witn#ss to suit "is pu%pos#(
Ru#e ?A.@E. A #awyer sha## not Dnowin"#y assist a witness to )isre&resent
hi)se#f or to i)&ersonate another.
A law$#% ma$ law&ull$ and #t"i'all$ int#%*i#w witn#ss#s in ad*an'# o& t%ial as in &a't it is "is
dut$ as pa%t o& "is p%#pa%ation &o% t%ial(
Canon 2&, C-.
A law$#% ma$ p%op#%l$ int#%*i#w an$ witn#ss o% p%osp#'ti*# witn#ss &o% t"# opposing sid#
in an$ 'i*il o% '%iminal a'tion wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& opposing 'ouns#l o% pa%t$( H# s"ould
s'%upulousl$ a*oid an$ sugg#stion 'al'ulat#d to indu'# t"# witn#ss to supp%#ss o% d#*iat# &%om
t"# t%ut") o% in an$ d#g%## to a&&#'t "is &%## and unt%amm#l#d 'ondu't w"#n app#a%ing at a t%ial o%
on t"# witn#ss stand(
T"# witn#ss w"o 'ommits t"# mis%#p%#s#ntation is '%iminall$ liabl# &o% 20alse "estimony:
#it"#% und#% A%t( 0@0) 0@1 o% 0@3) R#*is#d +#nal od# d#p#nding upon t"# natu%# o& t"# 'as#(
T"# law$#% w"o indu'#s a witn#ss to 'ommit &als# t#stimon$ is #/uall$ guilt$ as t"# witn#ss(
Art. ("/, %evised -enal Code
T"# law$#% w"o p%#s#nt#d a witn#ss knowing "im to b# a &als# witn#ss is '%iminall$ liabl#
&o% 9O&&#%ing <als# T#stimon$ In E*id#n'#:
T"# law$#% w"o is guilt$ o& t"# abo*# is bot" '%iminall$ and administ%ati*#l$ liabl#(
$ubornation of +erGury
Subo%nation o& p#%-u%$ is 'ommitt#d b$ a p#%son w"o knowingl$ and will&ull$ procures
anot"#% to sw#a% &als#l$ and t"# witn#ss subo%nat#d do#s t#sti&$ und#% 'i%'umstan'#s rendering
him guilty of per+ury (7.$. vs. Ballena, (" -hil. 2"!).
-eo+le vs. Bautista, '0 -hil. ("/ ((&/0)
Asid# &%om t"# &a't t"at t"# t#stimon$ o& a witn#ss w"o admits "a*ing b##n inst%u't#d
w"at to sa$ ma$ not b# %#li#d upon b$ t"# 'ou%t) a law$#% w"o p%#s#nts a witn#ss w"om "#
knows will gi*# a &als# t#stimon$ ma$ b# sub-#'t#d to dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
9. Ba-a t#sti&i#d as a witn#ss in 'as# t"at Att$( Isip is "andling( W"#n t"# 'as# t#%minat#d) Ba-a
ask#d &o% "#% &##s &%om Att$( Isip( an Ba-a 'omp#l said 'ouns#l to pa$ "#%F
A. AO( A law$#% ma$ not pa$ (o% gua%ant##) o% allow t"# 'li#nt to pa$! t"# amount to witn#ss
ot"#% t"an %#asonabl# %#imbu%s#m#nt &o% t"#i% #.p#ns#s and loss o& tim#(
O& 'ou%s# an #.p#%t witn#ss ma$ b# paid a %#asonabl# &## &o% s#%*i'#s) bot" in t#sti&$ing
and p%#6t%ial p%#pa%ation(
How#*#%) und#% no 'i%'umstan'#s ma$ t"# law$#% ag%## to pa$ #*#n an #.p#%t witn#ss a
&## 'onting#nt upon t"# 'ont#nt o& t"# witn#ss t#stimon$ andMo% t"# out'om# o& t"# p%o'##ding(
Ru#e ?A.@F. A #awyer sha## not a+use0 +row+eat or harass a witness nor
nee(#ess#y in%on-enien%e hi).
)ec 3 Rights and obligations of a witness 4 a witn#ss must answ#% /u#stions) alt"oug"
"is answ#% ma$ t#nd to #stablis" a 'laim against "im( How#*#%) it is t"# %ig"t o& a witn#ss=
0( to b# p%ot#'t#d &%om i%%#l#*ant) imp%op#%) o% insulting /u#stions) and &%om "a%s" o%
insulting d#m#ano%,
1( not to b# d#tain#d long#% t"an t"# int#%#st o& -usti'# %#/ui%#s,
3( not to b# #.amin#d #.'#pt onl$ as to matt#%s p#%tin#nt to t"# issu#,
4( not to gi*# an answ#% w"i'" will t#nd to b# sub-#'t "im to p#nalt$ &o% an o&&#nsi*# unl#ss
ot"#%wis# p%o*id#d b$ law,
5. not to gi*# an answ#% w"i'" will t#nd to d#g%ad# "is %#putation) unl#ss it b# to t"# *#%$
&a't at issu# o% to a &a't &%om w"i'" t"# &a't in issu# would b# p%#sum#d( But a witn#ss
must answ#% to t"# &a't o& "is p%#*ious &inal 'on*i'tion &o% an o&&#ns#( (%ule (2!, $e1. 2,
Ru#e ?A.@G. A #awyer sha## a-oi( testifyin" in +eha#f of his %#ient0 e,%e&t:
a. on formal matters0 su%h as )ai#in"0 authenti%ation or
%usto(y of an instru)ent an( the #iDeH or
b. on substantial matters0 in %ases where his testi)ony is
essentia# to the en( of =usti%e0 in whi%h e-en he )ust0
(urin" hi testi)ony0 entrust the tria# of the %ase to
another %ounse#.
-*B v.=ien5 -iao, #' -hil 22' ((&2!)
. . . alt"oug" t"# law do#s not &o%bid an atto%n#$ to b# a witn#ss and at t"# sam# tim#
an atto%n#$ in a 'as#) t"# 'ou%ts p%#&#% t"at 'ouns#l s"ould not t#sti&$ as a witn#ss unl#ss it is
n#'#ssa%$) and t"at t"#$ s"ould wit"d%aw &%om t"# a'ti*# manag#m#nt o& t"# 'as#(
A #awyer sha## re#y u&on the )erits of his %ause an( refrain fro) any
i)&ro&riety whi%h ten(s to inf#uen%e0 or "i-es the a&&earan%e or
inf#uen%in" the ourt.
In p%os#'uting o% d#&#nding 'as#s) t"# law$#% must b# guid#d b$ t"# p%in'ipl#s o& -usti'#(
H# must %#l$ on t"# m#%its o& "is 'as#s and s"ould a*oid using in&lu#n'# and 'onn#'tions to win
"is 'as#s( His 'as#s must b# won b#'aus# t"#$ a%# m#%ito%ious and not b#'aus# o& 'onn#'tions)
'lout) dominan'# o% in&lu#n'#(
Ru#e ?B.@?. A #awyer sha## not e,ten( e,traor(inary attention or
hos&ita#ity to0 nor seeD o&&ortunity for0 %u#ti-atin" fa)i#iarity
with :u("es.
Canon 2, C-.
A law$#% s"ould a*oid ma%k#d att#ntion and unusual "ospitalit$ to a -udg#) un'all#d &o% b$
t"# p#%sonal %#lations o& t"# pa%ti#s) b#'aus# t"#$ sub-#'t "im and t"# -udg# to mis'on'#ptions o&
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. ',
In o%d#% not to sub-#'t bot" t"# -udg# and t"# law$#% to suspi'ion) t"# 'ommon p%a'ti'# o&
som# law$#%s o& making -udg#s and p%os#'uto%s god&at"#%s o& t"#i% '"ild%#n to #n"an'# t"#i%
in&lu#n'# and t"#i% law p%a'ti'# s"ould b# a*oid#d b$ -udg#s and law$#%s alik#(
Austria vs. Masa<uel, !, $C%A (!/'
It is imp%op#% &o% a litigant o% 'ouns#l to s## a -udg# in '"amb#%s and talk to "im about a
matt#% %#lat#d to t"# 'as# p#nding in t"# 'ou%t o& said -udg#(
Ru#e ?B.@A. A #awyer sha## not )aDe &u+#i% state)ents in the )e(ia
re"ar(in" a &en(in" %ase ten(in" to arouse &u+#i% o&inion for
or a"ainst a &arty.
Cruz v. $alva, (,# -hil ((#( ((&#()
H . . D#mb#%s o& t"# 'ou%t w#%# g%#atl$ distu%b#d and anno$#d b$ su'" s#nsationalism)
w"i'" ma$ b# laid at t"# doo% o& Sal*a( In t"is) "# 'ommitt#d a g%i#*ous #%%o% and poo% -udgm#nt(
His a'tuations in t"is %#ga%d w#nt w#ll b#$ond t"# bounds o& p%ud#n'#) dis'%#tion) and good
tast#( It is bad #noug" to "a*# su'" undu# publi'it$ w"#n a '%iminal 'as# is b#ing in*#stigat#d b$
t"# aut"o%iti#s) #*#n w"#n it is b#ing t%i#d in 'ou%t, but w"#n said publi'it$ is #n'ou%ag#d w"#n
t"# 'as# is on app#al and is p#nding 'onsid#%ation b$ t"is 'ou%t) t"# w"ol# t"ing b#'om#s
in#.'usabl#) #*#n ab"o%%#nt(
Mar1elino vs. AleGandro, 2! $C%A (,0
In o%d#% to wa%%ant a &inding o& 2pre+udicial publicity5) t"#%# must b# an all#gation and
p%oo& t"at t"# -udg#s "a*# b##n undul$ in&lu#n'#d) not simpl$ t"at t"#$ mig"t b#) b$ t"# 9ba%%ag#:
o& publi'it$(
In re: :omez, /2 -hil. 2'0
I& t"# 'ouns#l instigat#d o% indu'#d "is 'li#nt to mak# t"# publi' stat#m#nt o% publi'it$ in
t"# m#dia in*ol*ing a p#nding 'as# to a%ous# publi' opinion and to in&lu#n'# t"# -udg#) bot" t"#
'li#nt and t"# law$#% ma$b# sub-#'t#d to 'ont#mpt o& 'ou%t(
A&t#% t"# 'as# "ad al%#ad$ b##n &inis"#d) t"# %ul# in p%og%#ssi*# -u%isdi'tions is t"at)
'ou%ts a%# sub-#'t to t"# sam# '%iti'ism as ot"#% p#opl#(
In re: 4ozano, #/ -hil. ",(
In a 'on'lud#d litigation) a law$#% #n-o$s a wid#% latitud# o& 'omm#nt on o% '%iti'i8# t"#
d#'ision o& s -udg# o% "is a'tuation( T"us) it "as b##n "#ld t"at a n#wspap#% publi'ation t#nding
to imp#d#) obst%u't) #mba%%ass o% in&lu#n'# t"# 'ou%ts in administ#%ing -usti'# in a p#nding 'as#
'onstitut#s '%iminal 'ont#mpt) but t"# %ul# is ot"#%wis# a&t#% t"# litigation is #nd#d(
Ru#e ?B.@B. A #awyer sha## not +rooD nor in-ite interferen%e +y another
+ran%h or a"en%y in the "o-ern)ent in the nor)a# %ourse of
=u(i%ia# &ro%ee(in"s.
Buman5la5 vs. Buman5la5, '/ $C%A &!
W"#n a 'as# is al%#ad$ wit"in t"# -u%isdi'tion o& a 'ou%t) t"# law$#% s"ould not 'aus# o%
s##k t"# int#%&#%#n'# o& anot"#% ag#n'$ o& t"# Go*#%nm#nt in t"# no%mal 'ou%s# o& -udi'ial
%e5ala vs. $andi5anbayan, :.%. *o. (,#&2" ($e+t. !,, (&&0)
Histo%i'all$) t"# natu%# o& t"# law$#%6'li#nt %#lations"ip is p%#mis#d on t"#
Roman Law 'on'#pts=
1. locatio conduction operarum ('ont%a't o& l#as# o& s#%*i'#s! w"#%# on# l#ts "is s#%*i'#s
&o% 'omp#nsation and anot"#% "i%#s t"#m wit"out %#&#%#n'# to t"# ob-#'t w"i'" t"#
s#%*i'#s a%# to b# p#%&o%m#d, and
2. mandato ('ont%a't o& ag#n'$! w"#%#b$ a &%i#nd on w"om %#lian'# 'ould b# pla'#d mak#s
a 'ont%a't in "is nam# but gi*#s up all t"at "# gain#d b$ t"# 'ont%a't to t"# p#%son w"o
%#/u#st#d "im(
In a mod#%n da$ und#%standing o& t"# law$#%6'li#nt %#lations"ip) an atto%n#$ is mo%# t"an a
m#%# ag#nt o% s#%*ant b#'aus# "# poss#ss#s sp#'ial pow#%s o& t%ust and 'on&id#n'# %#pos#d on
"im b$ "is 'li#nt( H# is also as ind#p#nd#nt as a -udg#) wit" pow#%s #nti%#l$ di&&#%#nt &%om and
sup#%io% to t"os# o& an o%dina%$ ag#nt(
%ule (2", $e1tion !(, %ules of Court
T"# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt b#gins &%om t"# tim# an atto%n#$ is %#tain#d( T"# t#%m
retainer ma$ %#&#% #it"#% o& two 'on'#pts( It ma$ %#&#% to t"# a't o& a 'li#nt b$ w"i'" #ngag#s t"#
s#%*i'#s o& t"# atto%n#$=
0( to %#nd#% l#gal ad*i'#) o%
1( to d#&#nd o% p%os#'ut# "is 'aus# in 'ou%t(
It is g#n#%al o% sp#'ial( A general retainer is on# t"# pu%pos# o& w"i'" is to s#'u%# b#&o%#
"and t"# s#%*i'#s o& an atto%n#$ &o% an$ l#gal p%obl#m t"at ma$ a&t#%wa%d a%is#( A special retainer
"as %#&#%#n'# to a pa%ti'ula% 'as# o% s#%*i'#(
T"# wo%d 9retainer: ma$ also %#&#% to t"# &## w"i'" a 'li#nt pa$s to an atto%n#$ w"#n t"#
latt#% is %#tain#d known as %#taining &##( A retaining fee is a p%#limina%$ &## paid to insu%# and
s#'u%# "is &utu%# s#%*i'#s) to %#mun#%at# "im &o% b#ing d#p%i*#d) b$ b#ing %#tain#d b$ on# pa%t$)
o& t"# oppo%tunit$ o& %#nd#%ing s#%*i'#s to t"# ot"#% pa%t$ and o& %#'#i*ing pa$ &%om "im) and t"#
pa$m#nt o& su'" &##) in t"# abs#n'# o& an ag%##m#nt on t"# 'ont%a%$) is n#it"#% mad# no%
%#'#i*#d in 'onsid#%ation o& t"# s#%*i'#s 'ont#mplat#d, it is apa%t &%om w"at t"# 'li#nt "as ag%##d
to pa$ &o% t"# s#%*i'#s w"i'" "# "as %#tain#d "im to p#%&o%m( Its pu%pos# is to p%#*#nt undu#
"a%ds"ip on t"# pa%t o& t"# atto%n#$ %#sulting &%om t"# %igid obs#%*an'# o& t"# %ul# &o%bidding "im
&%om a'ting as 'ouns#l &o% t"# ot"#% pa%t$ "as b##n %#tain#d b$ o% "as gi*#n p%o&#ssional ad*i'#
to t"# opposit# pa%t$(
E,isten%e of Attorney'#ient Re#ationshi&
a( .ocumentary 0ormalism ; AOT an #ss#ntial #l#m#nt in t"# #mplo$m#nt o& an atto%n#$)
'ont%a't ma$ b# EH+RESSE2 OR ID+LIE2(
b( Implied acceptance ; it is su&&i'i#nt t"at ad*i'# and assistan'# o& an atto%n#$ is soug"t and
%#'#i*#d in an$ matt#% p#%tin#nt to "is p%o&#ssion, it is #noug" t"at a law$#% a''#d#d to a
'li#nts %#/u#st(
%ule (2", $e1tion !(, %ules of Court
An atto%n#$ "as no pow#% to a't as 'ouns#l o% l#gal %#p%#s#ntati*# &o% a p#%son wit"out
b#ing %#tain#d no% ma$ "# app#a% in 'ou%t &o% a pa%t$ wit"out b#ing #mplo$#d unl#ss b$ l#a*# o&
T"#%# must b# a 'ont%a't o& #mplo$m#nt) #.p%#ss o% impli#d) b#tw##n "im and t"# pa%t$
"# pu%po%ts to %#p%#s#nt o% t"# latt#%s aut"o%i8#d ag#nt( I& "# 'o%%upt o% will&ull$ app#a%s as an
atto%n#$ &o% a pa%t$ to a 'as# wit"out aut"o%it$) "# ma$ b# dis'iplin#d o% punis"#d &o% 'ont#mpt as
an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t w"o "as misb#"a*#d in "is o&&i'ial t%ansa'tion( Do%#o*#%) n#it"#% t"# litigant
w"om "# pu%po%ts to %#p%#s#nt no% t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$ ma$ b# bound o% a&&#'t#d b$ "is
app#a%an'# unl#ss t"# pu%po%t#d 'li#nt %ati&i#s o% is #stopp#d to d#n$ "is assum#d aut"o%it$(
3ee vs. Court of A++eals, ('0 $C%A 0#( ((&"&!
T"# abs#n'# o& a w%itt#n 'ont%a't will not p%#'lud# a &inding t"at t"#%# is a p%o&#ssional
%#lations"ip( 2o'um#nta%$ &o%malism is not an #ss#ntial #l#m#nt in t"# #mplo$m#nt o& an
atto%n#$, t"# 'ont%a't ma$ b# #.p%#ss o% impli#d( It is su&&i'i#nt) to #stablis" t"# p%o&#ssional
%#lation) t"at t"# ad*i'# and assistan'# o& an atto%n#$ is soug"t and %#'#i*#d in an$ matt#%
p#%tin#nt to "is p%o&#ssion( An a''#ptan'# o& t"# %#lation is impli#d on t"# pa%t o& t"# atto%n#$
&%om "is a'ting on b#"al& o& "is 'li#nt in pu%suan'# o& a %#/u#st &%om t"# latt#%( I& a p#%son) in
%#sp#'t to "is busin#ss a&&ai%s o% an$ t%oubl#s o& an$ kind) 'onsults wit" "is atto%n#$ in "is
p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$ wit" t"# *i#w to obtaining p%o&#ssional ad*i'# o% assistan'# and t"#
atto%n#$ *olunta%il$ p#%mits o% a'/ui#s'# in su'" 'onsultation) as w"#n "# list#ns to "is 'li#nts
p%#limina%$ stat#m#nt o& "is 'as# o% gi*#s ad*i'# t"#%#on) t"#n t"# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt is
%#ga%d#d as #stablis"#d -ust as #&&#'ti*# as w"#n "# d%aws "is 'li#nts pl#ading o% ad*o'at#s "is
'li#nts 'aus# in 'ou%t(
Ter)ination of a ounse#s Ser-i%es
0( T"# wit"d%awal as 'ouns#l o& a 'li#nt o% t"# dismissal b$ t"# 'li#nt o& "is 'ouns#l must b#
mad# in a <ORDAL +ETITIOA &il#d in t"# 'as# (WITH2RAWAL O< REOR2!
1( Att$6'li#nt %#lations"ip do#s not t#%minat# &o%mall$ until t"#%# is wit"d%awal mad# o& %#'o%d(
3( Enl#ss p%op#%l$ %#li#*#d) 'ouns#l is %#sponsibl# &o% t"# 'ondu't o& t"# 'as#(
9ilado vs. 3avid, "/ -hil. #0& ((&/&)
T"# #mplo$m#nt o& a law &i%m is #/ui*al#nt to t"# %#tain#% o& t"# m#mb#% t"#%#o& #*#n
t"oug" onl$ on# o& t"#m is 'onsult#d, 'on*#%s#l$) t"# #mplo$m#nt o& on# m#mb#% is g#n#%all$
'onsid#%#d as #mplo$m#nt o& t"# law &i%m(
B.%. $ebastian .nter+rises, In1. vs. Court of A++eals, !,0 $C%A !" ((&&!)
T"# d#at" o& a pa%tn#%) w"o was t"# on# "andling t"# 'as# &o% t"# law &i%m) did not
#.tinguis" t"# law$#%6'li#nt %#lations"ip, t"# %#sponsibilit$ to 'ontinu# %#p%#s#ntation and &il#
%#/ui%#d pl#ading d#*ol*# upon t"# %#maining law$#%s o& t"# &i%m) until t"#$ "a*# wit"d%awn &%om
t"# 'as#) t"# n#glig#n'# o& t"# latt#% binds t"# 'li#nt(
$eva vs. *olan, 0/ -hil. 2'/ ((&2')
A wi&# in an$ o& t"# instan'#s w"#%# s"# ma$ p%os#'ut# o% d#&#nd an a'tion wit"out t"#
n#'#ssit$ o& -oining "#% "usband as a pa%t$ litigant "as t"# aut"o%it$ to #ngag# t"# s#%*i'#s o&
'ouns#l #*#n wit"out "#% "usbands 'ons#nt( S"# 'annot) "ow#*#%) bind t"# 'on-ugal pa%tn#%s"ip
&o% t"# pa$m#nt o& t"# &##s o& "#% law$#% wit"out t"# "usbands aut"o%it$) #.'#pt in a suit b#tw##n
"#% and "#% "usband w"i'" s"# is 'omp#ll#d to institut# o% %#sist to p%ot#'t "#% %ig"ts) to a
su''#ss&ul 'on'lusion(
A #awyer sha## not refuse his ser-i%es to the nee(y.
T"# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt ma$ b# '%#at#d not onl$ b$ t"# *olunta%$ ag%##m#nt
b#tw##n t"#m but also b$ t"# appointm#nt o& an atto%n#$ as 'ouns#l de oficio &o% a poo% o%
indig#nt litigant) and t"# atto%n#$ so appoint#d "as as "ig" a dut$ to t"# indig#nt as to "is pa$ing
Ru#e ?C.@?. A #awyer sha## not (e%#ine to re&resent a &erson so#e#y on
a%%ount of the #atters
?. ra%e
A. se,
B. %ree(0 or
C. status of #ife0 or
1. +e%ause of his own o&inion re"ar(in" the "ui#t of sai(
%ule ((2", $. !,(h). .uty of attorneys=
. . . n#*#% to %#-#'t) &o% an$ 'onsid#%ation p#%sonal to "ims#l&) t"# 'aus# o& t"# d#&#ns#l#ss o%
%ule (2", s.!, (i).
In t"# d#&#ns# o& a p#%son a''us#d o& a '%im#) b$ all &ai% and "ono%abl# m#ans)
%#ga%dl#ss o& "is p#%sonal opinion to t"# guilt o& t"# a''us#d to p%#s#nt #*#%$ #*id#n'# t"at t"#
law p#%mits) to t"# #nd t"at no p#%son ma$ b# d#p%i*#d o& li&# o% lib#%t$) but b$ du# p%o'#ss o&
%ule (/.,( however is not a++li1able in 1ivil 1ases because of obvious reasons It is the lawyer6s
duty ;
9('! To 'ouns#l o% maintain su'" a'tions o% p%o'##dings onl$ as app#a% o "im to b# -ust) and
su'" d#&#ns#s onl$ as "# b#li#*#s to b# "on#stl$ d#batabl# und#% t"# law(: (%ule (2", se1tion !,
(1), %%C)
w"#n t"# law$#% signs a 'omplaint o% answ#%) "is signatu%# is d##m#d a '#%ti&i'ation b$ "im
9t"at "# "as %#ad t"# pl#ading, t"at to t"# b#st o& "is knowl#dg#) in&o%mation and b#li#&) t"#%# is
good ground to suppo%t ...: (%ule ', $e1tion #, %>C)( <o% *iolating t"is %ul#) t"# law$#% ma$ b#
sub-#'t#d to dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
Ru#e ?C.@A. A #awyer sha## not (e%#ine0 e,%e&t for serious an( suffi%ient
%ause0 an a&&oint)ent as %ounse# de o(("$"o or as am"$&s
$&r"ae, or a re5uest fro) the Inte"rate( $ar of the Phi#i&&ines
or any of its %ha&ters for ren(ition of free #e"a# ai(.
%ule (2", s. 2( %ttorneys for destitute litigants=
A 'ou%t ma$ assign an atto%n#$ to %#nd#% p%o&#ssional aid &%## o& '"a%g# to an$ pa%t$
in 'as#) i& upon in*#stigation it app#a%s t"at t"# pa%t$ is d#stitut# and unabl# to #mplo$ an
atto%n#$) and t"at t"# s#%*i'#s o& 'ouns#l a%# n#'#ssa%$ to s#'u%# t"# #nds o& -usti'# and to
p%ot#'t t"# %ig"ts o& t"# pa%t$( It s"all b# t"# dut$ o& t"# atto%n#$ so assign#d to %#nd#% t"#
%#/ui%#d s#%*i'#) unl#ss "# is #.'us#d t"#%#&%om b$ t"# 'ou%t &o% su&&i'i#nt 'aus# s"own(
%ule ((0, s.' 4 %ppointment of counsel de oficio
0( m#mb#%s o& t"# ba% in good standing,
1( an$ p#%son) %#sid#nt o& t"# p%o*in'# and o& good %#put# &o% p%obit$ and abilit$) in lo'aliti#s
wit"out law$#%s
0( g%a*it$ o& o&&#ns#
1( di&&i'ult$ o& /u#stions t"at ma$ a%is#
3( #.p#%i#n'# and abilit$ o& appoint##
%ule (2", s. 20
E.p#%i#n'#d and impa%tial atto%n#$s ma$ b# in*it#d b$ t"# 'ou%t to app#a% as ami'i
'u%ia# to "#lp in t"# disposition o& issu#s submitt#d to it(
Definition: b$stand#%, 9&%i#nd o& t"# 'ou%t: w"os# &un'tion is 9to %#mind t"#
'ou%t o% t%ibunal o& som# matt#% w"i'" ot"#%wis# mig"t #s'ap# its noti'# and
in %#ga%d to w"i'" it mig"t b# w%ong( On# w"o gi*#s in&o%mation upon som#
/u#stion o& law in %#ga%d to w"i'" t"# -udg# is doubt&ul o% mistak#n) o% upon
a matt#% o& w"i'" t"# 'ou%t ma$ tak# -udi'ial 'ogni8an'#(
Ru#e ?C.@B. A #awyer )ay not refuse to a%%e&t re&resentation of an
in(i"ent %#ient un#ess:
a. he is no &osition to %arry out the worD effe%ti-e#y or
+. he #a+ors un(er a %onf#i%t of interest +etween hi) an(
the &ros&e%ti-e %#ient or +etween a &resent %#ient an(
the &ros&e%ti-e %#ientH
T"# %ul# in*ol*#s indigent 'li#nts w"o 'om# to a law$#% &o% l#gal s#%*i'#s( End#% Rul#
03@) S#'tion 30 o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t) a -udg# ma$ assign a law$#% to %#nd#% a p%o&#ssional
s#%*i'# &%## o& '"a%g# to an$ pa%t$ in a 'as#) i& upon in*#stigation) it app#a%s t"at t"# pa%t$ is
destitute and unabl# to #mplo$ an atto%n#$( T"# law$#% assign#d must %#nd#% t"# %#/ui%#d l#gal
s#%*i'# unl#ss "# is #.'us#d t"#%#&%om b$ t"# 'ou%t &o% su&&i'i#nt o& 'aus# s"own(
Ru#e ?C.@C. A #awyer who a%%e&ts the %ause of a &erson una+#e to &ay his
&rofessiona# fees sha## o+ser-e the sa)e stan(ar( of %on(u%t
"o-ernin" his re#ations with &ayin" %#ients.
Blanza vs. Ar1an5el, !( $C%A (
I& a law$#% *olunt##%s "is s#%*i'#s to a 'li#nt) and t"#%#&o%# not #ntitl#d to atto%n#$s &##s)
n#*#%t"#l#ss) "# is bound to att#nd to a 'li#nts 'as# wit" all du# dilig#n'# and 8#al( B$
*olunt##%ing "is s#%*i'#s) "# "as #stablis"#d a 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip(
A #awyer sha## o+ser-e %an(or0 fairness an( #oya#ty in a## his (ea#in"s an(
transa%tions with his %#ients.

As a general rule) a 'li#nt is bound b$ "is 'ouns#ls 'ondu't e-cept w"#n
in'omp#t#n'# o& 'ouns#l is so g%#at t"at t"# d#&#ndant is p%#-udi'#d and p%#*#nt#d &%om
&ai%l$ p%#s#nting "is d#&#ns#(
$uarez vs. CA
A law$#% ow#s absolut# &id#lit$ to t"# 'aus# o& "is 'li#nt( H# ow#s "is 'li#nt &ull
d#*otion to "is int#%#st) wa%m 8#al in t"# maint#nan'# and d#&#ns# o& "is %ig"ts( In t"# instant
'as#) Att$( San Luis was un/u#stionabl$ n#glig#nt( His n#glig#n'# 'onsist#d in "is &ailu%# to
att#nd t"# "#a%ings) "is &ailu%# to ad*is# p#tition#% t"at "# was going ab%oad and "is &ailu%# to
wit"d%aw p%op#%l$ as 'ouns#l &o% p#tition#%(
>+arel, $r. vs. Abara, /, $C%A (!" ((&'()
It d#mands o& an atto%n#$ an undi*id#d all#gian'#) a 'onspi'uous and "ig" d#g%## o&
good &ait") disint#%#st#dn#ss) 'ando%) &ai%n#ss) lo$alt$) &id#lit$ and absolut# int#g%it$ in all "is
d#alings and t%ansa'tions wit" "is 'li#nts and an utt#% %#nun'iation o& #*#%$ p#%sonal ad*antag#
'on&li'ting in an$ wa$) di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$) wit" t"# int#%#st o& "is 'li#nt(
Ru#e ?1.@?. A #awyer0 in %onferrin" with a &ros&e%ti-e %#ient0 sha##
as%ertain as soon as &ra%ti%a+#e whether the )atter wou#(
in-o#-e a %onf#i%t or his own interest0 an( if so0 sha## forthwith
infor) the &ros&e%ti-e %#ient.
A law$#% "as t"# dut$ to dis'los# and #.plain to t"# p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nt all 'i%'umstan'#s
o& "is %#lation to t"# pa%ti#s and an$ int#%#st in 'onn#'tion wit" t"# 'ont%o*#%s$) w"i'" in "is
-udgm#nt mig"t in&lu#n'# "is 'li#nt) in so &a% as will #nabl# "im to d#'id# w"#t"#% to a''#pt t"#
'as#( It is "is dut$ to d#'lin# #mplo$m#nt in an$ matt#%) w"i'" ma$ in*ol*# 'on&li'ting int#%#sts(
$ta. Maria vs. =uazon, (( $C%A #0!
T"# &a't t"at t"# %#spond#nt "as pla'#d "is p%i*at# p#%sonal int#%#st o*#% and abo*# t"at
o& "is 'li#nts 'onstitut#s a b%#a'" o& a law$#%s oat") to sa$ at l#ast(
Ru#e ?1.@A. A #awyer sha## +e +oun( +y the ru#e on &ri-i#e"e(
%o))uni%ation in res&e%t of )atters (is%#ose( to hi) +y a
&ros&e%ti-e %#ient.
T"is %ul# appli#s #*#n i& t"# p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nt do#s not t"#%#a&t#% %#tain t"# law$#% o& t"#
latt#% d#'lin#s t"# #mplo$m#nt( T"# %#ason &o% t"# %ul# is to mak# p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nt &##l &%## to
dis'uss w"at#*#% wis"#s wit" t"# law$#% wit"out &#a% t"at w"at "# t#lls t"# law$#% will not b#
di*ulg#d no% us#d against "im and t"# law$#% to b# #/uall$ &%## to obtain in&o%mation &%om t"#
p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nt(
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. "(
!-e $ur$ose of t-e attorne*6client relations-i$ is t.o6fol"= (a! 0irst) to #n'ou%ag# a 'li#nt to
mak# a &ull dis'losu%# o& t"# &a'ts o& t"# 'as# to "is 'ouns#l wit"out &#a%) and (b! second) to allow
t"# law$#% to obtain &ull in&o%mation &%om "is 'li#nt(
Canon !(, C-%
A law$#% s"all p%#s#%*# t"# 'on&id#n'#s and s#'%#ts o& "is 'li#nt #*#n a&t#% t"# atto%n#$6
'li#nt %#lation is t#%minat#d(
%ule (2,, $e1tion !/ (b) %%C
9An atto%n#$ 'annot) wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& "is 'li#nt) b# #.amin#d as to an$
'ommuni'ation mad# b$ t"# 'li#nt to "im o% "is ad*i'# gi*#n t"#%#on in t"# 'ou%s# o& p%o&#ssional
#mplo$m#nt, no% 'an an atto%n#$s s#'%#ta%$) st#nog%ap"#%) o% 'l#%k b# #.amin#d) wit"out t"#
'ons#nt o& t"# 'li#nt and "is #mplo$#%) 'on'#%ning an$ &a't t"# knowl#dg# o& w"i'" "as b##n
a'/ui%#d in su'" 'apa'it$(
Re5uisites of Pri-i#e"e( o))uni%ation:
a( T"#%# is an atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip o% a kind o& 'onsultan'$ %#/ui%#m#nt wit" a
p%osp#'ti*# 'li#nt,
b( T"# 'ommuni'ation was mad# b$ t"# 'li#nt to t"# law$#% in t"# 'ou%s# o& t"# law$#%s
p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt,
'( T"# 'ommuni'ation must b# int#nd#d to b# 'on&id#ntial(
Baldwin vs. Comm. >f Internal %evenue, (!# 8 !d "(!, (/( 4%A #/"
T"# p%i*il#g# 'ontinu#s to #*#n a&t#% t"# t#%mination o& t"# atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip( It
outlasts t"# law$#%s #ngag#m#nt( T"# p%i*il#g#d '"a%a't#% o& t"# 'ommuni'ation '#as#s onl$
w"#n wai*#d b$ t"# 'li#nt "ims#l& o% a&t#% "is d#at") b$ t"# "#i% o% l#gal %#p%#s#ntati*#(
-eo+le vs. $lee+er, /0 -hil. 0!#
T"# pa%t$ w"o a*#%s t"at t"# 'ommuni'ation is p%i*il#g#d "as t"# bu%d#n o& p%oo& to
#stablis" t"#'# o& t"# p%i*il#g# unl#ss &%om t"# &a'# o& t"# do'um#nt its#l&) it 'l#a%l$
app#a%s t"at it is p%i*il#g#d( T"# m#%# all#gation t"at t"# matt#% is p%i*il#g#d is not su&&i'i#nt(
T"# 'ommuni'ation (knowl#dg# o% in&o%mation! o% t"# p"$si'al ob-#'t must "a*# b##n
t%ansmitt#d to t"# 'ouns#l b$ t"# 'li#nt &o% t"# pu%pos# o& s##king l#gal ad*is#( Ot"#%wis#) t"#%#
is no p%i*il#g#d 'ommuni'ation(
Canon 2', C-.
T"# p%i*il#g# is limit#d o% "as %#&#%#n'# onl$ to 'ommuni'ations w"i'" a%# wit"in t"#
ambit o& law&ul #mplo$m#nt and do#s not #.t#nd to t"os# t%ansmitt#d in 'ont#mplation o& &utu%#
'%im#s o% &%auds(
How#*#%) t"# in&o%mation on '%im#s o% &%auds al%#ad$ 'ommitt#d &alls wit"in t"# p%i*il#g#
and t"# law$#% 'annot %#*#al o% b# 'omp#ll#d to %#*#al t"# 'on&id#n'#s o& t"# 'li#nt(
hara%teristi%s of the Attorney'#ient Pri-i#e"e
0( A6 p%i*il#g# w"#%# l#gal ad*i'# is p%o&#ssionall$ soug"t &%om an atto%n#$(
1( T"# 'li#nt must int#nd t"# abo*# 'ommuni'ation to b# 'on&id#ntial(
3( A6 p%i*il#g# #mb%a'#s all &o%ms o& 'ommuni'ation and a'tion(
4( As a g#n#%al %ul#) A6 p%i*il#g# also #.t#nds to t"# atto%n#$s s#'%#ta%$) st#nog%ap"#%) 'l#%k
o% ag#nt wit" %#&#%#n'# to an$ &a't %#/ui%#d in su'" 'apa'it$(
5( T"# abo*# dut$ is p#%p#tual and is absolut#l$ p%i*il#g#d &%om dis'losu%#(
E,%e&tions to A' Pri-i#e"e
0( T"#%# is 'ons#nt o% wai*#% o% 'li#nt(
1( Su'" is %#/ui%#d b$ law(
3( Su'" is mad# to p%ot#'t t"# law$#%s %ig"ts (i(#( to 'oll#'t "is &##s o% asso'iat#s o% b$ -udi'ial
4( W"#n su'" 'ommuni'ation a%# mad# in 'ont#mplation o& a '%im# o% t"# p#%p#tuation o& a
Do%trine of i)&ute( Dnow#e("e is bas#d on t"# assumption t"at an atto%n#$) w"o "as noti'# o&
matt#% a&&#'ting "is 'li#nt) "as 'ommuni'at#d t"# sam# to "is p%in'ipal in t"# 'ou%s# o&
p%o&#ssional d#alings( T"# do't%in# appli#s %#ga%dl#ss o& w"#t"#% o% not t"# law$#% a'tuall$
'ommuni'at#d to t"# 'li#nt w"at "# l#a%n#d in "is p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$) t"# atto%n#$ and "is
'li#nt b#ing on# -udi'ial p#%son(
Ru#e ?1.@B. A #awyer sha## not re&resent %onf#i%tin" interests e,%e&t +y
written %onsent of a## %on%erne( "i-en after a fu## (is%#osure
of fa%ts.
#enerally) a law$#% ma$ at '#%tain stag# o& t"# 'ont%o*#%s$ and b#&o%# it %#a'"#s t"#
'ou%t %#p%#s#nt 'on&li'ting int#%#sts wit" t"# #.p%#ss w%itt#n 'ons#nt o& all pa%ti#s 'on'#%n#d
gi*#n a&t#% dis'losu%# o& t"# &a'ts( T"# dis'losu%# s"ould in'lud# an #.planation o& t"# #&&#'ts o&
t"# dual %#p%#s#ntation) su'" as t"# possibl# %#*#lation o% us# o& 'on&id#ntial in&o%mation(
' la.*er +a* not $ro$erl* re$resent conflictin8 interests even t-ou8- t-e $arties concerne" a8ree
to t-e "ual re$resentation .-ere:
0( t"# 'on&li't is b#tw##n t"# atto%n#$s int#%#st and t"at o& a 'li#nt) o%
1( b#tw##n a p%i*at# 'li#nts int#%#sts and t"at o& t"# go*#%nm#nt o% an$ o& its inst%um#ntaliti#s(
7. $. vs. 4aranGa, !( -hil. #,, ((&(!)
H# ma$ not) wit"out b#ing guilt$ o& p%o&#ssional mis'ondu't) a't as 'ouns#l &o% a p#%son
w"os# int#%#st 'on&li'ts wit" t"at o& "is p%#s#nt o% &o%m#% 'li#nt no% ma$ "# a''#pt #mplo$m#nt
&%om a pa%t$ in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& w"i'" "# ma$ b# &o%'#d to a't in a doubl# 'apa'it$ o% b#
susp#'t#d o& di*id#d lo$alt$(
T"#%# a%# three tests to determine 1onfli1tin5 interests( T"# &i%st is w"#n) on b#"al& o& on#
'li#nt) it is t"# atto%n#$s dut$ to 'ont#st &o% t"at w"i'" "is dut$ to anot"#% 'li#nt %#/ui%#s "im to
oppos# o% w"#n t"is possibilit$ o& su'" situation will d#*#lop (conflictin8 "uties)( T"# s#'ond t#st is
w"#t"#% t"# a''#ptan'# o& t"# n#w %#lation will p%#*#nt a law$#% &%om t"# &ull dis'"a%g# o& "is
dut$ o& undi*id#d &id#lit$ and lo$alt$ to "is 'li#nt o% will in*it# suspi'ion o& un&ait"&uln#ss o%
doubl#6d#aling in t"# p#%&o%man'# t"#%#o& (#nvitation of sus$icion)( T"# t"i%d t#st is w"#t"#% a
law$#% will b# 'all#d upon in "is n#w %#lation to us# against t"# &i%st 'li#nt an$ knowl#dg#
a'/ui%#d in t"# p%#*ious #mplo$m#nt (use of $rior ;no.le"8e o/taine")(
T"# ba%# atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip wit" a 'li#nt p%#'lud#s an atto%n#$ &%om a''#pting
p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt &%om t"# 'li#nts ad*#%sa%$ #it"#% in t"# sam# 'as# o% in a di&&#%#nt but
%#lat#d a'tion( It is also imp%op#% &o% a law$#% to app#a% as 'ouns#l &o% on# pa%t$ against t"#
ad*#%s# pa%t$ w"o is "is 'li#nt in anot"#% totall$ un%#lat#d a'tion( T"# p%o"ibition appli#s
i%%#sp#'ti*# o& w"#t"#% t"# law$#% a'/ui%#d 'on&id#ntial in&o%mation( It also appli#s to t"# law &i%m
o& w"i'" "# is a m#mb#% as w#ll as an$ m#mb#%) asso'iat#) o% assistant t"#%#in(
T"# t#%mination o& t"# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt p%o*id#s no -usti&i'ation &o% a law$#%
to %#p%#s#nt an int#%#st ad*#%s# to o% in 'on&li't wit" t"at o& t"# &o%m#% 'li#nt( T"# %#ason is t"at
t"# 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# on'# %#pos#d 'annot b# di*#st#d b$ t"# t#%mination o& p%o&#ssional
T"# atto%n#$s s#'%#ta%$) st#nog%ap"#% o% 'l#%k w"o) in su'" 'apa'it$) "as a'/ui%#d
'on&id#ntial in&o%mation &%om t"# atto%n#$s 'li#nt ma$ not a''#pt #mplo$m#nt o%) a&t#% b#'oming
a m#mb#% o& t"# ba%) %#p%#s#nt an int#%#st ad*#%s# to t"at o& t"# atto%n#$s 'li#nt(
Ru#e on onf#i%tin" Interests:
It is g#n#%all$ t"# %ul# bas#d on sound publi' poli'$ t"at atto%n#$ 'annot %#p%#s#nt
di*#%s# int#%#st( It is "ig"l$ imp%op#% to %#p%#s#nt bot" sid#s o& an issu#( T"# p%os'%iption against
%#p%#s#ntation o& 'on&li'ting int#%#st &inds appli'ation w"#%# t"# 'on&li'ting int#%#st a%is# wit"
%#sp#'t to t"# sam# g#n#%al matt#% and is appli'abl# "ow#*#% slig"t su'" ad*#%s# int#%#st ma$
b#( It appli#s alt"oug" t"# atto%n#$s int#ntion and moti*#s w#%# "on#st and "# a't#d in good
&ait"( How#*#%) %#p%#s#ntation o& 'on&li'ting int#%#st ma$ b# allow#d w"#%# t"# pa%ti#s 'ons#nts
to t"# %#p%#s#ntation a&t#% &ull dis'losu%# o& &a'ts( (*ak+il vs. 6aldez, !00 $C%A '#", Mar1h /, (&&")
Remember$ T"# t#st to d#t#%min# w"#t"#% t"#%# is a 'on&li't o& int#%#st in t"# %#p%#s#ntation is
+ROBABILITY) not '#%taint$ o& 'on&li't(
-ardy vs. .rnst, (/2 - /!& ((&(/)
A law$#% is &o%bidd#n &%om %#p%#s#nting a subs#/u#nt 'li#nt against a &o%m#% 'li#nt onl$
w"#n t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# p%#s#nt 'ont%o*#%s$ is %#lat#d) di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$) to t"# sub-#'t
matt#% o& t"# p%#*ious litigation in w"i'" "# app#a%#d &o% t"# &o%m#% 'li#nt( Conversely) "# ma$
p%op#%l$ a't as 'ouns#l &o% a n#w 'li#nt) wit" &ull dis'losu%# to t"# latt#%) against a &o%m#% 'li#nt in
a matt#% w"oll$ un%#lat#d to t"at o& t"# p%#*ious #mplo$m#nt) t"#%# b#ing in t"at instan'# to
'on&li't o& int#%#sts(
9ilado vs. 3avid, "/ -hil. #'(
To 'onstitut# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt it is not #ss#ntial t"at t"# 'li#nt s"ould "a*#
#mplo$#d atto%n#$ p%o&#ssionall$ on an$ p%#*ious o''asion CCC It is not n#'#ssa%$ t"at an$
%#tain#% s"ould "a*# b##n paid) p%omis#d) o% '"a%g#d &o%, n#it"#% is it mat#%ial t"at t"# atto%n#$
'onsult#d did not a&t#%wa%d und#%tak# t"# 'as# about w"i'" t"# 'onsultation was "ad( I& a p#%son
in %#sp#'t to "is busin#ss a&&ai%s o% t%oubl#s o& an$ kind) 'onsult wit" "is atto%n#$ in "is
p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$ wit" t"# *i#w to obtaining p%o&#ssional ad*i'# o% assistan'#) and t"#
atto%n#$ *olunta%il$ p#%mits o% a'/ui#s'#s in su'" 'onsultation) t"#n t"# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt
must b# %#ga%d#d as #stablis"#d( ...
T"# m#%# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt oug"t to p%#'lud# t"# atto%n#$ &%om a''#pting t"#
opposit# pa%t$s %#tain#% in t"# sam# litigation %#ga%dl#ss o& w"at in&o%mation was %#'#i*#d b$ "im
&%om "is 'li#nt(
W"#%# a law$#% is dis/uali&i#d o% &o%bidd#n &%om app#a%ing as 'ouns#l in a 'as# b#'aus#
o& 'on&li't o& int#%#sts) t"# law &i%m o& w"i'" "# is a m#mb#% as w#ll as an$ m#mb#%) asso'iat# o%
assistant t"#%#in is simila%l$ dis/uali&i#d o% p%o"ibit#d &%om so a'ting(
*athan vs. Ca+ule, &( -hil. 0/,
An atto%n#$ w"o a''#pts p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt in t"# *#%$ 'as# in w"i'" "is &o%m#%
'li#nt is t"# ad*#%s# law$#%) and utili8ing against t"# latt#% pap#%s) knowl#dg# and in&o%mation
obtain#d in t"# 'ou%s# o& "is p%#*ious #mplo$m#nt is guilt$ o& mis'ondu't( T"# &a't t"at "# "ad
%#ti%#d &%om t"# &i%st 'as# p%io% to a''#pting t"# s#'ond 'as# against t"# &o%m#% 'li#nt) do#s not
%#li#*# "im &%om "is obligation o& &id#lit$ and lo$alt$ to t"# latt#%(
In re: 3e la %osa
E*#n t"oug" t"# opposing 'li#nts) a&t#% &ull dis'losu%# o& t"# &a't) 'ons#nt to t"#
atto%n#$s dual %#p%#s#ntation) t"# law$#% s"ould) w"#n "is 'li#nts 'annot s## t"#i% wa$ 'l#a% to
s#ttling t"# 'ont%o*#%s$ ami'abl$) %#ti%# t"# 'as#(
Instan%es when a Lawyer is onsi(ere( ha-in" onf#i%tin" Interests
0( As an #mplo$## o& a 'o%po%ation w"os# dut$ is to att#nd l#gal a&&ai%s) "# 'annot -oin a labo%
union o& #mplo$##s in t"at 'o%po%ation(
1( As a law$#% w"o in*#stigat#d an a''id#nt as 'ouns#l &o% an insu%an'#) "# 'annot %#p%#s#nt
t"# in-u%#d p#%son(
3( As a %#'#i*#% o& a 'o%po%ation) "# 'annot %#p%#s#nt t"# '%#dito%(
4( As a %#p%#s#ntati*# o& t"# obligo%) "# 'annot %#p%#s#nt t"# oblig##(
5( As a law$#% %#p%#s#nting a pa%t$ in a 'omp%omis# ag%##m#nt) "# 'annot b# subs#/u#nt
law$#% %#p%#s#nting anot"#% 'li#nt w"o s##ks to nulli&$ t"# ag%##m#nt(
Effe%ts of Re&resentin" A(-erse Interests
0( 2is/uali&i'ation as 'ouns#l o& n#w 'li#nt on p#tition o& &o%m#% 'li#nt(
1( W"#%# su'" is unknown to) b#'om#s p%#-udi'ial int#%#sts o& t"# n#w 'li#nt) a -udgm#nt
against su'" ma$) on t"at g%ound b# s#t asid#(
3( A law$#% 'an b# "#ld administ%ati*#l$ liabl# t"%oug" dis'iplina%$ a'tion and ma$ b# "#ld
'%iminall$ liabl# &o% b#t%a$al o& t%ust(
4( T"# atto%n#$s %ig"t to &##s ma$ b# d#&#at#d i& &ound to b# %#lat#d to su'" 'on&li't and su'"
was ob-#'t#d to b$ t"# &o%m#% 'li#nt) o% i& t"#%# was a 'on'#alm#nt and p%#-udi'# b$ %#ason
o& t"# atto%n#$s p%#*ious p%o&#ssional %#lations"ip wit" t"# opposit# pa%t$(
Ru#e ?1.@C. A #awyer )ay0 with the written %onsent of a## %on%erne(0 a%t
as )e(iator0 %on%i#iator or ar+itrator in sett#in" (is&utes.
A law$#%s knowl#dg# o& t"# law and "is %#putation &o% &id#lit$ ma$ mak# it #as$ &o% t"#
disputants to s#ttl# t"#i% di&&#%#n'#s ami'abl$( How#*#%) t"# law$#% s"ould not a't as 'ouns#l to
an$ o& t"#m(
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. "!
ons#nt in w%iting is %#/ui%#d to p%#*#nt &utu%# 'ont%o*#%s$ on t"# aut"o%it$ o& t"# law$#%
to a't as m#diato% o% a%bit%ato%( 1owever) a law$#% w"o a'ts as m#diato%) 'on'iliato% o% a%bit%ato%
o% a%bit%ato% in s#ttling a disput#) 'annot %#p%#s#nt an$ o& t"# pa%ti#s to it(
Ru#e ?1.@1. A #awyer0 when a(-isin" his %#ient0 sha## "i-e a %an(i( an(
honest o&inion on the )erits an( &ro+a+#e resu#ts of the
%#ients %ase0 neither o-erstatin" nor un(erstatin" the
&ros&e%ts of the %ase.
Canon ", C-.
B#&o%# answ#%ing "is 'li#nts /u#stion) a law$#% s"ould #nd#a*o% to obtain &ull knowl#dg#
o& "is 'li#nts 'aus#( It is onl$ a&t#% "# s"all "a*# studi#d t"# 'as# t"at "# s"ould ad*is# "is 'li#nt
on t"# matt#%(
I& a law$#% &inds t"at "is 'li#nts suit is totall$ d#*oid o& m#%it o% t"at o& t"# p#nding 'i*il
a'tion against "im is w"oll$ d#&#ns#l#ss) w"i'" is "is &un'tion and dut$ to &ind out) "# s"ould so
in&o%m "is 'li#nt and dissuad# "im) in t"# &i%st instan'#) &%om &iling t"# 'as# o% ad*is# "im) in t"#
s#'ond instan'#) to 'omp%omis# o% submit %at"#% t"an t%a*#%s# t"# in'ont%o*#%tibl#( I& on t"# ot"#%
"and) "# &inds t"at "is 'li#nts 'aus# is &ai%l$ m#%ito%ious) "# s"ould %#&%ain &%om making bold and
'on&id#nt assu%an'#s o& su''#ss(
A 'a%#&ul in*#stigation and #.amination o& t"# &a'ts must &i%st b# "ad b#&o%# an$ l#gal
opinion b# *#ntu%#d b$ t"# law$#% to t"# 'li#nt(
CastaEeda vs. A5o, 0# $C%A #,'
9It is t"# dut$ o& a 'ouns#l to ad*is# "is 'li#nt) o%dina%il$ a la$man to t"# int%i'a'i#s and
*aga%i#s o& t"# law) on t"# m#%it o% la'k o& m#%it o& "is 'as#( I& "# &inds t"at "is 'li#nts 'aus# is
d#&#ns#l#ss) t"#n it is "is bound#n dut$ to ad*is# t"# latt#% to a'/ui#s'# and submit) %at"#% t"an
t%a*#%s# t"# in'on*#%tibl#( A law$#% must %#sist t"# w"ims and 'ap%i'#s o& "is 'li#nt) and t#mp#%
"is 'li#nts p%op#nsit$ to litigat#( A law$#%s oat" to up"old t"# 'aus# o& -usti'# is sup#%io% to "is
dut$ to "is 'li#nt, its p%ima'$ is indisputabl#(:
Choa vs. Chion5son, !#2 $C%A 2'( ((&&0)
His 'li#nt is #ntitl#d to and "# is bound to gi*# a 'andid and "on#st opinion on t"# m#%it
o% la'k o& m#%it o& "is 'li#nts 'as#) n#it"#% o*#%stating no% und#%stating t"# p%osp#'t o& t"# 'as#(
It is lik#wis# in'umb#nt upon "im to gi*# "is 'li#nt an "on#st opinion on t"# p%obabl# %#sults o&
t"# 'as#) wit" t"# #nd in *i#w o& p%omoting %#sp#'t &o% t"# law and t"# l#gal p%o'#ss#s(
-eri<uet vs. *4%C, ("0 $C%A ((&&,)
As o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t) 'ouns#ls a%# und#% obligation to ad*is# t"#i% 'li#nts against
making unt#nabl# and in'onsist#nt 'laims( Law$#%s a%# not m#%#l$ "i%#d #mplo$##s w"o must
un/u#stionabl$ do t"# bidding o& t"# 'li#nt) "ow#*#% un%#asonabl# t"is ma$ b# w"#n t#st#d b$
t"#i% own #.p#%t app%#'iation o& t"# &a'ts and appli'abl# law and -u%isp%ud#n'#( Counsel must
Ru#e ?1.@E. A #awyer sha## not state or i)&#y that he is a+#e to inf#uen%e
any &u+#i% offi%ia#0 tri+una# or #e"is#ati-e +o(y.
It is imp%op#% &o% a law$#% to s"ow in an$ wa$ t"at "# "as 'onn#'tions and 'an in&lu#n'#
an$ t%ibunal o% publi' o&&i'ial) -udg#s) p%os#'uto%s) 'ong%#ssm#n and ot"#%s) sp#'iall$ so i& t"#
pu%pos# is to #n"an'# "is l#gal standing and to #nt%#n'" t"# 'on&id#n'# o& t"# 'li#nt t"at "is 'as#
o% 'as#s a%# assu%#d o& *i'to%$(
Ru#e ?1.@F. A #awyer sha## i)&ress u&on his %#ient %o)&#ian%e with the
#aws an( the &rin%i&#es of fairness.
A law$#% s"ould us# "is b#st #&&o%ts to %#st%ain and p%#*#nt "is 'li#nt &%om doing t"os#
t"ings) w"i'" "# "ims#l& oug"t not to do, and i& t"# 'li#nt p#%sists in su'" w%ong doing) t"# law$#%
s"ould t#%minat# t"#i% %#lation(
Art. (& of the Civil Code
9#*#%$ p#%son must) in t"# #.#%'is# o& "is %ig"ts and in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s) a't
wit" -usti'#) gi*# #*#%$on# "is du# and obs#%*# "on#st$ and good &ait"(:
Con5e vs. 3eret, C.A.;:.%. *o. ,""/";C%., Mar1h !#, (&'/
A law$#% w"o ad*is# "is 'li#nt not to ob#$ t"# o%d#% o& t"# 'ou%ts is guilt$ o& 'ont#mpt and
Cabilan vs. %amolete, (&! $C%A 0'/
As 'ouns#l o& %#'o%d) a law$#% "as 'ont%ol o& t"# p%o'##dings and w"at#*#% st#ps "is
'li#nt tak#s s"ould b# wit"in "is knowl#dg# and %#sponsibilit$(
Ru#e ?1.@G A #awyer who is en"a"e( in another &rofession or o%%u&ation
%on%urrent#y with the &ra%ti%e of #aw sha## )aDe %#ear to his
%#ient whether he is a%tin" as a #awyer or in another %a&a%ity.
%e+ort of the IB- Committee, +. "/
9T"# law$#% s"ould in&o%m t"# 'li#nt w"#n "# is a'ting as a law$#% and w"#n "# is not)
b#'aus# '#%tain #t"i'al 'onsid#%ations go*#%ning t"# 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip ma$ b# op#%ati*#
in on# 'as# and not in t"# ot"#%(:
A #awyer sha## ho#( in trust a## )oneys an( &ro&erties of his %#ient that )ay
%o)e into his &ossession.
Art. ?CI?0 i-i# o(e
T"# &ollowing p#%sons 'annot a'/ui%# o% pu%'"as#) #*#n at publi' o% -udi'ial au'tion)
#it"#% in p#%son o% t"%oug" t"# m#diation o& anot"#%(
(5! law$#%s) wit" %#sp#'t to t"# p%op#%t$ and %ig"ts w"i'" ma$ b# t"# ob-#'t o& an$
litigation in w"i'" t"#$ tak# pa%t b$ *i%tu# o& t"#i% p%o&#ssion(:
E#e)ents of Art. ?CI?:
0( Atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip
1( +%op#%t$ o% int#%#st is in litigation
3( Atto%n#$ tak#s pa%t as 'ouns#l in t"# 'as#
4( +u%'"as#) a'/uisition b$ atto%n#$) b$ "ims#l& o% t"%oug" anot"#%) du%ing p#nd#n'$ o&
C in'lud#s mo%tgag# o& p%op#%t$ in litigation to law$#%( In t"is 'as#) a'/uisition is m#%#l$
postpon#d until &o%#'losu%# but #&&#'t is t"# sam#( It also in'lud#s assignm#nt o& p%op#%t$
(>rdonio v. .duarte, !,' $C%A !!&)
TaDe note of the fo##owin" instan%es when Art.?CI? is not a&&#i%a+#e:
0( W"#n atto%n#$ is not 'ouns#l in 'as# in*ol*ing t"# sam# p%op#%t$ at t"# tim# o&
2 W"#n pu%'"as#% is a 'o%po%ation) #*#n i& t"# atto%n#$ was an o&&i'#% t"#%#o&( (=uazon v.
=uazon, "" -hil. /!)
! W"#n sal# took pla'# a&t#% t#%mination o& litigation) e-cept i& t"#%# was &%aud o% abus# o&
'on&id#ntial in&o%mation o% w"#%# law$#% #.#%'is#d undu# in&lu#n'#(
" W"#%# p%op#%t$ in /u#stion is stipulat#d as pa%t o& atto%n#$s &##s) provided that) t"#
sam# is 'onting#nt upon t"# &a*o%abl# out'om# o& litigation and) p%o*id#d &u%t"#%) t"at t"#
&## must b# %#asonabl#(
Aya vs. Bi5ornia, #' -hil. !,
T"# mon#$s 'oll#'t#d b$ an atto%n#$ &o% "is 'li#nt b#long to t"# 'li#nt( ons#/u#ntl$) t"#
law$#% is und#% obligation to "old in t%ust all mon#$s and p%op#%ti#s o& "is 'li#nt t"at ma$ 'om#
into "is poss#ssion( T"# mon#$s 'oll#'t#d b$ a law$#% in pu%suan'# o& a -udgm#nt in &a*o% o& "is
'li#nt a%# "#ld in t%ust &o% t"# 'li#nt(
MaCiom vs. Manila %ailroad Co., // -hil. #&' ((&!")
A law$#% ma$ not a''umulat# distin't 'aus#s o& a'tion in "ims#l& b$ assignm#nt &%om
"und%#ds o& small 'laimants and su# in "is nam# &o% t"# b#n#&it o& t"# 'li#nts di%#'tl$ int#%#st#d(
A. B. A. >+. !!# (uly (!, (&/()
An atto%n#$ ma$) "ow#*#%) p%op#%l$ a'/ui%# choses in action not in "is p%o&#ssional
'apa'it$ but as a l#gitimat# in*#stm#nt(
9. Att$( H is a law$#% in a &alsi&i'ation 'as# &il#d against t"# latt#%( W"il# und#%going t%ial in t"#
said '%iminal 'as#) +AB &o%#'los#d t"# two6"#'ta%# Ri'#land b#longing to A( T"# land was
sold at publi' au'tion to Att$( H as t"# "ig"#st bidd#%( 2id Att$( H *iolat# t"# p%o*ision und#%
t"# i*il od# %#ga%ding pu%'"as# o& p%op#%t$ und#% litigationF
A. AO( In t"# abs#n'# o& t"# %#/uisit#s und#% A%t( 0470 o& t"# i*il od#) t"# p%o"ibition will not
op#%at#( In t"is 'as#) t"# %i'#land was not t"# sub-#'t o& litigation(
9. Att$( H app#a%#d as 'ouns#l &o% plainti&& in a damag# suit( Budgm#nt was %#nd#%#d in &a*o%
o& t"# plainti&&) and to satis&$ t"# awa%d) a pa%'#l o& land was l#*i#d upon w"i'" was sold at
au'tion sal#( +lainti&& assign#d on#6"al& o& "is int#%#st to Att$( H in a''o%dan'# wit" t"#i%
'onting#nt 'ont%a't o& atto%n#$s &##s( Is t"# assignm#nt a *iolation o& A%t( 0470 o& t"# i*il
od# and anon 01 p%o"ibiting pu%'"as# b$ law$#% o& p%op#%t$ und#% litigationF
A. AO( T"# lot was not t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# litigation( It was a'/ui%#d b$ t"# 'li#nt in t"#
#.#'ution sal# (:uevarra vs. Calalan5, ((' $C%A)
Ru#e ?E.@?. A #awyer sha## a%%ount for a## )oney or &ro&erty %o##e%te( or
re%ei-e( for or fro) the %#ient.
0( Law$#%s a%# bound to p%omptl$ a''ount &o% mon#$ %#'#i*#d b$ t"#m on b#"al& o& t"#i%
'li#nts and &ailu%# to do so 'onstitut#s p%o&#ssional mis'ondu't(
1( T"# &a't t"at a law$#% "as a li#n &o% &##s on mon#$ on "is "ands 'oll#'t#d &o% "is 'li#nts
do#s not %#li#*# "im &%om t"# dut$ o& p%omptl$ a''ounting &o% t"# &unds %#'#i*#d(
3( How#*#%) d#li*#%$ o& &unds is sub-#'t to law$#%s li#n(
6 w"#n t"# law$#% wit""olds and %#&us#s to d#li*#% t"# &unds and p%op#%t$ %#'#i*#d b$ "im &o%
"is 'li#nt) "# b%#a'"#s t"# t%ust %#pos#d to "im(
6 T"at a law$#% "as a li#n do#s not %#li#*# "im &%om t"# obligation to mak# a p%ompt
6 annot unilat#%all$ app%op%iat# 'li#nts mon#$ to pa$ "is att$(s &##s(
6 Da$ not in t"# abs#n'# o& aut"o%it$ &%om "is 'li#nt) disbu%s# t"# mon#$ 'oll#'t#d &o% "is 'li#nt
in &a*o% o& p#%sons w"o ma$ b# #ntitl#d t"#%#to(
In re: =uazon, (( $C%A #0! ((&0/)
His a't o& 'oll#'ting un%#asonabl# &##s ma$ amount to a %#t#ntion o& "is 'li#nts &unds
and 'onstitut# p%o&#ssional indis'%#tion and mis'ondu't(
Ru#e ?E.@A. A #awyer sha## Dee& the fun(s of ea%h %#ient se&arate an(
a&art fro) his own an( those of others De&t +y hi).
6 S"ould not 'ommingl# a 'li#nts mon#$ wit" t"at o& ot"#% 'li#nts and wit" "is p%i*at# &unds) no%
us# t"# 'li#nts mon#$ &o% "is p#%sonal pu%pos#s wit"out t"# 'li#nts 'ons#nt(
In re: Bamber5er, /& -hil. &0!
T"# "ig" &idu'ia%$ and 'on&id#ntial %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt %#/ui%#s t"at t"# law$#%
s"ould p%omptl$ a''ount &o% all t"# &unds %#'#i*#d o% "#ld b$ "im &o% t"# 'li#nts b#n#&its(
T"# law$#% is not %#li#*#d o& t"# obligation to mak# a p%op#% a''ounting #*#n i& "# "as an
atto%n#$s li#n o*#% t"# 'li#nts mon#$s o% &unds in "is poss#ssion(
CBA, Code of -rofessional Condu1t, Commentary (, +. !/
T"# law$#% in und#% st%i't obligation to lab#l and id#nti&$ "is 'li#nts p%op#%t$ and k##p it
s#pa%at# and apa%t &%om "is own(
Ru#e ?E.@B. A #awyer sha## (e#i-er the fun(s an( &ro&erty of his %#ient
when (ue or u&on (e)an(. 9owever0 he sha## ha-e a #ien on
the fun(s an( )ay a&&#y so )u%h thereof as )ay +e
ne%essary to satisfy his #awfu# fees an( (is+urse)ents0
"i-in" noti%e &ro)&t#y thereafter to his %#ient. He sha## a#so
ha-e a #ien to the sa)e e,tent on a## =u(")ents an( the
e,e%ution he has se%ure( for his %#ient as &ro-i(e( for in the
Ru#es of ourt.
Ru#e ?BE Se$- 23- %ttorney6s !iens$ %n attorney shall have a lien upon the funds, documents
and papers of his client which have lawfully come into his possession and may retain the same
until this lawful fees and disbursements have been paid, and may apply such funds to the
satisfaction thereof 1e shall also have a lien to the same e-tent upon all +udgments for the
payment of money, and e-ecutions issued in pursuance of such +udgments, which he has
secured in a litigation of his client, from and after the same when he shall have caused a
statement of his claim of such lien to be entered upon the records of the court rendering
+udgment, or issuing such e-ecutions, and shall have caused written client and would have to
enforce his lien and secure the payment of his fees and disbursements
Lawyers rea"n"n# l"en
A law$#% s"all "a*# a li#n o*#% t"# 'li#nts &unds and ma$ appl$ so mu'" t"#%#o& to satis&$
"is law&ul &##s and disbu%s#m#nts but must gi*# p%ompt noti'# to "is 'li#nt &o% t"# latt#%s
C!ar#"n# l"ens
<o% t"# &u%t"#% p%ot#'tion o& t"# law$#%) "# s"all also "a*# a li#n to t"# #.t#nt o& "is
atto%n#$s &##s and l#gal disbu%s#m#nts on all -udgm#nts and #.#'utions "# "as s#'u%#d &o% "is
'li#nt as p%o*id#d &o% in t"# Rul#s (%ule (2", $e1. 2', %evised %ules of Court).
In re: 3avid, "/ -hil. 0!'
T"# law$#%s &ailu%# to d#li*#% upon d#mand gi*#s %is# to t"# p%#sumption t"at "# "as
misapp%op%iat#d t"# &unds &o% "is own us# to t"# p%#-udi'# o& t"# 'li#nt and in *iolation o& t"# t%ust
%#pos#d in "im(
6 Imm#diat# %#pa$m#nt b$ t"# law$#% o& t"# 'li#nts mon#$ o& p%op#%t$ a&t#% d#mand and b#&o%#
t"# institution b$ t"# 'li#nt o& disba%m#nt p%o'##dings will s"ow good &ait" and n#gat#
&%audul#nt int#nt(
Matute vs. Matute, 22 $C%A 2#
9End#% Rul# 03@) S#'tion 3? o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t) t"# atto%n#$ 'annot b# 'omp#ll#d to
su%%#nd#% t"# do'um#nts in "is poss#ssion wit"out p%io% p%oo& t"at "is &##s "a*# b##n dul$
satis&i#d( But i& it b# #nti%#l$ indisp#nsabl# &o% t"# 'ou%t to gain poss#ssion a%# "#ld b$ "im in t"#
'ou%s# o& "is #mplo$m#nt as 'ouns#l) it can re,uire surrender thereof by re,uiring the client or
claimant to first file proper and ade,uate security for the lawyer6s compensation5
4lamas vs. .n1arna1ion, CA;:.%. *o. 2(&!,;%, Au5ust (", (&0#
W"#n a law$#% #n&o%'#s a '"a%ging li#n against "is 'li#nt) t"# 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip is
3umanda5 vs. 4umaya, (&' $C%A 2,2 ((&&()
A law$#% w"o &ails to a''ount "is 'li#nts mon#$ ma$ b# disba%%#d o% susp#nd#d
ind#&init#l$ &%om p%a'ti'# o& law(
Ru#e ?E.@C. A #awyer sha## not +orrow )oney fro) his %#ient &nless the
%#ients interests are fu##y &rote%te( +y the nature of the %ase
or +y in(e&en(ent a(-i%e. Neither sha## a #awyer #en( )oney
to a %#ient e4$e%0 when in the interest of =usti%e0 he has to
a(-an%e ne%essary e,&enses in a #e"a# )atter he is han(#in"
for the %#ient.
6 W"il# a law$#% ma$ bo%%ow mon#$ &%om "is 'li#nt w"#%# t"# latt#%s int#%#sts a%# &ull$
p%ot#'t#d) "# s"ould not abus# 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# b$ d#la$ing pa$m#nt
6 I& t"# law$#% l#nds mon#$ to t"# 'li#nt in 'onn#'tion wit" t"# 'li#nts 'as# t"# law$#% in #&&#'t
a'/ui%#s an int#%#st in t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# 'as# o% an additional stak# in its out'om#)
#it"#% o& w"i'" ma$ l#ad t"# law$#% to 'onsid#% "is own %#'o*#%$ %at"#% t"an t"at o& t"# 'li#nt
o% to a''#pt a s#ttl#m#nt w"i'" mig"t tak# 'a%# o& "is int#%#st in t"# *#%di't to t"# sa'%i&i'# o&
t"at 'li#nt(
Aot p%o"ibit#d= ad*an'#s &o% n#'#ssa%$ #.p#ns#s
+%o"ibit#d= Cham+ertous 1ontra1ts ; law$#% assum#s all #.p#ns#s and %#imbu%s#m#nt in
'onting#nt on out'om# o& 'as#( (lik# gambling!
Bautista vs. :onzales, ("! $C%A (##
T"# law$#% ma$ l#nd mon#$ to a 'li#nt) w"#n it is n#'#ssa%$ in t"# int#%#st o& -usti'# to
ad*an'# n#'#ssa%$ #.p#ns#s in a l#gal matt#% "# is "andling &o% t"# 'li#nt( T"# ad*an'#s mad#
s"all b# sub-#'t to %#imbu%s#m#nt( Ot"#%wis#) i& t"# law$#% sp#nds &o% all l#gal #.p#ns#s) "is
'ont%a't o& l#gal #mplo$m#nt mig"t b#'om# '"amp#%tous) i& "is atto%n#$s &##s will b# pa$abl# in
kind( Champertous contracts are void
A #awyer owes fi(e#ity to the %ause of his %#ient an( he sha## +e )in(fu# of
the trust an( %onfi(en%e re&ose( in hi).
$antia5o vs. 8oGas, !/" $C%A 0" ((&&#)
Ao law$#% is oblig#d to a't #it"#% as ad*is#% o% ad*o'at# &o% #*#%$ p#%son w"o ma$ wis"
to b#'om# "is 'li#nt( H# "as t"# %ig"t to d#'lin# #mplo$m#nt) #.'#pt as p%#s'%ib#d in anon 04
o& t"# od# o& +%o&#ssional R#sponsibilit$( But on'# "# ag%##s to tak# up t"# 'aus# o& t"# 'li#nt)
t"# law$#% ow#s &id#lit$ to su'" 'aus# and must alwa$s b# mind&ul o& t"# t%ust and 'on&id#n'#
%#pos#d in "im( H# ow#s "is 'li#nt #nti%# d#*otion to "is g#nuin# int#%#st) wa%m 8#al in t"#
maint#nan'# and d#&#ns# o& "is %ig"ts and t"# #.#%tion o& "is utmost l#a%ning and abilit$( Ao &#a%
o% -udi'ial dis&a*o% o% publi' unpopula%it$ s"ould %#st%ain "im &%om t"# &ull dis'"a%g# o& "is dut$( In
t"# -udi'ial &o%um) t"# 'li#nt is #ntitl#d to t"# b#n#&it o& an$ and #*#%$ %#m#d$ and d#&#ns# t"at is
aut"o%i8#d b$ law) and "# ma$ #.p#'t "is law$#% to ass#%t #*#%$ su'" %#m#d$ o% d#&#ns#(
Cantilller v. -oten1iano, (", $C%A !/0 ((&"&)
. . . . . . W"#n a law$#% tak#s a 'li#nts 'aus#) "# t"#%#b$ 'o*#nants t"at "# will #.#%t
all #&&o%t &o% its p%ot#'tion until its &inal 'on'lusion( T"# &ailu%# to #.#%'is# du# dilig#n'# and t"#
abandonm#nt o& a 'li#nts 'aus# mak# su'" a law$#% unwo%t"$ o& t"# t%ust w"i'" t"# 'li#nt "as
%#pos#d on "im(
<id#lit$ to t"# 'aus# o& t"# 'li#nt is t"# #ss#n'# o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion( As su'"( T"# dut$
o& &id#lit$ %#/ui%#s t"#'# o& t"# atto%n#$ and 'li#nt %#lations"ip( On'# t"# %#lations"ip
#.ists) t"# Sup%#m# ou%t will not "#sitat# to #n&o%'# 'omplian'# wit" standa%ds o& "ono%abl#
d#aling s#t b$ law) b$ m#ans o& %#p%imands) &in#s) susp#nsion) disba%m#nt) and ot"#% dis'iplina%$
4orenzana 8ood Cor+oration vs. 3aria, Adm. Case *o. !'20, May !', (&&(
An atto%n#$ ow#s lo$alt$ to "is 'li#nt not onl$ in t"# 'as# in w"i'" "# "as %#p%#s#nt#d
"im but also a&t#% t"# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt "as t#%minat#d(
A #awyer sha## ser-e his %#ient with %o)&eten%e an( (i#i"en%e.
It is t"# law$#%s dut$ to sa&#gua%d 'li#nts int#%#sts( It b#gins &%om %#tain#% until #&&#'ti*#
dis'"a%g# &%om 'as# o% &inal disposition o& t"# w"ol# sub-#'t matt#% o& litigation(
$uarez v. CA, !!, $C%A !'/ ((&&2)
... ... A 'li#nt ma$ %#asonabl$ #.p#'t t"at "is 'ouns#l will mak# good "is
%#p%#s#ntations ... ... and "as t"# %ig"t to #.p#'t t"at "is law$#% will p%ot#'t "is int#%#sts du%ing
t"# t%ial o& t"# 'as#( <o% t"# g#n#%al #mplo$m#nt o& an atto%n#$ to p%os#'ut# o% d#&#nd a 'aus# o%
p%o'##ding o%dina%il$ *#sts in a plainti&&s atto%n#$ t"# impli#d aut"o%it$ to tak# all st#ps o% do all
a'ts n#'#ssa%$ o% in'id#ntal to t"# %#gula% and o%d#%l$ p%os#'ution o% manag#m#nt o& t"# suit)
and in a d#&#ndants atto%n#$ t"# pow#% to tak# su'" st#ps as it d##ms n#'#ssa%$ to d#&#nd t"#
suit and p%ot#'t t"# int#%#sts o& t"# d#&#ndant ... ...(
Blaza vs. Court of A++eals, ("! $C%A /0(
T"# l#gal p%o&#ssion d#mands a law$#% t"at d#g%## o& *igilan'# and att#ntion #.p#'t#d o&
a good &at"#% o& a &amil$ and s"ould adopt 9t"# no%m o& p%a'ti'# #.p#'t#d o& m#n o& good
Ru#e ?G.@?. A #awyer sha## not un(ertaDe a #e"a# ser-i%e whi%h he Dnows
or shou#( Dnow that he is not 5ua#ifie( to ren(er. Howe-er0 he
)ay ren(er su%h ser-i%e if0 with the %onsent of his %#ient0 he
%an o+tain as %o##a+oratin" %ounse# a #awyer who is
%o)&etent on the )atter.
Islas vs. -laton, /' -hil. (0!
<-en a la.*er acce$ts a case, .-et-er for a fee or not, -is acce$tance is an i+$lie"
0( t"at "# poss#ss t"# %#/uisit# d#g%## o& a'ad#mi' l#a%ning) skill and abilit$ in t"# p%a'ti'#
o& "is p%o&#ssion,
1( t"at "# will #.#%t "is b#st -udgm#nt in t"# p%os#'ution o% d#&#ns# o& t"# litigation
#nt%ust#d to "im,
3( t"at "# will #.#%'is# %#asonabl# and o%dina%$ 'a%# and dilig#n'# in t"# pu%suit o% d#&#ns#
o& t"# 'as#, and
4( t"at "# will tak# st#ps as will ad#/uat#l$ sa&#gua%d "is 'li#nts int#%#sts(
How#*#% w#ll m#aning "# ma$ b#) a law$#% 'annot ask anot"#% law$#% to 'ollabo%at# wit"
"im in a pa%ti'ula% 'as# wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& t"# 'li#nt( T"# &idu'ia%$ natu%# o& atto%n#$6'li#nt
%#lations"ip p%o"ibits t"is(
:ar1ia vs. 8lores, (,( -hil. '"( ((&#()
It s"ould b# st%#ss#d t"at w"at a law$#% ma$ not d#l#gat# in t"# abs#n'# o& "# 'li#nts
'ons#nt is t"# 'on&id#n'# %#pos#d in "im) as distinguis"#d &%om t"# wo%k in*ol*#d t"#%#in( A
law$#% "as t"# impli#d pow#% to d#l#gat# to "is asso'iat# o% assistant atto%n#$) und#% "is
sup#%*ision and %#sponsibilit$) pa%t o% t"# w"ol# o& t"# l#gal wo%k %#/ui%#d to b# p#%&o%m#d in t"#
p%os#'ution o% d#&#ns# o& t"# 'li#nts 'aus#(
%obinson vs. 6illafuerte, (" -hil. (!( ((&(()
A law$#% ma$ not) "ow#*#%) d#l#gat# to an$ la$man an$ wo%k w"i'" in*ol*#s a stud$ o&
t"# law o% its appli'ation) su'" as t"# 'omputation and d#t#%mination o& t"# p#%iod wit"in w"i'" to
app#al an ad*#%s# -udgm#nt) t"# #.amination o& witn#ss#s o% t"# p%#s#ntation o& #*id#n'#(
Ru#e ?G.@A. A #awyer sha## not han(#e any #e"a# )atter without a(e5uate
Bautista vs. %ebueno, "( $C%A #2#
A law$#% must k##p "ims#l& 'onstantl$ ab%#ast wit" t"# t%#nd o& aut"o%itati*#
p%onoun'#m#nts and d#*#lopm#nts in all b%an'"#s o& t"# law(
avellana vs. 4utero, !, $C%A '(' ((&0')
T"# &ull p%ot#'tion o& t"# 'li#nts int#%#sts %#/ui%#s no l#ss t"an a mast#%$ o& t"#
appli'abl# law and &a'ts in*ol*#d in a 'as#) %#ga%dl#ss o& t"# natu%# o& t"# assignm#nt and
k##ping 'onstantl$ ab%#ast o& t"# lat#st -u%isp%ud#n'# and d#*#lopm#nts in all b%an'"#s o& t"#
4e5arda vs. CA, :. %. *o. &//#', Mar1h (", (&&(
A law$#% s"ould gi*# ad#/uat# att#ntion) 'a%# and tim# to "is 'as#s( T"is is t"# %#ason
w"$ a p%a'ti'ing law$#% s"ould a''#pt onl$ so man$ 'as#s "# 'an "andl#( On'# "# ag%##s to
"andl# a 'as#) "# s"ould und#%tak# t"# task wit" d#di'ation and 'a%#( I& "# s"ould do an$ l#ss
t"#n "# is not t%u# to "is oat" as a law$#%(
Ru#e ?G.@B. A #awyer sha## not ne"#e%t a #e"a# )atter entruste( to hi)0 an(
his ne"#i"en%e in %onne%tion therewith sha## ren(er hi)
I& b$ %#ason o& t"# law$#%s n#glig#n'#) a'tual loss "as b##n 'aus#d to "is 'li#nt) t"#
latt#% "as a 'aus# o& a'tion against "im &o% damag#s( How#*#%) &o% t"# law$#% to b# "#ld liabl#)
"is &ailu%# to #.#%'is# %#asonabl# 'a%#) skill and dilig#n'# must b# p%o.imat# 'aus# o& t"# loss(
$uarez vs. Court of A++eals, !!, $C%A !'/ ((&&2)
B$ ag%##ing to b# "is 'li#nts 'ouns#l) "# %#p%#s#nts t"at "# will #.#%'is# ordinary
diligence o% t"at %#asonabl# d#g%## o& 'a%# and skill "a*ing %#&#%#n'# to t"# '"a%a't#% o& t"#
busin#ss "# und#%tak#s to do) to p%ot#'t t"# 'li#nts int#%#sts and tak# all st#ps o% do all a'ts
n#'#ssa%$ t"#%#&o%#) and "is 'li#nt ma$ %#asonabl$ #.p#'t "im to dis'"a%g# "is obligations
-hil. Bank of Commer1e vs. Arue5o, C.A.;:.%. *o. !"!'/, une (", (&0#
T"# l#gal p%o&#ssion is a -#alous mist%#ss w"i'" d#mands o& a law$#% t"at d#g%## o&
*igilan'# and att#ntion #.p#'t#d o& a good &at"#% o& a &amil$( A law$#% is %#/ui%#d to #.#%'is#
o%dina%$ dilig#n'# o% t"at a %#asonabl# d#g%## o& 'a%# and skill "a*ing %#&#%#n'# to t"# '"a%a't#%
o& t"# busin#ss "# und#%tak#s to do) as an$ m#mb#% o& t"# ba% simila%l$ situat#d 'ommonl$
poss#ss#s and #.#%'is#s(
Adarne vs. Aldaba, "2 $C%A '2#
An atto%n#$ is not %#/ui%#d to #.#%'is# #.t%ao%dina%$ dilig#n'# but onl$ a %#asonabl#
d#g%## o& 'a%# and skill) "a*ing %#&#%#n'# to t"# '"a%a't#% o& t"# busin#ss "# und#%tak#s to do(
In re: 8ilart, /, -hil. !,#
An atto%n#$ is not #.p#'t#d to know all t"# laws( H# is not liabl# &o% disba%m#nt &o% an
"on#st mistak# o% #%%o%( H# is not an insu%#% o& t"# %#sult in a 'as# w"#%# "# is #ngag#d in as a
'ouns#l( Onl$ o%dina%$ 'a%# and dilig#n'# a%# %#/ui%#d o& "im(
4awell vs. :oroman, #' Am. $t., re+. 00!
T"# d#g%## o& 'a%# and skill %#/ui%#d o& t"# law$#% is not a&&#'t#d "ow#*#% b$ t"# &a't t"at
t"# law$#%s s#%*i'#s a%# %#nd#%#d g%atuitousl$(
6ivero vs. $antos, &" -hil. #,, ((&#0)
T"# 'li#nt is bound b$ "is 'ouns#ls 'ondu't) n#glig#n'# and mistak# in "andling t"#
'as#) o% in t"# manag#m#nt o& t"# litigation and in t"# p%o'#du%al t#'"ni/u#) and "# 'annot b#
"#a%d to 'omplain t"at t"# %#sult mig"t "a*# b##n di&&#%#nt "ad "is law$#% p%o'##d#d di&&#%#ntl$(
Cruz vs. 9u5o, 00 -hil. (,! ((&2")
T"# %ul# p%#suppos#s t"#'# o& an atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip and o& a p#nding
'as#) and %#&#%s onl$ to matt#%s p#%taining to t"# 'ondu't o& su'" 'as#(
6isita1ion vs. Manit, !' $C%A #!2 ((&0&)
T"# atto%n#$s dut$ to sa&#gua%d t"# 'li#nts int#%#sts 'omm#n'#s &%om "is %#tain#% until
"is d#&#'ti*# %#l#as# &%om t"# 'as# o% t"# &inal disposition o& t"# w"ol# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"#
Instan%es of Ne"#i"en%e of Attorneys
1. <ailu%# o& 'ouns#l to ask &o% additional tim# to answ#% a 'omplaint %#sulting in a d#&ault
-udgm#nt against "is 'li#nt (=a$ua vs. =en"o>a, 05 1-il. 0(0).
2. <ailu%# to b%ing suit imm#diat#l$( W"#n t"# b#lat#d suit was &il#d) t"# d#&#ndant "ad
al%#ad$ b#'om# insol*#nt and %#'o*#%$ 'ould no long#% b# "ad( T"# law$#% was d#'la%#d
liabl# to t"# 'li#nt (Filinvest &an" vs. C', 18( SCR' 660).
3. <ailu%# to as'#%tain dat# o& %#'#ipt &%om post o&&i'# o& noti'# o& d#'ision %#sulting in t"#
non6p#%&#'tion o& t"# app#llants app#al (,oven6?e ,esus vs. 13B, 1( SCR' 007).
4. <ailu%# to &il# b%i#&s wit"in t"# %#gl#m#nta%$ p#%iod (1eo$le vs. Ca.ili, %0 SCR' 7(8).
5. <ailu%# to att#nd to t%ial wit"out &iling a motion &o% postpon#m#nt o% wit"out %#/u#sting
#it"#% o& "is two pa%tn#%s in t"# law o&&i'# to tak# "is pla'# and app#a% &o% t"# d#&#ndants
(@aerlan vs. Bernal, @.R. 3o. &60)09, ,an. (8, 195(). <ailu%# to app#a% at p%#6t%ial ('8ravante
vs. 1atriarca, 18% SCR' 11%).
6. <ailu%# o& 'ouns#l to noti&$ 'li#nts o& t"# s'"#dul#d t%ial w"i'" p%#*#nt#d t"# latt#% to look
to anot"#% law$#% to %#p%#s#nt t"#m w"il# 'ouns#l was in t"# "ospital (4entura vs. Santos,
59 1-il. 1(%).
7. <ailu%# to app#a% simpl$ b#'aus# t"# 'li#nt did not go to 'ouns#ls o&&i'# on t"# dat# o&
t"# t%ial as was ag%##d upon ('lcori>a vs. &u+a;an8, '"+. Case 3o. (09, 3ove+/er (1,
8. <ailu%# to pa$ t"# app#llat# do'k#t &## a&t#% %#'#i*ing t"# amount &o% t"# pu%pos#
(Ca$ulon8 vs. 'lino, (( SCR' 091).
9. <ailu%# to tak# a'tion to "a*# ad*#%s# d#'ision %#'onsid#%#d (1AAC vs. !ion8co, ()7 SCR'
15%) o% &ailu%# to app#al t"# ad*#%s# d#'ision (<rancisco, ,r. vs. Bosa an" Ban"on8, ()5
SCR' 7(().
10. <ailu%# to noti&$ t"# 'ou%t o& 'ouns#ls '"ang# o& add%#ss %#sulting in &ailu%# to %#'#i*#
-udi'ial o%d#%s to t"# p%#-udi'# o& t"# 'li#nt (,uane vs. @arcia, (5 SCR' 8)1)
11. <ailu%# to tak# n#'#ssa%$ p%#'aution to insu%# t"at "# %#'#i*#s all 'ou%t noti'#s and
p%o'#ss#s p%omptl$ (,avier vs. =a"a+/a, ,r., 170 SCR' 095).
12. <ailu%# to p%#s#nt #*id#n'# (@on>ales vs. 1resi"in8 ,u"8e of Branc- #, R!C of Bo-ol, 186
SCR' 1)1)(
13. <ailu%# to &il# t"# %#/ui%#d position pap#% w"i'" p%#-udi'#d 'li#nts 'aus# (&oren>ana Foo"
Cor$. vs. ?aria, 197 SCR' (09).
Instan%es where the %#ient is not +oun( +y %ounse#s ne"#i"en%e:
(a! In t"# 'as# o& an i%%#sponsibl# law$#% w"o totall$ &o%got about t"# 'as# and &ail#d to in&o%m "is
'li#nt o& t"# d#'ision) t"# Sup%#m# ou%t "#ld t"at t"# 'li#nt s"ould not b# bound b$ t"#
n#glig#n'# o& t"# 'ouns#l( (Re$u/lic vs. 'rro, 15) SCR' 6%))
(b! A pa%t$ is not bound b$ t"# a'tions o& "is 'ouns#l in 'as# t"# g%oss n#glig#n'# o& t"# 'ouns#l
%#sult#d in t"# 'li#nts d#p%i*ation o& "is p%op#%t$ wit"out du# p%o'#ss (&e8ar"a vs. Court of
'$$eals, 195 SCR' 018).
('! 9W"#%# t"#%# is som#t"ing &is"$ and suspi'ious about t"# a'tuations o& t"# &o%m#% 'ouns#l o&
p#tition#%s in t"# 'as# at ba%) in t"# 'as# "# did not gi*# an$ signi&i'an'# at all to t"# p%o'#ss#s o&
t"# 'ou%t) w"i'" "as p%o*#n p%#-udi'ial to t"# %ig"ts o& said 'li#nts) und#% a lam# and &lims$
#.planation t"at t"# 'ou%ts p%o'#ss#s -ust #s'ap#d "is att#ntion) it is "#ld t"at t"# said law$#%
d#p%i*#d "is 'li#nts o& t"#i% da$ in 'ou%t (1AAC vs. !ion8co, 1( SCR' 071).
(d! Appli'ation o& t"# %ul#) 9%#sults in t"# out%ig"t d#p%i*ation o& on#s p%op#%t$ t"%oug" a
t#'"ni'alit$(: (Bscu"ero vs. ?ula*, 158 SCR' 69, 78)
(#! In t"# 'as# o& an i%%#sponsibl# law$#% w"o totall$ &o%got about t"# 'as# and &ail#d to in&o%m "is
'li#nt o& t"# d#'ision) t"# Sup%#m# ou%t "#ld t"at t"# 'li#nt s"ould not b# bound b$ t"#
n#glig#n'# o& t"# 'ouns#l( (Re$u/lic vs. 'rro, et al., 15) SCR' 6%))
(&! A pa%t$ is not bound b$ t"# a'tions o& "is 'ouns#l in 'as# t"# g%oss n#glig#n'# o& t"# 'ouns#l
%#sult#d in t"# 'li#nts d#p%i*ation o& "is p%op#%t$ wit"out du# p%o'#ss( (&e8ar"a vs. Court of
'$$eals, 195 SCR' 018)
(g! T"# Sup%#m# ou%t s#t asid# t"# dismissal o& t"# app#al &o% t"# &ailu%# to &il# t"# app#llants
b%i#& on tim#) it app#a%ing t"at t"# app#llants &o%m#% 'ouns#l "ad abandon#d "im and 'ould not
b# 'onta't#d d#spit# #a%n#st #&&o%ts( ('8uilar vs. Court of '$$eals, et al.,(5) SCR' %71)
("! T"# Sup%#m# ou%t s#t asid# t"# t%ial 'ou%ts o%d#%) t"# sam# b#ing du# to t"# t%ial 'ouns#ls
blund#% in p%o'#du%# and g%oss n#glig#n'# o& #.isting -u%isp%ud#n'#( (Bscu"ero vs. ?ula*, 158
SCR' 69)
(i! IT was on'# %ul#d t"at t"# un'ons'ionabl# &ailu%# o& a law$#% to in&o%m "is 'li#nt o& t"# %#'#ipt
o& t"# 'ou%t o%d#% and t"# motion &o% #.#'ution and to tak# t"# app%op%iat# a'tion against #it"#% o%
bot" to p%ot#'t "is 'li#nts %ig"ts amount#d to 'onni*an'# wit" t"# p%#*ailing pa%t$ w"i'"
'onstitut#d #.t%insi' &%aud( (Ba*o8 vs. 3atino, (58 SCR' %78)
Ru#e ?G.@C. A #awyer sha## Dee& the %#ient infor)e( of the status of his
%ase an( sha## res&on( within a reasona+#e ti)e to the
%#ients re5uest for infor)ation.
Baker vs. 9um+rhey, (,( 7$ /&/, !# 4 ed (,0# (("'&)
It is t"# dut$ o& an atto%n#$ to ad*is# "is 'li#nt p%omptl$ w"#n#*#% "# "as an$ in&o%mation
to gi*# w"i'" is impo%tant t"at t"# 'li#nt %#'#i*#(
>+arel vs. Abaria, /, $C%A (!" ((&'()
T"# 'li#nt is #ntitl#d to t"# &ull#st dis'losu%# o& t"# mod# o% mann#% b$ w"i'" "is int#%#st
is d#&#nd#d o% w"$ '#%tain st#ps a%# tak#n o% omitt#d(
Al1ala vs. 3e 6era, #0 $C%A 2,
In &ailing to in&o%m "is 'li#nt o& t"# d#'ision in t"# 'i*il 'as# "andl#d b$ "im) t"# law$#%
&ail#d to #.#%'is# su'" skill) 'a%# and dilig#n'# as m#n o& t"# l#gal p%o&#ssion 'ommonl$ poss#ss
and #.#%'is# in su'" matt#%s o& p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt( T"# %#lations"ip o& law$#%6'li#nt b#ing
on# o& 'on&id#n'#) t"#%# is #*#% p%#s#nt t"# n##d &o% t"# 'li#nts b#ing ad#/uat#l$ and &ull$
in&o%m#d and s"ould not b# l#&t in t"# da%k as to t"# mod# and mann#% in w"i'" "is int#%#sts a%#
b#ing d#&#nd#d(
A #awyer sha## re&resent his %#ient with 8ea# within the +oun(s of the #aw.
T"# law$#% ow#s 9#nti%# d#*otion to t"# int#%#st o& t"# 'li#nt) wa%m 8#al in t"#
maint#nan'# and d#&#ns# o& "is %ig"ts and t"# #.#%tion o& "is utmost l#a%ning and abilit$): to t"#
#nd t"at not"ing b# tak#n o% b# wit""#ld &%om "im) sa*# t"# %ul#s o& law) l#gall$ appli#d( In t"#
-udi'ial &o%um t"# 'li#nt is #ntitl#d to t"# b#n#&it o& an$ and #*#%$ %#m#d$ and d#&#ns# t"at is
aut"o%i8#d b$ t"# law) and "# ma$ #.p#'t "is law$#% to ass#%t #*#%$ su'" %#m#d$ o% d#&#ns#(
4e5arda vs. Court of A++eals, (&# $C%A /(" ((&&()
In t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is dut$ o& #nti%# d#*otion to t"# 'li#nts 'aus#) a law$#% s"ould
p%#s#nt #*#%$ %#m#d$ o% d#&#ns# aut"o%i8#d b$ law in suppo%t o& "is 'li#nts 'aus#) %#ga%dl#ss o&
"is p#%sonal *i#ws(
Choa vs. Chion5son, !0, $C%A /'' ((&&0)
W"il# a law$#% ow#s absolut# &id#lit$ to t"# 'aus# o& "is 'li#nt) &ull d#*otion to "is
g#nuin# int#%#st) and wa%m 8#al in t"# maint#nan'# and d#&#ns# o& "is %ig"ts) "# must do so onl$
wit"in t"# bounds o& law(
Ma5lasan5 vs. -eo+le, (&, $C%A 2,0
A law$#%s dut$ is not to "is 'li#nt but to t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#, to that end, his
client6s success is wholly subordinate7 and "is 'ondu't oug"t to and must alwa$s b# s'%upulousl$
obs#%*ant o& law and #t"i's(
-eo+le vs. Irisuillo, "! -hil. ( ((&/")
W"il# a law$#% ma$) in a''o%dan'# wit" t"# 'anons o& t"# p%o&#ssion and "is dut$ to aid
in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#) p%op#%l$ d#'lin# to "andl# a civil suit w"#n "# is 'on*in'#d t"at it
is int#nd#d to "a%ass o% in-u%# t"# opposit# pa%t$ o% to wo%k opp%#ssion o% w%ong) an atto%n#$ &o%
t"# d#&#ns# in a criminal action "as t"# %ig"t and t"# dut$ to %#nd#% #&&#'ti*# l#gal assistan'# to
t"# a''us#d) i%%#sp#'ti*# o& "is p#%sonal opinion as to t"# guilt o& "is 'li#nt(
Ru#e ?I.@?. A #awyer sha## e)&#oy on#y fair an( honest )eans to attain
the #awfu# o+=e%ti-es of his %#ient an( sha## not &resent0
&arti%i&ate in &resentin" or threaten to &resent unfoun(e(
%ri)ina# %har"es to o+tain an i)&ro&er a(-anta"e in any %ase
or &ro%ee(in".
%ule (2", s.!, (d):
--- to employ, for the purposes of maintaining the causes confided to him, such means only as
are consistent with truth or honor, and never see8 to mislead the +udge or any +udicial officer by
an artifice or false statement of fact or law
$uri5ao Mineral %esevation Board vs. Cloribel, 2( $C%A ( ((&',)
A law$#% s"ould us# "is b#st #&&o%ts to %#st%ain and to p%#*#nt "is 'li#nt &%om t"os# t"ings
w"i'" "# "ims#l& oug"t not to do) pa%ti'ula%l$ wit" %#&#%#n'# to t"# 'ondu't towa%d t"# 'ou%t)
-udi'ial o&&i'#%) witn#ss and suito%, and I< t"# 'li#nt p#%sists in su'" w%ongdoing) t"# law$#% s"ould
t#%minat# t"#i% %#lation(
4a1samana vs. dela -eEa, #" $C%A !!
A law$#% s"all #mplo$ su'" m#ans onl$ as a%# 'onsist#nt wit" t%ut" and "ono%( T"us) "#
s"ould not o&&#% #*id#n'# an$ do'um#nt w"i'" "# knows is &als# no% p%#s#nt an$ witn#ss w"om
"# knows will p#%-u%#( H# s"ould mak# su'" d#&#ns# onl$ as "# b#li#*#s to b# "on#stl$
d#batabl# und#% t"# law(
Ru#e ?I.@A. A #awyer who has re%ei-e( infor)ation that his %#ient has0 in
the %ourse of the re&resentation0 &er&etrate( a frau( u&on a
&erson or tri+una#0 sha## &ro)&t#y %a## u&on the %#ient to
re%tify the sa)e0 an( fai#in" whi%h he sha## ter)inate the
re#ationshi& with su%h %#ient in a%%or(an%e with the Ru#es of
Canon !(, C-%
A law$#% s"ould not allow "is 'li#nt to p#%p#tuat# &%aud( 1owever) t"# law$#% s"all not
*olunt##% t"# in&o%mation about t"# 'li#nts 'ommission o& t"# &%aud to an$on# &o% t"at will %un
'ount#% to "is dut$ to maintain at all tim#s t"# 'li#nts 'on&id#n'#s and s#'%#ts(
Ru#e ?I.@B. A #awyer sha## not a##ow his %#ient to (i%tate the &ro%e(ure in
han(#in" the %ase.
T"# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt o& an atto%n#$ m#%#l$ 'on&#%s upon "im t"# g#n#%al
aut"o%it$ to do on b#"al& o& "is 'li#nt su'" a'ts as a%# n#'#ssa%$ o% in'id#ntal to t"# p%os#'ution
o% manag#m#nt o& t"# suit #nt%ust#d to "im OR t"# a''omplis"m#nt o& its pu%pos# &o% w"i'" "#
was %#tain#d(
T"# #mplo$m#nt its#l& 'on&#%s upon t"# atto%n#$ no impli#d o% appa%#nt aut"o%it$ to bind
t"# 'li#nt on substantial matt#%s=
0( t"# 'aus# o& a'tion)
1( t"# 'laim o% d#mand su#d upon) and
3( t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# litigation
a%# substantial matt#%s w"i'" t"# atto%n#$ ma$ not impai%) no*at#) 'omp%omis#) s#ttl#) su%%#nd#%
o% d#st%o$ wit"out t"# 'li#nts 'ons#nt o% aut"o%it$(
ont%ol o& +%o'##dings
In t"# +atters of la.) it is t"# 'li#nt w"o $i#lds to t"# law$#% and not t"# law$#% $i#lding to
t"# 'li#nt( T"# basis o& t"is %ul# is t"at t"# law$#% is b#tt#% t%ain#d and skill#d in law( Cause of
action, claim or demand, and sub+ect of litigation are within client6s control( H#n'#) t"# atto%n#$
ma$ not impai%) s#ttl# o% 'omp%omis# wit"out 'li#nts knowl#dg# and 'ons#nt( How#*#%)
p%o'##dings to #n&o%'# t"# %#m#d$ a%# wit"in t"# #.'lusi*# 'ont%ol o& t"# atto%n#$( In &in#) in t"#
+atters of $roce"ure) law$#% in 'ont%ol) and as to t"# sub-#'t matt#%) t"# 'li#nt is in 'ont%ol(
Caballero vs. 3ei+arine, 0, $C%A (20 ((&'/)
A law$#% s"ould #nd#a*o% to s##k inst%u'tion &%om "is 'li#nt on an$ substantial matt#%
'on'#%ning t"# litigation) w"i'" ma$ %#/ui%# d#'ision on t"# pa%t o& t"# 'li#nt) su'" as w"#t"#% to
'omp%omis# t"# 'as# o% to app#al an un&a*o%abl# -udgm#nt( H# s"ould) mo%#o*#%) gi*# "is 'li#nt
t"# b#n#&it o& sound ad*i'# on an$ su'" simila% matt#%s and 'ompl$ wit" t"# 'li#nts law&ul
inst%u'tions %#lati*# t"#%#to(
Canon ", C-.
W"il# it is a law$#%s dut$ to 'ompl$ wit" t"# 'li#nts law&ul %#/u#st) "# s"ould %#sist and
s"ould n#*#% &ollow an$ unlaw&ul inst%u'tion o& "is 'li#nt( In t"# matt#%s o& law) it is t"# 'li#nt w"o
s"ould $i#ld t"# law$#% and not t"# ot"#% wa$ a%ound(
Cosmos 8oundry $ho+ ?orkerIs 7nion v. 4o Bu, 02 $C%A 2(2 ((&'#)
... ... Att$( Bustamant# was #.p#'t#d to d#&#nd "is 'li#nts 'aus# wit" 8#al) but not at
t"# dis%#ga%d o& t"# t%ut" and in d#&ian'# o& t"# 'l#a% pu%pos# o& t"# labo% statut#s( H# oug"t to
%#m#mb#% t"at "is obligation as an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t) no l#ss t"an t"# dignit$ o& t"# p%o&#ssion)
%#/ui%#s t"at "# s"ould not a't lik# an #%%and6bo$ at t"# b#'k and 'all o& "is 'li#nt) %#ad$ and
#ag#% to do "is bidding( I& "# &ails to k##p t"# admonition in mind) "# puts into s#%ious /u#stion
"is good standing in t"# ba%(
3i1k vs. 7.$., ', A4% &,
T"# %ul# sp#aks o& p%o'#du%# onl$( T"# law$#% 'an &o% instan'#
0( '"oos# t"# p%o'##dings "# will institut# in t"# pu%suit o& "is 'li#nts 'as#,
1( "# will d#t#%min# t"# witn#ss#s to b# p%#s#nt#d in 'ou%t
3( "# 'an #nt#% into stipulations o& &a't) t"oug" not o& law
4( "# 'an ag%## to ad*an'# t"# dat# o& "#a%ing o% to 'ontinu# t"# 'as#
5( "# 'an wai*# ob-#'tions to #*id#n'# as "# ma$ d##m &it(
In b%i#&) in matt#%s o& p%o'#du%#) w"#%# "# is skill#d) "# is in 'ont%ol but not as to t"# sub-#'t
matt#% o& t"# 'as#(
Ba5sa vs. *a5ramada, (( -hil. ('/ ((&,")
#enerally) t"# aut"o%it$ o& an atto%n#$ to mak# admissions is limit#d to t"# a'tion in
w"i'" "# is %#tain#d, conse,uently) admissions mad# b$ "im on b#"al& o& a 'li#nt in on# 'as# a%#
not binding upon t"# sam# 'li#nt in anot"#% suit) e-cept w"#n t"# atto%n#$ "as b##n #.p%#ssl$
aut"o%i8#d to mak# t"# admission o% t"# subs#/u#nt litigation is %#lat#d to t"# p%#*ious
CCC A law$#% 'annot) wit"out sp#'ial aut"o%it$) 'omp%omis# "is 'li#nts litigation o% %#'#i*#
an$t"ing in dis'"a%g# o& t"# 'li#nts 'laim but t"# &ull amount t"#%#o& in 'as" (Melendrez vs.
3e1ena, ('0 $C%A 00!)( A 'omp%omis# #nt#%#d into wit"out aut"o%it$ is m#%#l$ un#n&o%'#abl#( It
'an b# %ati&i#d b$ t"# 'li#nt) i& "# so d#si%#s( How#*#%) a law$#% "as t"# #.'lusi*# manag#m#nt o&
t"# p%o'#du%al asp#'t o& t"# litigation in'luding t"# #n&o%'#m#nt o& %ig"ts and %#m#di#s o& t"#
'li#nt( T"us) w"#n a 'as# is submitt#d &o% d#'ision on t"# #*id#n'# so &a% p%#s#nt#d) t"# 'ouns#l
&o% p%i*at# %#spond#nts a't#d wit"in t"# s'op# o& "is aut"o%it$ as ag#nt and law$#% in n#gotiating
&o% &a*o%abl# t#%ms &o% "is 'li#nt( (Mobil >il -hili++ines vs. @abut, !," $C%A #!2)
A #awyer sha## %har"e on#y fair an( reasona+#e fees.
Rule 138 s.24: An atto%n#$ s"all b# #ntitl#d to "a*# and %#'o*#% &%om "is 'li#nts no mo%# t"an a
%#asonabl# 'omp#nsation &o% "is s#%*i'#s) wit" a *i#w to t"# impo%tan'# o& t"# sub-#'t matt#% o&
t"# 'ont%o*#%s$) t"# #.t#nt o& t"# s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d) and t"# p%o&#ssional standing o& t"# atto%n#$(
0( %i5ht to 1om+ensation 4 In t"# abs#n'# o& an #.p%#ss 'ont%a't N&o% atto%n#$s &##O) pa$m#nt o&
atto%n#$s &##s ma$ b# -usti&i#d b$ *i%tu# o& t"# innominat# 'ont%a't o& facio ut des (I do and
$ou gi*#! w"i'" is bas#d on t"# p%in'ipl# t"at 9no on# s"all #n%i'" "ims#l& at t"# #.p#ns# o&
anot"#%: LCor+uz v. CA, :.%. *o. 4;/,/!/, une 2,, (&",M
1( AttorneyIs fees as 1ontra1t and as items of dama5es 6 T"#s# a%# two 'ommonl$ a''#pt#d
'on'#pts o& atto%n#$s &##s) t"# so6'all#d o%dina%$ and #.t%ao%dina%$( In its ordinary concept)
an atto%n#$s &## is t"# %#asonabl# 'omp#nsation paid to a law$#% b$ "is 'li#nt &o% t"# l#gal
s#%*i'#s "# "as %#nd#%#d to t"# latt#%( T"# basis o& t"# 'omp#nsation is t"# &a't o& "is
#mplo$m#nt b$ and "is ag%##m#nt wit" t"# 'li#nt( In its e-traordinary concept, an atto%n#$s
&## is an ind#mnit$ &o% damag#s o%d#%#d b$ t"# 'ou%t to b# paid b$ t"# losing pa%t$ in a
litigation( T"# basis o& t"is is an$ o& t"# 'as#s p%o*id#d b$ law ... ... NA%t( 11J@) i*il od#O)
and is pa$abl# not to t"# law$#% as additional 'omp#nsation o% as pa%t t"#%#o& N=raders %oyal
Bank .m+loyees 7nion;Inde+endent v.*4%C, :.%. *o. (!,#&!, Mar1h (/, (&&'M.
3( Char5in5 4ien 4 t"# %ig"t w"i'" t"# atto%n#$ "as upon all -udgm#nts &o% t"# pa$m#nt o&
mon#$) and #.#'ution in pu%suan'# o& su'" -udgm#nts) obtain#d in &a*o% o& t"# 'li#nt) to
s#'u%# %#imbu%s#m#nt &o% ad*an'#s mad# and pa$m#nt o& atto%n#$s &##s(
4( %etainin5 8ees N a p%#limina%$ &## paid to #nsu%# and s#'u%# a law$#%s &utu%# s#%*i'#s) to
%#mun#%at# "im &o% b#ing d#p%i*#d) b$ b#ing %#tain#d b$ on# pa%t$) o& t"# oppo%tunit$ o&
%#nd#%ing s#%*i'#s to t"# ot"#% pa%t$) and o& %#'#i*ing pa$ &%om "im(
esalva vs. Bautista, (,# $C%A -hil. 2/" ((&#&)
T"# %ig"t o& a law$#% to b# paid a %#asonabl# 'omp#nsation &o% "is s#%*i'#s do#s not gi*#
"im su'" a sup#%io% int#%#st in t"# a'tion as to p%#'lud# t"# 'li#nt &%om s#ttling "is 'as#(
:oros+e vs. :o1han51o, (,0 -hil. /!# ((&'/)
B#ing p%ima%il$ an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t '"a%g#d o& t"# dut$ o& assisting t"# 'ou%t to %#nd#%
impa%tial -usti'# w"at a law$#% ma$ 'oll#'t as "is &##s is alwa$s sub-#'t to -udi'ial 'ont%ol(
Albano v. Coloma, !( $C%A /(( ((&0')
... ... ouns#l w"o is wo%t"$ o& "is "i%# is #ntitl#d to b# &ull$ 'omp#nsat#d &o% "is
s#%*i'#s( Wit" "is 'apital 'onsisting sol#l$ o& "is b%ains and wit" "is skill) a'/ui%#d at t%#m#ndous
'ost not onl$ in mon#$ but in t"# #.p#nditu%# o& tim# and #n#%g$) "# is #ntitl#d to t"# p%ot#'tion o&
an$ -udi'ial t%ibunal against an$ att#mpt on t"# pa%t o& a 'li#nt to #s'ap# pa$m#nt o& &##s(
Ouirante v. IAC, $C%A '0& ((&"&)
... ... T"# 'ouns#ls 'laim &o% atto%n#$s &##s ma$ b# ass#%t#d #it"#% in t"# *#%$ a'tion
in w"i'" t"# s#%*i'#s in /u#stion "a*# b##n %#nd#%#d) o% in a s#pa%at# a'tion( I& t"# first
alternative is '"os#n) t"# 'ou%t ma$ pass upon said 'laim) #*#n i& its amount w#%# l#ss t"an t"#
minimum p%#s'%ib#d b$ law &o% t"# -u%isdi'tion o& said 'ou%t) upon t"# t"#o%$ t"at t"# %ig"t to
%#'o*#% att$(s &##s is but an in'id#nt o& t"# 'as# in w"i'" t"# s#%*i'#s o& 'ouns#l "a*# b##n
%#nd#%#d( It also %#sts on t"# assumption t"at t"# 'ou%t t%$ing t"# 'as# is to a '#%tain d#g%##
al%#ad$ &amilia% wit" t"# natu%# and #.t#nt o& t"# law$#%s s#%*i'#s( T"# %ul# against multipli'it$ o&
suits will in #&&#'t b# subs#%*#d( W"at is b#ing 'laim#d "#%# as atto%n#$s &##s b$ p#tition#%
"ow#*#% di&&#%#nt &o%m att$(s &##s as an it#m o& damag#s p%o*id#d &o% und#% A%t( 11J@ o& t"# )
w"#%#in t"# awa%d is mad# in &a*o% o& t"# litigant) not o& "is 'ouns#l) and t"# litigants) not "is
'ouns#l is t"# -udgm#nt '%#dito% w"o ma$ #n&o%'# t"# -udgm#nt &o% att$(s &##s b$ #.#'ution( H#%#
t"# p#tition#%s 'laims a%# bas#d on all#g#d 'ont%a't &o% p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s) wit" t"#m as t"#
'%#dito%s and t"# p%i*at# %#spond#nts as t"# d#bto%s( In &iling motion &o% 'on&i%mation o& att$(s
&##s) p#tition#%s '"os# to ass#%t t"#i% 'laims in t"# sam# a'tion( T"is is also a p%op#% %#m#d$
und#% ou% -u%isp%ud#n'#(
=anhue1o v. 3e 3umo, ('! $C%A ''/ ((&"&)
... ... Don#$ is 'oll#'t#d b$ an atto%n#$ &o% "is 'li#nt 'onstitut# t%ust &unds and must b#
imm#diat#l$ paid o*#% to t"# 'li#nt( T"# &a't t"at law$#% "as a li#n &##s on mon#$ in "is "and
'oll#'t#d &o% "is 'li#nt do#s not %#li#*# "im &%om "is dut$ p%omptl$ to a''ount &o% t"# mon#$s
%#'#i*#d= "is &ailu%# to do so 'onstitut#s p%o&#ssional mis'ondu't( T"# atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip
"as alwa$s b##n %#ga%d#d as o& sp#'ial t%ust and 'on&id#n'#( An atto%n#$ must #.#%'is# utmost
&ood &ait" and &ai%n#ss in all "is %#lations"ips *is6P6*is 'li#nt( R#spond#nt &#ll s"o%t o& t"is
standa%d w"#n "# &ail#d to %#nd#% an a''ounting &o% t"# amount a'tuall$ %#'#i*#d b$ "im and
w"#n "# %#&us#d to tu%n o*#% an$ po%tion o& su'" amount %#'#i*#d b$ "im on b#"al& o& "is 'li#nt
upon t"# p%#t#.t t"at "is atto%n#$ upon "is 'li#nt) t"# 'ou%t must and will p%ot#'t t"# agg%i#*#d
Mendoza;-arker v. CA, !2( $C%A !#, ((&&/)
... ... T"# A) in t"# #.#%'is# o& its -u%isdi'tion to %#*i#w t"# d#'isions o& low#% 'ou%ts
& t"# atto%n#$s &##s) 'an and did d#t#%min# w"#t"#% t"# atto%n#$s &##s &i.#d b$ said 'ou%ts
a%# %#asonabl# und#% t"# 'i%'umstan'#s( A&t#% taking into 'onsid#%ation t"# *a%ious &a'to%s to
guid# t"# 'ou%ts in t"# & o& su'" &##s) an app#llat# 'ou%t 'an %#du'# t"# atto%n#$s &##s
stipulat#d b$ t"# pa%ti#s in a 'ont%a't &o% p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s o% awa%d#d b$ t"# low#% 'ou%t to
l#*#ls w"i'" it d##ms %#asonabl#( In t"# abs#n'# o& an$ ag%##m#nt as to t"# amount o&
atto%n#$s &##s) t"# 'ou%ts a%# aut"o%i8#d to d#t#%min# su'" amount to b# paid to t"# atto%n#$ as
a %#asonabl# 'omp#nsation &o% "is p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s( A law$#%) b#ing an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t) is
pla'#d und#% -udi'ial 'ont%ol wit" %#ga%d to t"# %#asonabl#n#ss o& t"# amount o& t"# atto%n#$s
&##s d#mand#d b$ "im &%om "is 'li#nt(
Cor+uz v. CA, &" $C%A /!/ ((&",)
... ... T"# abs#n'# o& an #.p%#ss 'ont%a't &o% atto%n#$s &##s is no a%gum#nt against
t"# pa$m#nt o& su'" &## 'onsid#%ing t"#i% 'los# %#lation w"i'" signi&i#s mutual t%ust and
'on&id#n'# b#tw##n t"#m( Do%#o*#%) t"# pa$m#nt o& atto%n#$s &##s to 2a*id ma$ also b#
-usti&i#d b$ *it%tu# o& t"# innominat# 'ont%a't o& 9facio ut des: (I do $ou gi*#! w"i'" is bas#d on t"#
p%in'ipl# t"at 9no on# s"all un-ustl$ #n%i'" "ims#l& at t"# #.p#ns# o& anot"#%(:
Metro+olitan Bank and =rust Com+any v. CA, ("( $C%A 20' ((&&,)
1. A charging lien, to b# #n&o%'#abl# as s#'u%it$ &o% t"# pa$m#nt o& atto%n#$s &##s) %#/ui%#s
as a 'ondition sin# /ua non a -udgm#nt &o% mon#$ and #.#'ution in pu%suan'# o& su'"
-udgm#nt s#'u%#d in t"# main a'tion o& t"# atto%n#$ in &a*o% o& "is 'li#nt( A law$#% ma$
#n&o%'# "is %ig"t to &##s b$ &iling t"# n#'#ssa%$ p#tition as an in'id#nt in t"# main a'tion
in w"i'" "is s#%*i'#s w#%# %#nd#%#d w"#n som#t"ing dismiss#d upon t"# initiati*# o& t"#
plainti&&( T"# dismissal o%d#% n#it"#% p%o*id#d &o% an$ mon#$ -udgm#nt no% mad# an$
mon#ta%$ awa%d to an$ litigant) mu'" l#ss in &a*o% o& p#tition#% w"o was a d#&#ndant
t"#%#in( T"is b#ing so) p%i*at# %#spond#nts suppos#d '"a%ging li#n is wit"out an$ l#gal
1( A p#tition &o% %#'o*#%$ o& atto%n#$s &##s) #it"#% as a s#pa%at# 'i*il suit o% as an in'id#nt in
t"# main a'tion) "as to b# p%os#'ut#d and t"# all#gations #stablis"#d as an$ ot"#%
mon#$ 'laim( H#n'#) t"# ob*ious n#'#ssit$ o& a "#a%ing is b#$ond 'a*il( But) as in t"#
#.#%'is# o& an$ ot"#% %ig"t 'on&#%%#d b$ law) t"# p%op#% l#gal %#m#d$ s"ould b# a*ail#d o&
and t"# p%o'#du%al %ul#s dul$ obs#%*#d to &o%#stall t"# possibilit$ o& abus# o% p%#-udi'#(
Cadalin v. ->.A, !2" $C%A '!( ((&&/)
... ... A stat#m#nt o& 'laim &o% a '"a%ging li#n s"all b# &il#d wit" t"# 'ou%t o%
administ%ati*# ag#n'$ w"i'" %#nd#%s and #.#'ut#s t"# mon#$ -udgm#nt s#'u%#d b$ t"# law$#% &o%
"is 'li#nts( T"# law$#% s"all 'aus# w%itt#n noti'# to b# d#li*#%#d to "is 'li#nts and to t"# ad*#%s#
Ru#e A@.@?. A #awyer sha## +e "ui(e( +y the fo##owin" fa%tors in
(eter)inin" his fees:
a. The ti)e s&ent an( the e,tent of the ser-i%es ren(ere(
or re5uire(H
+. The no-e#ty an( (iffi%u#ty of the 5uestions in-o#-e(H
%. The i)&ortan%e of the su+=e%t )atterH
(. The sDi## (e)an(e(H
e. The &ro+a+i#ity of #osin" other e)&#oy)ent as a resu#t
of a%%e&tan%e of the &roffere( %aseH
f. The %usto)ary %har"es for si)i#ar ser-i%es an( the
s%he(u#e of fees of the I$P %ha&ter to whi%h he
". The a)ount in-o#-e( in the %ontro-ersy an( the
+enefits resu#tin" to the %#ient fro) the ser-i%esH
h. The %ontin"en%y of %ertainty of %o)&ensationH
i. The %hara%ter of the e)&#oy)ent0 whether o%%asiona#
or esta+#ishe(H an(
=. The &rofessiona# stan(in" of the #awyer.
Two on%e&ts of Attorneys 6ees
In its or(inary %on%e&t) an atto%n#$s &## is t"# %#asonabl# 'omp#nsation paid to a
law$#% &o% t"# l#gal s#%*i'#s "# "as %#nd#%#d to a 'li#nt( T"# basis o& t"is 'omp#nsation is t"#
&a't o& #mplo$m#nt b$ t"# 'li#nt(
In its e,traor(inary %on%e&t) an atto%n#$s &## is an ind#mnit$ &o% damag#s o%d#%#d b$
t"# 'ou%t to b# paid b$ t"# losing pa%t$ to t"# p%#*ailing pa%t$ in a litigation( T"# basis o& t"is is
an$ o& t"# 'as#s aut"o%i8#d b$ law and is pa$abl# not to t"# law$#% but to t"# 'li#nt ; unl#ss t"#$
"a*# ag%##d t"at t"# awa%d s"all p#%tain to t"# law$#% as additional 'omp#nsation o% as pa%t
"he Rules of Court provides under Rule '39, s:; only three factors$
a( t"# impo%tan'# o& t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& 'ont%o*#%s$,
b( t"# #.t#nt o& t"# s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d, and
'( t"# p%o&#ssional standing o& t"# atto%n#$(
End#% Rul# 03@) s(14 it is also p%o*id#d t"at t"# 'ou%t is not bound b$ t"# opinion o&
atto%n#$s as #.p#%t witn#ss as to p%op#% 'omp#nsation and t"at w%itt#n 'ont%a't s"all 'ont%ol t"#
amount paid unl#ss &ound b$ t"# 'ou%t to b# un'ons'ionabl# o% %#asonabl#(
A''o%ding to -u%isp%ud#n'#) t"# 'ou%t ma$ also tak# into 'onsid#%ation t"# 'li#nts
'apa'it$ to pa$.
Jin(s of Pay)ent whi%h )ay +e sti&u#ate( u&on:
a( A &i.#d o% absolut# &## w"i'" is pa$abl# %#ga%dl#ss o& t"# %#sult o& t"# 'as#,
b( A 'onting#nt &## t"at is 'ondition#d to t"# s#'u%ing o& a &a*o%abl# -udgm#nt and %#'o*#%$
o& mon#$ o% p%op#%t$ and t"# amount o& w"i'" ma$ b# on a p#%'#ntag# basis,
'( A &i.#d &## pa$abl# p#% app#a%an'#,
d( A &i.#d &## 'omput#d b$ t"# numb#% o& "ou%s sp#nt,
#( A &i.#d &## bas#d on a pi#'# o& wo%k,
&( A 'ombination o& an$ o& t"# abo*# stipulat#d &##s(
Jin(s of Retainer A"ree)ent on Attorneys fees:
0( #eneral Retainer or Retaining 0ee 4 It is paid to a law$#% to s#'u%# "is &utu%# s#%*i'#s as
g#n#%al 'ouns#l &o% an$ o%dina%$ l#gal p%obl#m t"at ma$ a%is# in t"# o%dina%$ busin#ss o& t"#
'li#nt and %#&#%%#d to "im &o% l#gal a'tion
1( )pecial Retainer 4 T"at is a &## &o% a sp#'i&i' 'as# o% s#%*i'# %#nd#%#d b$ t"# law$#% &o% a
o)&ensation to whi%h Lawyer is Entit#e( De&en(in" on His a&a%ity
0( Counsel "e 1arte ; H# is #ntitl#d to a %#asonabl# atto%n#$s &##s ag%##d upon o% in t"#
abs#n'# t"#%#o&) on /uantum m#%uit basis(
1( Counsel "e 2ficio ; T"# 'ouns#l ma$ not d#mand &%om t"# a''us#d atto%n#$s &##s #*#n i& "#
wins t"# 'as#( H# ma$ "ow#*#% 'oll#'t &%om t"# go*#%nm#nt &unds i& a*ailabl# bas#d on t"#
amount &i.#d b$ t"# 'ou%t(
3( '+icus Curiae ; H# is not #ntitl#d to atto%n#$s &##s(
T"# basis o& d#t#%mining t"# law$#%s p%o&#ssional &##s in t"# abs#n'# o& a 'ont%a't) but
%#'o*#%abl# b$ "im &%om t"# 'li#nt
1e shall be entitled to receive what he merits for his services
a. t"#%# is no #.p%#ss 'ont%a't &o% atto%n#$s &##s ag%##d upon b#tw##n t"# law$#% and t"#
b( w"#n alt"oug" t"#%# is a &o%mal 'ont%a't o& atto%n#$s &##s) t"# stipulat#d &##s a%# &ound
un'ons'ionabl# o% un%#asonabl# b$ t"# 'ou%t,
'( w"#n t"# 'ont%a't &o% atto%n#$s &##s is *oid du# to pu%#l$ &o%mal matt#%s o% d#&#'ts o&
d( w"#n t"# 'ouns#l) &o% -usti&iabl# 'aus#) was not abl# to &inis" t"# 'as# to its 'on'lusion,
#( w"#n law$#% and 'li#nt dis%#ga%d t"# 'ont%a't o& atto%n#$s &##s
&( w"#n t"#%# is a 'ont%a't but no stipulation as to atto%n#$s &##s
Gui(es in Deter)inin" Attorneys 6ees in 9uantu) Meruit $asis
a( !i+e s$ent an" BCtent of t-e Services Ren"ere" ; A law$#% is -usti&i#d in & "ig"#% &##s w"#n
t"# 'as# is so 'ompli'at#d and %#/ui%#s mo%# tim# and #&&o%ts to &inis" it(
b( 3ovelt* an" ?ifficult* of Duestions #nvolve" ; W"#n t"# /u#stions in a 'as# a%# no*#l and
di&&i'ult) g%#at#% #&&o%ts) d##p#% stud$ and %#s#a%'") a%# bound to bu%n t"# law$#%s tim# and
stamina 'onsid#%ing t"at t"#%# a%# no lo'al p%#'#d#nts to %#l$ upon(
'( #+$ortance of Su/9ect =atter ; T"# mo%# impo%tant t"# sub-#'t matt#% o% t"# bigg#% *alu# o&
t"# int#%#st o% p%op#%t$ in litigation) t"# "ig"#% is t"# atto%n#$s &##(
d( S;ill "e+an"e" of t-e &a.*er ; T"# totalit$ o& t"# law$#%s #.p#%i#n'# p%o*id#s "im t"# skill
and 'omp#t#n'# admi%#d in law$#%s(
BermeGo vs. $ia, #&&/,;C6, $e+tember 2,, (&"2, IAC
I& t"# 'li#nt p%#*#nts t"# su''#ss&ul p%os#'ution o% d#&#ns# o& t"# a'tion) t"# law$#% will
b# #ntitl#d to %#'o*#% on a /uantum m#%uit basis o% to t"# &ull amount as &i.#d in a *alid w%itt#n
ag%##m#nt i& t"# 'li#nt a't#d in bad &ait"(
ha)&ertous ontra%ts (void! ; Law$#% stipulat#s wit" "is 'li#nt t"at in t"# p%os#'ution o& t"#
'as#) "# will b#a% all t"# #.p#ns#s &o% t"# %#'o*#%$ o& t"ings o% p%op#%t$ b#ing 'laim#d b$ t"#
'li#nt and t"# latt#% ag%##s to pa$ t"# &o%m#% a po%tion o& t"# t"ingMp%op#%t$ %#'o*#%#d as
C>*=I*:.*= C>*=%AC= C9AM-.%=>7$ C>*=%AC=
0( onting#nt &## is pa$abl# in 'as"( 0( +a$abl# in kind onl$
1( Law$#%s do not und#%tak# to pa$ all
#.p#ns#s o& litigation
1( Law$#%s und#%tak# to pa$ all #.p#ns#s o&
3( Aot p%o"ibit#d 3( Goid
A(-anta"es of a 7ritten ontra%t
0( It is 'on'lusi*# as to t"# amount o& 'omp#nsation(
1( In 'as# o& un-usti&i#d dismissal o& an atto%n#$) "# s"all b# #ntitl#d to %#'o*#% &%om t"# 'li#nt
&ull 'omp#nsation stipulat#d in t"# 'ont%a't (R' 6%6).
Situations when ounse# %annot Re%o-er the 6u## A)ount (es&ite 7ritten ontra%t for
Attorneys 6ees
0( W"#n t"# s#%*i'#s 'all#d &o% w#%# not p#%&o%m#d as w"#n t"# law$#% wit"d%#w b#&o%# t"#
'as# was &inis"#d( H# will b# allow#d onl$ b$ %#asonabl# &##s(
1( W"#n t"#%# is a -usti&i#d dismissal o& t"# atto%n#$) t"# 'ont%a't will b# nulli&i#d and pa$m#nt
will b# on t"# basis o& /uantum m#%uit onl$( A 'ont%a%$ stipulation will b# in*alid(
3( W"#n t"# stipulat#d atto%n#$s &##s a%# un'ons'ionabl# i(#( w"#n it is disp%opo%tionat#
'ompa%#d to t"# *alu# o& s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d and is %#*olting to "uman 'ons'i#n'#(
4( W"#n t"# stipulat#d atto%n#$s &##s a%# in #.'#ss o& w"at is #.p%#ssl$ p%o*id#d b$ law(
5( W"#n t"# law$#% is guilt$ o& &%aud o% bad &ait" towa%d "is 'li#nt in t"# matt#% o& "is
>( W"#n t"# 'ouns#ls s#%*i'#s a%# wo%t"l#ss b#'aus# o& "is n#glig#n'#(
?( W"#n 'ont%a't is ill#gal) against mo%als o% publi' poli'$(
@( S#%*ing ad*#%s# int#%#st unl#ss law$#% p%o*#s t"at it was wit" t"# 'ons#nt o& bot" pa%ti#s(
Genera# Ru#e:
Atto%n#$s &##s as damag#s a%# not %#'o*#%abl#( An ad*#%s# d#'ision do#s not ipso facto
-usti&$ t"#i% awa%d in &a*o% o& t"# winning pa%t$(
Atto%n#$s &##s in t"# 'on'#pt o& damag#s ma$ b# awa%d#d in an$ o& t"# &ollowing
0( w"#n t"#%# is no ag%##m#nt,
1( w"#n #.#mpla%$ damag#s a%# awa%d#d,
3( w"#n d#&#ndants a'tion o% omission 'omp#ll#d plainti&& to litigat#,
4( in '%iminal 'as#s o& mali'ious p%os#'ution,
5( w"#n t"# a'tion is 'l#a%l$ un&ound#d,
>( w"#n d#&#ndant a't#d in g%oss and #*id#nt bad &ait",
?( in a'tions &o% suppo%t,
@( in 'as#s o& %#'o*#%$ o& wag#s,
7( in a'tions &o% ind#mnit$ und#% wo%km#ns 'omp#nsation and #mplo$##s
liabilit$ laws,
0J( in a s#pa%at# 'i*il a'tion a%ising &%om a '%im#,
11. w"#n at l#ast doubl# 'osts a%# awa%d#d (costs of suit does not include
attorney6s fees!,
01( w"#n t"# 'ou%t d##ms it -ust and #/uitabl#, and
03( w"#n a sp#'ial law so aut"o%i8#s(
ones vs. 9orti5uela, 0/ -hil. ('& ((&2')
As a g#n#%al %ul#) t"# p#%son w"o "ad no knowl#dg# o&) o% ob-#'t#d to) t"# law$#%s
%#p%#s#ntation ma$ not b# "#ld liabl# &o% atto%n#$s &##s #*#n t"oug" su'" %#p%#s#ntation
%#dound#d to "is b#n#&it( T"# ob-#'tion to t"# law$#%s app#a%an'# s"ould) "ow#*#%) b# %ais#d
b#&o%# and not a&t#% b#n#&i'ial s#%*i'#s s"all "a*# b##n %#nd#%#d b$ t"# law$#%) ot"#%wis# t"#
pa%t$ w"o b#n#&it#d &%om t"# law$#%s %#p%#s#ntation ma$ b# %#/ui%#d to pa$ 'ouns#l &##s(
>roso vs. 9ernaez, ( -hil. ''
A law$#% w"o %#nd#%#d s#%*i'#s to a pa%t$ w"o did not #mplo$ "im no% aut"o%i8# "is
#mplo$m#nt) 'annot %#'o*#% 'omp#nsation #*#n i& "is s#%*i'#s %#dound#d to t"# b#n#&it o& su'"
8ernandez vs. Bello, (,' $C%A ((/,
T"# dut$ o& 'ou%ts is not alon# to s## t"at law$#%s a't in a p%op#% and law&ul mann#%, it is
also t"#i% dut$ to s## t"at law$#%s a%# paid t"#i% -ust and law&ul &##s(
T"#%# s"ould b# a p%o&#ssional 'ont%a't) #.p%#ss o% impli#d) b#tw##n a law$#% and "is
'li#nt and t"# law$#% s"ould "a*# %#nd#%#d s#%*i'#s pu%suant t"#%#to b#&o%# "# ma$ b# #ntitl#d
to 'ouns#l &##s(
-erez vs. $1ottish 7nion *at. Ins. Co.. '0 -hil. 2!,
T"# in'om# o& t"# law$#% is not a sa&# '%it#%ion o& "is p%o&#ssional abilit$( Dan$ *#%$ good
law$#%s #a%n but small in'om#s w"il# law$#%s o& in&#%io% abilit$ ma$ p%osp#% &inan'iall$( A#it"#% is
t"# l#ngt" o& tim# a law$#% "as p%a'ti'#d a %#liabl# m#asu%# o& "is abilit$, "is 'omp#t#n'$ must
b# -udg#d b$ t"# '"a%a't#% o& "is wo%k(
Ba1a vs. -adilla, (&, -. '2,, (( A4% (("" ((&!,)
T"# nullit$ o& a p%o&#ssional 'ont%a't w"i'" %#sults &%om t"# ill#galit$ o& t"# ob-#'t soug"t
to b# a'"i#*#d b$ t"# p#%&o%man'# o& t"# p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s p%#'lud#s a law$#% &%om
%#'o*#%ing "is &##s &o% su'" s#%*i'#s(
:oros+e vs. :o1han51o, (,0 -hil. /!# ((&#&)
T"# un'ons'ionabilit$ o& t"# amount o& &##s stipulat#d in a p%o&#ssional 'ont%a't %#nd#%s
t"# 'ont%a't in*alid( T"# 'i%'umstan'# t"at t"# 'li#nt knowingl$ #nt#%#d into su'" 'ont%a't do#s
not #stop "im &%om /u#stioning its *alidit$) &o% #stopp#l do#s not *alidat# a 'ont%a't t"at is
p%o"ibit#d b$ law o% is against publi' poli'$(
Medina vs. Bautista, (! $C%A ( ((&0/)
T"# simultan#ous %#p%#s#ntation b$ a law$#% o& opposing pa%ti#s to a 'ont%o*#%s$) in t"#
abs#n'# o& a 'li#nts 'ons#nt to t"# dual %#p%#s#ntation mad# a&t#% &ull dis'losu%# o& t"# &a'ts)
n#gat#s t"# law$#%s %ig"t to %#'#i*# 'omp#nsation &%om bot" o& t"#m( I& t"# dual %#p%#s#ntation is
imp%op#%) t"#n t"# 'laim &o% atto%n#$s &##s &o% s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d b$ t"# law$#% in t"at dual
'apa'it$ is also imp%op#%(
8eli1er vs. MadrileGos, #( -hil. !/
A 1ontin5ent fee 1ontra1t is on# w"i'" stipulat#s t"at t"# law$#% will b# paid &o% "is l#gal
s#%*i'#s onl$ i& t"# suit o% litigation #nds &a*o%abl$ to t"# 'li#nt(
Miles vs. Cheyanne Country , &0 *eb ',2
A 'ont%a't &o% a 'onting#nt &## is an ag%##m#nt in w%iting in w"i'" t"# &##) usuall$ a &i.#d
p#%'#ntag# o& w"at ma$ b# %#'o*#%#d in t"# a'tion) and is mad# to d#p#nd upon t"# su''#ss in
t"# #&&o%t to #n&o%'# o% d#&#nd a suppos#d %ig"t(
7landay vs. Manila %ailroad Co., /# -hil. #/, ((&!2)
A 'onting#nt &## 'ont%a't is g#n#%all$ *alid and binding) unl#ss it is obtain#d b$ &%aud)
imposition o% supp%#ssion o& &a'ts) o% t"# &## is so 'l#a%l$ #.'#ssi*# as to amount to an
4i1udan vs. Court of A++eals, (&2 $C%A !&2
9... W"#n it is s"own t"at a 'ont%a't &o% a 'onting#nt &## was obtain#d b$ undu#
in&lu#n'# #.#%'is#d b$ t"# atto%n#$ upon "is 'li#nt o% b$ an$ &%aud o% imposition) o% t"at t"#
'omp#nsation is 'l#a%l$ #.'#ssi*#) t"# ou%t must and will p%ot#'t t"# agg%i#*#d pa%t$
8ran1is1o vs. Matias, (, $C%A "&
A''#ptan'# o& an initial &## b#&o%# o% du%ing t"# p%og%#ss o& t"# litigation do#s not d#t%a't
&%om t"# 'onting#nt natu%# o& t"# &##s) as long as t"# bulk t"#%#o& is mad# d#p#nd#nt upon t"#
su''#ss&ul out'om# o& t"# a'tion(
3ire1tor of 4ands vs. Ababa, "" $C%A #(2
A%t( 0470 p%o"ibits onl$ t"# sal# o% assignm#nt b#tw##n t"# law$#% and "is 'li#nt) o&
p%op#%t$ w"i'" is t"# sub-#'t o& litigation(
9A 'ont%a't &o% a 'onting#nt &## is not 'o*#%#d b$ A%t( 0470 b#'aus# t"# t%ans&#% o%
assignm#nt o& t"# p%op#%t$ must tak# pla'# du%ing t"# p#nd#n'$ o& t"# litigation tak#s #&&#'t onl$
a&t#% t"# &inalit$ o& a &a*o%abl# -udgm#nt(
Co&nsels no en"led o (ees$
a( 'ouns#l d# o&&i'io unl#ss 'ou%t o%d#%s 'omp#nsation (%ul# 03@) s(31!,
b( +AO law$#%s ; 'annot 'oll#'t &%om litigants,
'( Lo'al #l#'ti*# o&&i'ials app#a%ing in a p%o*in'ialM'it$Mmuni'ipal t%ibunals o%
administ%ati*# ag#n'i#s o& p%o*in'#M'it$Mmuni'ipalit$ o& w"i'" "# is an #l#'ti*#
o&&i'ial (RA 50@5) s(>!
4edesma vs. Clima1o, #' $C%A /'2 ((&'/)
In t"# abs#n'# o& law allowing 'omp#nsation) t"# law$#% d#signat#d as 'ouns#l de oficio
n#it"#% *iolat#s t"# 'onstitutional %#st%i'tion against t"# taking o& p%op#%t$ wit"out %#mun#%ation o%
t"# du# p%o'#ss o& law no% impos#s upon t"# go*#%nm#nt t"# obligation to pa$ "im "is &##s(
%ule (2", $e1tion 2!, %ules of Court
T"# Rul#s o& ou%t p%o*id#s a tok#n 'omp#nsation &o% atto%n#$ de oficio( Sub-#'t to t"#
a*ailabilit$ o& &unds as ma$ b# p%o*id#d b$ law) t"# 'ou%t ma$) in its dis'%#tion) o%d#% an atto%n#$
#mplo$#d as 'ouns#l de oficio to b# 'omp#nsat#d in su'" sum as t"# 'ou%t ma$ %#asonabl$ &i.)
w"i'" s"all not b# l#ss t"an t"i%t$ p#sos in an$ 'as# no% mo%# t"an &i&t$ p#sos in lig"t &#loni#s,
on# "und%#d p#sos in l#ss g%a*# &#loni#s, two "und%#d p#sos in g%a*# &#loni#s ot"#% t"an 'apital
o&&#ns#s, and &i*# "und%#d p#sos in 'apital o&&#ns#s
Ru#e A@.@A. A #awyer sha##0 in %ases of referra#0 with the %onsent of the
%#ient0 +e entit#e( to a (i-ision of fees in &ro&ortion to the
worD &erfor)e( an( res&onsi+i#ity assu)e(.
Aot#= T"is is not in t"# natu%# o& a b%ok#%s 'ommission(
Amal5amated 4aborerIs Assn. 6s. CI%, !! $C%A (!!0
W"#n two o% mo%# law$#%s %#p%#s#nting 'ommon 'li#nts "a*# a p%o&#ssional b%#ak6up
du%ing t"# p#nd#n'$ o& t"# 'as#) t"#i% atto%n#$s &##s s"all b# s"a%#d in amounts to b#
d#t#%min#d b$ t"# 'ou%t(
Ru#e A@.@B. A #awyer sha## not0 with the fu## Dnow#e("e an( %onsent of the
%#ient0 a%%e&t any fee0 rewar(0 %osts0 %o))ission0 interest0
re+ate or forwar(in" a##owan%e or other %o)&ensation
whatsoe-er re#ate( to his &rofessiona# e)&#oy)ent fro)
anyone other than the %#ient.
(%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. ((!
9(T!"#%# s"ould b# no %oom &o% suspi'ion on t"# pa%t o& t"# 'li#nt t"at "is law$#% is
%#'#i*ing 'omp#nsation in 'onn#'tion wit" t"# 'as# &%om t"i%d p#%sons wit" "ostil# int#%#sts(:
%ule (2", $e1. !, (e), %>C
T"# onl$ #.'#ption w"#%#b$ a law$#% ma$ %#'#i*# %#lati*# 'omp#nsation &%om a p#%son
ot"#% t"an "is 'li#nt is w"#n t"# latt#% "as &ull knowl#dg# and app%o*al t"#%#o&(
3iaz vs. Ha+unan, /# -hil. "/" ((&2!)
W"at#*#% a law$#% %#'#i*#s &%om t"# opposit# pa%t$ in t"# s#%*i'# o& "is 'li#nt b#longs to
t"# 'li#nt) in t"# abs#n'# o& "is 'li#nts 'ons#nt mad# a&t#% &ull dis'losu%# o& t"# &a'ts(
%e1to vs. 9arden, (,, -hil. /!' ((&#0)
A law$#% ma$ not 'laim t"# atto%n#$s &##s in t"# 'on'#pt o& damag#s awa%d#d b$ t"#
'ou%t in &a*o% o& "is 'li#nt) e-cept w"#n "# and "is 'li#nt "a*# ag%##d t"at w"at#*#% amount t"#
'ou%t ma$ awa%d as atto%n#$s &##s would &o%m pa%t o& "is 'omp#nsation(
Ru#e A@.@C. A #awyer shou#( a-oi( the fi#in" of any %ase a"ainst %#ients for
the enfor%e)ent of his attorneys fees e,%e&t to &re-ent
a. i)&osition
+. in=un%tion
%. frau(
:u(i%ia# a%tions to re%o-er attorneys fees:
a( &il# an app%op%iat# motion o% p#tition as an in'id#nt in t"# main a'tion w"#%# "# %#nd#%#d
l#gal s#%*i'#s,
b( &il# a s#pa%at# 'i*il a'tion &o% 'oll#'tion o& atto%n#$s &##s(
>tto vs. :mur, In1., ## -hil. 0!' ((&2()
' la.*er +a* enforce -is ri8-t to fees /* filin8 t-e necessar* $etition as an inci"ent of t-e +ain
action in .-ic- -is services .ere ren"ere" onl*:
0( w"#n som#t"ing is du# t"# 'li#nt in t"# a'tion &%om w"i'" t"# &## is to b# paid, o%
1( w"#n t"# 'li#nt s#ttl#s o% wai*#s "is 'aus# in &a*o% o& t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$ in &%aud
o& t"# law$#%s 'laim &o% 'omp#nsation(
4a1son vs. %eyes, ("! $C%A '!& ((&&,)
Sin'# t"# p#tition is in t"# natu%# o& an a'tion b$ 'ouns#l against "is 'li#nt &o% atto%n#$s
&##s) "# s"ould pa$ t"# do'k#t o% &iling &##s t"#%#&o% to #nabl# t"# 'ou%t to a'/ui%# -u%isdi'tion
o*#% t"# 'laim(
%etuya vs. :orduiz, &0 $C%A #!&
9ont%o*#%si#s wit" 'li#nts 'on'#%ning 'omp#nsation a%# to b# a*oid#d b$ t"# law$#% so
&a% as s"all b# 'ompatibl# wit" "is s#l&6%#sp#'t and wit" "is %ig"t to %#'#i*# %#asonabl#
%#'omp#ns# &o% "is s#%*i'#s, and lawsuits wit" 'li#nts s"ould b# %#so%t#d to onl$ to p%#*#nt
in-usti'#) imposition o% &%aud(:
W"#n p%op#%) t"# law$#% 'an pu%su# -udi'ial a'tions to p%ot#'t o% 'oll#'t atto%n#$s &##s
du# to "im( 1e has two options=
e. In the same case( H# ma$ #n&o%'# "is atto%n#$s &##s b$ &iling an app%op%iat#
motion o% p#tition as an in'id#nt in t"# main a'tion w"#%# "# %#nd#%#d l#gal
s#%*i'#s( T"is is also to a*oid multipli'it$ o& suits( <u%t"#%) t"# 'ou%t t%$ing t"#
main 'as# is t"# b#st position to d#t#%min# t"# natu%# and #.t#nt o& t"# law$#%s
s#%*i'#s( Su'" a'tion "ow#*#% is not p%op#% i& t"# 'li#nt %#'o*#%#d not"ing in t"#
main 'as#( T"# motion o% t"# p#tition must b# &il#d wit" t"# 'ou%t before t"#
-udgm#nt "ad b##n satis&i#d o% b#&o%# t"# p%o'##ds w#%# d#li*#%#d to t"# 'li#nt(
f. In a separate civil action= T"# law$#% ma$ also #n&o%'# "is atto%n#$s &##s b$
&iling an ind#p#nd#nt s#pa%at# a'tion &o% 'oll#'tion o& atto%n#$s &##s(
Caballero vs. 3ei+arine, 0, $C%A (20 ((&'/)
T"# %ig"t o& a law$#% to %#'o*#% &%om "is 'li#nt a %#asonabl# 'omp#nsation &o% s#%*i'#s
al%#ad$ p#%&o%m#d ma$ b# a&&#'t#d o% n#gat#d b$ mis'ondu't on "is pa%t) su'" as 'a%#l#ssn#ss
o% n#glig#n'# in t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is duti#s) mis%#p%#s#ntation o% abus# o& t"# 'li#nts 'on&id#n'#
o% un&ait"&uln#ss in %#p%#s#nting "is 'li#nts 'aus#(
An inde+endent 1ivil a1tion to re1over attorneyIs fees is ne1essary where:
0( T"# main a'tion is dismiss#d o% not"ing is awa%d#d
1( T"# 'ou%t "as d#'id#d t"at it "as no -u%isdi'tion o*#% t"# a'tion o% "as al%#ad$ lost it
3( T"# p#%son liabl# &o% atto%n#$s &##s is not a pa%t$ to t"# main a'tion
4( T"# 'ou%t %#s#%*#d to t"# law$#% t"# %ig"t to &il# a s#pa%at# 'i*il suit &o% %#'o*#%$ o& atto%n#$s
5( T"# sub-#'t s#%*i'#s a%# not 'onn#'t#d wit" t"# sub-#'t litigation
>( T"# -udgm#nt d#bto% "as &ull$ paid t"# -udgm#nt '%#dito% and t"# law$#% "as not tak#n an$
l#gal st#p to "a*# "is &##s paid di%#'tl$ to "im &%om t"# -udgm#nt p%o'##ds(
=he law +rohibits the 1har5in5 of attorneyIs fees in the followin5 1ir1umstan1es:
(a! 9W"#n t"# #.#'uto% o% administ%ato% is an atto%n#$) "# s"all not '"a%g# against t"# #stat#
an$ p%o&#ssional &##s &o% l#gal s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d b$ "im(: (Sec. 7, Rule 85, Rules of Court)
(b! 9Ao atto%n#$s &##s) n#gotiation &##s o% simila% '"a%g#s o& an$ kind a%ising &%om an$
'oll#'ti*# ba%gaining n#gotiations o% 'on'lusions o& a 'oll#'ti*# ag%##m#nt s"all b# impos#d
on an$ m#mb#% o& t"# 'ont%a'ting union( An$ 'ont%a't) ag%##m#nt o% a%%ang#m#nts o& an$
so%t to t"# 'ont%a%$ s"all b# null and *oid(: ($ar. B, 'rt. (((E &a/or Co"e, as a+en"e")
('! Ao atto%n#$ pu%suing o% in '"a%g# o& t"# p%#pa%ation o& &iling o& an$ 'laim &o% b#n#&it und#%
t"# p%o*isions o& t"# Labo% od# o& t"# +"ilippin#s %#lati*# to Emplo$##s omp#nsation
s"all d#mand o% '"a%g# &o% "is s#%*i'# an$ &##) and an$ stipulation to t"# 'ont%a%$ s"all b#
null and *oid( ('rt. ()%, &a/or Co"e, as a+en"e")
A #awyer sha## &reser-e the %onfi(en%e an( se%rets of his %#ient e-en after
the attorney'%#ient re#ation is ter)inate(.
onfi(en%e ! %#&#%s to in&o%mation b$ t"# atto%n#$6'li#nt p%i*il#g# (
Se%ret ! %#&#%s to t"# ot"#% in&o%mation gain#d in t"# p%o&#ssional %#lations"ip t"at t"# 'li#nt "as
%#gulat#d to b# "#ld in*iolat# o% t"# dis'losu%# o& w"i'" would b# #mba%%assing o% would lik#l$ b#
d#t%im#ntal to t"# 'li#nt(
%ule (2,, $e1. !( (b), %%C
9An atto%n#$ 'annot) wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& "is 'li#nt) b# #.amin#d as to an$
'ommuni'ation mad# b$ t"# 'li#nt to "im) o% "is ad*is# gi*#n t"#%#on in t"# 'ou%s# o&
p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt) no% 'an an atto%n#$s s#'%#ta%$) st#nog%ap"#%) o% 'l#%k "# #.amin#d)
wit"out t"# 'ons#nt o& t"# 'li#nt and "is #mplo$##s) 'on'#%ning an$ &a't t"# knowl#dg# o& w"i'"
"# "as b##n a'/ui%#d in su'" 'apa'it$(:
2is'losu%# o& 'li#nts id#ntit$) w"#n 'o*#%#d b$ t"# p%i*il#g#
As a matt#% o& publi' poli'$) a 'li#nts id#ntit$ is not p%i*il#g#d( How#*#%) t"#%# a%#
#.#mptions o& t"# %ul#) su'" as=
3( w"#%# a st%ong p%obabilit$ #.ists t"at %#*#aling t"# 'li#nts nam# would impli'at#
t"at 'li#nt in t"# *#%$ a'ti*it$ &o% w"i'" soug"t t"# law$#%s ad*i'#
4( w"#%# dis'losu%# would op#n t"# 'li#nt to 'i*il liabilit$
5( w"#%# t"# go*#%nm#nts law$#%s "a*# no 'as# against t"# 'li#nt unl#ss) b$
%#*#aling t"# 'li#nts nam#) t"# said nam# would &u%nis" t"# onl$ link t"at would
&o%m t"# '"ain o& t#stimon$ n#'#ssa%$ to 'on*i't t"# 'li#nt
T"# dut$ to p%#s#%*# t"# 'li#nts s#'%#ts a%is#s &%om t"# mom#nt t"# atto%n#$6'li#nt
%#lations"ip is #stablis"#d(
A 'li#nts 'ommuni'ation int#nd#d &o% a t"i%d pa%t$ is not p%i*il#g#d(
Canon 2', C-.
It is t"# dut$ o& an atto%n#$ to di*ulg# t"# 'ommuni'ation o& "is 'li#nt as to "is announ'#d
int#ntion to 'ommit a '%im# to t"# p%op#% aut"o%iti#s to p%#*#nt t"# a't o% to p%ot#'t t"# p#%son
against w"om it is t"%#at#n#d(
Clark vs. 7nited $tates, !" & 7.$. (, '' 4 ed &&2 ((&22)
W"il# a 'ommuni'ation %#lating to a &%aud al%#ad$ 'ommitt#d is p%i*il#g#d) a
'ommuni'ation s##king ad*i'# as to t"# 'ommission o& a &%aud o% t"# #stablis"m#nt o& a &als#
'laim is an #.'#ption to t"# p%i*il#g#(
9ilado v. 3avid, "/ -hil.#0& ((&/&)
... ... T"#%# is al%#ad$ an atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip b#tw##n D%s( Hilado and Att$(
<%an'is'o w"#n D%s( Hilado submitt#d "#% do'um#nts and ask#d &o% ad*is# and w"#n Att$(
<%an'is'o ga*# "#% su'" ad*is#( D#%# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt oug"t to p%#'lud# t"#
atto%n#$ &%om a''#pting t"# opposit# pa%t$s %#tain#% in t"# sam# litigation %#ga%dl#ss o& w"at
in&o%mation was %#'#i*#d b$ "im &%om "is &i%st 'li#nt(
7y Chi1o v. 7nion 4ife, !& -hil.(02 ((&(#)
... ... T"# t#stimon$ o& plainti&&s 'ouns#l is not p%i*il#g#d( It in &a't 'on'#%ns t"#
d#alings o& t"# plainti&&s atto%n#$ wit" a t"i%d p#%son( T"# *#%$ #ss#n'# o& t"# *#il o& s#'%#'$ is
t"at su'" 'ommuni'ations a%# not int#nd#d &o% t"# in&o%mation o& t"i%d p#%sons o% to b# a't#d
upon b$ t"#m) but &o% t"# pu%pos# o& ad*ising t"# 'li#nt as to "is %ig"ts( T"us) 'ommuni'ation
mad# b$ a 'li#nt to "is atto%n#$ &o% t"# pu%pos# o& its b#ing 'ommuni'at#d to a t"i%d p#%son is
#ss#ntiall$ in'onsist#nt wit" t"# 'on&id#ntial %#lation(
In re: 9amilton, !/ -hil. (,, ((&(2)
A l#tt#% s#nt b$ law$#% to a p#%son soli'iting p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt &%om "im and
*olunt##%ing in&o%mation is not a 'on&id#ntial 'ommuni'ation wit"in t"# m#aning o& t"# p%i*il#g#(
Barton vs. 4eyte As+halt Mineral >il C>., 0/ -hil. &2" ((&!/)
Atto%n#$6'li#nt p%i*il#g# is not d#st%o$#d b$ t"# &a't t"at a t"i%d p#%son ma$ "a*#
o*#%"#a%d a 'ommuni'ation int#nd#d to b# 'on&id#ntial no% b$ t"# 'i%'umstan'# t"at ot"#%
atto%n#$s %#p%#s#nt#d t"# 'li#nt( But as to a t"i%d p#%son w"o ma$ "a*# o*#%"#a%d a 'on&id#ntial
'ommuni'ation) t"# p%i*il#g# do#s not as a %ul# appl$(
7nited $tates vs. Hovel, !&0 8!d &(", A4% !d ((0 ((&0()
An #.p#%t su'" as an a''ountant) a s'i#ntist) an #ngin##% o% a p"$si'ian) w"o "as b##n
"i%#d #it"#% b$ a 'li#nt o% an atto%n#$ &o% an #&&#'ti*# 'onsultation o% 'ommuni'ation b#tw##n
atto%n#$ and 'li#nt) is 'o*#%#d b$ t"# p%i*il#g# and is p%#'lud#d &%om t#sti&$ing as to #*#n an$
in&o%mation a'/ui%#d in t"# 'ou%s# o& "is #mplo$m#nt(
Brown vs. $aint -aul City %. Co., 0! *?!d 0"" ((&02)
T"# atto%n#$6'li#nt p%i*il#g# is int#nd#d p%ima%il$ &o% t"# p%ot#'tion o& t"# 'li#nt and
in'id#ntall$ in 'onsid#%ation &o% t"# oat" and "ono% o& t"# atto%n#$( H#n'#) t"# 'li#nt is #ntitl#d
p%ima%il$ to ass#%t t"# p%i*il#g#) and an$ ot"#% p#%son to w"om t"# p%i*il#g# #.t#nds 'annot b#
'omp#ll#d to dis'los# an$ 'on&id#ntial 'ommuni'ation wit"out 'ons#nt(
AleCander vs. 7nited $tates, (2" C.$. 2#2, 2/ 4 ed &#/ (("&()
A distin'tion s"ould b# d%awn b#tw##n a '%im# o% &%aud al%#ad$ 'ommitt#d b$ a 'li#nt on
t"# on# "and and a '%im# o% &%aud b#ing 'ommitt#d o% is about to b# 'ommitt#d on t"# ot"#%
"and( An$ 'ommuni'ation b$ a 'li#nt to "is 'ouns#l in "is p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$ wit" %#sp#'t to
&o%m#% 'om#s wit"in t"# p%i*il#g# but not wit" %#&#%#n'# to t"# latt#%(
%adiant Burners vs. Ameri1an :as AssIn., su+ra.
T"# 'ommuni'ation must "a*# b##n t%ansmitt#d b$ a 'li#nt to an atto%n#$ &o% t"# pu%pos#
o& s##king l#gal ad*i'#( Conse,uently) pap#%s and do'um#nts "and#d to an atto%n#$ &o% 'ustodial
pu%pos#s onl$ o% &o% som# busin#ss o% p#%sonal s#%*i'#s and assistan'# do not %#/ui%# t"#
'"a%a't#% o& a p%i*il#g#d 'ommuni'ation) and n#it"#% t"# 'li#nt no% t"# atto%n#$ 'an in*ok# t"#
p%i*il#g# to p%#*#nt t"#i% dis'losu%#(
*atam vs. Ca+ule, &( -hil. 0//, ((&#!)
T"# law$#%s dut$ to maintain in*iolat# "is 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# is p#%p#tual( It outlasts "is
p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt and 'ontinu#s #*#n a&t#% t"# 'li#nts d#at" &o% p%o&#ssional 'on&id#n'#
on'# %#pos#d 'annot b# di*#st#d b$ t"# #.pi%ation o& t"# p%o&#ssional %#lations"ip o% b$ t"# d#at"
o& t"# 'li#nt(
An atto%n#$ is &o%bidd#n a&t#% t"# s#*#%an'# o& t"# %#lation to do #it"#% o& two t"ings "#
ma$ not do an$t"ing w"i'" will in-u%iousl$ a&&#'t "is &o%m#% 'li#nt no% ma$ "# at an$ tim# dis'los#
o% us# against "im an$ knowl#dg# o% in&o%mation a'/ui%#d b$ *i%tu# o& t"# p%o&#ssional
Ru#e A?.@?. A #awyer sha## not re-ea# the %onfi(en%e or se%rets of his
%#ients e,%e&t:
a. when authori8e( +y the %#ient after a%5uaintin" hi) of
the %onse5uen%es of the (is%#osureH
+. when re5uire( +y #awH
c. when ne%essary to %o##e%t his fees as to (efen(
hi)se#f0 his e)&#oyees or asso%iates or +y =u(i%ia#
Art. !,&. Betrayal of =rust by an attorney or soli1itor. %evelation of se1rets.
In addition to t"# p%op#% administ%ati*# a'tion) t"# p#nalt$ o& prision correccional in its
minimum p#%iod) o& a &in# %anging &%om +1JJ to +0JJJ) o% bot") s"all b# impos#d upon an
atto%n#$ at law o% soli'ito% w"o) b$ an$ mali'ious b%#ak o& p%o&#ssional dut$ as an in#.'usabl#
n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#) s"all p%#-udi'# "is 'li#nt) o% %#*#al an$ o& t"# s#'%#ts o& t"# alt#% l#a%n#d
b$ "im in "is p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$(
T"# sam# p#nalt$ s"all b# impos#d upon an atto%n#$ at law o% soli'ito% w"o) "a*ing
und#%tak#n t"# d#&#ns# o& a 'li#nt) o% "a*ing %#'#i*#d 'on&id#ntial in&o%mation &%om said 'li#nt in
a 'as#) s"all und#%tak# t"# d#&#ns# o& t"# opposing pa%t$ in t"# sam# 'as#) wit"out t"# 'ons#nt
o& t"# &i%st 'li#nt (%rt :(&, RPC)
A.B.A. >+. !,! May !#, (&/,
A law$#% w"o a'/ui%#d 'on&id#ntial 'ommuni'ation &%om a 'o%po%at# 'li#nt 'on'#%ning
past w%ong&ul a'ts o& its 'o%po%at# o&&i'#%s ma$ dis'los# t"#m to its di%#'to%s but not to ot"#%s
#.'#pt to p%#*#nt t"# 'ommission o& &%aud to d#&#nd "ims#l& against un-ust '"a%g#s( Sin'# a
'o%po%at# 'li#nt a'ts t"%oug" its boa%d o& di%#'to%s) dis'losu%# o& t"# latt#% would b# to t"# 'li#nt
its#l& and not to a t"i%d pa%t$(
9amil A Co. vs. .n5land, #, Mo. A++. 22"
T"# 'li#nt 'annot also in*ok# t"# p%i*il#g#) i& t"# 'ommuni'ation %#la$#d to t"# law$#%
in*ol*#s t"# 'ommission o& future &%aud o% '%im#(
Canon 2', C-.
Enl#ss t"# %#*#lation b$ a law$#% o& "is 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# &alls und#% an$ o& t"#
#.'#ptions) t"# dis'losu%# b$ a law$#% o& "is 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# o% its us# to "is ad*antag# o% to
t"# disad*antag# o& t"# 'li#nt wit"out t"# latt#%s 'ons#nt 'onstitut#s b%#a'" o& t%ust su&&i'i#nt to
wa%%ant imposition o& dis'iplina%$ san'tion against "im(
A.B.A. >+s. (& (an. !2, (&2,) and !#, (une !0, (&/2)
An atto%n#$ suing a 'li#nt &o% atto%n#$s &##s ma$ also dis'los# o% us# t"# 'on&id#ntial
'ommuni'ation o& "is 'li#nt) i& su'" dis'losu%# o% us# is n#'#ssa%$ to #nabl# "im to s#'u%# "is
%ig"ts( T"# 'li#nt ma$ not b# p#%mitt#d to tak# ad*antag# o& t"# atto%n#$6'li#nt p%i*il#g# to d#&#at
t"# -ust 'laim o& "is law$#% g%owing out o& t"# atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip( T"# atto%n#$ s"ould)
"ow#*#%) a*oid an$ dis'losu%# w"i'" is not n#'#ssa%$ to p%ot#'t "is %ig"ts(
Ru#e A?.@A. A #awyer sha## not0 to the (isa(-anta"e of his %#ient0 use
infor)ation a%5uire( in the %ourse of e)&#oy)ent0 nor sha##
he use the sa)e to his own a(-anta"e or that of a thir(
&erson0 &nless the %#ient with fu## Dnow#e("e of the
%ir%u)stan%es %onsents thereto.
>rient Ins. Co. vs. %evilla, #/ -hil. &(& ((&2,)
A 'li#nt ma$ wai*# t"# p%ot#'tion o& t"# p%i*il#g# #it"#% p#%sonall$ o% t"%oug" "is atto%n#$(
His atto%n#$) %#tain#d in a 'as#) "as t"# impli#d aut"o%it$ to wai*# t"# p%i*il#g# 'on'#%ning an$
p%o'#du%al matt#% in*ol*#d in t"# 'as#) as b$ 'alling "is 'li#nt to t#sti&$ on a p%i*il#g#d
'ommuni'ation o% b$ int%odu'ing in #*id#n'# pa%t o& a p%i*il#g#d do'um#nt(
*atan vs. Ca+ule, &( -hil. 0/,
I& t"# law$#% mak#s t"# p%o"ibit#d dis'losu%# ; t"at is) t"# %#*#lation do#s not &all und#%
an$ o& t"# #.'#ptions ; "# will b# sub-#'t#d to dis'iplina%$ a'tion &o% b%#a'" o& t%ust(
Canon 2', C-.
I& an atto%n#$ is a''us#d b$ "is 'li#nt o& mis'ondu't in t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is dut$) "# ma$
dis'los# t"# t%ut" in %#sp#'t to t"# a''usation) in'luding t"# 'li#nts inst%u'tions o% t"# natu%# o&
t"# dut$ w"i'" "is 'li#nt #.p#'t#d "im to p#%&o%m( )imilarly) i& an atto%n#$ is '"a%g#d b$ a t"i%d
p#%son in 'onn#'tion wit" t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is dut$ to "is 'li#nt) "# ma$ also dis'los# "is
'li#nts 'on&id#n'# %#lati*# t"#%#to(
Ru#e A?.@B. A #awyer sha## not0 without the written %onsent of his %#ient0
"i-e infor)ation fro) the fi#es to an outsi(e a"en%y seeDin"
su%h infor)ation for au(itin" statisti%a#0 +ooDDee&in"0
a%%ountin"0 (ata &ro%essin"0 or any other si)i#ar &ur&ose.
Aot#= T"# 'li#nts 'ons#nt must b# in w%iting(
-eo+le vs. $yu1o, 0/ -hil. 00'
Sin'# it "as b##n p%o*#n t"at t"# 'abin#t b#longs to a law$#% and t"at "# k##ps t"#
%#'o%ds o& "is 'li#nt t"#%#in) t"# low#% 'ou%t 'annot o%d#% t"# op#ning o& said 'abin#t( To do so is
in *iolation o& "is %ig"ts as an atto%n#$( It would b# tantamount to 'omp#lling "im to dis'los# "is
'li#nts s#'%#ts(
Ru#e A?.@C. A #awyer )ay (is%#ose the affairs of a %#ient of the fir) to
&artners or asso%iates thereof un#ess &rohi+ite( +y the %#ient.
2is'losu%# to &i%m pa%tn#%s o% asso'iat#s g#n#%all$ allow#d b#'aus# p%o&#ssional
#mplo$m#nt o& a law &i%m is #/ui*al#nt to %#tain#% o& m#mb#%s t"#%#o&(
In a law &i%m) pa%tn#%s o% asso'iat#s usuall$ 'onsult on# anot"#% in*ol*ing t"#i% 'as#s and
som# wo%k as a t#am( ons#/u#ntl$) it 'annot b# a*oid#d t"at som# in&o%mation about t"# 'as#
%#'#i*#d &%om t"# 'li#nt ma$ b# dis'los#d to t"# pa%tn#%s o% asso'iat#s(
Ru#e A?.@1. A #awyer sha## a(o&t su%h )easures as )ay +e re5uire( to
&re-ent those whose ser-i%es are uti#i8e( +y hi)0 fro)
(is%#osin" or usin" %onfi(en%es or se%rets of the %#ient.
T"# p%o"ibition against a law$#% &%om di*ulging t"# 'on&id#n'#s and s#'%#ts o& "is 'li#nts
will b#'om# a &util# #.#%'is#) i& "is s#'%#ta%$ o% sta&& a%# gi*#n t"# lib#%t$ to do w"at is p%o"ibit#d
o& t"# law$#%(
%e+ort of IB- Committee, +. ((&
T"# law$#% is oblig#d to #.#%'is# 'a%# in s#l#'ting and t%aining "is #mplo$##s so t"at t"#
san'tit$ o& all 'on&id#n'#s and s#'%#ts o& "is 'li#nts ma$ b# p%#s#%*#d(
Ru#e A?.@E. A #awyer sha## a-oi( in(is%reet %on-ersation a+out a %#ients
affairs e-en with )e)+ers of his fa)i#y.
Aot #*#%$ m#mb#% o& t"# law$#%s &amil$ "as t"# p%op#% o%i#ntation and t%aining &o%
k##ping 'li#nts 'on&id#n'#s and s#'%#ts( H#n'#) it is t"# b#tt#% p%a'ti'# &o% law$#%s to b# alwa$s
'a%#&ul and %#s#%*#d about t"# s#'%#ts o& t"#i% 'li#nts w"i'" t"#$ must k##p in*iolat#(
Ru#e A?.@F. A #awyer sha## not re-ea# what he has +een %onsu#te( a+out in
a &arti%u#ar %ase e4$e% to a-oi( &ossi+#e %onf#i%t of interest.

I& a law$#% was 'onsult#d about a pa%ti'ula% 'as#) and i%%#sp#'ti*# o& w"#t"#% o% not "#
was t"#%#a&t#% "i%#d as 'ouns#l) s"ould not %#*#al to ot"#%s t"# matt#% sub-#'t o& 'onsultation(
%ule (#.,2, C-%
T"# #.'#ption is w"#n t"# law$#% will b# pla'#d in a situation o& %#p%#s#nting 'on&li'ting
int#%#sts i& "# do#s not dis'los# 'onsultation( Ot"#%wis#) i& "# %#mains sil#nt) "# ma$ b# *iolating
t"# %ul# against %#p%#s#nting 'on&li'ting int#%#sts(
A #awyer sha## with(raw his ser-i%es on#y for "oo( %ause an( u&on noti%e
a&&ro&riate in the %ir%u)stan%es.
GEAERALLY) a law$#% la'ks t"# un/uali&i#d %ig"t to wit"d%aw on'# "# "as tak#n a 'as#(
BY "is a''#ptan'#) "# "as impli#dl$ stipulat#d t"at "# will p%os#'ut# t"# 'as# to
T"is is #sp#'iall$ t%u# w"#n su'" wit"d%awal will wo%k in-usti'# to a 'li#nt o% &%ust%at# t"#
#nds o& -usti'#(
An EHE+TIOA) "ow#*#%) is "is %ig"t to %#ti%# &%om t"# 'as# b#&o%# its &inal ad-udi'ation) w"i'"
a%is#s onl$ &%om=
0( T"# 'li#nts w%itt#n 'ons#nt o%
1( <o% a good 'aus#
W%itt#n ons#nt o& t"# li#nt
T"# wit"d%awal in w%iting o& a law$#% as 'ouns#l &o% a pa%t$) wit" t"# 'li#nts w%itt#n
'on&o%mit$) does not %#/ui%# t"# app%o*al o& t"# 'ou%t to b# #&&#'ti*#) especially i& t"# wit"d%awal
is a''ompani#d b$ a &o%mal app#a%an'# o& a n#w 'ouns#l(
A 'li#nt "as t"# %ig"t to dis'"a%g# "is atto%n#$ at an$ tim# wit" o% wit"out a 'aus# o% #*#n
against "is 'ons#nt( T"#'# o%'# o& a -ust 'aus# is impo%tant onl$ in
d#t#%mining t"# %ig"t o& an atto%n#$ to 'omp#nsation &o% s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d(
Some L"m"a"ons on Cl"ens R"#! o W"!draw=
0( W"#n mad# wit" -usti&iabl# 'aus# ) it s"all n#gat# t"# atto%n#$s %ig"t to &ull pa$m#nt o&
1( T"# atto%n#$ ma$) in t"# dis'%#tion o& t"# 'ou%t) int#%*#n# in t"# 'as# to p%ot#'t "is %ig"t
to &##s
3( A 'li#nt ma$ not b# p#%mitt#d to abus# "is %ig"t to dis'"a%g# "is 'ouns#l as an #.'us# to
s#'u%# %#p#at#d #.t#nsions o& tim# to &il# a pl#ading o% to ind#&init#l$ a*oid a t%ial
Cabildo vs. *avarro, #/ $C%A !0 ((&'2)
T"# dis'"a%g# o& an atto%n#$ o% "is substitution b$ anot"#% wit"out -usti&iabl# 'aus# s"all
not n#gat# t"# atto%n#$s %ig"t to &ull pa$m#nt o& 'omp#nsation as ag%##d in w%iting OR) in t"#
abs#n'# o& a w%itt#n %#tain#%) to a %#asonabl# amount bas#d on ,uantum merit(
Aoti'# o& dis'"a%g#=
It is not n#'#ssa%$ b#tw##n 'li#nt and atto%n#$( But inso&a% as t"# 'ou%t and t"# ad*#%s#
pa%t$ is 'on'#%n#d) t"# s#*#%an'# o& t"# %#lation o& atto%n#$ and 'li#nt is not #&&#'ti*# until=
a noti'# o& dis'"a%g# b$ t"# 'li#nt o% a mani&#station 'l#a%l$ indi'ating t"at
pu%pos# is &il#d wit" t"# 'ou%t and
a 'op$ t"#%#o& s#%*#d upon t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$(
I& t"# 'li#nt "as not &il#d a noti'# o& dis'"a%g#) t"# dut$ o& t"# atto%n#$) upon b#ing
in&o%m#d b$ "is 'li#nt t"at "is s#%*i'#s "a*# b##n disp#ns#d wit") is to &il#=
a noti'# o& wit"d%awal wit" t"# 'li#nts 'on&o%mit$ o%
an appli'ation to %#ti%# &%om t"# 'as# "# b#ing %#l#as#d &%om p%o&#ssional
%#sponsibilit$ onl$ a&t#% "is dismissal o% wit"d%awal is mad# o& %#'o%d(
-alan1a vs. -e1son, &/ -hil. /(& ((&#/)
T"# dis'"a%g# o& a law$#% b$ "is 'li#nt wit"out a *alid 'aus# b#&o%# t"# 'on'lusion o& t"#
litigation do#s not n#gat# t"# law$#%s %ig"t to %#'o*#% pa$m#nt &o% "is s#%*i'#s( How#*#%) t"#
dis'"a%g# ma$ o% ma$ not a&&#'t t"# amount o& 'omp#nsation d#p#nding upon t"#'# o%
abs#n'# o& a *alid w%itt#n 'ont%a't &o% p%o&#ssional s#%*i'#s up to t"# dat# o& "is dismissal(
%o vs. *aEawa, !' $C%A (,&, ((&0&)
A 'li#nt ma$ dismiss "is a'tion #*#n wit"out o% against t"# 'ons#nt o& "is 'ouns#l( But "#
ma$ not) b$ taking su'" st#p) d#p%i*# "is 'ouns#l o& w"at is du# "im as atto%n#$s &##s &o%
s#%*i'#s %#nd#%#d in t"# abs#n'# o& wai*#% on t"# pa%t o& "is law$#%( I& t"# dismissal o& t"# a'tion
is in good &ait" and is bas#d on an "on#st b#li#& t"at t"# 'li#nt "as no *oid 'aus#) t"# law$#% ma$
%#'o*#% onl$ t"# %#asonabl# wo%t" o& "is s#%*i'#s) #.'#pt w"#n t"# &## is 'onting#nt in w"i'"
'as# t"#%# will b# no %#'o*#%$(
I& on t"# ot"#% "and t"# dismissal o& t"# a'tion b$ t"# 'li#nt is in bad &ait" and is int#nd#d
to d#&%aud t"# law$#% o& "is 'omp#nsation) t"# law$#% will b# #ntitl#d to &ull amount stipulat#d in a
*alid w%itt#n 'ont%a't o%) in t"# abs#n'# o& su'" 'ont%a't) a %#asonabl# *alu# o& "is s#%*i'#s
bas#d on ,uantum meruit( T"# law$#%s 'ons#nt to t"# dismissal o& t"# a'tion do#s not
n#'#ssa%il$ n#gat# "is %ig"t to 'omp#nsation unl#ss su'" 'ons#nt) in t"# 'i%'umstan'#s o& t"#
'as#) amounts to wai*#% o& "is %ig"t t"#%#to(
Arambulo v.CA, !!" $C%A #"& ((&&2)
... ... Sin'# t"# wit"d%awal was wit" t"# 'li#nts 'ons#nt) no app%o*al t"#%#o& b$ t"#
t%ial 'ou%t was %#/ui%#d b#'aus# a 'ou%t app%o*al is indisp#nsabl# onl$ i& t"# wit"d%awal is wit"out
t"# 'li#nts 'ons#nt( End#% t"# &i%st s#nt#n'# o& Rul# 03@) S#'tion 1>) t"# %#ti%#m#nt is 'ompl#t#d
on'# t"# wit"d%awal is &il#d in 'ou%t( Ao &u%t"#% a'tion t"#%#on b$ t"# 'ou%t is n##d#d ot"#% t"an
t"# m#'"ani'al a't o& t"# 'l#%k o& 'ou%t o& #nt#%ing t"# nam# o& t"# n#w 'ouns#l in t"# do'k#t and
o& gi*ing noti'# t"#%#o& to t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$( T"# &ailu%# o& t"# 'l#%k o& 'ou%t to do #it"#% do#s not
a&&#'t t"# *alidit$ o& t"# %#ti%#m#nt(
T"# app#a%an'# o& t"# n#w 'ouns#l) Att$( +in#da) did not lik#wis# %#/ui%# t"# app%o*al o&
t"# 'ou%t( An app#a%an'# ma$ b# mad# b$ simpl$ &iling a &o%mal motion) pl#a o% answ#%) o%
t"%oug" t"# &o%mal m#t"od) vi<() b$ d#li*#%ing to t"# 'l#%k o& 'ou%t a w%itt#n di%#'tion o%d#%ing "im
to #nt#% t"# app#a%an'# o& t"# 'ouns#l(
Ru#e AA.@?. A #awyer )ay with(raw his ser-i%es in any of the fo##owin"
a. when the %#ient &ursues an i##e"a# or i))ora# %ourse of
%on(u%t in %onne%tion with the )atter he is han(#in"H
+. when the %#ient insist that the #awyer &ursue %on(u%t
-io#ati-e of this %anons an( ru#esH
%. when his ina+i#ity to worD with %o'%ounse# wi## not
&ro)ote the +est interest of the %#ientH
(. when the )enta# or &hysi%a# %on(ition of the #awyer
ren(ers it (iffi%u#t for hi) to %arry out the e)&#oy)ent
e. when the %#ient (e#i+erate#y fai#s to &ay the fees for the
ser-i%es or fai#s to %o)&#y with the retainer a"ree)entH
f. when the #awyer is e#e%te( or a&&ointe( to a &u+#i%
". other si)i#ar %ases.
7ith(rawa# 7ithout #ients onsent
+%o'#du%# &o% Wit"d%awal=
0( A law$#% must &il# a p#tition &o% wit"d%awal in 'ou%t)
1( s#%*# a 'op$ o& t"is p#tition upon "is 'li#nt and t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$ at l#ast 3 da$s b#&o%#
t"# dat# s#t &o% "#a%ing
a( H# s"ould p%#s#nt "is p#tition w#ll in ad*an'# o& t"# t%ial o& t"# a'tion to #nabl#
t"# 'li#nt to s#'u%# t"# s#%*i'#s o& anot"#% law$#%(
b( I& t"# appli'ation is &il#d und#% 'i%'umstan'#s t"at do not a&&o%d a substitut#
'ouns#l su&&i'i#nt tim# to p%#pa%# &o% t%ial o% t"at wo%k p%#-udi'# to t"# 'li#nts
'aus#) t"# 'ou%t ma$ d#n$ "is appli'ation and %#/ui%# "im to 'ondu't t"# t%ial(
% lawyer should not presume that the court will grant his petition for withdrawal( Entil "is
wit"d%awal s"all "a*# b##n p%o*#d) t"# law$#% %#mains 'ouns#l o& %#'o%d w"o is #.p#'t#d b$ "is
'li#nt as will as b$ t"# 'ou%t to do w"at t"# int#%#sts o& "is 'li#nt %#/ui%#(
Mer1ado vs. 7bay, ("' $C%A '!,
An atto%n#$ is p%#sum#d to b# p%op#%l$ aut"o%i8#d to %#p%#s#nt an$ 'aus# in w"i'" "#
app#a%s) and no w%itt#n pow#% o& atto%n#$ is %#/ui%#d to aut"o%i8# "im to app#a% in 'ou%t &o% "is
%ule (2", $e1tion !0, %ules of Court
A law$#% ma$ also %#ti%# at an$tim# &%om an$ a'tion o% sp#'ial p%o'##ding wit"out t"#
'ons#nt o& "is 'li#nt s"ould t"# 'ou%t) on noti'# to t"# 'li#nt and t"# atto%n#$ and on "#a%ing)
d#t#%min# t"at "# oug"t to b# allow#d to %#ti%#( T"# appli'ation &o% wit"d%awal must b# bas#d on
a good 'aus#(
$e1tion !(, %ule (2", %>C
I& 'ouns#l app#a%s in a 'as# wit"out an$ &o%mal noti'# o& app#a%an'# w"i'" usuall$ b#a%s
t"# w%itt#n 'on&o%mit$ o& t"# 'li#nt) "# ma$ b# %#/ui%#d on Dotion o& a pa%t$ and on %#asonabl#
g%ounds to p%odu'# o% p%o*# "is aut"o%it$ to app#a% &o% t"# 'li#nt( It is 'ont#mptuous to app#a% &o%
a pa%t$ wit"out "a*ing b##n #mplo$#d as law$#%(
A<uino vs. Blan1o, '& -hil. 0/'
A law$#% w"o is appoint#d as a Budg# o% Busti'# '#as#s to b# in p%a'ti'# b$ op#%ation o&
law( T"# sam# %ul# appli#s to a law$#% w"o is appoint#d as <is'al w"o upon "is /uali&i'ation
simultan#ousl$ '#as#s as 'ouns#l &o% t"is 'li#nt( H#n'#) noti'# to "im a&t#% "is /uali&i'ation is not
noti'# to 'li#nt(
3alisay vs. :oyo, CA;:.%. *o./2#(&;% $e+t. (!, (&'/
It is t"# dut$ o& t"# law$#% to in&o%m t"# 'ou%t) i& "# is appoint#d to a position w"i'"
p%o"ibits p%a'ti'# o& law(
# Am. ur. !"!
In t"# abs#n'# o& a %#tain#% &%om t"# p#%sonal %#p%#s#ntati*# o& "is d#'#as#d 'li#nt) t"#
atto%n#$ "as) a&t#% t"# d#at" o& t"# latt#%) no &u%t"#% a'tion on b#"al& o& t"# d#'#as#d(
$e1tion (0, %ule 2, %>C
Epon t"# d#at" (in'apa'it$ o% in'omp#t#n'$! o& t"# 'li#nt) it is t"# dut$ o& t"# law$#% to
in&o%m t"# 'ou%t imm#diat#l$ o& su'" #*#nt) and to gi*# t"# nam# and %#sid#n'# o& "is #.#'uto%)
administ%ato%) gua%dian o% ot"#% l#gal %#p%#s#ntati*#((wit"in 3J da$s!
6isita1ion vs. Manit, !' $C%A #!2
An atto%n#$ w"o 'ould not g#t t"# w%itt#n 'ons#nt o& "is 'li#nt must mak# an appli'ation
to t"# 'ou%t) &o% t"# %#lation do#s not t#%minat# &o%mall$ until t"#%# is a wit"d%awal o& %#'o%d(
ouns#l "as no %ig"t to p%#sum# t"at t"# 'ou%t would g%ant "is wit"d%awal and t"#%#&o%# must still
app#a% on t"# dat# o& "#a%ing(
%i1onada =ele+hone Com+any, in1. vs. BuenviaGe, ("/ $C%A ',(
T"# %ig"t o& a 'li#nt to t#%minat# t"# aut"o%it$ o& "is 'ouns#l in'lud#s t"# %ig"t to mak# a
'"ang# o% substitution at an$ stag# o& t"# p%o'##dings( !o /e vali", an* suc- c-an8e or su/stitution
+ust /e +a"e:
a( upon w%itt#n appli'ation,
b( upon w%itt#n 'ons#nt o& t"# 'li#nt,
'( upon w%itt#n 'ons#nt o& t"# atto%n#$ to b# substitut#d,
d( in 'as# t"# 'ons#nt o& t"# atto%n#$ to b# substitut#d 'annot b# obtain#d) t"#%#
must b# at l#ast a p%oo& o& noti'# t"at t"# motion &o% substitution "as b##n s#%*#d
upon "im in t"# mann#% p%#s'%ib#d b$ t"# %ul#s(
Cortez vs. Court of A++eals, "2 $C%A 2(
T"# atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lation do#s not t#%minat# &o%mall$ until t"#%# is a wit"d%awal mad# o&
%#'o%d, at l#ast so &a% as t"# opposit# t"# pa%t$ is 'on'#%n#d) t"# %#lation ot"#%wis# 'ontinu#s
until t"# #nd o& t"# litigation( Enl#ss p%op#%l$ %#li#*#d) t"# 'ouns#l is %#sponsibl# &o% t"# 'ondu't
o& t"# 'as#(
%e: 9eiri1h, (/, *.!d "!#, 0' A4%!d "!' ((&#')
A 'ont%a't o& p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt t#%minat#s upon t"# d#at" o& an atto%n#$( <o% t"at
%#ason) t"# p#%sonal %#p%#s#ntati*# o& t"# d#'#as#d atto%n#$ "as no %ig"t to assign p#nding
'as#s to anot"#% law$#% o& "is '"oi'# as t"# matt#% is &o% t"# 'li#nt to d#'id#( But t"# d#at" o& a
pa%tn#% in a law &i%m do#s not s#*#%# t"# p%o&#ssional #mplo$m#nt b#tw##n t"# law &i%m and t"#
'li#nt) and t"# %#maining pa%tn#%s in t"# law &i%m 'ontinu# to assum# p%o&#ssional %#sponsibilit$ in
t"# p#nding litigation(
Ru#e AA.@A. A #awyer who with(raws or is (is%har"e( sha##0 su+=e%t to a
retainer #ien0 i))e(iate#y turn o-er a## &a&ers an( &ro&erty to
whi%h the %#ient is entit#e(0 an( sha## %oo&erate with his
su%%essor for the &ro&er han(#in" of the )atter.
# Am. ur. 2&!
A retainin8 lien is a passi*# li#n and ma$ not b# a'ti*#l$ #n&o%'#d( It amounts to a m#%#
%ig"t to %#tain t"# pap#%s as against t"# 'li#nt until t"# law$#% is &ull$ paid(
Myers vs. Miller, ((' A4% &''
T"is is t"# #/uitabl# %ig"t o& t"# atto%n#$ to "a*# t"# &##s du# "im &o% s#%*i'#s in a
pa%ti'ula% suit s#'u%#d b$ t"# -udgm#nt o% %#'o*#%$ in su'" suit( T"# ob-#'t o& t"is li#n is to p%ot#'t
t"# 'laim on t"# &%uits o& t"# law$#%s labo%(
0( Aatu%# +assi*# Li#n( It 'annot b# a'ti*#l$
#n&o%'#d( It is a g#n#%al li#n(
A'ti*# Li#n( It 'an b# #n&o%'#d b$ #.#'ution(
It is a sp#'ial Li#n
1( Basis Law&ul poss#ssion o& pap#%s)
do'um#nts) p%op#%l$ b#longing to 'li#nt(
S#'u%ing o& a &a*o%abl# mon#$ -udgm#nt &o%
t"# 'li#nt(
3( o*#%ag# o*#%s onl$ pap#%s) do'um#nts and
p%op#%t$ in t"# law&ul poss#ssion o& t"#
atto%n#$ b$ %#ason o& "is p%o&#ssional
o*#%s all -udgm#nts &o% t"# pa$m#nt o&
mon#$ and #.#'utions issu#d in pu%suan'#
o& su'" -udgm#nts(
4( E&&#'ti*it$ As soon as t"# atto%n#$ g#ts
poss#ssion o& t"# pap#%s do'um#nts o%
As soon as t"# 'laim &o% atto%n#$s &##s "ad
b##n #nt#%#d into t"# %#'o%ds o& t"# 'as#(
5( Aoti'# li#nt n##d not b# noti&i#d to mak# it
li#nt and ad*#%s# pa%t$ must b# noti&i#d to
mak# it #&&#'ti*#(
>( Appli'abilit$ Da$ b# #.#%'is#d b#&o%# -udgm#nt o%
#.#'ution o% %#ga%dl#ss t"#%#o&(
G#n#%all$) it is #.#%'isabl# onl$ w"#n t"#
atto%n#$ "ad al%#ad$ s#'u%#d a &a*o%abl#
-udgm#nt &o% "is 'li#nt(
Re5uisites of a Retainin" Lien
0( t"#%# #.ists a 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip,
1( t"at t"# 'laims &o% atto%n#$s &##s a%# not satis&i#d, and
3( t"at 'ouns#l is in poss#ssion o& t"# sub-#'t pap#%s) do'um#nts and &unds( It is still
%#/ui%#d t"at
4. "is possession be lawful Ot"#%wis#) t"# law$#% 'annot #.#%'is# "is %ig"t as a %#taining
Re5uisites of a har"in" Lien
0('# o& a 'li#nt6law$#% %#lations"ip,
2. <a*o%abl# -udgm#nt s#'u%#d b$ t"# 'ouns#l &o% "is 'li#nt w"i'" -udgm#nt is a money
3( Aoting into t"# %#'o%ds o& t"# 'as# t"%oug" t"# &iling o& an app%op%iat# motion o& t"#
stat#m#nt o& t"# law$#%s 'laim &o% atto%n#$s &##s wit" 'opi#s &u%nis"#d to t"# 'li#nt and
t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$
Metro+olitan Bank A =rust Com+any vs. Court of A++eals, ("( $C%A 20'
A c-ar8in8 lien) to b# #n&o%'#abl# as s#'u%it$ &o% t"# pa$m#nt o& atto%n#$s &##s) %#/ui%#s
as a 'ondition sine ,ua non a -udgm#nt &o% mon#$ and #.#'ution in pu%suan'# o& su'" -udgm#nt
s#'u%#d in t"# main a'tion b$ t"# atto%n#$ in &a*o% o& "is 'li#nt(
A '"a%ging li#n p%#suppos#s t"at t"# atto%n#$ "as s#'u%#d a &a*o%abl# mon#$ -udgm#nt
&o% "is 'li#nt( H.. ...( A '"a%ging li#n und#% S#'tion 3?) Rul# 03@ o& t"# R#*is#d Rul#s o& ou%t is
limit#d onl$ to mon#$ -udgm#nts and not to -udgm#nts &o% t"# annulm#nt o& a 'ont%a't o% &o%
d#li*#%$ o& %#al p%op#%t$ as in t"# instant 'as#(
$armiento vs. Monta5ne, / -hil. ( ((&#&)
T"# %#taining li#n do#s not atta'" to &unds) do'um#nts and pap#%s w"i'" 'om# into t"#
law$#%s poss#ssion in som# ot"#% 'apa'it$) su'" as an ag#nt o& t"# 'li#nts spous# o% as a
mo%tgag## o% t%ust##(
Matute vs. Matute, 22 $C%A 2# ((&',)
T"# atto%n#$s %#taining li#n) on'# it was law&ull$ atta'"#d to &unds) do'um#nts and
pap#%s o& t"# 'li#nt) is un'ont#stabl#) and t"# 'ou%t ma$ not 'omp#l "im to su%%#nd#% t"#m
wit"out p%io% p%oo& t"at "is &##s and disbu%s#m#nts "a*# b##n dul$ satis&i#d(
Am+il vs. A5rava, 2/ $C%A 2', ((&',)
I& "ow#*#%) it is indisp#nsabl# t"at t"# 'ou%t s"ould gain poss#ssion o& t"# do'um#nts
t"at "a*# 'om# to t"# atto%n#$ and a%# "#ld b$ "im in t"# 'ou%s# o& "is #mplo$m#nt as 'ouns#l)
o*#% w"i'" "# "as '"os#n to #.#%'is# "is %ig"t o& %#t#ntion) t"# 'ou%t ma$ %#/ui%# t"# su%%#nd#%
t"#%#o& upon t"# 'li#nts posting o& an ad#/uat# bond o% s#'u%it$ to gua%ant## pa$m#nt o& t"#
law$#%s &##s(
esus;Alano vs. =an, (,0 -hil. ##/ ((&#&)
T"# law$#% n##d not &il# an a'tion in 'ou%t to #n&o%'# "is %#taining li#n to %#'o*#% "is &##s
and disbu%s#m#nts i& w"at "# %#tains in t"# #.#%'is# o& "is li#n %#&#%s to &unds o% mon#$ o& t"#
'li#nt t"at law&ull$ 'om#s into "is poss#ssion and t"# 'li#nt do#s not disput# "is 'laim &o%
atto%n#$s &##s and t"# amount t"#%#o&( In su'" 'as#) t"# law$#% ma$ law&ull$ appl$ t"# 'li#nts
&unds in satis&a'tion o& "is 'laim &o% atto%n#$s &##s and disbu%s#m#nts(
Ma1ondray A Co. vs. ose, 00 -hil. #&, ((&2")
T"# atto%n#$s '"a%ging li#n tak#s pla'# &%om and a&t#% t"# tim# t"# atto%n#$ "as 'aus#d
a noti'# o& "is li#n to b# dul$ #nt#%#d in t"# %#'o%d o& t"# 'as#(
Candelario vs. CaEizares, / $C%A '2" ((&0!)
S"ould t"# 'li#nt disput# t"# atto%n#$s %ig"t to o% t"# amount o& atto%n#$s &##s) t"# 'ou%t
s"ould "#a% t"# pa%ti#s and d#t#%min# &%om t"# #*id#n'# submitt#d b$ t"#m t"# law$#%s %ig"t to
a '"a%ging li#n as w#ll as t"# amount t"#%#o& b#&o%# it 'an o%d#% t"# %#'o%ding o& t"# li#n(
7landay vs. Manila %ailroad Co., /# -hil. #/, ((&!2)
T"# atto%n#$s '"a%ging li#n) on'# dul$ %#'o%d#d) atta'"#s to t"# -udgm#nt &o% t"#
pa$m#nt o& mon#$ and t"# #.#'utions issu#d in pu%suan'# o& su'" -udgm#nt( It also atta'"#s to
t"# p%o'##ds o& t"# -udgm#nt in &a*o% o& t"# 'li#nt b#'aus# a -udgm#nt &o% mon#$ is onl$ as
*aluabl# as t"# amount t"at ma$ b# %#ali8#d t"#%#&%om( It lik#wis# atta'"#s to t"# p%o'##ds o& a
'omp%omis# s#ttl#m#nt(
T"# g#n#%all$ a''#pt#d %ul# is t"at an atto%n#$s '"a%ging li#n ma$ b# assign#d o%
t%ans&#%%#d wit"out t"# p%#&#%#n'# t"#%#o& b#ing #.tinguis"#d #.'#pt w"#n t"# assignm#nt
'a%%i#s wit" it a b%#a'" o& t"# atto%n#$s dut$ to p%#s#%*# "is 'li#nts 'on&id#n'# in*iolat#(
In re: ulian =. -ubli1o, (,! $C%A '!!
D#mb#%s"ip in t"# Ba% is a p%i*il#g# bu%d#n#d wit" 'onditions( B$ &a%) t"# most impo%tant
o& t"#m is mind&uln#ss t"at a law$#% is an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t(
In re -arazo, "! -hil. !2,
T"# l#gal p%o&#ssion unlik# an$ ot"#% 'alling is subs#%*i#nt to t"# 'ou%t( ou%ts "a*# t"#
in"#%#nt pow#% to adopt p%op#% and ad#/uat# m#asu%#s to p%#s#%*# t"#i% int#g%it$ and %#nd#%
possibl# &a'ilitat# t"# #.#%'is# o& t"#i% &un'tions( In'luding t"# in*#stigation o& '"a%g#s o& #%%o%)
abus# o% mis'ondu't o& t"#i% o&&i'ials and subo%dinat#s) in'luding law$#%s(
-eo+le vs. Andan, CA;:.%. *o. 2('2;%, May (', (&/&
D#mb#%s"ip in t"# Ba% b#ing m#%#l$ a p%i*il#g#) t"# sam# ma$ b# susp#nd#d o%
%#mo*#d &%om t"# law$#% &o% %#asons p%o*id#d in t"# Rul#s) law and -u%isp%ud#n'#( T"#
a'tuations o& law$#%s a%# sub-#'t to s'%utin$ at all tim#s( T"# p%o&#ssional a'ti*iti#s as w#ll as t"#
law$#%s p%i*at# li*#s) in so &a% as t"# latt#% ma$ %#&l#'t un&a*o%abl$ upon t"# good nam# and
p%#stig# o& t"# p%o&#ssion and t"# 'ou%ts) ma$ at anytime b# t"# sub-#'t o& in/ui%$ b$ t"# p%op#%
=obias vs. 6eloso, (,, $C%A (''
A warnin") in o%dina%$ pa%lan'#) "as b##n d#&in#d as an Qa't o% &a't o& putting on# on "is
gua%d against an imp#nding dang#%) #*il 'ons#/u#n'#s o% p#nalti#s) w"il# an a()onition %#&#%s
to a g#ntl# o% &%i#ndl$ %#p%oo&) mild %#buk#) wa%ning o% %#mind#%) 'ouns#ling) on a &ault) #%%o% o%
o*#%sig"t) an #.p%#ssion o& aut"o%itati*# ad*i'# o% Qwa%ning( "hey are not considered as
penalties( A re&ri)an(0 on t"# ot"#% "and) is o& a mo%# s#*#%# natu%#) and "as b##n d#&in#d as a
publi' and &o%mal '#nsu%# o% s#*#%# %#p%oo&) administ#%#d to a p#%son in &ault b$ "is sup#%io%
o&&i'#% o% a bod$ to w"i'" "# b#longs( It is mo%# t"an -ust a wa%ning o% an admonition(
Sus&ension is t"# t#mpo%a%$ wit""olding o& t"# law$#%s %ig"t to p%a'ti'# "is p%o&#ssion as a
law$#% o& a '#%tain p#%iod o% &o% an ind#&init# p#%iod o& tim#(
Dis+ar)ent is t"# a't o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t in wit"d%awing &%om an$ atto%n#$ t"# %ig"t to p%a'ti'#
law( T"# nam# o& t"# law$#% is st%i'k#n out &%om t"# Roll o& Atto%n#$s( And "# do#s not "a*# t"#
%ig"t to put in "is nam# #*#n t"# p%#&i. 9Att$(:( A#it"#% 'an "# sign pl#adings #*#n i& "# do#s not
p#%sonall$ app#a% in 'ou%t(
$e1tion !', %ule (2", %>C
<-o -as t-e $ to "isci$line errant la.*ersF
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t "as t"# &ull aut"o%it$ and pow#% wa%n) admonis") %#p%imand)
susp#nd and disba% a law$#%(
$e1tion (0, %ule (2&;B, %ules of Court
T"# ou%t o& App#als and t"# R#gional T%ial ou%ts a%# also #mpow#%#d to wa%n)
admonis") %#p%imand) and susp#nd an atto%n#$ w"o app#a%s b#&o%# t"#m &%om t"# p%a'ti'# o& law
&o% an$ o& t"# 'aus#s m#ntion#d in S#'tion 1? o& Rul# 03@) RO( But t"#$ 'annot disba% a law$#%(
Balasabas vs. A<uilisan, (,0 $C%A /"&
An RT Budg# 'annot summa%il$ susp#nd a law$#% as punis"m#nt &o% 'ommitting an
indi%#'t 'ont#mpt( T"at is not allow#d und#% S#'tion >) Rul# ?0 o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t(
%oyon5 vs. >blena, ' $C%A "#&
T"# pow#% to susp#nd o% disba% a law$#% is +udicial in natu%# and 'an b# #.#%'is#d onl$
b$ t"# 'ou%ts( It 'annot b# d#&#at#d b$ t"# l#gislati*# o% #.#'uti*# d#pa%tm#nts( W"il# t"#
l#gislatu%# ma$ p%o*id# in statut# t"at '#%tain a'ts ma$ %#/ui%# disba%m#nt) su'" statut# 'annot
%#st%i't t"# g#n#%al pow#% o& t"# 'ou%t o*#% atto%n#$s w"o a%# its o&&i'#%s(
A (is+ar)ent &ro%ee(in" is a 'lass b$ its#l& ()=I #/>/RI)!( It "as t"# &ollowing
%hara%teristi%s =
0( It is n#it"#% a 'i*il no% a '%iminal p%o'##ding(
1( 2oubl# -#opa%d$ 'annot b# a*ail#d o& in a disba%m#nt p%o'##ding against an atto%n#$(
3. It 'an b# initiat#d motu propio b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t o% b$ t"# IB+( It 'an b# initiat#d
wit"out a 'omplainant(
4( It 'an p%o'##d %#ga%dl#ss o& int#%#st o% la'k o& int#%#st o& t"# 'omplainants( I& t"# &a'ts
p%o*#n so wa%%ant(
5( It is imp%#s'%iptibl#(
>( It is 'ondu't#d 'on&id#ntiall$ b#ing 'on&id#ntial in natu%# until its &inal d#t#%mination(
?( It is its#l& du# p%o'#ss o& law(
$iervo vs. Infante, '2 $C%A 2#
T"# pow#% to disba% atto%n#$s must alwa$s b# #.#%'is#d with great caution and onl$ in
'l#a% 'as#s o& mis'ondu't w"i'" seriously a&&#'ts t"# standing and '"a%a't#% o& t"# law$#% as an
o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t and m#mb#% o& t"# Ba%(
Main O+=e%ti-es of Dis+ar)ent an( Sus&ension
0( To 'omp#l t"# atto%n#$ to d#al &ai%l$ and "on#stl$ wit" "is 'li#nts,
1( To %#mo*# &%om t"# p%o&#ssion a p#%son w"os# mis'ondu't "as p%o*#d "im un&it to b#
#nt%ust#d wit" t"# duti#s and %#sponsibiliti#s b#longing to t"# o&&i'# o& t"# atto%n#$,
3( To punis" t"# law$#% alt"oug" not so mu'" so as to sa&#gua%d t"# administ%ation o&
4( To s#t an #.ampl# o% a wa%ning &o% t"# ot"#% m#mb#%s o& t"# ba%,
5( To sa&#gua%d t"# administ%ation o& -usti'# &%om in'omp#t#n'# and dis"on#st$ o& law$#%s,
>( To p%ot#'t t"# publi'(
Groun(s for Sus&ension or Dis+ar)ent of Me)+ers of the $ar
0( d#'#it,
1( malp%a'ti'#) o% ot"#% g%oss mis'ondu't in o&&i'#,
3( g%ossl$ immo%al 'ondu't,
4( 'on*i'tion o& a '%im# in*ol*ing mo%al tu%pitud#,,
5( *iolation o& oat" o& o&&i'#,
>( will&ul disob#di#n'# o& an$ law&ul o%d#% o& a sup#%io% 'ou%t,
?( 'o%%upt o% will&ul app#a%an'# as an atto%n#$ &o% a pa%t$ to 'as# wit"out aut"o%it$ to do so
0( DEEIT is a &%audul#nt and d#'#pti*# mis%#p%#s#ntation) a%ti&i'# o% d#*i'# us#d b$ on# o%
mo%# p#%sons to d#'#i*# and t%i'k anot"#%) w"o is igno%ant o& t"# &a'ts to t"# p%#-udi'# and
damag# o& t"# pa%t$ impos#d upon( T"#%# must b# &als# %#p%#s#ntation as a matt#% o& &a't(
ases of DEEIT
a( Disapp%op%iation o& 'li#nts &und (Ca$ulon8 vs. 'lino, (( SCR' 091)
b( <alsi&i'ation o& g%ad#s in t"# Ba% E.amination (#n re: ?el Rosario, 5( SCR' %99)
'( Dan#u*#%ing %#'on*#$an'# o& p%op#%t$ in t"# nam# o& t"# law$#% inst#ad o& t"# 'li#nt in a
'as# in*ol*ing sal# wit" pa'to d# %#t%o (#+/ui"o vs. Fi"el =an8onan, 0 SCR' 76))
1( MALPRATIE %#&#%s to an$ mal&#asan'# o% d#%#li'tion o& dut$ 'ommitt#d b$ a law$#%(
LEGAL MALPRATIE 'onsists o& &ailu%# o& an atto%n#$ to us# su'" skill) p%ud#n'# and
dilig#n'# as law$#%s o& o%dina%$ skill and 'apa'it$ 'ommonl$ poss#ss and #.#%'is# in t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& tasks w"i'" t"#$ und#%tak#) and w"#n su'" &ailu%# p%o.imat#l$ 'aus#s
damag#) it gi*#s %is# to an a'tion in to%t (!an !e; Ben8 vs. ?avi", 1(6 SCR' %89)
ases of Ma#&ra%ti%e
a( <ailu%# o& law$#% to app#al in allowing t"# p#%iod o& app#al to laps# (!oGui/ vs. !o+ol, '"+.
Case 3o. 550, ,an. %, 1969)
b( +%#pa%ation b$ a nota%$6publi' o& a &als# a&&ida*it (4"a. ?e @uerrero vs. Aernan"o, 68 SCR' 76)
'( Abandonm#nt o& 'li#nts 'aus# (#n re: Han8er, 56 1-il. 691)
3( IMMORAL OND;T ; t"at 'ondu't t"at is will&ul) &lag%ant o% s"am#l#ss and w"i'" s"ows a
mo%al indi&&#%#n'# to t"# opinion o& t"# good and %#sp#'tabl# m#mb#%s o& t"# 'ommunit$(
It is di&&i'ult to stat# wit" p%#'ision and to &i. an in&l#.ibl# standa%d at w"at is 9g%ossl$ immo%al
'ondu't: o% to sp#'i&$ t"# mo%al d#lin/u#n'$ and obli/uit$ w"i'" %#nd#% a law$#% unwo%t"$ o&
'ontinuing as m#mb#% o& t"# 'ommunit$(
In t"# 'as# o& Ar1i5a vs. Maniwan5 ((,0 $C%A #&()) m#%# intima'$ b#tw##n a law$#% and a
woman wit" no imp#dim#nt to ma%%$ #a'" ot"#% *olunta%il$ 'o"abit#d and "ad two '"ild%#n)
is n#it"#% so 'o%%upt as to 'onstitut# a '%iminal a't no% so unp%in'ipl#d as to wa%%ant
disba%m#nt o% dis'iplina%$ a'tion against t"# man as a m#mb#% o& t"# ba%(
4( MORAL T;RPIT;DE impo%ts an a't o& bas#n#ss) *il#n#ss o% d#p%a*it$ in t"# duti#s w"i'"
on# p#%son ow#s to anot"#% o% to so'i#t$ in g#n#%al) w"i'" is 'ont%a%$ to t"# usual a''#pt#d
and 'ustoma%$ %ul# o& %ig"t and dut$ w"i'" a p#%son s"ould &ollow(
ri)es in-o#-in" Mora# Tur&itu(e:
#sta&a) b%ib#%$) mu%d#%) bigam$) s#du'tion) abdu'tion) 'on'ubinag#) smuggling) &alsi&i'ation
o& publi' do'um#nt)and *iolation o& B(+( 11
T"# %#sistan'# o% d#&ian'# to t"# o%d#% o& t"# 'ou%t must b# will&ul(
A law$#% w"o is di%#'t#d to do som#t"ing) su'" as su%%#nd#% %#'o%ds) to app#a% as 'ouns#l
d# o&i'io) to 'omm#nt on a matt#% p#nding wit" t"# 'ou%t) ma$ b# dis'iplin#d &o% will&ul
disob#di#n'# o& t"# o%d#% ($antos vs. CA, (&" $C%A ",0).
In re: -elaez, // -hil. #0'
T"# g%ounds und#% t"# Rul#s a%# not #.'lusi*# and a%# so b%oad as to 'o*#% p%a'ti'all$
an$ mis'ondu't o& a law$#% in "is p%o&#ssional o% p%i*at# 'apa'it$(
Mortel vs. As+iras, (,, -hil. #2! ((&(")
An$ mis'ondu't on t"# pa%t o& a law$#% in "is p%o&#ssional o% p%i*at# 'apa'it$ w"i'"
s"ows "im to b# wanting in mo%al '"a%a't#% ma$ -usti&$ "is susp#nsion o% %#mo*al &%om o&&i'#
#*#n t"oug" t"# law do#s not sp#'i&$ t"# a't as a g%ound &o% dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
In re: 3iao, ' $C%A /'# ((&02)
A law$#% ma$ b# disba%%#d &o% mis%#p%#s#ntation o& &als# p%#t#ns# %#lati*# to
%#/ui%#m#nts &o% admission to p%a'ti'#( T"# &a't t"at a law$#% la'k#d an$ o& t"# /uali&i'ations &o%
m#mb#%s"ip in t"# ba% at t"# tim# "# took "is oat" is a g%ound &o% "is disba%m#nt(
In re: $otto, 2" -hil. #2! ((&(")
T"# g#n#%al %ul# is t"at law$#% s"ould not b# susp#nd#d o% disba%%#d) and t"# 'ou%t ma$
not o%dina%il$ assum# -u%isdi'tion to dis'iplin# "im) &o% mis'ondu't in "is non6p%o&#ssional o%
p%i*at# 'apa'it$( ?here, however, t"# mis'ondu't outsid# o& t"# law$#%s p%o&#ssional d#alings is
so g%oss a '"a%a't#% as to s"ow "im to b# mo%all$ un&it &o% t"# o&&i'# and unwo%t"$ o& t"# p%i*il#g#
w"i'" "is li'#ns# and t"# law 'on&#% on "im) t"# 'ou%t ma$ b# -usti&i#d in susp#nding o% %#mo*ing
"im &%om t"# o&&i'# o& atto%n#$(
%eyes vs. ?on5, 02 $C%A 00' ((&'#)
An a't o& p#%sonal immo%alit$ on t"# pa%t o& a law$#% in "is p%i*at# %#lation wit" t"#
opposit# s#. ma$ put "is mo%al '"a%a't#% in doubt( 1owever) to -usti&$ susp#nsion o% disba%m#nt)
t"# a't must not onl$ b# immo%al) it must b# g%ossl$ immo%al as w#ll( A 5rossly immoral a1t) is on#
t"at is so 'o%%upt and &als# as to 'onstitut# a '%iminal a't o% so unp%in'ipl#d o% disg%a'#&ul as to b#
%#p%#"#nsibl# to a "ig" d#g%##(
I +%o'##dings &o% disba%m#nt) susp#nsion and dis'iplin# o& atto%n#$s ma$ b# tak#n b$ t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t motu p%op%io o% b$ t"# IB+ upon t"# *#%i&i#d 'omplaint o& an$ p#%son
I IB+ Boa%d o& Go*#%no%s ma$ motu p%op%io o% upon %#&#%%al b$ t"# S o% b$ a "apt#% Boa%d
o& O&&i'#%s o% at t"# instan'# o& an$ p#%son) initiat# and p%os#'ut# p%op#% '"a%g#s against
#%%ing atto%n#$s in'luding t"os# in go*#%nm#nt(
I T"# 'omplaint s"all #stat# 'l#a%l$ and 'on'is#l$ t"# &a'ts 'omplain#d o& and s"all b#
suppo%t#d b$ a&&ida*its o& p#%sons "a*ing p#%sonal knowl#dg# o& t"# &a'ts t"#%#in all#g#d
andMo% b$ su'" do'um#nts as ma$ substantiat# su'" &a'ts(
I Si. 'opi#s o& t"# *#%i&i#d 'omplaint s"all b# &il#d wit" t"# S#'%#ta%$ o& IB+ o% S#'%#ta%$ o&
an$ o& its "apt#%s w"o s"all &o%t"wit" 'ommit t"# sam# to t"# IB+ Boa%d o& Go*#%no%s &o%
assignm#nt to an in*#stigato%(
Offi%ers authori8e( to In-esti"ate Dis+ar)ent ases
a( Sup%#m# ou%t)
b( IB+ t"%oug" its ommission on Ba% 2is'iplin# o% aut"o%i8#d in*#stigato%s) and
'( O&&i'# o& t"# Soli'ito% G#n#%al
T"# ou%t o& App#als and R#gional T%ial ou%ts 'an in*#stigat# and tak# a'tion onl$
against law$#%s w"o app#a% &o% litigants in 'as#s p#nding b#&o%# t"#m(
Pro%e(ure in Dis+ar)ent an( Other Dis%i&#inary Pro%ee(in"s
1. omplaint) in w%iting and dul$ swo%n to) is &il#d wit" t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (sec.1)
2. I& &ound m#%ito%ious) a 'op$ t"#%#o& s"all b# s#%*#d on t"# %#spond#nt and "# s"all b#
%#/ui%#d to 'omm#nt wit"in 0J da$s o& s#%*i'# (sec. 6)
3. Epon &iling o& %#spond#nts 'omm#nts o% #.pi%ation o& t"# p#%iod &o% &iling 'omm#nt) t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t #it"#% %#&#%s to matt#% to t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t Administ%ato% (OA! &o%
#*aluation) %#po%t) and %#'omm#ndation) o% assigns a Busti'# o& t"# ou%t o& App#als (i&
%#spond#nt is an RT -udg#! o% a -udg# o& t"# RT (i& %#spond#nt is a -udg# o& an in&#%io%
'ou%t! to in*#stigat# and "#a% t"# '"a%g#s (sec.7)
4. A&t#% "#a%ings) t"# in*#stigating -usti'# o% -udg# submits a %#po%t o& &indings o& &a't)
'on'lusions o& law and %#'omm#ndations to t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (sec.8)
5. T"# Sup%#m# ou%t tak#s a'tion as t"# &a'ts and t"# law ma$ wa%%ant (sec. 9)
+%o'##dings s"all b# p%i*at# and 'on&id#ntial but a 'op$ o& t"# d#'ision o% %#solution
o& t"# ou%t s"all b# atta'"#d to t"# %#'o%d o& t"# -udg# in t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t
Administ%ato%( (sec. 11)
7ho %an fi#e a (is+ar)ent %ase a"ainst a #awyer>
An$ p#%son agg%i#*#d b$ t"# mis'ondu't o& a law$#% ma$ &il# t"# 'o%%#sponding
administ%ati*# 'as# wit" t"# p%op#% &o%um( O%) an$ p#%son #*#n i& not agg%i#*#d but w"o knows o&
t"# law$#%s mis'ondu't) unlaw&ul o% un#t"i'al a't ma$ initiat# t"# p%o'##dings( A disba%m#nt
'as# in*ol*#s no p%i*at# int#%#sts(
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t o% t"# IB+ ma$ motu propio initiat# p%o'##dings w"#n t"#$ p#%'#i*#
a'ts o& law$#%s w"i'" d#s#%*# san'tions o% w"#n t"#i% att#ntion is 'all#d b$ an$ on# and a
p%obabl# 'aus# #.ists t"at an a't "as b##n p#n#t%at#d b$ a law$#% w"i'" %#/ui%#s dis'iplina%$
onfi(entia#ity of Dis+ar)ent or Sus&ension Pro%ee(in"s
To a*oid t"# unn#'#ssa%$ %uin o& a law$#%s nam#) dis'iplina%$ p%o'##dings a%# di%#'t#d
to b# 'on&id#ntial (o% 'los#d doo%! until t"#i% &inal d#t#%mination(
Miti"atin" ir%u)stan%es in Dis+ar)ent
0( Good &ait" in t"# a'/uisition o& a p%op#%t$ o& t"# 'li#nt sub-#'t o& litigation,
1( In#.p#%i#n'# o& t"# law$#%,
3( Ag#,
4( Apolog$,
5( La'k o& int#ntion to slig"t o% o&&#nd t"# ou%t
9. an RT -udg# d#signat#d b$ S to in*#stigat# administ%ati*# '"a%g# against DT -udg#
dismiss t"# 'as#F
A. AO( T"# in*#stigating -udg#s aut"o%it$ is onl$ to in*#stigat#) mak# a %#po%t and
%#'omm#ndation on t"# 'as# to b# submitt#d to t"# S &o% &inal d#t#%mination (:ra1iano vs.
$ebastian, !2( $C%A #"")
Baldivar vs. $andi5anbayan, ( 8eb. (&"&
9. Is ind#&init# susp#nsion o& a law$#% a '%u#l punis"m#ntF
A. AO( Ind#&init# susp#nsion gi*#s t"# law$#% t"# k#$ to t"# %#sto%ation o& "is %ig"t b$ gi*ing
"im a '"an'# to pu%g# "ims#l& in "is own good tim# o& "is 'ont#mpt o& mis'ondu't b$
a'knowl#dging "is mis'ondu't) #."ibiting app%op%iat# %#p#ntan'#) and d#monst%ating "is
willingn#ss and 'apa'it$ to li*# up to t"# #.a'ting standa%ds %#/ui%#d o& #*#%$ law$#%(
$ynderIs Case, '0 A4% 000
2isba%m#nt p%o'##dings ma$ b# an'"o%#d on a'ts 'ommitt#d in o% out o& 'ou%t(
4im vs. Antonio, /( $C%A //
onsid#%ing t"# s#%ious 'ons#/u#n'# o& disba%m#nt o% susp#nsion) it "as b##n
'onsist#ntl$ "#ld t"at 'l#a%l$ p%#pond#%ant #*id#n'# is %#/ui%#d to -usti&$ t"# imposition o& #it"#%
In re: 3e :uzman, ## $C%A (2&
In disba%m#nt p%o'##dings) t"# bu%d#n o& p%oo& %#sts upon t"# 'omplaint( To b# mad# t"#
basis &o% susp#nsion o% disba%m#nt o& law$#%) t"# '"a%g# against "im must b# #stablis"#d b$
'on*in'ing p%oo&( T"# %#'o%d must dis'los# as &%## &%om doubt 'as# w"i'" 'omp#ls t"# #.#%'is#
b$ t"is ou%t o& its dis'iplina%$ pow#%s( T"# dubious '"a%a't#% o& t"# a't don# as w#ll as t"#
moti*ation t"#%#o& must b# 'l#a%l$ d#monst%at#d(
Boliver vs. $imbol, (0 $C%A 0!2
An$ p#%son ma$ b%ing to t"is ou%ts att#ntion t"# mis'ondu't o& an$ law$#%) and a'tion
will usuall$ b# tak#n %#ga%dl#ss o& int#%#st o% la'k o& int#%#st o& t"# 'omplainant) i& t"# &a'ts
p%o*#n so wa%%ant( T"# pow#% to dis'iplin# law$#%s o& t"# 'ou%t ; ma$ not b# 'ut s"o%t b$ a
'omp%omis# and wit"d%awal o& '"a%g#s(
Mortel vs. As+iras, (,, -hil. #"0
In a disba%m#nt p%o'##ding) it is immat#%ial t"at t"# 'omplainant is in pari delicto b#'aus#
t"is is not a p%o'##ding to g%ant %#li#& to t"# 'omplainant) but on# to pu%g# t"# law p%o&#ssion o&
unwo%t"$ m#mb#%s) to p%ot#'t t"# publi' and t"# 'ou%ts(
A%%l"$a'"l"y o( !e R&le o( )re<&d"$"al ;&es"on, w!en %ro%er
I& t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# 'omplaint is also t"# sub-#'t o& o% is int#%twin#d in t"# sub-#'t
matt#% o& anot"#% p#nding 'as#) and t"# %#solution o& w"i'" is d#t#%minati*# o& t"# guilt o%
inno'#n'# o& t"# %#spond#nt in t"# disba%m#nt 'as#) t"# disba%m#nt p%o'##dings ma$ b#
dismiss#d &o% b#ing p%#matu%# o% it ma$ b# "#ld in ab#$an'# p#nding t"# &inal d#t#%mination o&
t"# ot"#% 'as#(
Prin%i&#e of Res I&sa Lo5uitor A&&#i%a+#e to Lawyers an( :u("es
-eo+le vs. 6alenzuela, (2# $C%A '(!
End#% t"is p%in'ipl#) -udg#s "ad b##n dismiss#d &%om t"# s#%*i'# wit"out n##d o& &o%mal
in*#stigation b#'aus# bas#d on t"# %#'o%ds) t"# g%oss mis'ondu't o& in#&&i'i#n'$ o& t"# -udg#s
'l#a%l$ app#a%s(
-rudential Bank vs. Castro, (#0 $C%A 0,/
T"# sam# p%in'ipl# "ad b##n appli#d to law$#%s( T"us) i& on t"# basis o& t"# law$#%s
'omm#nt o% answ#% to a s"ow6'aus# O%d#% o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t( It app#a%s t"at t"# law$#% "as
so 'ondu't#d "ims#l& in a mann#% w"i'" #."ibits "is blatant dis%#sp#'t to t"# ou%t) o% "is want o&
good mo%al '"a%a't#% o& "is *iolation o& t"# atto%n#$s oat") t"# law$#% ma$ b# susp#nd#d o%
disba%%#d wit"out n##d o& a t%ial6t$p# p%o'##ding(
In re: %overo, (,( $C%A ",2
I& du%ing t"# p#nd#n'$ o& a disba%m#nt p%o'##ding) t"# %#spond#nt was g%ant#d
#.#'uti*# pa%don) t"# dismissal o& t"# 'as# on t"at sole basis will d#p#nd on w"#t"#% t"#
#.#'uti*# pa%don is absolut# o% 'onditional( I& t"# pa%don is absolut# o% un'onditional) t"#
disba%m#nt 'as# will b# dismiss#d(
How#*#%) i& t"# #.#'uti*# pa%don is 'onditional) t"# disba%m#nt 'as# will not b# dismiss#d
on t"# basis t"#%#o&(
(. +y the %o)&#ainant
Cordova v. Cordova, ('& $C%A 0", ((&"&!
T"# most %#'#nt %#'on'iliation b#tw##n 'omplainant and %#spond#nt do#s not #.'us#
and wip# awa$ t"# mis'ondu't and immo%al b#"a*io% o& %#spond#nt 'a%%i#d out in publi') and
n#'#ssa%il$ ad*#%s#l$ %#&l#'ting upon "im as a m#mb#% o& t"# Ba% and upon t"# +"ilippin# Ba%
its#l&( An appli'ant &o% admission to m#mb#%s"ip in t"# ba% is %#/ui%#d to s"ow t"at "# is
poss#ss#d o& good mo%al '"a%a't#%( T"at %#/ui%#m#nt is not #."aust#d and disp#ns#d wit" upon
admission to m#mb#%s"ip in t"# ba%( On t"# 'ont%a%$) t"at %#/ui%#m#nt p#%sists as a 'ontinuing
'ondition &o% m#mb#%s"ip in t"# Ba% in good standing(
e. +y the state
?34throu"h a+so#ute &ar(on
In re: 4ontok
W"#%# p%o'##dings to st%ik# an atto%n#$s nam# &%om t"# %olls a%# &ound#d on) and
d#p#nd alon#) on a statut# making t"# &a't o& 'on*i'tion &o% a &#lon$ g%ound &o% disba%m#nt) it "as
b##n "#ld t"at a pa%don op#%at#s to wip# out t"# 'on*i'tion and is a ba% to an$ p%o'##ding &o%
disba%m#nt o& t"# atto%n#$ a&t#% t"# pa%don "as b##n g%ant#d( But w"#%# p%o'##dings to disba%
an atto%n#$ a%# &ound#d on t"# p%o&#ssional mis'ondu't in*ol*#d in a t%ansa'tion w"i'" "as
'ulminat#d in a 'on*i'tion o& &#lon$) it "as b##n "#ld t"at w"il# t"# #&&#'t o& pa%don is to %#li#*#
"im o& t"# p#nal 'ons#/u#n'#s o& "is a't) it do#s op#%at# to 'onstitut# p%oo& t"at t"# atto%n#$
do#s not poss#ss a good mo%al '"a%a't#% and is not a &it o% p%op#% p#%son to %#tain "is li'#ns# to
p%a'ti'# law(
A34throu"h %on(itiona# &ar(on
In re: :uttierez, # $C%A 00( ((&0!)
T"# pa%don g%ant#d to %#spond#nt "#%# is not absolut# but 'onditional) and t"#$ m#%#l$
%#mitt#d t"# un#.#'ut#d po%tion o& "is t#%m( It do#s not %#a'" t"# o&&#ns# its#l&(
Reinstate)ent0 on%e&t
In disba%m#nt p%o'##dings) %#instat#m#nt m#ans t"# %#sto%ation to a disba%%#d law$#%)
t"# p%i*il#g# to p%a'ti'# law( It is not"ing mo%# t"an %#admission to m#mb#%s"ip in t"# Ba%(
To b# %#instat#d) t"#%# is still a n##d &o% t"# &iling o& an app%op%iat# p#tition wit" t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t(
Cui vs. Cui, (( $C%A '##
R#instat#m#nt to t"# %oll o& atto%n#$s wip#s out t"# %#st%i'tions and disabiliti#s %#sulting
&%om a p%#*ious disba%m#nt(
In re: 6ailo1es, ((' $C%A ( ((&"!)
. . . T%u# it is t"at pl#na%$ pa%don #.t#nd#d to "im b$ t"# +%#sid#nt do#s not its#l&
wa%%ant "is %#instat#m#nt( 9E*id#n'# o& %#&o%mation is %#/ui%#d b#&o%# appli'ant is #ntitl#d to
%#instat#m#nt) notwit"standing t"# atto%n#$ "as %#'#i*#d a pa%don &ollowing "is 'on*i'tion) and
t"# %#/ui%#m#nt o& %#instat#m#nt "ad b##n "#ld to b# t"# sam# as &o% o%iginal admission to t"#
ba%) #.'#pt t"at t"# 'ou%t ma$ %#/ui%# a g%#at#% d#g%## o& p%oo& t"an in an o%iginal #*id#n'#(:
In re: %overo, su+ra.
To b# %#instat#d to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law) it is n#'#ssa%$ t"at t"# %#spond#nt must lik# an$
ot"#% 'andidat# &o% admission to t"# ba%) satis&$ t"# ou%t t"at "# is a p#%son o& good mo%al
'"a%a't#% and a &it and p%op#% p#%son to p%a'ti'# law(
>ote in all cases= Good mo%al '"a%a't#% is not onl$ a 'ondition p%#'#d#nt to admission to t"#
p%a'ti'# o& law but is a 'ontinuing %#/ui%#m#nt(
7hat )ust +e (eter)ine( in an a&&#i%ation for reinstate)ent>
In re: %usiana, #0 $C%A !/,
T"# sol# ob-#'t o& t"# 'ou%t upon an appli'ation &o% %#instat#m#nt to p%a'ti'#) b$ on#
p%#*iousl$ disba%%#d) is to d#t#%min# w"#t"#% o% not t"# appli'ant "as satis&i#d and 'on*in'#d t"#
ou%t b$ positi*# #*id#n'# t"at t"# #&&o%t "# "as mad# towa%d t"# %#"abilitation o& "is '"a%a't#%
"as b##n su''#ss&ul) and t"#%#&o%#) "# is #ntitl#d to b# %#admitt#d to a p%o&#ssion w"i'" is
int%insi'all$ an o&&i'# o& t%ust(
riterion for Reinstate)ent
-rudential Bank vs. BenGamin :re1ia, (&! $C%A 2"(
T"# '%it#%ion &o% %#instat#m#nt "as b##n stat#d as &ollows= W"#t"#% o% not t"# appli'ant
s"all b# %#instat#d %#sts to a g%#at #.t#nt in t"# sound dis'%#tion o& t"# 'ou%t( T"# 'ou%t a'tion will
d#p#nd) g#n#%all$ sp#aking) on w"#t"#% o% not it d#'id#s t"at t"# publi' int#%#st in t"# o%d#%l$ and
impa%tial administ%ation o& -usti'# will b# 'ons#%*#d b$ t"# appli'ants pa%ti'ipation t"#%#in in t"#
'apa'it$ o& an atto%n#$ and 'ouns#l at law( T"# appli'ant must) lik# a 'andidat# &o% admission to
t"# Ba%) satis&$ t"# ou%t t"at "# is a p#%son o& good mo%al '"a%a't#% ; a &it and p%op#% p#%son to
p%a'ti'# law( T"# ou%t will tak# into 'onsid#%ation t"# appli'ants '"a%a't#% and standing p%io% to
t"# disba%m#nt) t"# natu%# and '"a%a't#% o& t"# '"a%g# &o% w"i'" "# was disba%%#d) "is 'ondu't
subs#/u#nt to t"# disba%m#nt) and t"# tim# t"at "as #laps#d b#tw##n t"# disba%m#nt and t"#
appli'ation &o% %#instat#m#nt(
In re: Helly, 2# -hil. &// ((&(0)
T"# pow#% to punis" &o% 'ont#mpt o% to 'ont%ol) in t"# &u%t"#%an'# o& -usti'#) t"# 'ondu't
o& minist#%ial o&&i'#%s o& t"# 'ou%t) in'luding law$#%s and all ot"#% p#%sons in an$ mann#%
'onn#'t#d wit" a 'as# b#&o%# it) is in"#%#nt in all 'ou%ts(
1. Dire%t %onte)&t) w"i'" is punis"#d summa%il$) 'onsists o& misb#"a*io% in t"# p%#s#n'#
o& o% so n#a% a 'ou%t o% -udg# as to int#%%upt o% obst%u't t"# p%o'##dings b#&o%# t"# 'ou%t
o% t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
2. An in(ire%t o% %onstru%ti-e %onte)&t is on# 'ommitt#d awa$ &%om t"# 'ou%t in*ol*ing
disob#di#n'# o% %#sistan'# to a law&ul w%it) p%o'#ss) o%d#%) -udgm#nt o% 'ommand o&
'ou%t) o% t#nding to b#littl#) d#g%ad#) obst%u't) int#%%upt o% #mba%%ass t"# 'ou%t(
3. A %i-i# %onte)&t is t"# &ailu%# to do som#t"ing o%d#%#d b$ t"# 'ou%t w"i'" is &o% t"#
b#n#&it o& a pa%t$(
4. A %ri)ina# %onte)&t 'onsists o& an$ 'ondu't di%#'t#d against t"# aut"o%it$ o% dignit$ o&
t"# 'ou%t(
In a di%#'t 'ont#mpt) no &o%mal '"a%g# is n#'#ssa%$ and t"# p%o'##ding is summa%$ in natu%#(
A punis"m#nt &o% di%#'t 'ont#mpt b$ a sup#%io% 'ou%t is not app#alabl#) but ma$ b# %#*i#w#d onl$
on a p#tition &o% '#%tio%a%i on t"# g%ound o& g%a*# abus# o& dis'%#tion o% o& la'k o& -u%isdi'tion on
t"# pa%t o& t"# -udg#(
In an$ indi%#'t 'ont#mpt) t"# law %#/ui%#s t"at t"#%# b# a '"a%g# in w%iting dul$ &il#d in 'ou%t
and an oppo%tunit$ to t"# p#%son '"a%g#d to b# "#a%d b$ "ims#l& o% 'ouns#l( T"# '"a%g# ma$ b#
mad# b$ t"# &is'al) b$ t"# -udg# o% #*#n b$ a p%i*at# p#%son( An o%d#% b$ t"# 'ou%t %#/ui%ing a
p#%son to s"ow 'aus# w"$ "# s"ould not b# 'it#d &o% 'ont#mpt &o% som# 'ontuma'ious a'ts and
gi*ing "im &ull oppo%tunit$ to app#a% and d#&#nd "ims#l& is su&&i'i#nt( A &o%mal in&o%mation b$ t"#
p%os#'uting o&&i'#% is not n#'#ssa%$(
0( misb#"a*io% as an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t,
1( disob#di#n'# o& %#sistan'# to a law&ul o%d#% o& t"# 'ou%t,
3( abus# o& o% unlaw&ul int#%&#%#n'# wit" t"# -udi'ial p%o'##dings,
4( obst%u'tion in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#,
5( misl#ading t"# 'ou%ts o% making &als# all#gations,
>( '%iti'isms) insults o% *#il#d t"%#ats against t"# 'ou%t,
?( aiding in t"# unaut"o%i8#d p%a'ti'# o& law ,
@( unlaw&ul %#t#ntion o& t"# 'li#nts &unds, and
7( ad*ising "is 'li#nt to 'ommit) as t"# 'li#nt b$ su'" ad*i'# did 'ommit) a 'ont#mptuous
+EAISHDEAT= A law$#% &ound guilt$ o& 'ont#mpt o& 'ou%t ma$ b# p#nali8#d b$ <IAE)
ID+RISOADEAT o% BOTH in t"# dis'%#tion o& t"# 'ou%t(
Proof of actual damage not needed=
+%oo& o& a'tual damag# sustain#d b$ a 'ou%t o& t"# -udi'ia%$ in g#n#%al is AOT #ss#ntial
&o% a &inding o& 'ont#mpt) o% &o% t"# appli'ation o& t"# dis'iplina%$ aut"o%it$ o& t"# ou%t, w"at is at
stak# in 'as#s o& t"is kind is t"# IATEGRITY o& t"# -udi'ial institutions o& t"# 'ount%$ in g#n#%al)
and o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t in pa%ti'ula%( (Baldivar v. :onzales, (00 $C%A 2(0, >1tober ', (&"")
Art. 2!, Civil Code
An$ publi' o&&i'#% o% #mplo$## o% an$ p%i*at# indi*idual) w"o di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$
obst%u'ts) d#&#ats and *iolat#s o% in an$ mann#% imp#d#s o% impai%s t"# 'i*il %ig"ts and lib#%ti#s o&
p#%sons s"all b# liabl# &o% damag#s(
Al1ala vs. 3e 6era, #0 $C%A 2, ((&'/)
All t"at is %#/ui%#d o& a law$#%) in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s to "is 'li#nt) is to #.#%t
t"at d#g%## o& *igilan'# and att#ntion #.p#'t#d o& a good &at"#% o& a &amil$) o% su'" d#g%## o&
'a%# and o%dina%$ dilig#n'# as an$ m#mb#% o& t"# ba% simila%l$ situat#d is #.p#'t#d to #.#%'is#(
Isaa1 vs. Mendoza, "& -hil. !'& ((&#()
A 'li#nt is bound b$ t"# a'ts) #*#n mistak#s) o& "is 'ouns#l in t"# %#alm o& p%o'#du%al
t#'"ni/u#( How#*#%) i& t"# 'li#nt is p%#-udi'#d b$ "is law$#%s n#glig#n'# o% mis'ondu't) "# ma$
%#'o*#% damag#s against "is 'ouns#l) $rovi"e" t-e follo.in8 reGuisites are $resent:
0( atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip,
1( want o& %#asonabl# 'a%# and dilig#n'#, and
3( in-u%$ sustain#d b$ t"# 'li#nt as t"# p%o.imat# %#sult t"#%#o&
3aroy vs. 4e5as+i, 0# $C%A ((&'#)
T"# law$#% is und#% obligation to mak# an a''ounting o& su'" &unds t"at 'om# into "is
poss#ssion( His &ailu%# to %#tu%n t"# 'li#nts mon#$ o% p%op#%t$ a&t#% d#mand gi*#s %is# to t"#
p%#sumption t"at "# "as misapp%op%iat#d t"# sam# to "is p#%sonal b#n#&it and mak#s "im 'i*ill$
liabl# in &a*o% o& t"# 'li#nt) apa%t &%om "is '%iminal o% administ%ati*# %#sponsibilit$ a%ising
T"# g#n#%all$ a''#pt#d %ul# is t"at law$#%s a%# #.#mpt#d &%om liabilit$ &o% lib#l o% sland#%
&o% wo%ds) ot"#%wis# d#&amato%$) publis"#d in t"# 'ou%s# o& -udi'ial p%o'##dings) p%o*id#d t"at t"#
stat#m#nts a%# 'onn#'t#d wit") o% %#l#*ant) p#%tin#nt) mat#%ial to) t"# 'aus# in "and o% t"#
sub-#'t o& in/ui%$(
9. Diss Da%allag) t"%oug" 'ouns#l) &il#d a p#tition &o% t"# issuan'# o& t"# w%it o& p%#limina%$
in-un'tion) #n-oining D%( a-u'om &%om #n&o%'ing t"# w%it o& #.#'ution awa%d#d b$ t"# low#%
'ou%t in a 'as# o& &o%'ibl# #nt%$ against t"# latt#%( T"# S d#ni#d t"# p#tition( In t"# Dotion
&o% R#'onsid#%ation) t"# 'ouns#l o& Ds( Da%allag in "#% pl#ading all#g#d lib#lous stat#m#nt
against t"# S -usti'#s) w"i'" stat#m#nts w#%# i%%#l#*ant to t"# p#tition( Was t"# mo*# o&
t"# 'ouns#l p%op#%F E.plain(
A. AO( T"# g#n#%all$ a''#pt#d %ul# is t"at law$#%s a%# #.#mpt#d &%om liabilit$ &o% lib#l o%
sland#% &o% wo%ds) ot"#%wis# d#&amato%$) publis"#d in t"# 'ou%s# o& -udi'ial p%o'##dings)
p%o*id#d t"at t"# stat#m#nts a%# 'onn#'t#d wit") %#l#*ant) p#%tin#nt o% mat#%ial to) t"# 'aus#
in "and o% t"# sub-#'t o& in/ui%$( In o%d#% t"at t"# matt#% all#g#d in a pl#ading ma$ b#
p%i*il#g#d) it n##d not b# in #*#%$ 'as# mat#%ial to t"# issu#s p%#s#nt#d b$ t"# pl#adings(
T"# pl#adings s"ould 'ontain but plain and 'on'is# stat#m#nt o& t"# mat#%ial &a'ts) and i&
t"# pl#ad#% go#s b#$ond t"# %#/ui%#m#nts o& t"# law and all#g#s i%%#l#*ant matt#% w"i'" is
lib#lous) "# los#s "is p%i*il#g#( (In re: 4aureta, (/" $C%A /!!)
Art. !,&, %-C
A law$#% w"o) &o% an$ mali'ious b%#a'" o& p%o&#ssional dut$ o% in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'# o%
igno%an'#) s"all p%#-udi'# "is 'li#nt o% %#*#al an$ o& t"# s#'%#ts o& t"# latt#% l#a%n#d b$ "im in "is
p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$) ma$ b# "#ld '%iminall$ liabl# t"#%#&o%(
!.o acts are $enali>e", to .it:
a( 'ausing p%#-udi'# to 'li#nt t"%oug" mali'ious b%#a'" o& p%o&#ssional dut$ o% t"%oug"
in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#) and
b( %#*#aling t"# 'li#nts s#'%#t l#a%n#d in t"# law$#%s p%o&#ssional 'apa'it$ t"%oug"
mali'ious b%#a'" o& p%o&#ssional dut$ o% t"%oug" in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#(
Art. ('!, %-C
An$ p#%son w"o s"all knowingl$ int%odu'# in #*id#n'# in an$ -udi'ial p%o'##ding o% to t"#
damag# o& anot"#% o% w"o) wit" int#nt to 'aus# su'" damag#) s"all us# an$ &als# do'um#nt ma$
b# "#ld '%iminall$ liabl# t"#%#&o%(
Medina vs. Bautista, (! $C%A ( ((&'#)
A law$#% w"o misapp%op%iat#s "is 'li#nts &unds ma$ b# "#ld liabl# &o% #sta&a(
E#e)ents= (Art. (/&(, *CC)
a( t"#%# must b# an atto%n#$6'li#nt %#lations"ip
b( t"# p%op#%t$ o% int#%#st o& t"# 'li#nt must b# in litigation
'( t"# atto%n#$ tak#s pa%t as 'ouns#l in t"# 'as#
d( t"# atto%n#$ b$ "ims#l& o% t"%oug" anot"#% pu%'"as#s su'" p%op#%t$ o% int#%#st du%ing t"#
p#nd#n'$ o& t"# litigation(
4ai5 vs. Court of A++eals ((&'")
A law$#% ma$ not b# dis'iplin#d &o% pu%'"asing "is 'li#nts p%op#%t$ t"at is not in litigation)
o% &o% a'/ui%ing it at a tim# w"#n "# was not no% "ad '#as#d to b# t"# 'li#nts 'ouns#l o% w"#n
t"# litigation "ad t#%minat#d(
%e5alado 3aroy vs. .steben Abe1ia, !&" $C%A !2&
T"# p%o"ibition in A%t( 0470 do#s not appl$ to t"# sal# o& a pa%'#l o& land a'/ui%#d b$ a
'li#nt to satis&$ a -udgm#nt in "is &a*o%) to "is atto%n#$ as long as t"# p%op#%t$ was not sub-#'t o&
t"# litigation( <o% ind##d) w"il# -udg#s) p%os#'uting atto%n#$s and ot"#%s 'onn#'t#d wit" t"#
administ%ation o& -usti'# a%# 9p%o"ibit#d &%om a'/ui%ing p%op#%t$ o% %ig"ts in litigation o% l#*i#d upon
in #.#'ution: t"# p%o"ibition wit" %#sp#'t to atto%n#$s in a 'as# #.t#nds onl$ to p%op#%t$ and
%ig"ts w"i'" ma$ b# t"# ob-#'t o& an$ litigation in w"i'" t"#$ ma$ tak# pa%t b$ *i%tu# o& t"#i%
:u(i%ia# Ethi%s ! b%an'" o& mo%al s'i#n'# w"i'" t%#ats o& t"# %ig"t and p%op#% 'ondu't to b#
obs#%*#d b$ all -udg#s and magist%at#s in t%$ing and d#'iding 'ont%o*#%si#s b%oug"t to t"#m &o%
ad-udi'ation w"i'" 'ondu't must b# d#monst%ati*# o& impa%tialit$) int#g%it$) 'omp#t#n'#)
ind#p#nd#n'# and &%##dom &%om imp%op%i#ti#s(
Sour%es of :u(i%ia# Ethi%s
>( od# o& Budi'ial ondu't
?( T"# onstitution (A%ts( GIII) IH and III!,
@( i*il od# (A%ts( 7) 1J) 1?) 31) 35) ?37) 0470) 1JJ5) 1J35) 1J4>!,
7( R#*is#d Rul#s o& ou%t (Rul#s ?0) 035) 03?) 037B) 03J!,
0J( R#*is#d +#nal od# (A%ts( 1J4) 1J5) 1J>) 1J?!,
00( Anit6G%a&t and o%%upt +%a'ti'#s A't (RA 3J07!,
01( anons o& Budi'ial Et"i's (AOR 0>1!,
03( od# o& +%o&#ssional R#sponsibilit$,
04( Budi'ia%$ A't o& 074@ (RA 17>!,
05( Budi'ia%$ R#o%gani8ation A't o& 07@J (B+ 017!,
0>( Sup%#m# ou%t 2#'isions,
0?( <o%#ign 2#'isions,
0@( Opinions o& Aut"o%iti#s,
07( S i%'ula%s
In %e: $otto, "! -hil. #&#
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t o& t"# +"ilippin#s is) und#% t"# onstitution) t"# last bulwa%k to w"i'"
t"# <ilipino p#opl# ma$ go to obtain %#li#& &o% t"# g%i#*an'#s o% p%ot#'tion o& t"#i% %ig"ts w"#n
t"#s# a%# t%ampl#d upon) and i& t"# p#opl# los# t"#i% 'on&id#n'# in t"# "on#st$ and int#g%it$ o&
t"# m#mb#%s o& t"is ou%t and b#li#*# t"at t"#$ 'annot "a*# -usti'# t"#%#&%om) t"#$ mig"t b#
d%i*#n to tak# t"# law into t"#i% "ands) and diso%d#% and p#%"aps '"aos mig"t b# t"# %#sult( As a
m#mb#% o& t"# ba% and an o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%ts) Att$( Gi'#nt# Sotto) lik# an$ ot"#%) is dut$ bound to
up"old t"# dignit$ and aut"o%it$ o& t"is ou%t) to w"i'" "# ow#s &id#lit$ a''o%ding to t"# oat" "#
"as tak#n as su'" atto%n#$) and not to p%omot# dist%ust in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#( R#sp#'t to
t"# 'ou%ts gua%ant##s t"# stabilit$ o& ot"#% institutions) w"i'" wit"out su'" gua%ant$ would b#
%#sting on a *#%$ s"ak$ &oundation(
4u<ue vs. Hayanan, !& $C%A ('2
It is t"# dut$ o& bot" 'ouns#l and -udg# to maintain) not to d#st%o$) t"# "ig" #st##m and
%#ga%d &o% 'ou%ts( An$ a't on t"# pa%t o& on# o% t"# ot"#% t"at t#nds to und#%min# t"# p#opl#s
%#sp#'t &o%) and 'on&id#n'# in) t"# administ%ation o& -usti'# is to b# a*oid#d(
In re: Alma1en, 2( $C%A #'"
ou%ts and -udg#s a%# not sa'%osan't( T"#$ s"ould and #.p#'t '%iti'al #*aluation o& t"#i%
p#%&o%man'#( <o% lik# t"# #.#'uti*# and t"# l#gislati*# b%an'"#s) t"# -udi'ia%$ is %oot#d in t"# soil
o& d#mo'%ati' so'i#t$) nou%is"#d b$ t"# p#%iodi' app%aisal o& t"# 'iti8#ns w"om it is #.p#'t#d to
ourt ! a boa%d o% ot"#% t%ibunal w"i'" d#'id#s a litigation o% 'ont#st
:u("e ! a publi' o&&i'#% w"o) b$ *i%tu# o& "is o&&i'#) is 'lot"#d wit" -udi'ial aut"o%it$) a publi'
o&&i'#% law&ull$ appoint#d to d#'id# litigat#d /u#stions in a''o%dan'# wit" law(
De :ure :u("e ! on# w"o is #.#%'ising t"# o&&i'# o& -udg# as a matt#% o& %ig"t, an o&&i'#% o& a
'ou%t w"o "as b##n dul$ and l#gall$ appoint#d) /uali&i#d and w"os# t#%m "as not #.pi%#d(
De 6a%to :u("e ! an o&&i'#% w"o is not &ull$ in*#st#d wit" all t"# pow#%s and duti#s 'on'#d#d to
-udg#s) but is #.#%'ising t"# o&&i'# o& a -udg# und#% som# 'olo% o& %ig"t(
9ua#ifi%ations of S )e)+ers:
3( Aatu%al bo%n iti8#n o& t"# +"ilippin#s,
4( At l#ast 4J $#a%s o& ag#,
5( Dust "a*# b##n &o% at l#ast 05 $#a%s a -udg# o& a low#% 'ou%t o% #ngag#d in t"#
p%a'ti'# o& law (S#'( ? (0!) A%t( GIII) 07@? onstitution!
0( Aatu%al6bo%n 'iti8#n o& t"# +"ilippin#s,
1( At l#ast 35 $#a%s o& ag#,
3( <o% at l#ast 0J $#a%s "as b##n #ngag#d in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law in t"# +"il( o% "as "#ld publi'
o&&i'# in t"# +"il( %#/ui%ing admission to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law as an indisp#nsabl# %#/uisit#(
0( Aatu%al6bo%n 'iti8#n o& t"# +"ilippin#s,
1( At l#ast 3J $#a%s o& ag#,
3( <o% at l#ast 5 $#a%s "as b##n #ngag#d in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law in t"# +"il( o% "as "#ld publi'
o&&i'# in t"# +"il( %#/ui%ing admission to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law as an indisp#nsabl# %#/uisit#(
9. In "is w%itt#n appli'ation &o% t"# o&&i'# o& DT -udg#) B &ail#d to dis'los# t"at "# "ad two
'%iminal 'as#s p#nding against "im( on'#%n#d 'iti8#ns o& t"# town '"a%g#d "im wit" 'ondu't
p%#-udi'ial to t"# s#%*i'#( Da$ "# b# dismiss#d #*#n i& "# was lat#% a'/uitt#d o& all '"a%g#s in t"#
'%iminal 'as#sF
A. Y#s( E*#%$ p%osp#'ti*# appoint## to t"# -udi'ia%$ must app%is# t"# appointing aut"o%it$ o&
#*#%$ matt#% b#a%ing on "is &itn#ss &o% -udi'ial o&&i'#) in'luding su'" 'i%'umstan'#s as ma$ %#&l#'t
on "is int#g%it$ and p%obit$( T"# a't o& 'on'#aling 1 '%iminal 'as#s against "im is 'l#a% p%oo& o& "is
la'k o& t"# said /uali&i'ations and %#nd#%s "im unwo%t"$ to sit as a -udg#( His lat#% b#ing a'/uitt#d
is immat#%ial &o% "# is not b#ing '"ast#n#d &o% "a*ing "ad a p#nding '%iminal 'as# at t"# tim# o&
"is appli'ation) but &o% "is dis"on#st$ in s##king t"at o&&i'#( (:utierrez v. Belan, !&/ $C%A ()
An honorable, 1om+etent and inde+endent Gudi1iary eCists to administer Gusti1e and
thus +romote the unity of the 1ountry, the stability of 5overnment, and the well;bein5
of the +eo+le.
ou%ts a%# #stablis"#d to ad-udi'at# p#a'#&ull$ 'ont%o*#%si#s b#tw##n indi*idual pa%ti#s
&o% t"# as'#%tainm#nt) #n&o%'#m#nt and %#d%#ss o& p%i*at# %ig"ts) o% &o% t"# punis"m#nt o& w%ongs
don# to t"# publi'(
A =u("e shou#( u&ho#( the inte"rity an( in(e&en(en%e of the =u(i%iary
Ru#e ?.@?. A =u("e shou#( +e the e)+o(i)ent of %o)&eten%e0 inte"rity0
an( in(e&en(en%e.
=alens;3abon v. Ar1eo, A.M. *o. %=;&0;(220, uly !#, (&&0
... ... -udg#s and -usti'#s) must not onl$ b# p%o&i'i#nt in bot" t"# substanti*# and p%o'#du%al
asp#'ts o& t"# law) but mo%# impo%tantl$) t"#$ must poss#ss t"# "ig"#st int#g%it$) p%obit$) and
un/u#stionabl# mo%al up%ig"tn#ss) bot" in t"#i% publi' and p%i*at# li*#s(
Arban vs. BorGa, (/2 $C%A 02/
A -udg# is t"# *isibl# %#p%#s#ntation o& t"# law and mo%# impo%tantl$ o& -usti'#( As su'")
"# s"ould a*oid #*#n t"# slig"t#st in&%a'tion o& t"# law( T"# natu%# o& a -udg#s position d#mands
#/uanimit$) p%ud#n'#) &o%titud# and 'ou%ag#(
T"# %ul# p%o-#'ts t"at -udg#s a%# t"# p#%soni&i'ation o& p%o&i'i#n'$ ('omp#t#n'#! in law) o&
in'o%%uptibilit$ (int#g%it$! and o& impa%tialit$ and non6subs#%*i#n'# (ind#p#nd#n'#!(
4o+ez vs. 8ernandez, && $C%A 0,2
Busti'# Dal'olm id#nti&i#d good Budg#s in "is ponencia in Borromeo vs *ariano (01
SCR' %(() as 9m#n w"o "a*# a mast#%$ o& t"# p%in'ipl#s o& law) w"o dis'"a%g# t"#i% duti#s in
a''o%dan'# wit" law) w"o a%# p#%mitt#d to p#%&o%m t"# duti#s o& t"# o&&i'# und#t#%%#d b$ outsid#
in&lu#n'#) and w"o a%# ind#p#nd#nt and s#l&6%#sp#'ting "uman units in a -udi'ial s$st#m #/ual
and 'oo%dinat# to t"# ot"#% two d#pa%tm#nts o& go*#%nm#nt:( t"# -udi'ia%$ n##ds -udg#s w"o
%#ad) stud$) and pond#% ; -udg#s w"o p#%soni&$ l#a%ning and #/uanimit$(
Abad vs. Bleza, (/# $C%A 0,2
9... E*#n in t"# %#maining $#a%s o& "is sta$ in t"# -udi'ia%$) "# s"ould k##p ab%#ast wit"
t"# '"ang#s in t"# law and wit" t"# lat#st d#'isions and p%#'#d#nts( S#%*i'# in t"# -udi'ia%$
m#ans a 'ontinuous stud$ and %#s#a%'" on t"# law &%om b#ginning to #nd( ...:
:eotina vs. :onzales, /( $C%A 00
A -udg# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s s"ould st%i*# at all tim#s to b# 9w"oll$ &%##)
disint#%#st#d) impa%tial and ind#p#nd#nt(:
Buenavista, r. vs. :ar1ia, ("' $C%A #&&
A -udg# w"o displa$s igno%an'# o& o% indi&&#%#n'# to t"# law) #%od#s publi' 'on&id#n'# in
t"# 'omp#t#n'# and &ai%n#ss o& t"# 'ou%ts( H# 'ommits a diss#%*i'# to t"# 'aus# o& -usti'#(
Ru#e ?.@A. A =u("e shou#( a()inister =usti%e i)&artia##y an( without (e#ay.
=an, r. vs. :allardo, '2 $C%A 2(#
It is undisput#d t"at t"# sol# pu%pos# o& 'ou%ts o& -usti'# is to #n&o%'# t"# laws uni&o%ml$
and impa%tiall$ wit"out %#ga%d to p#%sons o% t"#i% 'i%'umstan'#s o% t"# opinions o& m#n( Budg#s
s"ould not onl$ app#a% impa%tial( It must b# ob*ious) t"#%#&o%#) t"at w"il# -udg#s s"ould poss#ss
p%o&i'i#n'$ in law in o%d#% t"at t"#$ 'an 'omp#t#ntl$ 'onst%u# and #n&o%'# t"# law) it is mo%#
impo%tant t"at t"#$ s"ould a't and b#"a*# 'on&id#n'# in t"#i% impa%tialit$(
:utierrez vs. $antos, ((! -hil. ("/
A pa%t$ litigant is #ntitl#d to no l#ss t"an t"# 'old n#ut%alit$ o& an impa%tial -udg#(
Martinez vs. :ironella, 0# $C%A !/# ((&'#)
A -udg# s"ould not onl$ %#nd#% a -ust ) 'o%%#'t and impa%tial d#'ision but s"ould do so in
su'" a mann#% as to b# &%## &%om an$ suspi'ion as to its &ai%n#ss and impa%tialit$ and as to "is
Canon 0, Canons of udi1ial .thi1s
T"# %#/ui%#m#nt t"at -udg#s must d#'id# 'as#s wit"in t"# sp#'i&i#d p#%iods is int#nd#d to
p%#*#nt d#la$ in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#( <o% -usti'# d#la$#d is o&t#n -usti'# d#ni#d(
Ru#e ?.@B. A =u("e shou#( +e -i"i#ant a"ainst any atte)&t to su+-ert the
in(e&en(en%e of the =u(i%iary an( resist any &ressure fro)
whate-er sour%e.
In re: Cunanan et al., &/ -hil. #2/
I& laws a%# pass#d w"i'" sub*#%t t"# ind#p#nd#n'# o& t"# -udi'ia%$) -udg#s must b# wa%$
and s"ould d#'la%# at t"# &i%st oppo%tunit$) t"# un'onstitutionalit$ o& t"# law( T"# onstitution did
not 'on&#% on ong%#ss t"# aut"o%it$ and %#sponsibilit$ o*#% t"# admission) susp#nsion)
disba%m#nt and %#instat#m#nt o& atto%n#$s6at6law(
In re: :ar1ia, ! $C%A &"/
T"# E.#'uti*# 2#pa%tm#nt ma$ not #n'%oa'" upon t"# 'onstitutional p%#%ogati*# o& t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t to p%omulgat# %ul#s &o% admission to t"# p%a'ti'# o& law in t"# +"ilippin#s(
A :u("e shou#( a-oi( i)&ro&riety an( the a&&earan%e of i)&ro&riety in a##
Alazas vs. %eyes, (2( $C%A //#
A -udg#s o&&i'ial 'ondu't and "is b#"a*io% in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& -udi'ial duti#s s"ould b#
&%## &%om t"# app#a%an'# o& imp%op%i#t$ and must b# b#$ond %#p%oa'"(
Cabrera vs. -aGares, (/! $C%A (!'
D#mb#%s o& t"# -udi'ia%$ s"ould displa$ not onl$ t"# "ig"#st int#g%it$ but must at all tim#s
'ondu't t"#ms#l*#s in su'" a mann#% as to b# b#$ond %#p%oa'" and suspi'ion( H# s"ould b#
studiousl$ 'a%#&ul to a*oid #*#n t"# slig"t#st in&%a'tion o& t"# law(
-alan5 vs. Bosa, #" $C%A ''0
B#'aus# app#a%an'# is as impo%tant as %#alit$ in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& -udi'ial &un'tions)
lik# #asa%s wi&#) a -udg# must not onl$ b# pu%# but b#$ond suspi'ion(
3awa, et al v. 3e Asa, Adm. Matter *o. M=;&";((//, uly !!, (&&"
T"# p#opl#s 'on&id#n'# in t"# Budi'ial s$st#m is &ound#d not onl$ on t"# magnitud# o&
l#gal knowl#dg# and t"# dilig#n'# o& t"# m#mb#%s o& t"# b#n'") but also on t"# "ig"#st standa%d
o& int#g%it$ and mo%al up%ig"tn#ss t"#$ a%# #.p#'t#d to poss#ss( Do%# t"an simpl$ p%o-#'ting an
imag# o& p%obit$) a -udg# must not onl$ app#a% to b# a 9good -udg#:, "# must also app#a% to b# a
9good p#%son(:
8errer v. Maramba, Adm. Matter *o. M=;&2;'&#, May (/, (&&"
H.. ... Es# o& p"$si'al *iol#n'# and int#mp#%at# languag# in publi' %#*#als a ma%k#d
la'k o& -udi'ial t#mp#%am#nt and s#l&6%#st%aint) t%aits w"i'") b#sid#s t"# basi' #/uipm#nt o&
l#a%ning in t"# law) a%# indisp#nsabl# /ualiti#s o& #*#%$ -udg#(
Ru#e A.@?. A =u("e shou#( so +eha-e at a## ti)es as to &ro)ote &u+#i%
%onfi(en%e in the inte"rity an( i)&artia#ity of the =u(i%iary.
Aot#= Rul# %#&#%s to b#"a*io% in publi' and p%i*at# li&#(
avier v. 3e :uzman, r., Adm. Matter *o. %=;"&;2",, 3e1ember (&, (&&,
A -udg#s o&&i'ial 'ondu't s"ould b# &%## &%om t"# app#a%an'# o& imp%op%i#t$) and "is
p#%sonal b#"a*io%) not onl$ upon t"# b#n'" and in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& -udi'ial duti#s) but also in
the everyday life, s"ould b# b#$ond %#p%oa'"( H.. ... T"at a -udg# o&&i'ial li&# 'annot simpl$ b#
d#ta'"#d o% s#pa%at#d &%om "is p#%sonal'# and t"at upon a Budg#s att%ibut#s d#p#nd t"#
publi' p#%'#ption o& t"# Budi'ia%$
Makalintal v. =he, A. M. %=;"&;2",, 3e1ember (&, (&&,
2#'isions o& 'ou%t n##d not onl$ b# -ust but must b# p#%'#i*#d to b# -ust and 'ompl#t#l$
&%## &%om suspi'ion o% doubt bot" in its &ai%n#ss and int#g%it$(
Ru#e A.@A. A =u("e shou#( not seeD &u+#i%ity for &ersona# -ain"#ory.
Budg#s must a*oid publi'it$ &o% p#%sonal *anit$ o% s#l&6glo%i&i'ation( I& law$#%s a%#
p%o"ibit#d &%om making publi' stat#m#nts in t"# m#dia %#ga%ding a p#nding 'as# to a%ous# publi'
opinion &o% o% against a pa%t$ (Rule 1%.)(, C1R) and &%om using o% p#%mitting t"# us# o& an$
undigni&i#d o% s#l&6laudato%$ stat#m#nt %#ga%ding t"#i% /uali&i'ations o% l#gal s#%*i'#s( (Rule %.)1,
C1R)) wit" mo%# %#asons s"ould -udg#s b# p%o"ibit#d &%om s##king publi'it$ &o% *anit$ o% s#l&6
:o vs. Court of A++eals, !,0 $C%A (0#
A -udg# must not b# mo*#d b$ a d#si%# to 'at#% to publi' opinion to t"# d#t%im#nt o& t"#
administ%ation o& -usti'#(
Ru#e A.@B. A =u("e sha## not a##ow fa)i#y0 so%ia#0 or other re#ationshi&s to
inf#uen%e =u(i%ia# %on(u%t or =u(")ent. The &resti"e of so%ia#
offi%e sha## not +e use( or #ent to a(-an%e the &ri-ate interests
of others0 nor %on-ey or &er)it others to %on-ey the
i)&ression that they are in a s&e%ia# &osition to inf#uen%e the
A -udg# lik# an$ ot"#% "uman b#ings li*#s in 'ontinuous int#%p#%sonal %#lations"ips in t"#
&amil$) in t"# "u%'") in t"# 'ommunit$ and ot"#%s( W"at#*#% is t"# t"%#ad o& t"# %#lations"ip) "#
s"ould not allow it to in&lu#n'# "is -udi'ial 'ondu't and p#%&o%man'# o& duti#s(
$an uan v. Ba5alas1a, A. M. *o. %=;&';(2&#, 3e1ember !!, (&&'
A -udg#s not# to t"# %#gist#% o& d##ds) %#/u#sting t"at t"# issuan'# o& t"# TT b#
#.p#dit#d) 9gi*#s g%ound &o% suspi'ion t"at s"# is utili8ing t"# pow#% o% p%#stig# o& "#% o&&i'# to
p%omot# t"# int#%#st o& ot"#%s(:
-adilla v. Bantua, r., Adm. Matter *o. M=;&2;""", >1tober !/, (&&/
onstant 'ompan$ wit" a law$#% t#nds to b%##d intima'$ and 'ama%ad#%i# to t"# point
t"at &a*o%s in t"# &utu%# ma$ b# ask#d &%om t"# -udg# w"i'" "# ma$ &ind "a%d to %#&us#( H.. T"is
#*#ntualit$ ma$ und#%min# t"# p#opl#s &ait" in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#(
:allo v. Cordero, Adm. Matter *o. M=;&#;(,2#, une !(, (&&#
+%i*at#l$ m##ting wit" a''us#d in t"# abs#n'# o& a 'omplaint o% t"# latt#%s 'ouns#l
op#ns a -udg# to '"a%g#s pa%tialit$ and bias( It is o& no mom#nt t"at t"# -udg# int#ntion was
m#%#l$ to app%is# t"# a''us#d o& "is 'onstitutional %ig"ts(
Ru#e A.@C. A =u("e sha## refrain fro) inf#uen%in" in any )anner the
out%o)e of #iti"ation or (is&ute &en(in" +efore another %ourt
or a()inistrati-e a"en%y.
>ffi1e of the Court Administrator v. 3e :uzman, Gr., A. M. *o. %=;&2;(,!(, anuary 2(, (&&'
T"# a't o& int#%&#%#n'# b$ a -udg# wit" a 'as# p#nding in t"# sala o& anot"#% -udg# (#(g(
b$ app%oa'"ing t"# latt#% on b#"al& o& a pa%t$ litigant! 'l#a%l$ ta%nis"#s t"# int#g%it$ and
ind#p#nd#n'# o& t"# -udi'ia%$ and sub*#%ts t"# p#opl#s &ait" in ou% -udi'ial p%o'#ss( H.. ...
-udg#s a%# "#ld to "ig"#% standa%ds o& int#g%it$ and #t"i'al 'ondu't t"an atto%n#$s o% ot"#%
p#%sons not in*#st#d wit" t"# publi' t%ust(
Montalban vs. Canonoy, Adm. Case *o. ('&;, Mar1h (#, (&'(
W"#n t"# a'tuations o& a -udg# a%# assail#d on g%ounds ot"#% t"an l#gal on#s) and
imputing to t"# -udg# p#%sonal moti*#s) t"# -udg# 'annot b# blam#d i& "# tak#s p#%sonal int#%#st
in t%$ing to disp%o*# t"# imputations(
$antia5o vs. Court of A++eals, ("/ $C%A 0&, ((&&,)
In a sp#'ial p%o'##ding) t"# -udg# w"os# o%d#% is und#% atta'k in t"# app#llat# 'ou%t is
m#%#l$ a nominal pa%t$( ons#/u#ntl$) t"# -udg# "ims#l& o% as p#tition#% s"ould not &il# a p#tition
&o% %#*i#w s##king a %#instat#m#nt o& "is '"all#ng#d o%d#%) "# b#ing not an a'ti*# 'ombatant but
on# imbu#d wit" t"# dut$ o& d#ta'"m#nt(
A =u("e shou#( &erfor) offi%ia# (uties honest#y0 an( with i)&artia#ity an(
Ru#e B.@? A =u("e sha## +e faithfu# to the #aw an( )aintain &rofessiona#
A -udg# b#ing t"# *isibl# %#p%#s#ntati*# o& t"# law must b# a mod#l &o% up%ig"tn#ss)
&ai%n#ss and "on#st$) and s"ould b# #.t%a6'a%#&ul to a*oid #*#n t"# slig"t#st in&%a'tion o& t"# law
&o% t"at will s#t a bad and d#mo%ali8ing #.ampl#s to ot"#%s(
4o+ez vs. 8ernandez
omp#t#n'# is a ma%k o& a good -udg#( H# s"ould not stop stud$ing &o% t"# law is
d$nami'( It g%ows and g%ows( ons#/u#ntl$) t"# -udg# s"ould b# 'on*#%sant wit" t"# law and its
AGeno vs. Inserto, ' $C%A (00
E*#n in t"# %#maining $#a%s o& "is sta$ in t"# -udi'ia%$ "# s"ould k##p ab%#ast wit" t"#
'"ang#s in t"# law and wit" t"# lat#st d#'ision and p%#'#d#nts( S#%*i'# in t"# -udi'ia%$ m#ans a
'ontinuous stud$ and %#s#a%'" on t"# law &%om b#ginning to #nd(
3e la Cruz v. Con1e+1ion, Adm. Matter *o. %=;&2;(,0!, Au5ust !#, (&&/
To 'onstitut# g%oss igno%an'# o& t"# law) t"# sub-#'t d#'ision) o%d#% o% a'tuation o& t"#
-udg# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s must not onl$ b# 'ont%a%$ to #.isting law and
-u%isp%ud#n'# but) most impo%tantl$) "# must b# mo*#d b$ bad &ait") &%aud) dis"on#st$ o%
-eo+le v. :a1ott, r., :. %. *o. ((0,/&, Mar1h !,, (&&#
<ailu%# to '"#'k 'itations o& pl#adings is in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'#( H.. ... Budg#s s"ould
b# %#mind#d t"at 'ou%ts a%# dut$ bound to tak# -udi'ial noti'# o& all t"# laws o& t"# land (s#'( 0
Rul# 017!( B#ing t%i#% o& &a'ts) -udg#s a%# p%#sum#d to b# w#ll6in&o%m#d o& #.isting laws) %#'#nt
#na'tm#nts and -u%isp%ud#n'#) in k##ping wit" t"#i% swo%n dut$ as m#mb#%s o& t"# ba% and
b#n'" to k##p ab%#ast o& l#gal d#*#lopm#nts(
Ru#e B.@A In e-ery %ase0 a =u("e sha## en(ea-or (i#i"ent#y to as%ertain the
fa%ts an( the a&&#i%a+#e #aw unswaye( +y &artisan interests0
&u+#i% o&inion or fear of %riti%is).
T"# 'ou%ts &indings o& &a'ts must not b# bas#d on t"# p#%sonal knowl#dg# o& t"# -udg#
but upon t"# #*id#n'# p%#s#nt#d and o&&#%#d in t"# 'as#( I& a -udg# "as p#%sonal knowl#dg#) "#
must o&&#% "ims#l& a witn#ss and l#t t"# 'as# b# t%ans&#%%#d to anot"#% -udg#(
Gui(e#ines for Effi%ient Ren(ition of :u(")ent Or :u(i%ia# O&inion
1. T"# Budg# s"ould obs#%*# t"# usual and t%aditional m#t"od o& disp#nsing -usti'#) w"i'"
%#/ui%#s t"at "# s"ould "#a% bot" sid#s wit" pati#n'# and und#%standing b#&o%# "#
s"ould %#nd#% a d#'ision (Casttillo vs. uan, 0! $C%A (!/).
2. T"# -udg# s"ould d#'id# a 'as# impa%tiall$ on t"# basis o& t"# #*id#n'# p%#s#nt#d and
s"all appl$ t"# appli'abl# law as "is guid#s (Bondo1 vs. 3e :uzman, #' $C%A (2#3(
3( T"# -udg# s"ould stat# 'l#a%l$ and distin'tl$ t"# &a'ts and t"# law on w"i'" "# bas#d "is
4( T"# -udg# disposing o& 'ont%o*#%t#d 'as#s s"ould indi'at# "is %#asons &o% "is opinions o%
'on'lusions to s"ow t"at "# did not dis%#ga%d o% o*#%look t"# s#%ious a%gum#nts o& t"#
pa%ti#s 'ouns#l(
5( T"# -udg# s"ould mak# "is d#'isions o% opinions b%i#& but 'ompl#t# in all t"# #ss#ntials(
>( I& t"# p#%sonal *i#w o& t"# -udg# 'ont%adi't t"# appli'abl# do't%in# p%omulgat#d b$ t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t) non#t"#l#ss) "# s"ould d#'id# t"# 'as# in a''o%dan'# wit" t"at do't%in#
and not in a''o%dan'# wit" "is p#%sonal *i#ws(
?( T"# -udg# s"ould d#'id# 'as#s p%omptl$) t"at is) wit"in t"# p#%iod %#/ui%#d b$ law(
@( T"# sign#d -udgm#nt must b# un'onditionall$ &il#d wit" t"# l#%k o& ou%t to "a*# it
'onsid#%#d wit"in t"# 7J6da$ d#adlin# &o% %#nd#%ing -udgm#nts(
7( E.t%#m# 'a%# s"ould b# mad# in t"# making o& t"# dispositi*# po%tion o& t"# d#'ision &o%
t"at is t"# pa%t o& t"# d#'ision w"i'" is to b# impl#m#nt#d(
Canon (", C.
In d#'iding 'as#s) a -udg# s"ould appl$ t"# law to pa%ti'ula% instan'#s( H# *iolat#s "is
dut$ as a minist#% o& -usti'# und#% a go*#%nm#nt o& laws and not o& m#n i& "# s##ks to do w"at "#
ma$ p#%sonall$ 'onsid#% substantial -usti'# in a pa%ti'ula% 'as# and dis%#ga%ds t"# law as "#
knows it to b# binding upon "im(
Albert vs. Court of 8irst Instan1e of Manila, !2 $C%A &/" ((&0")
I& "# &##ls t"at a law o% do't%in# #nun'iat#d b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t is against "is wa$ o&
%#asoning o% "is 'ons'i#n'#) "# ma$ stat# "is p#%sonal opinion on t"# matt#% but s"ould d#'id#
t"# 'as# in a''o%dan'# wit" law o% -u%isp%ud#n'#(
3ire1tor of -risons v. An5 Cho Hio, :. %. *o. 4;2,,,(, une !2, (&',
... ... d#'ision o& a 'ou%t s"ould 'ontain onl$ opinion t"at is %#l#*ant to t"# /u#stion t"at
is b#&o%# t"# 'ou%t &o% d#'ision( ... 'ou%ts a%# not 'on'#%n#d wit" t"# wisdom o% mo%alit$ o& t"#
laws) but onl$ in t"# int#%p%#tation and appli'ation o& t"# law(
Canon (', C.
In disposing o& 'ont%o*#%t#d 'as#s) a -udg# s"ould indi'at# t"# %#asons &o% "is a'tion in
opinions s"owing t"at "# "as not dis%#ga%d#d o% o*#%look#d s#%ious a%gum#nts o& 'ouns#l( H#
s"ould s"ow "is &ull und#%standing o& t"# 'as#) a*oid t"# suspi'ion o& a%bit%a%$ 'on'lusion)
p%omot# 'on&id#n'# in "is int#ll#'tual int#g%it$ and 'ont%ibut# us#&ul p%#'#d#nt to t"# g%owt" o&
t"# law(
-eo+le v. 6enera1ion, :. %. *o. ((&&"';"", >1tober (!, (&&#
H.. ... 9ob#di#n'# to t"# %ul# o& law &o%ms t"# b#d%o'k o& ou% s$st#m o& -usti'#( I&
-udg#s) und#% t"# guis# o& %#ligious o% politi'al b#li#&s w#%# allow#d to %oam un%#st%i't#d b#$ond
bounda%i#s wit"in w"i'" t"#$ a%# %#/ui%#d b$ law to #.#%'is# t"# duti#s o& t"#i% o&&i'#) t"# law
b#'om#s m#aningl#ss( A go*#%nm#nt o& laws) not o& m#n #.'lud#s t"# #.#%'is# o& b%oad
dis'%#tiona%$ pow#%s o& t"os# a'ting und#% is aut"o%it$( End#% t"is s$st#m) -udg#s a%# guid#d b$
t"# Rul# o& Law) and oug"t to p%ot#'t and #n&o%'# it wit"out &#a% o% &a*o%) o% #*#n t"# int#%&#%#n'#
o& t"#i% own p#%sonal b#li#&s(:
=ur<ueza vs. 9ernando, &' $C%A /"2 ((&",)
A -udg# w"os# o%d#% is '"all#ng#d in an app#llat# 'ou%t do#s not "a*# to &il# an$ answ#%
o% tak# a'ti*# pa%t in t"# p%o'##ding unl#ss #.p%#ssl$ di%#'t#d b$ t"# app#llat# 'ou%t( H# is
m#%#l$ a nominal pa%t$ to t"# 'as#( It is t"# dut$ o& t"# p%i*at# %#spond#nt to app#a% and d#&#nd
bot" in "is b#"al& and in b#"al& o& t"# 'ou%t o% -udg# w"os# o%d#% o% d#'ision is at issu#( T"#
-udg# s"ould not wast# "is tim# taking an a'ti*# pa%t in t"# p%o'##ding w"i'" %#lat#s "is o&&i'ial
a'tuations in a 'as#) but s"ould appl$ "ims#l& to "is p%in'ipal task o& "#a%ing and ad-udi'ating t"#
'as#s in "is 'ou%t(
Ru#e B.@B. A =u("e sha## )aintain or(er an( &ro&er (e%oru) in the %ourt.
T"# -udg# is on# w"o looks) talks and d%#ss#s lik# on# wit" d#'#n'$ and %#sp#'tabilit$(
H# is a 'ompl#t# g#ntl#man (o% g#ntl#lad$! p%o&i'i#nt in law) up%ig"t) &#a%l#ss) "on#st and
d#di'at#d to t"# 'aus# o& law as disp#ns#% o& -usti'#(
+%o'##dings in t"# 'ou%t must b# 'ondu't#d &o%mall$ and sol#mnl$( T"# atmosp"#%#
must b# '"a%a't#%i8#d wit" "ono% and dignit$ b#&itting t"# s#%iousn#ss and impo%tan'# o& a
-udi'ial t%ial(
Ru#e B.@C. A =u("e shou#( +e &atient0 attenti-e an( %ourteous to #awyers0
es&e%ia##y the ine,&erien%e(0 to #iti"ants0 witnesses0 an( others
a&&earin" +efore the %ourt. A =u("e shou#( a-oi(
un%ons%ious#y fa##in" into the attitu(e of )in( that the #iti"ants
are )a(e for the %ourts0 instea( of the %ourts for the #iti"ants.
In add%#ssing 'ouns#l) litigants) o% witn#ss#s) t"# -udg# s"ould a*oid a 'ont%o*#%sial ton#
(anon 04) BE! o% a ton# t"at '%#at#s animosit$( H# s"ould b# 'onsid#%at# o& witn#ss#s and
ot"#%s in att#ndan'# in "is 'ou%t (anon 7) BE!(
%oye1a vs. Animas, '( $C%A ( ((&'0)
A -udg# wit"out b#ing a%bit%a%$) un%#asonabl# o% un-ust ma$ #nd#a*o% to "old 'ouns#l to
a p%op#% app%#'iation o& t"#i% duti#s to t"# 'ou%ts) to t"#i% 'li#nts and to t"# ad*#%s# pa%t$ and "is
law$#%) so as to #n&o%'# du# dilig#n'# in t"# dispat'" o& busin#ss b#&o%# t"# 'ou%t( H# ma$ utili8#
t"is oppo%tuniti#s to '%iti'i8# and 'o%%#'t unp%o&#ssional 'ondu't o& atto%n#$s) b%oug"t to "is
att#ntion) but "# ma$ not do so in an insulting mann#%(
In re: Alma1en, 2( $C%A #''
As 'iti8#n and o&&i'#% o& t"# 'ou%t) #*#%$ law$#% is #.p#'t#d not onl$ to #.#%'is# t"# %ig"t
but also to 'onsid#% it "is dut$ to #.pos# t"# s"o%t'omings and indis'%#tions o& 'ou%ts and -udg#s(
Ru#e B.@1. A =u("e sha## (is&ose of the %ourts +usiness &ro)&t#y an(
(e%i(e %ases within the re5uire( &erio(s.
+un'tualit$ is a -oint %#sponsibilit$ o& bot" -udg#s and law$#%s) in'luding 'ou%t p#%sonn#l
lik# t"# st#nog%ap"#%s and int#%p%#t#%s(
A 'as# is d##m#d submitt#d &o% d#'ision not &%om t"# tim# t"# st#nog%ap"i' not#s w#%#
t%ans'%ib#d( A 'as# o% matt#% s"all b# d##m#d submitt#d &o% d#'ision o% %#solution upon t"# &iling
o& t"# last pl#ading) b%i#&) o% m#mo%andum %#/ui%#d b$ t"# Rul#s o& ou%t o% b$ t"# 'ou%t its#l&(
Castro vs. Malazo, && $C%A (0#
W# must on'# mo%# imp%#ss upon t"# m#mb#%s o& t"# Budi'ia%$ t"#i% swo%n dut$ o&
administ#%ing -usti'# wit"out undu# d#la$ und#% t"# tim#6"ono%#d p%#'#pt t"at -usti'# d#la$#d) is
-usti'# d#ni#d(
Moya v. =ensuan, Adm. Matter *o. !#,';C8I, Au5ust (,, (&"(
Budg#s must b# 'aution#d t"at it is not t"# dat# o& signing t"# d#'ision but t"# dat# o&
%#'#ipt o& t"# l#%k o& ou%t t"at must b# %#'kon#d &%om t"# dat# o& submission o& t"# 'as# &o%
d#'ision in o%d#% to 'ompl$ wit" t"# 7J6da$ p#%iod ...(
$alvador v. $alaman1a, Adm. Matter *o. %;('';M=, $e+tember !/, (&"0
Budg#s s"ould d#'id# 'as#s #*#n i& t"# pa%ti#s &ail#d to submit m#mo%anda wit"in t"#
gi*#n p#%iods( Aon6submission o& m#mo%anda is not a -usti&i'ation &o% &ailu%# to d#'id# 'as#s( T"#
&iling o& m#mo%anda is not a pa%t o& t"# t%ial no% is t"# m#mo%andum its#l& an #ss#ntial) mu'" l#ss
indisp#nsabl#) pl#ading b#&o%# a 'as# ma$ b# submitt#d &o% d#'ision(
Ouery of ud5e 3anilo M. =enerife, Admin. Matter *o. &/;#;/!;M=C, Mar1h !,, (&&0
2#la$ in t"# t%ans'%iption o& st#nog%ap"i' not#s b$ a st#nog%ap"i' %#po%t#% und#% t"#
-udg#s sup#%*ision and 'ont%ol 'annot b# 'onsid#%#d a *alid %#ason &o% d#la$ in %#nd#%ing
-udgm#nt ... ... A -udg# 'annot b# allow#d to blam# "is 'ou%t p#%sonn#l &o% "is own
in'omp#t#n'# o% n#glig#n'# ... ... +%#'is#l$) -udg#s a%# di%#'t#d to tak# down not#s o& sali#nt
po%tions o& t"# "#a%ing and p%o'##d in t"# p%#pa%ation o& d#'isions wit"out waiting &o% t"#
t%ans'%ib#d st#nog%ap"i' not#s) t"# 7J6da$ p#%iod &o% d#'iding 'as#s s"ould b# ad"#%#d to(
Bolalin v. >11iano, A. M. *o. M=;&0;((,/, anuary (/, (&&'
I& t"# 'as# load o& t"# -udg# p%#*#nts t"# disposition o& 'as#s wit"in t"# p%#s'%ib# p#%iod)
"# s"ould ask &o% a %#asonabl# #.t#nsion o& tim# &%om t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
%ivera v. 4amorena, A.M. *o. %=;&';(2&(, >1tober (0, (&&'
H.. ... T"# d#la$ in %#sol*ing motions and in'id#nts p#nding b#&o%# a -udg# wit"in t"#
%#gl#m#nta%$ p#%iod o& nin#t$ (7J! da$s &i.#d b$ t"# onstitution and t"# law is not #.'usabl# and
'onstitut#s g%oss in#&&i'i#n'$(
Sup%#m# ou%t almost alwa$s g%ants %#/u#sts &o% #.t#nsion o& tim# to d#'id# 'as#s( A
"#a*$ 'as#load ma$ #.'us# a -udg#s &ailu%# to d#'id# 'as#s wit"in t"# %#gl#m#nta%$ p#%iod, but
not "is o% "#% &ailu%# to %#/u#st an #.t#nsion o& tim# w"i'" to d#'id# t"# sam# on tim#) (i(#(
b#&o%# t"# #.pi%ation o& t"# p#%iod to b# #.t#nd#d(
9. Budg# H &ail#d to a't on a motion to dismiss a 'as#( H# 'ont#nds t"at t"# d#la$ was b%oug"t
about b$ t"# &ailu%# o& "is sta&& to p%#s#nt "im t"# #.6pa%t# motion to %#sol*#( Is t"#
'ont#ntion o& Budg# H *alidF
A. A -udg# 'annot tak# %#&ug# b#"ind t"# in#&&i'i#n'$ o% mismanag#m#nt b$ 'ou%t p#%sonn#l(
+%op#% and #&&i'i#nt 'ou%t manag#m#nt is as mu'" as "is %#sponsibilit$( It is also "is dut$ to
o%gani8# and sup#%*is# t"# 'ou%t p#%sonn#l to #nsu%# t"# p%ompt and #&&i'i#nt dispat'" o&
Ru#e B.@E. 7hi#e a =u("e )ay0 to &ro)ote =usti%e0 &re-ent waste of ti)e or
%#ear u& so)e o+s%urity0 &ro&er#y inter-ene in the &resentation
of e-i(en%e (urin" the tria#0 it shou#( a#ways +e +orne in )in(
that un(ue interferen%e )ay &re-ent the &ro&er &resentation of
the %ause or the as%ertain)ent of truth.
6aldez vs. A<uilizan, (22 $C%A (#,
A -udg# ma$ p%op#%l$ int#%*#n# to #.p#dit# and p%#*#nt unn#'#ssa%$ wast# o& tim#( H#
ma$ int#%*#n# to p%o&ound 'la%i&i'ato%$ /u#stions) but s"ould limit "ims#l& onl$ to 'la%i&i'ato%$
/u#stions and not to ask s#a%'"ing /u#stions a&t#% t"# witn#ss "ad gi*#n di%#'t t#stimon$(
-eo+le vs. Catindihan, &' $C%A 0'&
W"#n a -udg# ma$ int#%*#n# to 'l#a% som# obs'u%it$ o% p%#*#nt wast# o& tim#) t"# sam#
must b# don# wit" 'onsid#%abl# 'i%'umsp#'tion(
T"#%# will b# undu# int#%&#%#n'# i& t"# -udg# will #.t#nsi*#l$ p%o&ound /u#stions to t"#
witn#ss#s) w"i'" will "a*# t"# #&&#'t o& o% will t#nd to build o% bolst#% t"# 'as# &o% on# o& t"#
Canon (/, C.
A -udg# s"ould a*oid int#%%uptions o& 'ouns#l in t"#i% a%gum#nts #.'#pt to 'la%i&$ "is mind
as to t"#i% positions) and "# s"ould not b# t#mpt#d to an unn#'#ssa%$ displa$ o& l#a%ning o% a
p%#matu%# -udgm#nt(
(anons o& Budi'ial Et"i's! 4 interference in conduct of trial
W"il# a -udg# ma$ p%op#%l$ int#%*#n# in a t%ial o& a 'as# to p%omot# #.p#dition and
p%#*#nt unn#'#ssa%$ wast# o& tim#) o% to 'l#a% up som# obs'u%it$) n#*#%t"#l#ss) "# s"ould b#a%
in mind t"at "is undu# int#%&#%#n'#) impati#n'#) o% pa%ti'ipation in t"# #.amination o& witn#ss) o%
a s#*#%# attitud# on "is pa%t towa%ds witn#ss#s) #sp#'iall$ t"os# w"o a%# #.'it#d o% t#%%i&i#d b$
t"# unusual 'i%'umstan'#s o& t%ial) ma$ t#nd to p%#*#nt t"# p%op#% p%#s#ntation o& t"# 'aus#) o%
t"# as'#%tainm#nt o& t"# t%ut" in %#sp#'t t"#%#to(
Budg#s a%# not m#%# %#&#%##s lik# t"os# o& a boutS t"#$ s"ould "a*# as mus"
int#%#st as 'ouns#l in t"# o%d#%l$ and #.p#ditious p%#s#ntation o& #*id#n'#) 'alling t"# att#ntion o&
'ouns#l to points at issu# t"at a%# o*#%look#d) di%#'ting t"#m to ask t"# /u#stion t"at would #li'it
t"# &a'ts on t"# issu#s in*ok#d) 'la%i&$ing ambiguous %#ma%ks o& witn#ss#s (-eo+le vs. Ihasan, (!&
$C%A 0&#).
Ru#e B.@F. A =u("e shou#( a+stain fro) )aDin" &u+#i% %o))it)ents on
any &en(in" or i)&en(in" %ase an( shou#( re5uire si)i#ar
restraint on the &art of the %ourt &ersonne#.
A -udg# must "#a% bot" sid#s b#&o%# "# s"ould att#mpt to mak# an$ 'on'lusion on t"#
issu#s o& a 'as# ; w"i'" 'on'lusion 'ould b# t"# basis o& "is w%itt#n -udgm#nt( It is dang#%ous &o%
a -udg# to mak# 'omm#nts) sp#'iall$ publi'l$) o& p#nding 'as#s b#&o%# "is 'ou%t o% #*#n
imp#nding 'as#s su'" as t"os# publi'l$ known and anti'ipat#d to b# &il#d in 'ou%t "a*ing b##n
sub-#'t#d o& wid# publi'it$ o% s#nsationali8#d in t"# m#dia(
Ru#e B.@G. A =u("e shou#( (i#i"ent#y (is%har"e a()inistrati-e
res&onsi+i#ities0 )aintain &rofessiona# %o)&eten%e in %ourt
)ana"e)ent0 an( fa%i#itate the &erfor)an%e of the
a()inistrati-e fun%tions of other =u("es an( %ourt &ersonne#.

T"# -udg# is t"# administ%ato% o& "is 'ou%t( H# is %#sponsibl# &o% t"# administ%ati*#
manag#m#nt t"#%#o&( H# sup#%*is#s t"# 'ou%t p#%sonn#l to #nsu%# p%ompt and #&&i'i#nt dispat'"
o& busin#ss in "is 'ou%t(
%e<uest of ud5e .duardo 8. Carta5ena, A.M. no. &#;&;&";MC=C, 3e1ember /, (&&'
R#/u#sts &o% p#%mission to t%a*#l ab%oad on o&&i'ial tim# s"ould not b# p%#sum#d g%ant#d
b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t( H.. ... A -udg# w"o d#pa%ts &o% ab%oad wit"out t"# knowl#dg#) l#t alon#
t"# p#%mission) o& t"# ou%t *iolat#s D#mo%andum O%d#% Ao( 1>4 w"i'" mandat#s t"# %#/u#sts
&o% p#%mission to t%a*#l ab%oad &%om m#mb#%s and #mplo$##s o& t"# -udi'ia%$ s"ould b# obtain#d
&%om t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
Buenaventura vs. Benedi1to, 2" $C%A '(
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t &ound t"# in'lination o& t"# %#spond#nt -udg# to l#ni#n'$ in t"#
administ%ati*# sup#%*ision o& "is #mplo$##s an und#si%abl# t%ait(
$han vs. A5uinaldo, ((' $C%A 2!
<o% "is &ailu%# to p#%&o%m "is duti#s) t"# -udg# 'annot us# as #.'us# t"# n#glig#n'# o%
mal&#asan'# o& "is own #mplo$##s(
*idua vs. 4azaro, ('/ $C%A #"(
T"# #mplo$##s a%# not gua%dians o& t"# -udg#s %#sponsibiliti#s(
Inst#ad o& b#ing obst%u'ti*#) "# s"ould "#lp &a'ilitat# t"# p#%&o%man'# o& t"#
administ%ati*# &un'tions o& ot"#% -udg#s and 'ou%t p#%sonn#l( H# must 'oo%dinat# and 'oop#%at#
wit" t"# ot"#% -udg#s sp#'iall$ -udg#s o& "ig"#% 'ou%ts and ot"#% -udg#s g#a%ing towa%d an
#&&i'i#nt and p%ompt disp#nsation o& -usti'#(
@sasi vs. 8ernandez, !0 $C%A 2&#
Budg#s s"ould %#sp#'t t"# o%d#%s and d#'isions o& an app#llat# 'ou%t( R#&usal to "ono%
and in-un'ti*# o%d#% o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t 'onstitut#s 'ont#mpt(
9ernandez vs. Colay1o, 0/ $C%A /",
Budg#s s"ould %#sp#'t %#solutions o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
6ivo vs. Cloribel, (" $C%A '(2
T"#$ s"ould tak# 'ogni8an'# o& s#ttl#d %ulings o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
3e 4eon vs. $alvador, 20 $C%A #0'
Budg#s s"ould not int#%&#%# wit" t"# o%d#%s and d#'isions o& -udg#s o& 'o6#/ual 'ou%ts(
Ru#e B. @I. A =u("e shou#( or"ani8e an( su&er-ise the %ourt &ersonne# to
ensure the &ro)&t an( effi%ient (is&at%h of +ur(ens0 an(
re5uire at a## ti)es the o+ser-an%e of hi"h stan(ar(s of
&u+#i% ser-i%e an( fi(e#ity.
=an v. Madaya5, Adm. Matter *o. %=;&2;&&#, Mar1h ((, (&&/
A -udg# 'annot tak# %#&ug# b#"ind t"# in#&&i'i#n'$ o% mismanag#m#nt o& "is 'ou%t
p#%sonn#l( +%op#% and #&&i'i#nt 'ou%t manag#m#nt is d#&init#l$ "is %#sponsibilit$(
Canon ", Canons of udi1ial .thi1s
A -udg# must p%op#%l$ o%gani8# in 'ou%t to #nsu%# p%ompt and 'on*#ni#nt dispat'" o& its
$C Cir1ular *o. (2 dated uly 2(, (&"', +ar. / (a)
A -udg# s"ould 'los#l$ sup#%*is# 'ou%t p#%sonn#l so t"at ad#/uat# p%#'autions a%# tak#n
in s#nding out subpo#nas) summons and 'ou%t p%o'#ss#s to #nsu%# t"at t"#$ a%# tim#l$ s#%*#d
and %#'#i*#d(
T"# -udg# must %#/ui%# "is p#%sonn#l to obs#%*# at all tim#s t"# obs#%*an'# o& "ig"
standa%ds o& publi' s#%*i'# and &id#lit$) w"i'" "# 'ould w#ll do) b$ #.ampl#(
-aredes vs. -adua, A.M. CA;&(;2;- (May (', (&&2)
ou%t p#%sonn#l must ad"#%# to t"# "ig" #t"i'al standa%ds to p%#s#%*# t"# ou%ts good
nam# and standing(
Ru#e B.?@. A =u("e shou#( taDe or initiate a&&ro&riate (is%i&#inary
)easure a"ainst #awyers or %ourt &ersonne# for
un&rofessiona# %on(u%t of whi%h the =u("e )ay ha-e +e%o)e
T"# -udg# ma$ summa%il$ punis" an$ p#%son in'luding law$#%s and 'ou%t p#%sonn#l) &o%
direct 'ont#mpt &o% misb#"a*io% 'ommitt#d in t"# p%#s#n'# o& o% so n#a% a 'ou%t o% a -udg# as to
obst%u't o% int#%%upt t"# p%o'##dings b#&o%# t"# sam# (Rul# ?0) RR!( H# ma$ also punis" an$
p#%son &o% indirect 'ont#mpt a&t#% app%op%iat# '"a%g# and "#a%ing w"o is guilt$ o& t"# a'ts
#num#%at#d und#% S#'tion 3) Rul# ?0 o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t(
E*#%$ 'ou%t "as t"# in"#%#nt pow#% among ot"#%s) to p%#s#%*# and #n&o%'# o%d#%s in its
imm#diat# p%#s#n'#) to 'omp#l ob#di#n'# to its -udgm#nts) o%d#%s and p%o'#ss#s and to 'ont%ol)
in &u%t"#%an'# o& -usti'#) t"# 'ondu't o& its minist#%ial o&&i'#%s ($e1tion #, %ule (2#, %%C).
3allay;-a+a vs. Almora, ((, $C%A 2'0
Alt"oug" a -udg# "as t"# pow#% to %#'omm#nd &o% appointm#nt 'ou%t p#%sonn#l)
"ow#*#%) "# "as no pow#% to dismiss t"#m( T"# pow#% to dismiss a 'ou%t #mplo$## is *#st#d in
t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
Ru#e B.??. A =u("e shou#( a&&oint %o))issioners0 re%ei-ers0 trustees0
"uar(ians0 a()inistrators0 an( others on the +asis of )erit
an( 5ua#ifi%ations a-oi(in" ne&otis) an( fa-oritis). ;n#ess
otherwise a##owe( +y #aw0 the sa)e %riterion shou#( +e
o+ser-e( in re%o))en(in" the a&&oint)ent of %ourt
&ersonne#. 7here the &ay)ent of =ust %o)&ensation is
a##owe(0 it shou#( +e reasona+#e an( %o))ensurate with the
fair -a#ue of ser-i%es ren(ere(.
Canon ((, C.
In appointing su'" p#%sons) "# must b# guid#d st%i'tl$ b$ m#%its and /uali&i'ation o& t"#
appli'ants ; t"at is) on t"# basis o& t"#i% '"a%a't#%) abilit$ and 'omp#t#n'$( T"#%# must b# no
%oom &o% n#potism and &a*o%itism(
Art. !//, %evised -enal Code
An$ publi' o&&i'#% w"o s"all knowingl$ nominat# o% appoint to an$ publi' o&&i'# an$ p#%son
la'king t"# l#gal /uali&i'ation t"#%#&o%# s"all b# guilt$ o& unlaw&ul appointm#nt punis"abl# wit"
imp%isonm#nt and &in#(
Ru#e B.?A. A =u("e shou#( taDe no &art in a &ro%ee(in" where the =u("es
i)&artia#ity )i"ht +e reasona+#y 5uestione(. These %ases
in%#u(e0 a)on" others0 &ro%ee(in"s where:
a. the =u("e has &ersona# Dnow#e("e of (is&ute(
e-i(entiary fa%ts %on%ernin" the &ro%ee(in"H
+. the =u("e ser-e( as e,e%utor0 a()inistrator0 "uar(ian0
trustee or #awyer of the %ase of )atters in %ontro-ersy0 or
a for)er asso%iate of the =u("e ser-e( as %ounse# (urin"
their asso%iation0 or the =u("e or #awyer was a )ateria#
witness thereinH
%. the =u("e ru#in" in a #ower %ourt is a su+=e%t of re-iewH
(. the =u("e is re#ate( +y %onsan"uinity or affinity to a &arty
#iti"ant within the si,th (e"ree or to %ounse# within the
fourth (e"reeH
e. the =u("e Dnows that the =u("es s&ouse or %hi#( has a
finan%ia# interest as heirs0 #e"atee0 au(itor0 fi(u%iary0 or
otherwise0 in the su+=e%t )atter in %ontro-ersy or in a
&arty to the &ro%ee(in"s0 or any other interest that %ou#(
+e su+stantia##y affe%te( +y the out%o)e of the
A Gud5e may, in the eCer1ise of his sound dis1retion, dis<ualify himself from sittin5 in a 1ase,
for Gust or valid reasons other than those mentioned above.
In every instan1e, the Gud5e shall indi1ate the le5al reason for inhibition.
Mateo vs. 6illaluz, #, $C%A (", Castillo vs. uan, 0! $C%A (!'
A litigant is #ntitl#d to no l#ss t"an t"# 'old n#ut%alit$ o& an impa%tial -udg#( 2u# p%o'#ss
'annot b# satis&i#d in t"# abs#n'# o& t"at d#g%## o% ob-#'ti*it$ on t"# pa%t o& a -udg# su&&i'i#nt to
%#assu%# litigants o& "is b#ing &ai% and -ust(
W"#n t"# -udg# "as p#%sonal knowl#dg# o& disput#d #*id#ntia%$ &a'ts) "# will los# t"at
d#g%## o& ob-#'ti*it$( T"# t#nd#n'$ will b# &o% "im to d#'id# t"# 'as# bas#d on "is p#%sonal
knowl#dg# and not n#'#ssa%il$ on t"# basis o& t"# #*id#n'# p%#s#nt#d and o&&#%#d b$ t"# pa%ti#s(
His ob-#'ti*it$ is t"#%#&o%# impai%#d( ons#/u#ntl$) t"# %ul# o& &ai%n#ss d#mands o& "im t"at "#
s"ould tak# no pa%t in t"# 'as# and l#t anot"#% -udg# "#a% and d#'id# it(
:utierrez vs. $antos, ((! -hil. ("/ ((&0()
T"# %ul# on dis/uali&i'ation o& a -udg#) w"#t"#% 'ompulso%$ o% *olunta%$) to "#a% a 'as#
&inds its %ational# in t"# saluta%$ p%in'ipl# t"at no -udg# s"ould p%#sid# in a 'as# w"i'" "# is not
w"oll$ &%##) disint#%#st#d) impa%tial and ind#p#nd#nt) w"i'" is aim#d at p%#s#%*ing t"# p#opl#s
&ait" and 'on&id#n'# in t"# 'ou%ts o& -usti'#(
A+ari1io vs. Andal, ('# $C%A #0& ((&"&)
T"# m#%# &iling o& an administ%ati*# 'as# against a -udg# is not a g%ound &o% dis/uali&$ing
"im &%om "#a%ing t"# 'as#( <o% i& on #*#%$ o''asion t"# pa%t$ appa%#ntl$ agg%i#*#d would b#
allow#d to #it"#% stop t"# p%o'##ding in o%d#% to await t"# &inal d#'ision on t"# d#si%#d
dis/uali&i'ation) o% d#mand t"# imm#diat# in"ibition o& t"# -udg# on t"# basis alon# o& "is b#ing
so '"a%g#d) man$ 'as#s would "a*# to b# k#pt p#nding o% p#%"aps t"#%# would not b# #noug"
-udg#s to "andl# all t"# 'as#s p#nding in all 'ou%ts( T"# ou%t "as to b# s"own) ot"#% t"an t"#
&iling o& t"# administ%ati*# 'omplaint) a'ts o% 'ondu't o& t"# -udg# 'l#a%l$ indi'ati*# o& a%bit%a%in#ss
o% p%#-udi'# b#&o%# t"# latt#% 'an b# b%and#d t"# stigma o& b#ing bias#d o% pa%tial(
Cf. Austria vs. Masa<uel, !, $C%A (!/'
A -udg# s"ould dis/uali&$ "ims#l& w"#n a &o%m#% asso'iat# s#%*#d as 'ouns#l in t"# 'as#
du%ing t"#i% asso'iation(
I5na1io vs. 6illaluz, &, $C%A (0
2u# p%o'#ss %#/ui%#m#nts 'annot b# satis&i#d in t"# abs#n'# o& t"at d#g%## o& ob-#'ti*it$
on t"# pa%t o& a -udg# su&&i'i#nt to %#assu%# litigants o& "is b#ing &ai% and -ust(
:overnment vs. 9eirs of Abella, /& -hil. 2'/
A p#tition to dis/uali&$ a -udg# must b# &il#d b#&o%# %#ndition o& -udgm#nt b$ t"# -udg#(
AleCander 9owden vs. Colle1tor of Internal %evenue, (2 $C%A 0,(
It must &i%st b# p%#s#nt#d to "im &o% "is d#t#%mination( It 'annot b# %ais#d &o% t"# &i%st tim#
on app#al(
Admn. Matter: Constante -imentel, "# $C%A /(
T"# ob-#'tion o& t"# 'omp#t#n'$ o& a -udg# must b# &il#d wit" "im in w%iting but not in an
un*#%i&i#d l#tt#%( T"# -udg# will t"#n d#t#%min# "is 'omp#t#n'$(
-imentel vs. $alan5a, !( $C%A (0,
H.. I& a litigant is d#ni#d a &ai% and impa%tial t%ial) indu'#d b$ t"# -udg#s bias o% p%#-udi'#)
w# will not "#sitat# to o%d#% a n#w t%ial) i& n#'#ssa%$) in t"# int#%#st o& -usti'#(
oa<uin vs. Barreto, !# -hil. !"
I& t"# -udg# dis/uali&i#s o% in"ibits "ims#l&) "# must stat# t"# l#gal %#ason t"#%#&o%#( T"is
is impo%tant b#'aus#) i& an$ pa%t$ wis"#s to /u#stion t"# O%d#%) t"# app#llat# 'ou%t 'an tak#
'ogni8an'# t"#%#o& and 'an %#*i#w t"# soundn#ss o% unsoundn#ss o& t"# %#ason &o%
dis/uali&i'ation o% in"ibition(
Albos v. Alaba, Adm. Matter *>. M=;(#(', Mar1h ((, (&&/
A -udg# is bound n#*#% to 'onsid#% lig"tl$ a motion &o% "is in"ibition t"at /u#stions o% puts
to doubt) "ow#*#% insigni&i'ant) "is suppos#d p%#dil#'tion to a 'as# p#nding b#&o%# "im( W"il# "#
must #.#%'is# g%#at p%ud#n'# and utmost 'aution in 'onsid#%ing and #*aluating a '"all#ng# to "is
impa%tialit$) "# is #.p#'t#d) n#*#%t"#l#ss) to a't wit" good dispat'"( An$ d#la$) l#t alon# an
ina'tion) on "is pa%t 'an onl$ &u#l) w"#t"#% -usti&i#d o% not) an int#nsi&i#d dist%ust on "is 'apabilit$
to %#nd#% dispassionat# -udgm#nt on t"# 'as#(
-arayno v. Meneses, :.%. *o. ((!0"/, A+ril !0, (&&/
H.. A -udg# ma$) in t"# #.#%'is# o& "is sound dis'%#tion) in"ibit "ims#l& *olunta%$ &%om
sitting in a 'as#) but it s"ould b# bas#d on good sound o% #t"i'al g%ounds) o% &o% -ust and *alid
%#asons( H.. it is t"# -udg#s sa'%#d dut$ to administ#% -usti'# wit"out &#a% o% &a*o%(
0( Rul# on dis/uali&i'ation num#%at#s t"#
g%ounds und#% w"i'" an$ -udg# o% -udi'ial
o&&i'#% is dis/uali&i#d &%om a'ting as su'" an t"#
#.p%#ss #num#%ation t"#%#in o& su'" g%ounds
#.'lud# t"# ot"#%s(
0( Rul# do#s not #.p%#ssl$ #num#%at# t"#
sp#'i&i' g%ounds &o% in"ibition but m#%#l$ gi*#s
a b%oad basis t"#%#o&) i(#( good) sound o%
#t"i'al g%ounds(
1( Rul# gi*#s t"# -udi'ial o&&i'#% no dis'%#tion to
t%$ to sit in a 'as#(
1( Rul# l#a*#s t"# matt#% o& in"ibition to t"#
sound dis'%#tion o& t"# -udg#(
9. Budg# H is a d#a'on in t"# IAT '"u%'"( Y) a m#mb#% o& t"# sam# %#ligious s#'t b#longing to
t"# sam# IAT &il#d a 'as# against U w"o b#longs to t"# El S"addai "a%ismati' g%oup( T"#
'as# was %a&&l#d to Budg# Hs sala( T"# law$#% o& U &il#d a motion to dis/uali&$ Budg# H on
t"# g%ound t"at sin'# "# and t"# plainti&& b#long#d to t"# sam# %#ligious s#'t) Budg# H
would poss#ss t"# 'old n#ut%alit$ o& an impa%tial -udg#( Budg# H d#ni#d t"# motion sin'# t"#
%#ason in*ol*#d &o% "is dis/uali&i'ation was not among t"# g%ounds &o% dis/uali&i'ation und#%
t"# Rul# o& od# o& Budi'ial ondu't( Was Budg# Hs d#nial o& motion &o% in"ibition w#ll6
A. YES( T"# &a't t"at t"# Budg# H and litigant Y bot" b#long to IAT w"il# litigant U b#longs to
El S"addai g%oup) is not mandato%$ g%ound &o% dis/uali&$ing Budg# H &%om p%#siding o*#% t"#
'as#( T"# motion &o% "is in"ibition is add%#ss#d to "is sound dis'%#tion and "# s"ould
#.#%'is# t"# sam# in a wa$ t"# p#opl#s &ait" in t"# 'ou%ts o& -usti'# is not impai%#d(
Ru#e B.?B. A =u("e (is5ua#ifie( +y the ter)s of Ru#e B.?A )ay0 instea( of
with(rawin" fro) the &ro%ee(in"0 (is%#osure on the re%or( the
+asis of 5ua#ifi%ation. If0 +ase( on su%h (is%#osure0 the &arties
an( #awyers in(e&en(ent#y of the =u("es &arti%i&ation0 a##
a"ree in writin" that the reason for inhi+ition is i))ateria# or
insu+stantia#0 the =u("e )ay then &arti%i&ate in the &ro%ee(in".
The a"ree)ent0 si"ne( +y a## &arties an( #awyers0 sha## +e
in%or&orate( in the re%or( of the &ro%ee(in".
T"# -udg# must maintain and p%#s#%*# t"# t%ust and &ait" o& t"# pa%ti#s litigants( H# must
"old "ims#l& abo*# %#p%oa'" and suspi'ion( At t"# *#%$ &i%st sign o& la'k o& &ait" and t%ust to "is
a'tions) w"#t"#% w#ll g%ound#d o% not) t"# Budg# "as no ot"#% alt#%nati*# but in"ibit "ims#l& &%om
t"# 'as#(
A ot#= ... a -udg#) ot"#%wis# dis/uali&i#d b$ t"# t#%ms o& 3(01 "as t"# option o& in"ibiting "ims#l&
&%om t"# p%o'##dings o% simpl$ dis'losing t"# p%#s#n'# o& an$ o& t"# g%ounds #num#%at#d in Rul#
3(01( T"# pa%ti#s and t"#i% law$#% ma$ ag%##) in w%iting) to allow t"# -udg# to pa%ti'ipat# in t"#
A =u("e )ay0 with (ue re"ar( to offi%ia# (uties0 en"a"e in a%ti-ities to
i)&ro-e the #aw0 the Le"a# Syste) an( the A()inistration of =usti%e.
Ru#e C.@?. A =u("e )ay0 to the e,tent that the fo##owin" a%ti-ities (o not
i)&air the &erfor)an%e of =u(i%ia# (uties or %ast (ou+t on the
=u("es i)&artia#ity:
a. s&eaD0 write0 #e%ture0 tea%h0 or &arti%i&ate a%ti-ities
%on%ernin" the #aw0 the #e"a# syste) an( the
a()inistration of =usti%eH
+. a&&ear at a &u+#i% hearin" +efore a #e"is#ati-e or
e,e%uti-e +o(y on )atters %on%ernin" the #aw0 the #e"a#
syste) or the a()inistration of =usti%e an( otherwise
%onsu#t with the) on )atters %on%ernin" the
a()inistration of =usti%eH
%. ser-e on any or"ani8ation (e-ote( to the i)&ro-e)ent of
the #aw0 the #e"a# syste) or the a()inistration of =usti%e.
Ilti+atel* t-e "ecision to en8a8e in t-e afore+entione" activities .ill "e$en" u$on t-e soun"
9u"8+ent of t-e 9u"8e as -e is in t-e /est $osition to ;no. -is a/ilit*, co+$etence an" .ea;nesses.
Albos v. Alaba, su+ra
H.. ... -udg#s a%#) as t"#$ s"ould b#) #n'ou%ag#d to #ngag# in an$ law&ul #nt#%p%is#
t"at ma$ "#lp b%ing about an imp%o*#d administ%ation o& -usti'#( But) as t"at it ma$) -udg#s must
not allow t"#ms#l*#s to b# t"#%#b$ dist%a't#d &%om t"# p#%&o%man'# o& t"#i% -udi'ial tasks w"i'"
must %#main at all tim#s to b# t"#i% &o%#most and o*#%%iding 'on'#%n(
A =u("e shou#( re"u#ate e,tra'=u(i%ia# a%ti-ities to )ini)i8e the risD of
onf#i%t with :u(i%ia# Duties
Ru#e 1.@?. A =u("e )ay en"a"e in the fo##owin" a%ti-ities &ro-i(e( that
they (o not interfere with the &erfor)an%e of =u(i%ia# (uties or
(etra%t fro) the (i"nity of the %ourt:
a. write0 #e%ture0 tea%h0 s&eaD on non'#e"a# su+=e%tsH
+. en"a"e in the arts0 s&orts an( other s&e%ia# re%reationa#
%. &arti%i&ate in %i-i% an( %harita+#e a%ti-itiesH
(. ser-e as an offi%er0 (ire%tor0 trustee0 or non'#e"a# a(-isor
of a non'&o#iti%a# e(u%ationa#0 re#i"ious0 %harita+#e0
fraterna# or %i-i% or"ani8ation.
I& t"#$ opt to #ngag# in su'" a'ti*iti#s) t"#$ must l#a%n "ow to manag# t"#i% tim# in su'"
mann#% t"at t"#i% -udi'ial %#sponsibiliti#s do not &alt#% and su&&#%(
Budg#s 'annot s#%*# as o&&i'#%s o% ad*is#%s o& politi'al agg%upations and o%gani8ations
#stablis"#d &o% p%o&it( Budg#s must %#&%ain &%om pa%tisan politi'al a'ti*iti#s and o%gani8ations &o%
p%o&it( Ot"#%wis#) "# will b# &o%'#d to ad*an'# t"# int#%#sts o& t"#s# o%gani8ations t"%oug" t"#
us# o& "is o&&i'# o% in&lu#n'#(
Canon !/, C.
W"il# -udg#s ma$ pa%ti'ipat# in 'i*i' and '"a%itabl# a'ti*iti#s) t"#$ a%# not allow#d to
soli'it donations &o% su'" a'ti*iti#s( H# s"ould not us# t"# pow#% o& "is o&&i'# o% t"# in&lu#n'# o&
"is nam# to p%omot# t"# busin#ss int#%#sts o& ot"#%s( H# s"ould not soli'it &o% '"a%iti#s(
9: S was a -udg# and t"# publis"#%M'olumnist &o% a tabloid) "# was also a w%it#% &o% anot"#%
pap#%( G '"a%g#d "im wit" using "is 'olumns to *#ntilat# "is *i#ws( H# "as %#p#at#dl$ us#d
insulting and in&lammato%$ languag# against t"# go*#%no%) p%o*in'ial p%os#'uto% and l#gal ad*is#%(
A: W"il# S "as t"# %ig"t to &%## sp##'") "is w%iting o& *i'ious #dito%ials 'omp%omis#s "is duti#s
as -udg# in t"# impa%tial administ%ation o& -usti'#( T"#$ %#&l#'t on "is o&&i'# and on t"# o&&i'#%s "#
%idi'ul#s( T"# p#%sonal b#"a*io% o& a -udg# in "is p%o&#ssional and #*#%$da$ li&# s"ould b# &%##
&%om t"# app#a%an'# o& imp%op%i#t$ as su'" 'ondu't #%od#s publi' 'on&id#n'# in t"# -udi'ia%$(
(:alan5 vs. $antos, 2,' $C%A #0!).
Ru#e 1.@A. A =u("e sha## refrain fro) finan%ia# an( +usiness (ea#in"s:
?. that ten( to ref#e%t a(-erse#y on the %ourts i)&artia#ityH
A. that interfere with the &ro&er &erfor)an%e of =u(i%ia#
a%ti-itiesH or
B. that in%rease in-o#-e)ent with #awyers or &ersons #iDe#y to
%o)e +efore the %ourt.
Aot#= Int#%p%#ting t"# abo*# %ul#) -udg#s t"#%#&o%#) a%# not p%o"ibit#d &%om "a*ing &inan'ial and
busin#ss d#alings( 1owever) t"#$ must #*#% b# mind&ul o& 'i%'umstan'#s d#s'%ib#d in t"# sam#
%ul# w"i'" 'ould %#nd#% t"#i% &inan'ial and busin#ss d#alings un#t"i'al(
Canon !#, C.
A -udg# s"ould abstain &%om making p#%sonal in*#stm#nts w"i'" a%# apt to b# in*ol*#d in
litigation in "is 'ou%t, and) a&t#% a''#ssion to t"# b#n'") "# s"ould not %#tain su'" in*#stm#nts
p%#*iousl$ mad#) long#% t"an a p#%iod su&&i'i#nt to #nabl# "im to dispos# o& t"#m wit"out s#%ious
Buenaventura vs. Benedi1t, 2" $C%A '(
S#'tion 14 o& t"# anons o& Budi'ial Et"i's %#/ui%#s a -udg# to %#&%ain &%om p%i*at#
busin#ss *#ntu%#s o% '"a%itabl# #nt#%p%is#s so as not to gi*# o''asion an$ suspi'ion t"at "#
utili8#s t"# pow#% o& "is o&&i'# o% t"# in&lu#n'# o& "is nam# &o% t"# su''#ss o& su'" und#%takings
o% to gi*# %is# to an$ situation w"#%#in "is p#%sonal int#%#st mig"t 'on&li't wit" t"# impa%tial
p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s(
Ma1ariola vs. Asun1ion, (/ $C%A "(
H.. t"#%# is no p%o*ision in bot" in 0735 and 07?3 onstitutions o& t"# +"ilippin#s) no% is
t"#%# an #.isting law #.p%#ssl$ p%o"ibiting m#mb#%s o& t"# Budi'ia%$ &%om #ngaging o% "a*ing
int#%#st in an$ law&ul busin#ss(
T"# 07@? onstitution and t"# Budi'ia%$ R#o%gani8ation A't o& 07@J "a*# no p%o*isions
p%o"ibiting -udg#s &%om #ngaging in busin#ss(
avier vs. 3e :uzman, (&! $C%A /2/ ((&&()
H# *iolat#s t"is 'anon w"#%# "# l#nds mon#$ at 'ons'ionabl# int#%#sts and &il#s suit &o%
'oll#'tion at t"# pla'# w"#%# "# is -udg#) to #nabl# "im to tak# ad*antag# o& "is position( Su'"
a'tion m#%its s#*#%# %#p%imand(
Ru#e 1.@B. Su+=e%t to the &ro-isions of the &ro%ee(in" ru#e0 a =u("e )ay
ho#( an( )ana"e in-est)ents +ut shou#( not ser-e as an
offi%er0 (ire%tor0 )ana"er0 a(-isor0 or e)&#oyee of any +usiness
e,%e&t as (ire%tor of a fa)i#y +usiness of the =u("e.
Aot#= ... t"at a -udg# is allow#d to %#main a di%#'to% o& t"# -udg#s &amil$ busin#ss) but not to
s#%*# as o&&i'#%) manag#%) ad*iso%) o% #mplo$## t"#%#o&(
9: E post#d an ad*#%tis#m#nt on t"# RT bull#tin boa%d &o% wait%#ss and sing#%s to wo%k at "is
%#stau%ant( H# was lat#% 'aug"t w"#n a %#po%t#% &%om 9Ho$ GisingV: tap#d an int#%*i#w w"i'"
%#*#al#d t"at "# int#nd#d to op#%at# a d%inking pub wit" s'antil$ 'lad wait%#ss#s( 2#'id#(
A: A -udg# s"ould a*oid imp%op%i#t$ and #*#n t"# m#%# app#a%an'# o& imp%op%i#t$( H# s"ould
also %#&%ain &%om &inan'ial o% busin#ss d#alings t"at t#nd to %#&l#'t ad*#%s#l$ on t"# 'ou%ts
impa%tialit$) int#%&#%# wit" t"# p%op#% p#%&o%man'# o& -udi'ial a'ti*iti#s) o% in'%#as# in*ol*#m#nt
wit" law$#%s o% litigants( H# s"ould also manag# "is &inan'ial int#%#sts so as to minimi8# t"#
numb#% o& 'as#s gi*ing g%ounds &o% dis/uali&i'ation( <inall$) t"# "alls o& -usti'# s"ould not b# us#d
&o% un%#lat#d pu%pos#s( (3ionisio vs. .s1ano, 2,! $C%A /(()
;n(er RA B@?I:$e1. 2. Corru+t +ra1ti1es of +ubli1 offi1ers. In addition to a'ts o% omission o& publi'
o&&i'#%s al%#ad$ p#nali8#d b$ #.isting law) t"# &ollowing s"all 'onstitut# 'o%%upt p%a'ti'#s o& an$
publi' o&&i'#% and a%# "#%#b$ d#'la%#d as unlaw&ul=
(h) 2i%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$ "a*ing &inan'ial o% p#'unia%$ int#%#st in an$ busin#ss) 'ont%a't o%
t%ansa'tion in 'onn#'tion wit" w"i'" "# int#%*#n#s o% tak#s pa%t in "is o&&i'ial 'apa'it$ o% in w"i'"
"# is p%o"ibit#d b$ an$ law &%om "a*ing an$ int#%#st(
Art. !(#. -rohibited =ransa1tions T"# p#nalt$ o& prision correccional In its minimum p#%iod o% a
&in# %anging &%om +1JJ to +0)JJJ o% bot" s"all b# impos#d upon an$ appointi*# publi' o&&i'#%
w"o) du%ing "is in'umb#n'$) s"all di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$ b#'om# int#%#st#d in an$ t%ansa'tion o&
#.'"ang# o% sp#'ulation wit"in t"# t#%%ito%$ sub-#'t to "is -u%isdi'tion(
Art. !(0. -ossession of -rohibited interest by +ubli1 offi1er T"# p#nalt$ o& arresto mayor in its
m#dium p#%iod to prision correccional in its minimum p#%iod) o% a &in# %anging &%om +1JJ to
+0)JJJ o% bot" s"all b# impos#d upon a publi' o&&i'#% w"o) di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$) s"all b#'om#
int#%#st#d in an$ 'ont%a't o% busin#ss w"i'" it is "is o&&i'ial dut$ to int#%*#n#(
Ru#e 1.@C. A =u("e or any i))e(iate )e)+er of the fa)i#y sha## not
a%%e&t a "ift0 +e5uest0 fa-or or #oan fro) anyone e,%e&t as )ay
+e a##owe( +y #aw.
It is a good poli'$ &o% an$ -udg# to ad*is# "is imm#diat# %#lati*#s o& t"is p%o"ibition( It is
#/uall$ ad*isabl# t"at a -udg# s"ould wa%n "is %#lati*#s &%om b#ing #ngag#d o% us#d &%om b#ing
int#%m#dia%i#s b$ pa%t$6litigants w"o "a*# p#nding 'as#s in "is 'ou%t(
A''#ptan'# o& gi&ts gi*#n b$ %#ason o& t"# o&&i'# o& t"# -udg# is indirect bribery (%rt :'',
RPC) and w"#n "# ag%##s to p#%&o%m an a't 'onstituting a '%im# in 'onn#'tion wit" t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s in 'onsid#%ation o& an$ o&&#%) p%omis#) gi&t o% p%#s#nt %#'#i*#d b$
su'" o&&#%) "# is guilt$ o& direct bribery (%rt :'(, RPC)
$e1tion (/, %.A. 2,(&
T"# -udg# is liabl# '%iminall$ o% di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$ %#'#i*ing gi&ts) p%#s#nt o% ot"#%
p#'unia%$ o% mat#%ial b#n#&it) &o% "ims#l& o% &o% anot"#% und#% 'onditions p%o*id#d in S#'tion 1) (b!
and ('! o& t"# law(
E,%e&tion= E.'#pt#d a%# unsoli'it#d gi&ts o% p%#s#nts o& small *alu# o&&#%#d o% gi*#n as a m#%#
o%dina%$ tok#n o& g%atitud# o% &%i#nds"ip a''o%ding to lo'al 'ustom o% usag#(
>m+o1 vs. =orres, ('" $C%A (#
It is a s#%ious mis'ondu't &o% a -udg# to %#'#i*# mon#$ &%om a litigant in t"# &o%m o& loans
w"i'" "# n#*#% int#nd#d to pa$ ba'k( E*#n i& t"# -udg# int#nds to pa$) it is an a't o& imp%op%i#t$ to
tak# a loan &%om a pa%t$6litigant(
6>I3 3>*A=I>*$ 7*3.% =9. CI6I4 C>3.
2onations gi*#n to a -udg# o% to "is wi&#) d#s'#ndants o% as'#ndants b$ %#ason o& "is
o&&i'# a%# *oid (A%t( ?37) i*il od#!( Own#%s"ip do#s not pass to t"# don##( Don#$ o% p%op#%t$
donat#d is %#'o*#%abl# b$ t"# dono%) "is "#i%s o% '%#dito%s(
Ru#e 1.@1. No infor)ation a%5uire( in a =u(i%ia# %a&a%ity sha## +e use( or
(is%#ose( +y a =u("e in any finan%ia# (ea#in" or for any other
&ur&ose not re#ate( to =u(i%ia# a%ti-ities.
T"# -udg# ma$ b# liabl# &o% *iolation o& S#'tion 3 (k! o& R(A( Ao( 3J07
(k! 2i*ulging *aluabl# in&o%mation o& a 'on&id#ntial '"a%a't#%)
a'/ui%#d b$ "is o&&i'# o% b$ "im on a''ount o& "is p#%sonal
position to aut"o%i8#d p#%sons) o% %#l#asing su'" in&o%mation in
ad*an'# o& its aut"o%i8#d %#l#as# du#(
Giolation o& t"# Rul# ma$ also l#ad to 2revelation of secrets by an officer5
o% to 2revelation of the secrets of a private individual: punis"abl# b$ A%ts( 117 and
13J o& t"# R#*is#d +#nal od# %#sp#'ti*#l$(
Ru#e 1.@E. A =u("e shou#( not ser-e as the e,e%utor0 a()inistrator0
trustee0 "uar(ian or any other fi(u%iary0 e4$e% for the estate0
trust0 or &erson of a )e)+er of the i))e(iate fa)i#y0 an( then
on#y if su%h ser-i%e wi## not interfere with the &ro&er
&erfor)an%e of =u(i%ia# (uties. LMe)+er of i))e(iate fa)i#yM
sha## +e #i)ite( to the s&ouse an( re#ati-es within the se%on(
(e"ree of %onsan"uinity. As a fa)i#y fi(u%iary0 a =u("e sha##
?. ser-e in &ro%ee(in" that )i"ht %o)e +efore the %ourt of
sai( =u("eH or
A. a%t as su%h as %ontrary to Ru#e 1.@A to 1.@1.
Aot#= T"# %#lations"ip m#ntion#d is b$ 'onsanguinit$ and not b$ a&&init$(
Ru#e 1.@F. A =u("e sha## not en"a"e in the &ri-ate &ra%ti%e of #aw. ;n#ess
&rohi+ite( +y the onstitution or #aw0 a =u("e )ay en"a"e in
the &ra%ti%e of any other &rofession &ro-i(e( that su%h
&ra%ti%e wi## not %onf#i%t or ten( to %onf#i%t with =u(i%ia#
W"at is basi'all$ p%o"ibit#d as -udg#s is to p%a'ti'# law( Budg#s "ow#*#%) ma$ #ngag# in
ot"#% law&ul p%o&#ssions (ot"#% t"an t"# p%a'ti'# o& law! as long as t"#$ a%# not p%o"ibit#d b$ t"#
onstitution o% b$ law( E*#n t"#n) -udg#s must still %#&%ain &%om #ngaging in su'" ot"#%
p%o&#ssions i& su'" #ngag#m#nt will 'on&li't wit" t"#i% -udi'ial &un'tions(
3ia;Anonuevo vs. Ber1a1io, 0" $C%A "(
9T"# %ul# dis/uali&$ing a muni'ipal -udg# &%om #ngaging in t"# p%a'ti'# o& law s##ks to
a*oid t"# #*il possibl# us# o& t"# pow#% and in&lu#n'# o& "is o&&i'# to a&&#'t t"# out'om# o& a
litigation w"#%# "# is %#tain#d as 'ouns#l( omp#lling %#asons o& publi' poli'$ li# b#"ind t"is
p%o"ibition) and -udg#s a%# #.p#'t#d to 'ondu't t"#ms#l*#s in su'" a mann#% as to p%#'lud#
suspi'ion t"at t"#$ a%# %#p%#s#nting t"# int#%#sts o& pa%t$6litigant( T"# p%a'ti'# o& law is not limit#d
to t"# 'ondu't o& 'as#s in 'ou%t o% pa%ti'ipation in 'ou%t p%o'##dings but also in'lud#s p%#pa%ation
o& pl#adings o% pap#%s in anti'ipation o& a litigation) and gi*ing o& l#gal ad*i'# to 'li#nts o% p#%sons
n##ding t"# sam#(:
A. B. A. >+. (/2 (May &, (&2#)
A -udg# s"ould not #ngag# in t"# p%a'ti'# o& p%i*at# law) no% p#%mit a law &i%m) o& w"i'"
"# was &o%m#%l$ an a'ti*# m#mb#%) to 'ontinu# to 'a%%$ "is nam# in t"# &i%m nam# b#'aus# t"at
mig"t '%#at# t"# imp%#ssion t"at t"# &i%m poss#ss#s an imp%op#% in&lu#n'# wit" t"# -udg# and in
'ons#/u#n'#) t#nd to imp#l t"os# in n##d o& l#gal s#%*i'#s in 'onn#'tion wit" matt#%s b#&o%# t"#
-udg# #mplo$ t"#m(
Balayon r. vs. ud5e >1am+o, A.M. *o. M=;&(;0(& (anuary !&, (&&2)
It is w#ll s#ttl#d t"at muni'ipal -udg#s ma$ not #ngag# in nota%ial wo%k #.'#pt as nota%i#s
as publi' #.6o&&i'io( As nota%i#s publi'6o&&i'io) t"#$ ma$ #ngag# onl$ in t"# nota%i8ation o&
do'um#nts 'onn#'t#d wit" t"# #.#%'is# o& t"#i% o&&i'ial &un'tions( T"#$ ma$ not) as su'" nota%i#s
publi' o&&i'io) und#%tak# t"# p%#pa%ation and a'knowl#dgm#nt o& p%i*at# do'um#nts) 'ont%a'ts
and ot"#% a'ts o& 'on*#$an'#) w"i'" b#a% no %#lation to t"# p#%&o%man'# o& t"#i% &un'tions as
How#*#%) taking -udi'ial noti'# o& t"# &a't t"at t"#%# a%# still muni'ipaliti#s w"i'" "a*#
n#it"#% law$#%s no% nota%i#s publi') t"# Sup%#m# ou%t %ul#d t"at DT and DT -udg#s
assign#d to muni'ipaliti#s o% 'i%'uits wit" law$#%s o% nota%i#s publi' ma$) in t"#i% 'apa'it$ as
nota%i#s publi' #.6o&&i'io) p#%&o%m an$ a't wit"in t"# 'omp#t#n'$ o& a %#gula% nota%$ publi')
&ro-i(e( that=
0( all nota%ial &##s '"a%g#d b# &o% t"# a''ount o& t"# Go*#%nm#nt and tu%n#d6o*#% to t"#
muni'ipal t%#asu%#% and
1( '#%ti&i'ation b# mad# in t"# nota%i8#d do'um#nts att#sting to t"# la'k o& an$ law$#% o%
nota%$ publi' in su'" muni'ipalit$ o% 'i%'uit(
Ru#e 1.@G A =u("e sha## )aDe fu## finan%ia# (is%#osure as re5uire( +y #aw.
E*#%$ publi' o&&i'#%) in'luding -udg#s a%# %#/ui%#d to &il# a t%u#) d#tail#d and swo%n
stat#m#nt o& ass#ts and liabiliti#s in'luding stat#m#nt o& t"# amounts and s#%*i'#s o& in'om#) t"#
amounts o& t"#i% p#%sonal and &amil$ #.p#ns#s and t"# amount o& in'om# ta.#s paid &o% t"# n#.t
p%#'#ding 'al#nda% $#a%(
Ru#e 1.@I A =u("e sha## not a%%e&t a&&oint)ent or (esi"nation to any
a"en%y &erfor)in" 5uasi'=u(i%ia# or a()inistrati-e fun%tions.
$e1tion (!, Art. 6III, (&"' Constitution
T"# m#mb#%s o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t and o& ot"#% 'ou%ts #stablis"#d b$ law s"all not b#
d#signat#d to an$ ag#n'$ p#%&o%ming ,uasi@+udicial o% administrative &un'tions(
Ru#e 1.?@ A =u("e is entit#e( to entertain &ersona# -iews on &o#iti%a#
5uestions. $ut to a-oi( sus&i%ion of &o#iti%a# &artisanshi&0 a
=u("e sha## not )aDe &o#iti%a# s&ee%hes0 %ontri+ute to &arty
fun(s0 &u+#i%#y en(orse %an(i(ates for &o#iti%a# offi%e or
&arti%i&ate in other &artisan &o#iti%a# a%ti-ities.
Canon !', C.
A -udg#) as a 'iti8#n is #ntitl#d to #nt#%tain politi'al *i#ws on politi'al issu#s( How#*#%) to
a*oid suspi'ion o& politi'al pa%tisans"ip) "# s"ould not mak# politi'al sp##'"#s) 'ont%ibut# &unds)
publi'l$ #ndo%s# 'andidat#s &o% politi'al o&&i'# o% pa%ti'ipat# in politi'al pa%tisan a'ti*iti#s(
6istan vs. *i1olas, !,( $C%A #!/
<o% "a*ing "#ld "ims#l& out as a 'ong%#ssional 'andidat# w"il# still a m#mb#% o& t"#
B#n'") R#spond#nt took ad*antag# o& "is position to boost "is 'andida'$) d#m#an#d t"# statu%#
o& "is o&&i'#) and must b# p%onoun'#d guilt$ o& g%oss mis'ondu't(
All Gud5es shall 1om+ly stri1tly with this Code.
$e1tion II, Art. 6III, (&"' Constitution
T"# m#mb#%s o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t and -udg#s o& low#% 'ou%ts s"all "old o&&i'# du%ing a
good b#"a*io% until t"#$ %#a'" t"# ag# o& s#*#nt$ $#a%s o% b#'om# in'apa'itat#d to dis'"a%g# t"#
duti#s o& t"#i% o&&i'#( T"# Sup%#m# ou%t en banc s"all "a*# t"# pow#% to dis'iplin# -udg#s o&
low#% 'ou%ts) o% o%d#% t"#i% dismissal b$ a *ot# o& ma-o%it$ o& t"# D#mb#%s w"o a'tuall$ took pa%t
in t"# d#lib#%ations on t"# issu#s in t"# 'as# and *ot#d t"#%#in(
Groun(s for a()inistrati-e %ases a"ainst :u("es:
0( s#%ious mis'ondu't
1( in#&&i'i#n'$
In re: Im+ea1hment of 9orilleno, /2 -hil. !(!
Mis%on(u%t impli#s mali'# o% a w%ong&ul int#nt) not a m#%# #%%o% o& -udgm#nt( 90or
serious misconduct to e-ist) t"#%# must b# a %#liabl# #*id#n'# s"owing t"at t"# -udi'ial a'ts
'omplain#d o& w#%# 'o%%upt o% w#%# inspi%#d b$ an int#ntion to *iolat# t"# law) o% w#%# in
p#%sist#nt dis%#ga%d o& w#ll6known l#gal %ul#s(:

In re: Clima1o, Adm. Case no. (2/; (an. !(, (&'/) ## $C%A (,'
Ineffi%ien%y impli#s n#glig#n'#) igno%an'# and 'a%#l#ssn#ss( A -udg# would b#
in#.'usabl$ n#glig#nt i& "# &ail#d to obs#%*# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s t"at dilig#n'#)
p%ud#n'# and 'i%'umsp#'tion w"i'" t"# law %#/ui%#s in t"# %#ndition o& an$ publi' s#%*i'#(
a. Serious )is%on(u%t or ineffi%ien%y:
Mis%on(u%t ! w%ong&ul int#ntion and not m#%# #%%o% in -udgm#nt (%a<uiza vs. Castaneda, "!
$C%A !2#)
Serious Mis%on(u%t ! #.ists w"#n t"# -udi'ial a't 'omplain#d o& is 'o%%upt o% inspi%#d b$ an
int#ntion to *iolat# t"# law o% a p#%sist#nt dis%#ga%d o& w#ll6known l#gal %ul#s. (:alan5i vs.
Ma1li;in5, Adm. Matter *o. '#;3, an. (', (&'")
Serious Ineffi%ien%y ! an #.ampl# is n#glig#n'# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& dut$) i& %#'kl#ss in
'"a%a't#% (4a+ena vs. Collado, '0 $C%A "!).
9: Epon %#ti%#m#nt) B l#&t ? '%iminal 'as#s and 3 'i*il 'as#s und#'id#d wit"in t"# 7J6da$
p#%iod %#/ui%#d b$ S#'tion 05) A%ti'l# GII o& t"# onstitution( H# sa$s it was du# to s#%ious
illn#ss( Da$ "# b# dis'iplin#dF
A: D#mb#%s o& t"# b#n'" "a*# a dut$ to administ#% -usti'# wit"out undu# d#la$( <ailu%# to do
so wit"in t"# %#glam#nta%$ p#%iod 'onstitut#s a n#gl#'t o& dut$ wa%%anting administ%ati*#
p#nalti#s( I& "ind#%#d b$ illn#ss) a -udg# s"ould in&o%m t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t Administ%ato%
and ask &o% additional tim# in o%d#% to a*oid t"# san'tions( How#*#%) i& t"#%# is no mali'# o%
bad &ait") and t"# -udg# is p%#*#nt#d b$ &a'to%s b#$ond "is 'ont%ol) t"# p#nalt$ will b#
mitigat#d( (%e: Cases 4eft 7nde1ided by ud5e *ar1iso M. Buman5la5 r., 2,0 $C%A #,).
b. Error or I"noran%e of Law=
- E%%o% o% mistak# must b# g%oss o% pat#nt) mali'ious) d#lib#%at# o% in bad &ait"(
- Dust a't &%audul#ntl$) 'o%%uptl$ o% wit" g%oss igno%an'#(
a*#at= not #*#%$ #%%o% o% mistak# o& a -udg# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is duti#s mak# "im liabl#
t"#%#&o%#( To "old t"# -udg# administ%ati*#l$ a''ountabl# &o% #*#%$ #%%on#ous %uling o% d#'ision "#
%#nd#%s) assuming "# "as #%%#d) would b# not"ing s"o%t o& "a%assm#nt and would mak# "is
position unb#a%abl#( ($e1retary of usti1e vs. Mar1os, '0 $C%A 2,().
Aurillo vs. 8ran1is1o, !2# $C%A !2" ((&&/)
I& t"# law is so #l#m#nta%$) not to know it o% to a't as i& on# do#s not know it) 'onstitut#s
igno%an'# o& t"# law( A -udg# w"o dis%#ga%ds basi' %ul#s and s#ttl#d -u%isp%ud#n'# s"ows g%oss
igno%an'# o& law( Igno%an'# o& t"# law) w"i'" #*#%$on# is bound to know) #.'us#s no on# ; not
#*#n -udg#s( #8norantia 9uris Guo" GuisGue scire tenetur non eCcusat.
Ben5zon vs. Adaoa5, !#, $C%A 2// ((&&#)
To wa%%ant a &inding o& igno%an'# o& t"# law and abus# o& aut"o%it$) t"# #%%o% must b# so
g%oss and pat#nt as to p%odu'# an in&#%#n'# o& igno%an'# o% bad &ait" o% t"at t"# -udg# knowingl$
%#nd#%#d an un-ust d#'ision( T"# #%%o% must b# g%a*# and on so &undam#ntal a point as to
wa%%ant 'ond#mnation o& t"# -udg# as pat#ntl$ igno%ant o% n#glig#nt(
Buenaventura vs. :ar1ia, ("' $C%A #&" ((&&,)
A -udg# w"o dismiss#d a %ap# 'as# upon d#sistan'# o& t"# 006$#a%6old %ap# *i'tim and
w"o allow#d 'omp%omis# o& said 'as# wit" "is int#%*#ntion b$ t"# a''us#d pa$ing t"# *i'tim is
guilt$ o& g%oss igno%an'# o& t"# law and knowingl$ %#nd#%ing an un-ust -udgm#nt) liabl# &o%
dismissal &%om t"# s#%*i'#) &o% as -udg# "# s"ould "a*# known t"at t"# *i'tims 'ons#nt in a
statuto%$ %ap# is in*alid and t"# 'omp%omis# is an admission o& guilt and "is pa%ti'ipation t"#%#in
is unb#'oming o& a -udg#(
$tate -rose1utors vs. Muro, !#( $C%A ((( ((&&#)
Eg%#gious l#gal #%%o%) l#gal #%%o% moti*at#d b$ bad &ait") o% a 'ontinuing patt#%n o& l#gal
#%%o%) on t"# pa%t o& a -udg# do#s amount to mis'ondu't w"i'" ma$ b# sub-#'t to dis'iplin#( A
l#gal #%%o% is #g%#gious and s#%ious #noug" to amount to mis'ondu't w"#n -udg#s d#n$
indi*iduals t"#i% basi' o% &undam#ntal %ig"ts) su'" as w"#n d#&#ndants w#%# not ad*is#d o& t"#i%
'onstitutional %ig"ts to 'ouns#l) 'o#%'#d to pl#ad guilt$) s#nt#n'#d to -ail w"#n onl$ a &in# is
p%o*id#d b$ law) s#nt#n'#d to -ail &o% a p#%iod long#% t"an t"# ma.imum s#nt#n'# allow#d b$ law)
o% w"#n d#&#ndant o% t"# p%os#'ution was d#ni#d a &ull and &ai% "#a%ing( A -udg#s a't o& motu
proprio dismissing a '%iminal 'as# &o% *iolation o& &o%#ign #.'"ang# %#st%i'tions) wit"out waiting &o%
t"# d#&#ns# to &il# a motion to /uas" o% wit"out a&&o%ding t"# p%os#'ution t"# oppo%tunit$ to b#
"#a%d on t"# matt#%) 'onstitut#s g%oss igno%an'# o& law 'alling &o% "is dismissal(
%evita vs. %imando, &" $C%A 0(& ((&",)
A -udg# ma$ not b# dis'iplin#d &o% #%%o% o& -udgm#nt) unl#ss t"#%# is p%oo& t"at t"# #%%o%
was att%ibutabl# to a 'ons'ious and d#lib#%at# int#nt to p#%p#t%at# an in-usti'#( <o% as a matt#% o&
publi' poli'$) in t"# abs#n'# o& &%aud) dis"on#st$ o% 'o%%uption) t"# a'ts o& a -udg# in "is o&&i'ial
'apa'it$ a%# not sub-#'t to dis'iplina%$ a'tion) #*#n t"oug" su'" a'ts a%# #%%on#ous( T"is do#s
not m#an) "ow#*#%) t"at "# s"ould not #*in'# du# 'a%# in p#%&o%ming "is ad-udi'ato%$
8ili+inas Bank vs. =irona;4iwa5, (&, $C%A "2/ ((&&,)
Good &ait" and abs#n'# o& mali'#) 'o%%upt moti*#s o% imp%op#% 'onsid#%ation a%#
su&&i'i#nt d#&#ns#s p%ot#'ting a -udi'ial o&&i'#% '"a%g#d wit" igno%an'# o& t"# law and
p%omulgation o& an un-ust d#'ision &%om b#ing "#ld a''ountabl# &o% #%%o%s o& -udgm#nt on t"#
p%#mis# t"at no on# 'all#d upon to t%$ t"# &a'ts o% int#%p%#t t"# law in t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#
'an b# in&allibl#(
6istan v. *i1olas, Adm. Matter *o. M=;"';'&, $e+tember (2, (&&(
Budg#s ma$ b# dis'iplin#d onl$ b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t( T"# appli'abl# p%o'#du%al %ul# is
Rul# 04J) Rul#s o& ou%t(
)ro$ed&re 5R&le =>?:
6. omplaint) in w%iting and dul$ swo%n to) is &il#d wit" t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (sec.1)
7. I& &ound m#%ito%ious) a 'op$ t"#%#o& s"all b# s#%*#d on t"# %#spond#nt and "# s"all b#
%#/ui%#d to 'omm#nt wit"in 0J da$s o& s#%*i'# (sec. 6)
8. Epon &iling o& %#spond#nts 'omm#nts o% #.pi%ation o& t"# p#%iod &o% &iling 'omm#nt) t"#
Sup%#m# ou%t #it"#% %#&#%s to matt#% to t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t Administ%ato% (OA! &o%
#*aluation) %#po%t) and %#'omm#ndation) o% assigns a Busti'# o& t"# ou%t o& App#als (i&
%#spond#nt is an RT -udg#! o% a -udg# o& t"# RT (i& %#spond#nt is a -udg# o& an in&#%io%
'ou%t! to in*#stigat# and "#a% t"# '"a%g#s (sec.7)
9. A&t#% "#a%ings) t"# in*#stigating -usti'# o% -udg# submits a %#po%t o& &indings o& &a't)
'on'lusions o& law and %#'omm#ndations to t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (sec.8)
10.T"# Sup%#m# ou%t tak#s a'tion as t"# &a'ts and t"# law ma$ wa%%ant (sec. 9)

+%o'##dings s"all b# p%i*at# and 'on&id#ntial but a 'op$ o& t"# d#'ision o% %#solution o&
t"# ou%t s"all b# atta'"#d to t"# %#'o%d o& t"# -udg# in t"# O&&i'# o& t"# ou%t Administ%ato%(
(sec. 11)
($uerte vs. 75binar, '# $C%A 0& ((&'')
Imp#a'"m#nt p%o'##dings against -udg#s a%# p#nal in natu%# and a%# go*#%n#d b$ t"#
%ul#s appli'abl# to '%iminal 'as#s( T"# '"a%g#s must) t"#%#&o%#) b# p%o*#d b#$ond %#asonabl#
Prin%i&#e of Res I&sa Lo5uitor (t"# t"ings sp#ak &o% its#l&!
A -udg# ma$ b# dismiss#d #*#n wit"out &o%mal in*#stigation) i& bas#d on t"# %#'o%ds) "is
liabilit$ is 'l#a% and un/u#stionabl#(
Aot#= T"# do't%in# o& res ipsa lo,uitor do#s not and 'annot disp#ns# wit" t"# twin %#/ui%#m#nt o&
du# p%o'#ss) i(#( noti'# and t"# oppo%tunit$ to b# "#a%d( It m#%#l$ disp#ns#s wit" t"# p%o'#du%#
laid down In Rul# 04J o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t(
9. Da$ Budg# Bautista b# dis'iplin#d b$ t"# Sup%#m# ou%t bas#d sol#l$ on a 'omplaint &il#d
b$ t"# 'omplainant and t"# answ#% o& %#spond#nt Budg#F I& so) und#% w"at 'i%'umstan'#sF
W"at is t"# %ational# b#"ind t"is pow#% o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%tF
A. Y#s) w"#%# t"# &a'ts o& %#'o%d su&&i'i#n'$ p%o*id# t"# basis &o% t"# d#t#%mination o& t"#
law$#%s administ%ati*# liabilit$ "# ma$ b# dis'iplin#d o% disba%%#d b$ t"# S wit"out &u%t"#%
in/ui%$ o% in*#stigation( A p%#6t%ial "#a%ing is not n#'#ssa%$ t"# %#spond#nt "a*ing b##n &ull$
"#a%d in "is pl#ading(
T"# p%in'ipl# o% do't%in# appli#s to bot" -udg#s o% law$#%s( Budg#s "ad b##n dismiss#d &%om
t"# s#%*i'# wit"out n##d &o% a &o%mal in*#stigation b#'aus# bas# on t"# %#'o%ds) t"# g%oss
mis'ondu't o& in#&&i'i#n'$ o& t"# -udg#s 'l#a%l$ app#a%s( (7y vs. Mer1ado, (#/ $C%A, #0')
?I=93%A?A4, 3.$I$=A*C., %.=I%.M.*= or -A%3>*
An5uluan vs. =a5uba, &2 $C%A ('&
T"# wit"d%awal o& t"# 'as# b$ t"# 'omplainant) o% t"# &iling o& an a&&ida*it o& d#sistan'# o%
t"# 'omplainants loss o& int#%#st do#s not n#'#ssa%il$ 'aus# t"# dismissal t"#%#o&( Reason= To
'ondition administ%ati*# a'tions upon t"# will o& #*#%$ 'omplainant w"o &o% on# %#ason o% anot"#%)
'ondon#s a d#t#stabl# a't is to st%ip t"# Sup%#m# ou%t o& its sup#%*iso%$ pow#% to dis'iplin#
#%%ing m#mb#%s o& t"# -udi'ia%$(
.s+ayos vs. 4ee, "& $C%A /'"
2#sist#n'# will not -usti&$ t"# dismissal o& an administ%ati*# 'as# i& t"# %#'o%ds will %#*#al
t"at t"# -udg# "ad not p#%&o%m#d "is duti#s(
-esole vs. %odri5uez, "( $C%A !,"
In '#%tain 'as#s) t"# a''#ptan'# b$ t"# +%#sid#nt o& %#spond#nts 'ou%t#s$ %#signation
do#s not n#'#ssa%il$ %#nd#% t"# 'as# moot o% d#p%i*# Es o& t"# aut"o%it$ to in*#stigat# t"#
'"a%g#s( ... Ea'" 'as# is to b# %#sol*#d and in t"# 'ont#.t o& t"# 'i%'umstan'#s p%#s#nt t"#%#at(
T"us) w# #.plain#d= 9T"# 'ou%t %#tains its -u%isdi'tion #it"#% to p%onoun'# t"# %#spond#nt o&&i'ial
inno'#nt o& t"# '"a%g#s o% d#'la%# "im guilt$ t"#%#o&( A 'ont%a%$ %ul# would b# &%aug"t wit"
in-usti'#s and p%#gnant wit" d%#ad&ul and dang#%ous impli'ations( ... I& inno'#nt) %#spond#nt
o&&i'ial m#%its *indi'ation o& "is nam# and int#g%it$ as "# l#a*#s t"# go*#%nm#nt w"i'" "# "as
s#%*#d w#ll and &ait"&ull$= i& guilt$) "# d#s#%*#s to %#'#i*# 'o%%#sponding '#nsu%# and a p#nalt$
p%op#% and imposabl# und#% t"# situation(:
>ffi1e of the Court Administrator v. $umilan5, et al., A.M. *o. M=;&/;&"&, A+ril (", (&&'
W"#%# a -udg# w"o "as b##n &ound guilt$ o& g%oss mis'ondu't and 'ondu't unb#'oming
a -udg# %#ti%#s du%ing t"# p#nd#n'$ o& t"# a'tion t"# p%op#% p#nalt$ must b# impos#d) in li#u o&
%#mo*al &%om o&&i'#) is &o%&#itu%# o& all %#ti%#m#nt b#n#&its(
Monsanto vs. -alan1a, (!0 $C%A /# ((&"!)
Abolition o& a %#spond#nt -udg#s -udi'ial position do#s not n#'#ssa%il$ %#nd#% t"#
administ%ati*# 'as# &o% a'ts 'ommitt#d du%ing "is in'umb#n'$ moot and a'ad#mi') no% p%#'lud#
"is b#ing "#ld6liabl# in "is p%#s#nt -udi'ial position) w"#%# t"# '"a%g#s a%# so s#%ious t"at t"#$
a&&#'t "is 'omp#t#n'$ and int#g%it$ o& a -udg#(
I1asiano v. $andi5anbayan, :. %. *o. &#0/!F May !", (&&!
Administ%ati*# p%o'##dings against -udg#s a%# distin't &%om '%iminal p%o'##dings( H#n'#)
p%os#'ution in on# is not a ba% to t"# ot"#%( H.. ... W"#n t"# Sup%#m# ou%t a'ts on 'omplaints
against -udg#s) it a'ts as p#%sonn#l administ%ato%) imposing dis'iplin# and not as a 'ou%t -udging
-usti'iabl# 'ont%o*#%si#s(
Aot#) t"#%#&o%#) t"at t"# administ%ati*# p%o'##dings &o% t"# %#mo*al o& t"# #%%ing -udg#
and '%iminal p%o'##dings against "im &o% t"# sam# o&&#ns# 'an p%o'##d ind#p#nd#ntl$ o& #a'"
Ma1eda v. 6as<uez, :.%. *o. (,!'"(, A+ril !!, (&&2
W"#%# a '%iminal 'omplaint against a -udg# o% ot"#% 'ou%t #mplo$## a%is#s &%om t"#i%
administ%ati*# duti#s as -udg# o% as a 'ou%t #mplo$##) t"# Ombudsman b#&o%# w"om a 'omplaint
is &il#d) must d#&#% a'tion on su'" 'omplaint and %#&#% t"is to t"# Sup%#m# ou%t &o% d#t#%mination
w"#t"#% said -udg# o% 'ou%t #mplo$## "ad a't#d wit"in t"# s'op# o& "is administ%ati*# duti#s(
Bartolome v. de BorGa, '( $C%A (#2
W"il# dismissal o& '%iminal 'as# do#s not absol*# %#spond#nt -udg# &%om a '"a%g# t"at
"# a't#d i%%#gula%l$ in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s) administ%ati*# p%o'##dings a%# 9in t"#
natu%# "ig"l$ p#nal in '"a%a't#% and a%# to b# go*#%n#d b$ t"# %ul#s o& law appli'abl# to '%iminal
'as#s( T"# '"a%g#s must) t"#%#&o%#) b# p%o*#d b#$ond a %#asonabl# doubt(:
Balayon vs. >1am+o, !(" $C%A (2 ((&&2)
T"#%# must b# %#liabl# #*id#n'# s"owing t"at t"# -udi'ial a'ts 'omplain#d o& w#%# 'o%%upt
o% inspi%#d b$ an int#ntion to *iolat# t"# law) o% w#%# in p#%sist#nt dis%#ga%d o& w#ll6known l#gal
3el Callar v. $alvador, A.M. *o. %=;&';(20&, 8ebruary ('. (&&'
Budg#s ma$ not b# "#ld administ%ati*#l$ liabl# &o% #*#%$ #%%o% o% mistak# in t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& t"#i% duti#s( To m#%it dis'iplina%$ a'tion) t"# #%%o% o% mistak# must b# g%oss o%
pat#nt) mali'ious) d#lib#%at#) o% in bad &ait"( In t"# abs#n'# o& p%oo& o& t"# 'ont%a%$) #%%on#ous
d#'isions o% o%d#%s a%# p%#sum#d to "a*# b##n issu#d in good &ait"(
$e1retary of usti1e vs. Bulle1er, su+ra. 0( $C%A (2 ((&'/)
Lik# mis'ondu't) in#&&i'i#n'$ as a g%ound &o% dis'iplina%$ a'tion must b# s#%ious o% on#
w"i'" is w#ig"t$ o% mom#ntous and not t%i&ling( A#glig#n'# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& dut$) i& %#'kl#ss
in '"a%a't#%) 'ould amount to s#%ious o% in#.'usabl# in#&&i'i#n'$(
$al1edo vs. Intin5, &( $C%A (&
To wa%%ant dis'iplina%$ a'tion) t"# a't o& t"# -udg# must "a*# a di%#'t %#lation to t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s( It is n#'#ssa%$ to s#pa%at# t"# '"a%a't#% o& t"# man &%om t"#
'"a%a't#% o& t"# o&&i'#%(
Cabillo vs. Celis, "2 $C%A 0!,
T"# '"a%g# against "im must b# #stablis"#d b$ 'on*in'ing p%oo&( T"# %#'o%ds must s"ow
as &%## &%om an$ doubt a 'as# w"i'" 'omp#ls t"# imposition o& dis'iplina%$ a'tion( H.. ... &o% a
-udg# to b# %#nd#%#d 'apabl# in an$ administ%ati*# p%o'##ding) t"#%# s"ould b# a 'l#a% and
su&&i'i#nt #*id#n'# o& "is mis'ondu't(
%a<uiza vs. Castaneda, r., "( $C%A !20
T"# %ul#s #*#n in an administ%ati*# 'as# d#mands t"at #*#n i& %#spond#nt -udg# s"ould
b# dis'iplin#d &o% g%a*# mis'ondu't o% an$ g%a*# o&&#ns#) t"# #*id#n'# p%#s#nt#d against "im
s"ould b# 'omp#t#nt and d#%i*#d &%om di%#'t knowl#dg#) and t"at b#&o%# a -udg# 'ould b#
&ault#d) it s"ould b# onl$ a&t#% du# in*#stigation and bas#d on 'omp#t#nt p%oo&s) no l#ss( T"is is
all t"# mo%# so w"#n as in t"is 'as# t"# '"a%g#s a%# p#nal in natu%#(
I1asiano v. $andi5anbayan, su+ra
Aot#= T"is p%onoun'#m#nt must b# tak#n wit" 'aution in t"# lig"t o& ot"#% ou%t p%onoun'#m#nts
on t"# natu%# o& administ%ati*# p%o'##dings in %#lation to '%iminal p%o'##dings) i(#() t"at w"il# t"#
latt#% %#/ui%#s p%oo& b#$ond %#asonabl# doubt) t"# &o%m#% %#/ui%#s onl$ substantial #*id#n'#(
Instan%es of Serious Mis%on(u%t 7hi%h Merite( Dis%i&#ine +y the Su&re)e ourt:
1. <ailu%# to d#posit &unds wit" t"# muni'ipal t%#asu%#% o% p%odu'# t"#m d#spit# "is p%omis#
to do so (=onte+a*or vs. Colla"o, 1)7 SCR' (58).
2. Disapp%op%iation o& &idu'ia%$ &unds (p%o'##ds o& 'as" bail bond! b$ d#positing t"# '"#'k
in "is p#%sonal a''ount) t"us 'on*#%ting t"# t%ust &und into "is own us# (Bar9a vs. Beracio,
70 SCR' %55).
3. mon#$ &%om a pa%t$6litigant w"o "as a 'as# b#&o%# "is 'ou%t (Aa. !a* vs.
Sin8a*ao, 150 SCR' 1)7)(
4. Soli'itation o& donation &o% o&&i'# #/uipm#nt (&ecaro> vs. @arcia)(
5. <%#/u#nt unaut"o%i8#d abs#n'#s in o&&i'# (=unici$al Council of Casi8uru-an, Due>on vs.
=orales, 61 SCR' 1%).
6. <alsi&i'ation o& #%ti&i'at# o& S#%*i'# to 'oll#'t sala%$ (Secretar* of ,ustice vs. &e8as$i, 1)7
SCR' (%%).
7. 2#'la%ing W#dn#sda$s as non6s#ssion da$s w"i'" t"# -udg# d#'la%#d as "is 9mid6w##k
paus#: (#n re: Bc-iverri, 67 SCR' 067).
8. Ind#&init# postpon#m#nt &o% s#*#%al $#a%s o& a '%iminal 'as# p#nding in "is sala (Bulan vs.
Car"enas, 1)1 SCR' 788)(
9. Budg# poking "is gun to anot"#% in a %#stau%ant w"il# in a stat# o& into.i'ation (?e la $a>
vs. #nutan, 60 SCR' 50))(
10.+istol6w"ipping t"# 'omplainant on t"# latt#%s l#&t &a'# wit"out an$ -usti&i'ation ('r/an vs.
Bor9a, 10% SCR' 6%0)(
11.A'ting as 'ouns#l andMo% atto%n#$;in6&a't &o% all t"# pa%ti#s wit" opposing int#%#sts on a
pa%'#l o& land in pu%suan'# o& "is p#%sonal s#l&6int#%#st (Can"ia vs. !a8a/uc/a, 79 SCR'
12.Esing int#mp#%at# languag# unb#'oming o& a -udg# (Santos vs. Cru>, 1)) SCR' 5%8).
13.<ailu%# to %#pl$ to a s"ow 'aus# %#solution o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (&on8/oan vs. 1oli8, 186
SCR' 557).
14.Ina'tion b$ -udg# w"i'" is tantamount to pa%tialit$ in &a*o% o& on# pa%t$ (I/arra vs. !ecson,
1%0 SCR' 0)(
15.S#%ious a't o& dis"on#st$ in app%op%iating t"# mon#$ o& 'omplainants &o% "is p#%sonal
us# (Sar+iento vs. Cru>, 65 SCR' (89)(
16.+%#pa%ation and nota%i8ation o& an immo%al and ill#gal ag%##m#nt p%o*iding &o% t"#
p#%sonal s#pa%ation o& "usband and wi&# (Selanova vs. =en"o>a, 60 SCR' 69).
17.2#'ision not p%#pa%#d p#%sonall$ b$ t"# -udg# (&i+ vs. 4acante, 69 SCR' %76).
18.Sitting in a 'as# w"#%# "# is l#gall$ dis/uali&i#d b$ %#ason o& t"# app#a%an'# o& "is
n#p"#w6in6law as 'ouns#l &o% t"# d#&#ndant (Bvan8elista vs. Baes, 61 SCR' 075).
19.<ailu%# to in&o%m t"# Sup%#m# ou%t t"at "# "ad two s#%ious '%iminal 'as#s w"#n "#
a''#pt#d "is appointm#nt as RT Budg# (2ffice of t-e Court '"+inistrator vs. Bstacion, ,r.,
181 SCR' %%).
20.Aota%i8ing a sp#'ial pow#% o& atto%n#$ in t"# abs#n'# o& t"# p%in'ipal (Bvalla vs. =a8o, 76
SCR' 1(()(
21.Allowing a 'l#%k6m#ss#ng#% to p%omulgat# d#'isions o& a'/uittal in '%iminal 'as#s
(Buenaventura vs. Bene"icto, %8 SCR' 71)(
22.Bo%%owing mon#$ &%om a litigant w"i'" t"# -udg# n#*#% int#nd#d to pa$ ba'k (2+$oc vs.
!orres, 178 SCR' 10)(
23.Signing o& two i%%#'on'iliabl# d#'isions on t"# sam# da$ (1eo$le vs. Bl$e"is, 11( SCR' 1).
24.2#la$ in t%ansmitting t"# %#'o%ds to t"# <I (RT! upon 'on'lusion o& t"# p%#limina%$
in*#stigation (Cusit vs. ,ura"o, 1)( SCR' 6%%).
25.Allowing wit"d%awal o& 'as" bail bond wit"out allowing its substitution wit" p%op#% bond
(Ca/an8on vs. 4alena, 1)7 SCR' (1).
26.Imposing #.'#ssi*# bail (Sun8a vs. Salu", 1)9 SCR' (5%)(
27.Esing p%ison#%s &o% p#%sonal pu%pos#s (Aa"a$ vs. &ee, 110 SCR' 559)(
28.A'ting on appli'ation &o% bail du%ing t"# -udg#s p#%iod o& susp#nsion (Re*es vs. Fa"eran,
186 SCR' 507)(
29.ommission o& g%a*# abus# o& dis'%#tion ; w"i'" m#ans su'" 'ap%i'ious and w"imsi'al
#.#%'is# o& -udgm#nt as is #/ui*al#nt to la'k o& -u%isdi'tion (#+utan vs. C', 1)( SCR' (86).
30.Assignig 'as#s wit"out t"# b#n#&it o& %a&&l# in *iolation o& i%'ula% Ao( ? (as am#nd#d! o&
t"# Sup%#m# ou%t (#ncion8 vs. ?e @uia, 150 SCR' 9%)(
31.R#&usal o& a -udg# to &u%nis" 'ouns#l wit" a 'op$ o& t"# t%ans'%ipt and o%d#% di'tat#d in
op#n 'ou%t (!a+o vs. @ironella, 7% SCR' 61%)(
32.En'as"ing go*#%nm#nt '"#'ks (2ffice of t-e Court '"+inistrator vs. Bartolo+e, ()% SCR'
Instan%es of Gross Ineffi%ien%y 7hi%h Merite( Dis%i&#ine +y the Su&re)e ourt
1. 2#la$ in t"# disposition o& 'as#s in *iolation o& t"# anon t"at a -udg# must p%omptl$
dispos# o& all matt#%s submitt#d to "im( Wit" o% wit"out t"# t%ans'%ipts o& st#nog%ap"i'
not#s) t"# 7J6da$ p#%iod &o% d#'iding 'as#s o% %#sol*ing motions must b# ad"#%#d to
(Bala8ot vs. 2$inion, 195 SCR' 0(9).
2. Endul$ g%anting %#p#at#d motions &o% postpon#m#nt o& a 'as# ('ra>a vs. Re*es, 60 SCR'
3. Enawa%#n#ss o& o% un&amilia%it$ wit" t"# appli'ation o& t"# Ind#t#%minat# S#nt#n'# Law
and t"# du%ation and g%aduation o& p#nalti#s (#n re: 1aulin, 1)1 SCR' 6)5).
4. R#du'ing to a %idi'ulous amount (+"p>)JJJ(JJ! t"# bail bond o& t"# a''us#d in a mu%d#%
'as# t"us #nabling "im to #s'ap# t"# toils o& t"# law (Soriano vs. =a//a*a", 67 SCR' %85).
5. Imposing t"# p#nalt$ o& subsidia%$ imp%isonm#nt on a pa%t$ &o% &ailu%# to pa$ 'i*il
imd#mnit$ in *iolation o& R(A( 54>5 (=onsanto vs. 1alarca, 1(6 SCR' 05).
6. Issuing a wa%%ant o& a%%#st in a 'as# w"i'" is 'l#a%l$ 'i*il in natu%# (Serafin vs. &in"a*a8, 67
SCR' 166).
7. <ailu%# to dismiss a 'omplaint w"i'" "as p%#s'%ib#d ('n8uluan vs. !a8u/a, 9% SCR' 179).
8. Imposing t"# w%ong p#nalt$ to t"# '%im# '"a%g#d and p%o*#n (San &uis vs. =onte9o, 0
SCR' 605).
9. <ailu%# to 'ompl$ wit" t"# basi' p%#%#/uisit#s &o% issuan'# o& s#a%'" wa%%ant (Secretar* of
,ustice vs. =arcos, 76 SCR' %)1)(
10.2ismissing a '%iminal 'as# on t"# p%in'ipl# o& in pari delicto ; a 'i*il law p%in'ipl# (I/arra
vs. =a$ala", '.=.3o. =!,69166((, =arc- ((, 199%).
A<uino vs. 4untok, ("/ $C%A ('' ((&&,)
W"#%# a -udg# "as issu#d a t#mpo%a%$ %#st%aining o%d#%) "# s"ould p%omptl$ a't on t"#
appli'ation &o% issuan'# o& p%#limina%$ in-un'tion wit"in t"# 1J6da$ li&# o& t#mpo%a%$ %#st%aining
o%d#%) and w"il# a w%it o& p%#limina%$ in-un'tion issu#d a&t#% t"# 1J6da$ p#%iod is *alid) t"# &ailu%#
o& t"# -udg# to %#sol*# t"# appli'ation &o% in-un'tion wit"in said p#%iod ma$ sub-#'t "im to
dis'iplina%$ a'tion(
Castano vs. .s1ano, !#( $C%A ('/ ((&&#)
Budg#s s"ould not b# dis'iplin#d &o% in#&&i'i#n'$ on a''ount m#%#l$ o''asional mistak#s
o% #%%o%s o& -udgm#nt( How#*#%) w"#n t"# in#&&i'i#n'$ sp%ings &%om a &ailu%# to 'onsid#% t"# basi'
and #l#m#nta%$ a %ul#) a law o% p%in'ipl#) t"# -udg# is #it"#% too in'omp#t#nt and und#s#%*ing o&
t"# position and titl# "# "olds o% "# is too *i'ious t"at "is o*#%sig"t o% omission was d#lib#%at#l$
don# in bad &ait" and in g%a*# abus# o& -u%idi'al aut"o%it$( In bot" instan'#s) t"# -udg#s dismissal
&%om t"# s#%*i'# is in o%d#%(
In re: -etition for 3ismissal of ud5e 3izon, su+ra.
A -udg# w"o "as b##n p%#*iousl$ dismiss#d &%om t"# s#%*i'# &o% mani&#stl$ #%%on#ous
d#'ision in a '%iminal 'as# t"%oug" g%oss in'omp#t#n'# and g%oss igno%an'# o& t"# law ma$ b#
%#instat#d w"#%# t"#%# is no 'l#a% indi'ation t"at "# was inspi%#d b$ 'o%%upt moti*#s o%
%#p%#"#nsibl# pu%pos# to s#t t"# guilt$ &%##(
8orbes vs. Chuo1o =ia1o and Crossfield, (0 -hil. #2/
W"#n#*#% and w"#%#*#% a -udg# o& a 'ou%t o& sup#%io% -u%isdi'tions #.#%'is#s -udi'ial
&un'tions) "# will not b# p#%sonall$ liabl# in 'i*il damag#s &o% t"# %#sult o& "is a'tion) utt#%l$
%#ga%dl#ss o& w"#t"#% "# #*#% "ad -u%isdi'tion o& t"# sub-#'t matt#% o& t"# a'tion o% not(
Bridley vs. 8isher, ", 7.$. 22#
Budg#s o& 'ou%ts o& sup#%io% o% g#n#%al -u%isdi'tion a%# not liabl# in 'i*il a'tions &o% t"#i%
-udi'ial a'ts) #*#n w"#n su'" a'ts a%# in #.'#ss o& t"#i% -u%isdi'tion and a%# all#g#d to "a*# b##n
don# mali'iousl$ o% 'o%%uptl$(
Art. 2!, last +ar., *ew Civil Code
T"# %#sponsibilit$ &o% damag#s is not "ow#*#% d#mandabl# o& -udg#s #.'#pt w"#n t"#
a't o% omission o& t"# -udg# 'onstitut#s a *iolation o& t"# +#nal od# o% p#nal statut#(
Art. !,, Civil Code
A -udg# w"o will&ull$ o% n#glig#ntl$ %#nd#%s a d#'ision 'ausing damag#s to anot"#%) s"all
ind#mni&$ t"# latt#% &o% t"# sam#(
Art. !' Civil Code
A -udg# is also 'i*ill$ liabl# &o% damag#s) i& in %#&using o% n#gl#'ting to d#'id# a 'as#
wit"out a -ust 'aus#) a p#%son su&&#%#d mat#%ial o% mo%al loss wit"out p%#-udi'# to an$
administ%ati*# a'tion t"at ma$ b# tak#n against "im(
Ma1eda vs. 9on. >mbudsman Conrado 6as<uez ,:.%. *o. (,!'"(, A+ril !!, (&&2
%iminal 'omplaints against -udg#s su'" as &o% *iolations o& t"# Anti6G%a&t and o%%upt
+%a'ti'#s A't and t"# R#*is#d +#nal od# s"ould b# &il#d wit" t"# O&&i'# o& t"# Ombudsman and
not wit" t"# Sup%#m# ou%t(
Budg#s b#ing publi' o&&i'#%s a%# sub-#'t to t"# -u%isdi'tion o& t"# Ombudsman w"o 'an
in*#stigat# and p%os#'ut# t"#m &o% *iolations o& t"# '%iminal laws) 'on&o%mabl$ wit" t"# p%o*isions
o& t"# onstitution(
How#*#%) i& t"#%# a%# administ%ati*# /u#stions %#l#*ant to t"# in*#stigation o& t"# '%iminal
%#sponsibilit$ o& -udg#s and 'ou%t p#%sonn#l) t"# sam# s"ould &i%st b# %#&#%%#d to t"# Sup%#m#
ou%t( T"# Sup%#m# ou%t must d#t#%min# &i%st w"#t"#% o% not a -udg# o% a 'ou%t #mplo$## a't#d
wit"in t"# s'op# o& "is administ%ati*# duti#s(
a3 Jnowin"#y Ren(erin" ;n=ust :u(")ent 2ART.A@C0RP3
0( T"at t"# o&&#nd#% is a -udg#(
1( T"at "# %#nd#%s a -udgm#nt in a 'as# submitt#d to "im &o% d#'ision(
3( T"at t"# -udgm#nt is un-ust(
4( T"at t"# -udg# knows t"at "is -udgm#nt is un-ust(
CC It must b# s"own b#$ond 'a*il t"at t"# -udgm#nt o% o%d#% is un-ust as b#ing 'ont%a%$ to law so
as not suppo%t#d b$ t"# #*id#n'#) and t"at t"# -udg# %#nd#%#d it wit" 'ons'ious and d#lib#%at#
int#nt to do an in-usti'#( (%odri5o vs. OuiGano, '& $C%A (,)
3e la Cruz v. Con1e+1ion
T"# gist o& t"# o&&#ns# t"#%#&o%# is an un-ust -udgm#nt b# %#nd#%#d mali'iousl$ o% in bad
&ait") t"at is) knowing it to b# un-ust( H.. ... D#%# #%%o% t"#%#&o%# in t"# int#%p%#tation o%
appli'ation o& t"# law do#s not 'onstitut# t"# '%im#( T"# natu%# o& t"# administ%ati*# '"a%g# o&
knowingl$ %#nd#%ing an un-ust -udgm#nt is t"# sam# as t"# '%iminal '"a%g#( T"us ... ... it must
b# #stablis"#d t"at %#spond#nt -udg# %#nd#%#d a -udgm#nt o% d#'ision not suppo%t#d b$ law
andMo% #*id#n'# and t"at "# must b# a'tuat#d b# "at%#d) #n*$) %#*#ng#) o% g%##d o% som# ot"#%
simila% moti*#(
In re: Clima1o, ## $C%A (,'
In o%d#% t"at a -udg# ma$ b# liabl# &o% knowingl$ %#nd#%ing an un-ust -udgm#nt) it must b#
s"own b#$ond %#asonabl# doubt t"at t"# -udgm#nt is un-ust as it is 'ont%a%$ to law o% is not
suppo%t#d b$ #*id#n'#) and t"# sam# was mad# wit" 'ons'ious and d#lib#%at# int#nt to do an
Buenavista vs. :ar1ia, ("' $C%A #&"
To b# guilt$ o& knowingl$ %#nd#%ing un-ust -udgm#nt) it is n#'#ssa%$ t"at t"# -udgm#nt o%
o%d#% was %#nd#%#d wit" 'ons'ious and d#lib#%at# int#nt to p#%p#t%at# an in-usti'#( And t"# test to
determine whether the +udgment or order is un+ust) ma$ b# in&#%%#d &%om t"# 'i%'umstan'# t"at it
is 'ont%a%$ to law o% is not suppo%t#d b$ #*id#n'#( A -udgm#nt ma$ b# said un-ust w"#n it is
mani&#stl$ against t"# law and 'ont%a%$ to t"# w#ig"t o& #*id#n'#( An un-ust -udgm#nt is on#
'ont%a%$ to t"# standa%ds o& %ig"ts and -usti'# o% standa%ds o& 'ondu't p%#s'%ib#d b$ t"# law(
:ahol vs. %iodi5ue, 0/ $C%A /&/
I& t"# d#'ision %#nd#%#d b$ t"# -udg# is still on app#al) t"# -udg# 'annot b# dis/uali&i#d on
t"# g%ound o& 9Tnowingl$ R#nd#%ing An En-ust Budgm#nt:(
+3 :u(")ent Ren(ere( Throu"h Ne"#i"en%e 2Art. A@10 RP3
0( T"at t"# o&&#nd#% is a -udg#(
1( T"at "# %#nd#%s a -udgm#nt in a 'as# submitt#d to "im &o% d#'ision(
3( T"at t"# -udgm#nt is mani&#stl$ un-ust(
4( T"at it is du# to "is in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#(
Manifest#y ;n=ust :u(")ent
It is on# w"i'" is so pat#ntl$ against t"# law) publi' o%d#%) publi' poli'$) and good mo%als
t"at a p#%son o& o%dina%$ dis'#%nm#nt 'an #asil$ s#ns# its in*alidit$ and in-usti'#(
In re: Clima1o, ## $C%A (,'
To "old a -udg# liabl# &o% t"# %#ndition o& a mani&#stl$ un-ust -udgm#nt b$ %#ason o&
in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#) it must b# s"own) a''o%ding to G%oi8a%d) t"at alt"oug" "#
"as a't#d wit"out mali'#) "# &ail#d to obs#%*# in t"# p#%&o%man'# o& "is dut$) t"at dilig#n'#)
p%ud#n'# and 'a%# w"i'" t"# law is #ntitl#d to #.a't in t"# %#nd#%ing o& an$ publi' s#%*i'#(
>egligence and ignorance are ine-cusable if they manifest in+ustice in which cannot be e-plained
by a reasonable interpretation In#.'usabl# mistak# onl$ #.ists in t"# l#gal 'on'#pt w"#n it
impli#s a mani&#st in-usti'#) t"at is to sa$) su'" in-usti'# w"i'" 'annot b# #.plain#d b$ a
%#asonabl# int#%p%#tation) #*#n t"oug" t"#%# is a misund#%standing o% #%%o% o& t"# law appli#d) $#t
in t"# 'ont%a%$ it %#sults) logi'all$ and %#asonabl$) in a *#%$ 'l#a% and undisputabl# mann#%) in
noto%ious *iolation o& t"# l#gal p%#'#pt(
CC It must b# 'l#a%l$ s"own t"at alt"oug" "# "as a't#d wit"out mali'#) "# &ail#d to obs#%*# in t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& "is dut$ t"# dilig#n'#) p%ud#n'# and 'a%# w"i'" t"# law %#/ui%#s &%om a publi'
o&&i'ial( A#glig#n'# and igno%an'# a%# in#.'usabl# i& t"#$ impl$ a mani&#st in-usti'# w"i'" 'annot
b# #.plain#d b$ a %#asonabl# int#%p%#tation, (In re Clima1o, ## $C%A (,').
%3 Jnowin"#y Ren(erin" An un=ust Inter#o%utory Or(er 2Art. A@E0 RP3
0( T"at t"# o&&#nd#% is a -udg#,
1( T"at "# p#%&o%ms an$ o& t"# &ollowing a'ts=
a( knowingl$ %#nd#%s un-ust int#%lo'uto%$ o%d#% o% d#'%##, o%
b( H# %#nd#%s mani&#stl$ un-ust int#%lo'uto%$ o%d#% o% d#'%## t"%oug" in#.'usabl#
n#glig#n'# o% igno%an'#
C An Inter#o%utory Or(er is an o%d#% w"i'" is issu#d b$ t"# 'ou%t b#tw##n t"# 'omm#n'#m#nt
and t"# #nd o& a suit o% a'tion and w"i'" d#'id#s som# point o% matt#%) but w"i'") "ow#*#%) is not
a &inal d#'ision o& t"# matt#% in issu#(
(3 Ma#i%ious#y De#ayin" the A()inistration of :usti%e 2Art. A@F0 RP3
0( T"at t"# o&&#nd#% is a -udg#,
1( T"at t"#%# is a p%o'##ding in "is 'ou%t,
3( T"at "# d#la$s t"# administ%ation o& -usti'#,
4( T"at t"# d#la$ is mali'ious) t"at is) t"# d#la$ is 'aus#d b$ t"# -udg# wit" t"# d#lib#%at#
int#nt to in&li't damag# on #it"#% pa%t$ in t"# 'as#
%evised -enal Code, %eyes, +. !," (&"( .d.
To mak# t"# -udg# liabl#) t"# a't must b# 'ommitt#d mali'iousl$ wit" d#lib#%at# int#nt to
p%#-udi'# a pa%t$ in t"# 'as#( D#%# d#la$ wit"out noti'# in "olding t%ials o% %#nd#%ing -udgm#nts
do#s not n#'#ssa%il$ b%ing t"# -udg# wit"in t"# op#%ation o& t"is law(
e3 Ma#feasan%e ;n(er Anti'Graft an( orru&t Pra%ti%es A%t
$e1tion 2, (e) %A *o. 2,(&
A -udg# is '%iminall$ liabl# &o% 'ausing an undu# in-u%$ to a p#%son o% gi*ing an$ p%i*at# pa%t$
an unwa%%ant#d b#n#&it) ad*antag# o% p%#&#%#n'# in t"# dis'"a%g# o& "is o&&i'ial &un'tion
t"%oug" mani&#st pa%tiall$) #*id#nt bad &ait" and g%oss in#.'usabl# n#glig#n'#(
$abitsana, r. vs. 6illamor, !,! $C%A /2#
In administ%ati*# p%o'##dings w"i'" a%# not bas#d on *iolation o& '%iminal o% p#nal
statut#s) m#%# p%#pond#%an'# o& #*id#n'# su&&i'#s to "old t"# -udg# administ%ati*#l$ liabl#( An
instan'# o& t"is is a -udg#s int#%&#%#n'# in a suit p#nding in anot"#% 'ou%t(
A''#ptan'# o& gi&ts gi*#n b$ %#ason o& t"# o&&i'# o& t"# -udg# is indi%#'t b%ib#%$ (A%t( 100)
R+! and w"#n "# ag%##s to p#%&o%m an a't 'onstituting a '%im# in 'onn#'tion wit" t"#
p#%&o%man'# o& "is o&&i'ial duti#s in 'onsid#%ation o& an$ o&&#%) p%omis#) gi&t o% p%#s#nt %#'#i*# b$
su'" o&&i'#%) "# is guilt$ o& di%#'t b%ib#%$ (A%t( 10J) R+!(
End#% RA 3J07) t"# -udg# is liabl# '%iminall$ &o% di%#'tl$ o% indi%#'tl$ %#'#i*ing gi&ts)
p%#s#nt o% ot"#% p#'unia%$ o% mat#%ial b#n#&it &o% "ims#l& o% &o% anot"#% und#% 'onditions p%o*id#d
in S#'tion 1) b and ' o& t"# law(
EHE+TIOA= E.'#pt#d a%# unsoli'it#d gi&ts o% p%#s#nts o& small *alu# o&&#%#d o% gi*#n as
a m#%# o%dina%$ tok#n o& g%atitud# o% &%i#nds"ip a''o%ding to lo'al 'ustom o% usag# (S#'tion 04
RA 3J07!(
%evita vs. %imando, &" $C%A 0(&
9As a matt#% o& publi' poli'$) in t"# abs#n'# o& &%aud) dis"on#st$ and 'o%%uption) t"# a'ts
o& a -udg# in "is -udi'ial 'apa'it$ a%# not sub-#'t to dis'iplina%$ a'tion) #*#n t"oug" su'" a'ts a%#
Castanos vs. .s1ano, !#( $C%A ('/ ((&&#)
As a matt#% o& poli'$) in t"# abs#n'# o& &%aud) dis"on#st$ o% 'o%%uption) t"# a'ts o& a
-udg# in "is -udi'ial 'apa'it$ a%# not sub-#'t to dis'iplina%$ a'tion #*#n t"oug" su'" a'ts a%#
#%%on#ous( H# 'annot b# sub-#'t#d to liabilit$ ; 'i*il) '%iminal) administ%ati*# ; &o% an$ o& "is
o&&i'ial a'ts) no matt#% "ow #%%on#ous) so long as "# a'ts in good &ait"( In su'" a 'as#) t"#
%#m#d$ o& t"# agg%i#*#d pa%t$ is not to &il# an administ%ati*# 'omplaint against t"# -udg# but to
#l#*at# t"# #%%o% to t"# "ig"#% 'ou%t &o% %#*i#w and 'o%%#'tion(
Power of the Su&re)e ourt O-er :u("es of the Lower ourts
T"# Sup%#m# ou%t "as administ%ati*# sup#%*ision o*#% all 'ou%ts and t"# p#%sonn#l
t"#%#o& ()ection A, %rt BIII, '&9C Constitution!( T"# ou%t en banc "as t"# pow#% to dis'iplin# all
-udg#s o& low#% 'ou%ts in'luding Busti'#s o& t"# ou%t o& App#als( It ma$ #*#n dismiss t"#m b$ a
ma-o%it$ *ot# o& t"# m#mb#%s w"o a'tuall$ took pa%t in t"# d#lib#%ations o& t"# issu#s in t"# 'as#
and *ot#d t"#%#on ()ection '', %rt BIII, '&9C Constitution!(
:usti%es of the Su&re)e ourt %an on#y +e Re)o-e( +y I)&ea%h)ent
T"#%# is no sp#'i&i' law o% %ul# w"i'" p%o*id#s &o% a s$st#m o& dis'iplining an #%%ing
D#mb#% o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t b$ t"# ou%t its#l& a'ting en banc( T"# Busti'#s o& t"# Sup%#m#
ou%t a%# among t"# d#'la%#d imp#a'"abl# o&&i'#%s und#% t"# onstitution( T"us) t"#$ 'an onl$
b# %#mo*#d b$ imp#a'"m#nt unlik# -udg#s o& t"# low#% 'ou%ts w"o 'an b# %#mo*#d und#% Rul#
04J o& t"# Rul#s o& ou%t( As imp#a'"abl# o&&i'#%s) t"# Busti'#s o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t ma$ onl$
b# %#mo*#d in a''o%dan'# wit" t"# 'onstitutional mandat#s on imp#a'"m#nt(
Cuen1o vs. 8ernan, (#" $C%A !&
D#mb#%s o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t must) und#% A%ti'l# GIII (?! (0! o& t"# onstitution) b#
m#mb#%s o& t"# +"ilippin# Ba% and ma$ b# %#mo*#d &%om o&&i'# onl$ b$ imp#a'"m#nt (A%t( HI (1!)
onstitution!( To g%ant a 'omplaint &o% disba%m#nt o& a m#mb#% o& t"# ou%t du%ing t"# D#mb#%s
in'umb#n'$) would in #&&#'t b# to 'i%'um*#nt and "#n'# to %un a&oul o& t"# onstitutional
mandat# t"at D#mb#%s o& t"# ou%t ma$ b# %#mo*#d &%om o&&i'# onl$ b$ imp#a'"m#nt &o% and
'on*i'tion o& '#%tain o&&#ns# list#d in A%ti'l# HI (1! o& t"# onstitution( +%#'is#l$) t"# sam#
situation #.ists in %#sp#'t o& t"# Ombudsman and "is d#puti#s NA%t( HI (@! in %#lation to A%t( HI (1!)
idO) a ma-o%it$ o& t"# m#mb#%s o& t"# ommission on Audit w"o a%# not '#%ti&i#d publi'
a''ountants NA%t( HI (2! (0! (0!) id(O all o& w"om a%# 'onstitutionall$ %#/ui%#d to b# m#mb#%s o& t"#
+"ilippin# Ba%(
Baldivar vs. :onzales, (00 $C%A 2(0
End#% t"# u#n'o %uling) onl$ t"# Busti'#s o& t"# Sup%#m# ou%t s"all not b# sub-#'t#d
to disba%m#nt p%o'##dings du%ing t"#i% in'umb#n'$( T"#$ 'an b# sub-#'t#d to disba%m#nt
p%o'##dings du%ing t"#i% in'umb#n'$ onl$ a&t#% t"#$ s"all "a*# b##n dul$ imp#a'"#d b$
How#*#%) -udg#s and magist%at#s o& t"# low#% 'ou%ts ma$ b# sub-#'t#d to disba%m#nt
p%o'##dings( I& t"#$ a%# &ound guilt$ and a%# susp#nd#d &%om t"# p%a'ti'# o& law o% a%# disba%%#d
as m#mb#%s o& t"# ba%) t"#$ a%# also susp#nd#d o% dismiss#d as -udg#s( T"# %#ason &o% t"is is
t"at m#mb#%s"ip in t"# ba% is an (indispensable ,ualification &o% t"# position o& -udg#s"ip) t"us t"#
susp#nsion o% loss t"#%#o& du%ing t"# -udg#s t#%m o& o&&i'#) -usti&i#s "is automati' susp#nsion o%
dismissal t"#%#&%om(

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